[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Galician (phpList)\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: info@phplist.com\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-12 19:03+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-09-19 09:53+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: dinahosting <comunicacion@dinahosting.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Galician <http://translate.phplist.org/projects/phplist/"
"Language: gl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.3.1\n"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainbounces.php:83
#, fuzzy
msgid "View rate"
msgstr "Data"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:357
msgid "eventlog"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:790
#, php-format
msgid ""
"User (url:%s) has consecutive bounces (%d) over threshold (%d), user marked "
msgstr ""
"O subscritor (url:%s) ten (%d) rebotes consecutivos sobre un límite de (%d), "
"o subscritor marcouse como non confirmado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:293
msgid "Title of this template"
msgstr "Título deste modelo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:147
msgid "static"
msgstr "estático"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:232
msgid "Plugin is up-to-date"
msgstr "O plugin está actualizado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:25
msgid "delete subscriber"
msgstr "Borrar subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:75
msgid "Translation status"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:255
msgid "Sending a test from templates only works for the system template."
msgstr "Enviar unha proba dende os modelos só funciona cos modelos do sistema."

#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:47
msgid "System"
msgstr "Sistema"

#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:43,
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:73
msgid "Configure Categories"
msgstr "Configurar categorías"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:27
msgid "blacklist subscriber"
msgstr "poñer en lista negra ao subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:240
msgid "HTML Email choice"
msgstr "Selección de correo electrónico HTML"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:7
msgid "Please select a message to display"
msgstr "Selecciona unha mensaxe para amosar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:524,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:536
#, php-format
msgid "%d out of %d processed"
msgstr "%d de %d procesados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:650
msgid "What is prepare a message"
msgstr "O que é preparar unha mensaxe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:998
msgid "Message I was working on has disappeared"
msgstr "A mensaxe na que estaba traballando desapareceu"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:100,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:118
msgid "users"
msgstr "Subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:204
msgid "Template was successfully saved"
msgstr "O modelo gardouse correctamente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:141
msgid "Record has more values than header indicated, this may cause trouble"
msgstr ""
"O rexistro ten máis valores dos que indica a cabeceira, isto pode causar "

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:228
msgid "pagetitlehover:checki18n"
msgstr "Comprobar as traducións existentes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reindex.php:27
#, php-format
msgid "Adding unique index <b>%s</b> to %s<br/>"
msgstr "Engadindo índice único <b>%s</b> a %s<br/>"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:178
msgid "Plugin package URL"
msgstr "URL do paquete de plugins"

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:30
msgid "Certification"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:299
msgid "The content should at least have <b>[CONTENT]</b> somewhere."
msgstr "O contido debería ter, polo menos, <b>[CONTENT]</b> nalgún lugar."

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:198,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:76,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:358
msgid "Subscribers"
msgstr "Subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:231,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:324
msgid ""
"If you check \"Test Output\", you will get the list of parsed emails on "
"screen, and the database will not be filled with the information. This is "
"useful to find out whether the format of your file is correct. It will only "
"show the first 50 records."
msgstr ""
"Se marcas a caixa \"Probar\" verás na túa pantalla a lista dos correos "
"analizados e a información non será engadida á túa base de datos. Isto serve "
"para saber se o formato do teu ficheiro é correcto. Só se amosarán os "
"primeiros 50 rexistros."

#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:226
msgid "Viewed"
msgstr "Visto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:582
msgid "Footer used when a message has been forwarded"
msgstr "Pé de páxina usado cando se reenviou unha mensaxe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:99
msgid "Imported"
msgstr "Importado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:65
msgid "Database Name:"
msgstr "Nome da base de datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:67
msgid "edit list details"
msgstr "Editar detalles da lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:345,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:349,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:124,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:127
#, php-format
msgid "Listing user %d to %d"
msgstr "Lista de subscritores %d a %d"

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:33
msgid "Support community"
msgstr "Apoio á comunidade"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:104
msgid "reset style to default"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/dbcheck.php:12
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Táboa"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:323
msgid "Uploaded file not properly received, empty file"
msgstr "O ficheiro cargado non se recibiu correctamente, ficheiro baleiro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:8,
#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:8,
#: public_html/lists/admin/suppressionlist.php:5
msgid "Sorry, this page can only be used by super admins"
msgstr "Sentímolo, esta páxina só a poden usar os superadministradores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:56,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:613,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:614,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:624,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:625
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:520
#, php-format
msgid "%d bounces to reprocess"
msgstr "%d rebotes para volver a procesar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:131
#, php-format
msgid "Cannot read %s. file is not readable !"
msgstr "Non é posible ler %s. O ficheiro non é lexible!"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:91
msgid "Creating tables"
msgstr "Creando táboas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/msgstatus.php:29,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:142,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:74,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:138,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:54,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:96,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:133,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:65
msgid "sent"
msgstr "Enviado"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:264
msgid "pagetitlehover:messages"
msgstr "Ver lista de campañas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:287
msgid "new administrators were"
msgstr "foron novos administradores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:215
msgid "Resend"
msgstr "Reenviar"

#: public_html/lists/index.php:842
msgid "Forwarded receiver requested blacklist"
msgstr "O receptor do reenvío solicitou pertencer á lista negra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/subscribelib2.php:119
msgid "phplist Spam blocked"
msgstr "Spam phplist bloqueado"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:132
msgid "When was it forwarded"
msgstr "Cando foi reenviado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:375
msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Ola"

#: public_html/lists/index.php:1132,
#: public_html/lists/index.php:1143
msgid "Message Forwarded"
msgstr "Reenviouse a mensaxe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:352
msgid "Create new one"
msgstr "Crear un novo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/generatebouncerules.php:144
msgid "new rules found"
msgstr "atopáronse novas regras"

#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:35
msgid "Verify Settings"
msgstr "Revisar a configuración"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:599,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:600,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:70
msgid "Requeue"
msgstr "Volver a engadir á cola"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:347,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:234
msgid "Text to display when subscription with an AJAX request was successful"
msgstr "Texto para amosar cando a subscrición cunha solicitude AJAX teña éxito"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:161
msgid "no processed bounces available"
msgstr "non hai rebotes procesados dispoñibles"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1356
msgid "Campaign Title"
msgstr "Título da campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:482
msgid "no results"
msgstr "sen resultados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:249
msgid "Sorry, only super users can delete users"
msgstr "Sentímolo, só os superusuarios poden eliminar subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:647,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:661,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:675,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:687
msgid "Auto Unsubscribed"
msgstr "Baixa automática"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:81
msgid "Cannot save admin, that email address already exists for another admin"
msgstr ""
"Non se pode gardar o administrador, ese enderezo de correo electrónico xa "
"existe para outro administrador"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultsystemtemplate.php:428
msgid "Edit the added template"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php:6
msgid "Deleting subscribers with an invalid email"
msgstr "Eliminando subscritores cun enderezo de correo electrónico non válido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:359
msgid "new users"
msgstr "novos subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:91
msgid ""
"Editing an active or finished campaign will place it back in the draft "
"queue, continue?"
msgstr ""
"Ao editar unha campaña activa ou rematada, volverá colocala na cola de "
"borradores. Queres continuar?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:92
msgid "Click details for a URL"
msgstr "Fai clic en detalles para obter unha URL"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:107,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:251
msgid "import"
msgstr "Importar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:5
msgid "default login is"
msgstr "O inicio de sesión predeterminado é"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainbounces.php:18
#, fuzzy
msgid "Domain statistics"
msgstr "Estatísticas do dominio"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:237
msgid "Requeuing"
msgstr "Volvendo a poñer na cola"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:337
msgid "pagetitle:dbadmin"
msgstr "Xestión da base de datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/tests.php:47
msgid "Tests available"
msgstr "Probas dispoñibles"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:627
msgid "Message to send when they request their personal location"
msgstr "Mensaxe para enviar cando soliciten a súa localización persoal"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:10
msgid "View Opens by Message"
msgstr "Ver aperturas por campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:42
msgid "Back to attributes"
msgstr "Volver aos atributos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:93
msgid "Attribute:"
msgstr "Atributo:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:31
msgid "blacklist subscriber and delete bounce"
msgstr "Engadir un subscritor á lista de non enviar e eliminar o rebote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php:75
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Descargar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mergeduplicatelists.php:7
#, php-format
msgid "List name: \"%s\", duplicates: %d"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:347
msgid "pagetitle:checkbouncerules"
msgstr "Comprobar regras de rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:284
msgid "URL where subscribers can sign up"
msgstr "URL onde os subscritores poden rexistrarse"

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:82
#, php-format
msgid "Export subscribers on %s"
msgstr "<h4>Exportar subscritores en %s</h4>"

#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:11
msgid "deleted"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:8
msgid "No such attribute:"
msgstr "Non hai tal atributo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:510
msgid ""
"phpList will work without Javascript, but it will be easier to use if you "
"switch it on."
msgstr ""
"phpList funcionará sen JavaScript, pero será máis doado de usar se o activas."

