[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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 * elFinder - file manager for web.
 * Core class.
 * @package elfinder
 * @author  Dmitry (dio) Levashov
 * @author  Troex Nevelin
 * @author  Alexey Sukhotin
class elFinder

     * API version number
     * @var float
    protected static $ApiVersion = 2.1;

     * API version number
     * @deprecated
     * @var string
    protected $version;

     * API revision that this connector supports all functions
     * @var integer
    protected static $ApiRevision = 61;

     * Storages (root dirs)
     * @var array
    protected $volumes = array();

     * elFinder instance
     * @var object
    public static $instance = null;

     * Current request args
     * @var array
    public static $currentArgs = array();

     * Network mount drivers
     * @var array
    public static $netDrivers = array();

     * elFinder global locale
     * @var string
    public static $locale = '';

     * elFinderVolumeDriver default mime.type file path
     * @var string
    public static $defaultMimefile = '';

     * A file save destination path when a temporary content URL is required
     * on a network volume or the like
     * It can be overwritten by volume route setting
     * @var string
    public static $tmpLinkPath = '';

     * A file save destination URL when a temporary content URL is required
     * on a network volume or the like
     * It can be overwritten by volume route setting
     * @var string
    public static $tmpLinkUrl = '';

     * Temporary content URL lifetime (seconds)
     * @var integer
    public static $tmpLinkLifeTime = 3600;

     * MIME type list handled as a text file
     * @var array
    public static $textMimes = array(

     * Maximum memory size to be extended during GD processing
     * (0: not expanded, -1: unlimited or memory size notation)
     * @var integer|string
    public static $memoryLimitGD = 0;

     * Path of current request flag file for abort check
     * @var string
    protected static $abortCheckFile = null;

     * elFinder session wrapper object
     * @var elFinderSessionInterface
    protected $session;

     * elFinder global sessionCacheKey
     * @deprecated
     * @var string
    public static $sessionCacheKey = '';

     * Is session closed
     * @deprecated
     * @var bool
    private static $sessionClosed = false;

     * elFinder base64encodeSessionData
     * elFinder save session data as `UTF-8`
     * If the session storage mechanism of the system does not allow `UTF-8`
     * And it must be `true` option 'base64encodeSessionData' of elFinder
     * WARNING: When enabling this option, if saving the data passed from the user directly to the session variable,
     * it make vulnerable to the object injection attack, so use it carefully.
     * see https://github.com/Studio-42/elFinder/issues/2345
     * @var bool
    protected static $base64encodeSessionData = false;

     * elFinder common tempraly path
     * @var string
     * @default "./.tmp" or sys_get_temp_dir()
    protected static $commonTempPath = '';

     * Callable function for URL upload filter
     * The first argument is a URL and the second argument is an instance of the elFinder class
     * A filter should be return true (to allow) / false (to disallow)
     * @var callable
     * @default null
    protected $urlUploadFilter = null;

     * Connection flag files path that connection check of current request
     * @var string
     * @default value of $commonTempPath
    protected static $connectionFlagsPath = '';

     * Additional volume root options for network mounting volume
     * @var array
    protected $optionsNetVolumes = array();

     * Session key of net mount volumes
     * @deprecated
     * @var string
    protected $netVolumesSessionKey = '';

     * Mounted volumes count
     * Required to create unique volume id
     * @var int
    public static $volumesCnt = 1;

     * Default root (storage)
     * @var elFinderVolumeDriver
    protected $default = null;

     * Commands and required arguments list
     * @var array
    protected $commands = array(
        'abort' => array('id' => true),
        'archive' => array('targets' => true, 'type' => true, 'mimes' => false, 'name' => false),
        'callback' => array('node' => true, 'json' => false, 'bind' => false, 'done' => false),
        'chmod' => array('targets' => true, 'mode' => true),
        'dim' => array('target' => true, 'substitute' => false),
        'duplicate' => array('targets' => true, 'suffix' => false),
        'editor' => array('name' => true, 'method' => true, 'args' => false),
        'extract' => array('target' => true, 'mimes' => false, 'makedir' => false),
        'file' => array('target' => true, 'download' => false, 'cpath' => false, 'onetime' => false),
        'get' => array('target' => true, 'conv' => false),
        'info' => array('targets' => true, 'compare' => false),
        'ls' => array('target' => true, 'mimes' => false, 'intersect' => false),
        'mkdir' => array('target' => true, 'name' => false, 'dirs' => false),
        'mkfile' => array('target' => true, 'name' => true, 'mimes' => false),
        'netmount' => array('protocol' => true, 'host' => true, 'path' => false, 'port' => false, 'user' => false, 'pass' => false, 'alias' => false, 'options' => false),
        'open' => array('target' => false, 'tree' => false, 'init' => false, 'mimes' => false, 'compare' => false),
        'parents' => array('target' => true, 'until' => false),
        'paste' => array('dst' => true, 'targets' => true, 'cut' => false, 'mimes' => false, 'renames' => false, 'hashes' => false, 'suffix' => false),
        'put' => array('target' => true, 'content' => '', 'mimes' => false, 'encoding' => false),
        'rename' => array('target' => true, 'name' => true, 'mimes' => false, 'targets' => false, 'q' => false),
        'resize' => array('target' => true, 'width' => false, 'height' => false, 'mode' => false, 'x' => false, 'y' => false, 'degree' => false, 'quality' => false, 'bg' => false),
        'rm' => array('targets' => true),
        'search' => array('q' => true, 'mimes' => false, 'target' => false, 'type' => false),
        'size' => array('targets' => true),
        'subdirs' => array('targets' => true),
        'tmb' => array('targets' => true),
        'tree' => array('target' => true),
        'upload' => array('target' => true, 'FILES' => true, 'mimes' => false, 'html' => false, 'upload' => false, 'name' => false, 'upload_path' => false, 'chunk' => false, 'cid' => false, 'node' => false, 'renames' => false, 'hashes' => false, 'suffix' => false, 'mtime' => false, 'overwrite' => false, 'contentSaveId' => false),
        'url' => array('target' => true, 'options' => false),
        'zipdl' => array('targets' => true, 'download' => false)

     * Plugins instance
     * @var array
    protected $plugins = array();

     * Commands listeners
     * @var array
    protected $listeners = array();

     * script work time for debug
     * @var string
    protected $time = 0;
     * Is elFinder init correctly?
     * @var bool
    protected $loaded = false;
     * Send debug to client?
     * @var string
    protected $debug = false;

     * Call `session_write_close()` before exec command?
     * @var bool
    protected $sessionCloseEarlier = true;

     * SESSION use commands @see __construct()
     * @var array
    protected $sessionUseCmds = array();

     * session expires timeout
     * @var int
    protected $timeout = 0;

     * Temp dir path for Upload
     * @var string
    protected $uploadTempPath = '';

     * Max allowed archive files size (0 - no limit)
     * @var integer
    protected $maxArcFilesSize = 0;

     * undocumented class variable
     * @var string
    protected $uploadDebug = '';

     * Max allowed numbar of targets (0 - no limit)
     * @var integer
    public $maxTargets = 1000;

     * Errors from PHP
     * @var array
    public static $phpErrors = array();

     * Errors from not mounted volumes
     * @var array
    public $mountErrors = array();

     * Archivers cache
     * @var array
    public static $archivers = array();

     * URL for callback output window for CORS
     * redirect to this URL when callback output
     * @var string URL
    protected $callbackWindowURL = '';

     * hash of items to unlock on command completion
     * @var array hashes
    protected $autoUnlocks = array();

     * Item locking expiration (seconds)
     * Default: 3600 secs
     * @var integer
    protected $itemLockExpire = 3600;

     * Additional request querys
     * @var array|null
    protected $customData = null;

     * Ids to remove of session var "urlContentSaveIds" for contents uploading by URL
     * @var array
    protected $removeContentSaveIds = array();

     * LAN class allowed when uploading via URL
     * Array keys are 'local', 'private_a', 'private_b', 'private_c' and 'link'
     * local:
     * private_a:
     * private_b:
     * private_c:
     * link:
     * @var        array
    protected $uploadAllowedLanIpClasses = array();

     * Flag of throw Error on exec()
     * @var boolean
    protected $throwErrorOnExec = false;

     * Default params of toastParams
     * @var        array
    protected $toastParamsDefault = array(
        'mode'   => 'warning',
        'prefix' => ''

     * Toast params of runtime notification
     * @var        array
    private $toastParams = array();

     * Toast messages of runtime notification
     * @var        array
    private $toastMessages = array();

     * Optional UTF-8 encoder
     * @var        callable || null
    private $utf8Encoder = null;

     * Seekable URL file pointer ids -  for getStreamByUrl()
     * @var        array
    private static $seekableUrlFps = array();

    // Errors messages
    const ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 'errAccess';
    const ERROR_ARC_MAXSIZE = 'errArcMaxSize';
    const ERROR_ARC_SYMLINKS = 'errArcSymlinks';
    const ERROR_ARCHIVE = 'errArchive';
    const ERROR_ARCHIVE_EXEC = 'errArchiveExec';
    const ERROR_ARCHIVE_TYPE = 'errArcType';
    const ERROR_CONF = 'errConf';
    const ERROR_CONF_NO_JSON = 'errJSON';
    const ERROR_CONF_NO_VOL = 'errNoVolumes';
    const ERROR_CONV_UTF8 = 'errConvUTF8';
    const ERROR_COPY = 'errCopy';
    const ERROR_COPY_FROM = 'errCopyFrom';
    const ERROR_COPY_ITSELF = 'errCopyInItself';
    const ERROR_COPY_TO = 'errCopyTo';
    const ERROR_CREATING_TEMP_DIR = 'errCreatingTempDir';
    const ERROR_DIR_NOT_FOUND = 'errFolderNotFound';
    const ERROR_EXISTS = 'errExists';        // 'File named "$1" already exists.'
    const ERROR_EXTRACT = 'errExtract';
    const ERROR_EXTRACT_EXEC = 'errExtractExec';
    const ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 'errFileNotFound';     // 'File not found.'
    const ERROR_FTP_DOWNLOAD_FILE = 'errFtpDownloadFile';
    const ERROR_FTP_MKDIR = 'errFtpMkdir';
    const ERROR_FTP_UPLOAD_FILE = 'errFtpUploadFile';
    const ERROR_INV_PARAMS = 'errCmdParams';
    const ERROR_INVALID_DIRNAME = 'errInvDirname';    // 'Invalid folder name.'
    const ERROR_INVALID_NAME = 'errInvName';       // 'Invalid file name.'
    const ERROR_LOCKED = 'errLocked';        // '"$1" is locked and can not be renamed, moved or removed.'
    const ERROR_MAX_TARGTES = 'errMaxTargets'; // 'Max number of selectable items is $1.'
    const ERROR_MKDIR = 'errMkdir';
    const ERROR_MKFILE = 'errMkfile';
    const ERROR_MKOUTLINK = 'errMkOutLink';        // 'Unable to create a link to outside the volume root.'
    const ERROR_MOVE = 'errMove';
    const ERROR_NETMOUNT = 'errNetMount';
    const ERROR_NETMOUNT_FAILED = 'errNetMountFailed';
    const ERROR_NETMOUNT_NO_DRIVER = 'errNetMountNoDriver';
    const ERROR_NETUNMOUNT = 'errNetUnMount';
    const ERROR_NOT_ARCHIVE = 'errNoArchive';
    const ERROR_NOT_DIR = 'errNotFolder';
    const ERROR_NOT_FILE = 'errNotFile';
    const ERROR_NOT_REPLACE = 'errNotReplace';       // Object "$1" already exists at this location and can not be replaced with object of another type.
    const ERROR_NOT_UTF8_CONTENT = 'errNotUTF8Content';
    const ERROR_OPEN = 'errOpen';
    const ERROR_PERM_DENIED = 'errPerm';
    const ERROR_REAUTH_REQUIRE = 'errReauthRequire';  // 'Re-authorization is required.'
    const ERROR_RENAME = 'errRename';
    const ERROR_REPLACE = 'errReplace';          // 'Unable to replace "$1".'
    const ERROR_RESIZE = 'errResize';
    const ERROR_RESIZESIZE = 'errResizeSize';
    const ERROR_RM = 'errRm';               // 'Unable to remove "$1".'
    const ERROR_RM_SRC = 'errRmSrc';            // 'Unable remove source file(s)'
    const ERROR_SAVE = 'errSave';
    const ERROR_SEARCH_TIMEOUT = 'errSearchTimeout';    // 'Timed out while searching "$1". Search result is partial.'
    const ERROR_SESSION_EXPIRES = 'errSessionExpires';
    const ERROR_TRGDIR_NOT_FOUND = 'errTrgFolderNotFound'; // 'Target folder "$1" not found.'
    const ERROR_UNKNOWN = 'errUnknown';
    const ERROR_UNKNOWN_CMD = 'errUnknownCmd';
    const ERROR_UNSUPPORT_TYPE = 'errUsupportType';
    const ERROR_UPLOAD = 'errUpload';           // 'Upload error.'
    const ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE = 'errUploadFile';       // 'Unable to upload "$1".'
    const ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE_MIME = 'errUploadMime';       // 'File type not allowed.'
    const ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE = 'errUploadFileSize';   // 'File exceeds maximum allowed size.'
    const ERROR_UPLOAD_NO_FILES = 'errUploadNoFiles';    // 'No files found for upload.'
    const ERROR_UPLOAD_TEMP = 'errUploadTemp';       // 'Unable to make temporary file for upload.'
    const ERROR_UPLOAD_TOTAL_SIZE = 'errUploadTotalSize';  // 'Data exceeds the maximum allowed size.'
    const ERROR_UPLOAD_TRANSFER = 'errUploadTransfer';   // '"$1" transfer error.'
    const ERROR_MAX_MKDIRS = 'errMaxMkdirs'; // 'You can create up to $1 folders at one time.'

     * Constructor
     * @param  array  elFinder and roots configurations
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    public function __construct($opts)
        // set default_charset
        if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.6', '>=')) {
            if (($_val = ini_get('iconv.internal_encoding')) && strtoupper($_val) !== 'UTF-8') {
                ini_set('iconv.internal_encoding', '');
            if (($_val = ini_get('mbstring.internal_encoding')) && strtoupper($_val) !== 'UTF-8') {
                ini_set('mbstring.internal_encoding', '');
            if (($_val = ini_get('internal_encoding')) && strtoupper($_val) !== 'UTF-8') {
                ini_set('internal_encoding', '');
        } else {
            if (function_exists('iconv_set_encoding') && strtoupper(iconv_get_encoding('internal_encoding')) !== 'UTF-8') {
                iconv_set_encoding('internal_encoding', 'UTF-8');
            if (function_exists('mb_internal_encoding') && strtoupper(mb_internal_encoding()) !== 'UTF-8') {
        ini_set('default_charset', 'UTF-8');

        // define accept constant of server commands path
        !defined('ELFINDER_TAR_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_TAR_PATH', 'tar');
        !defined('ELFINDER_GZIP_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_GZIP_PATH', 'gzip');
        !defined('ELFINDER_BZIP2_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_BZIP2_PATH', 'bzip2');
        !defined('ELFINDER_XZ_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_XZ_PATH', 'xz');
        !defined('ELFINDER_ZIP_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_ZIP_PATH', 'zip');
        !defined('ELFINDER_UNZIP_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_UNZIP_PATH', 'unzip');
        !defined('ELFINDER_RAR_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_RAR_PATH', 'rar');
        // Create archive in RAR4 format even when using RAR5 library (true or false)
        !defined('ELFINDER_RAR_MA4') && define('ELFINDER_RAR_MA4', false);
        !defined('ELFINDER_UNRAR_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_UNRAR_PATH', 'unrar');
        !defined('ELFINDER_7Z_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_7Z_PATH', (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) === 'WIN') ? '7z' : '7za');
        !defined('ELFINDER_CONVERT_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_CONVERT_PATH', 'convert');
        !defined('ELFINDER_IDENTIFY_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_IDENTIFY_PATH', 'identify');
        !defined('ELFINDER_EXIFTRAN_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_EXIFTRAN_PATH', 'exiftran');
        !defined('ELFINDER_JPEGTRAN_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_JPEGTRAN_PATH', 'jpegtran');
        !defined('ELFINDER_FFMPEG_PATH') && define('ELFINDER_FFMPEG_PATH', 'ffmpeg');


        // enable(true)/disable(false) handling postscript on ImageMagick
        // Should be `false` as long as there is a Ghostscript vulnerability
        // see https://artifex.com/news/ghostscript-security-resolved/
        !defined('ELFINDER_IMAGEMAGICK_PS') && define('ELFINDER_IMAGEMAGICK_PS', false);

        // for backward compat
        $this->version = (string)self::$ApiVersion;

        // set error handler of WARNING, NOTICE
        if (defined('E_DEPRECATED')) {
            $errLevel |= E_DEPRECATED | E_USER_DEPRECATED;
        set_error_handler('elFinder::phpErrorHandler', $errLevel);

        // Associative array of file pointers to close at the end of script: ['temp file pointer' => true]
        $GLOBALS['elFinderTempFps'] = array();
        // Associative array of files to delete at the end of script: ['temp file path' => true]
        $GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles'] = array();
        // regist Shutdown function
        register_shutdown_function(array('elFinder', 'onShutdown'));

        // convert PATH_INFO to GET query
        if (!empty($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) {
            $_ps = explode('/', trim($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], '/'));
            if (!isset($_GET['cmd'])) {
                $_cmd = $_ps[0];
                if (isset($this->commands[$_cmd])) {
                    $_GET['cmd'] = $_cmd;
                    $_i = 1;
                    foreach (array_keys($this->commands[$_cmd]) as $_k) {
                        if (isset($_ps[$_i])) {
                            if (!isset($_GET[$_k])) {
                                $_GET[$_k] = $_ps[$_i++];
                        } else {

