[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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<?php // phpcs:ignore SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.DeclareStrictTypes.DeclareStrictTypesMissing

namespace MailPoet\Form\Block;

if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;

use MailPoet\Form\Util\FieldNameObfuscator;
use MailPoet\Services\Validator;
use MailPoet\WP\Functions as WPFunctions;

 * This class still covers several responsibilities and could be further refactored
 * @package MailPoet\Form\Block
class BlockRendererHelper {

  /** @var FieldNameObfuscator */
  private $fieldNameObfuscator;

  /** @var WPFunctions */
  protected $wp;

  public function __construct(
    FieldNameObfuscator $fieldNameObfuscator,
    WPFunctions $wp
  ) {
    $this->fieldNameObfuscator = $fieldNameObfuscator;
    $this->wp = $wp;

  public function getInputValidation(array $block, array $extraRules = [], ?int $formId = null): string {
    $rules = [
      'errors-container' => '.' . $this->getErrorsContainerClass($block, $formId),
    $blockId = $this->wp->escAttr($block['id']);

    if ($blockId === 'email') {
      $rules['required'] = true;
      $rules['minlength'] = Validator::EMAIL_MIN_LENGTH;
      $rules['maxlength'] = Validator::EMAIL_MAX_LENGTH;
      $rules['type-message'] = __('This value should be a valid email.', 'mailpoet');

    if (($blockId === 'first_name') || ($blockId === 'last_name')) {
      $errorMessages = [
        __('Please specify a valid name.', 'mailpoet'),
        __('Addresses in names are not permitted, please add your name instead.', 'mailpoet'),
      $rules['names'] = '[' . implode(',', array_map(function (string $errorMessage): string {
        return $this->wp->escAttr('"' . $errorMessage . '"');
      }, $errorMessages)) . ']';

    // Segments should be required only when form ID is not empty. That allows save form on subscription management site when any segment is not checked.
    if ($blockId === 'segments' && $formId) {
      $rules['required'] = true;
      $rules['mincheck'] = 1;
      $rules['group'] = $blockId;
      $rules['required-message'] = __('Please select a list.', 'mailpoet');

    if (static::getFieldIsRequired($block)) {
      $rules['required'] = true;
      $rules['required-message'] = __('This field is required.', 'mailpoet');

    if (!empty($block['params']['validate'])) {
      if ($block['params']['validate'] === 'phone') {
        $rules['pattern'] = "^[\d\+\-\.\(\)\/\s]*$";
        $rules['error-message'] = __('Please specify a valid phone number.', 'mailpoet');
      } else {
        $rules['type'] = $this->wp->escAttr($block['params']['validate']);
        $rules['error-message'] = $this->translateValidationErrorMessage($block['params']['validate']);

    if (in_array($block['type'], ['radio', 'checkbox', 'date'])) {
      $rules['group'] = 'custom_field_' . $blockId;

    $rules = array_merge($rules, $extraRules);

    if (empty($rules)) {
      return '';

    $validation = [];
    $rules = array_unique($rules);
    foreach ($rules as $rule => $value) {
      if (is_bool($value)) {
        $value = ($value) ? 'true' : 'false';
      // We need to use single quotes because we need to pass array of strings as a parameter for custom validation
      if ($rule === 'names') {
        $validation[] = 'data-parsley-' . $rule . '=\'' . $this->wp->wpKsesPost($value) . '\''; // The value has been escaped above.
      } else {
        $validation[] = 'data-parsley-' . $this->wp->escAttr($rule) . '="' . $this->wp->escAttr($this->wp->wpKsesPost($value)) . '"';
        if ($rule === 'required') {
          $validation[] = 'required aria-required="true"';
    return join(' ', $validation);

  public function renderLabel(array $block, array $formSettings): string {
    $html = '';
    $forId = '';

    if (
      && $block['params']['hide_label']
    ) {
      return $html;

    // If the label is displayed within the field,
    // we'll use aria-label instead of a label element
    if (
      && $block['params']['label_within']
    ) {
      return $html;

    $automationId = null;
    if (in_array($block['id'], ['email', 'last_name', 'first_name'], true)) {
      $automationId = 'data-automation-id="form_' . $block['id'] . '_label" ';

    if (isset($formSettings['id'])) {
      $forId = 'for="form_' . $block['id'] . '_' . $formSettings['id'] . '" ';

    if (
      && strlen(trim($block['params']['label'])) > 0
    ) {
      $labelClass = 'class="mailpoet_' . $block['type'] . '_label" ';

      $html .= '<label '
        . $forId
        . $labelClass
        . $this->renderFontStyle($formSettings, $block['styles'] ?? [])
        . ($automationId ? " $automationId" : '')
        . '>';
      $html .= static::getFieldLabel($block);

      if (static::getFieldIsRequired($block)) {
        $html .= ' <span class="mailpoet_required" aria-hidden="true">*</span>';

