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hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * elFinder - file manager for web
 * Version 2.1.61 (2.1-src Nightly: 1733024) (2022-03-15)
 * http://elfinder.org
 * Copyright 2009-2022, Studio 42
 * Licensed under a 3-clauses BSD license
(function(root, factory) {
	if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
		// AMD
		define(['jquery','jquery-ui'], factory);
	} else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
		// CommonJS
		var $, ui;
		try {
			$ = require('jquery');
			ui = require('jquery-ui');
		} catch (e) {}
		module.exports = factory($, ui);
	} else {
		// Browser globals (Note: root is window)
		factory(root.jQuery, root.jQuery.ui, true);
}(this, function($, _ui, toGlobal) {
toGlobal = toGlobal || false;

 * File: /js/elFinder.js

 * @class elFinder - file manager for web
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
var elFinder = function(elm, opts, bootCallback) {
	var self = this,
		 * Objects array of jQuery.Deferred that calls before elFinder boot up
		 * @type Array
		dfrdsBeforeBootup = [],
		 * Plugin name to check for conflicts with bootstrap etc
		 * @type Array
		conflictChecks = ['button', 'tooltip'],
		 * Node on which elfinder creating
		 * @type jQuery
		node = $(elm),
		 * Object of events originally registered in this node
		 * @type Object
		prevEvents = $.extend(true, {}, $._data(node.get(0), 'events')),
		 * Store node contents.
		 * @see this.destroy
		 * @type jQuery
		prevContent = $('<div></div>').append(node.contents()).attr('class', node.attr('class') || '').attr('style', node.attr('style') || ''),
		 * Instance ID. Required to get/set cookie
		 * @type String
		id = node.attr('id') || node.attr('id', 'elfauto' + $('.elfinder').length).attr('id'),
		 * Events namespace
		 * @type String
		namespace = 'elfinder-' + id,
		 * Mousedown event
		 * @type String
		mousedown = 'mousedown.'+namespace,
		 * Keydown event
		 * @type String
		keydown = 'keydown.'+namespace,
		 * Keypress event
		 * @type String
		keypress = 'keypress.'+namespace,
		 * Keypup event
		 * @type String
		keyup    = 'keyup.'+namespace,

		 * Is shortcuts/commands enabled
		 * @type Boolean
		enabled = false,
		 * Store enabled value before ajax request
		 * @type Boolean
		prevEnabled = false,
		 * List of build-in events which mapped into methods with same names
		 * @type Array
		events = ['enable', 'disable', 'load', 'open', 'reload', 'select',  'add', 'remove', 'change', 'dblclick', 'getfile', 'lockfiles', 'unlockfiles', 'selectfiles', 'unselectfiles', 'dragstart', 'dragstop', 'search', 'searchend', 'viewchange'],
		 * Rules to validate data from backend
		 * @type Object
		rules = {},
		 * Current working directory hash
		 * @type String
		cwd = '',
		 * Current working directory options default
		 * @type Object
		cwdOptionsDefault = {
			path          : '',
			url           : '',
			tmbUrl        : '',
			disabled      : [],
			separator     : '/',
			archives      : [],
			extract       : [],
			copyOverwrite : true,
			uploadOverwrite : true,
			uploadMaxSize : 0,
			jpgQuality    : 100,
			tmbCrop       : false,
			tmbReqCustomData : false,
			tmb           : false // old API
		 * Current working directory options
		 * @type Object
		cwdOptions = {},
		 * Files/dirs cache
		 * @type Object
		files = {},
		 * Hidden Files/dirs cache
		 * @type Object
		hiddenFiles = {},

		 * Files/dirs hash cache of each dirs
		 * @type Object
		ownFiles = {},
		 * Selected files hashes
		 * @type Array
		selected = [],
		 * Events listeners
		 * @type Object
		listeners = {},
		 * Shortcuts
		 * @type Object
		shortcuts = {},
		 * Buffer for copied files
		 * @type Array
		clipboard = [],
		 * Copied/cuted files hashes
		 * Prevent from remove its from cache.
		 * Required for dispaly correct files names in error messages
		 * @type Object
		remember = {},
		 * Queue for 'open' requests
		 * @type Array
		queue = [],
		 * Queue for only cwd requests e.g. `tmb`
		 * @type Array
		cwdQueue = [],
		 * Commands prototype
		 * @type Object
		base = new self.command(self),
		 * elFinder node width
		 * @type String
		 * @default "auto"
		width  = 'auto',
		 * elFinder node height
		 * Number: pixcel or String: Number + "%"
		 * @type Number | String
		 * @default 400
		height = 400,
		 * Base node object or selector
		 * Element which is the reference of the height percentage
		 * @type Object|String
		 * @default null | $(window) (if height is percentage)
		heightBase = null,
		 * MIME type list(Associative array) handled as a text file
		 * @type Object|null
		textMimes = null,
		 * elfinder path for sound played on remove
		 * @type String
		 * @default ./sounds/
		soundPath = 'sounds/',
		 * JSON.stringify of previous fm.sorters
		 * @type String
		prevSorterStr = '',

		 * Map table of file extention to MIME-Type
		 * @type Object

		 * Disabled page unload function
		 * @type Boolean
		diableUnloadCheck = false,

		beeper = $(document.createElement('audio')).hide().appendTo('body')[0],
		autoSyncStop = 0,
		uiCmdMapPrev = '',
		gcJobRes = null,
		open = function(data) {
			// NOTES: Do not touch data object
			var volumeid, contextmenu, emptyDirs = {}, stayDirs = {},
				rmClass, hashes, calc, gc, collapsed, prevcwd, sorterStr, diff;
			if (self.api >= 2.1) {
				// support volume driver option `uiCmdMap`
				self.commandMap = (data.options.uiCmdMap && Object.keys(data.options.uiCmdMap).length)? data.options.uiCmdMap : {};
				if (uiCmdMapPrev !== JSON.stringify(self.commandMap)) {
					uiCmdMapPrev = JSON.stringify(self.commandMap);
			} else {
				self.options.sync = 0;
			if (data.init) {
				// init - reset cache
				files = {};
				ownFiles = {};
			} else {
				// remove only files from prev cwd
				// and collapsed directory (included 100+ directories) to empty for perfomance tune in DnD
				prevcwd = cwd;
				rmClass = 'elfinder-subtree-loaded ' + self.res('class', 'navexpand');
				collapsed = self.res('class', 'navcollapse');
				hashes = Object.keys(files);
				calc = function(i) {
					if (!files[i]) {
						return true;
					var isDir = (files[i].mime === 'directory'),
						phash = files[i].phash,
					if (
							|| emptyDirs[phash]
							|| (!stayDirs[phash]
								&& self.navHash2Elm(files[i].hash).is(':hidden')
								&& self.navHash2Elm(phash).next('.elfinder-navbar-subtree').children().length > 100
						&& (isDir || phash !== cwd)
						&& ! remember[i]
					) {
						if (isDir && !emptyDirs[phash]) {
							emptyDirs[phash] = true;
					} else if (isDir) {
						stayDirs[phash] = true;
				gc = function() {
					if (hashes.length) {
						gcJobRes && gcJobRes._abort();
						gcJobRes = self.asyncJob(calc, hashes, {
							interval : 20,
							numPerOnce : 100
						}).done(function() {
							var hd = self.storage('hide') || {items: {}};
							if (Object.keys(hiddenFiles).length) {
								$.each(hiddenFiles, function(h) {
									if (!hd.items[h]) {
										delete hiddenFiles[h];
				self.trigger('filesgc').one('filesgc', function() {
					hashes = [];
				self.one('opendone', function() {
					if (prevcwd !== cwd) {
						if (! node.data('lazycnt')) {
						} else {
							self.one('lazydone', gc);

			self.sorters = {};
			cwd = data.cwd.hash;
			if (!files[cwd]) {
			} else {
				diff = self.diff([data.cwd], true);
				if (diff.changed.length) {
					cache(diff.changed, 'change');
					self.change({changed: diff.changed});
			data.changed && data.changed.length && cache(data.changed, 'change');

			// trigger event 'sorterupdate'
			sorterStr = JSON.stringify(self.sorters);
			if (prevSorterStr !== sorterStr) {
				prevSorterStr = sorterStr;

		 * Store info about files/dirs in "files" object.
		 * @param  Array  files
		 * @param  String data type
		 * @return void
		cache = function(data, type) {
			var type      = type || 'files',
				keeps = ['sizeInfo', 'encoding'],
				defsorter = { name: true, perm: true, date: true,  size: true, kind: true },
				sorterChk = !self.sorters._checked && (type === 'files'),
				l         = data.length,
				setSorter = function(file) {
					var f = file || {},
						sorters = [];
					$.each(self.sortRules, function(key) {
						if (defsorter[key] || typeof f[key] !== 'undefined' || (key === 'mode' && typeof f.perm !== 'undefined')) {
					self.sorters = self.arrayFlip(sorters, true);
					self.sorters._checked = true;
				changedParents = {},
				hideData = self.storage('hide') || {},
				hides = hideData.items || {},
				f, i, i1, keepProp, parents, hidden;

			for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
				f = Object.assign({}, data[i]);
				hidden = (!hideData.show && hides[f.hash])? true : false;
				if (f.name && f.hash && f.mime) {
					if (!hidden) {
						if (sorterChk && f.phash === cwd) {
							sorterChk = false;
						if (f.phash && (type === 'add' || (type === 'change' && (!files[f.hash] || f.size !== files[f.hash])))) {
							if (parents = self.parents(f.phash)) {
								$.each(parents, function() {
									changedParents[this] = true;

					if (files[f.hash]) {
						for (i1 =0; i1 < keeps.length; i1++) {
							if(files[f.hash][keeps[i1]] && ! f[keeps[i1]]) {
								f[keeps[i1]] = files[f.hash][keeps[i1]];
						if (f.sizeInfo && !f.size) {
							f.size = f.sizeInfo.size;
						deleteCache(files[f.hash], true);
					if (hides[f.hash]) {
						hiddenFiles[f.hash] = f;
					if (hidden) {
						data.splice(i--, 1);
					} else {
						files[f.hash] = f;
						if (f.mime === 'directory' && !ownFiles[f.hash]) {
							ownFiles[f.hash] = {};
						if (f.phash) {
							if (!ownFiles[f.phash]) {
								ownFiles[f.phash] = {};
							ownFiles[f.phash][f.hash] = true;
			// delete sizeInfo cache
			$.each(Object.keys(changedParents), function() {
				var target = files[this];
				if (target && target.sizeInfo) {
					delete target.sizeInfo;
			// for empty folder
			sorterChk && setSorter();
		 * Delete file object from files caches
		 * @param  Array  removed hashes
		 * @return void
		remove = function(removed) {
			var l       = removed.length,
				roots   = {},
				rm      = function(hash) {
					var file = files[hash], i;
					if (file) {
						if (file.mime === 'directory') {
							if (roots[hash]) {
								delete self.roots[roots[hash]];
							// restore stats of deleted root parent directory
							$.each(self.leafRoots, function(phash, roots) {
								var idx, pdir;
								if ((idx = $.inArray(hash, roots))!== -1) {
									if (roots.length === 1) {
										if ((pdir = Object.assign({}, files[phash])) && pdir._realStats) {
											$.each(pdir._realStats, function(k, v) {
												pdir[k] = v;
											self.change({ changed: [pdir] });
										delete self.leafRoots[phash];
									} else {
										self.leafRoots[phash].splice(idx, 1);
							if (self.searchStatus.state < 2) {
								$.each(files, function(h, f) {
									f.phash == hash && rm(h);
						if (file.phash) {
							if (parents = self.parents(file.phash)) {
								$.each(parents, function() {
									changedParents[this] = true;
				changedParents = {},
			$.each(self.roots, function(k, v) {
				roots[v] = k;
			while (l--) {
			// delete sizeInfo cache
			$.each(Object.keys(changedParents), function() {
				var target = files[this];
				if (target && target.sizeInfo) {
					delete target.sizeInfo;
		 * Update file object in files caches
		 * @param  Array  changed file objects
		 * @return void
		 * @deprecated should be use `cache(updatesArrayData, 'change');`
		change = function(changed) {
			$.each(changed, function(i, file) {
				var hash = file.hash;
				if (files[hash]) {
					$.each(Object.keys(files[hash]), function(i, v){
						if (typeof file[v] === 'undefined') {
							delete files[hash][v];
				files[hash] = files[hash] ? Object.assign(files[hash], file) : file;
		 * Delete cache data of files, ownFiles and self.optionsByHashes
		 * @param  Object  file
		 * @param  Boolean update
		 * @return void
		deleteCache = function(file, update) {
			var hash = file.hash,
				phash = file.phash;
			if (phash && ownFiles[phash]) {
				 delete ownFiles[phash][hash];
			if (!update) {
				ownFiles[hash] && delete ownFiles[hash];
				self.optionsByHashes[hash] && delete self.optionsByHashes[hash];
			delete files[hash];
		 * Maximum number of concurrent connections on request
		 * @type Number
		 * Current number of connections
		 * @type Number
		requestCnt = 0,
		 * Queue waiting for connection
		 * @type Array
		requestQueue = [],
		 * Current open command instance
		 * @type Object
		currentOpenCmd = null,

		 * Exec shortcut
		 * @param  jQuery.Event  keydown/keypress event
		 * @return void
		execShortcut = function(e) {
			var code    = e.keyCode,
				ctrlKey = !!(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey),
				isMousedown = e.type === 'mousedown',

			!isMousedown && (self.keyState.keyCode = code);
			self.keyState.ctrlKey  = ctrlKey;
			self.keyState.shiftKey = e.shiftKey;
			self.keyState.metaKey  = e.metaKey;
			self.keyState.altKey   = e.altKey;
			if (isMousedown) {
			} else if (e.type === 'keyup') {
				self.keyState.keyCode = null;

			if (enabled) {

				$.each(shortcuts, function(i, shortcut) {
					if (shortcut.type    == e.type 
					&& shortcut.keyCode  == code 
					&& shortcut.shiftKey == e.shiftKey 
					&& shortcut.ctrlKey  == ctrlKey 
					&& shortcut.altKey   == e.altKey) {
						shortcut.callback(e, self);
						self.debug('shortcut-exec', i+' : '+shortcut.description);
				// prevent tab out of elfinder
				if (code == $.ui.keyCode.TAB && !$(e.target).is(':input')) {
				// cancel any actions by [Esc] key
				if (e.type === 'keydown' && code == $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE) {
					// copy or cut 
					if (! node.find('.ui-widget:visible').length) {
						self.clipboard().length && self.clipboard([]);
					// dragging
					if ($.ui.ddmanager) {
						ddm = $.ui.ddmanager.current;
						ddm && ddm.helper && ddm.cancel();
					// button menus
					// trigger keydownEsc
					self.trigger('keydownEsc', e);

		date = new Date(),
		inFrame = (window.parent !== window),
		parentIframe = (function() {
			var pifm, ifms;
			if (inFrame) {
				try {
					ifms = $('iframe', window.parent.document);
					if (ifms.length) {
						$.each(ifms, function(i, ifm) {
							if (ifm.contentWindow === window) {
								pifm = $(ifm);
								return false;
				} catch(e) {}
			return pifm;
		 * elFinder boot up function
		 * @type Function
		 * Original function of XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send
		 * @type Function
	// opts must be an object
	if (!opts) {
		opts = {};
	// set UA.Angle, UA.Rotated for mobile devices
	if (self.UA.Mobile) {
		$(window).on('orientationchange.'+namespace, function() {
			var a = ((screen && screen.orientation && screen.orientation.angle) || window.orientation || 0) + 0;
			if (a === -90) {
				a = 270;
			self.UA.Angle = a;
			self.UA.Rotated = a % 180 === 0? false : true;
	// check opt.bootCallback
	if (opts.bootCallback && typeof opts.bootCallback === 'function') {
		(function() {
			var func = bootCallback,
				opFunc = opts.bootCallback;
			bootCallback = function(fm, extraObj) {
				func && typeof func === 'function' && func.call(this, fm, extraObj);
				opFunc.call(this, fm, extraObj);
	delete opts.bootCallback;

	 * Protocol version
	 * @type String
	this.api = null;
	 * elFinder use new api
	 * @type Boolean
	this.newAPI = false;
	 * elFinder use old api
	 * @type Boolean
	this.oldAPI = false;
	 * Net drivers names
	 * @type Array
	this.netDrivers = [];
	 * Base URL of elfFinder library starting from Manager HTML
	 * @type String
	this.baseUrl = '';
	 * Base URL of i18n js files
	 * baseUrl + "js/i18n/" when empty value
	 * @type String
	this.i18nBaseUrl = '';

	 * Base URL of worker js files
	 * baseUrl + "js/worker/" when empty value
	 * @type String
	this.workerBaseUrl = '';

	 * Is elFinder CSS loaded
	 * @type Boolean
	this.cssloaded = false;
	 * Current theme object
	 * @type Object|Null
	this.theme = null;

	this.mimesCanMakeEmpty = {};

	 * Callback function at boot up that option specified at elFinder starting
	 * @type Function

	 * Callback function at reload(restart) elFinder 
	 * @type Function

	 * ID. Required to create unique cookie name
	 * @type String
	this.id = id;

	 * Method to store/fetch data
	 * @type Function
	this.storage = (function() {
		try {
			if ('localStorage' in window && window.localStorage !== null) {
				if (self.UA.Safari) {
					// check for Mac/iOS safari private browsing mode
					window.localStorage.setItem('elfstoragecheck', 1);
				return self.localStorage;
			} else {
				return self.cookie;
		} catch (e) {
			return self.cookie;

	 * Set pause page unload check function or Get state
	 * @param      Boolean   state   To set state
	 * @param      Boolean   keep    Keep disabled
	 * @return     Boolean|void
	this.pauseUnloadCheck = function(state, keep) {
		if (typeof state === 'undefined') {
			return diableUnloadCheck;
		} else {
			diableUnloadCheck = !!state;
			if (state && !keep) {
				requestAnimationFrame(function() {
					diableUnloadCheck = false;

	 * Configuration options
	 * @type Object
	//this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this._options, opts);
	this.options = Object.assign({}, this._options);
	// for old type configuration
	if (opts.uiOptions) {
		if (opts.uiOptions.toolbar && Array.isArray(opts.uiOptions.toolbar)) {
			if ($.isPlainObject(opts.uiOptions.toolbar[opts.uiOptions.toolbar.length - 1])) {
				self.options.uiOptions.toolbarExtra = Object.assign(self.options.uiOptions.toolbarExtra || {}, opts.uiOptions.toolbar.pop());
	// Overwrite if opts value is an array
	(function() {
		var arrOv = function(obj, base) {
			if ($.isPlainObject(obj)) {
				$.each(obj, function(k, v) {
					if ($.isPlainObject(v)) {
						if (!base[k]) {
							base[k] = {};
						arrOv(v, base[k]);
					} else {
						base[k] = v;
		arrOv(opts, self.options);
	// join toolbarExtra to toolbar
	delete this.options.uiOptions.toolbarExtra;

	 * Arrays that has to unbind events
	 * @type Object
	this.toUnbindEvents = {};
	 * Attach listener to events
	 * To bind to multiply events at once, separate events names by space
	 * @param  String  event(s) name(s)
	 * @param  Object  event handler or {done: handler}
	 * @param  Boolean priority first
	 * @return elFinder
	this.bind = function(event, callback, priorityFirst) {
		var i, len;
		if (callback && (typeof callback === 'function' || typeof callback.done === 'function')) {
			event = ('' + event).toLowerCase().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').split(/\s+/);
			len = event.length;
			for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
				if (listeners[event[i]] === void(0)) {
					listeners[event[i]] = [];
				listeners[event[i]][priorityFirst? 'unshift' : 'push'](callback);
		return this;
	 * Remove event listener if exists
	 * To un-bind to multiply events at once, separate events names by space
	 * @param  String    event(s) name(s)
	 * @param  Function  callback
	 * @return elFinder
	this.unbind = function(event, callback) {
		var i, len, l, ci;
		event = ('' + event).toLowerCase().split(/\s+/);
		len = event.length;
		for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
			if (l = listeners[event[i]]) {
				ci = $.inArray(callback, l);
				ci > -1 && l.splice(ci, 1);
		callback = null;
		return this;
	 * Fire event - send notification to all event listeners
	 * In the callback `this` becames an event object
	 * @param  String   event type
	 * @param  Object   data to send across event
	 * @param  Boolean  allow modify data (call by reference of data) default: true
	 * @return elFinder
	this.trigger = function(evType, data, allowModify) {
		var type      = evType.toLowerCase(),
			isopen    = (type === 'open'),
			dataIsObj = (typeof data === 'object'),
			handlers  = listeners[type] || [],
			dones     = [],
			i, l, jst, event;
		this.debug('event-'+type, data);
		if (! dataIsObj || typeof allowModify === 'undefined') {
			allowModify = true;
		if (l = handlers.length) {
			event = $.Event(type);
			if (data) {
				data._getEvent = function() {
					return event;
			if (allowModify) {
				event.data = data;

			for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
				if (! handlers[i]) {
					// probably un-binded this handler

				// handler is $.Deferred(), call all functions upon completion
				if (handlers[i].done) {
				// set `event.data` only callback has argument
				if (handlers[i].length) {
					if (!allowModify) {
						// to avoid data modifications. remember about "sharing" passing arguments in js :) 
						if (typeof jst === 'undefined') {
							try {
								jst = JSON.stringify(data);
							} catch(e) {
								jst = false;
						event.data = jst? JSON.parse(jst) : data;

				try {
					if (handlers[i].call(event, event, this) === false || event.isDefaultPrevented()) {
						this.debug('event-stoped', event.type);
				} catch (ex) {
					window.console && window.console.log && window.console.log(ex);
			// call done functions
			if (l = dones.length) {
				for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
					try {
						if (dones[i].call(event, event, this) === false || event.isDefaultPrevented()) {
							this.debug('event-stoped', event.type + '(done)');
					} catch (ex) {
						window.console && window.console.log && window.console.log(ex);

			if (this.toUnbindEvents[type] && this.toUnbindEvents[type].length) {
				$.each(this.toUnbindEvents[type], function(i, v) {
					self.unbind(v.type, v.callback);
				delete this.toUnbindEvents[type];
		return this;
	 * Get event listeners
	 * @param  String   event type
	 * @return Array    listed event functions
	this.getListeners = function(event) {
		return event? listeners[event.toLowerCase()] : listeners;

	// set fm.baseUrl
	this.baseUrl = (function() {
		var myTag, base, baseUrl;
		if (self.options.baseUrl) {
			return self.options.baseUrl;
		} else {
			baseUrl = '';
			myTag = null;
			$('head > script').each(function() {
				if (this.src && this.src.match(/js\/elfinder(?:-[a-z0-9_-]+)?\.(?:min|full)\.js(?:$|\?)/i)) {
					myTag = $(this);
					return false;
			if (myTag) {
				baseUrl = myTag.attr('src').replace(/js\/[^\/]+$/, '');
				if (! baseUrl.match(/^(https?\/\/|\/)/)) {
					// check <base> tag
					if (base = $('head > base[href]').attr('href')) {
						baseUrl = base.replace(/\/$/, '') + '/' + baseUrl; 
			if (baseUrl !== '') {
				self.options.baseUrl = baseUrl;
			} else {
				if (! self.options.baseUrl) {
					self.options.baseUrl = './';
				baseUrl = self.options.baseUrl;
			return baseUrl;
	this.i18nBaseUrl = (this.options.i18nBaseUrl || this.baseUrl + 'js/i18n').replace(/\/$/, '') + '/';
	this.workerBaseUrl = (this.options.workerBaseUrl || this.baseUrl + 'js/worker').replace(/\/$/, '') + '/';

	this.options.maxErrorDialogs = Math.max(1, parseInt(this.options.maxErrorDialogs || 5));

	// set dispInlineRegex
	cwdOptionsDefault.dispInlineRegex = this.options.dispInlineRegex;

	// auto load required CSS
	if (this.options.cssAutoLoad) {
		(function() {
			var baseUrl = self.baseUrl,
				myCss = $('head > link[href$="css/elfinder.min.css"],link[href$="css/elfinder.full.css"]:first').length,
				rmTag = function() {
					if (node.data('cssautoloadHide')) {
				loaded = function() {
					if (!self.cssloaded) {
						self.cssloaded = true;
			if (! myCss) {
				// to request CSS auto loading
				self.cssloaded = null;

			// additional CSS files
			if (Array.isArray(self.options.cssAutoLoad)) {
				if (!self.options.themes.default) {
					// set as default theme
					self.options.themes = Object.assign({
						'default' : {
							'name': 'default',
							'cssurls': self.options.cssAutoLoad
					}, self.options.themes);
					if (!self.options.theme) {
						self.options.theme = 'default';
				} else {
					if (self.cssloaded === true) {
					} else {
						self.bind('cssloaded', function() {

			// try to load main css
			if (self.cssloaded === null) {
				// hide elFinder node while css loading
					.data('cssautoloadHide', $('<style>.elfinder{visibility:hidden;overflow:hidden}</style>'));

				// set default theme
				if (!self.options.themes.default) {
					self.options.themes = Object.assign({
						'default' : {
							'name': 'default',
							'cssurls': 'css/theme.css',
							'author': 'elFinder Project',
							'license': '3-clauses BSD'
					}, self.options.themes);
					if (!self.options.theme) {
						self.options.theme = 'default';

				// Delay 'visibility' check it required for browsers such as Safari
				requestAnimationFrame(function() {
					if (node.css('visibility') === 'hidden') {
						// load CSS
						self.loadCss([baseUrl+'css/elfinder.min.css'], {
							dfd: $.Deferred().done(function() {
							}).fail(function() {
								if (!self.cssloaded) {
									self.cssloaded = false;
									self.bind('init', function() {
										if (!self.cssloaded) {
											self.error(['errRead', 'CSS (elfinder.min)']);
					} else {

	// load theme if exists
	(function() {
		var theme,
			themes = self.options.themes,
			ids = Object.keys(themes || {});
		if (ids.length) {
			theme = self.storage('theme') || self.options.theme;
			if (!themes[theme]) {
				theme = ids[0];
			if (self.cssloaded) {
			} else {
				self.bind('cssloaded', function() {
	 * Volume option to set the properties of the root Stat
	 * @type Object
	this.optionProperties = {
		icon: void(0),
		csscls: void(0),
		tmbUrl: void(0),
		uiCmdMap: {},
		netkey: void(0),
		disabled: []
	if (! inFrame && ! this.options.enableAlways && $('body').children().length === 2) { // only node and beeper
		this.options.enableAlways = true;
	// make options.debug
	if (this.options.debug === true) {
		this.options.debug = 'all';
	} else if (Array.isArray(this.options.debug)) {
		(function() {
			var d = {};
			$.each(self.options.debug, function() {
				d[this] = true;
			self.options.debug = d;
	} else {
		this.options.debug = false;
	 * Original functions evacuated by conflict check
	 * @type Object
	this.noConflicts = {};
	 * Check and save conflicts with bootstrap etc
	 * @type Function
	this.noConflict = function() {
		$.each(conflictChecks, function(i, p) {
			if ($.fn[p] && typeof $.fn[p].noConflict === 'function') {
				self.noConflicts[p] = $.fn[p].noConflict();
	// do check conflict
	 * Is elFinder over CORS
	 * @type Boolean
	this.isCORS = false;
	// configure for CORS
		if (typeof self.options.cors !== 'undefined' && self.options.cors !== null) {
			self.isCORS = self.options.cors? true : false;
		} else {
			var parseUrl = document.createElement('a'),
				selfProtocol = window.location.protocol,
				portReg = function(protocol) {
					protocol = (!protocol || protocol === ':')? selfProtocol : protocol;
					return protocol === 'https:'? /\:443$/ : /\:80$/;
				selfHost = window.location.host.replace(portReg(selfProtocol), '');
			parseUrl.href = opts.url;
			if (opts.urlUpload && (opts.urlUpload !== opts.url)) {
				parseUploadUrl = document.createElement('a');
				parseUploadUrl.href = opts.urlUpload;
			if (selfHost !== parseUrl.host.replace(portReg(parseUrl.protocol), '')
				|| (parseUrl.protocol !== ':'&& parseUrl.protocol !== '' && (selfProtocol !== parseUrl.protocol))
				|| (parseUploadUrl && 
					(selfHost !== parseUploadUrl.host.replace(portReg(parseUploadUrl.protocol), '')
					|| (parseUploadUrl.protocol !== ':' && parseUploadUrl.protocol !== '' && (selfProtocol !== parseUploadUrl.protocol))
			) {
				self.isCORS = true;
		if (self.isCORS) {
			if (!$.isPlainObject(self.options.customHeaders)) {
				self.options.customHeaders = {};
			if (!$.isPlainObject(self.options.xhrFields)) {
				self.options.xhrFields = {};
			self.options.requestType = 'post';
			self.options.customHeaders['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest';
			self.options.xhrFields['withCredentials'] = true;

	 * Ajax request type
	 * @type String
	 * @default "get"
	this.requestType = /^(get|post)$/i.test(this.options.requestType) ? this.options.requestType.toLowerCase() : 'get';
	// set `requestMaxConn` by option
	requestMaxConn = Math.max(parseInt(this.options.requestMaxConn), 1);
	 * Custom data that given as options
	 * @type Object
	 * @default {}
	this.optsCustomData = $.isPlainObject(this.options.customData) ? this.options.customData : {};

	 * Any data to send across every ajax request
	 * @type Object
	 * @default {}
	this.customData = Object.assign({}, this.optsCustomData);

	 * Previous custom data from connector
	 * @type Object|null
	this.prevCustomData = null;

	 * Any custom headers to send across every ajax request
	 * @type Object
	 * @default {}
	this.customHeaders = $.isPlainObject(this.options.customHeaders) ? this.options.customHeaders : {};

	 * Any custom xhrFields to send across every ajax request
	 * @type Object
	 * @default {}
	this.xhrFields = $.isPlainObject(this.options.xhrFields) ? this.options.xhrFields : {};

	 * Replace XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send to extended function for 3rd party libs XHR request etc.
	 * @type Function
	this.replaceXhrSend = function() {
		if (! savedXhrSend) {
			savedXhrSend = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;
		XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function() {
			var xhr = this;
			// set request headers
			if (self.customHeaders) {
				$.each(self.customHeaders, function(key) {
					xhr.setRequestHeader(key, this);
			// set xhrFields
			if (self.xhrFields) {
				$.each(self.xhrFields, function(key) {
					if (key in xhr) {
						xhr[key] = this;
			return savedXhrSend.apply(this, arguments);
	 * Restore saved original XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send
	 * @type Function
	this.restoreXhrSend = function() {
		savedXhrSend && (XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = savedXhrSend);

	 * command names for into queue for only cwd requests
	 * these commands aborts before `open` request
	 * @type Array
	 * @default ['tmb', 'parents']
	this.abortCmdsOnOpen = this.options.abortCmdsOnOpen || ['tmb', 'parents'];

	 * ui.nav id prefix
	 * @type String
	this.navPrefix = 'nav' + (elFinder.prototype.uniqueid? elFinder.prototype.uniqueid : '') + '-';
	 * ui.cwd id prefix
	 * @type String
	this.cwdPrefix = elFinder.prototype.uniqueid? ('cwd' + elFinder.prototype.uniqueid + '-') : '';
	// Increment elFinder.prototype.uniqueid
	 * URL to upload files
	 * @type String
	this.uploadURL = opts.urlUpload || opts.url;
	 * Events namespace
	 * @type String
	this.namespace = namespace;

	 * Today timestamp
	 * @type Number
	this.today = (new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate())).getTime()/1000;
	 * Yesterday timestamp
	 * @type Number
	this.yesterday = this.today - 86400;
	utc = this.options.UTCDate ? 'UTC' : '';
	this.getHours    = 'get'+utc+'Hours';
	this.getMinutes  = 'get'+utc+'Minutes';
	this.getSeconds  = 'get'+utc+'Seconds';
	this.getDate     = 'get'+utc+'Date';
	this.getDay      = 'get'+utc+'Day';
	this.getMonth    = 'get'+utc+'Month';
	this.getFullYear = 'get'+utc+'FullYear';
	 * elFinder node z-index (auto detect on elFinder load)
	 * @type null | Number

	 * Current search status
	 * @type Object
	this.searchStatus = {
		state  : 0, // 0: search ended, 1: search started, 2: in search result
		query  : '',
		target : '',
		mime   : '',
		mixed  : false, // in multi volumes search: false or Array that target volume ids
		ininc  : false // in incremental search

	 * Interface language
	 * @type String
	 * @default "en"
	this.lang = this.storage('lang') || this.options.lang;
	if (this.lang === 'jp') {
		this.lang = this.options.lang = 'ja';

	this.viewType = this.storage('view') || this.options.defaultView || 'icons';

	this.sortType = this.storage('sortType') || this.options.sortType || 'name';
	this.sortOrder = this.storage('sortOrder') || this.options.sortOrder || 'asc';

	this.sortStickFolders = this.storage('sortStickFolders');
	if (this.sortStickFolders === null) {
		this.sortStickFolders = !!this.options.sortStickFolders;
	} else {
		this.sortStickFolders = !!this.sortStickFolders;

	this.sortAlsoTreeview = this.storage('sortAlsoTreeview');
	if (this.sortAlsoTreeview === null || this.options.sortAlsoTreeview === null) {
		this.sortAlsoTreeview = !!this.options.sortAlsoTreeview;
	} else {
		this.sortAlsoTreeview = !!this.sortAlsoTreeview;

	this.sortRules = $.extend(true, {}, this._sortRules, this.options.sortRules);
	$.each(this.sortRules, function(name, method) {
		if (typeof method != 'function') {
			delete self.sortRules[name];
	this.compare = $.proxy(this.compare, this);
	 * Delay in ms before open notification dialog
	 * @type Number
	 * @default 500
	this.notifyDelay = this.options.notifyDelay > 0 ? parseInt(this.options.notifyDelay) : 500;
	 * Dragging UI Helper object
	 * @type jQuery | null
	this.draggingUiHelper = null;
	 * Base droppable options
	 * @type Object
	this.droppable = {
		greedy     : true,
		tolerance  : 'pointer',
		accept     : '.elfinder-cwd-file-wrapper,.elfinder-navbar-dir,.elfinder-cwd-file,.elfinder-cwd-filename',
		hoverClass : this.res('class', 'adroppable'),
		classes    : { // Deprecated hoverClass jQueryUI>=1.12.0
			'ui-droppable-hover': this.res('class', 'adroppable')
		autoDisable: true, // elFinder original, see jquery.elfinder.js
		drop : function(e, ui) {
			var dst     = $(this),
				targets = $.grep(ui.helper.data('files')||[], function(h) { return h? true : false; }),
				result  = [],
				dups    = [],
				faults  = [],
				isCopy  = ui.helper.hasClass('elfinder-drag-helper-plus'),
				c       = 'class',
				cnt, hash, i, h;
			if (typeof e.button === 'undefined' || ui.helper.data('namespace') !== namespace || ! self.insideWorkzone(e.pageX, e.pageY)) {
				return false;
			if (dst.hasClass(self.res(c, 'cwdfile'))) {
				hash = self.cwdId2Hash(dst.attr('id'));
			} else if (dst.hasClass(self.res(c, 'navdir'))) {
				hash = self.navId2Hash(dst.attr('id'));
			} else {
				hash = cwd;

			cnt = targets.length;
			while (cnt--) {
				h = targets[cnt];
				// ignore drop into itself or in own location
				if (h != hash && files[h].phash != hash) {
				} else {
					((isCopy && h !== hash && files[hash].write)? dups : faults).push(h);
			if (faults.length) {
				return false;
			ui.helper.data('droped', true);
			if (dups.length) {
				self.exec('duplicate', dups, {_userAction: true});
			if (result.length) {
				self.clipboard(result, !isCopy);
				self.exec('paste', hash, {_userAction: true}, hash).always(function(){
					self.trigger('unlockfiles', {files : targets});
				self.trigger('drop', {files : targets});
	 * Return true if filemanager is active
	 * @return Boolean
	this.enabled = function() {
		return enabled && this.visible();
	 * Return true if filemanager is visible
	 * @return Boolean
	this.visible = function() {
		return node[0].elfinder && node.is(':visible');
	 * Return file is root?
	 * @param  Object  target file object
	 * @return Boolean
	this.isRoot = function(file) {
		return (file.isroot || ! file.phash)? true : false;
	 * Return root dir hash for current working directory
	 * @param  String   target hash
	 * @param  Boolean  include fake parent (optional)
	 * @return String
	this.root = function(hash, fake) {
		hash = hash || cwd;
		var dir, i;
		if (! fake) {
			$.each(self.roots, function(id, rhash) {
				if (hash.indexOf(id) === 0) {
					dir = rhash;
					return false;
			if (dir) {
				return dir;
		dir = files[hash];
		while (dir && dir.phash && (fake || ! dir.isroot)) {
			dir = files[dir.phash];
		if (dir) {
			return dir.hash;
		while (i in files && files.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
			dir = files[i];
			if (dir.mime === 'directory' && !dir.phash && dir.read) {
				return dir.hash;
		return '';
	 * Return current working directory info
	 * @return Object
	this.cwd = function() {
		return files[cwd] || {};
	 * Return required cwd option
	 * @param  String  option name
	 * @param  String  target hash (optional)
	 * @return mixed
	this.option = function(name, target) {
		var res, item;
		target = target || cwd;
		if (self.optionsByHashes[target] && typeof self.optionsByHashes[target][name] !== 'undefined') {
			return self.optionsByHashes[target][name];
		if (self.hasVolOptions && cwd !== target && (!(item = self.file(target)) || item.phash !== cwd)) {
			res = '';
			$.each(self.volOptions, function(id, opt) {
				if (target.indexOf(id) === 0) {
					res = opt[name] || '';
					return false;
			return res;
		} else {
			return cwdOptions[name] || '';
	 * Return disabled commands by each folder
	 * @param  Array  target hashes
	 * @return Array
	this.getDisabledCmds = function(targets, flip) {
		var disabled = {'hidden': true};
		if (! Array.isArray(targets)) {
			targets = [ targets ];
		$.each(targets, function(i, h) {
			var disCmds = self.option('disabledFlip', h);
			if (disCmds) {
				Object.assign(disabled, disCmds);
		return flip? disabled : Object.keys(disabled);
	 * Return file data from current dir or tree by it's hash
	 * @param  String  file hash
	 * @return Object
	this.file = function(hash, alsoHidden) { 
		return hash? (files[hash] || (alsoHidden? hiddenFiles[hash] : void(0))) : void(0); 
	 * Return all cached files
	 * @param  String  parent hash
	 * @return Object
	this.files = function(phash) {
		var items = {};
		if (phash) {
			if (!ownFiles[phash]) {
				return {};
			$.each(ownFiles[phash], function(h) {
				if (files[h]) {
					items[h] = files[h];
				} else {
					delete ownFiles[phash][h];
			return Object.assign({}, items);
		return Object.assign({}, files);
	 * Return list of file parents hashes include file hash
	 * @param  String  file hash
	 * @return Array
	this.parents = function(hash) {
		var parents = [],
		while (hash && (dir = this.file(hash))) {
			hash = dir.phash;
		return parents;
	this.path2array = function(hash, i18) {
		var file, 
			path = [];
		while (hash) {
			if ((file = files[hash]) && file.hash) {
				path.unshift(i18 && file.i18 ? file.i18 : file.name);
				hash = file.isroot? null : file.phash;
			} else {
				path = [];
		return path;
	 * Return file path or Get path async with jQuery.Deferred
	 * @param  Object  file
	 * @param  Boolean i18
	 * @param  Object  asyncOpt
	 * @return String|jQuery.Deferred
	this.path = function(hash, i18, asyncOpt) { 
		var path = files[hash] && files[hash].path
			? files[hash].path
			: this.path2array(hash, i18).join(cwdOptions.separator);
		if (! asyncOpt || ! files[hash]) {
			return path;
		} else {
			asyncOpt = Object.assign({notify: {type : 'parents', cnt : 1, hideCnt : true}}, asyncOpt);
			var dfd    = $.Deferred(),
				notify = asyncOpt.notify,
				noreq  = false,
				req    = function() {
						data : {cmd : 'parents', target : files[hash].phash},
						notify : notify,
						preventFail : true
					.fail(function() {
				done   = function() {
					self.one('parentsdone', function() {
						path = self.path(hash, i18);
						if (path === '' && noreq) {
							//retry with request
							noreq = false;
						} else {
							if (notify) {
								notify.cnt = -(parseInt(notify.cnt || 0));
			if (path) {
				return dfd.resolve(path);
			} else {
				if (self.ui['tree']) {
					// try as no request
					if (notify) {
						ntftm = setTimeout(function() {
						}, self.notifyDelay);
					noreq = true;
				} else {
				return dfd;
	 * Return file url if set
	 * @param  String  file hash
	 * @param  Object  Options
	 * @return String|Object of jQuery Deferred
	this.url = function(hash, o) {
		var file   = files[hash],
			opts   = o || {},
			async  = opts.async || false,
			temp   = opts.temporary || false,
			onetm  = (opts.onetime && self.option('onetimeUrl', hash)) || false,
			absurl = opts.absurl || false,
			dfrd   = (async || onetm)? $.Deferred() : null,
			filter = function(url) {
				if (url && absurl) {
					url = self.convAbsUrl(url);
				return url;
			getUrl = function(url) {
				if (url) {
					return filter(url);
				if (file.url) {
					return filter(file.url);
				if (typeof baseUrl === 'undefined') {
					baseUrl = getBaseUrl();
				if (baseUrl) {
					return filter(baseUrl + $.map(self.path2array(hash), function(n) { return encodeURIComponent(n); }).slice(1).join('/'));

				var params = Object.assign({}, self.customData, {
					cmd: 'file',
					target: file.hash
				if (self.oldAPI) {
					params.cmd = 'open';
					params.current = file.phash;
				return filter(self.options.url + (self.options.url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + $.param(params, true));
			getBaseUrl = function() {
				return self.option('url', (!self.isRoot(file) && file.phash) || file.hash);
			baseUrl, res;
		if (!file || !file.read) {
			return async? dfrd.resolve('') : '';
		if (onetm && (!file.url || file.url == '1') && !(baseUrl = getBaseUrl())) {
			async = true;
				data : { cmd : 'url', target : hash, options : { onetime: 1 } },
				preventDefault : true,
				options: {async: async},
				notify: {type : 'file', cnt : 1, hideCnt : true},
				progressBar: opts.progressBar
			}).done(function(data) {
				dfrd.resolve(filter(data.url || ''));
			}).fail(function() {
		} else {
			if (file.url == '1' || (temp && !file.url && !(baseUrl = getBaseUrl()))) {
					data : { cmd : 'url', target : hash, options : { temporary: temp? 1 : 0 } },
					preventDefault : true,
					options: {async: async},
					notify: async? {type : temp? 'file' : 'url', cnt : 1, hideCnt : true} : {},
					progressBar: opts.progressBar
				.done(function(data) {
					file.url = data.url || '';
				.fail(function() {
					file.url = '';
				.always(function() {
					var url;
					if (file.url && temp) {
						url = file.url;
						file.url = '1'; // restore
					if (async) {
					} else {
						return getUrl(url);
			} else {
				if (async) {
				} else {
					return getUrl();
		if (async) {
			return dfrd;
	 * Return file url for the extarnal service
	 * @param      String  hash     The hash
	 * @param      Object  options  The options
	 * @return     Object  jQuery Deferred
	this.forExternalUrl = function(hash, options) {
		var onetime = self.option('onetimeUrl', hash),
			opts = {
				async: true,
				absurl: true

		opts[onetime? 'onetime' : 'temporary'] = true;
		return self.url(hash, Object.assign({}, options, opts));

	 * Return file url for open in elFinder
	 * @param  String  file hash
	 * @param  Boolean for download link
	 * @param      Object  requestOpts   The request options
	 * @return String
	this.openUrl = function(hash, download, callback, requestOpts) {
		var file = files[hash],
			url  = '',
			onetimeSize = (requestOpts || {}).onetimeSize || (5 * 1024 * 1024);
		if (!file || !file.read) {
			return '';
		if (!download || download === 'sameorigin') {
			if (file.url) {
				if (file.url != 1) {
					url = file.url;
			} else if (cwdOptions.url && file.hash.indexOf(self.cwd().volumeid) === 0) {
				url = cwdOptions.url + $.map(this.path2array(hash), function(n) { return encodeURIComponent(n); }).slice(1).join('/');
			if (!download || this.isSameOrigin(url)) {
				if (url) {
					url += (url.match(/\?/)? '&' : '?') + '_'.repeat((url.match(/[\?&](_+)t=/g) || ['&t=']).sort().shift().match(/[\?&](_*)t=/)[1].length + 1) + 't=' + (file.ts || parseInt(+new Date()/1000));
					if (callback) {
					} else {
						return url;
		if (callback && this.hasParrotHeaders()) {
			if (!requestOpts) {
				requestOpts = {};
			} else {
				delete requestOpts.onetimeSize;
			if (!requestOpts.onetime && !requestOpts.temporary && file.size > onetimeSize) {
				if (file.mime.match(/^video|audio/)) {
					requestOpts.temporary = true;
				} else {
					requestOpts.onetime = true;
			if (requestOpts.onetime || requestOpts.temporary) {
				return this.url(file.hash, Object.assign({
					async: true
				}, requestOpts)).done(function(url) {
				}).fail(function() {
			} else {
				return this.getContents(hash, 'blob', requestOpts).done(function(blob){
					url = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(blob);
				}).fail(function() {
		} else {
			url = this.options.url;
			url = url + (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&')
				+ (this.oldAPI ? 'cmd=open&current='+file.phash : 'cmd=file')
				+ '&target=' + file.hash
				+ '&_t=' + (file.ts || parseInt(+new Date()/1000));
			if (download === true) {
				url += '&download=1';
			$.each(this.customData, function(key, val) {
				url += '&' + encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(val);
			if (callback) {
			} else {
				return url;
	 * Return thumbnail url
	 * @param  Object  file object
	 * @return String
	this.tmb = function(file) {
		var tmbUrl, tmbCrop,
			cls    = 'elfinder-cwd-bgurl',
			url    = '',
			cData  = {},
			n      = 0;

		if ($.isPlainObject(file)) {
			if (self.searchStatus.state && file.hash.indexOf(self.cwd().volumeid) !== 0) {
				tmbUrl = self.option('tmbUrl', file.hash);
				tmbCrop = self.option('tmbCrop', file.hash);
			} else {
				tmbUrl = cwdOptions.tmbUrl;
				tmbCrop = cwdOptions.tmbCrop;
			if (tmbCrop) {
				cls += ' elfinder-cwd-bgurl-crop';
			if (tmbUrl === 'self' && file.mime.indexOf('image/') === 0) {
				url = self.openUrl(file.hash);
				cls += ' elfinder-cwd-bgself';
			} else if ((self.oldAPI || tmbUrl) && file && file.tmb && file.tmb != 1) {
				url = tmbUrl + file.tmb;
			} else if (self.newAPI && file && file.tmb && file.tmb != 1) {
				url = file.tmb;
			if (url) {
				if (tmbUrl !== 'self') {
					if (file.ts) {
						cData._t = file.ts;
					if (cwdOptions.tmbReqCustomData && Object.keys(this.customData).length) {
						cData = Object.assign(cData, this.customData);
					if (Object.keys(cData).length) {
						url += (url.match(/\?/) ? '&' : '?');
						$.each(cData, function (key, val) {
							url += ((n++ === 0)? '' : '&') + encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(val);
				return { url: url, className: cls };
		return false;
	 * Return selected files hashes
	 * @return Array
	this.selected = function() {
		return selected.slice(0);
	 * Return selected files info
	 * @return Array
	this.selectedFiles = function() {
		return $.map(selected, function(hash) { return files[hash] ? Object.assign({}, files[hash]) : null; });
	 * Return true if file with required name existsin required folder
	 * @param  String  file name
	 * @param  String  parent folder hash
	 * @return Boolean
	this.fileByName = function(name, phash) {
		var hash;
		for (hash in files) {
			if (files.hasOwnProperty(hash) && files[hash].phash == phash && files[hash].name == name) {
				return files[hash];
	 * Valid data for required command based on rules
	 * @param  String  command name
	 * @param  Object  cammand's data
	 * @return Boolean
	this.validResponse = function(cmd, data) {
		return data.error || this.rules[this.rules[cmd] ? cmd : 'defaults'](data);
	 * Return bytes from ini formated size
	 * @param  String  ini formated size
	 * @return Integer
	this.returnBytes = function(val) {
		var last;
		if (isNaN(val)) {
			if (! val) {
				val = '';
			// for ex. 1mb, 1KB
			val = val.replace(/b$/i, '');
			last = val.charAt(val.length - 1).toLowerCase();
			val = val.replace(/[tgmk]$/i, '');
			if (last == 't') {
				val = val * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
			} else if (last == 'g') {
				val = val * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
			} else if (last == 'm') {
				val = val * 1024 * 1024;
			} else if (last == 'k') {
				val = val * 1024;
			val = isNaN(val)? 0 : parseInt(val);
		} else {
			val = parseInt(val);
			if (val < 1) val = 0;
		return val;
	 * Process ajax request.
	 * Fired events :
	 * @todo
	 * @example
	 * @todo
	 * @return $.Deferred
	this.request = function(opts) { 
		var self     = this,
			o        = this.options,
			dfrd     = $.Deferred(),
			// request ID
			reqId    = (+ new Date()).toString(16) + Math.floor(1000 * Math.random()).toString(16), 
			// request data
			data     = Object.assign({}, self.customData, {mimes : o.onlyMimes}, opts.data || opts),
			// command name
			cmd      = data.cmd,
			// request type is binary
			isBinary = (opts.options || {}).dataType === 'binary',
			// current cmd is "open"
			isOpen   = (!opts.asNotOpen && cmd === 'open'),
			// call default fail callback (display error dialog) ?
			deffail  = !(isBinary || opts.preventDefault || opts.preventFail),
			// call default success callback ?
			defdone  = !(isBinary || opts.preventDefault || opts.preventDone),
			// current progress of receive data
			prog     = opts.progressVal || 20,
			// timer of fake progress
			progTm   = null,
			// whether the notification dialog is currently displayed
			hasNotify= false,
			// options for notify dialog
			notify   = !opts.progressBar? (opts.notify? Object.assign({progress: prog * opts.notify.cnt}, opts.notify) : {}) : {},
			// make cancel button
			cancel   = !!opts.cancel,
			// do not normalize data - return as is
			raw      = isBinary || !!opts.raw,
			// sync files on request fail
			syncOnFail = opts.syncOnFail,
			// use lazy()
			lazy     = !!opts.lazy,
			// prepare function before done()
			prepare  = opts.prepare,
			// navigate option object when cmd done
			navigate = opts.navigate,
			// open notify dialog timeout
			// use browser cache
			useCache = (opts.options || {}).cache,
			// request options
			options = Object.assign({
				url      : o.url,
				async    : true,
				type     : this.requestType,
				dataType : 'json',
				cache    : (self.api >= 2.1029), // api >= 2.1029 has unique request ID
				data     : data,
				headers  : this.customHeaders,
				xhrFields: this.xhrFields,
				progress : function(e) {
					var p = e.loaded / e.total * 100;
					progTm && clearTimeout(progTm);
					if (opts.progressBar) {
						try {
							opts.progressBar.width(p + '%');
						} catch(e) {}
					} else {
						if (hasNotify && notify.type) {
							p = p * notify.cnt;
							if (prog < p) {
									type: notify.type,
									progress: p - prog,
									cnt: 0,
									hideCnt: notify.hideCnt
								prog = p;
					if (opts.progress) {
						try {
						} catch(e) {}
			}, opts.options || {}),
			 * Default success handler. 
			 * Call default data handlers and fire event with command name.
			 * @param Object  normalized response data
			 * @return void
			done = function(data) {
				data.warning && self.error(data.warning);
				if (isOpen) {
				} else {
				self.lazy(function() {
					// fire some event to update cache/ui
					data.removed && data.removed.length && self.remove(data);
					data.added   && data.added.length   && self.add(data);
					data.changed && data.changed.length && self.change(data);
				}).then(function() {
					// fire event with command name
					return self.lazy(function() {
						self.trigger(cmd, data, false);
				}).then(function() {
					// fire event with command name + 'done'
					return self.lazy(function() {
						self.trigger(cmd + 'done');
				}).then(function() {
					// make toast message
					if (data.toasts && Array.isArray(data.toasts)) {
						$.each(data.toasts, function() {
							this.msg && self.toast(this);
					// force update content
					data.sync && self.sync();
			 * Request error handler. Reject dfrd with correct error message.
			 * @param jqxhr  request object
			 * @param String request status
			 * @return void
			error = function(xhr, status) {
				var error, data, 
					d = self.options.debug;
				switch (status) {
					case 'abort':
						error = xhr.quiet ? '' : ['errConnect', 'errAbort'];
					case 'timeout':	    
						error = ['errConnect', 'errTimeout'];
					case 'parsererror': 
						error = ['errResponse', 'errDataNotJSON'];
						if (xhr.responseText) {
							if (! cwd || (d && (d === 'all' || d['backend-error']))) {
						if (xhr.responseText) {
							// check responseText, Is that JSON?
							try {
								data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
								if (data && data.error) {
									error = data.error;
							} catch(e) {}
						if (! error) {
							if (xhr.status == 403) {
								error = ['errConnect', 'errAccess', 'HTTP error ' + xhr.status];
							} else if (xhr.status == 404) {
								error = ['errConnect', 'errNotFound', 'HTTP error ' + xhr.status];
							} else if (xhr.status >= 500) {
								error = ['errResponse', 'errServerError', 'HTTP error ' + xhr.status];
							} else {
								if (xhr.status == 414 && options.type === 'get') {
									// retry by POST method
									options.type = 'post';
									dfrd.xhr = xhr = self.transport.send(options).fail(error).done(success);
								error = xhr.quiet ? '' : ['errConnect', 'HTTP error ' + xhr.status];
				self.trigger(cmd + 'done');
				dfrd.reject({error: error}, xhr, status);
			 * Request success handler. Valid response data and reject/resolve dfrd.
			 * @param Object  response data
			 * @param String request status
			 * @return void
			success = function(response) {
				// Set currrent request command name
				self.currentReqCmd = cmd;
				response.debug && self.responseDebug(response);

				if (raw) {
					response && response.debug && self.debug('backend-debug', response);
					return dfrd.resolve(response);
				if (!response) {
					return dfrd.reject({error :['errResponse', 'errDataEmpty']}, xhr, response);
				} else if (!$.isPlainObject(response)) {
					return dfrd.reject({error :['errResponse', 'errDataNotJSON']}, xhr, response);
				} else if (response.error) {
					if (isOpen) {
						// check leafRoots
						$.each(self.leafRoots, function(phash, roots) {
							self.leafRoots[phash] = $.grep(roots, function(h) { return h !== data.target; });
					return dfrd.reject({error :response.error}, xhr, response);
				var resolve = function() {
					var pushLeafRoots = function(name) {
						if (self.leafRoots[data.target] && response[name]) {
							$.each(self.leafRoots[data.target], function(i, h) {
								var root;
								if (root = self.file(h)) {
					setTextMimes = function() {
						self.textMimes = {};
						$.each(self.res('mimes', 'text'), function() {
							self.textMimes[this.toLowerCase()] = true;
					if (isOpen) {
					} else if (cmd === 'tree') {
					response = self.normalize(response);
					if (!self.validResponse(cmd, response)) {
						return dfrd.reject({error :(response.norError || 'errResponse')}, xhr, response);
					if (isOpen) {
						if (!self.api) {
							self.api    = response.api || 1;
							if (self.api == '2.0' && typeof response.options.uploadMaxSize !== 'undefined') {
								self.api = '2.1';
							self.newAPI = self.api >= 2;
							self.oldAPI = !self.newAPI;
						if (response.textMimes && Array.isArray(response.textMimes)) {
							self.resources.mimes.text = response.textMimes;
						!self.textMimes && setTextMimes();
						if (response.options) {
							cwdOptions = Object.assign({}, cwdOptionsDefault, response.options);

						if (response.netDrivers) {
							self.netDrivers = response.netDrivers;

						if (response.maxTargets) {
							self.maxTargets = response.maxTargets;

						if (!!data.init) {
							self.uplMaxSize = self.returnBytes(response.uplMaxSize);
							self.uplMaxFile = !!response.uplMaxFile? Math.min(parseInt(response.uplMaxFile), 50) : 20;

					if (typeof prepare === 'function') {
					if (navigate) {
						actionTarget = navigate.target || 'added';
						if (response[actionTarget] && response[actionTarget].length) {
							self.one(cmd + 'done', function() {
								var targets  = response[actionTarget],
									newItems = self.findCwdNodes(targets),
									inCwdHashes = function() {
										var cwdHash = self.cwd().hash;
										return $.map(targets, function(f) { return (f.phash && cwdHash === f.phash)? f.hash : null; });
									hashes   = inCwdHashes(),
									makeToast  = function(t) {
										var node = void(0),
											data = t.action? t.action.data : void(0),
											cmd, msg, done;
										if ((data || hashes.length) && t.action && (msg = t.action.msg) && (cmd = t.action.cmd) && (!t.action.cwdNot || t.action.cwdNot !== self.cwd().hash)) {
											done = t.action.done;
											data = t.action.data;
											node = $('<div></div>')
													$('<button type="button" class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all elfinder-tabstop"><span class="ui-button-text">'
													.on('mouseenter mouseleave', function(e) { 
														$(this).toggleClass('ui-state-hover', e.type == 'mouseenter');
													.on('click', function() {
														self.exec(cmd, data || hashes, {_userAction: true, _currentType: 'toast', _currentNode: $(this) });
														if (done) {
															self.one(cmd+'done', function() {
																if (typeof done === 'function') {
																} else if (done === 'select') {
																	self.trigger('selectfiles', {files : inCwdHashes()});
										delete t.action;
										t.extNode = node;
										return t;
								if (! navigate.toast) {
									navigate.toast = {};
								!navigate.noselect && self.trigger('selectfiles', {files : self.searchStatus.state > 1 ? $.map(targets, function(f) { return f.hash; }) : hashes});
								if (newItems.length) {
									if (!navigate.noscroll) {
										newItems.first().trigger('scrolltoview', {blink : false});
										self.resources.blink(newItems, 'lookme');
									if ($.isPlainObject(navigate.toast.incwd)) {
								} else {
									if ($.isPlainObject(navigate.toast.inbuffer)) {
					response.debug && self.debug('backend-debug', response);
				lazy? self.lazy(resolve) : resolve();
			xhr, _xhr,
			xhrAbort = function(e) {
				if (xhr && xhr.state() === 'pending') {
					self.abortXHR(xhr, { quiet: true , abort: true });
					if (!e || (e.type !== 'unload' && e.type !== 'destroy')) {
			abort = function(e){
				self.trigger(cmd + 'done');
				if (e.type == 'autosync') {
					if (e.data.action != 'stop') return;
				} else if (e.type != 'unload' && e.type != 'destroy' && e.type != 'openxhrabort') {
					if (!e.data.added || !e.data.added.length) {
			request = function(mode) {
				var queueAbort = function() {
					syncOnFail = false;
				if (mode) {
					if (mode === 'cmd') {
						return cmd;
				if (isOpen) {
					if (currentOpenCmd && currentOpenCmd.state() === 'pending') {
						if (currentOpenCmd._target === data.target) {
							return dfrd.reject('openabort');
						} else {
							if (currentOpenCmd.xhr) {
							} else {
					currentOpenCmd = dfrd;
					currentOpenCmd._target = data.target;
				dfrd.always(function() {
					delete options.headers['X-elFinderReqid'];
					if (isOpen) {
						currentOpenCmd = null;
				}).fail(function(error, xhr, response) {
					var errData, errMsg;

					if (isOpen && error === 'openabort') {
						error = '';
						syncOnFail = false;

					errData = {
						cmd: cmd,
						err: error,
						xhr: xhr,
						rc: response

					// unset this cmd queue when user canceling
					// see notify : function - `cancel.reject(0);`
					if (error === 0) {
						if (requestQueue.length) {
							requestQueue = $.grep(requestQueue, function(req) {
								return (req('cmd') === cmd) ? false : true;
					// trigger "requestError" event
					self.trigger('requestError', errData);
					if (errData._getEvent && errData._getEvent().isDefaultPrevented()) {
						deffail = false;
						syncOnFail = false;
						if (error) {
							error.error = '';
					// abort xhr
					if (isOpen) {
						openDir = self.file(data.target);
						openDir && openDir.volumeid && self.isRoot(openDir) && delete self.volumeExpires[openDir.volumeid];
					self.trigger(cmd + 'fail', response);
					errMsg = (typeof error === 'object')? error.error : error;
					if (errMsg) {
						deffail ? self.error(errMsg) : self.debug('error', self.i18n(errMsg));
					syncOnFail && self.sync();

				if (!cmd) {
					syncOnFail = false;
					return dfrd.reject({error :'errCmdReq'});
				if (self.maxTargets && data.targets && data.targets.length > self.maxTargets) {
					syncOnFail = false;
					return dfrd.reject({error :['errMaxTargets', self.maxTargets]});

				defdone && dfrd.done(done);
				// quiet abort not completed "open" requests
				if (isOpen) {
					while ((_xhr = queue.pop())) {
					if (cwd !== data.target) {
						while ((_xhr = cwdQueue.pop())) {

				// trigger abort autoSync for commands to add the item
				if ($.inArray(cmd, (self.cmdsToAdd + ' autosync').split(' ')) !== -1) {
					if (cmd !== 'autosync') {
						dfrd.always(function() {

				delete options.preventFail;

				if (self.api >= 2.1029) {
					if (useCache) {
						options.headers['X-elFinderReqid'] = reqId;
					} else {
						Object.assign(options.data, { reqid : reqId });
				// function for set value of this syncOnFail
				dfrd.syncOnFail = function(state) {
					syncOnFail = !!state;


				dfrd.xhr = xhr = self.transport.send(options).always(function() {
					// set responseURL from native xhr object
					if (options._xhr && typeof options._xhr.responseURL !== 'undefined') {
						xhr.responseURL = options._xhr.responseURL || '';
					if (requestQueue.length) {
				if (self.api >= 2.1029) {
					xhr._requestId = reqId;
				if (isOpen || (data.compare && cmd === 'info')) {
					// regist function queueAbort
					xhr.queueAbort = queueAbort;
					// add autoSync xhr into queue
					// bind abort()
					data.compare && self.bind(self.cmdsToAdd + ' autosync openxhrabort', abort);
					dfrd.always(function() {
						var ndx = $.inArray(xhr, queue);
						data.compare && self.unbind(self.cmdsToAdd + ' autosync openxhrabort', abort);
						ndx !== -1 && queue.splice(ndx, 1);
				} else if ($.inArray(cmd, self.abortCmdsOnOpen) !== -1) {
					// regist function queueAbort
					xhr.queueAbort = queueAbort;
					// add "open" xhr, only cwd xhr into queue
					dfrd.always(function() {
						var ndx = $.inArray(xhr, cwdQueue);
						ndx !== -1 && cwdQueue.splice(ndx, 1);
				// abort pending xhr on window unload or elFinder destroy
				self.bind('unload destroy', abort);
				dfrd.always(function() {
					self.unbind('unload destroy', abort);
				return dfrd;
			queueingRequest = function() {
				// show notify
				if (notify.type && notify.cnt) {
					if (cancel) {
						notify.cancel = dfrd;
						opts.eachCancel && (notify.id = +new Date());
					timeout = setTimeout(function() {
						// start fake count up
						progTm = setTimeout(progFakeUp, 1000);
						hasNotify = true;
						dfrd.always(function() {
							notify.cnt = -(parseInt(notify.cnt)||0);
							hasNotify = false;
					}, self.notifyDelay);
					dfrd.always(function() {
				// queueing
				if (requestCnt < requestMaxConn) {
					// do request
					return request();
				} else {
					if (isOpen) {
					} else {
					return dfrd;
			progFakeUp = function() {
				var add;
				if (hasNotify && progTm) {
					add = 1 * notify.cnt;
					progTm = null;
						type: notify.type,
						progress: add,
						cnt: 0,
						hideCnt: notify.hideCnt
					prog += add;
					if ((prog / notify.cnt) < 80) {
						progTm = setTimeout(progFakeUp, 500);
			bindData = {opts: opts, result: true},
		// prevent request initial request is completed
		if (!self.api && !data.init) {
			syncOnFail = false;
			return dfrd.reject();

		// trigger "request.cmd" that callback be able to cancel request by substituting "false" for "event.data.result"
		self.trigger('request.' + cmd, bindData, true);
		if (! bindData.result) {
			self.trigger(cmd + 'done');
			return dfrd.reject();
		} else if (typeof bindData.result === 'object' && bindData.result.promise) {
				.fail(function() {
					self.trigger(cmd + 'done');
			return dfrd;
		return queueingRequest();
	 * Call cache()
	 * Store info about files/dirs in "files" object.
	 * @param  Array  files
	 * @param  String type
	 * @return void
	this.cache = function(dataArray, type) {
		if (! Array.isArray(dataArray)) {
			dataArray = [ dataArray ];
		cache(dataArray, type);
	 * Update file object caches by respose data object
	 * @param  Object  respose data object
	 * @return void
	this.updateCache = function(data) {
		if ($.isPlainObject(data)) {
			data.files && data.files.length && cache(data.files, 'files');
			data.tree && data.tree.length && cache(data.tree, 'tree');
			data.removed && data.removed.length && remove(data.removed);
			data.added && data.added.length && cache(data.added, 'add');
			data.changed && data.changed.length && cache(data.changed, 'change');
	 * Compare current files cache with new files and return diff
	 * @param  Array   new files
	 * @param  String  target folder hash
	 * @param  Array   exclude properties to compare
	 * @return Object
	this.diff = function(incoming, onlydir, excludeProps) {
		var raw       = {},
			added     = [],
			removed   = [],
			changed   = [],
			excludes  = null,
			isChanged = function(hash) {
				var l = changed.length;

				while (l--) {
					if (changed[l].hash == hash) {
						return true;
		$.each(incoming, function(i, f) {
			raw[f.hash] = f;
		// make excludes object
		if (excludeProps && excludeProps.length) {
			excludes = {};
			$.each(excludeProps, function() {
				excludes[this] = true;
		// find removed
		$.each(files, function(hash, f) {
			if (! raw[hash] && (! onlydir || f.phash === onlydir)) {
		// compare files
		$.each(raw, function(hash, file) {
			var origin  = files[hash],
				orgKeys = {},

			if (!origin) {
			} else {
				// make orgKeys object
				$.each(Object.keys(origin), function() {
					orgKeys[this] = true;
				$.each(file, function(prop) {
					delete orgKeys[prop];
					if (! excludes || ! excludes[prop]) {
						if (file[prop] !== origin[prop]) {
							orgKeys = {};
							return false;
				chkKeyLen = Object.keys(orgKeys).length;
				if (chkKeyLen !== 0) {
					if (excludes) {
						$.each(orgKeys, function(prop) {
							if (excludes[prop]) {
					(chkKeyLen !== 0) && changed.push(file);
		// parents of removed dirs mark as changed (required for tree correct work)
		$.each(removed, function(i, hash) {
			var file  = files[hash], 
				phash = file.phash;

			if (phash 
			&& file.mime == 'directory' 
			&& $.inArray(phash, removed) === -1 
			&& raw[phash] 
			&& !isChanged(phash)) {
		return {
			added   : added,
			removed : removed,
			changed : changed
	 * Sync content
	 * @return jQuery.Deferred
	this.sync = function(onlydir, polling) {
		var self  = this,
			compare = function(){
				var c = '', cnt = 0, mtime = 0;
				if (onlydir && polling) {
					$.each(files, function(h, f) {
						if (f.phash && f.phash === onlydir) {
							mtime = Math.max(mtime, f.ts);
						c = cnt+':'+mtime;
				return c;
			comp  = compare(),
			dfrd  = $.Deferred().always(function() { !reqFail && self.trigger('sync'); }),
			opts = [this.request({
				data           : {cmd : 'open', reload : 1, target : cwd, tree : (! onlydir && this.ui.tree) ? 1 : 0, compare : comp},
				preventDefault : true
			exParents = function() {
				var parents = [],
					curRoot = self.file(self.root(cwd)),
					curId = curRoot? curRoot.volumeid : null,
					phash = self.cwd().phash,
				while(phash) {
					if (pdir = self.file(phash)) {
						if (phash.indexOf(curId) !== 0) {
							parents.push( {target: phash, cmd: 'tree'} );
							if (! self.isRoot(pdir)) {
								parents.push( {target: phash, cmd: 'parents'} );
							curRoot = self.file(self.root(phash));
							curId = curRoot? curRoot.volumeid : null;
						phash = pdir.phash;
					} else {
						phash = null;
				return parents;
		if (! onlydir && self.api >= 2) {
			(cwd !== this.root()) && opts.push(this.request({
				data           : {cmd : 'parents', target : cwd},
				preventDefault : true
			$.each(exParents(), function(i, data) {
					data           : {cmd : data.cmd, target : data.target},
					preventDefault : true
		$.when.apply($, opts)
		.fail(function(error, xhr) {
			reqFail = (xhr && xhr.status != 200);
			if (! polling || $.inArray('errOpen', error) !== -1) {
				self.parseError(error) && self.request({
					data   : {cmd : 'open', target : (self.lastDir('') || self.root()), tree : 1, init : 1},
					notify : {type : 'open', cnt : 1, hideCnt : true}
			} else {
				dfrd.reject((error && xhr.status != 0)? error : void 0);
		.done(function(odata) {
			var pdata, argLen, i;
			if (odata.cwd.compare) {
				if (comp === odata.cwd.compare) {
					return dfrd.reject();
			// for 2nd and more requests
			pdata = {tree : []};
			// results marge of 2nd and more requests
			argLen = arguments.length;
			if (argLen > 1) {
				for(i = 1; i < argLen; i++) {
					if (arguments[i].tree && arguments[i].tree.length) {
						pdata.tree.push.apply(pdata.tree, arguments[i].tree);
			if (self.api < 2.1) {
				if (! pdata.tree) {
					pdata.tree = [];
			// data normalize
			odata = self.normalize(odata);
			if (!self.validResponse('open', odata)) {
				return dfrd.reject((odata.norError || 'errResponse'));
			pdata = self.normalize(pdata);
			if (!self.validResponse('tree', pdata)) {
				return dfrd.reject((pdata.norError || 'errResponse'));
			var diff = self.diff(odata.files.concat(pdata && pdata.tree ? pdata.tree : []), onlydir);

			// trigger events
			diff.removed.length && self.remove(diff);
			diff.added.length   && self.add(diff);
			diff.changed.length && self.change(diff);
			return dfrd.resolve(diff);
		.always(function() {
		return dfrd;
	this.upload = function(files) {
		return this.transport.upload(files, this);
	 * Bind keybord shortcut to keydown event
	 * @example
	 *    elfinder.shortcut({ 
	 *       pattern : 'ctrl+a', 
	 *       description : 'Select all files', 
	 *       callback : function(e) { ... }, 
	 *       keypress : true|false (bind to keypress instead of keydown) 
	 *    })
	 * @param  Object  shortcut config
	 * @return elFinder
	this.shortcut = function(s) {
		var patterns, pattern, code, i, parts;
		if (this.options.allowShortcuts && s.pattern && $.isFunction(s.callback)) {
			patterns = s.pattern.toUpperCase().split(/\s+/);
			for (i= 0; i < patterns.length; i++) {
				pattern = patterns[i];
				parts   = pattern.split('+');
				code    = (code = parts.pop()).length == 1 
					? (code > 0 ? code : code.charCodeAt(0))
					: (code > 0 ? code : $.ui.keyCode[code]);

				if (code && !shortcuts[pattern]) {
					shortcuts[pattern] = {
						keyCode     : code,
						altKey      : $.inArray('ALT', parts)   != -1,
						ctrlKey     : $.inArray('CTRL', parts)  != -1,
						shiftKey    : $.inArray('SHIFT', parts) != -1,
						type        : s.type || 'keydown',
						callback    : s.callback,
						description : s.description,
						pattern     : pattern
		return this;
	 * Registered shortcuts
	 * @type Object
	this.shortcuts = function() {
		var ret = [];
		$.each(shortcuts, function(i, s) {
			ret.push([s.pattern, self.i18n(s.description)]);
		return ret;
	 * Get/set clipboard content.
	 * Return new clipboard content.
	 * @example
	 *   this.clipboard([]) - clean clipboard
	 *   this.clipboard([{...}, {...}], true) - put 2 files in clipboard and mark it as cutted
	 * @param  Array    new files hashes
	 * @param  Boolean  cut files?
	 * @return Array
	this.clipboard = function(hashes, cut) {
		var map = function() { return $.map(clipboard, function(f) { return f.hash; }); };

		if (hashes !== void(0)) {
			clipboard.length && this.trigger('unlockfiles', {files : map()});
			remember = {};
			clipboard = $.map(hashes||[], function(hash) {
				var file = files[hash];
				if (file) {
					remember[hash] = true;
					return {
						hash   : hash,
						phash  : file.phash,
						name   : file.name,
						mime   : file.mime,
						read   : file.read,
						locked : file.locked,
						cut    : !!cut
				return null;
			this.trigger('changeclipboard', {clipboard : clipboard.slice(0, clipboard.length)});
			cut && this.trigger('lockfiles', {files : map()});

		// return copy of clipboard instead of refrence
		return clipboard.slice(0, clipboard.length);
	 * Return true if command enabled
	 * @param  String       command name
	 * @param  String|void  hash for check of own volume's disabled cmds
	 * @return Boolean
	this.isCommandEnabled = function(name, dstHash) {
		var disabled, cmd,
			cvid = self.cwd().volumeid || '';
		// In serach results use selected item hash to check
		if (!dstHash && self.searchStatus.state > 1 && self.selected().length) {
			dstHash = self.selected()[0];
		if (dstHash && (! cvid || dstHash.indexOf(cvid) !== 0)) {
			disabled = self.option('disabledFlip', dstHash);
			//if (! disabled) {
			//	disabled = {};
		} else {
			disabled = cwdOptions.disabledFlip/* || {}*/;
		cmd = this._commands[name];
		return cmd ? (cmd.alwaysEnabled || !disabled[name]) : false;
	 * Exec command and return result;
	 * @param  String         command name
	 * @param  String|Array   usualy files hashes
	 * @param  String|Array   command options
	 * @param  String|void    hash for enabled check of own volume's disabled cmds
	 * @return $.Deferred
	this.exec = function(cmd, files, opts, dstHash) {
		var dfrd, resType;
		// apply commandMap for keyboard shortcut
		if (!dstHash && this.commandMap[cmd] && this.commandMap[cmd] !== 'hidden') {
			cmd = this.commandMap[cmd];

		if (cmd === 'open') {
			if (this.searchStatus.state || this.searchStatus.ininc) {
				this.trigger('searchend', { noupdate: true });
		if (!dstHash && files) {
			if ($.isArray(files)) {
				if (files.length) {
					dstHash = files[0];
			} else {
				dstHash = files;
		dfrd = this._commands[cmd] && this.isCommandEnabled(cmd, dstHash) 
			? this._commands[cmd].exec(files, opts) 
			: $.Deferred().reject('errUnknownCmd');
		resType = typeof dfrd;
		if (!(resType === 'object' && dfrd.promise)) {
			self.debug('warning', '"cmd.exec()" should be returned "$.Deferred" but cmd "' + cmd + '" returned "' + resType + '"');
			dfrd = $.Deferred().resolve();
		this.trigger('exec', { dfrd : dfrd, cmd : cmd, files : files, opts : opts, dstHash : dstHash });
		return dfrd;
	 * Create and return dialog.
	 * @param  String|DOMElement  dialog content
	 * @param  Object             dialog options
	 * @return jQuery
	this.dialog = function(content, options) {
		var dialog = $('<div></div>').append(content).appendTo(node).elfinderdialog(options, self),
			dnode  = dialog.closest('.ui-dialog'),
			resize = function(){
				! dialog.data('draged') && dialog.is(':visible') && dialog.elfinderdialog('posInit');
		if (dnode.length) {
			self.bind('resize', resize);
			dnode.on('remove', function() {
				self.unbind('resize', resize);
		return dialog;
	 * Create and return toast.
	 * @param  Object  toast options - see ui/toast.js
	 * @return jQuery
	this.toast = function(options) {
		return $('<div class="ui-front"></div>').appendTo(this.ui.toast).elfindertoast(options || {}, this);
	 * Return UI widget or node
	 * @param  String  ui name
	 * @return jQuery
	this.getUI = function(ui) {
		return ui? (this.ui[ui] || $()) : node;
	 * Return elFinder.command instance or instances array
	 * @param  String  command name
	 * @return Object | Array
	this.getCommand = function(name) {
		return name === void(0) ? this._commands : this._commands[name];
	 * Resize elfinder node
	 * @param  String|Number  width
	 * @param  String|Number  height
	 * @return void
	this.resize = function(w, h) {
		var getMargin = function() {
				var m = node.outerHeight(true) - node.innerHeight(),
					p = node;
				while(p.get(0) !== heightBase.get(0)) {
					p = p.parent();
					m += p.outerHeight(true) - p.innerHeight();
					if (! p.parent().length) {
						// reached the document
				return m;
			fit = ! node.hasClass('ui-resizable'),
			prv = node.data('resizeSize') || {w: 0, h: 0},
			mt, size = {};

		if (heightBase && heightBase.data('resizeTm')) {
		if (! self.options.noResizeBySelf) {
			if (typeof h === 'string') {
				if (mt = h.match(/^([0-9.]+)%$/)) {
					// setup heightBase
					if (! heightBase || ! heightBase.length) {
						heightBase = $(window);
					if (! heightBase.data('marginToMyNode')) {
						heightBase.data('marginToMyNode', getMargin());
					if (! heightBase.data('fitToBaseFunc')) {
						heightBase.data('fitToBaseFunc', function(e) {
							var tm = heightBase.data('resizeTm');
							tm && cancelAnimationFrame(tm);
							if (! node.hasClass('elfinder-fullscreen') && (!self.UA.Mobile || heightBase.data('rotated') !== self.UA.Rotated)) {
								heightBase.data('rotated', self.UA.Rotated);
								heightBase.data('resizeTm', requestAnimationFrame(function() {
					if (typeof heightBase.data('rotated') === 'undefined') {
						heightBase.data('rotated', self.UA.Rotated);
					h = heightBase.height() * (mt[1] / 100) - heightBase.data('marginToMyNode');
					heightBase.off('resize.' + self.namespace, heightBase.data('fitToBaseFunc'));
					fit && heightBase.on('resize.' + self.namespace, heightBase.data('fitToBaseFunc'));
			node.css({ width : w, height : parseInt(h) });

		size.w = Math.round(node.width());
		size.h = Math.round(node.height());
		node.data('resizeSize', size);
		if (size.w !== prv.w || size.h !== prv.h) {
			this.trigger('resize', {width : size.w, height : size.h});
	 * Restore elfinder node size
	 * @return elFinder
	this.restoreSize = function() {
		this.resize(width, height);
	this.show = function() {
	this.hide = function() {
		if (this.options.enableAlways) {
			prevEnabled = enabled;
			enabled = false;
	 * Lazy execution function
	 * @param  Object  function
	 * @param  Number  delay
	 * @param  Object  options
	 * @return Object  jQuery.Deferred
	this.lazy = function(func, delay, opts) {
		var busy = function(state) {
				var cnt = node.data('lazycnt'),
				if (state) {
					repaint = node.data('lazyrepaint')? false : opts.repaint;
					if (! cnt) {
						node.data('lazycnt', 1)
					} else {
						node.data('lazycnt', ++cnt);
					if (repaint) {
						node.data('lazyrepaint', true).css('display'); // force repaint
				} else {
					if (cnt && cnt > 1) {
						node.data('lazycnt', --cnt);
					} else {
						repaint = node.data('lazyrepaint');
						node.data('lazycnt', 0)
						repaint && node.css('display'); // force repaint;
			dfd  = $.Deferred(),
			callFunc = function() {
		delay = delay || 0;
		opts = opts || {};
		if (delay) {
			setTimeout(callFunc, delay);
		} else {
		return dfd;
	 * Destroy this elFinder instance
	 * @return void
	this.destroy = function() {
		if (node && node[0].elfinder) {
			node.hasClass('elfinder-fullscreen') && self.toggleFullscreen(node);
			this.options.syncStart = false;
			clipboard = [];
			selected = [];
			listeners = {};
			shortcuts = {};
			$(window).off('.' + namespace);
			$(document).off('.' + namespace);
			self.trigger = function(){};
				.attr('class', prevContent.attr('class'))
				.attr('style', prevContent.attr('style'));
			delete node[0].elfinder;
			// restore kept events
			$.each(prevEvents, function(n, arr) {
				$.each(arr, function(i, o) {
					node.on(o.type + (o.namespace? '.'+o.namespace : ''), o.selector, o.handler);
	 * Start or stop auto sync
	 * @param  String|Bool  stop
	 * @return void
	this.autoSync = function(mode) {
		var sync;
		if (self.options.sync >= 1000) {
			if (syncInterval) {
				syncInterval = null;
				self.trigger('autosync', {action : 'stop'});
			if (mode === 'stop') {
			} else {
				autoSyncStop = Math.max(0, --autoSyncStop);
			if (autoSyncStop || mode === 'forcestop' || ! self.options.syncStart) {
			// run interval sync
			sync = function(start){
				var timeout;
				if (cwdOptions.syncMinMs && (start || syncInterval)) {
					start && self.trigger('autosync', {action : 'start'});
					timeout = Math.max(self.options.sync, cwdOptions.syncMinMs);
					syncInterval && clearTimeout(syncInterval);
					syncInterval = setTimeout(function() {
						var dosync = true, hash = cwd, cts;
						if (cwdOptions.syncChkAsTs && files[hash] && (cts = files[hash].ts)) {
								data : {cmd : 'info', targets : [hash], compare : cts, reload : 1},
								preventDefault : true
								var ts;
								dosync = true;
								if (data.compare) {
									ts = data.compare;
									if (ts == cts) {
										dosync = false;
								if (dosync) {
										if (ts) {
											// update ts for cache clear etc.
											files[hash].ts = ts;
								} else {
							.fail(function(error, xhr){
								var err = self.parseError(error);
								if (err && xhr.status != 0) {
									if (Array.isArray(err) && $.inArray('errOpen', err) !== -1) {
											data   : {cmd : 'open', target : (self.lastDir('') || self.root()), tree : 1, init : 1},
											notify : {type : 'open', cnt : 1, hideCnt : true}
								} else {
									syncInterval = setTimeout(function() {
									}, timeout);
						} else {
							self.sync(cwd, true).always(function(){
					}, timeout);
	 * Return bool is inside work zone of specific point
	 * @param  Number event.pageX
	 * @param  Number event.pageY
	 * @return Bool
	this.insideWorkzone = function(x, y, margin) {
		var rectangle = this.getUI('workzone').data('rectangle');
		margin = margin || 1;
		if (x < rectangle.left + margin
		|| x > rectangle.left + rectangle.width + margin
		|| y < rectangle.top + margin
		|| y > rectangle.top + rectangle.height + margin) {
			return false;
		return true;
	 * Target ui node move to last of children of elFinder node fot to show front
	 * @param  Object  target    Target jQuery node object
	this.toFront = function(target) {
		var nodes = node.children('.ui-front').removeClass('elfinder-frontmost'),
			lastnode = nodes.last();
		nodes.css('z-index', '');
		$(target).addClass('ui-front elfinder-frontmost').css('z-index', lastnode.css('z-index') + 1);
	 * Remove class 'elfinder-frontmost' and hide() to target ui node
	 * @param      Object   target  Target jQuery node object
	 * @param      Boolean  nohide  Do not hide
	this.toHide =function(target, nohide) {
		var tgt = $(target),

		!nohide && tgt.hide();
		if (tgt.hasClass('elfinder-frontmost')) {
			last = node.children('.ui-front:visible:not(.elfinder-frontmost)').last();
			if (last.length) {
				requestAnimationFrame(function() {
					if (!node.children('.elfinder-frontmost:visible').length) {

	 * Return css object for maximize
	 * @return Object
	this.getMaximizeCss = function() {
		return {
			width   : '100%',
			height  : '100%',
			margin  : 0,
			top     : 0,
			left    : 0,
			display : 'block',
			position: 'fixed',
			zIndex  : Math.max(self.zIndex? (self.zIndex + 1) : 0 , 1000),
			maxWidth : '',
			maxHeight: ''
	// Closure for togglefullscreen
	(function() {
		// check is in iframe
		if (inFrame && self.UA.Fullscreen) {
			self.UA.Fullscreen = false;
			if (parentIframe && typeof parentIframe.attr('allowfullscreen') !== 'undefined') {
				self.UA.Fullscreen = true;

		var orgStyle, bodyOvf, resizeTm, fullElm, exitFull, toFull, funcObj,
			cls = 'elfinder-fullscreen',
			clsN = 'elfinder-fullscreen-native',
			checkDialog = function() {
				var t = 0,
					l = 0;
				$.each(node.children('.ui-dialog,.ui-draggable'), function(i, d) {
					var $d = $(d),
						pos = $d.position();
					if (pos.top < 0) {
						$d.css('top', t);
						t += 20;
					if (pos.left < 0) {
						$d.css('left', l);
						l += 20;
			setFuncObj = function() {
				var useFullscreen = self.storage('useFullscreen');
				funcObj = self.UA.Fullscreen && (useFullscreen? useFullscreen > 0 : self.options.commandsOptions.fullscreen.mode === 'screen') ? {
					// native full screen mode
					fullElm: function() {
						return document.fullscreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement || null;
					exitFull: function() {
						if (document.exitFullscreen) {
							return document.exitFullscreen();
						} else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) {
							return document.webkitExitFullscreen();
						} else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {
							return document.mozCancelFullScreen();
						} else if (document.msExitFullscreen) {
							return document.msExitFullscreen();
					toFull: function(elem) {
						if (elem.requestFullscreen) {
							return elem.requestFullscreen();
						} else if (elem.webkitRequestFullscreen) {
							return elem.webkitRequestFullscreen();
						} else if (elem.mozRequestFullScreen) {
							return elem.mozRequestFullScreen();
						} else if (elem.msRequestFullscreen) {
							return elem.msRequestFullscreen();
						return false;
				} : {
					// node element maximize mode
					fullElm: function() {
						var full;
						if (node.hasClass(cls)) {
							return node.get(0);
						} else {
							full = node.find('.' + cls);
							if (full.length) {
								return full.get(0);
						return null;
					exitFull: function() {
						var elm;
						$(window).off('resize.' + namespace, resize);
						if (bodyOvf !== void(0)) {
							$('body').css('overflow', bodyOvf);
						bodyOvf = void(0);
						if (orgStyle) {
							elm = orgStyle.elm;
							$(elm).trigger('resize', {fullscreen: 'off'});
					toFull: function(elem) {
						bodyOvf = $('body').css('overflow') || '';
						$('body').css('overflow', 'hidden');
							.trigger('resize', {fullscreen: 'on'});
						$(window).on('resize.' + namespace, resize).trigger('resize');
						return true;
			restoreStyle = function(elem) {
				if (orgStyle && orgStyle.elm == elem) {
					$(elem).removeClass(cls + ' ' + clsN).attr('style', orgStyle.style);
					orgStyle = null;
			resize = function(e) {
				var elm;
				if (e.target === window) {
					resizeTm && cancelAnimationFrame(resizeTm);
					resizeTm = requestAnimationFrame(function() {
						if (elm = funcObj.fullElm()) {
							$(elm).trigger('resize', {fullscreen: 'on'});

		$(document).on('fullscreenchange.' + namespace + ' webkitfullscreenchange.' + namespace + ' mozfullscreenchange.' + namespace + ' MSFullscreenChange.' + namespace, function(e){
			if (self.UA.Fullscreen) {
				var elm = funcObj.fullElm(),
					win = $(window);
				resizeTm && cancelAnimationFrame(resizeTm);
				if (elm === null) {
					win.off('resize.' + namespace, resize);
					if (orgStyle) {
						elm = orgStyle.elm;
						$(elm).trigger('resize', {fullscreen: 'off'});
				} else {
					$(elm).addClass(cls + ' ' + clsN)
						.attr('style', 'width:100%; height:100%; margin:0; padding:0;')
						.trigger('resize', {fullscreen: 'on'});
					win.on('resize.' + namespace, resize);
		 * Toggle Full Scrren Mode
		 * @param  Object target
		 * @param  Bool   full
		 * @return Object | Null  DOM node object of current full scrren
		self.toggleFullscreen = function(target, full) {
			var elm = $(target).get(0),
				curElm = null;
			curElm = funcObj.fullElm();
			if (curElm) {
				if (curElm == elm) {
					if (full === true) {
						return curElm;
				} else {
					if (full === false) {
						return curElm;
				return null;
			} else {
				if (full === false) {
					return null;
			orgStyle = {elm: elm, style: $(elm).attr('style')};
			if (funcObj.toFull(elm) !== false) {
				return elm;
			} else {
				orgStyle = null;
				return null;
	// Closure for toggleMaximize
		var cls = 'elfinder-maximized',
		resize = function(e) {
			if (e.target === window && e.data && e.data.elm) {
				var elm = e.data.elm;
				resizeTm && cancelAnimationFrame(resizeTm);
				resizeTm = requestAnimationFrame(function() {
					elm.trigger('resize', {maximize: 'on'});
		exitMax = function(elm) {
			$(window).off('resize.' + namespace, resize);
			$('body').css('overflow', elm.data('bodyOvf'));
				.attr('style', elm.data('orgStyle'))
			elm.trigger('resize', {maximize: 'off'});
		toMax = function(elm) {
			elm.data('bodyOvf', $('body').css('overflow') || '')
				.data('orgStyle', elm.attr('style'))
			$('body').css('overflow', 'hidden');
			$(window).on('resize.' + namespace, {elm: elm}, resize);
			elm.trigger('resize', {maximize: 'on'});
		 * Toggle Maximize target node
		 * @param  Object target
		 * @param  Bool   max
		 * @return void
		self.toggleMaximize = function(target, max) {
			var elm = $(target),
				maximized = elm.hasClass(cls);
			if (maximized) {
				if (max === true) {
			} else {
				if (max === false) {
	/*************  init stuffs  ****************/
	Object.assign($.ui.keyCode, {
		'F1' : 112,
		'F2' : 113,
		'F3' : 114,
		'F4' : 115,
		'F5' : 116,
		'F6' : 117,
		'F7' : 118,
		'F8' : 119,
		'F9' : 120,
		'F10' : 121,
		'F11' : 122,
		'F12' : 123,
		'DIG0' : 48,
		'DIG1' : 49,
		'DIG2' : 50,
		'DIG3' : 51,
		'DIG4' : 52,
		'DIG5' : 53,
		'DIG6' : 54,
		'DIG7' : 55,
		'DIG8' : 56,
		'DIG9' : 57,
		'NUM0' : 96,
		'NUM1' : 97,
		'NUM2' : 98,
		'NUM3' : 99,
		'NUM4' : 100,
		'NUM5' : 101,
		'NUM6' : 102,
		'NUM7' : 103,
		'NUM8' : 104,
		'NUM9' : 105,
		'DOT'  : 190
	this.dragUpload = false;
	this.xhrUpload  = (typeof XMLHttpRequestUpload != 'undefined' || typeof XMLHttpRequestEventTarget != 'undefined') && typeof File != 'undefined' && typeof FormData != 'undefined';
	// configure transport object
	this.transport = {};

	if (typeof(this.options.transport) == 'object') {
		this.transport = this.options.transport;
		if (typeof(this.transport.init) == 'function') {
	if (typeof(this.transport.send) != 'function') {
		this.transport.send = function(opts) {
			if (!self.UA.IE) {
				// keep native xhr object for handling property responseURL
				opts._xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
				opts.xhr = function() { 
					if (opts.progress) {
						opts._xhr.addEventListener('progress', opts.progress); 
					return opts._xhr;
			return $.ajax(opts);
	if (this.transport.upload == 'iframe') {
		this.transport.upload = $.proxy(this.uploads.iframe, this);
	} else if (typeof(this.transport.upload) == 'function') {
		this.dragUpload = !!this.options.dragUploadAllow;
	} else if (this.xhrUpload && !!this.options.dragUploadAllow) {
		this.transport.upload = $.proxy(this.uploads.xhr, this);
		this.dragUpload = true;
	} else {
		this.transport.upload = $.proxy(this.uploads.iframe, this);

	 * Decoding 'raw' string converted to unicode
	 * @param  String str
	 * @return String
	this.decodeRawString = function(str) {
		var charCodes = function(str) {
			var i, len, arr;
			for (i=0,len=str.length,arr=[]; i<len; i++) {
			return arr;
		scalarValues = function(arr) {
			var scalars = [], i, len, c;
			if (typeof arr === 'string') {arr = charCodes(arr);}
			for (i=0,len=arr.length; c=arr[i],i<len; i++) {
				if (c >= 0xd800 && c <= 0xdbff) {
					scalars.push((c & 1023) + 64 << 10 | arr[++i] & 1023);
				} else {
			return scalars;
		decodeUTF8 = function(arr) {
			var i, len, c, str, char = String.fromCharCode;
			for (i=0,len=arr.length,str=""; c=arr[i],i<len; i++) {
				if (c <= 0x7f) {
					str += char(c);
				} else if (c <= 0xdf && c >= 0xc2) {
					str += char((c&31)<<6 | arr[++i]&63);
				} else if (c <= 0xef && c >= 0xe0) {
					str += char((c&15)<<12 | (arr[++i]&63)<<6 | arr[++i]&63);
				} else if (c <= 0xf7 && c >= 0xf0) {
					str += char(
						0xd800 | ((c&7)<<8 | (arr[++i]&63)<<2 | arr[++i]>>>4&3) - 64,
						0xdc00 | (arr[i++]&15)<<6 | arr[i]&63
				} else {
					str += char(0xfffd);
			return str;
		return decodeUTF8(scalarValues(str));

	 * Gets target file contents by file.hash
	 * @param      String  hash          The hash
	 * @param      String  responseType  'blob' or 'arraybuffer' (default)
	 * @param      Object  requestOpts   The request options
	 * @return     arraybuffer|blob  The contents.
	this.getContents = function(hash, responseType, requestOpts) {
		var self = this,
			dfd = $.Deferred(),
			type = responseType || 'arraybuffer',
			url, req;

		dfd.fail(function() {
			req && req.state() === 'pending' && req.reject();

		url = self.openUrl(hash);
		if (!self.isSameOrigin(url)) {
			url = self.openUrl(hash, true);
		req = self.request(Object.assign({
			data    : {cmd : 'get'},
			options : {
				url: url,
				type: 'get',
				cache : true,
				dataType : 'binary',
				responseType : type,
				processData: false
			notify : {
				type: 'file',
				cnt: 1,
				hideCnt: true
			cancel : true
		}, requestOpts || {}))
		.fail(function() {
		.done(function(data) {

		return dfd;

	 * Gets the binary by url.
	 * @param      {Object}    opts      The options
	 * @param      {Function}  callback  The callback
	 * @param      {Object}    requestOpts The request options
	 * @return     arraybuffer|blob  The contents.
	this.getBinaryByUrl = function(opts, callback, requestOpts) {
		var self = this,
			dfd = $.Deferred(),
			url, req;

		dfd.fail(function() {
			req && req.state() === 'pending' && req.reject();

		req = self.request(Object.assign({
			data    : {cmd : 'get'},
			options : Object.assign({
				type: 'get',
				cache : true,
				dataType : 'binary',
				responseType : 'blob',
				processData: false
			}, opts)
		}, requestOpts || {}))
		.fail(function() {
		.done(function(data) {
			callback && callback(data);

		return dfd;

	 * Gets the mimetype.
	 * @param      {string}  name     The name
	 * @param      {string}  orgMime  The organization mime
	 * @return     {string}  The mimetype.
	this.getMimetype = function(name, orgMime) {
		var mime = orgMime,
			ext, m;
		m = (name + '').match(/\.([^.]+)$/);
		if (m && (ext = m[1])) {
			if (!extToMimeTable) {
				extToMimeTable = self.arrayFlip(self.mimeTypes);
			if (!(mime = extToMimeTable[ext.toLowerCase()])) {
				mime = orgMime;
		return mime;

	 * Supported check hash algorisms
	 * @type Array
	self.hashCheckers = [];

	 * Closure of getContentsHashes()
	(function(self) {
		var hashLibs = {};

		if (window.Worker && window.ArrayBuffer) {
			// make fm.hashCheckers
			if (self.options.cdns.sparkmd5) {
				hashLibs.SparkMD5 = true;
			if (self.options.cdns.jssha) {
				hashLibs.jsSHA = true;
				self.hashCheckers = self.hashCheckers.concat(['sha1', 'sha224', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512', 'sha3-224', 'sha3-256', 'sha3-384', 'sha3-512', 'shake128', 'shake256']);

		 * Gets the contents hashes.
		 * @param      String  target      target file.hash
		 * @param      Object  needHashes  need hash lib names
		 * @param      Object  requestOpts The request options
		 * @return     Object  hashes with lib name as key
		self.getContentsHashes = function(target, needHashes, hashOpts, requestOpts) {
			var dfd = $.Deferred(),
				needs = self.arrayFlip(needHashes || ['md5'], true),
				libs = [],
				jobs = [],
				res = {},
				opts = hashOpts? hashOpts : {
					shake128len : 256,
					shake256len : 512

			dfd.fail(function() {
				req && req.reject();

			if (Object.keys(hashLibs).length) {
				req = self.getContents(target, 'arraybuffer', requestOpts).done(function(arrayBuffer) {
					if (needs.md5 && hashLibs.SparkMD5) {
						jobs.push((function() {
							var job = $.Deferred();
							try {
								var wk = self.getWorker();
								job.fail(function() {
									wk && wk.terminate();
								wk.onmessage = function(ans) {
									wk && wk.terminate();
									if (ans.data.hash) {
										var f;
										res.md5 = ans.data.hash;
										if (f = self.file(target)) {
											f.md5 = res.md5;
									} else if (ans.data.error) {
										res.md5 = ans.data.error;
								wk.onerror = function(e) {
									scripts: [self.options.cdns.sparkmd5, self.getWorkerUrl('calcfilehash.js')],
									data: { type: 'md5', bin: arrayBuffer }
								dfd.fail(function() {
							} catch(e) {
								delete hashLibs.SparkMD5;
							return job;
					if (hashLibs.jsSHA) {
						$.each(['1', '224', '256', '384', '512', '3-224', '3-256', '3-384', '3-512', 'ke128', 'ke256'], function(i, v) {
							if (needs['sha' + v]) {
								jobs.push((function() {
									var job = $.Deferred();
									try {
										var wk = self.getWorker();
										job.fail(function() {
											wk && wk.terminate();
										wk.onmessage = function(ans) {
											wk && wk.terminate();
											if (ans.data.hash) {
												var f;
												res['sha' + v] = ans.data.hash;
												if (f = self.file(target)) {
													f['sha' + v] = res['sha' + v];
											} else if (ans.data.error) {
												res['sha' + v] = ans.data.error;
										wk.onerror = function(e) {
											scripts: [self.options.cdns.jssha, self.getWorkerUrl('calcfilehash.js')],
											data: { type: v, bin: arrayBuffer, hashOpts: opts }
										dfd.fail(function() {
									} catch(e) {
										delete hashLibs.jsSHA;
									return job;
					if (jobs.length) {
						$.when.apply(null, jobs).always(function() {
					} else {
				}).fail(function() {
			} else {

			return dfd;

	 * Parse error value to display
	 * @param  Mixed  error
	 * @return Mixed  parsed error
	this.parseError = function(error) {
		var arg = error;
		if ($.isPlainObject(arg)) {
			arg = arg.error;
		return arg;

	 * Alias for this.trigger('error', {error : 'message'})
	 * @param  String  error message
	 * @return elFinder
	this.error = function() {
		var arg = arguments[0],
			opts = arguments[1] || null,
		if (arguments.length == 1 && typeof(arg) === 'function') {
			return self.bind('error', arg);
		} else {
			err = this.parseError(arg);
			return (err === true || !err)? this : self.trigger('error', {error: err, opts : opts});
	// create bind/trigger aliases for build-in events
	$.each(events, function(i, name) {
		self[name] = function() {
			var arg = arguments[0];
			return arguments.length == 1 && typeof(arg) == 'function'
				? self.bind(name, arg)
				: self.trigger(name, $.isPlainObject(arg) ? arg : {});

	// bind core event handlers
		.enable(function() {
			if (!enabled && self.api && self.visible() && self.ui.overlay.is(':hidden') && ! node.children('.elfinder-dialog.' + self.res('class', 'editing') + ':visible').length) {
				enabled = true;
				document.activeElement && document.activeElement.blur();
		.disable(function() {
			prevEnabled = enabled;
			enabled = false;
		.open(function() {
			selected = [];
		.select(function(e) {
			var cnt = 0,
				unselects = [];
			selected = $.grep(e.data.selected || e.data.value|| [], function(hash) {
				if (unselects.length || (self.maxTargets && ++cnt > self.maxTargets)) {
					return false;
				} else {
					return files[hash] ? true : false;
			if (unselects.length) {
				self.trigger('unselectfiles', {files: unselects, inselect: true});
				self.toast({mode: 'warning', msg: self.i18n(['errMaxTargets', self.maxTargets])});
		.error(function(e) { 
			var opts  = {
					cssClass  : 'elfinder-dialog-error',
					title     : self.i18n('error'),
					resizable : false,
					destroyOnClose : true,
					buttons   : {}
				node = self.getUI(),
				cnt = node.children('.elfinder-dialog-error').length,
				last, counter;
			if (cnt < self.options.maxErrorDialogs) {
				opts.buttons[self.i18n(self.i18n('btnClose'))] = function() { $(this).elfinderdialog('close'); };

				if (e.data.opts && $.isPlainObject(e.data.opts)) {
					Object.assign(opts, e.data.opts);

				self.dialog('<span class="elfinder-dialog-icon elfinder-dialog-icon-error"></span>'+self.i18n(e.data.error), opts);
			} else {
				last = node.children('.elfinder-dialog-error:last').children('.ui-dialog-content:first');
				counter = last.children('.elfinder-error-counter');
				if (counter.length) {
					counter.data('cnt', parseInt(counter.data('cnt')) + 1).html(self.i18n(['moreErrors', counter.data('cnt')]));
				} else {
					counter = $('<span class="elfinder-error-counter">'+ self.i18n(['moreErrors', 1]) +'</span>').data('cnt', 1);
					last.append('<br/>', counter);
		.bind('tmb', function(e) {
			$.each(e.data.images||[], function(hash, tmb) {
				if (files[hash]) {
					files[hash].tmb = tmb;
		.bind('searchstart', function(e) {
			Object.assign(self.searchStatus, e.data);
			self.searchStatus.state = 1;
		.bind('search', function(e) {
			self.searchStatus.state = 2;
		.bind('searchend', function() {
			self.searchStatus.state = 0;
			self.searchStatus.ininc = false;
			self.searchStatus.mixed = false;
		.bind('canMakeEmptyFile', function(e) {
			var data = e.data,
				obj = {};
			if (data && Array.isArray(data.mimes)) {
				if (!data.unshift) {
					obj = self.mimesCanMakeEmpty;
				$.each(data.mimes, function() {
					if (!obj[this]) {
						obj[this] = self.mimeTypes[this];
				if (data.unshift) {
					self.mimesCanMakeEmpty = Object.assign(obj, self.mimesCanMakeEmpty);
		.bind('themechange', function() {
			requestAnimationFrame(function() {

	// We listen and emit a sound on delete according to option
	if (true === this.options.sound) {
		this.bind('playsound', function(e) {
			var play  = beeper.canPlayType && beeper.canPlayType('audio/wav; codecs="1"'),
				file = e.data && e.data.soundFile;

			play && file && play != '' && play != 'no' && $(beeper).html('<source src="' + soundPath + file + '" type="audio/wav">')[0].play();

	// bind external event handlers
	$.each(this.options.handlers, function(event, callback) {
		self.bind(event, callback);

	 * History object. Store visited folders
	 * @type Object
	this.history = new this.history(this);
	 * Root hashed
	 * @type Object
	this.roots = {};
	 * leaf roots
	 * @type Object
	this.leafRoots = {};
	this.volumeExpires = {};

	 * Loaded commands
	 * @type Object
	this._commands = {};
	if (!Array.isArray(this.options.commands)) {
		this.options.commands = [];
	if ($.inArray('*', this.options.commands) !== -1) {
		this.options.commands = Object.keys(this.commands);
	 * UI command map of cwd volume ( That volume driver option `uiCmdMap` )
	 * @type Object
	this.commandMap = {};
	 * cwd options of each volume
	 * key: volumeid
	 * val: options object
	 * @type Object
	this.volOptions = {};

	 * Has volOptions data
	 * @type Boolean
	this.hasVolOptions = false;

	 * Hash of trash holders
	 * key: trash folder hash
	 * val: source volume hash
	 * @type Object
	this.trashes = {};

	 * cwd options of each folder/file
	 * key: hash
	 * val: options object
	 * @type Object
	this.optionsByHashes = {};
	 * UI Auto Hide Functions
	 * Each auto hide function mast be call to `fm.trigger('uiautohide')` at end of process
	 * @type Array
	this.uiAutoHide = [];
	// trigger `uiautohide`
	this.one('open', function() {
		if (self.uiAutoHide.length) {
			setTimeout(function() {
			}, 500);
	// Auto Hide Functions sequential processing start
	this.bind('uiautohide', function() {
		if (self.uiAutoHide.length) {

	if (this.options.width) {
		width = this.options.width;
	if (this.options.height) {
		height = this.options.height;
	if (this.options.heightBase) {
		heightBase = $(this.options.heightBase);
	if (this.options.soundPath) {
		soundPath = this.options.soundPath.replace(/\/+$/, '') + '/';
	} else {
		soundPath = this.baseUrl + soundPath;
	if (this.options.parrotHeaders && Array.isArray(this.options.parrotHeaders) && this.options.parrotHeaders.length) {
		this.parrotHeaders = this.options.parrotHeaders;
		// check sessionStorage
		$.each(this.parrotHeaders, function(i, h) {
			var v = self.sessionStorage('core-ph:' + h);
			if (v) {
				self.customHeaders[h] = v;
	} else {
		this.parrotHeaders = [];

	self.one('opendone', function() {
		var tm;
		// attach events to document
			// disable elfinder on click outside elfinder
			.on('click.'+namespace, function(e) { enabled && ! self.options.enableAlways && !$(e.target).closest(node).length && self.disable(); })
			// exec shortcuts
			.on(keydown+' '+keypress+' '+keyup+' '+mousedown, execShortcut);
		// attach events to window
		self.options.useBrowserHistory && $(window)
			.on('popstate.' + namespace, function(ev) {
				var state = ev.originalEvent.state || {},
					hasThash = state.thash? true : false,
					dialog = node.find('.elfinder-frontmost:visible'),
					input = node.find('.elfinder-navbar-dir,.elfinder-cwd-filename').find('input,textarea'),
					onOpen, toast;
				if (!hasThash) {
					state = { thash: self.cwd().hash };
					// scroll to elFinder node
					$('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: node.offset().top });
				if (dialog.length || input.length) {
					history.pushState(state, null, location.pathname + location.search + '#elf_' + state.thash);
					if (dialog.length) {
						if (!dialog.hasClass(self.res('class', 'preventback'))) {
							if (dialog.hasClass('elfinder-contextmenu')) {
								$(document).trigger($.Event('keydown', { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE, ctrlKey : false, shiftKey : false, altKey : false, metaKey : false }));
							} else if (dialog.hasClass('elfinder-dialog')) {
							} else {
					} else {
						input.trigger($.Event('keydown', { keyCode: $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE, ctrlKey : false, shiftKey : false, altKey : false, metaKey : false }));
				} else {
					if (hasThash) {
						!$.isEmptyObject(self.files()) && self.request({
							data   : {cmd  : 'open', target : state.thash, onhistory : 1},
							notify : {type : 'open', cnt : 1, hideCnt : true},
							syncOnFail : true
					} else {
						onOpen = function() {
						self.one('open', onOpen, true);
						toast = self.toast({
							msg: self.i18n('pressAgainToExit'),
							onHidden: function() {
								self.unbind('open', onOpen);
								history.pushState(state, null, location.pathname + location.search + '#elf_' + state.thash);
		$(window).on('resize.' + namespace, function(e){
			if (e.target === this) {
				tm && cancelAnimationFrame(tm);
				tm = requestAnimationFrame(function() {
					var prv = node.data('resizeSize') || {w: 0, h: 0},
						size = {w: Math.round(node.width()), h: Math.round(node.height())};
					node.data('resizeSize', size);
					if (size.w !== prv.w || size.h !== prv.h) {
						self.trigger('resize', {width : size.w, height : size.h});
		.on('beforeunload.' + namespace,function(e){
			var msg, cnt;
			if (!self.pauseUnloadCheck()) {
				if (node.is(':visible')) {
					if (self.ui.notify.children().length && $.inArray('hasNotifyDialog', self.options.windowCloseConfirm) !== -1) {
						msg = self.i18n('ntfsmth');
					} else if (node.find('.'+self.res('class', 'editing')).length && $.inArray('editingFile', self.options.windowCloseConfirm) !== -1) {
						msg = self.i18n('editingFile');
					} else if ((cnt = Object.keys(self.selected()).length) && $.inArray('hasSelectedItem', self.options.windowCloseConfirm) !== -1) {
						msg = self.i18n('hasSelected', ''+cnt);
					} else if ((cnt = Object.keys(self.clipboard()).length) && $.inArray('hasClipboardData', self.options.windowCloseConfirm) !== -1) {
						msg = self.i18n('hasClipboard', ''+cnt);
					if (msg) {
						e.returnValue = msg;
						return msg;

		// bind window onmessage for CORS
		$(window).on('message.' + namespace, function(e){
			var res = e.originalEvent || null,
				obj, data;
			if (res && (self.convAbsUrl(self.options.url).indexOf(res.origin) === 0 || self.convAbsUrl(self.uploadURL).indexOf(res.origin) === 0)) {
				try {
					obj = JSON.parse(res.data);
					data = obj.data || null;
					if (data) {
						if (data.error) {
							if (obj.bind) {
								self.trigger(obj.bind+'fail', data);
						} else {
							data.warning && self.error(data.warning);
							data.removed && data.removed.length && self.remove(data);
							data.added   && data.added.length   && self.add(data);
							data.changed && data.changed.length && self.change(data);
							if (obj.bind) {
								self.trigger(obj.bind, data);
							data.sync && self.sync();
				} catch (e) {

		// elFinder enable always
		if (self.options.enableAlways) {
			$(window).on('focus.' + namespace, function(e){
				(e.target === this) && self.enable();
			if (inFrame) {
				$(window.top).on('focus.' + namespace, function() {
					if (self.enable() && (! parentIframe || parentIframe.is(':visible'))) {
						requestAnimationFrame(function() {
		} else if (inFrame) {
			$(window).on('blur.' + namespace, function(e){
				enabled && e.target === this && self.disable();

		// return focus to the window on click (elFInder in the frame)
		if (inFrame) {
			node.on('click', function(e) {
		// elFinder to enable by mouse over
		if (self.options.enableByMouseOver) {
			node.on('mouseenter touchstart', function(e) {
				(inFrame) && $(window).trigger('focus');
				! self.enabled() && self.enable();

		// When the browser tab turn to foreground/background
		$(window).on('visibilitychange.' + namespace, function(e) {
			var background = document.hidden || document.webkitHidden || document.msHidden;
			// AutoSync turn On/Off
			if (self.options.syncStart) {
				self.autoSync(background? 'stop' : void(0));

	// store instance in node
	node[0].elfinder = this;

	// auto load language file
	dfrdsBeforeBootup.push((function() {
		var lang   = self.lang,
			langJs = self.i18nBaseUrl + 'elfinder.' + lang + '.js',
			dfd    = $.Deferred().done(function() {
				if (self.i18[lang]) {
					self.lang = lang;
				i18n = self.lang === 'en' 
					? self.i18['en'] 
					: $.extend(true, {}, self.i18['en'], self.i18[self.lang]);
		if (!self.i18[lang]) {
			self.lang = 'en';
			if (self.hasRequire) {
				require([langJs], function() {
				}, function() {
			} else {
				self.loadScript([langJs], function() {
				}, {
					loadType: 'tag',
					error : function() {
		} else {
		return dfd;
	// elFinder boot up function
	bootUp = function() {
		var columnNames;

		 * i18 messages
		 * @type Object
		self.messages = i18n.messages;
		// check jquery ui
		if (!($.fn.selectable && $.fn.draggable && $.fn.droppable && $.fn.resizable && $.fn.button && $.fn.slider)) {
			return alert(self.i18n('errJqui'));
		// check node
		if (!node.length) {
			return alert(self.i18n('errNode'));
		// check connector url
		if (!self.options.url) {
			return alert(self.i18n('errURL'));
		// column key/name map for fm.getColumnName()
		columnNames = Object.assign({
			name : self.i18n('name'),
			perm : self.i18n('perms'),
			date : self.i18n('modify'),
			size : self.i18n('size'),
			kind : self.i18n('kind'),
			modestr : self.i18n('mode'),
			modeoct : self.i18n('mode'),
			modeboth : self.i18n('mode')
		}, self.options.uiOptions.cwd.listView.columnsCustomName);

		 * Gets the column name of cwd list view
		 * @param      String  key     The key
		 * @return     String  The column name.
		self.getColumnName = function(key) {
			var res = columnNames[key] || self.i18n(key);
			return typeof res === 'function'? res() : res;

		 * Interface direction
		 * @type String
		 * @default "ltr"
		self.direction = i18n.direction;
		 * Date/time format
		 * @type String
		 * @default "m.d.Y"
		self.dateFormat = self.options.dateFormat || i18n.dateFormat;
		 * Date format like "Yesterday 10:20:12"
		 * @type String
		 * @default "{day} {time}"
		self.fancyFormat = self.options.fancyDateFormat || i18n.fancyDateFormat;
		 * Date format for if upload file has not original unique name
		 * e.g. Clipboard image data, Image data taken with iOS
		 * @type String
		 * @default "ymd-His"
		self.nonameDateFormat = (self.options.nonameDateFormat || i18n.nonameDateFormat).replace(/[\/\\]/g, '_');

		 * Css classes 
		 * @type String
		self.cssClass = 'ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all elfinder elfinder-'
				+(self.direction == 'rtl' ? 'rtl' : 'ltr')
				+(self.UA.Touch? (' elfinder-touch' + (self.options.resizable ? ' touch-punch' : '')) : '')
				+(self.UA.Mobile? ' elfinder-mobile' : '')
				+(self.UA.iOS? ' elfinder-ios' : '')
				+' '+self.options.cssClass;

		// prepare node
			.on(mousedown, function() {
				!enabled && self.enable();