        // set elFinder instance
        elFinder::$instance = $this;

        // setup debug mode
        $this->debug = (isset($opts['debug']) && $opts['debug'] ? true : false);
        if ($this->debug) {
            error_reporting(defined('ELFINDER_DEBUG_ERRORLEVEL') ? ELFINDER_DEBUG_ERRORLEVEL : -1);
            ini_set('display_errors', '1');
            // clear output buffer and stop output filters
            while (ob_get_level() && ob_end_clean()) {

        if (!interface_exists('elFinderSessionInterface')) {
            include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/elFinderSessionInterface.php';

        // session handler
        if (!empty($opts['session']) && $opts['session'] instanceof elFinderSessionInterface) {
            $this->session = $opts['session'];
        } else {
            $sessionOpts = array(
                'base64encode' => !empty($opts['base64encodeSessionData']),
                'keys' => array(
                    'default' => !empty($opts['sessionCacheKey']) ? $opts['sessionCacheKey'] : 'elFinderCaches',
                    'netvolume' => !empty($opts['netVolumesSessionKey']) ? $opts['netVolumesSessionKey'] : 'elFinderNetVolumes'
            if (!class_exists('elFinderSession')) {
                include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/elFinderSession.php';
            $this->session = new elFinderSession($sessionOpts);
        // try session start | restart

        // 'netmount' added to handle requests synchronously on unmount
        $sessionUseCmds = array('netmount');
        if (isset($opts['sessionUseCmds']) && is_array($opts['sessionUseCmds'])) {
            $sessionUseCmds = array_merge($sessionUseCmds, $opts['sessionUseCmds']);

        // set self::$volumesCnt by HTTP header "X-elFinder-VolumesCntStart"
        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_ELFINDER_VOLUMESCNTSTART']) && ($volumesCntStart = intval($_SERVER['HTTP_X_ELFINDER_VOLUMESCNTSTART']))) {
            self::$volumesCnt = $volumesCntStart;

        $this->time = $this->utime();
        $this->sessionCloseEarlier = isset($opts['sessionCloseEarlier']) ? (bool)$opts['sessionCloseEarlier'] : true;
        $this->sessionUseCmds = array_flip($sessionUseCmds);
        $this->timeout = (isset($opts['timeout']) ? $opts['timeout'] : 0);
        $this->uploadTempPath = (isset($opts['uploadTempPath']) ? $opts['uploadTempPath'] : '');
        $this->callbackWindowURL = (isset($opts['callbackWindowURL']) ? $opts['callbackWindowURL'] : '');
        $this->maxTargets = (isset($opts['maxTargets']) ? intval($opts['maxTargets']) : $this->maxTargets);
        elFinder::$commonTempPath = (isset($opts['commonTempPath']) ? realpath($opts['commonTempPath']) : dirname(__FILE__) . '/.tmp');
        if (!is_writable(elFinder::$commonTempPath)) {
            elFinder::$commonTempPath = sys_get_temp_dir();
            if (!is_writable(elFinder::$commonTempPath)) {
                elFinder::$commonTempPath = '';
        if (isset($opts['connectionFlagsPath']) && is_writable($opts['connectionFlagsPath'] = realpath($opts['connectionFlagsPath']))) {
            elFinder::$connectionFlagsPath = $opts['connectionFlagsPath'];
        } else {
            elFinder::$connectionFlagsPath = elFinder::$commonTempPath;

        if (!empty($opts['tmpLinkPath'])) {
            elFinder::$tmpLinkPath = realpath($opts['tmpLinkPath']);
        if (!empty($opts['tmpLinkUrl'])) {
            elFinder::$tmpLinkUrl = $opts['tmpLinkUrl'];
        if (!empty($opts['tmpLinkLifeTime'])) {
            elFinder::$tmpLinkLifeTime = $opts['tmpLinkLifeTime'];
        if (!empty($opts['textMimes']) && is_array($opts['textMimes'])) {
            elfinder::$textMimes = $opts['textMimes'];
        if (!empty($opts['urlUploadFilter'])) {
            $this->urlUploadFilter = $opts['urlUploadFilter'];
        $this->maxArcFilesSize = isset($opts['maxArcFilesSize']) ? intval($opts['maxArcFilesSize']) : 0;
        $this->optionsNetVolumes = (isset($opts['optionsNetVolumes']) && is_array($opts['optionsNetVolumes'])) ? $opts['optionsNetVolumes'] : array();
        if (isset($opts['itemLockExpire'])) {
            $this->itemLockExpire = intval($opts['itemLockExpire']);

        if (!empty($opts['uploadAllowedLanIpClasses'])) {
            $this->uploadAllowedLanIpClasses = array_flip($opts['uploadAllowedLanIpClasses']);

        // deprecated settings
        $this->netVolumesSessionKey = !empty($opts['netVolumesSessionKey']) ? $opts['netVolumesSessionKey'] : 'elFinderNetVolumes';
        self::$sessionCacheKey = !empty($opts['sessionCacheKey']) ? $opts['sessionCacheKey'] : 'elFinderCaches';

        // check session cache
        $_optsMD5 = md5(json_encode($opts['roots']));
        if ($this->session->get('_optsMD5') !== $_optsMD5) {
            $this->session->set('_optsMD5', $_optsMD5);

        // setlocale and global locale regists to elFinder::locale
        self::$locale = !empty($opts['locale']) ? $opts['locale'] : (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) === 'WIN' ? 'C' : 'en_US.UTF-8');
        if (false === setlocale(LC_ALL, self::$locale)) {
            self::$locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, '0');

        // set defaultMimefile
        elFinder::$defaultMimefile = isset($opts['defaultMimefile']) ? $opts['defaultMimefile'] : '';

        // set memoryLimitGD
        elFinder::$memoryLimitGD = isset($opts['memoryLimitGD']) ? $opts['memoryLimitGD'] : 0;

        // set flag of throwErrorOnExec
        // `true` need `try{}` block for `$connector->run();`
        $this->throwErrorOnExec = !empty($opts['throwErrorOnExec']);

        // set archivers
        elFinder::$archivers = isset($opts['archivers']) && is_array($opts['archivers']) ? $opts['archivers'] : array();

        // set utf8Encoder
        if (isset($opts['utf8Encoder']) && is_callable($opts['utf8Encoder'])) {
            $this->utf8Encoder = $opts['utf8Encoder'];

        // for LocalFileSystem driver on Windows server
        if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR !== '/') {
            if (empty($opts['bind'])) {
                $opts['bind'] = array();

            $_key = 'upload.pre mkdir.pre mkfile.pre rename.pre archive.pre ls.pre';
            if (!isset($opts['bind'][$_key])) {
                $opts['bind'][$_key] = array();
            array_push($opts['bind'][$_key], 'Plugin.WinRemoveTailDots.cmdPreprocess');

            $_key = 'upload.presave paste.copyfrom';
            if (!isset($opts['bind'][$_key])) {
                $opts['bind'][$_key] = array();
            array_push($opts['bind'][$_key], 'Plugin.WinRemoveTailDots.onUpLoadPreSave');

        // bind events listeners
        if (!empty($opts['bind']) && is_array($opts['bind'])) {
            $_req = $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == 'POST' ? $_POST : $_GET;
            $_reqCmd = isset($_req['cmd']) ? $_req['cmd'] : '';
            foreach ($opts['bind'] as $cmd => $handlers) {
                $doRegist = (strpos($cmd, '*') !== false);
                if (!$doRegist) {
                    $doRegist = ($_reqCmd && in_array($_reqCmd, array_map('self::getCmdOfBind', explode(' ', $cmd))));
                if ($doRegist) {
                    // for backward compatibility
                    if (!is_array($handlers)) {
                        $handlers = array($handlers);
                    } else {
                        if (count($handlers) === 2 && is_callable($handlers)) {
                            $handlers = array($handlers);
                    foreach ($handlers as $handler) {
                        if ($handler) {
                            if (is_string($handler) && strpos($handler, '.')) {
                                list($_domain, $_name, $_method) = array_pad(explode('.', $handler), 3, '');
                                if (strcasecmp($_domain, 'plugin') === 0) {
                                    if ($plugin = $this->getPluginInstance($_name, isset($opts['plugin'][$_name]) ? $opts['plugin'][$_name] : array())
                                        and method_exists($plugin, $_method)) {
                                        $this->bind($cmd, array($plugin, $_method));
                            } else {
                                $this->bind($cmd, $handler);

        if (!isset($opts['roots']) || !is_array($opts['roots'])) {
            $opts['roots'] = array();

        // try to enable elFinderVolumeFlysystemZipArchiveNetmount to zip editing
        if (empty(elFinder::$netDrivers['ziparchive'])) {
            elFinder::$netDrivers['ziparchive'] = 'FlysystemZipArchiveNetmount';

        // check for net volumes stored in session
        $netVolumes = $this->getNetVolumes();
        foreach ($netVolumes as $key => $root) {
            if (!isset($root['id'])) {
                // given fixed unique id
                if (!$root['id'] = $this->getNetVolumeUniqueId($netVolumes)) {
                    $this->mountErrors[] = 'Netmount Driver "' . $root['driver'] . '" : Could\'t given volume id.';
            $root['_isNetVolume'] = true;
            $opts['roots'][$key] = $root;

        // "mount" volumes
        foreach ($opts['roots'] as $i => $o) {
            $class = 'elFinderVolume' . (isset($o['driver']) ? $o['driver'] : '');

            if (class_exists($class)) {
                /* @var elFinderVolumeDriver $volume */
                $volume = new $class();

                try {
                    if ($this->maxArcFilesSize && (empty($o['maxArcFilesSize']) || $this->maxArcFilesSize < $o['maxArcFilesSize'])) {
                        $o['maxArcFilesSize'] = $this->maxArcFilesSize;
                    // pass session handler
                    if (!$this->default) {
                    if ($volume->mount($o)) {
                        // unique volume id (ends on "_") - used as prefix to files hash
                        $id = $volume->id();

                        $this->volumes[$id] = $volume;
                        if ((!$this->default || $volume->root() !== $volume->defaultPath()) && $volume->isReadable()) {
                            $this->default = $volume;
                    } else {
                        if (!empty($o['_isNetVolume'])) {
                            $this->removeNetVolume($i, $volume);
                        $this->mountErrors[] = 'Driver "' . $class . '" : ' . implode(' ', $volume->error());
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    if (!empty($o['_isNetVolume'])) {
                        $this->removeNetVolume($i, $volume);
                    $this->mountErrors[] = 'Driver "' . $class . '" : ' . $e->getMessage();
            } else {
                if (!empty($o['_isNetVolume'])) {
                    $this->removeNetVolume($i, $volume);
                $this->mountErrors[] = 'Driver "' . $class . '" does not exist';

        // if at least one readable volume - ii desu >_<
        $this->loaded = !empty($this->default);

        // restore error handler for now

     * Return elFinder session wrapper instance
     * @return  elFinderSessionInterface
    public function getSession()
        return $this->session;

     * Return true if fm init correctly
     * @return bool
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    public function loaded()
        return $this->loaded;

     * Return version (api) number
     * @return string
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    public function version()
        return self::$ApiVersion;

     * Return revision (api) number
     * @return string
     * @author Naoki Sawada
    public function revision()
        return self::$ApiRevision;

     * Add handler to elFinder command
     * @param  string  command name
     * @param  string|array  callback name or array(object, method)
     * @return elFinder
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    public function bind($cmd, $handler)
        $allCmds = array_keys($this->commands);
        $cmds = array();
        foreach (explode(' ', $cmd) as $_cmd) {
            if ($_cmd !== '') {
                if ($all = strpos($_cmd, '*') !== false) {
                    list(, $sub) = array_pad(explode('.', $_cmd), 2, '');
                    if ($sub) {
                        $sub = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $sub);
                        $subs = array_fill(0, count($allCmds), $sub);
                        $cmds = array_merge($cmds, array_map(array('elFinder', 'addSubToBindName'), $allCmds, $subs));
                    } else {
                        $cmds = array_merge($cmds, $allCmds);
                } else {
                    $cmds[] = $_cmd;
        $cmds = array_unique($cmds);

        foreach ($cmds as $cmd) {
            if (!isset($this->listeners[$cmd])) {
                $this->listeners[$cmd] = array();

            if (is_callable($handler)) {
                $this->listeners[$cmd][] = $handler;

        return $this;

     * Remove event (command exec) handler
     * @param  string  command name
     * @param  string|array  callback name or array(object, method)
     * @return elFinder
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    public function unbind($cmd, $handler)
        if (!empty($this->listeners[$cmd])) {
            foreach ($this->listeners[$cmd] as $i => $h) {
                if ($h === $handler) {
                    return $this;
        return $this;

     * Trigger binded functions
     * @param      string  $cmd     binded command name
     * @param      array   $vars    variables to pass to listeners
     * @param      array   $errors  array into which the error is written
    public function trigger($cmd, $vars, &$errors)
        if (!empty($this->listeners[$cmd])) {
            foreach ($this->listeners[$cmd] as $handler) {
                $_res = call_user_func_array($handler, $vars);
                if ($_res && is_array($_res)) {
                    $_err = !empty($_res['error'])? $_res['error'] : (!empty($_res['warning'])? $_res['warning'] : null);
                    if ($_err) {
                        if (is_array($_err)) {
                            $errors = array_merge($errors, $_err);
                        } else {
                            $errors[] = (string)$_err;
                        if ($_res['error']) {
                            throw new elFinderTriggerException();

     * Return true if command exists
     * @param  string  command name
     * @return bool
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    public function commandExists($cmd)
        return $this->loaded && isset($this->commands[$cmd]) && method_exists($this, $cmd);

     * Return root - file's owner (public func of volume())
     * @param  string  file hash
     * @return elFinderVolumeDriver
     * @author Naoki Sawada
    public function getVolume($hash)
        return $this->volume($hash);

     * Return command required arguments info
     * @param  string  command name
     * @return array
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    public function commandArgsList($cmd)
        if ($this->commandExists($cmd)) {
            $list = $this->commands[$cmd];
            $list['reqid'] = false;
        } else {
            $list = array();
        return $list;

    private function session_expires()

        if (!$last = $this->session->get(':LAST_ACTIVITY')) {
            $this->session->set(':LAST_ACTIVITY', time());
            return false;

        if (($this->timeout > 0) && (time() - $last > $this->timeout)) {
            return true;

        $this->session->set(':LAST_ACTIVITY', time());
        return false;

     * Exec command and return result
     * @param  string $cmd  command name
     * @param  array  $args command arguments
     * @return array
     * @throws elFinderAbortException|Exception
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    public function exec($cmd, $args)
        // set error handler of WARNING, NOTICE
        set_error_handler('elFinder::phpErrorHandler', E_WARNING | E_NOTICE | E_USER_WARNING | E_USER_NOTICE);

        // set current request args
        self::$currentArgs = $args;

        if (!$this->loaded) {
            return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_CONF, self::ERROR_CONF_NO_VOL));

        if ($this->session_expires()) {
            return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_SESSION_EXPIRES));

        if (!$this->commandExists($cmd)) {
            return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_UNKNOWN_CMD));

        // check request id
        $args['reqid'] = preg_replace('[^0-9a-fA-F]', '', !empty($args['reqid']) ? $args['reqid'] : (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_ELFINDERREQID']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_ELFINDERREQID'] : ''));

        // to abort this request
        if ($cmd === 'abort') {
            return array('error' => 0);

        // make flag file and set self::$abortCheckFile
        if ($args['reqid']) {
            $this->abort(array('makeFile' => $args['reqid']));

        if (!empty($args['mimes']) && is_array($args['mimes'])) {
            foreach ($this->volumes as $id => $v) {

        // regist shutdown function as fallback
        register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'itemAutoUnlock'));

        // detect destination dirHash and volume
        $dstVolume = false;
        $dst = !empty($args['target']) ? $args['target'] : (!empty($args['dst']) ? $args['dst'] : '');
        if ($dst) {
            $dstVolume = $this->volume($dst);
        } else if (isset($args['targets']) && is_array($args['targets']) && isset($args['targets'][0])) {
            $dst = $args['targets'][0];
            $dstVolume = $this->volume($dst);
            if ($dstVolume && ($_stat = $dstVolume->file($dst)) && !empty($_stat['phash'])) {
                $dst = $_stat['phash'];
            } else {
                $dst = '';
        } else if ($cmd === 'open') {
            // for initial open without args `target`
            $dstVolume = $this->default;
            $dst = $dstVolume->defaultPath();

        $result = null;

        // call pre handlers for this command
        $args['sessionCloseEarlier'] = isset($this->sessionUseCmds[$cmd]) ? false : $this->sessionCloseEarlier;
        if (!empty($this->listeners[$cmd . '.pre'])) {
            foreach ($this->listeners[$cmd . '.pre'] as $handler) {
                $_res = call_user_func_array($handler, array($cmd, &$args, $this, $dstVolume));
                if (is_array($_res)) {
                    if (!empty($_res['preventexec'])) {
                        $result = array('error' => true);
                        if ($cmd === 'upload' && !empty($args['node'])) {
                            $result['callback'] = array(
                                'node' => $args['node'],
                                'bind' => $cmd
                        if (!empty($_res['results']) && is_array($_res['results'])) {
                            $result = array_merge($result, $_res['results']);

        // unlock session data for multiple access
        if ($this->sessionCloseEarlier && $args['sessionCloseEarlier']) {
            // deprecated property
            elFinder::$sessionClosed = true;

        if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) === 'WIN') {
            // set time out

        if (!is_array($result)) {
            try {
                $result = $this->$cmd($args);
            } catch (elFinderAbortException $e) {
                throw $e;
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                $result = array(
                    'error' => htmlspecialchars($e->getMessage()),
                    'sync' => true
                if ($this->throwErrorOnExec) {
                    throw $e;

