[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $


require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../structure.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../inc/importlib.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../CsvReader.php';

$status = 'FAIL';
output('<p class="information">'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Reading emails from file ... '));
if (filesize($_SESSION['import_file']) > 50000) {
    @ini_set('memory_limit', memory_get_usage() + 50 * filesize($_SESSION['import_file']));

$csvReader = new CsvReader($_SESSION['import_file'], $_SESSION['import_field_delimiter']);
$total = $csvReader->totalRows();
output(sprintf('..'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('ok, %d lines').'</p>', $total));
--$total; // now the number of subscribers to be imported
$headers = $csvReader->getRow();
$headers = array_unique($headers);
$_SESSION['columnnames'] = $headers;

//## show progress and adjust working space
if ($total > 0) {
    $import_field_delimiter = $_SESSION['import_field_delimiter'];
    if ($total > 300 && !$_SESSION['test_import']) {
        // this is a possibly a time consuming process, so show a progress bar
        // increase the memory to make sure we are not running out
        ini_set('memory_limit', '32M');

    //## store the chosen mappings in the $system_attribute_mapping list
    // print "A: ".sizeof($import_attribute);
    foreach ($system_attributes as $key => $val) {
        if (isset($_SESSION['systemindex'][$key])) {
            $system_attribute_mapping[$key] = $_SESSION['systemindex'][$key];

    //## Parse the lines into records
    //  print "<br/>Loading emails .. ";
    $count = array();
    $count['email_add'] = 0;
    $count['exist'] = 0;
    $count['list_add'] = 0;
    $count['group_add'] = 0;
    $count['foundblacklisted'] = 0;
    $c = 1;
    $count['invalid_email'] = 0;
    $num_lists = count($_SESSION['lists']);
    $cnt = 0;
    $count['emailmatch'] = 0;
    $count['fkeymatch'] = 0;
    $count['dataupdate'] = 0;
    $count['duplicate'] = 0;
    $additional_emails = 0;

    while ($values = $csvReader->getRow()) {
        // will contain attributes to store / change
        $user = array();
        $system_values = array();
        foreach ($system_attribute_mapping as $column => $index) {
            //   print '<br/>'.$column . ' = '. $values[$index];
            if (!empty($values[$index])) {
                $system_values[$column] = $values[$index];
            } else {
                $system_values[$column] = '';
        //# Check completeness
        $index = clean($system_values['email']);
        $invalid = 0;
        if (!$index) {
            if ($_SESSION['show_warnings']) {
                Warn($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Record has no email').
                    ": $c -> $line");
            $index = $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Invalid Email')." $c";
            $system_values['email'] = $_SESSION['assign_invalid'];
            $invalid = 1;

        //print ("<pre>" . var_dump($_SESSION["import_attribute"]) . "</pre>"); // debug
        //    dbg('_SESSION["import_attribute"',$_SESSION["import_attribute"]); //debug
        ##@TODO, this needs rewriting, as $unused_systemattr doesn' t actually exist here
        // if (count($values) != (count($_SESSION['import_attribute']) + count($system_attributes) - count($unused_systemattr)) && !empty($_SESSION['test_import']) && !empty($_SESSION['show_warnings'])) {
        //     Warn('Record has more values than header indicated ('.
        //         count($values).'!='.
        //         (count($_SESSION['import_attribute']) + count($system_attributes) - count($unused_systemattr)).
        //         "), this may cause trouble: $index");
        // }
        if (!$invalid || ($invalid && $_SESSION['omit_invalid'] != 'yes')) {
            $user['systemvalues'] = $system_values;
            $replace = array();
            foreach ($_SESSION['import_attribute'] as $key => $val) {
                if (!empty($values[$val['index']])) {
                    $user[$val['index']] = htmlspecialchars($values[$val['index']]);
                    $replace[$key] = htmlspecialchars($values[$val['index']]);
        } else {
            // Warn("Omitting invalid one: $email");
        $user['systemvalues']['email'] = parsePlaceHolders($system_values['email'],
            array_merge($replace, $system_values, array(
                'number' => $c,
        $user['systemvalues']['email'] = cleanEmail($user['systemvalues']['email']);
        if (!isset($user['systemvalues']['htmlemail'])) {
            $user['systemvalues']['htmlemail'] = 1;
        if ($_SESSION['test_import']) {

