<?php /** * The template for displaying all single posts * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/#single-post * * @package bizberg */ get_header(); ?> <section id="blog" class="blog-section blog-detail-page"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="two-tone-layout"><!-- two tone layout start --> <?php if( apply_filters( 'bizberg_single_post_layout', 1 ) == 2 ){ while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); get_template_part( 'template-parts/content', 'detail2' ); endwhile; } else { ?> <div class="<?php echo bizberg_check_sidebar_active_inactive_class_page(); ?>" id="content"><!-- primary start --> <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); get_template_part( 'template-parts/content', 'detail' ); the_post_navigation(); // If comments are open or we have at least one comment, load up the comment template. if ( comments_open() || get_comments_number() ) : comments_template(); endif; endwhile; // End of the loop. ?> </div> <?php if( is_active_sidebar( 'sidebar-2' ) ){ ?> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 bizberg_sidebar"> <?php get_sidebar(); ?> </div> <?php } } ?> </div> </div> </div> </section> <?php get_footer();
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