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:538
msgid "Removed Attachment "
msgstr "Eliminouse o anexo "

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:283
#, php-format
msgid "%d emails unconfirmed (not sent)"
msgstr "%d correos electrónicos sen confirmar (non enviados)"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:205
msgid "Original string"
msgstr "Cadea orixinal"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:257
msgid "Bounced system message"
msgstr "Mensaxe do sistema rebotada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:744
msgid "Current Server Time is"
msgstr "A hora actual do servidor é"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1718,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:15,
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:29
msgid "March"
msgstr "Marzo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:105
msgid "reset styling to default"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:773,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:814
msgid "day"
msgstr "día"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:93
msgid "Campaign deleted"
msgstr "Campaña eliminada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:67
msgid "Average response time: "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:915,
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:919
#, php-format
msgid ""
"A process for this page is already running and it was still alive %d seconds "
msgstr ""
"Xa se está a executar un proceso desta páxina e aínda estaba activo hai %d "

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:157
msgid ""
"Who gets the reports (email address, separate multiple emails with a comma)"
msgstr ""
"Quen recibe os informes (enderezo de correo electrónico, separa varios "
"correos electrónicos cunha coma)"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:157
msgid "When the password change request was made"
msgstr "Cando se realizou a petición de cambio de contrasinal"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1357
msgid "Hmmm, No users found to send to"
msgstr "Non se atopou ningún subscritor ao que enviar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:127
msgid "Add a new Attribute:"
msgstr "Engadir un novo atributo:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:85,
#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:87,
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:265
msgid "Upgrading column "
msgstr "Actualizando columna"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:128
msgid "Repeating"
msgstr "Repetindo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:100
msgid "expression"
msgstr "expresión"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:283
msgid "pagetitle:admins"
msgstr "Xestionar administradores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:539
msgid " or update"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:456
msgid "Mark all subscribers to receive HTML"
msgstr "Marcar a todos os subscritores para que reciban HTML"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:106,
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:113
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Imaxe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:95
msgid "Subscriber clicks on a campaign"
msgstr "O subscritor fai clic nunha campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:319
msgid "Sorry, merging of checkbox groups is not implemented yet"
msgstr "Sentímolo, aínda non se implementou a combinación de grupos de checkbox"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1267
msgid "message content missing"
msgstr "Falta o contido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:214
msgid "Not matching"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:471
msgid "Bounce mechanism not properly configured"
msgstr "O mecanismo de rebote non está configurado correctamente"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:119
msgid "Date received"
msgstr "Data de recepción"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1741,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:38
msgid "Nov"
msgstr "Nov"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:67
msgid "Usertable prefix:"
msgstr "Prefixo das táboas de usuarios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import.php:33
msgid "Please choose one of the import methods below"
msgstr "Escolle un dos métodos de importación a continuación"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:239
msgid "pagetitle:import"
msgstr "Importar subscritores"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:331
msgid "pagetitle:subscriberstats"
msgstr "Estatísticas de subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:259
#, php-format
msgid "Unsubscribed from %s"
msgstr "Cancelouse a subscrición de %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/generatebouncerules.php:146
msgid "bounces matched to existing rules"
msgstr "rebotes coincidentes coas regras existentes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:38
msgid ""
"Another process is already upgrading this installation. Use -f to force "
"upgrade, but only if you are sure the other process is no longer active."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2281
msgid "Please wait, your request is being processed. Do not refresh this page."
msgstr "Agarda, a túa solicitude estase procesando. Non actualices esta páxina."

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:181
msgid "Users found, click add to add this user"
msgstr "subscritores atopados, fai clic en engadir para engadir este subscritor"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:140
msgid "Time modified"
msgstr "Hora de modificación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2286
msgid ""
"This seems to take longer than expected, looks like there is a lot of data "
"to work on."
msgstr ""
"Isto parece levar máis tempo do esperado, parece que hai moitos datos nos "
"que traballar."

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:980
#, php-format
msgid "Message too large (%s is over %s), suspending"
msgstr "A mensaxe é demasiado grande (%s supera a %s), suspendéndose"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:174
msgid "Initialise plugin"
msgstr "Inicializar o plugin"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:350
msgid "pagetitlehover:translate"
msgstr "Traducir phpList"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:174
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Imaxes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:67
msgid "Design"
msgstr "Deseño"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:424,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:75
msgid "found"
msgstr "atopado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:509
msgid "To blacklist all subscribers with more than"
msgstr "Para incluír na lista negra todos os subscritores con máis de"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:194
msgid ""
"If there is only one visible list, should it be hidden in the page and "
"automatically subscribe users who sign up"
msgstr ""
"Se só hai unha lista visible, debería estar oculta na páxina e subscribir "
"automaticamente aos usuarios que se rexistren"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:210
msgid "pagetitlehover:setup"
msgstr "Lista de cousas por facer para configurar phpList correctamente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:434
#, php-format
msgid "%d lines will be imported"
msgstr "importaranse %d liñas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:610,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:633,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:648,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:662,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:676,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:688
msgid "bounce rule"
msgstr "regra de rebote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetlds.php:5
msgid "This page only works from commandline"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:264,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:16
msgid "Process Bounces"
msgstr "Procesar rebotes"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:103
msgid "Primary key"
msgstr "Clave primaria"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:243
msgid "pagetitle:initialise"
msgstr "Inicializar a base de datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:491
msgid "Message subscribers receive when they have changed their details"
msgstr "Mensaxe que reciben os subscritores cando cambiaron os seus datos"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:79
msgid "Admin who is owner"
msgstr "Administrador que é o propietario"

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:4
msgid "About"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:307,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:338
msgid "Manage subscribers"
msgstr "Xestionar subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:467
msgid ""
"If you have a large database, make sure you have sufficient diskspace "
"available for upgrade."
msgstr ""
"Se tes unha base de datos grande, asegúrate de ter suficiente espazo de "
"disco dispoñible para a actualización."

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:248
msgid "pagetitlehover:preparesend"
msgstr "Preparar unha mensaxe para enviar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:289
msgid "pagetitle:bounces"
msgstr "Ver rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:89
msgid "There are currently no campaigns to view"
msgstr "Actualmente non hai campañas para ver"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:361
msgid "existing users"
msgstr "subscritores existentes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:227
msgid "Send a Prepared Message"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:101
msgid ""
"The <a href=\"http://translate.phplist.com/\" target=\"translate\""
">translation site</a> runs <a href=\"http://translate.sourceforge.net/\" "
"target=\"pootle\">Pootle</a> an Open Source translation tool, provided by <a "
"href=\"http://translatehouse.org\" target=\"translatehouse\">Translate "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:510
msgid "Email address not found to send test message."
msgstr ""
"Non se atopou o enderezo de correo electrónico para enviar a mensaxe de "

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:461
msgid "Upgrade failed"
msgstr "Fallou a actualización"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:116
msgid "with tagged rules: "
msgstr "coas regras etiquetadas: "

#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:97,
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:130
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nome:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:185
msgid "Add, edit and remove Administrators"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:326,
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:327,
#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:59,
#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:60,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:100,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:206,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:117,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:125
msgid "delete"
msgstr "Borrar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:400
msgid "Goodbye from our Newsletter"
msgstr "Adeus dende o noso boletín"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:75
msgid "Was the message viewed"
msgstr "A mensaxe foi vista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:791
msgid "Sorry, not implemented yet"
msgstr "Sentímolo, aínda non está implementado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:52
msgid "Start or continue a campaign"
msgstr "Iniciar ou continuar unha campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:28,
#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:74,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:67,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:32,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:68,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:32
msgid "Invalid security token, please reload the page and try again"
msgstr ""
"O token de seguranza non é válido. Volve cargar a páxina e téntao de novo"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:220
msgid "pagetitlehover:config"
msgstr "Funcións de configuración"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:103,
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:406
msgid "Creating new table \"user_message_view\""
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:110
msgid "Is this process still alive?"
msgstr "Este proceso segue activo?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:331
msgid "Finished, All done"
msgstr "Rematou, todo feito"

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:125
msgid "Date To:"
msgstr "Data ata:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:718
#, php-format
msgid "to view the progress of this campaign, go to %s://%s"
msgstr "para ver o progreso desta campaña, vai a %s://%s"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:58
msgid "Time to send message"
msgstr "Hora para enviar a mensaxe"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:355
msgid "pagetitle:reindex"
msgstr "Reconstruír índices da base de datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:399
msgid "Sorry, you used invalid characters in the Subject field."
msgstr "Usaches caracteres non válidos no campo \"asunto\"."

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:945,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:947,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:93
msgid "file"
msgstr "ficheiro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php:18,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php:39,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php:68
msgid "subscribers deleted"
msgstr "Subscritores eliminados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:418
msgid "Add to blacklist"
msgstr "Engadir á lista negra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:517
#, php-format
msgid "Subscriber data was updated for %d subscribers"
msgstr "Actualizáronse os datos dos subscritores de %d subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:81
msgid "Please enter the password you want to use for this account."
msgstr "Introduce o contrasinal que queres usar para esta conta."

