jQuery( function() { // Handles showing the delete data options when the checkbox is set. jQuery( '#learndash_delete_user_data input#learndash_delete_user_data_checkbox' ).on( 'change', function() { jQuery( '#learndash_delete_user_data #learndash_delete_user_data_options' ).toggle( this.checked ); } ).change(); //ensure visible state matches initially jQuery( '#learndash_delete_user_data select#learndash_specific_delete_user_options_course' ).on( 'change', function() { var selected_course_id = jQuery( this ).val(); console.log( 'selected_course_id[%o]', selected_course_id ); var post_data = { action: 'learndash_user_profile_selected_course', selected_course_id: selected_course_id, }; //console.log('post_data[%o]', post_data); jQuery.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: ajaxurl, dataType: 'json', cache: false, data: post_data, error: function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) { //console.log('init: error HTTP Status['+jqXHR.status+'] '+errorThrown); console.log( 'error [%o]', textStatus ); }, success: function( reply_data ) { //console.log('reply_data[%o]', reply_data); if ( reply_data.courses != undefined ) { jQuery( '#learndash_delete_user_data select#learndash_specific_delete_user_options_course' ).empty().append( reply_data.courses ); } if ( reply_data.lessons != undefined ) { jQuery( '#learndash_delete_user_data select#learndash_specific_delete_user_options_lesson' ).empty().append( reply_data.lessons ); } if ( reply_data.lessons != undefined ) { jQuery( '#learndash_delete_user_data select#learndash_specific_delete_user_options_topic' ).empty().append( reply_data.topics ); } if ( reply_data.lessons != undefined ) { jQuery( '#learndash_delete_user_data select#learndash_specific_delete_user_options_quiz' ).empty().append( reply_data.quizzes ); } }, } ); } ); } );