/* jshint -W079 */
/* jshint unused:false */
if ( _.isUndefined( window.kirkiSetSettingValue ) ) {
var kirkiSetSettingValue = { // eslint-disable-line vars-on-top
* Set the value of the control.
* @since 3.0.0
* @param string setting The setting-ID.
* @param mixed value The value.
set: function( setting, value ) {
* Get the control of the sub-setting.
* This will be used to get properties we need from that control,
* and determine if we need to do any further work based on those.
var $this = this,
subControl = wp.customize.settings.controls[ setting ],
// If the control doesn't exist then return.
if ( _.isUndefined( subControl ) ) {
return true;
// First set the value in the wp object. The control type doesn't matter here.
$this.setValue( setting, value );
// Process visually changing the value based on the control type.
switch ( subControl.type ) {
case 'kirki-background':
if ( ! _.isUndefined( value['background-color'] ) ) {
$this.setColorPicker( $this.findElement( setting, '.kirki-color-control' ), value['background-color'] );
$this.findElement( setting, '.placeholder, .thumbnail' ).removeClass().addClass( 'placeholder' ).html( 'No file selected' );
_.each( [ 'background-repeat', 'background-position' ], function( subVal ) {
if ( ! _.isUndefined( value[ subVal ] ) ) {
$this.setSelectWoo( $this.findElement( setting, '.' + subVal + ' select' ), value[ subVal ] );
} );
_.each( [ 'background-size', 'background-attachment' ], function( subVal ) {
jQuery( $this.findElement( setting, '.' + subVal + ' input[value="' + value + '"]' ) ).prop( 'checked', true );
} );
valueJSON = JSON.stringify( value ).replace( /'/g, ''' );
jQuery( $this.findElement( setting, '.background-hidden-value' ).attr( 'value', valueJSON ) ).trigger( 'change' );
case 'kirki-code':
jQuery( $this.findElement( setting, '.CodeMirror' ) )[0].CodeMirror.setValue( value );
case 'checkbox':
case 'kirki-switch':
case 'kirki-toggle':
value = ( 1 === value || '1' === value || true === value ) ? true : false;
jQuery( $this.findElement( setting, 'input' ) ).prop( 'checked', value );
wp.customize.instance( setting ).set( value );
case 'kirki-select':
$this.setSelectWoo( $this.findElement( setting, 'select' ), value );
case 'kirki-slider':
jQuery( $this.findElement( setting, 'input' ) ).prop( 'value', value );
jQuery( $this.findElement( setting, '.kirki_range_value .value' ) ).html( value );
case 'kirki-generic':
if ( _.isUndefined( subControl.choices ) || _.isUndefined( subControl.choices.element ) ) {
subControl.choices.element = 'input';
jQuery( $this.findElement( setting, subControl.choices.element ) ).prop( 'value', value );
case 'kirki-color':
$this.setColorPicker( $this.findElement( setting, '.kirki-color-control' ), value );
case 'kirki-multicheck':
$this.findElement( setting, 'input' ).each( function() {
jQuery( this ).prop( 'checked', false );
} );
_.each( value, function( subValue, i ) {
jQuery( $this.findElement( setting, 'input[value="' + value[ i ] + '"]' ) ).prop( 'checked', true );
} );
case 'kirki-multicolor':
_.each( value, function( subVal, index ) {
$this.setColorPicker( $this.findElement( setting, '.multicolor-index-' + index ), subVal );
} );
case 'kirki-radio-buttonset':
case 'kirki-radio-image':
case 'kirki-radio':
case 'kirki-dashicons':
case 'kirki-color-palette':
case 'kirki-palette':
jQuery( $this.findElement( setting, 'input[value="' + value + '"]' ) ).prop( 'checked', true );
case 'kirki-typography':
_.each( [ 'font-family', 'variant' ], function( subVal ) {
if ( ! _.isUndefined( value[ subVal ] ) ) {
$this.setSelectWoo( $this.findElement( setting, '.' + subVal + ' select' ), value[ subVal ] );
} );
_.each( [ 'font-size', 'line-height', 'letter-spacing', 'word-spacing' ], function( subVal ) {
if ( ! _.isUndefined( value[ subVal ] ) ) {
jQuery( $this.findElement( setting, '.' + subVal + ' input' ) ).prop( 'value', value[ subVal ] );
} );
if ( ! _.isUndefined( value.color ) ) {
$this.setColorPicker( $this.findElement( setting, '.kirki-color-control' ), value.color );
valueJSON = JSON.stringify( value ).replace( /'/g, ''' );
jQuery( $this.findElement( setting, '.typography-hidden-value' ).attr( 'value', valueJSON ) ).trigger( 'change' );
case 'kirki-dimensions':
_.each( value, function( subValue, id ) {
jQuery( $this.findElement( setting, '.' + id + ' input' ) ).prop( 'value', subValue );
} );
case 'kirki-repeater':
// Not yet implemented.
case 'kirki-custom':
// Do nothing.
jQuery( $this.findElement( setting, 'input' ) ).prop( 'value', value );
* Set the value for colorpickers.
* CAUTION: This only sets the value visually, it does not change it in th wp object.
* @since 3.0.0
* @param object selector jQuery object for this element.
* @param string value The value we want to set.
setColorPicker: function( selector, value ) {
selector.attr( 'data-default-color', value ).data( 'default-color', value ).wpColorPicker( 'color', value );
* Sets the value in a selectWoo element.
* CAUTION: This only sets the value visually, it does not change it in th wp object.
* @since 3.0.0
* @param string selector The CSS identifier for this selectWoo.
* @param string value The value we want to set.
setSelectWoo: function( selector, value ) {
jQuery( selector ).selectWoo().val( value ).trigger( 'change' );
* Sets the value in textarea elements.
* CAUTION: This only sets the value visually, it does not change it in th wp object.
* @since 3.0.0
* @param string selector The CSS identifier for this textarea.
* @param string value The value we want to set.
setTextarea: function( selector, value ) {
jQuery( selector ).prop( 'value', value );
* Finds an element inside this control.
* @since 3.0.0
* @param string setting The setting ID.
* @param string element The CSS identifier.
findElement: function( setting, element ) {
return wp.customize.control( setting ).container.find( element );
* Updates the value in the wp.customize object.
* @since 3.0.0
* @param string setting The setting-ID.
* @param mixed value The value.
setValue: function( setting, value, timeout ) {
timeout = ( _.isUndefined( timeout ) ) ? 100 : parseInt( timeout, 10 );
wp.customize.instance( setting ).set( {} );
setTimeout( function() {
wp.customize.instance( setting ).set( value );
}, timeout );
var kirki = {
initialized: false,
* Initialize the object.
* @since 3.0.17
* @returns {null}
initialize: function() {
var self = this;
// We only need to initialize once.
if ( self.initialized ) {
setTimeout( function() {
}, 150 );
// Mark as initialized.
self.initialized = true;
// Initialize the kirki object.
var kirki = kirki || {};
kirki = jQuery.extend( kirki, {
* An object containing definitions for controls.
* @since 3.0.16
control: {
* The radio control.
* @since 3.0.17
'kirki-radio': {
* Init the control.
* @since 3.0.17
* @param {Object} control - The customizer control object.
* @returns {null}
init: function( control ) {
var self = this;
// Render the template.
self.template( control );
// Init the control.
kirki.input.radio.init( control );
* Render the template.
* @since 3.0.17
* @param {Object} control - The customizer control object.
* @param {Object} control.params - The control parameters.
* @param {string} control.params.label - The control label.
* @param {string} control.params.description - The control description.
* @param {string} control.params.inputAttrs - extra input arguments.
* @param {string} control.params.default - The default value.
* @param {Object} control.params.choices - Any extra choices we may need.
* @param {string} control.id - The setting.
* @returns {null}
template: function( control ) {
var template = wp.template( 'kirki-input-radio' );
control.container.html( template( {
label: control.params.label,
description: control.params.description,
'data-id': control.id,
inputAttrs: control.params.inputAttrs,
'default': control.params.default,
value: kirki.setting.get( control.id ),
choices: control.params.choices
} ) );
* The color control.
* @since 3.0.16
'kirki-color': {
* Init the control.
* @since 3.0.16
* @param {Object} control - The customizer control object.
* @returns {null}
init: function( control ) {
var self = this;
// Render the template.
self.template( control );
// Init the control.
kirki.input.color.init( control );
* Render the template.
* @since 3.0.16
* @param {Object} control - The customizer control object.
* @param {Object} control.params - The control parameters.
* @param {string} control.params.label - The control label.
* @param {string} control.params.description - The control description.
* @param {string} control.params.mode - The colorpicker mode. Can be 'full' or 'hue'.
* @param {bool|array} control.params.palette - false if we don't want a palette,
* true to use the default palette,
* array of custom hex colors if we want a custom palette.
* @param {string} control.params.inputAttrs - extra input arguments.
* @param {string} control.params.default - The default value.
* @param {Object} control.params.choices - Any extra choices we may need.
* @param {boolean} control.params.choices.alpha - should we add an alpha channel?
* @param {string} control.id - The setting.
* @returns {null}
template: function( control ) {
var template = wp.template( 'kirki-input-color' );
control.container.html( template( {
label: control.params.label,
description: control.params.description,
'data-id': control.id,
mode: control.params.mode,
inputAttrs: control.params.inputAttrs,
'data-palette': control.params.palette,
'data-default-color': control.params.default,
'data-alpha': control.params.choices.alpha,
value: kirki.setting.get( control.id )
} ) );
* The generic control.
* @since 3.0.16
'kirki-generic': {
* Init the control.
* @since 3.0.17
* @param {Object} control - The customizer control object.
* @param {Object} control.params - Control parameters.
* @param {Object} control.params.choices - Define the specifics for this input.
* @param {string} control.params.choices.element - The HTML element we want to use ('input', 'div', 'span' etc).
* @returns {null}
init: function( control ) {
var self = this;
// Render the template.
self.template( control );
// Init the control.
if ( ! _.isUndefined( control.params ) && ! _.isUndefined( control.params.choices ) && ! _.isUndefined( control.params.choices.element ) && 'textarea' === control.params.choices.element ) {
kirki.input.textarea.init( control );
kirki.input.genericInput.init( control );
* Render the template.
* @since 3.0.17
* @param {Object} control - The customizer control object.
* @param {Object} control.params - The control parameters.
* @param {string} control.params.label - The control label.
* @param {string} control.params.description - The control description.
* @param {string} control.params.inputAttrs - extra input arguments.
* @param {string} control.params.default - The default value.
* @param {Object} control.params.choices - Any extra choices we may need.
* @param {boolean} control.params.choices.alpha - should we add an alpha channel?
* @param {string} control.id - The setting.
* @returns {null}
template: function( control ) {
var args = {
label: control.params.label,
description: control.params.description,
'data-id': control.id,
inputAttrs: control.params.inputAttrs,
choices: control.params.choices,
value: kirki.setting.get( control.id )
if ( ! _.isUndefined( control.params ) && ! _.isUndefined( control.params.choices ) && ! _.isUndefined( control.params.choices.element ) && 'textarea' === control.params.choices.element ) {
template = wp.template( 'kirki-input-textarea' );
control.container.html( template( args ) );
template = wp.template( 'kirki-input-generic' );
control.container.html( template( args ) );
* The number control.
