[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * Slinky
 * Rather sweet menus
 * @author Ali Zahid <ali.zahid@live.com>
 * @license MIT

class Slinky {
  // default options
  get options() {
    return {
      resize: true,
      speed: 300,
      theme: "slinky-theme-default",
      title: false,

  constructor(element, options = {}) {
    // save settings
    this.settings = {

    // let's go!

  // setup the DOM just for us
  _init(element) {
    // the two elements of water and moisture
    this.menu = jQuery(element);
    this.base = this.menu.children().first();

    const { menu, settings } = this;

    // set theme

    // set transition speed

    // add arrows to links with children
    jQuery("a + ul", menu).prev().addClass("next");

    // wrap link text with <span>
    // mostly for styling
    jQuery("li > a", menu).wrapInner("<span>");

    // create header item
    const header = jQuery("<li>").addClass("header");

    // prepend it to the list
    jQuery("li > ul", menu).prepend(header);

    // create back buttons
    const back = jQuery("<a>").prop("href", "#").addClass("back");

    // prepend them to the headers
    jQuery(".header", menu).prepend(back);

    // do we need to add titles?
    if (settings.title) {
      // loop through each child list
      jQuery("li > ul", menu).each((index, element) => {
        // get the label from the parent link
        const label = jQuery(element).parent().find("a").first().text();

        // if it's not empty, create the title
        if (label) {
          const title = jQuery("<header>").addClass("title").text(label);

          // append it to the immediate header
          jQuery("> .header", element).append(title);

    // add click listeners

    // jump to initial active

  // click listeners
  _addListeners() {
    const { menu, settings } = this;

    jQuery("a", menu).on("click", (e) => {
      // prevent broken/half transitions
      if (this._clicked + settings.speed > Date.now()) {
        return false;

      // cache click time to check on next click
      this._clicked = Date.now();

      // get the link
      const link = jQuery(e.currentTarget);

      // prevent default if it's a hash
      // or a Slinky button
      // if (
      //   link.attr("href").indexOf("#") === 0 ||
      //   link.hasClass("next") ||
      //   link.hasClass("back")
      // ) {
      //   e.preventDefault();
      // }

      // BdThemes Override | To Hash Link fixing 
      // Prevent only 'next' and 'back' links from default behavior
      if (link.hasClass("next") || link.hasClass("back")) {
      } else if (link.attr("href").indexOf("#") === 0) {
        // Allow hash links to scroll without interfering
        return true;

      // time to move
      if (link.hasClass("next")) {
        // one step forward

        // remove the current active

        // set the new active

        // make the chess move

        // resize the menu if need be
        if (settings.resize) {
      } else if (link.hasClass("back")) {
        // and two steps back
        // just one step back, actually

        // make the move
        this._move(-1, () => {
          // remove the current active

          // set the new active
            .parentsUntil(menu, "ul")

        // resize the menu if need be
        if (settings.resize) {
          this._resize(link.parent().parent().parentsUntil(menu, "ul"));

  // jump to initial active on init
  _jumpToInitial() {
    const { menu, settings } = this;

    // get initial active
    const active = menu.find(".active");

    if (active.length > 0) {
      // remove initial active

      // jump without animation
      this.jump(active, false);

    // set initial height on the menu
    // to fix the first transition resize bug
    //setTimeout(() => menu.height(menu.outerHeight()), settings.speed);

  // slide the menu
  _move(depth = 0, callback = () => {}) {
    // don't bother packing if we're not going anywhere
    if (depth === 0) {

    const { settings, base } = this;

    // get current position from the left
    const left = Math.round(parseInt(base.get(0).style.left)) || 0;

    // set the new position from the left
    base.css("left", `${left - depth * 100}%`);

    // callback after the animation
    if (typeof callback === "function") {
      setTimeout(callback, settings.speed);

  // resize the menu
  // to match content height
  _resize(content) {
    const { menu } = this;


  // set the transition speed
  _transition(speed = 300) {
    const { menu, base } = this;

    menu.css("transition-duration", `${speed}ms`);
    base.css("transition-duration", `${speed}ms`);

  // jump to an element
  jump(target, animate = true) {
    if (!target) {

    const { menu, settings } = this;

    const to = jQuery(target);

    // get all current active
    const active = menu.find(".active");

    // how many moves must we jump?
    let count = 0;

    // this many
    // until we reach the parent list
    if (active.length > 0) {
      count = active.parentsUntil(menu, "ul").length;

    // remove current active
    // hide all lists

    // get parent list
    const menus = to.parentsUntil(menu, "ul");

    // show parent list

    // show target

    // set transition speed to 0 if no animation
    if (!animate) {

    // make the checkers move
    this._move(menus.length - count);

    // resize menu if need be
    if (settings.resize) {

    // set transition speed to default after transition
    if (!animate) {

  // go big or go home
  // just go home
  home(animate = true) {
    const { base, menu, settings } = this;

    // set transition speed to 0 if no animation
    if (!animate) {

    // get current active
    const active = menu.find(".active");

    // get all parent lists
    const parents = active.parentsUntil(menu, "ul");

    // make the move
    this._move(-parents.length, () => {
      // remove the current active

      // hide all parents except base

    // resize if need be
    if (settings.resize) {

    // set transition speed back to default
    if (animate === false) {

  // crush, kill, destroy
  destroy() {
    const { base, menu } = this;

    // remove all headers
    jQuery(".header", menu).remove();

    // remove Slinky links
    // and click listeners
    jQuery("a", menu).removeClass("next").off("click");

    // remove inline styles
      height: "",
      "transition-duration": "",

      left: "",
      "transition-duration": "",

    // remove Slinky HTML
    jQuery("li > a > span", menu).contents().unwrap();

    // remove any current active

    // remove any Slinky style classes
    const styles = menu.attr("class").split(" ");

    styles.forEach((style) => {
      if (style.indexOf("slinky") === 0) {

    // reset fields
    const fields = ["settings", "menu", "base"];

    fields.forEach((field) => delete this[field]);

// jQuery plugin
(($) => {
  $.fn.slinky = function (options) {
    const menu = new Slinky(this, options);

    return menu;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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