<?php declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace MailPoet\Automation\Engine;
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;
use MailPoet\Automation\Engine\Data\Step;
use MailPoet\Automation\Engine\Exceptions\InvalidStateException;
use MailPoet\Automation\Engine\Exceptions\NotFoundException;
use MailPoet\Automation\Engine\Exceptions\UnexpectedValueException;
use MailPoet\Automation\Engine\Utils\Json;
class Exceptions {
private const DATABASE_ERROR = 'mailpoet_automation_database_error';
private const JSON_NOT_OBJECT = 'mailpoet_automation_json_not_object';
private const AUTOMATION_NOT_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_not_found';
private const AUTOMATION_VERSION_NOT_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_version_not_found';
private const AUTOMATION_NOT_ACTIVE = 'mailpoet_automation_not_active';
private const AUTOMATION_RUN_NOT_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_run_not_found';
private const AUTOMATION_STEP_NOT_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_step_not_found';
private const AUTOMATION_TRIGGER_NOT_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_trigger_not_found';
private const AUTOMATION_RUN_NOT_RUNNING = 'mailpoet_automation_run_not_running';
private const SUBJECT_NOT_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_subject_not_found';
private const SUBJECT_LOAD_FAILED = 'mailpoet_automation_subject_load_failed';
private const SUBJECT_DATA_NOT_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_subject_data_not_found';
private const MULTIPLE_SUBJECTS_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_multiple_subjects_found';
private const PAYLOAD_NOT_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_payload_not_found';
private const MULTIPLE_PAYLOADS_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_multiple_payloads_found';
private const FIELD_NOT_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_field_not_found';
private const FIELD_LOAD_FAILED = 'mailpoet_automation_field_load_failed';
private const FILTER_NOT_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_filter_not_found';
private const NEXT_STEP_NOT_FOUND = 'mailpoet_next_step_not_found';
private const NEXT_STEP_NOT_SCHEDULED = 'mailpoet_next_step_not_scheduled';
private const AUTOMATION_STRUCTURE_MODIFICATION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 'mailpoet_automation_structure_modification_not_supported';
private const AUTOMATION_STRUCTURE_NOT_VALID = 'mailpoet_automation_structure_not_valid';
private const AUTOMATION_STEP_MODIFIED_WHEN_UNKNOWN = 'mailpoet_automation_step_modified_when_unknown';
private const AUTOMATION_NOT_VALID = 'mailpoet_automation_not_valid';
private const MISSING_REQUIRED_SUBJECTS = 'mailpoet_automation_missing_required_subjects';
private const AUTOMATION_NOT_TRASHED = 'mailpoet_automation_not_trashed';
private const AUTOMATION_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND = 'mailpoet_automation_template_not_found';
private const AUTOMATION_HAS_ACTIVE_RUNS = 'mailpoet_automation_has_active_runs';
private const AUTOMATION_STEP_NOT_STARTED = 'mailpoet_automation_step_not_started';
private const AUTOMATION_STEP_NOT_RUNNING = 'mailpoet_automation_step_not_running';
private const AUTOMATION_STEP_ACTION_PROCESSED = 'mailpoet_automation_step_action_processed';
public function __construct() {
throw new InvalidStateException(
"This is a static factory class. Use it via 'Exception::someError()' factories."
public static function databaseError(string $error): InvalidStateException {
return InvalidStateException::create()
// translators: %s is the error message.
->withMessage(sprintf(__('Database error: %s', 'mailpoet'), $error));
public static function jsonNotObject(string $json): UnexpectedValueException {
return UnexpectedValueException::create()
// translators: %s is the mentioned JSON string.
->withMessage(sprintf(__("JSON string '%s' doesn't encode an object.", 'mailpoet'), $json));
public static function automationNotFound(int $id): NotFoundException {
return NotFoundException::create()
// translators: %d is the ID of the automation.
->withMessage(sprintf(__("Automation with ID '%d' not found.", 'mailpoet'), $id));
public static function automationNotFoundInTimeSpan(int $id): NotFoundException {
return NotFoundException::create()
// translators: %d is the ID of the automation.
->withMessage(sprintf(__("Automation with ID '%d' not found in selected time span.", 'mailpoet'), $id));
public static function automationVersionNotFound(int $automation, int $version): NotFoundException {
return NotFoundException::create()
// translators: %1$s is the ID of the automation, %2$s the version.