* @since 3.0.26
'kirki-number': {
* Init the control.
* @since 3.0.26
* @param {Object} control - The customizer control object.
* @returns {null}
init: function( control ) {
var self = this;
// Render the template.
self.template( control );
// Init the control.
kirki.input.number.init( control );
* Render the template.
* @since 3.0.27
* @param {Object} control - The customizer control object.
* @param {Object} control.params - The control parameters.
* @param {string} control.params.label - The control label.
* @param {string} control.params.description - The control description.
* @param {string} control.params.inputAttrs - extra input arguments.
* @param {string} control.params.default - The default value.
* @param {Object} control.params.choices - Any extra choices we may need.
* @param {string} control.id - The setting.
* @returns {null}
template: function( control ) {
var template = wp.template( 'kirki-input-number' );
template( args = {
label: control.params.label,
description: control.params.description,
'data-id': control.id,
inputAttrs: control.params.inputAttrs,
choices: control.params.choices,
value: kirki.setting.get( control.id )
} )
* The image control.
* @since 3.0.34
'kirki-image': {
* Init the control.
* @since 3.0.34
* @param {Object} control - The customizer control object.
* @returns {null}
init: function( control ) {
var self = this;
// Render the template.
self.template( control );
// Init the control.
kirki.input.image.init( control );
* Render the template.
* @since 3.0.34
* @param {Object} control - The customizer control object.
* @param {Object} control.params - The control parameters.
* @param {string} control.params.label - The control label.
* @param {string} control.params.description - The control description.
* @param {string} control.params.inputAttrs - extra input arguments.
* @param {string} control.params.default - The default value.
* @param {Object} control.params.choices - Any extra choices we may need.
* @param {string} control.id - The setting.
* @returns {null}
template: function( control ) {
var template = wp.template( 'kirki-input-image' );
template( args = {
label: control.params.label,
description: control.params.description,
'data-id': control.id,
inputAttrs: control.params.inputAttrs,
choices: control.params.choices,
value: kirki.setting.get( control.id )
} )
'kirki-select': {
* Init the control.
* @since 3.0.17
* @param {Object} control - The customizer control object.
* @returns {null}
init: function( control ) {
var self = this;
// Render the template.
self.template( control );
// Init the control.
kirki.input.select.init( control );
* Render the template.
* @since 3.0.17
* @param {Object} control - The customizer control object.
* @param {Object} control.params - The control parameters.
* @param {string} control.params.label - The control label.
* @param {string} control.params.description - The control description.
* @param {string} control.params.inputAttrs - extra input arguments.
* @param {Object} control.params.default - The default value.
* @param {Object} control.params.choices - The choices for the select dropdown.
* @param {string} control.id - The setting.
* @returns {null}
template: function( control ) {
var template = wp.template( 'kirki-input-select' );
control.container.html( template( {
label: control.params.label,
description: control.params.description,
'data-id': control.id,
inputAttrs: control.params.inputAttrs,
choices: control.params.choices,
value: kirki.setting.get( control.id ),
multiple: control.params.multiple || 1,
placeholder: control.params.placeholder
} ) );
} );
/* global kirkiL10n */
var kirki = kirki || {};
kirki = jQuery.extend( kirki, {
* An object containing definitions for input fields.
* @since 3.0.16
input: {
* Radio input fields.
* @since 3.0.17
radio: {
* Init the control.
* @since 3.0.17
* @param {Object} control - The control object.
* @param {Object} control.id - The setting.
* @returns {null}
init: function( control ) {
var input = jQuery( 'input[data-id="' + control.id + '"]' );
// Save the value
input.on( 'change keyup paste click', function() {
kirki.setting.set( control.id, jQuery( this ).val() );
} );
* Color input fields.
* @since 3.0.16
color: {
* Init the control.
* @since 3.0.16
* @param {Object} control - The control object.
* @param {Object} control.id - The setting.
* @param {Object} control.choices - Additional options for the colorpickers.
* @param {Object} control.params - Control parameters.
* @param {Object} control.params.choices - alias for control.choices.
* @returns {null}
init: function( control ) {
var picker = jQuery( '.kirki-color-control[data-id="' + control.id + '"]' ),
control.choices = control.choices || {};
if ( _.isEmpty( control.choices ) && control.params.choices ) {
control.choices = control.params.choices;
// If we have defined any extra choices, make sure they are passed-on to Iris.
if ( ! _.isEmpty( control.choices ) ) {
picker.wpColorPicker( control.choices );
// Tweaks to make the "clear" buttons work.
setTimeout( function() {
clear = jQuery( '.kirki-input-container[data-id="' + control.id + '"] .wp-picker-clear' );
if ( clear.length ) {
clear.click( function() {
kirki.setting.set( control.id, '' );
} );
}, 200 );
// Saves our settings to the WP API
picker.wpColorPicker( {
change: function() {
// Small hack: the picker needs a small delay
setTimeout( function() {
kirki.setting.set( control.id, picker.val() );
}, 20 );
} );
* Generic input fields.
* @since 3.0.17
genericInput: {
* Init the control.
* @since 3.0.17
* @param {Object} control - The control object.
* @param {Object} control.id - The setting.
* @returns {null}
init: function( control ) {
var input = jQuery( 'input[data-id="' + control.id + '"]' );
// Save the value
input.on( 'change keyup paste click', function() {
kirki.setting.set( control.id, jQuery( this ).val() );
} );
* Generic input fields.
* @since 3.0.17
textarea: {
* Init the control.
* @since 3.0.17
* @param {Object} control - The control object.
* @param {Object} control.id - The setting.
* @returns {null}
init: function( control ) {
var textarea = jQuery( 'textarea[data-id="' + control.id + '"]' );
// Save the value
textarea.on( 'change keyup paste click', function() {
kirki.setting.set( control.id, jQuery( this ).val() );
} );
select: {
* Init the control.
* @since 3.0.17
* @param {Object} control - The control object.
* @param {Object} control.id - The setting.
* @returns {null}
init: function( control ) {
var element = jQuery( 'select[data-id="' + control.id + '"]' ),
multiple = parseInt( element.data( 'multiple' ), 10 ),
selectWooOptions = {
escapeMarkup: function( markup ) {
return markup;
if ( control.params.placeholder ) {
selectWooOptions.placeholder = control.params.placeholder;
selectWooOptions.allowClear = true;
if ( 1 < multiple ) {
selectWooOptions.maximumSelectionLength = multiple;
jQuery( element ).selectWoo( selectWooOptions ).on( 'change', function() {
selectValue = jQuery( this ).val();
selectValue = ( null === selectValue && 1 < multiple ) ? [] : selectValue;
kirki.setting.set( control.id, selectValue );
} );
* Number fields.
* @since 3.0.26
number: {
* Init the control.
* @since 3.0.17
* @param {Object} control - The control object.
* @param {Object} control.id - The setting.
* @returns {null}
init: function( control ) {
var element = jQuery( 'input[data-id="' + control.id + '"]' ),
value = control.setting._value,
// Make sure we use default values if none are define for some arguments.
control.params.choices = _.defaults( control.params.choices, {
min: 0,
max: 100,
step: 1
} );
// Make sure we have a valid value.
if ( isNaN( value ) || '' === value ) {
value = ( 0 > control.params.choices.min && 0 < control.params.choices.max ) ? 0 : control.params.choices.min;
value = parseFloat( value );
// If step is 'any', set to 0.001.
control.params.choices.step = ( 'any' === control.params.choices.step ) ? 0.001 : control.params.choices.step;
// Make sure choices are properly formtted as numbers.
control.params.choices.min = parseFloat( control.params.choices.min );
control.params.choices.max = parseFloat( control.params.choices.max );
control.params.choices.step = parseFloat( control.params.choices.step );
up = jQuery( '.kirki-input-container[data-id="' + control.id + '"] .plus' );
down = jQuery( '.kirki-input-container[data-id="' + control.id + '"] .minus' );
up.click( function() {
var oldVal = parseFloat( element.val() ),
newVal = ( oldVal >= control.params.choices.max ) ? oldVal : oldVal + control.params.choices.step;
element.val( newVal );
element.trigger( 'change' );
} );
down.click( function() {
var oldVal = parseFloat( element.val() ),
newVal = ( oldVal <= control.params.choices.min ) ? oldVal : oldVal - control.params.choices.step;
element.val( newVal );
element.trigger( 'change' );
} );
element.on( 'change keyup paste click', function() {
var val = jQuery( this ).val();
if ( isNaN( val ) ) {
val = parseFloat( val, 10 );
val = ( isNaN( val ) ) ? 0 : val;
jQuery( this ).attr( 'value', val );
kirki.setting.set( control.id, val );
} );
* Image fields.
* @since 3.0.34
image: {
* Init the control.
* @since 3.0.34
* @param {Object} control - The control object.
* @returns {null}
init: function( control ) {
var value = kirki.setting.get( control.id ),
saveAs = ( ! _.isUndefined( control.params.choices ) && ! _.isUndefined( control.params.choices.save_as ) ) ? control.params.choices.save_as : 'url',
preview = control.container.find( '.placeholder, .thumbnail' ),
previewImage = ( 'array' === saveAs ) ? value.url : value,
removeButton = control.container.find( '.image-upload-remove-button' ),
defaultButton = control.container.find( '.image-default-button' );
// Make sure value is properly formatted.
value = ( 'array' === saveAs && _.isString( value ) ) ? { url: value } : value;
// Tweaks for save_as = id.
if ( ( 'id' === saveAs || 'ID' === saveAs ) && '' !== value ) {
wp.media.attachment( value ).fetch().then( function() {
setTimeout( function() {
var url = wp.media.attachment( value ).get( 'url' );
preview.removeClass().addClass( 'thumbnail thumbnail-image' ).html( '<img src="' + url + '" alt="" />' );
}, 700 );
} );
// If value is not empty, hide the "default" button.
if ( ( 'url' === saveAs && '' !== value ) || ( 'array' === saveAs && ! _.isUndefined( value.url ) && '' !== value.url ) ) {
control.container.find( 'image-default-button' ).hide();
// If value is empty, hide the "remove" button.
if ( ( 'url' === saveAs && '' === value ) || ( 'array' === saveAs && ( _.isUndefined( value.url ) || '' === value.url ) ) ) {
// If value is default, hide the default button.
if ( value === control.params.default ) {
control.container.find( 'image-default-button' ).hide();
if ( '' !== previewImage ) {
preview.removeClass().addClass( 'thumbnail thumbnail-image' ).html( '<img src="' + previewImage + '" alt="" />' );
control.container.on( 'click', '.image-upload-button', function( e ) {
var image = wp.media( { multiple: false } ).open().on( 'select', function() {
// This will return the selected image from the Media Uploader, the result is an object.
