<?php // phpcs:ignore SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.DeclareStrictTypes.DeclareStrictTypesMissing
namespace MailPoet\Form\Block;
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;
use MailPoet\Form\Util\FieldNameObfuscator;
use MailPoet\Services\Validator;
use MailPoet\WP\Functions as WPFunctions;
* This class still covers several responsibilities and could be further refactored
* @package MailPoet\Form\Block
class BlockRendererHelper {
/** @var FieldNameObfuscator */
private $fieldNameObfuscator;
/** @var WPFunctions */
protected $wp;
public function __construct(
FieldNameObfuscator $fieldNameObfuscator,
WPFunctions $wp
) {
$this->fieldNameObfuscator = $fieldNameObfuscator;
$this->wp = $wp;
public function getInputValidation(array $block, array $extraRules = [], ?int $formId = null): string {
$rules = [
'errors-container' => '.' . $this->getErrorsContainerClass($block, $formId),
$blockId = $this->wp->escAttr($block['id']);
if ($blockId === 'email') {
$rules['required'] = true;
$rules['minlength'] = Validator::EMAIL_MIN_LENGTH;
$rules['maxlength'] = Validator::EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH;
$rules['type-message'] = __('This value should be a valid email.', 'mailpoet');
if (($blockId === 'first_name') || ($blockId === 'last_name')) {
$errorMessages = [
__('Please specify a valid name.', 'mailpoet'),
__('Addresses in names are not permitted, please add your name instead.', 'mailpoet'),
$rules['names'] = '[' . implode(',', array_map(function (string $errorMessage): string {
return $this->wp->escAttr('"' . $errorMessage . '"');
}, $errorMessages)) . ']';
// Segments should be required only when form ID is not empty. That allows save form on subscription management site when any segment is not checked.
if ($blockId === 'segments' && $formId) {
$rules['required'] = true;
$rules['mincheck'] = 1;
$rules['group'] = $blockId;
$rules['required-message'] = __('Please select a list.', 'mailpoet');
if (static::getFieldIsRequired($block)) {
$rules['required'] = true;
$rules['required-message'] = __('This field is required.', 'mailpoet');
if (!empty($block['params']['validate'])) {
if ($block['params']['validate'] === 'phone') {
$rules['pattern'] = "^[\d\+\-\.\(\)\/\s]*$";
$rules['error-message'] = __('Please specify a valid phone number.', 'mailpoet');
} else {
$rules['type'] = $this->wp->escAttr($block['params']['validate']);
$rules['error-message'] = $this->translateValidationErrorMessage($block['params']['validate']);
if (in_array($block['type'], ['radio', 'checkbox', 'date'])) {
$rules['group'] = 'custom_field_' . $blockId;
$rules = array_merge($rules, $extraRules);
if (empty($rules)) {
return '';
$validation = [];
$rules = array_unique($rules);
foreach ($rules as $rule => $value) {
if (is_bool($value)) {
$value = ($value) ? 'true' : 'false';
// We need to use single quotes because we need to pass array of strings as a parameter for custom validation
if ($rule === 'names') {
$validation[] = 'data-parsley-' . $rule . '=\'' . $this->wp->wpKsesPost($value) . '\''; // The value has been escaped above.
