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 * User Role Editor Settings page on Screen Help class

class URE_Screen_Help {
    protected function get_general_tab() {
        $text = '<h2>'. esc_html__('User Role Editor Options page help', 'user-role-editor') .'</h2>
            <li><strong>' . esc_html__('Show Administrator role at User Role Editor', 'user-role-editor') .'</strong> - ' .
                esc_html__('turn this option on in order to make the "Administrator" role available at the User Role Editor roles selection drop-down list.', 'user-role-editor') .' '.
                esc_html__('It is hidden by default for security reasons.','user-role-editor') . '</li>
            <li><strong>' . esc_html__('Show capabilities in the human readable form','user-role-editor').'</strong> - ' .
                esc_html__('automatically converts capability names from the technical form for internal use like "edit_others_posts" to more user friendly form, e.g. "Edit others posts".','user-role-editor') . '</li>
            <li><strong>' . esc_html__('Show deprecated capabilities','user-role-editor') .'</strong> - '.
                esc_html__('Capabilities like "level_0", "level_1" are deprecated and are not used by WordPress.','user-role-editor') .' '.
                esc_html__('They are left at the user roles for the compatibility purpose with old themes and plugins code.','user-role-editor') .' '. 
                esc_html__('Turning on this option will show those deprecated capabilities.', 'user-role-editor') . '</li>
            <li><strong>' . esc_html__('Confirm role update','user-role-editor').'</strong> - ' .
                esc_html__('Show confirmation dialog before save changes made to a current role.', 'user-role-editor') . '</li>
            <li><strong>' . esc_html__('Edit user capabilities','user-role-editor') .'</strong> - '.
                esc_html__('If turned off - capabilities section of selected user is shown in readonly mode.','user-role-editor'). ' '.
                esc_html__('Administrator can not assign capabilities to the user directly.','user-role-editor'). ' '.
                esc_html__('He should do it using roles only.', 'user-role-editor') . '</li>';

        $text = apply_filters('ure_get_settings_general_tab_help', $text);
        $text .='
        return $text;
    // end of get_general_tab()

    protected function get_additional_modules_tab() {
        $text = '<h2>'. esc_html__('User Role Editor Options page help', 'user-role-editor') .'</h2>
        if (!is_multisite()) {
            $text .= '<li><strong>' . esc_html__('Count users without role', 'user-role-editor') .'</strong> - ' .
                     esc_html__('Show at the "Users" page a quant of users without role. Module allows to assign all of them ', 'user-role-editor') .' '.
                     esc_html__('an empty role "No rights", in order to look on the users list with role "No rights" at the separate tab then.','user-role-editor') . 
        $text = apply_filters('ure_get_settings_additional_modules_tab_help', $text);
        $text .='
        return $text;
    // end of get_additional_modules_tab()

    protected function get_default_roles_tab() {
        $text = '<h2>'. esc_html__('User Role Editor Options page help', 'user-role-editor') .'</h2>
            <li><strong>' . esc_html__('Other default roles for new registered user', 'user-role-editor') .'</strong> - ' .
                esc_html__('select roles below to assign them to the new user automatically as an addition to the primary role.', 'user-role-editor') .' '.
                esc_html__('Note for multisite environment: take into account that other default roles should exist at the site,', 'user-role-editor') .' '. 
                esc_html__('in order to be assigned to the new registered users.','user-role-editor') . '</li>';
        $text = apply_filters('ure_get_settings_default_roles_tab_help', $text);
        $text .='
        return $text;
    // end of get_default_roles_tab()
    protected function get_multisite_tab() {
        $text = '<h2>'. esc_html__( 'User Role Editor Options page help', 'user-role-editor' ) .'</h2>
                <li><strong>' . esc_html__( 'Allow non super-administrators to create, edit and delete users', 'user-role-editor' ) .'</strong> - '.
                esc_html__( 'Super administrator only may create, edit and delete users under WordPress multi-site by default.', 'user-role-editor' ) .' '. 
                esc_html__('Turn this option on in order to remove this limitation.','user-role-editor' ) .'</li>';
        $text = apply_filters('ure_get_settings_multisite_tab_help', $text);
        $text .='
        return $text;
    // end of get_multisite_tab()
    public function get_settings_help($tab_name) {
        switch ($tab_name) {
            case 'general':{
                $text = $this->get_general_tab();
            case 'additional_modules':{
                $text = $this->get_additional_modules_tab();
            case 'default_roles':{
                $text = $this->get_default_roles_tab();
            case 'multisite':{
                $text = $this->get_multisite_tab();
        return $text;
    // end of get_settings_help()
// end of URE_Screen_Help


Name Type Size Permission Actions
admin-notice.php File 833 B 0644
advertisement.php File 2.58 KB 0644
ajax-processor.php File 10.92 KB 0644
assign-role.php File 5.68 KB 0644
base-lib.php File 11.04 KB 0644
bbpress.php File 2.81 KB 0644
capabilities-groups-manager.php File 17.76 KB 0644
capabilities.php File 15.09 KB 0644
capability.php File 8.14 KB 0644
editor.php File 56.29 KB 0644
grant-roles.php File 19.88 KB 0644
known-js-css-compatibility-issues.php File 2.59 KB 0644
lib.php File 17.6 KB 0644
own-capabilities.php File 5.22 KB 0644
protect-admin.php File 8.01 KB 0644
role-additional-options.php File 4.02 KB 0644
role-view.php File 17.06 KB 0644
screen-help.php File 5.77 KB 0644
settings.php File 9.03 KB 0644
task-queue.php File 3.94 KB 0644
tools.php File 3.77 KB 0644
uninstall.php File 2.62 KB 0644
user-other-roles.php File 13.59 KB 0644
user-role-editor.php File 37.1 KB 0644
user-view.php File 8.09 KB 0644
view.php File 13.86 KB 0644
woocommerce-capabilities.php File 5.8 KB 0644