var uploadedImage = image.state().get( 'selection' ).first(),
jsonImg = uploadedImage.toJSON(),
previewImage = jsonImg.url;
if ( ! _.isUndefined( jsonImg.sizes ) ) {
previewImage = jsonImg.sizes.full.url;
if ( ! _.isUndefined( jsonImg.sizes.medium ) ) {
previewImage = jsonImg.sizes.medium.url;
} else if ( ! _.isUndefined( jsonImg.sizes.thumbnail ) ) {
previewImage = jsonImg.sizes.thumbnail.url;
if ( 'array' === saveAs ) {
kirki.setting.set( control.id, {
id: jsonImg.id,
url: jsonImg.sizes.full.url,
width: jsonImg.width,
height: jsonImg.height
} );
} else if ( 'id' === saveAs ) {
kirki.setting.set( control.id, jsonImg.id );
} else {
kirki.setting.set( control.id, ( ( ! _.isUndefined( jsonImg.sizes ) ) ? jsonImg.sizes.full.url : jsonImg.url ) );
if ( preview.length ) {
preview.removeClass().addClass( 'thumbnail thumbnail-image' ).html( '<img src="' + previewImage + '" alt="" />' );
if ( removeButton.length ) {
} );
} );
control.container.on( 'click', '.image-upload-remove-button', function( e ) {
var preview,
kirki.setting.set( control.id, '' );
preview = control.container.find( '.placeholder, .thumbnail' );
removeButton = control.container.find( '.image-upload-remove-button' );
defaultButton = control.container.find( '.image-default-button' );
if ( preview.length ) {
preview.removeClass().addClass( 'placeholder' ).html( kirkiL10n.noFileSelected );
if ( removeButton.length ) {
if ( jQuery( defaultButton ).hasClass( 'button' ) ) {
} );
control.container.on( 'click', '.image-default-button', function( e ) {
var preview,
kirki.setting.set( control.id, control.params.default );
preview = control.container.find( '.placeholder, .thumbnail' );
removeButton = control.container.find( '.image-upload-remove-button' );
defaultButton = control.container.find( '.image-default-button' );
if ( preview.length ) {
preview.removeClass().addClass( 'thumbnail thumbnail-image' ).html( '<img src="' + control.params.default + '" alt="" />' );
if ( removeButton.length ) {
} );
} );
var kirki = kirki || {};
kirki = jQuery.extend( kirki, {
* An object containing definitions for settings.
* @since 3.0.16
setting: {
* Gets the value of a setting.
* This is a helper function that allows us to get the value of
* control[key1][key2] for example, when the setting used in the
* customizer API is "control".
* @since 3.0.16
* @param {string} setting - The setting for which we're getting the value.
* @returns {mixed} Depends on the value.
get: function( setting ) {
var parts = setting.split( '[' ),
foundSetting = '',
foundInStep = 0,
currentVal = '';
_.each( parts, function( part, i ) {
part = part.replace( ']', '' );
if ( 0 === i ) {
foundSetting = part;
} else {
foundSetting += '[' + part + ']';
if ( ! _.isUndefined( wp.customize.instance( foundSetting ) ) ) {
currentVal = wp.customize.instance( foundSetting ).get();
foundInStep = i;
if ( foundInStep < i ) {
if ( _.isObject( currentVal ) && ! _.isUndefined( currentVal[ part ] ) ) {
currentVal = currentVal[ part ];
} );
return currentVal;
* Sets the value of a setting.
* This function is a bit complicated because there any many scenarios to consider.
* Example: We want to save the value for my_setting[something][3][something-else].
* The control's setting is my_setting[something].
* So we need to find that first, then figure out the remaining parts,
* merge the values recursively to avoid destroying my_setting[something][2]
* and also take into account any defined "key" arguments which take this even deeper.
* @since 3.0.16
* @param {object|string} element - The DOM element whose value has changed,
* or an ID.
* @param {mixed} value - Depends on the control-type.
* @param {string} key - If we only want to save an item in an object
* we can define the key here.
* @returns {null}
set: function( element, value, key ) {
var setting,
currentNode = '',
foundNode = '',
subSettingObj = {},
// Get the setting from the element.
setting = element;
if ( _.isObject( element ) ) {
if ( jQuery( element ).attr( 'data-id' ) ) {
setting = element.attr( 'data-id' );
} else {
setting = element.parents( '[data-id]' ).attr( 'data-id' );
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof wp.customize.control( setting ) ) {
wp.customize.control( setting ).setting.set( value );
parts = setting.split( '[' );
// Find the setting we're using in the control using the customizer API.
_.each( parts, function( part, i ) {
part = part.replace( ']', '' );
// The current part of the setting.
currentNode = ( 0 === i ) ? part : '[' + part + ']';
// When we find the node, get the value from it.
// In case of an object we'll need to merge with current values.
if ( ! _.isUndefined( wp.customize.instance( currentNode ) ) ) {
foundNode = currentNode;
currentVal = wp.customize.instance( foundNode ).get();
} );
// Get the remaining part of the setting that was unused.
subSetting = setting.replace( foundNode, '' );
// If subSetting is not empty, then we're dealing with an object
// and we need to dig deeper and recursively merge the values.
if ( '' !== subSetting ) {
if ( ! _.isObject( currentVal ) ) {
currentVal = {};
if ( '[' === subSetting.charAt( 0 ) ) {
subSetting = subSetting.replace( '[', '' );
subSettingParts = subSetting.split( '[' );
_.each( subSettingParts, function( subSettingPart, i ) {
subSettingParts[ i ] = subSettingPart.replace( ']', '' );
} );
// If using a key, we need to go 1 level deeper.
if ( key ) {
subSettingParts.push( key );
// Converting to a JSON string and then parsing that to an object
// may seem a bit hacky and crude but it's efficient and works.
subSettingObj = '{"' + subSettingParts.join( '":{"' ) + '":"' + value + '"' + '}'.repeat( subSettingParts.length );
subSettingObj = JSON.parse( subSettingObj );
// Recursively merge with current value.
jQuery.extend( true, currentVal, subSettingObj );
value = currentVal;
} else {
if ( key ) {
currentVal = ( ! _.isObject( currentVal ) ) ? {} : currentVal;
currentVal[ key ] = value;
value = currentVal;
wp.customize.control( foundNode ).setting.set( value );
} );
/* global ajaxurl */
var kirki = kirki || {};
kirki = jQuery.extend( kirki, {
* A collection of utility methods.
* @since 3.0.17
util: {
* A collection of utility methods for webfonts.
* @since 3.0.17
webfonts: {
* Google-fonts related methods.
* @since 3.0.17
google: {
* An object containing all Google fonts.
* to set this call this.setFonts();
* @since 3.0.17
fonts: {},
* Init for google-fonts.
* @since 3.0.17
* @returns {null}
initialize: function() {
var self = this;
* Set fonts in this.fonts
* @since 3.0.17
* @returns {null}
setFonts: function() {
var self = this;
// No need to run if we already have the fonts.
if ( ! _.isEmpty( self.fonts ) ) {
// Make an AJAX call to set the fonts object (alpha).
jQuery.post( ajaxurl, { 'action': 'kirki_fonts_google_all_get' }, function( response ) {
// Get fonts from the JSON array.
self.fonts = JSON.parse( response );
} );
* Gets all properties of a font-family.
* @since 3.0.17
* @param {string} family - The font-family we're interested in.
* @returns {Object}
getFont: function( family ) {
var self = this,
fonts = self.getFonts();
if ( 'undefined' === typeof fonts[ family ] ) {
return false;
return fonts[ family ];
* Gets all properties of a font-family.
* @since 3.0.17
* @param {string} order - How to order the fonts (alpha|popularity|trending).
* @param {int} number - How many to get. 0 for all.
* @returns {Object}
getFonts: function( order, category, number ) {
var self = this,
ordered = {},
categorized = {},
plucked = {};
// Make sure order is correct.
order = order || 'alpha';
order = ( 'alpha' !== order && 'popularity' !== order && 'trending' !== order ) ? 'alpha' : order;
// Make sure number is correct.
number = number || 0;
number = parseInt( number, 10 );
// Order fonts by the 'order' argument.
if ( 'alpha' === order ) {
ordered = jQuery.extend( {}, self.fonts.items );
} else {
_.each( self.fonts.order[ order ], function( family ) {
ordered[ family ] = self.fonts.items[ family ];
} );
// If we have a category defined get only the fonts in that category.
if ( '' === category || ! category ) {
categorized = ordered;
} else {
_.each( ordered, function( font, family ) {
if ( category === font.category ) {
categorized[ family ] = font;
} );
// If we only want a number of font-families get the 1st items from the results.
if ( 0 < number ) {
_.each( _.first( _.keys( categorized ), number ), function( family ) {
plucked[ family ] = categorized[ family ];
} );
return plucked;
return categorized;
* Gets the variants for a font-family.
* @since 3.0.17
* @param {string} family - The font-family we're interested in.
* @returns {Array}
getVariants: function( family ) {
var self = this,
font = self.getFont( family );
// Early exit if font was not found.
if ( ! font ) {
return false;
// Early exit if font doesn't have variants.
if ( _.isUndefined( font.variants ) ) {
return false;
// Return the variants.
return font.variants;
* Standard fonts related methods.
* @since 3.0.17
standard: {
* An object containing all Standard fonts.
* to set this call this.setFonts();
* @since 3.0.17
fonts: {},
* Init for google-fonts.
* @since 3.0.17
* @returns {null}
initialize: function() {
var self = this;
* Set fonts in this.fonts
* @since 3.0.17
* @returns {null}
setFonts: function() {
var self = this;
// No need to run if we already have the fonts.
if ( ! _.isEmpty( self.fonts ) ) {
// Make an AJAX call to set the fonts object.
jQuery.post( ajaxurl, { 'action': 'kirki_fonts_standard_all_get' }, function( response ) {
// Get fonts from the JSON array.
self.fonts = JSON.parse( response );
} );
* Gets the variants for a font-family.
* @since 3.0.17
* @returns {Array}
getVariants: function() {
return [ 'regular', 'italic', '700', '700italic' ];
* Figure out what this font-family is (google/standard)
* @since 3.0.20
* @param {string} family - The font-family.
* @returns {string|false} - Returns string if found (google|standard)
* and false in case the font-family is an arbitrary value
* not found anywhere in our font definitions.
getFontType: function( family ) {
var self = this;
// Check for standard fonts first.
if (
'undefined' !== typeof self.standard.fonts[ family ] || (
'undefined' !== typeof self.standard.fonts.stack &&
'undefined' !== typeof self.standard.fonts.stack[ family ]
) {
return 'standard';
// Check in googlefonts.