		// draggable closure
		(function() {
			var ltr, wzRect, wzBottom, wzBottom2, nodeStyle,
				keyEvt = keydown + 'draggable' + ' keyup.' + namespace + 'draggable';
			 * Base draggable options
			 * @type Object
			self.draggable = {
				appendTo   : node,
				addClasses : false,
				distance   : 4,
				revert     : true,
				refreshPositions : false,
				cursor     : 'crosshair',
				cursorAt   : {left : 50, top : 47},
				scroll     : false,
				start      : function(e, ui) {
					var helper   = ui.helper,
						targets  = $.grep(helper.data('files')||[], function(h) {
							if (h) {
								remember[h] = true;
								return true;
							return false;
						locked   = false,
						cnt, h;
					// fix node size
					nodeStyle = node.attr('style');
					// set var for drag()
					ltr = (self.direction === 'ltr');
					wzRect = self.getUI('workzone').data('rectangle');
					wzBottom = wzRect.top + wzRect.height;
					wzBottom2 = wzBottom - self.getUI('navdock').outerHeight(true);
					self.draggingUiHelper = helper;
					cnt = targets.length;
					while (cnt--) {
						h = targets[cnt];
						if (files[h].locked) {
							locked = true;
							helper.data('locked', true);
					!locked && self.trigger('lockfiles', {files : targets});
					helper.data('autoScrTm', setInterval(function() {
						if (helper.data('autoScr')) {
					}, 50));
				drag       : function(e, ui) {
					var helper = ui.helper,
						autoScr, autoUp, bottom;
					if ((autoUp = wzRect.top > e.pageY) || wzBottom2 < e.pageY) {
						if (wzRect.cwdEdge > e.pageX) {
							autoScr = (ltr? 'navbar' : 'cwd') + (autoUp? 'Up' : 'Down');
						} else {
							autoScr = (ltr? 'cwd' : 'navbar') + (autoUp? 'Up' : 'Down');
						if (!autoUp) {
							if (autoScr.substr(0, 3) === 'cwd') {
								if (wzBottom < e.pageY) {
									bottom = wzBottom;
								} else {
									autoScr = null;
							} else {
								bottom = wzBottom2;
						if (autoScr) {
							helper.data('autoScr', autoScr);
							helper.data('autoScrVal', Math.pow((autoUp? wzRect.top - e.pageY : e.pageY - bottom), 1.3));
					if (! autoScr) {
						if (helper.data('autoScr')) {
							helper.data('refreshPositions', 1).data('autoScr', null);
					if (helper.data('refreshPositions') && $(this).elfUiWidgetInstance('draggable')) {
						if (helper.data('refreshPositions') > 0) {
							$(this).draggable('option', { refreshPositions : true, elfRefresh : true });
							helper.data('refreshPositions', -1);
						} else {
							$(this).draggable('option', { refreshPositions : false, elfRefresh : false });
							helper.data('refreshPositions', null);
				stop       : function(e, ui) {
					var helper = ui.helper,
					$(this).elfUiWidgetInstance('draggable') && $(this).draggable('option', { refreshPositions : false });
					self.draggingUiHelper = null;
					if (! helper.data('droped')) {
						files = $.grep(helper.data('files')||[], function(h) { return h? true : false ;});
						self.trigger('unlockfiles', {files : files});
						self.trigger('selectfiles', {files : self.selected()});
					// restore node style
					node.attr('style', nodeStyle);
					helper.data('autoScrTm') && clearInterval(helper.data('autoScrTm'));
				helper     : function(e, ui) {
					var element = this.id ? $(this) : $(this).parents('[id]:first'),
						helper  = $('<div class="elfinder-drag-helper"><span class="elfinder-drag-helper-icon-status"></span></div>'),
						icon    = function(f) {
							var mime = f.mime, i, tmb = self.tmb(f);
							i = '<div class="elfinder-cwd-icon elfinder-cwd-icon-drag '+self.mime2class(mime)+' ui-corner-all"></div>';
							if (tmb) {
								i = $(i).addClass(tmb.className).css('background-image', "url('"+tmb.url+"')").get(0).outerHTML;
							} else if (f.icon) {
								i = $(i).css(self.getIconStyle(f, true)).get(0).outerHTML;
							if (f.csscls) {
								i = '<div class="'+f.csscls+'">' + i + '</div>';
							return i;
						hashes, l, ctr;
					self.draggingUiHelper && self.draggingUiHelper.stop(true, true);
					self.trigger('dragstart', {target : element[0], originalEvent : e}, true);
					hashes = element.hasClass(self.res('class', 'cwdfile')) 
						? self.selected() 
						: [self.navId2Hash(element.attr('id'))];
					helper.append(icon(files[hashes[0]])).data('files', hashes).data('locked', false).data('droped', false).data('namespace', namespace).data('dropover', 0);
					if ((l = hashes.length) > 1) {
						helper.append(icon(files[hashes[l-1]]) + '<span class="elfinder-drag-num">'+l+'</span>');
					$(document).on(keyEvt, function(e){
						if (self._commands.copy) {
							var chk = (e.shiftKey||e.ctrlKey||e.metaKey);
							if (ctr !== chk) {
								ctr = chk;
								if (helper.is(':visible') && helper.data('dropover') && ! helper.data('droped')) {
									helper.toggleClass('elfinder-drag-helper-plus', helper.data('locked')? true : ctr);
									self.trigger(ctr? 'unlockfiles' : 'lockfiles', {files : hashes, helper: helper});
					return helper;

		// in getFileCallback set - change default actions on double click/enter/ctrl+enter
		if (self.commands.getfile) {
			if (typeof(self.options.getFileCallback) == 'function') {
				self.bind('dblclick', function(e) {
					self.exec('getfile').fail(function() {
						self.exec('open', e.data && e.data.file? [ e.data.file ]: void(0));
					pattern     : 'enter',
					description : self.i18n('cmdgetfile'),
					callback    : function() { self.exec('getfile').fail(function() { self.exec(self.OS == 'mac' ? 'rename' : 'open'); }); }
					pattern     : 'ctrl+enter',
					description : self.i18n(self.OS == 'mac' ? 'cmdrename' : 'cmdopen'),
					callback    : function() { self.exec(self.OS == 'mac' ? 'rename' : 'open'); }
			} else {
				self.options.getFileCallback = null;

		// load commands
		$.each(self.commands, function(name, cmd) {
			var proto = Object.assign({}, cmd.prototype),
				extendsCmd, opts;
			if ($.isFunction(cmd) && !self._commands[name] && (cmd.prototype.forceLoad || $.inArray(name, self.options.commands) !== -1)) {
				extendsCmd = cmd.prototype.extendsCmd || '';
				if (extendsCmd) {
					if ($.isFunction(self.commands[extendsCmd])) {
						cmd.prototype = Object.assign({}, base, new self.commands[extendsCmd](), cmd.prototype);
					} else {
						return true;
				} else {
					cmd.prototype = Object.assign({}, base, cmd.prototype);
				self._commands[name] = new cmd();
				cmd.prototype = proto;
				opts = self.options.commandsOptions[name] || {};
				if (extendsCmd && self.options.commandsOptions[extendsCmd]) {
					opts = $.extend(true, {}, self.options.commandsOptions[extendsCmd], opts);
				self._commands[name].setup(name, opts);
				// setup linked commands
				if (self._commands[name].linkedCmds.length) {
					$.each(self._commands[name].linkedCmds, function(i, n) {
						var lcmd = self.commands[n];
						if ($.isFunction(lcmd) && !self._commands[n]) {
							lcmd.prototype = base;
							self._commands[n] = new lcmd();
							self._commands[n].setup(n, self.options.commandsOptions[n]||{});

		 * UI nodes
		 * @type Object
		self.ui = {
			// container for nav panel and current folder container
			workzone : $('<div></div>').appendTo(node).elfinderworkzone(self),
			// contaainer for folders tree / places
			navbar : $('<div></div>').appendTo(node).elfindernavbar(self, self.options.uiOptions.navbar || {}),
			// container for for preview etc at below the navbar
			navdock : $('<div></div>').appendTo(node).elfindernavdock(self, self.options.uiOptions.navdock || {}),
			// contextmenu
			contextmenu : $('<div></div>').appendTo(node).elfindercontextmenu(self),
			// overlay
			overlay : $('<div></div>').appendTo(node).elfinderoverlay({
				show : function() { self.disable(); },
				hide : function() { prevEnabled && self.enable(); }
			// current folder container
			cwd : $('<div></div>').appendTo(node).elfindercwd(self, self.options.uiOptions.cwd || {}),
			// notification dialog window
			notify : self.dialog('', {
				cssClass      : 'elfinder-dialog-notify' + (self.options.notifyDialog.canClose? '' : ' elfinder-titlebar-button-hide'),
				position      : self.options.notifyDialog.position,
				absolute      : true,
				resizable     : false,
				autoOpen      : false,
				allowMinimize : true,
				closeOnEscape : self.options.notifyDialog.canClose? true : false,
				title         : '&nbsp;',
				width         : self.options.notifyDialog.width? parseInt(self.options.notifyDialog.width) : null,
				minHeight     : null,
				minimize      : function() { self.ui.notify.trigger('minimize'); }
			statusbar : $('<div class="ui-widget-header ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-bottom elfinder-statusbar"></div>').hide().appendTo(node),
			toast : $('<div class="elfinder-toast"></div>').appendTo(node),
			bottomtray : $('<div class="elfinder-bottomtray">').appendTo(node),
			progressbar : $('<div class="elfinder-ui-progressbar">').appendTo(node)


		// load required ui
		$.each(self.options.ui || [], function(i, ui) {
			var name = 'elfinder'+ui,
				opts = self.options.uiOptions[ui] || {};
			if (!self.ui[ui] && $.fn[name]) {
				// regist to self.ui before make instance
				self.ui[ui] = $('<'+(opts.tag || 'div')+'/>').appendTo(node);
				self.ui[ui][name](self, opts);

		self.ui.notify.prev('.ui-dialog-titlebar').append('<div class="elfinder-ui-progressbar"></div>');

		// update size	
		self.resize(width, height);
		// make node resizable
		if (self.options.resizable) {
				resize    : function(e, ui) {
					self.resize(ui.size.width, ui.size.height);
				handles   : 'se',
				minWidth  : 300,
				minHeight : 200
			if (self.UA.Touch) {

		(function() {
			var navbar = self.getUI('navbar'),
				cwd    = self.getUI('cwd').parent();
			self.autoScroll = {
				navbarUp   : function(v) {
					navbar.scrollTop(Math.max(0, navbar.scrollTop() - v));
				navbarDown : function(v) {
					navbar.scrollTop(navbar.scrollTop() + v);
				cwdUp     : function(v) {
					cwd.scrollTop(Math.max(0, cwd.scrollTop() - v));
				cwdDown   : function(v) {
					cwd.scrollTop(cwd.scrollTop() + v);

		// Swipe on the touch devices to show/hide of toolbar or navbar
		if (self.UA.Touch) {
			(function() {
				var lastX, lastY, nodeOffset, nodeWidth, nodeTop, navbarW, toolbarH,
					navbar = self.getUI('navbar'),
					toolbar = self.getUI('toolbar'),
					moveEv = 'touchmove.stopscroll',
					moveUpOn = function(e) {
						var touches = e.originalEvent.touches || [{}],
							y = touches[0].pageY || null;
						if (!lastY || y < lastY) {
							moveTm && clearTimeout(moveTm);
					moveDownOn = function(e) {
						moveTm && clearTimeout(moveTm);
					moveOff = function() {
						moveTm = setTimeout(function() {
						}, 100);
					handleW, handleH = 50;

				navbar = navbar.children().length? navbar : null;
				toolbar = toolbar.length? toolbar : null;
				node.on('touchstart touchmove touchend', function(e) {
					if (e.type === 'touchend') {
						lastX = false;
						lastY = false;
					var touches = e.originalEvent.touches || [{}],
						x = touches[0].pageX || null,
						y = touches[0].pageY || null,
						ltr = (self.direction === 'ltr'),
						navbarMode, treeWidth, swipeX, moveX, toolbarT, mode;
					if (x === null || y === null || (e.type === 'touchstart' && touches.length > 1)) {
					if (e.type === 'touchstart') {
						nodeOffset = node.offset();
						nodeWidth = node.width();
						if (navbar) {
							lastX = false;
							if (navbar.is(':hidden')) {
								if (! handleW) {
									handleW = Math.max(50, nodeWidth / 10);
								if ((ltr? (x - nodeOffset.left) : (nodeWidth + nodeOffset.left - x)) < handleW) {
									lastX = x;
							} else if (! e.originalEvent._preventSwipeX) {
								navbarW = navbar.width();
								if (ltr) {
									swipeX = (x < nodeOffset.left + navbarW);
								} else {
									swipeX = (x > nodeOffset.left + nodeWidth - navbarW);
								if (swipeX) {
									handleW = Math.max(50, nodeWidth / 10);
									lastX = x;
								} else {
									lastX = false;
						if (toolbar) {
							lastY = false;
							if (! e.originalEvent._preventSwipeY) {
								toolbarH = toolbar.height();
								nodeTop = nodeOffset.top;
								if (y - nodeTop < (toolbar.is(':hidden')? handleH : (toolbarH + 30))) {
									lastY = y;
									node.on(moveEv, toolbar.is(':hidden')? moveDownOn: moveUpOn);
					} else {
						if (navbar && lastX !== false) {
							navbarMode = (ltr? (lastX > x) : (lastX < x))? 'navhide' : 'navshow';
							moveX = Math.abs(lastX - x);
							if (navbarMode === 'navhide' && moveX > navbarW * 0.6
								|| (moveX > (navbarMode === 'navhide'? navbarW / 3 : 45)
									&& (navbarMode === 'navshow'
										|| (ltr? x < nodeOffset.left + 20 : x > nodeOffset.left + nodeWidth - 20)
							) {
								self.getUI('navbar').trigger(navbarMode, {handleW: handleW});
								lastX = false;
						if (toolbar && lastY !== false ) {
							toolbarT = toolbar.offset().top;
							if (Math.abs(lastY - y) > Math.min(45, toolbarH / 3)) {
								mode = (lastY > y)? 'slideUp' : 'slideDown';
								if (mode === 'slideDown' || toolbarT + 20 > y) {
									if (toolbar.is(mode === 'slideDown' ? ':hidden' : ':visible')) {
										toolbar.stop(true, true).trigger('toggle', {duration: 100, handleH: handleH});
									lastY = false;

		if (self.dragUpload) {
			// add event listener for HTML5 DnD upload
			(function() {
				var isin = function(e) {
					return (e.target.nodeName !== 'TEXTAREA' && e.target.nodeName !== 'INPUT' && $(e.target).closest('div.ui-dialog-content').length === 0);
				ent       = 'native-drag-enter',
				disable   = 'native-drag-disable',
				c         = 'class',
				navdir    = self.res(c, 'navdir'),
				droppable = self.res(c, 'droppable'),
				dropover  = self.res(c, 'adroppable'),
				arrow     = self.res(c, 'navarrow'),
				clDropActive = self.res(c, 'adroppable'),
				wz        = self.getUI('workzone'),
				ltr       = (self.direction === 'ltr'),
				clearTm   = function() {
					autoScrTm && cancelAnimationFrame(autoScrTm);
					autoScrTm = null;
				wzRect, autoScrFn, autoScrTm;
				node.on('dragenter', function(e) {
					if (isin(e)) {
						wzRect = wz.data('rectangle');
				.on('dragleave', function(e) {
					if (isin(e)) {
				.on('dragover', function(e) {
					var autoUp;
					if (isin(e)) {
						e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'none';
						if (! autoScrTm) {
							autoScrTm = requestAnimationFrame(function() {
								var wzBottom = wzRect.top + wzRect.height,
									wzBottom2 = wzBottom - self.getUI('navdock').outerHeight(true),
								if ((autoUp = e.pageY < wzRect.top) || e.pageY > wzBottom2 ) {
									if (wzRect.cwdEdge > e.pageX) {
										fn = (ltr? 'navbar' : 'cwd') + (autoUp? 'Up' : 'Down');
									} else {
										fn = (ltr? 'cwd' : 'navbar') + (autoUp? 'Up' : 'Down');
									if (!autoUp) {
										if (fn.substr(0, 3) === 'cwd') {
											if (wzBottom < e.pageY) {
												wzBottom2 = wzBottom;
											} else {
												fn = '';
									fn && self.autoScroll[fn](Math.pow((autoUp? wzRect.top - e.pageY : e.pageY - wzBottom2), 1.3));
								autoScrTm = null;
					} else {
				.on('drop', function(e) {
					if (isin(e)) {
				node.on('dragenter', '.native-droppable', function(e){
					if (e.originalEvent.dataTransfer) {
						var $elm = $(e.currentTarget),
							id   = e.currentTarget.id || null,
							cwd  = null,
						if (!id) { // target is cwd
							cwd = self.cwd();
							$elm.data(disable, false);
							try {
								$.each(e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.types, function(i, v){
									if (v.substr(0, 13) === 'elfinderfrom:') {
										elfFrom = v.substr(13).toLowerCase();
							} catch(e) {}
						if (!cwd || (cwd.write && (!elfFrom || elfFrom !== (window.location.href + cwd.hash).toLowerCase()))) {
							$elm.data(ent, true);
						} else {
							$elm.data(disable, true);
				.on('dragleave', '.native-droppable', function(e){
					if (e.originalEvent.dataTransfer) {
						var $elm = $(e.currentTarget);
						if ($elm.data(ent)) {
							$elm.data(ent, false);
						} else {
				.on('dragover', '.native-droppable', function(e){
					if (e.originalEvent.dataTransfer) {
						var $elm = $(e.currentTarget);
						e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.dropEffect = $elm.data(disable)? 'none' : 'copy';
						$elm.data(ent, false);
				.on('drop', '.native-droppable', function(e){
					if (e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.dataTransfer) {
						var $elm = $(e.currentTarget),
						if (e.currentTarget.id) {
							id = $elm.hasClass(navdir)? self.navId2Hash(e.currentTarget.id) : self.cwdId2Hash(e.currentTarget.id);
						} else {
							id = self.cwd().hash;
						e.originalEvent._target = id;
						self.exec('upload', {dropEvt: e.originalEvent, target: id}, void 0, id);

		// trigger event cssloaded if cssAutoLoad disabled
		if (self.cssloaded === false) {
			self.cssloaded = true;

		// calculate elFinder node z-index

		// send initial request and start to pray >_<
				data        : {cmd : 'open', target : self.startDir(), init : 1, tree : 1}, 
				preventDone : true,
				notify      : {type : 'open', cnt : 1, hideCnt : true},
				freeze      : true
			.fail(function() {
				listeners = {};
				shortcuts = {};
				self.trigger = function() { };
			.done(function(data) {
				var trashDisable = function(th) {
						var src = self.file(self.trashes[th]),
							d = self.options.debug,
						if (src && src.volumeid) {
							delete self.volOptions[src.volumeid].trashHash;
						self.trashes[th] = false;
						self.debug('backend-error', 'Trash hash "'+th+'" was not found or not writable.');
					toChkTh = {};
				// regist rawStringDecoder
				if (self.options.rawStringDecoder) {

				// re-calculate elFinder node z-index
				self.load().debug('api', self.api);
				// update ui's size after init
				// initial open
				self.trigger('open', data, false);
				if (inFrame && self.options.enableAlways) {
				// check self.trashes
				$.each(self.trashes, function(th) {
					var dir = self.file(th),
					if (! dir) {
						toChkTh[th] = true;
					} else if (dir.mime !== 'directory' || ! dir.write) {
				if (Object.keys(toChkTh).length) {
						data : {cmd : 'info', targets : Object.keys(toChkTh)},
						preventDefault : true
					}).done(function(data) {
						if (data && data.files) {
							$.each(data.files, function(i, dir) {
								if (dir.mime === 'directory' && dir.write) {
									delete toChkTh[dir.hash];
					}).always(function() {
						$.each(toChkTh, trashDisable);
				// to enable / disable
				self[self.options.enableAlways? 'enable' : 'disable']();
		// self.timeEnd('load');
		// End of bootUp()
	// call bootCallback function with elFinder instance, extraObject - { dfrdsBeforeBootup: dfrdsBeforeBootup }
	if (bootCallback && typeof bootCallback === 'function') {
		self.bootCallback = bootCallback;
		bootCallback.call(node.get(0), self, { dfrdsBeforeBootup: dfrdsBeforeBootup });
	// call dfrdsBeforeBootup functions then boot up elFinder
	$.when.apply(null, dfrdsBeforeBootup).done(function() {
	}).fail(function(error) {

//register elFinder to global scope
if (typeof toGlobal === 'undefined' || toGlobal) {
	window.elFinder = elFinder;

 * Prototype
 * @type  Object
elFinder.prototype = {
	uniqueid : 0,
	res : function(type, id) {
		return this.resources[type] && this.resources[type][id];

	 * User os. Required to bind native shortcuts for open/rename
	 * @type String
	OS : navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac') !== -1 ? 'mac' : navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Win') !== -1  ? 'win' : 'other',
	 * User browser UA.
	 * jQuery.browser: version deprecated: 1.3, removed: 1.9
	 * @type Object
	UA : (function(){
		var self = this,
			webkit = !document.unqueID && !window.opera && !window.sidebar && 'localStorage' in window && 'WebkitAppearance' in document.documentElement.style,
			chrome = webkit && window.chrome,
			/*setRotated = function() {
				var a = ((screen && screen.orientation && screen.orientation.angle) || window.orientation || 0) + 0;
				if (a === -90) {
					a = 270;
				UA.Angle = a;
				UA.Rotated = a % 180 === 0? false : true;
			UA = {
				// Browser IE <= IE 6
				ltIE6   : typeof window.addEventListener == "undefined" && typeof document.documentElement.style.maxHeight == "undefined",
				// Browser IE <= IE 7
				ltIE7   : typeof window.addEventListener == "undefined" && typeof document.querySelectorAll == "undefined",
				// Browser IE <= IE 8
				ltIE8   : typeof window.addEventListener == "undefined" && typeof document.getElementsByClassName == "undefined",
				// Browser IE <= IE 9
				ltIE9  : document.uniqueID && document.documentMode <= 9,
				// Browser IE <= IE 10
				ltIE10  : document.uniqueID && document.documentMode <= 10,
				// Browser IE >= IE 11
				gtIE11  : document.uniqueID && document.documentMode >= 11,
				IE      : document.uniqueID,
				Firefox : window.sidebar,
				Opera   : window.opera,
				Webkit  : webkit,
				Chrome  : chrome,
				Edge    : (chrome && window.msCredentials)? true : false,
				Safari  : webkit && !window.chrome,
				Mobile  : typeof window.orientation != "undefined",
				Touch   : typeof window.ontouchstart != "undefined",
				iOS     : navigator.platform.match(/^iP(?:[ao]d|hone)/),
				Mac     : navigator.platform.match(/^Mac/),
				Fullscreen : (typeof (document.exitFullscreen || document.webkitExitFullscreen || document.mozCancelFullScreen || document.msExitFullscreen) !== 'undefined'),
				Angle   : 0,
				Rotated : false,
				CSS : (function() {
					var aStyle = document.createElement('a').style,
						pStyle = document.createElement('p').style,
					css = 'position:sticky;position:-webkit-sticky;';
					css += 'width:-webkit-max-content;width:-moz-max-content;width:-ms-max-content;width:max-content;';
					aStyle.cssText = css;
					return {
						positionSticky : aStyle.position.indexOf('sticky')!==-1,
						widthMaxContent : aStyle.width.indexOf('max-content')!==-1,
						flex : typeof pStyle.flex !== 'undefined'
			return UA;
	 * Is cookie enabled
	 * @type Boolean
	cookieEnabled : window.navigator.cookieEnabled,

	 * Has RequireJS?
	 * @type Boolean
	hasRequire : (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd),
	 * Current request command
	 * @type  String
	currentReqCmd : '',
	 * Current keyboard state
	 * @type  Object
	keyState : {},
	 * Internationalization object
	 * @type  Object
	i18 : {
		en : {
			translator      : '',
			language        : 'English',
			direction       : 'ltr',
			dateFormat      : 'd.m.Y H:i',
			fancyDateFormat : '$1 H:i',
			nonameDateFormat : 'ymd-His',
			messages        : {}
		months : ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
		monthsShort : ['msJan', 'msFeb', 'msMar', 'msApr', 'msMay', 'msJun', 'msJul', 'msAug', 'msSep', 'msOct', 'msNov', 'msDec'],

		days : ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'],
		daysShort : ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat']
	 * File mimetype to kind mapping
	 * @type  Object
	kinds : 	{
			'unknown'                       : 'Unknown',
			'directory'                     : 'Folder',
			'group'                         : 'Selects',
			'symlink'                       : 'Alias',
			'symlink-broken'                : 'AliasBroken',
			'application/x-empty'           : 'TextPlain',
			'application/postscript'        : 'Postscript',
			'application/vnd.ms-office'     : 'MsOffice',
			'application/msword'            : 'MsWord',
			'application/vnd.ms-word'       : 'MsWord',
			'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' : 'MsWord',
			'application/vnd.ms-word.document.macroEnabled.12'                        : 'MsWord',
			'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template' : 'MsWord',
			'application/vnd.ms-word.template.macroEnabled.12'                        : 'MsWord',
			'application/vnd.ms-excel'      : 'MsExcel',
			'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'       : 'MsExcel',
			'application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.macroEnabled.12'                          : 'MsExcel',
			'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template'    : 'MsExcel',
			'application/vnd.ms-excel.template.macroEnabled.12'                       : 'MsExcel',
			'application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.binary.macroEnabled.12'                   : 'MsExcel',
			'application/vnd.ms-excel.addin.macroEnabled.12'                          : 'MsExcel',
			'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint' : 'MsPP',
			'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation' : 'MsPP',
			'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.presentation.macroEnabled.12'              : 'MsPP',
			'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow'  : 'MsPP',
			'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.slideshow.macroEnabled.12'                 : 'MsPP',
			'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template'   : 'MsPP',
			'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.template.macroEnabled.12'                  : 'MsPP',
			'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.addin.macroEnabled.12'                     : 'MsPP',
			'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slide'      : 'MsPP',
			'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint.slide.macroEnabled.12'                     : 'MsPP',
			'application/pdf'               : 'PDF',
			'application/xml'               : 'XML',
			'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text' : 'OO',
			'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template'         : 'OO',
			'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-web'              : 'OO',
			'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-master'           : 'OO',
			'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics'              : 'OO',
			'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics-template'     : 'OO',
			'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation'          : 'OO',
			'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation-template' : 'OO',
			'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet'           : 'OO',
			'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-template'  : 'OO',
			'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart'                 : 'OO',
			'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula'               : 'OO',
			'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database'              : 'OO',
			'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.image'                 : 'OO',
			'application/vnd.openofficeorg.extension'                  : 'OO',
			'application/x-shockwave-flash' : 'AppFlash',
			'application/flash-video'       : 'Flash video',
			'application/x-bittorrent'      : 'Torrent',
			'application/javascript'        : 'JS',
			'application/rtf'               : 'RTF',
			'application/rtfd'              : 'RTF',
			'application/x-font-ttf'        : 'TTF',
			'application/x-font-otf'        : 'OTF',
			'application/x-rpm'             : 'RPM',
			'application/x-web-config'      : 'TextPlain',
			'application/xhtml+xml'         : 'HTML',
			'application/docbook+xml'       : 'DOCBOOK',
			'application/x-awk'             : 'AWK',
			'application/x-gzip'            : 'GZIP',
			'application/x-bzip2'           : 'BZIP',
			'application/x-xz'              : 'XZ',
			'application/zip'               : 'ZIP',
			'application/x-zip'               : 'ZIP',
			'application/x-rar'             : 'RAR',
			'application/x-tar'             : 'TAR',
			'application/x-7z-compressed'   : '7z',
			'application/x-jar'             : 'JAR',
			'text/plain'                    : 'TextPlain',
			'text/x-php'                    : 'PHP',
			'text/html'                     : 'HTML',
			'text/javascript'               : 'JS',
			'text/css'                      : 'CSS',
			'text/rtf'                      : 'RTF',
			'text/rtfd'                     : 'RTF',
			'text/x-c'                      : 'C',
			'text/x-csrc'                   : 'C',
			'text/x-chdr'                   : 'CHeader',
			'text/x-c++'                    : 'CPP',
			'text/x-c++src'                 : 'CPP',
			'text/x-c++hdr'                 : 'CPPHeader',
			'text/x-shellscript'            : 'Shell',
			'application/x-csh'             : 'Shell',
			'text/x-python'                 : 'Python',
			'text/x-java'                   : 'Java',
			'text/x-java-source'            : 'Java',
			'text/x-ruby'                   : 'Ruby',
			'text/x-perl'                   : 'Perl',
			'text/x-sql'                    : 'SQL',
			'text/xml'                      : 'XML',
			'text/x-comma-separated-values' : 'CSV',
			'text/x-markdown'               : 'Markdown',
			'image/x-ms-bmp'                : 'BMP',
			'image/jpeg'                    : 'JPEG',
			'image/gif'                     : 'GIF',
			'image/png'                     : 'PNG',
			'image/tiff'                    : 'TIFF',
			'image/x-targa'                 : 'TGA',
			'image/vnd.adobe.photoshop'     : 'PSD',
			'image/xbm'                     : 'XBITMAP',
			'image/pxm'                     : 'PXM',
			'audio/mpeg'                    : 'AudioMPEG',
			'audio/midi'                    : 'AudioMIDI',
			'audio/ogg'                     : 'AudioOGG',
			'audio/mp4'                     : 'AudioMPEG4',
			'audio/x-m4a'                   : 'AudioMPEG4',
			'audio/wav'                     : 'AudioWAV',
			'audio/x-mp3-playlist'          : 'AudioPlaylist',
			'video/x-dv'                    : 'VideoDV',
			'video/mp4'                     : 'VideoMPEG4',
			'video/mpeg'                    : 'VideoMPEG',
			'video/x-msvideo'               : 'VideoAVI',
			'video/quicktime'               : 'VideoMOV',
			'video/x-ms-wmv'                : 'VideoWM',
			'video/x-flv'                   : 'VideoFlash',
			'video/x-matroska'              : 'VideoMKV',
			'video/ogg'                     : 'VideoOGG'
	 * File mimetype to file extention mapping
	 * @type  Object
	 * @see   elFinder.mimetypes.js
	mimeTypes : {},
	 * Ajax request data validation rules
	 * @type  Object
	rules : {
		defaults : function(data) {
			if (!data
			|| (data.added && !Array.isArray(data.added))
			||  (data.removed && !Array.isArray(data.removed))
			||  (data.changed && !Array.isArray(data.changed))) {
				return false;
			return true;
		open    : function(data) { return data && data.cwd && data.files && $.isPlainObject(data.cwd) && Array.isArray(data.files); },
		tree    : function(data) { return data && data.tree && Array.isArray(data.tree); },
		parents : function(data) { return data && data.tree && Array.isArray(data.tree); },
		tmb     : function(data) { return data && data.images && ($.isPlainObject(data.images) || Array.isArray(data.images)); },
		upload  : function(data) { return data && ($.isPlainObject(data.added) || Array.isArray(data.added));},
		search  : function(data) { return data && data.files && Array.isArray(data.files); }
	 * Commands costructors
	 * @type Object
	commands : {},
	 * Commands to add the item (space delimited)
	 * @type String
	cmdsToAdd : 'archive duplicate extract mkdir mkfile paste rm upload',
	parseUploadData : function(text) {
		var self = this,
		if (!$.trim(text)) {
			return {error : ['errResponse', 'errDataEmpty']};
		try {
			data = JSON.parse(text);
		} catch (e) {
			return {error : ['errResponse', 'errDataNotJSON']};
		data = self.normalize(data);
		if (!self.validResponse('upload', data)) {
			return {error : (data.norError || ['errResponse'])};
		data.removed = $.merge((data.removed || []), $.map(data.added || [], function(f) { return self.file(f.hash)? f.hash : null; }));
		return data;
	iframeCnt : 0,
	uploads : {
		// xhr muiti uploading flag
		xhrUploading: false,
		// Timer of request fail to sync
		failSyncTm: null,
		// current chunkfail requesting chunk
		chunkfailReq: {},
		// check file/dir exists
		checkExists: function(files, target, fm, isDir) {
			var dfrd = $.Deferred(),
				names, renames = [], hashes = {}, chkFiles = [],
				cancel = function() {
					var i = files.length;
					while (--i > -1) {
						files[i]._remove = true;
				resolve = function() {
					dfrd.resolve(renames, hashes);
				check = function() {
					var existed = [], exists = [], i, c,
						pathStr = target !== fm.cwd().hash? fm.path(target, true) + fm.option('separator', target) : '',
						confirm = function(ndx) {
							var last = ndx == exists.length-1,
								opts = {
									cssClass : 'elfinder-confirm-upload',
									title  : fm.i18n('cmdupload'),
									text   : ['errExists', pathStr + exists[ndx].name, 'confirmRepl'], 
									all    : !last,
									accept : {
										label    : 'btnYes',
										callback : function(all) {
											!last && !all
												? confirm(++ndx)
												: resolve();
									reject : {
										label    : 'btnNo',
										callback : function(all) {
											var i;
											if (all) {
												i = exists.length;
												while (ndx < i--) {
													files[exists[i].i]._remove = true;
											} else {
												files[exists[ndx].i]._remove = true;
											!last && !all
												? confirm(++ndx)
												: resolve();
									cancel : {
										label    : 'btnCancel',
										callback : function() {
									buttons : [
											label : 'btnBackup',
											cssClass : 'elfinder-confirm-btn-backup',
											callback : function(all) {
												var i;
												if (all) {
													i = exists.length;
													while (ndx < i--) {
												} else {
												!last && !all
													? confirm(++ndx)
													: resolve();
							if (!isDir) {
									label : 'btnRename' + (last? '' : 'All'),
									cssClass : 'elfinder-confirm-btn-rename',
									callback : function() {
										renames = null;
							if (fm.iframeCnt > 0) {
								delete opts.reject;
					if (! fm.file(target).read) {
						// for dropbox type
					names = $.map(files, function(file, i) { return file.name && (!fm.UA.iOS || file.name !== 'image.jpg')? {i: i, name: file.name} : null ;});
						data : {cmd : 'ls', target : target, intersect : $.map(names, function(item) { return item.name;})},
						notify : {type : 'preupload', cnt : 1, hideCnt : true},
						preventDefault : true
					.done(function(data) {
						var existedArr, cwdItems;
						if (data) {
							if (data.error) {
							} else {
								if (fm.options.overwriteUploadConfirm && fm.option('uploadOverwrite', target)) {
									if (data.list) {
										if (Array.isArray(data.list)) {
											existed = data.list || [];
										} else {
											existedArr = [];
											existed = $.map(data.list, function(n) {
												if (typeof n === 'string') {
													return n;
												} else {
													// support to >=2.1.11 plugin Normalizer, Sanitizer
													existedArr = existedArr.concat(n);
													return false;
											if (existedArr.length) {
												existed = existed.concat(existedArr);
											hashes = data.list;
										exists = $.grep(names, function(name){
											return $.inArray(name.name, existed) !== -1 ? true : false ;
										if (exists.length && existed.length && target == fm.cwd().hash) {
											cwdItems = $.map(fm.files(target), function(file) { return file.name; } );
											if ($.grep(existed, function(n) { 
												return $.inArray(n, cwdItems) === -1? true : false;
						if (exists.length > 0) {
						} else {
					.fail(function(error) {
						error && fm.error(error);
			if (fm.api >= 2.1 && typeof files[0] == 'object') {
			} else {
			return dfrd;
		// check droped contents
		checkFile : function(data, fm, target) {
			if (!!data.checked || data.type == 'files') {
				return data.files;
			} else if (data.type == 'data') {
				var dfrd = $.Deferred(),
				scanDfd = $.Deferred(),
				files = [],
				paths = [],
				dirctorys = [],
				processing = 0,
				mkdirs = [],
				cancel = false,
				toArray = function(list) {
					return Array.prototype.slice.call(list || [], 0);
				doScan = function(items) {
					var entry, readEntries,
						excludes = fm.options.folderUploadExclude[fm.OS] || null,
						length = items.length,
						check = function() {
							if (--processing < 1 && scanDfd.state() === 'pending') {
						pushItem = function(file) {
							if (! excludes || ! file.name.match(excludes)) {
								paths.push(entry.fullPath || '');
						readEntries = function(dirReader) {
							var entries = [],
								read = function() {
									dirReader.readEntries(function(results) {
										if (cancel || !results.length) {
											for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
												if (cancel) {
										} else {
											entries = entries.concat(toArray(results));
									}, check);
					for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
						if (cancel) {
						entry = items[i];
						if (entry) {
							if (entry.isFile) {
								entry.file(pushItem, check);
							} else if (entry.isDirectory) {
								if (fm.api >= 2.1) {
									readEntries(entry.createReader()); // Start reading dirs.
					return scanDfd;
				}, hasDirs;
				items = $.map(data.files.items, function(item){
					return item.getAsEntry? item.getAsEntry() : item.webkitGetAsEntry();
				$.each(items, function(i, item) {
					if (item.isDirectory) {
						hasDirs = true;
						return false;
				if (items.length > 0) {
					fm.uploads.checkExists(items, target, fm, hasDirs).done(function(renames, hashes){
						var dfds = [];
						if (fm.options.overwriteUploadConfirm && fm.option('uploadOverwrite', target)) {
							if (renames === null) {
								data.overwrite = 0;
								renames = [];
							items = $.grep(items, function(item){
								var i, bak, hash, dfd, hi;
								if (item.isDirectory && renames.length) {
									i = $.inArray(item.name, renames);
									if (i !== -1) {
										renames.splice(i, 1);
										bak = fm.uniqueName(item.name + fm.options.backupSuffix , null, '');
										$.each(hashes, function(h, name) {
											if (item.name == name) {
												hash = h;
												return false;
										if (! hash) {
											hash = fm.fileByName(item.name, target).hash;
										fm.lockfiles({files : [hash]});
										dfd = fm.request({
											data   : {cmd : 'rename', target : hash, name : bak},
											notify : {type : 'rename', cnt : 1}
										.fail(function() {
											item._remove = true;
										.always(function() {
											fm.unlockfiles({files : [hash]});
								return !item._remove? true : false;
						$.when.apply($, dfds).done(function(){
							var notifyto, msg,
								id = +new Date();
							if (items.length > 0) {
								msg = fm.escape(items[0].name);
								if (items.length > 1) {
									msg += ' ... ' + items.length + fm.i18n('items');
								notifyto = setTimeout(function() {
										type : 'readdir',
										id : id,
										cnt : 1,
										hideCnt: true,
										msg : fm.i18n('ntfreaddir') + ' (' + msg + ')',
										cancel: function() {
											cancel = true;
								}, fm.options.notifyDelay);
								doScan(items).done(function() {
									notifyto && clearTimeout(notifyto);
									fm.notify({type : 'readdir', id: id, cnt : -1});
									if (cancel) {
									} else {
										dfrd.resolve([files, paths, renames, hashes, mkdirs]);
								}).fail(function() {
							} else {
					return dfrd.promise();
				} else {
					return dfrd.reject();
			} else {
				var ret = [];
				var check = [];
				var str = data.files[0];
				if (data.type == 'html') {
					var tmp = $("<html></html>").append($.parseHTML(str.replace(/ src=/ig, ' _elfsrc='))),
					$('img[_elfsrc]', tmp).each(function(){
						var url, purl,
						self = $(this),
						pa = self.closest('a');
						if (pa && pa.attr('href') && pa.attr('href').match(/\.(?:jpe?g|gif|bmp|png)/i)) {
							purl = pa.attr('href');
						url = self.attr('_elfsrc');
						if (url) {
							if (purl) {
								$.inArray(purl, ret) == -1 && ret.push(purl);
								$.inArray(url, check) == -1 &&  check.push(url);
							} else {
								$.inArray(url, ret) == -1 && ret.push(url);
						// Probably it's clipboard data
						if (ret.length === 1 && ret[0].match(/^data:image\/png/)) {
							data.clipdata = true;
					atag = $('a[href]', tmp);
						var text, loc,
							parseUrl = function(url) {
								var a = document.createElement('a');
								a.href = url;
								return a;
						if (text = $(this).text()) {
							loc = parseUrl($(this).attr('href'));
							if (loc.href && loc.href.match(/^(?:ht|f)tp/i) && (atag.length === 1 || ! loc.pathname.match(/(?:\.html?|\/[^\/.]*)$/i) || $.trim(text).match(/\.[a-z0-9-]{1,10}$/i))) {
								if ($.inArray(loc.href, ret) == -1 && $.inArray(loc.href, check) == -1) ret.push(loc.href);
				} else {
					var regex, m, url;
					regex = /((?:ht|f)tps?:\/\/[-_.!~*\'()a-z0-9;/?:\@&=+\$,%#\*\[\]]+)/ig;
					while (m = regex.exec(str)) {
						url = m[1].replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
						if ($.inArray(url, ret) == -1) ret.push(url);
				return ret;

		// upload transport using XMLHttpRequest
		xhr : function(data, fm) { 
			var self   = fm ? fm : this,
				node        = self.getUI(),
				xhr         = new XMLHttpRequest(),
				notifyto    = null,
				notifyto1   = null,
				notifyto2   = null,
				dataChecked = data.checked,
				isDataType  = (data.isDataType || data.type == 'data'),
				target      = (data.target || self.cwd().hash),
				dropEvt     = (data.dropEvt || null),
				extraData   = data.extraData || null,
				chunkEnable = (self.option('uploadMaxConn', target) != -1),
				multiMax    = Math.min(5, Math.max(1, self.option('uploadMaxConn', target))),
				retryWait   = 10000, // 10 sec
				retryMax    = 30, // 10 sec * 30 = 300 secs (Max 5 mins)
				retry       = 0,
				getFile     = function(files) {
					var dfd = $.Deferred(),
					if (files.promise) {
						files.always(function(f) {
							dfd.resolve(Array.isArray(f) && f.length? (isDataType? f[0][0] : f[0]) : {});
					} else {
						dfd.resolve(files.length? (isDataType? files[0][0] : files[0]) : {});
					return dfd;
				dfrd   = $.Deferred()
					.fail(function(err) {
						var error = self.parseError(err),
						if (error === 'userabort') {
							userAbort = true;
							error = void 0;
						if (files && (self.uploads.xhrUploading || userAbort)) {
							// send request om fail
							getFile(files).done(function(file) {
								if (!userAbort) {
									triggerError(error, file);
								if (! file._cid) {
									// send sync request
									self.uploads.failSyncTm && clearTimeout(self.uploads.failSyncTm);
									self.uploads.failSyncTm = setTimeout(function() {
									}, 1000);
								} else if (! self.uploads.chunkfailReq[file._cid]) {
									// send chunkfail request
									self.uploads.chunkfailReq[file._cid] = true;
									setTimeout(function() {
											data : {
												cmd: 'upload',
												target: target,
												chunk: file._chunk,
												cid: file._cid,
												upload: ['chunkfail'],
												mimes: 'chunkfail'
											options : {
												type: 'post',
												url: self.uploadURL
											preventDefault: true
										}).always(function() {
											delete self.uploads.chunkfailReq[file._chunk];
									}, 1000);
						} else {
						!userAbort && self.sync();
						self.uploads.xhrUploading = false;
						files = null;
					.done(function(data) {
						self.uploads.xhrUploading = false;
						files = null;
						if (data) {
							self.currentReqCmd = 'upload';
							data.warning && triggerError(data.warning);
							data.removed && data.removed.length && self.remove(data);
							data.added   && data.added.length   && self.add(data);
							data.changed && data.changed.length && self.change(data);
							self.trigger('upload', data, false);
							if (data.toasts && Array.isArray(data.toasts)) {
								$.each(data.toasts, function() {
									this.msg && self.toast(this);
							data.sync && self.sync();
							if (data.debug) {
								fm.debug('backend-debug', data);
					.always(function() {
						// unregist fnAbort function
						node.off('uploadabort', fnAbort);
						$(window).off('unload', fnAbort);
						notifyto && clearTimeout(notifyto);
						notifyto1 && clearTimeout(notifyto1);
						notifyto2 && clearTimeout(notifyto2);
						dataChecked && !data.multiupload && checkNotify() && self.notify({type : 'upload', cnt : -cnt, progress : 0, size : 0});
						notifyto1 && uploadedNtf && self.notify({type : 'chunkmerge', cnt : -cnt});
						chunkMerge && notifyElm.children('.elfinder-notify-chunkmerge').length && self.notify({type : 'chunkmerge', cnt : -1});
				formData    = new FormData(),
				files       = data.input ? data.input.files : self.uploads.checkFile(data, self, target), 
				cnt         = data.checked? (isDataType? files[0].length : files.length) : files.length,
				isChunked   = false,
				loaded      = 0,
				prev        = 0,
				filesize    = 0,
				notify      = false,
				notifyElm   = self.ui.notify,
				cancelBtn   = true,
				uploadedNtf = false,
				abort       = false,
				checkNotify = function() {
					if (!notify && (ntfUpload = notifyElm.children('.elfinder-notify-upload')).length) {
						notify = true;
					return notify;
				fnAbort     = function(e, error) {
					abort = true;
					self.abortXHR(xhr, { quiet: true, abort: true });
					if (checkNotify()) {
						self.notify({type : 'upload', cnt : ntfUpload.data('cnt') * -1, progress : 0, size : 0});
				cancelToggle = function(show, hasChunk) {
					ntfUpload.children('.elfinder-notify-cancel')[show? 'show':'hide']();
					cancelBtn = show;
				startNotify = function(size) {
					if (!size) size = filesize;
					return setTimeout(function() {
						notify = true;
						self.notify({type : 'upload', cnt : cnt, progress : loaded - prev, size : size,
							cancel: function() {
								node.trigger('uploadabort', 'userabort');
						ntfUpload = notifyElm.children('.elfinder-notify-upload');
						prev = loaded;
						if (data.multiupload) {
							cancelBtn && cancelToggle(true);
						} else {
							cancelToggle(cancelBtn && loaded < size);
					}, self.options.notifyDelay);
				doRetry = function() {
					if (retry++ <= retryMax) {
						if (checkNotify() && prev) {
							self.notify({type : 'upload', cnt : 0, progress : 0, size : prev});
						self.abortXHR(xhr, { quiet: true });
						prev = loaded = 0;
						setTimeout(function() {
							var reqId;
							if (! abort) {
								xhr.open('POST', self.uploadURL, true);
								if (self.api >= 2.1029) {
									reqId = (+ new Date()).toString(16) + Math.floor(1000 * Math.random()).toString(16);
									(typeof formData['delete'] === 'function') && formData['delete']('reqid');
									formData.append('reqid', reqId);
									xhr._requestId = reqId;
						}, retryWait);
					} else {
						node.trigger('uploadabort', ['errAbort', 'errTimeout']);
				progress = function() {
					var node;
					if (notify) {
						dfrd.notifyWith(ntfUpload, [{
							cnt: ntfUpload.data('cnt'),
							progress: ntfUpload.data('progress'),
							total: ntfUpload.data('total')
				triggerError = function(err, file, unite) {
					err && self.trigger('xhruploadfail', { error: err, file: file });
					if (unite) {
						if (err) {
							if (errCnt < self.options.maxErrorDialogs) {
								if (Array.isArray(err)) {
									errors = errors.concat(err);
								} else {
					} else {
						if (err) {
						} else {
							if (errors.length) {
								if (errCnt >= self.options.maxErrorDialogs) {
									errors = errors.concat('moreErrors', errCnt - self.options.maxErrorDialogs);
							errors = [];
							errCnt = 0;
				errors = [],
				errCnt = 0,
				renames = (data.renames || null),
				hashes = (data.hashes || null),
				chunkMerge = false,
				ntfUpload = $();
			// regist fnAbort function
			node.one('uploadabort', fnAbort);
			$(window).one('unload.' + fm.namespace, fnAbort);
			!chunkMerge && (prev = loaded);
			if (!isDataType && !cnt) {
				return dfrd.reject(['errUploadNoFiles']);
			xhr.addEventListener('error', function() {
				if (xhr.status == 0) {
					if (abort) {
					} else {
						// ff bug while send zero sized file
						// for safari - send directory
						if (!isDataType && data.files && $.grep(data.files, function(f){return ! f.type && f.size === (self.UA.Safari? 1802 : 0)? true : false;}).length) {
							dfrd.reject(['errAbort', 'errFolderUpload']);
						} else if (data.input && $.grep(data.input.files, function(f){return ! f.type && f.size === (self.UA.Safari? 1802 : 0)? true : false;}).length) {
						} else {
				} else {
					node.trigger('uploadabort', 'errConnect');
			}, false);
			xhr.addEventListener('load', function(e) {
				var status = xhr.status, res, curr = 0, error = '', errData, errObj;

				if (status >= 400) {
					if (status > 500) {
						error = 'errResponse';
					} else {
						error = ['errResponse', 'errServerError'];
				} else {
					if (!xhr.responseText) {
						error = ['errResponse', 'errDataEmpty'];
				if (error) {
					getFile(files || {}).done(function(file) {
						return dfrd.reject(file._cid? null : error);
				loaded = filesize;
				if (checkNotify() && (curr = loaded - prev)) {
					self.notify({type : 'upload', cnt : 0, progress : curr, size : 0});

				res = self.parseUploadData(xhr.responseText);
				// chunked upload commit
				if (res._chunkmerged) {
					formData = new FormData();
					var _file = [{_chunkmerged: res._chunkmerged, _name: res._name, _mtime: res._mtime}];
					chunkMerge = true;
					node.off('uploadabort', fnAbort);
					notifyto2 = setTimeout(function() {
						self.notify({type : 'chunkmerge', cnt : 1});
					}, self.options.notifyDelay);
					isDataType? send(_file, files[1]) : send(_file);
				res._multiupload = data.multiupload? true : false;
				if (res.error) {
					errData = {
						cmd: 'upload',
						err: res,
						xhr: xhr,
						rc: xhr.status
					self.trigger('uploadfail', res);
					// trigger "requestError" event
					self.trigger('requestError', errData);
					if (errData._getEvent && errData._getEvent().isDefaultPrevented()) {
						res.error = '';
					if (res._chunkfailure || res._multiupload) {
						abort = true;
						self.uploads.xhrUploading = false;
						notifyto && clearTimeout(notifyto);
						if (ntfUpload.length) {
							self.notify({type : 'upload', cnt : -cnt, progress : 0, size : 0});
						} else {
							// for multi connection
					} else {
				} else {
			}, false);
			xhr.upload.addEventListener('loadstart', function(e) {
				if (!chunkMerge && e.lengthComputable) {
					loaded = e.loaded;
					retry && (loaded = 0);
					filesize = e.total;
					if (!loaded) {
						loaded = parseInt(filesize * 0.05);
					if (checkNotify()) {
						self.notify({type : 'upload', cnt : 0, progress : loaded - prev, size : data.multiupload? 0 : filesize});
						prev = loaded;
			}, false);
			xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', function(e) {
				var curr;

				if (e.lengthComputable && !chunkMerge && xhr.readyState < 2) {
					loaded = e.loaded;

					// to avoid strange bug in safari (not in chrome) with drag&drop.
					// bug: macos finder opened in any folder,
					// reset safari cache (option+command+e), reload elfinder page,
					// drop file from finder
					// on first attempt request starts (progress callback called ones) but never ends.
					// any next drop - successfull.
					if (!data.checked && loaded > 0 && !notifyto) {
						notifyto = startNotify(xhr._totalSize - loaded);
					if (!filesize) {
						filesize = e.total;
						if (!loaded) {
							loaded = parseInt(filesize * 0.05);
					curr = loaded - prev;
					if (checkNotify() && (curr/e.total) >= 0.05) {
						self.notify({type : 'upload', cnt : 0, progress : curr, size : 0});
						prev = loaded;
					if (!uploadedNtf && loaded >= filesize && !isChunked) {
						// Use "chunkmerge" for "server-in-process" notification
						uploadedNtf = true;
						notifyto1 = setTimeout(function() {
							self.notify({type : 'chunkmerge', cnt : cnt});
						}, self.options.notifyDelay);

					if (cancelBtn && ! data.multiupload && loaded >= filesize) {
						checkNotify() && cancelToggle(false);
			}, false);
			var send = function(files, paths){
				var size = 0,
				fcnt = 1,
				sfiles = [],
				c = 0,
				total = cnt,
				totalSize = 0,
				chunked = [],
				chunkID = new Date().getTime().toString().substr(-9), // for take care of the 32bit backend system
				BYTES_PER_CHUNK = Math.min((fm.uplMaxSize? fm.uplMaxSize : 2097152) - 8190, fm.options.uploadMaxChunkSize), // uplMaxSize margin 8kb or options.uploadMaxChunkSize
				blobSlice = chunkEnable? false : '',
				blobSize, blobMtime, blobName, i, start, end, chunks, blob, chunk, added, done, last, failChunk,
				multi = function(files, num){
					var sfiles = [], cid, sfilesLen = 0, cancelChk, hasChunk;
					if (!abort) {
						while(files.length && sfiles.length < num) {
						sfilesLen = sfiles.length;
						if (sfilesLen) {
							cancelChk = sfilesLen;
							for (var i=0; i < sfilesLen; i++) {
								if (abort) {
								cid = isDataType? (sfiles[i][0][0]._cid || null) : (sfiles[i][0]._cid || null);
								hasChunk = (hasChunk || cid)? true : false;
								if (!!failChunk[cid]) {
								fm.exec('upload', {
									type: data.type,
									isDataType: isDataType,
									files: sfiles[i],
									checked: true,
									target: target,
									dropEvt: dropEvt,
									renames: renames,
									hashes: hashes,
									multiupload: true,
									overwrite: data.overwrite === 0? 0 : void 0,
									clipdata: data.clipdata
								}, void 0, target)
								.fail(function(error) {
									if (error && error === 'No such command') {
										abort = true;
										fm.error(['errUpload', 'errPerm']);
									if (cid) {	
										failChunk[cid] = true;
								.always(function(e) {
									if (e && e.added) added = $.merge(added, e.added);
									if (last <= ++done) {
										fm.trigger('multiupload', {added: added});
										notifyto && clearTimeout(notifyto);
										if (checkNotify()) {
											self.notify({type : 'upload', cnt : -cnt, progress : 0, size : 0});
									if (files.length) {
										multi(files, 1); // Next one
									} else {
										if (--cancelChk <= 1) {
											if (cancelBtn) {
												cancelToggle(false, hasChunk);
					if (sfiles.length < 1 || abort) {
						if (abort) {
							notifyto && clearTimeout(notifyto);
							if (cid) {
								failChunk[cid] = true;
						} else {
							self.uploads.xhrUploading = false;
				check = function(){
					if (!self.uploads.xhrUploading) {
						self.uploads.xhrUploading = true;
						multi(sfiles, multiMax); // Max connection: 3
					} else {
						setTimeout(check, 100);
				reqId, err;

				if (! dataChecked && (isDataType || data.type == 'files')) {
					if (! (maxFileSize = fm.option('uploadMaxSize', target))) {
						maxFileSize = 0;
					for (i=0; i < files.length; i++) {
						try {
							blob = files[i];
							blobSize = blob.size;
							if (blobSlice === false) {
								blobSlice = '';
								if (self.api >= 2.1) {
									if ('slice' in blob) {
										blobSlice = 'slice';
									} else if ('mozSlice' in blob) {
										blobSlice = 'mozSlice';
									} else if ('webkitSlice' in blob) {
										blobSlice = 'webkitSlice';
						} catch(e) {
						// file size check
						if ((maxFileSize && blobSize > maxFileSize) || (!blobSlice && fm.uplMaxSize && blobSize > fm.uplMaxSize)) {
							triggerError(['errUploadFile', blob.name, 'errUploadFileSize'], blob, true);
						// file mime check
						if (blob.type && ! self.uploadMimeCheck(blob.type, target)) {
							triggerError(['errUploadFile', blob.name, 'errUploadMime', '(' + blob.type + ')'], blob, true);
						if (blobSlice && blobSize > BYTES_PER_CHUNK) {
							start = 0;
							end = BYTES_PER_CHUNK;
							chunks = -1;
							total = Math.floor((blobSize - 1) / BYTES_PER_CHUNK);
							blobMtime = blob.lastModified? Math.round(blob.lastModified/1000) : 0;
							blobName = data.clipdata? fm.date(fm.nonameDateFormat) + '.png' : blob.name;

							totalSize += blobSize;
							chunked[chunkID] = 0;
							while(start < blobSize) {
								chunk = blob[blobSlice](start, end);
								chunk._chunk = blobName + '.' + (++chunks) + '_' + total + '.part';
								chunk._cid   = chunkID;
								chunk._range = start + ',' + chunk.size + ',' + blobSize;
								chunk._mtime = blobMtime;
								if (size) {
								if (typeof sfiles[c] == 'undefined') {
									sfiles[c] = [];
									if (isDataType) {
										sfiles[c][0] = [];
										sfiles[c][1] = [];
								size = BYTES_PER_CHUNK;
								fcnt = 1;
								if (isDataType) {
								} else {

								start = end;
								end = start + BYTES_PER_CHUNK;
							if (chunk == null) {
								triggerError(['errUploadFile', blob.name, 'errUploadFileSize'], blob, true);
							} else {
								total += chunks;
								size = 0;
								fcnt = 1;
						if ((fm.uplMaxSize && size + blobSize > fm.uplMaxSize) || fcnt > fm.uplMaxFile) {
							size = 0;
							fcnt = 1;
						if (typeof sfiles[c] == 'undefined') {
							sfiles[c] = [];
							if (isDataType) {
								sfiles[c][0] = [];
								sfiles[c][1] = [];
						if (isDataType) {
						} else {
						size += blobSize;
						totalSize += blobSize;
					if (errors.length) {

					if (sfiles.length == 0) {
						// no data
						data.checked = true;
						return false;
					if (sfiles.length > 1) {
						// multi upload
						notifyto = startNotify(totalSize);
						added = [];
						done = 0;
						last = sfiles.length;
						failChunk = [];
						return true;
					// single upload
					if (isDataType) {
						files = sfiles[0][0];
						paths = sfiles[0][1];
					} else {
						files = sfiles[0];
				if (!dataChecked) {
					if (!fm.UA.Safari || !data.files) {
						notifyto = startNotify(totalSize);
					} else {
						xhr._totalSize = totalSize;
				dataChecked = true;
				if (! files.length) {
				xhr.open('POST', self.uploadURL, true);
				// set request headers
				if (fm.customHeaders) {
					$.each(fm.customHeaders, function(key) {
						xhr.setRequestHeader(key, this);
				// set xhrFields
				if (fm.xhrFields) {
					$.each(fm.xhrFields, function(key) {
						if (key in xhr) {
							xhr[key] = this;

				if (self.api >= 2.1029) {
					// request ID
					reqId = (+ new Date()).toString(16) + Math.floor(1000 * Math.random()).toString(16);
					formData.append('reqid', reqId);
					xhr._requestId = reqId;
				formData.append('cmd', 'upload');
				formData.append(self.newAPI ? 'target' : 'current', target);
				if (renames && renames.length) {
					$.each(renames, function(i, v) {
						formData.append('renames[]', v);
					formData.append('suffix', fm.options.backupSuffix);
				if (hashes) {
					$.each(hashes, function(i, v) {
						formData.append('hashes['+ i +']', v);
				$.each(self.customData, function(key, val) {
					formData.append(key, val);
				$.each(self.options.onlyMimes, function(i, mime) {
					formData.append('mimes[]', mime);
				$.each(files, function(i, file) {
					var name, relpath;
					if (file._chunkmerged) {
						formData.append('chunk', file._chunkmerged);
						formData.append('upload[]', file._name);
						formData.append('mtime[]', file._mtime);
						data.clipdata && formData.append('overwrite', 0);
						isChunked = true;
					} else {
						if (file._chunkfail) {
							formData.append('upload[]', 'chunkfail');
							formData.append('mimes', 'chunkfail');
						} else {
							if (data.clipdata) {
								if (!file._chunk) {
									data.overwrite = 0;
									name = fm.date(fm.nonameDateFormat) + '.png';
							} else {
								if (file.name) {
									name = file.name;
									if (fm.UA.iOS) {
										if (name.match(/^image\.jpe?g$/i)) {
											data.overwrite = 0;
											name = fm.date(fm.nonameDateFormat) + '.jpg';
										} else if (name.match(/^capturedvideo\.mov$/i)) {
											data.overwrite = 0;
											name = fm.date(fm.nonameDateFormat) + '.mov';
									relpath = (file.webkitRelativePath || file.relativePath || file._relativePath || '').replace(/[^\/]+$/, '');
									name = relpath + name;
							name? formData.append('upload[]', file, name) : formData.append('upload[]', file);
						if (file._chunk) {
							formData.append('chunk', file._chunk);
							formData.append('cid'  , file._cid);
							formData.append('range', file._range);
							formData.append('mtime[]', file._mtime);
							isChunked = true;
						} else {
							formData.append('mtime[]', file.lastModified? Math.round(file.lastModified/1000) : 0);
				if (isDataType) {
					$.each(paths, function(i, path) {
						formData.append('upload_path[]', path);
				if (data.overwrite === 0) {
					formData.append('overwrite', 0);
				// send int value that which meta key was pressed when dropped  as `dropWith`
				if (dropEvt) {
					formData.append('dropWith', parseInt(
						(dropEvt.altKey  ? '1' : '0')+
						(dropEvt.ctrlKey ? '1' : '0')+
						(dropEvt.metaKey ? '1' : '0')+
						(dropEvt.shiftKey? '1' : '0'), 2));
				// set extraData on current request
				if (extraData) {
					$.each(extraData, function(key, val) {
						formData.append(key, val);

				return true;
			if (! isDataType) {
				if (files.length > 0) {
					if (! data.clipdata && renames == null) {
						var mkdirs = [],
							paths = [],
							excludes = fm.options.folderUploadExclude[fm.OS] || null;
						$.each(files, function(i, file) {
							var relPath = file.webkitRelativePath || file.relativePath || '',
								idx, rootDir;
							if (! relPath) {
								return false;
							if (excludes && file.name.match(excludes)) {
								file._remove = true;
								relPath = void(0);
							} else {
								// add '/' as prefix to make same to folder uploading with DnD, see #2607
								relPath = '/' + relPath.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, '').replace(/^\//, '');
								if (relPath && $.inArray(relPath, mkdirs) === -1) {
									// checking the root directory to supports <input type="file" webkitdirectory> see #2378
									idx = relPath.substr(1).indexOf('/');
									if (idx !== -1 && (rootDir = relPath.substr(0, idx + 1)) && $.inArray(rootDir, mkdirs) === -1) {
						renames = [];
						hashes = {};
						if (mkdirs.length) {
							(function() {
								var checkDirs = $.map(mkdirs, function(name) { return name.substr(1).indexOf('/') === -1 ? {name: name.substr(1)} : null;}),
									cancelDirs = [];
								fm.uploads.checkExists(checkDirs, target, fm, true).done(
									function(res, res2) {
										var dfds = [], dfd, bak, hash;
										if (fm.options.overwriteUploadConfirm && fm.option('uploadOverwrite', target)) {
											cancelDirs = $.map(checkDirs, function(dir) { return dir._remove? dir.name : null ;} );
											checkDirs = $.grep(checkDirs, function(dir) { return !dir._remove? true : false ;} );
										if (cancelDirs.length) {
											$.each(paths.concat(), function(i, path) {
												if ($.inArray(path, cancelDirs) === 0) {
													files[i]._remove = true;
													paths[i] = void(0);
										files = $.grep(files, function(file) { return file._remove? false : true; });
										paths = $.grep(paths, function(path) { return path === void 0 ? false : true; });
										if (checkDirs.length) {
											dfd = $.Deferred();
											if (res.length) {
												$.each(res, function(i, existName) {
													// backup
													bak = fm.uniqueName(existName + fm.options.backupSuffix , null, '');
													$.each(res2, function(h, name) {
														if (res[0] == name) {
															hash = h;
															return false;
													if (! hash) {
														hash = fm.fileByName(res[0], target).hash;
													fm.lockfiles({files : [hash]});
															data   : {cmd : 'rename', target : hash, name : bak},
															notify : {type : 'rename', cnt : 1}
														.fail(function(error) {
														.always(function() {
															fm.unlockfiles({files : [hash]});
											} else {
											$.when.apply($, dfds).done(function() {
												// ensure directories
													data   : {cmd : 'mkdir', target : target, dirs : mkdirs},
													notify : {type : 'mkdir', cnt : mkdirs.length},
													preventFail: true
												.fail(function(error) {
													error = error || ['errUnknown'];
													if (error[0] === 'errCmdParams') {
														multiMax = 1;
													} else {
														multiMax = 0;
												.done(function(data) {
													var rm = false;
													if (!data.hashes) {
														data.hashes = {};
													paths = $.map(paths.concat(), function(p, i) {
														if (p === '/') {
															return target;
														} else {
															if (data.hashes[p]) {
																return data.hashes[p];
															} else {
																rm = true;
																files[i]._remove = true;
																return null;
													if (rm) {
														files = $.grep(files, function(file) { return file._remove? false : true; });
												.always(function(data) {
													if (multiMax) {
														isDataType = true;
														if (! send(files, paths)) {
										} else {
						} else {
							fm.uploads.checkExists(files, target, fm).done(
								function(res, res2){
									if (fm.options.overwriteUploadConfirm && fm.option('uploadOverwrite', target)) {
										hashes = res2;
										if (res === null) {
											data.overwrite = 0;
										} else {
											renames = res;
										files = $.grep(files, function(file){return !file._remove? true : false ;});
									cnt = files.length;
									if (cnt > 0) {
										if (! send(files)) {
									} else {
					} else {
						if (! send(files)) {
				} else {
			} else {
				if (dataChecked) {
					send(files[0], files[1]);
				} else {
					files.done(function(result) { // result: [files, paths, renames, hashes, mkdirs]
						renames = [];
						cnt = result[0].length;
						if (cnt) {
							if (result[4] && result[4].length) {
								// ensure directories
									data   : {cmd : 'mkdir', target : target, dirs : result[4]},
									notify : {type : 'mkdir', cnt : result[4].length},
									preventFail: true
								.fail(function(error) {
									error = error || ['errUnknown'];
									if (error[0] === 'errCmdParams') {
										multiMax = 1;
									} else {
										multiMax = 0;
								.done(function(data) {
									var rm = false;
									if (!data.hashes) {
										data.hashes = {};
									result[1] = $.map(result[1], function(p, i) {
										result[0][i]._relativePath = p.replace(/^\//, '');
										p = p.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, '');
										if (p === '') {
											return target;
										} else {
											if (data.hashes[p]) {
												return data.hashes[p];
											} else {
												rm = true;
												result[0][i]._remove = true;
												return null;
									if (rm) {
										result[0] = $.grep(result[0], function(file) { return file._remove? false : true; });
								.always(function(data) {
									if (multiMax) {
										renames = result[2];
										hashes = result[3];
										send(result[0], result[1]);
							} else {
								result[1] = $.map(result[1], function() { return target; });
							renames = result[2];
							hashes = result[3];
							send(result[0], result[1]);
						} else {

			return dfrd;
		// upload transport using iframe
		iframe : function(data, fm) { 
			var self   = fm ? fm : this,
				input  = data.input? data.input : false,
				files  = !input ? self.uploads.checkFile(data, self) : false,
				dfrd   = $.Deferred()
					.fail(function(error) {
						error && self.error(error);
				name = 'iframe-'+fm.namespace+(++self.iframeCnt),
				form = $('<form action="'+self.uploadURL+'" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" encoding="multipart/form-data" target="'+name+'" style="display:none"><input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="upload" /></form>'),
				msie = this.UA.IE,
				// clear timeouts, close notification dialog, remove form/iframe
				onload = function() {
					abortto  && clearTimeout(abortto);
					notifyto && clearTimeout(notifyto);
					notify   && self.notify({type : 'upload', cnt : -cnt});
					setTimeout(function() {
						msie && $('<iframe src="javascript:false;"></iframe>').appendTo(form);
					}, 100);
				iframe = $('<iframe src="'+(msie ? 'javascript:false;' : 'about:blank')+'" name="'+name+'" style="position:absolute;left:-1000px;top:-1000px" ></iframe>')
					.on('load', function() {
							.on('load', function() {
								// data will be processed in callback response or window onmessage
							// notify dialog
							notifyto = setTimeout(function() {
								notify = true;
								self.notify({type : 'upload', cnt : cnt});
							}, self.options.notifyDelay);
							// emulate abort on timeout
							if (self.options.iframeTimeout > 0) {
								abortto = setTimeout(function() {
									dfrd.reject(['errConnect', 'errTimeout']);
								}, self.options.iframeTimeout);
				target  = (data.target || self.cwd().hash),
				names   = [],
				dfds    = [],
				renames = [],
				hashes  = {},
				cnt, notify, notifyto, abortto;

			if (files && files.length) {
				$.each(files, function(i, val) {
					form.append('<input type="hidden" name="upload[]" value="'+val+'"/>');
				cnt = 1;
			} else if (input && $(input).is(':file') && $(input).val()) {
				if (fm.options.overwriteUploadConfirm && fm.option('uploadOverwrite', target)) {
					names = input.files? input.files : [{ name: $(input).val().replace(/^(?:.+[\\\/])?([^\\\/]+)$/, '$1') }];
					//names = $.map(names, function(file){return file.name? { name: file.name } : null ;});
					dfds.push(self.uploads.checkExists(names, target, self).done(
						function(res, res2){
							hashes = res2;
							if (res === null) {
								data.overwrite = 0;
							} else{
								renames = res;
								cnt = $.grep(names, function(file){return !file._remove? true : false ;}).length;
								if (cnt != names.length) {
									cnt = 0;
				cnt = input.files ? input.files.length : 1;
			} else {
				return dfrd.reject();
			$.when.apply($, dfds).done(function() {
				if (cnt < 1) {
					return dfrd.reject();
				form.append('<input type="hidden" name="'+(self.newAPI ? 'target' : 'current')+'" value="'+target+'"/>')
					.append('<input type="hidden" name="html" value="1"/>')
					.append('<input type="hidden" name="node" value="'+self.id+'"/>')
					.append($(input).attr('name', 'upload[]'));
				if (renames.length > 0) {
					$.each(renames, function(i, rename) {
						form.append('<input type="hidden" name="renames[]" value="'+self.escape(rename)+'"/>');
					form.append('<input type="hidden" name="suffix" value="'+fm.options.backupSuffix+'"/>');
				if (hashes) {
					$.each(renames, function(i, v) {
						form.append('<input type="hidden" name="['+i+']" value="'+self.escape(v)+'"/>');
				if (data.overwrite === 0) {
					form.append('<input type="hidden" name="overwrite" value="0"/>');
				$.each(self.options.onlyMimes||[], function(i, mime) {
					form.append('<input type="hidden" name="mimes[]" value="'+self.escape(mime)+'"/>');
				$.each(self.customData, function(key, val) {
					form.append('<input type="hidden" name="'+key+'" value="'+self.escape(val)+'"/>');
			return dfrd;
	 * Bind callback to event(s) The callback is executed at most once per event.
	 * To bind to multiply events at once, separate events names by space
	 * @param  String    event name
	 * @param  Function  callback
	 * @param  Boolan    priority first
	 * @return elFinder
	one : function(ev, callback, priorityFirst) {
		var self  = this,
			event = ev.toLowerCase(),
			h     = function(e, f) {
				if (!self.toUnbindEvents[event]) {
					self.toUnbindEvents[event] = [];
					type: event,
					callback: h
				return (callback.done? callback.done : callback).apply(this, arguments);
		if (callback.done) {
			h = {done: h};
		return this.bind(event, h, priorityFirst);
	 * Set/get data into/from localStorage
	 * @param  String       key
	 * @param  String|void  value
	 * @return String|null
	localStorage : function(key, val) {
		var self   = this,
			s      = window.localStorage,
			oldkey = 'elfinder-'+(key || '')+this.id, // old key of elFinder < 2.1.6
			prefix = window.location.pathname+'-elfinder-',
			suffix = this.id,
			clrs   = [],
			retval, oldval, t, precnt, sufcnt;

		// reset this node data
		if (typeof(key) === 'undefined') {
			precnt = prefix.length;
			sufcnt = suffix.length * -1;
			$.each(s, function(key) {
				if (key.substr(0, precnt) === prefix && key.substr(sufcnt) === suffix) {
			$.each(clrs, function(i, key) {
			return true;
		// new key of elFinder >= 2.1.6
		key = prefix+key+suffix;
		if (val === null) {
			return s.removeItem(key);
		if (val === void(0) && !(retval = s.getItem(key)) && (oldval = s.getItem(oldkey))) {
			val = oldval;
		if (val !== void(0)) {
			t = typeof val;
			if (t !== 'string' && t !== 'number') {
				val = JSON.stringify(val);
			try {
				s.setItem(key, val);
			} catch (e) {
				try {
					s.setItem(key, val);
				} catch (e) {
					self.debug('error', e.toString());
			retval = s.getItem(key);

		if (retval && (retval.substr(0,1) === '{' || retval.substr(0,1) === '[')) {
			try {
				return JSON.parse(retval);
			} catch(e) {}
		return retval;

	 * Set/get data into/from sessionStorage
	 * @param  String       key
	 * @param  String|void  value
	 * @return String|null
	sessionStorage : function(key, val) {
		var self   = this,
			s, retval, t;

		try {
			s = window.sessionStorage;
		} catch(e) {}

		if (!s) {

		if (val === null) {
			return s.removeItem(key);

		if (val !== void(0)) {
			t = typeof val;
			if (t !== 'string' && t !== 'number') {
				val = JSON.stringify(val);
			try {
				s.setItem(key, val);
			} catch (e) {
				try {
					s.setItem(key, val);
				} catch (e) {
					self.debug('error', e.toString());
		retval = s.getItem(key);

		if (retval && (retval.substr(0,1) === '{' || retval.substr(0,1) === '[')) {
			try {
				return JSON.parse(retval);
			} catch(e) {}
		return retval;

	 * Get/set cookie
	 * @param  String       cookie name
	 * @param  String|void  cookie value
	 * @return String|null
	cookie : function(name, value) {
		var d, o, c, i, retval, t;

		name = 'elfinder-'+name+this.id;

		if (value === void(0)) {
			if (this.cookieEnabled && document.cookie && document.cookie != '') {
				c = document.cookie.split(';');
				name += '=';
				for (i=0; i<c.length; i++) {
					c[i] = $.trim(c[i]);
					if (c[i].substring(0, name.length) == name) {
						retval = decodeURIComponent(c[i].substring(name.length));
						if (retval.substr(0,1) === '{' || retval.substr(0,1) === '[') {
							try {
								return JSON.parse(retval);
							} catch(e) {}
						return retval;
			return null;

		if (!this.cookieEnabled) {
			return '';

		o = Object.assign({}, this.options.cookie);
		if (value === null) {
			value = '';
			o.expires = -1;
		} else {
			t = typeof value;
			if (t !== 'string' && t !== 'number') {
				value = JSON.stringify(value);
		if (typeof(o.expires) == 'number') {
			d = new Date();
			d.setTime(d.getTime()+(o.expires * 86400000));
			o.expires = d;
		document.cookie = name+'='+encodeURIComponent(value)+'; expires='+o.expires.toUTCString()+(o.path ? '; path='+o.path : '')+(o.domain ? '; domain='+o.domain : '')+(o.secure ? '; secure' : '')+(o.samesite ? '; samesite='+o.samesite : '');
		if (value && (value.substr(0,1) === '{' || value.substr(0,1) === '[')) {
			try {
				return JSON.parse(value);
			} catch(e) {}
		return value;
	 * Get start directory (by location.hash or last opened directory)
	 * @return String
	startDir : function() {
		var locHash = window.location.hash;
		if (locHash && locHash.match(/^#elf_/)) {
			return locHash.replace(/^#elf_/, '');
		} else if (this.options.startPathHash) {
			return this.options.startPathHash;
		} else {
			return this.lastDir();
	 * Get/set last opened directory
	 * @param  String|undefined  dir hash
	 * @return String
	lastDir : function(hash) { 
		return this.options.rememberLastDir ? this.storage('lastdir', hash) : '';
	 * Node for escape html entities in texts
	 * @type jQuery
	_node : $('<span></c.length;>'),
	 * Replace not html-safe symbols to html entities
	 * @param  String  text to escape
	 * @return String
	escape : function(name) {
		return this._node.text(name).html().replace(/"/g, '&quot;').replace(/'/g, '&#039;');
	 * Cleanup ajax data.
	 * For old api convert data into new api format
	 * @param  String  command name
	 * @param  Object  data from backend
	 * @return Object
	normalize : function(data) {
		var self   = this,
			fileFilter = (function() {
				var func, filter;
				if (filter = self.options.fileFilter) {
					if (typeof filter === 'function') {
						func = function(file) {
							return filter.call(self, file);
					} else if (filter instanceof RegExp) {
						func = function(file) {
							return filter.test(file.name);
				return func? func : null;
			chkCmdMap = function(opts) {
				// Disable command to replace with other command
				var disabled;
				if (opts.uiCmdMap) {
					if ($.isPlainObject(opts.uiCmdMap) && Object.keys(opts.uiCmdMap).length) {
						if (!opts.disabledFlip) {
							opts.disabledFlip = {};
						disabled = opts.disabledFlip;
						$.each(opts.uiCmdMap, function(f, t) {
							if (t === 'hidden' && !disabled[f]) {
								opts.disabledFlip[f] = true;
					} else {
						delete opts.uiCmdMap;
			normalizeOptions = function(opts) {
				var getType = function(v) {
						var type = typeof v;
						if (type === 'object' && Array.isArray(v)) {
							type = 'array';
						return type;
				$.each(self.optionProperties, function(k, empty) {
					if (empty !== void(0)) {
						if (opts[k] && getType(opts[k]) !== getType(empty)) {
							opts[k] = empty;
				if (opts.disabled) {
					opts.disabledFlip = self.arrayFlip(opts.disabled, true);
					$.each(self.options.disabledCmdsRels, function(com, rels) {
						var m, flg;
						if (opts.disabledFlip[com]) {
							flg = true;
						} else if (m = com.match(/^([^&]+)&([^=]+)=(.*)$/)) {
							if (opts.disabledFlip[m[1]] && opts[m[2]] == m[3]) {
								flg = true;
						if (flg) {
							$.each(rels, function(i, rel) {
								if (!opts.disabledFlip[rel]) {
									opts.disabledFlip[rel] = true;
				} else {
					opts.disabledFlip = {};
				return opts;
			filter = function(file, asMap, type) { 
				var res = asMap? file : true,
					ign = asMap? null : false,
					vid, targetOptions, isRoot, rootNames;
				if (file && file.hash && file.name && file.mime) {
					if (file.mime === 'application/x-empty') {
						file.mime = 'text/plain';
					isRoot = self.isRoot(file);
					if (isRoot && ! file.volumeid) {
						self.debug('warning', 'The volume root statuses requires `volumeid` property.');
					if (isRoot || file.mime === 'directory') {
						// Prevention of circular reference
						if (file.phash) {
							if (file.phash === file.hash) {
								error = error.concat(['Parent folder of "$1" is itself.', file.name]);
								return ign;
							if (isRoot && file.volumeid && file.phash.indexOf(file.volumeid) === 0) {
								error = error.concat(['Parent folder of "$1" is inner itself.', file.name]);
								return ign;
						// set options, tmbUrls for each volume
						if (file.volumeid) {
							vid = file.volumeid;
							if (isRoot) {
								// make or update of leaf roots cache
								if (file.phash) {
									if (! self.leafRoots[file.phash]) {
										self.leafRoots[file.phash] = [ file.hash ];
									} else {
										if ($.inArray(file.hash, self.leafRoots[file.phash]) === -1) {

								self.hasVolOptions = true;
								if (! self.volOptions[vid]) {
									self.volOptions[vid] = {
										// set dispInlineRegex
										dispInlineRegex: self.options.dispInlineRegex
								targetOptions = self.volOptions[vid];
								if (file.options) {
									// >= v.2.1.14 has file.options
									Object.assign(targetOptions, file.options);
								// for compat <= v2.1.13
								if (file.disabled) {
									targetOptions.disabled = file.disabled;
									targetOptions.disabledFlip = self.arrayFlip(file.disabled, true);
								if (file.tmbUrl) {
									targetOptions.tmbUrl = file.tmbUrl;
								// '/' required at the end of url
								if (targetOptions.url && targetOptions.url.substr(-1) !== '/') {
									targetOptions.url += '/';

								// check uiCmdMap
								// check trash bin hash
								if (targetOptions.trashHash) {
									if (self.trashes[targetOptions.trashHash] === false) {
										delete targetOptions.trashHash;
									} else {
										self.trashes[targetOptions.trashHash] = file.hash;
								// set immediate properties
								$.each(self.optionProperties, function(k) {
									if (targetOptions[k]) {
										file[k] = targetOptions[k];

								// regist fm.roots
								if (type !== 'cwd') {
									self.roots[vid] = file.hash;

								// regist fm.volumeExpires
								if (file.expires) {
									self.volumeExpires[vid] = file.expires;
							if (prevId !== vid) {
								prevId = vid;
								i18nFolderName = self.option('i18nFolderName', vid);
						// volume root i18n name
						if (isRoot && ! file.i18) {
							name = 'volume_' + file.name,
							i18 = self.i18n(false, name);
							if (name !== i18) {
								file.i18 = i18;
						// i18nFolderName
						if (i18nFolderName && ! file.i18) {
							name = 'folder_' + file.name,
							i18 = self.i18n(false, name);
							if (name !== i18) {
								file.i18 = i18;
						if (isRoot) {
							if (rootNames = self.storage('rootNames')) {
								if (rootNames[file.hash]) {
									file._name = file.name;
									file._i18 = file.i18;
									file.name = rootNames[file.hash] = rootNames[file.hash];
									delete file.i18;
								self.storage('rootNames', rootNames);

						// lock trash bins holder
						if (self.trashes[file.hash]) {
							file.locked = true;
					} else {
						if (fileFilter) {
							try {
								if (! fileFilter(file)) {
									return ign;
							} catch(e) {
						if (file.size == 0) {
							file.mime = self.getMimetype(file.name, file.mime);
					if (file.options) {
						self.optionsByHashes[file.hash] = normalizeOptions(file.options);
					delete file.options;
					return res;
				return ign;
			getDescendants = function(hashes) {
				var res = [];
				$.each(self.files(), function(h, f) {
					$.each(self.parents(h), function(i, ph) {
						if ($.inArray(ph, hashes) !== -1 && $.inArray(h, hashes) === -1) {
							return false;
				return res;
			applyLeafRootStats = function(dataArr, type) {
				$.each(dataArr, function(i, f) {
					var pfile, done;
					if (self.leafRoots[f.hash]) {
					// update leaf root parent stat
					if (type !== 'change' && f.phash && self.isRoot(f) && (pfile = self.file(f.phash))) {
						// add to data.changed
						if (!data.changed) {
							data.changed = [pfile];
						} else {
							$.each(data.changed, function(i, f) {
								if (f.hash === pfile.hash) {
									data.changed[i] = pfile;
									done = true;
									return false;
							if (!done) {
			error = [],
			name, i18, i18nFolderName, prevId, cData;
		// set cunstom data
		if (data.customData && (!self.prevCustomData || (JSON.stringify(data.customData) !== JSON.stringify(self.prevCustomData)))) {
			self.prevCustomData = data.customData;
			try {
				cData = JSON.parse(data.customData);
				if ($.isPlainObject(cData)) {
					self.prevCustomData = cData;
					$.each(Object.keys(cData), function(i, key) {
						if (cData[key] === null) {
							delete cData[key];
							delete self.optsCustomData[key];
					self.customData = Object.assign({}, self.optsCustomData, cData);
			} catch(e) {}

		if (data.options) {
		if (data.cwd) {
			if (data.cwd.volumeid && data.options && Object.keys(data.options).length && self.isRoot(data.cwd)) {
				self.hasVolOptions = true;
				self.volOptions[data.cwd.volumeid] = data.options;
			data.cwd = filter(data.cwd, true, 'cwd');
		if (data.files) {
			data.files = $.grep(data.files, filter);
		if (data.tree) {
			data.tree = $.grep(data.tree, filter);
		if (data.added) {
			data.added = $.grep(data.added, filter);
		if (data.changed) {
			data.changed = $.grep(data.changed, filter);
		if (data.removed && data.removed.length && self.searchStatus.state === 2) {
			data.removed = data.removed.concat(getDescendants(data.removed));
		if (data.api) {
			data.init = true;

		if (Object.keys(self.leafRoots).length) {
			data.files && applyLeafRootStats(data.files);
			data.tree && applyLeafRootStats(data.tree);
			data.added && applyLeafRootStats(data.added);
			data.changed && applyLeafRootStats(data.changed, 'change');

		// merge options that apply only to cwd
		if (data.cwd && data.cwd.options && data.options) {
			Object.assign(data.options, normalizeOptions(data.cwd.options));

		// '/' required at the end of url
		if (data.options && data.options.url && data.options.url.substr(-1) !== '/') {
			data.options.url += '/';
		// check error
		if (error.length) {
			data.norError = ['errResponse'].concat(error);
		return data;
	 * Update sort options
	 * @param {String} sort type
	 * @param {String} sort order
	 * @param {Boolean} show folder first
	setSort : function(type, order, stickFolders, alsoTreeview) {
		this.storage('sortType', (this.sortType = this.sortRules[type] ? type : 'name'));
		this.storage('sortOrder', (this.sortOrder = /asc|desc/.test(order) ? order : 'asc'));
		this.storage('sortStickFolders', (this.sortStickFolders = !!stickFolders) ? 1 : '');
		this.storage('sortAlsoTreeview', (this.sortAlsoTreeview = !!alsoTreeview) ? 1 : '');
	_sortRules : {
		name : function(file1, file2) {
			return elFinder.prototype.naturalCompare(file1.i18 || file1.name, file2.i18 || file2.name);
		size : function(file1, file2) { 
			var size1 = parseInt(file1.size) || 0,
				size2 = parseInt(file2.size) || 0;
			return size1 === size2 ? 0 : size1 > size2 ? 1 : -1;
		kind : function(file1, file2) {
			return elFinder.prototype.naturalCompare(file1.mime, file2.mime);
		date : function(file1, file2) { 
			var date1 = file1.ts || file1.date || 0,
				date2 = file2.ts || file2.date || 0;

			return date1 === date2 ? 0 : date1 > date2 ? 1 : -1;
		perm : function(file1, file2) { 
			var val = function(file) { return (file.write? 2 : 0) + (file.read? 1 : 0); },
				v1  = val(file1),
				v2  = val(file2);
			return v1 === v2 ? 0 : v1 > v2 ? 1 : -1;
		mode : function(file1, file2) { 
			var v1 = file1.mode || (file1.perm || ''),
				v2 = file2.mode || (file2.perm || '');
			return elFinder.prototype.naturalCompare(v1, v2);
		owner : function(file1, file2) { 
			var v1 = file1.owner || '',
				v2 = file2.owner || '';
			return elFinder.prototype.naturalCompare(v1, v2);
		group : function(file1, file2) { 
			var v1 = file1.group || '',
				v2 = file2.group || '';
			return elFinder.prototype.naturalCompare(v1, v2);
	 * Valid sort rule names
	 * @type Object
	sorters : {},
	 * Compare strings for natural sort
	 * @param  String
	 * @param  String
	 * @return Number
	naturalCompare : function(a, b) {
		var self = elFinder.prototype.naturalCompare;
		if (typeof self.loc == 'undefined') {
			self.loc = (navigator.userLanguage || navigator.browserLanguage || navigator.language || 'en-US');
		if (typeof self.sort == 'undefined') {
			if ('11'.localeCompare('2', self.loc, {numeric: true}) > 0) {
				// Native support
				if (window.Intl && window.Intl.Collator) {
					self.sort = new Intl.Collator(self.loc, {numeric: true}).compare;
				} else {
					self.sort = function(a, b) {
						return a.localeCompare(b, self.loc, {numeric: true});
			} else {
				 * Edited for elFinder (emulates localeCompare() by numeric) by Naoki Sawada aka nao-pon
				 * Huddle/javascript-natural-sort (https://github.com/Huddle/javascript-natural-sort)
				 * Natural Sort algorithm for Javascript - Version 0.7 - Released under MIT license
				 * Author: Jim Palmer (based on chunking idea from Dave Koelle)
				 * http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
				self.sort = function(a, b) {
					var re = /(^-?[0-9]+(\.?[0-9]*)[df]?e?[0-9]?$|^0x[0-9a-f]+$|[0-9]+)/gi,
					sre = /(^[ ]*|[ ]*$)/g,
					dre = /(^([\w ]+,?[\w ]+)?[\w ]+,?[\w ]+\d+:\d+(:\d+)?[\w ]?|^\d{1,4}[\/\-]\d{1,4}[\/\-]\d{1,4}|^\w+, \w+ \d+, \d{4})/,
					hre = /^0x[0-9a-f]+$/i,
					ore = /^0/,
					syre = /^[\x01\x21-\x2f\x3a-\x40\x5b-\x60\x7b-\x7e]/, // symbol first - (Naoki Sawada)
					i = function(s) { return self.sort.insensitive && (''+s).toLowerCase() || ''+s; },
					// convert all to strings strip whitespace
					// first character is "_", it's smallest - (Naoki Sawada)
					x = i(a).replace(sre, '').replace(/^_/, "\x01") || '',
					y = i(b).replace(sre, '').replace(/^_/, "\x01") || '',
					// chunk/tokenize
					xN = x.replace(re, '\0$1\0').replace(/\0$/,'').replace(/^\0/,'').split('\0'),
					yN = y.replace(re, '\0$1\0').replace(/\0$/,'').replace(/^\0/,'').split('\0'),
					// numeric, hex or date detection
					xD = parseInt(x.match(hre)) || (xN.length != 1 && x.match(dre) && Date.parse(x)),
					yD = parseInt(y.match(hre)) || xD && y.match(dre) && Date.parse(y) || null,
					oFxNcL, oFyNcL,
					locRes = 0;

					// first try and sort Hex codes or Dates
					if (yD) {
						if ( xD < yD ) return -1;
						else if ( xD > yD ) return 1;
					// natural sorting through split numeric strings and default strings
					for(var cLoc=0, numS=Math.max(xN.length, yN.length); cLoc < numS; cLoc++) {

						// find floats not starting with '0', string or 0 if not defined (Clint Priest)
						oFxNcL = !(xN[cLoc] || '').match(ore) && parseFloat(xN[cLoc]) || xN[cLoc] || 0;
						oFyNcL = !(yN[cLoc] || '').match(ore) && parseFloat(yN[cLoc]) || yN[cLoc] || 0;

						// handle numeric vs string comparison - number < string - (Kyle Adams)
						// but symbol first < number - (Naoki Sawada)
						if (isNaN(oFxNcL) !== isNaN(oFyNcL)) {
							if (isNaN(oFxNcL) && (typeof oFxNcL !== 'string' || ! oFxNcL.match(syre))) {
								return 1;
							} else if (typeof oFyNcL !== 'string' || ! oFyNcL.match(syre)) {
								return -1;

						// use decimal number comparison if either value is string zero
						if (parseInt(oFxNcL, 10) === 0) oFxNcL = 0;
						if (parseInt(oFyNcL, 10) === 0) oFyNcL = 0;

						// rely on string comparison if different types - i.e. '02' < 2 != '02' < '2'
						if (typeof oFxNcL !== typeof oFyNcL) {
							oFxNcL += '';
							oFyNcL += '';

						// use locale sensitive sort for strings when case insensitive
						// note: localeCompare interleaves uppercase with lowercase (e.g. A,a,B,b)
						if (self.sort.insensitive && typeof oFxNcL === 'string' && typeof oFyNcL === 'string') {
							locRes = oFxNcL.localeCompare(oFyNcL, self.loc);
							if (locRes !== 0) return locRes;

						if (oFxNcL < oFyNcL) return -1;
						if (oFxNcL > oFyNcL) return 1;
					return 0;
				self.sort.insensitive = true;
		return self.sort(a, b);
	 * Compare files based on elFinder.sort
	 * @param  Object  file
	 * @param  Object  file
	 * @return Number
	compare : function(file1, file2) {
		var self  = this,
			type  = self.sortType,
			asc   = self.sortOrder == 'asc',
			stick = self.sortStickFolders,
			rules = self.sortRules,
			sort  = rules[type],
			d1    = file1.mime == 'directory',
			d2    = file2.mime == 'directory',
		if (stick) {
			if (d1 && !d2) {
				return -1;
			} else if (!d1 && d2) {
				return 1;
		res = asc ? sort(file1, file2) : sort(file2, file1);
		return type !== 'name' && res === 0
			? res = asc ? rules.name(file1, file2) : rules.name(file2, file1)
			: res;
	 * Sort files based on config
	 * @param  Array  files
	 * @return Array
	sortFiles : function(files) {
		return files.sort(this.compare);
	 * Open notification dialog 
	 * and append/update message for required notification type.
	 * @param  Object  options
	 * @example  
	 * this.notify({
	 *    type : 'copy',
	 *    msg : 'Copy files', // not required for known types @see this.notifyType
	 *    cnt : 3,
	 *    hideCnt  : false,   // true for not show count
	 *    progress : 10,      // progress bar percents (use cnt : 0 to update progress bar)
	 *    cancel   : callback // callback function for cancel button
	 * })
	 * @return elFinder
	notify : function(opts) {
		var self     = this,
			type     = opts.type,
			id       = opts.id? 'elfinder-notify-'+opts.id : '',
			msg      = this.i18n((typeof opts.msg !== 'undefined')? opts.msg : (this.messages['ntf'+type] ? 'ntf'+type : 'ntfsmth')),
			hiddens  = this.arrayFlip(this.options.notifyDialog.hiddens || []),
			ndialog  = this.ui.notify,
			dialog   = ndialog.closest('.ui-dialog'),
			notify   = ndialog.children('.elfinder-notify-'+type+(id? ('.'+id) : '')),
			button   = notify.children('div.elfinder-notify-cancel').children('button'),
			ntpl     = '<div class="elfinder-notify elfinder-notify-{type}'+(id? (' '+id) : '')+'"><span class="elfinder-dialog-icon elfinder-dialog-icon-{type}"></span><span class="elfinder-notify-msg">{msg}</span> <span class="elfinder-notify-cnt"></span><div class="elfinder-notify-progressbar"><div class="elfinder-notify-progress"></div></div><div class="elfinder-notify-cancel"></div></div>',
			delta    = opts.cnt + 0,
			size     = (typeof opts.size != 'undefined')? parseInt(opts.size) : null,
			progress = (typeof opts.progress != 'undefined' && opts.progress >= 0) ? opts.progress : null,
			fakeint  = opts.fakeinterval || 200,
			cancel   = opts.cancel,
			clhover  = 'ui-state-hover',
			close    = function() {
				var prog = notify.find('.elfinder-notify-progress'),
					rm = function() {
						if (!ndialog.children(dialog.data('minimized')? void(0) : ':visible').length) {
							if (dialog.data('minimized')) {
							} else {
				notify._esc && $(document).off('keydown', notify._esc);
				if (notify.data('cur') < 100) {
						width : '100%'
					}, 50, function() { requestAnimationFrame(function() { rm(); }); });
				} else {
			fakeUp = function(interval) {
				var cur;
				if (notify.length) {
					cur = notify.data('cur') + 1;
					if (cur <= 98) {
						notify.find('.elfinder-notify-progress').width(cur + '%');
						notify.data('cur', cur);
						setTimeout(function() {
							interval *= 1.05; 
						}, interval);
			setProgressbar = function() {
				var cnt = 0,
					val = 0,
					ntfs = ndialog.children('.elfinder-notify'),
				if (ntfs.length) {
					ntfs.each(function() {
						val += Math.min($(this).data('cur'), 100);
					w = cnt? Math.floor(val / (cnt * 100) * 100) + '%' : 0;
					if (dialog.data('minimized')) {
				} else {
					dialog.data('minimized') && dialog.data('minimized').hide();
			cnt, total, prc;

		if (!type) {
			return this;
		if (!notify.length) {
			notify = $(ntpl.replace(/\{type\}/g, type).replace(/\{msg\}/g, msg));
			if (hiddens[type]) {
			} else {
				ndialog.on('minimize', function(e) {
					dialog.data('minimized') && setProgressbar();
			notify.appendTo(ndialog).data('cnt', 0);

			if (progress != null) {
				notify.data({progress : 0, total : 0, cur : 0});
			} else {
				notify.data({cur : 0});

			if (cancel) {
				button = $('<span class="elfinder-notify-button ui-icon ui-icon-close" title="'+this.i18n('btnCancel')+'"></span>')
					.on('mouseenter mouseleave', function(e) { 
						$(this).toggleClass(clhover, e.type === 'mouseenter');
		} else if (typeof opts.msg !== 'undefined') {

		cnt = delta + parseInt(notify.data('cnt'));
		if (cnt > 0) {
			if (cancel && button.length) {
				if ($.isFunction(cancel) || (typeof cancel === 'object' && cancel.promise)) {
					notify._esc = function(e) {
						if (e.type == 'keydown' && e.keyCode != $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE) {
						if (cancel.promise) {
							cancel.reject(0); // 0 is canceling flag
						} else {
					button.on('click', function(e) {
					$(document).on('keydown.' + this.namespace, notify._esc);
			!opts.hideCnt && notify.children('.elfinder-notify-cnt').text('('+cnt+')');
			if (delta > 0 && ndialog.is(':hidden') && !hiddens[type]) {
				if (dialog.data('minimized')) {
				} else {
					ndialog.elfinderdialog('open', this).height('auto');
			notify.data('cnt', cnt);
			if ((progress != null)
			&& (total = notify.data('total')) >= 0
			&& (prc = notify.data('progress')) >= 0) {

				total += size != null? size : delta;
				prc   += progress;
				(size == null && delta < 0) && (prc += delta * 100);
				notify.data({progress : prc, total : total});
				if (size != null) {
					prc *= 100;
					total = Math.max(1, total);
				progress = Math.min(parseInt(prc/total), 100);
						width : (progress < 100 ? progress : 100)+'%'
					}, 20, function() {
						notify.data('cur', progress);
		} else {
		return this;
	 * Open confirmation dialog 
	 * @param  Object  options
	 * @example  
	 * this.confirm({
	 *    cssClass : 'elfinder-confirm-mydialog',
	 *    title : 'Remove files',
	 *    text  : 'Here is question text',
	 *    accept : {  // accept callback - required
	 *      label : 'Continue',
	 *      callback : function(applyToAll) { fm.log('Ok') }
	 *    },
	 *    cancel : { // cancel callback - required
	 *      label : 'Cancel',
	 *      callback : function() { fm.log('Cancel')}
	 *    },
	 *    reject : { // reject callback - optionally
	 *      label : 'No',
	 *      callback : function(applyToAll) { fm.log('No')}
	 *    },
	 *    buttons : [ // additional buttons callback - optionally
	 *      {
	 *        label : 'Btn1',
	 *        callback : function(applyToAll) { fm.log('Btn1')}
	 *      }
	 *    ],
	 *    all : true  // display checkbox "Apply to all"
	 * })
	 * @return elFinder
	confirm : function(opts) {
		var self     = this,
			complete = false,
			options = {
				cssClass  : 'elfinder-dialog-confirm',
				modal     : true,
				resizable : false,
				title     : this.i18n(opts.title || 'confirmReq'),
				buttons   : {},
				close     : function() { 
					!complete && opts.cancel.callback();
			apply = this.i18n('apllyAll'),
			label, checkbox, btnNum;

		if (opts.cssClass) {
			options.cssClass += ' ' + opts.cssClass;
		options.buttons[this.i18n(opts.accept.label)] = function() {
			opts.accept.callback(!!(checkbox && checkbox.prop('checked')));
			complete = true;
		options.buttons[this.i18n(opts.accept.label)]._cssClass = 'elfinder-confirm-accept';
		if (opts.reject) {
			options.buttons[this.i18n(opts.reject.label)] = function() {
				opts.reject.callback(!!(checkbox && checkbox.prop('checked')));
				complete = true;
			options.buttons[this.i18n(opts.reject.label)]._cssClass = 'elfinder-confirm-reject';
		if (opts.buttons && opts.buttons.length > 0) {
			btnNum = 1;
			$.each(opts.buttons, function(i, v){
				options.buttons[self.i18n(v.label)] = function() {
					v.callback(!!(checkbox && checkbox.prop('checked')));
					complete = true;
				options.buttons[self.i18n(v.label)]._cssClass = 'elfinder-confirm-extbtn' + (btnNum++);
				if (v.cssClass) {
					options.buttons[self.i18n(v.label)]._cssClass += ' ' + v.cssClass;
		options.buttons[this.i18n(opts.cancel.label)] = function() {
		options.buttons[this.i18n(opts.cancel.label)]._cssClass = 'elfinder-confirm-cancel';
		if (opts.all) {
			options.create = function() {
				var base = $('<div class="elfinder-dialog-confirm-applyall"></div>');
				checkbox = $('<input type="checkbox" />');
		if (opts.optionsCallback && $.isFunction(opts.optionsCallback)) {
		return this.dialog('<span class="elfinder-dialog-icon elfinder-dialog-icon-confirm"></span>' + this.i18n(opts.text), options);
	 * Create unique file name in required dir
	 * @param  String  file name
	 * @param  String  parent dir hash
	 * @param  String  glue
	 * @return String
	uniqueName : function(prefix, phash, glue) {
		var i = 0, ext = '', p, name;
		prefix = this.i18n(false, prefix);
		phash = phash || this.cwd().hash;
		glue = (typeof glue === 'undefined')? ' ' : glue;

		if (p = prefix.match(/^(.+)(\.[^.]+)$/)) {
			ext    = p[2];
			prefix = p[1];
		name   = prefix+ext;
		if (!this.fileByName(name, phash)) {
			return name;
		while (i < 10000) {
			name = prefix + glue + (++i) + ext;
			if (!this.fileByName(name, phash)) {
				return name;
		return prefix + Math.random() + ext;
	 * Return message translated onto current language
	 * Allowed accept HTML element that was wrapped in jQuery object
	 * To be careful to XSS vulnerability of HTML element Ex. You should use `fm.escape(file.name)`
	 * @param  String|Array  message[s]|Object jQuery
	 * @return String
	i18n : function() {
		var self = this,
			messages = this.messages, 
			input    = [],
			ignore   = [], 
			message = function(m) {
				var file;
				if (m.indexOf('#') === 0) {
					if ((file = self.file(m.substr(1)))) {
						return file.name;
				return m;
			i, j, m, escFunc, start = 0, isErr;
		if (arguments.length && arguments[0] === false) {
			escFunc = function(m){ return m; };
			start = 1;
		for (i = start; i< arguments.length; i++) {
			m = arguments[i];
			if (Array.isArray(m)) {
				for (j = 0; j < m.length; j++) {
					if (m[j] instanceof jQuery) {
						// jQuery object is HTML element
					} else if (typeof m[j] !== 'undefined'){
						input.push(message('' + m[j]));
			} else if (m instanceof jQuery) {
				// jQuery object is HTML element
			} else if (typeof m !== 'undefined'){
				input.push(message('' + m));
		for (i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
			// dont translate placeholders
			if ($.inArray(i, ignore) !== -1) {
			m = input[i];
			if (typeof m == 'string') {
				isErr = !!(messages[m] && m.match(/^err/));
				// translate message
				m = messages[m] || (escFunc? escFunc(m) : self.escape(m));
				// replace placeholders in message
				m = m.replace(/\$(\d+)/g, function(match, placeholder) {
					var res;
					placeholder = i + parseInt(placeholder);
					if (placeholder > 0 && input[placeholder]) {
					res = escFunc? escFunc(input[placeholder]) : self.escape(input[placeholder]);
					if (isErr) {
						res = '<span class="elfinder-err-var elfinder-err-var' + placeholder + '">' + res + '</span>';
					return res;
			} else {
				// get HTML from jQuery object
				m = m.get(0).outerHTML;

			input[i] = m;

		return $.grep(input, function(m, i) { return $.inArray(i, ignore) === -1 ? true : false; }).join('<br>');
	 * Get icon style from file.icon
	 * @param  Object  elFinder file object
	 * @return String|Object
	getIconStyle : function(file, asObject) {
		var self = this,
			template = {
				'background' : 'url(\'{url}\') 0 0 no-repeat',
				'background-size' : 'contain'
			style = '',
			cssObj = {},
			i = 0;
		if (file.icon) {
			style = 'style="';
			$.each(template, function(k, v) {
				if (i++ === 0) {
					v = v.replace('{url}', self.escape(file.icon));
				if (asObject) {
					cssObj[k] = v;
				} else {
					style += k+':'+v+';';
			style += '"';
		return asObject? cssObj : style;
	 * Convert mimetype into css classes
	 * @param  String  file mimetype
	 * @return String
	mime2class : function(mimeType) {
		var prefix = 'elfinder-cwd-icon-',
			mime   = mimeType.toLowerCase(),
			isText = this.textMimes[mime];
		mime = mime.split('/');
		if (isText) {
			mime[0] += ' ' + prefix + 'text';
		} else if (mime[1] && mime[1].match(/\+xml$/)) {
			mime[0] += ' ' + prefix + 'xml';
		return prefix + mime[0] + (mime[1] ? ' ' + prefix + mime[1].replace(/(\.|\+)/g, '-') : '');
	 * Return localized kind of file
	 * @param  Object|String  file or file mimetype
	 * @return String
	mime2kind : function(f) {
		var isObj = typeof(f) == 'object' ? true : false,
			mime  = isObj ? f.mime : f,

		if (isObj && f.alias && mime != 'symlink-broken') {
			kind = 'Alias';
		} else if (this.kinds[mime]) {
			if (isObj && mime === 'directory' && (! f.phash || f.isroot)) {
				kind = 'Root';
			} else {
				kind = this.kinds[mime];
		} else if (this.mimeTypes[mime]) {
			kind = this.mimeTypes[mime].toUpperCase();
			if (!this.messages['kind'+kind]) {
				kind = null;
		if (! kind) {
			if (mime.indexOf('text') === 0) {
				kind = 'Text';
			} else if (mime.indexOf('image') === 0) {
				kind = 'Image';
			} else if (mime.indexOf('audio') === 0) {
				kind = 'Audio';
			} else if (mime.indexOf('video') === 0) {
				kind = 'Video';
			} else if (mime.indexOf('application') === 0) {
				kind = 'App';
			} else {
				kind = mime;
		return this.messages['kind'+kind] ? this.i18n('kind'+kind) : mime;
	 * Return boolean Is mime-type text file
	 * @param  String  mime-type
	 * @return Boolean
	mimeIsText : function(mime) {
		return (this.textMimes[mime.toLowerCase()] || (mime.indexOf('text/') === 0 && mime.substr(5, 3) !== 'rtf') || mime.match(/^application\/.+\+xml$/))? true : false;
	 * Returns a date string formatted according to the given format string
	 * @param  String  format string
	 * @param  Object  Date object
	 * @return String
	date : function(format, date) {
		var self = this,
			output, d, dw, m, y, h, g, i, s;
		if (! date) {
			date = new Date();
		h  = date[self.getHours]();
		g  = h > 12 ? h - 12 : h;
		i  = date[self.getMinutes]();
		s  = date[self.getSeconds]();
		d  = date[self.getDate]();
		dw = date[self.getDay]();
		m  = date[self.getMonth]() + 1;
		y  = date[self.getFullYear]();
		output = format.replace(/[a-z]/gi, function(val) {
			switch (val) {
				case 'd': return d > 9 ? d : '0'+d;
				case 'j': return d;
				case 'D': return self.i18n(self.i18.daysShort[dw]);
				case 'l': return self.i18n(self.i18.days[dw]);
				case 'm': return m > 9 ? m : '0'+m;
				case 'n': return m;
				case 'M': return self.i18n(self.i18.monthsShort[m-1]);
				case 'F': return self.i18n(self.i18.months[m-1]);
				case 'Y': return y;
				case 'y': return (''+y).substr(2);
				case 'H': return h > 9 ? h : '0'+h;
				case 'G': return h;
				case 'g': return g;
				case 'h': return g > 9 ? g : '0'+g;
				case 'a': return h >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am';
				case 'A': return h >= 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM';
				case 'i': return i > 9 ? i : '0'+i;
				case 's': return s > 9 ? s : '0'+s;
			return val;
		return output;
	 * Return localized date
	 * @param  Object  file object
	 * @return String
	formatDate : function(file, t) {
		var self = this, 
			ts   = t || file.ts, 
			i18  = self.i18,
			date, format, output, d, dw, m, y, h, g, i, s;

		if (self.options.clientFormatDate && ts > 0) {

			date = new Date(ts*1000);
			format = ts >= this.yesterday 
				? this.fancyFormat 
				: this.dateFormat;

			output = self.date(format, date);
			return ts >= this.yesterday
				? output.replace('$1', this.i18n(ts >= this.today ? 'Today' : 'Yesterday'))
				: output;
		} else if (file.date) {
			return file.date.replace(/([a-z]+)\s/i, function(a1, a2) { return self.i18n(a2)+' '; });
		return self.i18n('dateUnknown');
	 * Return localized number string
	 * @param  Number
	 * @return String
	toLocaleString : function(num) {
		var v = new Number(num);
		if (v) {
			if (v.toLocaleString) {
				return v.toLocaleString();
			} else {
				return String(num).replace( /(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, '$1,');
		return num;
	 * Return css class marks file permissions
	 * @param  Object  file 
	 * @return String
	perms2class : function(o) {
		var c = '';
		if (!o.read && !o.write) {
			c = 'elfinder-na';
		} else if (!o.read) {
			c = 'elfinder-wo';
		} else if (!o.write) {
			c = 'elfinder-ro';
		if (o.type) {
			c += ' elfinder-' + this.escape(o.type);
		return c;
	 * Return localized string with file permissions
	 * @param  Object  file
	 * @return String
	formatPermissions : function(f) {
		var p  = [];
		f.read && p.push(this.i18n('read'));
		f.write && p.push(this.i18n('write'));	

		return p.length ? p.join(' '+this.i18n('and')+' ') : this.i18n('noaccess');
	 * Return formated file size
	 * @param  Number  file size
	 * @return String
	formatSize : function(s) {
		var n = 1, u = 'b';
		if (s == 'unknown') {
			return this.i18n('unknown');
		if (s > 1073741824) {
			n = 1073741824;
			u = 'GB';
		} else if (s > 1048576) {
			n = 1048576;
			u = 'MB';
		} else if (s > 1024) {
			n = 1024;
			u = 'KB';
		s = s/n;
		return (s > 0 ? n >= 1048576 ? s.toFixed(2) : Math.round(s) : 0) +' '+u;
	 * Return formated file mode by options.fileModeStyle
	 * @param  String  file mode
	 * @param  String  format style
	 * @return String
	formatFileMode : function(p, style) {
		var i, o, s, b, sticy, suid, sgid, str, oct;
		if (!style) {
			style = this.options.fileModeStyle.toLowerCase();
		p = $.trim(p);
		if (p.match(/[rwxs-]{9}$/i)) {
			str = p = p.substr(-9);
			if (style == 'string') {
				return str;
			oct = '';
			s = 0;
			for (i=0; i<7; i=i+3) {
				o = p.substr(i, 3);
				b = 0;
				if (o.match(/[r]/i)) {
					b += 4;
				if (o.match(/[w]/i)) {
					b += 2;
				if (o.match(/[xs]/i)) {
					if (o.match(/[xs]/)) {
						b += 1;
					if (o.match(/[s]/i)) {
						if (i == 0) {
							s += 4;
						} else if (i == 3) {
							s += 2;
				oct += b.toString(8);
			if (s) {
				oct = s.toString(8) + oct;
		} else {
			p = parseInt(p, 8);
			oct = p? p.toString(8) : '';
			if (!p || style == 'octal') {
				return oct;
			o = p.toString(8);
			s = 0;
			if (o.length > 3) {
				o = o.substr(-4);
				s = parseInt(o.substr(0, 1), 8);
				o = o.substr(1);
			sticy = ((s & 1) == 1); // not support
			sgid = ((s & 2) == 2);
			suid = ((s & 4) == 4);
			str = '';
			for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
				if ((parseInt(o.substr(i, 1), 8) & 4) == 4) {
					str += 'r';
				} else {
					str += '-';
				if ((parseInt(o.substr(i, 1), 8) & 2) == 2) {
					str += 'w';
				} else {
					str += '-';
				if ((parseInt(o.substr(i, 1), 8) & 1) == 1) {
					str += ((i==0 && suid)||(i==1 && sgid))? 's' : 'x';
				} else {
					str += '-';
		if (style == 'both') {
			return str + ' (' + oct + ')';
		} else if (style == 'string') {
			return str;
		} else {
			return oct;
	 * Regist this.decodeRawString function
	 * @return void
	registRawStringDecoder : function(rawStringDecoder) {
		if ($.isFunction(rawStringDecoder)) {
			this.decodeRawString = this.options.rawStringDecoder = rawStringDecoder;
	 * Return boolean that uploadable MIME type into target folder
	 * @param  String  mime    MIME type
	 * @param  String  target  target folder hash
	 * @return Bool
	uploadMimeCheck : function(mime, target) {
		target = target || this.cwd().hash;
		var res   = true, // default is allow
			mimeChecker = this.option('uploadMime', target),
			check = function(checker) {
				var ret = false;
				if (typeof checker === 'string' && checker.toLowerCase() === 'all') {
					ret = true;
				} else if (Array.isArray(checker) && checker.length) {
					$.each(checker, function(i, v) {
						v = v.toLowerCase();
						if (v === 'all' || mime.indexOf(v) === 0) {
							ret = true;
							return false;
				return ret;
		if (mime && $.isPlainObject(mimeChecker)) {
			mime = mime.toLowerCase();
			allow = check(mimeChecker.allow);
			deny = check(mimeChecker.deny);
			if (mimeChecker.firstOrder === 'allow') {
				res = false; // default is deny
				if (! deny && allow === true) { // match only allow
					res = true;
			} else {
				res = true; // default is allow
				if (deny === true && ! allow) { // match only deny
					res = false;
		return res;
	 * call chained sequence of async deferred functions
	 * @param  Array   tasks async functions
	 * @return Object  jQuery.Deferred
	sequence : function(tasks) {
		var l = tasks.length,
			chain = function(task, idx) {
				if (tasks[idx]) {
					return chain(task.then(tasks[idx]), idx);
				} else {
					return task;
		if (l > 1) {
			return chain(tasks[0](), 0);
		} else {
			return tasks[0]();
	 * Reload contents of target URL for clear browser cache
	 * @param  String  url target URL
	 * @return Object  jQuery.Deferred
	reloadContents : function(url) {
		var dfd = $.Deferred(),
		try {
			ifm = $('<iframe width="1" height="1" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" style="position:absolute; top:-1px; left:-1px" crossorigin="use-credentials">')
				.attr('src', url)
				.one('load', function() {
					var ifm = $(this);
					try {
						ifm.one('load', function() {
					} catch(e) {
						ifm.attr('src', '').attr('src', url).one('load', function() {
		} catch(e) {
			ifm && ifm.remove();
		return dfd;
	 * Make netmount option for OAuth2
	 * @param  String   protocol
	 * @param  String   name
	 * @param  String   host
	 * @param  Object   opts  Default {noOffline: false, root: 'root', pathI18n: 'folderId', folders: true}
	 * @return Object
	makeNetmountOptionOauth : function(protocol, name, host, opt) {
		var noOffline = typeof opt === 'boolean'? opt : null, // for backward compat
			opts = Object.assign({
				noOffline : false,
				root      : 'root',
				pathI18n  : 'folderId',
				folders   : true
			}, (noOffline === null? (opt || {}) : {noOffline : noOffline})),
			addFolders = function(fm, bro, folders) {
				var self = this,
					cnt  = Object.keys($.isPlainObject(folders)? folders : {}).length,
				if (cnt) {
					select = $('<select class="ui-corner-all elfinder-tabstop" style="max-width:200px;">').append(
						$($.map(folders, function(n,i){return '<option value="'+fm.escape((i+'').trim())+'">'+fm.escape(n)+'</option>';}).join(''))
					).on('change click', function(e){
						var node = $(this),
							path = node.val(),
						if (opts.folders && (e.type === 'change' || node.data('current') !== path)) {
							node.data('current', path);
							if (path != opts.root) {
								spn = spinner();
								if (xhr && xhr.state() === 'pending') {
									fm.abortXHR(xhr, { quiet: true , abort: true });
								xhr = fm.request({
									data : {cmd : 'netmount', protocol: protocol, host: host, user: 'init', path: path, pass: 'folders'},
									preventDefault : true
									addFolders.call(self, fm, node, data.folders);
								}).always(function() {
									fm.abortXHR(xhr, { quiet: true });
			spinner = function() {
				return $('<div class="elfinder-netmount-spinner"></div>').append('<span class="elfinder-spinner"></span>');
		return {
			vars : {},
			name : name,
			inputs: {
				offline  : $('<input type="checkbox"/>').on('change', function() {
					$(this).parents('table.elfinder-netmount-tb').find('select:first').trigger('change', 'reset');
				host     : $('<span><span class="elfinder-spinner"></span></span><input type="hidden"/>'),
				path     : $('<input type="text" value="'+opts.root+'"/>'),
				user     : $('<input type="hidden"/>'),
				pass     : $('<input type="hidden"/>'),
				mnt2res  : $('<input type="hidden"/>')
			select: function(fm, ev, d){
				var f = this.inputs,
					oline = f.offline,
					f0 = $(f.host[0]),
					data = d || null;
				this.vars.mbtn = f.host.closest('.ui-dialog').children('.ui-dialog-buttonpane:first').find('button.elfinder-btncnt-0');
				if (! f0.data('inrequest')
						&& (f0.find('span.elfinder-spinner').length
							|| data === 'reset'
							|| (data === 'winfocus' && ! f0.siblings('span.elfinder-button-icon-reload').length))
					if (oline.parent().children().length === 1) {
						oline.attr('title', fm.i18n('offlineAccess'));
						oline.uniqueId().after($('<label></label>').attr('for', oline.attr('id')).html(' '+fm.i18n('offlineAccess')));
					f0.data('inrequest', true).empty().addClass('elfinder-spinner')
						data : {cmd : 'netmount', protocol: protocol, host: host, user: 'init', options: {id: fm.id, offline: oline.prop('checked')? 1:0, pass: f.host[1].value}},
						preventDefault : true
						f0.removeClass("elfinder-spinner").html(data.body.replace(/\{msg:([^}]+)\}/g, function(whole,s1){return fm.i18n(s1, host);}));
					opts.noOffline && oline.closest('tr').hide();
				} else {
					oline.closest('tr')[(opts.noOffline || f.user.val())? 'hide':'show']();
					f0.data('funcexpup') && f0.data('funcexpup')();
				this.vars.mbtn[$(f.host[1]).val()? 'show':'hide']();
			done: function(fm, data){
				var f = this.inputs,
					p = this.protocol,
					f0 = $(f.host[0]),
					f1 = $(f.host[1]),
					expires = '&nbsp;',
					vars = this.vars,
					chk = function() {
						if (vars.oauthW && !document.hasFocus() && --vars.chkCnt) {
							p.trigger('change', 'winfocus');
							vars.tm = setTimeout(chk, 3000);
				opts.noOffline && f.offline.closest('tr').hide();
				if (data.mode == 'makebtn') {
					btn = f.host.find('input').on('mouseenter mouseleave', function(){$(this).toggleClass('ui-state-hover');});
					if (data.url) {
						btn.on('click', function() {
							vars.tm && clearTimeout(vars.tm);
							vars.oauthW = window.open(data.url);
							// To correspond to safari, authentication tab sometimes not closing in CORS environment.
							// This may be a safari bug and may improve in the future.
							if ((fm.UA.iOS || fm.UA.Mac) && fm.isCORS && !vars.chkdone) {
								vars.chkCnt = 60;
								vars.tm = setTimeout(chk, 5000);
					! opts.noOffline && f.offline.closest('tr').show();
				} else if (data.mode == 'folders') {
					if (data.folders) {
						addFolders.call(this, fm, f.path.nextAll(':last'), data.folders);
				} else {
					if (vars.oauthW) {
						vars.tm && clearTimeout(vars.tm);
						delete vars.oauthW;
						// The problem that Safari's authentication tab doesn't close only affects the first time.
						vars.chkdone = true;
					if (data.expires) {
						expires = '()';
						f0.data('expires', data.expires);
					f0.html(host + expires).removeClass('elfinder-spinner');
					if (data.expires) {
						f0.data('funcexpup', function() {
							var rem = Math.floor((f0.data('expires') - (+new Date()) / 1000) / 60);
							if (rem < 3) {
							} else {
								f0.text(f0.text().replace(/\(.*\)/, '('+fm.i18n(['minsLeft', rem])+')'));
								setTimeout(function() {
									if (f0.is(':visible')) {
								}, 60000);
					if (data.reset) {
						p.trigger('change', 'reset');
					f0.parent().append($('<span class="elfinder-button-icon elfinder-button-icon-reload" title="'+fm.i18n('reAuth')+'">')
						.on('click', function() {
							p.trigger('change', 'reset');
					if (data.folders) {
						addFolders.call(this, fm, f.path, data.folders);
					if (data.mnt2res) {
			fail: function(fm, err){
				this.protocol.trigger('change', 'reset');
			integrateInfo: opts.integrate
	 * Find cwd's nodes from files
	 * @param  Array    files
	 * @param  Object   opts   {firstOnly: true|false}
	findCwdNodes : function(files, opts) {
		var self    = this,
			cwd     = this.getUI('cwd'),
			cwdHash = this.cwd().hash,
			newItem = $();
		opts = opts || {};
		$.each(files, function(i, f) {
			if (f.phash === cwdHash || self.searchStatus.state > 1) {
				newItem = newItem.add(self.cwdHash2Elm(f.hash));
				if (opts.firstOnly) {
					return false;
		return newItem;
	 * Convert from relative URL to abstract URL based on current URL
	 * @param  String  URL
	 * @return String
	convAbsUrl : function(url) {
		if (url.match(/^http/i)) {
			return url;
		if (url.substr(0,2) === '//') {
			return window.location.protocol + url;
		var root = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host,
			reg  = /[^\/]+\/\.\.\//,
		if (url.substr(0, 1) === '/') {
			ret = root + url;
		} else {
			ret = root + window.location.pathname.replace(/\/[^\/]+$/, '/') + url;
		ret = ret.replace('/./', '/');
		while(reg.test(ret)) {
			ret = ret.replace(reg, '');
		return ret;
	 * Is same origin to current site
	 * @param  String  check url
	 * @return Boolean
	isSameOrigin : function (checkUrl) {
		var url;
		checkUrl = this.convAbsUrl(checkUrl);
		if (location.origin && window.URL) {
			try {
				url = new URL(checkUrl);
				return location.origin === url.origin;
			} catch(e) {}
		url = document.createElement('a');
		url.href = checkUrl;
		return location.protocol === url.protocol && location.host === url.host && location.port && url.port;
	navHash2Id : function(hash) {
		return this.navPrefix + hash;
	navId2Hash : function(id) {
		return typeof(id) == 'string' ? id.substr(this.navPrefix.length) : false;
	cwdHash2Id : function(hash) {
		return this.cwdPrefix + hash;
	cwdId2Hash : function(id) {
		return typeof(id) == 'string' ? id.substr(this.cwdPrefix.length) : false;
	 * navHash to jQuery element object
	 * @param      String  hash    nav hash
	 * @return     Object  jQuery element object
	navHash2Elm : function(hash) {
		return $(document.getElementById(this.navHash2Id(hash)));