      $html .= '</label>';
    return $html;

  public function renderLegend(array $block, array $formSettings): string {
    $html = '';

    if (
      && $block['params']['hide_label']
    ) {
      return $html;

    if (
      && strlen(trim($block['params']['label'])) > 0
    ) {
      // Use _label suffix for backward compatibility
      $labelClass = 'class="mailpoet_' . $block['type'] . '_label" ';
      $html .= '<legend '
        . $labelClass
        . $this->renderFontStyle($formSettings, $block['styles'] ?? [])
        . '>';
      $html .= static::getFieldLabel($block);

      if (static::getFieldIsRequired($block)) {
        $html .= ' <span class="mailpoet_required" aria-hidden="true">*</span>';

      $html .= '</legend>';
    return $html;

  public function renderFontStyle(array $formSettings, array $styles = []) {
    $rules = [];
    if (isset($formSettings['fontSize'])) {
      $rules[] = 'font-size: ' . $formSettings['fontSize'] . (is_numeric($formSettings['fontSize']) ? "px;" : ";");
      $rules[] = 'line-height: 1.2;';
    if (isset($styles['bold']) && $styles['bold']) {
      $rules[] = 'font-weight: bold;';
    return $rules ? 'style="' . $this->wp->escAttr(implode("", $rules)) . '"' : '';

  public function renderInputPlaceholder(array $block): string {
    $html = '';
    // if the label is displayed as a placeholder,
    if (
      && $block['params']['label_within']
    ) {
      $label = $this->wp->escAttr(static::getFieldLabel($block));
      if (static::getFieldIsRequired($block)) {
        $label .= ' *';
      // Some screen readers don't read placeholders, so we need to add aria-label
      // but to prevent reading it twice, they need to be the same (including *)
      $html .= ' placeholder="' . $label . '"';
      $html .= ' aria-label="' . $label . '" ';
    return $html;

  // return field name depending on block data
  public function getFieldName(array $block = []): string {
    $blockId = $this->wp->escAttr($block['id']);
    if ((int)$blockId > 0) {
      return 'cf_' . $blockId;
    } elseif (isset($block['params']['obfuscate']) && !$block['params']['obfuscate']) {
      return $blockId;
    } else {
      return $this->fieldNameObfuscator->obfuscate($block['id']);//obfuscate field name for spambots

  public function getFieldLabel(array $block = []): string {
    return (isset($block['params']['label'])
            && strlen(trim($block['params']['label'])) > 0)
            ? $this->wp->escHtml(trim($block['params']['label'])) : '';

  public function getFieldValue($block = []) {
    return (isset($block['params']['value'])
            && strlen(trim($block['params']['value'])) > 0)
            ? $this->wp->escAttr(trim($block['params']['value'])) : '';

  public function getFieldIsRequired($block = []): bool {
    return (isset($block['params']['required'])
            && strlen(trim($block['params']['required'])) > 0)
            ? !empty($block['params']['required']) : false;

  public function getInputModifiers(array $block = []): string {
    $modifiers = [];

    if (isset($block['params']['readonly']) && $block['params']['readonly']) {
      $modifiers[] = 'readonly';

    if (isset($block['params']['disabled']) && $block['params']['disabled']) {
      $modifiers[] = 'disabled';
    return join(' ', $modifiers);

  public function escapeShortCodes(?string $value): ?string {
    if ($value === null) {
      return null;
    return preg_replace_callback('/' . $this->wp->getShortcodeRegex() . '/s', function ($matches) {
      return str_replace(['[', ']'], ['&#91;', '&#93;'], $matches[0]);
    }, $value);

  public function renderErrorsContainer(array $block = [], ?int $formId = null): string {
    $errorContainerClass = $this->getErrorsContainerClass($block, $formId);
    return '<span class="' . $errorContainerClass . '"></span>';

  private function getErrorsContainerClass(array $block = [], ?int $formId = null): string {
    $validationId = $block['validation_id'] ?? null;
    if (!$validationId) {
      $validationId = $this->wp->escAttr($block['id']);
      if ($formId) {
        $validationId .= '_' . $formId;
    return 'mailpoet_error_' . $validationId;

  private function translateValidationErrorMessage(string $validate): string {
    switch ($validate) {
      case 'email':
        return __('This value should be a valid email.', 'mailpoet');
      case 'url':
        return __('This value should be a valid url.', 'mailpoet');
      case 'number':
        return __('This value should be a valid number.', 'mailpoet');
      case 'integer':
        return __('This value should be a valid integer.', 'mailpoet');
      case 'digits':
        return __('This value should be digits.', 'mailpoet');
      case 'alphanum':
        return __('This value should be alphanumeric.', 'mailpoet');
        return __('This value seems to be invalid.', 'mailpoet');


Name Type Size Permission Actions
BlockRendererHelper.php File 10.02 KB 0644
Checkbox.php File 2.4 KB 0644
Column.php File 2.02 KB 0644
Columns.php File 2.28 KB 0644
Date.php File 7.85 KB 0644
Divider.php File 1.97 KB 0644
Heading.php File 3.56 KB 0644
Html.php File 1.15 KB 0644
Image.php File 3.18 KB 0644
Paragraph.php File 3.22 KB 0644
Radio.php File 2.31 KB 0644
Segment.php File 2.82 KB 0644
Select.php File 3.09 KB 0644
Submit.php File 1.7 KB 0644
Text.php File 2.75 KB 0644
Textarea.php File 2.07 KB 0644
index.php File 6 B 0644