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:361
msgid "Process Selected Folders"
msgstr "Procesar cartafoles seleccionados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:712,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:322
msgid "Record Delimiter"
msgstr "Delimitador de rexistro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:461
msgid ""
"Subject of the message subscribers receive when they have changed their "
msgstr ""
"Asunto da mensaxe que reciben os subscritores cando cambiaron os seus datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:227,
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:441
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Éxito"

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:9
msgid "Open Source"
msgstr "Open Source"

#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:74
msgid "Code"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:49
msgid "Project"
msgstr "Proxecto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:126
msgid "The following restrictions have been set by your ISP:"
msgstr "O teu ISP estableceu as seguintes restricións:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:54
msgid "Unable to download plugin package, check your connection"
msgstr "Non se pode descargar o paquete de plugins, comproba a túa conexión"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:9
msgid "subscriber id"
msgstr "ID do subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:82
msgid "Existing attributes:"
msgstr "Atributos existentes:"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:135
msgid "Type of data"
msgstr "Tipo de datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2069
msgid "Sign up to receive news and updates about phpList "
msgstr "Rexístrarse para recibir noticias e actualizacións sobre phpList "

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:41
msgid "Unconfirmed and not blacklisted members"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:183
msgid "Reply-to email address for system messages"
msgstr "Enderezo de correo electrónico de resposta para as mensaxes do sistema"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:80,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:162,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:409
msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Propietario"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:711
msgid "Identifying consecutive bounces"
msgstr "Identificando rebotes consecutivos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:98,
#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:99
msgid "The DB was already converted to UTF-8 on"
msgstr "A base de datos xa estaba convertida a UTF-8 "

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:310
msgid "pagetitlehover:logout"
msgstr "Pechar sesión"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:259
msgid "pagetitle:adduser"
msgstr "Engadir un novo subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1023
msgid "add Google Analytics tracking code"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:343
msgid "pagetitle:bouncerules"
msgstr "Regra de rebote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:114
#, fuzzy
msgid "export"
msgstr "Exportar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:180,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:188
msgid "Number of clicks from text emails"
msgstr "Número de clics dende correos de texto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:103
msgid "Delete and replace"
msgstr "Borrar e substituír"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:56,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:69
msgid "There are currently no messages to view"
msgstr "Actualmente non hai campañas para ver"

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:16
msgid "phpList is Open Source software"
msgstr "phpList é un software de código aberto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:81
msgid "Main"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:274
msgid "However, there is too little diskspace for this conversion"
msgstr "Non obstante, hai pouco espazo en disco para esta conversión"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:493
msgid "To delete all subscribers with more than"
msgstr "Para eliminar todos os subscritores con máis de"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:410
#, php-format
msgid "%d bounces to process"
msgstr "%d rebotes para procesar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:120
msgid "Header of bounce"
msgstr "Cabeceira do rebote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:137,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:92,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:90,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:93,
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:110,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:215
msgid "date"
msgstr "data"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:522
msgid "Invalid Emails found."
msgstr "Atopáronse correos electrónicos non válidos."

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:70
msgid "Select Status"
msgstr "Seleccionar estado"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:196
msgid "date in unix format"
msgstr "Data en formato Unix"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:80
msgid "View all campaigns"
msgstr "Ver todas as campañas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:42
msgid "Otherwise, free up some diskspace and try again"
msgstr "En caso contrario, libera algo de espazo en disco e téntao de novo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:726
msgid "Processing message"
msgstr "Procesando campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:8
#, php-format
msgid "deleting bounce %d"
msgstr "Eliminando rebote %d"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:277
msgid "Transaction messages"
msgstr "Mensaxes de transacción"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:221
msgid "Import by "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:174
msgid ""
"The \"list of all subscribers\" is not a real list, but it gives you access "
"to all subscribers in your system. There may be more subscribers in your "
"system than are members of your lists."
msgstr ""
"A \"lista de todos os subscritores\" non é unha lista real, pero dáche "
"acceso a todos os subscritores do teu sistema. Pode haber máis subscritores "
"no teu sistema que membros das túas listas."

#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:49
msgid "Remove more"
msgstr "Eliminar máis"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:520
#, php-format
msgid "%d emails were on the blacklist and have not been added to the lists"
msgstr ""
"%d correos electrónicos estaban na lista negra e non se engadiron ás listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:90
msgid "cannot be empty"
msgstr "non pode estar baleiro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:250
msgid "The default subscribe page when there are multiple"
msgstr "A páxina de subscrición predeterminada cando hai varias"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:121
msgid "Subscribe page information saved"
msgstr "Gardouse a información da páxina de subscrición"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:137
msgid "Normalised loginname"
msgstr "Nome de inicio de sesión normalizado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:350
msgid "details"
msgstr "Detalles"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:270
msgid "The HTML wrapper template for system messages"
msgstr "Modelo HTML que envolve as mensaxes do sistema"

#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:90
msgid "Campaign click statistics"
msgstr "Estatísticas de clic en campañas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:395
msgid "reset"
msgstr "restablecer"

#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:111,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:228
msgid "message"
msgstr "Mensaxe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:11
msgid "manage subscriber attributes"
msgstr "Xestionar atributos de subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:11
msgid "Domain Statistics"
msgstr "Estatísticas do dominio"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1305
msgid "already sent"
msgstr "xa se enviou"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:659
msgid "Domains that only accept text emails, one per line"
msgstr "Dominios que só aceptan correos electrónicos de texto, un por liña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:362
msgid "Import Attributes"
msgstr "Importar atributos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:130
msgid "delete all unidentified (&gt; 2 months old)"
msgstr "Eliminar todos os non identificados (&gt; 2 meses de antigüidade)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/runcommand.php:18
msgid "Invalid command"
msgstr "Comando non válido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:104,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:210
msgid "Confirm password"
msgstr "Confirmar o contrasinal"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:298
msgid "pagetitlehover:eventlog"
msgstr "Ver algúns eventos interesantes que pasaron en phpList "

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:38
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The maximum POST size is smaller than the maximum upload filesize. If your "
"upload file is too large, import will fail. See the PHP documentation at <a "
msgstr ""
"O tamaño máximo de POST é menor que o tamaño máximo de ficheiros de carga. "
"Se o ficheiro de carga é demasiado grande, fallará a importación. Consulta a "
"documentación de PHP en <a href=\"%s\">%s</a>"

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1076
#, php-format
msgid "failed to open attachment (%s) to add to campaign %d"
msgstr "erro ao abrir o anexo (%s) para engadir á campaña %d"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:105
#, php-format
msgid "%d new email addresses imported"
msgstr "Importáronse %d novos enderezos de correo electrónico"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:447
#, php-format
msgid "and %d more"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:261
msgid "The default HTML template to use when sending a message"
msgstr "O modelo HTML predeterminado que se utiliza ao enviar unha mensaxe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:144,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:177
msgid "exists locally"
msgstr "existe en local"

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:384
msgid "Documentation how to set up phpList commandline"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:86
msgid "Campaign not found"
msgstr "Campaña non atopada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:149
msgid "Import of new subscriber"
msgstr "Importación de novo subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:86
msgid "no details found"
msgstr "Non se atoparon detalles"

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:299
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Orde"

#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:84,
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:358
msgid "No Attributes have been defined yet"
msgstr "Aínda non se definiu ningún atributo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:38
msgid "Invalid download URL, please reload the page and try again"
msgstr "A URL de descarga non é válida. Volve cargar a páxina e téntao de novo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:417
msgid "Running in test mode, not deleting messages from mailbox"
msgstr "Executándose en modo de proba, sen eliminar mensaxes da caixa de correo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:21,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:25,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:404,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:85,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:105,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:141,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:74,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:91,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:17,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:35,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:45,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:56,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:85,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:100
msgid "Entered"
msgstr "Creado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/generatebouncerules.php:39
msgid "Process Next Batch"
msgstr "Procesar o seguinte lote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:401
msgid ""
"Cannot find column with email, you need to map at least one column to \"Email"
msgstr ""
"Non se pode atopar a columna con correo electrónico, debes asignar polo "
"menos unha columna a \"Correo electrónico\""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:320
msgid "pagetitlehover:usermgt"
msgstr "Funcións comúns para xestionar subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:62
msgid "Server:"
msgstr "Servidor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:747,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:242,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:270
msgid "Make confirmed immediately"
msgstr "Fai a confirmación inmediatamente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:974
#, php-format
msgid "Size of Text email: %s "
msgstr "Tamaño do correo electrónico de texto: %s "

#: public_html/lists/index.php:662
msgid "Please choose"
msgstr "Por favor, escolle"

#: public_html/lists/admin/convertstats.php:65
#, php-format
msgid "%d entries still to convert"
msgstr "%d entradas aínda por converter"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:379
msgid ""
"You have 24 hours left to change your password. After that, your token won't "
"be valid."
msgstr ""
"Quedan 24 horas para cambiar o contrasinal. Despois diso, o teu token non "
"será válido."

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:271
msgid ""
"There are two ways to add the names of the users,  either one attribute for "
"the entire name or two attributes, one for first name and one for last name. "
"If you use &quot;two attributes&quot;, the name will be split after the "
"first space."
msgstr ""
"Hai dúas formas de engadir os nomes dos subscritores, un atributo para o "
"nome completo ou dous atributos, un para o nome e outro para o apelido. Se "
"usas \"dous atributos\", o nome dividirase despois do primeiro espazo."

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:47
msgid "back to list of bounce rules"
msgstr "volver á lista de regras de rebote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:107,
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:145
msgid "Default Value:"
msgstr "Valor predefinido:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:114
msgid "Send the queue"
msgstr "Enviar á cola"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:365
msgid "Do not show list categories"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:317,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:322,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:236
msgid "User"
msgstr "Subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:201
msgid "imap_getmailboxes failed"
msgstr "imap_getmailboxes fallou"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:86,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:213,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:210
msgid "default"
msgstr "Por defecto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:133
msgid "Requeueing"
msgstr "Volvendo enviar á cola"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:250
msgid "Force Initialisation"
msgstr "Forzar inicialización"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1382
msgid "to send this message"
msgstr "para enviar esta mensaxe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:129
msgid "Copying lists"
msgstr "Copiando listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/tests.php:7
msgid "phplist test suite"
msgstr "paquete de proba de phpList"

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:98
msgid "When they signed up"
msgstr "Cando se rexistraron"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:234
#, php-format
msgid "%d invalid emails"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:709
msgid "Send a Webpage"
msgstr "Enviar unha páxina web"

#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:70
msgid "Create a subscribe page"
msgstr "Crea unha páxina de subscrición"

#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:461,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:65
msgid "msgs"
msgstr "msxs"

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:389
msgid "authoritative list"
msgstr "lista autorizada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:123
msgid "Import of existing subscriber"
msgstr "Importación do subscritor existente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:519
msgid "emails already existed in the database"
msgstr "os correos electrónicos xa existían na base de datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1258
msgid "subject missing"
msgstr "Falta o asunto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:298
msgid "Content of the template."
msgstr "Contido do modelo."