	 * cwdHash to jQuery element object
	 * @param      String  hash    cwd hash
	 * @return     Object  jQuery element object
	cwdHash2Elm : function(hash) {
		return $(document.getElementById(this.cwdHash2Id(hash)));

	isInWindow : function(elem, nochkHide) {
		var elm, rect;
		if (! (elm = elem.get(0))) {
			return false;
		if (! nochkHide && elm.offsetParent === null) {
			return false;
		rect = elm.getBoundingClientRect();
		return document.elementFromPoint(rect.left, rect.top)? true : false;
	 * calculate elFinder node z-index
	 * @return void
	zIndexCalc : function() {
		var self = this,
			node = this.getUI(),
			ni = node.css('z-index');
		if (ni && ni !== 'auto' && ni !== 'inherit') {
			self.zIndex = ni;
		} else {
			node.parents().each(function(i, n) {
				var z = $(n).css('z-index');
				if (z !== 'auto' && z !== 'inherit' && (z = parseInt(z))) {
					self.zIndex = z;
					return false;
	 * Load JavaScript files
	 * @param  Array    urls      to load JavaScript file URLs
	 * @param  Function callback  call back function on script loaded
	 * @param  Object   opts      Additional options to $.ajax OR {loadType: 'tag'} to load by script tag
	 * @param  Object   check     { obj: (Object)ParentObject, name: (String)"Attribute name", timeout: (Integer)milliseconds }
	 * @return elFinder
	loadScript : function(urls, callback, opts, check) {
		var defOpts = {
				dataType : 'script',
				cache    : true
			success, cnt, scripts = {}, results = {};
		opts = opts || {};
		if (opts.tryRequire && this.hasRequire) {
			require(urls, callback, opts.error);
		} else {
			success = function() {
				var cnt, fi, hasError;
				$.each(results, function(i, status) {
					if (status !== 'success' && status !== 'notmodified') {
						hasError = true;
						return false;
				if (!hasError) {
					if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
						if (check) {
							if (typeof check.obj[check.name] === 'undefined') {
								cnt = check.timeout? (check.timeout / 10) : 1;
								fi = setInterval(function() {
									if (--cnt < 0 || typeof check.obj[check.name] !== 'undefined') {
								}, 10);
							} else {
						} else {
				} else {
					if (opts.error && $.isFunction(opts.error)) {
						opts.error({ loadResults: results });

			if (opts.loadType === 'tag') {
				$('head > script').each(function() {
					scripts[this.src] = this;
				cnt = urls.length;
				$.each(urls, function(i, url) {
					var done = false,
					if (scripts[url]) {
						results[i] = scripts[url]._error || 'success';
						(--cnt < 1) && success();
					} else {
						script = document.createElement('script');
						script.charset = opts.charset || 'UTF-8';
						script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function() {
							if ( !done && (!this.readyState ||
									this.readyState === 'loaded' || this.readyState === 'complete') ) {
								done = true;
								results[i] = 'success';
								(--cnt < 1) && success();
						script.onerror = function(err) {
							results[i] = script._error = (err && err.type)? err.type : 'error';
							(--cnt < 1) && success();
						script.src = url;
			} else {
				opts = $.isPlainObject(opts)? Object.assign(defOpts, opts) : defOpts;
				cnt = 0;
				(function appendScript(d, status) {
					if (d !== void(0)) {
						results[cnt++] = status;
					if (urls.length) {
						$.ajax(Object.assign({}, opts, {
							url: urls.shift(),
							success: appendScript,
							error: appendScript
					} else {
		return this;
	 * Load CSS files
	 * @param  Array    to load CSS file URLs
	 * @param  Object   options
	 * @return elFinder
	loadCss : function(urls, opts) {
		var self = this,
			clName, dfds;
		if (typeof urls === 'string') {
			urls = [ urls ];
		if (opts) {
			if (opts.className) {
				clName = opts.className;
			if (opts.dfd && opts.dfd.promise) {
				dfds = [];
		$.each(urls, function(i, url) {
			var link, df;
			url = self.convAbsUrl(url).replace(/^https?:/i, '');
			if (dfds) {
				dfds[i] = $.Deferred();
			if (! $('head > link[href="' + self.escape(url) + '"]').length) {
				link = document.createElement('link');
				link.type = 'text/css';
				link.rel = 'stylesheet';
				link.href = url;
				if (clName) {
					link.className = clName;
				if (dfds) {
					link.onload = function() {
					link.onerror = function() {
			} else {
				dfds && dfds[i].resolve();
		if (dfds) {
			$.when.apply(null, dfds).done(function() {
			}).fail(function() {
		return this;
	 * Abortable async job performer
	 * @param func Function
	 * @param arr  Array
	 * @param opts Object
	 * @return Object $.Deferred that has an extended method _abort()
	asyncJob : function(func, arr, opts) {
		var dfrd = $.Deferred(),
			abortFlg = false,
			parms = Object.assign({
				interval : 0,
				numPerOnce : 1
			}, opts || {}),
			resArr = [],
			vars =[],
			curVars = [],
		dfrd._abort = function(resolve) {
			tm && clearTimeout(tm);
			vars = [];
			abortFlg = true;
			if (dfrd.state() === 'pending') {
				dfrd[resolve? 'resolve' : 'reject'](resArr);
		dfrd.fail(function() {
		}).always(function() {
			dfrd._abort = function() {};

		if (typeof func === 'function' && Array.isArray(arr)) {
			vars = arr.concat();
			exec = function() {
				var i, len, res;
				if (abortFlg) {
				curVars = vars.splice(0, parms.numPerOnce);
				len = curVars.length;
				for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
					if (abortFlg) {
					res = func(curVars[i]);
					(res !== null) && resArr.push(res);
				if (abortFlg) {
				if (vars.length) {
					tm = setTimeout(exec, parms.interval);
				} else {
			if (vars.length) {
				tm = setTimeout(exec, 0);
			} else {
		} else {
		return dfrd;
	getSize : function(targets) {
		var self = this,
			reqs = [],
			tgtlen = targets.length,
			dfrd = $.Deferred().fail(function() {
				$.each(reqs, function(i, req) {
					if (req) {
						req.syncOnFail && req.syncOnFail(false);
			getLeafRoots = function(file) {
				var targets = [];
				if (file.mime === 'directory') {
					$.each(self.leafRoots, function(hash, roots) {
						var phash;
						if (hash === file.hash) {
							targets.push.apply(targets, roots);
						} else {
							phash = (self.file(hash) || {}).phash;
							while(phash) {
								if (phash === file.hash) {
									targets.push.apply(targets, roots);
								phash = (self.file(phash) || {}).phash;
				return targets;
			checkPhash = function(hash) {
				var dfd = $.Deferred(),
					dir = self.file(hash),
					target = dir? dir.phash : hash;
				if (target && ! self.file(target)) {
						data : {
							cmd    : 'parents',
							target : target
						preventFail : true
					}).done(function() {
						self.one('parentsdone', function() {
					}).fail(function() {
				} else {
				return dfd;
			cache = function() {
				var dfd = $.Deferred(),
					cnt = Object.keys(self.leafRoots).length;
				if (cnt > 0) {
					$.each(self.leafRoots, function(hash) {
						checkPhash(hash).done(function() {
							if (cnt < 1) {
				} else {
				return dfd;

		cache().done(function() {
			var files = [], grps = {}, dfds = [], cache = [], singles = {};
			$.each(targets, function() {
				files.push.apply(files, getLeafRoots(self.file(this)));
			targets.push.apply(targets, files);
			$.each(targets, function() {
				var root = self.root(this),
					file = self.file(this);
				if (file && (file.sizeInfo || file.mime !== 'directory')) {
					cache.push($.Deferred().resolve(file.sizeInfo? file.sizeInfo : {size: file.size, dirCnt: 0, fileCnt : 1}));
				} else {
					if (! grps[root]) {
						grps[root] = [ this.toString() ];
					} else {
			$.each(grps, function() {
				var idx = dfds.length;
				if (this.length === 1) {
					singles[idx] = this[0];
					data : {cmd : 'size', targets : this},
					preventDefault : true
			reqs.push.apply(reqs, dfds);
			dfds.push.apply(dfds, cache);
			$.when.apply($, dfds).fail(function() {
			}).done(function() {
				var cache = function(h, data) {
						var file;
						if (file = self.file(h)) {
							file.sizeInfo = { isCache: true };
							$.each(['size', 'dirCnt', 'fileCnt'], function() {
								file.sizeInfo[this] = data[this] || 0;
							file.size = parseInt(file.sizeInfo.size);
					size = 0,
					fileCnt = 0,
					dirCnt = 0,
					argLen = arguments.length,
					cnts = [],
					cntsTxt = '',
					changed = [],
					i, file, data;
				for (i = 0; i < argLen; i++) {
					data = arguments[i];
					file = null;
					if (!data.isCache) {
						if (singles[i] && (file = self.file(singles[i]))) {
							cache(singles[i], data);
						} else if (data.sizes && $.isPlainObject(data.sizes)) {
							$.each(data.sizes, function(h, sizeInfo) {
								cache(h, sizeInfo);
					size += parseInt(data.size);
					if (fileCnt !== false) {
						if (typeof data.fileCnt === 'undefined') {
							fileCnt = false;
						} else {
							fileCnt += parseInt(data.fileCnt || 0);
					if (dirCnt !== false) {
						if (typeof data.dirCnt === 'undefined') {
							dirCnt = false;
						} else {
							dirCnt += parseInt(data.dirCnt || 0);
				changed.length && self.change({changed: changed});
				if (dirCnt !== false){
					cnts.push(self.i18n('folders') + ': ' + (dirCnt - (tgtlen > 1? 0 : 1)));
				if (fileCnt !== false){
					cnts.push(self.i18n('files') + ': ' + fileCnt);
				if (cnts.length) {
					cntsTxt = '<br>' + cnts.join(', ');
					size: size,
					fileCnt: fileCnt,
					dirCnt: dirCnt,
					formated: (size >= 0 ? self.formatSize(size) : self.i18n('unknown')) + cntsTxt
		return dfrd;

	 * Worker Object URL for Blob URL of getWorker()
	wkObjUrl : null,

	 * Gets the web worker.
	 * @param      {Object}  options  The options
	 * @return     {Worker}  The worker.
	getWorker : function(options){
		// for to make blob URL
		function woker() {
			self.onmessage = function(e) {
				var d = e.data;
				try {
					self.data = d.data;
					if (d.scripts) {
						for(var i = 0; i < d.scripts.length; i++) {
				} catch (e) {
					self.postMessage({error: e.toString()});
		// get woker
		var wk;
		try {
			if (!this.wkObjUrl) {
				this.wkObjUrl = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(new Blob(
					[woker.toString().replace(/\s+/g, ' ').replace(/ *([^\w]) */g, '$1').replace(/^function\b.+?\{|\}$/g, '')],
					{ type:'text/javascript' }
			wk = new Worker(this.wkObjUrl, options);
		} catch(e) {
			this.debug('error', e.toString());
		return wk;

	 * Get worker absolute URL by filename
	 * @param      {string}  filename  The filename
	 * @return     {<type>}  The worker url.
	getWorkerUrl : function(filename) {
		return this.convAbsUrl(this.workerBaseUrl + filename);

	 * Gets the theme object by settings of options.themes
	 * @param  String  themeid  The themeid
	 * @return Object  jQuery.Deferred
	getTheme : function(themeid) {
		var self = this,
			dfd = $.Deferred(),
			absUrl = function(url, base) {
				if (!base) {
					base = self.convAbsUrl(self.baseUrl);
				if (Array.isArray(url)) {
					return $.map(url, function(v) {
						return absUrl(v, base);
				} else {
					return url.match(/^(?:http|\/\/)/i)? url : base + url.replace(/^(?:\.\/|\/)/, '');
			themeObj, m;
		if (themeid && (themeObj = self.options.themes[themeid])) {
			if (typeof themeObj === 'string') {
				url = absUrl(themeObj);
				if (m = url.match(/^(.+\/)[^/]+\.json$/i)) {
					$.getJSON(url).done(function(data) {
						themeObj = data;
						themeObj.id = themeid;
						if (themeObj.cssurls) {
							themeObj.cssurls = absUrl(themeObj.cssurls, m[1]);
					}).fail(function() {
				} else {
						id: themeid,
						name: themeid,
						cssurls: [url]
			} else if ($.isPlainObject(themeObj) && themeObj.cssurls) {
				themeObj.id = themeid;
				themeObj.cssurls = absUrl(themeObj.cssurls);
				if (!Array.isArray(themeObj.cssurls)) {
					themeObj.cssurls = [themeObj.cssurls];
				if (!themeObj.name) {
					themeObj.name = themeid;
			} else {
		} else {
		return dfd;

	 * Change current theme
	 * @param  String  themeid  The themeid
	 * @return Object  this elFinder instance
	changeTheme : function(themeid) {
		var self = this;
		if (themeid) {
			if (self.options.themes[themeid] && (!self.theme || self.theme.id !== themeid)) {
				self.getTheme(themeid).done(function(themeObj) {
					if (themeObj.cssurls) {
						self.loadCss(themeObj.cssurls, {
							className: 'elfinder-theme-ext',
							dfd: $.Deferred().done(function() {
								self.theme = themeObj;
								self.trigger && self.trigger('themechange');
			} else if (themeid === 'default' && self.theme && self.theme.id !== 'default') {
				self.theme = null;
				self.trigger && self.trigger('themechange');
		return this;

	 * Apply leaf root stats to target directory
	 * @param      object     dir     object of target directory
	 * @param      boolean    update  is force update
	 * @return     boolean    dir object was chenged 
	applyLeafRootStats : function(dir, update) {
		var self = this,
			prev = update? dir : (self.file(dir.hash) || dir),
			prevTs = prev.ts,
			change = false;
		// backup original stats
		if (update || !dir._realStats) {
			dir._realStats = {
				locked: dir.locked || 0,
				dirs: dir.dirs || 0,
				ts: dir.ts
		// set lock
		dir.locked = 1;
		if (!prev.locked) {
			change = true;
		// has leaf root to `dirs: 1`
		dir.dirs = 1;
		if (!prev.dirs) {
			change = true;
		// set ts
		$.each(self.leafRoots[dir.hash], function() {
			var f = self.file(this);
			if (f && f.ts && (dir.ts || 0) < f.ts) {
				dir.ts = f.ts;
		if (prevTs !== dir.ts) {
			change = true;

		return change;

	 * To aborted XHR object
	 * @param Object xhr
	 * @param Object opts
	 * @return void
	abortXHR : function(xhr, o) {
		var opts = o || {};
		if (xhr) {
			opts.quiet && (xhr.quiet = true);
			if (opts.abort && xhr._requestId) {
					data: {
						cmd: 'abort',
						id: xhr._requestId
					preventDefault: true
			xhr = void 0;

	 * Sets the custom header by xhr response header with options.parrotHeaders
	 * @param Object xhr
	 * @return void
	setCustomHeaderByXhr : function(xhr) {
		var self = this;
		if (xhr.getResponseHeader && self.parrotHeaders && self.parrotHeaders.length) {
			$.each(self.parrotHeaders, function(i, h) {
				var val = xhr.getResponseHeader(h);
				if (val) {
					self.customHeaders[h] = val;
					self.sessionStorage('core-ph:'+h, val);
				} else if (typeof val === 'string') {
					delete self.customHeaders[h];
					self.sessionStorage('core-ph:'+h, null);

	 * Determines if parrot headers.
	 * @return     {boolean}  True if parrot headers, False otherwise.
	hasParrotHeaders : function() {
		var res = false,
			phs = this.parrotHeaders;
		if (Object.keys(this.customHeaders).length) {
			for (var i = 0; i < phs.length; i++) {
				if (this.customHeaders[phs[i]]) {
					res = true;
		return res;

	 * Gets the request identifier
	 * @return  String  The request identifier.
	getRequestId : function() {
		return (+ new Date()).toString(16) + Math.floor(1000 * Math.random()).toString(16);
	 * Flip key and value of array or object
	 * @param  Array | Object  { a: 1, b: 1, c: 2 }
	 * @param  Mixed           Static value
	 * @return Object          { 1: "b", 2: "c" }
	arrayFlip : function (trans, val) {
		var key,
			tmpArr = {},
			isArr = $.isArray(trans);
		for (key in trans) {
			if (isArr || trans.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
				tmpArr[trans[key]] = val || key;
		return tmpArr;
	 * Return array ["name without extention", "extention"]
	 * @param String name
	 * @return Array
	splitFileExtention : function(name) {
		var m;
		if (m = name.match(/^(.+?)?\.((?:tar\.(?:gz|bz|bz2|z|lzo))|cpio\.gz|ps\.gz|xcf\.(?:gz|bz2)|[a-z0-9]{1,10})$/i)) {
			if (typeof m[1] === 'undefined') {
				m[1] = '';
			return [m[1], m[2]];
		} else {
			return [name, ''];
	 * Slice the ArrayBuffer by sliceSize
	 * @param      arraybuffer  arrayBuffer  The array buffer
	 * @param      Number       sliceSize    The slice size
	 * @return     Array   Array of sleced arraybuffer
	sliceArrayBuffer : function(arrayBuffer, sliceSize) {
		var segments= [],
			fi = 0;
		while(fi * sliceSize < arrayBuffer.byteLength){
			segments.push(arrayBuffer.slice(fi * sliceSize, (fi + 1) * sliceSize));
		return segments;

	arrayBufferToBase64 : function(ab) {
		if (!window.btoa) {
			return '';
		var dView = new Uint8Array(ab), // Get a byte view
			arr = Array.prototype.slice.call(dView), // Create a normal array
			arr1 = arr.map(function(item) {
				return String.fromCharCode(item); // Convert
	    return window.btoa(arr1.join('')); // Form a string

	log : function(m) { window.console && window.console.log && window.console.log(m); return this; },
	debug : function(type, m) {
		var self = this,
			d = this.options.debug,
			tb = this.options.toastBackendWarn,
			tbOpts, showlog;

		if (type === 'backend-error') {
			if (! this.cwd().hash || (d && (d === 'all' || d['backend-error']))) {
				m = Array.isArray(m)? m : [ m ];
		} else if (type === 'backend-warning') {
			showlog = true;
			if (tb) {
				tbOpts = $.isPlainObject(tb)? tb : {};
				$.each(Array.isArray(m)? m : [ m ], function(i, m) {
						mode : 'warning',
						msg: m
					}, tbOpts));
		} else if (type === 'backend-debug') {
			this.trigger('backenddebug', m);
		if (showlog || (d && (d === 'all' || d[type]))) {
			window.console && window.console.log && window.console.log('elfinder debug: ['+type+'] ['+this.id+']', m);

		return this;

	 * Parse response.debug and trigger debug
	 * @param      Object  response  The response
	responseDebug : function(response) {
		var rd = response.debug,
		if (rd) {
			// set options.debug
			d = this.options.debug;
			if (!d || d !== 'all') {
				if (!d) {
					d = this.options.debug = {};
				d['backend-error'] = true;
				d['warning'] = true;
			if (rd.mountErrors && (typeof rd.mountErrors === 'string' || (Array.isArray(rd.mountErrors) && rd.mountErrors.length))) {
				this.debug('backend-error', rd.mountErrors);
			if (rd.backendErrors && (typeof rd.backendErrors === 'string' || (Array.isArray(rd.backendErrors) && rd.backendErrors.length))) {
				this.debug('backend-warning', rd.backendErrors);

	time : function(l) { window.console && window.console.time && window.console.time(l); },
	timeEnd : function(l) { window.console && window.console.timeEnd && window.console.timeEnd(l); }


 * for conpat ex. ie8...
 * Object.keys() - JavaScript | MDN
 * https://developer.mozilla.org/ja/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/keys
if (!Object.keys) {
	Object.keys = (function () {
		var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
				hasDontEnumBug = !({toString: null}).propertyIsEnumerable('toString'),
				dontEnums = [
				dontEnumsLength = dontEnums.length;

		return function (obj) {
			if (typeof obj !== 'object' && typeof obj !== 'function' || obj === null) throw new TypeError('Object.keys called on non-object');

			var result = [];

			for (var prop in obj) {
				if (hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop)) result.push(prop);

			if (hasDontEnumBug) {
				for (var i=0; i < dontEnumsLength; i++) {
					if (hasOwnProperty.call(obj, dontEnums[i])) result.push(dontEnums[i]);
			return result;
// Array.isArray
if (!Array.isArray) {
	Array.isArray = function(arr) {
		return jQuery.isArray(arr);
// Object.assign
if (!Object.assign) {
	Object.assign = function() {
		return jQuery.extend.apply(null, arguments);
// String.repeat
if (!String.prototype.repeat) {
	String.prototype.repeat = function(count) {
		'use strict';
		if (this == null) {
			throw new TypeError('can\'t convert ' + this + ' to object');
		var str = '' + this;
		count = +count;
		if (count != count) {
			count = 0;
		if (count < 0) {
			throw new RangeError('repeat count must be non-negative');
		if (count == Infinity) {
			throw new RangeError('repeat count must be less than infinity');
		count = Math.floor(count);
		if (str.length == 0 || count == 0) {
			return '';
		// Ensuring count is a 31-bit integer allows us to heavily optimize the
		// main part. But anyway, most current (August 2014) browsers can't handle
		// strings 1 << 28 chars or longer, so:
		if (str.length * count >= 1 << 28) {
			throw new RangeError('repeat count must not overflow maximum string size');
		var rpt = '';
		for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			rpt += str;
		return rpt;
// String.trim
if (!String.prototype.trim) {
	String.prototype.trim = function() {
		return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
// Array.apply
(function () {
	try {
		Array.apply(null, {});
	} catch (e) { }

	var toString = Object.prototype.toString,
		arrayType = '[object Array]',
		_apply = Function.prototype.apply,
		slice = /*@cc_on @if (@_jscript_version <= 5.8)
			function () {
				var a = [], i = this.length;
				while (i-- > 0) a[i] = this[i];
				return a;

	Function.prototype.apply = function apply(thisArg, argArray) {
		return _apply.call(this, thisArg,
			toString.call(argArray) === arrayType ? argArray : slice.call(argArray));
// Array.from
if (!Array.from) {
	Array.from = function(obj) {
		return obj.length === 1 ? [obj[0]] : Array.apply(null, obj);
// window.requestAnimationFrame and window.cancelAnimationFrame
if (!window.cancelAnimationFrame) {
// http://paulirish.com/2011/requestanimationframe-for-smart-animating/
// http://my.opera.com/emoller/blog/2011/12/20/requestanimationframe-for-smart-er-animating
// requestAnimationFrame polyfill by Erik Möller. fixes from Paul Irish and Tino Zijdel
// MIT license
(function() {
    var lastTime = 0;
    var vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o'];
    for(var x = 0; x < vendors.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++x) {
        window.requestAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x]+'RequestAnimationFrame'];
        window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x]+'CancelAnimationFrame'] 
                                   || window[vendors[x]+'CancelRequestAnimationFrame'];
    if (!window.requestAnimationFrame)
        window.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback, element) {
            var currTime = new Date().getTime();
            var timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime));
            var id = window.setTimeout(function() { callback(currTime + timeToCall); }, 
            lastTime = currTime + timeToCall;
            return id;
    if (!window.cancelAnimationFrame)
        window.cancelAnimationFrame = function(id) {

 * File: /js/elFinder.version.js

 * Application version
 * @type String
elFinder.prototype.version = '2.1.61 (2.1-src Nightly: 1733024)';

 * File: /js/jquery.elfinder.js

/*** jQuery UI droppable performance tune for elFinder ***/
if ($.ui) {
	if ($.ui.ddmanager) {
		var origin = $.ui.ddmanager.prepareOffsets;
		$.ui.ddmanager.prepareOffsets = function( t, event ) {
			var isOutView = function(elem) {
				if (elem.is(':hidden')) {
					return true;
				var rect = elem[0].getBoundingClientRect();
				return document.elementFromPoint(rect.left, rect.top) || document.elementFromPoint(rect.left + rect.width, rect.top + rect.height)? false : true;
			if (event.type === 'mousedown' || t.options.elfRefresh) {
				var i, d,
				m = $.ui.ddmanager.droppables[ t.options.scope ] || [],
				l = m.length;
				for ( i = 0; i < l; i++ ) {
					d = m[ i ];
					if (d.options.autoDisable && (!d.options.disabled || d.options.autoDisable > 1)) {
						d.options.disabled = isOutView(d.element);
						d.options.autoDisable = d.options.disabled? 2 : 1;
			// call origin function
			return origin( t, event );

 * jquery.binarytransport
 * @description. jQuery ajax transport for making binary data type requests.

(function($, undefined) {
	// use this transport for "binary" data type
	$.ajaxTransport("+binary", function(options, originalOptions, jqXHR) {
		// check for conditions and support for blob / arraybuffer response type
		if (window.FormData && ((options.dataType && (options.dataType == 'binary')) || (options.data && ((window.ArrayBuffer && options.data instanceof ArrayBuffer) || (window.Blob && options.data instanceof Blob))))) {
			var callback;

			// Cross domain only allowed if supported through XMLHttpRequest
			return {
				send: function( headers, complete ) {
					var i,
						dataType = options.responseType || "blob",
						xhr = options.xhr();


					// Apply custom fields if provided
					if ( options.xhrFields ) {
						for ( i in options.xhrFields ) {
							xhr[ i ] = options.xhrFields[ i ];

					// Override mime type if needed
					if ( options.mimeType && xhr.overrideMimeType ) {
						xhr.overrideMimeType( options.mimeType );

					// X-Requested-With header
					// For cross-domain requests, seeing as conditions for a preflight are
					// akin to a jigsaw puzzle, we simply never set it to be sure.
					// (it can always be set on a per-request basis or even using ajaxSetup)
					// For same-domain requests, won't change header if already provided.
					if ( !options.crossDomain && !headers[ "X-Requested-With" ] ) {
						headers[ "X-Requested-With" ] = "XMLHttpRequest";

					// Set headers
					for ( i in headers ) {
						xhr.setRequestHeader( i, headers[ i ] );

					// Callback
					callback = function( type ) {
						return function() {
							if ( callback ) {
								callback = xhr.onload = xhr.onerror = xhr.onabort = xhr.ontimeout = null;

								if ( type === "abort" ) {
								} else if ( type === "error" ) {
								} else {
									var data = {};
									data[options.dataType] = xhr.response;

					// Listen to events
					xhr.onload = callback();
					xhr.onabort = xhr.onerror = xhr.ontimeout = callback( "error" );

					// Create the abort callback
					callback = callback( "abort" );

					try {
						xhr.responseType = dataType;
						// Do send the request (this may raise an exception)
						xhr.send( options.data || null );
					} catch ( e ) {
						if ( callback ) {
							throw e;

				abort: function() {
					if ( callback ) {

 * jQuery UI Touch Punch 0.2.3
 * Copyright 2011–2014, Dave Furfero
 * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
 * Depends:
 *	jquery.ui.widget.js
 *	jquery.ui.mouse.js
(function ($) {

  // Detect touch support
  $.support.touch = 'ontouchend' in document;

  // Ignore browsers without touch support
  if (!$.support.touch) {

  var mouseProto = $.ui.mouse.prototype,
	  _mouseInit = mouseProto._mouseInit,
	  _mouseDestroy = mouseProto._mouseDestroy,
	  posX, posY;

   * Simulate a mouse event based on a corresponding touch event
   * @param {Object} event A touch event
   * @param {String} simulatedType The corresponding mouse event
  function simulateMouseEvent (event, simulatedType) {

	// Ignore multi-touch events
	if (event.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) {

	if (! $(event.currentTarget).hasClass('touch-punch-keep-default')) {

	var touch = event.originalEvent.changedTouches[0],
		simulatedEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
	// Initialize the simulated mouse event using the touch event's coordinates
	  simulatedType,	// type
	  true,				// bubbles					  
	  true,				// cancelable				  
	  window,			// view						  
	  1,				// detail					  
	  touch.screenX,	// screenX					  
	  touch.screenY,	// screenY					  
	  touch.clientX,	// clientX					  
	  touch.clientY,	// clientY					  
	  false,			// ctrlKey					  
	  false,			// altKey					  
	  false,			// shiftKey					  
	  false,			// metaKey					  
	  0,				// button					  
	  null				// relatedTarget			  

	// Dispatch the simulated event to the target element

   * Handle the jQuery UI widget's touchstart events
   * @param {Object} event The widget element's touchstart event
  mouseProto._touchStart = function (event) {

	var self = this;

	// Ignore the event if another widget is already being handled
	if (touchHandled || !self._mouseCapture(event.originalEvent.changedTouches[0])) {

	// Track element position to avoid "false" move
	posX = event.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].screenX.toFixed(0);
	posY = event.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].screenY.toFixed(0);

	// Set the flag to prevent other widgets from inheriting the touch event
	touchHandled = true;

	// Track movement to determine if interaction was a click
	self._touchMoved = false;

	// Simulate the mouseover event
	simulateMouseEvent(event, 'mouseover');

	// Simulate the mousemove event
	simulateMouseEvent(event, 'mousemove');

	// Simulate the mousedown event
	simulateMouseEvent(event, 'mousedown');

   * Handle the jQuery UI widget's touchmove events
   * @param {Object} event The document's touchmove event
  mouseProto._touchMove = function (event) {

	// Ignore event if not handled
	if (!touchHandled) {

	// Ignore if it's a "false" move (position not changed)
	var x = event.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].screenX.toFixed(0);
	var y = event.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].screenY.toFixed(0);
	// Ignore if it's a "false" move (position not changed)
	if (Math.abs(posX - x) <= 4 && Math.abs(posY - y) <= 4) {

	// Interaction was not a click
	this._touchMoved = true;

	// Simulate the mousemove event
	simulateMouseEvent(event, 'mousemove');

   * Handle the jQuery UI widget's touchend events
   * @param {Object} event The document's touchend event
  mouseProto._touchEnd = function (event) {

	// Ignore event if not handled
	if (!touchHandled) {

	// Simulate the mouseup event
	simulateMouseEvent(event, 'mouseup');

	// Simulate the mouseout event
	simulateMouseEvent(event, 'mouseout');

	// If the touch interaction did not move, it should trigger a click
	if (!this._touchMoved) {

	  // Simulate the click event
	  simulateMouseEvent(event, 'click');

	// Unset the flag to allow other widgets to inherit the touch event
	touchHandled = false;
	this._touchMoved = false;

   * A duck punch of the $.ui.mouse _mouseInit method to support touch events.
   * This method extends the widget with bound touch event handlers that
   * translate touch events to mouse events and pass them to the widget's
   * original mouse event handling methods.
  mouseProto._mouseInit = function () {
	var self = this;

	if (self.element.hasClass('touch-punch')) {
		// Delegate the touch handlers to the widget's element
		  touchstart: $.proxy(self, '_touchStart'),
		  touchmove: $.proxy(self, '_touchMove'),
		  touchend: $.proxy(self, '_touchEnd')

	// Call the original $.ui.mouse init method

   * Remove the touch event handlers
  mouseProto._mouseDestroy = function () {
	var self = this;

	if (self.element.hasClass('touch-punch')) {
		// Delegate the touch handlers to the widget's element
		  touchstart: $.proxy(self, '_touchStart'),
		  touchmove: $.proxy(self, '_touchMove'),
		  touchend: $.proxy(self, '_touchEnd')

	// Call the original $.ui.mouse destroy method


$.fn.elfinder = function(o, o2) {
	if (o === 'instance') {
		return this.getElFinder();
	} else if (o === 'ondemand') {

	return this.each(function() {
		var cmd          = typeof o  === 'string'  ? o  : '',
			bootCallback = typeof o2 === 'function'? o2 : void(0),
			elfinder     = this.elfinder,
			opts, reloadCallback;
		if (!elfinder) {
			if ($.isPlainObject(o)) {
				new elFinder(this, o, bootCallback);
		} else {
			switch(cmd) {
				case 'close':
				case 'hide':
				case 'open':
				case 'show':
				case 'destroy':
				case 'reload':
				case 'restart':
					if (elfinder) {
						opts = $.extend(true, elfinder.options, $.isPlainObject(o2)? o2 : {});
						bootCallback = elfinder.bootCallback;
						if (elfinder.reloadCallback && $.isFunction(elfinder.reloadCallback)) {
							elfinder.reloadCallback(opts, bootCallback);
						} else {
							new elFinder(this, opts, bootCallback);

$.fn.getElFinder = function() {
	var instance;
	this.each(function() {
		if (this.elfinder) {
			instance = this.elfinder;
			return false;
	return instance;

$.fn.elfUiWidgetInstance = function(name) {
	try {
		return this[name]('instance');
	} catch(e) {
		// fallback for jQuery UI < 1.11
		var data = this.data('ui-' + name);
		if (data && typeof data === 'object' && data.widgetFullName === 'ui-' + name) {
			return data;
		return null;

// function scrollRight
if (! $.fn.scrollRight) {
		scrollRight: function (val) {
			var node = this.get(0);
			if (val === undefined) {
				return Math.max(0, node.scrollWidth - (node.scrollLeft + node.clientWidth));
			return this.scrollLeft(node.scrollWidth - node.clientWidth - val);

// function scrollBottom
if (! $.fn.scrollBottom) {
		scrollBottom: function(val) { 
			var node = this.get(0);
			if (val === undefined) {
				return Math.max(0, node.scrollHeight - (node.scrollTop + node.clientHeight));
			return this.scrollTop(node.scrollHeight - node.clientHeight - val);

 * File: /js/elFinder.mimetypes.js

elFinder.prototype.mimeTypes = {"application\/x-executable":"exe","application\/x-jar":"jar","application\/x-gzip":"gz","application\/x-bzip2":"tbz","application\/x-rar":"rar","text\/x-php":"php","text\/javascript":"js","application\/rtfd":"rtfd","text\/x-python":"py","text\/x-ruby":"rb","text\/x-shellscript":"sh","text\/x-perl":"pl","text\/xml":"xml","text\/x-csrc":"c","text\/x-chdr":"h","text\/x-c++src":"cpp","text\/x-c++hdr":"hh","text\/x-markdown":"md","text\/x-yaml":"yml","image\/x-ms-bmp":"bmp","image\/x-targa":"tga","image\/xbm":"xbm","image\/pxm":"pxm","audio\/wav":"wav","video\/x-dv":"dv","video\/x-ms-wmv":"wm","video\/ogg":"ogm","video\/MP2T":"m2ts","application\/x-mpegURL":"m3u8","application\/dash+xml":"mpd","application\/andrew-inset":"ez","application\/applixware":"aw","application\/atom+xml":"atom","application\/atomcat+xml":"atomcat","application\/atomsvc+xml":"atomsvc","application\/ccxml+xml":"ccxml","application\/cdmi-capability":"cdmia","application\/cdmi-container":"cdmic","application\/cdmi-domain":"cdmid","application\/cdmi-object":"cdmio","application\/cdmi-queue":"cdmiq","application\/cu-seeme":"cu","application\/davmount+xml":"davmount","application\/docbook+xml":"dbk","application\/dssc+der":"dssc","application\/dssc+xml":"xdssc","application\/ecmascript":"ecma","application\/emma+xml":"emma","application\/epub+zip":"epub","application\/exi":"exi","application\/font-tdpfr":"pfr","application\/gml+xml":"gml","application\/gpx+xml":"gpx","application\/gxf":"gxf","application\/hyperstudio":"stk","application\/inkml+xml":"ink","application\/ipfix":"ipfix","application\/java-serialized-object":"ser","application\/java-vm":"class","application\/json":"json","application\/jsonml+json":"jsonml","application\/lost+xml":"lostxml","application\/mac-binhex40":"hqx","application\/mac-compactpro":"cpt","application\/mads+xml":"mads","application\/marc":"mrc","application\/marcxml+xml":"mrcx","application\/mathematica":"ma","application\/mathml+xml":"mathml","application\/mbox":"mbox","application\/mediaservercontrol+xml":"mscml","application\/metalink+xml":"metalink","application\/metalink4+xml":"meta4","application\/mets+xml":"mets","application\/mods+xml":"mods","application\/mp21":"m21","application\/mp4":"mp4s","application\/msword":"doc","application\/mxf":"mxf","application\/octet-stream":"bin","application\/oda":"oda","application\/oebps-package+xml":"opf","application\/ogg":"ogx","application\/omdoc+xml":"omdoc","application\/onenote":"onetoc","application\/oxps":"oxps","application\/patch-ops-error+xml":"xer","application\/pdf":"pdf","application\/pgp-encrypted":"pgp","application\/pgp-signature":"asc","application\/pics-rules":"prf","application\/pkcs10":"p10","application\/pkcs7-mime":"p7m","application\/pkcs7-signature":"p7s","application\/pkcs8":"p8","application\/pkix-attr-cert":"ac","application\/pkix-cert":"cer","application\/pkix-crl":"crl","application\/pkix-pkipath":"pkipath","application\/pkixcmp":"pki","application\/pls+xml":"pls","application\/postscript":"ai","application\/prs.cww":"cww","application\/pskc+xml":"pskcxml","application\/rdf+xml":"rdf","application\/reginfo+xml":"rif","application\/relax-ng-compact-syntax":"rnc","application\/resource-lists+xml":"rl","application\/resource-lists-diff+xml":"rld","application\/rls-services+xml":"rs","application\/rpki-ghostbusters":"gbr","application\/rpki-manifest":"mft","application\/rpki-roa":"roa","application\/rsd+xml":"rsd","application\/rss+xml":"rss","application\/rtf":"rtf","application\/sbml+xml":"sbml","application\/scvp-cv-request":"scq","application\/scvp-cv-response":"scs","application\/scvp-vp-request":"spq","application\/scvp-vp-response":"spp","application\/sdp":"sdp","application\/set-payment-initiation":"setpay","application\/set-registration-initiation":"setreg","application\/shf+xml":"shf","application\/smil+xml":"smi","application\/sparql-query":"rq","application\/sparql-results+xml":"srx","application\/srgs":"gram","application\/srgs+xml":"grxml","application\/sru+xml":"sru","application\/ssdl+xml":"ssdl","application\/ssml+xml":"ssml","application\/tei+xml":"tei","application\/thraud+xml":"tfi","application\/timestamped-data":"tsd","application\/vnd.3gpp.pic-bw-large":"plb","application\/vnd.3gpp.pic-bw-small":"psb","application\/vnd.3gpp.pic-bw-var":"pvb","application\/vnd.3gpp2.tcap":"tcap","application\/vnd.3m.post-it-notes":"pwn","application\/vnd.accpac.simply.aso":"aso","application\/vnd.accpac.simply.imp":"imp","application\/vnd.acucobol":"acu","application\/vnd.acucorp":"atc","application\/vnd.adobe.air-application-installer-package+zip":"air","application\/vnd.adobe.formscentral.fcdt":"fcdt","application\/vnd.adobe.fxp":"fxp","application\/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml":"xdp","application\/vnd.adobe.xfdf":"xfdf","application\/vnd.ahead.space":"ahead","application\/vnd.airzip.filesecure.azf":"azf","application\/vnd.airzip.filesecure.azs":"azs","application\/vnd.amazon.ebook":"azw","application\/vnd.americandynamics.acc":"acc","applicatio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		// for quicklook etc.
		hls        : 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/hls.js/1.1.5/hls.min.js',
		dash       : 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/dashjs/4.3.0/dash.all.min.js',
		flv        : 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/flv.js/1.6.2/flv.min.js',
		videojs    : 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/video.js/7.18.1',
		prettify   : 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/google/code-prettify@f1c3473acd1e8ea8c8c1a60c56e89f5cdd06f915/loader/run_prettify.js',
		psd        : 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/psd.js/3.4.0/psd.min.js',
		rar        : 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/nao-pon/rar.js@6cef13ec66dd67992fc7f3ea22f132d770ebaf8b/rar.min.js',
		zlibUnzip  : 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/imaya/zlib.js@0.3.1/bin/unzip.min.js', // need check unzipFiles() in quicklook.plugins.js when update
		zlibGunzip : 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/imaya/zlib.js@0.3.1/bin/gunzip.min.js',
		bzip2      : 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/nao-pon/bzip2.js@0.8.0/bzip2.js',
		marked     : 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/marked/4.0.2/marked.min.js',
		sparkmd5   : 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/spark-md5/3.0.0/spark-md5.min.js',
		jssha      : 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jsSHA/3.2.0/sha.min.js',
		amr        : 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/yxl/opencore-amr-js@dcf3d2b5f384a1d9ded2a54e4c137a81747b222b/js/amrnb.js',
		tiff       : 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/seikichi/tiff.js@545ede3ee46b5a5bc5f06d65954e775aa2a64017/tiff.min.js'
	 * Connector url. Required!
	 * @type String
	url : '',

	 * Ajax request type.
	 * @type String
	 * @default "get"
	requestType : 'get',
	 * Use CORS to connector url
	 * @type Boolean|null  true|false|null(Auto detect)
	cors : null,

	 * Array of header names to return parrot out in HTTP headers received from the server
	 * @type Array
	parrotHeaders : [],

	 * Maximum number of concurrent connections on request
	 * @type Number
	 * @default 3
	requestMaxConn : 3,

	 * Transport to send request to backend.
	 * Required for future extensions using websockets/webdav etc.
	 * Must be an object with "send" method.
	 * transport.send must return $.Deferred() object
	 * @type Object
	 * @default null
	 * @example
	 *  transport : {
	 *    init : function(elfinderInstance) { },
	 *    send : function(options) {
	 *      var dfrd = $.Deferred();
	 *      // connect to backend ...
	 *      return dfrd;
	 *    },
	 *    upload : function(data) {
	 *      var dfrd = $.Deferred();
	 *      // upload ...
	 *      return dfrd;
	 *    }
	 *  }
	transport : {},

	 * URL to upload file to.
	 * If not set - connector URL will be used
	 * @type String
	 * @default  ''
	urlUpload : '',

	 * Allow to drag and drop to upload files
	 * @type Boolean|String
	 * @default  'auto'
	dragUploadAllow : 'auto',
	 * Confirmation dialog displayed at the time of overwriting upload
	 * @type Boolean
	 * @default true
	overwriteUploadConfirm : true,
	 * Max size of chunked data of file upload
	 * @type Number
	 * @default  10485760(10MB)
	uploadMaxChunkSize : 10485760,
	 * Regular expression of file name to exclude when uploading folder
	 * @type Object
	 * @default { win: /^(?:desktop\.ini|thumbs\.db)$/i, mac: /^\.ds_store$/i }
	folderUploadExclude : {
		win: /^(?:desktop\.ini|thumbs\.db)$/i,
		mac: /^\.ds_store$/i
	 * Timeout for upload using iframe
	 * @type Number
	 * @default  0 - no timeout
	iframeTimeout : 0,
	 * Data to append to all requests and to upload files
	 * @type Object
	 * @default  {}
	customData : {},
	 * Event listeners to bind on elFinder init
	 * @type Object
	 * @default  {}
	handlers : {},

	 * Any custom headers to send across every ajax request
	 * @type Object
	 * @default {}
	customHeaders : {},

	 * Any custom xhrFields to send across every ajax request
	 * @type Object
	 * @default {}
	xhrFields : {},

	 * Interface language
	 * @type String
	 * @default "en"
	lang : 'en',

	 * Base URL of elfFinder library starting from Manager HTML
	 * Auto detect when empty value
	 * @type String
	 * @default ""
	baseUrl : '',

	 * Base URL of i18n js files
	 * baseUrl + "js/i18n/" when empty value
	 * @type String
	 * @default ""
	i18nBaseUrl : '',

	 * Base URL of worker js files
	 * baseUrl + "js/worker/" when empty value
	 * @type String
	 * @default ""
	 workerBaseUrl : '',
	 * Auto load required CSS
	 * `false` to disable this function or
	 * CSS URL Array to load additional CSS files
	 * @type Boolean|Array
	 * @default true
	cssAutoLoad : true,

	 * Theme to load
	 * {"themeid" : "Theme CSS URL"} or
	 * {"themeid" : "Theme manifesto.json URL"} or
	 * Theme manifesto.json Object
	 * {
	 *   "themeid" : {
	 *     "name":"Theme Name",
	 *     "cssurls":"Theme CSS URL",
	 *     "author":"Author Name",
	 *     "email":"Author Email",
	 *     "license":"License",
	 *     "link":"Web Site URL",
	 *     "image":"Screen Shot URL",
	 *     "description":"Description"
	 *   }
	 * }
	 * @type Object
	themes : {},

	 * Theme id to initial theme
	 * @type String|Null
	theme : null,

	 * Maximum value of error dialog open at the same time
	 * @type Number
	maxErrorDialogs : 5,

	 * Additional css class for filemanager node.
	 * @type String
	cssClass : '',

	 * Active commands list. '*' means all of the commands that have been load.
	 * If some required commands will be missed here, elFinder will add its
	 * @type Array
	commands : ['*'],
	// Available commands list
	//commands : [
	//	'archive', 'back', 'chmod', 'colwidth', 'copy', 'cut', 'download', 'duplicate', 'edit', 'extract',
	//	'forward', 'fullscreen', 'getfile', 'help', 'home', 'info', 'mkdir', 'mkfile', 'netmount', 'netunmount',
	//	'open', 'opendir', 'paste', 'places', 'quicklook', 'reload', 'rename', 'resize', 'restore', 'rm',
	//	'search', 'sort', 'up', 'upload', 'view', 'zipdl'
	 * Commands options.
	 * @type Object
	commandsOptions : {
		// // configure shortcuts of any command
		// // add `shortcuts` property into each command
		// any_command_name : {
		// 	shortcuts : [] // for disable this command's shortcuts
		// },
		// any_command_name : {
		// 	shortcuts : function(fm, shortcuts) {
		// 		// for add `CTRL + E` for this command action
		// 		shortcuts[0]['pattern'] += ' ctrl+e';
		// 		return shortcuts;
		// 	}
		// },
		// any_command_name : {
		// 	shortcuts : function(fm, shortcuts) {
		// 		// for full customize of this command's shortcuts
		// 		return [ { pattern: 'ctrl+e ctrl+down numpad_enter' + (fm.OS != 'mac' && ' enter') } ];
		// 	}
		// },
		// "getfile" command options.
		getfile : {
			onlyURL  : false,
			// allow to return multiple files info
			multiple : false,
			// allow to return filers info
			folders  : false,
			// action after callback (""/"close"/"destroy")
			oncomplete : '',
			// action when callback is fail (""/"close"/"destroy")
			onerror : '',
			// get path before callback call
			getPath    : true, 
			// get image sizes before callback call
			getImgSize : false
		open : {
			// HTTP method that request to the connector when item URL is not valid URL.
			// If you set to "get" will be displayed request parameter in the browser's location field
			// so if you want to conceal its parameters should be given "post".
			// Nevertheless, please specify "get" if you want to enable the partial request by HTTP Range header.
			method : 'post',
			// Where to open into : 'window'(default), 'tab' or 'tabs'
			// 'tabs' opens in each tabs
			into   : 'window',
			// Default command list of action when select file
			// String value that is 'Command Name' or 'Command Name1/CommandName2...'
			selectAction : 'open'
		opennew : {
			// URL of to open elFinder manager
			// Default '' : Origin URL
			url : '',
			// Use search query of origin URL
			useOriginQuery : true
		// "upload" command options.
		upload : {
			// Open elFinder upload dialog: 'button' OR Open system OS upload dialog: 'uploadbutton'
			ui : 'button'
		// "download" command options.
		download : {
			// max request to download files when zipdl disabled
			maxRequests : 10,
			// minimum count of files to use zipdl
			minFilesZipdl : 2
		// "quicklook" command options.
		quicklook : {
			autoplay : true,
			width    : 450,
			height   : 300,
			// ControlsList of HTML5 audio/video preview
			// see https://googlechrome.github.io/samples/media/controlslist.html
			mediaControlsList : '', // e.g. 'nodownload nofullscreen noremoteplayback'
			// Show toolbar of PDF preview (with <embed> tag)
			pdfToolbar : true,
			// Maximum lines to preview at initial
			textInitialLines : 100,
			// Maximum lines to preview by prettify
			prettifyMaxLines : 300,
			// quicklook window must be contained in elFinder node on window open (true|false)
			contain : false,
			// preview window into NavDock (0 : undocked | 1 : docked(show) | 2 : docked(hide))
			docked   : 0,
			// Docked preview height ('auto' or Number of pixel) 'auto' is setted to the Navbar width
			dockHeight : 'auto',
			// media auto play when docked
			dockAutoplay : false,
			// Google Maps API key (Require Maps JavaScript API)
			googleMapsApiKey : '',
			// Google Maps API Options
			googleMapsOpts : {
				maps : {},
				kml : {
					suppressInfoWindows : false,
					preserveViewport : false
			// ViewerJS (https://viewerjs.org/) Options
			// To enable this you need to place ViewerJS on the same server as elFinder and specify that URL in `url`.
			viewerjs : {
				url: '', // Example '/ViewerJS/index.html'
				mimes: ['application/pdf', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation'],
				pdfNative: true // Use Native PDF Viewer first
			// MIME types to CAD-Files and 3D-Models online viewer on sharecad.org
			// Example ['image/vnd.dwg', 'image/vnd.dxf', 'model/vnd.dwf', 'application/vnd.hp-hpgl', 'application/plt', 'application/step', 'model/iges', 'application/vnd.ms-pki.stl', 'application/sat', 'image/cgm', 'application/x-msmetafile']
			sharecadMimes : [],
			// MIME types to use Google Docs online viewer
			// Example ['application/pdf', 'image/tiff', 'application/vnd.ms-office', 'application/msword', 'application/vnd.ms-word', 'application/vnd.ms-excel', 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation', 'application/postscript', 'application/rtf']
			googleDocsMimes : [],
			// MIME types to use Microsoft Office Online viewer
			// Example ['application/msword', 'application/vnd.ms-word', 'application/vnd.ms-excel', 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet', 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation']
			// These MIME types override "googleDocsMimes"
			officeOnlineMimes : [],
			// File size threshold when using the dim command for obtain the image size necessary to image preview
			getDimThreshold : '200K',
			// Max filesize to show filenames of the zip/tar/gzip/bzip file 
			unzipMaxSize : '50M',
			// MIME-Type regular expression that does not check empty files
			mimeRegexNotEmptyCheck : /^application\/vnd\.google-apps\./
		// "edit" command options.
		edit : {
			// dialog width, integer(px) or integer+'%' (example: 650, '80%' ...)
			dialogWidth : void(0),
			// dialog height, integer(px) or integer+'%' (example: 650, '80%' ...)
			dialogHeight : void(0),
			// list of allowed mimetypes to edit of text files
			// if empty - any text files can be edited
			mimes : [],
			// MIME-types to unselected as default of "File types to enable with "New file"" in preferences
			mkfileHideMimes : [],
			// MIME-types of text file to make empty file
			makeTextMimes : ['text/plain', 'text/css', 'text/html'],
			// Use the editor stored in the browser
			// This value allowd overwrite with user preferences
			useStoredEditor : false,
			// Open the maximized editor window
			// This value allowd overwrite with user preferences
			editorMaximized : false,
			// edit files in wysisyg's
			editors : [
				// {
				// 	/**
				// 	 * editor info
				// 	 * @type  Object
				// 	 */
				// 	info : { name: 'Editor Name' },
				// 	/**
				// 	 * files mimetypes allowed to edit in current wysisyg
				// 	 * @type  Array
				// 	 */
				// 	mimes : ['text/html'], 
				// 	/**
				// 	 * HTML element for editing area (optional for text editor)
				// 	 * @type  String
				// 	 */
				// 	html : '<textarea></textarea>', 
				// 	/**
				// 	 * Initialize editing area node (optional for text editor)
				// 	 * 
				// 	 * @param  String  dialog DOM id
				// 	 * @param  Object  target file object
				// 	 * @param  String  target file content (text or Data URI Scheme(binary file))
				// 	 * @param  Object  elFinder instance
				// 	 * @type  Function
				// 	 */
				// 	init : function(id, file, content, fm) {
				// 		$(this).attr('id', id + '-text').val(content);
				// 	},
				// 	/**
				// 	 * Get edited contents (optional for text editor)
				// 	 * @type  Function
				// 	 */
				// 	getContent : function() {
				// 		return $(this).val();
				// 	},
				// 	/**
				// 	 * Called when "edit" dialog loaded.
				// 	 * Place to init wysisyg.
				// 	 * Can return wysisyg instance
				// 	 *
				// 	 * @param  DOMElement  textarea node
				// 	 * @return Object      editor instance|jQuery.Deferred(return instance on resolve())
				// 	 */
				// 	load : function(textarea) { },
				// 	/**
				// 	 * Called before "edit" dialog closed.
				// 	 * Place to destroy wysisyg instance.
				// 	 *
				// 	 * @param  DOMElement  textarea node
				// 	 * @param  Object      wysisyg instance (if was returned by "load" callback)
				// 	 * @return void
				// 	 */
				// 	close : function(textarea, instance) { },
				// 	/**
				// 	 * Called before file content send to backend.
				// 	 * Place to update textarea content if needed.
				// 	 *
				// 	 * @param  DOMElement  textarea node
				// 	 * @param  Object      wysisyg instance (if was returned by "load" callback)
				// 	 * @return void
				// 	 */
				// 	save : function(textarea, instance) {},
				// 	/**
				// 	 * Called after load() or save().
				// 	 * Set focus to wysisyg editor.
				// 	 *
				// 	 * @param  DOMElement  textarea node
				// 	 * @param  Object      wysisyg instance (if was returned by "load" callback)
				// 	 * @return void
				// 	 */
				// 	focus : function(textarea, instance) {}
				// 	/**
				// 	 * Called after dialog resized..
				// 	 *
				// 	 * @param  DOMElement  textarea node
				// 	 * @param  Object      wysisyg instance (if was returned by "load" callback)
				// 	 * @param  Object      resize event object
				// 	 * @param  Object      data object
				// 	 * @return void
				// 	 */
				// 	resize : function(textarea, instance, event, data) {}
				// }
			// Character encodings of select box
			encodings : ['Big5', 'Big5-HKSCS', 'Cp437', 'Cp737', 'Cp775', 'Cp850', 'Cp852', 'Cp855', 'Cp857', 'Cp858', 
				'Cp862', 'Cp866', 'Cp874', 'EUC-CN', 'EUC-JP', 'EUC-KR', 'GB18030', 'ISO-2022-CN', 'ISO-2022-JP', 'ISO-2022-KR', 
				'ISO-8859-1', 'ISO-8859-2', 'ISO-8859-3', 'ISO-8859-4', 'ISO-8859-5', 'ISO-8859-6', 'ISO-8859-7', 
				'ISO-8859-8', 'ISO-8859-9', 'ISO-8859-13', 'ISO-8859-15', 'KOI8-R', 'KOI8-U', 'Shift-JIS', 
				'Windows-1250', 'Windows-1251', 'Windows-1252', 'Windows-1253', 'Windows-1254', 'Windows-1257'],
			// options for extra editors
			extraOptions : {
				// upload command options
				uploadOpts : {},
				// TUI Image Editor's options
				tuiImgEditOpts : {
					// Path prefix of icon-a.svg, icon-b.svg, icon-c.svg and icon-d.svg in the Theme. 
					// `iconsPath` MUST follow the same origin policy.
					iconsPath : void(0), // default is "./img/tui-"
					// Theme object
					theme : {}
				// Pixo image editor constructor options - https://pixoeditor.com/
				// Require 'apikey' to enable it
				pixo: {
					apikey: ''
				// Browsing manager URL for CKEditor, TinyMCE
				// Uses self location with the empty value or not defined.
				//managerUrl : 'elfinder.html'
				managerUrl : null,
				// CKEditor editor options
				ckeditor: {},
				// CKEditor 5 editor options
				ckeditor5: {
					// builds mode - 'classic', 'inline', 'balloon', 'balloon-block' or 'decoupled-document'
					mode: 'decoupled-document'
				// TinyMCE editor options
				tinymce : {},
				// Setting for Online-Convert.com
				onlineConvert : {
					maxSize  : 100, // (MB) Max 100MB on free account
					showLink : true // It must be enabled with free account
		fullscreen : {
			// fullscreen mode 'screen'(When the browser supports it) or 'window'
			mode: 'screen' // 'screen' or 'window'
		search : {
			// Incremental search from the current view
			incsearch : {
				enable : true, // is enable true or false
				minlen : 1,    // minimum number of characters
				wait   : 500   // wait milliseconds
			// Additional search types
			searchTypes : {
				// "SearchMime" is implemented in default
				SearchMime : {           // The key is search type that send to the connector
					name : 'btnMime',    // Button text to be processed in i18n()
					title : 'searchMime',// Button title to be processed in i18n()
					incsearch : 'mime'   // Incremental search target filed name of the file object
					// Or Callable function
					/* incsearch function example
					function(queryObject, cwdHashes, elFinderInstance) {
						var q = queryObject.val;
						var regex = queryObject.regex;
						var matchedHashes = $.grep(cwdHashes, function(hash) {
							var file = elFinderInstance.file(hash);
							return (file && file.mime && file.mime.match(regex))? true : false;
						return matchedHashes;
		// "info" command options.
		info : {
			// If the URL of the Directory is null,
			// it is assumed that the link destination is a URL to open the folder in elFinder
			nullUrlDirLinkSelf : true,
			// Information items to be hidden by default
			// These name are 'size', 'aliasfor', 'path', 'link', 'dim', 'modify', 'perms', 'locked', 'owner', 'group', 'perm' and your custom info items label
			hideItems : [],
			// Maximum file size (byte) to get file contents hash (md5, sha256 ...)
			showHashMaxsize : 104857600, // 100 MB
			// Array of hash algorisms to show on info dialog
			// These name are 'md5', 'sha1', 'sha224', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512', 'sha3-224', 'sha3-256', 'sha3-384', 'sha3-512', 'shake128' and 'shake256'
			showHashAlgorisms : ['md5', 'sha256'],
			// Options for fm.getContentsHashes()
			showHashOpts : {
				shake128len : 256,
				shake256len : 512
			custom : {
				// /**
				//  * Example of custom info `desc`
				//  */
				// desc : {
				// 	/**
				// 	 * Lable (require)
				// 	 * It is filtered by the `fm.i18n()`
				// 	 * 
				// 	 * @type String
				// 	 */
				// 	label : 'Description',
				// 	/**
				// 	 * Template (require)
				// 	 * `{id}` is replaced in dialog.id
				// 	 * 
				// 	 * @type String
				// 	 */
				// 	tpl : '<div class="elfinder-info-desc"><span class="elfinder-spinner"></span></div>',
				// 	/**
				// 	 * Restricts to mimetypes (optional)
				// 	 * Exact match or category match
				// 	 * 
				// 	 * @type Array
				// 	 */
				// 	mimes : ['text', 'image/jpeg', 'directory'],
				// 	/**
				// 	 * Restricts to file.hash (optional)
				// 	 * 
				// 	 * @ type Regex
				// 	 */
				// 	hashRegex : /^l\d+_/,
				// 	/**
				// 	 * Request that asks for the description and sets the field (optional)
				// 	 * 
				// 	 * @type Function
				// 	 */
				// 	action : function(file, fm, dialog) {
				// 		fm.request({
				// 		data : { cmd : 'desc', target: file.hash },
				// 			preventDefault: true,
				// 		})
				// 		.fail(function() {
				// 			dialog.find('div.elfinder-info-desc').html(fm.i18n('unknown'));
				// 		})
				// 		.done(function(data) {
				// 			dialog.find('div.elfinder-info-desc').html(data.desc);
				// 		});
				// 	}
				// }
		mkdir: {
			// Enable automatic switching function ["New Folder" / "Into New Folder"] of toolbar buttton
			intoNewFolderToolbtn: false
		resize: {
			// defalt status of snap to 8px grid of the jpeg image ("enable" or "disable")
			grid8px : 'disable',
			// Preset size array [width, height]
			presetSize : [[320, 240], [400, 400], [640, 480], [800,600]],
			// File size (bytes) threshold when using the `dim` command for obtain the image size necessary to start editing
			getDimThreshold : 204800,
			// File size (bytes) to request to get substitute image (400px) with the `dim` command
			dimSubImgSize : 307200
		rm: {
			// If trash is valid, items moves immediately to the trash holder without confirm.
			quickTrash : true,
			// Maximum wait seconds when checking the number of items to into the trash
			infoCheckWait : 10,
			// Maximum number of items that can be placed into the Trash at one time
			toTrashMaxItems : 1000
		paste : {
			moveConfirm : false // Display confirmation dialog when moving items
		help : {
			// Tabs to show
			view : ['about', 'shortcuts', 'help', 'integrations', 'debug'],
			// HTML source URL of the heip tab
			helpSource : ''
		preference : {
			// dialog width
			width: 600,
			// dialog height
			height: 400,
			// tabs setting see preference.js : build()
			categories: null,
			// preference setting see preference.js : build()
			prefs: null,
			// language setting  see preference.js : build()
			langs: null,
			// Command list of action when select file
			// Array value are 'Command Name' or 'Command Name1/CommandName2...'
			selectActions : ['open', 'edit/download', 'resize/edit/download', 'download', 'quicklook']
	 * Disabled commands relationship
	 * @type Object
	disabledCmdsRels : {
		'get'       : ['edit'],
		'rm'        : ['cut', 'empty'],
		'file&url=' : ['download', 'zipdl'] // file command and volume options url is empty

	 * Callback for prepare boot up
	 * - The this object in the function is an elFinder node
	 * - The first parameter is elFinder Instance
	 * - The second parameter is an object of other parameters
	 *   For now it can use `dfrdsBeforeBootup` Array
	 * @type Function
	 * @default null
	 * @return void
	bootCallback : null,
	 * Callback for "getfile" commands.
	 * Required to use elFinder with WYSIWYG editors etc..
	 * @type Function
	 * @default null (command not active)
	getFileCallback : null,
	 * Default directory view. icons/list
	 * @type String
	 * @default "icons"
	defaultView : 'icons',
	 * Hash of default directory path to open
	 * NOTE: This setting will be disabled if the target folder is specified in location.hash.
	 * If you want to find the hash in Javascript
	 * can be obtained with the following code. (In the case of a standard hashing method)
	 * var volumeId = 'l1_'; // volume id
	 * var path = 'path/to/target'; // without root path
	 * //var path = 'path\\to\\target'; // use \ on windows server
	 * var hash = volumeId + btoa(path).replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_').replace(/=/g, '.').replace(/\.+$/, '');
	 * @type String
	 * @default ""
	startPathHash : '',

	 * Emit a sound when a file is deleted
	 * Sounds are in sounds/ folder
	 * @type Boolean
	 * @default true
	sound : true,
	 * UI plugins to load.
	 * Current dir ui and dialogs loads always.
	 * Here set not required plugins as folders tree/toolbar/statusbar etc.
	 * @type Array
	 * @default ['toolbar', 'places', 'tree', 'path', 'stat']
	 * @full ['toolbar', 'places', 'tree', 'path', 'stat']
	ui : ['toolbar', 'places', 'tree', 'path', 'stat'],
	 * Some UI plugins options.
	 * @type Object
	uiOptions : {
		// toolbar configuration
		toolbar : [
			['home', 'back', 'forward', 'up', 'reload'],
			['mkdir', 'mkfile', 'upload'],
			['open', 'download', 'getfile'],
			['undo', 'redo'],
			['copy', 'cut', 'paste', 'rm', 'empty', 'hide'],
			['duplicate', 'rename', 'edit', 'resize', 'chmod'],
			['selectall', 'selectnone', 'selectinvert'],
			['quicklook', 'info'],
			['extract', 'archive'],
			['view', 'sort'],
			['preference', 'help'],
		// toolbar extra options
		toolbarExtra : {
			// also displays the text label on the button (true / false / 'none')
			displayTextLabel: false,
			// Exclude `displayTextLabel` setting UA type
			labelExcludeUA: ['Mobile'],
			// auto hide on initial open
			autoHideUA: ['Mobile'],
			// Initial setting value of hide button in toolbar setting
			defaultHides: ['home', 'reload'],
			// show Preference button ('none', 'auto', 'always')
			// If you do not include 'preference' in the context menu you should specify 'auto' or 'always'
			showPreferenceButton: 'none',
			// show Preference button into contextmenu of the toolbar (true / false)
			preferenceInContextmenu: true
		// directories tree options
		tree : {
			// set path info to attr title
			attrTitle : true,
			// expand current root on init
			openRootOnLoad : true,
			// expand current work directory on open
			openCwdOnOpen  : true,
			// auto loading current directory parents and do expand their node.
			syncTree : true,
			// Maximum number of display of each child trees
			// The tree of directories with children exceeding this number will be split
			subTreeMax : 100,
			// Numbar of max connctions of subdirs request
			subdirsMaxConn : 2,
			// Number of max simultaneous processing directory of subdirs
			subdirsAtOnce : 5,
			// Durations of each animations
			durations : {
				slideUpDown : 'fast',
				autoScroll : 'fast'
			// ,
			// /**
			//  * Add CSS class name to navbar directories (optional)
			//  * see: https://github.com/Studio-42/elFinder/pull/1061,
			//  *      https://github.com/Studio-42/elFinder/issues/1231
			//  * 
			//  * @type Function
			//  */
			// getClass: function(dir) {
			// 	// e.g. This adds the directory's name (lowercase) with prefix as a CSS class
			// 	return 'elfinder-tree-' + dir.name.replace(/[ "]/g, '').toLowerCase();
			// }
		// navbar options
		navbar : {
			minWidth : 150,
			maxWidth : 500,
			// auto hide on initial open
			autoHideUA: [] // e.g. ['Mobile']
		navdock : {
			// disabled navdock ui
			disabled : false,
			// percentage of initial maximum height to work zone
			initMaxHeight : '50%',
			// percentage of maximum height to work zone by user resize action
			maxHeight : '90%'
		cwd : {
			// display parent folder with ".." name :)
			oldSchool : false,
			// fm.UA types array to show item select checkboxes e.g. ['All'] or ['Mobile'] etc. default: ['Touch']
			showSelectCheckboxUA : ['Touch'],

			// Enable dragout by dragstart with Alt key or Shift key
			metakeyDragout : true,
			// file info columns displayed
			listView : {
				// name is always displayed, cols are ordered
				// e.g. ['perm', 'date', 'size', 'kind', 'owner', 'group', 'mode']
				// mode: 'mode'(by `fileModeStyle` setting), 'modestr'(rwxr-xr-x) , 'modeoct'(755), 'modeboth'(rwxr-xr-x (755))
				// 'owner', 'group' and 'mode', It's necessary set volume driver option "statOwner" to `true`
				// for custom, characters that can be used in the name is `a-z0-9_`
				columns : ['perm', 'date', 'size', 'kind'],
				// override this if you want custom columns name
				// example
				// columnsCustomName : {
				//		date : 'Last modification',
				// 		kind : 'Mime type'
				// }
				columnsCustomName : {},
				// fixed list header colmun
				fixedHeader : true

			// icons view setting
			iconsView : {
				// default icon size (0-3 in default CSS (cwd.css - elfinder-cwd-size[number]))
				size: 0,
				// number of maximum size (3 in default CSS (cwd.css - elfinder-cwd-size[number]))
				// uses in preference.js
				sizeMax: 3,
				// Name of each size
				sizeNames: {
					0: 'viewSmall',
					1: 'viewMedium',
					2: 'viewLarge',
					3: 'viewExtraLarge' 

			// /**
			//  * Add CSS class name to cwd directories (optional)
			//  * see: https://github.com/Studio-42/elFinder/pull/1061,
			//  *      https://github.com/Studio-42/elFinder/issues/1231
			//  * 
			//  * @type Function
			//  */
			// ,
			// getClass: function(file) {
			// 	// e.g. This adds the directory's name (lowercase) with prefix as a CSS class
			// 	return 'elfinder-cwd-' + file.name.replace(/[ "]/g, '').toLowerCase();
			//// Template placeholders replacement rules for overwrite. see ui/cwd.js replacement
			//replacement : {
			//	tooltip : function(f, fm) {
			//		var list = fm.viewType == 'list', // current view type
			//			query = fm.searchStatus.state == 2, // is in search results
			//			title = fm.formatDate(f) + (f.size > 0 ? ' ('+fm.formatSize(f.size)+')' : ''),
			//			info  = '';
			//		if (query && f.path) {
			//			info = fm.escape(f.path.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, ''));
			//		} else {
			//			info = f.tooltip? fm.escape(f.tooltip).replace(/\r/g, '&#13;') : '';
			//		}
			//		if (list) {
			//			info += (info? '&#13;' : '') + fm.escape(f.name);
			//		}
			//		return info? info + '&#13;' + title : title;
			//	}
		path : {
			// Move to head of work zone without UI navbar
			toWorkzoneWithoutNavbar : true
		dialog : {
			// Enable to auto focusing on mouse over in the target form element
			focusOnMouseOver : true
		toast : {
			animate : {
				// to show
				showMethod: 'fadeIn', // fadeIn, slideDown, and show are built into jQuery
				showDuration: 300,    // milliseconds
				showEasing: 'swing',  // swing and linear are built into jQuery
				// timeout to hide
				timeOut: 3000,
				// to hide
				hideMethod: 'fadeOut',
				hideDuration: 1500,
				hideEasing: 'swing'

	 * MIME regex of send HTTP header "Content-Disposition: inline" or allow preview in quicklook
	 * This option will overwrite by connector configuration
	 * @type String
	 * @default '^(?:(?:image|video|audio)|text/plain|application/pdf$)'
	 * @example
	 *  dispInlineRegex : '.',  // is allow inline of all of MIME types
	 *  dispInlineRegex : '$^', // is not allow inline of all of MIME types
	dispInlineRegex : '^(?:(?:image|video|audio)|application/(?:x-mpegURL|dash\+xml)|(?:text/plain|application/pdf)$)',

	 * Display only required files by types
	 * @type Array
	 * @default []
	 * @example
	 *  onlyMimes : ["image"] - display all images
	 *  onlyMimes : ["image/png", "application/x-shockwave-flash"] - display png and flash
	onlyMimes : [],

	 * Custom files sort rules.
	 * All default rules (name/size/kind/date/perm/mode/owner/group) set in elFinder._sortRules
	 * @type {Object}
	 * @example
	 * sortRules : {
	 *   name : function(file1, file2) { return file1.name.toLowerCase().localeCompare(file2.name.toLowerCase()); }
	 * }
	sortRules : {},

	 * Default sort type.
	 * @type {String}
	sortType : 'name',
	 * Default sort order.
	 * @type {String}
	 * @default "asc"
	sortOrder : 'asc',
	 * Display folders first?
	 * @type {Boolean}
	 * @default true
	sortStickFolders : true,
	 * Sort also applies to the treeview (null: disable this feature)
	 * @type Boolean|null
	 * @default false
	sortAlsoTreeview : false,
	 * If true - elFinder will formating dates itself, 
	 * otherwise - backend date will be used.
	 * @type Boolean
	clientFormatDate : true,
	 * Show UTC dates.
	 * Required set clientFormatDate to true
	 * @type Boolean
	UTCDate : false,
	 * File modification datetime format.
	 * Value from selected language data  is used by default.
	 * Set format here to overwrite it.
	 * @type String
	 * @default  ""
	dateFormat : '',
	 * File modification datetime format in form "Yesterday 12:23:01".
	 * Value from selected language data is used by default.
	 * Set format here to overwrite it.
	 * Use $1 for "Today"/"Yesterday" placeholder
	 * @type String
	 * @default  ""
	 * @example "$1 H:m:i"
	fancyDateFormat : '',
	 * Style of file mode at cwd-list, info dialog
	 * 'string' (ex. rwxr-xr-x) or 'octal' (ex. 755) or 'both' (ex. rwxr-xr-x (755))
	 * @type {String}
	 * @default 'both'
	fileModeStyle : 'both',
	 * elFinder width
	 * @type String|Number
	 * @default  "auto"
	width : 'auto',
	 * elFinder node height
	 * Number: pixcel or String: Number + "%"
	 * @type Number | String
	 * @default  400
	height : 400,
	 * Do not resize the elFinder node itself on resize parent node
	 * Specify `true` when controlling with CSS such as Flexbox
	 * @type Boolean
	 * @default false
	noResizeBySelf : false,

	 * Base node object or selector
	 * Element which is the reference of the height percentage
	 * @type Object|String
	 * @default null | $(window) (if height is percentage)
	heightBase : null,
	 * Make elFinder resizable if jquery ui resizable available
	 * @type Boolean
	 * @default  true
	resizable : true,
	 * Timeout before open notifications dialogs
	 * @type Number
	 * @default  500 (.5 sec)
	notifyDelay : 500,
	 * Position CSS, Width of notifications dialogs
	 * @type Object
	 * @default {position: {}, width : null} - Apply CSS definition
	 * position: CSS object | null (null: position center & middle)
	notifyDialog : {position : {}, width : null, canClose : false, hiddens : ['open']},
	 * Dialog contained in the elFinder node
	 * @type Boolean
	 * @default false
	dialogContained : false,
	 * Allow shortcuts
	 * @type Boolean
	 * @default  true
	allowShortcuts : true,
	 * Remeber last opened dir to open it after reload or in next session
	 * @type Boolean
	 * @default  true
	rememberLastDir : true,
	 * Clear historys(elFinder) on reload(not browser) function
	 * Historys was cleared on Reload function on elFinder 2.0 (value is true)
	 * @type Boolean
	 * @default  false
	reloadClearHistory : false,
	 * Use browser native history with supported browsers
	 * @type Boolean
	 * @default  true
	useBrowserHistory : true,
	 * Lazy load config.
	 * How many files display at once?
	 * @type Number
	 * @default  50
	showFiles : 50,
	 * Lazy load config.
	 * Distance in px to cwd bottom edge to start display files
	 * @type Number
	 * @default  50
	showThreshold : 50,
	 * Additional rule to valid new file name.
	 * By default not allowed empty names or '..'
	 * This setting does not have a sense of security.
	 * @type false|RegExp|function
	 * @default  false
	 * @example
	 *  disable names with spaces:
	 *  validName : /^[^\s]+$/,
	validName : false,
	 * Additional rule to filtering for browsing.
	 * This setting does not have a sense of security.
	 * The object `this` is elFinder instance object in this function
	 * @type false|RegExp|function
	 * @default  false
	 * @example
	 *  show only png and jpg files:
	 *  fileFilter : /.*\.(png|jpg)$/i,
	 *  show only image type files:
	 *  fileFilter : function(file) { return file.mime && file.mime.match(/^image\//i); },
	fileFilter : false,
	 * Backup name suffix.
	 * @type String
	 * @default  "~"
	backupSuffix : '~',
	 * Sync content interval
	 * @type Number
	 * @default  0 (do not sync)
	sync : 0,
	 * Sync start on load if sync value >= 1000
	 * @type     Bool
	 * @default  true
	syncStart : true,
	 * How many thumbnails create in one request
	 * @type Number
	 * @default  5
	loadTmbs : 5,
	 * Cookie option for browsersdoes not suppot localStorage
	 * @type Object
	cookie         : {
		expires  : 30,
		domain   : '',
		path     : '/',
		secure   : false,
		samesite : 'lax'
	 * Contextmenu config
	 * @type Object
	contextmenu : {
		// navbarfolder menu
		navbar : ['open', 'opennew', 'download', '|', 'upload', 'mkdir', '|', 'copy', 'cut', 'paste', 'duplicate', '|', 'rm', 'empty', 'hide', '|', 'rename', '|', 'archive', '|', 'places', 'info', 'chmod', 'netunmount'],
		// current directory menu
		cwd    : ['undo', 'redo', '|', 'back', 'up', 'reload', '|', 'upload', 'mkdir', 'mkfile', 'paste', '|', 'empty', 'hide', '|', 'view', 'sort', 'selectall', 'colwidth', '|', 'places', 'info', 'chmod', 'netunmount', '|', 'fullscreen', '|', 'preference'],
		// current directory file menu
		files  : ['getfile', '|' ,'open', 'opennew', 'download', 'opendir', 'quicklook', '|', 'upload', 'mkdir', '|', 'copy', 'cut', 'paste', 'duplicate', '|', 'rm', 'empty', 'hide', '|', 'rename', 'edit', 'resize', '|', 'archive', 'extract', '|', 'selectall', 'selectinvert', '|', 'places', 'info', 'chmod', 'netunmount']

	 * elFinder node enable always
	 * This value will set to `true` if <body> has elFinder node only
	 * @type     Bool
	 * @default  false
	enableAlways : false,
	 * elFinder node enable by mouse over
	 * @type     Bool
	 * @default  true
	enableByMouseOver : true,

	 * Show window close confirm dialog
	 * Value is which state to show
	 * 'hasNotifyDialog', 'editingFile', 'hasSelectedItem' and 'hasClipboardData'
	 * @type     Array
	 * @default  ['hasNotifyDialog', 'editingFile']
	windowCloseConfirm : ['hasNotifyDialog', 'editingFile'],

	 * Function decoding 'raw' string converted to unicode
	 * It is used instead of fm.decodeRawString(str)
	 * @type Null|Function
	rawStringDecoder : typeof Encoding === 'object' && $.isFunction(Encoding.convert)? function(str) {
		return Encoding.convert(str, {
			to: 'UNICODE',
			type: 'string'
	} : null,

	 * Debug config
	 * @type Array|String('auto')|Boolean(true|false)
	debug : ['error', 'warning', 'event-destroy'],

	 * Show toast messeges of backend warning (if found data `debug.backendErrors` in backend results)
	 * @type Boolean|Object (toast options)
	toastBackendWarn : true

 * File: /js/elFinder.options.netmount.js

 * Default elFinder config of commandsOptions.netmount
 * @type  Object

elFinder.prototype._options.commandsOptions.netmount = {
	ftp: {
		name : 'FTP',
		inputs: {
			host     : $('<input type="text"/>'),
			port     : $('<input type="number" placeholder="21" class="elfinder-input-optional"/>'),
			path     : $('<input type="text" value="/"/>'),
			user     : $('<input type="text"/>'),
			pass     : $('<input type="password" autocomplete="new-password"/>'),
			FTPS     : $('<input type="checkbox" value="1" title="File Transfer Protocol over SSL/TLS"/>'),
			encoding : $('<input type="text" placeholder="Optional" class="elfinder-input-optional"/>'),
			locale   : $('<input type="text" placeholder="Optional" class="elfinder-input-optional"/>')
	dropbox2: elFinder.prototype.makeNetmountOptionOauth('dropbox2', 'Dropbox', 'Dropbox', {noOffline : true,
		root : '/',
		pathI18n : 'path',
		integrate : {
			title: 'Dropbox.com',
			link: 'https://www.dropbox.com'
	googledrive: elFinder.prototype.makeNetmountOptionOauth('googledrive', 'Google Drive', 'Google', {
		integrate : {
			title: 'Google Drive',
			link: 'https://www.google.com/drive/'
	onedrive: elFinder.prototype.makeNetmountOptionOauth('onedrive', 'One Drive', 'OneDrive', {
		integrate : {
			title: 'Microsoft OneDrive',
			link: 'https://onedrive.live.com'
	box: elFinder.prototype.makeNetmountOptionOauth('box', 'Box', 'Box', {
		noOffline : true,
		integrate : {
			title: 'Box.com',
			link: 'https://www.box.com'

 * File: /js/elFinder.history.js

 * @class elFinder.history
 * Store visited folders
 * and provide "back" and "forward" methods
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
elFinder.prototype.history = function(fm) {
		var self = this,
		 * Update history on "open" event?
		 * @type Boolean
		update = true,
		 * Directories hashes storage
		 * @type Array
		history = [],
		 * Current directory index in history
		 * @type Number
		 * Clear history
		 * @return void
		reset = function() {
			history = [fm.cwd().hash];
			current = 0;
			update  = true;
		 * Browser native history object
		nativeHistory = (fm.options.useBrowserHistory && window.history && window.history.pushState)? window.history : null,
		 * Open prev/next folder
		 * @Boolen  open next folder?
		 * @return jQuery.Deferred
		go = function(fwd) {
			if ((fwd && self.canForward()) || (!fwd && self.canBack())) {
				update = false;
				return fm.exec('open', history[fwd ? ++current : --current]).fail(reset);
			return $.Deferred().reject();
		 * Sets the native history.
		 * @param String thash target hash
		setNativeHistory = function(thash) {
			if (nativeHistory && (! nativeHistory.state || nativeHistory.state.thash !== thash)) {
				nativeHistory.pushState({thash: thash}, null, location.pathname + location.search + (thash? '#elf_' + thash : ''));
	 * Return true if there is previous visited directories
	 * @return Boolen
	this.canBack = function() {
		return current > 0;
	 * Return true if can go forward
	 * @return Boolen
	this.canForward = function() {
		return current < history.length - 1;
	 * Go back
	 * @return void
	this.back = go;
	 * Go forward
	 * @return void
	this.forward = function() {
		return go(true);
	// bind to elfinder events
	fm.bind('init', function() {
		if (nativeHistory && !nativeHistory.state) {
	.open(function() {
		var l = history.length,
			cwd = fm.cwd().hash;

		if (update) {
			current >= 0 && l > current + 1 && history.splice(current+1);
			history[history.length-1] != cwd && history.push(cwd);
			current = history.length - 1;
		update = true;

	.reload(fm.options.reloadClearHistory && reset);

 * File: /js/elFinder.command.js

 * elFinder command prototype
 * @type  elFinder.command
 * @author  Dmitry (dio) Levashov
elFinder.prototype.command = function(fm) {
	 * elFinder instance
	 * @type  elFinder
	this.fm = fm;
	 * Command name, same as class name
	 * @type  String
	this.name = '';
	 * Dialog class name
	 * @type  String
	this.dialogClass = '';

	 * Command icon class name with out 'elfinder-button-icon-'
	 * Use this.name if it is empty
	 * @type  String
	this.className = '';

	 * Short command description
	 * @type  String
	this.title = '';
	 * Linked(Child) commands name
	 * They are loaded together when tthis command is loaded.
	 * @type  Array
	this.linkedCmds = [];
	 * Current command state
	 * @example
	 * this.state = -1; // command disabled
	 * this.state = 0;  // command enabled
	 * this.state = 1;  // command active (for example "fullscreen" command while elfinder in fullscreen mode)
	 * @default -1
	 * @type  Number
	this.state = -1;
	 * If true, command can not be disabled by connector.
	 * @see this.update()
	 * @type  Boolen
	this.alwaysEnabled = false;
	 * Do not change dirctory on removed current work directory
	 * @type  Boolen
	this.noChangeDirOnRemovedCwd = false;
	 * If true, this means command was disabled by connector.
	 * @see this.update()
	 * @type  Boolen
	this._disabled = false;
	 * If true, this command is disabled on serach results
	 * @type  Boolean
	this.disableOnSearch = false;
	 * Call update() when event select fired
	 * @type  Boolean
	this.updateOnSelect = true;
	 * Sync toolbar button title on change
	 * @type  Boolean
	this.syncTitleOnChange = false;

	 * Keep display of the context menu when command execution
	 * @type  Boolean
	this.keepContextmenu = false;
	 * elFinder events defaults handlers.
	 * Inside handlers "this" is current command object
	 * @type  Object
	this._handlers = {
		enable  : function() { this.update(void(0), this.value); },
		disable : function() { this.update(-1, this.value); },
		'open reload load sync'    : function() { 
			this._disabled = !(this.alwaysEnabled || this.fm.isCommandEnabled(this.name));
			this.update(void(0), this.value);
	 * elFinder events handlers.
	 * Inside handlers "this" is current command object
	 * @type  Object
	this.handlers = {};
	 * Shortcuts
	 * @type  Array
	this.shortcuts = [];
	 * Command options
	 * @type  Object
	this.options = {ui : 'button'};
	 * Callback functions on `change` event
	 * @type  Array
	this.listeners = [];

	 * Prepare object -
	 * bind events and shortcuts
	 * @return void
	this.setup = function(name, opts) {
		var self = this,
			fm   = this.fm,
			setCallback = function(s) {
				var cb = s.callback || function(e) {
							fm.exec(self.name, void(0), {
							_userAction: true,
							_currentType: 'shortcut'
				s.callback = function(e) {
					var enabled, checks = {};
					if (self.enabled()) {
						if (fm.searchStatus.state < 2) {
							enabled = fm.isCommandEnabled(self.name);
						} else {
							$.each(fm.selected(), function(i, h) {
								if (fm.optionsByHashes[h]) {
									checks[h] = true;
								} else {
									$.each(fm.volOptions, function(id) {
										if (!checks[id] && h.indexOf(id) === 0) {
											checks[id] = true;
											return false;
							$.each(checks, function(h) {
								enabled = fm.isCommandEnabled(self.name, h);
								if (! enabled) {
									return false;
						if (enabled) {
							self.event = e;
							delete self.event;
			i, s, sc;

		this.name      = name;
		this.title     = fm.messages['cmd'+name] ? fm.i18n('cmd'+name)
		               : ((this.extendsCmd && fm.messages['cmd'+this.extendsCmd]) ? fm.i18n('cmd'+this.extendsCmd) : name);
		this.options   = Object.assign({}, this.options, opts);
		this.listeners = [];
		this.dialogClass = 'elfinder-dialog-' + name;

		if (opts.shortcuts) {
			if (typeof opts.shortcuts === 'function') {
				sc = opts.shortcuts(this.fm, this.shortcuts);
			} else if (Array.isArray(opts.shortcuts)) {
				sc = opts.shortcuts;
			this.shortcuts = sc || [];

		if (this.updateOnSelect) {
			this._handlers.select = function() { this.update(void(0), this.value); };

		$.each(Object.assign({}, self._handlers, self.handlers), function(cmd, handler) {
			fm.bind(cmd, $.proxy(handler, self));

		for (i = 0; i < this.shortcuts.length; i++) {
			s = this.shortcuts[i];
			!s.description && (s.description = this.title);

		if (this.disableOnSearch) {
			fm.bind('search searchend', function() {
				self._disabled = this.type === 'search'? true : ! (this.alwaysEnabled || fm.isCommandEnabled(name));
				self.update(void(0), self.value);


	 * Command specific init stuffs
	 * @return void
	this.init = function() {};

	 * Exec command
	 * @param  Array         target files hashes
	 * @param  Array|Object  command value
	 * @return $.Deferred
	this.exec = function(files, opts) { 
		return $.Deferred().reject(); 
	this.getUndo = function(opts, resData) {
		return false;
	 * Return true if command disabled.
	 * @return Boolen
	this.disabled = function() {
		return this.state < 0;
	 * Return true if command enabled.
	 * @return Boolen
	this.enabled = function() {
		return this.state > -1;
	 * Return true if command active.
	 * @return Boolen
	this.active = function() {
		return this.state > 0;
	 * Return current command state.
	 * Must be overloaded in most commands
	 * @return Number
	this.getstate = function() {
		return -1;
	 * Update command state/value
	 * and rize 'change' event if smth changed
	 * @param  Number  new state or undefined to auto update state
	 * @param  mixed   new value
	 * @return void
	this.update = function(s, v) {
		var state = this.state,
			value = this.value;

		if (this._disabled && this.fm.searchStatus === 0) {
			this.state = -1;
		} else {
			this.state = s !== void(0) ? s : this.getstate();

		this.value = v;
		if (state != this.state || value != this.value) {
	 * Bind handler / fire 'change' event.
	 * @param  Function|undefined  event callback
	 * @return void
	this.change = function(c) {
		var cmd, i;
		if (typeof(c) === 'function') {
		} else {
			for (i = 0; i < this.listeners.length; i++) {
				cmd = this.listeners[i];
				try {
					cmd(this.state, this.value);
				} catch (e) {
					this.fm.debug('error', e);
		return this;

	 * With argument check given files hashes and return list of existed files hashes.
	 * Without argument return selected files hashes.
	 * @param  Array|String|void  hashes
	 * @return Array
	this.hashes = function(hashes) {
		return hashes
			? $.grep(Array.isArray(hashes) ? hashes : [hashes], function(hash) { return fm.file(hash) ? true : false; })
			: fm.selected();
	 * Return only existed files from given fils hashes | selected files
	 * @param  Array|String|void  hashes
	 * @return Array
	this.files = function(hashes) {
		var fm = this.fm;
		return hashes
			? $.map(Array.isArray(hashes) ? hashes : [hashes], function(hash) { return fm.file(hash) || null; })
			: fm.selectedFiles();

	 * Wrapper to fm.dialog()
	 * @param  String|DOMElement  content
	 * @param  Object             options
	 * @return Object             jQuery element object
	this.fmDialog = function(content, options) {
		if (options.cssClass) {
			options.cssClass += ' ' + this.dialogClass;
		} else {
			options.cssClass = this.dialogClass;
		return this.fm.dialog(content, options);

 * File: /js/elFinder.resources.js

 * elFinder resources registry.
 * Store shared data
 * @type Object
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
elFinder.prototype.resources = {
	'class' : {
		hover       : 'ui-state-hover',
		active      : 'ui-state-active',
		disabled    : 'ui-state-disabled',
		draggable   : 'ui-draggable',
		droppable   : 'ui-droppable',
		adroppable  : 'elfinder-droppable-active',
		cwdfile     : 'elfinder-cwd-file',
		cwd         : 'elfinder-cwd',
		tree        : 'elfinder-tree',
		treeroot    : 'elfinder-navbar-root',
		navdir      : 'elfinder-navbar-dir',
		navdirwrap  : 'elfinder-navbar-dir-wrapper',
		navarrow    : 'elfinder-navbar-arrow',
		navsubtree  : 'elfinder-navbar-subtree',
		navcollapse : 'elfinder-navbar-collapsed',
		navexpand   : 'elfinder-navbar-expanded',
		treedir     : 'elfinder-tree-dir',
		placedir    : 'elfinder-place-dir',
		searchbtn   : 'elfinder-button-search',
		editing     : 'elfinder-to-editing',
		preventback : 'elfinder-prevent-back',
		tabstab     : 'ui-state-default ui-tabs-tab ui-corner-top ui-tab',
		tabsactive  : 'ui-tabs-active ui-state-active'
	tpl : {
		perms      : '<span class="elfinder-perms"></span>',
		lock       : '<span class="elfinder-lock"></span>',
		symlink    : '<span class="elfinder-symlink"></span>',
		navicon    : '<span class="elfinder-nav-icon"></span>',
		navspinner : '<span class="elfinder-spinner elfinder-navbar-spinner"></span>',
		navdir     : '<div class="elfinder-navbar-wrapper{root}"><span id="{id}" class="ui-corner-all elfinder-navbar-dir {cssclass}"{title}><span class="elfinder-navbar-arrow"></span><span class="elfinder-navbar-icon" {style}></span>{symlink}{permissions}{name}</span><div class="elfinder-navbar-subtree" style="display:none"></div></div>',
		placedir   : '<div class="elfinder-navbar-wrapper"><span id="{id}" class="ui-corner-all elfinder-navbar-dir {cssclass}"{title}><span class="elfinder-navbar-arrow"></span><span class="elfinder-navbar-icon" {style}></span>{symlink}{permissions}{name}</span><div class="elfinder-navbar-subtree" style="display:none"></div></div>'
	// mimes.text will be overwritten with connector config if `textMimes` is included in initial response
	// @see php/elFInder.class.php `public static $textMimes`
	mimes : {
		text : [
	mixin : {
		make : function() {
						var self = this,
				fm   = this.fm,
				cmd  = this.name,
				req  = this.requestCmd || cmd,
				wz   = fm.getUI('workzone'),
				org  = (this.origin && this.origin === 'navbar')? 'tree' : 'cwd',
				tree = (org === 'tree'),
				find = tree? 'navHash2Elm' : 'cwdHash2Elm',
				tarea= (! tree && fm.storage('view') != 'list'),
				sel  = fm.selected(),
				move = this.move || false,
				empty= wz.hasClass('elfinder-cwd-wrapper-empty'),
				unselect = function() {
					requestAnimationFrame(function() {
						input && input.trigger('blur');
				rest = function(){
					if (!overlay.is(':hidden')) {
						overlay.elfinderoverlay('hide').off('click close', cancel);
					if (nnode) {
							.css('position', '')
							.off('unselect.'+fm.namespace, unselect);
						if (tarea) {
							nnode && nnode.css('max-height', '');
						} else if (!tree) {
							pnode.css('width', '')
								.parent('td').css('overflow', '');
				}, colwidth,
				dfrd = $.Deferred()
					.fail(function(error) {
						dstCls && dst.attr('class', dstCls);
						empty && wz.addClass('elfinder-cwd-wrapper-empty');
						if (sel) {
							move && fm.trigger('unlockfiles', {files: sel});
							fm.trigger('selectfiles', { files: sel });
						error && fm.error(error);
					.always(function() {
						fm.enable().unbind('open', openCallback).trigger('resMixinMake');
				id    = 'tmp_'+parseInt(Math.random()*100000),
				phash = this.data && this.data.target? this.data.target : (tree? fm.file(sel[0]).hash : fm.cwd().hash),
				date = new Date(),
				file   = {
					hash  : id,
					phash : phash,
					name  : fm.uniqueName(this.prefix, phash),
					mime  : this.mime,
					read  : true,
					write : true,
					date  : 'Today '+date.getHours()+':'+date.getMinutes(),
					move  : move
				dum = fm.getUI(org).trigger('create.'+fm.namespace, file),
				data = this.data || {},
				node = fm[find](id),
				nnode, pnode,
				overlay = fm.getUI('overlay'),
				cleanup = function() {
					if (node && node.length) {
						fm.unselectfiles({files : [id]}).unbind('resize', resize);
						requestAnimationFrame(function() {
							if (tree) {
							} else {
				cancel = function(e) { 
					if (!overlay.is(':hidden')) {
						pnode.css('z-index', '');
					if (! inError) {
						if (e) {
				input = $(tarea? '<textarea></textarea>' : '<input type="text"/>')
					.on('keyup text', function(){
						if (tarea) {
							this.style.height = '1px';
							this.style.height = this.scrollHeight + 'px';
						} else if (colwidth) {
							this.style.width = colwidth + 'px';
							if (this.scrollWidth > colwidth) {
								this.style.width = this.scrollWidth + 10 + 'px';
					.on('keydown', function(e) {
						if (e.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE) {
						} else if (e.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.ENTER) {
					.on('mousedown click dblclick', function(e) {
						if (e.type === 'dblclick') {
					.on('blur', function() {
						var name   = $.trim(input.val()),
							parent = input.parent(),
							valid  = true,

						if (!overlay.is(':hidden')) {
							pnode.css('z-index', '');
						if (name === '') {
							return cancel();
						if (!inError && parent.length) {

							if (fm.options.validName && fm.options.validName.test) {
								try {
									valid = fm.options.validName.test(name);
								} catch(e) {
									valid = false;
							if (!name || name === '.' || name === '..' || !valid) {
								inError = true;
								fm.error(file.mime === 'directory'? 'errInvDirname' : 'errInvName', {modal: true, close: function(){setTimeout(select, 120);}});
								return false;
							if (fm.fileByName(name, phash)) {
								inError = true;
								fm.error(['errExists', name], {modal: true, close: function(){setTimeout(select, 120);}});
								return false;

							cut = (sel && move)? fm.exec('cut', sel) : null;

							.done(function() {
								var toast   = {},
									nextAct = {};

								fm.lockfiles({files : [id]});

										data        : Object.assign({cmd : req, name : name, target : phash}, data || {}), 
										notify      : {type : req, cnt : 1},
										preventFail : true,
										syncOnFail  : true,
										navigate    : {toast : toast},
									.fail(function(error) {
										fm.unlockfiles({files : [id]});
										inError = true;
										fm.error(error, {
											modal: true,
											close: function() {
												if (Array.isArray(error) && $.inArray('errUploadMime', error) !== -1) {
												} else {
													setTimeout(select, 120);
									.done(function(data) {
										if (data && data.added && data.added[0]) {
											var item    = data.added[0],
												dirhash = item.hash,
												newItem = fm[find](dirhash),
												acts    = {
													'directory' : { cmd: 'open', msg: 'cmdopendir' },
													'text'      : { cmd: 'edit', msg: 'cmdedit' },
													'default'   : { cmd: 'open', msg: 'cmdopen' }
											if (sel && move) {
												fm.one(req+'done', function() {
													fm.exec('paste', dirhash);
											if (!move) {
												if (fm.mimeIsText(item.mime) && !fm.mimesCanMakeEmpty[item.mime] && fm.mimeTypes[item.mime]) {
													fm.trigger('canMakeEmptyFile', {mimes: [item.mime], unshift: true});
													tmpMimes = {};
													tmpMimes[item.mime] = fm.mimeTypes[item.mime];
													fm.storage('mkfileTextMimes', Object.assign(tmpMimes, fm.storage('mkfileTextMimes') || {}));
												Object.assign(nextAct, nextAction || acts[item.mime] || acts[item.mime.split('/')[0]] || acts[(fm.mimesCanMakeEmpty[item.mime] || $.inArray(item.mime, fm.resources.mimes.text) !== -1) ? 'text' : 'none'] || acts['default']);
												Object.assign(toast, nextAct.cmd ? {
													incwd    : {msg: fm.i18n(['complete', fm.i18n('cmd'+cmd)]), action: nextAct},
													inbuffer : {msg: fm.i18n(['complete', fm.i18n('cmd'+cmd)]), action: nextAct}
												} : {
													inbuffer : {msg: fm.i18n(['complete', fm.i18n('cmd'+cmd)])}
							.fail(function() {
					.on('dragenter dragleave dragover drop', function(e) {
						// stop bubbling to prevent upload with native drop event
				select = function() {
					var name = fm.splitFileExtention(input.val())[0];
					if (!inError && fm.UA.Mobile && !fm.UA.iOS) { // since iOS has a bug? (z-index not effect) so disable it
						overlay.on('click close', cancel).elfinderoverlay('show');
						pnode.css('z-index', overlay.css('z-index') + 1);
					inError = false;
					! fm.enabled() && fm.enable();
					input[0].setSelectionRange && input[0].setSelectionRange(0, name.length);
				resize = function() {
					node.trigger('scrolltoview', {blink : false});
				openCallback = function() {
					dfrd && (dfrd.state() === 'pending') && dfrd.reject();
				inError = false,
				// for tree
				dst, dstCls, collapsed, expanded, arrow, subtree;

			if (!fm.isCommandEnabled(req, phash) || !node.length) {
				return dfrd.reject();

			if ($.isPlainObject(self.nextAction)){
				nextAction = Object.assign({}, self.nextAction);
			if (tree) {
				dst = fm[find](phash);
				collapsed = fm.res('class', 'navcollapse');
				expanded  = fm.res('class', 'navexpand');
				arrow = fm.res('class', 'navarrow');
				subtree = fm.res('class', 'navsubtree');
				if (! dst.hasClass(collapsed)) {
					dstCls = dst.attr('class');
					dst.addClass(collapsed+' '+expanded+' elfinder-subtree-loaded');
				if (dst.is('.'+collapsed+':not(.'+expanded+')')) {
					dst.children('.'+arrow).trigger('click').data('dfrd').done(function() {
						if (input.val() === file.name) {
							input.val(fm.uniqueName(self.prefix, phash)).trigger('select').trigger('focus');
				nnode = node.contents().filter(function(){ return this.nodeType==3 && $(this).parent().attr('id') === fm.navHash2Id(file.hash); });
				pnode = nnode.parent();
			} else {
				empty && wz.removeClass('elfinder-cwd-wrapper-empty');
				nnode = node.find('.elfinder-cwd-filename');
				pnode = nnode.parent();
				if (tarea) {
					nnode.css('max-height', 'none');
				} else {
					colwidth = pnode.width();
					pnode.width(colwidth - 15)
						.parent('td').css('overflow', 'visible');
				.css('position', 'relative')
				.on('unselect.'+fm.namespace, unselect);
			fm.bind('resize', resize).one('open', openCallback);

			return dfrd;

	blink: function(elm, mode) {
				var acts = {
			slowonce : function(){elm.hide().delay(250).fadeIn(750).delay(500).fadeOut(3500);},
			lookme   : function(){elm.show().fadeOut(500).fadeIn(750);}
		}, func;
		mode = mode || 'slowonce';
		func = acts[mode] || acts['lookme'];
		elm.stop(true, true);

 * File: /js/jquery.dialogelfinder.js

 * @class dialogelfinder - open elFinder in dialog window
 * @param  Object  elFinder options with dialog options
 * @example
 * $(selector).dialogelfinder({
 *     // some elfinder options
 *     title          : 'My files', // dialog title, default = "Files"
 *     width          : 850,        // dialog width, default 840
 *     autoOpen       : false,      // if false - dialog will not be opened after init, default = true
 *     destroyOnClose : true        // destroy elFinder on close dialog, default = false
 * })
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
$.fn.dialogelfinder = function(opts, opts2) {
		var position = 'elfinderPosition',
		destroy  = 'elfinderDestroyOnClose',
		node, pos;

	if ($.isPlainObject(opts)) {
		this.not('.elfinder').each(function() {

			opts.handlers = opts.handlers || {};

			var node    = $(this),
				doc     = $(document),
				toolbar = $('<div class="ui-widget-header dialogelfinder-drag ui-corner-top">'+(opts.title || 'Files')+'</div>'),
				button  = $('<a href="#" class="dialogelfinder-drag-close ui-corner-all"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-closethick"> </span></a>')
					.on('click', function(e) {
				init    = opts.handlers.init,

			opts.handlers.init = function(e, fm) {
				init && init(e, fm);

			elfinder = node.addClass('elfinder dialogelfinder touch-punch')
				.css('position', 'absolute')
					handle : '.dialogelfinder-drag',
					containment : 'window',
					stop : function() {
				.elfinder(opts, opts2)
			elfinder.reloadCallback = function(o, o2) {
				o.handlers.init = init;
				node.dialogelfinder(o, o2).dialogelfinder('open');
			node.width(parseInt(node.width()) || 840) // fix width if set to "auto"
				.data(destroy, !!opts.destroyOnClose)
			opts.position && node.data(position, opts.position);
			opts.autoOpen !== false && $(this).dialogelfinder('open');

	} else {
		if (opts === 'open') {
			node = $(this);
			pos = node.data(position) || {
				top  : parseInt($(document).scrollTop() + ($(window).height() < node.height() ? 2 : ($(window).height() - node.height())/2)),
				left : parseInt($(document).scrollLeft() + ($(window).width() < node.width()  ? 2 : ($(window).width()  - node.width())/2))

			if (node.is(':hidden')) {

				setTimeout(function() {
					// fix resize icon position and make elfinder active
				}, 200);
		} else if (opts === 'close') {
			node = $(this).removeClass('ui-front');
			if (node.is(':visible')) {
					? node.elfinder('destroy').remove()
					: node.elfinder('close');
		} else if (opts === 'instance') {
			return $(this).getElFinder();

	return this;

 * File: /js/i18n/elfinder.en.js

 * English translation
 * @author Troex Nevelin <troex@fury.scancode.ru>
 * @author Naoki Sawada <hypweb+elfinder@gmail.com>
 * @version 2021-06-02
// elfinder.en.js is integrated into elfinder.(full|min).js by jake build
if (typeof elFinder === 'function' && elFinder.prototype.i18) {
	elFinder.prototype.i18.en = {
		translator : 'Troex Nevelin &lt;troex@fury.scancode.ru&gt;, Naoki Sawada &lt;hypweb+elfinder@gmail.com&gt;',
		language   : 'English',
		direction  : 'ltr',
		dateFormat : 'M d, Y h:i A', // will show like: Aug 24, 2018 04:39 PM
		fancyDateFormat : '$1 h:i A', // will show like: Today 04:39 PM
		nonameDateFormat : 'ymd-His', // noname upload will show like: 180824-163916
		messages   : {

			/********************************** errors **********************************/
			'error'                : 'Error',
			'errUnknown'           : 'Unknown error.',
			'errUnknownCmd'        : 'Unknown command.',
			'errJqui'              : 'Invalid jQuery UI configuration. Selectable, draggable and droppable components must be included.',
			'errNode'              : 'elFinder requires DOM Element to be created.',
			'errURL'               : 'Invalid elFinder configuration! URL option is not set.',
			'errAccess'            : 'Access denied.',
			'errConnect'           : 'Unable to connect to backend.',
			'errAbort'             : 'Connection aborted.',
			'errTimeout'           : 'Connection timeout.',
			'errNotFound'          : 'Backend not found.',
			'errResponse'          : 'Invalid backend response.',
			'errConf'              : 'Invalid backend configuration.',
			'errJSON'              : 'PHP JSON module not installed.',
			'errNoVolumes'         : 'Readable volumes not available.',
			'errCmdParams'         : 'Invalid parameters for command "$1".',
			'errDataNotJSON'       : 'Data is not JSON.',
			'errDataEmpty'         : 'Data is empty.',
			'errCmdReq'            : 'Backend request requires command name.',
			'errOpen'              : 'Unable to open "$1".',
			'errNotFolder'         : 'Object is not a folder.',
			'errNotFile'           : 'Object is not a file.',
			'errRead'              : 'Unable to read "$1".',
			'errWrite'             : 'Unable to write into "$1".',
			'errPerm'              : 'Permission denied.',
			'errLocked'            : '"$1" is locked and can not be renamed, moved or removed.',
			'errExists'            : 'Item named "$1" already exists.',
			'errInvName'           : 'Invalid file name.',
			'errInvDirname'        : 'Invalid folder name.',  // from v2.1.24 added 12.4.2017
			'errFolderNotFound'    : 'Folder not found.',
			'errFileNotFound'      : 'File not found.',
			'errTrgFolderNotFound' : 'Target folder "$1" not found.',
			'errPopup'             : 'Browser prevented opening popup window. To open file enable it in browser options.',
			'errMkdir'             : 'Unable to create folder "$1".',
			'errMkfile'            : 'Unable to create file "$1".',
			'errRename'            : 'Unable to rename "$1".',
			'errCopyFrom'          : 'Copying files from volume "$1" not allowed.',
			'errCopyTo'            : 'Copying files to volume "$1" not allowed.',
			'errMkOutLink'         : 'Unable to create a link to outside the volume root.', // from v2.1 added 03.10.2015
			'errUpload'            : 'Upload error.',  // old name - errUploadCommon
			'errUploadFile'        : 'Unable to upload "$1".', // old name - errUpload
			'errUploadNoFiles'     : 'No files found for upload.',
			'errUploadTotalSize'   : 'Data exceeds the maximum allowed size.', // old name - errMaxSize
			'errUploadFileSize'    : 'File exceeds maximum allowed size.', //  old name - errFileMaxSize
			'errUploadMime'        : 'File type not allowed.',
			'errUploadTransfer'    : '"$1" transfer error.',
			'errUploadTemp'        : 'Unable to make temporary file for upload.', // from v2.1 added 26.09.2015
			'errNotReplace'        : 'Object "$1" already exists at this location and can not be replaced by object with another type.', // new
			'errReplace'           : 'Unable to replace "$1".',
			'errSave'              : 'Unable to save "$1".',
			'errCopy'              : 'Unable to copy "$1".',
			'errMove'              : 'Unable to move "$1".',
			'errCopyInItself'      : 'Unable to copy "$1" into itself.',
			'errRm'                : 'Unable to remove "$1".',
			'errTrash'             : 'Unable into trash.', // from v2.1.24 added 30.4.2017
			'errRmSrc'             : 'Unable remove source file(s).',
			'errExtract'           : 'Unable to extract files from "$1".',
			'errArchive'           : 'Unable to create archive.',
			'errArcType'           : 'Unsupported archive type.',
			'errNoArchive'         : 'File is not archive or has unsupported archive type.',
			'errCmdNoSupport'      : 'Backend does not support this command.',
			'errReplByChild'       : 'The folder "$1" can\'t be replaced by an item it contains.',
			'errArcSymlinks'       : 'For security reason denied to unpack archives contains symlinks or files with not allowed names.', // edited 24.06.2012
			'errArcMaxSize'        : 'Archive files exceeds maximum allowed size.',
			'errResize'            : 'Unable to resize "$1".',
			'errResizeDegree'      : 'Invalid rotate degree.',  // added 7.3.2013
			'errResizeRotate'      : 'Unable to rotate image.',  // added 7.3.2013
			'errResizeSize'        : 'Invalid image size.',  // added 7.3.2013
			'errResizeNoChange'    : 'Image size not changed.',  // added 7.3.2013
			'errUsupportType'      : 'Unsupported file type.',
			'errNotUTF8Content'    : 'File "$1" is not in UTF-8 and cannot be edited.',  // added 9.11.2011
			'errNetMount'          : 'Unable to mount "$1".', // added 17.04.2012
			'errNetMountNoDriver'  : 'Unsupported protocol.',     // added 17.04.2012
			'errNetMountFailed'    : 'Mount failed.',         // added 17.04.2012
			'errNetMountHostReq'   : 'Host required.', // added 18.04.2012
			'errSessionExpires'    : 'Your session has expired due to inactivity.',
			'errCreatingTempDir'   : 'Unable to create temporary directory: "$1"',
			'errFtpDownloadFile'   : 'Unable to download file from FTP: "$1"',
			'errFtpUploadFile'     : 'Unable to upload file to FTP: "$1"',
			'errFtpMkdir'          : 'Unable to create remote directory on FTP: "$1"',
			'errArchiveExec'       : 'Error while archiving files: "$1"',
			'errExtractExec'       : 'Error while extracting files: "$1"',
			'errNetUnMount'        : 'Unable to unmount.', // from v2.1 added 30.04.2012
			'errConvUTF8'          : 'Not convertible to UTF-8', // from v2.1 added 08.04.2014
			'errFolderUpload'      : 'Try the modern browser, If you\'d like to upload the folder.', // from v2.1 added 26.6.2015
			'errSearchTimeout'     : 'Timed out while searching "$1". Search result is partial.', // from v2.1 added 12.1.2016
			'errReauthRequire'     : 'Re-authorization is required.', // from v2.1.10 added 24.3.2016
			'errMaxTargets'        : 'Max number of selectable items is $1.', // from v2.1.17 added 17.10.2016
			'errRestore'           : 'Unable to restore from the trash. Can\'t identify the restore destination.', // from v2.1.24 added 3.5.2017
			'errEditorNotFound'    : 'Editor not found to this file type.', // from v2.1.25 added 23.5.2017
			'errServerError'       : 'Error occurred on the server side.', // from v2.1.25 added 16.6.2017
			'errEmpty'             : 'Unable to empty folder "$1".', // from v2.1.25 added 22.6.2017
			'moreErrors'           : 'There are $1 more errors.', // from v2.1.44 added 9.12.2018
			'errMaxMkdirs'         : 'You can create up to $1 folders at one time.', // from v2.1.58 added 20.6.2021

