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In the message field you can use "variables", which will be replaced by the appropriate value for a subscriber:
<br />The variables need to be in the form <strong>[NAME]</strong> where NAME can be replaced with the name of one of your attributes.
<br />For example if you have an attribute "First Name" put [FIRST NAME] in the message somewhere to identify the location where the "First Name" value of the recipient needs to be inserted.</p>
<p>You can also add some text that will be used, if the subscriber has no value for this attribute. To do this, use the following syntax:
<br/><strong>[PLACEHOLDER%%Fallback words]</strong>
<br/>For example, you can start your newsletter with:
<br/><i>Dear [FIRSTNAME%%Friend],</i>
<br/>and it will insert the FIRSTNAME for those subscribers that have this value, and "Friend" for all others.

<p> Custom Placeholders -- based on the attributes you have currently defined:

print listPlaceHolders();

if (phplistPlugin::isEnabled('rssmanager')) {
  <p>You can set up templates for messages that go out with RSS items. In order to do that click the "Scheduling" tab and indicate
  the frequency for the message. The message will then be used to send the list of items to users
  on the lists, who have that frequency set. You need to use the placeholder [RSS] in your message
  to identify where the list needs to go.</p>

<p> Some place holders that may be useful when creating a template for use in phpList:
<li>[SUBJECT] - adds the subject of the email within the newsletter text;</li>
<li>[CONTENT] - a mandatory placeholder for the message's content (body)that will be entered;</li>
<li>[FOOTER] - The message footer;</li>
<li>[SIGNATURE] - prints the phpList image signature;</li>
<li>[FORWARDURL] - is replaced with the personalised URL only;</li>
<li>[PREFERENCESURL] - allows the recipient to edit their subscribe preferences, for example update their email or the number of lists they belong to -- <strong>This essentially allows them to maintain your list up to date for you and is an invaluable feature</strong>;</li>
<li>[UNSUBSCRIBEURL] - a mandatory placeholder that allows the recipient to totally unsubscribe from all your lists;</li>
<li>[DOMAIN] - Prints your domain as listed in your configuration settings;</li>
<li>[EMAIL] - Prints the subscribers email address;</li>
<li>[LOGO] - Prints the logo added on your settings;</li>
<li>[CONTACT] - inserts a link where the recipient can go to Download your contact information and add you to their whitelist/contacts;
The default text for this placeholder is Add us to your address book. </li>
<li>[ORGANISATION_NAME] - reads the name of your Organisation from the Settings page so that it can be used in templates.</li>
<p>To send the contents of a webpage, add the following to the content of the message:<br/>
<p>You can include basic user information in this URL, not attribute information:</br>
<p><strong>Full list of supported placeholders along with additional information and usage examples <a href="https://resources.phplist.com/placeholders" target="_blank">here</a></strong></p>


Name Type Size Permission Actions
allsubscribers.php File 133 B 0644
assigninvalid.php File 465 B 0644
attachments.php File 326 B 0644
bounces.php File 83 B 0644
campaigntitle.php File 132 B 0644
date_format.php File 647 B 0644
embargo.php File 760 B 0644
finishsending.php File 328 B 0644
footer.php File 2.02 KB 0644
format.php File 1.71 KB 0644
forwards.php File 141 B 0644
from.php File 935 B 0644
generatetext.php File 346 B 0644
googletrack.php File 661 B 0644
istestcampaign.php File 541 B 0644
list_categories.php File 400 B 0644
mergeattributes.php File 798 B 0644
message.php File 3.23 KB 0644
omitinvalid.php File 248 B 0644
organisation_logo.php File 202 B 0644
overwriteexisting.php File 177 B 0644
plaintextversion.php File 1.04 KB 0644
predefineddefaults.php File 815 B 0644
preparemessage.php File 1.88 KB 0644
publiclist.php File 212 B 0644
repetition.php File 1.78 KB 0644
requeueing.php File 1.24 KB 0644
resetstats.php File 446 B 0644
retainoldemail.php File 225 B 0644
sendformat.php File 566 B 0644
sendmethod.php File 529 B 0644
sendtest.php File 1.3 KB 0644
sendurl.php File 517 B 0644
showwarnings.php File 171 B 0644
subject.php File 315 B 0644
subscribesubject.php File 211 B 0644
systemmessage.php File 304 B 0644
testoutput.php File 246 B 0644
uniqueclicks.php File 277 B 0644
uniqueviews.php File 125 B 0644
usetemplate.php File 282 B 0644
viewrate.php File 157 B 0644
website.php File 168 B 0644