[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace MailPoet\API\REST;

if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;

use MailPoet\Validator\Schema;
use MailPoet\WP\Functions as WPFunctions;
use Throwable;
use WP_REST_Request;

class API {
  public const REST_API_INIT_ACTION = 'mailpoet/rest-api/init';

  private const PREFIX = 'mailpoet/v1';
  private const WP_REST_API_INIT_ACTION = 'rest_api_init';

  /** @var EndpointContainer */
  private $endpointContainer;

  /** @var WPFunctions */
  private $wp;

  public function __construct(
    EndpointContainer $endpointContainer,
    WPFunctions $wp
  ) {
    $this->endpointContainer = $endpointContainer;
    $this->wp = $wp;

  public function init(): void {
    $this->wp->addAction(self::WP_REST_API_INIT_ACTION, function () {
      $this->wp->doAction(self::REST_API_INIT_ACTION, [$this]);

  public function registerGetRoute(string $route, string $endpoint): void {
    $this->registerRoute($route, $endpoint, 'GET');

  public function registerPostRoute(string $route, string $endpoint): void {
    $this->registerRoute($route, $endpoint, 'POST');

  public function registerPutRoute(string $route, string $endpoint): void {
    $this->registerRoute($route, $endpoint, 'PUT');

  public function registerPatchRoute(string $route, string $endpoint): void {
    $this->registerRoute($route, $endpoint, 'PATCH');

  public function registerDeleteRoute(string $route, string $endpoint): void {
    $this->registerRoute($route, $endpoint, 'DELETE');

  protected function registerRoute(string $route, string $endpointClass, string $method): void {
    $schema = array_map(function (Schema $field) {
      return $field->toArray();
    }, $endpointClass::getRequestSchema());

    $this->wp->registerRestRoute(self::PREFIX, $route, [
      'methods' => $method,
      'callback' => function (WP_REST_Request $wpRequest) use ($endpointClass, $schema) {
        try {
          $endpoint = $this->endpointContainer->get($endpointClass);
          $wpRequest = $this->sanitizeUnknownParams($wpRequest, $schema);
          $request = new Request($wpRequest);
          return $endpoint->handle($request);
        } catch (Throwable $e) {
          return $this->convertToErrorResponse($e);
      'permission_callback' => function () use ($endpointClass) {
        $endpoint = $this->endpointContainer->get($endpointClass);
        return $endpoint->checkPermissions(); // nosemgrep: scanner.php.wp.security.rest-route.permission-callback.incorrect-return
      'args' => $schema,

  private function convertToErrorResponse(Throwable $e): ErrorResponse {
    $response = $e instanceof Exception
      ? new ErrorResponse($e->getStatusCode(), $e->getMessage(), $e->getErrorCode(), $e->getErrors())
      : new ErrorResponse(500, __('An unknown error occurred.', 'mailpoet'), 'mailpoet_automation_unknown_error');

    if ($response->get_status() >= 500 && function_exists('error_log')) {
      error_log((string)$e); // phpcs:ignore Squiz.PHP.DiscouragedFunctions
    return $response;

  private function sanitizeUnknownParams(WP_REST_Request $wpRequest, array $args): WP_REST_Request {
    // Remove all params that are not declared in the schema, so we use just the validated ones.
    // Note that this doesn't work recursively for object properties as it is harder to solve
    // with features like oneOf, anyOf, additional properties, or pattern properties.
    $extraParams = array_diff(array_keys($wpRequest->get_params()), array_keys($args));
    foreach ($extraParams as $extraParam) {
    return $wpRequest;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
API.php File 3.61 KB 0644
Endpoint.php File 420 B 0644
EndpointContainer.php File 662 B 0644
ErrorResponse.php File 465 B 0644
Exception.php File 243 B 0644
Request.php File 606 B 0644
Response.php File 304 B 0644
index.php File 6 B 0644