			/******************************* commands names ********************************/
			'cmdarchive'   : 'Create archive',
			'cmdback'      : 'Back',
			'cmdcopy'      : 'Copy',
			'cmdcut'       : 'Cut',
			'cmddownload'  : 'Download',
			'cmdduplicate' : 'Duplicate',
			'cmdedit'      : 'Edit file',
			'cmdextract'   : 'Extract files from archive',
			'cmdforward'   : 'Forward',
			'cmdgetfile'   : 'Select files',
			'cmdhelp'      : 'About this software',
			'cmdhome'      : 'Root',
			'cmdinfo'      : 'Get info',
			'cmdmkdir'     : 'New folder',
			'cmdmkdirin'   : 'Into New Folder', // from v2.1.7 added 19.2.2016
			'cmdmkfile'    : 'New file',
			'cmdopen'      : 'Open',
			'cmdpaste'     : 'Paste',
			'cmdquicklook' : 'Preview',
			'cmdreload'    : 'Reload',
			'cmdrename'    : 'Rename',
			'cmdrm'        : 'Delete',
			'cmdtrash'     : 'Into trash', //from v2.1.24 added 29.4.2017
			'cmdrestore'   : 'Restore', //from v2.1.24 added 3.5.2017
			'cmdsearch'    : 'Find files',
			'cmdup'        : 'Go to parent folder',
			'cmdupload'    : 'Upload files',
			'cmdview'      : 'View',
			'cmdresize'    : 'Resize & Rotate',
			'cmdsort'      : 'Sort',
			'cmdnetmount'  : 'Mount network volume', // added 18.04.2012
			'cmdnetunmount': 'Unmount', // from v2.1 added 30.04.2012
			'cmdplaces'    : 'To Places', // added 28.12.2014
			'cmdchmod'     : 'Change mode', // from v2.1 added 20.6.2015
			'cmdopendir'   : 'Open a folder', // from v2.1 added 13.1.2016
			'cmdcolwidth'  : 'Reset column width', // from v2.1.13 added 12.06.2016
			'cmdfullscreen': 'Full Screen', // from v2.1.15 added 03.08.2016
			'cmdmove'      : 'Move', // from v2.1.15 added 21.08.2016
			'cmdempty'     : 'Empty the folder', // from v2.1.25 added 22.06.2017
			'cmdundo'      : 'Undo', // from v2.1.27 added 31.07.2017
			'cmdredo'      : 'Redo', // from v2.1.27 added 31.07.2017
			'cmdpreference': 'Preferences', // from v2.1.27 added 03.08.2017
			'cmdselectall' : 'Select all', // from v2.1.28 added 15.08.2017
			'cmdselectnone': 'Select none', // from v2.1.28 added 15.08.2017
			'cmdselectinvert': 'Invert selection', // from v2.1.28 added 15.08.2017
			'cmdopennew'   : 'Open in new window', // from v2.1.38 added 3.4.2018
			'cmdhide'      : 'Hide (Preference)', // from v2.1.41 added 24.7.2018

			/*********************************** buttons ***********************************/
			'btnClose'  : 'Close',
			'btnSave'   : 'Save',
			'btnRm'     : 'Remove',
			'btnApply'  : 'Apply',
			'btnCancel' : 'Cancel',
			'btnNo'     : 'No',
			'btnYes'    : 'Yes',
			'btnMount'  : 'Mount',  // added 18.04.2012
			'btnApprove': 'Goto $1 & approve', // from v2.1 added 26.04.2012
			'btnUnmount': 'Unmount', // from v2.1 added 30.04.2012
			'btnConv'   : 'Convert', // from v2.1 added 08.04.2014
			'btnCwd'    : 'Here',      // from v2.1 added 22.5.2015
			'btnVolume' : 'Volume',    // from v2.1 added 22.5.2015
			'btnAll'    : 'All',       // from v2.1 added 22.5.2015
			'btnMime'   : 'MIME Type', // from v2.1 added 22.5.2015
			'btnFileName':'Filename',  // from v2.1 added 22.5.2015
			'btnSaveClose': 'Save & Close', // from v2.1 added 12.6.2015
			'btnBackup' : 'Backup', // fromv2.1 added 28.11.2015
			'btnRename'    : 'Rename',      // from v2.1.24 added 6.4.2017
			'btnRenameAll' : 'Rename(All)', // from v2.1.24 added 6.4.2017
			'btnPrevious' : 'Prev ($1/$2)', // from v2.1.24 added 11.5.2017
			'btnNext'     : 'Next ($1/$2)', // from v2.1.24 added 11.5.2017
			'btnSaveAs'   : 'Save As', // from v2.1.25 added 24.5.2017

			/******************************** notifications ********************************/
			'ntfopen'     : 'Open folder',
			'ntffile'     : 'Open file',
			'ntfreload'   : 'Reload folder content',
			'ntfmkdir'    : 'Creating folder',
			'ntfmkfile'   : 'Creating files',
			'ntfrm'       : 'Delete items',
			'ntfcopy'     : 'Copy items',
			'ntfmove'     : 'Move items',
			'ntfprepare'  : 'Checking existing items',
			'ntfrename'   : 'Rename files',
			'ntfupload'   : 'Uploading files',
			'ntfdownload' : 'Downloading files',
			'ntfsave'     : 'Save files',
			'ntfarchive'  : 'Creating archive',
			'ntfextract'  : 'Extracting files from archive',
			'ntfsearch'   : 'Searching files',
			'ntfresize'   : 'Resizing images',
			'ntfsmth'     : 'Doing something',
			'ntfloadimg'  : 'Loading image',
			'ntfnetmount' : 'Mounting network volume', // added 18.04.2012
			'ntfnetunmount': 'Unmounting network volume', // from v2.1 added 30.04.2012
			'ntfdim'      : 'Acquiring image dimension', // added 20.05.2013
			'ntfreaddir'  : 'Reading folder infomation', // from v2.1 added 01.07.2013
			'ntfurl'      : 'Getting URL of link', // from v2.1 added 11.03.2014
			'ntfchmod'    : 'Changing file mode', // from v2.1 added 20.6.2015
			'ntfpreupload': 'Verifying upload file name', // from v2.1 added 31.11.2015
			'ntfzipdl'    : 'Creating a file for download', // from v2.1.7 added 23.1.2016
			'ntfparents'  : 'Getting path infomation', // from v2.1.17 added 2.11.2016
			'ntfchunkmerge': 'Processing the uploaded file', // from v2.1.17 added 2.11.2016
			'ntftrash'    : 'Doing throw in the trash', // from v2.1.24 added 2.5.2017
			'ntfrestore'  : 'Doing restore from the trash', // from v2.1.24 added 3.5.2017
			'ntfchkdir'   : 'Checking destination folder', // from v2.1.24 added 3.5.2017
			'ntfundo'     : 'Undoing previous operation', // from v2.1.27 added 31.07.2017
			'ntfredo'     : 'Redoing previous undone', // from v2.1.27 added 31.07.2017
			'ntfchkcontent' : 'Checking contents', // from v2.1.41 added 3.8.2018

			/*********************************** volumes *********************************/
			'volume_Trash' : 'Trash', //from v2.1.24 added 29.4.2017

			/************************************ dates **********************************/
			'dateUnknown' : 'unknown',
			'Today'       : 'Today',
			'Yesterday'   : 'Yesterday',
			'msJan'       : 'Jan',
			'msFeb'       : 'Feb',
			'msMar'       : 'Mar',
			'msApr'       : 'Apr',
			'msMay'       : 'May',
			'msJun'       : 'Jun',
			'msJul'       : 'Jul',
			'msAug'       : 'Aug',
			'msSep'       : 'Sep',
			'msOct'       : 'Oct',
			'msNov'       : 'Nov',
			'msDec'       : 'Dec',
			'January'     : 'January',
			'February'    : 'February',
			'March'       : 'March',
			'April'       : 'April',
			'May'         : 'May',
			'June'        : 'June',
			'July'        : 'July',
			'August'      : 'August',
			'September'   : 'September',
			'October'     : 'October',
			'November'    : 'November',
			'December'    : 'December',
			'Sunday'      : 'Sunday',
			'Monday'      : 'Monday',
			'Tuesday'     : 'Tuesday',
			'Wednesday'   : 'Wednesday',
			'Thursday'    : 'Thursday',
			'Friday'      : 'Friday',
			'Saturday'    : 'Saturday',
			'Sun'         : 'Sun',
			'Mon'         : 'Mon',
			'Tue'         : 'Tue',
			'Wed'         : 'Wed',
			'Thu'         : 'Thu',
			'Fri'         : 'Fri',
			'Sat'         : 'Sat',

			/******************************** sort variants ********************************/
			'sortname'          : 'by name',
			'sortkind'          : 'by kind',
			'sortsize'          : 'by size',
			'sortdate'          : 'by date',
			'sortFoldersFirst'  : 'Folders first',
			'sortperm'          : 'by permission', // from v2.1.13 added 13.06.2016
			'sortmode'          : 'by mode',       // from v2.1.13 added 13.06.2016
			'sortowner'         : 'by owner',      // from v2.1.13 added 13.06.2016
			'sortgroup'         : 'by group',      // from v2.1.13 added 13.06.2016
			'sortAlsoTreeview'  : 'Also Treeview',  // from v2.1.15 added 01.08.2016

			/********************************** new items **********************************/
			'untitled file.txt' : 'NewFile.txt', // added 10.11.2015
			'untitled folder'   : 'NewFolder',   // added 10.11.2015
			'Archive'           : 'NewArchive',  // from v2.1 added 10.11.2015
			'untitled file'     : 'NewFile.$1',  // from v2.1.41 added 6.8.2018
			'extentionfile'     : '$1: File',    // from v2.1.41 added 6.8.2018
			'extentiontype'     : '$1: $2',      // from v2.1.43 added 17.10.2018

			/********************************** messages **********************************/
			'confirmReq'      : 'Confirmation required',
			'confirmRm'       : 'Are you sure you want to permanently remove items?<br/>This cannot be undone!',
			'confirmRepl'     : 'Replace old file with new one? (If it contains folders, it will be merged. To backup and replace, select Backup.)',
			'confirmRest'     : 'Replace existing item with the item in trash?', // fromv2.1.24 added 5.5.2017
			'confirmConvUTF8' : 'Not in UTF-8<br/>Convert to UTF-8?<br/>Contents become UTF-8 by saving after conversion.', // from v2.1 added 08.04.2014
			'confirmNonUTF8'  : 'Character encoding of this file couldn\'t be detected. It need to temporarily convert to UTF-8 for editting.<br/>Please select character encoding of this file.', // from v2.1.19 added 28.11.2016
			'confirmNotSave'  : 'It has been modified.<br/>Losing work if you do not save changes.', // from v2.1 added 15.7.2015
			'confirmTrash'    : 'Are you sure you want to move items to trash bin?', //from v2.1.24 added 29.4.2017
			'confirmMove'     : 'Are you sure you want to move items to "$1"?', //from v2.1.50 added 27.7.2019
			'apllyAll'        : 'Apply to all',
			'name'            : 'Name',
			'size'            : 'Size',
			'perms'           : 'Permissions',
			'modify'          : 'Modified',
			'kind'            : 'Kind',
			'read'            : 'read',
			'write'           : 'write',
			'noaccess'        : 'no access',
			'and'             : 'and',
			'unknown'         : 'unknown',
			'selectall'       : 'Select all items',
			'selectfiles'     : 'Select item(s)',
			'selectffile'     : 'Select first item',
			'selectlfile'     : 'Select last item',
			'viewlist'        : 'List view',
			'viewicons'       : 'Icons view',
			'viewSmall'       : 'Small icons', // from v2.1.39 added 22.5.2018
			'viewMedium'      : 'Medium icons', // from v2.1.39 added 22.5.2018
			'viewLarge'       : 'Large icons', // from v2.1.39 added 22.5.2018
			'viewExtraLarge'  : 'Extra large icons', // from v2.1.39 added 22.5.2018
			'places'          : 'Places',
			'calc'            : 'Calculate',
			'path'            : 'Path',
			'aliasfor'        : 'Alias for',
			'locked'          : 'Locked',
			'dim'             : 'Dimensions',
			'files'           : 'Files',
			'folders'         : 'Folders',
			'items'           : 'Items',
			'yes'             : 'yes',
			'no'              : 'no',
			'link'            : 'Link',
			'searcresult'     : 'Search results',
			'selected'        : 'selected items',
			'about'           : 'About',
			'shortcuts'       : 'Shortcuts',
			'help'            : 'Help',
			'webfm'           : 'Web file manager',
			'ver'             : 'Version',
			'protocolver'     : 'protocol version',
			'homepage'        : 'Project home',
			'docs'            : 'Documentation',
			'github'          : 'Fork us on GitHub',
			'twitter'         : 'Follow us on Twitter',
			'facebook'        : 'Join us on Facebook',
			'team'            : 'Team',
			'chiefdev'        : 'chief developer',
			'developer'       : 'developer',
			'contributor'     : 'contributor',
			'maintainer'      : 'maintainer',
			'translator'      : 'translator',
			'icons'           : 'Icons',
			'dontforget'      : 'and don\'t forget to take your towel',
			'shortcutsof'     : 'Shortcuts disabled',
			'dropFiles'       : 'Drop files here',
			'or'              : 'or',
			'selectForUpload' : 'Select files',
			'moveFiles'       : 'Move items',
			'copyFiles'       : 'Copy items',
			'restoreFiles'    : 'Restore items', // from v2.1.24 added 5.5.2017
			'rmFromPlaces'    : 'Remove from places',
			'aspectRatio'     : 'Aspect ratio',
			'scale'           : 'Scale',
			'width'           : 'Width',
			'height'          : 'Height',
			'resize'          : 'Resize',
			'crop'            : 'Crop',
			'rotate'          : 'Rotate',
			'rotate-cw'       : 'Rotate 90 degrees CW',
			'rotate-ccw'      : 'Rotate 90 degrees CCW',
			'degree'          : '°',
			'netMountDialogTitle' : 'Mount network volume', // added 18.04.2012
			'protocol'            : 'Protocol', // added 18.04.2012
			'host'                : 'Host', // added 18.04.2012
			'port'                : 'Port', // added 18.04.2012
			'user'                : 'User', // added 18.04.2012
			'pass'                : 'Password', // added 18.04.2012
			'confirmUnmount'      : 'Are you sure to unmount $1?',  // from v2.1 added 30.04.2012
			'dropFilesBrowser': 'Drop or Paste files from browser', // from v2.1 added 30.05.2012
			'dropPasteFiles'  : 'Drop files, Paste URLs or images(clipboard) here', // from v2.1 added 07.04.2014
			'encoding'        : 'Encoding', // from v2.1 added 19.12.2014
			'locale'          : 'Locale',   // from v2.1 added 19.12.2014
			'searchTarget'    : 'Target: $1',                // from v2.1 added 22.5.2015
			'searchMime'      : 'Search by input MIME Type', // from v2.1 added 22.5.2015
			'owner'           : 'Owner', // from v2.1 added 20.6.2015
			'group'           : 'Group', // from v2.1 added 20.6.2015
			'other'           : 'Other', // from v2.1 added 20.6.2015
			'execute'         : 'Execute', // from v2.1 added 20.6.2015
			'perm'            : 'Permission', // from v2.1 added 20.6.2015
			'mode'            : 'Mode', // from v2.1 added 20.6.2015
			'emptyFolder'     : 'Folder is empty', // from v2.1.6 added 30.12.2015
			'emptyFolderDrop' : 'Folder is empty\\A Drop to add items', // from v2.1.6 added 30.12.2015
			'emptyFolderLTap' : 'Folder is empty\\A Long tap to add items', // from v2.1.6 added 30.12.2015
			'quality'         : 'Quality', // from v2.1.6 added 5.1.2016
			'autoSync'        : 'Auto sync',  // from v2.1.6 added 10.1.2016
			'moveUp'          : 'Move up',  // from v2.1.6 added 18.1.2016
			'getLink'         : 'Get URL link', // from v2.1.7 added 9.2.2016
			'selectedItems'   : 'Selected items ($1)', // from v2.1.7 added 2.19.2016
			'folderId'        : 'Folder ID', // from v2.1.10 added 3.25.2016
			'offlineAccess'   : 'Allow offline access', // from v2.1.10 added 3.25.2016
			'reAuth'          : 'To re-authenticate', // from v2.1.10 added 3.25.2016
			'nowLoading'      : 'Now loading...', // from v2.1.12 added 4.26.2016
			'openMulti'       : 'Open multiple files', // from v2.1.12 added 5.14.2016
			'openMultiConfirm': 'You are trying to open the $1 files. Are you sure you want to open in browser?', // from v2.1.12 added 5.14.2016
			'emptySearch'     : 'Search results is empty in search target.', // from v2.1.12 added 5.16.2016
			'editingFile'     : 'It is editing a file.', // from v2.1.13 added 6.3.2016
			'hasSelected'     : 'You have selected $1 items.', // from v2.1.13 added 6.3.2016
			'hasClipboard'    : 'You have $1 items in the clipboard.', // from v2.1.13 added 6.3.2016
			'incSearchOnly'   : 'Incremental search is only from the current view.', // from v2.1.13 added 6.30.2016
			'reinstate'       : 'Reinstate', // from v2.1.15 added 3.8.2016
			'complete'        : '$1 complete', // from v2.1.15 added 21.8.2016
			'contextmenu'     : 'Context menu', // from v2.1.15 added 9.9.2016
			'pageTurning'     : 'Page turning', // from v2.1.15 added 10.9.2016
			'volumeRoots'     : 'Volume roots', // from v2.1.16 added 16.9.2016
			'reset'           : 'Reset', // from v2.1.16 added 1.10.2016
			'bgcolor'         : 'Background color', // from v2.1.16 added 1.10.2016
			'colorPicker'     : 'Color picker', // from v2.1.16 added 1.10.2016
			'8pxgrid'         : '8px Grid', // from v2.1.16 added 4.10.2016
			'enabled'         : 'Enabled', // from v2.1.16 added 4.10.2016
			'disabled'        : 'Disabled', // from v2.1.16 added 4.10.2016
			'emptyIncSearch'  : 'Search results is empty in current view.\\A Press [Enter] to expand search target.', // from v2.1.16 added 5.10.2016
			'emptyLetSearch'  : 'First letter search results is empty in current view.', // from v2.1.23 added 24.3.2017
			'textLabel'       : 'Text label', // from v2.1.17 added 13.10.2016
			'minsLeft'        : '$1 mins left', // from v2.1.17 added 13.11.2016
			'openAsEncoding'  : 'Reopen with selected encoding', // from v2.1.19 added 2.12.2016
			'saveAsEncoding'  : 'Save with the selected encoding', // from v2.1.19 added 2.12.2016
			'selectFolder'    : 'Select folder', // from v2.1.20 added 13.12.2016
			'firstLetterSearch': 'First letter search', // from v2.1.23 added 24.3.2017
			'presets'         : 'Presets', // from v2.1.25 added 26.5.2017
			'tooManyToTrash'  : 'It\'s too many items so it can\'t into trash.', // from v2.1.25 added 9.6.2017
			'TextArea'        : 'TextArea', // from v2.1.25 added 14.6.2017
			'folderToEmpty'   : 'Empty the folder "$1".', // from v2.1.25 added 22.6.2017
			'filderIsEmpty'   : 'There are no items in a folder "$1".', // from v2.1.25 added 22.6.2017
			'preference'      : 'Preference', // from v2.1.26 added 28.6.2017
			'language'        : 'Language', // from v2.1.26 added 28.6.2017
			'clearBrowserData': 'Initialize the settings saved in this browser', // from v2.1.26 added 28.6.2017
			'toolbarPref'     : 'Toolbar settings', // from v2.1.27 added 2.8.2017
			'charsLeft'       : '... $1 chars left.',  // from v2.1.29 added 30.8.2017
			'linesLeft'       : '... $1 lines left.',  // from v2.1.52 added 16.1.2020
			'sum'             : 'Sum', // from v2.1.29 added 28.9.2017
			'roughFileSize'   : 'Rough file size', // from v2.1.30 added 2.11.2017
			'autoFocusDialog' : 'Focus on the element of dialog with mouseover',  // from v2.1.30 added 2.11.2017
			'select'          : 'Select', // from v2.1.30 added 23.11.2017
			'selectAction'    : 'Action when select file', // from v2.1.30 added 23.11.2017
			'useStoredEditor' : 'Open with the editor used last time', // from v2.1.30 added 23.11.2017
			'selectinvert'    : 'Invert selection', // from v2.1.30 added 25.11.2017
			'renameMultiple'  : 'Are you sure you want to rename $1 selected items like $2?<br/>This cannot be undone!', // from v2.1.31 added 4.12.2017
			'batchRename'     : 'Batch rename', // from v2.1.31 added 8.12.2017
			'plusNumber'      : '+ Number', // from v2.1.31 added 8.12.2017
			'asPrefix'        : 'Add prefix', // from v2.1.31 added 8.12.2017
			'asSuffix'        : 'Add suffix', // from v2.1.31 added 8.12.2017
			'changeExtention' : 'Change extention', // from v2.1.31 added 8.12.2017
			'columnPref'      : 'Columns settings (List view)', // from v2.1.32 added 6.2.2018
			'reflectOnImmediate' : 'All changes will reflect immediately to the archive.', // from v2.1.33 added 2.3.2018
			'reflectOnUnmount'   : 'Any changes will not reflect until un-mount this volume.', // from v2.1.33 added 2.3.2018
			'unmountChildren' : 'The following volume(s) mounted on this volume also unmounted. Are you sure to unmount it?', // from v2.1.33 added 5.3.2018
			'selectionInfo'   : 'Selection Info', // from v2.1.33 added 7.3.2018
			'hashChecker'     : 'Algorithms to show the file hash', // from v2.1.33 added 10.3.2018
			'infoItems'       : 'Info Items (Selection Info Panel)', // from v2.1.38 added 28.3.2018
			'pressAgainToExit': 'Press again to exit.', // from v2.1.38 added 1.4.2018
			'toolbar'         : 'Toolbar', // from v2.1.38 added 4.4.2018
			'workspace'       : 'Work Space', // from v2.1.38 added 4.4.2018
			'dialog'          : 'Dialog', // from v2.1.38 added 4.4.2018
			'all'             : 'All', // from v2.1.38 added 4.4.2018
			'iconSize'        : 'Icon Size (Icons view)', // from v2.1.39 added 7.5.2018
			'editorMaximized' : 'Open the maximized editor window', // from v2.1.40 added 30.6.2018
			'editorConvNoApi' : 'Because conversion by API is not currently available, please convert on the website.', //from v2.1.40 added 8.7.2018
			'editorConvNeedUpload' : 'After conversion, you must be upload with the item URL or a downloaded file to save the converted file.', //from v2.1.40 added 8.7.2018
			'convertOn'       : 'Convert on the site of $1', // from v2.1.40 added 10.7.2018
			'integrations'    : 'Integrations', // from v2.1.40 added 11.7.2018
			'integrationWith' : 'This elFinder has the following external services integrated. Please check the terms of use, privacy policy, etc. before using it.', // from v2.1.40 added 11.7.2018
			'showHidden'      : 'Show hidden items', // from v2.1.41 added 24.7.2018
			'hideHidden'      : 'Hide hidden items', // from v2.1.41 added 24.7.2018
			'toggleHidden'    : 'Show/Hide hidden items', // from v2.1.41 added 24.7.2018
			'makefileTypes'   : 'File types to enable with "New file"', // from v2.1.41 added 7.8.2018
			'typeOfTextfile'  : 'Type of the Text file', // from v2.1.41 added 7.8.2018
			'add'             : 'Add', // from v2.1.41 added 7.8.2018
			'theme'           : 'Theme', // from v2.1.43 added 19.10.2018
			'default'         : 'Default', // from v2.1.43 added 19.10.2018
			'description'     : 'Description', // from v2.1.43 added 19.10.2018
			'website'         : 'Website', // from v2.1.43 added 19.10.2018
			'author'          : 'Author', // from v2.1.43 added 19.10.2018
			'email'           : 'Email', // from v2.1.43 added 19.10.2018
			'license'         : 'License', // from v2.1.43 added 19.10.2018
			'exportToSave'    : 'This item can\'t be saved. To avoid losing the edits you need to export to your PC.', // from v2.1.44 added 1.12.2018
			'dblclickToSelect': 'Double click on the file to select it.', // from v2.1.47 added 22.1.2019
			'useFullscreen'   : 'Use fullscreen mode', // from v2.1.47 added 19.2.2019

			/********************************** mimetypes **********************************/
			'kindUnknown'     : 'Unknown',
			'kindRoot'        : 'Volume Root', // from v2.1.16 added 16.10.2016
			'kindFolder'      : 'Folder',
			'kindSelects'     : 'Selections', // from v2.1.29 added 29.8.2017
			'kindAlias'       : 'Alias',
			'kindAliasBroken' : 'Broken alias',
			// applications
			'kindApp'         : 'Application',
			'kindPostscript'  : 'Postscript document',
			'kindMsOffice'    : 'Microsoft Office document',
			'kindMsWord'      : 'Microsoft Word document',
			'kindMsExcel'     : 'Microsoft Excel document',
			'kindMsPP'        : 'Microsoft Powerpoint presentation',
			'kindOO'          : 'Open Office document',
			'kindAppFlash'    : 'Flash application',
			'kindPDF'         : 'Portable Document Format (PDF)',
			'kindTorrent'     : 'Bittorrent file',
			'kind7z'          : '7z archive',
			'kindTAR'         : 'TAR archive',
			'kindGZIP'        : 'GZIP archive',
			'kindBZIP'        : 'BZIP archive',
			'kindXZ'          : 'XZ archive',
			'kindZIP'         : 'ZIP archive',
			'kindRAR'         : 'RAR archive',
			'kindJAR'         : 'Java JAR file',
			'kindTTF'         : 'True Type font',
			'kindOTF'         : 'Open Type font',
			'kindRPM'         : 'RPM package',
			// texts
			'kindText'        : 'Text document',
			'kindTextPlain'   : 'Plain text',
			'kindPHP'         : 'PHP source',
			'kindCSS'         : 'Cascading style sheet',
			'kindHTML'        : 'HTML document',
			'kindJS'          : 'Javascript source',
			'kindRTF'         : 'Rich Text Format',
			'kindC'           : 'C source',
			'kindCHeader'     : 'C header source',
			'kindCPP'         : 'C++ source',
			'kindCPPHeader'   : 'C++ header source',
			'kindShell'       : 'Unix shell script',
			'kindPython'      : 'Python source',
			'kindJava'        : 'Java source',
			'kindRuby'        : 'Ruby source',
			'kindPerl'        : 'Perl script',
			'kindSQL'         : 'SQL source',
			'kindXML'         : 'XML document',
			'kindAWK'         : 'AWK source',
			'kindCSV'         : 'Comma separated values',
			'kindDOCBOOK'     : 'Docbook XML document',
			'kindMarkdown'    : 'Markdown text', // added 20.7.2015
			// images
			'kindImage'       : 'Image',
			'kindBMP'         : 'BMP image',
			'kindJPEG'        : 'JPEG image',
			'kindGIF'         : 'GIF Image',
			'kindPNG'         : 'PNG Image',
			'kindTIFF'        : 'TIFF image',
			'kindTGA'         : 'TGA image',
			'kindPSD'         : 'Adobe Photoshop image',
			'kindXBITMAP'     : 'X bitmap image',
			'kindPXM'         : 'Pixelmator image',
			// media
			'kindAudio'       : 'Audio media',
			'kindAudioMPEG'   : 'MPEG audio',
			'kindAudioMPEG4'  : 'MPEG-4 audio',
			'kindAudioMIDI'   : 'MIDI audio',
			'kindAudioOGG'    : 'Ogg Vorbis audio',
			'kindAudioWAV'    : 'WAV audio',
			'AudioPlaylist'   : 'MP3 playlist',
			'kindVideo'       : 'Video media',
			'kindVideoDV'     : 'DV movie',
			'kindVideoMPEG'   : 'MPEG movie',
			'kindVideoMPEG4'  : 'MPEG-4 movie',
			'kindVideoAVI'    : 'AVI movie',
			'kindVideoMOV'    : 'Quick Time movie',
			'kindVideoWM'     : 'Windows Media movie',
			'kindVideoFlash'  : 'Flash movie',
			'kindVideoMKV'    : 'Matroska movie',
			'kindVideoOGG'    : 'Ogg movie'

 * File: /js/ui/button.js

 * @class  elFinder toolbar button widget.
 * If command has variants - create menu
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
$.fn.elfinderbutton = function(cmd) {
		return this.each(function() {
		var c        = 'class',
			fm       = cmd.fm,
			disabled = fm.res(c, 'disabled'),
			active   = fm.res(c, 'active'),
			hover    = fm.res(c, 'hover'),
			item     = 'elfinder-button-menu-item',
			selected = 'elfinder-button-menu-item-selected',
			text     = $('<span class="elfinder-button-text">'+cmd.title+'</span>'),
			prvCname = cmd.className? cmd.className : cmd.name,
			button   = $(this).addClass('ui-state-default elfinder-button')
				.attr('title', cmd.title)
				.append('<span class="elfinder-button-icon elfinder-button-icon-' + prvCname + '"></span>', text)
				.on('mouseenter mouseleave', function(e) { !button.hasClass(disabled) && button[e.type == 'mouseleave' ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass'](hover);})
				.on('click', function(e) { 
					if (!button.hasClass(disabled)) {
						if (menu && cmd.variants.length >= 1) {
							// close other menus
							menu.is(':hidden') && fm.getUI().click();
								duration: 100,
								done: function(e) {
									fm[menu.is(':visible')? 'toFront' : 'toHide'](menu);
						} else {
							fm.exec(cmd.name, getSelected(), {_userAction: true, _currentType: 'toolbar', _currentNode: button });
			hideMenu = function() {
			getMenuOffset = function() {
				var fmNode = fm.getUI(),
					baseOffset = fmNode.offset(),
					buttonOffset = button.offset();
				return {
					top : buttonOffset.top - baseOffset.top,
					left : buttonOffset.left - baseOffset.left,
					maxHeight : fmNode.height() - 40
			getSelected = function() {
				var sel = fm.selected(),
				if (!sel.length) {
					if (cwd = fm.cwd()) {
						sel = [ fm.cwd().hash ];
					} else {
						sel = void(0);
				return sel;
		// set self button object to cmd object
		cmd.button = button;
		// if command has variants create menu
		if (Array.isArray(cmd.variants)) {
			menu = $('<div class="ui-front ui-widget ui-widget-content elfinder-button-menu elfinder-button-' + prvCname + '-menu ui-corner-all"></div>')
				.on('mouseenter mouseleave', '.'+item, function() { $(this).toggleClass(hover); })
				.on('click', '.'+item, function(e) {
					var opts = $(this).data('value');
					if (typeof opts === 'undefined') {
						opts = {};
					if (typeof opts === 'object') {
						opts._userAction = true;
					fm.exec(cmd.name, getSelected(), opts);
				.on('close', hideMenu);

			fm.bind('disable select', hideMenu).getUI().on('click', hideMenu);
			cmd.change(function() {
				$.each(cmd.variants, function(i, variant) {
					menu.append($('<div class="'+item+'">'+variant[1]+'</div>').data('value', variant[0]).addClass(variant[0] == cmd.value ? selected : ''));
		cmd.change(function() {
			var cName;
			tm && cancelAnimationFrame(tm);
			tm = requestAnimationFrame(function() {
				if (cmd.disabled()) {
					button.removeClass(active+' '+hover).addClass(disabled);
				} else {
					button[cmd.active() ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](active);
				if (cmd.syncTitleOnChange) {
					cName = cmd.className? cmd.className : cmd.name;
					if (prvCname !== cName) {
						button.children('.elfinder-button-icon').removeClass('elfinder-button-icon-' + prvCname).addClass('elfinder-button-icon-' + cName);
						if (menu) {
							menu.removeClass('elfinder-button-' + prvCname + '-menu').addClass('elfinder-button-' + cName + '-menu');
						prvCname = cName;
					button.attr('title', cmd.title);

 * File: /js/ui/contextmenu.js

 * @class  elFinder contextmenu
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
$.fn.elfindercontextmenu = function(fm) {
		return this.each(function() {
		var self   = $(this),
			cmItem = 'elfinder-contextmenu-item',
			smItem = 'elfinder-contextsubmenu-item',
			exIcon = 'elfinder-contextmenu-extra-icon',
			cHover = fm.res('class', 'hover'),
			dragOpt = {
				distance: 8,
				start: function() {
					menu.data('drag', true).data('touching') && menu.find('.'+cHover).removeClass(cHover);
				stop: function() {
					menu.data('draged', true).removeData('drag');
			menu = $(this).addClass('touch-punch ui-helper-reset ui-front ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all elfinder-contextmenu elfinder-contextmenu-'+fm.direction)
				.on('touchstart', function(e) {
					menu.data('touching', true).children().removeClass(cHover);
				.on('touchend', function(e) {
				.on('mouseenter mouseleave', '.'+cmItem, function(e) {
					$(this).toggleClass(cHover, (e.type === 'mouseenter' || (! menu.data('draged') && menu.data('submenuKeep'))? true : false));
					if (menu.data('draged') && menu.data('submenuKeep')) {
				.on('mouseenter mouseleave', '.'+exIcon, function(e) {
					$(this).parent().toggleClass(cHover, e.type === 'mouseleave');
				.on('mouseenter mouseleave', '.'+cmItem+',.'+smItem, function(e) {
					var setIndex = function(target, sub) {
						$.each(sub? subnodes : nodes, function(i, n) {
							if (target[0] === n) {
								(sub? subnodes : nodes)._cur = i;
								if (sub) {
									subselected = target;
								} else {
									selected = target;
								return false;
					if (e.originalEvent) {
						var target = $(this),
							unHover = function() {
								if (selected && !selected.children('div.elfinder-contextmenu-sub:visible').length) {
						if (e.type === 'mouseenter') {
							// mouseenter
							if (target.hasClass(smItem)) {
								// submenu
								if (subselected) {
								if (selected) {
									subnodes = selected.find('div.'+smItem);
								setIndex(target, true);
							} else {
								// menu
						} else {
							// mouseleave
							if (target.hasClass(smItem)) {
								subselected = null;
								subnodes = null;
							} else {
								// menu
								(function(sel) {
									setTimeout(function() {
										if (sel === selected) {
											selected = null;
									}, 250);
				.on('contextmenu', function(){return false;})
				.on('mouseup', function() {
					setTimeout(function() {
					}, 100);
			ltr = fm.direction === 'ltr',
			subpos = ltr? 'left' : 'right',
			types = Object.assign({}, fm.options.contextmenu),
			tpl     = '<div class="'+cmItem+'{className}"><span class="elfinder-button-icon {icon} elfinder-contextmenu-icon"{style}></span><span>{label}</span></div>',
			item = function(label, icon, callback, opts) {
				var className = '',
					style = '',
					iconClass = '',
					v, pos;
				if (opts) {
					if (opts.className) {
						className = ' ' + opts.className;
					if (opts.iconClass) {
						iconClass = opts.iconClass;
						icon = '';
					if (opts.iconImg) {
						v = opts.iconImg.split(/ +/);
						pos = v[1] && v[2]? fm.escape(v[1] + 'px ' + v[2] + 'px') : '';
						style = ' style="background:url(\''+fm.escape(v[0])+'\') '+(pos? pos : '0 0')+' no-repeat;'+(pos? '' : 'posbackground-size:contain;')+'"';
				return $(tpl.replace('{icon}', icon ? 'elfinder-button-icon-'+icon : (iconClass? iconClass : ''))
						.replace('{label}', label)
						.replace('{style}', style)
						.replace('{className}', className))
					.on('click', function(e) {
			urlIcon = function(iconUrl) {
				var v = iconUrl.split(/ +/),
					pos = v[1] && v[2]? (v[1] + 'px ' + v[2] + 'px') : '';
				return {
					backgroundImage: 'url("'+v[0]+'")',
					backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat',
					backgroundPosition: pos? pos : '',
					backgroundSize: pos? '' : 'contain'
			base, cwd,
			nodes, selected, subnodes, subselected, autoSyncStop, subHoverTm,

			autoToggle = function() {
				var evTouchStart = 'touchstart.contextmenuAutoToggle';
				menu.data('hideTm') && clearTimeout(menu.data('hideTm'));
				if (menu.is(':visible')) {
					menu.on('touchstart', function(e) {
						if (e.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) {
						menu.data('hideTm') && clearTimeout(menu.data('hideTm'));
					.data('hideTm', setTimeout(function() {
						if (menu.is(':visible')) {
							.one(evTouchStart, function(e) {
								if (e.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) {
								var tgt = $(e.target);
								if (menu.first().length && !tgt.is('input:checkbox') && !tgt.hasClass('elfinder-cwd-select')) {
									open(e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX, e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY);
									cwd.data('longtap', true)
									tgt.one('touchend', function() {
										setTimeout(function() {
										}, 80);
							.one('unselect.'+fm.namespace, function() {
								duration: 300,
								fail: function() {
									menu.css('opacity', '1').show();
								done: function() {
					}, 4500));
			keyEvts = function(e) {
				var code = e.keyCode,
					ESC = $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE,
					ENT = $.ui.keyCode.ENTER,
					LEFT = $.ui.keyCode.LEFT,
					RIGHT = $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT,
					UP = $.ui.keyCode.UP,
					DOWN = $.ui.keyCode.DOWN,
					subent = fm.direction === 'ltr'? RIGHT : LEFT,
					sublev = subent === RIGHT? LEFT : RIGHT;
				if ($.inArray(code, [ESC, ENT, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN]) !== -1) {
					if (code == ESC || code === sublev) {
						if (selected && subnodes && subselected) {
							subnodes = null;
							subselected = null;
						} else {
							code == ESC && close();
					} else if (code == UP || code == DOWN) {
						if (subnodes) {
							if (subselected) {
							if (code == DOWN && (! subselected || subnodes.length <= ++subnodes._cur)) {
								subnodes._cur = 0;
							} else if (code == UP && (! subselected || --subnodes._cur < 0)) {
								subnodes._cur = subnodes.length - 1;
							subselected = subnodes.eq(subnodes._cur).trigger('mouseenter');
						} else {
							subnodes = null;
							if (selected) {
							if (code == DOWN && (! selected || nodes.length <= ++nodes._cur)) {
								nodes._cur = 0;
							} else if (code == UP && (! selected || --nodes._cur < 0)) {
								nodes._cur = nodes.length - 1;
							selected = nodes.eq(nodes._cur).addClass(cHover);
					} else if (selected && (code == ENT || code === subent)) {
						if (selected.hasClass('elfinder-contextmenu-group')) {
							if (subselected) {
								code == ENT && subselected.click();
							} else {
								subnodes = selected.find('div.'+smItem);
								subnodes._cur = 0;
								subselected = subnodes.first().addClass(cHover);
						} else {
							code == ENT && selected.click();
			open = function(x, y, css) {
				var width      = menu.outerWidth(),
					height     = menu.outerHeight(),
					bstyle     = base.attr('style'),
					bpos       = base.offset(),
					bwidth     = base.width(),
					bheight    = base.height(),
					mw         = fm.UA.Mobile? 40 : 2,
					mh         = fm.UA.Mobile? 20 : 2,
					x          = x - (bpos? bpos.left : 0),
					y          = y - (bpos? bpos.top : 0),
					css        = Object.assign(css || {}, {
						top  : Math.max(0, y + mh + height < bheight ? y + mh : y - (y + height - bheight)),
						left : Math.max(0, (x < width + mw || x + mw + width < bwidth)? x + mw : x - mw - width),
						opacity : '1'

				autoSyncStop = true;
				base.attr('style', bstyle);
				css[subpos] = parseInt(menu.width());
				if (fm.UA.iOS) {
					$('div.elfinder div.overflow-scrolling-touch').css('-webkit-overflow-scrolling', 'auto');
				selected = null;
				subnodes = null;
				subselected = null;
				$(document).on('keydown.' + fm.namespace, keyEvts);
				evts = $._data(document).events;
				if (evts && evts.keydown) {
				fm.UA.Mobile && autoToggle();
				requestAnimationFrame(function() {
					fm.getUI().one('click.' + fm.namespace, close);
			close = function() {
				fm.getUI().off('click.' + fm.namespace, close);
				$(document).off('keydown.' + fm.namespace, keyEvts);

				currentType = currentTargets = null;
				if (menu.is(':visible') || menu.children().length) {
					try {
						if (! menu.draggable('instance')) {
					} catch(e) {
						if (! menu.hasClass('ui-draggable')) {
					if (menu.data('prevNode')) {
					if (fm.UA.iOS) {
						$('div.elfinder div.overflow-scrolling-touch').css('-webkit-overflow-scrolling', 'touch');
				autoSyncStop && fm.searchStatus.state < 1 && ! fm.searchStatus.ininc && fm.autoSync();
				autoSyncStop = false;
			create = function(type, targets) {
				var sep    = false,
					insSep = false,
					disabled = [],
					isCwd = type === 'cwd',
					selcnt = 0,

				currentType = type;
				currentTargets = targets;
				// get current uiCmdMap option
				if (!(cmdMap = fm.option('uiCmdMap', isCwd? void(0) : targets[0]))) {
					cmdMap = {};
				if (!isCwd) {
					disabled = fm.getDisabledCmds(targets);
				selcnt = fm.selected().length;
				if (selcnt > 1) {
					menu.append('<div class="ui-corner-top ui-widget-header elfinder-contextmenu-header"><span>'
					 + fm.i18n('selectedItems', ''+selcnt)
					 + '</span></div>');
				nodes = $();
				$.each(types[type]||[], function(i, name) {
					var cmd, cmdName, useMap, node, submenu, hover;
					if (name === '|') {
						if (sep) {
							insSep = true;
					if (cmdMap[name]) {
						cmdName = cmdMap[name];
						useMap = true;
					} else {
						cmdName = name;
					cmd = fm.getCommand(cmdName);

					if (cmd && !isCwd && (!fm.searchStatus.state || !cmd.disableOnSearch)) {
						cmd.__disabled = cmd._disabled;
						cmd._disabled = !(cmd.alwaysEnabled || (fm._commands[cmdName] ? $.inArray(name, disabled) === -1 && (!useMap || !disabled[cmdName]) : false));
						$.each(cmd.linkedCmds, function(i, n) {
							var c;
							if (c = fm.getCommand(n)) {
								c.__disabled = c._disabled;
								c._disabled = !(c.alwaysEnabled || (fm._commands[n] ? !disabled[n] : false));

					if (cmd && !cmd._disabled && cmd.getstate(targets) != -1) {
						if (cmd.variants) {
							if (!cmd.variants.length) {
							node = item(cmd.title, cmd.className? cmd.className : cmd.name, function(){}, cmd.contextmenuOpts);
							submenu = $('<div class="ui-front ui-corner-all elfinder-contextmenu-sub"></div>')
								.css('max-height', fm.getUI().height() - 30)
								.appendTo(node.append('<span class="elfinder-contextmenu-arrow"></span>'));
							hover = function(show){
								if (! show) {
								} else {
									var bstyle = base.attr('style');
									// top: '-1000px' to prevent visible scrollbar of window with the elFinder option `height: '100%'`
									submenu.css({ top: '-1000px', left: 'auto', right: 'auto' });
									var nodeOffset = node.offset(),
										nodeleft   = nodeOffset.left,
										nodetop    = nodeOffset.top,
										nodewidth  = node.outerWidth(),
										width      = submenu.outerWidth(true),
										height     = submenu.outerHeight(true),
										baseOffset = base.offset(),
										wwidth     = baseOffset.left + base.width(),
										wheight    = baseOffset.top + base.height(),
										cltr       = ltr, 
										x          = nodewidth,
										y, over;
									if (ltr) {
										over = (nodeleft + nodewidth + width) - wwidth;
										if (over > 10) {
											if (nodeleft > width - 5) {
												x = x - 5;
												cltr = false;
											} else {
												if (!fm.UA.Mobile) {
													x = nodewidth - over;
									} else {
										over = width - nodeleft;
										if (over > 0) {
											if ((nodeleft + nodewidth + width - 15) < wwidth) {
												x = x - 5;
												cltr = true;
											} else {
												if (!fm.UA.Mobile) {
													x = nodewidth - over;
									over = (nodetop + 5 + height) - wheight;
									y = (over > 0 && nodetop < wheight)? 5 - over : (over > 0? 30 - height : 5);
										top : y,
										left : cltr? x : 'auto',
										right: cltr? 'auto' : x,
										overflowY: 'auto'
									base.attr('style', bstyle);
								.on('mouseleave', '.elfinder-contextmenu-sub', function(e) {
									if (! menu.data('draged')) {
								.on('submenuclose', '.elfinder-contextmenu-sub', function(e) {
								.on('click', '.'+smItem, function(e){
									var opts, $this;
									if (! menu.data('draged')) {
										$this = $(this);
										if (!cmd.keepContextmenu) {
										} else {
										opts = $this.data('exec');
										if (typeof opts === 'undefined') {
											opts = {};
										if (typeof opts === 'object') {
											opts._userAction = true;
											opts._currentType = type;
											opts._currentNode = $this;
										!cmd.keepContextmenu && close();
										fm.exec(cmd.name, targets, opts);
								.on('touchend', function(e) {
									if (! menu.data('drag')) {
										menu.data('submenuKeep', true);
								.on('mouseenter mouseleave', function(e){
									if (! menu.data('touching')) {
										if (node.data('timer')) {
										if (!$(e.target).closest('.elfinder-contextmenu-sub', menu).length) {
											if (e.type === 'mouseleave') {
												if (! menu.data('submenuKeep')) {
													node.data('timer', setTimeout(function() {
													}, 250));
											} else {
												node.data('timer', setTimeout(function() {
												}, nodes.find('div.elfinder-contextmenu-sub:visible').length? 250 : 0));
							$.each(cmd.variants, function(i, variant) {
								var item = variant === '|' ? '<div class="elfinder-contextmenu-separator"></div>' :
									$('<div class="'+cmItem+' '+smItem+'"><span>'+variant[1]+'</span></div>').data('exec', variant[0]),
									iconClass, icon;
								if (typeof variant[2] !== 'undefined') {
									icon = $('<span></span>').addClass('elfinder-button-icon elfinder-contextmenu-icon');
									if (! /\//.test(variant[2])) {
									} else {
						} else {
							node = item(cmd.title, cmd.className? cmd.className : cmd.name, function() {
								if (! menu.data('draged')) {
									!cmd.keepContextmenu && close();
									fm.exec(cmd.name, targets, {_userAction: true, _currentType: type, _currentNode: node});
							}, cmd.contextmenuOpts);
							if (cmd.extra && cmd.extra.node) {
								$('<span class="elfinder-button-icon elfinder-button-icon-'+(cmd.extra.icon || '')+' '+exIcon+'"></span>')
								$(cmd.extra.node).trigger('ready', {targets: targets});
							} else {
						if (cmd.extendsCmd) {
							node.children('span.elfinder-button-icon').addClass('elfinder-button-icon-' + cmd.extendsCmd);
						if (insSep) {
							menu.append('<div class="elfinder-contextmenu-separator"></div>');
						sep = true;
						insSep = false;
					if (cmd && typeof cmd.__disabled !== 'undefined') {
						cmd._disabled = cmd.__disabled;
						delete cmd.__disabled;
						$.each(cmd.linkedCmds, function(i, n) {
							var c;
							if (c = fm.getCommand(n)) {
								c._disabled = c.__disabled;
								delete c.__disabled;
				nodes = menu.children('div.'+cmItem);
			createFromRaw = function(raw) {
				currentType = 'raw';
				$.each(raw, function(i, data) {
					var node;
					if (data === '|') {
						menu.append('<div class="elfinder-contextmenu-separator"></div>');
					} else if (data.label && typeof data.callback == 'function') {
						node = item(data.label, data.icon, function() {
							if (! menu.data('draged')) {
								!data.remain && close();
						}, data.options || null);
				nodes = menu.children('div.'+cmItem);
			currentType = null,
			currentTargets = null;
		fm.one('load', function() {
			base = fm.getUI();
			cwd = fm.getUI('cwd');
			fm.bind('contextmenu', function(e) {
				var data = e.data,
					css = {},

				if (data.type && data.type !== 'files') {

				if (data.type && data.targets) {
					fm.trigger('contextmenucreate', data);
					create(data.type, data.targets);
					fm.trigger('contextmenucreatedone', data);
				} else if (data.raw) {

				if (menu.children().length) {
					prevNode = data.prevNode || null;
					if (prevNode) {
						menu.data('prevNode', menu.prev());
					if (data.fitHeight) {
						css = {maxHeight: Math.min(fm.getUI().height(), $(window).height()), overflowY: 'auto'};
					open(data.x, data.y, css);
					// call opened callback function
					if (data.opened && typeof data.opened === 'function') {
			.one('destroy', function() { menu.remove(); })
			.bind('disable', close)
			.bind('select', function(e){
				(currentType === 'files' && (!e.data || e.data.selected.toString() !== currentTargets.toString())) && close();
			pattern     : fm.OS === 'mac' ? 'ctrl+m' : 'contextmenu shift+f10',
			description : 'contextmenu',
			callback    : function(e) {
				$(document).one('contextmenu.' + fm.namespace, function(e) {
				var sel = fm.selected(),
					type, targets, pos, elm;
				if (sel.length) {
					type = 'files';
					targets = sel;
					elm = fm.cwdHash2Elm(sel[0]);
				} else {
					type = 'cwd';
					targets = [ fm.cwd().hash ];
					pos = fm.getUI('workzone').offset();
				if (! elm || ! elm.length) {
					elm = fm.getUI('workzone');
				pos = elm.offset();
				pos.top += (elm.height() / 2);
				pos.left += (elm.width() / 2);
				fm.trigger('contextmenu', {
					'type'    : type,
					'targets' : targets,
					'x'       : pos.left,
					'y'       : pos.top

 * File: /js/ui/cwd.js

 * elFinder current working directory ui.
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
$.fn.elfindercwd = function(fm, options) {
		this.not('.elfinder-cwd').each(function() {
		// fm.time('cwdLoad');
		var mobile = fm.UA.Mobile,
			list = fm.viewType == 'list',

			undef = 'undefined',
			 * Select event full name
			 * @type String
			evtSelect = 'select.'+fm.namespace,
			 * Unselect event full name
			 * @type String
			evtUnselect = 'unselect.'+fm.namespace,
			 * Disable event full name
			 * @type String
			evtDisable = 'disable.'+fm.namespace,
			 * Disable event full name
			 * @type String
			evtEnable = 'enable.'+fm.namespace,
			c = 'class',
			 * File css class
			 * @type String
			clFile       = fm.res(c, 'cwdfile'),
			 * Selected css class
			 * @type String
			fileSelector = '.'+clFile,
			 * Selected css class
			 * @type String
			clSelected = 'ui-selected',
			 * Disabled css class
			 * @type String
			clDisabled = fm.res(c, 'disabled'),
			 * Draggable css class
			 * @type String
			clDraggable = fm.res(c, 'draggable'),
			 * Droppable css class
			 * @type String
			clDroppable = fm.res(c, 'droppable'),
			 * Hover css class
			 * @type String
			clHover     = fm.res(c, 'hover'),

			 * Active css class
			 * @type String
			clActive     = fm.res(c, 'active'),

			 * Hover css class
			 * @type String
			clDropActive = fm.res(c, 'adroppable'),

			 * Css class for temporary nodes (for mkdir/mkfile) commands
			 * @type String
			clTmp = clFile+'-tmp',

			 * Select checkbox css class
			 * @type String
			clSelChk = 'elfinder-cwd-selectchk',

			 * Number of thumbnails to load in one request (new api only)
			 * @type Number
			tmbNum = fm.options.loadTmbs > 0 ? fm.options.loadTmbs : 5,
			 * Current search query.
			 * @type String
			query = '',

			 * Currect clipboard(cut) hashes as object key
			 * @type Object
			clipCuts = {},

			 * Parents hashes of cwd
			 * @type Array
			cwdParents = [],
			 * cwd current hashes
			 * @type Array
			cwdHashes = [],

			 * incsearch current hashes
			 * @type Array
			incHashes = void 0,

			 * Custom columns name and order
			 * @type Array
			customCols = [],

			 * Current clicked element id of first time for dblclick
			 * @type String
			curClickId = '',

			 * Custom columns builder
			 * @type Function
			customColsBuild = function() {
				var cols = '';
				for (var i = 0; i < customCols.length; i++) {
					cols += '<td class="elfinder-col-'+customCols[i]+'">{' + customCols[i] + '}</td>';
				return cols;

			 * Make template.row from customCols
			 * @type Function
			makeTemplateRow = function() {
				return '<tr id="{id}" class="'+clFile+' {permsclass} {dirclass}" title="{tooltip}"{css}><td class="elfinder-col-name"><div class="elfinder-cwd-file-wrapper"><span class="elfinder-cwd-icon {mime}"{style}></span>{marker}<span class="elfinder-cwd-filename">{name}</span></div>'+selectCheckbox+'</td>'+customColsBuild()+'</tr>';
			selectCheckbox = ($.map(options.showSelectCheckboxUA, function(t) {return (fm.UA[t] || t.match(/^all$/i))? true : null;}).length)? '<div class="elfinder-cwd-select"><input type="checkbox" class="'+clSelChk+'"></div>' : '',

			colResizing = false,
			colWidth = null,

			 * Table header height

			 * File templates
			 * @type Object
			templates = {
				icon : '<div id="{id}" class="'+clFile+' {permsclass} {dirclass} ui-corner-all" title="{tooltip}"><div class="elfinder-cwd-file-wrapper ui-corner-all"><div class="elfinder-cwd-icon {mime} ui-corner-all" unselectable="on"{style}></div>{marker}</div><div class="elfinder-cwd-filename" title="{nametitle}">{name}</div>'+selectCheckbox+'</div>',
				row  : ''
			permsTpl = fm.res('tpl', 'perms'),
			lockTpl = fm.res('tpl', 'lock'),
			symlinkTpl = fm.res('tpl', 'symlink'),
			 * Template placeholders replacement rules
			 * @type Object
			replacement = {
				id : function(f) {
					return fm.cwdHash2Id(f.hash);
				name : function(f) {
					var name = fm.escape(f.i18 || f.name);
					!list && (name = name.replace(/([_.])/g, '&#8203;$1'));
					return name;
				nametitle : function(f) {
					return fm.escape(f.i18 || f.name);
				permsclass : function(f) {
					return fm.perms2class(f);
				perm : function(f) {
					return fm.formatPermissions(f);
				dirclass : function(f) {
					var cName = f.mime == 'directory' ? 'directory' : '';
					f.isroot && (cName += ' isroot');
					f.csscls && (cName += ' ' + fm.escape(f.csscls));
					options.getClass && (cName += ' ' + options.getClass(f));
					return cName;
				style : function(f) {
					return f.icon? fm.getIconStyle(f) : '';
				mime : function(f) {
					var cName = fm.mime2class(f.mime);
					f.icon && (cName += ' elfinder-cwd-bgurl');
					return cName;
				size : function(f) {
					return (f.mime === 'directory' && !f.size)? '-' : fm.formatSize(f.size);
				date : function(f) {
					return fm.formatDate(f);
				kind : function(f) {
					return fm.mime2kind(f);
				mode : function(f) {
					return f.perm? fm.formatFileMode(f.perm) : '';
				modestr : function(f) {
					return f.perm? fm.formatFileMode(f.perm, 'string') : '';
				modeoct : function(f) {
					return f.perm? fm.formatFileMode(f.perm, 'octal') : '';
				modeboth : function(f) {
					return f.perm? fm.formatFileMode(f.perm, 'both') : '';
				marker : function(f) {
					return (f.alias || f.mime == 'symlink-broken' ? symlinkTpl : '')+(!f.read || !f.write ? permsTpl : '')+(f.locked ? lockTpl : '');
				tooltip : function(f) {
					var title = fm.formatDate(f) + (f.size > 0 ? ' ('+fm.formatSize(f.size)+')' : ''),
						info  = '';
					if (query && f.path) {
						info = fm.escape(f.path.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, ''));
					} else {
						info = f.tooltip? fm.escape(f.tooltip).replace(/\r/g, '&#13;') : '';
					if (list) {
						info += (info? '&#13;' : '') + fm.escape(f.i18 || f.name);
					return info? info + '&#13;' + title : title;
			 * Type badge CSS added flag
			 * @type Object
			addedBadges = {},
			 * Type badge style sheet element
			 * @type Object
			 * Add type badge CSS into 'head'
			 * @type Fundtion
			addBadgeStyle = function(mime, name) {
				var sel, ext, type;
				if (mime && ! addedBadges[mime]) {
					if (typeof addBadgeStyleSheet === 'undefined') {
						if ($('#elfinderAddBadgeStyle'+fm.namespace).length) {
						addBadgeStyleSheet = $('<style id="addBadgeStyle'+fm.namespace+'"></style>').insertBefore($('head').children(':first')).get(0).sheet || null;
					if (addBadgeStyleSheet) {
						mime = mime.toLowerCase();
						type = mime.split('/');
						ext = fm.escape(fm.mimeTypes[mime] || (name.replace(/.bac?k$/i, '').match(/\.([^.]+)$/) || ['',''])[1]);
						if (ext) {
							sel = '.elfinder-cwd-icon-' + type[0].replace(/(\.|\+)/g, '-');
							if (typeof type[1] !== 'undefined') {
								sel += '.elfinder-cwd-icon-' + type[1].replace(/(\.|\+)/g, '-');
							try {
								addBadgeStyleSheet.insertRule(sel + ':before{content:"' + ext.toLowerCase() + '"}', 0);
							} catch(e) {}
						addedBadges[mime] = true;
			 * Return file html
			 * @param  Object  file info
			 * @return String
			itemhtml = function(f) {
				f.mime && f.mime !== 'directory' && !addedBadges[f.mime] && addBadgeStyle(f.mime, f.name);
				return templates[list ? 'row' : 'icon']
						.replace(/\{([a-z0-9_]+)\}/g, function(s, e) { 
							return replacement[e] ? replacement[e](f, fm) : (f[e] ? f[e] : ''); 
			 * jQueery node that will be selected next
			 * @type Object jQuery node
			selectedNext = $(),
			 * Flag. Required for msie to avoid unselect files on dragstart
			 * @type Boolean
			selectLock = false,
			 * Move selection to prev/next file
			 * @param String  move direction
			 * @param Boolean append to current selection
			 * @return void
			 * @rise select			
			select = function(keyCode, append) {
				var code     = $.ui.keyCode,
					prev     = keyCode == code.LEFT || keyCode == code.UP,
					sel      = cwd.find('[id].'+clSelected),
					selector = prev ? 'first:' : 'last',
					s, n, sib, top, left;

				function sibling(n, direction) {
					return n[direction+'All']('[id]:not(.'+clDisabled+'):not(.elfinder-cwd-parent):first');
				if (sel.length) {
					s = sel.filter(prev ? ':first' : ':last');
					sib = sibling(s, prev ? 'prev' : 'next');
					if (!sib.length) {
						// there is no sibling on required side - do not move selection
						n = s;
					} else if (list || keyCode == code.LEFT || keyCode == code.RIGHT) {
						// find real prevoius file
						n = sib;
					} else {
						// find up/down side file in icons view
						top = s.position().top;
						left = s.position().left;

						n = s;
						if (prev) {
							do {
								n = n.prev('[id]');
							} while (n.length && !(n.position().top < top && n.position().left <= left));

							if (n.hasClass(clDisabled)) {
								n = sibling(n, 'next');
						} else {
							do {
								n = n.next('[id]');
							} while (n.length && !(n.position().top > top && n.position().left >= left));
							if (n.hasClass(clDisabled)) {
								n = sibling(n, 'prev');
							// there is row before last one - select last file
							if (!n.length) {
								sib = cwd.find('[id]:not(.'+clDisabled+'):last');
								if (sib.position().top > top) {
									n = sib;
					// !append && unselectAll();
				} else {
					if (selectedNext.length) {
						n = prev? selectedNext.prev() : selectedNext;
					} else {
						// there are no selected file - select first/last one
						n = cwd.find('[id]:not(.'+clDisabled+'):not(.elfinder-cwd-parent):'+(prev ? 'last' : 'first'));
				if (n && n.length && !n.hasClass('elfinder-cwd-parent')) {
					if (s && append) {
						// append new files to selected
						n = s.add(s[prev ? 'prevUntil' : 'nextUntil']('#'+n.attr('id'))).add(n);
					} else {
						// unselect selected files
					// select file(s)
					// set its visible
					scrollToView(n.filter(prev ? ':first' : ':last'));
					// update cache/view
			selectedFiles = {},
			selectFile = function(hash) {
			allSelected = false,
			selectAll = function() {
				var phash = fm.cwd().hash;

				selectCheckbox && selectAllCheckbox.find('input').prop('checked', true);
				fm.lazy(function() {
					var files;
					if (fm.maxTargets && (incHashes || cwdHashes).length > fm.maxTargets) {
						unselectAll({ notrigger: true });
						files = $.map(incHashes || cwdHashes, function(hash) { return fm.file(hash) || null; });
						files = files.slice(0, fm.maxTargets);
						selectedFiles = {};
						$.each(files, function(i, v) {
							selectedFiles[v.hash] = true;
						fm.toast({mode: 'warning', msg: fm.i18n(['errMaxTargets', fm.maxTargets])});
					} else {
						selectedFiles = fm.arrayFlip(incHashes || cwdHashes, true);
					selectCheckbox && selectAllCheckbox.data('pending', false);
				}, 0, {repaint: true});
			 * Unselect all files
			 * @param  Object  options
			 * @return void
			unselectAll = function(opts) {
				var o = opts || {};
				selectCheckbox && selectAllCheckbox.find('input').prop('checked', false);
				if (Object.keys(selectedFiles).length) {
					selectLock = false;
					selectedFiles = {};
					selectCheckbox && cwd.find('input:checkbox.'+clSelChk).prop('checked', false);
				!o.notrigger && trigger();
				selectCheckbox && selectAllCheckbox.data('pending', false);
			selectInvert = function() {
				var invHashes = {};
				if (allSelected) {
				} else if (! Object.keys(selectedFiles).length) {
				} else {
					$.each((incHashes || cwdHashes), function(i, h) {
						var itemNode = fm.cwdHash2Elm(h);
						if (! selectedFiles[h]) {
							invHashes[h] = true;
							itemNode.length && itemNode.trigger(evtSelect);
						} else {
							itemNode.length && itemNode.trigger(evtUnselect);
					selectedFiles = invHashes;
			 * Return selected files hashes list
			 * @return Array
			selected = function() {
				return Object.keys(selectedFiles);
			 * Last selected node id
			 * @type String|Void
			lastSelect = void 0,
			 * Fire elfinder "select" event and pass selected files to it
			 * @return void
			trigger = function() {
				var selected = Object.keys(selectedFiles),
					opts = {
						selected : selected,
						origin : 'cwd'
				if (oldSchoolItem && (selected.length > 1 || selected[0] !== fm.cwdId2Hash(
					oldSchoolItem.attr('id'))) && oldSchoolItem.hasClass(clSelected)) {
				allSelected = selected.length && (selected.length === (incHashes || cwdHashes).length) && (!fm.maxTargets || selected.length <= fm.maxTargets);
				if (selectCheckbox) {
					selectAllCheckbox.find('input').prop('checked', allSelected);
					cwd[allSelected? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('elfinder-cwd-allselected');
				if (allSelected) {
					opts.selectall = true;
				} else if (! selected.length) {
					opts.unselectall = true;
				fm.trigger('select', opts);
			 * Scroll file to set it visible
			 * @param DOMElement  file/dir node
			 * @return void
			scrollToView = function(o, blink) {
				if (! o.length) {
				var ftop    = o.position().top,
					fheight = o.outerHeight(true),
					wtop    = wrapper.scrollTop(),
					wheight = wrapper.get(0).clientHeight,
					thheight = tableHeader? tableHeader.outerHeight(true) : 0;

				if (ftop + thheight + fheight > wtop + wheight) {
					wrapper.scrollTop(parseInt(ftop + thheight + fheight - wheight));
				} else if (ftop < wtop) {
				list && wrapper.scrollLeft(0);
				!!blink && fm.resources.blink(o, 'lookme');
			 * Files we get from server but not show yet
			 * @type Array
			buffer = [],
			 * Extra data of buffer
			 * @type Object
			bufferExt = {},
			 * Return index of elements with required hash in buffer 
			 * @param String  file hash
			 * @return Number
			index = function(hash) {
				var l = buffer.length;
				while (l--) {
					if (buffer[l].hash == hash) {
						return l;
				return -1;
			 * Scroll start event name
			 * @type String
			scrollStartEvent = 'elfscrstart',
			 * Scroll stop event name
			 * @type String
			scrollEvent = 'elfscrstop',
			scrolling = false,
			 * jQuery UI selectable option
			 * @type Object
			selectableOption = {
				disabled   : true,
				filter     : '[id]:first',
				stop       : trigger,
				delay      : 250,
				appendTo   : 'body',
				autoRefresh: false,
				selected   : function(e, ui) { $(ui.selected).trigger(evtSelect); },
				unselected : function(e, ui) { $(ui.unselected).trigger(evtUnselect); }
			 * hashes of items displayed in current view
			 * @type Object  ItemHash => DomId
			inViewHashes = {},
			 * Processing when the current view is changed (On open, search, scroll, resize etc.)
			 * @return void
			wrapperRepaint = function(init, recnt) {
				if (!bufferExt.renderd) {
				var firstNode = (list? cwd.find('tbody:first') : cwd).children('[id]'+(options.oldSchool? ':not(.elfinder-cwd-parent)' : '')+':first');
				if (!firstNode.length) {
				var selectable = cwd.data('selectable'),
					rec = (function() {
						var wos = wrapper.offset(),
							ww = wrapper.width(),
							w = $(window),
							x = firstNode.width() / 2,
							l = Math.min(wos.left - w.scrollLeft() + (fm.direction === 'ltr'? x : ww - x), wos.left + ww - 10),
							t = wos.top - w.scrollTop() + 10 + (list? thHeight : 0);
						return {left: Math.max(0, Math.round(l)), top: Math.max(0, Math.round(t))};
					tgt = init? firstNode : $(document.elementFromPoint(rec.left , rec.top)),
					ids = {},
					tmbs = {},
					multi = 5,
					cnt = Math.ceil((bufferExt.hpi? Math.ceil((wz.data('rectangle').height / bufferExt.hpi) * 1.5) : showFiles) / multi),
					chk = function() {
						var id, hash, file, i;
						for (i = 0; i < multi; i++) {
							id = tgt.attr('id');
							if (id) {
								bufferExt.getTmbs = [];
								hash = fm.cwdId2Hash(id);
								inViewHashes[hash] = id;
								// for tmbs
								if (bufferExt.attachTmbs[hash]) {
									tmbs[hash] = bufferExt.attachTmbs[hash];
								// for selectable
								selectable && (ids[id] = true);
							// next node
							tgt = tgt.next();
							if (!tgt.length) {
					done = function() {
						var idsArr;
						if (cwd.data('selectable')) {
							Object.assign(ids, selectedFiles);
							idsArr = Object.keys(ids);
							if (idsArr.length) {
								selectableOption.filter = '#'+idsArr.join(', #');
								cwd.selectable('enable').selectable('option', {filter : selectableOption.filter}).selectable('refresh');
						if (Object.keys(tmbs).length) {
							bufferExt.getTmbs = [];
					setTarget = function() {
						if (!tgt.hasClass(clFile)) {
							tgt = tgt.closest(fileSelector);
					arr, widget;
				inViewHashes = {};
				selectable && cwd.selectable('option', 'disabled');
				if (tgt.length) {
					if (!tgt.hasClass(clFile) && !tgt.closest(fileSelector).length) {
						// dialog, serach button etc.
						widget = fm.getUI().find('.ui-dialog:visible,.ui-widget:visible');
						if (widget.length) {
							tgt = $(document.elementFromPoint(rec.left , rec.top));
						} else {
							widget = null;
					if (!tgt.length) {
						// try search 5px down
						widget && widget.hide();
						tgt = $(document.elementFromPoint(rec.left , rec.top + 5));
						widget && widget.show();

				if (tgt.length) {
					if (tgt.attr('id')) {
						if (init) {
							for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
								if (! tgt.length) {
						} else {
							bufferExt.repaintJob && bufferExt.repaintJob.state() === 'pending' && bufferExt.repaintJob.reject();
							arr = new Array(cnt);
							bufferExt.repaintJob = fm.asyncJob(function() {
								if (! tgt.length) {
									bufferExt.repaintJob && bufferExt.repaintJob.state() === 'pending' && bufferExt.repaintJob.reject();
							}, arr).done(done);
				} else if (init && bufferExt.renderd) {
					// In initial request, cwd DOM not renderd so doing lazy check
					recnt = recnt || 0;
					if (recnt < 10) { // Prevent infinite loop
						requestAnimationFrame(function() {
							wrapperRepaint(init, ++recnt);
			 * Item node of oldScholl ".."
			oldSchoolItem = null,

			 * display parent folder with ".." name
			 * @param  String  phash
			 * @return void
			oldSchool = function(p) {
				var phash = fm.cwd().phash,
					pdir  = fm.file(phash) || null,
					set   = function(pdir) {
						if (pdir) {
							oldSchoolItem = $(itemhtml($.extend(true, {}, pdir, {name : '..', i18 : '..', mime : 'directory'})))
								.on('dblclick', function() {
									fm.trigger('select', {selected : [phash]}).exec('open', phash);
							(list ? oldSchoolItem.children('td:first') : oldSchoolItem).children('.elfinder-cwd-select').remove();
							if (fm.cwdHash2Elm(phash).length) {
							} else {
								(list ? cwd.find('tbody') : cwd).prepend(oldSchoolItem);
							fm.draggingUiHelper && fm.draggingUiHelper.data('refreshPositions', 1);
				if (pdir) {
				} else {
					set({hash: phash, read: true, write: true});
					if (fm.getUI('tree').length) {
						fm.one('parents', function() {
							set(fm.file(phash) || null);
					} else {
							data : {cmd : 'parents', target : fm.cwd().hash},
							preventFail : true
						.done(function(data) {
							set(fm.file(phash) || null);
			showFiles = fm.options.showFiles,
			 * Cwd scroll event handler.
			 * Lazy load - append to cwd not shown files
			 * @return void
			render = function() {
				if (bufferExt.rendering || (bufferExt.renderd && ! buffer.length)) {
				var place = (list ? cwd.children('table').children('tbody') : cwd),
					// created document fragment for jQuery >= 1.12, 2.2, 3.0
					// see Studio-42/elFinder#1544 @ github
					docFlag = $.htmlPrefilter? true : false,
					tempDom = docFlag? $(document.createDocumentFragment()) : $('<div></div>'),
					go      = function(o){
						var over  = o || null,
							html  = [],
							dirs  = false,
							atmb  = {},
							stmb  = (fm.option('tmbUrl') === 'self'),
							init  = bufferExt.renderd? false : true,
							files, locks, selected;
						files = buffer.splice(0, showFiles + (over || 0) / (bufferExt.hpi || 1));
						bufferExt.renderd += files.length;
						if (! buffer.length) {
							wrapper.off(scrollEvent, render);
						locks = [];
						html = $.map(files, function(f) {
							if (f.hash && f.name) {
								if (f.mime == 'directory') {
									dirs = true;
								if ((f.tmb && (f.tmb != 1 || f.size > 0)) || (stmb && f.mime.indexOf('image/') === 0)) {
									atmb[f.hash] = f.tmb || 'self';
								clipCuts[f.hash] && locks.push(f.hash);
								return itemhtml(f);
							return null;

						// html into temp node
						// make directory droppable
						dirs && !mobile && makeDroppable(tempDom);
						// check selected items
						selected = [];
						if (Object.keys(selectedFiles).length) {
							tempDom.find('[id]:not(.'+clSelected+'):not(.elfinder-cwd-parent)').each(function() {
								selectedFiles[fm.cwdId2Hash(this.id)] && selected.push($(this));
						// append to cwd
						place.append(docFlag? tempDom : tempDom.children());
						// trigger select
						if (selected.length) {
							$.each(selected, function(i, n) { n.trigger(evtSelect); });
						locks.length && fm.trigger('lockfiles', {files: locks});
						!bufferExt.hpi && bottomMarkerShow(place, files.length);
						if (list) {
							// show thead
							// fixed table header
							fixTableHeader({fitWidth: ! colWidth});
						if (Object.keys(atmb).length) {
							Object.assign(bufferExt.attachTmbs, atmb);
						if (init) {
							if (! mobile && ! cwd.data('selectable')) {
								// make files selectable
								cwd.selectable(selectableOption).data('selectable', true);

						! scrolling && wrapper.trigger(scrollEvent);
				if (! bufferExt.renderd) {
					// first time to go()
					bufferExt.rendering = true;
					// scroll top on dir load to avoid scroll after page reload
					phash = fm.cwd().phash;
					if (options.oldSchool) {
						if (phash && !query) {
						} else {
							oldSchoolItem = $();
					if (list) {
						colWidth && setColwidth();
						fixTableHeader({fitWidth: true});
					bufferExt.itemH = (list? place.find('tr:first') : place.find('[id]:first')).outerHeight(true);
					bufferExt.rendering = false;
				if (! bufferExt.rendering && buffer.length) {
					// next go()
					if ((chk = (wrapper.height() + wrapper.scrollTop() + fm.options.showThreshold + bufferExt.row) - (bufferExt.renderd * bufferExt.hpi)) > 0) {
						bufferExt.rendering = true;
						fm.lazy(function() {
							bufferExt.rendering = false;
					} else {
						!fm.enabled() && resize();
				} else {
			// fixed table header jQuery object
			tableHeader = null,

			// Is UA support CSS sticky
			cssSticky = fm.UA.CSS.positionSticky && fm.UA.CSS.widthMaxContent,
			// To fixed table header colmun
			fixTableHeader = function(optsArg) {
				thHeight = 0;
				if (! options.listView.fixedHeader) {
				var setPos = function() {
					var val, pos;
					pos = (fm.direction === 'ltr')? 'left' : 'right';
					val = ((fm.direction === 'ltr')? wrapper.scrollLeft() : table.outerWidth(true) - wrapper.width() - wrapper.scrollLeft()) * -1;
					if (base.css(pos) !== val) {
						base.css(pos, val);
				opts = optsArg || {},
				cnt, base, table, htable, thead, tbody, hheight, htr, btr, htd, btd, htw, btw, init;
				tbody = cwd.find('tbody');
				btr = tbody.children('tr:first');
				if (btr.length && btr.is(':visible')) {
					table = tbody.parent();
					if (! tableHeader) {
						init = true;
						thead = cwd.find('thead').attr('id', fm.namespace+'-cwd-thead');
						htr = thead.children('tr:first');
						hheight = htr.outerHeight(true);
						cwd.css('margin-top', hheight - parseInt(table.css('padding-top')));
						if (cssSticky) {
							tableHeader = $('<div class="elfinder-table-header-sticky"></div>').addClass(cwd.attr('class')).append($('<table></table>').append(thead));
							wrapper.on('resize.fixheader', function(e) {
								fixTableHeader({fitWidth: true});
						} else {
							base = $('<div></div>').addClass(cwd.attr('class')).append($('<table></table>').append(thead));
							tableHeader = $('<div></div>').addClass(wrapper.attr('class') + ' elfinder-cwd-fixheader')
								.removeClass('ui-droppable native-droppable')
								.css({ height: hheight, width: cwd.outerWidth() })
							if (fm.direction === 'rtl') {
								tableHeader.css('left', (wrapper.data('width') - wrapper.width()) + 'px');
								.on('scroll.fixheader resize.fixheader', function(e) {
									if (e.type === 'resize') {
										wrapper.data('width', wrapper.css('overflow', 'hidden').width());
										wrapper.css('overflow', 'auto');
					} else {
						thead = $('#'+fm.namespace+'-cwd-thead');
						htr = thead.children('tr:first');
					if (init || opts.fitWidth || Math.abs(btr.outerWidth() - htr.outerWidth()) > 2) {
						cnt = customCols.length + 1;
						for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
							htd = htr.children('td:eq('+i+')');
							btd = btr.children('td:eq('+i+')');
							htw = htd.width();
							btw = btd.width();
							if (typeof htd.data('delta') === 'undefined') {
								htd.data('delta', (htd.outerWidth() - htw) - (btd.outerWidth() - btw));
							btw -= htd.data('delta');
							if (! init && ! opts.fitWidth && htw === btw) {
							htd.css('width', btw + 'px');
					if (!cssSticky) {
						tableHeader.data('widthTimer') && cancelAnimationFrame(tableHeader.data('widthTimer'));
						tableHeader.data('widthTimer', requestAnimationFrame(function() {
							if (tableHeader) {
								tableHeader.css('width', mBoard.width() + 'px');
								if (fm.direction === 'rtl') {
									tableHeader.css('left', (wrapper.data('width') - wrapper.width()) + 'px');
					thHeight = thead.height();
			// Set colmun width
			setColwidth = function() {
				if (list && colWidth) {
					var cl = 'elfinder-cwd-colwidth',
					first = cwd.find('tr[id]:first'),
					if (! first.hasClass(cl)) {
						former = cwd.find('tr.'+cl);
						former.removeClass(cl).find('td').css('width', '');
						cwd.find('table:first').css('table-layout', 'fixed');
						$.each($.merge(['name'], customCols), function(i, k) {
							var w = colWidth[k] || first.find('td.elfinder-col-'+k).width();
			 * Droppable options for cwd.
			 * Drop target is `wrapper`
			 * Do not add class on childs file over
			 * @type Object
			droppable = Object.assign({}, fm.droppable, {
				over : function(e, ui) {
					var dst    = $(this),
						helper = ui.helper,
						ctr    = fm._commands.copy && (e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey),
						hash, status, inParent;
					helper.data('dropover', helper.data('dropover') + 1);
					dst.data('dropover', true);
					helper.removeClass('elfinder-drag-helper-move elfinder-drag-helper-plus');
					if (helper.data('namespace') !== fm.namespace || ! fm.insideWorkzone(e.pageX, e.pageY)) {
						//helper.removeClass('elfinder-drag-helper-move elfinder-drag-helper-plus');
					if (dst.hasClass(fm.res(c, 'cwdfile'))) {
						hash = fm.cwdId2Hash(dst.attr('id'));
						dst.data('dropover', hash);
					} else {
						hash = fm.cwd().hash;
						fm.cwd().write && dst.data('dropover', hash);
					inParent = (fm.file(helper.data('files')[0]).phash === hash);
					if (dst.data('dropover') === hash) {
						$.each(helper.data('files'), function(i, h) {
							if (h === hash || (inParent && !ctr && !helper.hasClass('elfinder-drag-helper-plus'))) {
								return false; // break $.each
					} else {
					if (helper.data('locked') || inParent) {
						status = 'elfinder-drag-helper-plus';
					} else {
						status = 'elfinder-drag-helper-move';
						if (ctr) {
							status += ' elfinder-drag-helper-plus';
					dst.hasClass(clDropActive) && helper.addClass(status);
					requestAnimationFrame(function(){ dst.hasClass(clDropActive) && helper.addClass(status); });
				out : function(e, ui) {
					var helper = ui.helper;
					helper.removeClass('elfinder-drag-helper-move elfinder-drag-helper-plus').data('dropover', Math.max(helper.data('dropover') - 1, 0));
				deactivate : function() {
				drop : function(e, ui) {
					unselectAll({ notrigger: true });
					fm.droppable.drop.call(this, e, ui);
			 * Make directory droppable
			 * @return void
			makeDroppable = function(place) {
				place = place? place : (list ? cwd.find('tbody') : cwd);
				var targets = place.children('.directory:not(.'+clDroppable+',.elfinder-na,.elfinder-ro)');

				if (fm.isCommandEnabled('paste')) {
				if (fm.isCommandEnabled('upload')) {
				place.children('.isroot').each(function(i, n) {
					var $n   = $(n),
						hash = fm.cwdId2Hash(n.id);
					if (fm.isCommandEnabled('paste', hash)) {
						if (! $n.hasClass(clDroppable+',elfinder-na,elfinder-ro')) {
					} else {
						if ($n.hasClass(clDroppable)) {
					if (fm.isCommandEnabled('upload', hash)) {
						if (! $n.hasClass('native-droppable,elfinder-na,elfinder-ro')) {
					} else {
						if ($n.hasClass('native-droppable')) {
			 * Preload required thumbnails and on load add css to files.
			 * Return false if required file is not visible yet (in buffer) -
			 * required for old api to stop loading thumbnails.
			 * @param  Object  file hash -> thumbnail map
			 * @param  Bool    reload
			 * @return void
			attachThumbnails = function(tmbs, reload) {
				var attach = function(node, tmb) {
							.on('load', function() {
								node.find('.elfinder-cwd-icon').addClass(tmb.className).css('background-image', "url('"+tmb.url+"')");
							.attr('src', tmb.url);
					chk  = function(hash, tmb) {
						var node = fm.cwdHash2Elm(hash),
							file, tmbObj, reloads = [];
						if (node.length) {
							if (tmb != '1') {
								file = fm.file(hash);
								if (file.tmb !== tmb) {
									file.tmb = tmb;
								tmbObj = fm.tmb(file);
								if (reload) {
									node.find('.elfinder-cwd-icon').addClass(tmbObj.className).css('background-image', "url('"+tmbObj.url+"')");
								} else {
									attach(node, tmbObj);
								delete bufferExt.attachTmbs[hash];
							} else {
								if (reload) {
								} else if (! bufferExt.tmbLoading[hash]) {

				if ($.isPlainObject(tmbs) && Object.keys(tmbs).length) {
					Object.assign(bufferExt.attachTmbs, tmbs);
					$.each(tmbs, chk);
					if (! reload && bufferExt.getTmbs.length && ! Object.keys(bufferExt.tmbLoading).length) {
			 * Load thumbnails from backend.
			 * @param  Array|void reloads  hashes list for reload thumbnail items
			 * @return void
			loadThumbnails = function(reloads) {
				var tmbs = [],
					reload = false;
				if (fm.oldAPI) {
						data : {cmd : 'tmb', current : fm.cwd().hash},
						preventFail : true
					.done(function(data) {
						if (data.images && Object.keys(data.images).length) {
						if (data.tmb) {

				if (reloads) {
					reload = true;
					tmbs = reloads.splice(0, tmbNum);
				} else {
					tmbs = bufferExt.getTmbs.splice(0, tmbNum);
				if (tmbs.length) {
					if (reload || inViewHashes[tmbs[0]] || inViewHashes[tmbs[tmbs.length-1]]) {
						$.each(tmbs, function(i, h) {
							bufferExt.tmbLoading[h] = true;
							data : {cmd : 'tmb', targets : tmbs},
							preventFail : true
						.done(function(data) {
							var errs = [],
							if (data.images) {
								if (resLen = Object.keys(data.images).length) {
									if (resLen < tmbs.length) {
										$.each(tmbs, function(i, h) {
											if (! data.images[h]) {
									attachThumbnails(data.images, reload);
								} else {
									errs = tmbs;
								// unset error items from bufferExt.attachTmbs
								if (errs.length) {
									$.each(errs, function(i, h) {
										delete bufferExt.attachTmbs[h];
							if (reload) {
								if (reloads.length) {
						.always(function() {
							bufferExt.tmbLoading = {};
							if (! reload && bufferExt.getTmbs.length) {
			 * Add new files to cwd/buffer
			 * @param  Array  new files
			 * @return void
			add = function(files, mode) {
				var place    = list ? cwd.find('tbody') : cwd,
					l        = files.length, 
					atmb     = {},
					findNode = function(file) {
						var pointer = cwd.find('[id]:first'), file2;

						while (pointer.length) {
							file2 = fm.file(fm.cwdId2Hash(pointer.attr('id')));
							if (!pointer.hasClass('elfinder-cwd-parent') && file2 && fm.compare(file, file2) < 0) {
								return pointer;
							pointer = pointer.next('[id]');
					findIndex = function(file) {
						var l = buffer.length, i;
						for (i =0; i < l; i++) {
							if (fm.compare(file, buffer[i]) < 0) {
								return i;
						return l || -1;
					// created document fragment for jQuery >= 1.12, 2.2, 3.0
					// see Studio-42/elFinder#1544 @ github
					docFlag = $.htmlPrefilter? true : false,
					tempDom = docFlag? $(document.createDocumentFragment()) : $('<div></div>'),
					file, hash, node, nodes, ndx, stmb;

				if (l > showFiles) {
					// re-render for performance tune
					selectedFiles = fm.arrayFlip($.map(files, function(f) { return f.hash; }), true);
				} else {
					// add the item immediately
					l && wz.removeClass('elfinder-cwd-wrapper-empty');
					// Self thumbnail
					stmb = (fm.option('tmbUrl') === 'self');
					while (l--) {
						file = files[l];
						hash = file.hash;
						if (fm.cwdHash2Elm(hash).length) {
						if ((node = findNode(file)) && ! node.length) {
							node = null;
						if (! node && (ndx = findIndex(file)) >= 0) {
							buffer.splice(ndx, 0, file);
						} else {
							(file.mime === 'directory') && !mobile && makeDroppable(tempDom);
							nodes = docFlag? tempDom : tempDom.children();
							if (node) {
							} else {
						if (fm.cwdHash2Elm(hash).length) {
							if ((file.tmb && (file.tmb != 1 || file.size > 0)) || (stmb && file.mime.indexOf('image/') === 0)) {
								atmb[hash] = file.tmb || 'self';
					if (list) {
						fixTableHeader({fitWidth: ! colWidth});
					if (Object.keys(atmb).length) {
						Object.assign(bufferExt.attachTmbs, atmb);
						if (buffer.length < 1) {
			 * Remove files from cwd/buffer
			 * @param  Array  files hashes
			 * @return void
			remove = function(files) {
				var l = files.length,
					inSearch = fm.searchStatus.state > 1,
					curCmd = fm.getCommand(fm.currentReqCmd) || {},
					hash, n, ndx, found;

				// removed cwd
				if (!fm.cwd().hash && !curCmd.noChangeDirOnRemovedCwd) {
					$.each(cwdParents.reverse(), function(i, h) {
						if (fm.file(h)) {
							found = true;
							fm.one(fm.currentReqCmd + 'done', function() {
								!fm.cwd().hash && fm.exec('open', h);
							return false;
					// fallback to fm.roots[0]
					!found && !fm.cwd().hash && fm.exec('open', fm.roots[Object.keys(fm.roots)[0]]);
				while (l--) {
					hash = files[l];
					if ((n = fm.cwdHash2Elm(hash)).length) {
						try {
						} catch(e) {
							fm.debug('error', e);
					} else if ((ndx = index(hash)) !== -1) {
						buffer.splice(ndx, 1);
					selectedFiles[hash] && delete selectedFiles[hash];
					if (inSearch) {
						if ((ndx = $.inArray(hash, cwdHashes)) !== -1) {
							cwdHashes.splice(ndx, 1);
				inSearch && fm.trigger('cwdhasheschange', cwdHashes);
				if (list) {
					fixTableHeader({fitWidth: ! colWidth});
			customColsNameBuild = function() {
				var name = '',
				customColsName = '';
				for (var i = 0; i < customCols.length; i++) {
					name = fm.getColumnName(customCols[i]);
					customColsName +='<td class="elfinder-cwd-view-th-'+customCols[i]+' sortable-item">'+name+'</td>';
				return customColsName;
			setItemBoxSize = function(boxSize) {
				var place, elm;
				if (!boxSize.height) {
					place = (list ? cwd.find('tbody') : cwd);
					elm = place.find(list? 'tr:first' : '[id]:first');
					boxSize.height = elm.outerHeight(true);
					if (!list) {
						boxSize.width = elm.outerWidth(true);

			bottomMarkerShow = function(cur, cnt) {
				var place = cur || (list ? cwd.find('tbody') : cwd),
					boxSize = itemBoxSize[fm.viewType],
					col = 1,

				if (buffer.length > 0) {
					if (!bufferExt.hpi) {
						if (! list) {
							col = Math.floor(place.width() / boxSize.width);
							bufferExt.row = boxSize.height;
							bufferExt.hpi = bufferExt.row / col;
						} else {
							bufferExt.row = bufferExt.hpi = boxSize.height;
					} else if (!list) {
						col = Math.floor(place.width() / boxSize.width);
					row = Math.ceil((buffer.length + (cnt || 0)) / col);
					if (list && tableHeader) {
					bottomMarker.css({top: (bufferExt.row * row) + 'px'}).show();
			wrapperContextMenu = {
				contextmenu : function(e) {
					if (cwd.data('longtap') !== void(0)) {
					fm.trigger('contextmenu', {
						'type'    : 'cwd',
						'targets' : [fm.cwd().hash],
						'x'       : e.pageX,
						'y'       : e.pageY
				touchstart : function(e) {
					if (e.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) {
					if (cwd.data('longtap') !== false) {
						wrapper.data('touching', {x: e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX, y: e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY});
						cwd.data('tmlongtap', setTimeout(function(){
							// long tap
							cwd.data('longtap', true);
							fm.trigger('contextmenu', {
								'type'    : 'cwd',
								'targets' : [fm.cwd().hash],
								'x'       : wrapper.data('touching').x,
								'y'       : wrapper.data('touching').y
						}, 500));
					cwd.data('longtap', null);
				touchend : function(e) {
					if (e.type === 'touchmove') {
						if (! wrapper.data('touching') ||
								( Math.abs(wrapper.data('touching').x - e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX)
								+ Math.abs(wrapper.data('touching').y - e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY)) > 4) {
							wrapper.data('touching', null);
					} else {
						setTimeout(function() {
						}, 80);
				click : function(e) {
					if (cwd.data('longtap')) {
			 * Update directory content
			 * @return void
			content = function() {
				fm.lazy(function() {
					var phash, emptyMethod, thtr;

					wz.append(selectAllCheckbox).removeClass('elfinder-cwd-wrapper-empty elfinder-search-result elfinder-incsearch-result elfinder-letsearch-result');
					if (fm.searchStatus.state > 1 || fm.searchStatus.ininc) {
						wz.addClass('elfinder-search-result' + (fm.searchStatus.ininc? ' elfinder-'+(query.substr(0,1) === '/' ? 'let':'inc')+'search-result' : ''));
					// abort attachThumbJob
					bufferExt.attachThumbJob && bufferExt.attachThumbJob._abort();
					// destroy selectable for GC
					cwd.data('selectable') && cwd.selectable('disable').selectable('destroy').removeData('selectable');
					// notify cwd init
					selectedNext = $();
					try {
						// to avoid problem with draggable
					} catch (e) {
					if (tableHeader) {
						wrapper.off('scroll.fixheader resize.fixheader');
						tableHeader = null;

					cwd.removeClass('elfinder-cwd-view-icons elfinder-cwd-view-list')
						.addClass('elfinder-cwd-view-'+(list ? 'list' :'icons'))
						.attr('style', '')
						.css('height', 'auto');

					wrapper[list ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('elfinder-cwd-wrapper-list')._padding = parseInt(wrapper.css('padding-top')) + parseInt(wrapper.css('padding-bottom'));
					if (fm.UA.iOS) {

					if (list) {
						thtr = $('<tr class="ui-state-default"><td class="elfinder-cwd-view-th-name">'+fm.getColumnName('name')+'</td>'+customColsNameBuild()+'</tr>');
						if ($.fn.sortable) {
							thtr.addClass('touch-punch touch-punch-keep-default')
								axis: 'x',
								distance: 8,
								items: '> .sortable-item',
								start: function(e, ui) {
									$(ui.item[0]).data('dragging', true);
										.css('visibility', 'visible');
								update: function(e, ui){
									var target = $(ui.item[0]).attr('class').split(' ')[0].replace('elfinder-cwd-view-th-', ''),
										prev, done;
									customCols = $.map($(this).children(), function(n) {
										var name = $(n).attr('class').split(' ')[0].replace('elfinder-cwd-view-th-', '');
										if (! done) {
											if (target === name) {
												done = true;
											} else {
												prev = name;
										return (name === 'name')? null : name;
									templates.row = makeTemplateRow();
									fm.storage('cwdCols', customCols);
									prev = '.elfinder-col-'+prev+':first';
									target = '.elfinder-col-'+target+':first';
									fm.lazy(function() {
										cwd.find('tbody tr').each(function() {
											var $this = $(this);
								stop: function(e, ui) {
									setTimeout(function() {
									}, 100);

							handles: fm.direction === 'ltr'? 'e' : 'w',
							start: function(e, ui) {
								var target = cwd.find('td.elfinder-col-'
									+ ui.element.attr('class').split(' ')[0].replace('elfinder-cwd-view-th-', '')
									+ ':first');
									.data('dragging', true)
									.data('resizeTarget', target)
									.data('targetWidth', target.width());
								colResizing = true;
								if (cwd.find('table').css('table-layout') !== 'fixed') {
									cwd.find('tbody tr:first td').each(function() {
									cwd.find('table').css('table-layout', 'fixed');
							resize: function(e, ui) {
								ui.element.data('resizeTarget').width(ui.element.data('targetWidth') - (ui.originalSize.width - ui.size.width));
							stop : function(e, ui) {
								colResizing = false;
								fixTableHeader({fitWidth: true});
								colWidth = {};
								cwd.find('tbody tr:first td').each(function() {
									var name = $(this).attr('class').split(' ')[0].replace('elfinder-col-', '');
									colWidth[name] = $(this).width();
								fm.storage('cwdColWidth', colWidth);
								setTimeout(function() {
								}, 100);
						.find('.ui-resizable-handle').addClass('ui-icon ui-icon-grip-dotted-vertical');

					buffer = $.map(incHashes || cwdHashes, function(hash) { return fm.file(hash) || null; });
					buffer = fm.sortFiles(buffer);
					if (incHashes) {
						incHashes = $.map(buffer, function(f) { return f.hash; });
					} else {
						cwdHashes = $.map(buffer, function(f) { return f.hash; });
					bufferExt = {
						renderd: 0,
						attachTmbs: {},
						getTmbs: [],
						tmbLoading: {},
						lazyOpts: { tm : 0 }
					wz[(buffer.length < 1) ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('elfinder-cwd-wrapper-empty');
					wrapper.off(scrollEvent, render).on(scrollEvent, render).trigger(scrollEvent);
					// set droppable
					if (!fm.cwd().write) {
						       .removeClass('ui-state-disabled'); // for old jQueryUI see https://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/5974
					} else {
						wrapper[fm.isCommandEnabled('upload')? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('native-droppable');
						wrapper.droppable(fm.isCommandEnabled('paste')? 'enable' : 'disable');
			 * CWD node itself
			 * @type JQuery
			cwd = $(this)
				.addClass('ui-helper-clearfix elfinder-cwd')
				.attr('unselectable', 'on')
				// fix ui.selectable bugs and add shift+click support 
				.on('click.'+fm.namespace, fileSelector, function(e) {
					var p    = this.id ? $(this) : $(this).parents('[id]:first'),
						tgt  = $(e.target),

					if (selectCheckbox && (tgt.is('input:checkbox.'+clSelChk) || tgt.hasClass('elfinder-cwd-select'))) {
						p.trigger(p.hasClass(clSelected) ? evtUnselect : evtSelect);
						requestAnimationFrame(function() {
							tgt.prop('checked', p.hasClass(clSelected));

					if (cwd.data('longtap') || tgt.hasClass('elfinder-cwd-nonselect')) {

					if (!curClickId) {
						curClickId = p.attr('id');
						setTimeout(function() {
							curClickId = '';
						}, 500);
					if (e.shiftKey) {
						prev = p.prevAll(lastSelect || '.'+clSelected+':first');
						next = p.nextAll(lastSelect || '.'+clSelected+':first');
						pl   = prev.length;
						nl   = next.length;
					if (e.shiftKey && (pl || nl)) {
						sib = pl ? p.prevUntil('#'+prev.attr('id')) : p.nextUntil('#'+next.attr('id'));
						sib = sib.add(p);
						if (!pl) {
							sib  = $(sib.get().reverse());
					} else if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {
						p.trigger(p.hasClass(clSelected) ? evtUnselect : evtSelect);
					} else {
						if (wrapper.data('touching') && p.hasClass(clSelected)) {
							wrapper.data('touching', null);
							fm.dblclick({file : fm.cwdId2Hash(this.id)});
						} else {
							unselectAll({ notrigger: true });

				// call fm.open()
				.on('dblclick.'+fm.namespace, fileSelector, function(e) {
					if (curClickId) {
						var hash = fm.cwdId2Hash(curClickId);
						if (this.id !== curClickId) {
						fm.dblclick({file : hash});
				// for touch device
				.on('touchstart.'+fm.namespace, fileSelector, function(e) {
					if (e.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) {
					var p   = this.id ? $(this) : $(this).parents('[id]:first'),
						tgt = $(e.target),
						nodeName = e.target.nodeName,
					if ((nodeName === 'INPUT' && e.target.type === 'text') || nodeName === 'TEXTAREA' || tgt.hasClass('elfinder-cwd-nonselect')) {
					// now name editing
					if (p.find('input:text,textarea').length) {
					wrapper.data('touching', {x: e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX, y: e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY});
					if (selectCheckbox && (tgt.is('input:checkbox.'+clSelChk) || tgt.hasClass('elfinder-cwd-select'))) {
					sel = p.prevAll('.'+clSelected+':first').length +
					cwd.data('longtap', null);
					if (Object.keys(selectedFiles).length
						(list && e.target.nodeName !== 'TD')
						(!list && this !== e.target)
					) {
						cwd.data('longtap', false);
						p.data('tmlongtap', setTimeout(function(){
							// long tap
							cwd.data('longtap', true);
							fm.trigger('contextmenu', {
								'type'    : 'files',
								'targets' : fm.selected(),
								'x'       : e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX,
								'y'       : e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY
						}, 500));
				.on('touchmove.'+fm.namespace+' touchend.'+fm.namespace, fileSelector, function(e) {
					var tgt = $(e.target),
					if (selectCheckbox && (tgt.is('input:checkbox.'+clSelChk) || tgt.hasClass('elfinder-cwd-select'))) {
					if (e.target.nodeName == 'INPUT' || e.target.nodeName == 'TEXTAREA') {
					p = this.id ? $(this) : $(this).parents('[id]:first');
					if (e.type === 'touchmove') {
						wrapper.data('touching', null);
					} else {
						if (wrapper.data('touching') && !cwd.data('longtap') && p.hasClass(clSelected)) {
							wrapper.data('touching', null);
							fm.dblclick({file : fm.cwdId2Hash(this.id)});
						setTimeout(function() {
						}, 80);
				// attach draggable
				.on('mouseenter.'+fm.namespace, fileSelector, function(e) {
					if (scrolling) { return; }
					var $this = $(this), helper = null;

					if (!mobile && !$this.data('dragRegisted') && !$this.hasClass(clTmp) && !$this.hasClass(clDraggable) && !$this.hasClass(clDisabled)) {
						$this.data('dragRegisted', true);
						if (!fm.isCommandEnabled('copy', fm.searchStatus.state > 1 || $this.hasClass('isroot')? fm.cwdId2Hash($this.attr('id')) : void 0) &&
							!fm.isCommandEnabled('cut', fm.searchStatus.state > 1 || $this.hasClass('isroot')? fm.cwdId2Hash($this.attr('id')) : void 0)) {
						$this.on('mousedown', function(e) {
							// shiftKey or altKey + drag start for HTML5 native drag function
							// Note: can no use shiftKey with the Google Chrome 
							var metaKey = options.metakeyDragout && !fm.UA.IE && (e.shiftKey || e.altKey),
								disable = false;
							if (metaKey && cwd.data('selectable')) {
								// destroy jQuery-ui selectable while trigger native drag
									cwd.selectable(selectableOption).selectable('option', {disabled: false}).selectable('refresh').data('selectable', true);
							if (metaKey) {
								$this.draggable('option', 'disabled', true).attr('draggable', 'true');
							} else {
								if (!$this.hasClass(clSelected)) {
									if (list) {
										disable = $(e.target).closest('span,tr').is('tr');
									} else {
										disable = $(e.target).hasClass('elfinder-cwd-file');
								if (disable) {
									// removeClass('ui-state-disabled') for old version of jQueryUI
									$this.draggable('option', 'disabled', true).removeClass('ui-state-disabled');
								} else {
									$this.draggable('option', 'disabled', false)
									      .draggable('option', 'cursorAt', {left: 50 - parseInt($(e.currentTarget).css('margin-left')), top: 47});
						.on('dragstart', function(e) {
							var dt = e.dataTransfer || e.originalEvent.dataTransfer || null;
							helper = null;
							if (dt && !fm.UA.IE) {
								var p = this.id ? $(this) : $(this).parents('[id]:first'),
									elm   = $('<span>'),
									url   = '',
									durl  = null,
									murl  = null,
									files = [],
									icon  = function(f) {
										var mime = f.mime, i, tmb = fm.tmb(f);
										i = '<div class="elfinder-cwd-icon elfinder-cwd-icon-drag '+fm.mime2class(mime)+' ui-corner-all"></div>';
										if (tmb) {
											i = $(i).addClass(tmb.className).css('background-image', "url('"+tmb.url+"')").get(0).outerHTML;
										return i;
									}, l, geturl = [];
								$.each(selectedFiles, function(v){
									var file = fm.file(v),
										furl = file.url;
									if (file && file.mime !== 'directory') {
										if (!furl) {
											furl = fm.url(file.hash);
										} else if (furl == '1') {
											return true;
										if (furl) {
											furl = fm.convAbsUrl(furl);
											$('<a>').attr('href', furl).text(furl).appendTo(elm);
											url += furl + "\n";
											if (!durl) {
												durl = file.mime + ':' + file.name + ':' + furl;
											if (!murl) {
												murl = furl + "\n" + file.name;
								if (geturl.length) {
									$.each(geturl, function(i, v){
										var rfile = fm.file(v);
										rfile.url = '';
											data : {cmd : 'url', target : v},
											notify : {type : 'url', cnt : 1},
											preventDefault : true
										.always(function(data) {
											rfile.url = data.url? data.url : '1';
									return false;
								} else if (url) {
									if (dt.setDragImage) {
										helper = $('<div class="elfinder-drag-helper html5-native"></div>').append(icon(fm.file(files[0]))).appendTo($(document.body));
										if ((l = files.length) > 1) {
											helper.append(icon(fm.file(files[l-1])) + '<span class="elfinder-drag-num">'+l+'</span>');
										dt.setDragImage(helper.get(0), 50, 47);
									dt.effectAllowed = 'copyLink';
									dt.setData('DownloadURL', durl);
									dt.setData('text/x-moz-url', murl);
									dt.setData('text/uri-list', url);
									dt.setData('text/plain', url);
									dt.setData('text/html', elm.html());
									dt.setData('elfinderfrom', window.location.href + fm.cwd().hash);
									dt.setData('elfinderfrom:' + dt.getData('elfinderfrom'), '');
								} else {
									return false;
						.on('dragend', function(e){
							unselectAll({ notrigger: true });
							helper && helper.remove();
				// add hover class to selected file
				.on(evtSelect, fileSelector, function(e) {
					var $this = $(this),
						id    = fm.cwdId2Hash($this.attr('id'));
					if (!selectLock && !$this.hasClass(clDisabled)) {
						lastSelect = '#'+ this.id;
						$this.addClass(clSelected).children().addClass(clHover).find('input:checkbox.'+clSelChk).prop('checked', true);
						if (! selectedFiles[id]) {
							selectedFiles[id] = true;
						// will be selected next
						selectedNext = cwd.find('[id].'+clSelected+':last').next();
				// remove hover class from unselected file
				.on(evtUnselect, fileSelector, function(e) {
					var $this = $(this), 
						id    = fm.cwdId2Hash($this.attr('id'));
					if (!selectLock) {
						$this.removeClass(clSelected).children().removeClass(clHover).find('input:checkbox.'+clSelChk).prop('checked', false);
						if (cwd.hasClass('elfinder-cwd-allselected')) {
							selectCheckbox && selectAllCheckbox.children('input').prop('checked', false);
						selectedFiles[id] && delete selectedFiles[id];
				// disable files wich removing or moving
				.on(evtDisable, fileSelector, function() {
					var $this  = $(this).removeClass(clHover+' '+clSelected).addClass(clDisabled), 
						child  = $this.children(),
						target = (list ? $this : child.find('div.elfinder-cwd-file-wrapper,div.elfinder-cwd-filename'));
					child.removeClass(clHover+' '+clSelected);
					$this.hasClass(clDroppable) && $this.droppable('disable');
					target.hasClass(clDraggable) && target.draggable('disable');
				// if any files was not removed/moved - unlock its
				.on(evtEnable, fileSelector, function() {
					var $this  = $(this).removeClass(clDisabled), 
						target = list ? $this : $this.children('div.elfinder-cwd-file-wrapper,div.elfinder-cwd-filename');
					$this.hasClass(clDroppable) && $this.droppable('enable');	
					target.hasClass(clDraggable) && target.draggable('enable');
				.on('scrolltoview', fileSelector, function(e, data) {
					scrollToView($(this), (data && typeof data.blink !== 'undefined')? data.blink : true);
				.on('mouseenter.'+fm.namespace+' mouseleave.'+fm.namespace, fileSelector, function(e) {
					var enter = (e.type === 'mouseenter');
					if (enter && (scrolling || fm.UA.Mobile)) { return; }
					fm.trigger('hover', {hash : fm.cwdId2Hash($(this).attr('id')), type : e.type});
					$(this).toggleClass(clHover, (e.type == 'mouseenter'));
				// for file contextmenu
				.on('mouseenter.'+fm.namespace+' mouseleave.'+fm.namespace, '.elfinder-cwd-file-wrapper,.elfinder-cwd-filename', function(e) {
					var enter = (e.type === 'mouseenter');
					if (enter && scrolling) { return; }
					$(this).closest(fileSelector).children('.elfinder-cwd-file-wrapper,.elfinder-cwd-filename').toggleClass(clActive, (e.type == 'mouseenter'));
				.on('contextmenu.'+fm.namespace, function(e) {
					var file = $(e.target).closest(fileSelector);
					if (file.get(0) === e.target && !selectedFiles[fm.cwdId2Hash(file.get(0).id)]) {

					// now filename editing
					if (file.find('input:text,textarea').length) {
					if (file.length && (e.target.nodeName != 'TD' || selectedFiles[fm.cwdId2Hash(file.get(0).id)])) {
						if (!file.hasClass(clDisabled) && !wrapper.data('touching')) {
							if (!file.hasClass(clSelected)) {
								unselectAll({ notrigger: true });
							fm.trigger('contextmenu', {
								'type'    : 'files',
								'targets' : fm.selected(),
								'x'       : e.pageX,
								'y'       : e.pageY

				// unselect all on cwd click
				.on('click.'+fm.namespace, function(e) {
					if (e.target === this && ! cwd.data('longtap')) {
						!e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey && unselectAll();
				// prepend fake file/dir
				.on('create.'+fm.namespace, function(e, f) {
					var parent = list ? cwd.find('tbody') : cwd,
						p = parent.find('.elfinder-cwd-parent'),
						lock = f.move || false,
						file = $(itemhtml(f)).addClass(clTmp),
						selected = fm.selected();
					if (selected.length) {
						lock && fm.trigger('lockfiles', {files: selected});
					} else {

					if (p.length) {
					} else {
				// unselect all selected files
				.on('unselectall', unselectAll)
				.on('selectfile', function(e, id) {
				.on('colwidth', function() {
					if (list) {
						cwd.find('table').css('table-layout', '')
							.find('td').css('width', '');
						fixTableHeader({fitWidth: true});
						fm.storage('cwdColWidth', colWidth = null);
				.on('iconpref', function(e, data) {
					cwd.removeClass(function(i, cName) {
						return (cName.match(/\belfinder-cwd-size\S+/g) || []).join(' ');
					iconSize = data? (parseInt(data.size) || 0) : 0;
					if (!list) {
						if (iconSize > 0) {
							cwd.addClass('elfinder-cwd-size' + iconSize);
						if (bufferExt.renderd) {
							requestAnimationFrame(function() {
								itemBoxSize.icons = {};
								bufferExt.hpi = null;
								bottomMarkerShow(cwd, bufferExt.renderd);
				// Change icon size with mouse wheel event
				.on('onwheel' in document ? 'wheel' : 'mousewheel', function(e) {
					var tm, size, delta;
					if (!list && ((e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey) || (!e.ctrlKey && e.metaKey))) {
						tm = cwd.data('wheelTm');
						if (typeof tm !== 'undefined') {
							cwd.data('wheelTm', setTimeout(function() {
							}, 200));
						} else {
							cwd.data('wheelTm', false);
							size = iconSize || 0;
							delta = e.originalEvent.deltaY ? e.originalEvent.deltaY : -(e.originalEvent.wheelDelta);
							if (delta > 0) {
								if (iconSize > 0) {
									size = iconSize - 1;
							} else {
								if (iconSize < options.iconsView.sizeMax) {
									size = iconSize + 1;
							if (size !== iconSize) {
								fm.storage('iconsize', size);
								cwd.trigger('iconpref', {size: size});
			wrapper = $('<div class="elfinder-cwd-wrapper"></div>')
				// make cwd itself droppable for folders from nav panel
				.droppable(Object.assign({}, droppable, {autoDisable: false}))
				.on('contextmenu.'+fm.namespace, wrapperContextMenu.contextmenu)
				.on('touchstart.'+fm.namespace, wrapperContextMenu.touchstart)
				.on('touchmove.'+fm.namespace+' touchend.'+fm.namespace, wrapperContextMenu.touchend)
				.on('click.'+fm.namespace, wrapperContextMenu.click)
				.on('scroll.'+fm.namespace, function() {
					if (! scrolling) {
						cwd.data('selectable') && cwd.selectable('disable');
					scrolling = true;
					bufferExt.scrtm && cancelAnimationFrame(bufferExt.scrtm);
					if (bufferExt.scrtm && Math.abs((bufferExt.scrolltop || 0) - (bufferExt.scrolltop = (this.scrollTop || $(this).scrollTop()))) < 5) {
						bufferExt.scrtm = 0;
					bufferExt.scrtm = requestAnimationFrame(function() {
						bufferExt.scrtm = 0;
				.on(scrollEvent, function() {
					scrolling = false;
			bottomMarker = $('<div>&nbsp;</div>')
				.css({position: 'absolute', width: '1px', height: '1px'})
			selectAllCheckbox = selectCheckbox? $('<div class="elfinder-cwd-selectall"><input type="checkbox"/></div>')
				.attr('title', fm.i18n('selectall'))
				.on('click', function(e) {
					if ($(this).data('pending')) {
						return false;
					selectAllCheckbox.data('pending', true);
					if (cwd.hasClass('elfinder-cwd-allselected')) {
						selectAllCheckbox.find('input').prop('checked', false);
						requestAnimationFrame(function() {
					} else {
				}) : $(),
			restm = null,
			resize = function(init) {
				var initHeight = function() {
					if (typeof bufferExt.renderd !== 'undefined') {
						var h = 0;
						wrapper.siblings('div.elfinder-panel:visible').each(function() {
							h += $(this).outerHeight(true);
						wrapper.height(wz.height() - h - wrapper._padding);
				init && initHeight();
				restm && cancelAnimationFrame(restm);
				restm = requestAnimationFrame(function(){
					!init && initHeight();
					var wph, cwdoh;
					// fix cwd height if it less then wrapper
					cwd.css('height', 'auto');
					wph = wrapper[0].clientHeight - parseInt(wrapper.css('padding-top')) - parseInt(wrapper.css('padding-bottom')) - parseInt(cwd.css('margin-top')),
					cwdoh = cwd.outerHeight(true);
					if (cwdoh < wph) {
				list && ! colResizing && (init? wrapper.trigger('resize.fixheader') : fixTableHeader());
			// elfinder node
			parent = $(this).parent().on('resize', resize),
			// workzone node 
			wz = parent.children('.elfinder-workzone').append(wrapper.append(this).append(bottomMarker)),
			// message board
			mBoard = $('<div class="elfinder-cwd-message-board"></div>').insertAfter(cwd),

			// Volume expires
			vExpires = $('<div class="elfinder-cwd-expires" ></div>'),


			showVolumeExpires = function() {
				var remain, sec, int;
				vExpiresTm && clearTimeout(vExpiresTm);
				if (curVolId && fm.volumeExpires[curVolId]) {
					sec = fm.volumeExpires[curVolId] - ((+new Date()) / 1000);
					int = (sec % 60) + 0.1;
					remain = Math.floor(sec / 60);
					vExpires.html(fm.i18n(['minsLeft', remain])).show();
					if (remain) {
						vExpiresTm = setTimeout(showVolumeExpires, int * 1000);

			// each item box size
			itemBoxSize = {
				icons : {},
				list : {}

			// has UI tree

			// Icon size of icons view

			// Current volume id

		// IE < 11 not support CSS `pointer-events: none`
		if (!fm.UA.ltIE10) {
			mBoard.append($('<div class="elfinder-cwd-trash" ></div>').html(fm.i18n('volume_Trash')))

