[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * Project: User Role Editor plugin
 * Author: Vladimir Garagulya
 * Author email: support@role-editor.com
 * Author URI: https://www.role-editor.com
 * Greetings: some ideas and code samples for long running cron job was taken from the "Broken Link Checker" plugin (Janis Elst).
 * License: GPL v2+
 * Assign role to the users without role stuff
class URE_Assign_Role {
    const MAX_USERS_TO_PROCESS = 50;

    private static $counter = 0;    
    private $lib = null;
    private $quick_count = true;
    function __construct() {
        $this->lib = URE_Lib::get_instance();
        $this->quick_count = $this->count_quick_or_thoroughly();
    // end of __construct()

    public function create_no_rights_role() {        
        $role_id = 'no_rights';
        $role_name = 'No rights';
        $wp_roles = wp_roles();        
        if ( isset( $wp_roles->roles[$role_id] ) ) {
        add_role( $role_id, $role_name, array() );
    // end of create_no_rights_role()          
    private function count_quick_or_thoroughly() {
        $quick_count = true;
            $quick_count = false;
        } elseif ( $this->lib->is_pro() ) {
            $count_thoroughly = $this->lib->get_option( 'count_users_without_role_thoroughly', false );
            if ( $count_thoroughly ) {
                $quick_count = false;
        $quick_count = apply_filters('ure_count_users_without_role_quick', $quick_count );
        return $quick_count;
    // end of count_quick_or_thoroughly()
    private function get_thorougly_where_condition() {
        global $wpdb;

        $usermeta = $wpdb->usermeta;
        $id = get_current_blog_id();
        $blog_prefix = $wpdb->get_blog_prefix( $id );
        $where = "WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT user_id from {$usermeta} ".
                                      "WHERE user_id=users.ID AND meta_key='{$blog_prefix}capabilities') OR ".
                        "EXISTS (SELECT user_id FROM {$usermeta} ".
                                  "WHERE user_id=users.ID AND meta_key='{$blog_prefix}capabilities' AND ".
                                        "(meta_value='a:0:{}' OR meta_value IS NULL))";
        return $where;                            
    // end of get_thoroughly_where_condition()

    private function get_quick_query_part2() {
        global $wpdb;

        $usermeta = $wpdb->usermeta;
        $id = get_current_blog_id();
        $blog_prefix = $wpdb->get_blog_prefix($id);
        $query = "FROM {$usermeta} usermeta ".
                        "INNER JOIN {$wpdb->users} users ON usermeta.user_id=users.ID ".
                      "WHERE usermeta.meta_key='{$blog_prefix}capabilities' AND ".
                            "(usermeta.meta_value = 'a:0:{}' OR usermeta.meta_value is NULL)";
        return $query;                            
    // end of get_quick_query_part2()    
    private function get_users_count_query() {
        global $wpdb;
        if ( $this->quick_count ) {
            $part2 = $this->get_quick_query_part2();
            $query = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT usermeta.user_id) {$part2}";
        } else {
            $where = $this->get_thorougly_where_condition();
            $query = "SELECT count(ID) FROM {$wpdb->users} users {$where}";
        return $query;
    // end of get_users_count_query()
    public function count_users_without_role() {
        global $wpdb;
        $users_quant = get_transient('ure_users_without_role');
        if (empty($users_quant)) {
            $query = $this->get_users_count_query();
            $users_quant = $wpdb->get_var( $query );
            set_transient('ure_users_without_role', $users_quant, 15 );
        return $users_quant;
    // end of count_users_without_role()
    public function get_users_without_role() {        
        global $wpdb;
        $top_limit = self::MAX_USERS_TO_PROCESS;
        if ( $this->quick_count ) {            
            $part2 = $this->get_quick_query_part2();
            $query = "SELECT DISTINCT usermeta.user_id {$part2}
                        LIMIT 0, {$top_limit}";
        } else {
            $where = $this->get_thorougly_where_condition();
            $query = "SELECT users.ID FROM {$wpdb->users} users
                        LIMIT 0, {$top_limit}";
        $users0 = $wpdb->get_col( $query );        
        return $users0;        
    // end of get_users_without_role()
    public function show_html() {
      $users_quant = $this->count_users_without_role();
      if ($users_quant==0) {
      $button_number =  (self::$counter>0) ? '_2': '';
        &nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="button" name="move_from_no_role<?php echo $button_number;?>" id="move_from_no_role<?php echo $button_number;?>" class="button"
                        value="Without role (<?php echo $users_quant;?>)" onclick="ure_move_users_from_no_role_dialog()">
    if ( self::$counter==0 ) {
        <div id="move_from_no_role_dialog" class="ure-dialog">
            <div id="move_from_no_role_content" style="padding: 10px;"></div>                
    // end of show_html()
// end of URE_Assign_Role class


Name Type Size Permission Actions
admin-notice.php File 833 B 0644
advertisement.php File 2.58 KB 0644
ajax-processor.php File 10.92 KB 0644
assign-role.php File 5.68 KB 0644
base-lib.php File 11.04 KB 0644
bbpress.php File 2.81 KB 0644
capabilities-groups-manager.php File 17.76 KB 0644
capabilities.php File 15.09 KB 0644
capability.php File 8.14 KB 0644
editor.php File 56.29 KB 0644
grant-roles.php File 19.88 KB 0644
known-js-css-compatibility-issues.php File 2.59 KB 0644
lib.php File 17.6 KB 0644
own-capabilities.php File 5.22 KB 0644
protect-admin.php File 8.01 KB 0644
role-additional-options.php File 4.02 KB 0644
role-view.php File 17.06 KB 0644
screen-help.php File 5.77 KB 0644
settings.php File 9.03 KB 0644
task-queue.php File 3.94 KB 0644
tools.php File 3.77 KB 0644
uninstall.php File 2.62 KB 0644
user-other-roles.php File 13.59 KB 0644
user-role-editor.php File 37.1 KB 0644
user-view.php File 8.09 KB 0644
view.php File 13.86 KB 0644
woocommerce-capabilities.php File 5.8 KB 0644