//      var_dump($user["systemvalues"]);exit;
            $html = '';
            foreach ($user['systemvalues'] as $column => $value) {
                if (strpos($column, 'grouptype_') === 0) {
                    if (isset($system_attributes[$column])) {
                        $column = $system_attributes[$column];
                if (!empty($column)) {
                    if ($value) {
                        $html .= "$column -> $value<br/>\n";
                    } else {
                        $html .= "$column -> ".$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('clear value')."<br/>\n";
            //  var_dump($_SESSION["systemindex"]);

            foreach ($_SESSION['import_attribute'] as $column => $item) {
                if (!empty($user[$item['index']])) {
                    if ($item['record'] == 'new') {
                        $html .= ' '.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('New Attribute').': '.$item['column'];
                    } elseif ($item['record'] == 'skip') {
                        // forget about it
                        $html .= ' '.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Skip value').' '.$column.': ';
                    } elseif ($item['record'] != 'system') {
                        $html .= $attributes[$item['record']];
//            var_dump($attributes[$item['record']]);
                    } else {
                        $html .= $item['column'];
                    $html .= ' -> '.$user[$item['index']].'<br/>';
            if ($html) {
                echo '<blockquote>'.$html.'</blockquote><hr />';
        } else { // not test
            if ($cnt % 5 == 0) {
                echo '<script type="text/javascript">
        var parentJQuery = window.parent.jQuery;
        parentJQuery("#progressbar").updateProgress("' .$cnt.','.$total.'");

            if (!$invalid || ($invalid && $_SESSION['omit_invalid'] != 'yes')) {
                // do import
                //# create new attributes
                foreach ($_SESSION['import_attribute'] as $column => $item) {
                    if ($item['record'] == 'new') {
                        Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into %s (name,type) values("%s","textline")', $tables['attribute'],
                        $attid = Sql_Insert_id();
                        Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set tablename = "attr%d" where id = %d', $tables['attribute'],
                            $attid, $attid));
                        Sql_Query('create table '.$GLOBALS['table_prefix'].'listattr_attr'.$attid.'
                        (id integer not null primary key auto_increment, name varchar(255), unique (name(150)),
                        listorder integer default 0)');
                        $_SESSION['import_attribute'][$column]['record'] = $attid;
                $new = 0;
                if (!empty($user['systemvalues']['foreignkey'])) {
                    //         dbg('Importing on FK '.$user["systemvalues"]["foreignkey"].' email :'.$user["systemvalues"]["email"]);
                    $result = Sql_query(sprintf('select id,uniqid from %s where foreignkey = "%s"', $tables['user'],
                    // print "<br/>Using foreign key for matching: ".$user["systemvalues"]["foreign key"];
                    $exists = Sql_Affected_Rows();
                    $existing_user = Sql_fetch_array($result);
                    // check whether the email will clash
                    $clashcheck = Sql_Fetch_Array_Query(sprintf('select id,foreignkey,uniqid from %s
                    where email = "%s"', $tables['user'], $user['systemvalues']['email']));
                    if (!empty($clashcheck['id']) && $clashcheck['id'] != $existing_user['id']) {
                        // if the existing record does not have an FK, we treat it as an update, matched on email
                        if (empty($clashcheck['foreignkey'])) {
                            $exists = 1;
                            $existing_user = $clashcheck;
                        } else {
                            $notduplicate = 0;
                            $c = 0;
                            while (!$notduplicate) {
                                $req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select id from %s where email = "%s"', $tables['user'],
                                    "$c ".$user['systemvalues']['email']));
                                $notduplicate = !Sql_Affected_Rows();
                            if (!$_SESSION['retainold']) {
                                Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set email = "%s" where email = "%s"', $tables['user'],
                                    "duplicate$c ".
                                    $user['systemvalues']['email'], $user['systemvalues']['email']));
                                addUserHistory("duplicate$c ".$user['systemvalues']['email'], 'Duplication clash ',
                                    ' User marked duplicate email after clash with imported record');
                            } else {
                                if ($_SESSION['show_warnings']) {
                                    echo Warn($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Duplicate Email').' '.$user['systemvalues']['email'].$GLOBALS['I18N']->get(' user imported as ').'&quot;'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('duplicate')."$c ".$user['systemvalues']['email'].'&quot;');
                                $user['systemvalues']['email'] = $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('duplicate')."$c ".$user['systemvalues']['email'];
                } else {
                    dbg('Importing on email '.$user['systemvalues']['email']);
                    $result = Sql_query(sprintf('select id,uniqid from %s where email = "%s"', $tables['user'],
                    // print "<br/>Using email for matching: ".$user["systemvalues"]["email"];
                    $exists = Sql_Affected_Rows();
                    $existing_user = Sql_fetch_array($result);
                if ($exists) {
                    // User exist, remember some values to add them to the lists
                    $userid = $existing_user['id'];
                    $uniqid = $existing_user['uniqid'];
                } else {
                    // user does not exist
                    $new = 1;
                    // this is very time consuming when importing loads of users as it does a lookup
                    // needs speeding up if possible
                    $uniqid = getUniqid();
                    $confirmed = $_SESSION['notify'] != 'yes' && !preg_match('/Invalid Email/i', $index);