		// setup by options
		replacement = Object.assign(replacement, options.replacement || {});
		try {
			colWidth = fm.storage('cwdColWidth')? fm.storage('cwdColWidth') : null;
		} catch(e) {
			colWidth = null;
		// setup costomCols
		fm.bind('columnpref', function(e) {
			var opts = e.data || {};
			if (customCols = fm.storage('cwdCols')) {
				customCols = $.grep(customCols, function(n) {
					return (options.listView.columns.indexOf(n) !== -1)? true : false;
				if (options.listView.columns.length > customCols.length) {
					$.each(options.listView.columns, function(i, n) {
						if (customCols.indexOf(n) === -1) {
			} else {
				customCols = options.listView.columns;
			// column names array that hidden
			var columnhides = fm.storage('columnhides') || null;
			if (columnhides && Object.keys(columnhides).length)
			customCols = $.grep(customCols, function(n) {
				return columnhides[n]? false : true;
			// make template with customCols
			templates.row = makeTemplateRow();
			// repaint if need it
			list && opts.repaint && content();

		if (mobile) {
			// for iOS5 bug
			$('body').on('touchstart touchmove touchend', function(e){});
		selectCheckbox && cwd.addClass('elfinder-has-checkbox');
		$(window).on('scroll.'+fm.namespace, function() {
			winScrTm && cancelAnimationFrame(winScrTm);
			winScrTm = requestAnimationFrame(function() {
		$(document).on('keydown.'+fm.namespace, function(e) {
			if (e.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE) {
				if (! fm.getUI().find('.ui-widget:visible').length) {
			.one('init', function(){
				var style = document.createElement('style'),
				sheet, node, base, resizeTm, iconSize, i = 0;
				if (document.head) {
					sheet = style.sheet;
					sheet.insertRule('.elfinder-cwd-wrapper-empty .elfinder-cwd:not(.elfinder-table-header-sticky):after{ content:"'+fm.i18n('emptyFolder')+'" }', i++);
					sheet.insertRule('.elfinder-cwd-wrapper-empty .native-droppable .elfinder-cwd:not(.elfinder-table-header-sticky):after{ content:"'+fm.i18n('emptyFolder'+(mobile? 'LTap' : 'Drop'))+'" }', i++);
					sheet.insertRule('.elfinder-cwd-wrapper-empty .ui-droppable-disabled .elfinder-cwd:not(.elfinder-table-header-sticky):after{ content:"'+fm.i18n('emptyFolder')+'" }', i++);
					sheet.insertRule('.elfinder-cwd-wrapper-empty.elfinder-search-result .elfinder-cwd:not(.elfinder-table-header-sticky):after{ content:"'+fm.i18n('emptySearch')+'" }', i++);
					sheet.insertRule('.elfinder-cwd-wrapper-empty.elfinder-search-result.elfinder-incsearch-result .elfinder-cwd:not(.elfinder-table-header-sticky):after{ content:"'+fm.i18n('emptyIncSearch')+'" }', i++);
					sheet.insertRule('.elfinder-cwd-wrapper-empty.elfinder-search-result.elfinder-letsearch-result .elfinder-cwd:not(.elfinder-table-header-sticky):after{ content:"'+fm.i18n('emptyLetSearch')+'" }', i++);
				if (iconSize = (fm.storage('iconsize') || options.iconsView.size || 0)) {
					iconSize = Math.min(iconSize, options.iconsView.sizeMax);
					cwd.trigger('iconpref', {size: iconSize});
				if (! mobile) {
					fm.one('open', function() {
						sheet && fm.zIndex && sheet.insertRule('.ui-selectable-helper{z-index:'+fm.zIndex+';}', i++);
					base = $('<div style="position:absolute"></div>');
					node = fm.getUI();
					node.on('resize', function(e, data) {
						var offset;
						if (data && data.fullscreen) {
							offset = node.offset();
							if (data.fullscreen === 'on') {
								base.css({top:offset.top * -1 , left:offset.left * -1 }).appendTo(node);
								selectableOption.appendTo = base;
							} else {
								selectableOption.appendTo = 'body';
							cwd.data('selectable') && cwd.selectable('option', {appendTo : selectableOption.appendTo});
				hasUiTree = fm.getUI('tree').length;
			.bind('enable', function() {
			.bind('request.open', function() {
				bufferExt.getTmbs = [];
			.one('open', function() {
				if (fm.maxTargets) {
					tmbNum = Math.min(fm.maxTargets, tmbNum);
			.bind('open add remove searchend', function() {
				var phash = fm.cwd().hash,
					type = this.type;
				if (type === 'open' || type === 'searchend' || fm.searchStatus.state < 2) {
					cwdHashes = $.map(fm.files(phash), function(f) { return f.hash; });
					fm.trigger('cwdhasheschange', cwdHashes);
				if (type === 'open') {
					var inTrash = function() {
							var isIn = false;
							$.each(cwdParents, function(i, h) {
								if (fm.trashes[h]) {
									isIn = true;
									return false;
							return isIn;
						req = phash?
							(! fm.file(phash) || hasUiTree?
								(! hasUiTree?
										data: {
											cmd    : 'parents',
											target : fm.cwd().hash
										preventFail : true
									}) : (function() {
										var dfd = $.Deferred();
										fm.one('treesync', function(e) {
											e.data.always(function() {
										return dfd;
								) : null
							) : null,
						cwdObj = fm.cwd();
					// add/remove volume id class
					if (cwdObj.volumeid !== curVolId) {
						if (curVolId) {
							wrapper.removeClass('elfinder-cwd-wrapper-' + curVolId);
						curVolId = cwdObj.volumeid;
						wrapper.addClass('elfinder-cwd-wrapper-' + curVolId);
					// add/remove trash class
					$.when(req).done(function() {
						cwdParents = fm.parents(cwdObj.hash);
						wrapper[inTrash()? 'addClass':'removeClass']('elfinder-cwd-wrapper-trash');
					incHashes = void 0;
					unselectAll({ notrigger: true });
			.bind('search', function(e) {
				cwdHashes = $.map(e.data.files, function(f) { return f.hash; });
				fm.trigger('cwdhasheschange', cwdHashes);
				incHashes = void 0;
				fm.searchStatus.ininc = false;
			.bind('searchend', function(e) {
				if (query || incHashes) {
					query = '';
					if (incHashes) {
						fm.trigger('incsearchend', e.data);
					} else {
						if (!e.data || !e.data.noupdate) {
			.bind('searchstart', function(e) {
				query = e.data.query;
			.bind('incsearchstart', function(e) {
				var q = e.data.query || '',
					type =  e.data.type || 'SearchName',
					searchTypes = fm.options.commandsOptions.search.searchTypes || {};

				if ((searchTypes[type] && searchTypes[type].incsearch) || type === 'SearchName') {
					selectedFiles = {};
					fm.lazy(function() {
						// incremental search
						var regex, incSearch, fst = '';
						query = q;
						if (q) {
							if (q.substr(0,1) === '/') {
								q = q.substr(1);
								fst = '^';
							regex = new RegExp(fst + q.replace(/([\\*\;\.\?\[\]\{\}\(\)\^\$\-\|])/g, '\\$1'), 'i');
							if (type === 'SearchName') {
								incHashes = $.grep(cwdHashes, function(hash) {
									var file = fm.file(hash);
									return (file && (file.name.match(regex) || (file.i18 && file.i18.match(regex))))? true : false;
							} else {
								incSearch = searchTypes[type].incsearch;
								if (typeof incSearch === 'string') {
									incHashes = $.grep(cwdHashes, function(hash) {
										var file = fm.file(hash);
										return (file && file[incSearch] && (file[incSearch] + '').match(regex))? true : false;
								} else if (typeof incSearch === 'function') {
									try {
										incHashes = $.grep(incSearch({val: q, regex: regex}, cwdHashes, fm), function(hash) {
											return fm.file(hash)? true : false;
									} catch(e) {
										incHashes = [];
							fm.trigger('incsearch', { hashes: incHashes, query: q })
								.searchStatus.ininc = true;
						} else {
			.bind('incsearchend', function(e) {
				query = '';
				fm.searchStatus.ininc = false;
				incHashes = void 0;
				if (!e.data || !e.data.noupdate) {
			.bind('sortchange', function() {
				var lastScrollLeft = wrapper.scrollLeft(),
					allsel = cwd.hasClass('elfinder-cwd-allselected');
				fm.one('cwdrender', function() {
					if (allsel) {
						selectedFiles = fm.arrayFlip(incHashes || cwdHashes, true);
					(allsel || Object.keys(selectedFiles).length) && trigger();
			.bind('viewchange', function() {
				var l      = fm.viewType != 'list',
					allsel = cwd.hasClass('elfinder-cwd-allselected');
				if (l != list) {
					list = l;
					fm.viewType = list? 'list' : 'icons';
					if (iconSize) {
						fm.one('cwdinit', function() {
							cwd.trigger('iconpref', {size: iconSize});

					if (allsel) {
						selectAllCheckbox.find('input').prop('checked', true);
					Object.keys(selectedFiles).length && trigger();
			.bind('wzresize', function() {
				var place = list ? cwd.find('tbody') : cwd,
				if (bufferExt.hpi) {
					bottomMarkerShow(place, place.find('[id]').length);
				cwdOffset = cwd.offset();
				wz.data('rectangle', Object.assign(
						width: wz.width(),
						height: wz.height(),
						cwdEdge: (fm.direction === 'ltr')? cwdOffset.left : cwdOffset.left + cwd.width()
				bufferExt.itemH = (list? place.find('tr:first') : place.find('[id]:first')).outerHeight(true);
			.bind('changeclipboard', function(e) {
				clipCuts = {};
				if (e.data && e.data.clipboard && e.data.clipboard.length) {
					$.each(e.data.clipboard, function(i, f) {
						if (f.cut) {
							clipCuts[f.hash] = true;
			.bind('resMixinMake', function() {
			.bind('tmbreload', function(e) {
				var imgs = {},
					files = (e.data && e.data.files)? e.data.files : null;
				$.each(files, function(i, f) {
					if (f.tmb && f.tmb != '1') {
						imgs[f.hash] = f.tmb;
				if (Object.keys(imgs).length) {
					attachThumbnails(imgs, true);
			.add(function(e) {
				var regex = query? new RegExp(query.replace(/([\\*\;\.\?\[\]\{\}\(\)\^\$\-\|])/g, '\\$1'), 'i') : null,
					mime  = fm.searchStatus.mime,
					inSearch = fm.searchStatus.state > 1,
					phash = inSearch && fm.searchStatus.target? fm.searchStatus.target : fm.cwd().hash,
					curPath = fm.path(phash),
					inTarget = function(f) {
						var res, parents, path;
						res = (f.phash === phash);
						if (!res && inSearch) {
							path = f.path || fm.path(f.hash);
							res = (curPath && path.indexOf(curPath) === 0);
							if (! res && fm.searchStatus.mixed) {
								res = $.grep(fm.searchStatus.mixed, function(vid) { return f.hash.indexOf(vid) === 0? true : false; }).length? true : false;
						if (res && inSearch) {
							if (mime) {
								res = (f.mime.indexOf(mime) === 0);
							} else {
								res = (f.name.match(regex) || (f.i18 && f.i18.match(regex)))? true : false;
						return res;
					files = $.grep(e.data.added || [], function(f) { return inTarget(f)? true : false ;});
				if (fm.searchStatus.state === 2) {
					$.each(files, function(i, f) {
						if ($.inArray(f.hash, cwdHashes) === -1) {
					fm.trigger('cwdhasheschange', cwdHashes);
				list && resize();
			.change(function(e) {
				var phash = fm.cwd().hash,
					sel   = fm.selected(),
					files, added;

				if (query) {
					$.each(e.data.changed || [], function(i, file) {
						if (fm.cwdHash2Elm(file.hash).length) {
							add([file], 'change');
							$.inArray(file.hash, sel) !== -1 && selectFile(file.hash);
							added = true;
				} else {
					$.each($.grep(e.data.changed || [], function(f) { return f.phash == phash ? true : false; }), function(i, file) {
						if (fm.cwdHash2Elm(file.hash).length) {
							add([file], 'change');
							$.inArray(file.hash, sel) !== -1 && selectFile(file.hash);
							added = true;
				if (added) {
					fm.trigger('cwdhasheschange', cwdHashes);
					list && resize();
			.remove(function(e) {
				var place = list ? cwd.find('tbody') : cwd;
				remove(e.data.removed || []);
				if (buffer.length < 1 && place.children(fileSelector + (options.oldSchool? ':not(.elfinder-cwd-parent)' : '')).length < 1) {
					selectCheckbox && selectAllCheckbox.find('input').prop('checked', false);
					wrapper.off(scrollEvent, render);
				} else {
			// select dragged file if no selected, disable selectable
			.dragstart(function(e) {
				var target = $(e.data.target),
					oe     = e.data.originalEvent;

				if (target.hasClass(clFile)) {
					if (!target.hasClass(clSelected)) {
						!(oe.ctrlKey || oe.metaKey || oe.shiftKey) && unselectAll({ notrigger: true });
				cwd.removeClass(clDisabled).data('selectable') && cwd.selectable('disable');
				selectLock = true;
			// enable selectable
			.dragstop(function() {
				cwd.data('selectable') && cwd.selectable('enable');
				selectLock = false;
			.bind('lockfiles unlockfiles selectfiles unselectfiles', function(e) {
				var events = {
						lockfiles     : evtDisable ,
						unlockfiles   : evtEnable ,
						selectfiles   : evtSelect,
						unselectfiles : evtUnselect },
					event  = events[e.type],
					files  = e.data.files || [],
					l      = files.length,
					helper = e.data.helper || $(),
					parents, ctr, add;

				if (l > 0) {
					parents = fm.parents(files[0]);
				if (event === evtSelect || event === evtUnselect) {
					add  = (event === evtSelect),
					$.each(files, function(i, hash) {
						var all = cwd.hasClass('elfinder-cwd-allselected');
						if (! selectedFiles[hash]) {
							add && (selectedFiles[hash] = true);
						} else {
							if (all) {
								selectCheckbox && selectAllCheckbox.children('input').prop('checked', false);
								all = false;
							! add && delete selectedFiles[hash];
				if (!helper.data('locked')) {
					while (l--) {
						try {
						} catch(e) {}
					! e.data.inselect && trigger();
				if (wrapper.data('dropover') && parents.indexOf(wrapper.data('dropover')) !== -1) {
					ctr = e.type !== 'lockfiles';
					helper.toggleClass('elfinder-drag-helper-plus', ctr);
					wrapper.toggleClass(clDropActive, ctr);
			// select new files after some actions
			.bind('mkdir mkfile duplicate upload rename archive extract paste multiupload', function(e) {
				if (e.type == 'upload' && e.data._multiupload) return;
				var phash = fm.cwd().hash, files;
				unselectAll({ notrigger: true });

				$.each((e.data.added || []).concat(e.data.changed || []), function(i, file) { 
					file && file.phash == phash && selectFile(file.hash);
				pattern     :'ctrl+a', 
				description : 'selectall',
				callback    : selectAll
				pattern     :'ctrl+shift+i', 
				description : 'selectinvert',
				callback    : selectInvert
				pattern     : 'left right up down shift+left shift+right shift+up shift+down',
				description : 'selectfiles',
				type        : 'keydown' , //fm.UA.Firefox || fm.UA.Opera ? 'keypress' : 'keydown',
				callback    : function(e) { select(e.keyCode, e.shiftKey); }
				pattern     : 'home',
				description : 'selectffile',
				callback    : function(e) { 
					unselectAll({ notrigger: true });
				pattern     : 'end',
				description : 'selectlfile',
				callback    : function(e) { 
					unselectAll({ notrigger: true });
					scrollToView(cwd.find('[id]:last').trigger(evtSelect)) ;
				pattern     : 'page_up',
				description : 'pageTurning',
				callback    : function(e) {
					if (bufferExt.itemH) {
								- (Math.floor((wrapper.height() + (list? bufferExt.itemH * -1 : 16)) / bufferExt.itemH)) * bufferExt.itemH
				pattern     : 'page_down',
				description : 'pageTurning',
				callback    : function(e) { 
					if (bufferExt.itemH) {
								+ (Math.floor((wrapper.height() + (list? bufferExt.itemH * -1 : 16)) / bufferExt.itemH)) * bufferExt.itemH
	// fm.timeEnd('cwdLoad')
	return this;

 * File: /js/ui/dialog.js

 * @class  elFinder dialog
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
$.fn.elfinderdialog = function(opts, fm) {
		var platformWin = (window.navigator.platform.indexOf('Win') != -1),
		delta       = {},
		syncSize    = { enabled: false, width: false, height: false, defaultSize: null },
		fitSize     = function(dialog) {
			var opts, node;
			if (syncSize.enabled) {
				node = fm.options.dialogContained? elfNode : $(window);
				opts = {
					maxWidth : syncSize.width?  node.width() - delta.width  : null,
					maxHeight: syncSize.height? node.height() - delta.height : null
				Object.assign(restoreStyle, opts);
				if (dialog.data('hasResizable') && (dialog.resizable('option', 'maxWidth') < opts.maxWidth || dialog.resizable('option', 'maxHeight') < opts.maxHeight)) {
					dialog.resizable('option', opts);
		syncFunc    = function(e) {
			var dialog = e.data;
			syncTm && cancelAnimationFrame(syncTm);
			syncTm = requestAnimationFrame(function() {
				var opts, offset;
				if (syncSize.enabled) {
		checkEditing = function() {
			var cldialog = 'elfinder-dialog',
				dialogs = elfNode.children('.' + cldialog + '.' + fm.res('class', 'editing') + ':visible');
			fm[dialogs.length? 'disable' : 'enable']();
		propagationEvents = {},
		syncTm, dialog, elfNode, restoreStyle;
	if (fm && fm.ui) {
		elfNode = fm.getUI();
	} else {
		elfNode = this.closest('.elfinder');
		if (! fm) {
			fm = elfNode.elfinder('instance');
	if (typeof opts  === 'string') {
		if ((dialog = this.closest('.ui-dialog')).length) {
			if (opts === 'open') {
				if (dialog.css('display') === 'none') {
					// Need dialog.show() and hide() to detect elements size in open() callbacks
					dialog.fadeIn(120, function() {
						fm.trigger('dialogopened', {dialog: dialog});
			} else if (opts === 'close' || opts === 'destroy') {
				if (dialog.is(':visible') || elfNode.is(':hidden')) {
					fm.trigger('dialogclosed', {dialog: dialog});
				if (opts === 'destroy') {
					fm.trigger('dialogremoved', {dialog: dialog});
				} else if (dialog.data('minimized')) {
			} else if (opts === 'toTop') {
				fm.trigger('dialogtotoped', {dialog: dialog});
			} else if (opts === 'posInit') {
				fm.trigger('dialogposinited', {dialog: dialog});
			} else if (opts === 'tabstopsInit') {
				fm.trigger('dialogtabstopsinited', {dialog: dialog});
			} else if (opts === 'checkEditing') {
		return this;
	opts = Object.assign({}, $.fn.elfinderdialog.defaults, opts);
	if (opts.allowMinimize && opts.allowMinimize === 'auto') {
		opts.allowMinimize = this.find('textarea,input').length? true : false; 
	opts.openMaximized = opts.allowMinimize && opts.openMaximized;
	if (opts.headerBtnPos && opts.headerBtnPos === 'auto') {
		opts.headerBtnPos = platformWin? 'right' : 'left';
	if (opts.headerBtnOrder && opts.headerBtnOrder === 'auto') {
		opts.headerBtnOrder = platformWin? 'close:maximize:minimize' : 'close:minimize:maximize';
	if (opts.modal && opts.allowMinimize) {
		opts.allowMinimize = false;
	if (fm.options.dialogContained) {
		syncSize.width = syncSize.height = syncSize.enabled = true;
	} else {
		syncSize.width = (opts.maxWidth === 'window');
		syncSize.height = (opts.maxHeight === 'window');
		if (syncSize.width || syncSize.height) {
			syncSize.enabled = true;

	propagationEvents = fm.arrayFlip(opts.propagationEvents, true);
	this.filter(':not(.ui-dialog-content)').each(function() {
		var self       = $(this).addClass('ui-dialog-content ui-widget-content'),
			clactive   = 'elfinder-dialog-active',
			cldialog   = 'elfinder-dialog',
			clnotify   = 'elfinder-dialog-notify',
			clhover    = 'ui-state-hover',
			cltabstop  = 'elfinder-tabstop',
			cl1stfocus = 'elfinder-focus',
			clmodal    = 'elfinder-dialog-modal',
			id         = parseInt(Math.random()*1000000),
			titlebar   = $('<div class="ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-top ui-helper-clearfix"><span class="elfinder-dialog-title">'+opts.title+'</span></div>'),
			buttonset  = $('<div class="ui-dialog-buttonset"></div>'),
			buttonpane = $('<div class=" ui-helper-clearfix ui-dialog-buttonpane ui-widget-content"></div>')
			btnWidth   = 0,
			btnCnt     = 0,
			tabstops   = $(),
			evCover    = $('<div style="width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;"></div>').hide(),
			numberToTel = function() {
				if (opts.optimizeNumber) {
					dialog.find('input[type=number]').each(function() {
						$(this).attr('inputmode', 'numeric');
						$(this).attr('pattern', '[0-9]*');
			tabstopsInit = function() {
				tabstops = dialog.find('.'+cltabstop);
				if (tabstops.length) {
					tabstops.attr('tabindex', '-1');
					if (! tabstops.filter('.'+cl1stfocus).length) {
						buttonset.children('.'+cltabstop+':'+(platformWin? 'first' : 'last')).addClass(cl1stfocus);
			tabstopNext = function(cur) {
				var elms = tabstops.filter(':visible:enabled'),
					node = cur? null : elms.filter('.'+cl1stfocus+':first');
				if (! node || ! node.length) {
					node = elms.first();
				if (cur) {
					$.each(elms, function(i, elm) {
						if (elm === cur && elms[i+1]) {
							node = elms.eq(i+1);
							return false;
				return node;
			tabstopPrev = function(cur) {
				var elms = tabstops.filter(':visible:enabled'),
					node = elms.last();
				$.each(elms, function(i, elm) {
					if (elm === cur && elms[i-1]) {
						node = elms.eq(i-1);
						return false;
				return node;
			makeHeaderBtn = function() {
				$.each(opts.headerBtnOrder.split(':').reverse(), function(i, v) {
					headerBtns[v] && headerBtns[v]();
				if (platformWin) {
			headerBtns = {
				close: function() {
					titlebar.prepend($('<span class="ui-widget-header ui-dialog-titlebar-close ui-corner-all elfinder-titlebar-button"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-closethick"></span></span>')
						.on('mousedown touchstart', function(e) {
				maximize: function() {
					if (opts.allowMaximize) {
						dialog.on('resize', function(e, data) {
							var full, elm;
							if (data && data.maximize) {
								elm = titlebar.find('.elfinder-titlebar-full');
								full = (data.maximize === 'on');
									.toggleClass('ui-icon-plusthick', ! full)
									.toggleClass('ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-s', full);
								if (full) {
									try {
										dialog.hasClass('ui-draggable') && dialog.draggable('disable');
										dialog.hasClass('ui-resizable') && dialog.resizable('disable');
									} catch(e) {}
									self.css('width', '100%').css('height', dialog.height() - dialog.children('.ui-dialog-titlebar').outerHeight(true) - buttonpane.outerHeight(true));
								} else {
									self.attr('style', elm.data('style'));
									try {
										dialog.hasClass('ui-draggable') && dialog.draggable('enable');
										dialog.hasClass('ui-resizable') && dialog.resizable('enable');
									} catch(e) {}
								dialog.trigger('resize', {init: true});
						titlebar.prepend($('<span class="ui-widget-header ui-corner-all elfinder-titlebar-button elfinder-titlebar-full"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick"></span></span>')
							.on('mousedown touchstart', function(e) {
								var elm = $(this);
								if (!dialog.hasClass('elfinder-maximized') && typeof elm.data('style') === 'undefined') {
									elm.data('style', self.attr('style') || '');
								typeof(opts.maximize) === 'function' && opts.maximize.call(self[0]);
				minimize: function() {
					var btn, mnode, doffset;
					if (opts.allowMinimize) {
						btn = $('<span class="ui-widget-header ui-corner-all elfinder-titlebar-button elfinder-titlebar-minimize"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-minusthick"></span></span>')
							.on('mousedown touchstart', function(e) {
								var $this = $(this),
									tray = fm.getUI('bottomtray'),
									dumStyle = { width: 70, height: 24 },
									dum = $('<div></div>').css(dumStyle).addClass(dialog.get(0).className + ' elfinder-dialog-minimized'),
									close = function() {
									pos = {};
								if (!dialog.data('minimized')) {
									// minimize
									doffset = dialog.data('minimized', {
										dialog : function() { return mnode; },
										show : function() { mnode.show(); },
										hide : function() { mnode.hide(); },
										close : close,
										title : function(v) { mnode.children('.ui-dialog-titlebar').children('.elfinder-dialog-title').text(v); }
									mnode = dialog.clone().on('mousedown', function() {
									}).removeClass('ui-draggable ui-resizable elfinder-frontmost');
									Object.assign(pos, dum.offset(), dumStyle);
									mnode.find('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').on('mousedown', function(e) {
									mnode.animate(pos, function() {
										mnode.attr('style', '')
										.css({ maxWidth: dialog.width() })
										typeof(opts.minimize) === 'function' && opts.minimize.call(self[0]);
								} else {
									dialog.removeData('minimized').before(mnode.css(Object.assign({'position': 'absolute'}, mnode.offset())));
									mnode.animate(Object.assign({ width: dialog.width(), height: dialog.height() }, doffset), function() {
										dialog.trigger('resize', {init: true});
										typeof(opts.minimize) === 'function' && opts.minimize.call(self[0]);
						titlebar.on('dblclick', function(e) {
						dialog.on('togleminimize', function() {
			dialog = $('<div class="ui-front ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-draggable std42-dialog touch-punch '+cldialog+' '+opts.cssClass+'"></div>')
					containment : fm.options.dialogContained? elfNode : null,
					handle : '.ui-dialog-titlebar',
					start : function() {
					drag : function(e, ui) {
						var top = ui.offset.top,
							left = ui.offset.left;
						if (top < 0) {
							ui.position.top = ui.position.top - top;
						if (left < 0) {
							ui.position.left = ui.position.left - left;
						if (fm.options.dialogContained) {
							ui.position.top < 0 && (ui.position.top = 0);
							ui.position.left < 0 && (ui.position.left = 0);
					stop : function(e, ui) {
						dialog.css({height : opts.height});
						self.data('draged', true);
					width     : opts.width,
					height    : opts.height,
					minWidth  : opts.minWidth,
					minHeight : opts.minHeight,
					maxWidth  : opts.maxWidth,
					maxHeight : opts.maxHeight
				.on('touchstart touchmove touchend click dblclick mouseup mouseenter mouseleave mouseout mouseover mousemove', function(e) {
					// stopPropagation of user action events
					!propagationEvents[e.type] && e.stopPropagation();
				.on('mousedown', function(e) {
					!propagationEvents[e.type] && e.stopPropagation();
					requestAnimationFrame(function() {
						if (dialog.is(':visible') && !dialog.hasClass('elfinder-frontmost')) {
							toFocusNode = $(':focus');
							if (!toFocusNode.length) {
								toFocusNode = void(0);
				.on('open', function() {
					dialog.data('margin-y', self.outerHeight(true) - self.height());
					if (syncSize.enabled) {
						if (opts.height && opts.height !== 'auto') {
							dialog.trigger('resize', {init: true});
						if (!syncSize.defaultSize) {
							syncSize.defaultSize = { width: self.width(), height: self.height() };
						elfNode.on('resize.'+fm.namespace, dialog, syncFunc);
					if (!dialog.hasClass(clnotify)) {
						elfNode.children('.'+cldialog+':visible:not(.'+clnotify+')').each(function() {
							var d     = $(this),
								top   = parseInt(d.css('top')),
								left  = parseInt(d.css('left')),
								_top  = parseInt(dialog.css('top')),
								_left = parseInt(dialog.css('left')),
								ct    = Math.abs(top - _top) < 10,
								cl    = Math.abs(left - _left) < 10;

							if (d[0] != dialog[0] && (ct || cl)) {
									top  : ct ? (top + 10) : _top,
									left : cl ? (left + 10) : _left
					if (dialog.data('modal')) {
					opts.openMaximized && fm.toggleMaximize(dialog);

					fm.trigger('dialogopen', {dialog: dialog});

					typeof(opts.open) == 'function' && $.proxy(opts.open, self[0])();
					if (opts.closeOnEscape) {
						$(document).on('keydown.'+id, function(e) {
							if (e.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE && dialog.hasClass('elfinder-frontmost')) {
					dialog.hasClass(fm.res('class', 'editing')) && checkEditing();
				.on('close', function(e) {
					var dialogs, dfd;
					if (opts.beforeclose && typeof opts.beforeclose === 'function') {
						dfd = opts.beforeclose();
						if (!dfd || !dfd.promise) {
							dfd = !dfd? $.Deferred().reject() : $.Deferred().resolve();
					} else {
						dfd = $.Deferred().resolve();
					dfd.done(function() {
						syncSize.enabled && elfNode.off('resize.'+fm.namespace, syncFunc);
						if (opts.closeOnEscape) {
						if (opts.allowMaximize) {
							fm.toggleMaximize(dialog, false);
						dialog.data('modal') && fm.getUI('overlay').elfinderoverlay('hide');
						if (typeof(opts.close) == 'function') {
							$.proxy(opts.close, self[0])();
						if (opts.destroyOnClose && dialog.parent().length) {
						// get focus to next dialog
						dialogs = elfNode.children('.'+cldialog+':visible');
						dialog.hasClass(fm.res('class', 'editing')) && checkEditing();
				.on('totop frontmost', function() {
					var s = fm.storage('autoFocusDialog');
					dialog.data('focusOnMouseOver', s? (s > 0) : fm.options.uiOptions.dialog.focusOnMouseOver);
					if (dialog.data('minimized')) {
					if (!dialog.data('modal') && fm.getUI('overlay').is(':visible')) {
					} else {

					! fm.UA.Mobile && (toFocusNode || tabstopNext()).trigger('focus');

					toFocusNode = void(0);
				.on('posinit', function() {
					var css = opts.position,
						nodeOffset, minTop, minLeft, outerSize, win, winSize, nodeFull;
					if (dialog.hasClass('elfinder-maximized')) {
					if (! css && ! dialog.data('resizing')) {
						nodeFull = elfNode.hasClass('elfinder-fullscreen') || fm.options.enableAlways;
						dialog.css(nodeFull? {
							maxWidth  : '100%',
							maxHeight : '100%',
							overflow   : 'auto'
						} : restoreStyle);
						if (fm.UA.Mobile && !nodeFull && dialog.data('rotated') === fm.UA.Rotated) {
						dialog.data('rotated', fm.UA.Rotated);
						win = $(window);
						nodeOffset = elfNode.offset();
						outerSize = {
							width : dialog.outerWidth(true),
							height: dialog.outerHeight(true)
						outerSize.right = nodeOffset.left + outerSize.width;
						outerSize.bottom = nodeOffset.top + outerSize.height;
						winSize = {
							scrLeft: win.scrollLeft(),
							scrTop : win.scrollTop(),
							width  : win.width(),
							height : win.height()
						winSize.right = winSize.scrLeft + winSize.width;
						winSize.bottom = winSize.scrTop + winSize.height;
						if (fm.options.dialogContained || nodeFull) {
							minTop = 0;
							minLeft = 0;
						} else {
							minTop = nodeOffset.top * -1 + winSize.scrTop;
							minLeft = nodeOffset.left * -1 + winSize.scrLeft;
						css = {
							top  : outerSize.height >= winSize.height? minTop  : Math.max(minTop, parseInt((elfNode.height() - outerSize.height)/2 - 42)),
							left : outerSize.width  >= winSize.width ? minLeft : Math.max(minLeft, parseInt((elfNode.width() - outerSize.width)/2))
						if (outerSize.right + css.left > winSize.right) {
							css.left = Math.max(minLeft, winSize.right - outerSize.right);
						if (outerSize.bottom + css.top > winSize.bottom) {
							css.top = Math.max(minTop, winSize.bottom - outerSize.bottom);
					if (opts.absolute) {
						css.position = 'absolute';
					css && dialog.css(css);
				.on('resize', function(e, data) {
					var oh = 0, init = data && data.init, h, minH, maxH, autoH;
					if ((data && (data.minimize || data.maxmize)) || dialog.data('minimized')) {
					dialog.children('.ui-widget-header,.ui-dialog-buttonpane').each(function() {
						oh += $(this).outerHeight(true);
					autoH = (opts.height === 'auto')? true : false;
					if (autoH) {
						self.css({'max-height': '', 'height': 'auto'});
					if (!init && syncSize.enabled && !e.originalEvent && !dialog.hasClass('elfinder-maximized')) {
						h = dialog.height();
						minH = dialog.css('min-height') || h;
						maxH = dialog.css('max-height') || h;
						if (minH.match(/%/)) {
							minH = Math.floor((parseInt(minH) / 100) * dialog.parent().height());
						} else {
							minH = parseInt(minH);
						if (maxH.match(/%/)) {
							maxH = Math.floor((parseInt(maxH) / 100) * dialog.parent().height());
						} else {
							maxH = parseInt(maxH);
						h = Math.min((autoH? dialog.height() : syncSize.defaultSize.height), Math.max(maxH, minH) - oh - dialog.data('margin-y'));
					} else {
						h = dialog.height() - oh - dialog.data('margin-y');
					self.css(autoH? 'max-height' : 'height', h);
					if (init) {
					minH = self.height();
					minH = (h < minH)? (minH + oh + dialog.data('margin-y')) : opts.minHeight;
					dialog.css('min-height', minH);
					dialog.data('hasResizable') && dialog.resizable('option', { minHeight: minH });
					if (typeof(opts.resize) === 'function') {
						$.proxy(opts.resize, self[0])(e, data);
				.on('tabstopsInit', tabstopsInit)
				.on('focus', '.'+cltabstop, function() {
					this.id && $(this).parent().find('label[for='+this.id+']').addClass(clhover);
				.on('click', 'select.'+cltabstop, function() {
					var node = $(this);
					node.data('keepFocus')? node.removeData('keepFocus') : node.data('keepFocus', true);
				.on('blur', '.'+cltabstop, function() {
					this.id && $(this).parent().find('label[for='+this.id+']').removeClass(clhover);
				.on('mouseenter mouseleave', '.'+cltabstop+',label', function(e) {
					var $this = $(this), labelfor;
					if (this.nodeName === 'LABEL') {
						if (!$this.children('.'+cltabstop).length && (!(labelfor = $this.attr('for')) || !$('#'+labelfor).hasClass(cltabstop))) {
					if (opts.btnHoverFocus && dialog.data('focusOnMouseOver')) {
						if (e.type === 'mouseenter' && ! $(':focus').data('keepFocus')) {
					} else {
						$this.toggleClass(clhover, e.type == 'mouseenter');
				.on('keydown', '.'+cltabstop, function(e) {
					var $this = $(this),
						esc, move, moveTo;
					if ($this.is(':focus')) {
						esc = e.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE;
						if (e.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.ENTER) {
						}  else if (((e.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.TAB) && e.shiftKey) || e.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.LEFT || e.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.UP) {
							move = 'prev';
						}  else if (e.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.TAB || e.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT || e.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.DOWN) {
							move = 'next';
						if (move
								($this.is('textarea') && !(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey))
								($this.is('select,span.ui-slider-handle') && e.keyCode !== $.ui.keyCode.TAB)
								($this.is('input:not(:checkbox,:radio)') && (!(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && e.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode[move === 'prev'? 'LEFT':'RIGHT']))
						) {
						if (!esc) {
						} else if ($this.is('input:not(:checkbox,:radio),textarea')) {
							if ($this.val() !== '') {
						if (move) {
							(move === 'prev'? tabstopPrev : tabstopNext)(this).trigger('focus');
				.data({modal: opts.modal}),
			posCheck = function() {
				var node = fm.getUI(),
				if (node.hasClass('elfinder-fullscreen')) {
					pos = dialog.position();
					dialog.css('top', Math.max(Math.min(Math.max(pos.top, 0), node.height() - 100), 0));
					dialog.css('left', Math.max(Math.min(Math.max(pos.left, 0), node.width() - 200), 0));
			maxSize, toFocusNode;


		$.each(opts.buttons, function(name, cb) {
			var button = $('<button type="button" class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only '
					+'elfinder-btncnt-'+(btnCnt++)+' '
					+'"><span class="ui-button-text">'+name+'</span></button>')
				.on('click', $.proxy(cb, self[0]));
			if (cb._cssClass) {
			if (platformWin) {
			} else {
		if (buttonset.children().length) {
			buttonpane.find('button').each(function(i, btn) {
				btnWidth += $(btn).outerWidth(true);
			btnWidth += 20;
			if (dialog.width() < btnWidth) {
		if (syncSize.enabled) {
			delta.width = dialog.outerWidth(true) - dialog.width() + ((dialog.outerWidth() - dialog.width()) / 2);
			delta.height = dialog.outerHeight(true) - dialog.height() + ((dialog.outerHeight() - dialog.height()) / 2);
		if (fm.options.dialogContained) {
			maxSize = {
				maxWidth: elfNode.width() - delta.width,
				maxHeight: elfNode.height() - delta.height
			opts.maxWidth = opts.maxWidth? Math.min(maxSize.maxWidth, opts.maxWidth) : maxSize.maxWidth;
			opts.maxHeight = opts.maxHeight? Math.min(maxSize.maxHeight, opts.maxHeight) : maxSize.maxHeight;
		restoreStyle = {
			maxWidth  : dialog.css('max-width'),
			maxHeight : dialog.css('max-height'),
			overflow   : dialog.css('overflow')
		if (opts.resizable) {
				minWidth   : opts.minWidth,
				minHeight  : opts.minHeight,
				maxWidth   : opts.maxWidth,
				maxHeight  : opts.maxHeight,
				start      : function() {
					if (dialog.data('resizing') !== true && dialog.data('resizing')) {
					dialog.data('resizing', true);
				stop       : function(e, ui) {
					dialog.data('resizing', setTimeout(function() {
						dialog.data('resizing', false);
					}, 200));
					if (syncSize.enabled) {
						syncSize.defaultSize = { width: self.width(), height: self.height() };
			}).data('hasResizable', true);
		typeof(opts.create) == 'function' && $.proxy(opts.create, this)();
		if (opts.autoOpen) {
			if (opts.open) {
				requestAnimationFrame(function() {
			} else {

		if (opts.resize) {
			fm.bind('themechange', function() {
				setTimeout(function() {
					dialog.data('margin-y', self.outerHeight(true) - self.height());
					dialog.trigger('resize', {init: true});
				}, 300);
	return this;

$.fn.elfinderdialog.defaults = {
	cssClass  : '',
	title     : '',
	modal     : false,
	resizable : true,
	autoOpen  : true,
	closeOnEscape : true,
	destroyOnClose : false,
	buttons   : {},
	btnHoverFocus : true,
	position  : null,
	absolute  : false,
	width     : 320,
	height    : 'auto',
	minWidth  : 200,
	minHeight : 70,
	maxWidth  : null,
	maxHeight : null,
	allowMinimize : 'auto',
	allowMaximize : false,
	openMaximized : false,
	headerBtnPos : 'auto',
	headerBtnOrder : 'auto',
	optimizeNumber : true,
	propagationEvents : ['mousemove', 'mouseup']

 * File: /js/ui/fullscreenbutton.js

 * @class  elFinder toolbar button to switch full scrren mode.
 * @author Naoki Sawada

$.fn.elfinderfullscreenbutton = function(cmd) {
		return this.each(function() {
		var button = $(this).elfinderbutton(cmd),
			icon   = button.children('.elfinder-button-icon'),
		cmd.change(function() {
			tm && cancelAnimationFrame(tm);
			tm = requestAnimationFrame(function() {
				var fullscreen = cmd.value;
				icon.addClass('elfinder-button-icon-fullscreen').toggleClass('elfinder-button-icon-unfullscreen', fullscreen);
				cmd.className = fullscreen? 'unfullscreen' : '';

 * File: /js/ui/navbar.js

 * @class elfindernav - elFinder container for diretories tree and places
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
$.fn.elfindernavbar = function(fm, opts) {
		this.not('.elfinder-navbar').each(function() {
		var nav    = $(this).hide().addClass('ui-state-default elfinder-navbar'),
			parent = nav.css('overflow', 'hidden').parent(),
			wz     = parent.children('.elfinder-workzone').append(nav),
			ltr    = fm.direction == 'ltr',
			delta, deltaW, handle, swipeHandle, autoHide, setWidth, navdock,
			setWzRect = function() {
				var cwd = fm.getUI('cwd'),
					wz  = fm.getUI('workzone'),
					wzRect = wz.data('rectangle'),
					cwdOffset = cwd.offset();
				wz.data('rectangle', Object.assign(wzRect, { cwdEdge: (fm.direction === 'ltr')? cwdOffset.left : cwdOffset.left + cwd.width() }));
			setDelta = function() {
				nav.css('overflow', 'hidden');
				delta  = Math.round(nav.outerHeight() - nav.height());
				deltaW = Math.round(navdock.outerWidth() - navdock.innerWidth());
				nav.css('overflow', 'auto');

		fm.one('init', function() {
			navdock = fm.getUI('navdock');
			var set = function() {
					fm.bind('wzresize', function() {
						var navdockH = 0;
						navdock.width(nav.outerWidth() - deltaW);
						if (navdock.children().length > 1) {
							navdockH = navdock.outerHeight(true);
						nav.height(wz.height() - navdockH - delta);
			if (fm.cssloaded) {
			} else {
				fm.one('cssloaded', set);
		.one('opendone',function() {
			handle && handle.trigger('resize');
			nav.css('overflow', 'auto');
		}).bind('themechange', setDelta);
		if (fm.UA.Touch) {
			autoHide = fm.storage('autoHide') || {};
			if (typeof autoHide.navbar === 'undefined') {
				autoHide.navbar = (opts.autoHideUA && opts.autoHideUA.length > 0 && $.grep(opts.autoHideUA, function(v){ return fm.UA[v]? true : false; }).length);
				fm.storage('autoHide', autoHide);
			if (autoHide.navbar) {
				fm.one('init', function() {
					if (nav.children().length) {
						fm.uiAutoHide.push(function(){ nav.stop(true, true).trigger('navhide', { duration: 'slow', init: true }); });
			fm.bind('load', function() {
				if (nav.children().length) {
					swipeHandle = $('<div class="elfinder-navbar-swipe-handle"></div>').hide().appendTo(wz);
					if (swipeHandle.css('pointer-events') !== 'none') {
						swipeHandle = null;
			nav.on('navshow navhide', function(e, data) {
				var mode     = (e.type === 'navshow')? 'show' : 'hide',
					duration = (data && data.duration)? data.duration : 'fast',
					handleW = (data && data.handleW)? data.handleW : Math.max(50, fm.getUI().width() / 10);
				nav.stop(true, true)[mode]({
					duration: duration,
					step    : function() {
					complete: function() {
						if (swipeHandle) {
							if (mode === 'show') {
								swipeHandle.stop(true, true).hide();
							} else {
								swipeHandle.width(handleW? handleW : '');
								fm.resources.blink(swipeHandle, 'slowonce');
						fm.trigger('navbar'+ mode);
						data.init && fm.trigger('uiautohide');
				autoHide.navbar = (mode !== 'show');
				fm.storage('autoHide', Object.assign(fm.storage('autoHide'), {navbar: autoHide.navbar}));
			}).on('touchstart', function(e) {
				if ($(this)['scroll' + (fm.direction === 'ltr'? 'Right' : 'Left')]() > 5) {
					e.originalEvent._preventSwipeX = true;
		if (! fm.UA.Mobile) {
			handle = nav.resizable({
					handles : ltr ? 'e' : 'w',
					minWidth : opts.minWidth || 150,
					maxWidth : opts.maxWidth || 500,
					resize : function() {
					stop : function(e, ui) {
						fm.storage('navbarWidth', ui.size.width);
				.on('resize scroll', function(e) {
					var $this = $(this),
						tm = $this.data('posinit');
					if (! ltr && e.type === 'resize') {
						nav.css('left', 0);
					tm && cancelAnimationFrame(tm);
					$this.data('posinit', requestAnimationFrame(function() {
						var offset = (fm.UA.Opera && nav.scrollLeft())? 20 : 2;
						handle.css('top', 0).css({
							top  : parseInt(nav.scrollTop())+'px',
							left : ltr ? 'auto' : parseInt(nav.scrollRight() -  offset) * -1,
							right: ltr ? parseInt(nav.scrollLeft() - offset) * -1 : 'auto'
						if (e.type === 'resize') {

		if (setWidth = fm.storage('navbarWidth')) {
		} else {
			if (fm.UA.Mobile) {
				fm.one(fm.cssloaded? 'init' : 'cssloaded', function() {
					var set = function() {
						setWidth = nav.parent().width() / 2;
						if (nav.data('defWidth') > setWidth) {
						} else {
						nav.data('width', nav.width());
					nav.data('defWidth', nav.width());
					$(window).on('resize.' + fm.namespace, set);

	return this;

 * File: /js/ui/navdock.js

 * @class elfindernavdock - elFinder container for preview etc at below the navbar
 * @author Naoki Sawada
$.fn.elfindernavdock = function(fm, opts) {
		this.not('.elfinder-navdock').each(function() {
		var self = $(this).hide().addClass('ui-state-default elfinder-navdock touch-punch'),
			node = self.parent(),
			wz   = node.children('.elfinder-workzone').append(self),
			resize = function(to, h) {
				var curH = h || self.height(),
					diff = to - curH,
					len  = Object.keys(sizeSyncs).length,
					calc = len? diff / len : 0,
				if (diff) {
					ovf = self.css('overflow');
					self.css('overflow', 'hidden');
					$.each(sizeSyncs, function(id, n) {
						n.height(n.height() + calc).trigger('resize.' + fm.namespace);
					self.css('overflow', ovf);
			handle = $('<div class="ui-front ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-n"></div>').appendTo(self),
			sizeSyncs = {},
			resizeFn = [],
			initMaxHeight = (parseInt(opts.initMaxHeight) || 50) / 100,
			maxHeight = (parseInt(opts.maxHeight) || 90) / 100,
			basicHeight, hasNode;
		self.data('addNode', function(cNode, opts) {
			var wzH = fm.getUI('workzone').height(),
				imaxH = wzH * initMaxHeight,
				curH, tH, mH;
			opts = Object.assign({
				first: false,
				sizeSync: true,
				init: false
			}, opts);
			if (!cNode.attr('id')) {
				cNode.attr('id', fm.namespace+'-navdock-' + (+new Date()));
			opts.sizeSync && (sizeSyncs[cNode.attr('id')] = cNode);
			curH = self.height();
			tH = curH + cNode.outerHeight(true);
			if (opts.first) {
			} else {
			hasNode = true;
			if (opts.init) {
				mH = fm.storage('navdockHeight');
				if (mH) {
					tH = mH;
				} else {
					tH = tH > imaxH? imaxH : tH;
				basicHeight = tH;
			resize(Math.min(tH, wzH * maxHeight));
			return self;
		}).data('removeNode', function(nodeId, appendTo) {
			var cNode = $('#'+nodeId);
			delete sizeSyncs[nodeId];
			self.height(self.height() - $('#'+nodeId).outerHeight(true));
			if (appendTo) {
				if (appendTo === 'detach') {
					cNode = cNode.detach();
				} else {
			} else {
			if (self.children().length <= 1) {
				hasNode = false;
			return cNode;
		if (! opts.disabled) {
			fm.one('init', function() {
				var ovf;
				if (fm.getUI('navbar').children().not('.ui-resizable-handle').length) {
					self.data('dockEnabled', true);
						maxHeight: fm.getUI('workzone').height() * maxHeight,
						handles: { n: handle },
						start: function(e, ui) {
							ovf = self.css('overflow');
							self.css('overflow', 'hidden');
							fm.trigger('navdockresizestart', {event: e, ui: ui}, true);
						resize: function(e, ui) {
							self.css('top', '');
							fm.trigger('wzresize', { inNavdockResize : true });
						stop: function(e, ui) {
							fm.trigger('navdockresizestop', {event: e, ui: ui}, true);
							self.css('top', '');
							basicHeight = ui.size.height;
							fm.storage('navdockHeight', basicHeight);
							resize(basicHeight, ui.originalSize.height);
							self.css('overflow', ovf);
					fm.bind('wzresize', function(e) {
						var minH, maxH, h;
						if (self.is(':visible')) {
							maxH = fm.getUI('workzone').height() * maxHeight;
							if (! e.data || ! e.data.inNavdockResize) {
								h = self.height();
								if (maxH < basicHeight) {
									if (Math.abs(h - maxH) > 1) {
								} else {
									if (Math.abs(h - basicHeight) > 1) {
							self.resizable('option', 'maxHeight', maxH);
					}).bind('themechange', function() {
						var oldH = Math.round(self.height());
						requestAnimationFrame(function() {
							var curH = Math.round(self.height()),
								diff = oldH - curH;
							if (diff !== 0) {
								resize(self.height(),  curH - diff);
				fm.bind('navbarshow navbarhide', function(e) {
					self[hasNode && e.type === 'navbarshow'? 'show' : 'hide']();
	return this;

 * File: /js/ui/overlay.js

$.fn.elfinderoverlay = function(opts) {
		var fm = this.parent().elfinder('instance'),
		o, cnt, show, hide;
	this.filter(':not(.elfinder-overlay)').each(function() {
		opts = Object.assign({}, opts);
		$(this).addClass('ui-front ui-widget-overlay elfinder-overlay')
			.on('mousedown', function(e) {
				cnt  : 0,
				show : typeof(opts.show) == 'function' ? opts.show : function() { },
				hide : typeof(opts.hide) == 'function' ? opts.hide : function() { }
	if (opts == 'show') {
		o    = this.eq(0);
		cnt  = o.data('cnt') + 1;
		show = o.data('show');

		o.data('cnt', cnt);

		if (o.is(':hidden')) {
	if (opts == 'hide') {
		o    = this.eq(0);
		cnt  = o.data('cnt') - 1;
		hide = o.data('hide');
		o.data('cnt', cnt);
		if (cnt <= 0) {
	return this;

 * File: /js/ui/panel.js

$.fn.elfinderpanel = function(fm) {
		return this.each(function() {
		var panel = $(this).addClass('elfinder-panel ui-state-default ui-corner-all'),
			margin = 'margin-'+(fm.direction == 'ltr' ? 'left' : 'right');
		fm.one('load', function(e) {
			var navbar = fm.getUI('navbar');
			panel.css(margin, parseInt(navbar.outerWidth(true)));
			navbar.on('resize', function(e) {
				panel.is(':visible') && panel.css(margin, parseInt(navbar.outerWidth(true)));

 * File: /js/ui/path.js

 * @class elFinder ui
 * Display current folder path in statusbar.
 * Click on folder name in path - open folder
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
$.fn.elfinderpath = function(fm, options) {
		return this.each(function() {
		var query  = '',
			target = '',
			mimes  = [],
			place  = 'statusbar',
			clHover= fm.res('class', 'hover'),
			prefix = 'path' + (elFinder.prototype.uniqueid? elFinder.prototype.uniqueid : '') + '-',
			wzbase = $('<div class="ui-widget-header ui-helper-clearfix elfinder-workzone-path"></div>'),
			path   = $(this).addClass('elfinder-path').html('&nbsp;')
				.on('mousedown', 'span.elfinder-path-dir', function(e) {
					var hash = $(this).attr('id').substr(prefix.length);
					if (hash != fm.cwd().hash) {
						if (query) {
							fm.exec('search', query, { target: hash, mime: mimes.join(' ') });
						} else {
							fm.trigger('select', {selected : [hash]}).exec('open', hash);
			roots = $('<div class="elfinder-path-roots"></div>').on('click', function(e) {
				var roots = $.map(fm.roots, function(h) { return fm.file(h); }),
				raw = [];

				$.each(roots, function(i, f) {
					if (! f.phash && fm.root(fm.cwd().hash, true) !== f.hash) {
							label    : fm.escape(f.i18 || f.name),
							icon     : 'home',
							callback : function() { fm.exec('open', f.hash); },
							options  : {
								iconClass : f.csscls || '',
								iconImg   : f.icon   || ''
				fm.trigger('contextmenu', {
					raw: raw,
					x: e.pageX,
					y: e.pageY
			}).append('<span class="elfinder-button-icon elfinder-button-icon-menu" ></span>').appendTo(wzbase),
			render = function(cwd) {
				var dirs = [],
					names = [];
				$.each(fm.parents(cwd), function(i, hash) {
					var c = (cwd === hash)? 'elfinder-path-dir elfinder-path-cwd' : 'elfinder-path-dir',
						f = fm.file(hash),
						name = fm.escape(f.i18 || f.name);
					dirs.push('<span id="'+prefix+hash+'" class="'+c+'" title="'+names.join(fm.option('separator'))+'">'+name+'</span>');
				return dirs.join('<span class="elfinder-path-other">'+fm.option('separator')+'</span>');
			toWorkzone = function() {
				var prev;
				path.children('span.elfinder-path-dir').attr('style', '');
				prev = fm.direction === 'ltr'? $('#'+prefix + fm.cwd().hash).prevAll('span.elfinder-path-dir:first') : $();
				path.scrollLeft(prev.length? prev.position().left : 0);
			fit = function() {
				if (fm.UA.CSS.flex) {
				var dirs = path.children('span.elfinder-path-dir'),
					cnt  = dirs.length,
					m, bg = 0, ids;
				if (place === 'workzone' || cnt < 2) {
					dirs.attr('style', '');
				dirs.css({maxWidth: (100/cnt)+'%', display: 'inline-block'});
				m = path.width() - 9;
				path.children('span.elfinder-path-other').each(function() {
					m -= $(this).width();
				ids = [];
				dirs.each(function(i) {
					var dir = $(this),
						w   = dir.width();
					m -= w;
					if (w < this.scrollWidth) {
				if (ids.length) {
					if (m > 0) {
						m = m / ids.length;
						$.each(ids, function(i, k) {
							var d = $(dirs[k]);
							d.css('max-width', d.width() + m);
					dirs.last().attr('style', '');
				} else {
					dirs.attr('style', '');
			hasUiTree, hasUiStat;

		fm.one('init', function() {
			hasUiTree = fm.getUI('tree').length;
			hasUiStat = fm.getUI('stat').length;
			if (! hasUiTree && options.toWorkzoneWithoutNavbar) {
				place = 'workzone';
				fm.bind('open', toWorkzone)
				.one('opendone', function() {
		.bind('open searchend parents', function() {
			var dirs = [];

			query  = '';
			target = '';
			mimes  = [];
			if (Object.keys(fm.roots).length > 1) {
				path.css('margin', '');
			} else {
				path.css('margin', 0);
			!hasUiStat && fit();
		.bind('searchstart', function(e) {
			if (e.data) {
				query  = e.data.query || '';
				target = e.data.target || '';
				mimes  = e.data.mimes || [];
		.bind('search', function(e) {
			var dirs = [],
				html = '';
			if (target) {
				html = render(target);
			} else {
				html = fm.i18n('btnAll');
			path.html('<span class="elfinder-path-other">'+fm.i18n('searcresult') + ': </span>' + html);
		// on swipe to navbar show/hide
		.bind('navbarshow navbarhide', function() {
			var wz = fm.getUI('workzone');
			if (this.type === 'navbarshow') {
				fm.unbind('open', toWorkzone);
				place = 'statusbar';
			} else {
				place = 'workzone';
				fm.bind('open', toWorkzone);
		.bind('resize uistatchange', fit);

 * File: /js/ui/places.js

 * @class elFinder places/favorites ui
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
 * @author Naoki Sawada
$.fn.elfinderplaces = function(fm, opts) {
		return this.each(function() {
		var dirs      = {},
			c         = 'class',
			navdir    = fm.res(c, 'navdir'),
			collapsed = fm.res(c, 'navcollapse'),
			expanded  = fm.res(c, 'navexpand'),
			hover     = fm.res(c, 'hover'),
			clroot    = fm.res(c, 'treeroot'),
			dropover  = fm.res(c, 'adroppable'),
			tpl       = fm.res('tpl', 'placedir'),
			ptpl      = fm.res('tpl', 'perms'),
			spinner   = $(fm.res('tpl', 'navspinner')),
			suffix    = opts.suffix? opts.suffix : '',
			key       = 'places' + suffix,
			menuTimer = null,
			 * Convert places dir node into dir hash
			 * @param  String  directory id
			 * @return String
			id2hash   = function(id) { return id.substr(6);	},
			 * Convert places dir hash into dir node id
			 * @param  String  directory id
			 * @return String
			hash2id   = function(hash) { return 'place-'+hash; },

			 * Convert places dir hash into dir node elment (jQuery object)
			 * @param  String  directory id
			 * @return Object
			hash2elm  = function(hash) { return $(document.getElementById(hash2id(hash))); },
			 * Save current places state
			 * @return void
			save      = function() {
				var hashes = [], data = {};
				hashes = $.map(subtree.children().find('[id]'), function(n) {
					return id2hash(n.id);
				if (hashes.length) {
					$.each(hashes.reverse(), function(i, h) {
						data[h] = dirs[h];
				} else {
					data = null;
				fm.storage(key, data);
			 * Init dir at places
			 * @return void
			init = function() {
				var dat, hashes;
				key = 'places'+(opts.suffix? opts.suffix : ''),
				dirs = {};
				dat = fm.storage(key);
				if (typeof dat === 'string') {
					// old data type elFinder <= 2.1.12
					dat = $.grep(dat.split(','), function(hash) { return hash? true : false;});
					$.each(dat, function(i, d) {
						var dir = d.split('#');
						dirs[dir[0]] = dir[1]? dir[1] : dir[0];
				} else if ($.isPlainObject(dat)) {
					dirs = dat;
				// allow modify `dirs`
				 * example for preset places
				 * elfinderInstance.bind('placesload', function(e, fm) {
				 * 	//if (fm.storage(e.data.storageKey) === null) { // for first time only
				 * 	if (!fm.storage(e.data.storageKey)) {           // for empty places
				 * 		e.data.dirs[targetHash] = fallbackName;     // preset folder
				 * 	}
				 * }
				fm.trigger('placesload', {dirs: dirs, storageKey: key}, true);
				hashes = Object.keys(dirs);
				if (hashes.length) {
						data : {cmd : 'info', targets : hashes},
						preventDefault : true
					.done(function(data) {
						var exists = {};
						data.files && data.files.length && fm.cache(data.files);
						$.each(data.files, function(i, f) {
							var hash = f.hash;
							exists[hash] = f;
						$.each(dirs, function(h, f) {
							add(exists[h] || Object.assign({notfound: true}, f));
						if (fm.storage('placesState') > 0) {
					.always(function() {
			 * Return node for given dir object
			 * @param  Object  directory object
			 * @return jQuery
			create    = function(dir, hash) {
				return $(tpl.replace(/\{id\}/, hash2id(dir? dir.hash : hash))
						.replace(/\{name\}/, fm.escape(dir? dir.i18 || dir.name : hash))
						.replace(/\{cssclass\}/, dir? (fm.perms2class(dir) + (dir.notfound? ' elfinder-na' : '') + (dir.csscls? ' '+dir.csscls : '')) : '')
						.replace(/\{permissions\}/, (dir && (!dir.read || !dir.write || dir.notfound))? ptpl : '')
						.replace(/\{title\}/, dir? (' title="' + fm.escape(fm.path(dir.hash, true) || dir.i18 || dir.name) + '"') : '')
						.replace(/\{symlink\}/, '')
						.replace(/\{style\}/, (dir && dir.icon)? fm.getIconStyle(dir) : ''));
			 * Add new node into places
			 * @param  Object  directory object
			 * @return void
			add = function(dir) {
				var node, hash;

				if (dir.mime !== 'directory') {
					return false;
				hash = dir.hash;
				if (!fm.files().hasOwnProperty(hash)) {
					// update cache
					fm.trigger('tree', {tree: [dir]});
				node = create(dir, hash);
				dirs[hash] = dir;
				sortBtn.toggle(subtree.children().length > 1);
				return true;
			 * Remove dir from places
			 * @param  String  directory hash
			 * @return String  removed name
			remove = function(hash) {
				var name = null, tgt, cnt;

				if (dirs[hash]) {
					delete dirs[hash];
					tgt = hash2elm(hash);
					if (tgt.length) {
						name = tgt.text();
						cnt = subtree.children().length;
						sortBtn.toggle(cnt > 1);
						if (! cnt) {
				return name;
			 * Move up dir on places
			 * @param  String  directory hash
			 * @return void
			moveup = function(hash) {
				var self = hash2elm(hash),
					tgt  = self.parent(),
					prev = tgt.prev('div'),
					cls  = 'ui-state-hover',
					ctm  = fm.getUI('contextmenu');
				menuTimer && clearTimeout(menuTimer);
				if (prev.length) {
					ctm.find(':first').data('placesHash', hash);
					prev = tgt.prev('div');
					menuTimer = setTimeout(function() {
						if (ctm.find(':first').data('placesHash') === hash) {
					}, 1500);
				if(!prev.length) {
			 * Update dir at places
			 * @param  Object   directory
			 * @param  String   previous hash
			 * @return Boolean
			update = function(dir, preHash) {
				var hash = dir.hash,
					tgt  = hash2elm(preHash || hash),
					node = create(dir, hash);

				if (tgt.length > 0) {
					dirs[hash] = dir;
					return true;
				} else {
					return false;
			 * Remove all dir from places
			 * @return void
			clear = function() {
			 * Sort places dirs A-Z
			 * @return void
			sort = function() {
				$.each(dirs, function(h, f) {
					var dir = fm.file(h) || f,
						node = create(dir, h),
						ret = null;
					if (!dir) {
					if (subtree.children().length) {
						$.each(subtree.children(), function() {
							var current =  $(this);
							if ((dir.i18 || dir.name).localeCompare(current.children('.'+navdir).text()) < 0) {
								ret = !node.insertBefore(current);
								return ret;
						if (ret !== null) {
							return true;
					!hash2elm(h).length && subtree.append(node);
			// sort button
			sortBtn = $('<span class="elfinder-button-icon elfinder-button-icon-sort elfinder-places-root-icon" title="'+fm.i18n('cmdsort')+'"></span>')
				.on('click', function(e) {
			 * Node - wrapper for places root
			 * @type jQuery
			wrapper = create({
					hash  : 'root-'+fm.namespace, 
					name  : fm.i18n(opts.name, 'places'),
					read  : true,
					write : true
			 * Places root node
			 * @type jQuery
			root = wrapper.children('.'+navdir)
				.on('click', function(e) {
					if (root.hasClass(collapsed)) {
						fm.storage('placesState', places.hasClass(expanded)? 1 : 0);
			 * Container for dirs
			 * @type jQuery
			subtree = wrapper.children('.'+fm.res(c, 'navsubtree')),
			 * Main places container
			 * @type jQuery
			places = $(this).addClass(fm.res(c, 'tree')+' elfinder-places ui-corner-all')
				.on('mouseenter mouseleave', '.'+navdir, function(e) {
					$(this).toggleClass('ui-state-hover', (e.type == 'mouseenter'));
				.on('click', '.'+navdir, function(e) {
					var p = $(this);
					if (p.data('longtap')) {
					! p.hasClass('elfinder-na') && fm.exec('open', p.attr('id').substr(6));
				.on('contextmenu', '.'+navdir+':not(.'+clroot+')', function(e) {
					var self = $(this),
						hash = self.attr('id').substr(6);

					fm.trigger('contextmenu', {
						raw : [{
							label    : fm.i18n('moveUp'),
							icon     : 'up',
							remain   : true,
							callback : function() { moveup(hash); save(); }
							label    : fm.i18n('rmFromPlaces'),
							icon     : 'rm',
							callback : function() { remove(hash); save(); }
						'x'       : e.pageX,
						'y'       : e.pageY
					fm.getUI('contextmenu').children().on('mouseenter', function() {
					fm.bind('closecontextmenu', function() {
					tolerance  : 'pointer',
					accept     : '.elfinder-cwd-file-wrapper,.elfinder-tree-dir,.elfinder-cwd-file',
					hoverClass : fm.res('class', 'adroppable'),
					classes    : { // Deprecated hoverClass jQueryUI>=1.12.0
						'ui-droppable-hover': fm.res('class', 'adroppable')
					over       : function(e, ui) {
						var helper = ui.helper,
							dir    = $.grep(helper.data('files'), function(h) { return (fm.file(h).mime === 'directory' && !dirs[h])? true : false; });
						helper.data('dropover', helper.data('dropover') + 1);
						if (fm.insideWorkzone(e.pageX, e.pageY)) {
							if (dir.length > 0) {
								fm.trigger('unlockfiles', {files : helper.data('files'), helper: helper});
							} else {
					out : function(e, ui) {
						var helper = ui.helper;
						helper.removeClass('elfinder-drag-helper-move elfinder-drag-helper-plus').data('dropover', Math.max(helper.data('dropover') - 1, 0));
					drop       : function(e, ui) {
						var helper  = ui.helper,
							resolve = true;
						$.each(helper.data('files'), function(i, hash) {
							var dir = fm.file(hash);
							if (dir && dir.mime == 'directory' && !dirs[dir.hash]) {
							} else {
								resolve = false;
						resolve && helper.hide();
				// for touch device
				.on('touchstart', '.'+navdir+':not(.'+clroot+')', function(e) {
					if (e.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) {
					var hash = $(this).attr('id').substr(6),
					p = $(this)
					.data('longtap', null)
					.data('tmlongtap', setTimeout(function(){
						// long tap
						p.data('longtap', true);
						fm.trigger('contextmenu', {
							raw : [{
								label    : fm.i18n('rmFromPlaces'),
								icon     : 'rm',
								callback : function() { remove(hash); save(); }
							'x'       : e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX,
							'y'       : e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY
					}, 500));
				.on('touchmove touchend', '.'+navdir+':not(.'+clroot+')', function(e) {
					if (e.type == 'touchmove') {

		if ($.fn.sortable) {
				appendTo : fm.getUI(),
				revert   : false,
				helper   : function(e) {
					var dir = $(e.target).parent();
					return $('<div class="ui-widget elfinder-place-drag elfinder-'+fm.direction+'"></div>')
							.append($('<div class="elfinder-navbar"></div>').show().append(dir.clone()));

				stop     : function(e, ui) {
					var target = $(ui.item[0]),
						top    = places.offset().top,
						left   = places.offset().left,
						width  = places.width(),
						height = places.height(),
						x      = e.pageX,
						y      = e.pageY;
					if (!(x > left && x < left+width && y > top && y < y+height)) {
				update   : function(e, ui) {

		// "on regist" for command exec
		$(this).on('regist', function(e, files){
			var added = false;
			$.each(files, function(i, dir) {
				if (dir && dir.mime == 'directory' && !dirs[dir.hash]) {
					if (add(dir)) {
						added = true;
			added && save();

		// on fm load - show places and load files from backend
		fm.one('load', function() {
			var dat, hashes;
			if (fm.oldAPI) {


			fm.change(function(e) {
				var changed = false;
				$.each(e.data.changed, function(i, file) {
					if (dirs[file.hash]) {
						if (file.mime !== 'directory') {
							if (remove(file.hash)) {
								changed = true;
						} else {
							if (update(file)) {
								changed = true;
				changed && save();
			.bind('rename', function(e) {
				var changed = false;
				if (e.data.removed) {
					$.each(e.data.removed, function(i, hash) {
						if (e.data.added[i]) {
							if (update(e.data.added[i], hash)) {
								changed = true;
				changed && save();
			.bind('rm paste', function(e) {
				var names = [],
					changed = false;
				if (e.data.removed) {
					$.each(e.data.removed, function(i, hash) {
						var name = remove(hash);
						name && names.push(name);
				if (names.length) {
					changed = true;
				if (e.data.added && names.length) {
					$.each(e.data.added, function(i, file) {
						if ($.inArray(file.name, names) !== 1) {
							file.mime == 'directory' && add(file);
				changed && save();
			.bind('sync netmount', function() {
				var ev = this,
					opSuffix = opts.suffix? opts.suffix : '',
				if (ev.type === 'sync') {
					// check is change of opts.suffix
					if (suffix !== opSuffix) {
						suffix = opSuffix;
				hashes = Object.keys(dirs);
				if (hashes.length) {

						data : {cmd : 'info', targets : hashes},
						preventDefault : true
					.done(function(data) {
						var exists  = {},
							updated = false,
							cwd     = fm.cwd().hash;
						$.each(data.files || [], function(i, file) {
							var hash = file.hash;
							exists[hash] = file;
							if (!fm.files().hasOwnProperty(file.hash)) {
								// update cache
								fm.updateCache({tree: [file]});
						$.each(dirs, function(h, f) {
							if (Boolean(f.notfound) === Boolean(exists[h])) {
								if ((f.phash === cwd && ev.type !== 'netmount') || (exists[h] && exists[h].mime !== 'directory')) {
									if (remove(h)) {
										updated = true;
								} else {
									if (update(exists[h] || Object.assign({notfound: true}, f))) {
										updated = true;
							} else if (exists[h] && exists[h].phash != cwd) {
								// update permission of except cwd
						updated && save();
					.always(function() {

 * File: /js/ui/searchbutton.js

 * @class  elFinder toolbar search button widget.
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
$.fn.elfindersearchbutton = function(cmd) {
		return this.each(function() {
		var result = false,
			fm     = cmd.fm,
			disabled = fm.res('class', 'disabled'),
			isopts = cmd.options.incsearch || { enable: false },
			sTypes = cmd.options.searchTypes,
			id     = function(name){return fm.namespace + fm.escape(name);},
			toolbar= fm.getUI('toolbar'),
			btnCls = fm.res('class', 'searchbtn'),
			button = $(this)
				.addClass('ui-widget-content elfinder-button '+btnCls)
				.on('click', function(e) {
			getMenuOffset = function() {
				var fmNode = fm.getUI(),
					baseOffset = fmNode.offset(),
					buttonOffset = button.offset();
				return {
					top : buttonOffset.top - baseOffset.top,
					maxHeight : fmNode.height() - 40
			search = function() {
				input.data('inctm') && clearTimeout(input.data('inctm'));
				var val = $.trim(input.val()),
					from = !$('#' + id('SearchFromAll')).prop('checked'),
					mime = $('#' + id('SearchMime')).prop('checked'),
					type = '';
				if (from) {
					if ($('#' + id('SearchFromVol')).prop('checked')) {
						from = fm.root(fm.cwd().hash);
					} else {
						from = fm.cwd().hash;
				if (mime) {
					mime = val;
					val = '.';
				if (typeSet) {
					type = typeSet.children('input:checked').val();
				if (val) {
					cmd.exec(val, from, mime, type).done(function() {
						result = true;
					}).fail(function() {
				} else {
			abort = function() {
				input.data('inctm') && clearTimeout(input.data('inctm'));
				if (result || incVal) {
					result = false;
					incVal = '';
					fm.lazy(function() {
			incVal = '',
			input  = $('<input type="text" size="42"/>')
				.on('focus', function() {
					// close other menus
					!button.hasClass('ui-state-active') && fm.getUI().click();
					inFocus = true;
					incVal = '';
					opts && opts.css(getMenuOffset()).slideDown(function() {
						// Care for on browser window re-active
				.on('blur', function() {
					inFocus = false;
					if (opts) {
						if (!opts.data('infocus')) {
							opts.slideUp(function() {
						} else {
							opts.data('infocus', false);
					} else {
				// to avoid fm shortcuts on arrows
				.on('keypress', function(e) {
				.on('keydown', function(e) {
					if (e.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.ENTER) {
					} else if (e.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE) {
			opts, typeSet, cwdReady, inFocus;
		if (isopts.enable) {
			isopts.minlen = isopts.minlen || 2;
			isopts.wait = isopts.wait || 500;
				.attr('title', fm.i18n('incSearchOnly'))
				.on('compositionstart', function() {
					input.data('composing', true);
				.on('compositionend', function() {
					input.trigger('input'); // for IE, edge
				.on('input', function() {
					if (! input.data('composing')) {
						input.data('inctm') && clearTimeout(input.data('inctm'));
						input.data('inctm', setTimeout(function() {
							var val = input.val();
							if (val.length === 0 || val.length >= isopts.minlen) {
								(incVal !== val) && fm.trigger('incsearchstart', {
									query: val,
									type: typeSet? typeSet.children('input:checked').val() : 'searchName'
								incVal = val;
								if (val === '' && fm.searchStatus.state > 1 && fm.searchStatus.query) {
						}, isopts.wait));
			if (fm.UA.ltIE8) {
				input.on('keydown', function(e) {
						if (e.keyCode === 229) {
							input.data('imetm') && clearTimeout(input.data('imetm'));
							input.data('composing', true);
							input.data('imetm', setTimeout(function() {
							}, 100));
					.on('keyup', function(e) {
						input.data('imetm') && clearTimeout(input.data('imetm'));
						if (input.data('composing')) {
							e.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.ENTER && input.trigger('compositionend');
						} else {
		$('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-search" title="'+cmd.title+'"></span>')
			.on('mousedown', function(e) {
				if (button.hasClass('ui-state-active')) {
				} else {
		$('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-close"></span>')
			.on('mousedown', function(e) {
				if (input.val() === '' && !button.hasClass('ui-state-active')) {
				} else {
		// wait when button will be added to DOM
		fm.bind('toolbarload', function(){
			var parent = button.parent();
			if (parent.length) {
				// position icons for ie7
				if (fm.UA.ltIE7) {
					var icon = button.children(fm.direction == 'ltr' ? '.ui-icon-close' : '.ui-icon-search');
						right : '',
						left  : parseInt(button.width())-icon.outerWidth(true)
			.one('init', function() {
				fm.getUI('cwd').on('touchstart click', function() {
					inFocus && input.trigger('blur');
			.one('open', function() {
				opts = (fm.api < 2.1)? null : $('<div class="ui-front ui-widget ui-widget-content elfinder-button-menu elfinder-button-search-menu ui-corner-all"></div>')
						$('<div class="buttonset"></div>')
								$('<input id="'+id('SearchFromCwd')+'" name="serchfrom" type="radio" checked="checked"/><label for="'+id('SearchFromCwd')+'">'+fm.i18n('btnCwd')+'</label>'),
								$('<input id="'+id('SearchFromVol')+'" name="serchfrom" type="radio"/><label for="'+id('SearchFromVol')+'">'+fm.i18n('btnVolume')+'</label>'),
								$('<input id="'+id('SearchFromAll')+'" name="serchfrom" type="radio"/><label for="'+id('SearchFromAll')+'">'+fm.i18n('btnAll')+'</label>')
						$('<div class="buttonset elfinder-search-type"></div>')
								$('<input id="'+id('SearchName')+'" name="serchcol" type="radio" checked="checked" value="SearchName"/><label for="'+id('SearchName')+'">'+fm.i18n('btnFileName')+'</label>')
				if (opts) {
					if (sTypes) {
						typeSet = opts.find('.elfinder-search-type');
						$.each(cmd.options.searchTypes, function(i, v) {
							typeSet.append($('<input id="'+id(i)+'" name="serchcol" type="radio" value="'+fm.escape(i)+'"/><label for="'+id(i)+'">'+fm.i18n(v.name)+'</label>'));
					$('#'+id('SearchFromAll')).next('label').attr('title', fm.i18n('searchTarget', fm.i18n('btnAll')));
					if (sTypes) {
						$.each(sTypes, function(i, v) {
							if (v.title) {
								$('#'+id(i)).next('label').attr('title', fm.i18n(v.title));
					opts.on('mousedown', 'div.buttonset', function(e){
							opts.data('infocus', true);
						.on('click', 'input', function(e) {
							$.trim(input.val())? search() : input.trigger('focus');
						.on('close', function() {
			.bind('searchend', function() {
			.bind('open parents', function() {
				var dirs    = [],
					volroot = fm.file(fm.root(fm.cwd().hash));
				if (volroot) {
					$.each(fm.parents(fm.cwd().hash), function(i, hash) {
					$('#'+id('SearchFromCwd')).next('label').attr('title', fm.i18n('searchTarget', dirs.join(fm.option('separator'))));
					$('#'+id('SearchFromVol')).next('label').attr('title', fm.i18n('searchTarget', volroot.name));
			.bind('open', function() {
				incVal && abort();
			.bind('cwdinit', function() {
				cwdReady = false;
			.bind('cwdrender',function() {
				cwdReady = true;
			.bind('keydownEsc', function() {
				if (incVal && incVal.substr(0, 1) === '/') {
					incVal = '';
				pattern     : 'ctrl+f f3',
				description : cmd.title,
				callback    : function() { 
				pattern     : 'a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z dig0 dig1 dig2 dig3 dig4 dig5 dig6 dig7 dig8 dig9 num0 num1 num2 num3 num4 num5 num6 num7 num8 num9',
				description : fm.i18n('firstLetterSearch'),
				callback    : function(e) { 
					if (! cwdReady) { return; }
					var code = e.originalEvent.keyCode,
						next = function() {
							var sel = fm.selected(),
								key = $.ui.keyCode[(!sel.length || fm.cwdHash2Elm(sel[0]).next('[id]').length)? 'RIGHT' : 'HOME'];
							$(document).trigger($.Event('keydown', { keyCode: key, ctrlKey : false, shiftKey : false, altKey : false, metaKey : false }));
					if (code >= 96 && code <= 105) {
						code -= 48;
					val = '/' + String.fromCharCode(code);
					if (incVal !== val) {
						incVal = val;
							.trigger('incsearchstart', { query: val })
							.one('cwdrender', next);
					} else{


 * File: /js/ui/sortbutton.js

 * @class  elFinder toolbar button menu with sort variants.
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
$.fn.elfindersortbutton = function(cmd) {
		return this.each(function() {
		var fm       = cmd.fm,
			name     = cmd.name,
			c        = 'class',
			disabled = fm.res(c, 'disabled'),
			hover    = fm.res(c, 'hover'),
			item     = 'elfinder-button-menu-item',
			selected = item+'-selected',
			asc      = selected+'-asc',
			desc     = selected+'-desc',
			text     = $('<span class="elfinder-button-text">'+cmd.title+'</span>'),
			button   = $(this).addClass('ui-state-default elfinder-button elfinder-menubutton elfiner-button-'+name)
				.attr('title', cmd.title)
				.append('<span class="elfinder-button-icon elfinder-button-icon-'+name+'"></span>', text)
				.on('mouseenter mouseleave', function(e) { !button.hasClass(disabled) && button.toggleClass(hover, e.type === 'mouseenter'); })
				.on('click', function(e) {
					if (!button.hasClass(disabled)) {
						menu.is(':hidden') && fm.getUI().click();
							duration: 100,
							done: function(e) {
								fm[menu.is(':visible')? 'toFront' : 'toHide'](menu);
			hide = function() { fm.toHide(menu); },
			menu = $('<div class="ui-front ui-widget ui-widget-content elfinder-button-menu elfinder-button-sort-menu ui-corner-all"></div>')
				.on('mouseenter mouseleave', '.'+item, function(e) { $(this).toggleClass(hover, e.type === 'mouseenter'); })
				.on('click', function(e) {
				.on('close', hide),
			update = function() {
				menu.children('[rel]').removeClass(selected+' '+asc+' '+desc)
					.addClass(selected+' '+(fm.sortOrder == 'asc' ? asc : desc));

				menu.children('.elfinder-sort-stick').toggleClass(selected, fm.sortStickFolders);
				menu.children('.elfinder-sort-tree').toggleClass(selected, fm.sortAlsoTreeview);
			getMenuOffset = function() {
				var baseOffset = fm.getUI().offset(),
					buttonOffset = button.offset();
				return {
					top : buttonOffset.top - baseOffset.top,
					left : buttonOffset.left - baseOffset.left
		$.each(fm.sortRules, function(name, value) {
			menu.append($('<div class="'+item+'" rel="'+name+'"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-1-n"></span><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-1-s"></span>'+fm.i18n('sort'+name)+'</div>').data('type', name));
		menu.children().on('click', function(e) {
			cmd.exec([], $(this).removeClass(hover).attr('rel'));
		$('<div class="'+item+' '+item+'-separated elfinder-sort-ext elfinder-sort-stick"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-check"></span>'+fm.i18n('sortFoldersFirst')+'</div>')
			.on('click', function() {
				cmd.exec([], 'stick');

		fm.one('init', function() {
			if (fm.ui.tree && fm.options.sortAlsoTreeview !== null) {
				$('<div class="'+item+' '+item+'-separated elfinder-sort-ext elfinder-sort-tree"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-check"></span>'+fm.i18n('sortAlsoTreeview')+'</div>')
				.on('click', function() {
					cmd.exec([], 'tree');
		.bind('disable select', hide)
		.bind('sortchange', update).getUI().on('click', hide);
		if (menu.children().length > 1) {
			cmd.change(function() {
					tm && cancelAnimationFrame(tm);
					tm = requestAnimationFrame(function() {
						button.toggleClass(disabled, cmd.disabled());
		} else {


 * File: /js/ui/stat.js

 * @class elFinder ui
 * Display number of files/selected files and its size in statusbar
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
$.fn.elfinderstat = function(fm) {
		return this.each(function() {
		var size       = $(this).addClass('elfinder-stat-size'),
			sel        = $('<div class="elfinder-stat-selected"></div>')
				.on('click', 'a', function(e) {
					var hash = $(this).data('hash');
					fm.exec('opendir', [ hash ]);
			titleitems = fm.i18n('items'),
			titlesel   = fm.i18n('selected'),
			titlesize  = fm.i18n('size'),
			setstat    = function(files) {
				var c = 0, 
					s = 0,
					cwd = fm.cwd(),
					calc = true,
					hasSize = true;

				if (cwd.sizeInfo || cwd.size) {
					s = cwd.size;
					calc = false;
				$.each(files, function(i, file) {
					if (calc) {
						s += parseInt(file.size) || 0;
						if (hasSize === true && file.mime === 'directory' && !file.sizeInfo) {
							hasSize = false;
				size.html(titleitems+': <span class="elfinder-stat-incsearch"></span>'+c+',&nbsp;<span class="elfinder-stat-size'+(hasSize? ' elfinder-stat-size-recursive' : '')+'">'+fm.i18n(hasSize? 'sum' : 'size')+': '+fm.formatSize(s)+'</span>')
					.attr('title', size.text());
			setIncsearchStat = function(data) {
				size.find('span.elfinder-stat-incsearch').html(data? data.hashes.length + ' / ' : '');
				size.attr('title', size.text());
			setSelect = function(files) {
				var s = 0,
					c = 0,
					dirs = [],
					path, file;

				if (files.length === 1) {
					file = files[0];
					s = file.size;
					if (fm.searchStatus.state === 2) {
						path = fm.escape(file.path? file.path.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, '') : '..');
						dirs.push('<a href="#elf_'+file.phash+'" data-hash="'+file.hash+'" title="'+path+'">'+path+'</a>');
					dirs.push(fm.escape(file.i18 || file.name));
					sel.html(dirs.join('/') + (s > 0 ? ', '+fm.formatSize(s) : ''));
				} else if (files.length) {
					$.each(files, function(i, file) {
						s += parseInt(file.size)||0;
					sel.html(c ? titlesel+': '+c+', '+titlesize+': '+fm.formatSize(s) : '&nbsp;');
				} else {
				sel.attr('title', sel.text());

		if (fm.UA.Mobile && $.fn.tooltip) {
				classes: {
					'ui-tooltip': 'elfinder-ui-tooltip ui-widget-shadow'
				tooltipClass: 'elfinder-ui-tooltip ui-widget-shadow',
				track: true
		.bind('cwdhasheschange', function(e) {
			setstat($.map(e.data, function(h) { return fm.file(h); }));
		.change(function(e) {
			var files = e.data.changed || [],
				cwdHash = fm.cwd().hash;
			$.each(files, function() {
				if (this.hash === cwdHash) {
					if (this.size) {
						size.children('.elfinder-stat-size').addClass('elfinder-stat-size-recursive').html(fm.i18n('sum')+': '+fm.formatSize(this.size));
						size.attr('title', size.text());
					return false;
		.select(function() {
		.bind('open', function() {
		.bind('incsearch', function(e) {
		.bind('incsearchend', function() {

 * File: /js/ui/toast.js

 * @class  elFinder toast
 * This was created inspired by the toastr. Thanks to developers of toastr.
 * CodeSeven/toastr: http://johnpapa.net <https://github.com/CodeSeven/toastr>
 * @author Naoki Sawada
$.fn.elfindertoast = function(opts, fm) {
		var defOpts = Object.assign({
		mode: 'success', // or 'info', 'warning' and 'error'
		msg: '',
		showMethod: 'fadeIn', //fadeIn, slideDown, and show are built into jQuery
		showDuration: 300,
		showEasing: 'swing', //swing and linear are built into jQuery
		onShown: undefined,
		hideMethod: 'fadeOut',
		hideDuration: 1500,
		hideEasing: 'swing',
		onHidden: undefined,
		timeOut: 3000,
		extNode: undefined,
		button: undefined,
		width: undefined
	}, $.isPlainObject(fm.options.uiOptions.toast.defaults)? fm.options.uiOptions.toast.defaults : {});
	return this.each(function() {
		opts = Object.assign({}, defOpts, opts || {});
		var self = $(this),
			show = function(notm) {
					duration: opts.showDuration,
					easing: opts.showEasing,
					complete: function() {
						opts.onShown && opts.onShown();
						if (!notm && opts.timeOut) {
							rmTm = setTimeout(rm, opts.timeOut);
			rm = function() {
					duration: opts.hideDuration,
					easing: opts.hideEasing,
					complete: function() {
						opts.onHidden && opts.onHidden();
		self.on('click', function(e) {
			rmTm && clearTimeout(rmTm);
			opts.onHidden && opts.onHidden();
		}).on('mouseenter mouseleave', function(e) {
			if (opts.timeOut) {
				rmTm && clearTimeout(rmTm);
				rmTm = null;
				if (e.type === 'mouseenter') {
				} else {
					rmTm = setTimeout(rm, opts.timeOut);
		}).hide().addClass('toast-' + opts.mode).append($('<div class="elfinder-toast-msg"></div>').html(opts.msg.replace(/%([a-zA-Z0-9]+)%/g, function(m, m1) {
			return fm.i18n(m1);
		if (opts.extNode) {

		if (opts.button) {
				$('<button class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all elfinder-tabstop"></button>')
				.append($('<span class="ui-button-text"></span>').text(fm.i18n(opts.button.text)))
				.on('mouseenter mouseleave', function(e) { 
					$(this).toggleClass('ui-state-hover', e.type == 'mouseenter');
				.on('click', opts.button.click || function(){})

		if (opts.width) {
			self.css('max-width', opts.width);

 * File: /js/ui/toolbar.js

 * @class  elFinder toolbar
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
$.fn.elfindertoolbar = function(fm, opts) {
		this.not('.elfinder-toolbar').each(function() {
		var commands = fm._commands,
			self     = $(this).addClass('ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget-header elfinder-toolbar'),
			options  = {
				// default options
				displayTextLabel: false,
				labelExcludeUA: ['Mobile'],
				autoHideUA: ['Mobile'],
				showPreferenceButton: 'none'
			filter   = function(opts) {
				return $.grep(opts, function(v) {
					if ($.isPlainObject(v)) {
						options = Object.assign(options, v);
						return false;
					return true;
			render = function(disabled){
				var name,cmdPref;
				$.each(buttons, function(i, b) { b.detach(); });
				l = panels.length;
				while (l--) {
					if (panels[l]) {
						panel = $('<div class="ui-widget-content ui-corner-all elfinder-buttonset"></div>');
						i = panels[l].length;
						while (i--) {
							name = panels[l][i];
							if ((!disabled || !disabled[name]) && (cmd = commands[name])) {
								button = 'elfinder'+cmd.options.ui;
								if (! buttons[name] && $.fn[button]) {
									buttons[name] = $('<div></div>')[button](cmd);
								if (buttons[name]) {
									buttons[name].children('.elfinder-button-text')[textLabel? 'show' : 'hide']();
						panel.children().length && self.prepend(panel);
						panel.children(':gt(0)').before('<span class="ui-widget-content elfinder-toolbar-button-separator"></span>');

				if (cmdPref = commands['preference']) {
					//cmdPref.state = !self.children().length? 0 : -1;
					if (options.showPreferenceButton === 'always' || (!self.children().length && options.showPreferenceButton === 'auto')) {
						//cmdPref.state = 0;
						panel = $('<div class="ui-widget-content ui-corner-all elfinder-buttonset"></div>');
						name = 'preference';
						button = 'elfinder'+cmd.options.ui;
						buttons[name] = $('<div></div>')[button](cmdPref);
						buttons[name].children('.elfinder-button-text')[textLabel? 'show' : 'hide']();
				(! self.data('swipeClose') && self.children().length)? self.show() : self.hide();
				prevHeight = self[0].clientHeight;
			buttons = {},
			panels   = filter(opts || []),
			dispre   = null,
			uiCmdMapPrev = '',
			prevHeight = 0,
			contextRaw = [],
			l, i, cmd, panel, button, swipeHandle, autoHide, textLabel, resizeTm;
		// normalize options
		options.showPreferenceButton = options.showPreferenceButton.toLowerCase();
		if (options.displayTextLabel !== 'none') {
			// correction of options.displayTextLabel
			textLabel = fm.storage('toolbarTextLabel');
			if (textLabel === null) {
				textLabel = (options.displayTextLabel && (! options.labelExcludeUA || ! options.labelExcludeUA.length || ! $.grep(options.labelExcludeUA, function(v){ return fm.UA[v]? true : false; }).length));
			} else {
				textLabel = (textLabel == 1);
				label    : fm.i18n('textLabel'),
				icon     : 'text',
				callback : function() {
					textLabel = ! textLabel;
					self.css('height', '').find('.elfinder-button-text')[textLabel? 'show':'hide']();
					fm.trigger('uiresize').storage('toolbarTextLabel', textLabel? '1' : '0');

		if (options.preferenceInContextmenu && commands['preference']) {
				label    : fm.i18n('toolbarPref'),
				icon     : 'preference',
				callback : function() {
					fm.exec('preference', void(0), {tab: 'toolbar'});

		// add contextmenu
		if (contextRaw.length) {
			self.on('contextmenu', function(e) {
					fm.trigger('contextmenu', {
						raw: contextRaw,
						x: e.pageX,
						y: e.pageY
				}).on('touchstart', function(e) {
					if (e.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) {
					self.data('tmlongtap') && clearTimeout(self.data('tmlongtap'));
						.data('longtap', {x: e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX, y: e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY})
						.data('tmlongtap', setTimeout(function() {
									type: 'contextmenu',
									pageX: self.data('longtap').x,
									pageY: self.data('longtap').y
								.data('longtap', {longtap: true});
						}, 500));
				}).on('touchmove touchend', function(e) {
					if (self.data('tmlongtap')) {
						if (e.type === 'touchend' ||
								( Math.abs(self.data('longtap').x - e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX)
								+ Math.abs(self.data('longtap').y - e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY)) > 4)
				}).on('click', function(e) {
					if (self.data('longtap') && self.data('longtap').longtap) {
				}).on('touchend click', '.elfinder-button', function(e) {
					if (self.data('longtap') && self.data('longtap').longtap) {

		self.prev().length && self.parent().prepend(this);
		fm.bind('open sync select toolbarpref', function() {
			var disabled = Object.assign({}, fm.option('disabledFlip')),
				userHides = fm.storage('toolbarhides'),
				doRender, sel, disabledKeys;
			if (! userHides && Array.isArray(options.defaultHides)) {
				userHides = {};
				$.each(options.defaultHides, function() {
					userHides[this] = true;
				fm.storage('toolbarhides', userHides);
			if (this.type === 'select') {
				if (fm.searchStatus.state < 2) {
				sel = fm.selected();
				if (sel.length) {
					disabled = fm.getDisabledCmds(sel, true);
			$.each(userHides, function(n) {
				if (!disabled[n]) {
					disabled[n] = true;
			if (Object.keys(fm.commandMap).length) {
				$.each(fm.commandMap, function(from, to){
					if (to === 'hidden') {
						disabled[from] = true;
			disabledKeys = Object.keys(disabled);
			if (!dispre || dispre.toString() !== disabledKeys.sort().toString()) {
				render(disabledKeys.length? disabled : null);
				doRender = true;
			dispre = disabledKeys.sort();

			if (doRender || uiCmdMapPrev !== JSON.stringify(fm.commandMap)) {
				uiCmdMapPrev = JSON.stringify(fm.commandMap);
				if (! doRender) {
					// reset toolbar
					$.each($('div.elfinder-button'), function(){
						var origin = $(this).data('origin');
						if (origin) {
				if (Object.keys(fm.commandMap).length) {
					$.each(fm.commandMap, function(from, to){
						var cmd = fm._commands[to],
							button = cmd? 'elfinder'+cmd.options.ui : null,
						if (button && $.fn[button]) {
							btn = buttons[from];
							if (btn) {
								if (! buttons[to] && $.fn[button]) {
									buttons[to] = $('<div></div>')[button](cmd);
									if (buttons[to]) {
										buttons[to].children('.elfinder-button-text')[textLabel? 'show' : 'hide']();
										if (cmd.extendsCmd) {
											buttons[to].children('span.elfinder-button-icon').addClass('elfinder-button-icon-' + cmd.extendsCmd);
								if (buttons[to]) {
									buttons[to].data('origin', btn.detach());
		}).bind('resize', function(e) {
			resizeTm && cancelAnimationFrame(resizeTm);
			resizeTm = requestAnimationFrame(function() {
				var h = self[0].clientHeight;
				if (prevHeight !== h) {
					prevHeight = h;
		if (fm.UA.Touch) {
			autoHide = fm.storage('autoHide') || {};
			if (typeof autoHide.toolbar === 'undefined') {
				autoHide.toolbar = (options.autoHideUA && options.autoHideUA.length > 0 && $.grep(options.autoHideUA, function(v){ return fm.UA[v]? true : false; }).length);
				fm.storage('autoHide', autoHide);
			if (autoHide.toolbar) {
				fm.one('init', function() {
					fm.uiAutoHide.push(function(){ self.stop(true, true).trigger('toggle', { duration: 500, init: true }); });
			fm.bind('load', function() {
				swipeHandle = $('<div class="elfinder-toolbar-swipe-handle"></div>').hide().appendTo(fm.getUI());
				if (swipeHandle.css('pointer-events') !== 'none') {
					swipeHandle = null;
			self.on('toggle', function(e, data) {
				var wz    = fm.getUI('workzone'),
					toshow= self.is(':hidden'),
					wzh   = wz.height(),
					h     = self.height(),
					tbh   = self.outerHeight(true),
					delta = tbh - h,
					opt   = Object.assign({
						step: function(now) {
							wz.height(wzh + (toshow? (now + delta) * -1 : h - now));
						always: function() {
							requestAnimationFrame(function() {
								self.css('height', '');
								if (swipeHandle) {
									if (toshow) {
										swipeHandle.stop(true, true).hide();
									} else {
										swipeHandle.height(data.handleH? data.handleH : '');
										fm.resources.blink(swipeHandle, 'slowonce');
								toshow && self.scrollTop('0px');
								data.init && fm.trigger('uiautohide');
					}, data);
				self.data('swipeClose', ! toshow).stop(true, true).animate({height : 'toggle'}, opt);
				autoHide.toolbar = !toshow;
				fm.storage('autoHide', Object.assign(fm.storage('autoHide'), {toolbar: autoHide.toolbar}));
			}).on('touchstart', function(e) {
				if (self.scrollBottom() > 5) {
					e.originalEvent._preventSwipeY = true;
	return this;

 * File: /js/ui/tree.js

 * @class  elFinder folders tree
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
$.fn.elfindertree = function(fm, opts) {
		var treeclass = fm.res('class', 'tree');
	this.not('.'+treeclass).each(function() {

		var c = 'class', mobile = fm.UA.Mobile,
			 * Root directory class name
			 * @type String
			root      = fm.res(c, 'treeroot'),

			 * Open root dir if not opened yet
			 * @type Boolean
			openRoot  = opts.openRootOnLoad,

			 * Open current work dir if not opened yet
			 * @type Boolean
			openCwd   = opts.openCwdOnOpen,

			 * Auto loading current directory parents and do expand their node
			 * @type Boolean
			syncTree  = openCwd || opts.syncTree,
			 * Subtree class name
			 * @type String
			subtree   = fm.res(c, 'navsubtree'),
			 * Directory class name
			 * @type String
			navdir    = fm.res(c, 'treedir'),
			 * Directory CSS selector
			 * @type String
			selNavdir = 'span.' + navdir,
			 * Collapsed arrow class name
			 * @type String
			collapsed = fm.res(c, 'navcollapse'),
			 * Expanded arrow class name
			 * @type String
			expanded  = fm.res(c, 'navexpand'),
			 * Class name to mark arrow for directory with already loaded children
			 * @type String
			loaded    = 'elfinder-subtree-loaded',
			 * Class name to mark need subdirs request
			 * @type String
			chksubdir = 'elfinder-subtree-chksubdir',
			 * Arraw class name
			 * @type String
			arrow = fm.res(c, 'navarrow'),
			 * Current directory class name
			 * @type String
			active    = fm.res(c, 'active'),
			 * Droppable dirs dropover class
			 * @type String
			dropover = fm.res(c, 'adroppable'),
			 * Hover class name
			 * @type String
			hover    = fm.res(c, 'hover'),
			 * Disabled dir class name
			 * @type String
			disabled = fm.res(c, 'disabled'),
			 * Draggable dir class name
			 * @type String
			draggable = fm.res(c, 'draggable'),
			 * Droppable dir  class name
			 * @type String
			droppable = fm.res(c, 'droppable'),
			 * root wrapper class
			 * @type String
			wrapperRoot = 'elfinder-navbar-wrapper-root',

			 * Un-disabled cmd `paste` volume's root wrapper class
			 * @type String
			pastable = 'elfinder-navbar-wrapper-pastable',
			 * Un-disabled cmd `upload` volume's root wrapper class
			 * @type String
			uploadable = 'elfinder-navbar-wrapper-uploadable',
			 * Is position x inside Navbar
			 * @param x Numbar
			 * @return
			insideNavbar = function(x) {
				var left = navbar.offset().left;
				return left <= x && x <= left + navbar.width();
			 * To call subdirs elements queue
			 * @type Object
			subdirsQue = {},
			 * To exec subdirs elements ids
			subdirsExecQue = [],
			 * Request subdirs to backend
			 * @param id String
			 * @return Deferred
			subdirs = function(ids) {
				var targets = [];
				$.each(ids, function(i, id) {
					subdirsQue[id] && targets.push(fm.navId2Hash(id));
					delete subdirsQue[id];
				if (targets.length) {
					return fm.request({
						data: {
							cmd: 'subdirs',
							targets: targets,
							preventDefault : true
					}).done(function(res) {
						if (res && res.subdirs) {
							$.each(res.subdirs, function(hash, subdirs) {
								var elm = fm.navHash2Elm(hash);
								elm[subdirs? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](collapsed);
			subdirsJobRes = null,
			 * To check target element is in window of subdirs
			 * @return void
			checkSubdirs = function() {
				var ids = Object.keys(subdirsQue);
				if (ids.length) {
					subdirsJobRes && subdirsJobRes._abort();
					execSubdirsTm && clearTimeout(execSubdirsTm);
					subdirsExecQue = [];
					subdirsJobRes = fm.asyncJob(function(id) {
						return fm.isInWindow($('#'+id))? id : null;
					}, ids, { numPerOnce: 200 })
					.done(function(arr) {
						if (arr.length) {
							subdirsExecQue = arr;
			subdirsPending = 0,
			 * Exec subdirs as batch request
			 * @return void
			execSubdirs = function() {
				var cnt = opts.subdirsMaxConn - subdirsPending,
					atOnce = fm.maxTargets? Math.min(fm.maxTargets, opts.subdirsAtOnce) : opts.subdirsAtOnce,
					i, ids;
				execSubdirsTm && cancelAnimationFrame(execSubdirsTm);
				if (subdirsExecQue.length) {
					if (cnt > 0) {
						for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
							if (subdirsExecQue.length) {
								subdirs(subdirsExecQue.splice(0, atOnce)).always(function() {
					} else {
						execSubdirsTm = requestAnimationFrame(function() {
							subdirsExecQue.length && execSubdirs();
			drop = fm.droppable.drop,
			 * Droppable options
			 * @type Object
			droppableopts = $.extend(true, {}, fm.droppable, {
				// show subfolders on dropover
				over : function(e, ui) {
					var dst    = $(this),
						helper = ui.helper,
						cl     = hover+' '+dropover,
						hash, status;
					helper.data('dropover', helper.data('dropover') + 1);
					dst.data('dropover', true);
					if (ui.helper.data('namespace') !== fm.namespace || ! fm.insideWorkzone(e.pageX, e.pageY)) {
						helper.removeClass('elfinder-drag-helper-move elfinder-drag-helper-plus');
					if (! insideNavbar(e.clientX)) {
					helper.removeClass('elfinder-drag-helper-move elfinder-drag-helper-plus');
					if (dst.is('.'+collapsed+':not(.'+expanded+')')) {
						dst.data('expandTimer', setTimeout(function() {
							dst.is('.'+collapsed+'.'+hover) && dst.children('.'+arrow).trigger('click');
						}, 500));
					if (dst.is('.elfinder-ro,.elfinder-na')) {
						//helper.removeClass('elfinder-drag-helper-move elfinder-drag-helper-plus');
					hash = fm.navId2Hash(dst.attr('id'));
					dst.data('dropover', hash);
					$.each(ui.helper.data('files'), function(i, h) {
						if (h === hash || (fm.file(h).phash === hash && !ui.helper.hasClass('elfinder-drag-helper-plus'))) {
							return false; // break $.each
					if (helper.data('locked')) {
						status = 'elfinder-drag-helper-plus';
					} else {
						status = 'elfinder-drag-helper-move';
						if (fm._commands.copy && (e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) {
							status += ' elfinder-drag-helper-plus';
					dst.hasClass(dropover) && helper.addClass(status);
					requestAnimationFrame(function(){ dst.hasClass(dropover) && helper.addClass(status); });
				out : function(e, ui) {
					var dst    = $(this),
						helper = ui.helper;
					if (insideNavbar(e.clientX)) {
						helper.removeClass('elfinder-drag-helper-move elfinder-drag-helper-plus');
					helper.data('dropover', Math.max(helper.data('dropover') - 1, 0));
					dst.data('expandTimer') && clearTimeout(dst.data('expandTimer'));
					   .removeClass(hover+' '+dropover);
				deactivate : function() {
					       .removeClass(hover+' '+dropover);
				drop : function(e, ui) {
					insideNavbar(e.clientX) && drop.call(this, e, ui);
			spinner = $(fm.res('tpl', 'navspinner')),
			 * Directory html template
			 * @type String
			tpl = fm.res('tpl', 'navdir'),
			 * Permissions marker html template
			 * @type String
			ptpl = fm.res('tpl', 'perms'),
			 * Lock marker html template
			 * @type String
			ltpl = fm.res('tpl', 'lock'),
			 * Symlink marker html template
			 * @type String
			stpl = fm.res('tpl', 'symlink'),
			 * Directory hashes that has more pages
			 * @type Object
			hasMoreDirs = {},
			 * Html template replacement methods
			 * @type Object
			replace = {
				id          : function(dir) { return fm.navHash2Id(dir.hash); },
				name        : function(dir) { return fm.escape(dir.i18 || dir.name); },
				cssclass    : function(dir) {
					var cname = (dir.phash && ! dir.isroot ? '' : root)+' '+navdir+' '+fm.perms2class(dir);
					dir.dirs && !dir.link && (cname += ' ' + collapsed) && dir.dirs == -1 && (cname += ' ' + chksubdir);
					opts.getClass && (cname += ' ' + opts.getClass(dir));
					dir.csscls && (cname += ' ' + fm.escape(dir.csscls));
					return cname;
				title       : function(dir) { return opts.attrTitle? (' title="' + fm.escape(fm.path(dir.hash, true) || dir.i18 || dir.name) + '"') : ''; },
				root        : function(dir) {
					var cls = '';
					if (!dir.phash || dir.isroot) {
						cls += ' '+wrapperRoot;
						if (!dir.disabled || dir.disabled.length < 1) {
							cls += ' '+pastable+' '+uploadable;
						} else {
							if ($.inArray('paste', dir.disabled) === -1) {
								cls += ' '+pastable;
							if ($.inArray('upload', dir.disabled) === -1) {
								cls += ' '+uploadable;
						return cls;
					} else {
						return '';
				permissions : function(dir) { return !dir.read || !dir.write ? ptpl : ''; },
				symlink     : function(dir) { return dir.alias ? stpl : ''; },
				style       : function(dir) { return dir.icon ? fm.getIconStyle(dir) : ''; }
			 * Return html for given dir
			 * @param  Object  directory
			 * @return String
			itemhtml = function(dir) {
				return tpl.replace(/(?:\{([a-z]+)\})/ig, function(m, key) {
					var res = replace[key] ? replace[key](dir) : (dir[key] || '');
					if (key === 'id' && dir.dirs == -1) {
						subdirsQue[res] = res;
					return res;
			 * Return only dirs from files list
			 * @param  Array   files list
			 * @param  Boolean do check exists
			 * @return Array
			filter = function(files, checkExists) {
				return $.map(files || [], function(f) {
					return (f.mime === 'directory' && (!checkExists || fm.navHash2Elm(f.hash).length)) ? f : null;
			 * Find parent subtree for required directory
			 * @param  String  dir hash
			 * @return jQuery
			findSubtree = function(hash) {
				return hash ? fm.navHash2Elm(hash).next('.'+subtree) : tree;
			 * Find directory (wrapper) in required node
			 * before which we can insert new directory
			 * @param  jQuery  parent directory
			 * @param  Object  new directory
			 * @return jQuery
			findSibling = function(subtree, dir) {
				var node = subtree.children(':first'),

				while (node.length) {
					info = fm.file(fm.navId2Hash(node.children('[id]').attr('id')));
					if ((info = fm.file(fm.navId2Hash(node.children('[id]').attr('id')))) 
					&& compare(dir, info) < 0) {
						return node;
					node = node.next();
				return subtree.children('button.elfinder-navbar-pager-next');
			 * Add new dirs in tree
			 * @param  Array  dirs list
			 * @return void
			updateTree = function(dirs) {
				var length  = dirs.length,
					orphans = [],
					i = length,
					tgts = $(),
					done = {},
					cwd = fm.cwd(),
					append = function(parent, dirs, start, direction) {
						var hashes = {},
							curStart = 0,
							max = fm.newAPI? Math.min(10000, Math.max(10, opts.subTreeMax)) : 10000,
							setHashes = function() {
								hashes = {};
								$.each(dirs, function(i, d) {
									hashes[d.hash] = i;
							change = function(mode) {
								if (mode === 'prepare') {
									$.each(dirs, function(i, d) {
										d.node && parent.append(d.node.hide());
								} else if (mode === 'done') {
									$.each(dirs, function(i, d) {
										d.node && d.node.detach().show();
							update = function(e, data) {
								var i, changed;
								if (data.select) {
								if (data.change) {
								if (data.removed && data.removed.length) {
									dirs = $.grep(dirs, function(d) {
										if (data.removed.indexOf(d.hash) === -1) {
											return true;
										} else {
											!changed && (changed = true);
											return false;
								if (data.added && data.added.length) {
									dirs = dirs.concat($.grep(data.added, function(d) {
										if (hashes[d.hash] === void(0)) {
											!changed && (changed = true);
											return true;
										} else {
											return false;
								if (changed) {
							getStart = function(target) {
								if (hashes[target] !== void(0)) {
									return Math.floor(hashes[target] / max) * max;
								return void(0);
							target = fm.navId2Hash(parent.prev('[id]').attr('id')),
							render = function(start, direction) {
								var html = [],
									nodes = {},
									total, page, s, parts, prev, next, prevBtn, nextBtn;
								delete hasMoreDirs[target];
								curStart = start;
								parent.off('update.'+fm.namespace, update);
								if (dirs.length > max) {
									parent.on('update.'+fm.namespace, update);
									if (start === void(0)) {
										s = 0;
										start = getStart(cwd.hash);
										if (start === void(0)) {
											start = 0;
									parts = dirs.slice(start, start + max);
									hasMoreDirs[target] = parent;
									prev = start? Math.max(-1, start - max) : -1;
									next = (start + max >= dirs.length)? 0 : start + max;
									total = Math.ceil(dirs.length/max);
									page = Math.ceil(start/max);
								$.each(parts || dirs, function(i, d) {
									if (d.node) {
										nodes[d.hash] = d.node;
								if (prev > -1) {
									prevBtn = $('<button class="elfinder-navbar-pager elfinder-navbar-pager-prev"></button>')
										.text(fm.i18n('btnPrevious', page, total))
											icons: {
												primary: "ui-icon-caret-1-n"
										.on('click', function(e) {
											render(prev, 'up');
								} else {
									prevBtn = $();
								if (next) {
									nextBtn = $('<button class="elfinder-navbar-pager elfinder-navbar-pager-next"></button>')
										.text(fm.i18n('btnNext', page + 2, total))
											icons: {
												primary: "ui-icon-caret-1-s"
										.on('click', function(e) {
											render(next, 'down');
								} else {
									nextBtn = $();
								parent.empty()[parts? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('elfinder-navbar-hasmore').append(prevBtn, html.join(''), nextBtn);
								$.each(nodes, function(h, n) {
								if (direction) {
									autoScroll(fm.navHash2Id(parts[direction === 'up'? parts.length - 1 : 0].hash));
								! mobile && fm.lazy(function() { updateDroppable(null, parent); });
							detach = function() {
								$.each(parent.children('.elfinder-navbar-wrapper'), function(i, elm) {
									var n = $(elm),
										ch = n.children('[id]:first'),
										h, c;
									if (ch.hasClass(loaded)) {
										h = fm.navId2Hash(ch.attr('id'));
										if (h && (c = hashes[h]) !== void(0)) {
											dirs[c].node = n.detach();
					dir, html, parent, sibling, init, atonce = {}, updates = [], base, node,
					lastKey, lastNodes = {};
				while (i--) {
					dir = dirs[i];

					if (done[dir.hash] || fm.navHash2Elm(dir.hash).length) {
					done[dir.hash] = true;
					if ((parent = findSubtree(dir.phash)).length) {
						lastKey = dir.phash || 'treeroot';
						if (typeof lastNodes[lastKey] === 'undefined') {
							lastNodes[lastKey] = parent.children(':last');
						init = !lastNodes[lastKey].length;
						if (dir.phash && (init || parent.hasClass('elfinder-navbar-hasmore') || (sibling = findSibling(parent, dir)).length)) {
							if (init) {
								if (!atonce[dir.phash]) {
									atonce[dir.phash] = [];
							} else {
								if (sibling) {
									node = itemhtml(dir);
									! mobile && (tgts = tgts.add(node));
								} else {
						} else {
							node = itemhtml(dir);
							if (init) {
							} else {
							if (!dir.phash || dir.isroot) {
								base = fm.navHash2Elm(dir.hash).parent();
							! mobile && updateDroppable(null, base);
					} else {

				// When init, html append at once
				if (Object.keys(atonce).length){
					$.each(atonce, function(p, dirs){
						var parent = findSubtree(p),
						    html   = [];
						append(parent, dirs);
				if (updates.length) {
					parent.trigger('update.' + fm.namespace, { added : updates });
				if (orphans.length && orphans.length < length) {
				! mobile && tgts.length && fm.lazy(function() { updateDroppable(tgts); });
			 * sort function by dir.name
			compare = function(dir1, dir2) {
				if (! fm.sortAlsoTreeview) {
					return fm.sortRules.name(dir1, dir2);
				} else {
					var asc   = fm.sortOrder == 'asc',
						type  = fm.sortType,
						rules = fm.sortRules,
					res = asc? rules[fm.sortType](dir1, dir2) : rules[fm.sortType](dir2, dir1);
					return type !== 'name' && res === 0
						? res = asc ? rules.name(dir1, dir2) : rules.name(dir2, dir1)
						: res;

			 * Timer ID of autoScroll
			 * @type  Integer

			 * Auto scroll to cwd
			 * @return Object  jQuery Deferred
			autoScroll = function(target) {
				var dfrd = $.Deferred(),
					current, parent, top, treeH, bottom, tgtTop;
				autoScrTm && clearTimeout(autoScrTm);
				autoScrTm = setTimeout(function() {
					current = $(document.getElementById((target || fm.navHash2Id(fm.cwd().hash))));
					if (current.length) {
						// expand parents directory
						(openCwd? current : current.parent()).parents('.elfinder-navbar-wrapper').children('.'+loaded).addClass(expanded).next('.'+subtree).show();
						parent = tree.parent().stop(false, true);
						top = parent.offset().top;
						treeH = parent.height();
						bottom = top + treeH - current.outerHeight();
						tgtTop = current.offset().top;
						if (tgtTop < top || tgtTop > bottom) {
								scrollTop : parent.scrollTop() + tgtTop - top - treeH / 3
							}, {
								duration : opts.durations.autoScroll,
								complete : function() {	dfrd.resolve(); }
						} else {
					} else {
				}, 100);
				return dfrd;
			 * Get hashes array of items of the bottom of the leaf root back from the target
			 * @param Object elFinder item(directory) object
			 * @return Array hashes
			getEnds = function(d) {
				var cur = d || fm.cwd(),
					res = cur.hash? [ cur.hash ] : [],
					phash, root, dir;
				root = fm.root(cur.hash);
				dir = fm.file(root);
				while (dir && (phash = dir.phash)) {
					root = fm.root(phash);
					dir = fm.file(root);
					if (fm.navHash2Elm(dir.hash).hasClass(loaded)) {
				return res;
			 * Select pages back in order to display the target
			 * @param Object elFinder item(directory) object
			 * @return Object jQuery node object of target node
			selectPages = function(current) {
				var cur = current || fm.cwd(),
					curHash = cur.hash,
					node = fm.navHash2Elm(curHash);
				if (!node.length) {
					while(cur && cur.phash) {
						if (hasMoreDirs[cur.phash] && !fm.navHash2Elm(cur.hash).length) {
							hasMoreDirs[cur.phash].trigger('update.'+fm.namespace, { select : cur.hash });
						cur = fm.file(cur.phash);
					node = fm.navHash2Elm(curHash);
				return node;
			 * Flag indicating that synchronization is currently in progress
			 * @type Boolean