        // check change dstDir
        $changeDst = false;
        if ($dst && $dstVolume && (!empty($result['added']) || !empty($result['removed']))) {
            $changeDst = true;

        foreach ($this->volumes as $volume) {
            $removed = $volume->removed();
            if (!empty($removed)) {
                if (!isset($result['removed'])) {
                    $result['removed'] = array();
                $result['removed'] = array_merge($result['removed'], $removed);
                if (!$changeDst && $dst && $dstVolume && $volume === $dstVolume) {
                    $changeDst = true;
            $added = $volume->added();
            if (!empty($added)) {
                if (!isset($result['added'])) {
                    $result['added'] = array();
                $result['added'] = array_merge($result['added'], $added);
                if (!$changeDst && $dst && $dstVolume && $volume === $dstVolume) {
                    $changeDst = true;

        // dstDir is changed
        if ($changeDst) {
            if ($dstDir = $dstVolume->dir($dst)) {
                if (!isset($result['changed'])) {
                    $result['changed'] = array();
                $result['changed'][] = $dstDir;

        // call handlers for this command
        if (!empty($this->listeners[$cmd])) {
            foreach ($this->listeners[$cmd] as $handler) {
                if (call_user_func_array($handler, array($cmd, &$result, $args, $this, $dstVolume))) {
                    // handler return true to force sync client after command completed
                    $result['sync'] = true;

        // replace removed files info with removed files hashes
        if (!empty($result['removed'])) {
            $removed = array();
            foreach ($result['removed'] as $file) {
                $removed[] = $file['hash'];
            $result['removed'] = array_unique($removed);
        // remove hidden files and filter files by mimetypes
        if (!empty($result['added'])) {
            $result['added'] = $this->filter($result['added']);
        // remove hidden files and filter files by mimetypes
        if (!empty($result['changed'])) {
            $result['changed'] = $this->filter($result['changed']);
        // add toasts
        if ($this->toastMessages) {
            $result['toasts'] = array_merge(((isset($result['toasts']) && is_array($result['toasts']))? $result['toasts'] : array()), $this->toastMessages);

        if ($this->debug || !empty($args['debug'])) {
            $result['debug'] = array(
                'connector' => 'php',
                'phpver' => PHP_VERSION,
                'time' => $this->utime() - $this->time,
                'memory' => (function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage') ? ceil(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1024) . 'Kb / ' : '') . ceil(memory_get_usage() / 1024) . 'Kb / ' . ini_get('memory_limit'),
                'upload' => $this->uploadDebug,
                'volumes' => array(),
                'mountErrors' => $this->mountErrors

            foreach ($this->volumes as $id => $volume) {
                $result['debug']['volumes'][] = $volume->debug();

        // remove sesstion var 'urlContentSaveIds'
        if ($this->removeContentSaveIds) {
            $urlContentSaveIds = $this->session->get('urlContentSaveIds', array());
            foreach (array_keys($this->removeContentSaveIds) as $contentSaveId) {
                if (isset($urlContentSaveIds[$contentSaveId])) {
            if ($urlContentSaveIds) {
                $this->session->set('urlContentSaveIds', $urlContentSaveIds);
            } else {

        foreach ($this->volumes as $volume) {

        // unlock locked items

        // custom data
        if ($this->customData !== null) {
            $result['customData'] = $this->customData ? json_encode($this->customData) : '';

        if (!empty($result['debug'])) {
            $result['debug']['backendErrors'] = elFinder::$phpErrors;
        elFinder::$phpErrors = array();

        if (!empty($result['callback'])) {
            $result['callback']['json'] = json_encode($result);
            return array();
        } else {
            return $result;

     * Return file real path
     * @param  string $hash file hash
     * @return string
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    public function realpath($hash)
        if (($volume = $this->volume($hash)) == false) {
            return false;
        return $volume->realpath($hash);

     * Sets custom data(s).
     * @param  string|array $key The key or data array
     * @param  mixed        $val The value
     * @return self    ( elFinder instance )
    public function setCustomData($key, $val = null)
        if (is_array($key)) {
            foreach ($key as $k => $v) {
                $this->customData[$k] = $v;
        } else {
            $this->customData[$key] = $val;
        return $this;

     * Removes a custom data.
     * @param  string $key The key
     * @return self    ( elFinder instance )
    public function removeCustomData($key)
        $this->customData[$key] = null;
        return $this;

     * Update sesstion value of a NetVolume option
     * @param string $netKey
     * @param string $optionKey
     * @param mixed  $val
     * @return bool
    public function updateNetVolumeOption($netKey, $optionKey, $val)
        $netVolumes = $this->getNetVolumes();
        if (is_string($netKey) && isset($netVolumes[$netKey]) && is_string($optionKey)) {
            $netVolumes[$netKey][$optionKey] = $val;
            return true;
        return false;

     * remove of session var "urlContentSaveIds"
     * @param string $id
    public function removeUrlContentSaveId($id)
        $this->removeContentSaveIds[$id] = true;

     * Return network volumes config.
     * @return array
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    protected function getNetVolumes()
        if ($data = $this->session->get('netvolume', array())) {
            return $data;
        return array();

     * Save network volumes config.
     * @param  array $volumes volumes config
     * @return void
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    protected function saveNetVolumes($volumes)
        $this->session->set('netvolume', $volumes);

     * Remove netmount volume
     * @param string $key    netvolume key
     * @param object $volume volume driver instance
     * @return bool
    protected function removeNetVolume($key, $volume)
        $netVolumes = $this->getNetVolumes();
        $res = true;
        if (is_object($volume) && method_exists($volume, 'netunmount')) {
            $res = $volume->netunmount($netVolumes, $key);
        if ($res) {
            if (is_string($key) && isset($netVolumes[$key])) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Get plugin instance & set to $this->plugins
     * @param  string $name Plugin name (dirctory name)
     * @param  array  $opts Plugin options (optional)
     * @return object | bool Plugin object instance Or false
     * @author Naoki Sawada
    protected function getPluginInstance($name, $opts = array())
        $key = strtolower($name);
        if (!isset($this->plugins[$key])) {
            $class = 'elFinderPlugin' . $name;
            // to try auto load
            if (!class_exists($class)) {
                $p_file = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'plugins' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'plugin.php';
                if (is_file($p_file)) {
                    include_once $p_file;
            if (class_exists($class, false)) {
                $this->plugins[$key] = new $class($opts);
            } else {
                $this->plugins[$key] = false;
        return $this->plugins[$key];

    /*                                 commands                                */

     * Normalize error messages
     * @return array
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    public function error()
        $errors = array();

        foreach (func_get_args() as $msg) {
            if (is_array($msg)) {
                $errors = array_merge($errors, $msg);
            } else {
                $errors[] = $msg;

        return count($errors) ? $errors : array(self::ERROR_UNKNOWN);

     * @param $args
     * @return array
     * @throws elFinderAbortException
    protected function netmount($args)
        $options = array();
        $protocol = $args['protocol'];
        $toast = '';

        if ($protocol === 'netunmount') {
            if (!empty($args['user']) && $volume = $this->volume($args['user'])) {
                if ($this->removeNetVolume($args['host'], $volume)) {
                    return array('removed' => array(array('hash' => $volume->root())));
            return array('sync' => true, 'error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_NETUNMOUNT));

        $driver = isset(self::$netDrivers[$protocol]) ? self::$netDrivers[$protocol] : '';
        $class = 'elFinderVolume' . $driver;

        if (!class_exists($class)) {
            return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_NETMOUNT, $args['host'], self::ERROR_NETMOUNT_NO_DRIVER));

        if (!$args['path']) {
            $args['path'] = '/';

        foreach ($args as $k => $v) {
            if ($k != 'options' && $k != 'protocol' && $v) {
                $options[$k] = $v;

        if (is_array($args['options'])) {
            foreach ($args['options'] as $key => $value) {
                $options[$key] = $value;

        /* @var elFinderVolumeDriver $volume */
        $volume = new $class();

        // pass session handler


        if (is_callable(array($volume, 'netmountPrepare'))) {
            $options = $volume->netmountPrepare($options);
            if (isset($options['exit'])) {
                if ($options['exit'] === 'callback') {
                return $options;
            if (!empty($options['toast'])) {
                $toast = $options['toast'];

        $netVolumes = $this->getNetVolumes();

        if (!isset($options['id'])) {
            // given fixed unique id
            if (!$options['id'] = $this->getNetVolumeUniqueId($netVolumes)) {
                return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_NETMOUNT, $args['host'], 'Could\'t given volume id.'));

        // load additional volume root options
        if (!empty($this->optionsNetVolumes['*'])) {
            $options = array_merge($this->optionsNetVolumes['*'], $options);
        if (!empty($this->optionsNetVolumes[$protocol])) {
            $options = array_merge($this->optionsNetVolumes[$protocol], $options);

        if (!$key = $volume->netMountKey) {
            $key = md5($protocol . '-' . serialize($options));
        $options['netkey'] = $key;

        if (!isset($netVolumes[$key]) && $volume->mount($options)) {
            // call post-process function of netmount
            if (is_callable(array($volume, 'postNetmount'))) {
            $options['driver'] = $driver;
            $netVolumes[$key] = $options;
            $rootstat = $volume->file($volume->root());
            $res = array('added' => array($rootstat));
            if ($toast) {
                $res['toast'] = $toast;
            return $res;
        } else {
            $this->removeNetVolume(null, $volume);
            return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_NETMOUNT, $args['host'], implode(' ', $volume->error())));

     * "Open" directory
     * Return array with following elements
     *  - cwd          - opened dir info
     *  - files        - opened dir content [and dirs tree if $args[tree]]
     *  - api          - api version (if $args[init])
     *  - uplMaxSize   - if $args[init]
     *  - error        - on failed
     * @param  array  command arguments
     * @return array
     * @throws elFinderAbortException
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    protected function open($args)
        $target = $args['target'];
        $init = !empty($args['init']);
        $tree = !empty($args['tree']);
        $volume = $this->volume($target);
        $cwd = $volume ? $volume->dir($target) : false;
        $hash = $init ? 'default folder' : '#' . $target;
        $compare = '';

        // on init request we can get invalid dir hash -
        // dir which can not be opened now, but remembered by client,
        // so open default dir
        if ((!$cwd || !$cwd['read']) && $init) {
            $volume = $this->default;
            $target = $volume->defaultPath();
            $cwd = $volume->dir($target);

        if (!$cwd) {
            return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_OPEN, $hash, self::ERROR_DIR_NOT_FOUND));
        if (!$cwd['read']) {
            return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_OPEN, $hash, self::ERROR_PERM_DENIED));

        $files = array();

        // get current working directory files list
        if (($ls = $volume->scandir($cwd['hash'])) === false) {
            return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_OPEN, $cwd['name'], $volume->error()));

        if (isset($cwd['dirs']) && $cwd['dirs'] != 1) {
            $cwd = $volume->dir($target);

        // get other volume root
        if ($tree) {
            foreach ($this->volumes as $id => $v) {
                $files[] = $v->file($v->root());

        // long polling mode
        if ($args['compare']) {
            $sleep = max(1, (int)$volume->getOption('lsPlSleep'));
            $standby = (int)$volume->getOption('plStandby');
            if ($standby > 0 && $sleep > $standby) {
                $standby = $sleep;
            $limit = max(0, floor($standby / $sleep)) + 1;
            do {
                elFinder::extendTimeLimit(30 + $sleep);
                $_mtime = 0;
                foreach ($ls as $_f) {
                    if (isset($_f['ts'])) {
                        $_mtime = max($_mtime, $_f['ts']);
                $compare = strval(count($ls)) . ':' . strval($_mtime);
                if ($compare !== $args['compare']) {
                if (--$limit) {
                    if (($ls = $volume->scandir($cwd['hash'])) === false) {
            } while ($limit);
            if ($ls === false) {
                return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_OPEN, $cwd['name'], $volume->error()));

        if ($ls) {
            if ($files) {
                $files = array_merge($files, $ls);
            } else {
                $files = $ls;

        $result = array(
            'cwd' => $cwd,
            'options' => $volume->options($cwd['hash']),
            'files' => $files

        if ($compare) {
            $result['cwd']['compare'] = $compare;

        if (!empty($args['init'])) {
            $result['api'] = sprintf('%.1F%03d', self::$ApiVersion, self::$ApiRevision);
            $result['uplMaxSize'] = ini_get('upload_max_filesize');
            $result['uplMaxFile'] = ini_get('max_file_uploads');
            $result['netDrivers'] = array_keys(self::$netDrivers);
            $result['maxTargets'] = $this->maxTargets;
            if ($volume) {
                $result['cwd']['root'] = $volume->root();
            if (elfinder::$textMimes) {
                $result['textMimes'] = elfinder::$textMimes;

        return $result;

     * Return dir files names list
     * @param  array  command arguments
     * @return array
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    protected function ls($args)
        $target = $args['target'];
        $intersect = isset($args['intersect']) ? $args['intersect'] : array();

        if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) == false
            || ($list = $volume->ls($target, $intersect)) === false) {
            return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_OPEN, '#' . $target));
        return array('list' => $list);

     * Return subdirs for required directory
     * @param  array  command arguments
     * @return array
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    protected function tree($args)
        $target = $args['target'];

        if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) == false
            || ($tree = $volume->tree($target)) == false) {
            return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_OPEN, '#' . $target));

        return array('tree' => $tree);

     * Return parents dir for required directory
     * @param  array  command arguments
     * @return array
     * @throws elFinderAbortException
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    protected function parents($args)
        $target = $args['target'];
        $until = $args['until'];

        if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) == false
            || ($tree = $volume->parents($target, false, $until)) == false) {
            return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_OPEN, '#' . $target));

        return array('tree' => $tree);

     * Return new created thumbnails list
     * @param  array  command arguments
     * @return array
     * @throws ImagickException
     * @throws elFinderAbortException
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    protected function tmb($args)

        $result = array('images' => array());
        $targets = $args['targets'];

        foreach ($targets as $target) {

            if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) != false
                && (($tmb = $volume->tmb($target)) != false)) {
                $result['images'][$target] = $tmb;
        return $result;

     * Download files/folders as an archive file
     * 1st: Return srrsy contains download archive file info
     * 2nd: Return array contains opened file pointer, root itself and required headers
     * @param  array  command arguments
     * @return array
     * @throws Exception
     * @author Naoki Sawada
    protected function zipdl($args)
        $targets = $args['targets'];
        $download = !empty($args['download']);
        $h404 = 'HTTP/1.x 404 Not Found';
        $CriOS = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])? (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'CriOS') !== false) : false;

        if (!$download) {
            //1st: Return array contains download archive file info
            $error = array(self::ERROR_ARCHIVE);
            if (($volume = $this->volume($targets[0])) !== false) {
                if ($dlres = $volume->zipdl($targets)) {
                    $path = $dlres['path'];
                    register_shutdown_function(array('elFinder', 'rmFileInDisconnected'), $path);
                    if (count($targets) === 1) {
                        $name = basename($volume->path($targets[0]));
                    } else {
                        $name = $dlres['prefix'] . '_Files';
                    $name .= '.' . $dlres['ext'];
                    $uniqid = uniqid();
                    $this->session->set('zipdl' . $uniqid, basename($path));
                    $result = array(
                        'zipdl' => array(
                            'file' => $CriOS? basename($path) : $uniqid,
                            'name' => $name,
                            'mime' => $dlres['mime']
                    return $result;
                $error = array_merge($error, $volume->error());
            return array('error' => $error);
        } else {
            // 2nd: Return array contains opened file session key, root itself and required headers

            // Detect Chrome on iOS
            // It has access twice on downloading
            $CriOSinit = false;
            if ($CriOS) {
                $accept = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'])? $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] : '';
                if ($accept && $accept !== '*' && $accept !== '*/*') {
                    $CriOSinit = true;
            // data check
            if (count($targets) !== 4 || ($volume = $this->volume($targets[0])) == false || !($file = $CriOS? $targets[1] : $this->session->get('zipdl' . $targets[1]))) {
                return array('error' => 'File not found', 'header' => $h404, 'raw' => true);
            $path = $volume->getTempPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($file);
            // remove session data of "zipdl..."
            $this->session->remove('zipdl' . $targets[1]);
            if (!$CriOSinit) {
                // register auto delete on shutdown
                $GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles'][$path] = true;
            if ($volume->commandDisabled('zipdl')) {
                return array('error' => 'File not found', 'header' => $h404, 'raw' => true);
            if (!is_readable($path) || !is_writable($path)) {
                return array('error' => 'File not found', 'header' => $h404, 'raw' => true);
            // for HTTP headers
            $name = $targets[2];
            $mime = $targets[3];

            $filenameEncoded = rawurlencode($name);
            if (strpos($filenameEncoded, '%') === false) { // ASCII only
                $filename = 'filename="' . $name . '"';
            } else {
                $ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
                if (preg_match('/MSIE [4-8]/', $ua)) { // IE < 9 do not support RFC 6266 (RFC 2231/RFC 5987)
                    $filename = 'filename="' . $filenameEncoded . '"';
                } elseif (strpos($ua, 'Chrome') === false && strpos($ua, 'Safari') !== false && preg_match('#Version/[3-5]#', $ua)) { // Safari < 6
                    $filename = 'filename="' . str_replace('"', '', $name) . '"';
                } else { // RFC 6266 (RFC 2231/RFC 5987)
                    $filename = 'filename*=UTF-8\'\'' . $filenameEncoded;