} else {
$validation[] = 'data-parsley-' . $this->wp->escAttr($rule) . '="' . $this->wp->escAttr($this->wp->wpKsesPost($value)) . '"';
if ($rule === 'required') {
$validation[] = 'required aria-required="true"';
return join(' ', $validation);
public function renderLabel(array $block, array $formSettings): string {
$html = '';
$forId = '';
if (
&& $block['params']['hide_label']
) {
return $html;
// If the label is displayed within the field,
// we'll use aria-label instead of a label element
if (
&& $block['params']['label_within']
) {
return $html;
$automationId = null;
if (in_array($block['id'], ['email', 'last_name', 'first_name'], true)) {
$automationId = 'data-automation-id="form_' . $block['id'] . '_label" ';
if (isset($formSettings['id'])) {
$forId = 'for="form_' . $block['id'] . '_' . $formSettings['id'] . '" ';
if (
&& strlen(trim($block['params']['label'])) > 0
) {
$labelClass = 'class="mailpoet_' . $block['type'] . '_label" ';
$html .= '<label '
. $forId
. $labelClass
. $this->renderFontStyle($formSettings, $block['styles'] ?? [])
. ($automationId ? " $automationId" : '')
. '>';
$html .= static::getFieldLabel($block);
if (static::getFieldIsRequired($block)) {
$html .= ' <span class="mailpoet_required" aria-hidden="true">*</span>';
$html .= '</label>';
return $html;
public function renderLegend(array $block, array $formSettings): string {
$html = '';
if (
&& $block['params']['hide_label']
) {
return $html;
if (
&& strlen(trim($block['params']['label'])) > 0
) {
// Use _label suffix for backward compatibility
$labelClass = 'class="mailpoet_' . $block['type'] . '_label" ';
$html .= '<legend '
. $labelClass
. $this->renderFontStyle($formSettings, $block['styles'] ?? [])
. '>';
$html .= static::getFieldLabel($block);
if (static::getFieldIsRequired($block)) {
$html .= ' <span class="mailpoet_required" aria-hidden="true">*</span>';
$html .= '</legend>';
return $html;
public function renderFontStyle(array $formSettings, array $styles = []) {
$rules = [];
if (isset($formSettings['fontSize'])) {
$rules[] = 'font-size: ' . $formSettings['fontSize'] . (is_numeric($formSettings['fontSize']) ? "px;" : ";");
$rules[] = 'line-height: 1.2;';
if (isset($styles['bold']) && $styles['bold']) {
$rules[] = 'font-weight: bold;';
return $rules ? 'style="' . $this->wp->escAttr(implode("", $rules)) . '"' : '';
public function renderInputPlaceholder(array $block): string {
$html = '';
// if the label is displayed as a placeholder,
if (
&& $block['params']['label_within']
) {
$label = $this->wp->escAttr(static::getFieldLabel($block));
if (static::getFieldIsRequired($block)) {
$label .= ' *';
// Some screen readers don't read placeholders, so we need to add aria-label
// but to prevent reading it twice, they need to be the same (including *)
$html .= ' placeholder="' . $label . '"';
$html .= ' aria-label="' . $label . '" ';
return $html;
// return field name depending on block data
public function getFieldName(array $block = []): string {
$blockId = $this->wp->escAttr($block['id']);
if ((int)$blockId > 0) {
return 'cf_' . $blockId;
} elseif (isset($block['params']['obfuscate']) && !$block['params']['obfuscate']) {
return $blockId;
} else {
return $this->fieldNameObfuscator->obfuscate($block['id']);//obfuscate field name for spambots
public function getFieldLabel(array $block = []): string {
return (isset($block['params']['label'])
&& strlen(trim($block['params']['label'])) > 0)
? $this->wp->escHtml(trim($block['params']['label'])) : '';
public function getFieldValue($block = []) {
return (isset($block['params']['value'])
&& strlen(trim($block['params']['value'])) > 0)
? $this->wp->escAttr(trim($block['params']['value'])) : '';
public function getFieldIsRequired($block = []): bool {
return (isset($block['params']['required'])
&& strlen(trim($block['params']['required'])) > 0)
? !empty($block['params']['required']) : false;
public function getInputModifiers(array $block = []): string {
$modifiers = [];
if (isset($block['params']['readonly']) && $block['params']['readonly']) {
$modifiers[] = 'readonly';
if (isset($block['params']['disabled']) && $block['params']['disabled']) {
$modifiers[] = 'disabled';
return join(' ', $modifiers);
public function escapeShortCodes(?string $value): ?string {
if ($value === null) {
return null;
return preg_replace_callback('/' . $this->wp->getShortcodeRegex() . '/s', function ($matches) {
return str_replace(['[', ']'], ['[', ']'], $matches[0]);
}, $value);
public function renderErrorsContainer(array $block = [], ?int $formId = null): string {
$errorContainerClass = $this->getErrorsContainerClass($block, $formId);
return '<span class="' . $errorContainerClass . '"></span>';
private function getErrorsContainerClass(array $block = [], ?int $formId = null): string {
$validationId = $block['validation_id'] ?? null;
if (!$validationId) {
$validationId = $this->wp->escAttr($block['id']);
if ($formId) {
$validationId .= '_' . $formId;
return 'mailpoet_error_' . $validationId;
private function translateValidationErrorMessage(string $validate): string {
switch ($validate) {
case 'email':
return __('This value should be a valid email.', 'mailpoet');
case 'url':
return __('This value should be a valid url.', 'mailpoet');
case 'number':
return __('This value should be a valid number.', 'mailpoet');
case 'integer':
return __('This value should be a valid integer.', 'mailpoet');
case 'digits':
return __('This value should be digits.', 'mailpoet');
case 'alphanum':
return __('This value should be alphanumeric.', 'mailpoet');
return __('This value seems to be invalid.', 'mailpoet');