[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
import {
    __experimentalNumberControl as NumberControl
} from '@wordpress/components';
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import License from "./License/License";
import Password from "./Password";
import SelectControl from "./SelectControl";
import Host from "./Host/Host";
import Hyperlink from "../utils/Hyperlink";
import LetsEncrypt from "../LetsEncrypt/LetsEncrypt";
import Activate from "../LetsEncrypt/Activate";
import MixedContentScan from "./MixedContentScan/MixedContentScan";
import PermissionsPolicy from "./PermissionsPolicy";
import CheckboxControl from "./CheckboxControl";
import Support from "./Support";
import LearningMode from "./LearningMode/LearningMode";
import RiskComponent from "./RiskConfiguration/RiskComponent";
import VulnerabilitiesOverview from "./RiskConfiguration/vulnerabilitiesOverview";
import IpAddressDatatable from "./LimitLoginAttempts/IpAddressDatatable";
import TwoFaRolesDropDown from "./TwoFA/TwoFaRolesDropDown";
import Button from "./Button";
import Icon from "../utils/Icon";
import { useEffect, useState, useRef } from "@wordpress/element";
import useFields from "./FieldsData";
import PostDropdown from "./PostDropDown";
import NotificationTester from "./RiskConfiguration/NotificationTester";
import getAnchor from "../utils/getAnchor";
import useMenu from "../Menu/MenuData";
import UserDatatable from "./LimitLoginAttempts/UserDatatable";
import CountryDatatable from "./LimitLoginAttempts/CountryDatatable";
import BlockListDatatable from "./GeoBlockList/BlockListDatatable";
import TwoFaDataTable from "./TwoFA/TwoFaDataTable";
import EventLogDataTable from "./EventLog/EventLogDataTable";
import DOMPurify from "dompurify";
import RolesDropDown from "./RolesDropDown";
import GeoDatatable from "./GeoBlockList/GeoDatatable";
import WhiteListDatatable from "./GeoBlockList/WhiteListDatatable";
import Captcha from "./Captcha/Captcha";
import CaptchaKey from "./Captcha/CaptchaKey";
import FileChangeDetection from "./FileChangeDetection/FileChangeDetection";
import UserAgentTable from "./firewall/UserAgentTable";
import TwoFaEnabledDropDown from "./TwoFA/TwoFaEnabledDropDown";
const Field = (props) => {
    const scrollAnchor = useRef(null);
    const { updateField, setChangedField, highLightField, setHighLightField , getFieldValue} = useFields();
    const [anchor, setAnchor] = useState(null);
    const { selectedFilter, setSelectedFilter } = useMenu();

    useEffect(() => {
        // Check URL for anchor and highlightfield parameters
        const anchor = getAnchor('anchor');
        const highlightField = getAnchor('highlightfield');


        if (highlightField) {

        if (highlightField === props.field.id && scrollAnchor.current) {
            scrollAnchor.current.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'start' });

        //if the field is a captcha provider, scroll to the captcha provider is a temp fix cause i can't get the scroll to work properly.
        if (highLightField === 'enabled_captcha_provider' && props.fields) {
            let captchaField = document.getElementsByClassName('rsssl-highlight')[0];
            if (captchaField) {
                captchaField.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'start' });

        if (anchor && anchor === props.field.id) {
            scrollAnchor.current.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'start' });
    }, []);

    useEffect(() => {
    }, [anchor]);

    window.addEventListener('hashchange', () => {
        const anchor = getAnchor('anchor');
        const highlightField = getAnchor('highlightfield');


        if (highlightField) {

        if (highlightField === props.field.id && scrollAnchor.current) {
            scrollAnchor.current.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'start' });

        if (anchor && anchor === props.field.id) {
            scrollAnchor.current.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'start' });

    const handleAnchor = () => {
        if (anchor && anchor === props.field.id) {
            scrollAnchor.current.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'start' });

    const onChangeHandler = (fieldValue) => {
        let field = props.field;
        if (field.pattern) {
            const regex = new RegExp(field.pattern, 'g');
            const allowedCharactersArray = fieldValue.match(regex);
            fieldValue = allowedCharactersArray ? allowedCharactersArray.join('') : '';
        updateField(field.id, fieldValue);