            $fp = fopen($path, 'rb');
            $file = fstat($fp);
            $result = array(
                'pointer' => $fp,
                'header' => array(
                    'Content-Type: ' . $mime,
                    'Content-Disposition: attachment; ' . $filename,
                    'Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary',
                    'Content-Length: ' . $file['size'],
                    'Accept-Ranges: none',
                    'Connection: close'
            // add cache control headers
            if ($cacheHeaders = $volume->getOption('cacheHeaders')) {
                $result['header'] = array_merge($result['header'], $cacheHeaders);
            return $result;

     * Required to output file in browser when volume URL is not set
     * Return array contains opened file pointer, root itself and required headers
     * @param  array  command arguments
     * @return array
     * @throws elFinderAbortException
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    protected function file($args)
        $target = $args['target'];
        $download = !empty($args['download']);
        $onetime = !empty($args['onetime']);
        //$h304     = 'HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified';
        $h403 = 'HTTP/1.0 403 Access Denied';
        $a403 = array('error' => 'Access Denied', 'header' => $h403, 'raw' => true);
        $h404 = 'HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found';
        $a404 = array('error' => 'File not found', 'header' => $h404, 'raw' => true);

        if ($onetime) {
            $volume = null;
            $tmpdir = elFinder::$commonTempPath;
            if (!$tmpdir || !is_file($tmpf = $tmpdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ELF' . $target)) {
                return $a404;
            $GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles'][$tmpf] = true;
            if ($file = json_decode(file_get_contents($tmpf), true)) {
                $src = base64_decode($file['file']);
                if (!is_file($src) || !($fp = fopen($src, 'rb'))) {
                    return $a404;
                if (strpos($src, $tmpdir) === 0) {
                    $GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles'][$src] = true;
                $file['read'] = true;
                $file['size'] = filesize($src);
            } else {
                return $a404;
        } else {
            if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) == false) {
                return $a404;

            if ($volume->commandDisabled('file')) {
                return $a403;

            if (($file = $volume->file($target)) == false) {
                return $a404;

            if (!$file['read']) {
                return $a404;

            $opts = array();
            if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'])) {
                $opts['httpheaders'] = array('Range: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']);
            if (($fp = $volume->open($target, $opts)) == false) {
                return $a404;

        // check aborted by user

        // allow change MIME type by 'file.pre' callback functions
        $mime = isset($args['mime']) ? $args['mime'] : $file['mime'];
        if ($download || $onetime) {
            $disp = 'attachment';
        } else {
            $dispInlineRegex = $volume->getOption('dispInlineRegex');
            $inlineRegex = false;
            if ($dispInlineRegex) {
                $inlineRegex = '#' . str_replace('#', '\\#', $dispInlineRegex) . '#';
                try {
                    preg_match($inlineRegex, '');
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    $inlineRegex = false;
            if (!$inlineRegex) {
                $inlineRegex = '#^(?:(?:image|text)|application/x-shockwave-flash$)#';
            $disp = preg_match($inlineRegex, $mime) ? 'inline' : 'attachment';

        $filenameEncoded = rawurlencode($file['name']);
        if (strpos($filenameEncoded, '%') === false) { // ASCII only
            $filename = 'filename="' . $file['name'] . '"';
        } else {
            $ua = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : '';
            if (preg_match('/MSIE [4-8]/', $ua)) { // IE < 9 do not support RFC 6266 (RFC 2231/RFC 5987)
                $filename = 'filename="' . $filenameEncoded . '"';
            } elseif (strpos($ua, 'Chrome') === false && strpos($ua, 'Safari') !== false && preg_match('#Version/[3-5]#', $ua)) { // Safari < 6
                $filename = 'filename="' . str_replace('"', '', $file['name']) . '"';
            } else { // RFC 6266 (RFC 2231/RFC 5987)
                $filename = 'filename*=UTF-8\'\'' . $filenameEncoded;

        if ($args['cpath'] && $args['reqid']) {
            setcookie('elfdl' . $args['reqid'], '1', 0, $args['cpath']);

        $result = array(
            'volume' => $volume,
            'pointer' => $fp,
            'info' => $file,
            'header' => array(
                'Content-Type: ' . $mime,
                'Content-Disposition: ' . $disp . '; ' . $filename,
                'Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary',
                'Content-Length: ' . $file['size'],
                'Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s T', $file['ts']),
                'Connection: close'

        if (!$onetime) {
            // add cache control headers
            if ($cacheHeaders = $volume->getOption('cacheHeaders')) {
                $result['header'] = array_merge($result['header'], $cacheHeaders);

            // check 'xsendfile'
            $xsendfile = $volume->getOption('xsendfile');
            $path = null;
            if ($xsendfile) {
                $info = stream_get_meta_data($fp);
                if ($path = empty($info['uri']) ? null : $info['uri']) {
                    $basePath = rtrim($volume->getOption('xsendfilePath'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
                    if ($basePath) {
                        $root = rtrim($volume->getRootPath(), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
                        if (strpos($path, $root) === 0) {
                            $path = $basePath . substr($path, strlen($root));
                        } else {
                            $path = null;
            if ($path) {
                $result['header'][] = $xsendfile . ': ' . $path;
                $result['info']['xsendfile'] = $xsendfile;

        // add "Content-Location" if file has url data
        if (isset($file['url']) && $file['url'] && $file['url'] != 1) {
            $result['header'][] = 'Content-Location: ' . $file['url'];
        return $result;

     * Count total files size
     * @param  array  command arguments
     * @return array
     * @throws elFinderAbortException
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    protected function size($args)
        $size = 0;
        $files = 0;
        $dirs = 0;
        $itemCount = true;
        $sizes = array();

        foreach ($args['targets'] as $target) {
            if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) == false
                || ($file = $volume->file($target)) == false
                || !$file['read']) {
                return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_OPEN, '#' . $target));

            $volRes = $volume->size($target);
            if (is_array($volRes)) {
                $sizeInfo = array('size' => 0, 'fileCnt' => 0, 'dirCnt' => 0);
                if (!empty($volRes['size'])) {
                    $sizeInfo['size'] = $volRes['size'];
                    $size += $volRes['size'];
                if (!empty($volRes['files'])) {
                    $sizeInfo['fileCnt'] = $volRes['files'];
                if (!empty($volRes['dirs'])) {
                    $sizeInfo['dirCnt'] = $volRes['dirs'];
                if ($itemCount) {
                    $files += $sizeInfo['fileCnt'];
                    $dirs += $sizeInfo['dirCnt'];
                $sizes[$target] = $sizeInfo;
            } else if (is_numeric($volRes)) {
                $size += $volRes;
                $files = $dirs = 'unknown';
                $itemCount = false;
        return array('size' => $size, 'fileCnt' => $files, 'dirCnt' => $dirs, 'sizes' => $sizes);

     * Create directory
     * @param  array  command arguments
     * @return array
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    protected function mkdir($args)
        $target = $args['target'];
        $name = $args['name'];
        $dirs = $args['dirs'];
        if ($name === '' && !$dirs) {
            return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_INV_PARAMS, 'mkdir'));

        if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) == false) {
            return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_MKDIR, $name, self::ERROR_TRGDIR_NOT_FOUND, '#' . $target));
        if ($dirs) {
            $maxDirs = $volume->getOption('uploadMaxMkdirs');
            if ($maxDirs && $maxDirs < count($dirs)) {
                return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_MAX_MKDIRS, $maxDirs));
            $reset = null;
            $mkdirs = array();
            foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
                $tgt =& $mkdirs;
                $_names = explode('/', trim($dir, '/'));
                foreach ($_names as $_key => $_name) {
                    if (!isset($tgt[$_name])) {
                        $tgt[$_name] = array();
                    $tgt =& $tgt[$_name];
                $tgt =& $reset;
            $res = $this->ensureDirsRecursively($volume, $target, $mkdirs);
            $ret = array(
                'added' => $res['stats'],
                'hashes' => $res['hashes']
            if ($res['error']) {
                $ret['warning'] = $this->error(self::ERROR_MKDIR, $res['error'][0], $volume->error());
            return $ret;
        } else {
            return ($dir = $volume->mkdir($target, $name)) == false
                ? array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_MKDIR, $name, $volume->error()))
                : array('added' => array($dir));

     * Create empty file
     * @param  array  command arguments
     * @return array
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    protected function mkfile($args)
        $target = $args['target'];
        $name = $args['name'];

        if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) == false) {
            return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_MKFILE, $name, self::ERROR_TRGDIR_NOT_FOUND, '#' . $target));

        return ($file = $volume->mkfile($target, $args['name'])) == false
            ? array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_MKFILE, $name, $volume->error()))
            : array('added' => array($file));

     * Rename file, Accept multiple items >= API 2.1031
     * @param  array $args
     * @return array
     * @throws elFinderAbortException
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
     * @author Naoki Sawada
    protected function rename($args)
        $target = $args['target'];
        $name = $args['name'];
        $query = (!empty($args['q']) && strpos($args['q'], '*') !== false) ? $args['q'] : '';
        $targets = !empty($args['targets'])? $args['targets'] : false;
        $rms = array();
        $notfounds = array();
        $locked = array();
        $errs = array();
        $files = array();
        $removed = array();
        $res = array();
        $type = 'normal';

        if (!($volume = $this->volume($target))) {
            return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_RENAME, '#' . $target, self::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND));

        if ($targets) {
            array_unshift($targets, $target);
            foreach ($targets as $h) {
                if ($rm = $volume->file($h)) {
                    if ($this->itemLocked($h)) {
                        $locked[] = $rm['name'];
                    } else {
                        $rm['realpath'] = $volume->realpath($h);
                        $rms[] = $rm;
                } else {
                    $notfounds[] = '#' . $h;
            if (!$rms) {
                $res['error'] = array();
                if ($notfounds) {
                    $res['error'] = array(self::ERROR_RENAME, join(', ', $notfounds), self::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
                if ($locked) {
                    array_push($res['error'], self::ERROR_LOCKED, join(', ', $locked));
                return $res;

            $res['warning'] = array();
            if ($notfounds) {
                array_push($res['warning'], self::ERROR_RENAME, join(', ', $notfounds), self::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
            if ($locked) {
                array_push($res['warning'], self::ERROR_LOCKED, join(', ', $locked));

            if ($query) {
                // batch rename
                $splits = elFinder::splitFileExtention($query);
                if ($splits[1] && $splits[0] === '*') {
                    $type = 'extention';
                    $name = $splits[1];
                } else if (strlen($splits[0]) > 1) {
                    if (substr($splits[0], -1) === '*') {
                        $type = 'prefix';
                        $name = substr($splits[0], 0, strlen($splits[0]) - 1);
                    } else if (substr($splits[0], 0, 1) === '*') {
                        $type = 'suffix';
                        $name = substr($splits[0], 1);
                if ($type !== 'normal') {
                    if (!empty($this->listeners['rename.pre'])) {
                        $_args = array('name' => $name);
                        foreach ($this->listeners['rename.pre'] as $handler) {
                            $_res = call_user_func_array($handler, array('rename', &$_args, $this, $volume));
                            if (!empty($_res['preventexec'])) {
                        $name = $_args['name'];
            foreach ($rms as $rm) {
                if ($type === 'normal') {
                    $rname = $volume->uniqueName($volume->realpath($rm['phash']), $name, '', false);
                } else {
                    $rname = $name;
                    if ($type === 'extention') {
                        $splits = elFinder::splitFileExtention($rm['name']);
                        $rname = $splits[0] . '.' . $name;
                    } else if ($type === 'prefix') {
                        $rname = $name . $rm['name'];
                    } else if ($type === 'suffix') {
                        $splits = elFinder::splitFileExtention($rm['name']);
                        $rname = $splits[0] . $name . ($splits[1] ? ('.' . $splits[1]) : '');
                    $rname = $volume->uniqueName($volume->realpath($rm['phash']), $rname, '', true);
                if ($file = $volume->rename($rm['hash'], $rname)) {
                    $files[] = $file;
                    $removed[] = $rm;
                } else {
                    $errs[] = $rm['name'];

            if (!$files) {
                $res['error'] = $this->error(self::ERROR_RENAME, join(', ', $errs), $volume->error());
                if (!$res['warning']) {
                return $res;
            if ($errs) {
                array_push($res['warning'], self::ERROR_RENAME, join(', ', $errs), $volume->error());
            if (!$res['warning']) {
            $res['added'] = $files;
            $res['removed'] = $removed;
            return $res;
        } else {
            if (!($rm = $volume->file($target))) {
                return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_RENAME, '#' . $target, self::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND));
            if ($this->itemLocked($target)) {
                return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_LOCKED, $rm['name']));
            $rm['realpath'] = $volume->realpath($target);

            $file = $volume->rename($target, $name);
            if ($file === false) {
                return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_RENAME, $rm['name'], $volume->error()));
            } else {
                if ($file['hash'] !== $rm['hash']) {
                    return array('added' => array($file), 'removed' => array($rm));
                } else {
                    return array('changed' => array($file));

     * Duplicate file - create copy with "copy %d" suffix
     * @param array $args command arguments
     * @return array
     * @throws elFinderAbortException
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    protected function duplicate($args)
        $targets = is_array($args['targets']) ? $args['targets'] : array();
        $result = array();
        $suffix = empty($args['suffix']) ? 'copy' : $args['suffix'];


        foreach ($targets as $target) {

            if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) == false
                || ($src = $volume->file($target)) == false) {
                $result['warning'] = $this->error(self::ERROR_COPY, '#' . $target, self::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);

            if (($file = $volume->duplicate($target, $suffix)) == false) {
                $result['warning'] = $this->error($volume->error());

        return $result;

     * Remove dirs/files
     * @param array  command arguments
     * @return array
     * @throws elFinderAbortException
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    protected function rm($args)
        $targets = is_array($args['targets']) ? $args['targets'] : array();
        $result = array('removed' => array());

        foreach ($targets as $target) {

            if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) == false) {
                $result['warning'] = $this->error(self::ERROR_RM, '#' . $target, self::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);

            if ($this->itemLocked($target)) {
                $rm = $volume->file($target);
                $result['warning'] = $this->error(self::ERROR_LOCKED, $rm['name']);

            if (!$volume->rm($target)) {
                $result['warning'] = $this->error($volume->error());

        return $result;

     * Return has subdirs
     * @param  array  command arguments
     * @return array
     * @author Dmitry Naoki Sawada
    protected function subdirs($args)

        $result = array('subdirs' => array());
        $targets = $args['targets'];

        foreach ($targets as $target) {
            if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) !== false) {
                $result['subdirs'][$target] = $volume->subdirs($target) ? 1 : 0;
        return $result;

     * Gateway for custom contents editor
     * @param  array $args command arguments
     * @return array
     * @author Naoki Sawada
    protected function editor($args = array())
        /* @var elFinderEditor $editor */
        $name = $args['name'];
        if (is_array($name)) {
            $res = array();
            foreach ($name as $c) {
                $class = 'elFinderEditor' . $c;
                if (class_exists($class)) {
                    $editor = new $class($this, $args['args']);
                    $res[$c] = $editor->enabled();
                } else {
                    $res[$c] = 0;
            return $res;
        } else {
            $class = 'elFinderEditor' . $name;
            $method = '';
            if (class_exists($class)) {
                $editor = new $class($this, $args['args']);
                $method = $args['method'];
                if ($editor->isAllowedMethod($method) && method_exists($editor, $method)) {
                    return $editor->$method();
            return array('error', $this->error(self::ERROR_UNKNOWN_CMD, 'editor.' . $name . '.' . $method));

     * Abort current request and make flag file to running check
     * @param array $args
     * @return void
    protected function abort($args = array())
        if (!elFinder::$connectionFlagsPath || $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'HEAD') {
        $flagFile = elFinder::$connectionFlagsPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'elfreq%s';
        if (!empty($args['makeFile'])) {
            self::$abortCheckFile = sprintf($flagFile, self::filenameDecontaminate($args['makeFile']));
            $GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles'][self::$abortCheckFile] = true;

        $file = !empty($args['id']) ? sprintf($flagFile, self::filenameDecontaminate($args['id'])) : self::$abortCheckFile;
        $file && is_file($file) && unlink($file);

     * Validate an URL to prevent SSRF attacks.
     * To prevent any risk of DNS rebinding, always use the IP address resolved by
     * this method, as returned in the array entry `ip`.
     * @param string $url
     * @return false|array
    protected function validate_address($url)
        $info = parse_url($url);
        $host = trim(strtolower($info['host']), '.');
        // do not support IPv6 address
        if (preg_match('/^\[.*\]$/', $host)) {
            return false;
        // do not support non dot host
        if (strpos($host, '.') === false) {
            return false;
        // do not support URL-encoded host
        if (strpos($host, '%') !== false) {
            return false;
        // disallow including "localhost" and "localdomain"
        if (preg_match('/\b(?:localhost|localdomain)\b/', $host)) {
            return false;
        // check IPv4 local loopback, private network and link local
        $ip = gethostbyname($host);
        if (preg_match('/^0x[0-9a-f]+|[0-9]+(?:\.(?:0x[0-9a-f]+|[0-9]+)){1,3}$/', $ip, $m)) {
            $long = (int)sprintf('%u', ip2long($ip));
            if (!$long) {
                return false;
            $local = (int)sprintf('%u', ip2long('')) >> 24;
            $prv1  = (int)sprintf('%u', ip2long('')) >> 24;
            $prv2  = (int)sprintf('%u', ip2long('')) >> 20;
            $prv3  = (int)sprintf('%u', ip2long('')) >> 16;
            $link  = (int)sprintf('%u', ip2long('')) >> 16;

            if (!isset($this->uploadAllowedLanIpClasses['local']) && $long >> 24 === $local) {
                return false;
            if (!isset($this->uploadAllowedLanIpClasses['private_a']) && $long >> 24 === $prv1) {
                return false;
            if (!isset($this->uploadAllowedLanIpClasses['private_b']) && $long >> 20 === $prv2) {
                return false;
            if (!isset($this->uploadAllowedLanIpClasses['private_c']) && $long >> 16 === $prv3) {
                return false;
            if (!isset($this->uploadAllowedLanIpClasses['link']) && $long >> 16 === $link) {
                return false;
            $info['ip'] = long2ip($long);
            if (!isset($info['port'])) {
                $info['port'] = $info['scheme'] === 'https' ? 443 : 80;
            if (!isset($info['path'])) {
                $info['path'] = '/';
            return $info;
        } else {
            return false;

