[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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namespace NjtDuplicate\Page;

use NjtDuplicate\Classes\ButtonDuplicate;

defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
 * Settings Page
class Settings {
	protected static $instance = null;

	public static function getInstance() {
		if ( null == self::$instance ) {
			self::$instance = new self();

		return self::$instance;

	private $pageId = null;

	private function __construct() {
		add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'settingsMenu' ) );
		add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'enqueueAdminScripts' ) );
		add_filter( 'plugin_action_links_' . NJT_DUPLICATE_PLUGIN_NAME, array( $this, 'addActionLinks' ) );
		add_action( 'wp_ajax_njt_duplicate_page_settings', array( $this, 'saveSettings' ) );
		add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_njt_duplicate_page_settings', array( $this, 'saveSettings' ) );
		// Add button link to post, page, post type

	public function settingsMenu() {
		add_submenu_page( 'options-general.php', __( 'Duplicate Page Settings', 'wp-duplicate-page' ), __( 'Duplicate Page', 'wp-duplicate-page' ), 'manage_options', $this->getPageId(), array( $this, 'settingsPage' ) );

	public function settingsPage() {
		$viewPath = NJT_DUPLICATE_PLUGIN_PATH . 'views/pages/html-settings.php';
		include_once $viewPath;
	public function addActionLinks( $links ) {
		$settingsLinks = array(
			'<a href="' . admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=' . $this->getPageId() ) . '">' . __( 'Settings', 'wp-duplicate-page' ) . '</a>',
		return array_merge( $settingsLinks, $links );

	public function enqueueAdminScripts( $screenId ) {
		if ( $screenId === 'settings_page_wp-duplicate-page-settings' ) {
			$scriptId   = $this->getPageId();
			$footerText = sprintf(
				/* translators: 1: Plugin Title, 2: Link to review */
				__( 'Enjoyed %1$s? Please leave us a %2$s rating. We really appreciate your support!', 'wp-duplicate-page' ),
				'<strong>' . esc_html__( 'WP Duplicate Page', 'wp-duplicate-page' ) . '</strong>',
				'<a href="https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wp-duplicate-page/reviews/?filter=5/#new-post/" target="_blank">&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;</a>'
			wp_enqueue_style( $scriptId, NJT_DUPLICATE_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/css/admin-setting.css', array(), NJT_DUPLICATE_VERSION );
			wp_enqueue_script( $scriptId, NJT_DUPLICATE_PLUGIN_URL . '/assets/js/admin-setting.js', array( 'jquery' ), NJT_DUPLICATE_VERSION, true );
					'ajaxUrl'    => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ),
					'ajaxNonce'  => wp_create_nonce( 'wp_rest' ),
					'footerText' => $footerText,

	public function getPageId() {
		if ( null == $this->pageId ) {
			$this->pageId = NJT_DUPLICATE_DOMAIN . '-settings';
		return $this->pageId;

	function sanitizeTextOrArrayField( $arrayOrString ) {
		if ( is_string( $arrayOrString ) ) {
			$arrayOrString = sanitize_text_field( $arrayOrString );
		} elseif ( is_array( $arrayOrString ) ) {
			foreach ( $arrayOrString as $key => &$value ) {
				if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
					$value = sanitizeTextOrArrayField( $value );
				} else {
					$value = sanitize_text_field( $value );
		return $arrayOrString;

	function saveSettings() {
		if ( ! isset( $_POST['njtDuplicateNonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['njtDuplicateNonce'], 'wp_rest' ) ) {

		$roles     = isset( $_POST['njtDuplicateRoles'] ) ? $this->sanitizeTextOrArrayField( (array) $_POST['njtDuplicateRoles'] ) : array();
		$postTypes = isset( $_POST['njtDuplicatePostTypes'] ) ? $this->sanitizeTextOrArrayField( (array) $_POST['njtDuplicatePostTypes'] ) : array();
		$textLink  = isset( $_POST['njtDuplicateTextLink'] ) ? $this->sanitizeTextOrArrayField( $_POST['njtDuplicateTextLink'] ) : '';

		update_option( 'njt_duplicate_roles', $roles );
		update_option( 'njt_duplicate_post_types', $postTypes );
		update_option( 'njt_duplicate_text_link', $textLink );
		global $wp_roles;
		$roles              = $wp_roles->get_names();
		$duplicateUserRoles = get_option( 'njt_duplicate_roles' );

		if ( $duplicateUserRoles == false || $duplicateUserRoles == '' ) {
			$duplicateUserRoles = array();

		foreach ( $roles as $name => $displayName ) {
			$role = get_role( $name );

			/* If the role doesn't have the capability and it was selected, add it. */
			if ( ! $role->has_cap( 'njt_duplicate_page' ) && in_array( $name, $duplicateUserRoles ) ) {
				$role->add_cap( 'njt_duplicate_page' );

			/* If the role has the capability and it wasn't selected, remove it. */
			elseif ( $role->has_cap( 'njt_duplicate_page' ) && ! in_array( $name, $duplicateUserRoles ) ) {
				$role->remove_cap( 'njt_duplicate_page' );
		// Optionally (if needed).

		// To avoid error 500 (don't forget this)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Settings.php File 4.76 KB 0644
index.php File 28 B 0644