* Project: User Role Editor plugin
* Author: Vladimir Garagulya
* Author email: support@role-editor.com
* Author URI: https://www.role-editor.com
* License: GPL v2+
* Assign multiple roles to the list of selected users directly from the "Users" page
* Grant/Revoke single role to/from selected users
class URE_Grant_Roles {
const NO_ROLE_FOR_THIS_SITE = 'no-role-for-this-site';
private $lib = null;
private static $counter = 0;
public function __construct() {
$this->lib = URE_Lib::get_instance();
add_action( 'load-users.php', array( $this, 'load' ) );
// end of __construct()
public function load() {
add_action('restrict_manage_users', array($this, 'show_roles_manage_html') );
add_action('admin_head', array(User_Role_Editor::get_instance(), 'add_css_to_users_page') );
add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'load_js') );
// end of load()
private static function validate_users($users) {
if (!is_array($users)) {
return false;
foreach ($users as $user_id) {
if (!is_numeric($user_id)) {
return false;
if ( !current_user_can( 'promote_user', $user_id ) ) {
return false;
if ( is_multisite() && !is_user_member_of_blog( $user_id ) ) {
return false;
return true;
// end of validate_users()
public static function add_role() {
if ( !current_user_can('promote_users') ) {
$answer = array('result'=>'error', 'message'=>esc_html__('Not enough permissions', 'user-role-editor') );
return $answer;
if ( empty( $_REQUEST['users'] ) ) {
$answer = array('result'=>'error', 'message'=>esc_html__('Empty users list', 'user-role-editor') );
return $answer;
$users = (array) $_REQUEST['users'];
if ( !self::validate_users( $users ) ) {
$answer = array('result'=>'error', 'message'=>esc_html__('Can not edit user or invalid data at the users list', 'user-role-editor') );
return $answer;
$lib = URE_Lib::get_instance();
$role = $lib->get_request_var('role', 'post', 'string');
if ( !self::validate_roles( array($role=>$role) ) ) {
$answer = array('result'=>'error', 'message'=>esc_html__('Invalid role', 'user-role-editor') );
return $answer;
$quantity = 0;
foreach( $users as $user_id ) {
$user = get_user_by( 'id', $user_id );
if (empty( $user ) ) {
if ( empty( $user->roles ) || !in_array( $role, $user->roles ) ) {
$user->add_role( $role );
if ( $quantity>0 ) {
// translators: template %d is a quantity of users to whom role was added
$message = sprintf( esc_html__('Role added to %d user(s).', 'user-role-editor'), $quantity );
$answer = array('result'=>'success', 'message'=>$message );
} else {
$answer = array('result'=>'error', 'message'=>esc_html__('Error: Role not added', 'user-role-editor') );
return $answer;
// end of add_role()
private static function is_try_remove_admin_from_himself( $user_id, $role) {
$result = false;
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
$wp_roles = wp_roles();
$role_caps = array_keys( $wp_roles->roles[$role]['capabilities'] );
$is_current_user = ( $user_id == $current_user->ID );
$role_can_promote = in_array('promote_users', $role_caps);
$can_manage_network = is_multisite() && current_user_can( 'manage_network_users' );
// If the removed role has the `promote_users` cap and user is removing it from himself
if ( $is_current_user && $role_can_promote && !$can_manage_network ) {
$result = true;
// Loop through the current user's roles.
foreach ($current_user->roles as $_role) {
$_role_caps = array_keys( $wp_roles->roles[$_role]['capabilities'] );
// If the current user has another role that can promote users, it's safe to remove the role. Else, the current user should to keep this role.