			 * Mark current directory as active
			 * If current directory is not in tree - load it and its parents
			 * @param Array directory objects of cwd
			 * @param Boolean do auto scroll
			 * @return Object jQuery Deferred
			sync = function(cwdDirs, aScr) {
				var cwd     = fm.cwd(),
					cwdhash = cwd.hash,
					autoScr = aScr === void(0)? syncTree : aScr,
					loadParents = function(dir) {
						var dfd  = $.Deferred(),
							reqs = [],
							ends = getEnds(dir),
							makeReq = function(cmd, h, until) {
								var data = {
										cmd    : cmd,
										target : h
								if (until) {
									data.until = until;
								return fm.request({
									data : data,
									preventFail : true
							baseHash, baseId;
						reqs = $.map(ends, function(h) {
							var d = fm.file(h),
								isRoot = d? fm.isRoot(d) : false,
								node = fm.navHash2Elm(h),
								getPhash = function(h, dep) {
									var d, ph,
										depth = dep || 1;
									ph = (d = fm.file(h))? d.phash : false;
									if (ph && depth > 1) {
										return getPhash(ph, --depth);
									return ph;
								closest = (function() {
									var phash = getPhash(h);
									until = phash;
									while (phash) {
										if (fm.navHash2Elm(phash).hasClass(loaded)) {
										until = phash;
										phash = getPhash(phash);
									if (!phash) {
										until = void(0);
										phash = fm.root(h);
									return phash;
							if (!node.hasClass(loaded) && (isRoot || !d || !fm.navHash2Elm(d.phash).hasClass(loaded))) {
								if (isRoot || closest === getPhash(h) || closest === getPhash(h, 2)) {
									until = void(0);
									cmd = 'tree';
									if (!isRoot) {
										h = getPhash(h);
								} else {
									cmd = 'parents';
								if (!baseHash) {
									baseHash = (cmd === 'tree')? h : closest;
								return makeReq(cmd, h, until);
							return null;
						if (reqs.length) {
							baseId = fm.navHash2Id(baseHash);
							autoScr && autoScroll(baseId);
							baseNode = $('#'+baseId);
							spinner = $(fm.res('tpl', 'navspinner')).insertBefore(baseNode.children('.'+arrow));
							$.when.apply($, reqs)
							.done(function() {
								var res = {},data, treeDirs, dirs, argLen, i;
								argLen = arguments.length;
								if (argLen > 0) {
									for (i = 0; i < argLen; i++) {
										data = arguments[i].tree || [];
										res[ends[i]] = Object.assign([], filter(data));
							.fail(function() {
							return dfd;
						} else {
							return dfd.resolve();
					done= function(res, dfrd) {
						var open = function() {
								if (openRoot && baseNode) {
									openRoot = false;
								if (autoScr) {
								} else {
						if (res) {
							$.each(res, function(endHash, dirs) {
								dirs && updateTree(dirs);
								dirs && updateArrows(dirs, loaded);
						if (cwdDirs) {
							(fm.api < 2.1) && cwdDirs.push(cwd);
						// set current node
						current = selectPages();
						if (!current.hasClass(active)) {
						// mark as loaded to cwd parents
						if (res) {
							fm.lazy(open).done(function() {
						} else {
					rmSpinner = function(fail) {
						if (baseNode) {
							baseNode.addClass(collapsed + (fail? '' : (' ' + loaded)));
					dfrd = $.Deferred(),
					baseNode, spinner;
				if (!fm.navHash2Elm(cwdhash).length) {
					syncing = true;
					.done(function(res) {
						done(res, dfrd);
					.fail(function() { 
					.always(function() {
						syncing = false;
				} else {
					done(void(0), dfrd);
				// trigger 'treesync' with my $.Deferred
				fm.trigger('treesync', dfrd);

				return dfrd;
			 * Make writable and not root dirs droppable
			 * @return void
			updateDroppable = function(target, node) {
				var limit = 100,
				if (!target) {
					if (!node || node.closest('div.'+wrapperRoot).hasClass(uploadable)) {
						(node || tree.find('div.'+uploadable)).find(selNavdir+':not(.elfinder-ro,.elfinder-na)').addClass('native-droppable');
					if (!node || node.closest('div.'+wrapperRoot).hasClass(pastable)) {
						target = (node || tree.find('div.'+pastable)).find(selNavdir+':not(.'+droppable+')');
					} else {
						target = $();
					if (node) {
						// check leaf roots
						node.children('div.'+wrapperRoot).each(function() {
							updateDroppable(null, $(this));
				// make droppable on async
				if (target.length) {
					fm.asyncJob(function(elm) {
					}, $.makeArray(target), {
						interval : 20,
						numPerOnce : 100
			 * Check required folders for subfolders and update arrow classes
			 * @param  Array  folders to check
			 * @param  String css class 
			 * @return void
			updateArrows = function(dirs, cls) {
				var sel = cls == loaded
						? '.'+collapsed+':not(.'+loaded+')'
						: ':not(.'+collapsed+')';
				$.each(dirs, function(i, dir) {
						.filter(function() { return $.grep($(this).next('.'+subtree).children(), function(n) {
							return ($(n).children().hasClass(root))? false : true;
						}).length > 0; })
			 * Navigation tree
			 * @type JQuery
			tree = $(this).addClass(treeclass)
				// make dirs draggable and toggle hover class
				.on('mouseenter mouseleave', selNavdir, function(e) {
					var enter = (e.type === 'mouseenter');
					if (enter && scrolling) { return; }
					var link  = $(this),
						hash, dir; 
					if (!link.hasClass(dropover+' '+disabled)) {
						if (!mobile && enter && !link.data('dragRegisted') && !link.hasClass(root+' '+draggable+' elfinder-na elfinder-wo')) {
							link.data('dragRegisted', true);
							if (fm.isCommandEnabled('copy', (hash = fm.navId2Hash(link.attr('id'))))) {
						link.toggleClass(hover, enter);
					// update title attr if necessary
					if (enter && opts.attrTitle) {
						dir = fm.file(hash || fm.navId2Hash(link.attr('id')));
						if (!dir.isroot && link.attr('title') === (dir.i18 || dir.name)) {
							link.attr('title', fm.path(hash, true));
				// native drag enter
				.on('dragenter', selNavdir, function(e) {
					if (e.originalEvent.dataTransfer) {
						var dst = $(this);
						if (dst.is('.'+collapsed+':not(.'+expanded+')')) {
							dst.data('expandTimer', setTimeout(function() {
								dst.is('.'+collapsed+'.'+hover) && dst.children('.'+arrow).trigger('click');
							}, 500));
				// native drag leave
				.on('dragleave', selNavdir, function(e) {
					if (e.originalEvent.dataTransfer) {
						var dst = $(this);
						dst.data('expandTimer') && clearTimeout(dst.data('expandTimer'));
				// open dir or open subfolders in tree
				.on('click', selNavdir, function(e) {
					var link = $(this),
						hash = fm.navId2Hash(link.attr('id')),
						file = fm.file(hash);
					if (link.data('longtap')) {
					if (!link.hasClass(active)) {
					if (hash != fm.cwd().hash && !link.hasClass(disabled)) {
						fm.exec('open', hash).done(function() {
							fm.one('opendone', function() {
								fm.select({selected: [hash], origin: 'navbar'});
					} else {
						if (link.hasClass(collapsed)) {
						fm.select({selected: [hash], origin: 'navbar'});
				// for touch device
				.on('touchstart', selNavdir, function(e) {
					if (e.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) {
					var evt = e.originalEvent,
					if (e.target.nodeName === 'INPUT') {
					p = $(this).addClass(hover)
					.data('tmlongtap', setTimeout(function(e){
						// long tap
						p.data('longtap', true);
						fm.trigger('contextmenu', {
							'type'    : 'navbar',
							'targets' : [fm.navId2Hash(p.attr('id'))],
							'x'       : evt.touches[0].pageX,
							'y'       : evt.touches[0].pageY
					}, 500));
				.on('touchmove touchend', selNavdir, function(e) {
					if (e.target.nodeName === 'INPUT') {
					if (e.type == 'touchmove') {
				// toggle subfolders in tree
				.on('click', selNavdir+'.'+collapsed+' .'+arrow, function(e) {
					var arrow = $(this),
						link  = arrow.parent(selNavdir),
						stree = link.next('.'+subtree),
						dfrd  = $.Deferred(),
						slideTH = 30, cnt;


					if (link.hasClass(loaded)) {
						fm.lazy(function() {
							cnt = link.hasClass(expanded)? stree.children().length + stree.find('div.elfinder-navbar-subtree[style*=block]').children().length : stree.find('div:visible').length;
							if (cnt > slideTH) {
								fm.draggingUiHelper && fm.draggingUiHelper.data('refreshPositions', 1);
							} else {
								stree.stop(true, true)[link.hasClass(expanded)? 'slideDown' : 'slideUp'](opts.durations.slideUpDown, function(){
									fm.draggingUiHelper && fm.draggingUiHelper.data('refreshPositions', 1);
						}).always(function() {
					} else {

						fm.request({cmd : 'tree', target : fm.navId2Hash(link.attr('id'))})
							.done(function(data) { 
								updateTree(Object.assign([], filter(data.tree))); 
								if (stree.children().length) {
									link.addClass(collapsed+' '+expanded);
									if (stree.children().length > slideTH) {
										fm.draggingUiHelper && fm.draggingUiHelper.data('refreshPositions', 1);
									} else {
										stree.stop(true, true).slideDown(opts.durations.slideUpDown, function(){
											fm.draggingUiHelper && fm.draggingUiHelper.data('refreshPositions', 1);
							.always(function(data) {
								fm.one('treedone', function() {
					arrow.data('dfrd', dfrd);
				.on('contextmenu', selNavdir, function(e) {
					var self = $(this);
					// now dirname editing
					if (self.find('input:text').length) {

					if (!self.data('tmlongtap')) {
						fm.trigger('contextmenu', {
							'type'    : 'navbar',
							'targets' : [fm.navId2Hash($(this).attr('id'))],
							'x'       : e.pageX,
							'y'       : e.pageY
					fm.getUI('contextmenu').children().on('mouseenter', function() {
					fm.bind('closecontextmenu', function() {
				.on('scrolltoview', selNavdir, function(e, data) {
					var self = $(this);
					autoScroll(self.attr('id')).done(function() {
						if (!data || data.blink === 'undefined' || data.blink) {
							fm.resources.blink(self, 'lookme');
				// prepend fake dir
				.on('create.'+fm.namespace, function(e, item) {
					var pdir = findSubtree(item.phash),
						lock = item.move || false,
						dir  = $(itemhtml(item)).addClass('elfinder-navbar-wrapper-tmp'),
						selected = fm.selected();
					lock && selected.length && fm.trigger('lockfiles', {files: selected});
			scrolling = false,
			// move tree into navbar
			navbar = fm.getUI('navbar').append(tree).show().on('scroll', function() {
				scrolling = true;
				navbarScrTm && cancelAnimationFrame(navbarScrTm);
				navbarScrTm = requestAnimationFrame(function() {
					scrolling = false;
			prevSortTreeview = fm.sortAlsoTreeview;
		fm.open(function(e) {
			var data = e.data,
				dirs = filter(data.files),
				contextmenu = fm.getUI('contextmenu');

			data.init && tree.empty();

			if (fm.UA.iOS) {

			if (dirs.length) {
				fm.lazy(function() {
					if (!contextmenu.data('cmdMaps')) {
						contextmenu.data('cmdMaps', {});
					updateArrows(dirs, loaded);
			} else {
		// add new dirs
		.add(function(e) {
			var dirs = filter(e.data.added);

			if (dirs.length) {
				updateArrows(dirs, collapsed);
		// update changed dirs
		.change(function(e) {
			// do ot perfome while syncing
			if (syncing) {

			var dirs = filter(e.data.changed, true),
				length = dirs.length,
				l    = length,
				tgts = $(),
				changed = {},
				dir, phash, node, tmp, realParent, reqParent, realSibling, reqSibling, isExpanded, isLoaded, parent, subdirs;
			$.each(hasMoreDirs, function(h, node) {
				node.trigger('update.'+fm.namespace, { change: 'prepare' });
			while (l--) {
				dir = dirs[l];
				phash = dir.phash;
				if ((node = fm.navHash2Elm(dir.hash)).length) {
					parent = node.parent();
					if (phash) {
						realParent  = node.closest('.'+subtree);
						reqParent   = findSubtree(phash);
						realSibling = node.parent().next();
						reqSibling  = findSibling(reqParent, dir);
						if (!reqParent.length) {
						if (reqParent[0] !== realParent[0] || realSibling.get(0) !== reqSibling.get(0)) {
							reqSibling.length ? reqSibling.before(parent) : reqParent.append(parent);
					isExpanded = node.hasClass(expanded);
					isLoaded   = node.hasClass(loaded);
					tmp        = $(itemhtml(dir));
					! mobile && updateDroppable(null, parent);
					if (dir.dirs
					&& (isExpanded || isLoaded) 
					&& (node = fm.navHash2Elm(dir.hash))
					&& node.next('.'+subtree).children().length) {
						isExpanded && node.addClass(expanded);
						isLoaded && node.addClass(loaded);
					subdirs |= dir.dirs == -1;
			// to check subdirs
			if (subdirs) {
			$.each(hasMoreDirs, function(h, node) {
				node.trigger('update.'+fm.namespace, { change: 'done' });
			length && sync(void(0), false);
		// remove dirs
		.remove(function(e) {
			var dirs = e.data.removed,
				l    = dirs.length,
				node, stree, removed;
			$.each(hasMoreDirs, function(h, node) {
				node.trigger('update.'+fm.namespace, { removed : dirs });
				node.trigger('update.'+fm.namespace, { change: 'prepare' });

			while (l--) {
				if ((node = fm.navHash2Elm(dirs[l])).length) {
					removed = true;
					stree = node.closest('.'+subtree);
					if (!stree.children().length) {
						stree.hide().prev(selNavdir).removeClass(collapsed+' '+expanded+' '+loaded);
			removed && fm.getUI('navbar').children('.ui-resizable-handle').trigger('resize');
			$.each(hasMoreDirs, function(h, node) {
				node.trigger('update.'+fm.namespace, { change: 'done' });
		// lock/unlock dirs while moving
		.bind('lockfiles unlockfiles', function(e) {
			var lock = e.type == 'lockfiles',
				helperLocked = e.data.helper? e.data.helper.data('locked') : false,
				act  = (lock && !helperLocked) ? 'disable' : 'enable',
				dirs = $.grep(e.data.files||[], function(h) {  
					var dir = fm.file(h);
					return dir && dir.mime == 'directory' ? true : false;
			$.each(dirs, function(i, hash) {
				var dir = fm.navHash2Elm(hash);
				if (dir.length && !helperLocked) {
					dir.hasClass(draggable) && dir.draggable(act);
					dir.hasClass(droppable) && dir.droppable(act);
					dir[lock ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](disabled);
		.bind('sortchange', function() {
			if (fm.sortAlsoTreeview || prevSortTreeview !== fm.sortAlsoTreeview) {
				var dirs,
					ends = [],
					endsMap = {},
					endsVid = {},
					topVid = '',
					single = false,
				fm.lazy(function() {
					dirs = filter(fm.files());
					prevSortTreeview = fm.sortAlsoTreeview;
					// append volume roots at first
					updateTree($.map(fm.roots, function(h) {
						var dir = fm.file(h);
						return dir && !dir.phash? dir : null;
					if (!Object.keys(hasMoreDirs).length) {
						current = selectPages();
						updateArrows(dirs, loaded);
					} else {
						ends = getEnds();
						if (ends.length > 1) {
							$.each(ends, function(i, end) {
								var vid = fm.file(fm.root(end)).volumeid; 
								if (i === 0) {
									topVid = vid;
								endsVid[vid] = end;
								endsMap[end] = [];
							$.each(dirs, function(i, d) {
								if (!d.volumeid) {
									single = true;
									return false;
								endsMap[endsVid[d.volumeid] || endsVid[topVid]].push(d);
						} else {
							single = true;
						if (single) {
							$.each(ends, function(i, endHash) {
								current = selectPages(fm.file(endHash));
								updateArrows(dirs, loaded);
						} else {
							$.each(endsMap, function(endHash, dirs) {
								current = selectPages(fm.file(endHash));
								updateArrows(dirs, loaded);
				}, 100);

	return this;

 * File: /js/ui/uploadButton.js

 * @class  elFinder toolbar's button tor upload file
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
$.fn.elfinderuploadbutton = function(cmd) {
		return this.each(function() {
		var fm = cmd.fm,
			button = $(this).elfinderbutton(cmd)
			form = $('<form></form>').appendTo(button),
			input = $('<input type="file" multiple="true" title="'+cmd.fm.i18n('selectForUpload')+'"/>')
				.on('change', function() {
					var _input = $(this);
					if (_input.val()) {
						fm.exec('upload', {input : _input.remove()[0]}, void(0), fm.cwd().hash);
				.on('dragover', function(e) {
					e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy';

		cmd.change(function() {
			tm && cancelAnimationFrame(tm);
			tm = requestAnimationFrame(function() {
				var toShow = cmd.disabled();
				if (form.is('visible')) {
					!toShow && form.hide();
				} else {
					toShow && form.show();

 * File: /js/ui/viewbutton.js

 * @class  elFinder toolbar button to switch current directory view.
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
$.fn.elfinderviewbutton = function(cmd) {
		return this.each(function() {
		var button = $(this).elfinderbutton(cmd),
			icon   = button.children('.elfinder-button-icon'),
			text   = button.children('.elfinder-button-text'),

		cmd.change(function() {
			tm && cancelAnimationFrame(tm);
			tm = requestAnimationFrame(function() {
				var icons = cmd.value == 'icons';

				icon.toggleClass('elfinder-button-icon-view-list', icons);
				cmd.className = icons? 'view-list' : '';
				cmd.title = cmd.fm.i18n(icons ? 'viewlist' : 'viewicons');
				button.attr('title', cmd.title);

 * File: /js/ui/workzone.js

 * @class elfinderworkzone - elFinder container for nav and current directory
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
$.fn.elfinderworkzone = function(fm) {
		var cl = 'elfinder-workzone';
	this.not('.'+cl).each(function() {
		var wz     = $(this).addClass(cl),
			prevH  = Math.round(wz.height()),
			parent = wz.parent(),
			setDelta = function() {
				wdelta = wz.outerHeight(true) - wz.height();
			fitsize = function(e) {
				var height = parent.height() - wdelta,
					style  = parent.attr('style'),
					curH   = Math.round(wz.height());
				if (e) {
				parent.css('overflow', 'hidden')
					.children(':visible:not(.'+cl+')').each(function() {
						var ch = $(this);
						if (ch.css('position') != 'absolute' && ch.css('position') != 'fixed') {
							height -= ch.outerHeight(true);
				parent.attr('style', style || '');
				height = Math.max(0, Math.round(height));
				if (prevH !== height || curH !== height) {
					prevH  = Math.round(wz.height());
			cssloaded = function() {
				wdelta = wz.outerHeight(true) - wz.height();
		parent.on('resize.' + fm.namespace, fitsize);
		fm.one('cssloaded', cssloaded)
		  .bind('uiresize', fitsize)
		  .bind('themechange', setDelta);
	return this;

 * File: /js/commands/archive.js

 * @class  elFinder command "archive"
 * Archive selected files
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
elFinder.prototype.commands.archive = function() {
		var self  = this,
		fm    = self.fm,
		mimes = [],
	this.variants = [];
	this.disableOnSearch = false;
	this.nextAction = {};
	 * Update mimes on open/reload
	 * @return void
	fm.bind('open reload', function() {
		self.variants = [];
		$.each((mimes = fm.option('archivers')['create'] || []), function(i, mime) {
			self.variants.push([mime, fm.mime2kind(mime)]);
	this.getstate = function(select) {
		var sel = this.files(select),
			cnt = sel.length,
			chk = (cnt && ! fm.isRoot(sel[0]) && (fm.file(sel[0].phash) || {}).write),
			filter = function(files) {
				var fres = true;
				return $.grep(files, function(f) {
					fres = fres && f.read && f.hash.indexOf(cwdId) === 0 ? true : false;
					return fres;
		if (chk && fm.searchStatus.state > 1) {
			if (chk = (cnt === filter(sel).length)) {
				cwdId = fm.cwd().volumeid;
		return chk && !this._disabled && mimes.length && (cnt || (dfrd && dfrd.state() == 'pending')) ? 0 : -1;
	this.exec = function(hashes, type) {
		var files = this.files(hashes),
			cnt   = files.length,
			mime  = type || mimes[0],
			cwd   = fm.file(files[0].phash) || null,
			error = ['errArchive', 'errPerm', 'errCreatingTempDir', 'errFtpDownloadFile', 'errFtpUploadFile', 'errFtpMkdir', 'errArchiveExec', 'errExtractExec', 'errRm'],
			i, open;

		dfrd = $.Deferred().fail(function(error) {
			error && fm.error(error);

		if (! (cnt && mimes.length && $.inArray(mime, mimes) !== -1)) {
			return dfrd.reject();
		if (!cwd.write) {
			return dfrd.reject(error);
		for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
			if (!files[i].read) {
				return dfrd.reject(error);

		self.mime   = mime;
		self.prefix = ((cnt > 1)? 'Archive' : files[0].name) + (fm.option('archivers')['createext']? '.' + fm.option('archivers')['createext'][mime] : '');
		self.data   = {targets : self.hashes(hashes), type : mime};
		if (fm.cwd().hash !== cwd.hash) {
			open = fm.exec('open', cwd.hash).done(function() {
				fm.one('cwdrender', function() {
					fm.selectfiles({files : hashes});
					dfrd = $.proxy(fm.res('mixin', 'make'), self)();
		} else {
			fm.selectfiles({files : hashes});
			dfrd = $.proxy(fm.res('mixin', 'make'), self)();
		return dfrd;


 * File: /js/commands/back.js

 * @class  elFinder command "back"
 * Open last visited folder
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
(elFinder.prototype.commands.back = function() {
		this.alwaysEnabled  = true;
	this.updateOnSelect = false;
	this.shortcuts      = [{
		pattern     : 'ctrl+left backspace'
	this.getstate = function() {
		return this.fm.history.canBack() ? 0 : -1;
	this.exec = function() {
		return this.fm.history.back();

}).prototype = { forceLoad : true }; // this is required command

 * File: /js/commands/chmod.js

 * @class elFinder command "chmod".
 * Chmod files.
 * @type  elFinder.command
 * @author Naoki Sawada
elFinder.prototype.commands.chmod = function() {
		this.updateOnSelect = false;
	var fm  = this.fm,
		level = {
			0 : 'owner',
			1 : 'group',
			2 : 'other'
		msg = {
			read     : fm.i18n('read'),
			write    : fm.i18n('write'),
			execute  : fm.i18n('execute'),
			perm     : fm.i18n('perm'),
			kind     : fm.i18n('kind'),
			files    : fm.i18n('files')
		isPerm = function(perm){
			return (!isNaN(parseInt(perm, 8)) && parseInt(perm, 8) <= 511) || perm.match(/^([r-][w-][x-]){3}$/i);

	this.tpl = {
		main       : '<div class="ui-helper-clearfix elfinder-info-title"><span class="elfinder-cwd-icon {class} ui-corner-all"></span>{title}</div>'
		itemTitle  : '<strong>{name}</strong><span id="elfinder-info-kind">{kind}</span>',
		groupTitle : '<strong>{items}: {num}</strong>',
		dataTable  : '<table id="{id}-table-perm"><tr><td>{0}</td><td>{1}</td><td>{2}</td></tr></table>'
					+'<div class="">'+msg.perm+': <input class="elfinder-tabstop elfinder-focus" id="{id}-perm" type="text" size="4" maxlength="3" value="{value}"></div>',
		fieldset   : '<fieldset id="{id}-fieldset-{level}"><legend>{f_title}{name}</legend>'
					+'<input type="checkbox" value="4" class="elfinder-tabstop" id="{id}-read-{level}-perm"{checked-r}> <label for="{id}-read-{level}-perm">'+msg.read+'</label><br>'
					+'<input type="checkbox" value="6" class="elfinder-tabstop" id="{id}-write-{level}-perm"{checked-w}> <label for="{id}-write-{level}-perm">'+msg.write+'</label><br>'
					+'<input type="checkbox" value="5" class="elfinder-tabstop" id="{id}-execute-{level}-perm"{checked-x}> <label for="{id}-execute-{level}-perm">'+msg.execute+'</label><br>'

	this.shortcuts = [{
		//pattern     : 'ctrl+p'

	this.getstate = function(sel) {
		var fm = this.fm;
		sel = sel || fm.selected();
		if (sel.length == 0) {
			sel = [ fm.cwd().hash ];
		return this.checkstate(this.files(sel)) ? 0 : -1;
	this.checkstate = function(sel) {
		var cnt = sel.length,
			filter = function(files) {
				var fres = true;
				return $.grep(sel, function(f) {
					fres = fres && f.isowner && f.perm && isPerm(f.perm) && (cnt == 1 || f.mime != 'directory') ? true : false;
					return fres;
		return (cnt && cnt === filter(sel).length)? true : false;

	this.exec = function(select) {
		var hashes  = this.hashes(select),
			files   = this.files(hashes);
		if (! files.length) {
			hashes = [ this.fm.cwd().hash ];
			files   = this.files(hashes);
		var fm  = this.fm,
		dfrd    = $.Deferred().always(function() {
		tpl     = this.tpl,
		cnt     = files.length,
		file    = files[0],
		id = fm.namespace + '-perm-' + file.hash,
		view    = tpl.main,
		checked = ' checked="checked"',
		buttons = function() {
			var buttons = {};
			buttons[fm.i18n('btnApply')] = save;
			buttons[fm.i18n('btnCancel')] = function() { dialog.elfinderdialog('close'); };
			return buttons;
		save = function() {
			var perm = $.trim($('#'+id+'-perm').val()),
			if (!isPerm(perm)) return false;
			reqData = {
				cmd     : 'chmod',
				targets : hashes,
				mode    : perm
				data : reqData,
				notify : {type : 'chmod', cnt : cnt}
			.fail(function(error) {
			.done(function(data) {
				if (data.changed && data.changed.length) {
					data.undo = {
						cmd : 'chmod',
						callback : function() {
							var reqs = [];
							$.each(prevVals, function(perm, hashes) {
									data : {cmd : 'chmod', targets : hashes, mode : perm},
									notify : {type : 'undo', cnt : hashes.length}
							return $.when.apply(null, reqs);
					data.redo = {
						cmd : 'chmod',
						callback : function() {
							return fm.request({
								data : reqData,
								notify : {type : 'redo', cnt : hashes.length}
		setperm = function() {
			var perm = '';
			var _perm;
			for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++){
				_perm = 0;
				if ($("#"+id+"-read-"+level[i]+'-perm').is(':checked')) {
					_perm = (_perm | 4);
				if ($("#"+id+"-write-"+level[i]+'-perm').is(':checked')) {
					_perm = (_perm | 2);
				if ($("#"+id+"-execute-"+level[i]+'-perm').is(':checked')) {
					_perm = (_perm | 1);
				perm += _perm.toString(8);
		setcheck = function(perm) {
			var _perm;
			for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++){
				_perm = parseInt(perm.slice(i, i+1), 8);
				$("#"+id+"-read-"+level[i]+'-perm').prop("checked", false);
				$("#"+id+"-write-"+level[i]+'-perm').prop("checked", false);
				$("#"+id+"-execute-"+level[i]+'-perm').prop("checked", false);
				if ((_perm & 4) == 4) {
					$("#"+id+"-read-"+level[i]+'-perm').prop("checked", true);
				if ((_perm & 2) == 2) {
					$("#"+id+"-write-"+level[i]+'-perm').prop("checked", true);
				if ((_perm & 1) == 1) {
					$("#"+id+"-execute-"+level[i]+'-perm').prop("checked", true);
		makeperm = function(files) {
			var perm = '777', ret = '', chk, _chk, _perm;
			var len = files.length;
			for (var i2 = 0; i2 < len; i2++) {
				chk = getPerm(files[i2].perm);
				if (! prevVals[chk]) {
					prevVals[chk] = [];
				ret = '';
				for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++){
					_chk = parseInt(chk.slice(i, i+1), 8);
					_perm = parseInt(perm.slice(i, i+1), 8);
					if ((_chk & 4) != 4 && (_perm & 4) == 4) {
						_perm -= 4;
					if ((_chk & 2) != 2 && (_perm & 2) == 2) {
						_perm -= 2;
					if ((_chk & 1) != 1 && (_perm & 1) == 1) {
						_perm -= 1;
					ret += _perm.toString(8);
				perm = ret;
			return perm;
		makeName = function(name) {
			return name? ':'+name : '';
		makeDataTable = function(perm, f) {
			var _perm, fieldset;
			var value = '';
			var dataTable = tpl.dataTable;
			for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++){
				_perm = parseInt(perm.slice(i, i+1), 8);
				value += _perm.toString(8);
				fieldset = tpl.fieldset.replace('{f_title}', fm.i18n(level[i])).replace('{name}', makeName(f[level[i]])).replace(/\{level\}/g, level[i]);
				dataTable = dataTable.replace('{'+i+'}', fieldset)
				                     .replace('{checked-r}', ((_perm & 4) == 4)? checked : '')
				                     .replace('{checked-w}', ((_perm & 2) == 2)? checked : '')
				                     .replace('{checked-x}', ((_perm & 1) == 1)? checked : '');
			dataTable = dataTable.replace('{value}', value).replace('{valueCaption}', msg['perm']);
			return dataTable;
		getPerm = function(perm){
			if (isNaN(parseInt(perm, 8))) {
				var mode_array = perm.split('');
				var a = [];

				for (var i = 0, l = mode_array.length; i < l; i++) {
					if (i === 0 || i === 3 || i === 6) {
						if (mode_array[i].match(/[r]/i)) {
						} else if (mode_array[i].match(/[-]/)) {
					} else if ( i === 1 || i === 4 || i === 7) {
						 if (mode_array[i].match(/[w]/i)) {
						} else if (mode_array[i].match(/[-]/)) {
					} else {
						if (mode_array[i].match(/[x]/i)) {
						} else if (mode_array[i].match(/[-]/)) {
				a.splice(3, 0, ",");
				a.splice(7, 0, ",");

				var b = a.join("");
				var b_array = b.split(",");
				var c = [];
				for (var j = 0, m = b_array.length; j < m; j++) {
					var p = parseInt(b_array[j], 2).toString(8);

				perm = c.join('');
			} else {
				perm = parseInt(perm, 8).toString(8);
			return perm;
		opts    = {
			title : this.title,
			width : 'auto',
			buttons : buttons(),
			close : function() { $(this).elfinderdialog('destroy'); }
		dialog = fm.getUI().find('#'+id),
		prevVals = {},
		tmb = '', title, dataTable;

		if (dialog.length) {
			return $.Deferred().resolve();

		view  = view.replace('{class}', cnt > 1 ? 'elfinder-cwd-icon-group' : fm.mime2class(file.mime));
		if (cnt > 1) {
			title = tpl.groupTitle.replace('{items}', fm.i18n('items')).replace('{num}', cnt);
		} else {
			title = tpl.itemTitle.replace('{name}', file.name).replace('{kind}', fm.mime2kind(file));
			tmb = fm.tmb(file);

		dataTable = makeDataTable(makeperm(files), files.length == 1? files[0] : {});

		view = view.replace('{title}', title).replace('{dataTable}', dataTable).replace(/{id}/g, id);

		dialog = this.fmDialog(view, opts);
		dialog.attr('id', id);

		// load thumbnail
		if (tmb) {
				.on('load', function() { dialog.find('.elfinder-cwd-icon').addClass(tmb.className).css('background-image', "url('"+tmb.url+"')"); })
				.attr('src', tmb.url);

		$('#' + id + '-table-perm :checkbox').on('click', function(){setperm('perm');});
		$('#' + id + '-perm').on('keydown', function(e) {
			var c = e.keyCode;
			if (c == $.ui.keyCode.ENTER) {
		}).on('focus', function(e){
		}).on('keyup', function(e) {
			if ($(this).val().length == 3) {
		return dfrd;

 * File: /js/commands/colwidth.js

 * @class  elFinder command "colwidth"
 * CWD list table columns width to auto
 * @author Naoki Sawada
elFinder.prototype.commands.colwidth = function() {
		this.alwaysEnabled = true;
	this.updateOnSelect = false;
	this.getstate = function() {
		return this.fm.getUI('cwd').find('table').css('table-layout') === 'fixed' ? 0 : -1;
	this.exec = function() {
		return $.Deferred().resolve();

 * File: /js/commands/copy.js

 * @class elFinder command "copy".
 * Put files in filemanager clipboard.
 * @type  elFinder.command
 * @author  Dmitry (dio) Levashov
elFinder.prototype.commands.copy = function() {
		this.shortcuts = [{
		pattern     : 'ctrl+c ctrl+insert'
	this.getstate = function(select) {
		var sel = this.files(select),
			cnt = sel.length,
			filter = function(files) {
				var fres = true;
				return $.grep(files, function(f) {
					fres = fres && f.read ? true : false;
					return fres;

		return cnt && filter(sel).length == cnt ? 0 : -1;
	this.exec = function(hashes) {
		var fm   = this.fm,
			dfrd = $.Deferred()
				.fail(function(error) {

		$.each(this.files(hashes), function(i, file) {
			if (! file.read) {
				return !dfrd.reject(['errCopy', file.name, 'errPerm']);
		return dfrd.state() == 'rejected' ? dfrd : dfrd.resolve(fm.clipboard(this.hashes(hashes)));


 * File: /js/commands/cut.js

 * @class elFinder command "copy".
 * Put files in filemanager clipboard.
 * @type  elFinder.command
 * @author  Dmitry (dio) Levashov
elFinder.prototype.commands.cut = function() {
		var fm = this.fm;
	this.shortcuts = [{
		pattern     : 'ctrl+x shift+insert'
	this.getstate = function(select) {
		var sel = this.files(select),
			cnt = sel.length,
			filter = function(files) {
				var fres = true;
				return $.grep(files, function(f) {
					fres = fres && f.read && ! f.locked && ! fm.isRoot(f) ? true : false;
					return fres;
		return cnt && filter(sel).length == cnt ? 0 : -1;
	this.exec = function(hashes) {
		var dfrd = $.Deferred()
				.fail(function(error) {

		$.each(this.files(hashes), function(i, file) {
			if (!(file.read && ! file.locked && ! fm.isRoot(file)) ) {
				return !dfrd.reject(['errCopy', file.name, 'errPerm']);
			if (file.locked) {
				return !dfrd.reject(['errLocked', file.name]);
		return dfrd.state() == 'rejected' ? dfrd : dfrd.resolve(fm.clipboard(this.hashes(hashes), true));


 * File: /js/commands/download.js

 * @class elFinder command "download". 
 * Download selected files.
 * Only for new api
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov, dio@std42.ru
elFinder.prototype.commands.zipdl = function() {};
elFinder.prototype.commands.download = function() {
		var self   = this,
		fm     = this.fm,
		czipdl = null,
		zipOn  = false,
		mixed  = false,
		dlntf  = false,
		cpath  = window.location.pathname || '/',
		filter = function(hashes, inExec) {
			var volumeid, mixedCmd;
			if (czipdl !== null) {
				if (fm.searchStatus.state > 1) {
					mixed = fm.searchStatus.mixed;
				} else if (fm.leafRoots[fm.cwd().hash]) {
					volumeid = fm.cwd().volumeid;
					$.each(hashes, function(i, h) {
						if (h.indexOf(volumeid) !== 0) {
							mixed = true;
							return false;
				zipOn = (fm.isCommandEnabled('zipdl', hashes[0]));

			if (mixed) {
				mixedCmd = czipdl? 'zipdl' : 'download';
				hashes = $.grep(hashes, function(h) {
					var f = fm.file(h),
						res = (! f || (! czipdl && f.mime === 'directory') || ! fm.isCommandEnabled(mixedCmd, h))? false : true;
					if (f && inExec && ! res) {
					return res;
				if (! hashes.length) {
					return [];
			} else {
				if (!fm.isCommandEnabled('download', hashes[0])) {
					return [];
			return $.grep(self.files(hashes), function(f) { 
				var res = (! f.read || (! zipOn && f.mime == 'directory')) ? false : true;
				if (inExec && ! res) {
				return res;
	this.linkedCmds = ['zipdl'];
	this.shortcuts = [{
		pattern     : 'shift+enter'
	this.getstate = function(select) {
		var sel    = this.hashes(select),
			cnt    = sel.length,
			maxReq = this.options.maxRequests || 10,
			mixed  = false,
			croot  = '';
		if (cnt < 1) {
			return -1;
		cnt = filter(sel).length;
		return  (cnt && (zipOn || (cnt <= maxReq && ((!fm.UA.IE && !fm.UA.Mobile) || cnt == 1))) ? 0 : -1);
	fm.bind('contextmenu', function(e){
		var fm = self.fm,
			helper = null,
			targets, file, link,
			getExtra = function(file) {
				var link = file.url || fm.url(file.hash);
				return {
					icon: 'link',
					node: $('<a></a>')
						.attr({href: link, target: '_blank', title: fm.i18n('link')})
						.on('mousedown click touchstart touchmove touchend contextmenu', function(e){
						.on('dragstart', function(e) {
							var dt = e.dataTransfer || e.originalEvent.dataTransfer || null;
							helper = null;
							if (dt) {
								var icon  = function(f) {
										var mime = f.mime, i, tmb = fm.tmb(f);
										i = '<div class="elfinder-cwd-icon '+fm.mime2class(mime)+' ui-corner-all"></div>';
										if (tmb) {
											i = $(i).addClass(tmb.className).css('background-image', "url('"+tmb.url+"')").get(0).outerHTML;
										return i;
								dt.effectAllowed = 'copyLink';
								if (dt.setDragImage) {
									helper = $('<div class="elfinder-drag-helper html5-native">').append(icon(file)).appendTo($(document.body));
									dt.setDragImage(helper.get(0), 50, 47);
								if (!fm.UA.IE) {
									dt.setData('elfinderfrom', window.location.href + file.phash);
									dt.setData('elfinderfrom:' + dt.getData('elfinderfrom'), '');
						.on('dragend', function(e) {
							helper && helper.remove();
		self.extra = null;
		if (e.data) {
			targets = e.data.targets || [];
			if (targets.length === 1 && (file = fm.file(targets[0])) && file.mime !== 'directory') {
				if (file.url != '1') {
					self.extra = getExtra(file);
				} else {
					// Get URL ondemand
					var node;
					self.extra = {
						icon: 'link',
						node: $('<a></a>')
							.attr({href: '#', title: fm.i18n('getLink'), draggable: 'false'})
							.on('click touchstart', function(e){
								if (e.type === 'touchstart' && e.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) {
								var parent = node.parent();
									data : {cmd : 'url', target : file.hash},
									preventDefault : true
								.always(function(data) {
									if (data.url) {
										var rfile = fm.file(file.hash);
										rfile.url = data.url;
									} else {

					node = self.extra.node;
							node.parent().addClass('ui-state-disabled').css('pointer-events', 'auto');
	}).one('open', function() {
		if (fm.api >= 2.1012) {
			czipdl = fm.getCommand('zipdl');
		dlntf = fm.cookieEnabled && fm.api > 2.1038 && !fm.isCORS;
	this.exec = function(select) {
		var hashes  = this.hashes(select),
			fm      = this.fm,
			base    = fm.options.url,
			files   = filter(hashes, true),
			dfrd    = $.Deferred(),
			iframes = '',
			cdata   = '',
			targets = {},
			i, url,
			linkdl  = false,
			getTask = function(hashes) {
				return function() {
					var dfd = $.Deferred(),
						root = fm.file(fm.root(hashes[0])),
						single = (hashes.length === 1),
						volName = root? (root.i18 || root.name) : null,
						dir, dlName, phash;
					if (single) {
						if (dir = fm.file(hashes[0])) {
							dlName = (dir.i18 || dir.name);
					} else {
						$.each(hashes, function() {
							var d = fm.file(this);
							if (d && (!phash || phash === d.phash)) {
								phash = d.phash;
							} else {
								phash = null;
								return false;
						if (phash && (dir = fm.file(phash))) {
							dlName = (dir.i18 || dir.name) + '-' + hashes.length;
					if (dlName) {
						volName = dlName;
					volName && (volName = ' (' + volName + ')');
						data : {cmd : 'zipdl', targets : hashes},
						notify : {type : 'zipdl', cnt : 1, hideCnt : true, msg : fm.i18n('ntfzipdl') + volName},
						cancel : true,
						eachCancel : true,
						preventDefault : true
					}).done(function(e) {
						var zipdl, dialog, btn = {}, dllink, form, iframe, m,
							uniq = 'dlw' + (+new Date()),
							zipdlFn = function(url) {
								dllink = $('<a></a>')
									.attr('href', url)
									.attr('download', fm.escape(dlName))
									.on('click', function() {
										dialog && dialog.elfinderdialog('destroy');
								if (linkdl) {
									dllink.attr('target', '_blank')
										.append('<span class="elfinder-button-icon elfinder-button-icon-download"></span>'+fm.escape(dlName));
									btn[fm.i18n('btnCancel')] = function() {
									dialog = self.fmDialog(dllink, {
										title: fm.i18n('link'),
										buttons: btn,
										width: '200px',
										destroyOnClose: true,
										close: function() {
											(dfd.state() !== 'resolved') && dfd.resolve();
								} else {
						if (e.error) {
						} else if (e.zipdl) {
							zipdl = e.zipdl;
							if (dlName) {
								m = fm.splitFileExtention(zipdl.name || '');
								dlName += m[1]? ('.' + m[1]) : '.zip';
							} else {
								dlName = zipdl.name;
							if (html5dl || linkdl) {
								url = fm.options.url + (fm.options.url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&')
								+ 'cmd=zipdl&download=1';
								$.each([hashes[0], zipdl.file, dlName, zipdl.mime], function(key, val) {
									url += '&targets%5B%5D='+encodeURIComponent(val);
								$.each(fm.customData, function(key, val) {
									url += '&'+encodeURIComponent(key)+'='+encodeURIComponent(val);
								url += '&'+encodeURIComponent(dlName);
								if (fm.hasParrotHeaders()) {
									fm.getBinaryByUrl({url: url}, function(blob) {
										if (blob instanceof Blob) {
											url = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(blob);
										} else {
											fm.error(['errUploadTransfer', fm.i18n('kindZIP')]);
								} else {
							} else {
								form = $('<form action="'+fm.options.url+'" method="post" target="'+uniq+'" style="display:none"></form>')
								.append('<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="zipdl"/>')
								.append('<input type="hidden" name="download" value="1"/>');
								$.each([hashes[0], zipdl.file, dlName, zipdl.mime], function(key, val) {
									form.append('<input type="hidden" name="targets[]" value="'+fm.escape(val)+'"/>');
								$.each(fm.customData, function(key, val) {
									form.append('<input type="hidden" name="'+key+'" value="'+fm.escape(val)+'"/>');
								form.attr('target', uniq).appendTo('body');
								iframe = $('<iframe style="display:none" name="'+uniq+'">')
									.ready(function() {
										setTimeout(function() {
										}, 20000); // give 20 sec file to be saved
					}).fail(function(error) {
						error && fm.error(error);
					return dfd.promise();
			// use MouseEvent to click element for Safari etc
			click = function(a) {
				var clickEv;
				if (typeof MouseEvent === 'function') {
					clickEv = new MouseEvent('click');
				} else {
					clickEv = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
					clickEv.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
			checkCookie = function(id) {
				var name = 'elfdl' + id,
				parts = document.cookie.split(name + "=");
				if (parts.length === 2) {
					ntftm && clearTimeout(ntftm);
					document.cookie = name + '=; path=' + cpath + '; max-age=0';
				} else {
					setTimeout(function() { checkCookie(id); }, 200);
			closeNotify = function() {
				if (fm.ui.notify.children('.elfinder-notify-download').length) {
						type : 'download',
						cnt : -1
			reqids = [],
			link, html5dl, fileCnt, clickEv, cid, ntftm, reqid, getUrlDfrd, urls;
		if (!files.length) {
			return dfrd.reject();
		fileCnt = $.grep(files, function(f) { return f.mime === 'directory'? false : true; }).length;
		link = $('<a>').hide().appendTo('body');
		html5dl = (typeof link.get(0).download === 'string');
		if (zipOn && (fileCnt !== files.length || fileCnt >= (this.options.minFilesZipdl || 1))) {
			linkdl = (!html5dl && fm.UA.Mobile);
			if (mixed) {
				targets = {};
				$.each(files, function(i, f) {
					var p = f.hash.split('_', 2);
					if (! targets[p[0]]) {
						targets[p[0]] = [ f.hash ];
					} else {
				if (!linkdl && fm.UA.Mobile && Object.keys(targets).length > 1) {
					linkdl = true;
			} else {
				targets = [ $.map(files, function(f) { return f.hash; }) ];
			dfrd = fm.sequence($.map(targets, function(t) { return getTask(t); })).always(
				function() {
					fm.trigger('download', {files : files});
			return dfrd;
		} else {
			reqids = [];
			getUrlDfrd = $.Deferred().done(function(urls) {
				for (i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
					url = urls[i];
					if (dlntf && url.substr(0, fm.options.url.length) === fm.options.url) {
						reqid = fm.getRequestId();
						url += '&cpath=' + cpath + '&reqid=' + reqid;
						ntftm = setTimeout(function() {
								type : 'download',
								cnt : 1,
								cancel : (fm.UA.IE || fm.UA.Edge)? void(0) : function() {
									if (reqids.length) {
										$.each(reqids, function() {
												data: {
													cmd: 'abort',
													id: this
												preventDefault: true
									reqids = [];
						}, fm.notifyDelay);
					if (html5dl) {
						click(link.attr('href', url)
							.attr('download', fm.escape(files[i].name))
					} else {
						if (fm.UA.Mobile) {
								if (! window.open(url)) {
									ntftm && cleaerTimeout(ntftm);
							}, 100);
						} else {
							iframes += '<iframe class="downloader" id="downloader-' + files[i].hash+'" style="display:none" src="'+url+'"></iframe>';
					.ready(function() {
						setTimeout(function() {
							$(iframes).each(function() {
								$('#' + $(this).attr('id')).remove();
						}, 20000 + (10000 * i)); // give 20 sec + 10 sec for each file to be saved
				fm.trigger('download', {files : files});
			fileCnt = files.length;
			urls = [];
			for (i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
				fm.openUrl(files[i].hash, true, function(v) {
					v && urls.push(v);
					if (--fileCnt < 1) {
			return dfrd;


 * File: /js/commands/duplicate.js

 * @class elFinder command "duplicate"
 * Create file/folder copy with suffix "copy Number"
 * @type  elFinder.command
 * @author  Dmitry (dio) Levashov
elFinder.prototype.commands.duplicate = function() {
		var fm = this.fm;
	this.getstate = function(select) {
		var sel = this.files(select),
			cnt = sel.length,
			filter = function(files) {
				var fres = true;
				return $.grep(files, function(f) {
					fres = fres && f.read && f.phash === fm.cwd().hash && ! fm.isRoot(f)? true : false;
					return fres;

		return cnt && fm.cwd().write && filter(sel).length == cnt ? 0 : -1;
	this.exec = function(hashes) {
		var fm     = this.fm,
			files  = this.files(hashes),
			cnt    = files.length,
			dfrd   = $.Deferred()
				.fail(function(error) {
					error && fm.error(error);
			args = [];
		if (! cnt) {
			return dfrd.reject();
		$.each(files, function(i, file) {
			if (!file.read || !fm.file(file.phash).write) {
				return !dfrd.reject(['errCopy', file.name, 'errPerm']);
		if (dfrd.state() == 'rejected') {
			return dfrd;
		return fm.request({
			data   : {cmd : 'duplicate', targets : this.hashes(hashes)},
			notify : {type : 'copy', cnt : cnt},
			navigate : {
				toast : {
					inbuffer : {msg: fm.i18n(['complete', fm.i18n('cmdduplicate')])}


 * File: /js/commands/edit.js

 * @class elFinder command "edit". 
 * Edit text file in dialog window
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov, dio@std42.ru
elFinder.prototype.commands.edit = function() {
		var self  = this,
		fm    = this.fm,
		clsEditing = fm.res('class', 'editing'),
		mimesSingle = [],
		mimes = [],
		allowAll = false,
		rtrim = function(str){
			return str.replace(/\s+$/, '');
		getEncSelect = function(heads) {
			var sel = $('<select class="ui-corner-all"></select>'),
			if (heads) {
				$.each(heads, function(i, head) {
					hval = fm.escape(head.value);
					sel.append('<option value="'+hval+'">'+(head.caption? fm.escape(head.caption) : hval)+'</option>');
			$.each(self.options.encodings, function(i, v) {
				sel.append('<option value="'+v+'">'+v+'</option>');
			return sel;
		getDlgWidth = function() {
			var win = fm.options.dialogContained? fm.getUI() : $(window),
				m, width;
			if (typeof self.options.dialogWidth === 'string' && (m = self.options.dialogWidth.match(/(\d+)%/))) {
				width = parseInt(win.width() * (m[1] / 100));
			} else {
				width = parseInt(self.options.dialogWidth || 650);
			return Math.min(width, win.width());
		getDlgHeight = function() {
			if (!self.options.dialogHeight) {
				return void(0);
			var win = fm.options.dialogContained? fm.getUI() : $(window),
				m, height;
			if (typeof self.options.dialogHeight === 'string' && (m = self.options.dialogHeight.match(/(\d+)%/))) {
				height = parseInt(win.height() * (m[1] / 100));
			} else {
				height = parseInt(self.options.dialogHeight || win.height());
			return Math.min(height, win.height());

		 * Return files acceptable to edit
		 * @param  Array  files hashes
		 * @return Array
		filter = function(files) {
			var cnt = files.length,
				mime, ext, skip;
			if (cnt > 1) {
				mime = files[0].mime;
				ext = files[0].name.replace(/^.*(\.[^.]+)$/, '$1');
			return $.grep(files, function(file) {
				var res;
				if (skip || file.mime === 'directory') {
					return false;
				res = file.read
					&& (allowAll || fm.mimeIsText(file.mime) || $.inArray(file.mime, cnt === 1? mimesSingle : mimes) !== -1) 
					&& (!self.onlyMimes.length || $.inArray(file.mime, self.onlyMimes) !== -1)
					&& (cnt === 1 || (file.mime === mime && file.name.substr(ext.length * -1) === ext))
					&& (fm.uploadMimeCheck(file.mime, file.phash)? true : false)
					&& setEditors(file, cnt)
					&& Object.keys(editors).length;
				if (!res) {
					skip = true;
				return res;

		fileSync = function(hash) {
			var old = fm.file(hash),
				cmd: 'info',
				targets: [hash],
				preventDefault: true
			}).done(function(data) {
				var changed;
				if (data && data.files && data.files.length) {
					f = data.files[0];
					if (old.ts != f.ts || old.size != f.size) {
						changed = { changed: [ f ] };

		 * Open dialog with textarea to edit file
		 * @param  String  id       dialog id
		 * @param  Object  file     file object
		 * @param  String  content  file content
		 * @return $.Deferred
		dialog = function(id, file, content, encoding, editor, toasts) {

			var dfrd = $.Deferred(),
				_loaded = false,
				loaded = function() {
					if (!_loaded) {
							mode: 'warning',
							msg: fm.i18n('nowLoading')
						return false;
					return true;
				makeToasts = function() {
					// make toast message
					if (toasts && Array.isArray(toasts)) {
						$.each(toasts, function() {
							this.msg && fm.toast(this);
				save = function() {
					var encord = selEncoding? selEncoding.val():void(0),
						saveDfd = $.Deferred().fail(function(err) {
						conf, res, tm;
					if (!loaded()) {
						return saveDfd.resolve();
					if (ta.editor) {
						ta.editor.save(ta[0], ta.editor.instance);
						conf = ta.editor.confObj;
						if (conf.info && (conf.info.schemeContent || conf.info.arrayBufferContent)) {
							encord = 'scheme';
					res = getContent();
					if (res.promise) {
						tm = setTimeout(function() {
								type : 'chkcontent',
								cnt : 1,
								hideCnt: true,
								cancel : function() {
						}, 100);
						res.always(function() {
							tm && clearTimeout(tm);
							fm.notify({ type : 'chkcontent', cnt: -1 });
						}).done(function(data) {
							dfrd.notifyWith(ta, [encord, ta.data('hash'), old, saveDfd]);
						}).fail(function(err) {
					} else {
						dfrd.notifyWith(ta, [encord, ta.data('hash'), old, saveDfd]);
					return saveDfd;
				saveon = function() {
					if (!loaded()) { return; }
					save().fail(function(err) {
						err && fm.error(err);
				cancel = function() {
				savecl = function() {
					if (!loaded()) { return; }
					save().done(function() {
						_loaded = false;
					}).fail(function(err) {
						err && fm.error(err);
				saveAs = function() {
					if (!loaded()) { return; }
					var prevOld = old,
						phash = file.phash,
						fail = function(err) {
							dialogs.addClass(clsEditing).fadeIn(function() {
								err && fm.error(err);
							old = prevOld;
						make = function() {
							self.mime = saveAsFile.mime || file.mime;
							self.prefix = (saveAsFile.name || file.name).replace(/ \d+(\.[^.]+)?$/, '$1');
							self.requestCmd = 'mkfile';
							self.nextAction = {};
							self.data = {target : phash};
							$.proxy(fm.res('mixin', 'make'), self)()
								.done(function(data) {
									var oldHash;
									if (data.added && data.added.length) {
										oldHash = ta.data('hash');
										ta.data('hash', data.added[0].hash);
										save().done(function() {
											_loaded = false;
										}).fail(function() {
											fm.exec('rm', [data.added[0].hash], { forceRm: true, quiet: true });
											ta.data('hash', oldHash);
									} else {
								.progress(function(err) {
									if (err && err === 'errUploadMime') {
								.always(function() {
									delete self.mime;
									delete self.prefix;
									delete self.nextAction;
									delete self.data;
							fm.trigger('unselectfiles', { files: [ file.hash ] });
						reqOpen = null,
						reqInfo = null,
						dialogs = fm.getUI().children('.' + self.dialogClass + ':visible');
						if (dialogNode.is(':hidden')) {
							dialogs = dialogs.add(dialogNode);
					if (fm.searchStatus.state < 2 && phash !== fm.cwd().hash) {
						reqOpen = fm.exec('open', [phash], {thash: phash});
					} else if (!fm.file(phash)) {
						reqInfo = fm.request({cmd: 'info', targets: [phash]}); 
					$.when([reqOpen, reqInfo]).done(function() {
						if (reqInfo) {
							fm.one('infodone', function() {
								fm.file(phash)? make() : fail('errFolderNotFound');
						} else {
							reqOpen? fm.one('cwdrender', make) : make();
				changed = function() {
					var dfd = $.Deferred(),
						res, tm;
					if (!_loaded) {
						return dfd.resolve(false);
					ta.editor && ta.editor.save(ta[0], ta.editor.instance);
					res = getContent();
					if (res && res.promise) {
						tm = setTimeout(function() {
								type : 'chkcontent',
								cnt : 1,
								hideCnt: true,
								cancel : function() {
						}, 100);
						res.always(function() {
							tm && clearTimeout(tm);
							fm.notify({ type : 'chkcontent', cnt: -1 });
						}).done(function(d) {
							dfd.resolve(old !== d);
						}).fail(function(err) {
							dfd.resolve(err || (old === undefined? false : true));
					} else {
						dfd.resolve(old !== res);
					return dfd;
				opts = {
					title   : fm.escape(file.name),
					width   : getDlgWidth(),
					height  : getDlgHeight(),
					buttons : {},
					cssClass  : clsEditing,
					maxWidth  : 'window',
					maxHeight : 'window',
					allowMinimize : true,
					allowMaximize : true,
					openMaximized : editorMaximized() || (editor && editor.info && editor.info.openMaximized),
					btnHoverFocus : false,
					closeOnEscape : false,
					propagationEvents : ['mousemove', 'mouseup', 'click'],
					minimize : function() {
						var conf;
						if (ta.editor && dialogNode.closest('.ui-dialog').is(':hidden')) {
							conf = ta.editor.confObj;
							if (conf.info && conf.info.syncInterval) {
					close   : function() {
						var close = function() {
								var conf;
								if (ta.editor) {
									ta.editor.close(ta[0], ta.editor.instance);
									conf = ta.editor.confObj;
									if (conf.info && conf.info.syncInterval) {
							onlySaveAs = (typeof saveAsFile.name !== 'undefined'),
							accept = onlySaveAs? {
								label    : 'btnSaveAs',
								callback : function() {
							} : {
								label    : 'btnSaveClose',
								callback : function() {
									save().done(function() {
						changed().done(function(change) {
							var msgs = ['confirmNotSave'];
							if (change) {
								if (typeof change === 'string') {
									title  : self.title,
									text   : msgs,
									accept : accept,
									cancel : {
										label    : 'btnClose',
										callback : close
									buttons : onlySaveAs? null : [{
										label    : 'btnSaveAs',
										callback : function() {
							} else {
					open    : function() {
						var loadRes, conf, interval;
						ta.initEditArea.call(ta, id, file, content, fm);
						if (ta.editor) {
							loadRes = ta.editor.load(ta[0]) || null;
							if (loadRes && loadRes.done) {
								loadRes.always(function() {
									_loaded = true;
								}).done(function(instance) {
									ta.editor.instance = instance;
									ta.editor.focus(ta[0], ta.editor.instance);
									requestAnimationFrame(function() {
								}).fail(function(error) {
									error && fm.error(error);
							} else {
								_loaded = true;
								if (loadRes && (typeof loadRes === 'string' || Array.isArray(loadRes))) {
								ta.editor.instance = loadRes;
								ta.editor.focus(ta[0], ta.editor.instance);
								requestAnimationFrame(function() {
							conf = ta.editor.confObj;
							if (conf.info && conf.info.syncInterval) {
								if (interval = parseInt(conf.info.syncInterval)) {
									setTimeout(function() {
									}, interval);
						} else {
							_loaded = true;
					resize : function(e, data) {
						ta.editor && ta.editor.resize(ta[0], ta.editor.instance, e, data || {});
				getContent = function() {
					var res = ta.getContent.call(ta, ta[0]);
					if (res === undefined || res === false || res === null) {
						res = $.Deferred().reject();
					return res;
				setOld = function(res) {
					if (res && res.promise) {
						res.done(function(d) {
							old = d;
					} else {
						old = res;
				autoSync = function(interval) {
					if (dialogNode.is(':visible')) {
						setTimeout(function() {
						}, interval);
				stateChange = function() {
					if (selEncoding) {
						changed().done(function(change) {
							if (change) {
								selEncoding.attr('title', fm.i18n('saveAsEncoding')).addClass('elfinder-edit-changed');
							} else {
								selEncoding.attr('title', fm.i18n('openAsEncoding')).removeClass('elfinder-edit-changed');
				saveAsFile = {},
				ta, old, dialogNode, selEncoding, extEditor, maxW, syncInterval;
			if (editor) {
				if (editor.html) {
					ta = $(editor.html);
				extEditor = {
					init     : editor.init || null,
					load     : editor.load,
					getContent : editor.getContent || null,
					save     : editor.save,
					beforeclose : typeof editor.beforeclose == 'function' ? editor.beforeclose : void 0,
					close    : typeof editor.close == 'function' ? editor.close : function() {},
					focus    : typeof editor.focus == 'function' ? editor.focus : function() {},
					resize   : typeof editor.resize == 'function' ? editor.resize : function() {},
					instance : null,
					doSave   : saveon,
					doCancel : cancel,
					doClose  : savecl,
					file     : file,
					fm       : fm,
					confObj  : editor,
					trigger  : function(evName, data) {
						fm.trigger('editEditor' + evName, Object.assign({}, editor.info || {}, data));
			if (!ta) {
				if (!fm.mimeIsText(file.mime)) {
					return dfrd.reject('errEditorNotFound');
				(function() {
					ta = $('<textarea class="elfinder-file-edit" rows="20" id="'+id+'-ta"></textarea>')
						.on('input propertychange', stateChange);
					if (!editor || !editor.info || editor.info.useTextAreaEvent) {
						ta.on('keydown', function(e) {
							var code = e.keyCode,
								value, start;
							if (code == $.ui.keyCode.TAB) {
								// insert tab on tab press
								if (this.setSelectionRange) {
									value = this.value;
									start = this.selectionStart;
									this.value = value.substr(0, start) + "\t" + value.substr(this.selectionEnd);
									start += 1;
									this.setSelectionRange(start, start);
							if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {
								// close on ctrl+w/q
								if (code == 'Q'.charCodeAt(0) || code == 'W'.charCodeAt(0)) {
								if (code == 'S'.charCodeAt(0)) {
						.on('mouseenter', function(){this.focus();});

					ta.initEditArea = function(id, file, content) {
						// ta.hide() for performance tune. Need ta.show() in `load()` if use textarea node.

			// extended function to setup selector of encoding for text editor
			ta._setupSelEncoding = function(content) {
				var heads = (encoding && encoding !== 'unknown')? [{value: encoding}] : [],
					wfake = $('<select></select>').hide(),
					setSelW = function(init) {
						init && wfake.appendTo(selEncoding.parent());
				if (content === '' || ! encoding || encoding !== 'UTF-8') {
					heads.push({value: 'UTF-8'});
				selEncoding = getEncSelect(heads).on('touchstart', function(e) {
					// for touch punch event handler
				}).on('change', function() {
					// reload to change encoding if not edited
					changed().done(function(change) {
						if (! change && getContent() !== '') {
							edit(file, selEncoding.val(), editor).fail(function(err) { err && fm.error(err); });
				}).on('mouseover', stateChange);
				ta.parent().next().prepend($('<div class="ui-dialog-buttonset elfinder-edit-extras"></div>').append(selEncoding));

			ta.data('hash', file.hash);
			if (extEditor) {
				ta.editor = extEditor;
				if (typeof extEditor.beforeclose === 'function') {
					opts.beforeclose = function() {
						return extEditor.beforeclose(ta[0], extEditor.instance);
				if (typeof extEditor.init === 'function') {
					ta.initEditArea = extEditor.init;
				if (typeof extEditor.getContent === 'function') {
					ta.getContent = extEditor.getContent;
			if (! ta.initEditArea) {
				ta.initEditArea = function() {};
			if (! ta.getContent) {
				ta.getContent = function() {
					return rtrim(ta.val());
			if (!editor || !editor.info || !editor.info.preventGet) {
				opts.buttons[fm.i18n('btnSave')]      = saveon;
				opts.buttons[fm.i18n('btnSaveClose')] = savecl;
				opts.buttons[fm.i18n('btnSaveAs')]    = saveAs;
				opts.buttons[fm.i18n('btnCancel')]    = cancel;
			if (editor && typeof editor.prepare === 'function') {
				editor.prepare(ta, opts, file);
			dialogNode = self.fmDialog(ta, opts)
				.attr('id', id)
				.on('keydown keyup keypress', function(e) {
				.css({ overflow: 'hidden', minHeight: '7em' })
				.on('changeType', function(e, data) {
					if (data.extention && data.mime) {
						var ext = data.extention,
							mime = data.mime,
							btnSet = $(this).children('.ui-dialog-buttonpane').children('.ui-dialog-buttonset');
						saveAsFile.name = fm.splitFileExtention(file.name)[0] + '.' + data.extention;
						saveAsFile.mime = data.mime;
						if (!data.keepEditor) {
			// care to viewport scale change with mobile devices
			maxW = (fm.options.dialogContained? fm.getUI() : $(window)).width();
			(dialogNode.width() > maxW) && dialogNode.width(maxW);
			return dfrd.promise();
		 * Get file content and
		 * open dialog with textarea to edit file content
		 * @param  String  file hash
		 * @return jQuery.Deferred
		edit = function(file, convert, editor) {
			var hash   = file.hash,
				opts   = fm.options,
				dfrd   = $.Deferred(), 
				id     = 'edit-'+fm.namespace+'-'+file.hash,
				d      = fm.getUI().find('#'+id),
				conv   = !convert? 0 : convert,
				noContent = false,
				req, error, res;
			if (d.length) {
				return dfrd.resolve();
			if (!file.read || (!file.write && (!editor.info || !editor.info.converter))) {
				error = ['errOpen', file.name, 'errPerm'];
				return dfrd.reject(error);
			if (editor && editor.info) {
				if (typeof editor.info.edit === 'function') {
					res = editor.info.edit.call(fm, file, editor);
					if (res.promise) {
						res.done(function() {
						}).fail(function(error) {
					} else {
						res? dfrd.resolve() : dfrd.reject();
					return dfrd;

				noContent = editor.info.preventGet || editor.info.noContent;
				if (editor.info.urlAsContent || noContent) {
					req = $.Deferred();
					if (editor.info.urlAsContent) {
						fm.url(hash, { async: true, onetime: true, temporary: true }).done(function(url) {
							req.resolve({content: url});
					} else {
				} else {
					if (conv) {
						file.encoding = conv;
						fm.cache(file, 'change');
					req = fm.request({
						data           : {cmd : 'get', target : hash, conv : conv, _t : file.ts},
						options        : {type: 'get', cache : true},
						notify         : {type : 'file', cnt : 1},
						preventDefault : true

				req.done(function(data) {
					var selEncoding, reg, m, res;
					if (data.doconv) {
							title  : self.title,
							text   : data.doconv === 'unknown'? 'confirmNonUTF8' : 'confirmConvUTF8',
							accept : {
								label    : 'btnConv',
								callback : function() {  
									dfrd = edit(file, selEncoding.val(), editor);
							cancel : {
								label    : 'btnCancel',
								callback : function() { dfrd.reject(); }
							optionsCallback : function(options) {
								options.create = function() {
									var base = $('<div class="elfinder-dialog-confirm-encoding"></div>'),
										head = {value: data.doconv},
									if (data.doconv === 'unknown') {
										head.caption = '-';
									selEncoding = getEncSelect([head]);
										.prepend(base.append($('<label>'+fm.i18n('encoding')+' </label>').append(selEncoding)));
					} else {
						if (!noContent && fm.mimeIsText(file.mime)) {
							reg = new RegExp('^(data:'+file.mime.replace(/([.+])/g, '\\$1')+';base64,)', 'i');
							if (!editor.info.dataScheme) {
								if (window.atob && (m = data.content.match(reg))) {
									data.content = atob(data.content.substr(m[1].length));
							} else {
								if (window.btoa && !data.content.match(reg)) {
									data.content = 'data:'+file.mime+';base64,'+btoa(data.content);
						dialog(id, file, data.content, data.encoding, editor, data.toasts)
							.done(function(data) {
							.progress(function(encoding, newHash, data, saveDfd) {
								var ta = this;
								if (newHash) {
									hash = newHash;
									options : {type : 'post'},
									data : {
										cmd     : 'put',
										target  : hash,
										encoding : encoding || data.encoding,
										content : data
									notify : {type : 'save', cnt : 1},
									syncOnFail : true,
									preventFail : true,
									navigate : {
										target : 'changed',
										toast : {
											inbuffer : {msg: fm.i18n(['complete', fm.i18n('btnSave')])}
								.fail(function(error) {
								.done(function(data) {
										ta.editor && ta.editor.focus(ta[0], ta.editor.instance);
							.fail(function(error) {
				.fail(function(error) {
					var err = fm.parseError(error);
					err = Array.isArray(err)? err[0] : err;
					if (file.encoding) {
						file.encoding = '';
						fm.cache(file, 'change');
					(err !== 'errConvUTF8') && fm.sync();

			return dfrd.promise();
		 * Current editors of selected files
		 * @type Object
		editors = {},
		 * Fallback editor (Simple text editor)
		 * @type Object
		fallbackEditor = {
			// Simple Text (basic textarea editor)
			info : {
				id : 'textarea',
				name : 'TextArea',
				useTextAreaEvent : true
			load : function(textarea) {
				// trigger event 'editEditorPrepare'
				this.trigger('Prepare', {
					node: textarea,
					editorObj: void(0),
					instance: void(0),
					opts: {}
				textarea.setSelectionRange && textarea.setSelectionRange(0, 0);
			save : function(){}

		 * Set current editors
		 * @param  Object  file object
		 * @param  Number  cnt  count of selected items
		 * @return Void
		setEditors = function(file, cnt) {
			var mimeMatch = function(fileMime, editorMimes){
					if (!editorMimes) {
						return fm.mimeIsText(fileMime);
					} else {
						if (editorMimes[0] === '*' || $.inArray(fileMime, editorMimes) !== -1) {
							return true;
						var i, l;
						l = editorMimes.length;
						for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
							if (fileMime.indexOf(editorMimes[i]) === 0) {
								return true;
						return false;
				extMatch = function(fileName, editorExts){
					if (!editorExts || !editorExts.length) {
						return true;
					var ext = fileName.replace(/^.+\.([^.]+)|(.+)$/, '$1$2').toLowerCase(),
					i, l;
					l = editorExts.length;
					for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
						if (ext === editorExts[i].toLowerCase()) {
							return true;
					return false;
				optEditors = self.options.editors || [],
				cwdWrite = fm.cwd().write;
			stored = fm.storage('storedEditors') || {};
			editors = {};
			if (!optEditors.length) {
				optEditors = [fallbackEditor];
			$.each(optEditors, function(i, editor) {
				var name;
				if ((cnt === 1 || !editor.info.single)
						&& ((!editor.info || !editor.info.converter)? file.write : cwdWrite)
						&& (file.size > 0 || (!editor.info.converter && editor.info.canMakeEmpty !== false && fm.mimesCanMakeEmpty[file.mime]))
						&& (!editor.info.maxSize || file.size <= editor.info.maxSize)
						&& mimeMatch(file.mime, editor.mimes || null)
						&& extMatch(file.name, editor.exts || null)
						&& typeof editor.load == 'function'
						&& typeof editor.save == 'function') {
					name = editor.info.name? editor.info.name : ('Editor ' + i);
					editor.id = editor.info.id? editor.info.id : ('editor' + i),
					editor.name = name;
					editor.i18n = fm.i18n(name);
					editors[editor.id] = editor;
			return Object.keys(editors).length? true : false;
		store = function(mime, editor) {
			if (mime && editor) {
				if (!$.isPlainObject(stored)) {
					stored = {};
				stored[mime] = editor.id;
				fm.storage('storedEditors', stored);
				fm.trigger('selectfiles', {files : fm.selected()});
		useStoredEditor = function() {
			var d = fm.storage('useStoredEditor');
			return d? (d > 0) : self.options.useStoredEditor;
		editorMaximized = function() {
			var d = fm.storage('editorMaximized');
			return d? (d > 0) : self.options.editorMaximized;
		getSubMenuRaw = function(files, callback) {
			var subMenuRaw = [];
			$.each(editors, function(id, ed) {
						label    : fm.escape(ed.i18n),
						icon     : ed.info && ed.info.icon? ed.info.icon : 'edit',
						options  : { iconImg: ed.info && ed.info.iconImg? fm.baseUrl + ed.info.iconImg : void(0) },
						callback : function() {
							store(files[0].mime, ed);
							callback && callback.call(ed);
			return subMenuRaw;
		getStoreId = function(name) {
			// for compatibility to previous version
			return name.toLowerCase().replace(/ +/g, '');
		getStoredEditor = function(mime) {
			var name = stored[mime];
			return name && Object.keys(editors).length? editors[getStoreId(name)] : void(0);
		infoRequest = function() {

	// make public method
	this.getEncSelect = getEncSelect;

	this.shortcuts = [{
		pattern     : 'ctrl+e'
	this.init = function() {
		var self = this,
			fm   = this.fm,
			opts = this.options,
			cmdChecks = [],
			ccData, dfd;
		this.onlyMimes = this.options.mimes || [];
		fm.one('open', function() {
			// editors setup
			if (opts.editors && Array.isArray(opts.editors)) {
				fm.trigger('canMakeEmptyFile', {mimes: Object.keys(fm.storage('mkfileTextMimes') || {}).concat(opts.makeTextMimes || ['text/plain'])});
				$.each(opts.editors, function(i, editor) {
					if (editor.info && editor.info.cmdCheck) {
				if (cmdChecks.length) {
					if (fm.api >= 2.1030) {
						dfd = fm.request({
							data : {
								cmd: 'editor',
								name: cmdChecks,
								method: 'enabled'
							preventDefault : true
						}).done(function(d) {
							ccData = d;
						}).fail(function() {
							ccData = {};
					} else {
						ccData = {};
						dfd = $.Deferred().resolve();
				} else {
					dfd = $.Deferred().resolve();
				dfd.always(function() {
					if (ccData) {
						opts.editors = $.grep(opts.editors, function(e) {
							if (e.info && e.info.cmdCheck) {
								return ccData[e.info.cmdCheck]? true : false;
							} else {
								return true;
					$.each(opts.editors, function(i, editor) {
						if (editor.setup && typeof editor.setup === 'function') {
							editor.setup.call(editor, opts, fm);
						if (!editor.disabled) {
							if (editor.mimes && Array.isArray(editor.mimes)) {
								mimesSingle = mimesSingle.concat(editor.mimes);
								if (!editor.info || !editor.info.single) {
									mimes = mimes.concat(editor.mimes);
							if (!allowAll && editor.mimes && editor.mimes[0] === '*') {
								allowAll = true;
							if (!editor.info) {
								editor.info = {};
							if (editor.info.integrate) {
								fm.trigger('helpIntegration', Object.assign({cmd: 'edit'}, editor.info.integrate));
							if (editor.info.canMakeEmpty) {
								fm.trigger('canMakeEmptyFile', {mimes: Array.isArray(editor.info.canMakeEmpty)? editor.info.canMakeEmpty : editor.mimes});
					mimesSingle = ($.uniqueSort || $.unique)(mimesSingle);
					mimes = ($.uniqueSort || $.unique)(mimes);
					opts.editors = $.grep(opts.editors, function(e) {
						return e.disabled? false : true;
		.bind('select', function() {
			editors = null;
		.bind('contextmenucreate', function(e) {
			var file, editor,
				single = function(editor) {
					var title = self.title;
					fm.one('contextmenucreatedone', function() {
						self.title = title;
					self.title = fm.escape(editor.i18n);
					if (editor.info && editor.info.iconImg) {
						self.contextmenuOpts = {
							iconImg: fm.baseUrl + editor.info.iconImg
					delete self.variants;
			self.contextmenuOpts = void(0);
			if (e.data.type === 'files' && self.enabled()) {
				file = fm.file(e.data.targets[0]);
				if (setEditors(file, e.data.targets.length)) {
					if (Object.keys(editors).length > 1) {
						if (!useStoredEditor() || !(editor = getStoredEditor(file.mime))) {
							delete self.extra;
							self.variants = [];
							$.each(editors, function(id, editor) {
								self.variants.push([{ editor: editor }, editor.i18n, editor.info && editor.info.iconImg? fm.baseUrl + editor.info.iconImg : 'edit']);
						} else {
							self.extra = {
								icon: 'menu',
								node: $('<span></span>')
									.attr({title: fm.i18n('select')})
									.on('click touchstart', function(e){
										if (e.type === 'touchstart' && e.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) {
										var node = $(this);
										fm.trigger('contextmenu', {
											raw: getSubMenuRaw(fm.selectedFiles(), function() {
												var hashes = fm.selected();
												fm.exec('edit', hashes, {editor: this});
												fm.trigger('selectfiles', {files : hashes});
											x: node.offset().left,
											y: node.offset().top
					} else {
						delete self.extra;
		.bind('canMakeEmptyFile', function(e) {
			if (e.data && e.data.resetTexts) {
				var defs = fm.arrayFlip(self.options.makeTextMimes || ['text/plain']),
					hides = self.getMkfileHides();

				$.each((fm.storage('mkfileTextMimes') || {}), function(mime, type) {
					if (!defs[mime]) {
						delete fm.mimesCanMakeEmpty[mime];
						delete hides[mime];
				fm.storage('mkfileTextMimes', null);
				if (Object.keys(hides).length) {
					fm.storage('mkfileHides', hides);
				} else {
					fm.storage('mkfileHides', null);
	this.getstate = function(select) {
		var sel = this.files(select),
			cnt = sel.length;

		return cnt && filter(sel).length == cnt ? 0 : -1;
	this.exec = function(select, opts) {
		var fm    = this.fm, 
			files = filter(this.files(select)),
			hashes = $.map(files, function(f) { return f.hash; }),
			list  = [],
			editor = opts && opts.editor? opts.editor : null,
			node = $(opts && opts._currentNode? opts._currentNode : fm.cwdHash2Elm(hashes[0])),
			getEditor = function() {
				var dfd = $.Deferred(),
				if (!editor && Object.keys(editors).length > 1) {
					if (useStoredEditor() && (editor = getStoredEditor(files[0].mime))) {
						return dfd.resolve(editor);
					fm.trigger('contextmenu', {
						raw: getSubMenuRaw(files, function() {
						x: node.offset().left,
						y: node.offset().top + 22,
						opened: function() {
							fm.one('closecontextmenu',function() {
								requestAnimationFrame(function() {
									if (dfd.state() === 'pending') {
					fm.trigger('selectfiles', {files : hashes});
					return dfd;
				} else {
					Object.keys(editors).length > 1 && editor && store(files[0].mime, editor);
					return dfd.resolve(editor? editor : (Object.keys(editors).length? editors[Object.keys(editors)[0]] : null));
			dfrd = $.Deferred(),

		if (editors === null) {
			setEditors(files[0], hashes.length);
		if (!node.length) {
			node = fm.getUI('cwd');
		getEditor().done(function(editor) {
			while ((file = files.shift())) {
				list.push(edit(file, (file.encoding || void(0)), editor).fail(function(error) {
					error && fm.error(error);
			if (list.length) { 
				$.when.apply(null, list).done(function() {
				}).fail(function() {
			} else {
		}).fail(function() {
		return dfrd;

	this.getMkfileHides = function() {
		return fm.storage('mkfileHides') || fm.arrayFlip(self.options.mkfileHideMimes || []);


 * File: /js/commands/empty.js

 * @class elFinder command "empty".
 * Empty the folder
 * @type  elFinder.command
 * @author  Naoki Sawada
elFinder.prototype.commands.empty = function() {
		var self, fm,
		selFiles = function(select) {
			var sel = self.files(select);
			if (!sel.length) {
				sel = [ fm.cwd() ];
			return sel;
	this.linkedCmds = ['rm'];
	this.init = function() {
		// lazy assign to make possible to become superclass
		self = this;
		fm = this.fm;

	this.getstate = function(select) {
		var sel = selFiles(select),
			filter = function(files) {
				var fres = true;
				return $.grep(files, function(f) {
					fres = fres && f.read && f.write && f.mime === 'directory' ? true : false;
					return fres;
		cnt = sel.length;
		return filter(sel).length == cnt ? 0 : -1;
	this.exec = function(hashes) {
		var dirs = selFiles(hashes),
			cnt  = dirs.length,
			dfrd = $.Deferred()
				.done(function() {
					var data = {changed: {}};
					fm.toast({msg: fm.i18n(['"'+success.join('", ')+'"', 'complete', fm.i18n('cmdempty')])});
					$.each(dirs, function(i, dir) {
						data.changed[dir.hash] = dir;
				.always(function() {
					var cwd = fm.cwd().hash;
					fm.trigger('selectfiles', {files: $.map(dirs, function(d) { return cwd === d.phash? d.hash : null; })});
			success = [],
			done = function(res) {
				if (typeof res === 'number') {
					delete dirs[res].dirs;
				} else {
					res && fm.error(res);
				(--cnt < 1) && dfrd[success.length? 'resolve' : 'reject']();

		$.each(dirs, function(i, dir) {
			var tm;
			if (!(dir.write && dir.mime === 'directory')) {
				done(['errEmpty', dir.name, 'errPerm']);
				return null;
			if (!fm.isCommandEnabled('rm', dir.hash)) {
				done(['errCmdNoSupport', '"rm"']);
				return null;
			tm = setTimeout(function() {
				fm.notify({type : 'search', cnt : 1, hideCnt : cnt > 1? false : true});
			}, fm.notifyDelay);
				data : {cmd  : 'open', target : dir.hash},
				preventDefault : true,
				asNotOpen : true
			}).done(function(data) {
				var targets = [];
				tm && clearTimeout(tm);
				if (fm.ui.notify.children('.elfinder-notify-search').length) {
					fm.notify({type : 'search', cnt : -1, hideCnt : cnt > 1? false : true});
				if (data && data.files && data.files.length) {
					if (data.files.length > fm.maxTargets) {
						done(['errEmpty', dir.name, 'errMaxTargets', fm.maxTargets]);
					} else {
						$.each(data.files, function(i, f) {
							if (!f.write || f.locked) {
								done(['errEmpty', dir.name, 'errRm', f.name, 'errPerm']);
								targets = [];
								return false;
						if (targets.length) {
							fm.exec('rm', targets, { _userAction : true, addTexts : [ fm.i18n('folderToEmpty', dir.name) ] })
							.fail(function(error) {
								fm.trigger('unselectfiles', {files: fm.selected()});
								done(fm.parseError(error) || '');
							.done(function() { done(i); });
				} else {
					fm.toast({ mode: 'warning', msg: fm.i18n('filderIsEmpty', dir.name)});
			}).fail(function(error) {
				done(fm.parseError(error) || '');
		return dfrd;


 * File: /js/commands/extract.js

 * @class  elFinder command "extract"
 * Extract files from archive
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
elFinder.prototype.commands.extract = function() {
		var self    = this,
		fm      = self.fm,
		mimes   = [],
		filter  = function(files) {
			var fres = true;
			return $.grep(files, function(file) { 
				fres = fres && file.read && $.inArray(file.mime, mimes) !== -1 ? true : false;
				return fres;
	this.variants = [];
	this.disableOnSearch = true;
	// Update mimes list on open/reload
	fm.bind('open reload', function() {
		mimes = fm.option('archivers')['extract'] || [];
		if (fm.api > 2) {
			self.variants = [[{makedir: true}, fm.i18n('cmdmkdir')], [{}, fm.i18n('btnCwd')]];
		} else {
			self.variants = [[{}, fm.i18n('btnCwd')]];
	this.getstate = function(select) {
		var sel = this.files(select),
			cnt = sel.length,
			cwdHash, cwdChk;
		if (!cnt || filter(sel).length != cnt) {
			return -1;
		} else if (fm.searchStatus.state > 0) {
			cwdHash = this.fm.cwd().hash;
			$.each(sel, function(i, file) {
				cwdChk = (file.phash === cwdHash);
				return cwdChk;
			return cwdChk? 0 : -1;
		} else {
			return this.fm.cwd().write? 0 : -1;
	this.exec = function(hashes, opts) {
		var files    = this.files(hashes),
			dfrd     = $.Deferred(),
			cnt      = files.length,
			makedir  = opts && opts.makedir ? 1 : 0,
			i, error,

			overwriteAll = false,
			omitAll = false,
			mkdirAll = 0,
			siblings = fm.files(files[0].phash),

			names = [],
			map = {};

		$.each(siblings, function(id, file) {
			map[file.name] = file;
		var decide = function(decision) {
			switch (decision) {
				case 'overwrite_all' :
					overwriteAll = true;
				case 'omit_all':
					omitAll = true;

		var unpack = function(file) {
			if (!(file.read && fm.file(file.phash).write)) {
				error = ['errExtract', file.name, 'errPerm'];
			} else if ($.inArray(file.mime, mimes) === -1) {
				error = ['errExtract', file.name, 'errNoArchive'];
			} else {
					data:{cmd:'extract', target:file.hash, makedir:makedir},
					notify:{type:'extract', cnt:1},
						toast : makedir? {
							incwd    : {msg: fm.i18n(['complete', fm.i18n('cmdextract')]), action: {cmd: 'open', msg: 'cmdopen'}},
							inbuffer : {msg: fm.i18n(['complete', fm.i18n('cmdextract')]), action: {cmd: 'open', msg: 'cmdopen'}}
						} : {
							inbuffer : {msg: fm.i18n(['complete', fm.i18n('cmdextract')])}
				.fail(function (error) {
					if (dfrd.state() != 'rejected') {
				.done(function () {
		var confirm = function(files, index) {
			var file = files[index],
			name = fm.splitFileExtention(file.name)[0],
			existed = ($.inArray(name, names) >= 0),
			next = function(){
				if((index+1) < cnt) {
					confirm(files, index+1);
				} else {
			if (!makedir && existed && map[name].mime != 'directory') {
						title : fm.i18n('ntfextract'),
						text  : ['errExists', name, 'confirmRepl'],
							label : 'btnYes',
							callback:function (all) {
								decision = all ? 'overwrite_all' : 'overwrite';
								if(!overwriteAll && !omitAll) {
									if('overwrite' == decision) {
									if((index+1) < cnt) {
										confirm(files, index+1);
									} else {
								} else if(overwriteAll) {
									for (i = index; i < cnt; i++) {
						reject : {
							label : 'btnNo',
							callback:function (all) {
								decision = all ? 'omit_all' : 'omit';
								if(!overwriteAll && !omitAll && (index+1) < cnt) {
									confirm(files, index+1);
								} else if (omitAll) {
						cancel : {
							label : 'btnCancel',
							callback:function () {
						all : ((index+1) < cnt)
			} else if (!makedir) {
				if (mkdirAll == 0) {
						title : fm.i18n('cmdextract'),
						text  : [fm.i18n('cmdextract')+' "'+file.name+'"', 'confirmRepl'],
							label : 'btnYes',
							callback:function (all) {
								all && (mkdirAll = 1);
						reject : {
							label : 'btnNo',
							callback:function (all) {
								all && (mkdirAll = -1);
						cancel : {
							label : 'btnCancel',
							callback:function () {
						all : ((index+1) < cnt)
				} else {
					(mkdirAll > 0) && unpack(file);
			} else {
		if (!(this.enabled() && cnt && mimes.length)) {
			return dfrd.reject();
		if(cnt > 0) {
			confirm(files, 0);

		return dfrd;


 * File: /js/commands/forward.js

 * @class  elFinder command "forward"
 * Open next visited folder
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
(elFinder.prototype.commands.forward = function() {
		this.alwaysEnabled = true;
	this.updateOnSelect = true;
	this.shortcuts = [{
		pattern     : 'ctrl+right'
	this.getstate = function() {
		return this.fm.history.canForward() ? 0 : -1;
	this.exec = function() {
		return this.fm.history.forward();
}).prototype = { forceLoad : true }; // this is required command

 * File: /js/commands/fullscreen.js

 * @class  elFinder command "fullscreen"
 * elFinder node to full scrren mode
 * @author Naoki Sawada

elFinder.prototype.commands.fullscreen = function() {
		var self   = this,
		fm     = this.fm,
		update = function(e, data) {
			var full;
			if (data && data.fullscreen) {
				full = (data.fullscreen === 'on');
				self.update(void(0), full);
				self.title = fm.i18n(full ? 'reinstate' : 'cmdfullscreen');

	this.alwaysEnabled  = true;
	this.updateOnSelect = false;
	this.syncTitleOnChange = true;
	this.value = false;

	this.options = {
		ui : 'fullscreenbutton'

	this.getstate = function() {
		return 0;
	this.exec = function() {
		var node = fm.getUI().get(0),
			full = (node === fm.toggleFullscreen(node));
		self.title = fm.i18n(full ? 'reinstate' : 'cmdfullscreen');
		self.update(void(0), full);
		return $.Deferred().resolve();
	fm.bind('init', function() {
		fm.getUI().off('resize.' + fm.namespace, update).on('resize.' + fm.namespace, update);

 * File: /js/commands/getfile.js

 * @class elFinder command "getfile". 
 * Return selected files info into outer callback.
 * For use elFinder with wysiwyg editors etc.
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov, dio@std42.ru
(elFinder.prototype.commands.getfile = function() {
		var self   = this,
		fm     = this.fm,
		filter = function(files) {
			var o = self.options,
				fres = true;

			files = $.grep(files, function(file) {
				fres = fres && (file.mime != 'directory' || o.folders) && file.read ? true : false;
				return fres;

			return o.multiple || files.length == 1 ? files : [];
	this.alwaysEnabled = true;
	this.callback      = fm.options.getFileCallback;
	this._disabled     = typeof(this.callback) == 'function';
	this.getstate = function(select) {
		var sel = this.files(select),
			cnt = sel.length;
		return this.callback && cnt && filter(sel).length == cnt ? 0 : -1;
	this.exec = function(hashes) {
		var fm    = this.fm,
			opts  = this.options,
			files = this.files(hashes),
			cnt   = files.length,
			url   = fm.option('url'),
			tmb   = fm.option('tmbUrl'),
			dfrd  = $.Deferred()
				.done(function(data) {
					var res,
						done = function() {
							if (opts.oncomplete == 'close') {
							} else if (opts.oncomplete == 'destroy') {
						fail = function(error) {
							if (opts.onerror == 'close') {
							} else if (opts.onerror == 'destroy') {
							} else {
								error && fm.error(error);
					fm.trigger('getfile', {files : data});
					try {
						res = self.callback(data, fm);
					} catch(e) {
						fail(['Error in `getFileCallback`.', e.message]);
					if (typeof res === 'object' && typeof res.done === 'function') {
					} else {
			result = function(file) {
				return opts.onlyURL
					? opts.multiple ? $.map(files, function(f) { return f.url; }) : files[0].url
					: opts.multiple ? files : files[0];
			req = [], 
			i, file, dim;

		for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
			file = files[i];
			if (file.mime == 'directory' && !opts.folders) {
				return dfrd.reject();
			file.baseUrl = url;
			if (file.url == '1') {
					data : {cmd : 'url', target : file.hash},
					notify : {type : 'url', cnt : 1, hideCnt : true},
					preventDefault : true
				.done(function(data) {
					if (data.url) {
						var rfile = fm.file(this.hash);
						rfile.url = this.url = data.url;
			} else {
				file.url = fm.url(file.hash);
			if (! opts.onlyURL) {
				if (opts.getPath) {
					file.path = fm.path(file.hash);
					if (file.path === '' && file.phash) {
						// get parents
						(function() {
							var dfd  = $.Deferred();
							fm.path(file.hash, false, {})
								.done(function(path) {
									file.path = path;
								.fail(function() {
									file.path = '';
								.always(function() {
				if (file.tmb && file.tmb != 1) {
					file.tmb = tmb + file.tmb;
				if (!file.width && !file.height) {
					if (file.dim) {
						dim = file.dim.split('x');
						file.width = dim[0];
						file.height = dim[1];
					} else if (opts.getImgSize && file.mime.indexOf('image') !== -1) {
							data : {cmd : 'dim', target : file.hash},
							notify : {type : 'dim', cnt : 1, hideCnt : true},
							preventDefault : true
						.done(function(data) {
							if (data.dim) {
								var dim = data.dim.split('x');
								var rfile = fm.file(this.hash);
								rfile.width = this.width = dim[0];
								rfile.height = this.height = dim[1];
		if (req.length) {
			$.when.apply(null, req).always(function() {
			return dfrd;
		return dfrd.resolve(result(files));

}).prototype = { forceLoad : true }; // this is required command

 * File: /js/commands/help.js

 * @class  elFinder command "help"
 * "About" dialog
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
(elFinder.prototype.commands.help = function() {
		var fm   = this.fm,
		self = this,
		linktpl = '<div class="elfinder-help-link"> <a href="{url}">{link}</a></div>',
		linktpltgt = '<div class="elfinder-help-link"> <a href="{url}" target="_blank">{link}</a></div>',
		atpl    = '<div class="elfinder-help-team"><div>{author}</div>{work}</div>',
		url     = /\{url\}/,
		link    = /\{link\}/,
		author  = /\{author\}/,
		work    = /\{work\}/,
		r       = 'replace',
		prim    = 'ui-priority-primary',
		sec     = 'ui-priority-secondary',
		lic     = 'elfinder-help-license',
		tab     = '<li class="' + fm.res('class', 'tabstab') + ' elfinder-help-tab-{id}"><a href="#'+fm.namespace+'-help-{id}" class="ui-tabs-anchor">{title}</a></li>',
		html    = ['<div class="ui-tabs ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all elfinder-help">', 
				'<ul class="ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget-header ui-corner-top">'],
		stpl    = '<div class="elfinder-help-shortcut"><div class="elfinder-help-shortcut-pattern">{pattern}</div> {descrip}</div>',
		sep     = '<div class="elfinder-help-separator"></div>',
		selfUrl = $('base').length? fm.escape(document.location.href.replace(/#.*$/, '')) : '',
		clTabActive = fm.res('class', 'tabsactive'),
		getTheme = function() {
			var src;
			if (fm.theme && fm.theme.author) {
				src = atpl[r]('elfinder-help-team', 'elfinder-help-team elfinder-help-term-theme')[r](author, fm.i18n(fm.theme.author) + (fm.theme.email? ' &lt;'+fm.theme.email+'&gt;' : ''))[r](work, fm.i18n('theme') + ' ('+fm.i18n(fm.theme.name)+')');
			} else {
				src = '<div class="elfinder-help-team elfinder-help-term-theme" style="display:none"></div>';
			return src;

		about = function() {
			html.push('<div id="'+fm.namespace+'-help-about" class="ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom"><div class="elfinder-help-logo"></div>');
			html.push('<div class="'+prim+'">'+fm.i18n('webfm')+'</div>');
			html.push('<div class="'+sec+'">'+fm.i18n('ver')+': '+fm.version+'</div>');
			html.push('<div class="'+sec+'">'+fm.i18n('protocolver')+': <span class="apiver"></span></div>');
			html.push('<div class="'+sec+'">jQuery/jQuery UI: '+$().jquery+'/'+$.ui.version+'</div>');

			html.push(linktpltgt[r](url, 'https://studio-42.github.io/elFinder/')[r](link, fm.i18n('homepage')));
			html.push(linktpltgt[r](url, 'https://github.com/Studio-42/elFinder/wiki')[r](link, fm.i18n('docs')));
			html.push(linktpltgt[r](url, 'https://github.com/Studio-42/elFinder')[r](link, fm.i18n('github')));
			//html.push(linktpltgt[r](url, 'http://twitter.com/elrte_elfinder')[r](link, fm.i18n('twitter')));
			html.push('<div class="'+prim+'">'+fm.i18n('team')+'</div>');
			html.push(atpl[r](author, 'Dmitry "dio" Levashov &lt;dio@std42.ru&gt;')[r](work, fm.i18n('chiefdev')));
			html.push(atpl[r](author, 'Naoki Sawada (nao-pon)&lt;hypweb+elfinder@gmail.com&gt;')[r](work, fm.i18n('developer')));
			html.push(atpl[r](author, 'Troex Nevelin &lt;troex@fury.scancode.ru&gt;')[r](work, fm.i18n('maintainer')));
			html.push(atpl[r](author, 'Alexey Sukhotin &lt;strogg@yandex.ru&gt;')[r](work, fm.i18n('contributor')));
			if (fm.i18[fm.lang].translator) {
				$.each(fm.i18[fm.lang].translator.split(', '), function() {
					html.push(atpl[r](author, $.trim(this))[r](work, fm.i18n('translator')+' ('+fm.i18[fm.lang].language+')'));

			html.push('<div class="'+lic+'">'+fm.i18n('icons')+': Pixelmixer, <a href="http://p.yusukekamiyamane.com" target="_blank">Fugue</a>, <a href="https://icons8.com" target="_blank">Icons8</a></div>');
			html.push('<div class="'+lic+'">Licence: 3-clauses BSD Licence</div>');
			html.push('<div class="'+lic+'">Copyright © 2009-2022, Studio 42 / nao-pon</div>');
			html.push('<div class="'+lic+'">„ …'+fm.i18n('dontforget')+' ”</div>');
		shortcuts = function() {
			var sh = fm.shortcuts();
			// shortcuts tab
			html.push('<div id="'+fm.namespace+'-help-shortcuts" class="ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom">');
			if (sh.length) {
				html.push('<div class="ui-widget-content elfinder-help-shortcuts">');
				$.each(sh, function(i, s) {
					html.push(stpl.replace(/\{pattern\}/, s[0]).replace(/\{descrip\}/, s[1]));
			} else {
				html.push('<div class="elfinder-help-disabled">'+fm.i18n('shortcutsof')+'</div>');
		help = function() {
			// help tab
			html.push('<div id="'+fm.namespace+'-help-help" class="ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom">');
			html.push('<a href="https://github.com/Studio-42/elFinder/wiki" target="_blank" class="elfinder-dont-panic"><span>DON\'T PANIC</span></a>');
			// end help
		useInteg = false,
		integrations = function() {
			useInteg = true;
			html.push('<div id="'+fm.namespace+'-help-integrations" class="ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom"></div>');
		useDebug = false,
		debug = function() {
			useDebug = true;
			// debug tab
			html.push('<div id="'+fm.namespace+'-help-debug" class="ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom">');
			html.push('<div class="ui-widget-content elfinder-help-debug"><ul></ul></div>');
			// end debug
		debugRender = function() {
			var render = function(elm, obj) {
				$.each(obj, function(k, v) {
					if (typeof v === 'undefined') {
					} else if (typeof v === 'object' && !v) {
					} else if (typeof v === 'object' && ($.isPlainObject(v) || v.length)) {
						elm.append( $('<dd></dd>').append(render($('<dl></dl>'), v)));
					} else {
						elm.append($('<dd></dd>').append($('<span></span>').text((v && typeof v === 'object')? '[]' : (v? v : '""'))));
				return elm;
			cnt = debugUL.children('li').length,
			targetL, target, tabId,
			info, lastUL, lastDIV;
			if (self.debug.options || self.debug.debug) {
				if (cnt >= 5) {
					lastUL = debugUL.children('li:last');
					lastDIV = debugDIV.children('div:last');
					if (lastDIV.is(':hidden')) {
					} else {
				tabId = fm.namespace + '-help-debug-' + (+new Date());
				targetL = $('<li></li>').html('<a href="'+selfUrl+'#'+tabId+'">'+self.debug.debug.cmd+'</a>').prependTo(debugUL);
				target = $('<div id="'+tabId+'"></div>').data('debug', self.debug);
				targetL.on('click.debugrender', function() {
					var debug = target.data('debug');
					if (debug) {
						if (debug.debug) {
							info = $('<fieldset>').append($('<legend></legend>').text('debug'), render($('<dl></dl>'), debug.debug));
						if (debug.options) {
							info = $('<fieldset>').append($('<legend></legend>').text('options'), render($('<dl></dl>'), debug.options));
				opened && debugDIV.tabs('refresh');
		content = '',
		opened, tabInteg, integDIV, tabDebug, debugDIV, debugUL;
	this.alwaysEnabled  = true;
	this.updateOnSelect = false;
	this.state = -1;
	this.shortcuts = [{
		pattern     : 'f1',
		description : this.title
	fm.bind('load', function() {
		var parts = self.options.view || ['about', 'shortcuts', 'help', 'integrations', 'debug'],
			i, helpSource, tabBase, tabNav, tabs, delta;
		// remove 'preference' tab, it moved to command 'preference'
		if ((i = $.inArray('preference', parts)) !== -1) {
			parts.splice(i, 1);
		// debug tab require jQueryUI Tabs Widget
		if (! $.fn.tabs) {
			if ((i = $.inArray(parts, 'debug')) !== -1) {
				parts.splice(i, 1);
		$.each(parts, function(i, title) {
			html.push(tab[r](/\{id\}/g, title)[r](/\{title\}/, fm.i18n(title)));

		$.inArray('about', parts) !== -1 && about();
		$.inArray('shortcuts', parts) !== -1 && shortcuts();
		if ($.inArray('help', parts) !== -1) {
			helpSource = fm.i18nBaseUrl + 'help/%s.html.js';
		$.inArray('integrations', parts) !== -1 && integrations();
		$.inArray('debug', parts) !== -1 && debug();
		content = $(html.join(''));
		content.find('.ui-tabs-nav li')
			.on('mouseenter mouseleave', function(e) {
				$(this).toggleClass('ui-state-hover', e.type === 'mouseenter');
			.on('focus blur', 'a', function(e) {
				$(e.delegateTarget).toggleClass('ui-state-focus', e.type === 'focusin');
			.on('click', function(e) {
				var link = $(this);
		if (useInteg) {
			tabInteg = content.find('.elfinder-help-tab-integrations').hide();
			integDIV = content.find('#'+fm.namespace+'-help-integrations').hide().append($('<div class="elfinder-help-integrations-desc"></div>').html(fm.i18n('integrationWith')));
			fm.bind('helpIntegration', function(e) {
				var ul = integDIV.children('ul:first'),
					data, elm, cmdUL, cmdCls;
				if (e.data) {
					if ($.isPlainObject(e.data)) {
						data = Object.assign({
							link: '',
							title: '',
							banner: ''
						}, e.data);
						if (data.title || data.link) {
							if (!data.title) {
								data.title = data.link;
							if (data.link) {
								elm = $('<a></a>').attr('href', data.link).attr('target', '_blank').text(data.title);
							} else {
								elm = $('<span></span>').text(data.title);
							if (data.banner) {
								elm = $('<span></span>').append($('<img/>').attr(data.banner), elm);
					} else {
						elm = $(e.data);
						elm.filter('a').each(function() {
							var tgt = $(this);
							if (!tgt.attr('target')) {
								tgt.attr('target', '_blank');;
					if (elm) {
						if (!ul.length) {
							ul = $('<ul class="elfinder-help-integrations"></ul>').appendTo(integDIV);
						if (data && data.cmd) {
							cmdCls = 'elfinder-help-integration-' + data.cmd;
							cmdUL = ul.find('ul.' + cmdCls);
							if (!cmdUL.length) {
								cmdUL = $('<ul class="'+cmdCls+'"></ul>');
							elm = cmdUL.append($('<li></li>').append(elm));
						} else {
			}).bind('themechange', function() {

		// debug
		if (useDebug) {
			tabDebug = content.find('.elfinder-help-tab-debug').hide();
			debugDIV = content.find('#'+fm.namespace+'-help-debug').children('div:first');
			debugUL = debugDIV.children('ul:first').on('click', function(e) {

			self.debug = {};
			fm.bind('backenddebug', function(e) {
				// CAUTION: DO NOT TOUCH `e.data`
				if (useDebug && e.data && e.data.debug) {
					self.debug = { options : e.data.options, debug : Object.assign({ cmd : fm.currentReqCmd }, e.data.debug) };
					if (self.dialog) {

		self.dialog = self.fmDialog(content, {
				title : self.title,
				width : 530,
				maxWidth: 'window',
				maxHeight: 'window',
				autoOpen : false,
				destroyOnClose : false,
				close : function() {
					if (useDebug) {
					opened = false;
			.on('click', function(e) {
				overflow: 'hidden'
		tabBase = self.dialog.children('.ui-tabs');
		tabNav = tabBase.children('.ui-tabs-nav:first');
		tabs = tabBase.children('.ui-tabs-panel');
		delta = self.dialog.outerHeight(true) - self.dialog.height();
		self.dialog.closest('.ui-dialog').on('resize', function() {
			tabs.height(self.dialog.height() - delta - tabNav.outerHeight(true) - 20);
		if (helpSource) {
			self.dialog.one('initContents', function() {
					url: self.options.helpSource? self.options.helpSource : helpSource.replace('%s', fm.lang),
					dataType: 'html'
				}).done(function(source) {
				}).fail(function() {
						url: helpSource.replace('%s', 'en'),
						dataType: 'html'
					}).done(function(source) {
		self.state = 0;

		fm.trigger('helpBuilded', self.dialog);
	}).one('open', function() {
		var debug = false;
		fm.one('backenddebug', function() {
			debug =true;
		}).one('opendone', function() {
			requestAnimationFrame(function() {
				if (! debug && useDebug) {
					useDebug = false;
	this.getstate = function() {
		return 0;
	this.exec = function(sel, opts) {
		var tab = opts? opts.tab : void(0),
			debugShow = function() {
				if (useDebug) {
					opened = true;
		this.dialog.trigger('initContents').elfinderdialog('open').find((tab? '.elfinder-help-tab-'+tab : '.ui-tabs-nav li') + ' a:first').trigger('click');
		return $.Deferred().resolve();

}).prototype = { forceLoad : true }; // this is required command

 * File: /js/commands/hidden.js

 * @class  elFinder command "hidden"
 * Always hidden command for uiCmdMap
 * @author Naoki Sawada
elFinder.prototype.commands.hidden = function() {
		this.hidden = true;
	this.updateOnSelect = false;
	this.getstate = function() {
		return -1;

 * File: /js/commands/hide.js

 * @class elFinder command "hide".
 * folders/files to hide as personal setting.
 * @type  elFinder.command
 * @author  Naoki Sawada
elFinder.prototype.commands.hide = function() {
	var self = this,
		nameCache = {},
		hideData, hideCnt, cMenuType, sOrigin;

	this.syncTitleOnChange = true;

	this.shortcuts = [{
		pattern : 'ctrl+shift+dot',
		description : this.fm.i18n('toggleHidden')

	this.init = function() {
		var fm = this.fm;
		hideData = fm.storage('hide') || {items: {}};
		hideCnt = Object.keys(hideData.items).length;

		this.title = fm.i18n(hideData.show? 'hideHidden' : 'showHidden');
		self.update(void(0), self.title);

	this.fm.bind('select contextmenucreate closecontextmenu', function(e, fm) {
		var sel = (e.data? (e.data.selected || e.data.targets) : null) || fm.selected();
		if (e.type === 'select' && e.data) {
			sOrigin = e.data.origin;
		} else if (e.type === 'contextmenucreate') {
			cMenuType = e.data.type;
		if (!sel.length || (((e.type !== 'contextmenucreate' && sOrigin !== 'navbar') || cMenuType === 'cwd') && sel[0] === fm.cwd().hash)) {
			self.title = fm.i18n(hideData.show? 'hideHidden' : 'showHidden');
		} else {
			self.title = fm.i18n('cmdhide');
		if (e.type !== 'closecontextmenu') {
			self.update(cMenuType === 'cwd'? (hideCnt? 0 : -1) : void(0), self.title);
		} else {
			cMenuType = '';
			requestAnimationFrame(function() {
				self.update(void(0), self.title);

	this.getstate = function(sel) {
		return (this.fm.cookieEnabled && cMenuType !== 'cwd' && (sel || this.fm.selected()).length) || hideCnt? 0 : -1;

	this.exec = function(hashes, opts) {
		var fm = this.fm,
			dfrd = $.Deferred()
				.done(function() {
					fm.trigger('hide', {items: items, opts: opts});
				.fail(function(error) {
			o = opts || {},
			items = o.targets? o.targets : (hashes || fm.selected()),
			added = [],
			removed = [],
			notifyto, files, res;

		hideData = fm.storage('hide') || {};
		if (!$.isPlainObject(hideData)) {
			hideData = {};
		if (!$.isPlainObject(hideData.items)) {
			hideData.items = {};
		if (opts._currentType === 'shortcut' || !items.length || (opts._currentType !== 'navbar' && sOrigin !=='navbar' && items[0] === fm.cwd().hash)) {
			if (hideData.show) {
				o.hide = true;
			} else if (Object.keys(hideData.items).length) {
				o.show = true;
		if (o.reset) {
			o.show = true;
			hideCnt = 0;
		if (o.show || o.hide) {
			if (o.show) {
				hideData.show = true;
			} else {
				delete hideData.show;
			if (o.show) {
				fm.storage('hide', o.reset? null : hideData);
				self.title = fm.i18n('hideHidden');
				self.update(o.reset? -1 : void(0), self.title);
				$.each(hideData.items, function(h) {
					var f = fm.file(h, true);
					if (f && (fm.searchStatus.state || !f.phash || fm.file(f.phash))) {
				if (added.length) {
					fm.updateCache({added: added});
					fm.add({added: added});
				if (o.reset) {
					hideData = {items: {}};
				return dfrd.resolve();
			items = Object.keys(hideData.items);

		if (items.length) {
			$.each(items, function(i, h) {
				var f;
				if (!hideData.items[h]) {
					f = fm.file(h);
					if (f) {
						nameCache[h] = f.i18 || f.name;
					hideData.items[h] = nameCache[h]? nameCache[h] : h;
			hideCnt = Object.keys(hideData.items).length;
			files = this.files(items);
			fm.storage('hide', hideData);
			fm.remove({removed: items});
			if (hideData.show) {
				this.exec(void(0), {hide: true});
			if (!o.hide) {
				res = {};
				res.undo = {
					cmd : 'hide',
					callback : function() {
						var nData = fm.storage('hide');
						if (nData) {
							$.each(items, function(i, h) {
								delete nData.items[h];
							hideCnt = Object.keys(nData.items).length;
							fm.storage('hide', nData);
							fm.trigger('hide', {items: items, opts: {}});
							self.update(hideCnt? 0 : -1);
						fm.updateCache({added: files});
						fm.add({added: files});
				res.redo = {
					cmd : 'hide',
					callback : function() {
						return fm.exec('hide', void(0), {targets: items});

		return dfrd.state() == 'rejected' ? dfrd : dfrd.resolve(res);

 * File: /js/commands/home.js

(elFinder.prototype.commands.home = function() {
		this.title = 'Home';
	this.alwaysEnabled  = true;
	this.updateOnSelect = false;
	this.shortcuts = [{
		pattern     : 'ctrl+home ctrl+shift+up',
		description : 'Home'
	this.getstate = function() {
		var root = this.fm.root(),
			cwd  = this.fm.cwd().hash;
		return root && cwd && root != cwd ? 0: -1;
	this.exec = function() {
		return this.fm.exec('open', this.fm.root());

}).prototype = { forceLoad : true }; // this is required command

 * File: /js/commands/info.js

 * @class elFinder command "info". 
 * Display dialog with file properties.
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov, dio@std42.ru
(elFinder.prototype.commands.info = function() {
		var m   = 'msg',
		fm  = this.fm,
		spclass = 'elfinder-spinner',
		btnclass = 'elfinder-info-button',
		msg = {
			calc     : fm.i18n('calc'),
			size     : fm.i18n('size'),
			unknown  : fm.i18n('unknown'),
			path     : fm.i18n('path'),
			aliasfor : fm.i18n('aliasfor'),
			modify   : fm.i18n('modify'),
			perms    : fm.i18n('perms'),
			locked   : fm.i18n('locked'),
			dim      : fm.i18n('dim'),
			kind     : fm.i18n('kind'),
			files    : fm.i18n('files'),
			folders  : fm.i18n('folders'),
			roots    : fm.i18n('volumeRoots'),
			items    : fm.i18n('items'),
			yes      : fm.i18n('yes'),
			no       : fm.i18n('no'),
			link     : fm.i18n('link'),
			owner    : fm.i18n('owner'),
			group    : fm.i18n('group'),
			perm     : fm.i18n('perm'),
			getlink  : fm.i18n('getLink')
		applyZWSP = function(str, remove) {
			if (remove) {
				return str.replace(/\u200B/g, '');
			} else {
				return str.replace(/(\/|\\)/g, "$1\u200B");
	this.items = ['size', 'aliasfor', 'path', 'link', 'dim', 'modify', 'perms', 'locked', 'owner', 'group', 'perm'];
	if (this.options.custom && Object.keys(this.options.custom).length) {
		$.each(this.options.custom, function(name, details) {
			details.label && this.items.push(details.label);

	this.tpl = {
		main       : '<div class="ui-helper-clearfix elfinder-info-title {dirclass}"><span class="elfinder-cwd-icon {class} ui-corner-all"{style}></span>{title}</div><table class="elfinder-info-tb">{content}</table>',
		itemTitle  : '<strong>{name}</strong><span class="elfinder-info-kind">{kind}</span>',
		groupTitle : '<strong>{items}: {num}</strong>',
		row        : '<tr><td class="elfinder-info-label">{label} : </td><td class="{class}">{value}</td></tr>',
		spinner    : '<span>{text}</span> <span class="'+spclass+' '+spclass+'-{name}"></span>'
	this.alwaysEnabled = true;
	this.updateOnSelect = false;
	this.shortcuts = [{
		pattern     : 'ctrl+i'
	this.init = function() {
		$.each(msg, function(k, v) {
			msg[k] = fm.i18n(v);
	this.getstate = function() {
		return 0;
	this.exec = function(hashes) {
		var files   = this.files(hashes);
		if (! files.length) {
			files   = this.files([ this.fm.cwd().hash ]);
		var self    = this,
			fm      = this.fm,
			o       = this.options,
			tpl     = this.tpl,
			row     = tpl.row,
			cnt     = files.length,
			content = [],
			view    = tpl.main,
			l       = '{label}',
			v       = '{value}',
			reqs    = [],
			reqDfrd = null,
			opts    = {
				title : fm.i18n('selectionInfo'),
				width : 'auto',
				close : function() {
					if (reqDfrd && reqDfrd.state() === 'pending') {
					$.grep(reqs, function(r) {
						r && r.state() === 'pending' && r.reject();
			count = [],
			replSpinner = function(msg, name, className) {
				dialog.find('.'+spclass+'-'+name).parent().html(msg).addClass(className || '');
			id = fm.namespace+'-info-'+$.map(files, function(f) { return f.hash; }).join('-'),
			dialog = fm.getUI().find('#'+id),
			customActions = [],
			style = '',
			hashClass = 'elfinder-font-mono elfinder-info-hash',
			getHashAlgorisms = [],
			ndialog  = fm.ui.notify,
			size, tmb, file, title, dcnt, rdcnt, path, hideItems, hashProg;

		if (ndialog.is(':hidden') && ndialog.children('.elfinder-notify').length) {

		if (!cnt) {
			return $.Deferred().reject();
		if (dialog.length) {
			return $.Deferred().resolve();
		hideItems = fm.storage('infohides') || fm.arrayFlip(o.hideItems, true);

		if (cnt === 1) {
			file = files[0];
			if (file.icon) {
				style = ' '+fm.getIconStyle(file);
			view  = view.replace('{dirclass}', file.csscls? fm.escape(file.csscls) : '').replace('{class}', fm.mime2class(file.mime)).replace('{style}', style);
			title = tpl.itemTitle.replace('{name}', fm.escape(file.i18 || file.name)).replace('{kind}', '<span title="'+fm.escape(file.mime)+'">'+fm.mime2kind(file)+'</span>');

			tmb = fm.tmb(file);
			if (!file.read) {
				size = msg.unknown;
			} else if (file.mime != 'directory' || file.alias) {
				size = fm.formatSize(file.size);
			} else {
				size = tpl.spinner.replace('{text}', msg.calc).replace('{name}', 'size');
			!hideItems.size && content.push(row.replace(l, msg.size).replace(v, size));
			!hideItems.aleasfor && file.alias && content.push(row.replace(l, msg.aliasfor).replace(v, file.alias));
			if (!hideItems.path) {
				if (path = fm.path(file.hash, true)) {
					content.push(row.replace(l, msg.path).replace(v, applyZWSP(fm.escape(path))).replace('{class}', 'elfinder-info-path'));
				} else {
					content.push(row.replace(l, msg.path).replace(v, tpl.spinner.replace('{text}', msg.calc).replace('{name}', 'path')).replace('{class}', 'elfinder-info-path'));
					reqs.push(fm.path(file.hash, true, {notify: null})
					.fail(function() {
						replSpinner(msg.unknown, 'path');
					.done(function(path) {
						replSpinner(applyZWSP(path), 'path');
			if (!hideItems.link && file.read) {
				var href,
				name_esc = fm.escape(file.name);
				if (file.url == '1') {
					content.push(row.replace(l, msg.link).replace(v, '<button class="'+btnclass+' '+spclass+'-url">'+msg.getlink+'</button>'));
				} else {
					if (file.url) {
						href = file.url;
					} else if (file.mime === 'directory') {
						if (o.nullUrlDirLinkSelf && file.url === null) {
							var loc = window.location;
							href = loc.pathname + loc.search + '#elf_' + file.hash;
						} else if (file.url !== '' && fm.option('url', (!fm.isRoot(file) && file.phash) || file.hash)) {
							href = fm.url(file.hash);
					} else {
						href = fm.url(file.hash);
					href && content.push(row.replace(l, msg.link).replace(v,  '<a href="'+href+'" target="_blank">'+name_esc+'</a>'));
			if (!hideItems.dim) {
				if (file.dim) { // old api
					content.push(row.replace(l, msg.dim).replace(v, file.dim));
				} else if (file.mime.indexOf('image') !== -1) {
					if (file.width && file.height) {
						content.push(row.replace(l, msg.dim).replace(v, file.width+'x'+file.height));
					} else if (file.size && file.size !== '0') {
						content.push(row.replace(l, msg.dim).replace(v, tpl.spinner.replace('{text}', msg.calc).replace('{name}', 'dim')));
							data : {cmd : 'dim', target : file.hash},
							preventDefault : true
						.fail(function() {
							replSpinner(msg.unknown, 'dim');
						.done(function(data) {
							replSpinner(data.dim || msg.unknown, 'dim');
							if (data.dim) {
								var dim = data.dim.split('x');
								var rfile = fm.file(file.hash);
								rfile.width = dim[0];
								rfile.height = dim[1];
			!hideItems.modify && content.push(row.replace(l, msg.modify).replace(v, fm.formatDate(file)));
			!hideItems.perms && content.push(row.replace(l, msg.perms).replace(v, fm.formatPermissions(file)));
			!hideItems.locked && content.push(row.replace(l, msg.locked).replace(v, file.locked ? msg.yes : msg.no));
			!hideItems.owner && file.owner && content.push(row.replace(l, msg.owner).replace(v, file.owner));
			!hideItems.group && file.group && content.push(row.replace(l, msg.group).replace(v, file.group));
			!hideItems.perm && file.perm && content.push(row.replace(l, msg.perm).replace(v, fm.formatFileMode(file.perm)));
			// Get MD5, SHA hashes
			if (window.ArrayBuffer && (fm.options.cdns.sparkmd5 || fm.options.cdns.jssha) && file.mime !== 'directory' && file.size > 0 && (!o.showHashMaxsize || file.size <= o.showHashMaxsize)) {
				getHashAlgorisms = [];
				$.each(fm.storage('hashchekcer') || o.showHashAlgorisms, function(i, n) {
					if (!file[n]) {
						content.push(row.replace(l, fm.i18n(n)).replace(v, tpl.spinner.replace('{text}', msg.calc).replace('{name}', n)));
					} else {
						content.push(row.replace(l, fm.i18n(n)).replace(v, file[n]).replace('{class}', hashClass));

				if (getHashAlgorisms.length) {
					hashProg = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-progress"></div>');
						fm.getContentsHashes(file.hash, getHashAlgorisms, o.showHashOpts, { progressBar : hashProg }).progress(function(hashes) {
							$.each(getHashAlgorisms, function(i, n) {
								if (hashes[n]) {
									replSpinner(hashes[n], n, hashClass);
						}).always(function() {
							$.each(getHashAlgorisms, function(i, n) {
								replSpinner(msg.unknown, n);
			// Add custom info fields
			if (o.custom) {
				$.each(o.custom, function(name, details) {
					if (
					  (!details.mimes || $.grep(details.mimes, function(m){return (file.mime === m || file.mime.indexOf(m+'/') === 0)? true : false;}).length)
					  (!details.hashRegex || file.hash.match(details.hashRegex))
					) {
						// Add to the content
						content.push(row.replace(l, fm.i18n(details.label)).replace(v , details.tpl.replace('{id}', id)));
						// Register the action
						if (details.action && (typeof details.action == 'function')) {
		} else {
			view  = view.replace('{class}', 'elfinder-cwd-icon-group');
			title = tpl.groupTitle.replace('{items}', msg.items).replace('{num}', cnt);
			dcnt  = $.grep(files, function(f) { return f.mime == 'directory' ? true : false ; }).length;
			if (!dcnt) {
				size = 0;
				$.each(files, function(h, f) { 
					var s = parseInt(f.size);
					if (s >= 0 && size >= 0) {
						size += s;
					} else {
						size = 'unknown';
				content.push(row.replace(l, msg.kind).replace(v, msg.files));
				!hideItems.size && content.push(row.replace(l, msg.size).replace(v, fm.formatSize(size)));
			} else {
				rdcnt = $.grep(files, function(f) { return f.mime === 'directory' && (! f.phash || f.isroot)? true : false ; }).length;
				dcnt -= rdcnt;
				content.push(row.replace(l, msg.kind).replace(v, (rdcnt === cnt || dcnt === cnt)? msg[rdcnt? 'roots' : 'folders'] : $.map({roots: rdcnt, folders: dcnt, files: cnt - rdcnt - dcnt}, function(c, t) { return c? msg[t]+' '+c : null; }).join(', ')));
				!hideItems.size && content.push(row.replace(l, msg.size).replace(v, tpl.spinner.replace('{text}', msg.calc).replace('{name}', 'size')));
				count = $.map(files, function(f) { return f.hash; });
		view = view.replace('{title}', title).replace('{content}', content.join('').replace(/{class}/g, ''));
		dialog = self.fmDialog(view, opts);
		dialog.attr('id', id).one('mousedown', '.elfinder-info-path', function() {
			$(this).html(applyZWSP($(this).html(), true));

		if (getHashAlgorisms.length) {

		if (fm.UA.Mobile && $.fn.tooltip) {
			dialog.children('.ui-dialog-content .elfinder-info-title').tooltip({
				classes: {
					'ui-tooltip': 'elfinder-ui-tooltip ui-widget-shadow'
				tooltipClass: 'elfinder-ui-tooltip ui-widget-shadow',
				track: true

		if (file && file.url == '1') {
			dialog.on('click', '.'+spclass+'-url', function(){
				$(this).parent().html(tpl.spinner.replace('{text}', fm.i18n('ntfurl')).replace('{name}', 'url'));
					data : {cmd : 'url', target : file.hash},
					preventDefault : true
				.fail(function() {
					replSpinner(name_esc, 'url');
				.done(function(data) {
					if (data.url) {
						replSpinner('<a href="'+data.url+'" target="_blank">'+name_esc+'</a>' || name_esc, 'url');
						var rfile = fm.file(file.hash);
						rfile.url = data.url;
					} else {
						replSpinner(name_esc, 'url');