#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:48
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%d subscribers could not be deleted, because they have already received "
msgstr "Non se puideron eliminar %d subscritores porque xa recibiron campañas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:256
msgid ""
"To test your template, go to campaigns and send a test campaign using the "
msgstr ""
"Para probar o teu modelo, vai a Campañas e envía unha campaña de proba "
"usando o modelo."

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:24
msgid ""
"You have already defined bounce rules in your system.      Be careful with "
"generating new ones, because these may interfere with the ones that exist."
msgstr ""
"Xa definiches regras de rebote no teu sistema. Teña coidado coa xeración "
"doutras novas, porque poden interferir coas que existen."

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:77,
#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:79,
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:259
msgid "Upgrading table "
msgstr "Actualizando táboa"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainbounces.php:75
msgid "Total sent emails"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:164
msgid "spage"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:344,
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:348
msgid "update"
msgstr "Actualizar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:360
msgid "Subject of the message subscribers receive when they sign up"
msgstr "Asunto da mensaxe que reciben os subscritores cando se rexistran"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:42
msgid "Continue the Configuration process of phpList"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:344
msgid "Incorrect processing secret"
msgstr "Contrasinal de procesamento incorrecto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:508
msgid ""
"Part of the message that is sent to their new email address when subscribers "
"change their information, and the email address has changed"
msgstr ""
"Parte da mensaxe que se envía ao seu novo enderezo de correo electrónico "
"cando os subscritores cambian a súa información, e o enderezo de correo "
"electrónico cambiou"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:80,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:162
msgid "Name of field"
msgstr "Nome do campo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:924
msgid "The upload has the following limits set by the server"
msgstr "A carga ten os seguintes límites establecidos polo servidor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:240
msgid "phpList Setup"
msgstr "Configuración de phpList"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:262
msgid "pagetitlehover:userhistory"
msgstr "Ver o historial do perfil dun subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1740,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:37
msgid "Oct"
msgstr "Out"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:88,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:137,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:159
msgid "clickrate"
msgstr "Taxa de clic"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:113
msgid "does not exist"
msgstr "non existe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/addemail.php:26
msgid "Adding email address failed, try again later"
msgstr ""
"Produciuse un erro ao engadir o enderezo de correo electrónico. Téntao de "
"novo máis tarde"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:137,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:90
msgid ""
"Something went wrong while uploading the file. Empty file received. Maybe "
"the file is too big, or you have no permissions to read it."
msgstr ""
"Produciuse un erro ao cargar o ficheiro. Recibiuse un ficheiro baleiro. "
"Quizais o ficheiro sexa demasiado grande ou non teñas permisos para lelo."

#: public_html/lists/admin/subscribelib2.php:338
msgid "Email is blacklisted, so request for confirmation has been sent."
msgstr ""
"O subscritor está na lista negra, polo que enviouse a solicitude de "

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:88
msgid "campaigns deleted"
msgstr "Campañas eliminadas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:151
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Exportar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:70
msgid "Images stored"
msgstr "Imaxes almacenadas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/viewtemplate.php:21
msgid "Back to edit template"
msgstr "Volver para editar o modelo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:420
msgid "Delete tagged attributes"
msgstr "Eliminar atributos marcados"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:234
msgid "pagetitlehover:import3"
msgstr "Importar subscritores dende IMAP"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:144
msgid "draft"
msgstr "borrador"

#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:39
msgid "Import subscribers"
msgstr "Importar subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:21
msgid "The plugin "
msgstr "O plugin "

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:186
msgid "Marking all subscribers to receive text"
msgstr "Marcando todos os subscritores para recibir texto"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:369
msgid "subscription-ui settings"
msgstr "Configuración da interface de subscrición"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:78,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:82,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:100,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:137,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:194,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:113,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:160
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Título"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:102,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:103,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:41,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/bounces.php:44
msgid "view"
msgstr "ver"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:74,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:76
msgid "remove"
msgstr "Eliminar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:108
#, php-format
msgid "next batch of %s in %s"
msgstr "seguinte lote de %s en %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:354
#, php-format
msgid "Information needed for %s"
msgstr "Información necesaria para %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:748,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:243
msgid ""
"If you are going to send notification to users, you may want to add a little "
"delay between messages"
msgstr ""
"Se vas enviar notificacións aos subscritores, quizais queiras engadir un "
"pequeno atraso entre mensaxes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:169
msgid "login"
msgstr "iniciar sesión"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:436,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:606
msgid "Confirm Import"
msgstr "Confirmar a importación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:41
msgid "You cannot delete yourself"
msgstr "Non podes eliminarte a ti mesmo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:423,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:281,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:87,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:414
msgid "subscribers"
msgstr "Subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:303
msgid "Trying to fix subscribers with an invalid email"
msgstr ""
"Tentando corrixir os subscritores cun enderezo de correo electrónico non "

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:208,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:251,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:310
msgid "send"
msgstr "Enviar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1723,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:20,
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:34
msgid "August"
msgstr "Agosto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:487
msgid "goodbye"
msgstr "adeus"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:297
msgid "pagetitle:eventlog"
msgstr "Rexistro de eventos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:60
msgid "Click statistics"
msgstr "Estatísticas de clics"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:482
#, php-format
msgid "To move all subscribers who are not subscribed to any list to %s"
msgstr ""
"Para mover a %s a todos os subscritores que non estean subscritos a ningunha "

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:29,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:220
#, php-format
msgid "ok, %d lines"
msgstr "ok, %d liñas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/convertstats.php:72
msgid "converting data"
msgstr "convertendo datos"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:200
msgid "Count of matching bounces on this rule"
msgstr "Reconto dos rebotes atopados con esta regra"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:72
msgid "Sent as Text and HTML"
msgstr "Enviado como Texto e HTML"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:431
msgid ""
"Subject of the message subscribers receive after confirming their email "
msgstr ""
"Asunto da mensaxe que reciben os subscritores despois de confirmar o seu "
"enderezo de correo electrónico"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:139
msgid "Time Created"
msgstr "Hora de creación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:82
msgid "The passwords you entered are not the same."
msgstr "Os contrasinais que introduciches non son os mesmos."

#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:25
msgid "No template have been defined"
msgstr "Non se definiu ningún modelo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:334
msgid "setup"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:269
msgid ""
"the users you are adding will be sent the request for confirmation of "
"subscription to which they will have to reply. This is recommended, because "
"it will identify invalid emails."
msgstr ""
"aos subscritores que estea engadindo enviaráselles a solicitude de "
"confirmación da subscrición á que terán que responder. Isto é recomendable, "
"porque identificará correos electrónicos non válidos."

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:570,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:836,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:94,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:253,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:142
msgid "text"
msgstr "texto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:74,
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:256
msgid "Upgrading the database to use UTF-8, please wait"
msgstr "Actualizando a base de datos para usar UTF-8, agarda"

#: public_html/lists/admin/convertstats.php:51
msgid "creating tables done"
msgstr "creación de táboas feita"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:140,
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:298
msgid "Configure"
msgstr "Configurar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:100
msgid ""
"The translations are provided by the <a href=\"https://translate.phplist.org/"
"about/contributors/\">phpList translation community</a>"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaults.php:44
msgid "Loading"
msgstr "Cargando"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:122
msgid "Import administrators, please wait"
msgstr "Importando administradores, por favor, agarda"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1370
msgid "Message campaign finished"
msgstr "Campaña rematada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:45
msgid "Deleted all entries older than 2 months"
msgstr "Elimináronse todas as entradas de máis de 2 meses"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import.php:42
msgid "import by uploading a CSV file with emails and additional data"
msgstr ""
"Importa cargando un ficheiro CSV con enderezos de correo electrónico e datos "

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:174,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:183
msgid "ID in forward table"
msgstr "ID na táboa de reenvíos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:35
msgid "Suppression list"
msgstr "Lista de baixas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:171
msgid ""
"PHP has no <a href=\"http://php.net/zip\">Zip capability</a>. This is "
"required to allow installation from a remote URL"
msgstr ""
"PHP non ten <a href=\"http://php.net/zip\">capacidade Zip</a>. Isto é "
"necesario para permitir a instalación desde unha URL remota"

#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:94,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:324,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:374,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:419
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Borrar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:437
msgid "Test Output"
msgstr "Probar a saída"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:573
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Anexar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:738
msgid "Retain Old User Email"
msgstr "Conservar o correo electrónico antigo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:35
msgid "Import list of admins"
msgstr "Importar lista de administradores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2041
msgid "Remote queue processing has been activated successfully"
msgstr "O procesamento remoto da fila activouse correctamente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:470
#, php-format
msgid "Mark all subscribers on list %s confirmed"
msgstr "Marcar a todos os subscritores da lista %s como confirmados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:75
msgid "The name of your organisation"
msgstr "O nome da túa organización"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:22
msgid ""
"You currently have no rules defined.      You can click \"Generate Bounce "
"Rules\" in order to auto-generate rules from your existing bounces.      "
"This will results in a lot of rules which you will need to review and "
"activate.      It will however, not catch every single bounce, so it will be "
"necessary to add new rules over      time when new bounces come in."
msgstr ""
"Actualmente non tes regras definidas. Podes facer clic en Xerar regras de "
"rebotes para xerar regras automáticas a partir dos teus rebotes existentes. "
"Isto dará lugar a moitas regras que terás que revisar e activar. Non "
"obstante, non capturará todos os rebotes, polo que será necesario engadir "
"novas regras co paso do tempo cando se produzan novos rebotes."