     * Get remote contents
     * @param  string   $url          target url
     * @param  int      $timeout      timeout (sec)
     * @param  int      $redirect_max redirect max count
     * @param  string   $ua
     * @param  resource $fp
     * @return string, resource or bool(false)
     * @retval  string contents
     * @retval  resource conttents
     * @rettval false  error
     * @author  Naoki Sawada
    protected function get_remote_contents(&$url, $timeout = 30, $redirect_max = 5, $ua = 'Mozilla/5.0', $fp = null)
        if (preg_match('~^(?:ht|f)tps?://[-_.!\~*\'()a-z0-9;/?:\@&=+\$,%#\*\[\]]+~i', $url)) {
            $info = $this->validate_address($url);
            if ($info === false) {
                return false;
            // dose not support 'user' and 'pass' for security reasons
            $url = $info['scheme'].'://'.$info['host'].(!empty($info['port'])? (':'.$info['port']) : '').$info['path'].(!empty($info['query'])? ('?'.$info['query']) : '').(!empty($info['fragment'])? ('#'.$info['fragment']) : '');
            // check by URL upload filter
            if ($this->urlUploadFilter && is_callable($this->urlUploadFilter)) {
                if (!call_user_func_array($this->urlUploadFilter, array($url, $this))) {
                    return false;
            $method = (function_exists('curl_exec')) ? 'curl_get_contents' : 'fsock_get_contents';
            return $this->$method($url, $timeout, $redirect_max, $ua, $fp, $info);
        return false;

     * Get remote contents with cURL
     * @param  string   $url          target url
     * @param  int      $timeout      timeout (sec)
     * @param  int      $redirect_max redirect max count
     * @param  string   $ua
     * @param  resource $outfp
     * @return string, resource or bool(false)
     * @retval string contents
     * @retval resource conttents
     * @retval false  error
     * @author Naoki Sawada
    protected function curl_get_contents(&$url, $timeout, $redirect_max, $ua, $outfp, $info)
        if ($redirect_max == 0) {
            return false;
        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
        if ($outfp) {
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $outfp);
        } else {
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME, $timeout);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, false);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $ua);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RESOLVE, array($info['host'] . ':' . $info['port'] . ':' . $info['ip']));
        $result = curl_exec($ch);
        $http_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
        if ($http_code == 301 || $http_code == 302) {
            $new_url = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_REDIRECT_URL);
            $info = $this->validate_address($new_url);
            if ($info === false) {
                return false;
            return $this->curl_get_contents($new_url, $timeout, $redirect_max - 1, $ua, $outfp, $info);
        return $outfp ? $outfp : $result;

     * Get remote contents with fsockopen()
     * @param  string   $url          url
     * @param  int      $timeout      timeout (sec)
     * @param  int      $redirect_max redirect max count
     * @param  string   $ua
     * @param  resource $outfp
     * @return string, resource or bool(false)
     * @retval string contents
     * @retval resource conttents
     * @retval false  error
     * @throws elFinderAbortException
     * @author Naoki Sawada
    protected function fsock_get_contents(&$url, $timeout, $redirect_max, $ua, $outfp, $info)
        $connect_timeout = 3;
        $connect_try = 3;
        $method = 'GET';
        $readsize = 4096;
        $ssl = '';

        $getSize = null;
        $headers = '';

        $arr = $info;
        if ($arr['scheme'] === 'https') {
            $ssl = 'ssl://';

        // query
        $arr['query'] = isset($arr['query']) ? '?' . $arr['query'] : '';

        $url_base = $arr['scheme'] . '://' . $info['host'] . ':' . $info['port'];
        $url_path = isset($arr['path']) ? $arr['path'] : '/';
        $uri = $url_path . $arr['query'];

        $query = $method . ' ' . $uri . " HTTP/1.0\r\n";
        $query .= "Host: " . $arr['host'] . "\r\n";
        $query .= "Accept: */*\r\n";
        $query .= "Connection: close\r\n";
        if (!empty($ua)) $query .= "User-Agent: " . $ua . "\r\n";
        if (!is_null($getSize)) $query .= 'Range: bytes=0-' . ($getSize - 1) . "\r\n";

        $query .= $headers;

        $query .= "\r\n";

        $fp = $connect_try_count = 0;
        while (!$fp && $connect_try_count < $connect_try) {

            $errno = 0;
            $errstr = "";
            $fp = fsockopen(
                $ssl . $arr['host'],
                $errno, $errstr, $connect_timeout);
            if ($fp) break;
            if (connection_aborted()) {
                throw new elFinderAbortException();
            sleep(1); // wait 1sec

        if (!$fp) {
            return false;

        $fwrite = 0;
        for ($written = 0; $written < strlen($query); $written += $fwrite) {
            $fwrite = fwrite($fp, substr($query, $written));
            if (!$fwrite) {

        if ($timeout) {
            socket_set_timeout($fp, $timeout);

        $_response = '';
        $header = '';
        while ($_response !== "\r\n") {
            $_response = fgets($fp, $readsize);
            $header .= $_response;

        $rccd = array_pad(explode(' ', $header, 2), 2, ''); // array('HTTP/1.1','200')
        $rc = (int)$rccd[1];

        $ret = false;
        // Redirect
        switch ($rc) {
            case 307: // Temporary Redirect
            case 303: // See Other
            case 302: // Moved Temporarily
            case 301: // Moved Permanently
                $matches = array();
                if (preg_match('/^Location: (.+?)(#.+)?$/im', $header, $matches) && --$redirect_max > 0) {
                    $_url = $url;
                    $url = trim($matches[1]);
                    if (!preg_match('/^https?:\//', $url)) { // no scheme
                        if ($url[0] != '/') { // Relative path
                            // to Absolute path
                            $url = substr($url_path, 0, strrpos($url_path, '/')) . '/' . $url;
                        // add sheme,host
                        $url = $url_base . $url;
                    if ($_url === $url) {
                    $info = $this->validate_address($url);
                    if ($info === false) {
                        return false;
                    return $this->fsock_get_contents($url, $timeout, $redirect_max, $ua, $outfp, $info);
            case 200:
                $ret = true;
        if (!$ret) {
            return false;

        $body = '';
        if (!$outfp) {
            $outfp = fopen('php://temp', 'rwb');
            $body = true;
        while (fwrite($outfp, fread($fp, $readsize))) {
            if ($timeout) {
                $_status = socket_get_status($fp);
                if ($_status['timed_out']) {
                    return false; // Request Time-out
        if ($body) {
            $body = stream_get_contents($outfp);
            $outfp = null;


        return $outfp ? $outfp : $body; // Data

     * Parse Data URI scheme
     * @param  string $str
     * @param  array  $extTable
     * @param  array  $args
     * @return array
     * @author Naoki Sawada
    protected function parse_data_scheme($str, $extTable, $args = null)
        $data = $name = $mime = '';
        // Scheme 'data://' require `allow_url_fopen` and `allow_url_include`
        if ($fp = fopen('data://' . substr($str, 5), 'rb')) {
            if ($data = stream_get_contents($fp)) {
                $meta = stream_get_meta_data($fp);
                $mime = $meta['mediatype'];
        } else if (preg_match('~^data:(.+?/.+?)?(?:;charset=.+?)?;base64,~', substr($str, 0, 128), $m)) {
            $data = base64_decode(substr($str, strlen($m[0])));
            if ($m[1]) {
                $mime = $m[1];
        if ($data) {
            $ext = ($mime && isset($extTable[$mime])) ? '.' . $extTable[$mime] : '';
            // Set name if name eq 'image.png' and $args has 'name' array, e.g. clipboard data
            if (is_array($args['name']) && isset($args['name'][0])) {
                $name = $args['name'][0];
                if ($ext) {
                    $name = preg_replace('/\.[^.]*$/', '', $name);
            } else {
                $name = substr(md5($data), 0, 8);
            $name .= $ext;
        } else {
            $data = $name = '';
        return array($data, $name);

     * Detect file MIME Type by local path
     * @param  string $path Local path
     * @return string file MIME Type
     * @author Naoki Sawada
    protected function detectMimeType($path)
        static $type, $finfo;
        if (!$type) {
            if (class_exists('finfo', false)) {
                $tmpFileInfo = explode(';', finfo_file(finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME), __FILE__));
            } else {
                $tmpFileInfo = false;
            $regexp = '/text\/x\-(php|c\+\+)/';
            if ($tmpFileInfo && preg_match($regexp, array_shift($tmpFileInfo))) {
                $type = 'finfo';
                $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME);
            } elseif (function_exists('mime_content_type')
                && ($_ctypes = explode(';', mime_content_type(__FILE__)))
                && preg_match($regexp, array_shift($_ctypes))) {
                $type = 'mime_content_type';
            } elseif (function_exists('getimagesize')) {
                $type = 'getimagesize';
            } else {
                $type = 'none';

        $mime = '';
        if ($type === 'finfo') {
            $mime = finfo_file($finfo, $path);
        } elseif ($type === 'mime_content_type') {
            $mime = mime_content_type($path);
        } elseif ($type === 'getimagesize') {
            if ($img = getimagesize($path)) {
                $mime = $img['mime'];

        if ($mime) {
            $mime = explode(';', $mime);
            $mime = trim($mime[0]);

            if (in_array($mime, array('application/x-empty', 'inode/x-empty'))) {
                // finfo return this mime for empty files
                $mime = 'text/plain';
            } elseif ($mime == 'application/x-zip') {
                // http://elrte.org/redmine/issues/163
                $mime = 'application/zip';

        return $mime ? $mime : 'unknown';

     * Detect file type extension by local path
     * @param  object $volume elFinderVolumeDriver instance
     * @param  string $path   Local path
     * @param  string $name   Filename to save
     * @return string file type extension with dot
     * @author Naoki Sawada
    protected function detectFileExtension($volume, $path, $name)
        $mime = $this->detectMimeType($path);
        if ($mime === 'unknown') {
            $mime = 'application/octet-stream';
        $ext = $volume->getExtentionByMime($volume->mimeTypeNormalize($mime, $name));
        return $ext ? ('.' . $ext) : '';

     * Get temporary directory path
     * @param  string $volumeTempPath
     * @return string
     * @author Naoki Sawada
    private function getTempDir($volumeTempPath = null)
        $testDirs = array();
        if ($this->uploadTempPath) {
            $testDirs[] = rtrim(realpath($this->uploadTempPath), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
        if ($volumeTempPath) {
            $testDirs[] = rtrim(realpath($volumeTempPath), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
        if (elFinder::$commonTempPath) {
            $testDirs[] = elFinder::$commonTempPath;
        $tempDir = '';
        foreach ($testDirs as $testDir) {
            if (!$testDir || !is_dir($testDir)) continue;
            if (is_writable($testDir)) {
                $tempDir = $testDir;
                $gc = time() - 3600;
                foreach (glob($tempDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ELF*') as $cf) {
                    if (filemtime($cf) < $gc) {
        return $tempDir;

     * chmod
     * @param array  command arguments
     * @return array
     * @throws elFinderAbortException
     * @author David Bartle
    protected function chmod($args)
        $targets = $args['targets'];
        $mode = intval((string)$args['mode'], 8);

        if (!is_array($targets)) {
            $targets = array($targets);

        $result = array();

        if (($volume = $this->volume($targets[0])) == false) {
            $result['error'] = $this->error(self::ERROR_CONF_NO_VOL);
            return $result;


        $files = array();
        $errors = array();
        foreach ($targets as $target) {

            $file = $volume->chmod($target, $mode);
            if ($file) {
                $files = array_merge($files, is_array($file) ? $file : array($file));
            } else {
                $errors = array_merge($errors, $volume->error());

        if ($files) {
            $result['changed'] = $files;
            if ($errors) {
                $result['warning'] = $this->error($errors);
        } else {
            $result['error'] = $this->error($errors);

        return $result;

     * Check chunked upload files
     * @param string $tmpname uploaded temporary file path
     * @param string $chunk   uploaded chunk file name
     * @param string $cid     uploaded chunked file id
     * @param string $tempDir temporary dirctroy path
     * @param null   $volume
     * @return array|null
     * @throws elFinderAbortException
     * @author Naoki Sawada
    private function checkChunkedFile($tmpname, $chunk, $cid, $tempDir, $volume = null)
        /* @var elFinderVolumeDriver $volume */
        if (preg_match('/^(.+)(\.\d+_(\d+))\.part$/s', $chunk, $m)) {
            $fname = $m[1];
            $encname = md5($cid . '_' . $fname);
            $base = $tempDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ELF' . $encname;
            $clast = intval($m[3]);
            if (is_null($tmpname)) {
                // chunked file upload fail
                foreach (glob($base . '*') as $cf) {
                return null;

            $range = isset($_POST['range']) ? trim($_POST['range']) : '';
            if ($range && preg_match('/^(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)$/', $range, $ranges)) {
                $start = $ranges[1];
                $len = $ranges[2];
                $size = $ranges[3];
                $tmp = $base . '.part';
                $csize = filesize($tmpname);

                $tmpExists = is_file($tmp);
                if (!$tmpExists) {
                    // check upload max size
                    $uploadMaxSize = $volume ? $volume->getUploadMaxSize() : 0;
                    if ($uploadMaxSize > 0 && $size > $uploadMaxSize) {
                        return array(self::ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE, false);
                    // make temp file
                    $ok = false;
                    if ($fp = fopen($tmp, 'wb')) {
                        flock($fp, LOCK_EX);
                        $ok = ftruncate($fp, $size);
                        flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
                    if (!$ok) {
                        return array(self::ERROR_UPLOAD_TEMP, false);
                } else {
                    // wait until makeing temp file (for anothor session)
                    $cnt = 1200; // Time limit 120 sec
                    while (!is_file($base) && --$cnt) {
                        usleep(100000); // wait 100ms
                    if (!$cnt) {
                        return array(self::ERROR_UPLOAD_TEMP, false);

                // check size info
                if ($len != $csize || $start + $len > $size || ($tmpExists && $size != filesize($tmp))) {
                    return array(self::ERROR_UPLOAD_TEMP, false);

                // write chunk data
                $src = fopen($tmpname, 'rb');
                $fp = fopen($tmp, 'cb');
                fseek($fp, $start);
                $writelen = stream_copy_to_stream($src, $fp, $len);

                try {
                    // to check connection is aborted
                } catch (elFinderAbortException $e) {
                    is_file($tmp) && unlink($tmp);
                    is_file($base) && unlink($base);
                    throw $e;

                if ($writelen != $len) {
                    return array(self::ERROR_UPLOAD_TEMP, false);

                // write counts
                file_put_contents($base, "\0", FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);

                if (filesize($base) >= $clast + 1) {
                    // Completion
                    return array($tmp, $fname);
            } else {
                // old way
                $part = $base . $m[2];
                if (move_uploaded_file($tmpname, $part)) {
                    chmod($part, 0600);
                    if ($clast < count(glob($base . '*'))) {
                        $parts = array();
                        for ($i = 0; $i <= $clast; $i++) {
                            $name = $base . '.' . $i . '_' . $clast;
                            if (is_readable($name)) {
                                $parts[] = $name;
                            } else {
                                $parts = null;
                        if ($parts) {
                            if (!is_file($base)) {
                                if ($resfile = tempnam($tempDir, 'ELF')) {
                                    $target = fopen($resfile, 'wb');
                                    foreach ($parts as $f) {
                                        $fp = fopen($f, 'rb');
                                        while (!feof($fp)) {
                                            fwrite($target, fread($fp, 8192));
                                    return array($resfile, $fname);
        return array('', '');

     * Save uploaded files
     * @param  array
     * @return array
     * @throws elFinderAbortException
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    protected function upload($args)
        $ngReg = '/[\/\\?*:|"<>]/';
        $target = $args['target'];
        $volume = $this->volume($target);
        $files = isset($args['FILES']['upload']) && is_array($args['FILES']['upload']) ? $args['FILES']['upload'] : array();
        $header = empty($args['html']) ? array() : array('header' => 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
        $result = array_merge(array('added' => array()), $header);
        $paths = $args['upload_path'] ? $args['upload_path'] : array();
        $chunk = $args['chunk'] ? $args['chunk'] : '';
        $cid = $args['cid'] ? (int)$args['cid'] : '';
        $mtimes = $args['mtime'] ? $args['mtime'] : array();
        $tmpfname = '';

        if (!$volume) {
            return array_merge(array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_UPLOAD, self::ERROR_TRGDIR_NOT_FOUND, '#' . $target)), $header);

        // check $chunk
        if (strpos($chunk, '/') !== false || strpos($chunk, '\\') !== false) {
            return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_UPLOAD));

        if ($args['overwrite'] !== '') {

        $renames = $hashes = array();
        $suffix = '~';
        if ($args['renames'] && is_array($args['renames'])) {
            $renames = array_flip($args['renames']);
            if (is_string($args['suffix']) && !preg_match($ngReg, $args['suffix'])) {
                $suffix = $args['suffix'];
        if ($args['hashes'] && is_array($args['hashes'])) {
            $hashes = array_flip($args['hashes']);


