var learndash_shortcodes = jQuery.extend( learndash_shortcodes || {}, { tinymce_editor: null, show_popup_html: function() { if ( ( typeof learndash_admin_shortcodes_assets === 'undefined' ) || ( learndash_admin_shortcodes_assets == '' ) ) { learndash_admin_shortcodes_assets = {}; } var shortcodes_loaded = jQuery( '#learndash_shortcodes_holder' ).length; if ( shortcodes_loaded ) { learndash_shortcodes.popup_show(); } else { jQuery( 'body' ).append( '<div id="learndash_shortcodes_holder" style="display: none;"><div id="learndash_shortcodes"></div></div>' ); var post_data = { action: 'learndash_generate_shortcodes_content', atts: learndash_admin_shortcodes_assets, }; jQuery.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, dataType: 'html', cache: false, data: post_data, error: function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) { //console.log('init: error HTTP Status['+jqXHR.status+'] '+errorThrown); //console.log('error [%o]', textStatus); }, success: function( reply_data ) { if ( typeof reply_data !== 'undefined' ) { jQuery( '#learndash_shortcodes' ).html( reply_data ); } learndash_shortcodes.popup_init(); learndash_shortcodes.popup_show(); }, } ); } }, popup_show: function() { if ( learndash_admin_shortcodes_assets.popup_type === 'thickbox' ) { var timymce_url = learndash_shortcodes.get_tinymce_url(); tb_show( learndash_admin_shortcodes_assets.popup_title, timymce_url ); } else if ( learndash_admin_shortcodes_assets.popup_type === 'jQuery-dialog' ) { var wWidth = jQuery( window ).width(); var dWidth = wWidth * 0.9; var wHeight = jQuery( window ).height(); var dHeight = wHeight * 0.9; jQuery( '#learndash_shortcodes' ).dialog( { title: learndash_admin_shortcodes_assets.popup_title, dialogClass: 'wp-dialog ld-shortcodes', autoOpen: true, draggable: false, width: dWidth, height: dHeight, modal: true, resizable: false, closeOnEscape: true, position: { my: 'center', at: 'center', of: window, }, open: function() { // close dialog by clicking the overlay behind it jQuery( '.ui-widget-overlay' ).on( 'click', function() { jQuery( '#my-dialog' ).dialog( 'close' ); } ); }, create: function() { // style fix for WordPress admin jQuery( '.ui-dialog-titlebar-close' ).addClass( 'ui-button' ); }, } ); learndash_shortcodes.popup_set_dimensions(); jQuery( '#learndash_shortcodes' ).dialog( 'open' ); } }, popup_set_dimensions: function() { var wWidth = jQuery( window ).width(); var dWidth = wWidth * 0.9; var wHeight = jQuery( window ).height(); var dHeight = wHeight * 0.9; jQuery( '#learndash_shortcodes' ).dialog( 'option', 'width', dWidth ); jQuery( '#learndash_shortcodes' ).dialog( 'option', 'height', dHeight ); /** * Adjust position if RTL. for some reason the WordPress jQuery Dialog logic * positions the popup relative to the left instead of the right. This pushes * the popup against the right side right:0px instead of centered. So the * code below to adjust that but might find a more correct solution later. * * @since 3.0.7 */ if ( window.isRtl ) { var dialog_position_left = parseInt( jQuery( '.ui-dialog.ld-shortcodes' ).css( 'left' ) ); var dialog_position_right = parseInt( jQuery( '.ui-dialog.ld-shortcodes' ).css( 'right' ) ); dialog_position_right = dialog_position_left * -1; jQuery( '.ui-dialog.ld-shortcodes' ).css( 'right', dialog_position_right + 'px' ); } }, get_tinymce_url: function() { var width = jQuery( window ).width(); var height = jQuery( window ).height(); var W = ( 950 < width ) ? 