                    $query = sprintf('INSERT INTO %s (email,entered,confirmed,uniqid,htmlemail,uuid)
                    values("%s",now(),%d,"%s",1,"%s")', $tables['user'], $user['systemvalues']['email'], $confirmed,
                        $uniqid, (string) uuid::generate(4));
                    $result = Sql_query($query, 1);
                    $userid = Sql_insert_id();
                    if (!$userid) {
                        // no id returned, so it must have been a duplicate entry
                        if ($_SESSION['show_warnings']) {
                            echo Warn($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Duplicate Email').' '.$user['systemvalues']['email']);
                        $c = 0;
                        while (!$userid) {
                            $query = sprintf('INSERT INTO %s (email,entered,confirmed,uniqid,htmlemail,uuid)
                            values("%s",now(),%d,"%s",1,"%s")', $tables['user'], $user['systemvalues']['email'].
                                " ($c)", 0, $uniqid, (string) uuid::generate(4));
                            $result = Sql_query($query, 1);
                            $userid = Sql_insert_id();
                        $user['systemvalues']['email'] = $user['systemvalues']['email']." ($c)";

                    $some = 1;

                $history_entry = $GLOBALS['admin_scheme'].'://'.getConfig('website').$GLOBALS['adminpages'].'/?page=user&id='.$userid."\n\n";
                //   var_dump($_SESSION);exit;
                if ($new || (!$new && $_SESSION['overwrite'] == 'yes')) {
                    $query = '';
                    $old_data = Sql_Fetch_Assoc_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where id = %d', $tables['user'],
                    $old_data = array_merge($old_data, getUserAttributeValues('', $userid));
                    foreach ($user['systemvalues'] as $column => $value) {
                        if (!empty($column)) { // && !empty($value)) {
                            if ($column == 'groupmapping' || strpos($column, 'grouptype_') === 0) {
                                //# specifically request this group, so that it doesn't interfere with the "groups" which are the ones
                                //# submitted in the form

                                if (strpos($column, 'grouptype_') === 0) {
                                    list($tmp, $type) = explode('_', $column);
                                } else {
                                    $type = $_SESSION['grouptype'];
                                $type = sprintf('%d', $type);
                                //# verify the type is set
                                if (!in_array($type, array_keys($GLOBALS['config']['usergroup_types']))) {
                                    Warn('Invalid group membership type'.$type);
                                    dbg($type, 'Type not found');

