[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
<p>This page allows you to create pages that are used for users to subscribe to your lists.</p>
<p>Trang n&agrave;y cho ph&eacute;p b&#7841;n t&#7841;o ra c&aacute;c trang d&ugrave;ng cho h&#7897;i vi&ecirc;n &#273;&#259;ng k&yacute; v&agrave;o danh s&aacute;ch.</p>
<p>B&#7841;n c&oacute; th&#7875; d&ugrave;ng b&#7845;t k&#7923; thu&#7897;c t&iacute;nh c&#361;ng nh&#432; danh s&aacute;ch c&oacute; trong h&#7879; th&#7889;ng. Gi&aacute; tr&#7883; thu&#7897;c t&iacute;nh n&#7871;u c&oacute; l&agrave; gi&aacute; tr&#7883; m&#7863;c &#273;&#7883;nh khi b&#7841;n &#273;&#7883;nh ngh&#297;a thu&#7897;c t&iacute;nh, tuy nhi&ecirc;n b&#7841;n c&oacute; th&#7875; v&agrave;o l&#7841;i nh&#7919;ng gi&aacute; tr&#7883; &#273;&oacute; v&agrave; coi nh&#432; l&agrave; gi&aacute; tr&#7883; m&#7863;c &#273;&#7883;nh cho trang &#273;&#259;ng k&yacute; &#273;&oacute;. B&#7841;n c&oacute; th&#7875; thay &#273;&#7893;i th&#7913; t&#7921; hi&#7875;n th&#7883; c&#7911;a c&aacute;c thu&#7897;c t&iacute;nh n&#7871;u b&#7841;n mu&#7889;n. B&#7841;n c&#361;ng c&oacute; th&#7875; y&ecirc;u c&#7847;u thu&#7897;c t&iacute;nh &#273;&oacute; l&agrave; b&#7855;t bu&#7897;c hay kh&ocirc;ng khi h&#7897;i vi&ecirc;n &#273;&#259;ng k&yacute;.</p>


Name Type Size Permission Actions
adminattributes.php File 390 B 0644
attributes.php File 402 B 0644
bounces.php File 1.17 KB 0644
configure.php File 1.44 KB 0644
defaults.php File 167 B 0644
eventlog.php File 324 B 0644
export.php File 609 B 0644
getrss.php File 48 B 0644
import1.php File 337 B 0644
import2.php File 448 B 0644
importadmin.php File 139 B 0644
login.php File 54 B 0644
logout.php File 356 B 0644
members.php File 117 B 0644
message.php File 198 B 0644
messages.php File 1.14 KB 0644
reconcileusers.php File 139 B 0644
send.php File 865 B 0644
setup.php File 192 B 0644
spage.php File 1.17 KB 0644
spageedit.php File 1.2 KB 0644
statsmgt.php File 470 B 0644
templates.php File 3.36 KB 0644
usermgt.php File 567 B 0644
vote.php File 6.66 KB 0644