=== LearnDash Multilingual Integration ===
Author: LearnDash
Author URI: https://learndash.com
Plugin URI: https://learndash.com/
Slug: ld-multilingual
Tags: integration, translations, wpml, polylang
Requires at least: 5.0
Tested up to: 5.4
Requires PHP: 7.0
Stable tag: 1.0.0
Adds Multilingual support with WPML and Polylang plugins.
== Description ==
Integrate LearnDash LMS with WPML and Polylang.
= Integration Features =
* Compatibility with course and quiz builder
* Translatable URLs
See the [Add-on](https://www.learndash.com/support/docs/add-ons/compatibility/) page for more information.
== Installation ==
If the auto-update is not working, verify that you have a valid LearnDash LMS license via LEARNDASH LMS > SETTINGS > LMS LICENSE.
Alternatively, you always have the option to update manually. Please note, a full backup of your site is always recommended prior to updating.
1. Deactivate and delete your current version of the add-on.
1. Download the latest version of the add-on from our [support site](https://support.learndash.com/article-categories/free/).
1. Upload the zipped file via PLUGINS > ADD NEW, or to wp-content/plugins.
1. Activate the add-on plugin via the PLUGINS menu.
== Changelog ==
= 1.0.0 =
* Initial release
View the full changelog [here](https://www.learndash.com/support/docs/add-ons/compatibility/).