                                $columnGroups = explode(',', $value);
                                foreach ($columnGroups as $sGroup) {
                                    $sGroup = trim($sGroup);
                                    $groupIdReq = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select id from groups where name = "%s"',
                                    if (empty($groupIdReq[0])) {
                                        Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into groups (name) values("%s")', $sGroup));
                                        Warn("Group $sGroup added");
                                        $groupIdReq[0] = Sql_Insert_id();
                                    dbg('Adding to group '.$sGroup.' with type '.$GLOBALS['config']['usergroup_types'][$type]);
                                    //# @@ this may cause problems on not-upgraded DBs
                                    Sql_Query(sprintf('replace into user_group (userid,groupid,type) values(%d,%d,%d)',
                                        $userid, $groupIdReq[0], $type));
                            } else {
                                $query .= sprintf('%s = "%s",', $column, $value);
                    if ($query) {
                        $query = substr($query, 0, -1);
                        // this may cause a duplicate error on email, so add ignore
                        Sql_Query("update ignore {$tables['user']} set $query where id = $userid");
                    foreach ($_SESSION['import_attribute'] as $item) {
                        if (isset($user[$item['index']]) && is_numeric($item['record']) && strpos($item['record'],
                                'grouptype_') !== 0
                        ) {
                            $attribute_index = $item['record'];
                            $uservalue = $user[$item['index']];
                            // check whether this is a textline or a selectable item
                            $att = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query('select type,tablename,name from '.$tables['attribute']." where id = $attribute_index"); ////
                            switch ($att[0]) {
                                case 'select':
                                case 'radio':
                                    $val = Sql_Query("select id from $table_prefix"."listattr_$att[1] where name = \"$uservalue\"");
                                    // if we do not have this value add it
                                    if (!Sql_Affected_Rows()) {
                                        Sql_Query("insert into $table_prefix"."listattr_$att[1] (name) values(\"$uservalue\")");
                                        Warn("Value $uservalue added to attribute $att[2]");
                                        $user_att_value = Sql_Insert_Id();
                                    } else {
                                        $d = Sql_Fetch_Row($val);
                                        $user_att_value = $d[0];
                                case 'checkboxgroup':
                                    $values = explode(',', $uservalue);
                                    $valueIds = array();
                                    foreach ($values as $importValue) {
                                        $val = Sql_Query("select id from $table_prefix"."listattr_$att[1] where name = \"$importValue\"");
                                        // if we do not have this value add it
                                        if (!Sql_Affected_Rows()) {
                                            Sql_Query("insert into $table_prefix"."listattr_$att[1] (name) values(\"$importValue\")");
                                            Warn("Value $importValue added to attribute $att[2]");
                                            $valueIds[] = Sql_Insert_Id();
                                        } else {
                                            $d = Sql_Fetch_Row($val);
                                            $valueIds[] = $d[0];
                                    $user_att_value = implode(',', $valueIds);
                                case 'checkbox':
                                    $uservalue = trim($uservalue);
                                    //print $uservalue;exit;
                                    if (!empty($uservalue) && $uservalue != 'off') {
                                        $user_att_value = 'on';
                                    } else {
                                        $user_att_value = '';
                                case 'date':
                                    //                $user_att_value = parseDate($uservalue);
                                    $user_att_value = $uservalue;
                                    $user_att_value = $uservalue;

                            Sql_query(sprintf('replace into %s (attributeid,userid,value) values(%d,%d,"%s")',
                                $tables['user_attribute'], $attribute_index, $userid, $user_att_value));
                        } else {
                            if ($item['record'] != 'skip') {
                                // add an empty entry if none existed
                                Sql_Query(sprintf('insert ignore into %s (attributeid,userid,value) values(%d,%d,"")',
                                    $tables['user_attribute'], $item['record'], $userid));
                    $current_data = Sql_Fetch_Assoc_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where id = %d', $tables['user'],
                    $current_data = array_merge($current_data, getUserAttributeValues('', $userid));
                    $information_changed = 0;

                    foreach ($current_data as $key => $val) {
                        if ($key == 'password' || $key == 'modified') {
                        $old_value = isset($old_data[$key]) ? $old_data[$key] : '';

                        if ($old_value != $val) {
                            $information_changed = 1;
                            $history_entry .= "$key = $val\n*changed* from $old_value\n";
                    if (!$information_changed) {
                        $history_entry .= "No user details changed\n";

                //add this user to the lists identified, except when they are blacklisted
                $isBlackListed = isBlackListed($user['systemvalues']['email']);
                if (!$isBlackListed && is_array($_SESSION['lists'])) {
                    $addition = 0;
                    $listoflists = '';
                    foreach ($_SESSION['lists'] as $key => $listid) {
                        $query = 'insert ignore INTO '.$tables['listuser']." (userid,listid,entered) values($userid,$listid,now())";
                        $result = Sql_query($query, 1);
                        // if the affected rows is 0, the user was already subscribed
                        if (Sql_Affected_Rows() == 1) {
                            $addition = 1;
                            $history_entry .= s('Subscribed to %s', listName($key))."\n";
                        $listoflists .= '  * '.listName($key)."\n"; // $_SESSION["listname"][$key] . "\n";
                    if ($addition) {
                    if (!TEST && $_SESSION['notify'] == 'yes' && $addition) {
                        $subscribemessage = str_replace('[LISTS]', $listoflists,
                            getUserConfig('subscribemessage', $userid));
                        if (function_exists('sendmail')) {
                            sendMail($user['systemvalues']['email'], getConfig('subscribesubject'), $subscribemessage,
                                system_messageheaders(), $envelope);
                            if (isset($_SESSION['throttle_import'])) {
                } elseif ($isBlackListed) {
                    //# mark blacklisted, just in case ##17288
                    Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set blacklisted = 1 where id = %d', $tables['user'], $userid));
                addUserHistory($user['systemvalues']['email'], 'Import by '.adminName(), $history_entry);

                if (!is_array($_SESSION['groups'])) {
                    $groups = array();
                } else {
                    $groups = $_SESSION['groups'];
                if (isset($everyone_groupid) && !in_array($everyone_groupid, $groups)) {
                    array_push($groups, $everyone_groupid);
        } // end else not test
        if ($_SESSION['test_import'] && $c > 50) {