        // We can configure other fields if a field is enabled, or set to a certain value.
        let configureFieldCondition = false;
        if (field.configure_on_activation) {
            if (field.configure_on_activation.hasOwnProperty('condition') && props.field.value == field.configure_on_activation.condition) {
                configureFieldCondition = true;
            let configureField = field.configure_on_activation[0];
            for (let fieldId in configureField) {
                if (configureFieldCondition && configureField.hasOwnProperty(fieldId)) {
                    updateField(fieldId, configureField[fieldId]);
        setChangedField(field.id, fieldValue);

    const labelWrap = (field) => {
        let tooltipColor = field.warning ? 'red' : 'black';
        return (
                <div className="cmplz-label-text">{field.label}</div>
                {field.tooltip && <Icon name="info-open" tooltip={field.tooltip} color={tooltipColor} />}

    let field = props.field;
    let fieldValue = field.value;
    let disabled = field.disabled;
    let highLightClass = 'rsssl-field-wrap';
    if (highLightField === props.field.id) {
        highLightClass = 'rsssl-field-wrap rsssl-highlight';

    let options = [];
    if (field.options) {
        for (let key in field.options) {
            if (field.options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                let item = {};
                item.label = field.options[key];
                item.value = key;

    // If a feature can only be used on networkwide or single site setups, pass that info here.
    if (!rsssl_settings.networkwide_active && field.networkwide_required) {
        disabled = true;
        field.comment = (
                {__("This feature is only available networkwide.", "really-simple-ssl")}
                <Hyperlink target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" text={__("Network settings", "really-simple-ssl")} url={rsssl_settings.network_link} />

    if (field.conditionallyDisabled) {
        disabled = true;

    if (!field.visible) {
        return null;

    if ( field.type==='checkbox' ) {
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>
                    onChangeHandler={ ( fieldValue ) => onChangeHandler( fieldValue ) }
                { field.comment &&
                    <div className="rsssl-comment" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: DOMPurify.sanitize(field.comment) }} />
                    /* nosemgrep: react-dangerouslysetinnerhtml */

    if ( field.type==='hidden' ){
        return (
            <input type="hidden" value={field.value}/>

    if ( field.type==='radio' ){
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>
                    onChange={ ( fieldValue ) => onChangeHandler(fieldValue) }
                    selected={ fieldValue }
                    options={ options }

    if (field.type==='email'){
        const sendVerificationEmailField = props.fields.find(field => field.id === 'send_verification_email');
        const emailIsVerified = sendVerificationEmailField && sendVerificationEmailField.disabled;

        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor} style={{position: 'relative'}}>
                    required={ field.required }
                    placeholder={ field.placeholder }
                    disabled={ disabled }
                    help={ field.comment }
                    onChange={ ( fieldValue ) => onChangeHandler(fieldValue) }
                    value= { fieldValue }
                { sendVerificationEmailField &&
                    <div className="rsssl-email-verified" >
                            ? <Icon name='circle-check' color={'green'} />
                            : <Icon name='circle-times' color={'red'} />}

    if (field.type==='captcha_key') {
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor} style={{position: 'relative'}}>
                <CaptchaKey field={field} fields={props.fields} label={labelWrap(field)} />

    if ( field.type==='number' ){
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor} style={{ position: 'relative'}}>
                    required={ field.required }
                    placeholder={ field.placeholder }
                    disabled={ disabled }
                    help={ field.comment }
                    onChange={ ( fieldValue ) => onChangeHandler(fieldValue) }
                    value= { fieldValue }

    if (field.type==='text' ){
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor} style={{position: 'relative'}}>
                    required={ field.required }
                    placeholder={ field.placeholder }
                    disabled={ disabled }
                    help={ field.comment }
                    onChange={ ( fieldValue ) => onChangeHandler(fieldValue) }
                    value= { fieldValue }

    if ( field.type==='button' ){
        return (
            <div className={'rsssl-field-button ' + highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>
                <Button field={field}/>

    if ( field.type==='password' ){
        return (
            <div className={ highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>
                    index={ props.index }
                    field={ field }

    if ( field.type==='textarea' ) {
        // Handle csp_frame_ancestors_urls differently. Disable on select change
        let fieldDisabled = false
        if ( field.id === 'csp_frame_ancestors_urls') {
            if ( getFieldValue('csp_frame_ancestors') === 'disabled' ) {
                fieldDisabled = true
        } else {
            fieldDisabled = field.disabled