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof self.google.fonts.items[ family ] ) {
return 'google';
return false;
validate: {
cssValue: function( value ) {
var validUnits = [ 'fr', 'rem', 'em', 'ex', '%', 'px', 'cm', 'mm', 'in', 'pt', 'pc', 'ch', 'vh', 'vw', 'vmin', 'vmax' ],
// Early exit if value is not a string or a number.
if ( 'string' !== typeof value || 'number' !== typeof value ) {
return true;
// Whitelist values.
if ( 0 === value || '0' === value || 'auto' === value || 'inherit' === value || 'initial' === value ) {
return true;
// Skip checking if calc().
if ( 0 <= value.indexOf( 'calc(' ) && 0 <= value.indexOf( ')' ) ) {
return true;
// Get the numeric value.
numericValue = parseFloat( value );
// Get the unit
unit = value.replace( numericValue, '' );
// Allow unitless.
if ( ! value ) {
// Check the validity of the numeric value and units.
return ( ! isNaN( numericValue ) && -1 < jQuery.inArray( unit, validUnits ) );
* Parses HTML Entities.
* @since 3.0.34
* @param {string} str - The string we want to parse.
* @returns {string}
parseHtmlEntities: function( str ) {
var parser = new DOMParser,
dom = parser.parseFromString(
'<!doctype html><body>' + str, 'text/html'
return dom.body.textContent;
} );
/* global kirki */
* The majority of the code in this file
* is derived from the wp-customize-posts plugin
* and the work of @westonruter to whom I am very grateful.
* @see https://github.com/xwp/wp-customize-posts
( function() {
'use strict';
* A dynamic color-alpha control.
* @class
* @augments wp.customize.Control
* @augments wp.customize.Class
wp.customize.kirkiDynamicControl = wp.customize.Control.extend( {
initialize: function( id, options ) {
var control = this,
args = options || {};
args.params = args.params || {};
if ( ! args.params.type ) {
args.params.type = 'kirki-generic';
if ( ! args.params.content ) {
args.params.content = jQuery( '<li></li>' );
args.params.content.attr( 'id', 'customize-control-' + id.replace( /]/g, '' ).replace( /\[/g, '-' ) );
args.params.content.attr( 'class', 'customize-control customize-control-' + args.params.type );
control.propertyElements = [];
wp.customize.Control.prototype.initialize.call( control, id, args );
* Add bidirectional data binding links between inputs and the setting(s).
* This is copied from wp.customize.Control.prototype.initialize(). It
* should be changed in Core to be applied once the control is embedded.
* @private
* @returns {null}
_setUpSettingRootLinks: function() {
var control = this,
nodes = control.container.find( '[data-customize-setting-link]' );
nodes.each( function() {
var node = jQuery( this );
wp.customize( node.data( 'customizeSettingLink' ), function( setting ) {
var element = new wp.customize.Element( node );
control.elements.push( element );
element.sync( setting );
element.set( setting() );
} );
} );
* Add bidirectional data binding links between inputs and the setting properties.
* @private
* @returns {null}
_setUpSettingPropertyLinks: function() {
var control = this,
if ( ! control.setting ) {
nodes = control.container.find( '[data-customize-setting-property-link]' );
nodes.each( function() {
var node = jQuery( this ),
propertyName = node.data( 'customizeSettingPropertyLink' );
element = new wp.customize.Element( node );
control.propertyElements.push( element );
element.set( control.setting()[ propertyName ] );
element.bind( function( newPropertyValue ) {
var newSetting = control.setting();
if ( newPropertyValue === newSetting[ propertyName ] ) {
newSetting = _.clone( newSetting );
newSetting[ propertyName ] = newPropertyValue;
control.setting.set( newSetting );
} );
control.setting.bind( function( newValue ) {
if ( newValue[ propertyName ] !== element.get() ) {
element.set( newValue[ propertyName ] );
} );
} );
* @inheritdoc
ready: function() {
var control = this;
wp.customize.Control.prototype.ready.call( control );
control.deferred.embedded.done( function() {
control.initKirkiControl( control );
} );
* Embed the control in the document.
* Override the embed() method to do nothing,
* so that the control isn't embedded on load,
* unless the containing section is already expanded.
* @returns {null}
embed: function() {
var control = this,
sectionId = control.section();
if ( ! sectionId ) {
wp.customize.section( sectionId, function( section ) {
if ( 'kirki-expanded' === section.params.type || section.expanded() || wp.customize.settings.autofocus.control === control.id ) {
} else {
section.expanded.bind( function( expanded ) {
if ( expanded ) {
} );
} );
* Deferred embedding of control when actually
* This function is called in Section.onChangeExpanded() so the control
* will only get embedded when the Section is first expanded.
* @returns {null}
actuallyEmbed: function() {
var control = this;
if ( 'resolved' === control.deferred.embedded.state() ) {
control.deferred.embedded.resolve(); // This triggers control.ready().
* This is not working with autofocus.
* @param {object} [args] Args.
* @returns {null}
focus: function( args ) {
var control = this;
wp.customize.Control.prototype.focus.call( control, args );
* Additional actions that run on ready.
* @param {object} [args] Args.
* @returns {null}
initKirkiControl: function( control ) {
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof kirki.control[ control.params.type ] ) {
kirki.control[ control.params.type ].init( control );
// Save the value
this.container.on( 'change keyup paste click', 'input', function() {
control.setting.set( jQuery( this ).val() );
} );
} );
}() );
_.each( kirki.control, function( obj, type ) {
wp.customize.controlConstructor[ type ] = wp.customize.kirkiDynamicControl.extend( {} );
} );
/* global kirkiControlLoader */
wp.customize.controlConstructor['kirki-background'] = wp.customize.Control.extend( {
// When we're finished loading continue processing
ready: function() {
'use strict';
var control = this;
// Init the control.
if ( ! _.isUndefined( window.kirkiControlLoader ) && _.isFunction( kirkiControlLoader ) ) {
kirkiControlLoader( control );
} else {
initKirkiControl: function() {
var control = this,
value = control.setting._value,
picker = control.container.find( '.kirki-color-control' );
// Hide unnecessary controls if the value doesn't have an image.
if ( _.isUndefined( value['background-image'] ) || '' === value['background-image'] ) {
control.container.find( '.background-wrapper > .background-repeat' ).hide();
control.container.find( '.background-wrapper > .background-position' ).hide();
control.container.find( '.background-wrapper > .background-size' ).hide();
control.container.find( '.background-wrapper > .background-attachment' ).hide();
// Color.
picker.wpColorPicker( {
change: function() {
setTimeout( function() {
control.saveValue( 'background-color', picker.val() );
}, 100 );
} );
// Background-Repeat.
control.container.on( 'change', '.background-repeat select', function() {
control.saveValue( 'background-repeat', jQuery( this ).val() );
} );
// Background-Size.
control.container.on( 'change click', '.background-size input', function() {
control.saveValue( 'background-size', jQuery( this ).val() );
} );
// Background-Position.
control.container.on( 'change', '.background-position select', function() {
control.saveValue( 'background-position', jQuery( this ).val() );
} );
// Background-Attachment.
control.container.on( 'change click', '.background-attachment input', function() {
control.saveValue( 'background-attachment', jQuery( this ).val() );
} );
// Background-Image.
control.container.on( 'click', '.background-image-upload-button', function( e ) {
var image = wp.media( { multiple: false } ).open().on( 'select', function() {
// This will return the selected image from the Media Uploader, the result is an object.
var uploadedImage = image.state().get( 'selection' ).first(),
previewImage = uploadedImage.toJSON().sizes.full.url,
if ( ! _.isUndefined( uploadedImage.toJSON().sizes.medium ) ) {
previewImage = uploadedImage.toJSON().sizes.medium.url;
} else if ( ! _.isUndefined( uploadedImage.toJSON().sizes.thumbnail ) ) {
previewImage = uploadedImage.toJSON().sizes.thumbnail.url;
imageUrl = uploadedImage.toJSON().sizes.full.url;
imageID = uploadedImage.toJSON().id;
imageWidth = uploadedImage.toJSON().width;
imageHeight = uploadedImage.toJSON().height;
// Show extra controls if the value has an image.
if ( '' !== imageUrl ) {
control.container.find( '.background-wrapper > .background-repeat, .background-wrapper > .background-position, .background-wrapper > .background-size, .background-wrapper > .background-attachment' ).show();
control.saveValue( 'background-image', imageUrl );
preview = control.container.find( '.placeholder, .thumbnail' );
removeButton = control.container.find( '.background-image-upload-remove-button' );
if ( preview.length ) {
preview.removeClass().addClass( 'thumbnail thumbnail-image' ).html( '<img src="' + previewImage + '" alt="" />' );
if ( removeButton.length ) {
} );
} );
control.container.on( 'click', '.background-image-upload-remove-button', function( e ) {
var preview,
control.saveValue( 'background-image', '' );
preview = control.container.find( '.placeholder, .thumbnail' );
removeButton = control.container.find( '.background-image-upload-remove-button' );
// Hide unnecessary controls.
control.container.find( '.background-wrapper > .background-repeat' ).hide();
control.container.find( '.background-wrapper > .background-position' ).hide();
control.container.find( '.background-wrapper > .background-size' ).hide();
control.container.find( '.background-wrapper > .background-attachment' ).hide();
if ( preview.length ) {
preview.removeClass().addClass( 'placeholder' ).html( 'No file selected' );
if ( removeButton.length ) {
} );
* Saves the value.
saveValue: function( property, value ) {
var control = this,
input = jQuery( '#customize-control-' + control.id.replace( '[', '-' ).replace( ']', '' ) + ' .background-hidden-value' ),
val = control.setting._value;
val[ property ] = value;
jQuery( input ).attr( 'value', JSON.stringify( val ) ).trigger( 'change' );
control.setting.set( val );
} );
wp.customize.controlConstructor['kirki-color-palette'] = wp.customize.kirkiDynamicControl.extend( {} );
wp.customize.controlConstructor['kirki-dashicons'] = wp.customize.kirkiDynamicControl.extend( {} );
wp.customize.controlConstructor['kirki-date'] = wp.customize.kirkiDynamicControl.extend( {
initKirkiControl: function() {
var control = this,
selector = control.selector + ' input.datepicker';
// Init the datepicker
jQuery( selector ).datepicker( {
dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd'
} );
// Save the changes
this.container.on( 'change keyup paste', 'input.datepicker', function() {
control.setting.set( jQuery( this ).val() );
} );
} );
/* global dimensionkirkiL10n */
wp.customize.controlConstructor['kirki-dimension'] = wp.customize.kirkiDynamicControl.extend( {
initKirkiControl: function() {
var control = this,
// Notifications.