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:166
msgid "From email address for system messages"
msgstr "Dirección de correo remitente para as mensaxes do sistema"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:346
msgid "pagetitlehover:bouncerule"
msgstr "Xestionar a regra que determina que facer cos correos rebotados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:198
msgid "Send this campaign to another list"
msgstr "Enviar esta campaña a outra lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:82
#, php-format
msgid "Made subscriber %s unconfirmed"
msgstr "Converteuse ao subscritor %s en non confirmado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:100
msgid "Open statistics"
msgstr "Abrir estatísticas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:239
msgid " user imported as "
msgstr " subscritor importado como "

#: public_html/lists/admin/dbcheck.php:87
msgid "unique"
msgstr "único"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:208
msgid "Top 25 domains with the highest number of bounces"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:160
msgid "Marking all subscribers confirmed"
msgstr "Marcando todos os subscritores confirmados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mergeduplicatelists.php:15
#, php-format
msgid "%d subscribers moved"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:92
msgid "Attachment ID"
msgstr "ID do adxunto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:193
msgid "Send email"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:102,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:137
msgid "Start a new campaign"
msgstr "Comezar unha nova campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1727,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:24,
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:38
msgid "December"
msgstr "Decembro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:156
msgid "Control values for"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:68
msgid "Template to use"
msgstr "Modelo a usar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:92,
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:270
msgid "upgrade to UTF-8, done"
msgstr "Actualización a UTF-8, feita"

#: public_html/lists/admin/phpListAdminAuthentication.php:46,
#: public_html/lists/admin/phpListAdminAuthentication.php:102
msgid "your account has been disabled"
msgstr " a túa conta foi desactivada"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:25,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:143
msgid "Last time password was changed"
msgstr "Último cambio de contrasinal"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:356
msgid "All"
msgstr "Todo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:950
#, php-format
msgid "Limit for this campaign reached: %d (%d)"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:110
msgid "Id"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:54
msgid "Text version of Message"
msgstr "Versión do texto da Mensaxe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:132
msgid "Cannot delete"
msgstr "Non se pode eliminar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:200
msgid "Do not save, and go back to the lists"
msgstr "Non gardar, e volver ás listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:259,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:373,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1301,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1307,
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:59
msgid "Review Scheduling"
msgstr "Revisar a programación"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:312
msgid "pagetitlehover:mclicks"
msgstr "Estatísticas de subscritores que clicaron en ligazóns de campañas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:156,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:116
msgid "Mime Type"
msgstr "Tipo Mime"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:92
msgid "Replace with"
msgstr "Substituír por"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:148
msgid "Configure Attributes"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1106
#, php-format
msgid ""
"About %d users to receive HTML and %s users to receive text version of email"
msgstr ""
"Aproximadamente %d subscritores para recibir a versión HTML e %s "
"subscritores para recibir a versión de texto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:101
msgid "When the record was changed"
msgstr "Cando se cambiou o rexistro"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:341
msgid "pagetitle:listbounces"
msgstr "Ver rebotes por lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:332
msgid "Check that all images have a full URL"
msgstr "Comproba que todas as imaxes teñan unha URL completa"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:756
msgid "users apply for attributes, now checking lists"
msgstr "subscritores correspondentes aos atributos, agora comprobando listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:727
msgid "Assign Invalid"
msgstr "Asignación non válida"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:94
msgid "Find an admin"
msgstr "Buscar un administrador"

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:251
msgid "start a new campaign targetting all lists"
msgstr "Comezar unha nova campaña dirixida a todas as listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:481
msgid "Force set, killing other send processes"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:30
msgid "History Summary"
msgstr "Resumo Histórico"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:829
msgid "Report of advanced bounce processing:"
msgstr "Informe de procesamento de rebotes avanzado:"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:227
msgid "pagetitle:checki18n"
msgstr "Comprobar que existen traducións"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:58
msgid "Blacklist info"
msgstr "Información da lista negra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:48
msgid "add_list"
msgstr "Engadir unha nova lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:939
msgid "filename"
msgstr "Nome do ficheiro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:243
msgid ""
"You are trying to send a remote URL, but PEAR::HTTP_Request or CURL is not "
"available, so this will fail"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:557
#, php-format
msgid "processed %d out of %d bounces for advanced bounce rules"
msgstr "procesados %d de %d rebotes para as regras de rebote avanzadas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:97
#, php-format
msgid "Deleting bounce %d .. "
msgstr "Eliminando o rebote %d "

#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:88
msgid "URL Click Statistics"
msgstr "Estatísticas clics URL"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:353
msgid "pagetitle:updatetranslation"
msgstr "Actualizar traducións"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:49
msgid "Top 50 domains with more than 5 subscribers"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:72
msgid "Available Messages"
msgstr "Campañas dispoñibles"

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:19
msgid "The settings have been reset to the phpList default"
msgstr "A configuración restableceuse ao valor predeterminado de phpList"

#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:50
msgid "Deleted all entries"
msgstr "Eliminadas todas as entradas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:75
msgid "Subscriber clicks for a URL in a campaign"
msgstr "O subscritor fai clic nunha URL nunha campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:103
#, php-format
msgid "%d lines processed"
msgstr "Procesáronse %d liñas"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:179,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:187
msgid "Number of clicks from HTML emails"
msgstr "Número de clics dende correos HTML"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:464,
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:293
msgid "Check out"
msgstr "Consultar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:288
msgid "Don't know how to"
msgstr "Non sei como"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:11,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:156
msgid "PKey"
msgstr "PKey"

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:209
#, php-format
msgid "Merging %s into %d"
msgstr "Mesturando %s en %d"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:360,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:998,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1362,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:309
msgid "Send Test"
msgstr "Enviar test"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:343
msgid "Cleaning some user tables of invalid entries"
msgstr "Limpando algunhas táboas de usuarios de entradas non válidas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:139,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:475
msgid "bncs"
msgstr "rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:550
msgid ""
"Your PHP version is out of date. phpList requires PHP version 5.3.3 or "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:364
msgid "system settings"
msgstr "Configuración do sistema"

#: public_html/lists/admin/subscribelib2.php:99
msgid ""
"    This is a notification of a possible spam attack to your phplist "
"subscribe page.\n"
"    The data submitted has been copied below, so you can check whether this "
"was actually the case.\n"
"    The submitted data has been converted into non-html characters, for "
"security reasons.\n"
"    If you want to stop receiving this message, set\n"
"     define(\"NOTIFY_SPAM\",0);\n"
"     in your phplist config file.\n"
"     This subscriber has NOT been added to the database.\n"
"     If there is an error, you will need to  add them manually.\n"
"---  "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:700
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The following limits are set by your server:<br/>Maximum size of a total "
"data sent to server: %s<br/>Maximum size of each individual file: %s"
msgstr ""
"O teu servidor establece os seguintes límites:<br/>Tamaño máximo dun total "
"de datos enviados ao servidor: %s<br/>Tamaño máximo de cada ficheiro "
"individual: %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:155,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:192
msgid "can't connect"
msgstr "non se pode conectar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:139
msgid "List name"
msgstr "Nome da lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/checkurl.php:37
msgid "Please verify that the URL entered is correct."
msgstr "Por favor, verifica que a URL introducida é correcta."

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:337
msgid "Script finished, but not all messages have been sent yet."
msgstr "O script rematou, pero aínda non se enviaron todas as mensaxes."

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "%d subscribers were matched by foreign key, %d by email"
msgstr ""
"%d subscritores foron coincidentes por clave externa, %d por correo "

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:290
msgid "pagetitlehover:bounces"
msgstr "Ver os correos rebotados no sistema"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:144
msgid "Plugin installed successfully"
msgstr "Plugin instalado con éxito"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:109
msgid "order"
msgstr "Orde"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:147,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:573
msgid "clear value"
msgstr "limpar valor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:115,
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:61
msgid "Categories saved"
msgstr "As categorías gardáronse"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:49
msgid "subject"
msgstr "Asunto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/addemail.php:14
msgid "That is not a valid email address"
msgstr "Ese non é un enderezo de correo electrónico válido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainbounces.php:79
msgid "Bounce rate"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/index.php:658
#, php-format
msgid "You are logged in as administrator (%s) of this phpList system"
msgstr "Iniciaches sesión como administrador (%s) deste sistema de phpList"

#: public_html/lists/index.php:1144
#, php-format
msgid "%s tried forwarding message %d to %s but failed"
msgstr "%s intentou reenviar a mensaxe %d a %s pero fallou"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:171,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:176,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:185
msgid "When last clicked"
msgstr "Cando foi o último clic"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:43
msgid "Error processing"
msgstr "Erro procesando"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1367
msgid "Public list"
msgstr "Lista pública"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/user.php:19
#, php-format
msgid "Manually blacklisted by %s"
msgstr "Posto en lista negra manualmente por %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:390
msgid ""
"Subscriber is blacklisted. No emails will be sent to this email address."
msgstr ""
"O subscritor está na lista negra. Non se enviarán correos electrónicos a "
"este enderezo de correo electrónico."