        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>
                    label={ field.label }
                    help={ field.comment }
                    value= { fieldValue }
                    onChange={ ( fieldValue ) => onChangeHandler(fieldValue) }
                    disabled={ fieldDisabled }

    if ( field.type==='license' ){
        let field = props.field;
        let fieldValue = field.value;
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>
                <License index={props.index} field={field} fieldValue={fieldValue}/>

    if ( field.type==='number' ){
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>
                    onChange={ ( fieldValue ) => onChangeHandler(fieldValue) }
                    help={ field.comment }
                    label={ field.label }
                    value= { fieldValue }
    if ( field.type==='email' ){
        return (
            <div className={this.highLightClass} ref={this.scrollAnchor}>
                    help={ field.comment }
                    label={ field.label }
                    onChange={ ( fieldValue ) => this.onChangeHandler(fieldValue) }
                    value= { fieldValue }

    if ( field.type==='host') {
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>

    if ( field.type==='select') {
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>
                    disabled={ disabled }
                    onChangeHandler={ ( fieldValue ) => onChangeHandler(fieldValue) }
                    value= { fieldValue }
                    options={ options }

    if ( field.type==='support' ) {
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>

    if ( field.type==='postdropdown' ) {
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>
                <PostDropdown field={props.field}/>
    if ( field.type==='permissionspolicy' ) {
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>
                <PermissionsPolicy disabled={disabled} field={props.field} options={options}/>

    if (field.type==='captcha') {
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>
                <Captcha field={field} label={labelWrap(field)} />

    if ( field.type==='learningmode' ) {
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>
                <LearningMode disabled={disabled} field={props.field}/>

    if ( field.type==='riskcomponent' ) {
        return (<div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>
            <RiskComponent field={props.field}/>

    if ( field.type === 'mixedcontentscan' ) {
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>
                <MixedContentScan field={props.field}/>

    if (field.type === 'vulnerabilitiestable') {
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>
                <VulnerabilitiesOverview field={props.field} />

    if (field.type === 'two_fa_roles') {
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>
                <label htmlFor={`rsssl-two-fa-dropdown-${field.id}`}>
                <TwoFaRolesDropDown field={props.field} forcedRoledId={props.field.forced_roles_id} optionalRolesId={props.field.optional_roles_id}

    if (field.type === 'eventlog-datatable') {
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>
    if (field.type === 'twofa-datatable') {
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>

    if (field.type === 'ip-address-datatable') {
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>

    if (field.type === 'user-datatable') {
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>

    if (field.type === 'file-change-detection') {
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>

    if (field.type === 'country-datatable') {
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>

    if (field.type === 'geo-datatable') {
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>

    if (field.type === 'geo-ip-datatable') {
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>

    if (field.type === 'blocklist-datatable') {
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>

    if (field.type === 'user-agents-datatable') {
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>

    if (field.type === 'roles_dropdown') {
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>
                <label htmlFor="rsssl-roles-dropdown-{field.id}">
                <RolesDropDown field={props.field}

    if (field.type === 'roles_enabled_dropdown') {
        return (
            <div className={highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>
                <label htmlFor="rsssl-roles-dropdown-{field.id}">
                <TwoFaEnabledDropDown field={props.field}

    if(field.type === 'notificationtester') {
        return (
            <div className={'rsssl-field-button ' + highLightClass} ref={scrollAnchor}>
                <NotificationTester field={props.field} labelWrap={labelWrap}/>

    if ( field.type === 'letsencrypt' ) {
        return (
            <LetsEncrypt field={field} />

    if ( field.type === 'activate' ) {
        return (
            <Activate field={field}/>

    return (

        'not found field type '+field.type

export default Field;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
AutoComplete Folder 0755
Captcha Folder 0755
DataTable Folder 0755
DynamicDataTable Folder 0755
EventLog Folder 0755
FileChangeDetection Folder 0755
GeoBlockList Folder 0755
Host Folder 0755
LearningMode Folder 0755
License Folder 0755
LimitLoginAttempts Folder 0755
MixedContentScan Folder 0755
RiskConfiguration Folder 0755
TwoFA Folder 0755
firewall Folder 0755
Button.js File 1.48 KB 0644
CheckboxControl.js File 3.26 KB 0644
Field.js File 20.21 KB 0644
FieldsData.js File 15.3 KB 0644
FilterData.js File 590 B 0644
Help.js File 1.48 KB 0644
Notices.js File 782 B 0644
Password.js File 1009 B 0644
PermissionsPolicy.js File 7.9 KB 0644
PostDropDown.js File 2.86 KB 0644
PremiumOverlay.js File 1.91 KB 0644
RolesDropDown.js File 3.6 KB 0644
SelectControl.js File 2.91 KB 0644
Settings.js File 7.26 KB 0644
SettingsGroup.js File 8.07 KB 0644
Support.js File 1.9 KB 0644