->withMessage(sprintf(__('Automation with ID "%1$s" in version "%2$s" not found.', 'mailpoet'), $automation, $version));
public static function automationNotActive(int $automation): InvalidStateException {
return InvalidStateException::create()
// translators: %1$s is the ID of the automation.
->withMessage(sprintf(__('Automation with ID "%1$s" is no longer active.', 'mailpoet'), $automation));
public static function automationRunNotFound(int $id): NotFoundException {
return NotFoundException::create()
// translators: %d is the ID of the automation run.
->withMessage(sprintf(__("Automation run with ID '%d' not found.", 'mailpoet'), $id));
public static function automationStepNotFound(string $key): NotFoundException {
return NotFoundException::create()
// translators: %s is the key of the automation step.
->withMessage(sprintf(__("Automation step with key '%s' not found.", 'mailpoet'), $key));
public static function automationTriggerNotFound(int $automationId, string $key): NotFoundException {
return NotFoundException::create()
// translators: %1$s is the key, %2$d is the automation ID.
->withMessage(sprintf(__('Automation trigger with key "%1$s" not found in automation ID "%2$d".', 'mailpoet'), $key, $automationId));
public static function automationRunNotRunning(int $id, string $status): InvalidStateException {
return InvalidStateException::create()
// translators: %1$d is the ID of the automation run, %2$s its current status.
->withMessage(sprintf(__('Automation run with ID "%1$d" is not running. Status: %2$s', 'mailpoet'), $id, $status));
public static function subjectNotFound(string $key): NotFoundException {
return NotFoundException::create()
// translators: %s is the key of the subject not found.
->withMessage(sprintf(__("Subject with key '%s' not found.", 'mailpoet'), $key));
public static function subjectClassNotFound(string $class): NotFoundException {
return NotFoundException::create()
// translators: %s is the class name of the subject not found.
->withMessage(sprintf(__("Subject of class '%s' not found.", 'mailpoet'), $class));
public static function subjectLoadFailed(string $key, array $args): InvalidStateException {
return InvalidStateException::create()
// translators: %1$s is the name of the key, %2$s the arguments.
->withMessage(sprintf(__('Subject with key "%1$s" and args "%2$s" failed to load.', 'mailpoet'), $key, Json::encode($args)));
public static function subjectDataNotFound(string $key, int $automationRunId): NotFoundException {
return NotFoundException::create()
// translators: %1$s is the key of the subject, %2$d is automation run ID.
sprintf(__("Subject data for subject with key '%1\$s' not found for automation run with ID '%2\$d'.", 'mailpoet'), $key, $automationRunId)
public static function multipleSubjectsFound(string $key, int $automationRunId): InvalidStateException {
return InvalidStateException::create()
// translators: %1$s is the key of the subject, %2$d is automation run ID.
sprintf(__("Multiple subjects with key '%1\$s' found for automation run with ID '%2\$d', only one expected.", 'mailpoet'), $key, $automationRunId)
public static function payloadNotFound(string $class, int $automationRunId): NotFoundException {
return NotFoundException::create()
// translators: %1$s is the class of the payload, %2$d is automation run ID.
sprintf(__("Payload of class '%1\$s' not found for automation run with ID '%2\$d'.", 'mailpoet'), $class, $automationRunId)
public static function multiplePayloadsFound(string $class, int $automationRunId): NotFoundException {
return NotFoundException::create()
// translators: %1$s is the class of the payloads, %2$d is automation run ID.
sprintf(__("Multiple payloads of class '%1\$s' found for automation run with ID '%2\$d'.", 'mailpoet'), $class, $automationRunId)
public static function fieldNotFound(string $key): NotFoundException {
return NotFoundException::create()
// translators: %s is the key of the field not found.
->withMessage(sprintf(__("Field with key '%s' not found.", 'mailpoet'), $key));
public static function fieldLoadFailed(string $key, array $args): InvalidStateException {
return InvalidStateException::create()
// translators: %1$s is the key of the field, %2$s its arguments.
->withMessage(sprintf(__('Field with key "%1$s" and args "%2$s" failed to load.', 'mailpoet'), $key, Json::encode($args)));
public static function filterNotFound(string $fieldType): NotFoundException {
return NotFoundException::create()
// translators: %s is the type of the field for which a filter was not found.