// Save the value
this.container.on( 'change keyup paste', 'input', function() {
value = jQuery( this ).val();
control.setting.set( value );
} );
* Handles notifications.
kirkiNotifications: function() {
var control = this,
acceptUnitless = ( 'undefined' !== typeof control.params.choices && 'undefined' !== typeof control.params.choices.accept_unitless && true === control.params.choices.accept_unitless );
wp.customize( control.id, function( setting ) {
setting.bind( function( value ) {
var code = 'long_title';
if ( false === kirki.util.validate.cssValue( value ) && ( ! acceptUnitless || isNaN( value ) ) ) {
setting.notifications.add( code, new wp.customize.Notification(
type: 'warning',
message: dimensionkirkiL10n['invalid-value']
) );
} else {
setting.notifications.remove( code );
} );
} );
} );
/* global dimensionskirkiL10n */
wp.customize.controlConstructor['kirki-dimensions'] = wp.customize.kirkiDynamicControl.extend( {
initKirkiControl: function() {
var control = this,
subControls = control.params.choices.controls,
value = {},
subsArray = [],
_.each( subControls, function( v, i ) {
if ( true === v ) {
subsArray.push( i );
} );
for ( i = 0; i < subsArray.length; i++ ) {
value[ subsArray[ i ] ] = control.setting._value[ subsArray[ i ] ];
control.updateDimensionsValue( subsArray[ i ], value );
* Updates the value.
updateDimensionsValue: function( context, value ) {
var control = this;
control.container.on( 'change keyup paste', '.' + context + ' input', function() {
value[ context ] = jQuery( this ).val();
// Notifications.
// Save the value
control.saveValue( value );
} );
* Saves the value.
saveValue: function( value ) {
var control = this,
newValue = {};
_.each( value, function( newSubValue, i ) {
newValue[ i ] = newSubValue;
} );
control.setting.set( newValue );
* Handles notifications.
kirkiNotifications: function() {
var control = this;
wp.customize( control.id, function( setting ) {
setting.bind( function( value ) {
var code = 'long_title',
subs = {},
setting.notifications.remove( code );
_.each( value, function( val, direction ) {
if ( false === kirki.util.validate.cssValue( val ) ) {
subs[ direction ] = val;
} else {
delete subs[ direction ];
} );
if ( ! _.isEmpty( subs ) ) {
message = dimensionskirkiL10n['invalid-value'] + ' (' + _.values( subs ).toString() + ') ';
setting.notifications.add( code, new wp.customize.Notification( code, {
type: 'warning',
message: message
} ) );
setting.notifications.remove( code );
} );
} );
} );
/* global tinyMCE */
wp.customize.controlConstructor['kirki-editor'] = wp.customize.kirkiDynamicControl.extend( {
initKirkiControl: function() {
var control = this,
element = control.container.find( 'textarea' ),
id = 'kirki-editor-' + control.id.replace( '[', '' ).replace( ']', '' ),
if ( wp.editor && wp.editor.initialize ) {
wp.editor.initialize( id, {
tinymce: {
wpautop: true
quicktags: true,
mediaButtons: true
} );
editor = tinyMCE.get( id );
if ( editor ) {
editor.onChange.add( function( ed ) {
var content;
content = editor.getContent();
element.val( content ).trigger( 'change' );
wp.customize.instance( control.id ).set( content );
} );
} );
wp.customize.controlConstructor['kirki-multicheck'] = wp.customize.kirkiDynamicControl.extend( {
initKirkiControl: function() {
var control = this;
// Save the value
control.container.on( 'change', 'input', function() {
var value = [],
i = 0;
// Build the value as an object using the sub-values from individual checkboxes.
jQuery.each( control.params.choices, function( key ) {
if ( control.container.find( 'input[value="' + key + '"]' ).is( ':checked' ) ) {
control.container.find( 'input[value="' + key + '"]' ).parent().addClass( 'checked' );
value[ i ] = key;
} else {
control.container.find( 'input[value="' + key + '"]' ).parent().removeClass( 'checked' );
} );
// Update the value in the customizer.
control.setting.set( value );
} );
} );
/* global kirkiControlLoader */
wp.customize.controlConstructor['kirki-multicolor'] = wp.customize.Control.extend( {
// When we're finished loading continue processing
ready: function() {
'use strict';
var control = this;
// Init the control.
if ( ! _.isUndefined( window.kirkiControlLoader ) && _.isFunction( kirkiControlLoader ) ) {
kirkiControlLoader( control );
} else {
initKirkiControl: function() {
'use strict';
var control = this,
colors = control.params.choices,
keys = Object.keys( colors ),
value = this.params.value,
i = 0;
// Proxy function that handles changing the individual colors
function kirkiMulticolorChangeHandler( control, value, subSetting ) {
var picker = control.container.find( '.multicolor-index-' + subSetting ),
args = {
change: function() {
// Color controls require a small delay.
setTimeout( function() {
// Set the value.
control.saveValue( subSetting, picker.val() );
// Trigger the change.
control.container.find( '.multicolor-index-' + subSetting ).trigger( 'change' );
}, 100 );
if ( _.isObject( colors.irisArgs ) ) {
_.each( colors.irisArgs, function( irisValue, irisKey ) {
args[ irisKey ] = irisValue;
} );
// Did we change the value?
picker.wpColorPicker( args );
// Colors loop
while ( i < Object.keys( colors ).length ) {
kirkiMulticolorChangeHandler( this, value, keys[ i ] );
* Saves the value.
saveValue: function( property, value ) {
var control = this,
input = control.container.find( '.multicolor-hidden-value' ),
val = control.setting._value;
val[ property ] = value;
jQuery( input ).attr( 'value', JSON.stringify( val ) ).trigger( 'change' );
control.setting.set( val );
} );
wp.customize.controlConstructor['kirki-palette'] = wp.customize.kirkiDynamicControl.extend( {} );
wp.customize.controlConstructor['kirki-radio-buttonset'] = wp.customize.kirkiDynamicControl.extend( {} );
wp.customize.controlConstructor['kirki-radio-image'] = wp.customize.kirkiDynamicControl.extend( {} );
/* global kirkiControlLoader */
var RepeaterRow = function( rowIndex, container, label, control ) {
'use strict';
var self = this;
this.rowIndex = rowIndex;
this.container = container;
this.label = label;
this.header = this.container.find( '.repeater-row-header' );
this.header.on( 'click', function() {
} );
this.container.on( 'click', '.repeater-row-remove', function() {
} );
this.header.on( 'mousedown', function() {
self.container.trigger( 'row:start-dragging' );
} );
this.container.on( 'keyup change', 'input, select, textarea', function( e ) {
self.container.trigger( 'row:update', [ self.rowIndex, jQuery( e.target ).data( 'field' ), e.target ] );
} );
this.setRowIndex = function( rowIndex ) {
this.rowIndex = rowIndex;
this.container.attr( 'data-row', rowIndex );
this.container.data( 'row', rowIndex );
this.toggleMinimize = function() {
// Store the previous state.
this.container.toggleClass( 'minimized' );
this.header.find( '.dashicons' ).toggleClass( 'dashicons-arrow-up' ).toggleClass( 'dashicons-arrow-down' );
this.remove = function() {
this.container.slideUp( 300, function() {
jQuery( this ).detach();
} );
this.container.trigger( 'row:remove', [ this.rowIndex ] );
this.updateLabel = function() {
var rowLabelField,
if ( 'field' === this.label.type ) {
rowLabelField = this.container.find( '.repeater-field [data-field="' + this.label.field + '"]' );
if ( _.isFunction( rowLabelField.val ) ) {
rowLabel = rowLabelField.val();
if ( '' !== rowLabel ) {
if ( ! _.isUndefined( control.params.fields[ this.label.field ] ) ) {
if ( ! _.isUndefined( control.params.fields[ this.label.field ].type ) ) {
if ( 'select' === control.params.fields[ this.label.field ].type ) {
if ( ! _.isUndefined( control.params.fields[ this.label.field ].choices ) && ! _.isUndefined( control.params.fields[ this.label.field ].choices[ rowLabelField.val() ] ) ) {
rowLabel = control.params.fields[ this.label.field ].choices[ rowLabelField.val() ];
} else if ( 'radio' === control.params.fields[ this.label.field ].type || 'radio-image' === control.params.fields[ this.label.field ].type ) {
rowLabelSelector = control.selector + ' [data-row="' + this.rowIndex + '"] .repeater-field [data-field="' + this.label.field + '"]:checked';
rowLabel = jQuery( rowLabelSelector ).val();
this.header.find( '.repeater-row-label' ).text( rowLabel );
this.header.find( '.repeater-row-label' ).text( this.label.value + ' ' + ( this.rowIndex + 1 ) );
wp.customize.controlConstructor.repeater = wp.customize.Control.extend( {
// When we're finished loading continue processing
ready: function() {
'use strict';
var control = this;
// Init the control.
if ( ! _.isUndefined( window.kirkiControlLoader ) && _.isFunction( kirkiControlLoader ) ) {
kirkiControlLoader( control );
} else {
initKirkiControl: function() {
'use strict';
var control = this,
// The current value set in Control Class (set in Kirki_Customize_Repeater_Control::to_json() function)
var settingValue = this.params.value;
// The hidden field that keeps the data saved (though we never update it)
this.settingField = this.container.find( '[data-customize-setting-link]' ).first();
// Set the field value for the first time, we'll fill it up later
this.setValue( [], false );
// The DIV that holds all the rows
this.repeaterFieldsContainer = this.container.find( '.repeater-fields' ).first();
// Set number of rows to 0
this.currentIndex = 0;
// Save the rows objects
this.rows = [];
// Default limit choice
limit = false;
if ( ! _.isUndefined( this.params.choices.limit ) ) {
limit = ( 0 >= this.params.choices.limit ) ? false : parseInt( this.params.choices.limit, 10 );
this.container.on( 'click', 'button.repeater-add', function( e ) {
if ( ! limit || control.currentIndex < limit ) {
theNewRow = control.addRow();
control.initSelect( theNewRow );
} else {
jQuery( control.selector + ' .limit' ).addClass( 'highlight' );
} );
this.container.on( 'click', '.repeater-row-remove', function() {
if ( ! limit || control.currentIndex < limit ) {
jQuery( control.selector + ' .limit' ).removeClass( 'highlight' );
} );
this.container.on( 'click keypress', '.repeater-field-image .upload-button,.repeater-field-cropped_image .upload-button,.repeater-field-upload .upload-button', function( e ) {
control.$thisButton = jQuery( this );
control.openFrame( e );
} );
this.container.on( 'click keypress', '.repeater-field-image .remove-button,.repeater-field-cropped_image .remove-button', function( e ) {
control.$thisButton = jQuery( this );
control.removeImage( e );
} );
this.container.on( 'click keypress', '.repeater-field-upload .remove-button', function( e ) {
control.$thisButton = jQuery( this );
control.removeFile( e );
} );
* Function that loads the Mustache template
this.repeaterTemplate = _.memoize( function() {
var compiled,
* Underscore's default ERB-style templates are incompatible with PHP
* when asp_tags is enabled, so WordPress uses Mustache-inspired templating syntax.