        // file extentions table by MIME
        $extTable = array_flip(array_unique($volume->getMimeTable()));

        if (empty($files)) {
            if (isset($args['upload']) && is_array($args['upload']) && ($tempDir = $this->getTempDir($volume->getTempPath()))) {
                $names = array();
                foreach ($args['upload'] as $i => $url) {
                    // check chunked file upload commit
                    if ($chunk) {
                        if ($url === 'chunkfail' && $args['mimes'] === 'chunkfail') {
                            $this->checkChunkedFile(null, $chunk, $cid, $tempDir);
                            if (preg_match('/^(.+)(\.\d+_(\d+))\.part$/s', $chunk, $m)) {
                                $result['warning'] = $this->error(self::ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE, $m[1], self::ERROR_UPLOAD_TEMP);
                            return $result;
                        } else {
                            $tmpfname = $tempDir . '/' . $chunk;
                            $files['tmp_name'][$i] = $tmpfname;
                            $files['name'][$i] = $url;
                            $files['error'][$i] = 0;
                            $GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles'][$tmpfname] = true;

                    $tmpfname = $tempDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ELF_FATCH_' . md5($url . microtime(true));
                    $GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles'][$tmpfname] = true;

                    $_name = '';
                    // check is data:
                    if (substr($url, 0, 5) === 'data:') {
                        list($data, $args['name'][$i]) = $this->parse_data_scheme($url, $extTable, $args);
                    } else {
                        $fp = fopen($tmpfname, 'wb');
                        if ($data = $this->get_remote_contents($url, 30, 5, 'Mozilla/5.0', $fp)) {
                            // to check connection is aborted
                            try {
                            } catch(elFinderAbortException $e) {
                                throw $e;
                            $_name = preg_replace('~^.*?([^/#?]+)(?:\?.*)?(?:#.*)?$~', '$1', rawurldecode($url));
                            // Check `Content-Disposition` response header
                            if (($headers = get_headers($url, true)) && !empty($headers['Content-Disposition'])) {
                                if (preg_match('/filename\*=(?:([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+?)\'\')"?([a-z0-9_.~%-]+)"?/i', $headers['Content-Disposition'], $m)) {
                                    $_name = rawurldecode($m[2]);
                                    if ($m[1] && strtoupper($m[1]) !== 'UTF-8' && function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
                                        $_name = mb_convert_encoding($_name, 'UTF-8', $m[1]);
                                } else if (preg_match('/filename="?([ a-z0-9_.~%-]+)"?/i', $headers['Content-Disposition'], $m)) {
                                    $_name = rawurldecode($m[1]);
                        } else {
                    if ($data) {
                        if (isset($args['name'][$i])) {
                            $_name = $args['name'][$i];
                        if ($_name) {
                            $_ext = '';
                            if (preg_match('/(\.[a-z0-9]{1,7})$/', $_name, $_match)) {
                                $_ext = $_match[1];
                            if ((is_resource($data) && fclose($data)) || file_put_contents($tmpfname, $data)) {
                                $GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles'][$tmpfname] = true;
                                $_name = preg_replace($ngReg, '_', $_name);
                                list($_a, $_b) = array_pad(explode('.', $_name, 2), 2, '');
                                if ($_b === '') {
                                    if ($_ext) {
                                        rename($tmpfname, $tmpfname . $_ext);
                                        $tmpfname = $tmpfname . $_ext;
                                    $_b = $this->detectFileExtension($volume, $tmpfname, $_name);
                                    $_name = $_a . $_b;
                                } else {
                                    $_b = '.' . $_b;
                                if (isset($names[$_name])) {
                                    $_name = $_a . '_' . $names[$_name]++ . $_b;
                                } else {
                                    $names[$_name] = 1;
                                $files['tmp_name'][$i] = $tmpfname;
                                $files['name'][$i] = $_name;
                                $files['error'][$i] = 0;
                                // set to auto rename
                            } else {
            if (empty($files)) {
                return array_merge(array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_UPLOAD, self::ERROR_UPLOAD_NO_FILES)), $header);

        $addedDirs = array();
        $errors = array();
        foreach ($files['name'] as $i => $name) {
            if (($error = $files['error'][$i]) > 0) {
                $result['warning'] = $this->error(self::ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE, $name, $error == UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE || $error == UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE ? self::ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE : self::ERROR_UPLOAD_TRANSFER, $error);
                $this->uploadDebug = 'Upload error code: ' . $error;

            $tmpname = $files['tmp_name'][$i];
            $thash = ($paths && isset($paths[$i])) ? $paths[$i] : $target;
            $mtime = isset($mtimes[$i]) ? $mtimes[$i] : 0;
            if ($name === 'blob') {
                if ($chunk) {
                    if ($tempDir = $this->getTempDir($volume->getTempPath())) {
                        list($tmpname, $name) = $this->checkChunkedFile($tmpname, $chunk, $cid, $tempDir, $volume);
                        if ($tmpname) {
                            if ($name === false) {
                                preg_match('/^(.+)(\.\d+_(\d+))\.part$/s', $chunk, $m);
                                $result['error'] = $this->error(self::ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE, $m[1], $tmpname);
                                $result['_chunkfailure'] = true;
                                $this->uploadDebug = 'Upload error: ' . $tmpname;
                            } else if ($name) {
                                $result['_chunkmerged'] = basename($tmpname);
                                $result['_name'] = $name;
                                $result['_mtime'] = $mtime;
                    } else {
                        $result['error'] = $this->error(self::ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE, $chunk, self::ERROR_UPLOAD_TEMP);
                        $this->uploadDebug = 'Upload error: unable open tmp file';
                    return $result;
                } else {
                    // for form clipboard with Google Chrome or Opera
                    $name = 'image.png';

            // Set name if name eq 'image.png' and $args has 'name' array, e.g. clipboard data
            if (strtolower(substr($name, 0, 5)) === 'image' && is_array($args['name']) && isset($args['name'][$i])) {
                $type = $files['type'][$i];
                $name = $args['name'][$i];
                $ext = isset($extTable[$type]) ? '.' . $extTable[$type] : '';
                if ($ext) {
                    $name = preg_replace('/\.[^.]*$/', '', $name);
                $name .= $ext;

            // do hook function 'upload.presave'
            try {
                $this->trigger('upload.presave', array(&$thash, &$name, $tmpname, $this, $volume), $errors);
            } catch (elFinderTriggerException $e) {
                if (!is_uploaded_file($tmpname) && unlink($tmpname) && $tmpfname) {

            if ($mtime && is_file($tmpname)) {
                // for keep timestamp option in the LocalFileSystem volume
                touch($tmpname, $mtime);

            $fp = null;
            if (!is_file($tmpname) || ($fp = fopen($tmpname, 'rb')) === false) {
                $errors = array_merge($errors, array(self::ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE, $name, ($fp === false? self::ERROR_UPLOAD_TEMP : self::ERROR_UPLOAD_TRANSFER)));
                $this->uploadDebug = 'Upload error: unable open tmp file';
                if (!is_uploaded_file($tmpname)) {
                    if (unlink($tmpname) && $tmpfname) unset($GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles'][$tmpfname]);
            $rnres = array();
            if ($thash !== '' && $thash !== $target) {
                if ($dir = $volume->dir($thash)) {
                    $_target = $thash;
                    if (!isset($addedDirs[$thash])) {
                        $addedDirs[$thash] = true;
                        $result['added'][] = $dir;
                        // to support multi-level directory creation
                        $_phash = isset($dir['phash']) ? $dir['phash'] : null;
                        while ($_phash && !isset($addedDirs[$_phash]) && $_phash !== $target) {
                            if ($_dir = $volume->dir($_phash)) {
                                $addedDirs[$_phash] = true;
                                $result['added'][] = $_dir;
                                $_phash = isset($_dir['phash']) ? $_dir['phash'] : null;
                            } else {
                } else {
                    $result['error'] = $this->error(self::ERROR_UPLOAD, self::ERROR_TRGDIR_NOT_FOUND, 'hash@' . $thash);
            } else {
                $_target = $target;
                // file rename for backup
                if (isset($renames[$name])) {
                    $dir = $volume->realpath($_target);
                    if (isset($hashes[$name])) {
                        $hash = $hashes[$name];
                    } else {
                        $hash = $volume->getHash($dir, $name);
                    $rnres = $this->rename(array('target' => $hash, 'name' => $volume->uniqueName($dir, $name, $suffix, true, 0)));
                    if (!empty($rnres['error'])) {
                        $result['warning'] = $rnres['error'];
                        if (!is_array($rnres['error'])) {
                            $errors = array_push($errors, $rnres['error']);
                        } else {
                            $errors = array_merge($errors, $rnres['error']);
            if (!$_target || ($file = $volume->upload($fp, $_target, $name, $tmpname, ($_target === $target) ? $hashes : array())) === false) {
                $errors = array_merge($errors, $this->error(self::ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE, $name, $volume->error()));
                if (!is_uploaded_file($tmpname) && unlink($tmpname)) {

            is_resource($fp) && fclose($fp);
            if (!is_uploaded_file($tmpname)) {
                if (!is_file($tmpname) || unlink($tmpname)) {
            $result['added'][] = $file;
            if ($rnres) {
                $result = array_merge_recursive($result, $rnres);

        if ($errors) {
            $result['warning'] = $errors;

        if ($GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles']) {
            foreach (array_keys($GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles']) as $_temp) {
                is_file($_temp) && is_writable($_temp) && unlink($_temp);
        $result['removed'] = $volume->removed();

        if (!empty($args['node'])) {
            $result['callback'] = array(
                'node' => $args['node'],
                'bind' => 'upload'
        return $result;

     * Copy/move files into new destination
     * @param  array  command arguments
     * @return array
     * @throws elFinderAbortException
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    protected function paste($args)
        $dst = $args['dst'];
        $targets = is_array($args['targets']) ? $args['targets'] : array();
        $cut = !empty($args['cut']);
        $error = $cut ? self::ERROR_MOVE : self::ERROR_COPY;
        $result = array('changed' => array(), 'added' => array(), 'removed' => array(), 'warning' => array());

        if (($dstVolume = $this->volume($dst)) == false) {
            return array('error' => $this->error($error, '#' . $targets[0], self::ERROR_TRGDIR_NOT_FOUND, '#' . $dst));


        $hashes = $renames = array();
        $suffix = '~';
        if (!empty($args['renames'])) {
            $renames = array_flip($args['renames']);
            if (is_string($args['suffix']) && !preg_match('/[\/\\?*:|"<>]/', $args['suffix'])) {
                $suffix = $args['suffix'];
        if (!empty($args['hashes'])) {
            $hashes = array_flip($args['hashes']);

        foreach ($targets as $target) {

            if (($srcVolume = $this->volume($target)) == false) {
                $result['warning'] = array_merge($result['warning'], $this->error($error, '#' . $target, self::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND));

            $rnres = array();
            if ($renames) {
                $file = $srcVolume->file($target);
                if (isset($renames[$file['name']])) {
                    $dir = $dstVolume->realpath($dst);
                    $dstName = $file['name'];
                    if ($srcVolume !== $dstVolume) {
                        $errors = array();
                        try {
                            $this->trigger('paste.copyfrom', array(&$dst, &$dstName, '', $this, $dstVolume), $errors);
                        } catch (elFinderTriggerException $e) {
                            $result['warning'] = array_merge($result['warning'], $errors);
                    if (isset($hashes[$file['name']])) {
                        $hash = $hashes[$file['name']];
                    } else {
                        $hash = $dstVolume->getHash($dir, $dstName);
                    $rnres = $this->rename(array('target' => $hash, 'name' => $dstVolume->uniqueName($dir, $dstName, $suffix, true, 0)));
                    if (!empty($rnres['error'])) {
                        $result['warning'] = array_merge($result['warning'], $rnres['error']);

            if ($cut && $this->itemLocked($target)) {
                $rm = $srcVolume->file($target);
                $result['warning'] = array_merge($result['warning'], $this->error(self::ERROR_LOCKED, $rm['name']));

            if (($file = $dstVolume->paste($srcVolume, $target, $dst, $cut, $hashes)) == false) {
                $result['warning'] = array_merge($result['warning'], $this->error($dstVolume->error()));

            if ($error = $dstVolume->error()) {
                $result['warning'] = array_merge($result['warning'], $this->error($error));

            if ($rnres) {
                $result = array_merge_recursive($result, $rnres);
        if (count($result['warning']) < 1) {
        } else {
            $result['sync'] = true;

        return $result;

     * Return file content
     * @param  array $args command arguments
     * @return array
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    protected function get($args)
        $target = $args['target'];
        $volume = $this->volume($target);
        $enc = false;

        if (!$volume || ($file = $volume->file($target)) == false) {
            return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_OPEN, '#' . $target, self::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND));

        if ($volume->commandDisabled('get')) {
            return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_OPEN, '#' . $target, self::ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED));

        if (($content = $volume->getContents($target)) === false) {
            return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_OPEN, $volume->path($target), $volume->error()));

        $mime = isset($file['mime']) ? $file['mime'] : '';
        if ($mime && (strtolower(substr($mime, 0, 4)) === 'text' || in_array(strtolower($mime), self::$textMimes))) {
            $enc = '';
            if ($content !== '') {
                if (!$args['conv'] || $args['conv'] == '1') {
                    // detect encoding
                    if (function_exists('mb_detect_encoding')) {
                        if ($enc = mb_detect_encoding($content, mb_detect_order(), true)) {
                            $encu = strtoupper($enc);
                            if ($encu === 'UTF-8' || $encu === 'ASCII') {
                                $enc = '';
                        } else {
                            $enc = 'unknown';
                    } else if (!preg_match('//u', $content)) {
                        $enc = 'unknown';
                    if ($enc === 'unknown') {
                        $enc = $volume->getOption('encoding');
                        if (!$enc || strtoupper($enc) === 'UTF-8') {
                            $enc = 'unknown';
                    // call callbacks 'get.detectencoding'
                    if (!empty($this->listeners['get.detectencoding'])) {
                        foreach ($this->listeners['get.detectencoding'] as $handler) {
                            call_user_func_array($handler, array('get', &$enc, array_merge($args, array('content' => $content)), $this, $volume));
                    if ($enc && $enc !== 'unknown') {
                        $errlev = error_reporting();
                        error_reporting($errlev ^ E_NOTICE);
                        $utf8 = iconv($enc, 'UTF-8', $content);
                        if ($utf8 === false && function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
                            error_reporting($errlev ^ E_WARNING);
                            $utf8 = mb_convert_encoding($content, 'UTF-8', $enc);
                            if (mb_convert_encoding($utf8, $enc, 'UTF-8') !== $content) {
                                $enc = 'unknown';
                        } else {
                            if ($utf8 === false || iconv('UTF-8', $enc, $utf8) !== $content) {
                                $enc = 'unknown';
                        if ($enc !== 'unknown') {
                            $content = $utf8;
                    if ($enc) {
                        if ($args['conv'] == '1') {
                            $args['conv'] = '';
                            if ($enc === 'unknown') {
                                $content = false;
                        } else if ($enc === 'unknown') {
                            return array('doconv' => $enc);
                    if ($args['conv'] == '1') {
                        $args['conv'] = '';
                if ($args['conv']) {
                    $enc = $args['conv'];
                    if (strtoupper($enc) !== 'UTF-8') {
                        $_content = $content;
                        $errlev = error_reporting();
                            'prefix' => 'Notice: '
                        error_reporting($errlev | E_NOTICE | E_WARNING);
                        $content = iconv($enc, 'UTF-8//TRANSLIT', $content);
                        if ($content === false && function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
                            $content = mb_convert_encoding($_content, 'UTF-8', $enc);
                    } else {
                        $enc = '';
        } else {
            $content = 'data:' . ($mime ? $mime : 'application/octet-stream') . ';base64,' . base64_encode($content);

        if ($enc !== false) {
            $json = false;
            if ($content !== false) {
                $json = json_encode($content);
            if ($content === false || $json === false || strlen($json) < strlen($content)) {
                return array('doconv' => 'unknown');

        $res = array(
            'header' => array(
                'Content-Type: application/json'
            'content' => $content

        // add cache control headers
        if ($cacheHeaders = $volume->getOption('cacheHeaders')) {
            $res['header'] = array_merge($res['header'], $cacheHeaders);

        if ($enc) {
            $res['encoding'] = $enc;
        return $res;

     * Save content into text file
     * @param $args
     * @return array
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    protected function put($args)
        $target = $args['target'];
        $encoding = isset($args['encoding']) ? $args['encoding'] : '';

        if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) == false
            || ($file = $volume->file($target)) == false) {
            return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_SAVE, '#' . $target, self::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND));


        if ($encoding === 'scheme') {
            if (preg_match('~^https?://~i', $args['content'])) {
                /** @var resource $fp */
                $fp = $this->get_remote_contents($args['content'], 30, 5, 'Mozilla/5.0', $volume->tmpfile());
                if (!$fp) {
                    return array('error' => self::ERROR_SAVE, $args['content'], self::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
                $fmeta = stream_get_meta_data($fp);
                $mime = $this->detectMimeType($fmeta['uri']);
                if ($mime === 'unknown') {
                    $mime = 'application/octet-stream';
                $mime = $volume->mimeTypeNormalize($mime, $file['name']);
                $args['content'] = 'data:' . $mime . ';base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents($fmeta['uri']));
            $encoding = '';
            $args['content'] = "\0" . $args['content'];
        } else if ($encoding === 'hash') {
            $_hash = $args['content'];
            if ($_src = $this->getVolume($_hash)) {
                if ($_file = $_src->file($_hash)) {
                    if ($_data = $_src->getContents($_hash)) {
                        $args['content'] = 'data:' . $file['mime'] . ';base64,' . base64_encode($_data);
            $encoding = '';
            $args['content'] = "\0" . $args['content'];
        if ($encoding) {
            $content = iconv('UTF-8', $encoding, $args['content']);
            if ($content === false && function_exists('mb_detect_encoding')) {
                $content = mb_convert_encoding($args['content'], $encoding, 'UTF-8');
            if ($content !== false) {
                $args['content'] = $content;
        if (($file = $volume->putContents($target, $args['content'])) == false) {
            return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_SAVE, $volume->path($target), $volume->error()));

        return array('changed' => array($file));

