[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * SOCKS5 proxy connection class
 * PHP version 5
 * This source file is subject to BSD 3-Clause License that is bundled
 * with this package in the file LICENSE and available at the URL
 * https://raw.github.com/pear/HTTP_Request2/trunk/docs/LICENSE
 * @category  HTTP
 * @package   HTTP_Request2
 * @author    Alexey Borzov <avb@php.net>
 * @copyright 2008-2022 Alexey Borzov <avb@php.net>
 * @license   http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause BSD 3-Clause License
 * @link      http://pear.php.net/package/HTTP_Request2

/** Socket wrapper class used by Socket Adapter */
require_once 'HTTP/Request2/SocketWrapper.php';

 * SOCKS5 proxy connection class (used by Socket Adapter)
 * @category HTTP
 * @package  HTTP_Request2
 * @author   Alexey Borzov <avb@php.net>
 * @license  http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause BSD 3-Clause License
 * @version  Release: 2.5.1
 * @link     http://pear.php.net/package/HTTP_Request2
 * @link     http://pear.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=19332
 * @link     http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1928
class HTTP_Request2_SOCKS5 extends HTTP_Request2_SocketWrapper
     * Constructor, tries to connect and authenticate to a SOCKS5 proxy
     * @param string $address        Proxy address, e.g. 'tcp://localhost:1080'
     * @param int    $timeout        Connection timeout (seconds)
     * @param array  $contextOptions Stream context options
     * @param string $username       Proxy user name
     * @param string $password       Proxy password
     * @throws HTTP_Request2_LogicException
     * @throws HTTP_Request2_ConnectionException
     * @throws HTTP_Request2_MessageException
    public function __construct(
        $address, $timeout = 10, array $contextOptions = [],
        $username = null, $password = null
    ) {
        parent::__construct($address, $timeout, $contextOptions);

        if (strlen($username)) {
            $request = pack('C4', 5, 2, 0, 2);
        } else {
            $request = pack('C3', 5, 1, 0);
        $response = unpack('Cversion/Cmethod', $this->read(3));
        if (5 != $response['version']) {
            throw new HTTP_Request2_MessageException(
                'Invalid version received from SOCKS5 proxy: ' . $response['version'],
        switch ($response['method']) {
        case 2:
            $this->performAuthentication($username, $password);
        case 0:
            throw new HTTP_Request2_ConnectionException(
                "Connection rejected by proxy due to unsupported auth method"

     * Performs username/password authentication for SOCKS5
     * @param string $username Proxy user name
     * @param string $password Proxy password
     * @return void
     * @throws HTTP_Request2_ConnectionException
     * @throws HTTP_Request2_MessageException
     * @link   http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1929
    protected function performAuthentication($username, $password)
        $request  = pack('C2', 1, strlen($username)) . $username
                    . pack('C', strlen($password)) . $password;

        $response = unpack('Cvn/Cstatus', $this->read(3));
        if (1 != $response['vn'] || 0 != $response['status']) {
            throw new HTTP_Request2_ConnectionException(
                'Connection rejected by proxy due to invalid username and/or password'

     * Connects to a remote host via proxy
     * @param string $remoteHost Remote host
     * @param int    $remotePort Remote port
     * @return void
     * @throws HTTP_Request2_ConnectionException
     * @throws HTTP_Request2_MessageException
    public function connect($remoteHost, $remotePort)
        $request = pack('C5', 0x05, 0x01, 0x00, 0x03, strlen($remoteHost))
                   . $remoteHost . pack('n', $remotePort);

        $response = unpack('Cversion/Creply/Creserved', $this->read(1024));
        if (5 != $response['version'] || 0 != $response['reserved']) {
            throw new HTTP_Request2_MessageException(
                'Invalid response received from SOCKS5 proxy',
        } elseif (0 != $response['reply']) {
            throw new HTTP_Request2_ConnectionException(
                "Unable to connect to {$remoteHost}:{$remotePort} through SOCKS5 proxy",
                0, $response['reply']


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Adapter Folder 0755
Observer Folder 0755
Adapter.php File 4.53 KB 0644
ConnectionException.php File 1.11 KB 0644
CookieJar.php File 19.57 KB 0644
Exception.php File 3.23 KB 0644
LogicException.php File 1.25 KB 0644
MessageException.php File 1.03 KB 0644
MultipartBody.php File 9.01 KB 0644
NotImplementedException.php File 968 B 0644
Response.php File 22.43 KB 0644
SOCKS5.php File 4.64 KB 0644
SocketWrapper.php File 13.46 KB 0644