* @see trac ticket #22344.
options = {
evaluate: /<#([\s\S]+?)#>/g,
interpolate: /\{\{\{([\s\S]+?)\}\}\}/g,
escape: /\{\{([^\}]+?)\}\}(?!\})/g,
variable: 'data'
return function( data ) {
compiled = _.template( control.container.find( '.customize-control-repeater-content' ).first().html(), null, options );
return compiled( data );
} );
// When we load the control, the fields have not been filled up
// This is the first time that we create all the rows
if ( settingValue.length ) {
_.each( settingValue, function( subValue ) {
theNewRow = control.addRow( subValue );
control.initSelect( theNewRow, subValue );
} );
// Once we have displayed the rows, we cleanup the values
this.setValue( settingValue, true, true );
this.repeaterFieldsContainer.sortable( {
handle: '.repeater-row-header',
update: function() {
} );
* Open the media modal.
openFrame: function( event ) {
'use strict';
if ( wp.customize.utils.isKeydownButNotEnterEvent( event ) ) {
if ( this.$thisButton.closest( '.repeater-field' ).hasClass( 'repeater-field-cropped_image' ) ) {
} else {
initFrame: function() {
'use strict';
var libMediaType = this.getMimeType();
this.frame = wp.media( {
states: [
new wp.media.controller.Library( {
library: wp.media.query( { type: libMediaType } ),
multiple: false,
date: false
} )
} );
// When a file is selected, run a callback.
this.frame.on( 'select', this.onSelect, this );
* Create a media modal select frame, and store it so the instance can be reused when needed.
* This is mostly a copy/paste of Core api.CroppedImageControl in /wp-admin/js/customize-control.js
initCropperFrame: function() {
'use strict';
// We get the field id from which this was called
var currentFieldId = this.$thisButton.siblings( 'input.hidden-field' ).attr( 'data-field' ),
attrs = [ 'width', 'height', 'flex_width', 'flex_height' ], // A list of attributes to look for
libMediaType = this.getMimeType();
// Make sure we got it
if ( _.isString( currentFieldId ) && '' !== currentFieldId ) {
// Make fields is defined and only do the hack for cropped_image
if ( _.isObject( this.params.fields[ currentFieldId ] ) && 'cropped_image' === this.params.fields[ currentFieldId ].type ) {
//Iterate over the list of attributes
attrs.forEach( function( el ) {
// If the attribute exists in the field
if ( ! _.isUndefined( this.params.fields[ currentFieldId ][ el ] ) ) {
// Set the attribute in the main object
this.params[ el ] = this.params.fields[ currentFieldId ][ el ];
}.bind( this ) );
this.frame = wp.media( {
button: {
text: 'Select and Crop',
close: false
states: [
new wp.media.controller.Library( {
library: wp.media.query( { type: libMediaType } ),
multiple: false,
date: false,
suggestedWidth: this.params.width,
suggestedHeight: this.params.height
} ),
new wp.media.controller.CustomizeImageCropper( {
imgSelectOptions: this.calculateImageSelectOptions,
control: this
} )
} );
this.frame.on( 'select', this.onSelectForCrop, this );
this.frame.on( 'cropped', this.onCropped, this );
this.frame.on( 'skippedcrop', this.onSkippedCrop, this );
onSelect: function() {
'use strict';
var attachment = this.frame.state().get( 'selection' ).first().toJSON();
if ( this.$thisButton.closest( '.repeater-field' ).hasClass( 'repeater-field-upload' ) ) {
this.setFileInRepeaterField( attachment );
} else {
this.setImageInRepeaterField( attachment );
* After an image is selected in the media modal, switch to the cropper
* state if the image isn't the right size.
onSelectForCrop: function() {
'use strict';
var attachment = this.frame.state().get( 'selection' ).first().toJSON();
if ( this.params.width === attachment.width && this.params.height === attachment.height && ! this.params.flex_width && ! this.params.flex_height ) {
this.setImageInRepeaterField( attachment );
} else {
this.frame.setState( 'cropper' );
* After the image has been cropped, apply the cropped image data to the setting.
* @param {object} croppedImage Cropped attachment data.
onCropped: function( croppedImage ) {
'use strict';
this.setImageInRepeaterField( croppedImage );
* Returns a set of options, computed from the attached image data and
* control-specific data, to be fed to the imgAreaSelect plugin in
* wp.media.view.Cropper.
* @param {wp.media.model.Attachment} attachment
* @param {wp.media.controller.Cropper} controller
* @returns {Object} Options
calculateImageSelectOptions: function( attachment, controller ) {
'use strict';
var control = controller.get( 'control' ),
flexWidth = !! parseInt( control.params.flex_width, 10 ),
flexHeight = !! parseInt( control.params.flex_height, 10 ),
realWidth = attachment.get( 'width' ),
realHeight = attachment.get( 'height' ),
xInit = parseInt( control.params.width, 10 ),
yInit = parseInt( control.params.height, 10 ),
ratio = xInit / yInit,
xImg = realWidth,
yImg = realHeight,
controller.set( 'canSkipCrop', ! control.mustBeCropped( flexWidth, flexHeight, xInit, yInit, realWidth, realHeight ) );
if ( xImg / yImg > ratio ) {
yInit = yImg;
xInit = yInit * ratio;
} else {
xInit = xImg;
yInit = xInit / ratio;
x1 = ( xImg - xInit ) / 2;
y1 = ( yImg - yInit ) / 2;
imgSelectOptions = {
handles: true,
keys: true,
instance: true,
persistent: true,
imageWidth: realWidth,
imageHeight: realHeight,
x1: x1,
y1: y1,
x2: xInit + x1,
y2: yInit + y1
if ( false === flexHeight && false === flexWidth ) {
imgSelectOptions.aspectRatio = xInit + ':' + yInit;
if ( false === flexHeight ) {
imgSelectOptions.maxHeight = yInit;
if ( false === flexWidth ) {
imgSelectOptions.maxWidth = xInit;
return imgSelectOptions;
* Return whether the image must be cropped, based on required dimensions.
* @param {bool} flexW
* @param {bool} flexH
* @param {int} dstW
* @param {int} dstH
* @param {int} imgW
* @param {int} imgH
* @return {bool}
mustBeCropped: function( flexW, flexH, dstW, dstH, imgW, imgH ) {
'use strict';
if ( ( true === flexW && true === flexH ) || ( true === flexW && dstH === imgH ) || ( true === flexH && dstW === imgW ) || ( dstW === imgW && dstH === imgH ) || ( imgW <= dstW ) ) {
return false;
return true;
* If cropping was skipped, apply the image data directly to the setting.
onSkippedCrop: function() {
'use strict';
var attachment = this.frame.state().get( 'selection' ).first().toJSON();
this.setImageInRepeaterField( attachment );
* Updates the setting and re-renders the control UI.
* @param {object} attachment
setImageInRepeaterField: function( attachment ) {
'use strict';
var $targetDiv = this.$thisButton.closest( '.repeater-field-image,.repeater-field-cropped_image' );
$targetDiv.find( '.kirki-image-attachment' ).html( '<img src="' + attachment.url + '">' ).hide().slideDown( 'slow' );
$targetDiv.find( '.hidden-field' ).val( attachment.id );
this.$thisButton.text( this.$thisButton.data( 'alt-label' ) );
$targetDiv.find( '.remove-button' ).show();
//This will activate the save button
$targetDiv.find( 'input, textarea, select' ).trigger( 'change' );
* Updates the setting and re-renders the control UI.
* @param {object} attachment
setFileInRepeaterField: function( attachment ) {
'use strict';
var $targetDiv = this.$thisButton.closest( '.repeater-field-upload' );
$targetDiv.find( '.kirki-file-attachment' ).html( '<span class="file"><span class="dashicons dashicons-media-default"></span> ' + attachment.filename + '</span>' ).hide().slideDown( 'slow' );
$targetDiv.find( '.hidden-field' ).val( attachment.id );
this.$thisButton.text( this.$thisButton.data( 'alt-label' ) );
$targetDiv.find( '.upload-button' ).show();
$targetDiv.find( '.remove-button' ).show();
//This will activate the save button
$targetDiv.find( 'input, textarea, select' ).trigger( 'change' );
getMimeType: function() {
'use strict';
// We get the field id from which this was called
var currentFieldId = this.$thisButton.siblings( 'input.hidden-field' ).attr( 'data-field' );
// Make sure we got it
if ( _.isString( currentFieldId ) && '' !== currentFieldId ) {
// Make fields is defined and only do the hack for cropped_image
if ( _.isObject( this.params.fields[ currentFieldId ] ) && 'upload' === this.params.fields[ currentFieldId ].type ) {
// If the attribute exists in the field
if ( ! _.isUndefined( this.params.fields[ currentFieldId ].mime_type ) ) {
// Set the attribute in the main object
return this.params.fields[ currentFieldId ].mime_type;
return 'image';
removeImage: function( event ) {
'use strict';
var $targetDiv,
if ( wp.customize.utils.isKeydownButNotEnterEvent( event ) ) {
$targetDiv = this.$thisButton.closest( '.repeater-field-image,.repeater-field-cropped_image,.repeater-field-upload' );
$uploadButton = $targetDiv.find( '.upload-button' );
$targetDiv.find( '.kirki-image-attachment' ).slideUp( 'fast', function() {
jQuery( this ).show().html( jQuery( this ).data( 'placeholder' ) );
} );
$targetDiv.find( '.hidden-field' ).val( '' );
$uploadButton.text( $uploadButton.data( 'label' ) );
$targetDiv.find( 'input, textarea, select' ).trigger( 'change' );
removeFile: function( event ) {
'use strict';
var $targetDiv,
if ( wp.customize.utils.isKeydownButNotEnterEvent( event ) ) {
$targetDiv = this.$thisButton.closest( '.repeater-field-upload' );
$uploadButton = $targetDiv.find( '.upload-button' );
$targetDiv.find( '.kirki-file-attachment' ).slideUp( 'fast', function() {
jQuery( this ).show().html( jQuery( this ).data( 'placeholder' ) );
} );
$targetDiv.find( '.hidden-field' ).val( '' );
$uploadButton.text( $uploadButton.data( 'label' ) );
$targetDiv.find( 'input, textarea, select' ).trigger( 'change' );
* Get the current value of the setting
* @return Object
getValue: function() {
'use strict';
// The setting is saved in JSON
return JSON.parse( decodeURI( this.setting.get() ) );
* Set a new value for the setting
* @param newValue Object
* @param refresh If we want to refresh the previewer or not
setValue: function( newValue, refresh, filtering ) {
'use strict';
// We need to filter the values after the first load to remove data requrired for diplay but that we don't want to save in DB
var filteredValue = newValue,
filter = [];
if ( filtering ) {
jQuery.each( this.params.fields, function( index, value ) {
if ( 'image' === value.type || 'cropped_image' === value.type || 'upload' === value.type ) {
filter.push( index );
} );
jQuery.each( newValue, function( index, value ) {
jQuery.each( filter, function( ind, field ) {
if ( ! _.isUndefined( value[ field ] ) && ! _.isUndefined( value[ field ].id ) ) {
filteredValue[index][ field ] = value[ field ].id;
} );
} );
this.setting.set( encodeURI( JSON.stringify( filteredValue ) ) );
if ( refresh ) {
// Trigger the change event on the hidden field so
// previewer refresh the website on Customizer
this.settingField.trigger( 'change' );
* Add a new row to repeater settings based on the structure.