->withMessage(sprintf(__("Filter for field of type '%s' not found.", 'mailpoet'), $fieldType));
public static function nextStepNotFound(string $stepId, int $nextStepId): InvalidStateException {
return InvalidStateException::create()
// translators: %1$d is the ID of the automation step, %2$s is the ID of the next step.
->withMessage(sprintf(__("Automation step with ID '%1\$s' doesn't have a next step with index '%2\$d'.", 'mailpoet'), $stepId, $nextStepId));
public static function nextStepNotScheduled(string $stepId): InvalidStateException {
return InvalidStateException::create()
// translators: %1$d is the ID of the automation step, %2$s is the ID of the next step.
->withMessage(sprintf(__("Automation step with ID '%s' did not schedule a specific next step, even though multiple next steps are possible.", 'mailpoet'), $stepId));
public static function automationStructureModificationNotSupported(): UnexpectedValueException {
return UnexpectedValueException::create()
->withMessage(__('Automation structure modification not supported.', 'mailpoet'));
public static function automationStructureNotValid(string $detail, string $ruleId): UnexpectedValueException {
return UnexpectedValueException::create()
// translators: %s is a detailed information
->withMessage(sprintf(__("Invalid automation structure: %s", 'mailpoet'), $detail))
->withErrors(['rule_id' => $ruleId]);
public static function automationStepModifiedWhenUnknown(Step $step): UnexpectedValueException {
return UnexpectedValueException::create()
// translators: %1$s is the key of the step, %2$s is the type of the step, %3\$s is its ID.
__("Modification of step '%1\$s' of type '%2\$s' with ID '%3\$s' is not supported when the related plugin is not active.", 'mailpoet'),
public static function automationNotValid(string $detail, array $errors): UnexpectedValueException {
return UnexpectedValueException::create()
// translators: %s is a detailed information
->withMessage(sprintf(__("Automation validation failed: %s", 'mailpoet'), $detail))
public static function missingRequiredSubjects(Step $step, array $missingSubjectKeys): UnexpectedValueException {
return UnexpectedValueException::create()
// translators: %1$s is the key of the step, %2$s are the missing subject keys.
__("Step with ID '%1\$s' is missing required subjects with keys: %2\$s", 'mailpoet'),
implode(', ', $missingSubjectKeys)
['general' => __('This step can not be used with the selected trigger.', 'mailpoet')]
public static function automationNotTrashed(int $id): UnexpectedValueException {
return UnexpectedValueException::create()
// translators: %d is the ID of the automation.
->withMessage(sprintf(__("Can't delete automation with ID '%d' because it was not trashed.", 'mailpoet'), $id));
public static function automationTemplateNotFound(string $id): NotFoundException {
return NotFoundException::create()
// translators: %d is the ID of the automation template.
->withMessage(sprintf(__("Automation template with ID '%d' not found.", 'mailpoet'), $id));
* This is a temporary block, see MAILPOET-4744
public static function automationHasActiveRuns(int $id): InvalidStateException {
return InvalidStateException::create()
// translators: %d is the ID of the automation.
->withMessage(sprintf(__("Can not update automation with ID '%d' because users are currently active.", 'mailpoet'), $id));
public static function stepNotStarted(string $id, int $runId): InvalidStateException {
return InvalidStateException::create()
// translators: %1$s is the ID of the automation step, %2$d is the automation run ID.
->withMessage(sprintf(__("Automation step with ID '%1\$s' was not started in automation run with ID '%2\$d'.", 'mailpoet'), $id, $runId));
public static function stepNotRunning(string $id, string $status, int $runId): InvalidStateException {
return InvalidStateException::create()
// translators: %1$s is the ID of the automation step, %2$s its current status, %3$d is the automation run ID.
->withMessage(sprintf(__("Automation step with ID '%1\$s' is not running in automation run with ID '%2\$d'. Status: '%3\$s'", 'mailpoet'), $id, $runId, $status));
public static function stepActionProcessed(string $id, int $runId, int $runNumber): InvalidStateException {
return InvalidStateException::create()
// translators: %1$d is the automation run ID, %2$s is the ID of the automation step, %3$d is the run number.
->withMessage(sprintf(__("Automation run with ID '%1\$d' already has a processed action for step with ID '%2\$s' and run number '%3\$d'.", 'mailpoet'), $runId, $id, $runNumber));