     * Extract files from archive
     * @param  array $args command arguments
     * @return array
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov,
     * @author Alexey Sukhotin
    protected function extract($args)
        $target = $args['target'];
        $makedir = isset($args['makedir']) ? (bool)$args['makedir'] : null;

        if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) == false
            || ($file = $volume->file($target)) == false) {
            return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_EXTRACT, '#' . $target, self::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND));

        $res = array();
        if ($file = $volume->extract($target, $makedir)) {
            $res['added'] = isset($file['read']) ? array($file) : $file;
            if ($err = $volume->error()) {
                $res['warning'] = $err;
        } else {
            $res['error'] = $this->error(self::ERROR_EXTRACT, $volume->path($target), $volume->error());
        return $res;

     * Create archive
     * @param  array $args command arguments
     * @return array
     * @throws Exception
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov,
     * @author Alexey Sukhotin
    protected function archive($args)
        $targets = isset($args['targets']) && is_array($args['targets']) ? $args['targets'] : array();
        $name = isset($args['name']) ? $args['name'] : '';

        $targets = array_filter($targets, array($this, 'volume'));
        if (!$targets || ($volume = $this->volume($targets[0])) === false) {
            return $this->error(self::ERROR_ARCHIVE, self::ERROR_TRGDIR_NOT_FOUND);

        foreach ($targets as $target) {

        return ($file = $volume->archive($targets, $args['type'], $name))
            ? array('added' => array($file))
            : array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_ARCHIVE, $volume->error()));

     * Search files
     * @param  array $args command arguments
     * @return array
     * @throws elFinderAbortException
     * @author Dmitry Levashov
    protected function search($args)
        $q = trim($args['q']);
        $mimes = !empty($args['mimes']) && is_array($args['mimes']) ? $args['mimes'] : array();
        $target = !empty($args['target']) ? $args['target'] : null;
        $type = !empty($args['type']) ? $args['type'] : null;
        $result = array();
        $errors = array();

        if ($target) {
            if ($volume = $this->volume($target)) {
                $result = $volume->search($q, $mimes, $target, $type);
                $errors = array_merge($errors, $volume->error());
        } else {
            foreach ($this->volumes as $volume) {
                $result = array_merge($result, $volume->search($q, $mimes, null, $type));
                $errors = array_merge($errors, $volume->error());

        $result = array('files' => $result);
        if ($errors) {
            $result['warning'] = $errors;
        return $result;

     * Return file info (used by client "places" ui)
     * @param  array $args command arguments
     * @return array
     * @throws elFinderAbortException
     * @author Dmitry Levashov
    protected function info($args)
        $files = array();
        $compare = null;
        // long polling mode
        if ($args['compare'] && count($args['targets']) === 1) {
            $compare = intval($args['compare']);
            $hash = $args['targets'][0];
            if ($volume = $this->volume($hash)) {
                $standby = (int)$volume->getOption('plStandby');
                $_compare = false;
                if (($syncCheckFunc = $volume->getOption('syncCheckFunc')) && is_callable($syncCheckFunc)) {
                    $_compare = call_user_func_array($syncCheckFunc, array($volume->realpath($hash), $standby, $compare, $volume, $this));
                if ($_compare !== false) {
                    $compare = $_compare;
                } else {
                    $sleep = max(1, (int)$volume->getOption('tsPlSleep'));
                    $limit = max(1, $standby / $sleep) + 1;
                    do {
                        elFinder::extendTimeLimit(30 + $sleep);
                        if (($info = $volume->file($hash)) != false) {
                            if ($info['ts'] != $compare) {
                                $compare = $info['ts'];
                        } else {
                            $compare = 0;
                        if (--$limit) {
                    } while ($limit);
        } else {
            foreach ($args['targets'] as $hash) {
                if (($volume = $this->volume($hash)) != false
                    && ($info = $volume->file($hash)) != false) {
                    $info['path'] = $volume->path($hash);
                    $files[] = $info;

        $result = array('files' => $files);
        if (!is_null($compare)) {
            $result['compare'] = strval($compare);
        return $result;

     * Return image dimensions
     * @param  array $args command arguments
     * @return array
     * @throws ImagickException
     * @throws elFinderAbortException
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    protected function dim($args)
        $res = array();
        $target = $args['target'];

        if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) != false) {
            if ($dim = $volume->dimensions($target, $args)) {
                if (is_array($dim) && isset($dim['dim'])) {
                    $res = $dim;
                } else {
                    $res = array('dim' => $dim);
                    if ($subImgLink = $volume->getSubstituteImgLink($target, explode('x', $dim))) {
                        $res['url'] = $subImgLink;

        return $res;

     * Resize image
     * @param  array  command arguments
     * @return array
     * @throws ImagickException
     * @throws elFinderAbortException
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
     * @author Alexey Sukhotin
    protected function resize($args)
        $target = $args['target'];
        $width = (int)$args['width'];
        $height = (int)$args['height'];
        $x = (int)$args['x'];
        $y = (int)$args['y'];
        $mode = $args['mode'];
        $bg = $args['bg'];
        $degree = (int)$args['degree'];
        $quality = (int)$args['quality'];

        if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) == false
            || ($file = $volume->file($target)) == false) {
            return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_RESIZE, '#' . $target, self::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND));

        if ($mode !== 'rotate' && ($width < 1 || $height < 1)) {
            return array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_RESIZESIZE));
        return ($file = $volume->resize($target, $width, $height, $x, $y, $mode, $bg, $degree, $quality))
            ? (!empty($file['losslessRotate']) ? $file : array('changed' => array($file)))
            : array('error' => $this->error(self::ERROR_RESIZE, $volume->path($target), $volume->error()));

     * Return content URL
     * @param  array $args command arguments
     * @return array
     * @author Naoki Sawada
    protected function url($args)
        $target = $args['target'];
        $options = isset($args['options']) ? $args['options'] : array();
        if (($volume = $this->volume($target)) != false) {
            if (!$volume->commandDisabled('url')) {
                $url = $volume->getContentUrl($target, $options);
                return $url ? array('url' => $url) : array();
        return array();

     * Output callback result with JavaScript that control elFinder
     * or HTTP redirect to callbackWindowURL
     * @param  array  command arguments
     * @throws elFinderAbortException
     * @author Naoki Sawada
    protected function callback($args)
        $checkReg = '/[^a-zA-Z0-9;._-]/';
        $node = (isset($args['node']) && !preg_match($checkReg, $args['node'])) ? $args['node'] : '';
        $json = (isset($args['json']) && json_decode($args['json'])) ? $args['json'] : '{}';
        $bind = (isset($args['bind']) && !preg_match($checkReg, $args['bind'])) ? $args['bind'] : '';
        $done = (!empty($args['done']));

        while (ob_get_level()) {
            if (!ob_end_clean()) {

        if ($done || !$this->callbackWindowURL) {
            $script = '';
            if ($node) {
                if ($bind) {
                    $trigger = 'elf.trigger(\'' . $bind . '\', data);';
                    $triggerdone = 'elf.trigger(\'' . $bind . 'done\');';
                    $triggerfail = 'elf.trigger(\'' . $bind . 'fail\', data);';
                } else {
                    $trigger = $triggerdone = $triggerfail = '';
                $origin = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'])? str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN']) : '*';
                $script .= '
var go = function() {
    var w = window.opener || window.parent || window,
        close = function(){
            return false;
    try {
        var elf = w.document.getElementById(\'' . $node . '\').elfinder;
        if (elf) {
            var data = ' . $json . ';
            if (data.error) {
                ' . $triggerfail . '
            } else {
                data.warning && elf.error(data.warning);
                data.removed && data.removed.length && elf.remove(data);
                data.added   && data.added.length   && elf.add(data);
                data.changed && data.changed.length && elf.change(data);
                ' . $trigger . '
                ' . $triggerdone . '
                data.sync && elf.sync();
    } catch(e) {
        // for CORS
        w.postMessage && w.postMessage(JSON.stringify({bind:\'' . $bind . '\',data:' . $json . '}), \'' . $origin . '\');
    setTimeout(function() {
        var msg = document.getElementById(\'msg\');
        msg.style.display = \'inline\';
        msg.onclick = close;
    }, 100);

            $out = '<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"><meta charset="utf-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=2"><script>' . $script . '</script></head><body><h2 id="msg" style="display:none;"><a href="#">Please close this tab.</a></h2><script>go();</script></body></html>';

            header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
            header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($out));
            header('Cache-Control: private');
            header('Pragma: no-cache');

            echo $out;

        } else {
            $url = $this->callbackWindowURL;
            $url .= ((strpos($url, '?') === false) ? '?' : '&')
                . '&node=' . rawurlencode($node)
                . (($json !== '{}') ? ('&json=' . rawurlencode($json)) : '')
                . ($bind ? ('&bind=' . rawurlencode($bind)) : '')
                . '&done=1';

            header('Location: ' . $url);

        throw new elFinderAbortException();

     * Error handler for send toast message to client side
     * @param int    $errno
     * @param string $errstr
     * @param string $errfile
     * @param int    $errline
     * @return boolean
    protected function toastErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
        $proc = false;
        if (!(error_reporting() & $errno)) {
            return $proc;
        $toast = array();
        $toast['mode'] = $this->toastParams['mode'];
        $toast['msg'] = $this->toastParams['prefix'] . $errstr;
        $this->toastMessages[] = $toast;
        return true;

     * PHP error handler, catch error types only E_WARNING | E_NOTICE | E_USER_WARNING | E_USER_NOTICE
     * @param int    $errno
     * @param string $errstr
     * @param string $errfile
     * @param int    $errline
     * @return boolean
    public static function phpErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
        static $base = null;

        $proc = false;

        if (is_null($base)) {
            $base = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;

        if (!(error_reporting() & $errno)) {
            return $proc;

        // Do not report real path
        if (strpos($errfile, $base) === 0) {
            $errfile = str_replace($base, '', $errfile);
        } else if ($pos = strrpos($errfile, '/vendor/')) {
            $errfile = substr($errfile, $pos + 1);
        } else {
            $errfile = basename($errfile);

        switch ($errno) {
            case E_WARNING:
            case E_USER_WARNING:
                elFinder::$phpErrors[] = "WARNING: $errstr in $errfile line $errline.";
                $proc = true;

            case E_NOTICE:
            case E_USER_NOTICE:
                elFinder::$phpErrors[] = "NOTICE: $errstr in $errfile line $errline.";
                $proc = true;

            case E_STRICT:
                elFinder::$phpErrors[] = "STRICT: $errstr in $errfile line $errline.";
                $proc = true;

            case E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR:
                elFinder::$phpErrors[] = "RECOVERABLE_ERROR: $errstr in $errfile line $errline.";
                $proc = true;

        if (defined('E_DEPRECATED')) {
            switch ($errno) {
                case E_DEPRECATED:
                case E_USER_DEPRECATED:
                    elFinder::$phpErrors[] = "DEPRECATED: $errstr in $errfile line $errline.";
                    $proc = true;

        return $proc;

    /*                                   utils                                 */

     * Return root - file's owner
     * @param  string  file hash
     * @return elFinderVolumeDriver|boolean (false)
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    protected function volume($hash)
        foreach ($this->volumes as $id => $v) {
            if (strpos('' . $hash, $id) === 0) {
                return $this->volumes[$id];
        return false;

     * Return files info array
     * @param  array $data one file info or files info
     * @return array
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    protected function toArray($data)
        return isset($data['hash']) || !is_array($data) ? array($data) : $data;

     * Return fils hashes list
     * @param  array $files files info
     * @return array
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    protected function hashes($files)
        $ret = array();
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            $ret[] = $file['hash'];
        return $ret;

     * Remove from files list hidden files and files with required mime types
     * @param  array $files files info
     * @return array
     * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov
    protected function filter($files)
        $exists = array();
        foreach ($files as $i => $file) {
            if (isset($file['hash'])) {
                if (isset($exists[$file['hash']]) || !empty($file['hidden']) || !$this->default->mimeAccepted($file['mime'])) {
                $exists[$file['hash']] = true;
        return array_values($files);

    protected function utime()
        $time = explode(" ", microtime());
        return (double)$time[1] + (double)$time[0];

     * Return Network mount volume unique ID
     * @param  array  $netVolumes Saved netvolumes array
     * @param  string $prefix     Id prefix
     * @return string|false
     * @author Naoki Sawada
    protected function getNetVolumeUniqueId($netVolumes = null, $prefix = 'nm')
        if (is_null($netVolumes)) {
            $netVolumes = $this->getNetVolumes();
        $ids = array();
        foreach ($netVolumes as $vOps) {
            if (isset($vOps['id']) && strpos($vOps['id'], $prefix) === 0) {
                $ids[$vOps['id']] = true;
        if (!$ids) {
            $id = $prefix . '1';
        } else {
            $i = 0;
            while (isset($ids[$prefix . ++$i]) && $i < 10000) ;
            $id = $prefix . $i;
            if (isset($ids[$id])) {
                $id = false;
        return $id;

     * Is item locked?
     * @param string $hash
     * @return boolean
    protected function itemLocked($hash)
        if (!elFinder::$commonTempPath) {
            return false;
        $lock = elFinder::$commonTempPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::filenameDecontaminate($hash) . '.lock';
        if (file_exists($lock)) {
            if (filemtime($lock) + $this->itemLockExpire < time()) {
                return false;
            return true;

        return false;

     * Do lock target item
     * @param array|string $hashes
     * @param boolean      $autoUnlock
     * @return void
    protected function itemLock($hashes, $autoUnlock = true)
        if (!elFinder::$commonTempPath) {
        if (!is_array($hashes)) {
            $hashes = array($hashes);
        foreach ($hashes as $hash) {
            $lock = elFinder::$commonTempPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::filenameDecontaminate($hash) . '.lock';
            if ($this->itemLocked($hash)) {
                $cnt = file_get_contents($lock) + 1;
            } else {
                $cnt = 1;
            if (file_put_contents($lock, $cnt, LOCK_EX)) {
                if ($autoUnlock) {
                    $this->autoUnlocks[] = $hash;

     * Do unlock target item
     * @param string $hash
     * @return boolean
    protected function itemUnlock($hash)
        if (!$this->itemLocked($hash)) {
            return true;
        $lock = elFinder::$commonTempPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $hash . '.lock';
        $cnt = file_get_contents($lock);
        if (--$cnt < 1) {
            return true;
        } else {
            file_put_contents($lock, $cnt, LOCK_EX);
            return false;

     * unlock locked items on command completion
     * @return void
    public function itemAutoUnlock()
        if ($this->autoUnlocks) {
            foreach ($this->autoUnlocks as $hash) {
            $this->autoUnlocks = array();

     * Ensure directories recursively
     * @param  object $volume Volume object
     * @param  string $target Target hash
     * @param  array  $dirs   Array of directory tree to ensure
     * @param  string $path   Relative path form target hash
     * @return array|false      array('stats' => array([stat of maked directory]), 'hashes' => array('[path]' => '[hash]'), 'makes' => array([New directory hashes]), 'error' => array([Error name]))
     * @author Naoki Sawada
    protected function ensureDirsRecursively($volume, $target, $dirs, $path = '')
        $res = array('stats' => array(), 'hashes' => array(), 'makes' => array(), 'error' => array());
        foreach ($dirs as $name => $sub) {
            $name = (string)$name;
            $dir = $newDir = null;
            if ((($parent = $volume->realpath($target)) && ($dir = $volume->dir($volume->getHash($parent, $name)))) || ($newDir = $volume->mkdir($target, $name))) {
                $_path = $path . '/' . $name;
                if ($newDir) {
                    $res['makes'][] = $newDir['hash'];
                    $dir = $newDir;
                $res['stats'][] = $dir;
                $res['hashes'][$_path] = $dir['hash'];
                if (count($sub)) {
                    $res = array_merge_recursive($res, $this->ensureDirsRecursively($volume, $dir['hash'], $sub, $_path));
            } else {
                $res['error'][] = $name;
        return $res;

     * Sets the toast error handler.
     * @param array $opts The options
    public function setToastErrorHandler($opts)
        $this->toastParams = $this->toastParamsDefault;
        if (!$opts) {
        } else {
            $this->toastParams = array_merge($this->toastParams, $opts);
            set_error_handler(array($this, 'toastErrorHandler'));

     * String encode convert to UTF-8
     * @param      string  $str  Input string
     * @return     string  UTF-8 string
    public function utf8Encode($str)
        static $mbencode = null;
        $str = (string) $str;
        if (@iconv('utf-8', 'utf-8//IGNORE', $str) === $str) {
            return $str;

        if ($this->utf8Encoder) {
            return $this->utf8Encoder($str);

        if ($mbencode === null) {
            $mbencode = function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') && function_exists('mb_detect_encoding');

        if ($mbencode) {
            if ($enc = mb_detect_encoding($str, mb_detect_order(), true)) {
                $_str = mb_convert_encoding($str, 'UTF-8', $enc);
                if (@iconv('utf-8', 'utf-8//IGNORE', $_str) === $_str) {
                    return $_str;
        return utf8_encode($str);

    /*                           static  utils                                 */

     * Return full version of API that this connector supports all functions
     * @return string
    public static function getApiFullVersion()
        return (string)self::$ApiVersion . '.' . (string)self::$ApiRevision;

     * Return self::$commonTempPath
     * @return     string  The common temporary path.
    public static function getCommonTempPath()
        return self::$commonTempPath;