* @param data (Optional) Object of field => value pairs (undefined if you want to get the default values)
addRow: function( data ) {
'use strict';
var control = this,
template = control.repeaterTemplate(), // The template for the new row (defined on Kirki_Customize_Repeater_Control::render_content() ).
settingValue = this.getValue(), // Get the current setting value.
newRowSetting = {}, // Saves the new setting data.
templateData, // Data to pass to the template
if ( template ) {
// The control structure is going to define the new fields
// We need to clone control.params.fields. Assigning it
// ould result in a reference assignment.
templateData = jQuery.extend( true, {}, control.params.fields );
// But if we have passed data, we'll use the data values instead
if ( data ) {
for ( i in data ) {
if ( data.hasOwnProperty( i ) && templateData.hasOwnProperty( i ) ) {
templateData[ i ].default = data[ i ];
templateData.index = this.currentIndex;
// Append the template content
template = template( templateData );
// Create a new row object and append the element
newRow = new RepeaterRow(
jQuery( template ).appendTo( control.repeaterFieldsContainer ),
newRow.container.on( 'row:remove', function( e, rowIndex ) {
control.deleteRow( rowIndex );
} );
newRow.container.on( 'row:update', function( e, rowIndex, fieldName, element ) {
control.updateField.call( control, e, rowIndex, fieldName, element );
} );
// Add the row to rows collection
this.rows[ this.currentIndex ] = newRow;
for ( i in templateData ) {
if ( templateData.hasOwnProperty( i ) ) {
newRowSetting[ i ] = templateData[ i ].default;
settingValue[ this.currentIndex ] = newRowSetting;
this.setValue( settingValue, true );
return newRow;
sort: function() {
'use strict';
var control = this,
$rows = this.repeaterFieldsContainer.find( '.repeater-row' ),
newOrder = [],
settings = control.getValue(),
newRows = [],
newSettings = [];
$rows.each( function( i, element ) {
newOrder.push( jQuery( element ).data( 'row' ) );
} );
jQuery.each( newOrder, function( newPosition, oldPosition ) {
newRows[ newPosition ] = control.rows[ oldPosition ];
newRows[ newPosition ].setRowIndex( newPosition );
newSettings[ newPosition ] = settings[ oldPosition ];
} );
control.rows = newRows;
control.setValue( newSettings );
* Delete a row in the repeater setting
* @param index Position of the row in the complete Setting Array
deleteRow: function( index ) {
'use strict';
var currentSettings = this.getValue(),
if ( currentSettings[ index ] ) {
// Find the row
row = this.rows[ index ];
if ( row ) {
// Remove the row settings
delete currentSettings[ index ];
// Remove the row from the rows collection
delete this.rows[ index ];
// Update the new setting values
this.setValue( currentSettings, true );
// Remap the row numbers
i = 1;
for ( prop in this.rows ) {
if ( this.rows.hasOwnProperty( prop ) && this.rows[ prop ] ) {
this.rows[ prop ].updateLabel();
* Update a single field inside a row.
* Triggered when a field has changed
* @param e Event Object
updateField: function( e, rowIndex, fieldId, element ) {
'use strict';
var type,
if ( ! this.rows[ rowIndex ] ) {
if ( ! this.params.fields[ fieldId ] ) {
type = this.params.fields[ fieldId].type;
row = this.rows[ rowIndex ];
currentSettings = this.getValue();
element = jQuery( element );
if ( _.isUndefined( currentSettings[ row.rowIndex ][ fieldId ] ) ) {
if ( 'checkbox' === type ) {
currentSettings[ row.rowIndex ][ fieldId ] = element.is( ':checked' );
} else {
// Update the settings
currentSettings[ row.rowIndex ][ fieldId ] = element.val();
this.setValue( currentSettings, true );
* Init the color picker on color fields
* Called after AddRow
initColorPicker: function() {
'use strict';
var control = this,
colorPicker = control.container.find( '.color-picker-hex' ),
options = {},
fieldId = colorPicker.data( 'field' );
// We check if the color palette parameter is defined.
if ( ! _.isUndefined( fieldId ) && ! _.isUndefined( control.params.fields[ fieldId ] ) && ! _.isUndefined( control.params.fields[ fieldId ].palettes ) && _.isObject( control.params.fields[ fieldId ].palettes ) ) {
options.palettes = control.params.fields[ fieldId ].palettes;
// When the color picker value is changed we update the value of the field
options.change = function( event, ui ) {
var currentPicker = jQuery( event.target ),
row = currentPicker.closest( '.repeater-row' ),
rowIndex = row.data( 'row' ),
currentSettings = control.getValue();
currentSettings[ rowIndex ][ currentPicker.data( 'field' ) ] = ui.color.toString();
control.setValue( currentSettings, true );
// Init the color picker
if ( 0 !== colorPicker.length ) {
colorPicker.wpColorPicker( options );
* Init the dropdown-pages field with selectWoo
* Called after AddRow
* @param {object} theNewRow the row that was added to the repeater
* @param {object} data the data for the row if we're initializing a pre-existing row
initSelect: function( theNewRow, data ) {
'use strict';
var control = this,
dropdown = theNewRow.container.find( '.repeater-field select' ),
selectWooOptions = {};
if ( 0 === dropdown.length ) {
dataField = dropdown.data( 'field' );
multiple = jQuery( dropdown ).data( 'multiple' );
if ( 'undefed' !== multiple && jQuery.isNumeric( multiple ) ) {
multiple = parseInt( multiple, 10 );
if ( 1 < multiple ) {
selectWooOptions.maximumSelectionLength = multiple;
data = data || {};
data[ dataField ] = data[ dataField ] || '';
$select = jQuery( dropdown ).selectWoo( selectWooOptions ).val( data[ dataField ] || jQuery( dropdown ).val() );
this.container.on( 'change', '.repeater-field select', function( event ) {
var currentDropdown = jQuery( event.target ),
row = currentDropdown.closest( '.repeater-row' ),
rowIndex = row.data( 'row' ),
currentSettings = control.getValue();
currentSettings[ rowIndex ][ currentDropdown.data( 'field' ) ] = jQuery( this ).val();
control.setValue( currentSettings );
} );
} );
wp.customize.controlConstructor['kirki-slider'] = wp.customize.kirkiDynamicControl.extend( {
initKirkiControl: function() {
var control = this,
changeAction = ( 'postMessage' === control.setting.transport ) ? 'mousemove change' : 'change',
rangeInput = control.container.find( 'input[type="range"]' ),
textInput = control.container.find( 'input[type="text"]' ),
value = control.setting._value;
// Set the initial value in the text input.
textInput.attr( 'value', value );
// If the range input value changes copy the value to the text input.
rangeInput.on( 'mousemove change', function() {
textInput.attr( 'value', rangeInput.val() );
} );
// Save the value when the range input value changes.
// This is separate from the above because of the postMessage differences.
// If the control refreshes the preview pane,
// we don't want a refresh for every change
// but 1 final refresh when the value is changed.
rangeInput.on( changeAction, function() {
control.setting.set( rangeInput.val() );
} );
// If the text input value changes,
// copy the value to the range input
// and then save.
textInput.on( 'input paste change', function() {
rangeInput.attr( 'value', textInput.val() );
control.setting.set( textInput.val() );
} );
// If the reset button is clicked,
// set slider and text input values to default
// and hen save.
control.container.find( '.slider-reset' ).on( 'click', function() {
textInput.attr( 'value', control.params.default );
rangeInput.attr( 'value', control.params.default );
control.setting.set( textInput.val() );
} );
} );
wp.customize.controlConstructor['kirki-sortable'] = wp.customize.Control.extend( {
// When we're finished loading continue processing
ready: function() {
'use strict';
var control = this;
// Init sortable.
jQuery( control.container.find( 'ul.sortable' ).first() ).sortable( {
// Update value when we stop sorting.
update: function() {
control.setting.set( control.getNewVal() );
} ).disableSelection().find( 'li' ).each( function() {
// Enable/disable options when we click on the eye of Thundera.
jQuery( this ).find( 'i.visibility' ).click( function() {
jQuery( this ).toggleClass( 'dashicons-visibility-faint' ).parents( 'li:eq(0)' ).toggleClass( 'invisible' );
} );
} ).click( function() {
// Update value on click.
control.setting.set( control.getNewVal() );
} );
* Getss thhe new vvalue.
* @since 3.0.35
* @returns {Array}
getNewVal: function() {
var items = jQuery( this.container.find( 'li' ) ),
newVal = [];
_.each ( items, function( item ) {
if ( ! jQuery( item ).hasClass( 'invisible' ) ) {
newVal.push( jQuery( item ).data( 'value' ) );
} );
return newVal;
} );
wp.customize.controlConstructor['kirki-switch'] = wp.customize.kirkiDynamicControl.extend( {
initKirkiControl: function() {
'use strict';
var control = this,
checkboxValue = control.setting._value;
// Save the value
this.container.on( 'change', 'input', function() {
checkboxValue = ( jQuery( this ).is( ':checked' ) ) ? true : false;
control.setting.set( checkboxValue );
} );
} );
wp.customize.controlConstructor['kirki-toggle'] = wp.customize.kirkiDynamicControl.extend( {
initKirkiControl: function() {
var control = this,
checkboxValue = control.setting._value;
// Save the value
this.container.on( 'change', 'input', function() {
checkboxValue = ( jQuery( this ).is( ':checked' ) ) ? true : false;
control.setting.set( checkboxValue );
} );
} );
/* global kirkiL10n, kirki */
wp.customize.controlConstructor['kirki-typography'] = wp.customize.kirkiDynamicControl.extend( {
initKirkiControl: function() {
'use strict';
var control = this,
value = control.setting._value,
// Font-size.
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof control.params.default['font-size'] ) {
this.container.on( 'change keyup paste', '.font-size input', function() {
control.saveValue( 'font-size', jQuery( this ).val() );
} );
// Line-height.
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof control.params.default['line-height'] ) {
this.container.on( 'change keyup paste', '.line-height input', function() {
control.saveValue( 'line-height', jQuery( this ).val() );
} );
// Margin-top.
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof control.params.default['margin-top'] ) {
this.container.on( 'change keyup paste', '.margin-top input', function() {
control.saveValue( 'margin-top', jQuery( this ).val() );
} );
// Margin-bottom.
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof control.params.default['margin-bottom'] ) {
this.container.on( 'change keyup paste', '.margin-bottom input', function() {
control.saveValue( 'margin-bottom', jQuery( this ).val() );
} );
// Letter-spacing.
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof control.params.default['letter-spacing'] ) {
value['letter-spacing'] = ( jQuery.isNumeric( value['letter-spacing'] ) ) ? value['letter-spacing'] + 'px' : value['letter-spacing'];
this.container.on( 'change keyup paste', '.letter-spacing input', function() {
value['letter-spacing'] = ( jQuery.isNumeric( jQuery( this ).val() ) ) ? jQuery( this ).val() + 'px' : jQuery( this ).val();
control.saveValue( 'letter-spacing', value['letter-spacing'] );
} );
// Word-spacing.