if ( ($role!==$_role) && in_array( 'promote_users', $_role_caps ) ) {
$result = false;
return $result;
// end of is_try_remove_admin_from_himself()
public static function revoke_role() {
if ( !current_user_can('promote_users') ) {
$answer = array('result'=>'error', 'message'=>esc_html__('Not enough permissions', 'user-role-editor') );
return $answer;
if ( empty( $_REQUEST['users'] ) ) {
$answer = array('result'=>'error', 'message'=>esc_html__('Empty users list', 'user-role-editor') );
return $answer;
$users = (array) $_REQUEST['users'];
if ( !self::validate_users( $users ) ) {
$answer = array('result'=>'error', 'message'=>esc_html__('Can not edit user or invalid data at the users list', 'user-role-editor') );
return $answer;
$lib = URE_Lib::get_instance();
$role = $lib->get_request_var('role', 'post', 'string');
if ( !self::validate_roles( array($role=>$role) ) ) {
$answer = array('result'=>'error', 'message'=>esc_html__('Invalid role', 'user-role-editor') );
return $answer;
$quantity = 0;
foreach( $users as $user_id ) {
$user = get_user_by( 'id', $user_id );
if ( empty( $user ) ) {
if ( self::is_try_remove_admin_from_himself( $user_id, $role ) ) {
if ( is_array($user->roles) && in_array( $role, $user->roles ) ) {
$user->remove_role( $role );
if ( $quantity>0 ) {
// translators: template %d is a quantity of users to whom role was added
$message = sprintf( esc_html__('Role revoked from %d user(s).', 'user-role-editor'), $quantity );
$answer = array('result'=>'success', 'message'=>$message );
} else {
$answer = array('result'=>'error', 'message'=>esc_html__('Error: Role not revoked', 'user-role-editor') );
return $answer;
// end of revoke_role()
private function update_roles() {
if ( empty( $_REQUEST['users'] ) ) {
if ( !current_user_can('promote_users') ) {
$users = (array) $_REQUEST['users'];
if ( !self::validate_users( $users ) ) {
if ( ( !empty( $_REQUEST['ure_add_role'] ) && !empty( $_REQUEST['ure_add_role_submit']) ) ||
( !empty( $_REQUEST['ure_add_role_2'] ) && !empty( $_REQUEST['ure_add_role_submit_2'] ) ) ) {
$this->add_role( $users );
} else if ( ( !empty( $_REQUEST['ure_revoke_role'] ) && !empty( $_REQUEST['ure_revoke_role_submit'] ) ) ||
( !empty( $_REQUEST['ure_revoke_role_2'] ) && !empty( $_REQUEST['ure_revoke_role_submit_2'] ) ) ) {
$this->revoke_role( $users );
// end of update_roles()
private static function validate_roles( $roles ) {
if ( !is_array( $roles ) ) {
return false;
$lib = URE_Lib::get_instance();
$editable_roles = $lib->get_all_editable_roles();
$valid_roles = array_keys( $editable_roles );
foreach( $roles as $role ) {
if ( !in_array( $role, $valid_roles ) ) {
return false;
return true;
// end of validate_roles()
private static function grant_primary_role_to_user($user_id, $role) {
$user = get_user_by('id', $user_id);
if (empty($user)) {
if ($role===self::NO_ROLE_FOR_THIS_SITE) {
$role = '';
$old_roles = $user->roles; // Save currently granted roles to restore from them the bbPress roles later if there are any...
