[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * The Kirki autoloader.
 * Handles locating and loading other class-files.
 * @package     Kirki
 * @category    Core
 * @author      Ari Stathopoulos (@aristath)
 * @copyright   Copyright (c) 2020, David Vongries
 * @license     https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
 * @since       1.0

 * Autoloader class.
 * @since 3.0.10
class Kirki_Autoload {

	 * Cached paths.
	 * @access private
	 * @since 3.0.10
	 * @var array
	private $cached_paths = array();

	 * Class constructor.
	 * @access public
	 * @since 3.0.10
	public function __construct() {

		spl_autoload_register( array( $this, 'autoload' ) );

	 * The Kirki class autoloader.
	 * Finds the path to a class that we're requiring and includes the file.
	 * @access protected
	 * @since 3.0.10
	 * @param string $class_name The name of the class we're trying to load.
	protected function autoload( $class_name ) {

		// Not a Kirki file, early exit.
		if ( 0 !== stripos( $class_name, 'Kirki' ) ) {

		// Check if we've got it cached and ready.
		if ( isset( $this->cached_paths[ $class_name ] ) && file_exists( $this->cached_paths[ $class_name ] ) ) {
			include_once $this->cached_paths[ $class_name ]; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude

		$paths = $this->get_paths( $class_name );

		foreach ( $paths as $path ) {
			$path = wp_normalize_path( $path );
			if ( file_exists( $path ) ) {
				$this->cached_paths[ $class_name ] = $path;
				include_once $path; // phpcs:ignore WPThemeReview.CoreFunctionality.FileInclude

	 * Get an array of possible paths for the file.
	 * @access protected
	 * @since 3.0.10
	 * @param string $class_name The name of the class we're trying to load.
	 * @return array
	protected function get_paths( $class_name ) {

		$paths = array();
		// Build the filename.
		$filename = 'class-' . strtolower( str_replace( '_', '-', $class_name ) ) . '.php';

		// Break class-name is parts.
		$name_parts = explode( '_', str_replace( 'Kirki_', '', $class_name ) );

		// Handle modules loading.
		if ( isset( $name_parts[0] ) && 'Modules' === $name_parts[0] ) {
			$path    = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/modules/';
			$path   .= strtolower( str_replace( '_', '-', str_replace( 'Kirki_Modules_', '', $class_name ) ) ) . '/';
			$paths[] = $path . $filename;
		} elseif ( 'Kirki_Fonts' === $class_name ) {
			$paths[] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/modules/webfonts/class-kirki-fonts.php';

		if ( isset( $name_parts[0] ) ) {

			// Handle controls loading.
			if ( 'Control' === $name_parts[0] || 'Settings' === $name_parts[0] ) {
				$path    = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/controls/php/';
				$paths[] = $path . $filename;

		$paths[] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/core/' . $filename;
		$paths[] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/lib/' . $filename;

		$substr   = str_replace( 'Kirki_', '', $class_name );
		$exploded = explode( '_', $substr );
		$levels   = count( $exploded );

		$previous_path = '';
		for ( $i = 0; $i < $levels; $i++ ) {
			$paths[]        = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/' . $previous_path . strtolower( $exploded[ $i ] ) . '/' . $filename;
			$previous_path .= strtolower( $exploded[ $i ] ) . '/';
		return $paths;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
assets Folder 0755
controls Folder 0755
core Folder 0755
deprecated Folder 0755
field Folder 0755
lib Folder 0755
modules Folder 0755
CHANGELOG.md File 68.53 KB 0644
LICENSE File 1.07 KB 0644
class-kirki-autoload.php File 3.2 KB 0644
kirki.php File 3.24 KB 0644
readme.txt File 5.33 KB 0644
upgrade-notifications.php File 1.5 KB 0644