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof control.params.default['word-spacing'] ) {
this.container.on( 'change keyup paste', '.word-spacing input', function() {
control.saveValue( 'word-spacing', jQuery( this ).val() );
} );
// Text-align.
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof control.params.default['text-align'] ) {
this.container.on( 'change', '.text-align input', function() {
control.saveValue( 'text-align', jQuery( this ).val() );
} );
// Text-transform.
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof control.params.default['text-transform'] ) {
jQuery( control.selector + ' .text-transform select' ).selectWoo().on( 'change', function() {
control.saveValue( 'text-transform', jQuery( this ).val() );
} );
// Text-decoration.
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof control.params.default['text-decoration'] ) {
jQuery( control.selector + ' .text-decoration select' ).selectWoo().on( 'change', function() {
control.saveValue( 'text-decoration', jQuery( this ).val() );
} );
// Color.
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof control.params.default.color ) {
picker = this.container.find( '.kirki-color-control' );
picker.wpColorPicker( {
change: function() {
setTimeout( function() {
control.saveValue( 'color', picker.val() );
}, 100 );
} );
* Adds the font-families to the font-family dropdown
* and instantiates selectWoo.
renderFontSelector: function() {
var control = this,
selector = control.selector + ' .font-family select',
data = [],
standardFonts = [],
googleFonts = [],
value = control.setting._value,
fonts = control.getFonts(),
// Format standard fonts as an array.
if ( ! _.isUndefined( fonts.standard ) ) {
_.each( fonts.standard, function( font ) {
standardFonts.push( {
id: font.family.replace( /"/g, ''' ),
text: font.label
} );
} );
// Format google fonts as an array.
if ( ! _.isUndefined( fonts.google ) ) {
_.each( fonts.google, function( font ) {
googleFonts.push( {
id: font.family,
text: font.family
} );
} );
// Do we have custom fonts?
controlFontFamilies = {};
if ( ! _.isUndefined( control.params ) && ! _.isUndefined( control.params.choices ) && ! _.isUndefined( control.params.choices.fonts ) && ! _.isUndefined( control.params.choices.fonts.families ) ) {
controlFontFamilies = control.params.choices.fonts.families;
// Combine forces and build the final data.
data = jQuery.extend( {}, controlFontFamilies, {
default: {
text: kirkiL10n.defaultCSSValues,
children: [
{ id: '', text: kirkiL10n.defaultBrowserFamily },
{ id: 'initial', text: 'initial' },
{ id: 'inherit', text: 'inherit' }
standard: {
text: kirkiL10n.standardFonts,
children: standardFonts
google: {
text: kirkiL10n.googleFonts,
children: googleFonts
} );
if ( kirkiL10n.isScriptDebug ) {
console.info( 'Kirki Debug: Font families for control "' + control.id + '":' );
console.info( data );
data = _.values( data );
// Instantiate selectWoo with the data.
fontSelect = jQuery( selector ).selectWoo( {
data: data
} );
// Set the initial value.
if ( value['font-family'] || '' === value['font-family'] ) {
value['font-family'] = kirki.util.parseHtmlEntities( value['font-family'].replace( /'/g, '"' ) );
fontSelect.val( value['font-family'] ).trigger( 'change' );
// When the value changes
fontSelect.on( 'change', function() {
// Set the value.
control.saveValue( 'font-family', jQuery( this ).val() );
// Re-init the font-backup selector.
// Re-init variants selector.
} );
* Adds the font-families to the font-family dropdown
* and instantiates selectWoo.
renderBackupFontSelector: function() {
var control = this,
selector = control.selector + ' .font-backup select',
standardFonts = [],
value = control.setting._value,
fontFamily = value['font-family'],
fonts = control.getFonts(),
if ( _.isUndefined( value['font-backup'] ) || null === value['font-backup'] ) {
value['font-backup'] = '';
// Hide if we're not on a google-font.
if ( 'inherit' === fontFamily || 'initial' === fontFamily || 'google' !== kirki.util.webfonts.getFontType( fontFamily ) ) {
jQuery( control.selector + ' .font-backup' ).hide();
jQuery( control.selector + ' .font-backup' ).show();
// Format standard fonts as an array.
if ( ! _.isUndefined( fonts.standard ) ) {
_.each( fonts.standard, function( font ) {
standardFonts.push( {
id: font.family.replace( /"/g, ''' ),
text: font.label
} );
} );
// Instantiate selectWoo with the data.
fontSelect = jQuery( selector ).selectWoo( {
data: standardFonts
} );
// Set the initial value.
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof value['font-backup'] ) {
fontSelect.val( value['font-backup'].replace( /'/g, '"' ) ).trigger( 'change' );
// When the value changes
fontSelect.on( 'change', function() {
// Set the value.
control.saveValue( 'font-backup', jQuery( this ).val() );
} );
* Renders the variants selector using selectWoo
* Displays font-variants for the currently selected font-family.
renderVariantSelector: function() {
var control = this,
value = control.setting._value,
fontFamily = value['font-family'],
selector = control.selector + ' .variant select',
data = [],
isValid = false,
fontType = kirki.util.webfonts.getFontType( fontFamily ),
variants = [ '', 'regular', 'italic', '700', '700italic' ],
if ( 'google' === fontType ) {
variants = kirki.util.webfonts.google.getVariants( fontFamily );
// Check if we've got custom variants defined for this font.
if ( ! _.isUndefined( control.params ) && ! _.isUndefined( control.params.choices ) && ! _.isUndefined( control.params.choices.fonts ) && ! _.isUndefined( control.params.choices.fonts.variants ) ) {
// Check if we have variants for this font-family.
if ( ! _.isUndefined( control.params.choices.fonts.variants[ fontFamily ] ) ) {
variants = control.params.choices.fonts.variants[ fontFamily ];
if ( kirkiL10n.isScriptDebug ) {
console.info( 'Kirki Debug: Font variants for font-family "' + fontFamily + '":' );
console.info( variants );
if ( 'inherit' === fontFamily || 'initial' === fontFamily || '' === fontFamily ) {
value.variant = 'inherit';
variants = [ '' ];
jQuery( control.selector + ' .variant' ).hide();
if ( 1 >= variants.length ) {
jQuery( control.selector + ' .variant' ).hide();
value.variant = variants[0];
control.saveValue( 'variant', value.variant );
if ( '' === value.variant || ! value.variant ) {
fontWeight = '';
fontStyle = '';
} else {
fontWeight = ( ! _.isString( value.variant ) ) ? '400' : value.variant.match( /\d/g );
fontWeight = ( ! _.isObject( fontWeight ) ) ? '400' : fontWeight.join( '' );
fontStyle = ( value.variant && -1 !== value.variant.indexOf( 'italic' ) ) ? 'italic' : 'normal';
control.saveValue( 'font-weight', fontWeight );
control.saveValue( 'font-style', fontStyle );
jQuery( control.selector + ' .font-backup' ).show();
jQuery( control.selector + ' .variant' ).show();
_.each( variants, function( variant ) {
if ( value.variant === variant ) {
isValid = true;
data.push( {
id: variant,
text: variant
} );
} );
if ( ! isValid ) {
value.variant = 'regular';
if ( jQuery( selector ).hasClass( 'select2-hidden-accessible' ) ) {
jQuery( selector ).selectWoo( 'destroy' );
jQuery( selector ).empty();
// Instantiate selectWoo with the data.
variantSelector = jQuery( selector ).selectWoo( {
data: data
} );
variantSelector.val( value.variant ).trigger( 'change' );
variantSelector.on( 'change', function() {
control.saveValue( 'variant', jQuery( this ).val() );
if ( 'string' !== typeof value.variant ) {
value.variant = variants[0];
fontWeight = ( ! _.isString( value.variant ) ) ? '400' : value.variant.match( /\d/g );
fontWeight = ( ! _.isObject( fontWeight ) ) ? '400' : fontWeight.join( '' );
fontStyle = ( -1 !== value.variant.indexOf( 'italic' ) ) ? 'italic' : 'normal';
control.saveValue( 'font-weight', fontWeight );
control.saveValue( 'font-style', fontStyle );
} );
* Get fonts.
getFonts: function() {
var control = this,
initialGoogleFonts = kirki.util.webfonts.google.getFonts(),
googleFonts = {},
googleFontsSort = 'alpha',
googleFontsNumber = 0,
standardFonts = {};
// Get google fonts.
if ( ! _.isEmpty( control.params.choices.fonts.google ) ) {
if ( 'alpha' === control.params.choices.fonts.google[0] || 'popularity' === control.params.choices.fonts.google[0] || 'trending' === control.params.choices.fonts.google[0] ) {
googleFontsSort = control.params.choices.fonts.google[0];
if ( ! isNaN( control.params.choices.fonts.google[1] ) ) {
googleFontsNumber = parseInt( control.params.choices.fonts.google[1], 10 );
googleFonts = kirki.util.webfonts.google.getFonts( googleFontsSort, '', googleFontsNumber );
} else {
_.each( control.params.choices.fonts.google, function( fontName ) {
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof initialGoogleFonts[ fontName ] && ! _.isEmpty( initialGoogleFonts[ fontName ] ) ) {
googleFonts[ fontName ] = initialGoogleFonts[ fontName ];
} );
} else {
googleFonts = kirki.util.webfonts.google.getFonts( googleFontsSort, '', googleFontsNumber );
// Get standard fonts.
if ( ! _.isEmpty( control.params.choices.fonts.standard ) ) {
_.each( control.params.choices.fonts.standard, function( fontName ) {
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof kirki.util.webfonts.standard.fonts[ fontName ] && ! _.isEmpty( kirki.util.webfonts.standard.fonts[ fontName ] ) ) {
standardFonts[ fontName ] = {};
if ( 'undefined' !== kirki.util.webfonts.standard.fonts[ fontName ].stack && ! _.isEmpty( kirki.util.webfonts.standard.fonts[ fontName ].stack ) ) {
standardFonts[ fontName ].family = kirki.util.webfonts.standard.fonts[ fontName ].stack;
} else {
standardFonts[ fontName ].family = googleFonts[ fontName ];
if ( 'undefined' !== kirki.util.webfonts.standard.fonts[ fontName ].label && ! _.isEmpty( kirki.util.webfonts.standard.fonts[ fontName ].label ) ) {
standardFonts[ fontName ].label = kirki.util.webfonts.standard.fonts[ fontName ].label;
} else if ( ! _.isEmpty( standardFonts[ fontName ] ) ) {
standardFonts[ fontName ].label = standardFonts[ fontName ];
} else {
standardFonts[ fontName ] = {
family: fontName,
label: fontName
} );
} else {
_.each( kirki.util.webfonts.standard.fonts, function( font, id ) {
standardFonts[ id ] = {
family: font.stack,
label: font.label
} );
return {
google: googleFonts,
standard: standardFonts
* Saves the value.
saveValue: function( property, value ) {
var control = this,
input = control.container.find( '.typography-hidden-value' ),
val = control.setting._value;
val[ property ] = value;
jQuery( input ).attr( 'value', JSON.stringify( val ) ).trigger( 'change' );
control.setting.set( val );
} );