    $report = '';
    if (empty($some) && !$count['list_add']) {
        $report .= '<br/>'.s('All the emails already exist in the database and are member of the lists');
    } else {
        $report .= '<br/>'.s('%d emails succesfully imported to the database and added to %d lists.',
                $count['email_add'], $num_lists);
        $report .= '<br/>'.s('%d emails subscribed to the lists', $count['list_add']);
        if ($count['exist']) {
            $report .= '<br/>'.s('%d emails already existed in the database', $count['exist']);
    if ($count['invalid_email']) {
        $report .= '<br/>'.s('%d Invalid Emails found.', $count['invalid_email']);
        if (!$_SESSION['omit_invalid']) {
            $report .= '<br/>'.s('These records were added, but the email has been made up from ').$_SESSION['assign_invalid'];
        } else {
            $report .= '<br/>'.s('These records were deleted. Check your source and reimport the data. Duplicates will be identified.');
    if ($count['duplicate']) {
        $report .= '<br/>'.s('%d duplicate emails found.', $count['duplicate']);
    if ($_SESSION['overwrite'] == 'yes') {
        $report .= '<br/>'.s('Subscriber data was updated for %d subscribers', $count['dataupdate']);
    if ($count['foundblacklisted']) {
        $report .= '<br/>'.s('%d emails were on the blacklist and have not been added to the lists',
    $report .= '<br/>'.s('%d subscribers were matched by foreign key, %d by email', $count['fkeymatch'],
    if (!$GLOBALS['commandline']) {
        echo $report;
        if (function_exists('sendmail')) {
            sendMail(getConfig('admin_address'), $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('phplist Import Results'), $report);
        if (function_exists('logevent')) {
        foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $pluginname => $plugin) {
    } else {
    $htmlupdate = $report.'<br/>'.'<div class="button btn btn-default">'.PageLinkButton('import2', s('Import some more emails')).'</div>';
    $htmlupdate = str_replace("'", "\'", $htmlupdate);

    $status = '<script type="text/javascript">
      var parentJQuery = window.parent.jQuery;
      parentJQuery("#progresscount").html(\'' .$htmlupdate.'\');


Name Type Size Permission Actions
.htaccess File 231 B 0644
addemail.php File 1.08 KB 0644
addlist.php File 69 B 0644
bounce.php File 166 B 0644
bounces.php File 1.43 KB 0644
campaigns.php File 3.03 KB 0644
checkurl.php File 753 B 0644
configure.php File 4.03 KB 0644
domainbounces.php File 1.66 KB 0644
domainstats.php File 7.29 KB 0644
export.php File 8.73 KB 0644
generatetext.php File 1.04 KB 0644
generatetextpreview.php File 1.42 KB 0644
getservertime.php File 129 B 0644
hidenote.php File 258 B 0644
import.php File 187 B 0644
import1.php File 10.42 KB 0644
import2.php File 27.49 KB 0644
importsimple.php File 187 B 0644
initlanguage.php File 245 B 0644
keepalive.php File 108 B 0644
listbounces.php File 2.3 KB 0644
listmembercount.php File 2.1 KB 0644
markread.php File 344 B 0644
mclicks.php File 4.97 KB 0644
mergeduplicatelists.php File 1.41 KB 0644
msgbounces.php File 2.35 KB 0644
msgsent.php File 886 B 0644
msgstatus.php File 5.82 KB 0644
mviews.php File 4.72 KB 0644
plugins.php File 1.75 KB 0644
processqueue.php File 60.86 KB 0644
reconcileusers.php File 3.32 KB 0644
removeemptylists.php File 379 B 0644
searchemail.php File 839 B 0644
shownotes.php File 75 B 0644
statsoverview.php File 6.53 KB 0644
storemessage.php File 1.81 KB 0644
subscription.php File 3.91 KB 0644
test.php File 12 B 0644
updatetranslation.php File 835 B 0644
upgrade.php File 307 B 0644
user.php File 756 B 0644
viewtemplate.php File 1.1 KB 0644