		// load thumbnail
		if (tmb) {
				.on('load', function() { dialog.find('.elfinder-cwd-icon').addClass(tmb.className).css('background-image', "url('"+tmb.url+"')"); })
				.attr('src', tmb.url);
		// send request to count total size
		if (count.length) {
			reqDfrd = fm.getSize(count).done(function(data) {
				replSpinner(data.formated, 'size');
			}).fail(function() {
				replSpinner(msg.unknown, 'size');
		// call custom actions
		if (customActions.length) {
			$.each(customActions, function(i, action) {
				try {
					action(file, fm, dialog);
				} catch(e) {
					fm.debug('error', e);
		return $.Deferred().resolve();
}).prototype = { forceLoad : true }; // this is required command

 * File: /js/commands/mkdir.js

 * @class  elFinder command "mkdir"
 * Create new folder
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
elFinder.prototype.commands.mkdir = function() {
		var fm   = this.fm,
		self = this,
	this.value           = '';
	this.disableOnSearch = true;
	this.updateOnSelect  = false;
	this.syncTitleOnChange = true;
	this.mime            = 'directory';
	this.prefix          = 'untitled folder';
	this.exec            = function(select, cOpts) {
		var onCwd;

		if (select && select.length && cOpts && cOpts._currentType && cOpts._currentType === 'navbar') {
			this.origin = cOpts._currentType;
			this.data = {
				target: select[0]
		} else {
			onCwd = fm.cwd().hash === select[0];
			this.origin = curOrg && !onCwd? curOrg : 'cwd';
			delete this.data;
		if (! select && ! this.options.intoNewFolderToolbtn) {
		//this.move = (!onCwd && curOrg !== 'navbar' && fm.selected().length)? true : false;
		this.move = this.value === fm.i18n('cmdmkdirin');
		return $.proxy(fm.res('mixin', 'make'), self)();
	this.shortcuts = [{
		pattern     : 'ctrl+shift+n'

	this.init = function() {
		if (this.options.intoNewFolderToolbtn) {
			this.syncTitleOnChange = true;
	fm.bind('select contextmenucreate closecontextmenu', function(e) {
		var sel = (e.data? (e.data.selected || e.data.targets) : null) || fm.selected();
		self.className = 'mkdir';
		curOrg = e.data && sel.length? (e.data.origin || e.data.type || '') : '';
		if (!self.options.intoNewFolderToolbtn && curOrg === '') {
			curOrg = 'cwd';
		if (sel.length && curOrg !== 'navbar' && curOrg !== 'cwd' && fm.cwd().hash !== sel[0]) {
			self.title = fm.i18n('cmdmkdirin');
			self.className += ' elfinder-button-icon-mkdirin';
		} else {
			self.title = fm.i18n('cmdmkdir');
		if (e.type !== 'closecontextmenu') {
			self.update(void(0), self.title);
		} else {
			requestAnimationFrame(function() {
				self.update(void(0), self.title);
	this.getstate = function(select) {
		var cwd = fm.cwd(),
			sel = (curOrg === 'navbar' || (select && select[0] !== cwd.hash))? this.files(select || fm.selected()) : [],
			cnt = sel.length,
			filter = function(files) {
				var fres = true;
				return $.grep(files, function(f) {
					fres = fres && f.read && ! f.locked? true : false;
					return fres;

		if (curOrg === 'navbar') {
			return cnt && sel[0].write && sel[0].read? 0 : -1;  
		} else {
			return cwd.write && (!cnt || filter(sel).length == cnt)? 0 : -1;


 * File: /js/commands/mkfile.js

 * @class  elFinder command "mkfile"
 * Create new empty file
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
elFinder.prototype.commands.mkfile = function() {
		var self = this;

	this.disableOnSearch = true;
	this.updateOnSelect  = false;
	this.mime            = 'text/plain';
	this.prefix          = 'untitled file.txt';
	this.variants        = [];

	this.getTypeName = function(mime, type) {
		var fm = self.fm,
		if (name = fm.messages['kind' + fm.kinds[mime]]) {
			name = fm.i18n(['extentiontype', type.toUpperCase(), name]);
		} else {
			name = fm.i18n(['extentionfile', type.toUpperCase()]);
		return name;

	this.fm.bind('open reload canMakeEmptyFile', function() {
		var fm = self.fm,
			hides = fm.getCommand('edit').getMkfileHides();
		self.variants = [];
		if (fm.mimesCanMakeEmpty) {
			$.each(fm.mimesCanMakeEmpty, function(mime, type) {
				type && !hides[mime] && fm.uploadMimeCheck(mime) && self.variants.push([mime, self.getTypeName(mime, type)]);

	this.getstate = function() {
		return this.fm.cwd().write ? 0 : -1;

	this.exec = function(_dum, mime) {
		var fm = self.fm,
			type, err;
		if (type = fm.mimesCanMakeEmpty[mime]) {
			if (fm.uploadMimeCheck(mime)) {
				this.mime = mime;
				this.prefix = fm.i18n(['untitled file', type]);
				return $.proxy(fm.res('mixin', 'make'), self)();
			err = ['errMkfile', self.getTypeName(mime, type)];
		return $.Deferred().reject(err);

 * File: /js/commands/netmount.js

 * @class  elFinder command "netmount"
 * Mount network volume with user credentials.
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
elFinder.prototype.commands.netmount = function() {
		var self = this,
		hasMenus = false,

	this.alwaysEnabled  = true;
	this.updateOnSelect = false;

	this.drivers = [];
	this.handlers = {
		load : function() {
			var fm = self.fm;
			if (fm.cookieEnabled) {
				fm.one('open', function() {
					self.drivers = fm.netDrivers;
					if (self.drivers.length) {
						$.each(self.drivers, function() {
							var d = self.options[this];
							if (d) {
								hasMenus = true;
								if (d.integrateInfo) {
									fm.trigger('helpIntegration', Object.assign({cmd: 'netmount'}, d.integrateInfo));

	this.getstate = function() {
		return hasMenus ? 0 : -1;
	this.exec = function() {
		var fm = self.fm,
			dfrd = $.Deferred(),
			o = self.options,
			create = function() {
				var winFocus = function() {
						inputs.protocol.trigger('change', 'winfocus');
					inputs = {
						protocol : $('<select></select>')
						.on('change', function(e, data){
							var protocol = this.value;
							dialogNode && dialogNode.children('.ui-dialog-buttonpane:first').find('button').show();
							if (typeof o[protocol].select == 'function') {
								o[protocol].select(fm, e, data);
					opts = {
						title          : fm.i18n('netMountDialogTitle'),
						resizable      : true,
						modal          : true,
						destroyOnClose : false,
						open           : function() {
							$(window).on('focus.'+fm.namespace, winFocus);
						close          : function() { 
							dfrd.state() == 'pending' && dfrd.reject();
							$(window).off('focus.'+fm.namespace, winFocus);
						buttons        : {}
					doMount = function() {
						var protocol = inputs.protocol.val(),
							data = {cmd : 'netmount', protocol: protocol},
							cur = o[protocol],
						$.each(content.find('input.elfinder-netmount-inputs-'+protocol), function(name, input) {
							var val, elm;
							elm = $(input);
							if (elm.is(':radio,:checkbox')) {
								if (elm.is(':checked')) {
									val = $.trim(elm.val());
							} else {
								val = $.trim(elm.val());
							if (val) {
								data[input.name] = val;

						if (!data.host) {
							return fm.trigger('error', {error : 'errNetMountHostReq', opts : {modal: true}});

						if (data.mnt2res) {
							mnt2res = true;

						fm.request({data : data, notify : {type : 'netmount', cnt : 1, hideCnt : true}})
							.done(function(data) {
								var pdir;
								if (data.added && data.added.length) {
									mnt2res && inputs.protocol.trigger('change', 'reset');
									if (data.added[0].phash) {
										if (pdir = fm.file(data.added[0].phash)) {
											if (! pdir.dirs) {
												pdir.dirs = 1;
												fm.change({ changed: [ pdir ] });
									fm.one('netmountdone', function() {
										fm.exec('open', data.added[0].hash);
							.fail(function(error) {
								if (cur.fail && typeof cur.fail == 'function') {
									cur.fail(fm, fm.parseError(error));
					form = $('<form autocomplete="off"></form>').on('keydown', 'input', function(e) {
						var comp = true,
						if (e.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.ENTER) {
							$.each(form.find('input:visible:not(.elfinder-input-optional)'), function() {
								if ($(this).val() === '') {
									comp = false;
									next = $(this);
									return false;
							if (comp) {
							} else {
					hidden  = $('<div></div>'),

				content = $('<table class="elfinder-info-tb elfinder-netmount-tb"></table>')

				$.each(self.drivers, function(i, protocol) {
					if (o[protocol]) {
						inputs.protocol.append('<option value="'+protocol+'">'+fm.i18n(o[protocol].name || protocol)+'</option>');
						$.each(o[protocol].inputs, function(name, input) {
							input.attr('name', name);
							if (input.attr('type') != 'hidden') {
								input.addClass('ui-corner-all elfinder-netmount-inputs-'+protocol);
								content.append($('<tr></tr>').addClass('elfinder-netmount-tr elfinder-netmount-tr-'+protocol).append($('<td>'+fm.i18n(name)+'</td>')).append($('<td></td>').append(input)));
							} else {
						o[protocol].protocol = inputs.protocol;
				content.find('.elfinder-netmount-tr-' + self.drivers[0]).show();

				opts.buttons[fm.i18n('btnMount')] = doMount;

				opts.buttons[fm.i18n('btnCancel')] = function() {
				dialog = self.fmDialog(form.append(content), opts).ready(function() {
				dialogNode = dialog.closest('.ui-dialog');
				return dialog;
		if (!self.dialog) {
			self.dialog = create();
		} else {

		return dfrd.promise();

	self.fm.bind('netmount', function(e) {
		var d = e.data || null,
			o = self.options,
			done = function() {
				if (o[d.protocol] && typeof o[d.protocol].done == 'function') {
					o[d.protocol].done(self.fm, d);
		if (d && d.protocol) {
			if (d.mode && d.mode === 'redirect') {
				// To support of third-party cookie blocking (ITP) on CORS
				// On iOS and iPadOS 13.4 and Safari 13.1 on macOS, the session cannot be continued when redirecting OAuth in CORS mode
					data : {cmd : 'netmount', protocol : d.protocol, host: d.host, user : 'init', pass : 'return', options: d.options}, 
					preventDefault : true
				}).done(function(data) {
					d = JSON.parse(data.body);
			} else {


elFinder.prototype.commands.netunmount = function() {
	var self = this;

	this.alwaysEnabled  = true;
	this.updateOnSelect = false;

	this.drivers = [];
	this.handlers = {
		load : function() {
			this.drivers = this.fm.netDrivers;

	this.getstate = function(sel) {
		var fm = this.fm,
		return !!sel && this.drivers.length && !this._disabled && (file = fm.file(sel[0])) && file.netkey ? 0 : -1;
	this.exec = function(hashes) {
		var self   = this,
			fm     = this.fm,
			dfrd   = $.Deferred()
				.fail(function(error) {
					error && fm.error(error);
			drive  = fm.file(hashes[0]),
			childrenRoots = function(hash) {
				var roots = [],
				if (fm.leafRoots) {
					work = [];
					$.each(fm.leafRoots, function(phash, hashes) {
						var parents = fm.parents(phash),
							idx, deep;
						if ((idx = $.inArray(hash, parents)) !== -1) {
							idx = parents.length - idx;
							$.each(hashes, function(i, h) {
								work.push({i: idx, hash: h});
					if (work.length) {
						work.sort(function(a, b) { return a.i < b.i; });
						$.each(work, function(i, o) {
				return roots;

		if (this._disabled) {
			return dfrd.reject();

		if (dfrd.state() == 'pending') {
				title  : self.title,
				text   : fm.i18n('confirmUnmount', drive.name),
				accept : {
					label    : 'btnUnmount',
					callback : function() {  
						var target =  drive.hash,
							roots = childrenRoots(target),
							requests = [],
							removed = [],
							doUmount = function() {
								$.when(requests).done(function() {
										data   : {cmd  : 'netmount', protocol : 'netunmount', host: drive.netkey, user : target, pass : 'dum'}, 
										notify : {type : 'netunmount', cnt : 1, hideCnt : true},
										preventFail : true
									.fail(function(error) {
									.done(function(data) {
										drive.volumeid && delete fm.volumeExpires[drive.volumeid];
								}).fail(function(error) {
									if (removed.length) {
										fm.remove({ removed: removed });
						if (roots.length) {
								title : self.title,
								text  : (function() {
									var msgs = ['unmountChildren'];
									$.each(roots, function(i, hash) {
									return msgs;
								accept : {
									label : 'btnUnmount',
									callback : function() {
										$.each(roots, function(i, hash) {
											var d = fm.file(hash);
											if (d.netkey) {
													data   : {cmd  : 'netmount', protocol : 'netunmount', host: d.netkey, user : d.hash, pass : 'dum'}, 
													notify : {type : 'netunmount', cnt : 1, hideCnt : true},
													preventDefault : true
												}).done(function(data) {
													if (data.removed) {
														d.volumeid && delete fm.volumeExpires[d.volumeid];
														removed = removed.concat(data.removed);
								cancel : {
									label : 'btnCancel',
									callback : function() {
						} else {
							requests = null;
				cancel : {
					label    : 'btnCancel',
					callback : function() { dfrd.reject(); }
		return dfrd;


 * File: /js/commands/open.js

 * @class  elFinder command "open"
 * Enter folder or open files in new windows
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
(elFinder.prototype.commands.open = function() {
		var fm = this.fm,
		self = this;
	this.alwaysEnabled = true;
	this.noChangeDirOnRemovedCwd = true;
	this._handlers = {
		dblclick : function(e) {
			var arg = e.data && e.data.file? [ e.data.file ]: void(0);
			if (self.getstate(arg) === 0) {
				fm.exec('open', arg);
		'select enable disable reload' : function(e) { this.update(e.type == 'disable' ? -1 : void(0));  }
	this.shortcuts = [{
		pattern     : 'ctrl+down numpad_enter'+(fm.OS != 'mac' && ' enter')

	this.getstate = function(select) {
		var sel = this.files(select),
			cnt = sel.length,
			filter = function(files) {
				var fres = true;
				return $.grep(files, function(file) {
					fres = fres && file.mime == 'directory' || ! file.read ? false : true;
					return fres;
		return cnt == 1 
			? (sel[0].read ? 0 : -1)
			: (cnt && !fm.UA.Mobile) ? ($.grep(sel, function(file) { return file.mime == 'directory' || ! file.read ? false : true;}).length == cnt ? 0 : -1) : -1;
	this.exec = function(hashes, cOpts) {
		var dfrd  = $.Deferred().fail(function(error) { error && fm.error(error); }),
			files = this.files(hashes),
			cnt   = files.length,
			thash = (typeof cOpts == 'object')? cOpts.thash : false,
			opts  = this.options,
			into  = opts.into || 'window',
			file, url, s, w, imgW, imgH, winW, winH, reg, link, html5dl, inline,
			selAct, cmd;

		if (!cnt && !thash) {
				return dfrd.reject();

		// open folder
		if (thash || (cnt == 1 && (file = files[0]) && file.mime == 'directory')) {
			if (!thash && file && !file.read) {
				return dfrd.reject(['errOpen', file.name, 'errPerm']);
			} else {
				if (fm.keyState.ctrlKey && (fm.keyState.shiftKey || typeof fm.options.getFileCallback !== 'function')) {
					if (fm.getCommand('opennew')) {
						return fm.exec('opennew', [thash? thash : file.hash]);

				return fm.request({
					data   : {cmd  : 'open', target : thash || file.hash},
					notify : {type : 'open', cnt : 1, hideCnt : true},
					syncOnFail : true,
					lazy : false
		files = $.grep(files, function(file) { return file.mime != 'directory' ? true : false; });
		// nothing to open or files and folders selected - do nothing
		if (cnt != files.length) {
			return dfrd.reject();
		var doOpen = function() {
			var openCB = function(url) {
					var link = $('<a rel="noopener">').hide().appendTo($('body'));
					if (fm.UA.Mobile || !inline) {
						if (html5dl) {
							if (!inline) {
								link.attr('download', file.name);
							} else {
								link.attr('target', '_blank');
							link.attr('href', url).get(0).click();
						} else {
							wnd = window.open(url);
							if (!wnd) {
								return dfrd.reject('errPopup');
					} else {
						getOnly = (typeof opts.method === 'string' && opts.method.toLowerCase() === 'get');
						if (!getOnly
							&& url.indexOf(fm.options.url) === 0
							&& fm.customData
							&& Object.keys(fm.customData).length
							// Since playback by POST request can not be done in Chrome, media allows GET request
							&& !file.mime.match(/^(?:video|audio)/)
						) {
							// Send request as 'POST' method to hide custom data at location bar
							url = '';
						if (into === 'window') {
							// set window size for image if set
							imgW = winW = Math.round(2 * screen.availWidth / 3);
							imgH = winH = Math.round(2 * screen.availHeight / 3);
							if (parseInt(file.width) && parseInt(file.height)) {
								imgW = parseInt(file.width);
								imgH = parseInt(file.height);
							} else if (file.dim) {
								s = file.dim.split('x');
								imgW = parseInt(s[0]);
								imgH = parseInt(s[1]);
							if (winW >= imgW && winH >= imgH) {
								winW = imgW;
								winH = imgH;
							} else {
								if ((imgW - winW) > (imgH - winH)) {
									winH = Math.round(imgH * (winW / imgW));
								} else {
									winW = Math.round(imgW * (winH / imgH));
							w = 'width='+winW+',height='+winH;
							wnd = window.open(url, target, w + ',top=50,left=50,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,titlebar=no');
						} else {
							if (into === 'tabs') {
								target = file.hash;
							wnd = window.open('about:blank', target);
						if (!wnd) {
							return dfrd.reject('errPopup');
						if (url === '') {
							var form = document.createElement("form");
							form.action = fm.options.url;
							form.method = 'POST';
							form.target = target;
							form.style.display = 'none';
							var params = Object.assign({}, fm.customData, {
								cmd: 'file',
								target: file.hash,
								_t: file.ts || parseInt(+new Date()/1000)
							$.each(params, function(key, val)
								var input = document.createElement("input");
								input.name = key;
								input.value = val;
						} else if (into !== 'window') {
							wnd.location = url;
				wnd, target, getOnly;
			try {
				reg = new RegExp(fm.option('dispInlineRegex'), 'i');
			} catch(e) {
				reg = false;
			// open files
			html5dl  = (typeof $('<a>').get(0).download === 'string');
			cnt = files.length;
			while (cnt--) {
				target = 'elf_open_window';
				file = files[cnt];
				if (!file.read) {
					return dfrd.reject(['errOpen', file.name, 'errPerm']);
				inline = (reg && file.mime.match(reg));
				fm.openUrl(file.hash, !inline, openCB);
			return dfrd.resolve(hashes);
		if (cnt > 1) {
				title: 'openMulti',
				text : ['openMultiConfirm', cnt + ''],
				accept : {
					label : 'cmdopen',
					callback : function() { doOpen(); }
				cancel : {
					label : 'btnCancel',
					callback : function() { 
				buttons : (fm.getCommand('zipdl') && fm.isCommandEnabled('zipdl', fm.cwd().hash))? [
						label : 'cmddownload',
						callback : function() {
							fm.exec('download', hashes);
				] : []
		} else {
			selAct = fm.storage('selectAction') || opts.selectAction;
			if (selAct) {
				$.each(selAct.split('/'), function() {
					var cmdName = this.valueOf();
					if (cmdName !== 'open' && (cmd = fm.getCommand(cmdName)) && cmd.enabled()) {
						return false;
					cmd = null;
				if (cmd) {
					return fm.exec(cmd.name);
		return dfrd;

}).prototype = { forceLoad : true }; // this is required command

 * File: /js/commands/opendir.js

 * @class  elFinder command "opendir"
 * Enter parent folder
 * @author Naoki Sawada
elFinder.prototype.commands.opendir = function() {
		this.alwaysEnabled = true;
	this.getstate = function() {
		var sel = this.fm.selected(),
			cnt = sel.length,
		if (cnt !== 1) {
			return -1;
		wz = this.fm.getUI('workzone');
		return wz.hasClass('elfinder-search-result')? 0 : -1;
	this.exec = function(hashes) {
		var fm    = this.fm,
			dfrd  = $.Deferred(),
			files = this.files(hashes),
			cnt   = files.length,
			hash, pcheck = null;

		if (!cnt || !files[0].phash) {
			return dfrd.reject();

		hash = files[0].phash;
		fm.trigger('searchend', { noupdate: true });
			data   : {cmd  : 'open', target : hash},
			notify : {type : 'open', cnt : 1, hideCnt : true},
			syncOnFail : false
		return dfrd;


 * File: /js/commands/opennew.js

 * @class  elFinder command "opennew"
 * Open folder in new window
 * @author Naoki Sawada
elFinder.prototype.commands.opennew = function() {
		var fm = this.fm;

	this.shortcuts = [{
		pattern  : (typeof(fm.options.getFileCallback) === 'function'? 'shift+' : '') + 'ctrl+enter'

	this.getstate = function(select) {
		var sel = this.files(select),
			cnt = sel.length;
		return cnt === 1 
			? (sel[0].mime === 'directory' && sel[0].read? 0 : -1) 
			: -1;
	this.exec = function(hashes) {
		var dfrd  = $.Deferred(),
			files = this.files(hashes),
			cnt   = files.length,
			opts  = this.options,
			file, loc, url, win;

		// open folder to new tab (window)
		if (cnt === 1 && (file = files[0]) && file.mime === 'directory') {
			loc = window.location;
			if (opts.url) {
				url = opts.url;
			} else {
				url = loc.pathname;
			if (opts.useOriginQuery) {
				if (!url.match(/\?/)) {
					url += loc.search;
				} else if (loc.search) {
					url += '&' + loc.search.substr(1);
			url += '#elf_' + file.hash;
			win = window.open(url, '_blank');
			setTimeout(function() {
			}, 1000);
			return dfrd.resolve();
		} else {
			return dfrd.reject();

 * File: /js/commands/paste.js

 * @class  elFinder command "paste"
 * Paste filesfrom clipboard into directory.
 * If files pasted in its parent directory - files duplicates will created
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
elFinder.prototype.commands.paste = function() {
		this.updateOnSelect  = false;
	this.handlers = {
		changeclipboard : function() { this.update(); }

	this.shortcuts = [{
		pattern     : 'ctrl+v shift+insert'
	this.getstate = function(dst) {
		if (this._disabled) {
			return -1;
		if (dst) {
			if (Array.isArray(dst)) {
				if (dst.length != 1) {
					return -1;
				dst = this.fm.file(dst[0]);
		} else {
			dst = this.fm.cwd();

		return this.fm.clipboard().length && dst.mime == 'directory' && dst.write ? 0 : -1;
	this.exec = function(select, cOpts) {
		var self   = this,
			fm     = self.fm,
			opts   = cOpts || {},
			dst    = select ? this.files(select)[0] : fm.cwd(),
			files  = fm.clipboard(),
			cnt    = files.length,
			cut    = cnt ? files[0].cut : false,
			cmd    = opts._cmd? opts._cmd : (cut? 'move' : 'copy'),
			error  = 'err' + cmd.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + cmd.substr(1),
			fpaste = [],
			fcopy  = [],
			dfrd   = $.Deferred()
				.fail(function(error) {
					error && fm.error(error);
				.always(function() {
					fm.unlockfiles({files : $.map(files, function(f) { return f.hash; })});
			copy  = function(files) {
				return files.length && fm._commands.duplicate
					? fm.exec('duplicate', files)
					: $.Deferred().resolve();
			paste = function(files) {
				var dfrd      = $.Deferred(),
					existed   = [],
					hashes  = {},
					intersect = function(files, names) {
						var ret = [], 
							i   = files.length;

						while (i--) {
							$.inArray(files[i].name, names) !== -1 && ret.unshift(i);
						return ret;
					confirm   = function(ndx) {
						var i    = existed[ndx],
							file = files[i],
							last = ndx == existed.length-1;

						if (!file) {

							title  : fm.i18n(cmd + 'Files'),
							text   : ['errExists', file.name, cmd === 'restore'? 'confirmRest' : 'confirmRepl'], 
							all    : !last,
							accept : {
								label    : 'btnYes',
								callback : function(all) {
									!last && !all
										? confirm(++ndx)
										: paste(files);
							reject : {
								label    : 'btnNo',
								callback : function(all) {
									var i;

									if (all) {
										i = existed.length;
										while (ndx < i--) {
											files[existed[i]].remove = true;
									} else {
										files[existed[ndx]].remove = true;

									!last && !all
										? confirm(++ndx)
										: paste(files);
							cancel : {
								label    : 'btnCancel',
								callback : function() {
							buttons : [
									label : 'btnBackup',
									callback : function(all) {
										var i;
										if (all) {
											i = existed.length;
											while (ndx < i--) {
												files[existed[i]].rename = true;
										} else {
											files[existed[ndx]].rename = true;
										!last && !all
											? confirm(++ndx)
											: paste(files);
					valid     = function(names) {
						var exists = {}, existedArr;
						if (names) {
							if (Array.isArray(names)) {
								if (names.length) {
									if (typeof names[0] == 'string') {
										// elFinder <= 2.1.6 command `is` results
										existed = intersect(files, names);
									} else {
										$.each(names, function(i, v) {
											exists[v.name] = v.hash;
										existed = intersect(files, $.map(exists, function(h, n) { return n; }));
										$.each(files, function(i, file) {
											if (exists[file.name]) {
												hashes[exists[file.name]] = file.name;
							} else {
								existedArr = [];
								existed = $.map(names, function(n) {
									if (typeof n === 'string') {
										return n;
									} else {
										// support to >=2.1.11 plugin Normalizer, Sanitizer
										existedArr = existedArr.concat(n);
										return false;
								if (existedArr.length) {
									existed = existed.concat(existedArr);
								existed = intersect(files, existed);
								hashes = names;
						existed.length ? confirm(0) : paste(files);
					paste     = function(selFiles) {
						var renames = [],
							files  = $.grep(selFiles, function(file) { 
								if (file.rename) {
								return !file.remove ? true : false;
							cnt    = files.length,
							groups = {},
							args   = [],
							targets, reqData;

						if (!cnt) {
							return dfrd.resolve();

						targets = $.map(files, function(f) { return f.hash; });
						reqData = {cmd : 'paste', dst : dst.hash, targets : targets, cut : cut ? 1 : 0, renames : renames, hashes : hashes, suffix : fm.options.backupSuffix};
						if (fm.api < 2.1) {
							reqData.src = files[0].phash;
								data   : reqData,
								notify : {type : cmd, cnt : cnt},
								cancel : true,
								navigate : { 
									toast  : opts.noToast? {} : {
										inbuffer : {msg: fm.i18n(['complete', fm.i18n('cmd' + cmd)]), action: {
											cmd: 'open',
											msg: 'cmdopendir',
											data: [dst.hash],
											done: 'select',
											cwdNot: dst.hash
							.done(function(data) {
								var dsts = {},
									added = data.added && data.added.length? data.added : null;
								if (cut && added) {
									// undo/redo
									$.each(files, function(i, f) {
										var phash = f.phash,
											srcHash = function(name) {
												var hash;
												$.each(added, function(i, f) {
													if (f.name === name) {
														hash = f.hash;
														return false;
												return hash;
											shash = srcHash(f.name);
										if (shash) {
											if (dsts[phash]) {
											} else {
												dsts[phash] = [ shash ];
									if (Object.keys(dsts).length) {
										data.undo = {
											cmd : 'move',
											callback : function() {
												var reqs = [];
												$.each(dsts, function(dst, targets) {
														data : {cmd : 'paste', dst : dst, targets : targets, cut : 1},
														notify : {type : 'undo', cnt : targets.length}
												return $.when.apply(null, reqs);
										data.redo = {
											cmd : 'move',
											callback : function() {
												return fm.request({
													data : reqData,
													notify : {type : 'redo', cnt : cnt}
							.fail(function(flg) {
								if (flg === 0) {
									// canceling
							.always(function() {
								fm.unlockfiles({files : files});

				if (!fm.isCommandEnabled(self.name, dst.hash) || !files.length) {
					return dfrd.resolve();
				if (fm.oldAPI) {
				} else {
					if (!fm.option('copyOverwrite', dst.hash)) {
					} else {
						internames = $.map(files, function(f) { return f.name; });
						dst.hash == fm.cwd().hash
							? valid($.map(fm.files(), function(file) { return file.phash == dst.hash ? {hash: file.hash, name: file.name} : null; }))
							: fm.request({
								data : {cmd : 'ls', target : dst.hash, intersect : internames},
								notify : {type : 'prepare', cnt : 1, hideCnt : true},
								preventFail : true
							.always(function(data) {
				return dfrd;
			parents, fparents, cutDfrd;

		if (!cnt || !dst || dst.mime != 'directory') {
			return dfrd.reject();
		if (!dst.write)	{
			return dfrd.reject([error, files[0].name, 'errPerm']);
		parents = fm.parents(dst.hash);
		$.each(files, function(i, file) {
			if (!file.read) {
				return !dfrd.reject([error, file.name, 'errPerm']);
			if (cut && file.locked) {
				return !dfrd.reject(['errLocked', file.name]);
			if ($.inArray(file.hash, parents) !== -1) {
				return !dfrd.reject(['errCopyInItself', file.name]);
			if (file.mime && file.mime !== 'directory' && ! fm.uploadMimeCheck(file.mime, dst.hash)) {
				return !dfrd.reject([error, file.name, 'errUploadMime']);
			fparents = fm.parents(file.hash);
			if ($.inArray(dst.hash, fparents) !== -1) {
				if ($.grep(fparents, function(h) { var d = fm.file(h); return d.phash == dst.hash && d.name == file.name ? true : false; }).length) {
					return !dfrd.reject(['errReplByChild', file.name]);
			if (file.phash == dst.hash) {
			} else {
					hash  : file.hash,
					phash : file.phash,
					name  : file.name

		if (dfrd.state() === 'rejected') {
			return dfrd;

		cutDfrd = $.Deferred();
		if (cut && self.options.moveConfirm) {
				title  : 'moveFiles',
				text   : fm.i18n('confirmMove', dst.i18 || dst.name),
				accept : {
					label    : 'btnYes',
					callback : function() {  
				cancel : {
					label    : 'btnCancel',
					callback : function() {
		} else {

		cutDfrd.done(function() {
			.done(function(cr, pr) {
				dfrd.resolve(pr && pr.undo? pr : void(0));
			.fail(function() {
			.always(function() {
				cut && fm.clipboard([]);
		}).fail(function() {
		return dfrd;


 * File: /js/commands/places.js

 * @class  elFinder command "places"
 * Regist to Places
 * @author Naoki Sawada
elFinder.prototype.commands.places = function() {
		var self   = this,
	fm     = this.fm,
	filter = function(hashes) {
		var fres = true;
		return $.grep(self.files(hashes), function(f) {
			fres = fres && f.mime == 'directory' ? true : false;
			return fres;
	places = null;
	this.getstate = function(select) {
		var sel = this.hashes(select),
		cnt = sel.length;
		return  places && cnt && cnt == filter(sel).length ? 0 : -1;
	this.exec = function(hashes) {
		var files = this.files(hashes);
		places.trigger('regist', [ files ]);
		return $.Deferred().resolve();
	fm.one('load', function(){
		places = fm.ui.places;


 * File: /js/commands/preference.js

 * @class  elFinder command "preference"
 * "Preference" dialog
 * @author Naoki Sawada
elFinder.prototype.commands.preference = function() {
	var self    = this,
		fm      = this.fm,
		r       = 'replace',
		tab     = '<li class="' + fm.res('class', 'tabstab') + ' elfinder-preference-tab-{id}"><a href="#'+fm.namespace+'-preference-{id}" id="'+fm.namespace+'-preference-tab-{id}" class="ui-tabs-anchor {class}">{title}</a></li>',
		base    = $('<div class="ui-tabs ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all elfinder-preference">'), 
		ul      = $('<ul class="ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget-header ui-corner-top">'),
		tabs    = $('<div class="elfinder-preference-tabs ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom"></div>'),
		sep     = '<div class="elfinder-preference-separator"></div>',
		selfUrl = $('base').length? document.location.href.replace(/#.*$/, '') : '',
		selectTab = function(tab) {
			openTab = tab;
		clTabActive = fm.res('class', 'tabsactive'),
		build   = function() {
			var cats = self.options.categories || {
					'language' : ['language'],
					'theme' : ['theme'],
					'toolbar' : ['toolbarPref'],
					'workspace' : ['iconSize','columnPref', 'selectAction', 'makefileTypes', 'useStoredEditor', 'editorMaximized', 'useFullscreen', 'showHidden'],
					'dialog' : ['autoFocusDialog'],
					'selectionInfo' : ['infoItems', 'hashChecker'],
					'reset' : ['clearBrowserData'],
					'all' : true
				forms = self.options.prefs || ['language', 'theme', 'toolbarPref', 'iconSize', 'columnPref', 'selectAction', 'makefileTypes', 'useStoredEditor', 'editorMaximized', 'useFullscreen', 'showHidden', 'infoItems', 'hashChecker', 'autoFocusDialog', 'clearBrowserData'];
			if (!fm.cookieEnabled) {
				delete cats.language;

			forms = fm.arrayFlip(forms, true);
			if (fm.options.getFileCallback) {
				delete forms.selectAction;
			if (!fm.UA.Fullscreen) {
				delete forms.useFullscreen;

			forms.language && (forms.language = (function() {
				var langSel = $('<select></select>').on('change', function() {
						var lang = $(this).val();
						fm.storage('lang', lang);
					optTags = [],
					langs = self.options.langs || {
						ar: 'العربية',
						bg: 'Български',
						ca: 'Català',
						cs: 'Čeština',
						da: 'Dansk',
						de: 'Deutsch',
						el: 'Ελληνικά',
						en: 'English',
						es: 'Español',
						fa: 'فارسی',
						fo: 'Føroyskt',
						fr: 'Français',
						fr_CA: 'Français (Canada)',
						he: 'עברית',
						hr: 'Hrvatski',
						hu: 'Magyar',
						id: 'Bahasa Indonesia',
						it: 'Italiano',
						ja: '日本語',
						ko: '한국어',
						nl: 'Nederlands',
						no: 'Norsk',
						pl: 'Polski',
						pt_BR: 'Português',
						ro: 'Română',
						ru: 'Pусский',
						si: 'සිංහල',
						sk: 'Slovenčina',
						sl: 'Slovenščina',
						sr: 'Srpski',
						sv: 'Svenska',
						tr: 'Türkçe',
						ug_CN: 'ئۇيغۇرچە',
						uk: 'Український',
						vi: 'Tiếng Việt',
						zh_CN: '简体中文',
						zh_TW: '正體中文'
				if (!fm.cookieEnabled) {
					return $();
				$.each(langs, function(lang, name) {
					optTags.push('<option value="'+lang+'">'+name+'</option>');
				return langSel.append(optTags.join('')).val(fm.lang);
			forms.theme && (forms.theme = (function() {
				var cnt = fm.options.themes? Object.keys(fm.options.themes).length : 0;
				if (cnt === 0 || (cnt === 1 && fm.options.themes.default)) {
					return null;
				var themeSel = $('<select></select>').on('change', function() {
						var theme = $(this).val();
						fm.changeTheme(theme).storage('theme', theme);
					optTags = [],
					tpl = {
						image: '<img class="elfinder-preference-theme elfinder-preference-theme-image" src="$2" />',
						link: '<a href="$1" target="_blank" title="$3">$2</a>',
						data: '<dt>$1</dt><dd><span class="elfinder-preference-theme elfinder-preference-theme-$0">$2</span></dd>'
					items = ['image', 'description', 'author', 'email', 'license'],
					render = function(key, data) {
					defBtn = $('<button class="ui-button ui-corner-all ui-widget elfinder-preference-theme-default"></button>').text(fm.i18n('default')).on('click', function(e) {
					list = $('<div class="elfinder-reference-hide-taball"></div>').on('click', 'button', function() {
							var val = $(this).data('themeid');

				if (!fm.options.themes.default) {
					themeSel.append('<option value="default">'+fm.i18n('default')+'</option>');
				$.each(fm.options.themes, function(id, val) {
					var opt = $('<option class="elfinder-theme-option-'+id+'" value="'+id+'">'+fm.i18n(id)+'</option>'),
						dsc = $('<fieldset class="ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all elfinder-theme-list-'+id+'"><legend>'+fm.i18n(id)+'</legend><div><span class="elfinder-spinner"></span></div></fieldset>'),
					tm = setTimeout(function() {
						dsc.find('span.elfinder-spinner').replaceWith(fm.i18n(['errRead', id]));
					}, 10000);
					fm.getTheme(id).always(function() {
						tm && clearTimeout(tm);
					}).done(function(data) {
						var link, val = $(), dl = $('<dl></dl>');
						link = data.link? tpl.link.replace(/\$1/g, data.link).replace(/\$3/g, fm.i18n('website')) : '$2';
						if (data.name) {
						dsc.children('legend').html(link.replace(/\$2/g, fm.i18n(data.name) || id));
						$.each(items, function(i, key) {
							var t = tpl[key] || tpl.data,
							if (data[key]) {
								elm = t.replace(/\$0/g, fm.escape(key)).replace(/\$1/g, fm.i18n(key)).replace(/\$2/g, fm.i18n(data[key]));
								if (key === 'image' && data.link) {
									elm = $(elm).on('click', function() {
									}).attr('title', fm.i18n('select'));
						val = val.add(dl);
						val = val.add($('<div class="elfinder-preference-theme-btn"></div>').append($('<button class="ui-button ui-corner-all ui-widget"></button>').data('themeid', id).html(fm.i18n('select'))));
					}).fail(function() {
						dsc.find('span.elfinder-spinner').replaceWith(fm.i18n(['errRead', id]));
				return $('<div></div>').append(themeSel.val(fm.theme && fm.theme.id? fm.theme.id : 'default'), defBtn, list);

			forms.toolbarPref && (forms.toolbarPref = (function() {
				var pnls = $.map(fm.options.uiOptions.toolbar, function(v) {
						return $.isArray(v)? v : null;
					tags = [],
					hides = fm.storage('toolbarhides') || {};
				$.each(pnls, function() {
					var cmd = this,
						name = fm.i18n('cmd'+cmd);
					if (name === 'cmd'+cmd) {
						name = fm.i18n(cmd);
					tags.push('<span class="elfinder-preference-toolbar-item"><label><input type="checkbox" value="'+cmd+'" '+(hides[cmd]? '' : 'checked')+'/>'+name+'</label></span>');
				return $(tags.join(' ')).on('change', 'input', function() {
					var v = $(this).val(),
						o = $(this).is(':checked');
					if (!o && !hides[v]) {
						hides[v] = true;
					} else if (o && hides[v]) {
						delete hides[v];
					fm.storage('toolbarhides', hides);
			forms.iconSize && (forms.iconSize = (function() {
				var max = fm.options.uiOptions.cwd.iconsView.sizeMax || 3,
					size = fm.storage('iconsize') || fm.options.uiOptions.cwd.iconsView.size || 0,
					sld = $('<div class="touch-punch"></div>').slider({
						classes: {
							'ui-slider-handle': 'elfinder-tabstop',
						value: size,
						max: max,
						slide: function(e, ui) {
							fm.getUI('cwd').trigger('iconpref', {size: ui.value});
						change: function(e, ui) {
							fm.storage('iconsize', ui.value);
				fm.getUI('cwd').on('iconpref', function(e, data) {
					sld.slider('option', 'value', data.size);
				return sld;

			forms.columnPref && (forms.columnPref = (function() {
				var cols = fm.options.uiOptions.cwd.listView.columns,
					tags = [],
					hides = fm.storage('columnhides') || {};
				$.each(cols, function() {
					var key = this,
						name = fm.getColumnName(key);
					tags.push('<span class="elfinder-preference-column-item"><label><input type="checkbox" value="'+key+'" '+(hides[key]? '' : 'checked')+'/>'+name+'</label></span>');
				return $(tags.join(' ')).on('change', 'input', function() {
					var v = $(this).val(),
						o = $(this).is(':checked');
					if (!o && !hides[v]) {
						hides[v] = true;
					} else if (o && hides[v]) {
						delete hides[v];
					fm.storage('columnhides', hides);
					fm.trigger('columnpref', { repaint: true });
			forms.selectAction && (forms.selectAction = (function() {
				var actSel = $('<select></select>').on('change', function() {
						var act = $(this).val();
						fm.storage('selectAction', act === 'default'? null : act);
					optTags = [],
					acts = self.options.selectActions,
					defAct = fm.getCommand('open').options.selectAction || 'open';
				if ($.inArray(defAct, acts) === -1) {
				$.each(acts, function(i, act) {
					var names = $.map(act.split('/'), function(cmd) {
						var name = fm.i18n('cmd'+cmd);
						if (name === 'cmd'+cmd) {
							name = fm.i18n(cmd);
						return name;
					optTags.push('<option value="'+act+'">'+names.join('/')+'</option>');
				return actSel.append(optTags.join('')).val(fm.storage('selectAction') || defAct);
			forms.makefileTypes && (forms.makefileTypes = (function() {
				var hides = fm.getCommand('edit').getMkfileHides(),
					getTag = function() {
						var tags = [];
						// re-assign hides
						hides = fm.getCommand('edit').getMkfileHides();
						$.each(fm.mimesCanMakeEmpty, function(mime, type) {
							var name = fm.getCommand('mkfile').getTypeName(mime, type);
							tags.push('<span class="elfinder-preference-column-item" title="'+fm.escape(name)+'"><label><input type="checkbox" value="'+mime+'" '+(hides[mime]? '' : 'checked')+'/>'+type+'</label></span>');
						return tags.join(' ');
					elm = $('<div></div>').on('change', 'input', function() {
						var v = $(this).val(),
							o = $(this).is(':checked');
						if (!o && !hides[v]) {
							hides[v] = true;
						} else if (o && hides[v]) {
							delete hides[v];
						fm.storage('mkfileHides', hides);
					add = $('<div></div>').append(
						$('<input type="text" placeholder="'+fm.i18n('typeOfTextfile')+'"/>').on('keydown', function(e) {
							(e.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.ENTER) && $(this).next().trigger('click');
						$('<button class="ui-button"></button>').html(fm.i18n('add')).on('click', function() {
							var input = $(this).prev(),
								val = input.val(),
								uiToast = fm.getUI('toast'),
								err = function() {
										msg: fm.i18n('errUsupportType'),
										mode: 'warning',
										onHidden: function() {
											uiToast.children().length === 1 && uiToast.appendTo(fm.getUI());
									return false;
							if (!val.match(/\//)) {
								val = fm.arrayFlip(fm.mimeTypes)[val];
								if (!val) {
									return err();
							if (!fm.mimeIsText(val) || !fm.mimeTypes[val]) {
								return err();
							fm.trigger('canMakeEmptyFile', {mimes: [val], unshift: true});
							tmpMimes = {};
							tmpMimes[val] = fm.mimeTypes[val];
							fm.storage('mkfileTextMimes', Object.assign(tmpMimes, fm.storage('mkfileTextMimes') || {}));
								msg: fm.i18n(['complete', val + ' (' + tmpMimes[val] + ')']),
								onHidden: function() {
									uiToast.children().length === 1 && uiToast.appendTo(fm.getUI());
						$('<button class="ui-button"></button>').html(fm.i18n('reset')).on('click', function() {
							fm.one('canMakeEmptyFile', {done: function() {
							fm.trigger('canMakeEmptyFile', {resetTexts: true});
				fm.bind('canMakeEmptyFile', {done: function(e) {
					if (e.data && e.data.mimes && e.data.mimes.length) {
				return $('<div></div>').append(elm, add);

			forms.useStoredEditor && (forms.useStoredEditor = $('<input type="checkbox"/>').prop('checked', (function() {
				var s = fm.storage('useStoredEditor');
				return s? (s > 0) : fm.options.commandsOptions.edit.useStoredEditor;
			})()).on('change', function(e) {
				fm.storage('useStoredEditor', $(this).is(':checked')? 1 : -1);

			forms.editorMaximized && (forms.editorMaximized = $('<input type="checkbox"/>').prop('checked', (function() {
				var s = fm.storage('editorMaximized');
				return s? (s > 0) : fm.options.commandsOptions.edit.editorMaximized;
			})()).on('change', function(e) {
				fm.storage('editorMaximized', $(this).is(':checked')? 1 : -1);

			forms.useFullscreen && (forms.useFullscreen = $('<input type="checkbox"/>').prop('checked', (function() {
				var s = fm.storage('useFullscreen');
				return s? (s > 0) : fm.options.commandsOptions.fullscreen.mode === 'screen';
			})()).on('change', function(e) {
				fm.storage('useFullscreen', $(this).is(':checked')? 1 : -1);

			if (forms.showHidden) {
				(function() {
					var setTitle = function() {
							var s = fm.storage('hide'),
								t = [],
							if (s && s.items) {
								$.each(s.items, function(h, n) {
							elms.prop('disabled', !t.length)[t.length? 'removeClass' : 'addClass']('ui-state-disabled');
							v = t.length? t.join('\n') : '';
							useTooltip && forms.showHidden.tooltip('option', 'content', v.replace(/\n/g, '<br>')).tooltip('close');
						chk = $('<input type="checkbox"/>').prop('checked', (function() {
							var s = fm.storage('hide');
							return s && s.show;
						})()).on('change', function(e) {
							var o = {};
							o[$(this).is(':checked')? 'show' : 'hide'] = true;
							fm.exec('hide', void(0), o);
						btn = $('<button class="ui-button ui-corner-all ui-widget"></button>').append(fm.i18n('reset')).on('click', function() {
							fm.exec('hide', void(0), {reset: true});
							$(this).parent().find('input:first').prop('checked', false);
						elms = $().add(chk).add(btn),
					forms.showHidden = $('<div></div>').append(chk, btn);
					fm.bind('hide', function(e) {
						var d = e.data;
						if (!d.opts || (!d.opts.show && !d.opts.hide)) {
					if (fm.UA.Mobile && $.fn.tooltip) {
						useTooltip = true;
							classes: {
								'ui-tooltip': 'elfinder-ui-tooltip ui-widget-shadow'
							tooltipClass: 'elfinder-ui-tooltip ui-widget-shadow',
							track: true
						}).css('user-select', 'none');
						btn.css('user-select', 'none');
			forms.infoItems && (forms.infoItems = (function() {
				var items = fm.getCommand('info').items,
					tags = [],
					hides = fm.storage('infohides') || fm.arrayFlip(fm.options.commandsOptions.info.hideItems, true);
				$.each(items, function() {
					var key = this,
						name = fm.i18n(key);
					tags.push('<span class="elfinder-preference-info-item"><label><input type="checkbox" value="'+key+'" '+(hides[key]? '' : 'checked')+'/>'+name+'</label></span>');
				return $(tags.join(' ')).on('change', 'input', function() {
					var v = $(this).val(),
						o = $(this).is(':checked');
					if (!o && !hides[v]) {
						hides[v] = true;
					} else if (o && hides[v]) {
						delete hides[v];
					fm.storage('infohides', hides);
					fm.trigger('infopref', { repaint: true });
			forms.hashChecker && fm.hashCheckers.length && (forms.hashChecker = (function() {
				var tags = [],
					enabled = fm.arrayFlip(fm.storage('hashchekcer') || fm.options.commandsOptions.info.showHashAlgorisms, true);
				$.each(fm.hashCheckers, function() {
					var cmd = this,
						name = fm.i18n(cmd);
					tags.push('<span class="elfinder-preference-hashchecker-item"><label><input type="checkbox" value="'+cmd+'" '+(enabled[cmd]? 'checked' : '')+'/>'+name+'</label></span>');
				return $(tags.join(' ')).on('change', 'input', function() {
					var v = $(this).val(),
						o = $(this).is(':checked');
					if (o) {
						enabled[v] = true;
					} else if (enabled[v]) {
						delete enabled[v];
					fm.storage('hashchekcer', $.grep(fm.hashCheckers, function(v) {
						return enabled[v];

			forms.autoFocusDialog && (forms.autoFocusDialog = $('<input type="checkbox"/>').prop('checked', (function() {
				var s = fm.storage('autoFocusDialog');
				return s? (s > 0) : fm.options.uiOptions.dialog.focusOnMouseOver;
			})()).on('change', function(e) {
				fm.storage('autoFocusDialog', $(this).is(':checked')? 1 : -1);
			forms.clearBrowserData && (forms.clearBrowserData = $('<button></button>').text(fm.i18n('reset')).button().on('click', function(e) {
			$.each(cats, function(id, prefs) {
				var dls, found;
				if (prefs === true) {
					found = 1;
				} else if (prefs) {
					dls = $();
					$.each(prefs, function(i, n) {
						var f, title, chks = '', cbox;
						if (f = forms[n]) {
							found = 2;
							title = fm.i18n(n);
							cbox = $(f).filter('input[type="checkbox"]');
							if (!cbox.length) {
								cbox = $(f).find('input[type="checkbox"]');
							if (cbox.length === 1) {
								if (!cbox.attr('id')) {
									cbox.attr('id', 'elfinder-preference-'+n+'-checkbox');
								title = '<label for="'+cbox.attr('id')+'">'+title+'</label>';
							} else if (cbox.length > 1) {
								chks = ' elfinder-preference-checkboxes';
							dls = dls.add($('<dt class="elfinder-preference-'+n+chks+'">'+title+'</dt>')).add($('<dd class="elfinder-preference-'+n+chks+'"></dd>').append(f));
				if (found) {
					ul.append(tab[r](/\{id\}/g, id)[r](/\{title\}/, fm.i18n(id))[r](/\{class\}/, openTab === id? 'elfinder-focus' : ''));
					if (found === 2) {
							$('<div id="'+fm.namespace+'-preference-'+id+'" class="elfinder-preference-content"></div>')

			ul.on('click', 'a', function(e) {
				var t = $(e.target),
					h = t.attr('href');


				if (h.match(/all$/)) {
				} else {
			}).on('focus blur', 'a', function(e) {
				$(this).parent().toggleClass('ui-state-focus', e.type === 'focusin');
			}).on('mouseenter mouseleave', 'li', function(e) {
				$(this).toggleClass('ui-state-hover', e.type === 'mouseenter');

			base.append(ul, tabs);

			dialog = self.fmDialog(base, {
				title : self.title,
				width : self.options.width || 600,
				height: self.options.height || 400,
				maxWidth: 'window',
				maxHeight: 'window',
				autoOpen : false,
				destroyOnClose : false,
				allowMinimize : false,
				open : function() {
					openTab && selectTab(openTab);
					openTab = null;
				resize : function() {
					tabs.height(dialog.height() - ul.outerHeight(true) - (tabs.outerHeight(true) - tabs.height()) - 5);
			.on('click', function(e) {
				overflow: 'hidden'

				overflow: 'hidden'
			openTab = 'all';
		dialog, openTab;

	this.shortcuts = [{
		pattern     : 'ctrl+comma',
		description : this.title

	this.alwaysEnabled  = true;
	this.getstate = function() {
		return 0;
	this.exec = function(sel, cOpts) {
		!dialog && build();
		if (cOpts) {
			if (cOpts.tab) {
			} else if (cOpts._currentType === 'cwd') {
		return $.Deferred().resolve();


 * File: /js/commands/quicklook.js

 * @class  elFinder command "quicklook"
 * Fast preview for some files types
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
(elFinder.prototype.commands.quicklook = function() {
		var self       = this,
		fm         = self.fm,
		 * window closed state
		 * @type Number
		closed     = 0,
		 * window animated state
		 * @type Number
		animated   = 1,
		 * window opened state
		 * @type Number
		opened     = 2,
		 * window docked state
		 * @type Number
		docked     = 3,
		 * window docked and hidden state
		 * @type Number
		dockedhidden = 4,
		 * window state
		 * @type Number
		state      = closed,
		 * Event name of update
		 * for fix conflicts with Prototype.JS
		 * `@see https://github.com/Studio-42/elFinder/pull/2346
		 * @type String
		evUpdate = Element.update? 'quicklookupdate' : 'update',
		 * navbar icon class
		 * @type String
		navicon    = 'elfinder-quicklook-navbar-icon',
		 * navbar "fullscreen" icon class
		 * @type String
		fullscreen = 'elfinder-quicklook-fullscreen',
		 * info wrapper class
		 * @type String
		infocls    = 'elfinder-quicklook-info-wrapper',
		 * Triger keydown/keypress event with left/right arrow key code
		 * @param  Number  left/right arrow key code
		 * @return void
		navtrigger = function(code) {
			$(document).trigger($.Event('keydown', { keyCode: code, ctrlKey : false, shiftKey : false, altKey : false, metaKey : false }));
		 * Return css for closed window
		 * @param  jQuery  file node in cwd
		 * @return void
		closedCss = function(node) {
			var elf = fm.getUI().offset(),
				base = (function() {
					var target = node.find('.elfinder-cwd-file-wrapper');
					return target.length? target : node;
				baseOffset = base.offset() || { top: 0, left: 0 };
			return {
				opacity : 0,
				width   : base.width(),
				height  : base.height() - 30,
				top     : baseOffset.top - elf.top,
				left    : baseOffset.left  - elf.left
		 * Return css for opened window
		 * @return void
		openedCss = function() {
			var contain = self.options.contain || fm.options.dialogContained,
				win = contain? fm.getUI() : $(window),
				elf = fm.getUI().offset(),
				w = Math.min(width, win.width()-10),
				h = Math.min(height, win.height()-80);
			return {
				opacity : 1,
				width  : w,
				height : h,
				top    : parseInt((win.height() - h - 60) / 2 + (contain? 0 : win.scrollTop() - elf.top)),
				left   : parseInt((win.width() - w) / 2 + (contain? 0 : win.scrollLeft() - elf.left))
		mediaNode = {},
		support = function(codec, name) {
			var node  = name || codec.substr(0, codec.indexOf('/')),
				media = mediaNode[node]? mediaNode[node] : (mediaNode[node] = document.createElement(node)),
				value = false;
			try {
				value = media.canPlayType && media.canPlayType(codec);
			} catch(e) {}
			return (value && value !== '' && value != 'no')? true : false;
		platformWin = (window.navigator.platform.indexOf('Win') != -1),
		 * Opened window width (from config)
		 * @type Number
		 * Opened window height (from config)
		 * @type Number
		 * Previous style before docked
		 * @type String
		 * elFinder node
		 * @type jQuery
		 * elFinder current directory node
		 * @type jQuery
		 * Current directory hash
		 * @type String
		dockEnabled = false,
		navdrag = false,
		navmove = false,
		navtm   = null,
		leftKey = $.ui.keyCode.LEFT,
		rightKey = $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT,
		coverEv = 'mousemove touchstart ' + ('onwheel' in document? 'wheel' : 'onmousewheel' in document? 'mousewheel' : 'DOMMouseScroll'),
		title   = $('<span class="elfinder-dialog-title elfinder-quicklook-title"></span>'),
		icon    = $('<div></div>'),
		info    = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info"></div>'),//.hide(),
		cover   = $('<div class="ui-front elfinder-quicklook-cover"></div>'),
		fsicon  = $('<div class="'+navicon+' '+navicon+'-fullscreen"></div>')
			.on('click touchstart', function(e) {
				if (navmove) {
				var win     = self.window,
					full    = win.hasClass(fullscreen),
					$window = $(window),
					resize  = function() { self.preview.trigger('changesize'); };
				if (full) {
					navStyle = '';
					$window.trigger(self.resize).off(self.resize, resize);
					navbar.off('mouseenter mouseleave');
				} else {
					.data('position', {
						left   : win.css('left'), 
						top    : win.css('top'), 
						width  : win.width(), 
						height : win.height(),
						display: 'block'

					$(window).on(self.resize, resize)

					cover.on(coverEv, function(e) {
						if (! navdrag) {
							if (e.type === 'mousemove' || e.type === 'touchstart') {
								navtm = setTimeout(function() {
									if (fm.UA.Mobile || navbar.parent().find('.elfinder-quicklook-navbar:hover').length < 1) {
										navbar.fadeOut('slow', function() {
								}, 3000);
							if (cover.is(':visible')) {
								cover.data('tm', setTimeout(function() {
								}, 3000));
					navbar.on('mouseenter mouseleave', function(e) {
						if (! navdrag) {
							if (e.type === 'mouseenter') {
							} else {
				if (fm.zIndex) {
					win.css('z-index', fm.zIndex + 1);
				if (fm.UA.Mobile) {
					navbar.attr('style', navStyle);
				} else {
					navbar.attr('style', navStyle).draggable(full ? 'destroy' : {
						start: function() {
							navdrag = true;
							navmove = true;
						stop: function() {
							navdrag = false;
							navStyle = self.navbar.attr('style');
							requestAnimationFrame(function() {
								navmove = false;
				var collection = win;
				if (parent.is('.ui-resizable')) {
					collection = collection.add(parent);
				collection.resizable(full ? 'enable' : 'disable').removeClass('ui-state-disabled');

		updateOnSel = function() {
			self.update(void(0), (function() {
				var fm = self.fm,
					files = fm.selectedFiles(),
					cnt = files.length,
					inDock = self.docked(),
					getInfo = function() {
						var ts = 0;
						$.each(files, function(i, f) {
							var t = parseInt(f.ts);
							if (ts >= 0) {
								if (t > ts) {
									ts = t;
							} else {
								ts = 'unknown';
						return {
							hash : files[0].hash  + '/' + (+new Date()),
							name : fm.i18n('items') + ': ' + cnt,
							mime : 'group',
							size : spinner,
							ts   : ts,
							files : $.map(files, function(f) { return f.hash; }),
							getSize : true
				if (! cnt) {
					cnt = 1;
					files = [fm.cwd()];
				return (cnt === 1)? files[0] : getInfo();
		navShow = function() {
			if (self.window.hasClass(fullscreen)) {
				navtm && clearTimeout(navtm);
				navtm = null;
				// if use `show()` it make infinite loop with old jQuery (jQuery/jQuery UI: 1.8.0/1.9.0)
				// see #1478 https://github.com/Studio-42/elFinder/issues/1478
				navbar.stop(true, true).css('display', 'block');
		coverHide = function() {
			cover.data('tm') && clearTimeout(cover.data('tm'));
		prev = $('<div class="'+navicon+' '+navicon+'-prev"></div>').on('click touchstart', function(e) { ! navmove && navtrigger(leftKey); return false; }),
		next = $('<div class="'+navicon+' '+navicon+'-next"></div>').on('click touchstart', function(e) { ! navmove && navtrigger(rightKey); return false; }),
		navbar  = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-navbar"></div>')
			.append('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-navbar-separator"></div>')
			.append($('<div class="'+navicon+' '+navicon+'-close"></div>').on('click touchstart', function(e) { ! navmove && self.window.trigger('close'); return false; }))
		titleClose = $('<span class="ui-front ui-icon elfinder-icon-close ui-icon-closethick"></span>').on('mousedown', function(e) {
		titleDock = $('<span class="ui-front ui-icon elfinder-icon-minimize ui-icon-minusthick"></span>').on('mousedown', function(e) {
			if (! self.docked()) {
			} else {
		spinner = '<span class="elfinder-spinner-text">' + fm.i18n('calc') + '</span>' + '<span class="elfinder-spinner"></span>',
		navStyle = '',
		init = true,
		dockHeight,	getSize, tm4cwd, dockedNode, selectTm;

	 * Any flags for each plugin
	this.flags = {};
	this.cover = cover;
	this.evUpdate = evUpdate;
	(this.navbar = navbar)._show = navShow;
	this.resize = 'resize.'+fm.namespace;
	this.info = $('<div></div>').addClass(infocls)
	this.autoPlay = function() {
		if (self.opened()) {
			return !! self.options[self.docked()? 'dockAutoplay' : 'autoplay'];
		return false;
	this.preview = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-preview ui-helper-clearfix"></div>')
		// clean info/icon
		.on('change', function() {
			navbar.attr('style', navStyle);
			self.docked() && navbar.hide();
			self.preview.attr('style', '').removeClass('elfinder-overflow-auto');
			self.info.attr('style', '').hide();
			icon.removeAttr('class').attr('style', '');
		// update info/icon
		.on(evUpdate, function(e) {
			var preview = self.preview,
				file    = e.file,
				tpl     = '<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-data">{value}</div>',
				update  = function() {
					var win = self.window.css('overflow', 'hidden');
					name = fm.escape(file.i18 || file.name);
					!file.read && e.stopImmediatePropagation();
					self.window.data('hash', file.hash);
					prev.css('visibility', '');
					next.css('visibility', '');
					if (file.hash === fm.cwdId2Hash(cwd.find('[id]:not(.elfinder-cwd-parent):first').attr('id'))) {
						prev.css('visibility', 'hidden');
					if (file.hash === fm.cwdId2Hash(cwd.find('[id]:last').attr('id'))) {
						next.css('visibility', 'hidden');
					if (file.mime === 'directory') {
						getSizeHashes = [ file.hash ];
					} else if (file.mime === 'group' && file.getSize) {
						getSizeHashes = file.files;
						tpl.replace(/\{value\}/, name)
						+ tpl.replace(/\{value\}/, fm.mime2kind(file))
						+ tpl.replace(/\{value\}/, getSizeHashes.length ? spinner : fm.formatSize(file.size))
						+ tpl.replace(/\{value\}/, fm.i18n('modify')+': '+ fm.formatDate(file))
					if (getSizeHashes.length) {
						getSize = fm.getSize(getSizeHashes).done(function(data) {
						}).fail(function() {
						}).always(function() {
							getSize = null;
						getSize._hash = file.hash;
					icon.addClass('elfinder-cwd-icon ui-corner-all '+fm.mime2class(file.mime));
					if (file.icon) {
						icon.css(fm.getIconStyle(file, true));
					self.info.attr('class', infocls);
					if (file.csscls) {
					if (file.read && (tmb = fm.tmb(file))) {
							.on('load', function() {
								icon.addClass(tmb.className).css('background-image', "url('"+tmb.url+"')");
							.attr('src', tmb.url);
					if (self.window.hasClass(fullscreen)) {
					win.css('overflow', '');
				tmb, name, getSizeHashes = [];

			if (file && ! Object.keys(file).length) {
				file = fm.cwd();
			if (file && getSize && getSize.state() === 'pending' && getSize._hash !== file.hash) {
			if (file && (e.forceUpdate || self.window.data('hash') !== file.hash)) {
			} else { 

	this.window = $('<div class="ui-front ui-helper-reset ui-widget elfinder-quicklook touch-punch" style="position:absolute"></div>')
		.addClass(fm.UA.Touch? 'elfinder-touch' : '')
		.on('click', function(e) {
			var win = this;
			if (state === opened) {
				requestAnimationFrame(function() {
					state === opened && fm.toFront(win);
			$('<div class="ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-top ui-helper-clearfix elfinder-quicklook-titlebar"></div>')
				$('<span class="ui-widget-header ui-dialog-titlebar-close ui-corner-all elfinder-titlebar-button elfinder-quicklook-titlebar-icon'+(platformWin? ' elfinder-titlebar-button-right' : '')+'"></span>').append(
					titleClose, titleDock
		.draggable({handle : 'div.elfinder-quicklook-titlebar'})
		.on('open', function(e, clcss) {
			var win  = self.window, 
				file = self.value,
				node = fm.getUI('cwd'),
				open = function(status) {
					state = status;
					self.update(1, self.value);
					win.trigger('resize.' + fm.namespace);

			if (!init && state === closed) {
				if (file && file.hash !== cwdHash) {
					node = fm.cwdHash2Elm(file.hash.split('/', 2)[0]);
				navStyle = '';
				navbar.attr('style', '');
				state = animated;
				win.css(clcss || closedCss(node))
					.animate(openedCss(), 550, function() {
			} else if (state === dockedhidden) {
				fm.storage('previewDocked', '1');
				if (fm.getUI('navdock').width() === 0) {
		.on('close', function(e, dfd) {
			var win     = self.window,
				preview = self.preview.trigger('change'),
				file    = self.value,
				hash    = (win.data('hash') || '').split('/', 2)[0],
				close   = function(status, winhide) {
					state = status;
					winhide && fm.toHide(win);
					self.update(0, self.value);
					win.data('hash', '');
					dfd && dfd.resolve();
			if (self.opened()) {
				getSize && getSize.state() === 'pending' && getSize.reject();
				if (! self.docked()) {
					state = animated;
					win.hasClass(fullscreen) && fsicon.click();
					(hash && (node = cwd.find('#'+hash)).length)
						? win.animate(closedCss(node), 500, function() {
							close(closed, true);
						: close(closed, true);
				} else {
					dockedNode = fm.getUI('navdock').data('removeNode')(self.window.attr('id'), 'detach');
					fm.storage('previewDocked', '2');
		.on('navdockin', function(e, data) {
			var w      = self.window,
				box    = fm.getUI('navdock'),
				height = dockHeight || box.width(),
				opts   = data || {};
			if (init) {
				opts.init = true;
			state = docked;
			prevStyle = w.attr('style');
				width: '100%',
				height: height,
				boxSizing: 'border-box',
				paddingBottom: 0,
				zIndex: 'unset'
			titleDock.toggleClass('ui-icon-plusthick ui-icon-minusthick elfinder-icon-full elfinder-icon-minimize');
			fm.toHide(w, true);
			box.data('addNode')(w, opts);
			fm.storage('previewDocked', '1');
		.on('navdockout', function(e) {
			var w   = self.window,
				box = fm.getUI('navdock'),
				dfd = $.Deferred(),
				clcss = closedCss(self.preview);
			dockHeight = w.outerHeight();
			box.data('removeNode')(w.attr('id'), fm.getUI());
			w.toggleClass('ui-front').addClass('ui-widget').draggable('enable').resizable('enable').attr('style', prevStyle);
			titleDock.toggleClass('ui-icon-plusthick ui-icon-minusthick elfinder-icon-full elfinder-icon-minimize');
			state = closed;
			w.trigger('open', clcss);
			fm.storage('previewDocked', '0');
		.on('resize.' + fm.namespace, function() {

	 * This command cannot be disable by backend
	 * @type Boolean
	this.alwaysEnabled = true;
	 * Selected file
	 * @type Object
	this.value = null;
	this.handlers = {
		// save selected file
		select : function(e, d) {
			selectTm && cancelAnimationFrame(selectTm);
			if (! e.data || ! e.data.selected || ! e.data.selected.length) {
				selectTm = requestAnimationFrame(function() {
					self.opened() && updateOnSel();
			} else {
				self.opened() && updateOnSel();
		error  : function() { self.window.is(':visible') && self.window.trigger('close'); },
		'searchshow searchhide' : function() { this.opened() && this.window.trigger('close'); },
		navbarshow : function() {
			requestAnimationFrame(function() {
				self.docked() && self.preview.trigger('changesize');
		destroy : function() { self.window.remove(); }
	this.shortcuts = [{
		pattern     : 'space'
	this.support = {
		audio : {
			ogg : support('audio/ogg;'),
			webm: support('audio/webm;'),
			mp3 : support('audio/mpeg;'),
			wav : support('audio/wav;'),
			m4a : support('audio/mp4;') || support('audio/x-m4a;') || support('audio/aac;'),
			flac: support('audio/flac;'),
			amr : support('audio/amr;')
		video : {
			ogg  : support('video/ogg;'),
			webm : support('video/webm;'),
			mp4  : support('video/mp4;'),
			mkv  : support('video/x-matroska;') || support('video/webm;'),
			'3gp': support('video/3gpp;') || support('video/mp4;'), // try as mp4
			m3u8 : support('application/x-mpegURL', 'video') || support('application/vnd.apple.mpegURL', 'video'),
			mpd  : support('application/dash+xml', 'video')
	// for GC
	mediaNode = {};
	 * Return true if quickLoock window is hiddenReturn true if quickLoock window is visible and not animated
	 * @return Boolean
	this.closed = function() {
		return (state == closed || state == dockedhidden);
	 * Return true if quickLoock window is visible and not animated
	 * @return Boolean
	this.opened = function() {
		return state == opened || state == docked;
	 * Return true if quickLoock window is in NavDock
	 * @return Boolean
	this.docked = function() {
		return state == docked;
	 * Adds an integration into help dialog.
	 * @param Object opts  options
	this.addIntegration = function(opts) {
		requestAnimationFrame(function() {
			fm.trigger('helpIntegration', Object.assign({cmd: 'quicklook'}, opts));

	 * Init command.
	 * Add default plugins and init other plugins
	 * @return Object
	this.init = function() {
		var o       = this.options, 
			win     = this.window,
			preview = this.preview,
			i, p, cwdDispInlineRegex;
		width  = o.width  > 0 ? parseInt(o.width)  : 450;	
		height = o.height > 0 ? parseInt(o.height) : 300;
		if (o.dockHeight !== 'auto') {
			dockHeight = parseInt(o.dockHeight);
			if (! dockHeight) {
				dockHeight = void(0);

		fm.one('load', function() {
			dockEnabled = fm.getUI('navdock').data('dockEnabled');
			! dockEnabled && titleDock.hide();
			parent = fm.getUI();
			cwd    = fm.getUI('cwd');

			if (fm.zIndex) {
				win.css('z-index', fm.zIndex + 1);
			// close window on escape
			$(document).on('keydown.'+fm.namespace, function(e) {
				e.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE && self.opened() && ! self.docked() && win.hasClass('elfinder-frontmost') && win.trigger('close');
				handles   : 'se', 
				minWidth  : 350, 
				minHeight : 120, 
				resize    : function() { 
					// use another event to avoid recursion in fullscreen mode
					// may be there is clever solution, but i cant find it :(
			self.change(function() {
				if (self.opened()) {
					if (self.value) {
						if (self.value.tmb && self.value.tmb == 1) {
							// try re-get file object
							self.value = Object.assign({}, fm.file(self.value.hash));
						preview.trigger($.Event(evUpdate, {file : self.value}));
			preview.on(evUpdate, function(e) {
				var file, hash, serach;
				if (file = e.file) {
					hash = file.hash;
					serach = (fm.searchStatus.mixed && fm.searchStatus.state > 1);
					if (file.mime !== 'directory') {
						if (parseInt(file.size) || file.mime.match(o.mimeRegexNotEmptyCheck)) {
							// set current dispInlineRegex
							self.dispInlineRegex = cwdDispInlineRegex;
							if (serach || fm.optionsByHashes[hash]) {
								try {
									self.dispInlineRegex = new RegExp(fm.option('dispInlineRegex', hash), 'i');
								} catch(e) {
									try {
										self.dispInlineRegex = new RegExp(!fm.isRoot(file)? fm.option('dispInlineRegex', file.phash) : fm.options.dispInlineRegex, 'i');
									} catch(e) {
										self.dispInlineRegex = /^$/;
						} else {
							//  do not preview of file that size = 0
					} else {
						self.dispInlineRegex = /^$/;
				} else {

			$.each(fm.commands.quicklook.plugins || [], function(i, plugin) {
				if (typeof(plugin) == 'function') {
					new plugin(self);
		}).one('open', function() {
			var dock = Number(fm.storage('previewDocked') || o.docked),
			if (dockEnabled && dock >= 1) {
				win = self.window;
				win.trigger('navdockin', { init : true });
				if (dock === 2) {
				} else {
					self.update(void(0), fm.cwd());
			init = false;
		}).bind('open', function() {
			cwdHash = fm.cwd().hash;
			self.value = fm.cwd();
			// set current volume dispInlineRegex
			try {
				cwdDispInlineRegex = new RegExp(fm.option('dispInlineRegex'), 'i');
			} catch(e) {
				cwdDispInlineRegex = /^$/;
		}).bind('change', function(e) {
			if (e.data && e.data.changed && self.opened()) {
				$.each(e.data.changed, function() {
					if (self.window.data('hash') === this.hash) {
						self.window.data('hash', null);
						return false;
		}).bind('navdockresizestart navdockresizestop', function(e) {
			cover[e.type === 'navdockresizestart'? 'show' : 'hide']();
	this.getstate = function() {
		return self.opened()? 1 : 0;
	this.exec = function() {
		self.closed() && updateOnSel();
		self.enabled() && self.window.trigger(self.opened() ? 'close' : 'open');
		return $.Deferred().resolve();

	this.hideinfo = function() {
		this.info.stop(true, true).hide();

}).prototype = { forceLoad : true }; // this is required command

 * File: /js/commands/quicklook.plugins.js

elFinder.prototype.commands.quicklook.plugins = [
	 * Images preview plugin
	 * @param elFinder.commands.quicklook
	function(ql) {
				var mimes   = ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/svg+xml', 'image/x-ms-bmp'],
			getDimSize = ql.fm.returnBytes((ql.options.getDimThreshold || 0)),
			preview = ql.preview,
			WebP, flipMime;
		// webp support
		WebP = new Image();
		WebP.onload = WebP.onerror = function() {
			if (WebP.height == 2) {
		// what kind of images we can display
		$.each(navigator.mimeTypes, function(i, o) {
			var mime = o.type;
			if (mime.indexOf('image/') === 0 && $.inArray(mime, mimes)) {
		preview.on(ql.evUpdate, function(e) {
			var fm   = ql.fm,
				file = e.file,
				showed = false,
				dimreq = null,
				setdim  = function(dim) {
					var rfile = fm.file(file.hash);
					rfile.width = dim[0];
					rfile.height = dim[1];
				show = function() {
					var elm, varelm, memSize, width, height, prop;
					dimreq && dimreq.state && dimreq.state() === 'pending' && dimreq.reject();
					if (showed) {
					showed = true;
					elm = img.get(0);
					memSize = file.width && file.height? {w: file.width, h: file.height} : (elm.naturalWidth? null : {w: img.width(), h: img.height()});
					memSize && img.removeAttr('width').removeAttr('height');
					width  = file.width || elm.naturalWidth || elm.width || img.width();
					height = file.height || elm.naturalHeight || elm.height || img.height();
					if (!file.width || !file.height) {
						setdim([width, height]);
					memSize && img.width(memSize.w).height(memSize.h);

					prop = (width/height).toFixed(2);
					preview.on('changesize', function() {
						var pw = parseInt(preview.width()),
							ph = parseInt(preview.height()),
							w, h;
						if (prop < (pw/ph).toFixed(2)) {
							h = ph;
							w = Math.floor(h * prop);
						} else {
							w = pw;
							h = Math.floor(w/prop);
						img.width(w).height(h).css('margin-top', h < ph ? Math.floor((ph - h)/2) : 0);
					//show image
				hideInfo = function() {
					// hide info/icon
				url, img, loading, prog, m, opDfd;

			if (!flipMime) {
				flipMime = fm.arrayFlip(mimes);
			if (flipMime[file.mime] && ql.dispInlineRegex.test(file.mime)) {
				// this is our file - stop event propagation

				loading = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-data"><span class="elfinder-spinner-text">'+fm.i18n('nowLoading')+'</span><span class="elfinder-spinner"></span></div>').appendTo(ql.info.find('.elfinder-quicklook-info'));
				prog = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-progress"></div>').appendTo(loading);

				img = $('<img/>')
					.on('load', function() {
					.on('error', function() {
				opDfd = fm.openUrl(file.hash, false, function(url) {
					img.attr('src', url);
				}, { progressBar: prog });
				// stop loading on change file if not loaded yet
				preview.one('change', function() {
					opDfd && opDfd.state && opDfd.state() === 'pending' && opDfd.reject();

				if (file.width && file.height) {
				} else if (file.size > getDimSize) {
					dimreq = fm.request({
						data : {cmd : 'dim', target : file.hash},
						preventDefault : true
					.done(function(data) {
						if (data.dim) {
							var dim = data.dim.split('x');
							file.width = dim[0];
							file.height = dim[1];
	 * TIFF image preview
	 * @param  object  ql  elFinder.commands.quicklook
	function(ql) {
				var fm   = ql.fm,
			mime = 'image/tiff',
			preview = ql.preview;
		if (window.Worker && window.Uint8Array) {
			preview.on(ql.evUpdate, function(e) {
				var file = e.file,
					err = function(e) {
						wk && wk.terminate();
						fm.debug('error', e);
					setdim = function(dim) {
						var rfile = fm.file(file.hash);
						rfile.width = dim[0];
						rfile.height = dim[1];
					loading, prog, url, base, wk, opDfd;
				if (file.mime === mime) {

					loading = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-data"><span class="elfinder-spinner-text">'+fm.i18n('nowLoading')+'</span><span class="elfinder-spinner"></span></div>').appendTo(ql.info.find('.elfinder-quicklook-info'));
					prog = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-progress"></div>').appendTo(loading);
					// stop loading on change file if not loaded yet
					preview.one('change', function() {
						wk && wk.terminate();

					opDfd = fm.getContents(file.hash, 'arraybuffer', { progressBar: prog }).done(function(data) {
						if (data) {
							base = $('<div></div>').css({width:'100%',height:'100%'}).hide().appendTo(preview);
							try {
								wk = fm.getWorker();
								wk.onmessage = function(res) {
									var data = res.data,
										cv, co, id, prop;
									wk && wk.terminate();
									cv = document.createElement('canvas');
									co = cv.getContext('2d');
									cv.width = data.width;
									cv.height = data.height;
									id = co.createImageData(data.width, data.height);
									(id).data.set(new Uint8Array(data.image));
									co.putImageData(id, 0, 0);
									prop = (data.width/data.height).toFixed(2);
									preview.on('changesize', function() {
										var pw = parseInt(preview.width()),
											ph = parseInt(preview.height()),
											w, h;
										if (prop < (pw/ph).toFixed(2)) {
											h = ph;
											w = Math.floor(h * prop);
										} else {
											w = pw;
											h = Math.floor(w/prop);
										$(cv).width(w).height(h).css('margin-top', h < ph ? Math.floor((ph - h)/2) : 0);
									if (!file.width || !file.height) {
										setdim([data.width, data.height]);
								wk.onerror = err;
									scripts: [fm.options.cdns.tiff, fm.getWorkerUrl('quicklook.tiff.js')],
									data: { data: data }
							} catch(e) {
						} else {
					// stop loading on change file if not loaded yet
					preview.one('change', function() {
						opDfd && opDfd.state && opDfd.state() === 'pending' && opDfd.reject();

	 * PSD(Adobe Photoshop data) preview plugin
	 * @param elFinder.commands.quicklook
	function(ql) {
				var fm      = ql.fm,
			mimes   = fm.arrayFlip(['image/vnd.adobe.photoshop', 'image/x-photoshop']),
			preview = ql.preview,
			load    = function(url, img, loading) {
				try {
					PSD.fromURL(url).then(function(psd) {
						var prop;
						img.attr('src', psd.image.toBase64());
						requestAnimationFrame(function() {
							prop = (img.width()/img.height()).toFixed(2);
							preview.on('changesize', function() {
								var pw = parseInt(preview.width()),
									ph = parseInt(preview.height()),
									w, h;
								if (prop < (pw/ph).toFixed(2)) {
									h = ph;
									w = Math.floor(h * prop);
								} else {
									w = pw;
									h = Math.floor(w/prop);
								img.width(w).height(h).css('margin-top', h < ph ? Math.floor((ph - h)/2) : 0);
							// hide info/icon
							//show image
					}, function() {
				} catch(e) {
		preview.on(ql.evUpdate, function(e) {
			var file = e.file,
				url, img, loading, prog, m,
				_define, _require, opDfd;

			if (mimes[file.mime] && fm.options.cdns.psd && ! fm.UA.ltIE10 && ql.dispInlineRegex.test(file.mime)) {
				// this is our file - stop event propagation

				loading = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-data"><span class="elfinder-spinner-text">'+fm.i18n('nowLoading')+'</span><span class="elfinder-spinner"></span></div>').appendTo(ql.info.find('.elfinder-quicklook-info'));
				prog = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-progress"></div>').appendTo(loading);
				opDfd = fm.openUrl(file.hash, 'sameorigin', function(url) {
					if (url) {
						img = $('<img/>').hide().appendTo(preview);
						if (PSD) {
							load(url, img, loading);
						} else {
							_define = window.define;
							_require = window.require;
							window.require = null;
							window.define = null;
								[ fm.options.cdns.psd ],
								function() {
									PSD = require('psd');
									_define? (window.define = _define) : (delete window.define);
									_require? (window.require = _require) : (delete window.require);
									load(url, img, loading);
				}, { progressBar: prog });
				// stop loading on change file if not loaded yet
				preview.one('change', function() {
					opDfd && opDfd.state && opDfd.state() === 'pending' && opDfd.reject();
	 * HTML preview plugin
	 * @param elFinder.commands.quicklook
	function(ql) {
				var fm      = ql.fm,
			mimes   = fm.arrayFlip(['text/html', 'application/xhtml+xml']),
			preview = ql.preview;
		preview.on(ql.evUpdate, function(e) {
			var file = e.file, jqxhr, loading, prog;
			if (mimes[file.mime] && ql.dispInlineRegex.test(file.mime) && (!ql.options.getSizeMax || file.size <= ql.options.getSizeMax)) {

				loading = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-data"><span class="elfinder-spinner-text">'+fm.i18n('nowLoading')+'</span><span class="elfinder-spinner"></span></div>').appendTo(ql.info.find('.elfinder-quicklook-info'));
				prog = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-progress"></div>').appendTo(loading);

				// stop loading on change file if not loaded yet
				preview.one('change', function() {
					jqxhr.state() == 'pending' && jqxhr.reject();
				jqxhr = fm.request({
					data           : {cmd : 'get', target : file.hash, conv : 1, _t : file.ts},
					options        : {type: 'get', cache : true},
					preventDefault : true,
					progressBar    : prog
				.done(function(data) {
					var doc = $('<iframe class="elfinder-quicklook-preview-html"></iframe>').appendTo(preview)[0].contentWindow.document;
				.always(function() {
	 * MarkDown preview plugin
	 * @param elFinder.commands.quicklook
	function(ql) {
				var fm      = ql.fm,
			mimes   = fm.arrayFlip(['text/x-markdown']),
			preview = ql.preview,
			marked  = null,
			show = function(data, loading) {
				var doc = $('<iframe class="elfinder-quicklook-preview-html"></iframe>').appendTo(preview)[0].contentWindow.document;
				doc.write((marked.parse || marked)(data.content));
			error = function(loading) {
				marked = false;
		preview.on(ql.evUpdate, function(e) {
			var file = e.file, jqxhr, loading, prog;
			if (mimes[file.mime] && fm.options.cdns.marked && marked !== false && ql.dispInlineRegex.test(file.mime) && (!ql.options.getSizeMax || file.size <= ql.options.getSizeMax)) {

				loading = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-data"><span class="elfinder-spinner-text">'+fm.i18n('nowLoading')+'</span><span class="elfinder-spinner"></span></div>').appendTo(ql.info.find('.elfinder-quicklook-info'));
				prog = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-progress"></div>').appendTo(loading);

				// stop loading on change file if not loaded yet
				preview.one('change', function() {
					jqxhr.state() == 'pending' && jqxhr.reject();
				jqxhr = fm.request({
					data           : {cmd : 'get', target : file.hash, conv : 1, _t : file.ts},
					options        : {type: 'get', cache : true},
					preventDefault : true,
					progressBar    : prog
				.done(function(data) {
					if (marked || window.marked) {
						if (!marked) {
							marked = window.marked;
						show(data, loading);
					} else {
							function(res) { 
								marked = res || window.marked || false;
								delete window.marked;
								if (marked) {
									show(data, loading);
								} else {
								tryRequire: true,
								error: function() {
				.fail(function() {

	 * PDF/ODT/ODS/ODP preview with ViewerJS
	 * @param elFinder.commands.quicklook
	 function(ql) {
		if (ql.options.viewerjs) {
			var fm      = ql.fm,
				preview = ql.preview,
				opts    = ql.options.viewerjs,
				mimes   = opts.url? fm.arrayFlip(opts.mimes || []) : [],
				win     = ql.window,
				navi    = ql.navbar,
				setNavi = function() {
					navi.css('bottom', win.hasClass('elfinder-quicklook-fullscreen')? '30px' : '');

			if (opts.url) {
				preview.on('update', function(e) {
					var file = e.file, node, loading, prog, opDfd;

					if (mimes[file.mime] && (file.mime !== 'application/pdf' || !opts.pdfNative || !ql.flags.pdfNative)) {
						loading = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-data"><span class="elfinder-spinner-text">'+fm.i18n('nowLoading')+'</span><span class="elfinder-spinner"></span></div>').appendTo(ql.info.find('.elfinder-quicklook-info'));
						prog = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-progress"></div>').appendTo(loading);
						opDfd = fm.openUrl(file.hash, 'sameorigin', function(url) {
							if (url) {
								node = $('<iframe class="elfinder-quicklook-preview-iframe"></iframe>')
									.css('background-color', 'transparent')
									.on('load', function() {
										node.css('background-color', '#fff');
									.on('error', function() {
									.attr('src', opts.url + '#' + url);

								win.on('viewchange.viewerjs', setNavi);

								preview.one('change', function() {
						}, { progressBar: prog });
						// stop loading on change file if not loaded yet
						preview.one('change', function() {
							opDfd && opDfd.state && opDfd.state() === 'pending' && opDfd.reject();

	 * PDF preview plugin
	 * @param elFinder.commands.quicklook
	function(ql) {
				var fm      = ql.fm,
			mime    = 'application/pdf',
			preview = ql.preview,
			active  = false,
			urlhash = '',
			firefox, toolbar;
		if ((fm.UA.Safari && fm.OS === 'mac' && !fm.UA.iOS) || fm.UA.IE || fm.UA.Firefox) {
			active = true;
		} else {
			$.each(navigator.plugins, function(i, plugins) {
				$.each(plugins, function(i, plugin) {
					if (plugin.type === mime) {
						return !(active = true);

		ql.flags.pdfNative = active;
		if (active) {
			if (typeof ql.options.pdfToolbar !== 'undefined' && !ql.options.pdfToolbar) {
				urlhash = '#toolbar=0';
			preview.on(ql.evUpdate, function(e) {
				var file = e.file,
				if (active && file.mime === mime && ql.dispInlineRegex.test(file.mime)) {
					opDfd = fm.openUrl(file.hash, false, function(url) {
						if (url) {
							$('<object class="elfinder-quicklook-preview-pdf" data="'+url+urlhash+'" type="application/pdf" ></object>')
								.on('error', function(e) {
									active = false;
									ql.update(void(0), fm.cwd());
									ql.update(void(0), file);
					// stop loading on change file if not loaded yet
					preview.one('change', function() {
						opDfd && opDfd.state && opDfd.state() === 'pending' && opDfd.reject();
	 * Flash preview plugin
	 * @param elFinder.commands.quicklook
	function(ql) {
				var fm      = ql.fm,
			mime    = 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
			preview = ql.preview,
			active  = false;

		$.each(navigator.plugins, function(i, plugins) {
			$.each(plugins, function(i, plugin) {
				if (plugin.type === mime) {
					return !(active = true);
		active && preview.on(ql.evUpdate, function(e) {
			var file = e.file,
				node, opDfd;
			if (file.mime === mime && ql.dispInlineRegex.test(file.mime)) {
				opDfd = fm.openUrl(file.hash, false, function(url) {
					if (url) {
						node = $('<embed class="elfinder-quicklook-preview-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" src="'+url+'" quality="high" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" />')
				// stop loading on change file if not loaded yet
				preview.one('change', function() {
					opDfd && opDfd.state && opDfd.state() === 'pending' && opDfd.reject();
	 * HTML5 audio preview plugin
	 * @param elFinder.commands.quicklook
	function(ql) {
				var fm       = ql.fm,
			preview  = ql.preview,
			mimes    = {
				'audio/mpeg'    : 'mp3',
				'audio/mpeg3'   : 'mp3',
				'audio/mp3'     : 'mp3',
				'audio/x-mpeg3' : 'mp3',
				'audio/x-mp3'   : 'mp3',
				'audio/x-wav'   : 'wav',
				'audio/wav'     : 'wav',
				'audio/x-m4a'   : 'm4a',
				'audio/aac'     : 'm4a',
				'audio/mp4'     : 'm4a',
				'audio/x-mp4'   : 'm4a',
				'audio/ogg'     : 'ogg',
				'audio/webm'    : 'webm',
				'audio/flac'    : 'flac',
				'audio/x-flac'  : 'flac',
				'audio/amr'     : 'amr'
			node, curHash,
			win  = ql.window,
			navi = ql.navbar,
			AMR, autoplay,
			controlsList = typeof ql.options.mediaControlsList === 'string' && ql.options.mediaControlsList? ' controlsList="' + fm.escape(ql.options.mediaControlsList) + '"' : '',
			setNavi = function() {
				navi.css('bottom', win.hasClass('elfinder-quicklook-fullscreen')? '50px' : '');
			getNode = function(src, hash) {
				return $('<audio class="elfinder-quicklook-preview-audio ui-front" controls' + controlsList + ' preload="auto" autobuffer><source src="'+src+'" ></source></audio>')
					.on('change', function(e) {
						// Firefox fire change event on seek or volume change
					.on('error', function(e) {
						node && node.data('hash') === hash && reset();
					.data('hash', hash)
			amrToWavUrl = function(hash) {
				var dfd = $.Deferred(),
					loader = $.Deferred().done(function() {
						var opDfd;
						opDfd = fm.getContents(hash, 'arraybuffer', { progressBar: prog }).done(function(data) {
							try {
								var buffer = AMR.toWAV(new Uint8Array(data));
								if (buffer) {
									dfd.resolve(URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([buffer], { type: 'audio/x-wav' })));
								} else {
							} catch(e) {
						}).fail(function() {
						// stop loading on change file if not loaded yet
						preview.one('change', function() {
							opDfd && opDfd.state && opDfd.state() === 'pending' && opDfd.reject();
					}).fail(function() {
						AMR = false;
				if (window.TextEncoder && window.URL && URL.createObjectURL && typeof AMR === 'undefined') {
					// previous window.AMR
					_AMR = window.AMR;
					delete window.AMR;
						[ fm.options.cdns.amr ],
						function() { 
							AMR = window.AMR? window.AMR : false;
							// restore previous window.AMR
							window.AMR = _AMR;
							loader[AMR? 'resolve':'reject']();
							error: function() {
				} else {
					loader[AMR? 'resolve':'reject']();
				return dfd;
			play = function(player) {
				var hash = node.data('hash'),
				autoplay && (playPromise = player.play());
				// uses "playPromise['catch']" instead "playPromise.catch" to support Old IE
				if (playPromise && playPromise['catch']) {
					playPromise['catch'](function(e) {
						if (!player.paused) {
							node && node.data('hash') === hash && reset();
			reset = function() {
				if (node && node.parent().length) {
					var elm = node[0],
						url = node.children('source').attr('src');
					try {
						if (url.match(/^blob:/)) {
						elm.src = '';
					} catch(e) {}
					node = null;
			loading, prog;

		preview.on(ql.evUpdate, function(e) {
			var file = e.file,
				type = mimes[file.mime],
				html5, opDfd;

			if (mimes[file.mime] && ql.dispInlineRegex.test(file.mime) && ((html5 = ql.support.audio[type]) || (type === 'amr'))) {
				autoplay = ql.autoPlay();
				curHash = file.hash;
				if (!html5) {
					if (fm.options.cdns.amr && type === 'amr' && AMR !== false) {
						loading = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-data"><span class="elfinder-spinner-text">'+fm.i18n('nowLoading')+'</span><span class="elfinder-spinner"></span></div>').appendTo(ql.info.find('.elfinder-quicklook-info'));
						prog = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-progress"></div>').appendTo(loading);
						node = getNode('', curHash);
						amrToWavUrl(file.hash).done(function(url) {
							if (curHash === file.hash) {
								var elm = node[0];
								try {
									node.children('source').attr('src', url);
									win.on('viewchange.audio', setNavi);
								} catch(e) {
							} else {
						}).fail(function() {
				} else {
					loading = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-data"><span class="elfinder-spinner-text">'+fm.i18n('nowLoading')+'</span><span class="elfinder-spinner"></span></div>').appendTo(ql.info.find('.elfinder-quicklook-info'));
					prog = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-progress"></div>').appendTo(loading);
					opDfd = fm.openUrl(curHash, false, function(url) {
						if (url) {
							node = getNode(url, curHash);
							win.on('viewchange.audio', setNavi);
						} else {
					}, { progressBar: prog });
					// stop loading on change file if not loaded yet
					preview.one('change', function() {
						opDfd && opDfd.state && opDfd.state() === 'pending' && opDfd.reject();
		}).one('change', reset);
	 * HTML5 video preview plugin
	 * @param elFinder.commands.quicklook
	function(ql) {
				var fm       = ql.fm,
			preview  = ql.preview,
			mimes    = {
				'video/mp4'       : 'mp4',
				'video/x-m4v'     : 'mp4',
				'video/quicktime' : 'mp4',
				'video/mpeg'      : 'mpeg',
				'video/ogg'       : 'ogg',
				'application/ogg' : 'ogg',
				'video/webm'      : 'webm',
				'video/x-matroska': 'mkv',
				'video/3gpp'      : '3gp',
				'application/vnd.apple.mpegurl' : 'm3u8',
				'application/x-mpegurl' : 'm3u8',
				'application/dash+xml'  : 'mpd',
				'video/x-flv'     : 'flv',
				'video/x-msvideo' : 'avi'
			win  = ql.window,
			navi = ql.navbar,
			cHls, cDash, pDash, cFlv, cVideojs, autoplay, tm, loading, prog,
			controlsList = typeof ql.options.mediaControlsList === 'string' && ql.options.mediaControlsList? ' controlsList="' + fm.escape(ql.options.mediaControlsList) + '"' : '',
			setNavi = function() {
				if (fm.UA.iOS) {
					if (win.hasClass('elfinder-quicklook-fullscreen')) {
						preview.css('height', '-webkit-calc(100% - 50px)');
					} else {
						preview.css('height', '');
				} else {
					navi.css('bottom', win.hasClass('elfinder-quicklook-fullscreen')? '50px' : '');
			render = function(file, opts) {
				var errTm = function(e) {
						if (err > 1) {
							tm && clearTimeout(tm);
							tm = setTimeout(function() {
								!canPlay && reset(true);
							}, 800);
					err = 0, 
				pDash = null;
				opts = opts || {};
				node = $('<video class="elfinder-quicklook-preview-video" controls' + controlsList + ' preload="auto" autobuffer playsinline>'
					.on('change', function(e) {
						// Firefox fire change event on seek or volume change
					.on('timeupdate progress', errTm)
					.on('canplay', function() {
						canPlay = true;
					.data('hash', file.hash);
				// can not handling error event with jQuery `on` event handler
				node[0].addEventListener('error', function(e) {
					if (opts.src && fm.convAbsUrl(opts.src) === fm.convAbsUrl(e.target.src)) {
				}, true);

				if (opts.src) {
					node.append('<source src="'+opts.src+'" type="'+file.mime+'"></source><source src="'+opts.src+'"></source>');

				win.on('viewchange.video', setNavi);
			loadHls = function(file) {
				var hls, opDfd;
				opDfd = fm.openUrl(file.hash, false, function(url) {
					if (url) {
						hls = new cHls();
						if (autoplay) {
							hls.on(cHls.Events.MANIFEST_PARSED, function() {
				}, { progressBar: prog });
				// stop loading on change file if not loaded yet
				preview.one('change', function() {
					opDfd && opDfd.state && opDfd.state() === 'pending' && opDfd.reject();
			loadDash = function(file) {
				var opDfd;
				opDfd = fm.openUrl(file.hash, false, function(url) {
					var debug;
					if (url) {
						pDash = window.dashjs.MediaPlayer().create();
						debug = pDash.getDebug();
						if (debug.setLogLevel) {
						} else if (debug.setLogToBrowserConsole) {
						pDash.initialize(node[0], url, autoplay);
						pDash.on('error', function(e) {
				}, { progressBar: prog });
				// stop loading on change file if not loaded yet
				preview.one('change', function() {
					opDfd && opDfd.state && opDfd.state() === 'pending' && opDfd.reject();
			loadFlv = function(file) {
				var opDfd
				if (!cFlv.isSupported()) {
					cFlv = false;
				opDfd = fm.openUrl(file.hash, false, function(url) {
					if (url) {
						var player = cFlv.createPlayer({
							type: 'flv',
							url: url
						player.on(cFlv.Events.ERROR, function() {
				}, { progressBar: prog });
				// stop loading on change file if not loaded yet
				preview.one('change', function() {
					opDfd && opDfd.state && opDfd.state() === 'pending' && opDfd.reject();
			loadVideojs = function(file) {
				var opDfd;
				opDfd = fm.openUrl(file.hash, false, function(url) {
					if (url) {
						node[0].src = url;
						cVideojs(node[0], {
							src: url
				}, { progressBar: prog });
				// stop loading on change file if not loaded yet
				preview.one('change', function() {
					opDfd && opDfd.state && opDfd.state() === 'pending' && opDfd.reject();
			play = function(player) {
				var hash = node.data('hash'),
				autoplay && (playPromise = player.play());
				// uses "playPromise['catch']" instead "playPromise.catch" to support Old IE
				if (playPromise && playPromise['catch']) {
					playPromise['catch'](function(e) {
						if (!player.paused) {
							node && node.data('hash') === hash && reset(true);
			reset = function(showInfo) {
				tm && clearTimeout(tm);
				if (node && node.parent().length) {
					var elm = node[0];
					pDash && pDash.reset();
					try {
						elm.src = '';
					} catch(e) {}
					node = null;
				showInfo && ql.info.show();

		preview.on(ql.evUpdate, function(e) {
			var file = e.file,
				mime = file.mime.toLowerCase(),
				type = mimes[mime],
				stock, playPromise, opDfd;
			if (mimes[mime] && ql.dispInlineRegex.test(file.mime) /*&& (((type === 'm3u8' || (type === 'mpd' && !fm.UA.iOS) || type === 'flv') && !fm.UA.ltIE10) || ql.support.video[type])*/) {
				autoplay = ql.autoPlay();
				loading = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-data"><span class="elfinder-spinner-text">'+fm.i18n('nowLoading')+'</span><span class="elfinder-spinner"></span></div>');
				prog = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-progress"></div>').appendTo(loading);
				if (ql.support.video[type] && (type !== 'm3u8' || fm.UA.Safari)) {
					opDfd = fm.openUrl(file.hash, false, function(url) {
						if (url) {
							render(file, { src: url });
					}, { progressBar: prog });
					// stop loading on change file if not loaded yet
					preview.one('change', function() {
						opDfd && opDfd.state && opDfd.state() === 'pending' && opDfd.reject();
				} else {
					if (cHls !== false && fm.options.cdns.hls && type === 'm3u8') {
						if (cHls) {
						} else {
							stock = window.Hls;
							delete window.Hls;
								[ fm.options.cdns.hls ],
								function(res) { 
									cHls = res || window.Hls || false;
									window.Hls = stock;
									cHls && loadHls(file);
									tryRequire: true,
									error : function() {
										cHls = false;
					} else if (cDash !== false && fm.options.cdns.dash && type === 'mpd') {
						if (cDash) {
						} else {
								[ fm.options.cdns.dash ],
								function() {
									// dashjs require window.dashjs in global scope
									cDash = window.dashjs? true : false;
									cDash && loadDash(file);
									tryRequire: true,
									error : function() {
										cDash = false;
					} else if (cFlv !== false && fm.options.cdns.flv && type === 'flv') {
						if (cFlv) {
						} else {
							stock = window.flvjs;
							delete window.flvjs;
								[ fm.options.cdns.flv ],
								function(res) { 
									cFlv = res || window.flvjs || false;
									window.flvjs = stock;
									cFlv && loadFlv(file);
									tryRequire: true,
									error : function() {
										cFlv = false;
					} else if (fm.options.cdns.videojs) {
						if (cVideojs) {
						} else {
								[ fm.options.cdns.videojs + '/video.min.js' ],
								function(res) { 
									cVideojs = res || window.videojs || false;
									//window.flvjs = stock;
									cVideojs && loadVideojs(file);
									tryRequire: true,
									error : function() {
										cVideojs = false;
							).loadCss([fm.options.cdns.videojs + '/video-js.min.css']);
		}).one('change', reset);
	 * Audio/video preview plugin using browser plugins
	 * @param elFinder.commands.quicklook
	function(ql) {
				var preview = ql.preview,
			mimes   = [],
			win  = ql.window,
			navi = ql.navbar;
		$.each(navigator.plugins, function(i, plugins) {
			$.each(plugins, function(i, plugin) {
				(plugin.type.indexOf('audio/') === 0 || plugin.type.indexOf('video/') === 0) && mimes.push(plugin.type);
		mimes = ql.fm.arrayFlip(mimes);
		preview.on(ql.evUpdate, function(e) {
			var file  = e.file,
				mime  = file.mime,
				video, opDfd, loading, prog,
				setNavi = function() {
					navi.css('bottom', win.hasClass('elfinder-quicklook-fullscreen')? '50px' : '');
			if (mimes[file.mime] && ql.dispInlineRegex.test(file.mime)) {
				loading = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-data"><span class="elfinder-spinner-text">'+fm.i18n('nowLoading')+'</span><span class="elfinder-spinner"></span></div>').appendTo(ql.info.find('.elfinder-quicklook-info'));
				prog = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-progress"></div>').appendTo(loading);
				opDfd = ql.fm.openUrl(file.hash, false, function(url) {
					if (url) {
						(video = mime.indexOf('video/') === 0) && ql.hideinfo();
						node = $('<embed src="'+url+'" type="'+mime+'" class="elfinder-quicklook-preview-'+(video ? 'video' : 'audio')+'"/>')
						win.on('viewchange.embed', setNavi);
				}, { progressBar: prog });
				// stop loading on change file if not loaded yet
				preview.one('change', function() {
					opDfd && opDfd.state && opDfd.state() === 'pending' && opDfd.reject();
		}).one('change', function() {
			if (node && node.parent().length) {
				node= null;

	 * Archive(zip|gzip|tar|bz2) preview plugin using https://github.com/imaya/zlib.js
	 * @param elFinder.commands.quicklook
	function(ql) {
				var fm      = ql.fm,
			mimes   = fm.arrayFlip(['application/zip', 'application/x-gzip', 'application/x-tar', 'application/x-bzip2']),
			preview = ql.preview,
			sizeMax = fm.returnBytes(ql.options.unzipMaxSize || 0),
			Zlib    = (fm.options.cdns.zlibUnzip && fm.options.cdns.zlibGunzip)? true : false,
			bzip2   = fm.options.cdns.bzip2? true : false;

		if (window.Worker && window.Uint8Array && window.DataView) {
			preview.on(ql.evUpdate, function(e) {
				var file  = e.file,
					isTar = (file.mime === 'application/x-tar'),
					isBzip2 = (file.mime === 'application/x-bzip2'),
					isZlib = (file.mime === 'application/zip' || file.mime === 'application/x-gzip');
				if (mimes[file.mime] && (!sizeMax || file.size <= sizeMax) && (
						|| (isBzip2 && bzip2)
						|| (isZlib && Zlib)
					)) {
					var jqxhr, wk, loading, prog, url,
						req = function() {
							jqxhr = fm.getContents(file.hash, 'arraybuffer', { progressBar: prog })
							.fail(function() {
							.done(function(data) {
								var unzip, filenames,
									err = function(e) {
										wk && wk.terminate();
										if (isZlib) {
											Zlib = false;
										} else if (isBzip2) {
											bzip2 = false;
										fm.debug('error', e);
								try {
									wk = fm.getWorker();
									wk.onmessage = function(res) {
										wk && wk.terminate();
										if (!res.data || res.data.error) {
											new Error(res.data && res.data.error? res.data.error : '');
										} else {
									wk.onerror = err;
									if (file.mime === 'application/x-tar') {
											scripts: [fm.getWorkerUrl('quicklook.unzip.js')],
											data: { type: 'tar', bin: data }
									} else if (file.mime === 'application/zip') {
											scripts: [fm.options.cdns.zlibUnzip, fm.getWorkerUrl('quicklook.unzip.js')],
											data: { type: 'zip', bin: data }
									} else if (file.mime === 'application/x-gzip') {
											scripts: [fm.options.cdns.zlibGunzip, fm.getWorkerUrl('quicklook.unzip.js')],
											data: { type: 'gzip', bin: data }

									} else if (file.mime === 'application/x-bzip2') {
											scripts: [fm.options.cdns.bzip2, fm.getWorkerUrl('quicklook.unzip.js')],
											data: { type: 'bzip2', bin: data }
								} catch (e) {
						makeList = function(filenames) {
							var header, list, doc, tsize = 0;
							if (filenames && filenames.length) {
								filenames = $.map(filenames, function(str) {
									return fm.decodeRawString(str);
								list = fm.escape(filenames.join("\n").replace(/\{formatSize\((\d+)\)\}/g, function(m, s) {
									tsize += parseInt(s);
									return fm.formatSize(s);
								header = '<strong>'+fm.escape(file.mime)+'</strong> ('+fm.formatSize(file.size)+' / '+fm.formatSize(tsize)+')'+'<hr/>';
								doc = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-preview-archive-wrapper">'+header+'<pre class="elfinder-quicklook-preview-text">'+list+'</pre></div>')
									.on('touchstart', function(e) {
										if ($(this)['scroll' + (fm.direction === 'ltr'? 'Right' : 'Left')]() > 5) {
											e.originalEvent._preventSwipeX = true;

					// this is our file - stop event propagation
					loading = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-data"><span class="elfinder-spinner-text">'+fm.i18n('nowLoading')+'</span><span class="elfinder-spinner"></span></div>').appendTo(ql.info.find('.elfinder-quicklook-info'));
					prog = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-progress"></div>').appendTo(loading);
					// stop loading on change file if not loaded yet
					preview.one('change', function() {
						jqxhr.state() === 'pending' && jqxhr.reject();
						wk && wk.terminate();

	 * RAR Archive preview plugin using https://github.com/43081j/rar.js
	 * @param elFinder.commands.quicklook
	function(ql) {
				var fm      = ql.fm,
			mimes   = fm.arrayFlip(['application/x-rar']),
			preview = ql.preview,

		if (window.DataView) {
			preview.on(ql.evUpdate, function(e) {
				var file = e.file;
				if (mimes[file.mime] && fm.options.cdns.rar && RAR !== false) {
					var loading, prog, url, archive, abort,
						getList = function(url) {
							if (abort) {
							try {
								archive = RAR({
									file: url,
									type: 2,
									xhrHeaders: fm.customHeaders,
									xhrFields: fm.xhrFields
								}, function(err) {
									var filenames = [],
										header, doc;
									if (abort || err) {
										// An error occurred (not a rar, read error, etc)
										err && fm.debug('error', err);
									$.each(archive.entries, function() {
										filenames.push(this.path + (this.size? ' (' + fm.formatSize(this.size) + ')' : ''));
									if (filenames.length) {
										filenames = $.map(filenames, function(str) {
											return fm.decodeRawString(str);
										header = '<strong>'+fm.escape(file.mime)+'</strong> ('+fm.formatSize(file.size)+')'+'<hr/>';
										doc = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-preview-archive-wrapper">'+header+'<pre class="elfinder-quicklook-preview-text">'+fm.escape(filenames.join("\n"))+'</pre></div>')
											.on('touchstart', function(e) {
												if ($(this)['scroll' + (fm.direction === 'ltr'? 'Right' : 'Left')]() > 5) {
													e.originalEvent._preventSwipeX = true;
							} catch(e) {
						error = function() {
							RAR = false;
						_RAR, opDfd;

					// this is our file - stop event propagation
					loading = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-data"><span class="elfinder-spinner-text">'+fm.i18n('nowLoading')+'</span><span class="elfinder-spinner"></span></div>').appendTo(ql.info.find('.elfinder-quicklook-info'));
					prog = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-progress"></div>').appendTo(loading);
					// stop loading on change file if not loaded yet
					preview.one('change', function() {
						archive && (archive.abort = true);
						abort = true;
					opDfd = fm.openUrl(file.hash, 'sameorigin', function(url) {
						if (url) {
							if (RAR) {
							} else {
								if (window.RarArchive) {
									_RAR = window.RarArchive;
									delete window.RarArchive;
									[ fm.options.cdns.rar ],
									function() {
										if (fm.hasRequire) {
											require(['rar'], function(RarArchive) {
												RAR = RarArchive;
											}, error);
										} else {
											if (RAR = window.RarArchive) {
												if (_RAR) {
													window.RarArchive = _RAR;
												} else {
													delete window.RarArchive;
											} else {
										tryRequire: true,
										error : error
					}, { progressBar: prog, temporary: true });
					// stop loading on change file if not loaded yet
					preview.one('change', function() {
						opDfd && opDfd.state && opDfd.state() === 'pending' && opDfd.reject();

	 * CAD-Files and 3D-Models online viewer on sharecad.org
	 * @param elFinder.commands.quicklook
	function(ql) {
				var fm      = ql.fm,
			mimes   = fm.arrayFlip(ql.options.sharecadMimes || []),
			preview = ql.preview,
			win     = ql.window,
		if (ql.options.sharecadMimes.length) {
				title: 'ShareCAD.org CAD and 3D-Models viewer',
				link: 'https://sharecad.org/DWGOnlinePlugin'

		preview.on(ql.evUpdate, function(e) {
			var file = e.file;
			if (mimes[file.mime.toLowerCase()] && fm.option('onetimeUrl', file.hash)) {
				var win     = ql.window,
					loading, prog, url;
				if (file.url == '1') {
					$('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-data"><button class="elfinder-info-button">'+fm.i18n('getLink')+'</button></div>').appendTo(ql.info.find('.elfinder-quicklook-info'))
					.on('click', function() {
						var self = $(this);
						self.html('<span class="elfinder-spinner">');
							data : {cmd : 'url', target : file.hash},
							preventDefault : true,
							progressBar : prog
						.always(function() {
						.done(function(data) {
							var rfile = fm.file(file.hash);
							file.url = rfile.url = data.url || '';
							if (file.url) {
									type: ql.evUpdate,
									file: file,
									forceUpdate: true
				if (file.url !== '' && file.url != '1') {
					preview.one('change', function() {
						node = null;
					loading = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-data"><span class="elfinder-spinner-text">'+fm.i18n('nowLoading')+'</span><span class="elfinder-spinner"></span></div>').appendTo(ql.info.find('.elfinder-quicklook-info'));
					prog = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-progress"></div>').appendTo(loading);
					url = fm.convAbsUrl(fm.url(file.hash));
					node = $('<iframe class="elfinder-quicklook-preview-iframe" scrolling="no"></iframe>')
						.css('background-color', 'transparent')
						.on('load', function() {
							$(this).css('background-color', '#fff').show();
						.on('error', function() {
						.attr('src', '//sharecad.org/cadframe/load?url=' + encodeURIComponent(url));

	 * KML preview with GoogleMaps API
	 * @param elFinder.commands.quicklook
	function(ql) {
				var fm      = ql.fm,
			mimes   = {
				'application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml' : true,
				'application/vnd.google-earth.kmz' : true
			preview = ql.preview,
			gMaps, loadMap, wGmfail, fail, mapScr;

		if (ql.options.googleMapsApiKey) {
				title: 'Google Maps',
				link: 'https://www.google.com/intl/' + fm.lang.replace('_', '-') + '/help/terms_maps.html'
			gMaps = (window.google && google.maps);
			// start load maps
			loadMap = function(file, node, prog) {
				var mapsOpts = ql.options.googleMapsOpts.maps;
				fm.forExternalUrl(file.hash, { progressBar: prog }).done(function(url) {
					if (url) {
						try {
							new gMaps.KmlLayer(url, Object.assign({
								map: new gMaps.Map(node.get(0), mapsOpts)
							}, ql.options.googleMapsOpts.kml));
						} catch(e) {
					} else {
			// keep stored error handler if exists
			wGmfail = window.gm_authFailure;
			// on error function
			fail = function() {
				mapScr = null;
			// API script url
			mapScr = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=' + ql.options.googleMapsApiKey;
			// error handler
			window.gm_authFailure = function() {
				wGmfail && wGmfail();

			preview.on(ql.evUpdate, function(e) {
				var file = e.file;
				if (mapScr && mimes[file.mime.toLowerCase()]) {
					var win     = ql.window,
						getLink = (file.url == '1' && !fm.option('onetimeUrl', file.hash)),
						loading, prog, url, node;
					loading = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-data"><span class="elfinder-spinner-text">'+fm.i18n('nowLoading')+'</span><span class="elfinder-spinner"></span></div>').appendTo(ql.info.find('.elfinder-quicklook-info'));
					prog = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-progress"></div>').appendTo(loading);
					if (getLink) {
						$('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-data"><button class="elfinder-info-button">'+fm.i18n('getLink')+'</button></div>').appendTo(ql.info.find('.elfinder-quicklook-info'))
						.on('click', function() {
							var self = $(this);
							self.html('<span class="elfinder-spinner">');
								data : {cmd : 'url', target : file.hash},
								preventDefault : true,
								progressBar : prog
							.always(function() {
							.done(function(data) {
								var rfile = fm.file(file.hash);
								file.url = rfile.url = data.url || '';
								if (file.url) {
										type: ql.evUpdate,
										file: file,
										forceUpdate: true
					if (file.url !== '' && !getLink) {
						node = $('<div style="width:100%;height:100%;"></div>').appendTo(preview);
						preview.one('change', function() {
							node = null;
						if (!gMaps) {
							fm.loadScript([mapScr], function() {
								gMaps = window.google && google.maps;
								gMaps && loadMap(file, node, prog);
						} else {
							loadMap(file, node, prog);

