[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
* Table of Content
* 1. Dafault
* 2. Column title
* 3. Header
* 4. Featured banner
* 5. Section Header
* 6. About us
* 7. skills & Experience
* 8. Portfolio
* 9. Testimonails
* 10. Animated Number
* 11. Blog
* 12. Get-in-touch
* 13. Contact
* 14. Footer


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*******Column title******

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*******Featured banner******

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*******Section header******

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/* Main Menu Dropdown */

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    Slicknav - a Mobile Menu

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    User Default Style
    Change the following styles to modify the appearance of the menu.

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*******Swiper Banner******

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*******About us******

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*******skills &Experience ******
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*******Animated number******

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********* Footer ******
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 * Blog

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 * Team

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    background: #000;

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    background-size: 100%;

.ch-img-2 { 
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.ch-img-3 { 
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.ch-img-4 { 
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.ch-info h3 {
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.ch-item:hover .ch-info-wrap {
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@media (max-width: 1199px) {
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/*team inner page*/

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.team-member figure img {
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.team-member h4 {
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.team-member figcaption {
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.team-member figure:hover figcaption {
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.team-member figure:hover img {
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@media(max-width: 767px){
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about-us style 2*/
#about-us.about-style h3{margin-bottom: 15px; line-height: 1.5;}

#about-us.about-style h3 span{color:#00BCD4;}

#about-us.about-style .about-content img{box-shadow: none; width: 100%; border: none;}

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#about-us.about-style .slick-next{right: 25px;}

#about-us.about-style  .slick-prev:before{

#about-us.about-style  .slick-next:before{
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/*list view style 2*/

.list-view .detail-content {
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.list-view .list-style{margin-bottom: 25px; border-bottom: 1px dashed #ccc; padding-bottom: 25px;}

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.list-view .detail-content footer span a:hover{text-decoration: underline; color: #f44336;}

.list-view .detail-content .red-btn{text-align: left; margin-top: 15px;}


.team-list.multiple-logo .team-one:hover img{transform: rotate(0deg) scale(1.1); width: 100%;}

/*contact us*/

section#get-in-touch.contact-us{padding:0 0 50px}

section#get-in-touch.contact-us .footer-map-full{margin: 0; height: 380px;}

section#get-in-touch.contact-us p.address-item{color: #999;}

section#get-in-touch.contact-us .contact-form{padding-top: 50px}

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#success_page h1 { color: #3c763d; font-size: 18px; font-weight: 700; line-height: 22px; margin: 10px 0 7px; }

.error_message { color: #a94442; background-color: #f2dede; border-color: #ebccd1; padding: 10px 15px; margin: 0 0 15px; }

#get-in-touch .alert-success h3{font-size: 1.5rem; margin: 0;}

#get-in-touch .error, #contactform-error-msg .alert.alert-error{color: #F44336; font-weight: 300;}

#contactform-error-msg .alert.alert-error{padding:0 0px 15px; margin-bottom: 0;}

@media (max-width:767px){
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.contact-form label{width: 100%; margin-bottom: 15px;}

input.wpcf7-form-control.wpcf7-submit {
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.wpcf7-response-output.wpcf7-display-none.wpcf7-validation-errors {
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#testimonials.main-testi, #testimonials.testi-style{padding-bottom: 70px;} 

#testimonials.main-testi .item{text-align: center;}

#testimonials.main-testi .col-sm-4{margin-bottom:30px;}

#testimonials.main-testi .img-circle{height: 150px; width: 150px; margin-bottom: 15px;}

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#testimonials.testi-style .col-sm-4{padding-right: 0px;}

.testi-style .item {
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    padding: 15px 0;
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#testimonials.testi-style .col-sm-6{margin-bottom: 30px;}

/*Pricing table*/

#pricing.pricing-section {padding: 100px 0}

#pricing section{padding: 80px 0;}

.pricing {
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.pricing__action:focus {
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/* Individual styles */

/* Sonam */
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.pricing--sonam .pricing__item:hover {
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.pricing--sonam .pricing__action:focus {
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/* Jinpa */
.pricing--jinpa .pricing__item {
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.pricing--jinpa .pricing__item:nth-child(2) {
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.pricing--jinpa .pricing__item:hover {
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.pricing--jinpa .pricing__title {
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.pricing--jinpa .pricing__price {
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.pricing--jinpa .pricing__item:nth-child(2) .pricing__price {
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.pricing--jinpa .pricing__item:hover .pricing__price {
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@media screen and (max-width: 60em) {
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/* Tenzin */
.pricing--tenzin .pricing__item {
  margin: 1em;
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.pricing--tenzin .pricing__item:hover {
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.pricing--tenzin .pricing__title {
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.pricing--tenzin .pricing__price {
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.pricing--tenzin .pricing__currency {
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.pricing--tenzin .pricing__sentence {
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.pricing--tenzin .pricing__action:hover,
.pricing--tenzin .pricing__action:focus {
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/* Yama */
.pricing--yama .pricing__item {
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.pricing--yama .pricing__item:hover .pricing__price {
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.pricing--yama .pricing__price::before {
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.pricing--yama .pricing__item:hover .pricing__price::before {
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/* Rabten */
.pricing--rabten .pricing__item {
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.pricing--rabten .pricing__item:nth-child(2) {
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.pricing--rabten .pricing__item:hover .pricing__anim {
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.pricing--rabten .pricing__item:hover .pricing__anim--2 {
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@-webkit-keyframes moveUp {
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.pricing--rabten .pricing__sentence {
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.pricing--rabten .pricing__action:hover,
.pricing--rabten .pricing__action:focus {
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@media screen and (max-width: 60em) {
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/* Pema */
.pricing--pema .pricing__item {
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@media screen and (min-width: 66.250em) {
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.pricing--pema .pricing__sentence {
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.pricing--pema .pricing__action:hover,
.pricing--pema .pricing__action:focus {
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/* karma */
.pricing--karma .pricing__item {
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.pricing--karma .pricing__action:hover,
.pricing--karma .pricing__action:focus {
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/* norbu */
.pricing--norbu .pricing__item {
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.pricing--norbu .pricing__item:hover {
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.pricing--norbu .pricing__title {
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.pricing--norbu .pricing__title::after {
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/* Dawa */
.pricing--dawa .pricing__item {
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@media screen and (max-width: 639px) {
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/* Yonten */
.pricing--yonten .pricing__item {
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@media screen and (min-width: 991px) {
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.pricing--yonten .pricing__item:hover {
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.pricing--yonten .pricing__action:hover,
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/* tashi */
.pricing--tashi .pricing__item {
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/* palden */
.pricing--palden .pricing__item {
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@media screen and (min-width: 991px) {
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.pricing--palden .pricing__action:hover,
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* Top Bar

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* Progress Bar
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