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:17
msgid ""
"The concept behind Open Source is collaboration. An organised network of "
"many contributors where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts."
msgstr ""
"O concepto detrás do código aberto é a colaboración. Unha rede organizada de "
"moitos colaboradores onde o todo é maior que a suma das súas partes."

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:29,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:33,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:39,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:46,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:57,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:86,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:109
msgid "Modified"
msgstr "Modificado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:805
#, php-format
msgid "%d consecutive bounces, threshold reached"
msgstr "%d rebotes consecutivos, límite alcanzado"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:20,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:48,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:192
msgid "UUID"
msgstr "UUID"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:254
msgid "pagetitlehover:users"
msgstr "Buscar subscritores no sistema"

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:225
msgid "Search lists"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:185,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:98,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:99
msgid "edit"
msgstr "editar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainbounces.php:71
msgid "Total bounced emails"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:104
msgid "Based on changelog"
msgstr "Basado no rexistro de cambios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:607
msgid "statistics"
msgstr "Estatísticas"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:41
msgid "Admin who is owner of this list"
msgstr "Administrador que é dono deste listado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:539
msgid "here."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:51
msgid ""
"Some characters that are not valid have been found. These might be "
"delimiters. Please check the file and select the right delimiter. Character "
msgstr ""
"Atopáronse algúns caracteres que non son válidos. Estes poden ser "
"delimitadores. Comproba o ficheiro e selecciona o delimitador correcto. "
"Caracter atopado:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:100,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:52
msgid "File too big, please split it up into smaller ones"
msgstr "O ficheiro é demasiado grande, divídeo noutros máis pequenos"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:244
msgid "pagetitlehover:initialise"
msgstr ""
"Crear todas as táboas de base de datos necesarias para facer funcionar "
"correctamente phpList"

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1071,
#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1086
msgid "phpList system error"
msgstr "Erro do sistema phpList"

#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/interfacelib.php:1034
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "Ocultar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:199
msgid ""
"Warning: You indicated the content was not HTML, but there were  some HTML  "
"tags in it. This  may  cause  errors"
msgstr ""
"Aviso: indicaches que o contido non era HTML, pero había algunhas etiquetas "
"HTML nel. Isto pode causar erros"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:960
msgid "batch limit reached"
msgstr "alcanzouse o límite de lote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/bounces.php:48
msgid "Transactional message"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:95,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:96
msgid "match"
msgstr "correspondencia"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:40
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Activo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:183,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:226,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:97,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:326,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:395
msgid "Go"
msgstr "Ir"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:768
msgid "No users apply for attributes"
msgstr "Ningún subscritor corresponde aos atributos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:48
msgid "Donate to support phpList development"
msgstr "Doar para apoiar o desenvolvemento de phpList"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:126
msgid "Not a full URL"
msgstr "Non é unha URL completa"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1349
msgid "Save as draft"
msgstr "Gardar como borrador"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:94,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:523,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:134
msgid "Record has no email"
msgstr "O rexistro non ten correo electrónico"

#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:97
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "Filtro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/checkurl.php:35
msgid "URL is valid"
msgstr "A URL non é válida"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:913,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:227
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "Pé"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:719
msgid "Show Warnings"
msgstr "Amosar avisos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:133
msgid "No Title"
msgstr "Non ten título"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:75
#, php-format
msgid "Giving a Unique ID to %d subscribers, this may take a while"
msgstr "Dándolle un ID único a %d subscritores, isto pode levar un tempo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:749,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:244
msgid "(default is nothing, will send as fast as it can)"
msgstr "(o valor por defecto está baleiro, enviarase o máis rápido posible)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:531
msgid "No emails found"
msgstr "Non se atoparon emails"

#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:49
msgid "Configure attributes"
msgstr "Configurar atributos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:560,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:584,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:708
msgid "Content"
msgstr "Contido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/checkurl.php:23,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/checkurl.php:25,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/checkurl.php:30
msgid "Error fetching URL"
msgstr "Produciuse un erro ao obter a URL"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:273,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:108
#, php-format
msgid "%d invalid email addresses"
msgstr "%d enderezos de correo electrónico non válidos"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:67
msgid "Format to send this message in"
msgstr "Formato no que enviar esta mensaxe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:242
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%d emails were found on the do-not-send-list and have not been added to the "
msgstr ""
"Atopáronse %d correos electrónicos na lista de non enviar e non se engadiron "
"ás listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:87
msgid "no related bounces found"
msgstr "non se atoparon rebotes relacionados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:583
#, php-format
msgid "You have %s campaign(s) in the queue, ready for processing"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:237
msgid "pagetitle:import1"
msgstr "Importar subscritores dende un ficheiro de texto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:275
msgid "Message Functions"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:213
msgid "Display list categories on subscribe page"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:233
#, php-format
msgid "Subscriber added to list %s"
msgstr "Engadiuse un subscritor á lista %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:232
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "oculto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:335
msgid "Preferences page"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:214
msgid "Can only merge attributes of the same type"
msgstr "Só se poden mesturar atributos do mesmo tipo"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:319
msgid "pagetitle:usermgt"
msgstr "Xestionar subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:12
#, fuzzy
msgid "Version"
msgstr "versión"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:535
msgid "Download the new version"
msgstr "Descargar a nova versión"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:215
msgid "Deleting subscribers with more than"
msgstr "Eliminando subscritores con máis de"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:508
msgid "These records were added, but the email has been made up from "
msgstr "Engadíronse estes rexistros, pero o correo electrónico foi feito desde "

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:598
msgid "Footer of public pages"
msgstr "Pé de páxina das páxinas públicas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:246
msgid "added to attribute"
msgstr "engadido ao atributo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:115
msgid "Del"
msgstr "Borrar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:519
msgid "Running DEV version, but developer email is not set"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:284
msgid "pagetitlehover:admins"
msgstr ""
"Ver, editar e engadir administradores que teñen acceso a todo ou parte do "
"sistema de phpList"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:202,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:217
msgid "Change order"
msgstr "Cambiar orde"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:778,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:819
msgid "week"
msgstr "semana"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1050
msgid "Estimated size of HTML email"
msgstr "Tamaño estimado da mensaxe HTML"

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:383
msgid ""
"Giving a UUID to your subscribers and campaigns. If you have a lot of them, "
"this may take a while."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:236
msgid "Sending test \"Welcome\" to"
msgstr "Enviando proba de \"Benvida\" a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:13
msgid "View Bounces per list"
msgstr "Ver rebotes por lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:82
msgid "No Rules found"
msgstr "Non se atoparon regras"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:483
msgid "Main page"
msgstr "Panel de control"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/viewtemplate.php:5,
#: public_html/lists/admin/viewtemplate.php:27
msgid "Sample Newsletter Content"
msgstr "Mostra de contido do boletín"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:419
msgid "Processed messages will be deleted from mailbox"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:214,
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:235
msgid "Invalid value for email address"
msgstr "Valor non válido para o enderezo de correo electrónico"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:56
msgid "To install phpList, you need to enable Javascript"
msgstr "Para instalar phpList, necesitas habilitar JavaScript"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:503
msgid "success"
msgstr "éxito"

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:95
msgid "Export all subscribers"
msgstr "Exportar todos os subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:138
msgid "Failed, you cannot delete yourself"
msgstr "Produciuse un erro, non podes eliminarte a ti mesmo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:19
msgid ""
"To avoid overloading the system, this will convert 10000 records at a time"
msgstr ""
"Para evitar a sobrecarga do sistema, converteranse 10000 rexistros á vez"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:385
msgid "The following events occured while processing the message queue:"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:144
msgid "Is this admin Super Admin?"
msgstr "Este administrador é superadministrador?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:402
#, php-format
msgid "%d bounces to fetch from the mailbox"
msgstr "%d rebotes a recuperar da caixa de correo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:570
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Formato"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:449
msgid "Not deleting unprocessed message"
msgstr "Sen borrar mensaxes non procesadas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/logout.php:17
msgid ""
"You have been logged out, because the session token of your request was "
msgstr ""
"Pechouse a sesión porque o token de sesión da túa solicitude era incorrecto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgbounces.php:58
msgid "Choose a campaign"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:401
msgid "Subject of the message subscribers receive when they unsubscribe"
msgstr "Asunto da mensaxe que reciben os subscritores cando se dan de baixa"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:22
msgid "Which page was used to subscribe"
msgstr "Que páxina foi usada para subscribirse"

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:351
msgid "Load data from"
msgstr "Cargar os datos dende"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:346
msgid "Do Import"
msgstr "Facer importación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:395,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:183,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:223
msgid "Delete will delete user and all listmemberships"
msgstr "Eliminar eliminará o subscritor e todos os membros da lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:30
msgid "unconfirm subscriber and delete bounce"
msgstr "Desconfirmar o subscritor e eliminar o rebote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:231,
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:238,
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:245,
#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:32,
#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:40
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:270
msgid "Send&nbsp;Notification&nbsp;email&nbsp;"
msgstr "Enviar&nbsp;notificación&nbsp;correo electrónico&nbsp;"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:270
msgid "pagetitlehover:defaults"
msgstr ""
"Escoller entre varios atributos comúns proporcionados pola comunidade de "