	 * Any supported files preview plugin using (Google docs | MS Office) online viewer
	 * @param elFinder.commands.quicklook
	function(ql) {
				var fm      = ql.fm,
			mimes   = Object.assign(fm.arrayFlip(ql.options.googleDocsMimes || [], 'g'), fm.arrayFlip(ql.options.officeOnlineMimes || [], 'm')),
			preview = ql.preview,
			win     = ql.window,
			navi    = ql.navbar,
			urls    = {
				g: 'docs.google.com/gview?embedded=true&url=',
				m: 'view.officeapps.live.com/op/embed.aspx?wdStartOn=0&src='
			navBottom = {
				g: '56px',
				m: '24px'
			mLimits = {
				xls  : 5242880, // 5MB
				xlsb : 5242880,
				xlsx : 5242880,
				xlsm : 5242880,
				other: 10485760 // 10MB
			node, enable;
		if (ql.options.googleDocsMimes.length) {
			enable = true;
				title: 'Google Docs Viewer',
				link: 'https://docs.google.com/'
		if (ql.options.officeOnlineMimes.length) {
			enable = true;
				title: 'MS Online Doc Viewer',
				link: 'https://products.office.com/office-online/view-office-documents-online'

		if (enable) {
			preview.on(ql.evUpdate, function(e) {
				var file = e.file,
					type, dfd;
				// 25MB is maximum filesize of Google Docs prevew
				if (file.size <= 26214400 && (type = mimes[file.mime])) {
					var win     = ql.window,
						setNavi = function() {
							navi.css('bottom', win.hasClass('elfinder-quicklook-fullscreen')? navBottom[type] : '');
						ext     = fm.mimeTypes[file.mime],
						getLink = (file.url == '1' && !fm.option('onetimeUrl', file.hash)),
						loading, prog, url, tm;
					if (type === 'm') {
						if ((mLimits[ext] && file.size > mLimits[ext]) || file.size > mLimits.other) {
							type = 'g';
					if (getLink) {
						$('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-data"><button class="elfinder-info-button">'+fm.i18n('getLink')+'</button></div>').appendTo(ql.info.find('.elfinder-quicklook-info'))
						.on('click', function() {
							var self = $(this);
							self.html('<span class="elfinder-spinner">');
								data : {cmd : 'url', target : file.hash},
								preventDefault : true
							.always(function() {
							.done(function(data) {
								var rfile = fm.file(file.hash);
								file.url = rfile.url = data.url || '';
								if (file.url) {
										type: ql.evUpdate,
										file: file,
										forceUpdate: true
					if (file.url !== '' && !getLink) {
						preview.one('change', function() {
							dfd && dfd.status && dfd.status() === 'pending' && dfd.reject();
							node = null;
						loading = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-data"><span class="elfinder-spinner-text">'+fm.i18n('nowLoading')+'</span><span class="elfinder-spinner"></span></div>').appendTo(ql.info.find('.elfinder-quicklook-info'));
						prog = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-progress"></div>').appendTo(loading);

						node = $('<iframe class="elfinder-quicklook-preview-iframe"></iframe>')
							.css('background-color', 'transparent')

						dfd = fm.forExternalUrl(file.hash, { progressBar: prog }).done(function(url) {
							var load = function() {
									try {
										if (node && (!node.attr('src') || node.get(0).contentWindow.document/*maybe HTTP 204*/)) {
											node.attr('src', 'https://' + urls[type] + encodeURIComponent(url));
											// Retry because Google Docs viewer sometimes returns HTTP 204
											tm = setTimeout(load, 2000);
									} catch(e) {}
							if (url) {
								if (file.ts) {
									url += (url.match(/\?/)? '&' : '?') + '_t=' + file.ts;
								node.on('load', function() {
									tm && clearTimeout(tm);
									$(this).css('background-color', '#fff').show();
								.on('error', function() {
									tm && clearTimeout(tm);
							} else {

						win.on('viewchange.googledocs', setNavi);

	 * Texts preview plugin
	 * @param elFinder.commands.quicklook
	function(ql) {
		"use strict";
		var fm      = ql.fm,
			preview = ql.preview,
			textLines = parseInt(ql.options.textInitialLines) || 150,
			prettifyLines = parseInt(ql.options.prettifyMaxLines) || 500,
			PR, _PR,
			error = function() {
				prettify = function() { return false; };
				_PR && (window.PR = _PR);
				PR = false;
			prettify = function(node) {
				if (fm.options.cdns.prettify) {
					prettify = function(node) {
						setTimeout(function() {
						}, 100);
						return 'pending';
					if (window.PR) {
						_PR = window.PR;
					fm.loadScript([fm.options.cdns.prettify + (fm.options.cdns.prettify.match(/\?/)? '&' : '?') + 'autorun=false'], function(wPR) {
						PR = wPR || window.PR;
						if (typeof PR === 'object') {
							prettify = function() { return true; };
							if (_PR) {
								window.PR = _PR;
							} else {
								delete window.PR;
						} else {
					}, {
						tryRequire: true,
						error : error
				} else {
			exec = function(node) {
				if (node && !node.hasClass('prettyprinted')) {
					node.css('cursor', 'wait');
					requestAnimationFrame(function() {
						PR.prettyPrint && PR.prettyPrint(null, node.get(0));
						node.css('cursor', '');
			PRcheck = function(node) {
				var status = prettify(node);
				if (status === true) {
		preview.on(ql.evUpdate, function(e) {
			var file = e.file,
				mime = file.mime,
				jqxhr, loading, prog, encSelect;
			if (fm.mimeIsText(file.mime) && (!ql.options.getSizeMax || file.size <= ql.options.getSizeMax) && PR !== false) {
				loading = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-data"><span class="elfinder-spinner-text">'+fm.i18n('nowLoading')+'</span><span class="elfinder-spinner"></span></div>').appendTo(ql.info.find('.elfinder-quicklook-info'));
				prog = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-info-progress"></div>').appendTo(loading);

				// stop loading on change file if not loadin yet
				preview.one('change', function() {
					jqxhr.state() == 'pending' && jqxhr.reject();
					encSelect && encSelect.remove();
				jqxhr = fm.request({
					data           : {cmd : 'get', target : file.hash, conv : (file.encoding || 1), _t : file.ts},
					options        : {type: 'get', cache : true},
					preventDefault : true,
					progressBar    : prog
				.done(function(data) {
					var reg = new RegExp('^(data:'+file.mime.replace(/([.+])/g, '\\$1')+';base64,)', 'i'),
						text = data.content,
						part, more, node, lines, m;
					if (typeof text !== 'string') {
					if (window.atob && (m = text.match(reg))) {
						text = atob(text.substr(m[1].length));
					lines = text.match(/([^\r\n]{1,100}[\r\n]*)/g);
					more = lines.length - textLines;
					if (more > 10) {
						part = lines.splice(0, textLines).join('');
					} else {
						more = 0;

					node = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-preview-text-wrapper"><pre class="elfinder-quicklook-preview-text prettyprint"></pre></div>');
					if (more) {
						node.append($('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-preview-charsleft"><hr/><span>' + fm.i18n('linesLeft', fm.toLocaleString(more)) + '</span></div>')
							.on('click', function() {
								var top = node.scrollTop();
								if (lines.length <= prettifyLines) {
					node.children('pre').text(part || text);
					node.on('touchstart', function(e) {
						if ($(this)['scroll' + (fm.direction === 'ltr'? 'Right' : 'Left')]() > 5) {
							e.originalEvent._preventSwipeX = true;

					// make toast message
					if (data.toasts && Array.isArray(data.toasts)) {
						$.each(data.toasts, function() {
							this.msg && fm.toast(this);

				.always(function(data) {
					var cmdEdit, sel, head;
					if (cmdEdit = fm.getCommand('edit')) {
						head = [];
						if (data && data.encoding) {
							head.push({value: data.encoding});
						head.push({value: 'UTF-8'});
						sel = cmdEdit.getEncSelect(head);
						sel.on('change', function() {
							file.encoding = sel.val();
							fm.cache(file, 'change');
								type: ql.evUpdate,
								file: file,
								forceUpdate: true
						encSelect = $('<div class="elfinder-quicklook-encoding"></div>').append(sel);

 * File: /js/commands/reload.js

 * @class  elFinder command "reload"
 * Sync files and folders
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
(elFinder.prototype.commands.reload = function() {
	"use strict";
	var self   = this,
		search = false;
	this.alwaysEnabled = true;
	this.updateOnSelect = true;
	this.shortcuts = [{
		pattern     : 'ctrl+shift+r f5'
	this.getstate = function() {
		return 0;
	this.init = function() {
		this.fm.bind('search searchend', function() {
			search = this.type == 'search';
	this.fm.bind('contextmenu', function(){
		var fm = self.fm;
		if (fm.options.sync >= 1000) {
			self.extra = {
				icon: 'accept',
				node: $('<span></span>')
					.attr({title: fm.i18n('autoSync')})
					.on('click touchstart', function(e){
						if (e.type === 'touchstart' && e.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) {
							.toggleClass('ui-state-disabled', fm.options.syncStart)
						fm.options.syncStart = !fm.options.syncStart;
						fm.autoSync(fm.options.syncStart? null : 'stop');
					}).on('ready', function(){
						$(this).parent().toggleClass('ui-state-disabled', !fm.options.syncStart).css('pointer-events', 'auto');
	this.exec = function() {
		var fm = this.fm;
		if (!search) {
			var dfrd    = fm.sync(),
				timeout = setTimeout(function() {
					fm.notify({type : 'reload', cnt : 1, hideCnt : true});
					dfrd.always(function() { fm.notify({type : 'reload', cnt  : -1}); });
				}, fm.notifyDelay);
			return dfrd.always(function() { 
		} else {
			$('div.elfinder-toolbar > div.'+fm.res('class', 'searchbtn') + ' > span.ui-icon-search').click();

}).prototype = { forceLoad : true }; // this is required command

 * File: /js/commands/rename.js

 * @class elFinder command "rename". 
 * Rename selected file.
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov, dio@std42.ru
 * @author Naoki Sawada
elFinder.prototype.commands.rename = function() {
	"use strict";

	// set alwaysEnabled to allow root rename on client size
	this.alwaysEnabled = true;

	this.syncTitleOnChange = true;

	var self = this,
		fm = self.fm,
		request = function(dfrd, targtes, file, name) {
			var sel = targtes? [file.hash].concat(targtes) : [file.hash],
				cnt = sel.length,
				data = {}, rootNames;
			fm.lockfiles({files : sel});
			if (fm.isRoot(file) && !file.netkey) {
				if (!(rootNames = fm.storage('rootNames'))) {
					rootNames = {};
				if (name === '') {
					if (rootNames[file.hash]) {
						file.name = file._name;
						file.i18 = file._i18;
						delete rootNames[file.hash];
						delete file._name;
						delete file._i18;
					} else {
						dfrd && dfrd.reject();
						fm.unlockfiles({files : sel}).trigger('selectfiles', {files : sel});
				} else {
					if (typeof file._name === 'undefined') {
						file._name = file.name;
						file._i18 = file.i18;
					file.name = rootNames[file.hash] = name;
					delete file.i18;
				fm.storage('rootNames', rootNames);
				data = { changed: [file] };
				dfrd && dfrd.resolve(data);
				fm.unlockfiles({files : sel}).trigger('selectfiles', {files : sel});

			data = {
				cmd : 'rename',
				name : name,
				target : file.hash

			if (cnt > 1) {
				data['targets'] = targtes;
				if (name.match(/\*/)) {
					data['q'] = name;
					data   : data,
					notify : {type : 'rename', cnt : cnt},
					navigate : {}
				.fail(function(error) {
					var err = fm.parseError(error);
					dfrd && dfrd.reject();
					if (! err || ! Array.isArray(err) || err[0] !== 'errRename') {
				.done(function(data) {
					var cwdHash;
					if (data.added && data.added.length && cnt === 1) {
						data.undo = {
							cmd : 'rename',
							callback : function() {
								return fm.request({
									data   : {cmd : 'rename', target : data.added[0].hash, name : file.name},
									notify : {type : 'undo', cnt : 1}
						data.redo = {
							cmd : 'rename',
							callback : function() {
								return fm.request({
									data   : {cmd : 'rename', target : file.hash, name : name},
									notify : {type : 'rename', cnt : 1}
					dfrd && dfrd.resolve(data);
					if (!(cwdHash = fm.cwd().hash) || cwdHash === file.hash) {
						fm.exec('open', $.map(data.added, function(f) {
							return (f.mime === 'directory')? f.hash : null;
				.always(function() {
					fm.unlockfiles({files : sel}).trigger('selectfiles', {files : sel});
		getHint = function(name, target) {
			var sel = target || fm.selected(),
				splits = fm.splitFileExtention(name),
				f1 = fm.file(sel[0]),
				f2 = fm.file(sel[1]),
				ext, hint, add;
			ext = splits[1]? ('.' + splits[1]) : '';
			if (splits[1] && splits[0] === '*') {
				// change extention
				hint =  '"' + fm.splitFileExtention(f1.name)[0] + ext + '", ';
				hint += '"' + fm.splitFileExtention(f2.name)[0] + ext + '"';
			} else if (splits[0].length > 1) {
				if (splits[0].substr(-1) === '*') {
					// add prefix
					add = splits[0].substr(0, splits[0].length - 1);
					hint =  '"' + add + f1.name+'", ';
					hint += '"' + add + f2.name+'"';
				} else if (splits[0].substr(0, 1) === '*') {
					// add suffix
					add = splits[0].substr(1);
					hint =  '"'+fm.splitFileExtention(f1.name)[0] + add + ext + '", ';
					hint += '"'+fm.splitFileExtention(f2.name)[0] + add + ext + '"';
			if (!hint) {
				hint = '"'+splits[0] + '1' + ext + '", "' + splits[0] + '2' + ext + '"';
			if (sel.length > 2) {
				hint += ' ...';
			return hint;
		batchRename = function() {
			var sel = fm.selected(),
				tplr = '<input name="type" type="radio" class="elfinder-tabstop">',
				mkChk = function(node, label) {
					return $('<label class="elfinder-rename-batch-checks">' + fm.i18n(label) + '</label>').prepend(node);
				name = $('<input type="text" class="ui-corner-all elfinder-tabstop">'),
				num  = $(tplr),
				prefix  = $(tplr),
				suffix  = $(tplr),
				extention  = $(tplr),
				checks = $('<div></div>').append(
					mkChk(num, 'plusNumber'),
					mkChk(prefix, 'asPrefix'),
					mkChk(suffix, 'asSuffix'),
					mkChk(extention, 'changeExtention')
				preview = $('<div class="elfinder-rename-batch-preview"></div>'),
				node = $('<div class="elfinder-rename-batch"></div>').append(
						$('<div class="elfinder-rename-batch-name"></div>').append(name),
						$('<div class="elfinder-rename-batch-type"></div>').append(checks),
				opts = {
					title : fm.i18n('batchRename'),
					modal : true,
					destroyOnClose : true,
					width: Math.min(380, fm.getUI().width() - 20),
					buttons : {},
					open : function() {
						name.on('input', mkPrev).trigger('focus');
				getName = function() {
					var vName = name.val(),
						ext = fm.splitFileExtention(fm.file(sel[0]).name)[1];
					if (vName !== '' || num.is(':checked')) {
						if (prefix.is(':checked')) {
							vName += '*';
						} else if (suffix.is(':checked')) {
							vName = '*' + vName + '.' + ext;
						} else if (extention.is(':checked')) {
							vName = '*.' + vName;
						} else if (ext) {
							vName += '.' + ext;
					return vName;
				mkPrev = function() {
					var vName = getName();
					if (vName !== '') {
						preview.html(fm.i18n(['renameMultiple', sel.length, getHint(vName)]));
					} else {
				radios = checks.find('input:radio').on('change', mkPrev),
			opts.buttons[fm.i18n('btnApply')] = function() {
				var vName = getName(),
					file, targets;
				if (vName !== '') {
					targets = sel;
					file = fm.file(targets.shift());
					request(void(0), targets, file, vName);
			opts.buttons[fm.i18n('btnCancel')] = function() {
			if ($.fn.checkboxradio) {
					create: function(e, ui) {
						if (this === num.get(0)) {
							num.prop('checked', true).change();
			} else {
					create: function(e, ui) {
						num.prop('checked', true).change();
			dialog = self.fmDialog(node, opts);
	this.noChangeDirOnRemovedCwd = true;
	this.shortcuts = [{
		pattern : 'f2' + (fm.OS == 'mac' ? ' enter' : '')
	}, {
		pattern : 'shift+f2',
		description : 'batchRename',
		callback : function() {
			fm.selected().length > 1 && batchRename();
	this.getstate = function(select) {
		var sel = this.files(select),
			cnt = sel.length,
			phash, ext, mime, brk, state, isRoot;
		if (!cnt) {
			return -1;
		if (cnt > 1 && sel[0].phash) {
			phash = sel[0].phash;
			ext = fm.splitFileExtention(sel[0].name)[1].toLowerCase();
			mime = sel[0].mime;
		if (cnt === 1) {
			isRoot = fm.isRoot(sel[0]);

		state = (cnt === 1 && ((fm.cookieEnabled && isRoot) || !sel[0].locked) || (fm.api > 2.1030 && cnt === $.grep(sel, function(f) {
			if (!brk && !f.locked && f.phash === phash && !fm.isRoot(f) && (mime === f.mime || ext === fm.splitFileExtention(f.name)[1].toLowerCase())) {
				return true;
			} else {
				brk && (brk = true);
				return false;
		}).length)) ? 0 : -1;
		// because alwaysEnabled = true, it need check disabled on connector 
		if (!isRoot && state === 0 && fm.option('disabledFlip', sel[0].hash)['rename']) {
			state = -1;

		if (state !== -1 && cnt > 1) {
			self.extra = {
				icon: 'preference',
				node: $('<span></span>')
					.attr({title: fm.i18n('batchRename')})
					.on('click touchstart', function(e){
						if (e.type === 'touchstart' && e.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) {
						fm.getUI().trigger('click'); // to close the context menu immediately
		} else {
			delete self.extra;
		return state;
	this.exec = function(hashes, cOpts) {
		var cwd      = fm.getUI('cwd'),
			sel      = hashes || (fm.selected().length? fm.selected() : false) || [fm.cwd().hash],
			cnt      = sel.length,
			file     = fm.file(sel.shift()),
			filename = '.elfinder-cwd-filename',
			opts     = cOpts || {},
			incwd    = (fm.cwd().hash == file.hash),
			type     = (opts._currentType === 'navbar' || opts._currentType === 'files')? opts._currentType : (incwd? 'navbar' : 'files'),
			navbar   = (type !== 'files'),
			target   = fm[navbar? 'navHash2Elm' : 'cwdHash2Elm'](file.hash),
			tarea    = (!navbar && fm.storage('view') != 'list'),
			split    = function(name) {
				var ext = fm.splitFileExtention(name)[1];
				return [name.substr(0, name.length - ext.length - 1), ext];
			unselect = function() {
				requestAnimationFrame(function() {
					input && input.trigger('blur');
			rest     = function(){
				if (!overlay.is(':hidden')) {
					overlay.elfinderoverlay('hide').off('click close', cancel);
					.css('position', '')
					.off('unselect.'+fm.namespace, unselect);
				if (tarea) {
					node && node.css('max-height', '');
				} else if (!navbar) {
					pnode.css('width', '')
						.parent('td').css('overflow', '');
			}, colwidth,
			dfrd     = $.Deferred()
				.fail(function(error) {
					var parent = input.parent(),
						name   = fm.escape(file.i18 || file.name);

					if (tarea) {
						name = name.replace(/([_.])/g, '&#8203;$1');
					requestAnimationFrame(function() {
						if (navbar) {
						} else {
							if (parent.length) {
							} else {
					error && fm.error(error);
				.always(function() {
					fm.unbind('resize', resize);
			blur = function(e) {
				var name   = $.trim(input.val()),
				splits = fm.splitFileExtention(name),
				valid  = true,
				req = function() {
					if (navbar) {
					} else {
					request(dfrd, sel, file, name);

				if (!overlay.is(':hidden')) {
					pnode.css('z-index', '');
				if (name === '') {
					if (!fm.isRoot(file)) {
						return cancel();
					if (navbar) {
					} else {
				if (!inError && pnode.length) {
					if (cnt === 1 && name === file.name) {
						return dfrd.reject();
					if (fm.options.validName && fm.options.validName.test) {
						try {
							valid = fm.options.validName.test(name);
						} catch(e) {
							valid = false;
					if (name === '.' || name === '..' || !valid) {
						inError = true;
						fm.error(file.mime === 'directory'? 'errInvDirname' : 'errInvName', {modal: true, close: function(){setTimeout(select, 120);}});
						return false;
					if (cnt === 1 && fm.fileByName(name, file.phash)) {
						inError = true;
						fm.error(['errExists', name], {modal: true, close: function(){setTimeout(select, 120);}});
						return false;
					if (cnt === 1) {
					} else {
							title : 'cmdrename',
							text  : ['renameMultiple', cnt, getHint(name, [file.hash].concat(sel))],
							accept : {
								label : 'btnYes',
								callback : req
							cancel : {
								label : 'btnCancel',
								callback : function() {
									setTimeout(function() {
										inError = true;
									}, 120);
						setTimeout(function() {
							fm.trigger('unselectfiles', {files: fm.selected()})
								.trigger('selectfiles', {files : [file.hash].concat(sel)});
						}, 120);
			input = $(tarea? '<textarea></textarea>' : '<input type="text"/>')
				.on('keyup text', function(){
					if (tarea) {
						this.style.height = '1px';
						this.style.height = this.scrollHeight + 'px';
					} else if (colwidth) {
						this.style.width = colwidth + 'px';
						if (this.scrollWidth > colwidth) {
							this.style.width = this.scrollWidth + 10 + 'px';
				.on('keydown', function(e) {
					if (e.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE) {
					} else if (e.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.ENTER) {
				.on('mousedown click dblclick', function(e) {
					if (e.type === 'dblclick') {
				.on('blur', blur)
				.on('dragenter dragleave dragover drop', function(e) {
					// stop bubbling to prevent upload with native drop event
			select = function() {
				var name = fm.splitFileExtention(input.val())[0];
				if (!inError && fm.UA.Mobile && !fm.UA.iOS) { // since iOS has a bug? (z-index not effect) so disable it
					overlay.on('click close', cancel).elfinderoverlay('show');
					pnode.css('z-index', overlay.css('z-index') + 1);
				! fm.enabled() && fm.enable();
				if (inError) {
					inError = false;
					input.on('blur', blur);
				input[0].setSelectionRange && input[0].setSelectionRange(0, name.length);
			node = navbar? target.contents().filter(function(){ return this.nodeType==3 && $(this).parent().attr('id') === fm.navHash2Id(file.hash); })
					: target.find(filename),
			pnode = node.parent(),
			overlay = fm.getUI('overlay'),
			cancel = function(e) { 
				if (!overlay.is(':hidden')) {
					pnode.css('z-index', '');
				if (! inError) {
					if (e) {
			resize = function() {
				target.trigger('scrolltoview', {blink : false});
			inError = false;
			.css('position', 'relative')
			.on('unselect.'+fm.namespace, unselect);
		fm.bind('resize', resize);
		if (navbar) {
		} else {
			if (tarea) {
				node.css('max-height', 'none');
			} else if (!navbar) {
				colwidth = pnode.width();
				pnode.width(colwidth - 15)
					.parent('td').css('overflow', 'visible');
		if (cnt > 1 && fm.api <= 2.1030) {
			return dfrd.reject();
		if (!file || !node.length) {
			return dfrd.reject('errCmdParams', this.title);
		if (file.locked && !fm.isRoot(file)) {
			return dfrd.reject(['errLocked', file.name]);
		fm.one('select', function() {
			input.parent().length && file && $.inArray(file.hash, fm.selected()) === -1 && input.trigger('blur');
		return dfrd;

	fm.bind('select contextmenucreate closecontextmenu', function(e) {
		var sel = (e.data? (e.data.selected || e.data.targets) : null) || fm.selected(),
		if (sel && sel.length === 1 && (file = fm.file(sel[0])) && fm.isRoot(file)) {
			self.title = fm.i18n('kindAlias') + ' (' + fm.i18n('preference') + ')';
		} else {
			self.title = fm.i18n('cmdrename');
		if (e.type !== 'closecontextmenu') {
			self.update(void(0), self.title);
		} else {
			requestAnimationFrame(function() {
				self.update(void(0), self.title);
	}).remove(function(e) {
		var rootNames;
		if (e.data && e.data.removed && (rootNames = fm.storage('rootNames'))) {
			$.each(e.data.removed, function(i, h) {
				if (rootNames[h]) {
					delete rootNames[h];
			fm.storage('rootNames', rootNames);

 * File: /js/commands/resize.js

 * @class  elFinder command "resize"
 * Open dialog to resize image
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
 * @author Alexey Sukhotin
 * @author Naoki Sawada
 * @author Sergio Jovani
elFinder.prototype.commands.resize = function() {
	"use strict";
	var fm = this.fm,
		losslessRotate = 0,
		getBounceBox = function(w, h, theta) {
			var srcPts = [
					{x: w/2, y: h/2},
					{x: -w/2, y: h/2},
					{x: -w/2, y: -h/2},
					{x: w/2, y: -h/2}
				dstPts = [],
				min = {x: Number.MAX_VALUE, y: Number.MAX_VALUE},
				max = {x: Number.MIN_VALUE, y: Number.MIN_VALUE};
			$.each(srcPts, function(i, srcPt){
					x: srcPt.x * Math.cos(theta) - srcPt.y * Math.sin(theta),
					y: srcPt.x * Math.sin(theta) + srcPt.y * Math.cos(theta)
			$.each(dstPts, function(i, pt) {
				min.x = Math.min(min.x, pt.x);
				min.y = Math.min(min.y, pt.y);
				max.x = Math.max(max.x, pt.x);
				max.y = Math.max(max.y, pt.y);
			return {
				width: max.x - min.x, height: max.y - min.y
	this.updateOnSelect = false;
	this.getstate = function() {
		var sel = fm.selectedFiles();
		return sel.length == 1 && sel[0].read && sel[0].write && sel[0].mime.indexOf('image/') !== -1 ? 0 : -1;
	this.resizeRequest = function(data, f, dfrd) {
		var file = f || fm.file(data.target),
			tmb  = file? file.tmb : null,
			enabled = fm.isCommandEnabled('resize', data.target);
		if (enabled && (! file || (file && file.read && file.write && file.mime.indexOf('image/') !== -1 ))) {
			return fm.request({
				data : Object.assign(data, {
					cmd : 'resize'
				notify : {type : 'resize', cnt : 1}
			.fail(function(error) {
				if (dfrd) {
			.done(function() {
				if (data.quality) {
					fm.storage('jpgQuality', data.quality === fm.option('jpgQuality')? null : data.quality);
				dfrd && dfrd.resolve();
		} else {
			var error;
			if (file) {
				if (file.mime.indexOf('image/') === -1) {
					error = ['errResize', file.name, 'errUsupportType'];
				} else {
					error = ['errResize', file.name, 'errPerm'];
			} else {
				error = ['errResize', data.target, 'errPerm'];
			if (dfrd) {
			} else {
			return $.Deferred().reject(error);
	this.exec = function(hashes) {
		var self  = this,
			files = this.files(hashes),
			dfrd  = $.Deferred(),
			api2  = (fm.api > 1),
			options = this.options,
			dialogWidth = 650,
			fmnode = fm.getUI(),
			ctrgrup = $().controlgroup? 'controlgroup' : 'buttonset',
			grid8Def = typeof options.grid8px === 'undefined' || options.grid8px !== 'disable'? true : false,
			presetSize = Array.isArray(options.presetSize)? options.presetSize : [],
			clactive = 'elfinder-dialog-active',
			clsediting = fm.res('class', 'editing'),
			open = function(file, id, src) {
				var isJpeg   = (file.mime === 'image/jpeg'),
					dialog   = $('<div class="elfinder-resize-container"></div>'),
					input    = '<input type="number" class="ui-corner-all"/>',
					row      = '<div class="elfinder-resize-row"></div>',
					label    = '<div class="elfinder-resize-label"></div>',
					changeTm = null,
					operate  = false,
					opStart  = function() { operate = true; },
					opStop   = function() {
						if (operate) {
							operate = false;
					control  = $('<div class="elfinder-resize-control"></div>')
						.on('focus', 'input[type=text],input[type=number]', function() {
						.on('change', function() {
							changeTm && cancelAnimationFrame(changeTm);
							changeTm = requestAnimationFrame(function() {
								var panel, quty, canvas, ctx, img, sx, sy, sw, sh, deg, theta, bb;
								if (sizeImg && ! operate && (canvas = sizeImg.data('canvas'))) {
									panel = control.children('div.elfinder-resize-control-panel:visible');
									quty = panel.find('input.elfinder-resize-quality');
									if (quty.is(':visible')) {
										ctx = sizeImg.data('ctx');
										img = sizeImg.get(0);
										if (panel.hasClass('elfinder-resize-uiresize')) {
											// resize
											sw = canvas.width = width.val();
											sh = canvas.height = height.val();
											ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, sw, sh);
										} else if (panel.hasClass('elfinder-resize-uicrop')) {
											// crop
											sx = pointX.val();
											sy = pointY.val();
											sw = offsetX.val();
											sh = offsetY.val();
											canvas.width = sw;
											canvas.height = sh;
											ctx.drawImage(img, sx, sy, sw, sh, 0, 0, sw, sh);
										} else {
											// rotate
											deg = degree.val();
											theta = (degree.val() * Math.PI) / 180;
											bb = getBounceBox(owidth, oheight, theta);
											sw = canvas.width = bb.width;
											sh = canvas.height = bb.height;
											if (deg % 90 !== 0) {
												ctx.fillStyle = bg.val() || '#FFF';
												ctx.fillRect(0, 0, sw, sh);
											ctx.translate(sw / 2, sh / 2);
											ctx.drawImage(img, -img.width/2, -img.height/2, owidth, oheight);
										canvas.toBlob(function(blob) {
											if (blob) {
												size1 = blob.size;
												quty.next('span').text(' (' + fm.formatSize(blob.size) + ')');
										}, 'image/jpeg', Math.max(Math.min(quty.val(), 100), 1) / 100);
						.on('mouseup', 'input', function(e) {
					preview  = $('<div class="elfinder-resize-preview"></div>')
						.on('touchmove', function(e) {
							if ($(e.target).hasClass('touch-punch')) {
					spinner  = $('<div class="elfinder-resize-loading">'+fm.i18n('ntfloadimg')+'</div>'),
					rhandle  = $('<div class="elfinder-resize-handle touch-punch"></div>'),
					rhandlec = $('<div class="elfinder-resize-handle touch-punch"></div>'),
					uiresize = $('<div class="elfinder-resize-uiresize elfinder-resize-control-panel"></div>'),
					uicrop   = $('<div class="elfinder-resize-uicrop elfinder-resize-control-panel"></div>'),
					uirotate = $('<div class="elfinder-resize-rotate elfinder-resize-control-panel"></div>'),
					uideg270 = $('<button></button>').attr('title',fm.i18n('rotate-cw')).append($('<span class="elfinder-button-icon elfinder-button-icon-rotate-l"></span>')),
					uideg90  = $('<button></button>').attr('title',fm.i18n('rotate-ccw')).append($('<span class="elfinder-button-icon elfinder-button-icon-rotate-r"></span>')),
					uiprop   = $('<span ></span>'),
					reset    = $('<button class="elfinder-resize-reset">').text(fm.i18n('reset'))
						.on('click', function() {
							icons: {
								primary: 'ui-icon-arrowrefresh-1-n'
							text: false
					uitype   = $('<div class="elfinder-resize-type"></div>')
						.append('<input type="radio" name="type" id="'+id+'-resize" value="resize" checked="checked" /><label for="'+id+'-resize">'+fm.i18n('resize')+'</label>',
						'<input class="api2" type="radio" name="type" id="'+id+'-crop" value="crop" /><label class="api2" for="'+id+'-crop">'+fm.i18n('crop')+'</label>',
						'<input class="api2" type="radio" name="type" id="'+id+'-rotate" value="rotate" /><label class="api2" for="'+id+'-rotate">'+fm.i18n('rotate')+'</label>'),
					mode     = 'resize',
					type     = uitype[ctrgrup]()[ctrgrup]('disable').find('input')
						.on('change', function() {
							mode = $(this).val();
							if (mode == 'resize') {
								isJpeg && grid8px.insertAfter(uiresize.find('.elfinder-resize-grid8'));
							else if (mode == 'crop') {
								isJpeg && grid8px.insertAfter(uicrop.find('.elfinder-resize-grid8'));
							} else if (mode == 'rotate') {
					width   = $(input)
						.on('change', function() {
							var w = round(parseInt(width.val())),
								h = round(cratio ? w/ratio : parseInt(height.val()));

							if (w > 0 && h > 0) {
								resize.updateView(w, h);
					height  = $(input)
						.on('change', function() {
							var h = round(parseInt(height.val())),
								w = round(cratio ? h*ratio : parseInt(width.val()));

							if (w > 0 && h > 0) {
								resize.updateView(w, h);
					pointX  = $(input).on('change', function(){crop.updateView();}),
					pointY  = $(input).on('change', function(){crop.updateView();}),
					offsetX = $(input).on('change', function(){crop.updateView('w');}),
					offsetY = $(input).on('change', function(){crop.updateView('h');}),
					quality = isJpeg && api2?
						$(input).val(fm.storage('jpgQuality') > 0? fm.storage('jpgQuality') : fm.option('jpgQuality'))
							.attr('min', '1').attr('max', '100').attr('title', '1 - 100')
							.on('blur', function(){
								var q = Math.min(100, Math.max(1, parseInt(this.value)));
						: null,
					degree = $('<input type="number" class="ui-corner-all" maxlength="3" value="0" />')
						.on('change', function() {
					uidegslider = $('<div class="elfinder-resize-rotate-slider touch-punch"></div>')
							min: 0,
							max: 360,
							value: degree.val(),
							animate: true,
							start: opStart,
							stop: opStop,
							change: function(event, ui) {
								if (ui.value != uidegslider.slider('value')) {
							slide: function(event, ui) {
								rotate.update(ui.value, false);
							.on('keydown', function(e) {
								if (e.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.LEFT || e.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT) {
									rotate.update(Number(degree.val()) + (e.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT? 1 : -1), false);
					pickc = {},
					pick = function(e) {
						var color, r, g, b, h, s, l;

						try {
							color = pickc[Math.round(e.offsetX)][Math.round(e.offsetY)];
						} catch(e) {}
						if (!color) return;

						r = color[0]; g = color[1]; b = color[2];
						h = color[3]; s = color[4]; l = color[5];

						setbg(r, g, b, (e.type === 'click'));
					palpick = function(e) {
						setbg($(this).css('backgroundColor'), '', '', (e.type === 'click'));
					setbg = function(r, g, b, off) {
						var s, m, cc;
						if (typeof r === 'string') {
							g = '';
							if (r && (s = $('<span>').css('backgroundColor', r).css('backgroundColor')) && (m = s.match(/rgb\s*\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)/i))) {
								r = Number(m[1]);
								g = Number(m[2]);
								b = Number(m[3]);
						cc = (g === '')? r : '#' + getColorCode(r, g, b);
						bg.val(cc).css({ backgroundColor: cc, backgroundImage: 'none', color: (r+g+b < 384? '#fff' : '#000') });
						preview.css('backgroundColor', cc);
						if (off) {
					getColorCode = function(r, g, b) {
						return $.map([r,g,b], function(c){return ('0'+parseInt(c).toString(16)).slice(-2);}).join('');
					picker = $('<button>').text(fm.i18n('colorPicker'))
					.on('click', function() { 
						imgr.on('mousemove.picker click.picker', pick).addClass('elfinder-resize-picking');
						pallet.on('mousemove.picker click.picker', 'span', palpick).addClass('elfinder-resize-picking');
						icons: {
							primary: 'ui-icon-pin-s'
						text: false
					reseter = $('<button>').text(fm.i18n('reset'))
						.on('click', function() { 
							setbg('', '', '', true);
							icons: {
								primary: 'ui-icon-arrowrefresh-1-n'
							text: false
					bg = $('<input class="ui-corner-all elfinder-resize-bg" type="text">')
						.on('focus', function() {
							$(this).attr('style', '');
						.on('blur', function() {
					pallet  = $('<div class="elfinder-resize-pallet">').on('click', 'span', function() {
					ratio   = 1,
					prop    = 1,
					owidth  = 0,
					oheight = 0,
					cratio  = true,
					cratioc = false,
					pwidth  = 0,
					pheight = 0,
					rwidth  = 0,
					rheight = 0,
					rdegree = 0,
					grid8   = isJpeg? grid8Def : false,
					constr  = $('<button>').html(fm.i18n('aspectRatio'))
						.on('click', function() {
							cratio = ! cratio;
							constr.button('option', {
								icons : { primary: cratio? 'ui-icon-locked' : 'ui-icon-unlocked'}
							rhandle.resizable('option', 'aspectRatio', cratio).data('uiResizable')._aspectRatio = cratio;
							icons : {
								primary: cratio? 'ui-icon-locked' : 'ui-icon-unlocked'
							text: false
					constrc = $('<button>').html(fm.i18n('aspectRatio'))
						.on('click', function() {
							cratioc = ! cratioc;
							constrc.button('option', {
								icons : { primary: cratioc? 'ui-icon-locked' : 'ui-icon-unlocked'}
							rhandlec.resizable('option', 'aspectRatio', cratioc).data('uiResizable')._aspectRatio = cratioc;
							icons : {
								primary: cratioc? 'ui-icon-locked' : 'ui-icon-unlocked'
							text: false
					grid8px = $('<button>').html(fm.i18n(grid8? 'enabled' : 'disabled')).toggleClass('ui-state-active', grid8)
						.on('click', function() {
							grid8 = ! grid8;
							grid8px.html(fm.i18n(grid8? 'enabled' : 'disabled')).toggleClass('ui-state-active', grid8);
					setStep8 = function() {
						var step = grid8? 8 : 1;
						$.each([width, height, offsetX, offsetY, pointX, pointY], function() {
							this.attr('step', step);
						if (grid8) {
							if (uiresize.is(':visible')) {
								resize.updateView(width.val(), height.val());
							} else if (uicrop.is(':visible')) {
					setuprimg = function() {
						var r_scale,
							fail = function() {
						r_scale = Math.min(pwidth, pheight) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(owidth, 2) + Math.pow(oheight, 2));
						rwidth = Math.ceil(owidth * r_scale);
						rheight = Math.ceil(oheight * r_scale);
							.css('margin-top', (pheight-rheight)/2 + 'px')
							.css('margin-left', (pwidth-rwidth)/2 + 'px');
						if (imgr.is(':visible') && bg.is(':visible')) {
							if (file.mime !== 'image/png') {
								preview.css('backgroundColor', bg.val());
								pickimg = $('<img>');
								if (fm.isCORS) {
									pickimg.attr('crossorigin', 'use-credentials');
								pickimg.on('load', function() {
									if (pickcanv && pickcanv.width !== rwidth) {
								.on('error', fail)
								.attr('src', canvSrc);
							} else {
					setupimg = function() {
						resize.updateView(owidth, oheight);
					setColorData = function() {
						if (pickctx) {
							var n, w, h, r, g, b, a, s, l, hsl, hue,
								data, scale, tx1, tx2, ty1, ty2, rgb,
								domi = {},
								domic = [],
								domiv, palc,
								rgbToHsl = function (r, g, b) {
									var h, s, l,
										max = Math.max(Math.max(r, g), b),
										min = Math.min(Math.min(r, g), b);
									// Hue, 0 ~ 359
									if (max === min) {
										h = 0;
									} else if (r === max) {
										h = ((g - b) / (max - min) * 60 + 360) % 360;
									} else if (g === max) {
										h = (b - r) / (max - min) * 60 + 120;
									} else if (b === max) {
										h = (r - g) / (max - min) * 60 + 240;
									// Saturation, 0 ~ 1
									s = (max - min) / max;
									// Lightness, 0 ~ 1
									l = (r *  0.3 + g * 0.59 + b * 0.11) / 255;
									return [h, s, l, 'hsl'];
								rgbRound = function(c) {
									return Math.round(c / 8) * 8;
							try {
								w = pickcanv.width = imgr.width();
								h = pickcanv.height = imgr.height();
								scale = w / owidth;
								pickctx.scale(scale, scale);
								pickctx.drawImage(pickimg.get(0), 0, 0);
								data = pickctx.getImageData(0, 0, w, h).data;
								// Range to detect the dominant color
								tx1 = w * 0.1;
								tx2 = w * 0.9;
								ty1 = h * 0.1;
								ty2 = h * 0.9;
								for (var y = 0; y < h - 1; y++) {
									for (var x = 0; x < w - 1; x++) {
										n = x * 4 + y * w * 4;
										// RGB
										r = data[n]; g = data[n + 1]; b = data[n + 2]; a = data[n + 3];
										// check alpha ch
										if (a !== 255) {
											break calc;
										// HSL
										hsl = rgbToHsl(r, g, b);
										hue = Math.round(hsl[0]); s = Math.round(hsl[1] * 100); l = Math.round(hsl[2] * 100);
										if (! pickc[x]) {
											pickc[x] = {};
										// set pickc
										pickc[x][y] = [r, g, b, hue, s, l];
										// detect the dominant color
										if ((x < tx1 || x > tx2) && (y < ty1 || y > ty2)) {
											rgb = rgbRound(r) + ',' + rgbRound(g) + ',' + rgbRound(b);
											if (! domi[rgb]) {
												domi[rgb] = 1;
											} else {
								if (! pallet.children(':first').length) {
									palc = 1;
									$.each(domi, function(c, v) {
										domic.push({c: c, v: v});
									$.each(domic.sort(function(a, b) {
										return (a.v > b.v)? -1 : 1;
									}), function() {
										if (this.v < 2 || palc > 10) {
											return false;
										pallet.append($('<span style="width:20px;height:20px;display:inline-block;background-color:rgb('+this.c+');">'));
							} catch(e) {
					setupPicker = function() {
						try {
							pickcanv = document.createElement('canvas');
							pickctx = pickcanv.getContext('2d');
						} catch(e) {
					setupPreset = function() {
						preset.on('click', 'span.elfinder-resize-preset', function() {
							var btn = $(this),
								w = btn.data('s')[0],
								h = btn.data('s')[1],
								r = owidth / oheight;
							btn.data('s', [h, w]).text(h + 'x' + w);
							if (owidth > w || oheight > h) {
								if (owidth <= w) {
									w = round(h * r);
								} else if (oheight <= h) {
									h = round(w / r);
								} else {
									if (owidth - w > oheight - h) {
										h = round(w / r);
									} else {
										w = round(h * r);
							} else {
								w = owidth;
								h = oheight;
							resize.updateView(w, h);
						presetc.on('click', 'span.elfinder-resize-preset', function() {
							var btn = $(this),
								w = btn.data('s')[0],
								h = btn.data('s')[1],
								x = pointX.val(),
								y = pointY.val();
							btn.data('s', [h, w]).text(h + 'x' + w);
							if (owidth >= w && oheight >= h) {
								if (owidth - w - x < 0) {
									x = owidth - w;
								if (oheight - h - y < 0) {
									y = oheight - h;
						presetc.children('span.elfinder-resize-preset').each(function() {
							var btn = $(this),
								w = btn.data('s')[0],
								h = btn.data('s')[1];
							btn[(owidth >= w && oheight >= h)? 'show' : 'hide']();
					dimreq  = null,
					inited  = false,
					setdim  = function(dim) {
						var rfile = fm.file(file.hash);
						rfile.width = dim[0];
						rfile.height = dim[1];
					init    = function() {
						var elm, memSize, r_scale, imgRatio;
						if (inited) {
						inited = true;
						dimreq && dimreq.state && dimreq.state() === 'pending' && dimreq.reject();
						// check lossless rotete
						if (fm.api >= 2.1030) {
							if (losslessRotate === 0) {
									data: {
										cmd    : 'resize',
										target : file.hash,
										degree : 0,
										mode   : 'rotate'
									preventDefault : true
								}).done(function(data) {
									losslessRotate = data.losslessRotate? 1 : -1;
									if (losslessRotate === 1 && (degree.val() % 90 === 0)) {
								}).fail(function() {
									losslessRotate = -1;
						} else {
							losslessRotate = -1;
						elm = img.get(0);
						memSize = file.width && file.height? {w: file.width, h: file.height} : (elm.naturalWidth? null : {w: img.width(), h: img.height()});
						memSize && img.removeAttr('width').removeAttr('height');
						owidth  = file.width || elm.naturalWidth || elm.width || img.width();
						oheight = file.height || elm.naturalHeight || elm.height || img.height();
						if (!file.width || !file.height) {
							setdim([owidth, oheight]);
						memSize && img.width(memSize.w).height(memSize.h);
						imgRatio = oheight / owidth;
						if (imgRatio < 1 && preview.height() > preview.width() * imgRatio) {
							preview.height(preview.width() * imgRatio);
						if (preview.height() > img.height() + 20) {
							preview.height(img.height() + 20);
						pheight = preview.height() - (rhandle.outerHeight() - rhandle.height());
						ratio = owidth/oheight;
						control.find('input,select').prop('disabled', false)
							.filter(':text').on('keydown', function(e) {
								var cOpts;
								if (e.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.ENTER) {
									cOpts = {
										title  : $('input:checked', uitype).val(),
										text   : 'confirmReq',
										accept : {
											label    : 'btnApply',
											callback : function() {  
										cancel : {
											label    : 'btnCancel',
											callback : function(){
									if (useSaveAs) {
										cOpts['buttons'] = [{
											label    : 'btnSaveAs',
											callback : function() {
							.on('keyup', function() {
								var $this = $(this);
								if (! $this.hasClass('elfinder-resize-bg')) {
									requestAnimationFrame(function() {
										$this.val($this.val().replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''));
						!fm.UA.Mobile && width.trigger('focus');
					img     = $('<img/>')
						.on('load', init)
						.on('error', function() {
							spinner.html(fm.i18n('ntfsmth')).css('background', 'transparent');
					basec = $('<div></div>'),
					imgc = $('<img/>'),
					coverc = $('<div></div>'),
					imgr = $('<img class="elfinder-resize-imgrotate" />'),
					round = function(v, max) {
						v = grid8? Math.round(v/8)*8 : Math.round(v);
						v = Math.max(0, v);
						if (max && v > max) {
							v = grid8? Math.floor(max/8)*8 : max;
						return v;
					resetView = function() {
						resize.updateView(owidth, oheight);
					resize = {
						update : function() {
						updateView : function(w, h) {
							if (w > pwidth || h > pheight) {
								if (w / pwidth > h / pheight) {
									prop = pwidth / w;
								} else {
									prop = pheight / h;
							} else {
							prop = img.width()/w;
							uiprop.text('1 : '+(1/prop).toFixed(2));
						updateHandle : function() {
						fixHeight : function() {
							var w, h;
							if (cratio) {
								w = width.val();
								h = round(w/ratio);
								resize.updateView(w, h);
					crop = {
						update : function(change) {
							pointX.val(round(((rhandlec.data('x')||rhandlec.position().left))/prop, owidth));
							pointY.val(round(((rhandlec.data('y')||rhandlec.position().top))/prop, oheight));
							if (change !== 'xy') {
								offsetX.val(round((rhandlec.data('w')||rhandlec.width())/prop, owidth - pointX.val()));
								offsetY.val(round((rhandlec.data('h')||rhandlec.height())/prop, oheight - pointY.val()));
						updateView : function(change) {
							var r, x, y, w, h;
							pointX.val(round(pointX.val(), owidth - (grid8? 8 : 1)));
							pointY.val(round(pointY.val(), oheight - (grid8? 8 : 1)));
							offsetX.val(round(offsetX.val(), owidth - pointX.val()));
							offsetY.val(round(offsetY.val(), oheight - pointY.val()));
							if (cratioc) {
								r = coverc.width() / coverc.height();
								if (change === 'w') {
									offsetY.val(round(parseInt(offsetX.val()) / r));
								} else if (change === 'h') {
									offsetX.val(round(parseInt(offsetY.val()) * r));
							x = Math.round(parseInt(pointX.val()) * prop);
							y = Math.round(parseInt(pointY.val()) * prop);
							if (change !== 'xy') {
								w = Math.round(parseInt(offsetX.val()) * prop);
								h = Math.round(parseInt(offsetY.val()) * prop);
							} else {
								w = rhandlec.data('w');
								h = rhandlec.data('h');
							rhandlec.data({x: x, y: y, w: w, h: h})
								.css({left: x, top: y});
						resize_update : function(e, ui) {
							rhandlec.data({x: ui.position.left, y: ui.position.top, w: ui.size.width, h: ui.size.height});
						drag_update : function(e, ui) {
							rhandlec.data({x: ui.position.left, y: ui.position.top});
					rotate = {
						mouseStartAngle : 0,
						imageStartAngle : 0,
						imageBeingRotated : false,
						setQuality : function() {
							uirotate.children('div.elfinder-resize-quality')[(losslessRotate > 0 && (degree.val() % 90) === 0)? 'hide' : 'show']();
						update : function(value, animate) {
							if (typeof value == 'undefined') {
								rdegree = value = parseInt(degree.val());
							if (typeof animate == 'undefined') {
								animate = true;
							if (! animate || fm.UA.Opera || fm.UA.ltIE8) {
							} else {
								imgr.animate({rotate: value + 'deg'});
							value = value % 360;
							if (value < 0) {
								value += 360;

							uidegslider.slider('value', degree.val());
						execute : function ( e ) {
							if ( !rotate.imageBeingRotated ) return;
							var imageCentre = rotate.getCenter( imgr );
							var ev = e.originalEvent.touches? e.originalEvent.touches[0] : e;
							var mouseXFromCentre = ev.pageX - imageCentre[0];
							var mouseYFromCentre = ev.pageY - imageCentre[1];
							var mouseAngle = Math.atan2( mouseYFromCentre, mouseXFromCentre );
							var rotateAngle = mouseAngle - rotate.mouseStartAngle + rotate.imageStartAngle;
							rotateAngle = Math.round(parseFloat(rotateAngle) * 180 / Math.PI);
							if ( e.shiftKey ) {
								rotateAngle = Math.round((rotateAngle + 6)/15) * 15;
							rotateAngle = rotateAngle % 360;
							if (rotateAngle < 0) {
								rotateAngle += 360;

							uidegslider.slider('value', degree.val());
							return false;
						start : function ( e ) {
							if (imgr.hasClass('elfinder-resize-picking')) {
							rotate.imageBeingRotated = true;
							var imageCentre = rotate.getCenter( imgr );
							var ev = e.originalEvent.touches? e.originalEvent.touches[0] : e;
							var mouseStartXFromCentre = ev.pageX - imageCentre[0];
							var mouseStartYFromCentre = ev.pageY - imageCentre[1];
							rotate.mouseStartAngle = Math.atan2( mouseStartYFromCentre, mouseStartXFromCentre );
							rotate.imageStartAngle = parseFloat(imgr.rotate()) * Math.PI / 180.0;
							$(document).on('mousemove', rotate.execute);
							imgr.on('touchmove', rotate.execute);
							return false;
						stop : function ( e ) {
							if ( !rotate.imageBeingRotated ) return;
							$(document).off('mousemove', rotate.execute);
							imgr.off('touchmove', rotate.execute);
							requestAnimationFrame(function() { rotate.imageBeingRotated = false; });
							return false;
						getCenter : function ( image ) {
							var currentRotation = imgr.rotate();
							var imageOffset = imgr.offset();
							var imageCentreX = imageOffset.left + imgr.width() / 2;
							var imageCentreY = imageOffset.top + imgr.height() / 2;
							return Array( imageCentreX, imageCentreY );
					resizable = function(destroy) {
						if (destroy) {
						else {
								alsoResize  : img,
								aspectRatio : cratio,
								resize      : resize.update,
								start       : opStart,
								stop        : function(e) {
									resize.updateView(width.val(), height.val());
					croppable = function(destroy) {
						if (destroy) {
						else {
									containment : basec,
									aspectRatio : cratioc,
									resize      : crop.resize_update,
									start       : opStart,
									stop        : opStop,
									handles     : 'all'
									handle      : coverc,
									containment : imgc,
									drag        : crop.drag_update,
									start       : opStart,
									stop        : function() {
					rotateable = function(destroy) {
						if (destroy) {
						else {
					checkVals = function() {
						var w, h, x, y, d, q, b = '';
						if (mode == 'resize') {
							w = parseInt(width.val()) || 0;
							h = parseInt(height.val()) || 0;
						} else if (mode == 'crop') {
							w = parseInt(offsetX.val()) || 0;
							h = parseInt(offsetY.val()) || 0;
							x = parseInt(pointX.val()) || 0;
							y = parseInt(pointY.val()) || 0;
						} else if (mode == 'rotate') {
							w = owidth;
							h = oheight;
							d = parseInt(degree.val()) || 0;
							if (d < 0 || d > 360) {
								fm.error('Invalid rotate degree');
								return false;
							if (d == 0 || d == 360) {
								return false;
							b = bg.val();
						q = quality? parseInt(quality.val()) : 0;
						if (mode != 'rotate') {
							if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) {
								fm.error('Invalid image size');
								return false;
							if (w == owidth && h == oheight && parseInt(size0 / 1000) === parseInt(size1/1000)) {
								return false;
						return {w: w, h: h, x: x, y: y, d: d, q: q, b: b};
					save = function() {
						var vals;
						if (vals = checkVals()) {
								target : file.hash,
								width  : vals.w,
								height : vals.h,
								x      : vals.x,
								y      : vals.y,
								degree : vals.d,
								quality: vals.q,
								bg     : vals.b,
								mode   : mode
							}, file, dfrd);
					saveAs = function() {
						var fail = function() {
								dialogs.addClass(clsediting).fadeIn(function() {
							make = function() {
								self.mime = file.mime;
								self.prefix = file.name.replace(/ \d+(\.[^.]+)?$/, '$1');
								self.requestCmd = 'mkfile';
								self.nextAction = {};
								self.data = {target : file.phash};
								$.proxy(fm.res('mixin', 'make'), self)()
									.done(function(data) {
										var hash, dfd;
										if (data.added && data.added.length) {
											hash = data.added[0].hash;
											dfd = fm.api < 2.1032? fm.url(file.hash, { async: true, temporary: true }) : null;
											$.when(dfd).done(function(url) {
													options : {type : 'post'},
													data : {
														cmd     : 'put',
														target  : hash,
														encoding: dfd? 'scheme' : 'hash', 
														content : dfd? fm.convAbsUrl(url) : file.hash
													notify : {type : 'copy', cnt : 1},
													syncOnFail : true
												.done(function(data) {
													data = fm.normalize(data);
													file = fm.file(hash);
													data.changed && data.changed.length && fm.change(data);
										} else {
									.always(function() {
										delete self.mime;
										delete self.prefix;
										delete self.nextAction;
										delete self.data;
								fm.trigger('unselectfiles', { files: [ file.hash ] });
							reqOpen = null,
						if (checkVals()) {
							dialogs = fmnode.children('.' + self.dialogClass + ':visible').removeClass(clsediting).fadeOut();
							if (fm.searchStatus.state < 2 && file.phash !== fm.cwd().hash) {
								reqOpen = fm.exec('open', [file.phash], {thash: file.phash});
							$.when([reqOpen]).done(function() {
								reqOpen? fm.one('cwdrender', make) : make();
					buttons = {},
					hline   = 'elfinder-resize-handle-hline',
					vline   = 'elfinder-resize-handle-vline',
					rpoint  = 'elfinder-resize-handle-point',
					canvSrc = src,
					sizeImg = quality? $('<img>').attr('crossorigin', fm.isCORS? 'use-credentials' : '').attr('src', canvSrc).on('load', function() {
						try {
							var canv = document.createElement('canvas');
							sizeImg.data('canvas', canv).data('ctx', canv.getContext('2d'));
						} catch(e) {
					}) : null,
					jpgCalc = function() {
					dinit   = function(e) {
						if (base.hasClass('elfinder-dialog-minimized') || base.is(':hidden')) {
						var win   = fm.options.dialogContained? fmnode : $(window),
							winH  = win.height(),
							winW  = win.width(),
							presW = 'auto',
							presIn = true,
							dw, ctrW, prvW;
						base.width(Math.min(dialogWidth, winW - 30));
						preview.attr('style', '');
						if (owidth && oheight) {
							pwidth  = preview.width()  - (rhandle.outerWidth()  - rhandle.width());
							pheight = preview.height() - (rhandle.outerHeight() - rhandle.height());
							resize.updateView(owidth, oheight);
						ctrW  = dialog.find('div.elfinder-resize-control').width();
						prvW  = preview.width();
						dw = dialog.width() - 20;
						if (prvW > dw) {
							presIn = false;
						} else if ((dw - prvW) < ctrW) {
							if (winW > winH) {
								preview.width(dw - ctrW - 20);
							} else {
								preview.css({ float: 'none', marginLeft: 'auto', marginRight: 'auto'});
								presIn = false;
						if (presIn) {
							presW = ctrW;
						pwidth  = preview.width()  - (rhandle.outerWidth()  - rhandle.width());
						if (fmnode.hasClass('elfinder-fullscreen')) {
							if (base.height() > winH) {
								winH -= 2;
								preview.height(winH - base.height() + preview.height());
								base.css('top', 0 - fmnode.offset().top);
						} else {
							winH -= 30;
							(preview.height() > winH) && preview.height(winH);
						pheight = preview.height() - (rhandle.outerHeight() - rhandle.height());
						if (owidth && oheight) {
						if (img.height() && preview.height() > img.height() + 20) {
							preview.height(img.height() + 20);
							pheight = preview.height() - (rhandle.outerHeight() - rhandle.height());
						preset.css('width', presW).show();
						presetc.css('width', presW).show();
						if (!presetc.children('span.elfinder-resize-preset:visible').length) {
					preset = (function() {
						var sets = $('<fieldset class="elfinder-resize-preset-container">').append($('<legend>').html(fm.i18n('presets'))).css('box-sizing', 'border-box').hide(),
						$.each(presetSize, function(i, s) {
							if (s.length === 2) {
								hasC = true;
								sets.append($('<span class="elfinder-resize-preset"></span>')
									.data('s', s)
						if (!hasC) {
							return $();
						} else {
							return sets;
					presetc = preset.clone(true),
					useSaveAs = fm.uploadMimeCheck(file.mime, file.phash),
					dMinBtn, base;
				size0 = size1 = file.size;
					$(row).append($(label).text(fm.i18n('width')), width),
					$(row).append($(label).text(fm.i18n('height')), height, $('<div class="elfinder-resize-whctrls">').append(constr, reset)),
					(quality? $(row).append($(label).text(fm.i18n('quality')), quality, $('<span></span>')) : $()),
					(isJpeg? $(row).append($(label).text(fm.i18n('8pxgrid')).addClass('elfinder-resize-grid8'), grid8px) : $()),
					$(row).append($(label).text(fm.i18n('scale')), uiprop),

				if (api2) {
						$(row).append($(label).text('X'), pointX),
						$(row).append($(label).text(fm.i18n('width')), offsetX),
						$(row).append($(label).text(fm.i18n('height')), offsetY, $('<div class="elfinder-resize-whctrls">').append(constrc, reset.clone(true))),
						(quality? $(row).append($(label).text(fm.i18n('quality')), quality.clone(true), $('<span></span>')) : $()),
						(isJpeg? $(row).append($(label).text(fm.i18n('8pxgrid')).addClass('elfinder-resize-grid8')) : $()),
							$('<div></div>').append(uideg270, uideg90)[ctrgrup]()
						$(row).css('height', '20px').append(uidegslider),
						((quality)? $(row)[losslessRotate < 1? 'show' : 'hide']().addClass('elfinder-resize-quality').append(
							$('<span></span>')) : $()
						$(row).append($(label).text(fm.i18n('bgcolor')), bg, picker, reseter),
						$(row).css('height', '20px').append(pallet)
					uideg270.on('click', function() {
						rdegree = rdegree - 90;
					uideg90.on('click', function(){
						rdegree = rdegree + 90;
				dialog.append(uitype).on('resize', function(e){

				if (api2) {
					control.append(/*$(row), */uiresize, uicrop.hide(), uirotate.hide());
				} else {
					control.append(/*$(row), */uiresize);
				rhandle.append('<div class="'+hline+' '+hline+'-top"></div>',
					'<div class="'+hline+' '+hline+'-bottom"></div>',
					'<div class="'+vline+' '+vline+'-left"></div>',
					'<div class="'+vline+' '+vline+'-right"></div>',
					'<div class="'+rpoint+' '+rpoint+'-e"></div>',
					'<div class="'+rpoint+' '+rpoint+'-se"></div>',
					'<div class="'+rpoint+' '+rpoint+'-s"></div>');

				if (api2) {
					rhandlec.css('position', 'absolute')
						.append('<div class="'+hline+' '+hline+'-top"></div>',
						'<div class="'+hline+' '+hline+'-bottom"></div>',
						'<div class="'+vline+' '+vline+'-left"></div>',
						'<div class="'+vline+' '+vline+'-right"></div>',
						'<div class="'+rpoint+' '+rpoint+'-n"></div>',
						'<div class="'+rpoint+' '+rpoint+'-e"></div>',
						'<div class="'+rpoint+' '+rpoint+'-s"></div>',
						'<div class="'+rpoint+' '+rpoint+'-w"></div>',
						'<div class="'+rpoint+' '+rpoint+'-ne"></div>',
						'<div class="'+rpoint+' '+rpoint+'-se"></div>',
						'<div class="'+rpoint+' '+rpoint+'-sw"></div>',
						'<div class="'+rpoint+' '+rpoint+'-nw"></div>');

					preview.append(basec.css('position', 'absolute').hide().append(imgc, rhandlec.append(coverc)));
				preview.css('overflow', 'hidden');
				dialog.append(preview, control);
				buttons[fm.i18n('btnApply')] = save;
				if (useSaveAs) {
					buttons[fm.i18n('btnSaveAs')] = function() { requestAnimationFrame(saveAs); };
				buttons[fm.i18n('btnCancel')] = function() { dialog.elfinderdialog('close'); };
				base = self.fmDialog(dialog, {
					title          : fm.escape(file.name),
					width          : dialogWidth,
					resizable      : false,
					buttons        : buttons,
					open           : function() {
						var doDimReq = function(force) {
								dimreq = fm.request({
									data : {cmd : 'dim', target : file.hash, substitute : substituteImg? 400 : ''},
									preventDefault : true
								.done(function(data) {
									if (!data.url && needPng) {
										fm.error(['errOpen', file.name]);
									} else {
										if (data.dim) {
											var dim = data.dim.split('x');
											file.width = dim[0];
											file.height = dim[1];
											if (data.url) {
												img.attr('src', data.url);
												imgc.attr('src', data.url);
												imgr.attr('src', data.url);
											return init();
							needPng = !{'image/jpeg':true,'image/png':true,'image/gif':true,}[file.mime],
							substituteImg = fm.option('substituteImg', file.hash) && (needPng || file.size > options.dimSubImgSize)? true : false,
							hasSize = (file.width && file.height)? true : false;
						dMinBtn = base.find('.ui-dialog-titlebar .elfinder-titlebar-minimize').hide();
						fm.bind('resize', dinit);
						img.attr('src', src).one('error.dimreq', function() {
						imgc.attr('src', src);
						imgr.attr('src', src);
						if (api2) {
							imgr.on('mousedown touchstart', rotate.start)
								.on('touchend', rotate.stop);
							base.on('mouseup', rotate.stop);
						if (hasSize && !substituteImg) {
							return init();
						if (file.size > (options.getDimThreshold || 0)) {
						} else if (hasSize) {
							return init();
					close          : function() {
						if (api2) {
							imgr.off('mousedown touchstart', rotate.start)
								.off('touchend', rotate.stop);
							$(document).off('mouseup', rotate.stop);
						fm.unbind('resize', dinit);
					resize         : function(e, data) {
						if (data && data.minimize === 'off') {
				}).attr('id', id).closest('.ui-dialog').addClass(clsediting);
				// for IE < 9 dialog mising at open second+ time.
				if (fm.UA.ltIE8) {
					$('.elfinder-dialog').css('filter', '');
				coverc.css({ 'opacity': 0.2, 'background-color': '#fff', 'position': 'absolute'}),
				rhandlec.css('cursor', 'move');
					'background-color' : '#fff',
					'opacity': 0.5,

				if (! api2) {
				control.find('input,select').prop('disabled', true);
					.next('span').addClass('elfinder-resize-jpgsize').attr('title', fm.i18n('roughFileSize'));

			id, dialog, size0, size1

		if (!files.length || files[0].mime.indexOf('image/') === -1) {
			return dfrd.reject();
		id = 'resize-'+fm.namespace+'-'+files[0].hash;
		dialog = fmnode.find('#'+id);
		if (dialog.length) {
			return dfrd.resolve();
		fm.openUrl(files[0].hash, 'sameorigin', function(src) {
			open(files[0], id, src);
		return dfrd;


(function ($) {
	var findProperty = function (styleObject, styleArgs) {
		var i = 0 ;
		for( i in styleArgs) {
	        if (typeof styleObject[styleArgs[i]] != 'undefined') 
	        	return styleArgs[i];
		styleObject[styleArgs[i]] = '';
	    return styleArgs[i];
	$.cssHooks.rotate = {
		get: function(elem, computed, extra) {
			return $(elem).rotate();
		set: function(elem, value) {
			return value;
	$.cssHooks.transform = {
		get: function(elem, computed, extra) {
			var name = findProperty( elem.style , 
				['WebkitTransform', 'MozTransform', 'OTransform' , 'msTransform' , 'transform'] );
			return elem.style[name];
		set: function(elem, value) {
			var name = findProperty( elem.style , 
				['WebkitTransform', 'MozTransform', 'OTransform' , 'msTransform' , 'transform'] );
			elem.style[name] = value;
			return value;
	$.fn.rotate = function(val) {
		var r;
		if (typeof val == 'undefined') {
			if (!!window.opera) {
				r = this.css('transform').match(/rotate\((.*?)\)/);
				return  ( r && r[1])?
					Math.round(parseFloat(r[1]) * 180 / Math.PI) : 0;
			} else {
				r = this.css('transform').match(/rotate\((.*?)\)/);
				return  ( r && r[1])? parseInt(r[1]) : 0;
			this.css('transform').replace(/none|rotate\(.*?\)/, '') + 'rotate(' + parseInt(val) + 'deg)');
		return this;

	$.fx.step.rotate  = function(fx) {
		if ( fx.state == 0 ) {
			fx.start = $(fx.elem).rotate();
			fx.now = fx.start;

	if (typeof window.addEventListener == "undefined" && typeof document.getElementsByClassName == "undefined") { // IE & IE<9
		var GetAbsoluteXY = function(element) {
			var pnode = element;
			var x = pnode.offsetLeft;
			var y = pnode.offsetTop;
			while ( pnode.offsetParent ) {
				pnode = pnode.offsetParent;
				if (pnode != document.body && pnode.currentStyle['position'] != 'static') {
				if (pnode != document.body && pnode != document.documentElement) {
					x -= pnode.scrollLeft;
					y -= pnode.scrollTop;
				x += pnode.offsetLeft;
				y += pnode.offsetTop;
			return { x: x, y: y };
		var StaticToAbsolute = function (element) {
			if ( element.currentStyle['position'] != 'static') {
				return ;

			var xy = GetAbsoluteXY(element);
			element.style.position = 'absolute' ;
			element.style.left = xy.x + 'px';
			element.style.top = xy.y + 'px';

		var IETransform = function(element,transform){

			var r;
			var m11 = 1;
			var m12 = 1;
			var m21 = 1;
			var m22 = 1;

			if (typeof element.style['msTransform'] != 'undefined'){
				return true;


			r = transform.match(/rotate\((.*?)\)/);
			var rotate =  ( r && r[1])	?	parseInt(r[1])	:	0;

			rotate = rotate % 360;
			if (rotate < 0) rotate = 360 + rotate;

			var radian= rotate * Math.PI / 180;
			var cosX =Math.cos(radian);
			var sinY =Math.sin(radian);

			m11 *= cosX;
			m12 *= -sinY;
			m21 *= sinY;
			m22 *= cosX;

			element.style.filter =  (element.style.filter || '').replace(/progid:DXImageTransform\.Microsoft\.Matrix\([^)]*\)/, "" ) +
				("progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(" + 
					 "M11=" + m11 + 
					",M12=" + m12 + 
					",M21=" + m21 + 
					",M22=" + m22 + 
					",FilterType='bilinear',sizingMethod='auto expand')") 

	  		var ow = parseInt(element.style.width || element.width || 0 );
	  		var oh = parseInt(element.style.height || element.height || 0 );

			radian = rotate * Math.PI / 180;
			var absCosX =Math.abs(Math.cos(radian));
			var absSinY =Math.abs(Math.sin(radian));

			var dx = (ow - (ow * absCosX + oh * absSinY)) / 2;
			var dy = (oh - (ow * absSinY + oh * absCosX)) / 2;

			element.style.marginLeft = Math.floor(dx) + "px";
			element.style.marginTop  = Math.floor(dy) + "px";

		var transform_set = $.cssHooks.transform.set;
		$.cssHooks.transform.set = function(elem, value) {
			transform_set.apply(this, [elem, value] );
			return value;


 * File: /js/commands/restore.js

 * @class  elFinder command "restore"
 * Restore items from the trash
 * @author Naoki Sawada
(elFinder.prototype.commands.restore = function() {
	"use strict";
	var self = this,
		fm = this.fm,
		fakeCnt = 0,
		getFilesRecursively = function(files) {
			var dfd = $.Deferred(),
				dirs = [],
				results = [],
				reqs = [],
				phashes = [],
			dfd._xhrReject = function() {
				$.each(reqs, function() {
					this && this.reject && this.reject();
				getFile && getFile._xhrReject();
			$.each(files, function(i, f) {
				f.mime === 'directory'? dirs.push(f) : results.push(f);
			if (dirs.length) {
				$.each(dirs, function(i, d) {
						data : {cmd  : 'open', target : d.hash},
						preventDefault : true,
						asNotOpen : true
					phashes[i] = d.hash;
				$.when.apply($, reqs).fail(function() {
				}).done(function() {
					var items = [];
					$.each(arguments, function(i, r) {
						var files;
						if (r.files) {
							if (r.files.length) {
								items = items.concat(r.files);
							} else {
									hash: 'fakefile_' + (fakeCnt++),
									phash: phashes[i],
									mime: 'fakefile',
									name: 'fakefile',
									ts: 0
					getFile = getFilesRecursively(items).done(function(res) {
						results = results.concat(res);
			} else {
			return dfd;
		restore = function(dfrd, files, targets, ops) {
			var rHashes = {},
				others = [],
				found = false,
				dirs = [],
				opts = ops || {},
				id = +new Date(),
				tm, getFile;
			fm.lockfiles({files : targets});
			dirs = $.map(files, function(f) {
				return f.mime === 'directory'? f.hash : null;
			dfrd.done(function() {
				dirs && fm.exec('rm', dirs, {forceRm : true, quiet : true});
			}).always(function() {
				fm.unlockfiles({files : targets});
			tm = setTimeout(function() {
				fm.notify({type : 'search', id : id, cnt : 1, hideCnt : true, cancel : function() {
					getFile && getFile._xhrReject();
			}, fm.notifyDelay);

			fakeCnt = 0;
			getFile = getFilesRecursively(files).always(function() {
				tm && clearTimeout(tm);
				fm.notify({type : 'search', id: id, cnt : -1, hideCnt : true});
			}).fail(function() {
				dfrd.reject('errRestore', 'errFileNotFound');
			}).done(function(res) {
				var errFolderNotfound = ['errRestore', 'errFolderNotFound'],
					dirTop = '';
				if (res.length) {
					$.each(res, function(i, f) {
						var phash = f.phash,
							srcRoot, tPath;
						while(phash) {
							if (srcRoot = fm.trashes[phash]) {
								if (! rHashes[srcRoot]) {
									if (found) {
										// Keep items of other trash
										return null; // continue $.each
									rHashes[srcRoot] = {};
									found = true;
								tPath = fm.path(f.hash).substr(fm.path(phash).length).replace(/\\/g, '/');
								tPath = tPath.replace(/\/[^\/]+?$/, '');
								if (tPath === '') {
									tPath = '/';
								if (!rHashes[srcRoot][tPath]) {
									rHashes[srcRoot][tPath] = [];
								if (f.mime === 'fakefile') {
								} else {
								if (!dirTop || dirTop.length > tPath.length) {
									dirTop = tPath;
							// Go up one level for next check
							pfile = fm.file(phash);
							if (!pfile) {
								phash = false;
								// Detection method for search results
								$.each(fm.trashes, function(ph) {
									var file = fm.file(ph),
										filePath = fm.path(ph);
									if ((!file.volumeid || f.hash.indexOf(file.volumeid) === 0) && fm.path(f.hash).indexOf(filePath) === 0) {
										phash = ph;
										return false;
							} else {
								phash = pfile.phash;
					if (found) {
						$.each(rHashes, function(src, dsts) {
							var dirs = Object.keys(dsts),
								cnt = dirs.length;
								data   : {cmd  : 'mkdir', target : src, dirs : dirs}, 
								notify : {type : 'chkdir', cnt : cnt},
								preventFail : true
							}).fail(function(error) {
								fm.unlockfiles({files : targets});
							}).done(function(data) {
								var cmdPaste, hashes;
								if (hashes = data.hashes) {
									cmdPaste = fm.getCommand('paste');
									if (cmdPaste) {
										// wait until file cache made
										fm.one('mkdirdone', function() {
											var hasErr = false;
											$.each(dsts, function(dir, files) {
												if (hashes[dir]) {
													if (files.length) {
														if (fm.file(hashes[dir])) {
															fm.clipboard(files, true);
															fm.exec('paste', [ hashes[dir] ], {_cmd : 'restore', noToast : (opts.noToast || dir !== dirTop)})
															.done(function(data) {
																if (data && (data.error || data.warning)) {
																	hasErr = true;
															.fail(function() {
																hasErr = true;
															.always(function() {
																if (--cnt < 1) {
																	dfrd[hasErr? 'reject' : 'resolve']();
																	if (others.length) {
																		// Restore items of other trash
																		fm.exec('restore', others);
														} else {
													} else {
														if (--cnt < 1) {
															if (others.length) {
																// Restore items of other trash
																fm.exec('restore', others);
									} else {
										dfrd.reject(['errRestore', 'errCmdNoSupport', '(paste)']);
								} else {
					} else {
				} else {
					dirs && fm.exec('rm', dirs, {forceRm : true, quiet : true});
	// for to be able to overwrite
	this.restore = restore;

	this.linkedCmds = ['copy', 'paste', 'mkdir', 'rm'];
	this.updateOnSelect = false;
	this.init = function() {
		// re-assign for extended command
		self = this;
		fm = this.fm;

	this.getstate = function(sel, e) {
		sel = sel || fm.selected();
		return sel.length && $.grep(sel, function(h) {var f = fm.file(h); return f && ! f.locked && ! fm.isRoot(f)? true : false; }).length == sel.length
			? 0 : -1;
	this.exec = function(hashes, opts) {
		var dfrd   = $.Deferred()
				.fail(function(error) {
					error && fm.error(error);
			files  = self.files(hashes);

		if (! files.length) {
			return dfrd.reject();
		$.each(files, function(i, file) {
			if (fm.isRoot(file)) {
				return !dfrd.reject(['errRestore', file.name]);
			if (file.locked) {
				return !dfrd.reject(['errLocked', file.name]);

		if (dfrd.state() === 'pending') {
			this.restore(dfrd, files, hashes, opts);
		return dfrd;

}).prototype = { forceLoad : true }; // this is required command

 * File: /js/commands/rm.js

 * @class  elFinder command "rm"
 * Delete files
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
 * @author Naoki Sawada
elFinder.prototype.commands.rm = function() {
	"use strict";
	var self = this,
		fm = this.fm,
		tpl = '<div class="ui-helper-clearfix elfinder-rm-title"><span class="elfinder-cwd-icon {class} ui-corner-all"></span>{title}<div class="elfinder-rm-desc">{desc}</div></div>',
		confirm = function(dfrd, targets, files, tHash, addTexts) {
			var cnt = targets.length,
				cwd = fm.cwd().hash,
				descs = [],
				spinner = fm.i18n('calc') + '<span class="elfinder-spinner"></span>',
				dialog, text, tmb, size, f, fname;
			if (cnt > 1) {
				size = 0;
				$.each(files, function(h, f) { 
					if (f.size && f.size != 'unknown' && f.mime !== 'directory') {
						var s = parseInt(f.size);
						if (s >= 0 && size >= 0) {
							size += s;
					} else {
						size = 'unknown';
						return false;
				getSize = (size === 'unknown');
				descs.push(fm.i18n('size')+': '+(getSize? spinner : fm.formatSize(size)));
				text = [$(tpl.replace('{class}', 'elfinder-cwd-icon-group').replace('{title}', '<strong>' + fm.i18n('items')+ ': ' + cnt + '</strong>').replace('{desc}', descs.join('<br>')))];
			} else {
				f = files[0];
				tmb = fm.tmb(f);
				getSize = (f.mime === 'directory');
				descs.push(fm.i18n('size')+': '+(getSize? spinner : fm.formatSize(f.size)));
				descs.push(fm.i18n('modify')+': '+fm.formatDate(f));
				fname = fm.escape(f.i18 || f.name).replace(/([_.])/g, '&#8203;$1');
				text = [$(tpl.replace('{class}', fm.mime2class(f.mime)).replace('{title}', '<strong>' + fname + '</strong>').replace('{desc}', descs.join('<br>')))];
			if (addTexts) {
				text = text.concat(addTexts);
			text.push(tHash? 'confirmTrash' : 'confirmRm');
			dialog = fm.confirm({
				title  : self.title,
				text   : text,
				accept : {
					label    : 'btnRm',
					callback : function() {  
						if (tHash) {
							self.toTrash(dfrd, targets, tHash);
						} else {
							remove(dfrd, targets);
				cancel : {
					label    : 'btnCancel',
					callback : function() {
						fm.unlockfiles({files : targets});
						if (targets.length === 1 && fm.file(targets[0]).phash !== cwd) {
							fm.select({selected : targets});
						} else {
							fm.selectfiles({files : targets});
			// load thumbnail
			if (tmb) {
					.on('load', function() { dialog.find('.elfinder-cwd-icon').addClass(tmb.className).css('background-image', "url('"+tmb.url+"')"); })
					.attr('src', tmb.url);
			if (getSize) {
				getSize = fm.getSize($.map(files, function(f) { return f.mime === 'directory'? f.hash : null; })).done(function(data) {
					dialog.find('span.elfinder-spinner').parent().html(fm.i18n('size')+': '+data.formated);
				}).fail(function() {
					dialog.find('span.elfinder-spinner').parent().html(fm.i18n('size')+': '+fm.i18n('unknown'));
				}).always(function() {
					getSize = false;
		toTrash = function(dfrd, targets, tHash) {
			var dsts = {},
				itemCnt = targets.length,
				maxCnt = self.options.toTrashMaxItems,
				checkDirs = [],
				reqDfd = $.Deferred(),
				req, dirs, cnt;
			if (itemCnt > maxCnt) {
				self.confirm(dfrd, targets, self.files(targets), null, [fm.i18n('tooManyToTrash')]);
			// Directory preparation preparation and directory enumeration
			$.each(targets, function(i, h) {
				var file = fm.file(h),
					path = fm.path(h).replace(/\\/g, '/'),
					m = path.match(/^[^\/]+?(\/(?:[^\/]+?\/)*)[^\/]+?$/);
				if (file) {
					if (m) {
						m[1] = m[1].replace(/(^\/.*?)\/?$/, '$1');
						if (! dsts[m[1]]) {
							dsts[m[1]] = [];
					if (file.mime === 'directory') {
			// Check directory information
			if (checkDirs.length) {
				req = fm.request({
					data : {cmd : 'size', targets : checkDirs},
					notify : {type: 'readdir', cnt: 1, hideCnt: true},
					preventDefault : true
				}).done(function(data) {
					var cnt = 0;
					data.fileCnt && (cnt += parseInt(data.fileCnt));
					data.dirCnt && (cnt += parseInt(data.dirCnt));
					reqDfd[cnt > maxCnt ? 'reject' : 'resolve']();
				}).fail(function() {
				setTimeout(function() {
					var xhr = (req && req.xhr)? req.xhr : null;
					if (xhr && xhr.state() == 'pending') {
				}, self.options.infoCheckWait * 1000);
			} else {
			// Directory creation and paste command execution
			reqDfd.done(function() {
				dirs = Object.keys(dsts);
				cnt = dirs.length;
				if (cnt) {
						data   : {cmd  : 'mkdir', target : tHash, dirs : dirs}, 
						notify : {type : 'chkdir', cnt : cnt},
						preventFail : true
					.fail(function(error) {
						fm.unlockfiles({files : targets});
					.done(function(data) {
						var margeRes = function(data, phash, reqData) {
								var undo, prevUndo, redo, prevRedo;
								$.each(data, function(k, v) {
									if (Array.isArray(v)) {
										if (res[k]) {
											res[k] = res[k].concat(v);
										} else {
											res[k] = v;
								if (data.sync) {
									res.sync = 1;
								if (data.added && data.added.length) {
									undo = function() {
										var targets = [],
											dirs    = $.map(data.added, function(f) { return f.mime === 'directory'? f.hash : null; });
										$.each(data.added, function(i, f) {
											if ($.inArray(f.phash, dirs) === -1) {
										return fm.exec('restore', targets, {noToast: true});
									redo = function() {
										return fm.request({
											data   : reqData,
											notify : {type : 'redo', cnt : targets.length}
									if (res.undo) {
										prevUndo = res.undo;
										res.undo = function() {
									} else {
										res.undo = undo;
									if (res.redo) {
										prevRedo = res.redo;
										res.redo = function() {
									} else {
										res.redo = redo;
							err = ['errTrash'],
							res = {},
							hasNtf = function() {
								return fm.ui.notify.children('.elfinder-notify-trash').length;
							hashes, tm, prg, prgSt;
						if (hashes = data.hashes) {
							prg = 1 / cnt * 100;
							prgSt = cnt === 1? 100 : 5;
							tm = setTimeout(function() {
								fm.notify({type : 'trash', cnt : 1, hideCnt : true, progress : prgSt});
							}, fm.notifyDelay);
							$.each(dsts, function(dir, files) {
								var phash = fm.file(files[0]).phash,
								if (hashes[dir]) {
									reqData = {cmd : 'paste', dst : hashes[dir], targets : files, cut : 1};
										data : reqData,
										preventDefault : true
									.fail(function(error) {
										if (error) {
											err = err.concat(error);
									.done(function(data) {
										data = fm.normalize(data);
										margeRes(data, phash, reqData);
										if (data.warning) {
											err = err.concat(data.warning);
											delete data.warning;
										// fire some event to update cache/ui
										data.removed && data.removed.length && fm.remove(data);
										data.added   && data.added.length   && fm.add(data);
										data.changed && data.changed.length && fm.change(data);
										// fire event with command name
										fm.trigger('paste', data);
										// fire event with command name + 'done'
										// force update content
										data.sync && fm.sync();
									.always(function() {
										var hashes = [], addTexts, end = 2;
										if (hasNtf()) {
											fm.notify({type : 'trash', cnt : 0, hideCnt : true, progress : prg});
										} else {
											prgSt+= prg;
										if (--cnt < 1) {
											tm && clearTimeout(tm);
											hasNtf() && fm.notify({type : 'trash', cnt  : -1});
											fm.unlockfiles({files : targets});
											if (Object.keys(res).length) {
												if (err.length > 1) {
													if (res.removed || res.removed.length) {
														hashes = $.grep(targets, function(h) {
															return $.inArray(h, res.removed) === -1? true : false;
													if (hashes.length) {
														if (err.length > end) {
															end = (fm.messages[err[end-1]] || '').indexOf('$') === -1? end : end + 1;
														fm.exec('rm', hashes, { addTexts: err.slice(0, end), forceRm: true });
													} else {
												res._noSound = true;
												if (res.undo && res.redo) {
													res.undo = {
														cmd : 'trash',
														callback : res.undo,
													res.redo = {
														cmd : 'trash',
														callback : res.redo
											} else {
						} else {
							fm.unlockfiles({files : targets});
				} else {
					dfrd.reject(['error', 'The folder hierarchy to be deleting can not be determined.']);
					fm.unlockfiles({files : targets});
			}).fail(function() {
				self.confirm(dfrd, targets, self.files(targets), null, [fm.i18n('tooManyToTrash')]);
		remove = function(dfrd, targets, quiet) {
			var notify = quiet? {} : {type : 'rm', cnt : targets.length};
				data   : {cmd  : 'rm', targets : targets}, 
				notify : notify,
				preventFail : true
			.fail(function(error) {
			.done(function(data) {
				if (data.error || data.warning) {
					data.sync = true;
			.always(function() {
				fm.unlockfiles({files : targets});
		getTHash = function(targets) {
			var thash = null,
			if (targets && targets.length) {
				if (targets.length > 1 && fm.searchStatus.state === 2) {
					root1st = fm.file(fm.root(targets[0])).volumeid;
					if (!$.grep(targets, function(h) { return h.indexOf(root1st) !== 0? true : false ; }).length) {
						thash = fm.option('trashHash', targets[0]);
				} else {
					thash = fm.option('trashHash', targets[0]);
			return thash;
		getSize = false;
	// for to be able to overwrite
	this.confirm = confirm;
	this.toTrash = toTrash;
	this.remove = remove;

	this.syncTitleOnChange = true;
	this.updateOnSelect = false;
	this.shortcuts = [{
		pattern     : 'delete ctrl+backspace shift+delete'
	this.value = 'rm';
	this.init = function() {
		var update = function(origin) {
			var targets;
			delete self.extra;
			self.title = fm.i18n('cmd' + self.value);
			self.className = self.value;
			self.button && self.button.children('span.elfinder-button-icon')[self.value === 'trash'? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('elfinder-button-icon-trash');
			if (origin && origin !== 'cwd' && (self.state > -1 || origin === 'navbar')) {
				if (self.value === 'trash') {
					self.extra = {
						icon: 'rm',
						node: $('<span></span>')
							.attr({title: fm.i18n('cmdrm')})
							.on('ready', function(e, data) {
								targets = data.targets;
							.on('click touchstart', function(e){
								if (e.type === 'touchstart' && e.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) {
								fm.getUI().trigger('click'); // to close the context menu immediately
								fm.exec('rm', targets, {_userAction: true, forceRm : true});
		// re-assign for extended command
		self = this;
		fm = this.fm;
		// bind function of change
		self.change(function() {
		fm.bind('contextmenucreate', function(e) {
	this.getstate = function(select) {
		var sel   = this.hashes(select),
			filter = function(files) {
				var fres = true;
				return $.grep(files, function(h) {
					var f;
					fres = fres && (f = fm.file(h)) && ! f.locked && ! fm.isRoot(f)? true : false;
					return fres;
		return sel.length && filter(sel).length == sel.length ? 0 : -1;
	this.exec = function(hashes, cOpts) {
		var opts   = cOpts || {},
			dfrd   = $.Deferred()
				.always(function() {
					if (getSize && getSize.state && getSize.state() === 'pending') {
				.fail(function(error) {
					error && fm.error(error);
				}).done(function(data) {
					!opts.quiet && !data._noSound && data.removed && data.removed.length && fm.trigger('playsound', {soundFile : 'rm.wav'});
			files  = self.files(hashes),
			cnt    = files.length,
			tHash  = null,
			addTexts = opts.addTexts? opts.addTexts : null,
			forceRm = opts.forceRm,
			quiet = opts.quiet,

		if (! cnt) {
			return dfrd.reject();
		$.each(files, function(i, file) {
			if (fm.isRoot(file)) {
				return !dfrd.reject(['errRm', file.name, 'errPerm']);
			if (file.locked) {
				return !dfrd.reject(['errLocked', file.name]);

		if (dfrd.state() === 'pending') {
			targets = self.hashes(hashes);
			cnt     = files.length;
			if (forceRm || (self.event && self.event.originalEvent && self.event.originalEvent.shiftKey)) {
				tHash = '';
				self.title = fm.i18n('cmdrm');
			if (tHash === null) {
				tHash = getTHash(targets);
			fm.lockfiles({files : targets});
			if (tHash && self.options.quickTrash) {
				self.toTrash(dfrd, targets, tHash);
			} else {
				if (quiet) {
					remove(dfrd, targets, quiet);
				} else {
					self.confirm(dfrd, targets, files, tHash, addTexts);
		return dfrd;

	fm.bind('select contextmenucreate closecontextmenu', function(e) {
		var targets = (e.data? (e.data.selected || e.data.targets) : null) || fm.selected();
		if (targets && targets.length) {
			self.update(void(0), (targets? getTHash(targets) : fm.option('trashHash'))? 'trash' : 'rm');


 * File: /js/commands/search.js

 * @class  elFinder command "search"
 * Find files
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
elFinder.prototype.commands.search = function() {
	"use strict";
	this.title          = 'Find files';
	this.options        = {ui : 'searchbutton'};
	this.alwaysEnabled  = true;
	this.updateOnSelect = false;
	 * Return command status.
	 * Search does not support old api.
	 * @return Number
	this.getstate = function() {
		return 0;
	 * Send search request to backend.
	 * @param  String  search string
	 * @return $.Deferred
	this.exec = function(q, target, mime, type) {
		var fm = this.fm,
			reqDef = [],
			sType = type || '',
			onlyMimes = fm.options.onlyMimes,
			phash, targetVolids = [],
			setType = function(data) {
				if (sType && sType !== 'SearchName' && sType !== 'SearchMime') {
					data.type = sType;
				return data;
		if (typeof q == 'string' && q) {
			if (typeof target == 'object') {
				mime = target.mime || '';
				target = target.target || '';
			target = target? target : '';
			if (mime) {
				mime = $.trim(mime).replace(',', ' ').split(' ');
				if (onlyMimes.length) {
					mime = $.map(mime, function(m){ 
						m = $.trim(m);
						return m && ($.inArray(m, onlyMimes) !== -1
									|| $.grep(onlyMimes, function(om) { return m.indexOf(om) === 0? true : false; }).length
									)? m : null;
			} else {
				mime = [].concat(onlyMimes);

			fm.trigger('searchstart', setType({query : q, target : target, mimes : mime}));
			if (! onlyMimes.length || mime.length) {
				if (target === '' && fm.api >= 2.1) {
					rootCnt = Object.keys(fm.roots).length;
					$.each(fm.roots, function(id, hash) {
							data   : setType({cmd : 'search', q : q, target : hash, mimes : mime}),
							notify : {type : 'search', cnt : 1, hideCnt : (rootCnt > 1? false : true)},
							cancel : true,
							preventDone : true
				} else {
						data   : setType({cmd : 'search', q : q, target : target, mimes : mime}),
						notify : {type : 'search', cnt : 1, hideCnt : true},
						cancel : true,
						preventDone : true
					if (target !== '' && fm.api >= 2.1 && Object.keys(fm.leafRoots).length) {
						$.each(fm.leafRoots, function(hash, roots) {
							phash = hash;
							while(phash) {
								if (target === phash) {
									$.each(roots, function() {
										var f = fm.file(this);
										f && f.volumeid && targetVolids.push(f.volumeid);
											data   : setType({cmd : 'search', q : q, target : this, mimes : mime}),
											notify : {type : 'search', cnt : 1, hideCnt : false},
											cancel : true,
											preventDone : true
								phash = (fm.file(phash) || {}).phash;
			} else {
				reqDef = [$.Deferred().resolve({files: []})];
			fm.searchStatus.mixed = (reqDef.length > 1)? targetVolids : false;
			return $.when.apply($, reqDef).done(function(data) {
				var argLen = arguments.length,
				data.warning && fm.error(data.warning);
				if (argLen > 1) {
					data.files = (data.files || []);
					for(i = 1; i < argLen; i++) {
						arguments[i].warning && fm.error(arguments[i].warning);
						if (arguments[i].files) {
							data.files.push.apply(data.files, arguments[i].files);
				// because "preventDone : true" so update files cache
				data.files && data.files.length && fm.cache(data.files);
				fm.lazy(function() {
					fm.trigger('search', data);
				}).then(function() {
					// fire event with command name + 'done'
					return fm.lazy(function() {
				}).then(function() {
					// force update content
					data.sync && fm.sync();
		fm.getUI('toolbar').find('.'+fm.res('class', 'searchbtn')+' :text').trigger('focus');
		return $.Deferred().reject();


 * File: /js/commands/selectall.js

 * @class  elFinder command "selectall"
 * Select ALL of cwd items
 * @author Naoki Sawada
elFinder.prototype.commands.selectall = function() {
	"use strict";
	var self = this,
		state = 0;
	this.fm.bind('select', function(e) {
		state = (e.data && e.data.selectall)? -1 : 0;
	this.state = 0;
	this.updateOnSelect = false;
	this.getstate = function() {
		return state;
	this.exec = function() {
		$(document).trigger($.Event('keydown', { keyCode: 65, ctrlKey : true, shiftKey : false, altKey : false, metaKey : false }));
		return $.Deferred().resolve();

 * File: /js/commands/selectinvert.js

 * @class  elFinder command "selectinvert"
 * Invert Selection of cwd items
 * @author Naoki Sawada
elFinder.prototype.commands.selectinvert = function() {
	"use strict";
	this.updateOnSelect = false;
	this.getstate = function() {
		return 0;
	this.exec = function() {
		$(document).trigger($.Event('keydown', { keyCode: 73, ctrlKey : true, shiftKey : true, altKey : false, metaKey : false }));
		return $.Deferred().resolve();


 * File: /js/commands/selectnone.js

 * @class  elFinder command "selectnone"
 * Unselect ALL of cwd items
 * @author Naoki Sawada
elFinder.prototype.commands.selectnone = function() {
	"use strict";
	var self = this,
		fm = this.fm,
		state = -1;
	fm.bind('select', function(e) {
		state = (e.data && e.data.unselectall)? -1 : 0;
	this.state = -1;
	this.updateOnSelect = false;
	this.getstate = function() {
		return state;
	this.exec = function() {
		return $.Deferred().resolve();

 * File: /js/commands/sort.js

 * @class  elFinder command "sort"
 * Change sort files rule
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
elFinder.prototype.commands.sort = function() {
	"use strict";
	var self  = this,
		fm    = self.fm,
		setVar = function() {
			self.variants = [];
			$.each(fm.sortRules, function(name, value) {
				if (fm.sorters[name]) {
					var arr = (name === fm.sortType)? (fm.sortOrder === 'asc'? 'n' : 's') : '';
					self.variants.push([name, (arr? '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-1-'+arr+'"></span>' : '') + '&nbsp;' + fm.i18n('sort'+name)]);
				(fm.sortStickFolders? '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-check"></span>' : '') + '&nbsp;' + fm.i18n('sortFoldersFirst')
			if (fm.ui.tree && fm.options.sortAlsoTreeview !== null) {
					(fm.sortAlsoTreeview? '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-check"></span>' : '') + '&nbsp;' + fm.i18n('sortAlsoTreeview')
		updateContextmenu = function() {
			var cm = fm.getUI('contextmenu'),
				icon, sub;
			if (cm.is(':visible')) {
				icon = cm.find('span.elfinder-button-icon-sort');
				sub = icon.siblings('div.elfinder-contextmenu-sub');
				sub.children('div.elfinder-contextsubmenu-item').each(function() {
					var tgt = $(this).children('span'),
						name = tgt.text().trim(),
					if (name === (i18Name.stick || (i18Name.stick = fm.i18n('sortFoldersFirst')))) {
						if (fm.sortStickFolders) {
							tgt.prepend('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-check"></span>');
					} else if (name === (i18Name.tree || (i18Name.tree = fm.i18n('sortAlsoTreeview')))) {
						if (fm.sortAlsoTreeview) {
							tgt.prepend('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-check"></span>');
					} else if (name === (i18Name[fm.sortType] || (i18Name[fm.sortType] = fm.i18n('sort' + fm.sortType)))) {
						arr = fm.sortOrder === 'asc'? 'n' : 's';
						tgt.prepend('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-1-'+arr+'"></span>');
		i18Name = {};
	 * Command options
	 * @type  Object
	this.options = {ui : 'sortbutton'};
	this.keepContextmenu = true;

	fm.bind('sortchange', setVar)
	.bind('sorterupdate', function() {
		fm.getUI().children('.elfinder-button-sort-menu').children('.elfinder-button-menu-item').each(function() {
			var tgt = $(this),
				rel = tgt.attr('rel');
			tgt.toggle(!!(! rel || fm.sorters[rel]));
	.bind('cwdrender', function() {
		var cols = $(fm.cwd).find('div.elfinder-cwd-wrapper-list table');
		if (cols.length) {
			$.each(fm.sortRules, function(name, value) {
				var td = cols.find('thead tr td.elfinder-cwd-view-th-'+name);
				if (td.length) {
					var current = ( name == fm.sortType),
					sort = {
						type  : name,
						order : current ? fm.sortOrder == 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc' : fm.sortOrder
					if (current) {
						arr = fm.sortOrder == 'asc' ? 'n' : 's';
						$('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-'+arr+'"></span>').appendTo(td);
					$(td).on('click', function(e){
						if (! $(this).data('dragging')) {
							if (! fm.getUI('cwd').data('longtap')) {
								fm.exec('sort', [], sort);
					.on('mouseenter mouseleave', function(e) {
						$(this).toggleClass('ui-state-hover', e.type === 'mouseenter');
	this.getstate = function() {
		return 0;
	this.exec = function(hashes, cOpt) {
		var fm = this.fm,
			sortopt = $.isPlainObject(cOpt)? cOpt : (function() {
				cOpt += '';
				var sOpts = {};
				if (cOpt === 'stick') {
					sOpts.stick = !fm.sortStickFolders;
				} else if (cOpt === 'tree') {
					sOpts.tree = !fm.sortAlsoTreeview;
				} else if (fm.sorters[cOpt]) {
					if (fm.sortType === cOpt) {
						sOpts.order = fm.sortOrder === 'asc'? 'desc' : 'asc';
					} else {
						sOpts.type = cOpt;
				return sOpts;
			sort = Object.assign({
				type  : fm.sortType,
				order : fm.sortOrder,
				stick : fm.sortStickFolders,
				tree  : fm.sortAlsoTreeview
			}, sortopt);

		return fm.lazy(function() {
			fm.setSort(sort.type, sort.order, sort.stick, sort.tree);


 * File: /js/commands/undo.js

 * @class  elFinder command "undo"
 * Undo previous commands
 * @author Naoki Sawada
elFinder.prototype.commands.undo = function() {
	"use strict";
	var self = this,
		fm = this.fm,
		setTitle = function(undo) {
			if (undo) {
				self.title = fm.i18n('cmdundo') + ' ' + fm.i18n('cmd'+undo.cmd);
				self.state = 0;
			} else {
				self.title = fm.i18n('cmdundo');
				self.state = -1;
		cmds = [];
	this.alwaysEnabled  = true;
	this.updateOnSelect = false;
	this.shortcuts      = [{
		pattern     : 'ctrl+z'
	this.syncTitleOnChange = true;
	this.getstate = function() {
		return cmds.length? 0 : -1;
	this.setUndo = function(undo, redo) {
		var _undo = {};
		if (undo) {
			if ($.isPlainObject(undo) && undo.cmd && undo.callback) {
				Object.assign(_undo, undo);
				if (redo) {
					delete redo.undo;
					_undo.redo = redo;
				} else {
	this.exec = function() {
		var redo = fm.getCommand('redo'),
			dfd = $.Deferred(),
			undo, res, _redo = {};
		if (cmds.length) {
			undo = cmds.pop();
			if (undo.redo) {
				Object.assign(_redo, undo.redo);
				delete undo.redo;
			} else {
				_redo = null;
			dfd.done(function() {
				if (_redo) {
					redo.setRedo(_redo, undo);
			setTitle(cmds.length? cmds[cmds.length-1] : void(0));
			res = undo.callback();
			if (res && res.done) {
				res.done(function() {
				}).fail(function() {
			} else {
			if (cmds.length) {
				this.update(0, cmds[cmds.length - 1].name);
			} else {
				this.update(-1, '');
		} else {
		return dfd;
	fm.bind('exec', function(e) {
		var data = e.data || {};
		if (data.opts && data.opts._userAction) {
			if (data.dfrd && data.dfrd.done) {
				data.dfrd.done(function(res) {
					if (res && res.undo && res.redo) {
						res.undo.redo = res.redo;

 * @class  elFinder command "redo"
 * Redo previous commands
 * @author Naoki Sawada
elFinder.prototype.commands.redo = function() {
	"use strict";
	var self = this,
		fm   = this.fm,
		setTitle = function(redo) {
			if (redo && redo.callback) {
				self.title = fm.i18n('cmdredo') + ' ' + fm.i18n('cmd'+redo.cmd);
				self.state = 0;
			} else {
				self.title = fm.i18n('cmdredo');
				self.state = -1;
		cmds = [];
	this.alwaysEnabled  = true;
	this.updateOnSelect = false;
	this.shortcuts      = [{
		pattern     : 'shift+ctrl+z ctrl+y'
	this.syncTitleOnChange = true;
	this.getstate = function() {
		return cmds.length? 0 : -1;
	this.setRedo = function(redo, undo) {
		if (redo === null) {
			cmds = [];
		} else {
			if (redo && redo.cmd && redo.callback) {
				if (undo) {
					redo.undo = undo;
	this.exec = function() {
		var undo = fm.getCommand('undo'),
			dfd = $.Deferred(),
			redo, res, _undo = {}, _redo = {};
		if (cmds.length) {
			redo = cmds.pop();
			if (redo.undo) {
				Object.assign(_undo, redo.undo);
				Object.assign(_redo, redo);
				delete _redo.undo;
				dfd.done(function() {
					undo.setUndo(_undo, _redo);
			setTitle(cmds.length? cmds[cmds.length-1] : void(0));
			res = redo.callback();
			if (res && res.done) {
				res.done(function() {
				}).fail(function() {
			} else {
			return dfd;
		} else {
			return dfd.reject();

 * File: /js/commands/up.js

 * @class  elFinder command "up"
 * Go into parent directory
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
(elFinder.prototype.commands.up = function() {
	"use strict";
	this.alwaysEnabled = true;
	this.updateOnSelect = false;
	this.shortcuts = [{
		pattern     : 'ctrl+up'
	this.getstate = function() {
		return this.fm.cwd().phash ? 0 : -1;
	this.exec = function() {
		var fm = this.fm,
			cwdhash = fm.cwd().hash;
		return this.fm.cwd().phash ? this.fm.exec('open', this.fm.cwd().phash).done(function() {
			fm.one('opendone', function() {
				fm.selectfiles({files : [cwdhash]});
		}) : $.Deferred().reject();

}).prototype = { forceLoad : true }; // this is required command

 * File: /js/commands/upload.js

 * @class elFinder command "upload"
 * Upload files using iframe or XMLHttpRequest & FormData.
 * Dialog allow to send files using drag and drop
 * @type  elFinder.command
 * @author  Dmitry (dio) Levashov
elFinder.prototype.commands.upload = function() {
	"use strict";
	var hover = this.fm.res('class', 'hover');
	this.disableOnSearch = true;
	this.updateOnSelect  = false;
	// Shortcut opens dialog
	this.shortcuts = [{
		pattern     : 'ctrl+u'
	 * Return command state
	 * @return Number
	this.getstate = function(select) {
		var fm = this.fm, f,
		sel = (select || [fm.cwd().hash]);
		if (!this._disabled && sel.length == 1) {
			f = fm.file(sel[0]);
		return (f && f.mime == 'directory' && f.write)? 0 : -1;
	this.exec = function(data) {
		var fm = this.fm,
			cwdHash = fm.cwd().hash,
			getTargets = function() {
				var tgts = data && (data instanceof Array)? data : null,
				if (! data || data instanceof Array) {
					if (! tgts && (sel = fm.selected()).length === 1 && fm.file(sel[0]).mime === 'directory') {
						tgts = sel;
					} else if (!tgts || tgts.length !== 1 || fm.file(tgts[0]).mime !== 'directory') {
						tgts = [ cwdHash ];
				return tgts;
			targets = getTargets(),
			check = targets? targets[0] : (data && data.target? data.target : null),
			targetDir = check? fm.file(check) : fm.cwd(),
			fmUpload = function(data) {
					.fail(function(error) {
					.done(function(data) {
						var cwd = fm.getUI('cwd'),
						if (data && data.added && data.added[0] && ! fm.ui.notify.children('.elfinder-notify-upload').length) {
							var newItem = fm.findCwdNodes(data.added);
							if (newItem.length) {
							} else {
								if (targetDir.hash !== cwdHash) {
									node = $('<div></div>').append(
										$('<button type="button" class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all elfinder-tabstop"><span class="ui-button-text">'+fm.i18n('cmdopendir')+'</span></button>')
										.on('mouseenter mouseleave', function(e) { 
											$(this).toggleClass('ui-state-hover', e.type == 'mouseenter');
										}).on('click', function() {
											fm.exec('open', check).done(function() {
												fm.one('opendone', function() {
													fm.trigger('selectfiles', {files : $.map(data.added, function(f) {return f.hash;})});
								} else {
									fm.trigger('selectfiles', {files : $.map(data.added, function(f) {return f.hash;})});
								fm.toast({msg: fm.i18n(['complete', fm.i18n('cmdupload')]), extNode: node});
					.progress(function() {
						dfrd.notifyWith(this, Array.from(arguments));
			upload = function(data) {
				if (targets) {
					data.target = targets[0];
			getSelector = function() {
				var hash = targetDir.hash,
					dirs = $.map(fm.files(hash), function(f) {
						return (f.mime === 'directory' && f.write)? f : null; 
				if (! dirs.length) {
					return $();
				return $('<div class="elfinder-upload-dirselect elfinder-tabstop" title="' + fm.i18n('folders') + '"></div>')
				.on('click', function(e) {
					dirs = fm.sortFiles(dirs);
					var $this  = $(this),
						cwd    = fm.cwd(),
						base   = dialog.closest('div.ui-dialog'),
						getRaw = function(f, icon) {
							return {
								label    : fm.escape(f.i18 || f.name),
								icon     : icon,
								remain   : false,
								callback : function() {
									var title = base.children('.ui-dialog-titlebar:first').find('span.elfinder-upload-target');
									targets = [ f.hash ];
									title.html(' - ' + fm.escape(f.i18 || f.name));
								options  : {
									className : (targets && targets.length && f.hash === targets[0])? 'ui-state-active' : '',
									iconClass : f.csscls || '',
									iconImg   : f.icon   || ''
						raw = [ getRaw(targetDir, 'opendir'), '|' ];
					$.each(dirs, function(i, f) {
						raw.push(getRaw(f, 'dir'));
					fm.trigger('contextmenu', {
						raw: raw,
						x: e.pageX || $(this).offset().left,
						y: e.pageY || $(this).offset().top,
						prevNode: base,
						fitHeight: true
				}).append('<span class="elfinder-button-icon elfinder-button-icon-dir" ></span>');
			inputButton = function(type, caption) {
				var button,
					input = $('<input type="file" ' + type + '/>')
					.on('click', function() {
						// for IE's bug
						if (fm.UA.IE) {
							setTimeout(function() {
								form.css('display', 'none').css('position', 'relative');
								requestAnimationFrame(function() {
									form.css('display', '').css('position', '');
							}, 100);
					.on('change', function() {
						upload({input : input.get(0), type : 'files'});
					.on('dragover', function(e) {
						e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy';
					form = $('<form></form>').append(input).on('click', function(e) {

				return $('<div class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only elfinder-tabstop elfinder-focus"><span class="ui-button-text">'+fm.i18n(caption)+'</span></div>')
					.on('click', function(e) {
					.on('mouseenter mouseleave', function(e) {
						$(this).toggleClass(hover, e.type === 'mouseenter');
			dfrd = $.Deferred(),
			dialog, dropbox, pastebox, dropUpload, paste, dirs, spinner, uidialog;
		dropUpload = function(e) {
			var file = false,
				type = '',
				elfFrom = null,
				mycwd = '',
				data = null,
				target = e._target || null,
				trf = e.dataTransfer || null,
				kind = '',
			if (trf) {
				if (trf.types && trf.types.length && $.inArray('Files', trf.types) !== -1) {
				    kind = 'file';
				else if (trf.items && trf.items.length && trf.items[0].kind) {
				    kind = trf.items[0].kind;

				try {
					elfFrom = trf.getData('elfinderfrom');
					if (elfFrom) {
						mycwd = window.location.href + fm.cwd().hash;
						if ((!target && elfFrom === mycwd) || target === mycwd) {
				} catch(e) {}
				if (kind === 'file' && (trf.items[0].getAsEntry || trf.items[0].webkitGetAsEntry)) {
					file = trf;
					type = 'data';
				} else if (kind !== 'string' && trf.files && trf.files.length && $.inArray('Text', trf.types) === -1) {
					file = trf.files;
					type = 'files';
				} else {
					try {
						if ((data = trf.getData('text/html')) && data.match(/<(?:img|a)/i)) {
							file = [ data ];
							type = 'html';
					} catch(e) {}
					if (! file) {
						if (data = trf.getData('text')) {
							file = [ data ];
							type = 'text';
						} else if (trf && trf.files) {
							// maybe folder uploading but this UA dose not support it
							kind = 'file';
			if (file) {
				fmUpload({files : file, type : type, target : target, dropEvt : e});
			} else {
				errors = ['errUploadNoFiles'];
				if (kind === 'file') {
		if (!targets && data) {
			if (data.input || data.files) {
				data.type = 'files';
			} else if (data.dropEvt) {
			return dfrd;
		paste = function(ev) {
			var e = ev.originalEvent || ev;
			var files = [], items = [];
			var file;
			if (e.clipboardData) {
				if (e.clipboardData.items && e.clipboardData.items.length){
					items = e.clipboardData.items;
					for (var i=0; i < items.length; i++) {
						if (e.clipboardData.items[i].kind == 'file') {
							file = e.clipboardData.items[i].getAsFile();
				} else if (e.clipboardData.files && e.clipboardData.files.length) {
					files = e.clipboardData.files;
				if (files.length) {
					upload({files : files, type : 'files', clipdata : true});
			var my = e.target || e.srcElement;
			requestAnimationFrame(function() {
				var type = 'text',
				if (my.innerHTML) {
					$(my).find('img').each(function(i, v){
						if (v.src.match(/^webkit-fake-url:\/\//)) {
							// For Safari's bug.
							// ref. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=49141
							//      https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/13029
					if ($(my).find('a,img').length) {
						type = 'html';
					src = my.innerHTML;
					my.innerHTML = '';
					upload({files : [ src ], type : type});
		dialog = $('<div class="elfinder-upload-dialog-wrapper"></div>')
			.append(inputButton('multiple', 'selectForUpload'));
		if (! fm.UA.Mobile && (function(input) {
			return (typeof input.webkitdirectory !== 'undefined' || typeof input.directory !== 'undefined');})(document.createElement('input'))) {
			dialog.append(inputButton('multiple webkitdirectory directory', 'selectFolder'));
		if (targetDir.dirs) {
			if (targetDir.hash === cwdHash || fm.navHash2Elm(targetDir.hash).hasClass('elfinder-subtree-loaded')) {
			} else {
				spinner = $('<div class="elfinder-upload-dirselect" title="' + fm.i18n('nowLoading') + '"></div>')
					.append('<span class="elfinder-button-icon elfinder-button-icon-spinner" ></span>')
				fm.request({cmd : 'tree', target : targetDir.hash})
					.done(function() { 
						fm.one('treedone', function() {
					.fail(function() {
		if (fm.dragUpload) {
			dropbox = $('<div class="ui-corner-all elfinder-upload-dropbox elfinder-tabstop" contenteditable="true" data-ph="'+fm.i18n('dropPasteFiles')+'"></div>')
				.on('paste', function(e){
				.on('mousedown click', function(){
				.on('focus', function(){
					this.innerHTML = '';
				.on('mouseover', function(){
				.on('mouseout', function(){
				.on('dragenter', function(e) {
				.on('dragleave', function(e) {
				.on('dragover', function(e) {
					e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy';
				.on('drop', function(e) {
					targets && (e.originalEvent._target = targets[0]);
				.after('<div class="elfinder-upload-dialog-or">'+fm.i18n('or')+'</div>')[0];
		} else {
			pastebox = $('<div class="ui-corner-all elfinder-upload-dropbox" contenteditable="true">'+fm.i18n('dropFilesBrowser')+'</div>')
				.on('paste drop', function(e){
				.on('mousedown click', function(){
				.on('focus', function(){
					this.innerHTML = '';
				.on('dragenter mouseover', function(){
				.on('dragleave mouseout', function(){
				.after('<div class="elfinder-upload-dialog-or">'+fm.i18n('or')+'</div>')[0];
		uidialog = this.fmDialog(dialog, {
			title          : this.title + '<span class="elfinder-upload-target">' + (targetDir? ' - ' + fm.escape(targetDir.i18 || targetDir.name) : '') + '</span>',
			modal          : true,
			resizable      : false,
			destroyOnClose : true,
			propagationEvents : ['mousemove', 'mouseup', 'click'],
			close          : function() {
				var cm = fm.getUI('contextmenu');
				if (cm.is(':visible')) {
		return dfrd;


 * File: /js/commands/view.js

 * @class  elFinder command "view"
 * Change current directory view (icons/list)
 * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
elFinder.prototype.commands.view = function() {
	"use strict";
	var self = this,
		fm = this.fm,
	this.value          = fm.viewType;
	this.alwaysEnabled  = true;
	this.updateOnSelect = false;

	this.options = { ui : 'viewbutton'};
	this.getstate = function() {
		return 0;
	this.extra = {
		icon: 'menu',
		node: $('<span></span>')
			.attr({title: fm.i18n('viewtype')})
			.on('click touchstart', function(e){
				if (e.type === 'touchstart' && e.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) {
				var node = $(this);
				fm.trigger('contextmenu', {
					raw: getSubMenuRaw(),
					x: node.offset().left,
					y: node.offset().top

	this.exec = function() {
		var self  = this,
			value = this.value == 'list' ? 'icons' : 'list';
		fm.storage('view', value);
		return fm.lazy(function() {
			self.update(void(0), value);

	fm.bind('init', function() {
		subMenuRaw = (function() {
			var cwd = fm.getUI('cwd'),
				raws = [],
				sizeNames = fm.options.uiOptions.cwd.iconsView.sizeNames,
				max = fm.options.uiOptions.cwd.iconsView.sizeMax,
				i, size;
			for (i = 0; i <= max; i++) {
						label    : fm.i18n(sizeNames[i] || ('Size-' + i + ' icons')),
						icon     : 'view',
						callback : (function(s) {
							return function() {
								cwd.trigger('iconpref', {size: s});
								fm.storage('iconsize', s);
								if (self.value === 'list') {
					label    : fm.i18n('viewlist'),
					icon     : 'view-list',
					callback : function() {
						if (self.value !== 'list') {
			return raws;
	}).bind('contextmenucreate', function() {
		self.extra = {
			icon: 'menu',
			node: $('<span></span>')
				.attr({title: fm.i18n('cmdview')})
				.on('click touchstart', function(e){
					if (e.type === 'touchstart' && e.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) {
					var node = $(this),
						raw = subMenuRaw.concat(),
						idx, i;
					if (self.value === 'list') {
						idx = subMenuRaw.length - 1;
					} else {
						idx = parseInt(fm.storage('iconsize') || 0);
					for (i = 0; i < subMenuRaw.length; i++) {
						if (subMenuRaw[i] !== '|') {
							subMenuRaw[i].options = (i === idx? {'className': 'ui-state-active'} : void(0))
					fm.trigger('contextmenu', {
						raw: subMenuRaw,
						x: node.offset().left,
						y: node.offset().top


return elFinder;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
extras Folder 0755
i18n Folder 0755
proxy Folder 0755
worker Folder 0755
elfinder.full.js File 1.01 MB 0644
elfinder.min.js File 532 KB 0644