$lib = URE_Lib::get_instance();
$bbpress = $lib->get('bbpress');
if (empty($bbpress)) {
$bbp_roles = $bbpress->extract_bbp_roles($old_roles);
if (count($bbp_roles)>0) { // restore bbPress roles
foreach($bbp_roles as $role) {
// end of grant_primary_role_to_user()
private static function grant_other_roles_to_user($user_id, $roles) {
$user = get_user_by('id', $user_id);
if (empty($user)) {
$roles_list = array_values( $user->roles );
$primary_role = array_shift( $roles_list ); // Get the 1st element from the roles array
$lib = URE_Lib::get_instance();
$bbpress = $lib->get( 'bbpress' );
if ( empty( $bbpress ) ) {
$bbp_roles = array();
} else {
$bbp_roles = $bbpress->extract_bbp_roles( $user->roles );
$roles2 = ure_array_merge( array( $primary_role ), $bbp_roles, $roles );
foreach( $roles2 as $role ) {
$user->add_role( $role );
// end of grant_other_roles_to_user()
* Decide if primary role should be granted or left as it is
* @param string $primary_role
* @return boolean
private static function is_select_primary_role($primary_role) {
if (empty($primary_role)) {
return false; // Primary role was not selected by user, leave an older one
$lib = URE_Lib::get_instance();
if ($lib->is_super_admin()) {
$select_primary_role = true;
} else {
$select_primary_role = apply_filters('ure_users_select_primary_role', true);
return $select_primary_role;
// end of is_select_primary_role()
public static function grant_roles() {
if ( !current_user_can('promote_users') ) {
$answer = array('result'=>'error', 'message'=>esc_html__('Not enough permissions', 'user-role-editor'));
return $answer;
$users = $_POST['users'];
if ( !self::validate_users( $users ) ) {
$answer = array('result'=>'error', 'message'=>esc_html__('Can not edit user or invalid data at the users list', 'user-role-editor') );
return $answer;
// Primary role
$primary_role = $_POST['primary_role'];
if (!empty($primary_role) && ($primary_role!==self::NO_ROLE_FOR_THIS_SITE) &&
!self::validate_roles(array($primary_role=>$primary_role))) {
$answer = array('result'=>'error', 'message'=>esc_html__('Invalid primary role', 'user-role-editor'));
return $answer;
if (self::is_select_primary_role($primary_role)) {
foreach ($users as $user_id) {
self::grant_primary_role_to_user($user_id, $primary_role);
// Other roles
$other_roles = isset($_POST['other_roles']) ? $_POST['other_roles'] : null;
if (!empty($other_roles) && !self::validate_roles($other_roles)) {
$answer = array('result'=>'error', 'message'=>esc_html__('Invalid data at the other roles list', 'user-role-editor'));
return $answer;
if (!empty($other_roles)) {
foreach($users as $user_id) {
self::grant_other_roles_to_user($user_id, $other_roles);
$answer = array('result'=>'success', 'message'=>esc_html__('Roles were granted to users successfully', 'user-role-editor'));
return $answer;
// end of grant_roles()
public static function get_user_roles() {
if ( !current_user_can( 'promote_users' ) ) {
$answer = array('result'=>'error', 'message'=>esc_html__('Not enough permissions', 'user-role-editor'));
return $answer;
$lib = URE_Lib::get_instance();
$user_id = (int) $lib->get_request_var('user_id', 'post', 'int');
if (empty($user_id)) {
$answer = array('result'=>'error', 'message'=>esc_html__('Wrong request, valid user ID was missed', 'user-role-editor'));
return $answer;
$user = get_user_by('id', $user_id);
if (empty($user)) {
$answer = array('result'=>'error', 'message'=>esc_html__('Requested user does not exist', 'user-role-editor'));
return $answer;
$other_roles = array_values($user->roles);
$primary_role = array_shift($other_roles);
$answer = array('result'=>'success', 'primary_role'=>$primary_role, 'other_roles'=>$other_roles, 'message'=>'User roles were sent');
return $answer;
// end of get_user_roles()
private function select_primary_role_html() {
$select_primary_role = apply_filters('ure_users_select_primary_role', true);
if (!$select_primary_role && !$this->lib->is_super_admin()) {
<span style="font-weight: bold;">
<?php esc_html_e('Primary Role: ', 'user-role-editor');?>
<select name="primary_role" id="primary_role">
// print the full list of roles with the primary one selected.
echo '<option value="'. self::NO_ROLE_FOR_THIS_SITE .'">' . esc_html__('— No role for this site —', 'user-role-editor') . '</option>'. PHP_EOL;
// end of select_primary_role_html()
private function select_other_roles_html() {
<div id="other_roles_container">
<span style="font-weight: bold;">
esc_html_e('Other Roles: ', 'user-role-editor');
// Is PolyLang plugin active?