#: public_html/lists/index.php:663
msgid "Send this subscriber a request for confirmation email"
msgstr ""
"Enviar a este subscritor unha solicitude de correo electrónico de "

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:134
msgid ""
"The following subscriber(s) are dependent on this value<br />Update the "
"subscriber profiles to not use this attribute value and try again"
msgstr ""
"Os seguintes subscritores dependen deste valor<br />Actualiza os perfís de "
"subscritores para non usar este valor de atributo e téntao de novo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:55
msgid "activate this rule and go to the next candidate"
msgstr "activar esta regra e ir ao seguinte candidato"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:57
msgid "Add a user"
msgstr "Engadir un subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mergeduplicatelists.php:18
#, php-format
msgid "%d campaigns moved"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:65
msgid "Up-to-date"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:241
msgid "Send notifications about subscribe, update and unsubscribe"
msgstr ""
"Enviar notificacións sobre subscribirse, actualizar e cancelar a subscrición"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:198
msgid "Empty loginname, using email:"
msgstr "Nome de inicio de sesión baleiro, usando o correo electrónico:"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:52
msgid "reply-to"
msgstr "responder a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:561
msgid "Documentation about this error"
msgstr "Documentación sobre este erro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:114,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:161
msgid "subscribers were copied to"
msgstr "os subscritores foron copiados a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultplugin.php:355
msgid "choose"
msgstr "escoller"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:288
msgid "Marking as sent "
msgstr "Marcado como enviado "

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:320
#, php-format
msgid "Adding attachment %d failed"
msgstr "Produciuse un erro ao engadir o anexo %d"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:539
msgid "automatic updater"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:123
msgid "make inactive"
msgstr "Desactivar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:328
msgid "pagetitlehover:statsmgt"
msgstr "Lista de funcións habituais de estatísticas en phpList"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:165,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:141
msgid "Add new Rule"
msgstr "Engadir unha nova regra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1369
msgid "Private list"
msgstr "Lista privada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:336
msgid "Plugin can not be enabled."
msgstr "O plugin non se pode activar."

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2285
msgid "It should be soon now, your page content is almost here."
msgstr "Debería rematar pronto. O contido da túa páxina está case listo."

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1111
#, php-format
msgid "%s is currently over throttle limit of %d per %d seconds"
msgstr ""
"%s actualmente está por enriba do límite de regulación de tráfico, "
"establecido en %d por %d segundos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:93
#, php-format
msgid "Deleted subscriber %d"
msgstr "Eliminouse o subscritor %d"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:135
msgid "Theme for phpList"
msgstr "Tema para phpList"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:291
msgid "Documentation Page"
msgstr "Páxina de documentación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:832
msgid ""
"Below are users who have been marked unconfirmed. The number in () is the "
"number of consecutive bounces."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:443
#, php-format
msgid "You can send a test mail once every %d seconds"
msgstr "Podes enviar un correo de proba unha vez cada %d segundos"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:365
msgid "security settings"
msgstr "Configuración de seguridade"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:613
#, php-format
msgid "%d campaigns to process."
msgstr "%d campañas para procesar."

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:226
msgid "pagetitlehover:editlist"
msgstr "Cambiar os detalles dunha lista"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:38
msgid "Rss Feed"
msgstr "Fonte RSS"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1416,
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1419,
#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:131
msgid "Select all"
msgstr "Seleccionar todo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:51
msgid "subscriber is blacklisted since"
msgstr "O subscritor está na lista negra desde entón"

#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:93
msgid "save"
msgstr "Gardar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:62
#, php-format
msgid "Number of %s rules: %d"
msgstr "Número de %s regras: %d"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:442
msgid "-All-"
msgstr "-Todo-"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:131
msgid "Status of forward"
msgstr "Estado do reenvío"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:365
msgid "admin"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:187
msgid "Your privileges for this page are insufficient"
msgstr "Os teus privilexios para esta páxina son insuficientes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:346
msgid ""
"<h3>Thanks, you have been added to our newsletter</h3><p>You will receive an "
"email to confirm your subscription. Please click the link in the email to "
msgstr ""
"<h3>Grazas, engadímoste ao noso boletín informativo</h3><p>Recibirás unha "
"mensaxe de correo electrónico para confirmar a túa subscrición. Fai clic na "
"ligazón do correo electrónico para confirmar</p>"

#: public_html/lists/admin/phpListAdminAuthentication.php:137
msgid "Nobody"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:76
msgid "Sent to"
msgstr "Enviado a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:632,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:633
msgid "Copy to Draft"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:710,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:877,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:878
msgid "Compose Message"
msgstr "Compoñer mensaxe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:75
msgid "Template saved and ready for use in campaigns"
msgstr "Modelo gardado e listo para usar en campañas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:47
msgid "Translation platform"
msgstr "Plataforma de tradución"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:665
msgid "Select the groups to add the users to"
msgstr "Selecciona os grupos aos que engadir os subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:296
msgid "Import some more administrators"
msgstr "Importar algúns administradores máis"

#: public_html/lists/admin/dbcheck.php:93
msgid "check"
msgstr "comprobar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:231
msgid "Body"
msgstr "Corpo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:78
msgid "Design implementation"
msgstr "Implementación do deseño"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:9
msgid "View Clicks by Message"
msgstr "Ver clics por campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2291
msgid "If the page does not load soon, please report this in the user forums."
msgstr ""
"Se a páxina non carga pronto, por favor, repórtao nos foros de usuarios."

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:180
msgid "Delete this bounce and go to the next"
msgstr "Eliminar este rebote e pasa ao seguinte"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/bounces.php:46,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/bounces.php:48
msgid "Campaign title"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/tests.php:52
msgid "Purpose"
msgstr "Finalidade"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:326
msgid "pagetitlehover:mviews"
msgstr "Ver quen abriu as campañas que se enviaron"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:358,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:307
msgid "Send test message"
msgstr "Enviar mensaxe de proba"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:87
msgid "All draft campaigns deleted"
msgstr "Elimináronse todos os borradores das campañas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:46
#, php-format
msgid ""
"All done, %d emails processed<br/>%d emails blacklisted<br/>%d emails "
"deleted<br/>%d emails not found"
msgstr ""
"Todo feito, %d correos electrónicos procesados<br/>%d correos electrónicos "
"na lista negra<br/>%d correos electrónicos eliminados<br/>%d correos "
"electrónicos non atopados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:24
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Sábado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:249
msgid "instead?"
msgstr "no seu lugar?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1726,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:23,
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:37
msgid "November"
msgstr "Novembro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:188,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:191
msgid "Add new"
msgstr "Engadir novo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:261
msgid "version"
msgstr "Versión"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:162
msgid "Copying attributes"
msgstr "Copiando atributos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:16,
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:451
#, php-format
msgid "You have %s entries in the old statistics table"
msgstr "Tes %s entradas na táboa de estatísticas antigas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:33
msgid "Error, the API key is incorrect"
msgstr "Erro, a clave API é incorrecta"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:926
msgid "Maximum size of each individual file"
msgstr "Tamaño máximo de cada ficheiro individual"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:60
msgid "Reset Import session"
msgstr "Restabelecer a sesión de importación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:185
msgid "Except when they were also member of these lists"
msgstr "Agás cando tamén eran membros destas listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:982
msgid ""
"Warning: the final message exceeds the sending limit, this campaign will "
"fail sending. Reduce the size by removing attachments or images"
msgstr ""
"Aviso: a mensaxe final supera o límite de envío, esta campaña fallará no "
"envío. Reduce o tamaño eliminando anexos ou imaxes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:9
msgid "File not found"
msgstr "Ficheiro non atopado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:757
msgid "Repeat campaign every"
msgstr "Repetir campaña cada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:862
msgid "Use Template"
msgstr "Usar modelo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/configure.php:75
msgid "Please upload an image file, PNG or JPG."
msgstr "Carga un ficheiro de imaxe, PNG ou JPG."

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/addemail.php:19
#, php-format
msgid "Added by %s"
msgstr "Engadido por %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:541
msgid "Subscription"
msgstr "Subscrición"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:340
msgid "Check that all external images exist"
msgstr "Comproba que existen todas as imaxes externas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:536
msgid "Associate system bounces to subscriber profiles"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/msgstatus.php:15,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:69
msgid "requeue"
msgstr "Volver a engadir á cola"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:14,
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:343,
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:249,
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:469
msgid "Upgrade"
msgstr "Actualizar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1339
msgid "Place Campaign in Queue for Sending"
msgstr "Coloca a campaña na cola para enviar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:61,
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:102
msgid "Events"
msgstr "Eventos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:147
msgid "Entries"
msgstr "Entradas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:176
msgid "* Too many errors, quitting"
msgstr "* Demasiados erros, saíndo"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:371
msgid "subscription settings"
msgstr "Configuración de subscrición"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/upgrade.php:14
#, php-format
msgid "%d Top Level Domains"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:32
msgid "System Information"
msgstr "Información do Sistema"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:473,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:486,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:503,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:519,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:585
msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Facer clic aquí"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:77,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:47
msgid "File is either too large or does not exist."
msgstr "O ficheiro é demasiado grande ou non existe."