     * Return Is Animation Gif
     * @param  string $path server local path of target image
     * @return bool
    public static function isAnimationGif($path)
        list(, , $type) = getimagesize($path);
        switch ($type) {
            case IMAGETYPE_GIF:
                return false;

        $imgcnt = 0;
        $fp = fopen($path, 'rb');
        fread($fp, 4);
        $c = fread($fp, 1);
        if (ord($c) != 0x39) {  // GIF89a
            return false;

        while (!feof($fp)) {
            do {
                $c = fread($fp, 1);
            } while (ord($c) != 0x21 && !feof($fp));

            if (feof($fp)) {

            $c2 = fread($fp, 2);
            if (bin2hex($c2) == "f904") {
                if ($imgcnt === 2) {

            if (feof($fp)) {

        if ($imgcnt > 1) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

     * Return Is Animation Png
     * @param  string $path server local path of target image
     * @return bool
    public static function isAnimationPng($path)
        list(, , $type) = getimagesize($path);
        switch ($type) {
            case IMAGETYPE_PNG:
                return false;

        $fp = fopen($path, 'rb');
        $img_bytes = fread($fp, 1024);
        if ($img_bytes) {
            if (strpos(substr($img_bytes, 0, strpos($img_bytes, 'IDAT')), 'acTL') !== false) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Return Is seekable stream resource
     * @param resource $resource
     * @return bool
    public static function isSeekableStream($resource)
        $metadata = stream_get_meta_data($resource);
        return $metadata['seekable'];

     * Rewind stream resource
     * @param resource $resource
     * @return void
    public static function rewind($resource)
        self::isSeekableStream($resource) && rewind($resource);

     * Determines whether the specified resource is seekable url.
     * @param      <type>   $resource  The resource
     * @return     boolean  True if the specified resource is seekable url, False otherwise.
    public static function isSeekableUrl($resource)
        $id = (int)$resource;
        if (isset(elFinder::$seekableUrlFps[$id])) {
            return elFinder::$seekableUrlFps[$id];
        return null;

     * serialize and base64_encode of session data (If needed)
     * @deprecated
     * @param  mixed $var target variable
     * @author Naoki Sawada
     * @return mixed|string
    public static function sessionDataEncode($var)
        if (self::$base64encodeSessionData) {
            $var = base64_encode(serialize($var));
        return $var;

     * base64_decode and unserialize of session data  (If needed)
     * @deprecated
     * @param  mixed $var     target variable
     * @param  bool  $checkIs data type for check (array|string|object|int)
     * @author Naoki Sawada
     * @return bool|mixed
    public static function sessionDataDecode(&$var, $checkIs = null)
        if (self::$base64encodeSessionData) {
            $data = unserialize(base64_decode($var));
        } else {
            $data = $var;
        $chk = true;
        if ($checkIs) {
            switch ($checkIs) {
                case 'array':
                    $chk = is_array($data);
                case 'string':
                    $chk = is_string($data);
                case 'object':
                    $chk = is_object($data);
                case 'int':
                    $chk = is_int($data);
        if (!$chk) {
            return false;
        return $data;

     * Call session_write_close() if session is restarted
     * @deprecated
     * @return void
    public static function sessionWrite()
        if (session_id()) {

     * Return elFinder static variable
     * @param $key
     * @return mixed|null
    public static function getStaticVar($key)
        return isset(elFinder::$$key) ? elFinder::$$key : null;

     * Extend PHP execution time limit and also check connection is aborted
     * @param Int $time
     * @return void
     * @throws elFinderAbortException
    public static function extendTimeLimit($time = null)
        static $defLimit = null;
        if (!self::aborted()) {
            if (is_null($defLimit)) {
                $defLimit = ini_get('max_execution_time');
            if ($defLimit != 0) {
                $time = is_null($time) ? $defLimit : max($defLimit, $time);
        } else {
            throw new elFinderAbortException();

     * Check connection is aborted
     * Script stop immediately if connection aborted
     * @return void
     * @throws elFinderAbortException
    public static function checkAborted()

     * Return bytes from php.ini value
     * @param string $iniName
     * @param string $val
     * @return number
    public static function getIniBytes($iniName = '', $val = '')
        if ($iniName !== '') {
            $val = ini_get($iniName);
            if ($val === false) {
                return 0;
        $val = trim($val, "bB \t\n\r\0\x0B");
        $last = strtolower($val[strlen($val) - 1]);
        $val = sprintf('%u', $val);
        switch ($last) {
            case 'y':
                $val = elFinder::xKilobyte($val);
            case 'z':
                $val = elFinder::xKilobyte($val);
            case 'e':
                $val = elFinder::xKilobyte($val);
            case 'p':
                $val = elFinder::xKilobyte($val);
            case 't':
                $val = elFinder::xKilobyte($val);
            case 'g':
                $val = elFinder::xKilobyte($val);
            case 'm':
                $val = elFinder::xKilobyte($val);
            case 'k':
                $val = elFinder::xKilobyte($val);
        return $val;

     * Return X 1KByte
     * @param      integer|string  $val    The value
     * @return     number
    public static function xKilobyte($val)
        if (strpos((string)$val * 1024, 'E') !== false) {
            if (strpos((string)$val * 1.024, 'E') === false) {
                $val *= 1.024;
            $val .= '000';
        } else {
            $val *= 1024;
        return $val;

     * Get script url.
     * @return string full URL
     * @author Naoki Sawada
    public static function getConnectorUrl()
        if (defined('ELFINDER_CONNECTOR_URL')) {
            return ELFINDER_CONNECTOR_URL;

        $https = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) !== 'off');
        $url = ($https ? 'https://' : 'http://')
            . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']                                              // host
            . ((empty($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) || (!$https && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 80) || ($https && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443)) ? '' : (':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']))  // port
            . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];                                             // path & query
        list($url) = explode('?', $url);

        return $url;

     * Get stream resource pointer by URL
     * @param array $data array('target'=>'URL', 'headers' => array())
     * @param int   $redirectLimit
     * @return resource|boolean
     * @author Naoki Sawada
    public static function getStreamByUrl($data, $redirectLimit = 5)
        if (isset($data['target'])) {
            $data = array(
                'cnt' => 0,
                'url' => $data['target'],
                'headers' => isset($data['headers']) ? $data['headers'] : array(),
                'postData' => isset($data['postData']) ? $data['postData'] : array(),
                'cookies' => array(),
        if ($data['cnt'] > $redirectLimit) {
            return false;
        $dlurl = $data['url'];
        $data['url'] = '';
        $headers = $data['headers'];

        if ($dlurl) {
            $url = parse_url($dlurl);
            $ports = array(
                'http' => '80',
                'https' => '443',
                'ftp' => '21'
            $url['scheme'] = strtolower($url['scheme']);
            if (!isset($url['port']) && isset($ports[$url['scheme']])) {
                $url['port'] = $ports[$url['scheme']];
            if (!isset($url['port'])) {
                return false;
            $cookies = array();
            if ($data['cookies']) {
                foreach ($data['cookies'] as $d => $c) {
                    if (strpos($url['host'], $d) !== false) {
                        $cookies[] = $c;

            $transport = ($url['scheme'] === 'https') ? 'ssl' : 'tcp';
            $query = isset($url['query']) ? '?' . $url['query'] : '';
            if (!($stream = stream_socket_client($transport . '://' . $url['host'] . ':' . $url['port']))) {
                return false;

            $body = '';
            if (!empty($data['postData'])) {
                $method = 'POST';
                if (is_array($data['postData'])) {
                    $body = http_build_query($data['postData']);
                } else {
                    $body = $data['postData'];
            } else {
                $method = 'GET';

            $sends = array();
            $sends[] = "$method {$url['path']}{$query} HTTP/1.1";
            $sends[] = "Host: {$url['host']}";
            foreach ($headers as $header) {
                $sends[] = trim($header, "\r\n");
            $sends[] = 'Connection: Close';
            if ($cookies) {
                $sends[] = 'Cookie: ' . implode('; ', $cookies);
            if ($method === 'POST') {
                $sends[] = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
                $sends[] = 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($body);
            $sends[] = "\r\n" . $body;

            stream_set_timeout($stream, 300);
            fputs($stream, join("\r\n", $sends) . "\r\n");

            while (($res = trim(fgets($stream))) !== '') {
                // find redirect
                if (preg_match('/^Location: (.+)$/i', $res, $m)) {
                    $data['url'] = $m[1];
                // fetch cookie
                if (strpos($res, 'Set-Cookie:') === 0) {
                    $domain = $url['host'];
                    if (preg_match('/^Set-Cookie:(.+)(?:domain=\s*([^ ;]+))?/i', $res, $c1)) {
                        if (!empty($c1[2])) {
                            $domain = trim($c1[2]);
                        if (preg_match('/([^ ]+=[^;]+)/', $c1[1], $c2)) {
                            $data['cookies'][$domain] = $c2[1];
                // is seekable url
                if (preg_match('/^(Accept-Ranges|Content-Range): bytes/i', $res)) {
                    elFinder::$seekableUrlFps[(int)$stream] = true;
            if ($data['url']) {

                return self::getStreamByUrl($data, $redirectLimit);

            return $stream;

        return false;

     * Gets the fetch cookie file for curl.
     * @return string  The fetch cookie file.
    public function getFetchCookieFile()
        $file = '';
        if ($tmpDir = $this->getTempDir()) {
            $file = $tmpDir . '/.elFinderAnonymousCookie';
        return $file;

     * Call curl_exec() with supported redirect on `safe_mode` or `open_basedir`
     * @param resource $curl
     * @param array    $options
     * @param array    $headers
     * @param array    $postData
     * @throws \Exception
     * @return mixed
     * @author Naoki Sawada
    public static function curlExec($curl, $options = array(), $headers = array(), $postData = array())
        $followLocation = (!ini_get('safe_mode') && !ini_get('open_basedir'));
        if ($followLocation) {
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);

        if ($options) {
            curl_setopt_array($curl, $options);

        if ($headers) {
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

        $result = curl_exec($curl);

        if (!$followLocation && $redirect = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_REDIRECT_URL)) {
            if ($stream = self::getStreamByUrl(array('target' => $redirect, 'headers' => $headers, 'postData' => $postData))) {
                $result = stream_get_contents($stream);

        if ($result === false) {
            if (curl_errno($curl)) {
                throw new \Exception('curl_exec() failed: ' . curl_error($curl));
            } else {
                throw new \Exception('curl_exec(): empty response');


        return $result;

     * Return bool that current request was aborted by client side
     * @return boolean
    public static function aborted()
        if ($file = self::$abortCheckFile) {
            (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0') >= 0) ? clearstatcache(true, $file) : clearstatcache();
            if (!is_file($file)) {
                // GC (expire 12h)
                list($ptn) = explode('elfreq', $file);
                self::GlobGC($ptn . 'elfreq*', 43200);
                return true;
        return false;

     * Return array ["name without extention", "extention"] by filename
     * @param string $name
     * @return array
    public static function splitFileExtention($name)
        if (preg_match('/^(.+?)?\.((?:tar\.(?:gz|bz|bz2|z|lzo))|cpio\.gz|ps\.gz|xcf\.(?:gz|bz2)|[a-z0-9]{1,10})$/i', $name, $m)) {
            return array((string)$m[1], $m[2]);
        } else {
            return array($name, '');

     * Gets the memory size by imageinfo.
     * @param      array $imgInfo array that result of getimagesize()
     * @return     integer  The memory size by imageinfo.
    public static function getMemorySizeByImageInfo($imgInfo)
        $width = $imgInfo[0];
        $height = $imgInfo[1];
        $bits = isset($imgInfo['bits']) ? $imgInfo['bits'] : 24;
        $channels = isset($imgInfo['channels']) ? $imgInfo['channels'] : 3;
        return round(($width * $height * $bits * $channels / 8 + Pow(2, 16)) * 1.65);

     * Auto expand memory for GD processing
     * @param      array $imgInfos The image infos
    public static function expandMemoryForGD($imgInfos)
        if (elFinder::$memoryLimitGD != 0 && $imgInfos && is_array($imgInfos)) {
            if (!is_array($imgInfos[0])) {
                $imgInfos = array($imgInfos);
            $limit = self::getIniBytes('', elFinder::$memoryLimitGD);
            $memLimit = self::getIniBytes('memory_limit');
            $needs = 0;
            foreach ($imgInfos as $info) {
                $needs += self::getMemorySizeByImageInfo($info);
            $needs += memory_get_usage();
            if ($needs > $memLimit && ($limit == -1 || $limit > $needs)) {
                ini_set('memory_limit', $needs);

     * Decontaminate of filename
     * @param      String  $name   The name
     * @return     String  Decontaminated filename
    public static function filenameDecontaminate($name)
        // Directory traversal defense
        if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '\\') {
            $name = str_replace('\\', '/', $name);
        $parts = explode('/', trim($name, '/'));
        $name = array_pop($parts); 
        return $name;

     * Execute shell command
     * @param  string $command      command line
     * @param  string $output       stdout strings
     * @param  int    $return_var   process exit code
     * @param  string $error_output stderr strings
     * @param  null   $cwd          cwd
     * @return int exit code
     * @throws elFinderAbortException
     * @author Alexey Sukhotin
    public static function procExec($command, &$output = '', &$return_var = -1, &$error_output = '', $cwd = null)

        static $allowed = null;

        if ($allowed === null) {
            if ($allowed = function_exists('proc_open')) {
                if ($disabled = ini_get('disable_functions')) {
                    $funcs = array_map('trim', explode(',', $disabled));
                    $allowed = !in_array('proc_open', $funcs);

        if (!$allowed) {
            $return_var = -1;
            return $return_var;

        if (!$command) {
            $return_var = 0;
            return $return_var;

        $descriptorspec = array(
            0 => array("pipe", "r"),  // stdin
            1 => array("pipe", "w"),  // stdout
            2 => array("pipe", "w")   // stderr

        $process = proc_open($command, $descriptorspec, $pipes, $cwd, null);

        if (is_resource($process)) {
            stream_set_blocking($pipes[1], 0);
            stream_set_blocking($pipes[2], 0);


            $tmpout = '';
            $tmperr = '';
            while (feof($pipes[1]) === false || feof($pipes[2]) === false) {
                $read = array($pipes[1], $pipes[2]);
                $write = null;
                $except = null;
                $ret = stream_select($read, $write, $except, 1);
                if ($ret === false) {
                    // error
                } else if ($ret === 0) {
                    // timeout
                } else {
                    foreach ($read as $sock) {
                        if ($sock === $pipes[1]) {
                            $tmpout .= fread($sock, 4096);
                        } else if ($sock === $pipes[2]) {
                            $tmperr .= fread($sock, 4096);


            $output = $tmpout;
            $error_output = $tmperr;
            $return_var = proc_close($process);

        } else {
            $return_var = -1;

        return $return_var;


    /*                                 callbacks                               */

     * Get command name of binded "commandName.subName"
     * @param string $cmd
     * @return string
    protected static function getCmdOfBind($cmd)
        list($ret) = explode('.', $cmd);
        return trim($ret);

     * Add subName to commandName
     * @param string $cmd
     * @param string $sub
     * @return string
    protected static function addSubToBindName($cmd, $sub)
        return $cmd . '.' . trim($sub);

     * Remove a file if connection is disconnected
     * @param string $file
    public static function rmFileInDisconnected($file)
        (connection_aborted() || connection_status() !== CONNECTION_NORMAL) && is_file($file) && unlink($file);

     * Call back function on shutdown
     *  - delete files in $GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles']
    public static function onShutdown()
        self::$abortCheckFile = null;
        if (!empty($GLOBALS['elFinderTempFps'])) {
            foreach (array_keys($GLOBALS['elFinderTempFps']) as $fp) {
                is_resource($fp) && fclose($fp);
        if (!empty($GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles'])) {
            foreach (array_keys($GLOBALS['elFinderTempFiles']) as $f) {
                is_file($f) && is_writable($f) && unlink($f);

     * Garbage collection with glob
     * @param string  $pattern
     * @param integer $time
    public static function GlobGC($pattern, $time)
        $now = time();
        foreach (glob($pattern) as $file) {
            (filemtime($file) < ($now - $time)) && unlink($file);

} // END class

 * Custom exception class for aborting request
class elFinderAbortException extends Exception

class elFinderTriggerException extends Exception


Name Type Size Permission Actions
.tmp Folder 0755
editors Folder 0755
libs Folder 0755
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resources Folder 0755
autoload.php File 2.62 KB 0644
elFinder.class.php File 181.78 KB 0644
elFinderConnector.class.php File 12.29 KB 0644
elFinderFlysystemGoogleDriveNetmount.php File 14.82 KB 0644
elFinderPlugin.php File 3.25 KB 0644
elFinderSession.php File 8.56 KB 0644
elFinderSessionInterface.php File 1.07 KB 0644
elFinderVolumeBox.class.php File 60.31 KB 0644
elFinderVolumeDriver.class.php File 255.85 KB 0644
elFinderVolumeDropbox.class.php File 40.8 KB 0644
elFinderVolumeDropbox2.class.php File 46.31 KB 0644
elFinderVolumeFTP.class.php File 57.18 KB 0644
elFinderVolumeGoogleDrive.class.php File 69.58 KB 0644
elFinderVolumeGroup.class.php File 5.25 KB 0644
elFinderVolumeLocalFileSystem.class.php File 47.07 KB 0644
elFinderVolumeMySQL.class.php File 29.35 KB 0644
elFinderVolumeOneDrive.class.php File 65.61 KB 0644
elFinderVolumeSFTPphpseclib.class.php File 26.6 KB 0644
elFinderVolumeTrash.class.php File 1.55 KB 0644
elFinderVolumeTrashMySQL.class.php File 1.54 KB 0644
mime.types File 24.25 KB 0644