$use_pll = function_exists('pll__');
$show_admin_role = $this->lib->show_admin_role_allowed();
$roles = $this->lib->get_all_editable_roles();
foreach ($roles as $role_id => $role) {
if (!$show_admin_role && $role_id=='administrator') {
$role_name = $use_pll ? pll__( $role['name'] ) : $role['name'];
echo '<label for="wp_role_' . $role_id . '"><input type="checkbox" id="wp_role_' . $role_id .
'" name="ure_roles[]" value="' . $role_id . '" /> ' .
esc_html( $role_name ) .' ('. $role_id .')</label><br />'. PHP_EOL;
// end of select_other_roles_html()
private function get_roles_options_list() {
$output = ob_get_clean();
return $output;
// end of get_roles_options_list()
public function show_roles_manage_html() {
if ( !current_user_can( 'promote_users' ) ) {
$button_number = (self::$counter>0) ? '_2': '';
$roles_options_list = self::get_roles_options_list();
<input type="button" name="ure_grant_roles<?php echo $button_number;?>" id="ure_grant_roles<?php echo $button_number;?>" class="button"
value="<?php esc_html_e('Grant Roles', 'user-role-editor');?>">
<label class="screen-reader-text" for="ure_add_role<?php echo $button_number;?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Add role…', 'user-role-editor' ); ?></label>
<select name="ure_add_role<?php echo $button_number;?>" id="ure_add_role<?php echo $button_number;?>" style="display: inline-block; float: none;">
<option value=""><?php esc_html_e( 'Add role…', 'user-role-editor' ); ?></option>
<?php echo $roles_options_list; ?>
<input type="button" name="ure_add_role_button<?php echo $button_number;?>" id="ure_add_role_button<?php echo $button_number;?>" class="button"
value="<?php esc_html_e('Add', 'user-role-editor');?>">
<label class="screen-reader-text" for="ure_revoke_role<?php echo $button_number;?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Revoke role…', 'user-role-editor' ); ?></label>
<select name="ure_revoke_role<?php echo $button_number;?>" id="ure_revoke_role<?php echo $button_number;?>" style="display: inline-block; float: none;">
<option value=""><?php esc_html_e( 'Revoke role…', 'user-role-editor' ); ?></option>
<?php echo $roles_options_list; ?>
<input type="button" name="ure_revoke_role_button<?php echo $button_number;?>" id="ure_revoke_role_button<?php echo $button_number;?>" class="button"
value="<?php esc_html_e('Revoke', 'user-role-editor');?>">
if (self::$counter==0) {
<div id="ure_grant_roles_dialog" class="ure-dialog">
<div id="ure_grant_roles_content">
// end of show_grant_roles_html()
public function load_js() {
$show_wp_change_role = apply_filters('ure_users_show_wp_change_role', true);
wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-dialog', '', array('jquery-ui-core','jquery-ui-button', 'jquery'), false, true );
wp_register_script('ure-users-grant-roles', plugins_url('/js/users-grant-roles.js', URE_PLUGIN_FULL_PATH ), array(), URE_VERSION, true );
wp_localize_script('ure-users-grant-roles', 'ure_users_grant_roles_data', array(
'wp_nonce' => wp_create_nonce('user-role-editor'),
'dialog_title'=> esc_html__('Grant roles to selected users', 'user-role-editor'),
'select_users_first' => esc_html__('Select users to which you wish to grant roles!', 'user-role-editor'),
'select_roles_first' => esc_html__('Select role(s) which you wish to grant!', 'user-role-editor'),
'select_role_first' => esc_html__('Select role first!', 'user-role-editor'),
'select_users_to_add_role' => esc_html__('Select users to which you wish to add role!', 'user-role-editor'),
'select_users_to_revoke_role' => esc_html__('Select users from which you wish revoke role!', 'user-role-editor'),
'show_wp_change_role' => $show_wp_change_role ? 1: 0
// end of load_js()
// end of URE_Grant_Roles class