* Remove comments after integration. Comments are just for reference.
* @package WisdmLabs/Licensing.
* @deprecated 1.8.2 This file is no longer in use.
_deprecated_file( __FILE__, '1.8.2' );
$dependencies = array( 'learndash', 'learndash-reports-by-wisdmlabs' );
$inst_dependencies = array();
if ( ! empty( $dependencies ) && function_exists( 'get_plugin_data' ) ) {
foreach ( $dependencies as $plugin ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited
if ( 'learndash' === strval( $plugin ) ) {
$inst_dependencies[ $plugin ] = get_plugin_data( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/sfwd-lms/sfwd_lms.php' )['Version'];
} else {
if ( file_exists( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $plugin ) ) {
$inst_dependencies[ $plugin ] = get_plugin_data( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $plugin . '/' . $plugin . '.php' )['Version'];
$str = get_home_url();
$site_url = preg_replace( '#^https?://#', '', $str );
return array(
* Plugins short name appears on the License Menu Page
'pluginShortName' => 'WISDM Reports for LearnDash PRO',
* This slug is used to store the data in db. License is checked using two options viz edd_<slug>_license_key and edd_<slug>_license_status
'pluginSlug' => 'learndash-reports-pro',
* Download Id on EDD Server
'itemId' => 707478, // Need to assign EDD download ID here.
* Current Version of the plugin. This should be similar to Version tag mentioned in Plugin headers
'pluginVersion' => LDRP_PLUGIN_VERSION,
* Under this Name product should be created on WisdmLabs Site
'pluginName' => 'WISDM Reports for LearnDash PRO',
* Url where program pings to check if update is available and license validity
* plugins using storeUrl "https://store.wisdmlabs.com/check-update" or anything similar should change that to "https://store.wisdmlabs.com" to avoid future issues.
'storeUrl' => 'https://store.wisdmlabs.com/license-check/',
* Url where program pings to check if update is available and license validity
* plugins using storeUrl "https://wisdmlabs.com/check-update" or anything similar should change that to "https://wisdmlabs.com" to avoid future issues.
'storeUrl' => 'https://wisdmlabs.com/license-check/',
* Site url which will pass in API request.
'siteUrl' => $site_url,
* Author Name
'authorName' => 'WisdmLabs',
* Text Domain used for translation
'pluginTextDomain' => 'learndash-reports-pro',
* Base Url for accessing Files
* if code is integrated in theme use 'get_template_directory_uri' function
* default is plugins_url('/', __FILE__) for plugins.
'baseFolderUrl' => plugins_url( '/', __FILE__ ),
* Base Directory path for accessing Files
* if code is integrated in theme use 'untrailingslashit(get_template_directory())' function
* default is untrailingslashit(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__)),
'baseFolderDir' => untrailingslashit( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ),
* Set true if theme
'isTheme' => false,
* Changelog page link for theme
* should be false for plugin
* eg : https://wisdmlabs.com/elumine/documentation/
'themeChangelogUrl' => 'https://wisdmlabs.com/elumine/documentation/change-log/',
* Plugin Main file name
'mainFileName' => 'learndash-reports-pro.php',
* Dependent plugins for your plugin
* pass the value in array where plugin name will be key and version number will be value
* Do not hard code version. Version should be the current version of dependency fetched dynamically.
* Supported plugin names
* woocommerce
* learndash
* wpml
* unyson
'dependencies' => $inst_dependencies,