950 : width; var H = height; W = W - 80; H = H - 84; var request_tinymce_url = '#TB_inline?width=' + W + '&height=' + H + '&inlineId=learndash_shortcodes'; return request_tinymce_url; }, tinymce_callback: function( editor ) { learndash_shortcodes.tinymce_editor = editor; learndash_shortcodes.show_popup_html(); }, qt_callback: function() { learndash_shortcodes.tinymce_editor = null; learndash_shortcodes.show_popup_html(); }, popup_init: function() { jQuery( '#learndash_shortcodes_tabs a' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); learndash_shortcodes.tabs_switch( jQuery( this ) ); } ); learndash_shortcodes.tabs_switch( jQuery( '#learndash_shortcodes a' ).first() ); jQuery( 'form.learndash_shortcodes_form' ).on( 'submit', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); tb_remove(); learndash_shortcodes.popup_submit( this ); } ); jQuery( window ).resize( function() { learndash_shortcodes.popup_set_dimensions(); } ); }, tabs_switch: function( obj ) { jQuery( '#learndash_shortcodes_sections .hidable' ).hide(); jQuery( '#learndash_shortcodes_sections #tabs-' + obj.attr( 'data-nav' ) ).show(); jQuery( '#learndash_shortcodes_tabs li' ).removeClass( 'current' ); obj.parent().addClass( 'current' ); }, get_selected_text: function() { var textarea = document.getElementById( 'content' ); var start = textarea.selectionStart; var finish = textarea.selectionEnd; return textarea.value.substring( start, finish ); }, popup_submit: function( form ) { if ( learndash_admin_shortcodes_assets.popup_type === 'jQuery-dialog' ) { jQuery( '#learndash_shortcodes' ).dialog( 'close' ); } var shortcode_slug = jQuery( form ).attr( 'shortcode_slug' ); var shortcode_type = jQuery( form ).attr( 'shortcode_type' ); if ( typeof shortcode_type === 'undefined' ) { shortcode_type = 1; } var content = '[' + shortcode_slug; var elements = form.elements; var message = ''; if ( elements.length > 0 ) { var field_count = 0; while ( field_count < elements.length ) { var field = elements[field_count]; field_count += 1; var field_shortcode_exclude = field.getAttribute( "data-shortcode-exclude" ); // Skip excluded shortcode fields. if ( ( typeof field_shortcode_exclude !== 'undefined' ) && ( field_shortcode_exclude == '1' ) ) { continue; } switch ( field.type ) { case 'textarea': if ( shortcode_type == 2 ) { message = field.value; } else { content += ' ' + + '="' + field.value.replace( /"/g, '\\"' ) + '"'; } break; case 'checkbox': if ( field.checked ) { if ( ( typeof field.value !== 'undefined' ) && ( field.value != '' ) && ( field.value != '0' ) ) { content += ' ' + + '="' + field.value.replace( /"/g, '\\"' ) + '"'; } } break; case 'submit': break; case 'select-multiple': var field_name = jQuery( field ).attr( 'name' ).replace( '[]', '' ); var field_selected_values_str = ''; jQuery( ':selected', field ).each( function( i, item ) { var item_value = jQuery( item ).val(); if ( ( typeof item_value !== 'undefined' ) && ( item_value != '' ) ) { if ( field_selected_values_str.length > 0 ) { field_selected_values_str += ','; } field_selected_values_str += item_value.replace( /"/g, '\\"' ); } } ); if ( field_selected_values_str.length > 0 ) { content += ' ' + field_name + '="' + field_selected_values_str + '"'; } break; case 'select-one': case 'text': default: if ( ( typeof field.value !== 'undefined' ) && ( field.value != '' ) ) { //var pattern = /^([a-zA-Z0-9 _-]+/gi; //var value_replaced = field.value.replace(/\W/g, ''); content += ' ' + + '="' + field.value.replace( /"/g, '\\"' ) + '"'; } break; } } } content += ']'; if ( ( shortcode_type == 2 ) && ( message != '' ) ) { content += message; content += '[/' + shortcode_slug + ']'; } if ( learndash_shortcodes.tinymce_editor !== null ) { learndash_shortcodes.tinymce_editor.setContent( content ); } else if ( typeof QTags !== 'undefined' ) { QTags.insertContent( content ); } }, } );