<?php // phpcs:ignore SlevomatCodingStandard.TypeHints.DeclareStrictTypes.DeclareStrictTypesMissing
namespace MailPoet\Newsletter;
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;
use DateTimeInterface;
class BlockPostQuery {
* @var array{
* amount?: int,
* offset?: int,
* posts?: int[],
* contentType?: string,
* postStatus?: string,
* search?: string,
* sortBy?: 'newest' | 'DESC' | 'ASC',
* terms?: array{'taxonomy': string, 'id': int}[],
* inclusionType?: 'include'|'exclude'
* } $args
public $args = [];
/*** @var null|int[] \WP_Query::post__not_in */
public $postsToExclude = [];
/** @var int|false */
public $newsletterId = false;
* Translates to \WP_Query::date_query => array{'column': 'post_date_gmt', 'after': date string}
* @var bool|DateTimeInterface|null
public $newerThanTimestamp = false;
* If it's a dynamic block
* Dynamic blocks are not allowed to query none-public posts
* @var bool
public $dynamic = true;
* @param array{
* args?: array{
* amount?: int,
* offset?: int,
* posts?: int[],
* contentType?: string,
* postStatus?: string,
* search?: string,
* sortBy?: 'newest' | 'DESC' | 'ASC',
* terms?: array{'taxonomy': string, 'id': int}[],
* inclusionType?: 'include'|'exclude'
* },
* postsToExclude?: int[],
* newsletterId?: int|false|null,
* newerThanTimestamp?: bool|DateTimeInterface|null,
* dynamic?: bool,
* } $query
* @return void
public function __construct(
array $query = []
) {
$this->args = $query['args'] ?? [];
$this->postsToExclude = $query['postsToExclude'] ?? [];
$this->newsletterId = $query['newsletterId'] ?? false;
$this->newerThanTimestamp = $query['newerThanTimestamp'] ?? false;
$this->dynamic = $query['dynamic'] ?? true;
public function getPostType(): string {
return $this->args['contentType'] ?? 'post';
public function getPostStatus(): string {
if ($this->dynamic) {
return 'publish';
return $this->args['postStatus'] ?? 'publish';
public function getOrder(): string {
return isset($this->args['sortBy']) && in_array($this->args['sortBy'], ['newest', 'DESC']) ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
* @see https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/classes/wp_query/#taxonomy-parameters
* @return array[] array{relation: string, taxonomy: string, field: string, terms: int/string/array, operator: string}
private function constructTaxonomiesQuery(): array {
$taxonomiesQuery = [];
if (isset($this->args['terms']) && is_array($this->args['terms'])) {
$taxonomies = [];
// Categorize terms based on their taxonomies
foreach ($this->args['terms'] as $term) {
$taxonomy = $term['taxonomy'];
if (!isset($taxonomies[$taxonomy])) {
$taxonomies[$taxonomy] = [];
$taxonomies[$taxonomy][] = $term['id'];
foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy => $terms) {
if (!empty($terms)) {
$tax = [
'taxonomy' => $taxonomy,
'field' => 'id',
'terms' => $terms,
if (isset($this->args['inclusionType']) && $this->args['inclusionType'] === 'exclude') $tax['operator'] = 'NOT IN';
$taxonomiesQuery[] = $tax;
if (!empty($taxonomiesQuery)) {
// With exclusion we want to use 'AND', because we want posts that
// don't have excluded tags/categories. But with inclusion we want to
// use 'OR', because we want posts that have any of the included
// tags/categories
$taxonomiesQuery['relation'] = (isset($this->args['inclusionType']) && $this->args['inclusionType'] === 'exclude')
? 'AND'
: 'OR';
// make $taxonomies_query nested to avoid conflicts with plugins that use taxonomies
return empty($taxonomiesQuery) ? [] : [$taxonomiesQuery];
public function getQueryParams(): array {
$postsPerPage = (!empty($this->args['amount']) && (int)$this->args['amount'] > 0)
? (int)$this->args['amount']
$parameters = [
'posts_per_page' => $postsPerPage,
'post_type' => $this->getPostType(),
'post_status' => $this->getPostStatus(),
'orderby' => 'date',
'order' => $this->getOrder(),
if (!empty($this->args['offset']) && (int)$this->args['offset'] > 0) {
$parameters['offset'] = (int)$this->args['offset'];
if (isset($this->args['search'])) {
$parameters['s'] = $this->args['search'];
if (isset($this->args['posts']) && is_array($this->args['posts'])) {
$parameters['post__in'] = $this->args['posts'];
$parameters['posts_per_page'] = -1; // Get all posts with matching IDs
if (!empty($this->postsToExclude)) {
$parameters['post__not_in'] = $this->postsToExclude;
// WP posts with the type attachment have always post_status `inherit`
if ($parameters['post_type'] === 'attachment' && $parameters['post_status'] === 'publish') {
$parameters['post_status'] = 'inherit';
// This enables using posts query filters for get_posts, where by default
// it is disabled.
// However, it also enables other plugins and themes to hook in and alter
// the query.
$parameters['suppress_filters'] = false;
if ($this->newerThanTimestamp instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
//Ensure UTC timezone
$after = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$parameters['date_query'] = [
'column' => 'post_date_gmt',
'after' => $after->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
$parameters['tax_query'] = $this->constructTaxonomiesQuery();
return $parameters;