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:160
msgid "Plugin installation failed"
msgstr "Fallou a instalación do plugin"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:667
msgid "last time TLDs were fetched"
msgstr "a última vez que os TLD foron obtidos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:228,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:512
msgid "emails were"
msgstr "os correos foron"

#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:41
msgid ""
"Once you have set up a few categories, come back to this page to classify "
"your lists with your categories."
msgstr ""
"Unha vez que configures algunhas categorías, volve a esta páxina para "
"clasificar as túas listas coas túas categorías."

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:129
msgid "Select the columns to include in the export"
msgstr "Seleccionar as columnas a incluír na exportación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:28
msgid "Invalid Request"
msgstr "solicitude non válida"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1195
msgid "Failed sending to"
msgstr "Fallou o envío a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:63
#, php-format
msgid ""
"You can set <pre>$default_system_language = \"%s\";</pre> in your config "
"file, to use your language as the fallback language."
msgstr ""
"Podes configurar <pre>$default_system_language = \"%is\";</pre> no teu "
"ficheiro de configuración, para usar o teu idioma como idioma alternativo."

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:179,
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:82
msgid "choose category"
msgstr "Escoller categoría"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:817
#, php-format
msgid "processed %d out of %d subscribers"
msgstr "Procesados %d de %d subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:85
msgid "links"
msgstr "Ligazóns"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:177,
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:90
msgid "Category"
msgstr "Categoría"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:173
msgid "Install a new plugin"
msgstr "Instalar un novo plugin"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:358
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Activado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:33
msgid "delete bounce"
msgstr "Eliminar rebote"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:224
msgid "pagetitlehover:editattributes"
msgstr "Editar os detalles dun atributo"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:253
msgid "pagetitle:users"
msgstr "Buscar subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:149
msgid "Uploaded avatar file too big"
msgstr "O ficheiro de avatar cargado é demasiado grande"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:51
msgid "Members of this list"
msgstr "Membros desta lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:73
msgid "Download addresses"
msgstr "Descargar enderezos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:258
msgid "description"
msgstr "Descrición"

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:368
msgid "forms"
msgstr "formularios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:229,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:224
msgid "Header"
msgstr "Cabeceira"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:302
msgid "Error, no mapped attribute for"
msgstr "Erro, non hai ningún atributo asignado para"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:77
msgid "stop processing"
msgstr "Deter o procesamento"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:147
msgid "Edit Administrator"
msgstr "Editar administrador"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:51
msgid "To send your queue, you can now use the phpList.com service"
msgstr "Para enviar a túa cola, agora podes usar o servizo phpList.com"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:271
msgid "pagetitle:upgrade"
msgstr "Actualizar base de datos de phpList"

#: public_html/lists/admin/convertstats.php:165
msgid "Optimizing table to recover space"
msgstr "Optimizando táboa para recuperar espazo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:93
msgid "in progress"
msgstr "en progreso"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:18,
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:452
msgid "Convert Old data to new"
msgstr "Converte datos antigos en novos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:140
msgid "view subscribers who clicked"
msgstr "Ver subscritores que clicaron"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2288
msgid "It will really be soon now until the page will display."
msgstr "A páxina amosarase moi pronto."

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:194,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:200
msgid "Create password"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:244
msgid "Don't offer choice, default to <b>text</b>"
msgstr "Non ofrecer opción, enviar <b>texto plano</b> por defecto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:64
msgid "Select another list"
msgstr "Seleccionar outra lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:26,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:74,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:81,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:102
msgid "Administrators"
msgstr "Administradores"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:301
msgid "pagetitle:viewrss"
msgstr "Ver elementos RSS"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:493
msgid "good afternoon"
msgstr "boas tardes"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:318
msgid "pagetitlehover:massremove"
msgstr "Eliminar subscritores do sistema "

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:242
msgid "Send Notification email"
msgstr "Enviar correo electrónico de notificación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:137
msgid "configure"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:237
msgid "All the emails already exist in the database."
msgstr "Todos os correos electrónicos xa existen na base de datos."

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:238
msgid "Text for Button"
msgstr "Texto para o botón"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:198
msgid "Administrator Functions"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:964
msgid "or"
msgstr "ou"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:225
msgid "Sending test"
msgstr "Enviando proba"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:311
msgid "Tag all users in this page"
msgstr "Etiquetar a todos os subscritores nesta páxina"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:515
msgid "All the emails already exist in the database and are members of the"
msgstr ""
"Todos os correos electrónicos xa existen na base de datos e son membros de"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:51
msgid "tofield"
msgstr "campo a"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:344
msgid "pagetitlehover:bouncerules"
msgstr "Xestionar as regras que determinan que facer cos correos enviados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:83,
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:103
msgid "Event"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:211
msgid "pagetitle:about"
msgstr "Sobre phpList"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:77
msgid "When did sending of this message start"
msgstr "Cando comezou o envío desta mensaxe"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:153
msgid "attribute number"
msgstr "número de atributo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/convertstats.php:170
msgid "Convert some more"
msgstr "Converter algo máis"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:248
msgid "Login Name"
msgstr "Nome de inicio de sesión"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1265
msgid "Unconfirmed user"
msgstr "Subscritor non confirmado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:675
msgid "Top level domains"
msgstr "Dominios de nivel superior"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:227,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:239,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:241
msgid "duplicate"
msgstr "duplicar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1738,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:35
msgid "Aug"
msgstr "Ago"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:104
#, php-format
msgid "%d email addresses added to the list(s)"
msgstr "%d enderezos de correo electrónico engadidos á(s) lista(s)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:922
msgid "Add attachments to your campaign"
msgstr "Engade anexos á túa campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/listbounces.php:61,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgbounces.php:81
msgid "None found"
msgstr "Non se atopou nada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/userlib.php:541
#, php-format
msgid "Removed from blacklist by %s"
msgstr "Eliminado da lista negra por %s"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:158
msgid "Admin's Id"
msgstr "ID do Admin"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:375,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:420
msgid "from this list"
msgstr "desta lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:308,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:339
msgid "Send Campaigns"
msgstr "Enviar campañas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/dbcheck.php:90
msgid "category"
msgstr "Categoría"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:212
msgid "Was subscribed to:"
msgstr "Estaba subscrito a:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:38
msgid ""
"Updating the regular expression of this rule caused an Sql conflict<br/>This "
"is probably because there is already a rule like that. Do you want to delete "
"this rule instead?"
msgstr ""
"A actualización da expresión regular desta regra provocou un conflito de SQL<"
"br/>Isto probablemente débese a que xa existe unha regra como esa. Queres "
"eliminar esta regra no seu lugar?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:190
msgid "adminattributes"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:58
msgid "No such template"
msgstr "Non existe ese modelo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:143
msgid "Total Clicks"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mergeduplicatelists.php:26,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/export.php:202,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:334
msgid "All done"
msgstr "Todo listo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:750,
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:125
msgid "Stop sending after"
msgstr "Parar o envío despois de"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:157
msgid "Remote list"
msgstr "Lista remota"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:189
msgid "forward ID"
msgstr "ID do reenvío"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:126
msgid "Bounce ID"
msgstr "ID do rebote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:103
msgid "Cannot find the email in the header"
msgstr "Non se pode atopar o correo electrónico na cabeceira"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:259
msgid "View Bounce"
msgstr "Ver rebote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultsystemtemplate.php:409
msgid "This default template already exists"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:285
msgid "List of Templates"
msgstr "Lista de modelos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:143
msgid "to resubmit for real"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:45
msgid "Developer resources &amp; documentation"
msgstr "Recursos para programadores &amp; documentación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:27
msgid ""
"You cannot create a new list because you have reached maximum number of "
msgstr ""
"Non podes crear unha nova lista porque alcanzaches o número máximo de listas."

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:324,
#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:134
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "Plugins"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:609
msgid "Processing has started,"
msgstr "O procesamento comezou,"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:264
msgid "Calculating"
msgstr "Calculando"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:88
msgid "continue"
msgstr "Continuar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:193
msgid "Import emails"
msgstr "Importar subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:33
msgid "In order to login, you need to enable cookies in your browser"
msgstr "Para iniciar sesión, debes habilitar as cookies no teu navegador"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:98
#, php-format
msgid "and more, %d in total"
msgstr "e máis, %d en total"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:309
msgid "pagetitle:logout"
msgstr "Pechar sesión"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:59
msgid "Please enter details of the remote Server"
msgstr "Introduce os detalles do servidor remoto"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:121
msgid "The bounce"
msgstr "O rebote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:124,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:237,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:232,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:243,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:24,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:142
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Contrasinal"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:46
msgid "Fetching plugin"
msgstr "Obtendo plugin"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:97
msgid "not active"
msgstr "Non activo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:632
msgid "Auto unconfirmed"
msgstr "Sen confirmar de modo automático"

#: public_html/lists/index.php:734
msgid ""
"Subscriber removed from Blacklist for manual confirmation of subscription"
msgstr ""
"Eliminouse un subscritor da lista de non enviar para a confirmación manual "
"da subscrición"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:106
msgid "\"not full URL"
msgstr "URL non completa"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:321
msgid "pagetitle:bouncemgt"
msgstr "Xestionar rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:73
msgid "select_lists"
msgstr "Seleccionar listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:69
msgid "Not installed"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:238
msgid "pagetitlehover:import1"
msgstr ""
"Importar subscritores subindo un ficheiro de texto plano con direccións de "
"correo electrónico"

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:368
msgid "used in"
msgstr "usado en"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:218
msgid "pagetitlehover:list"
msgstr "Listas ás que os subscritores poden unirse"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:47
msgid "Primary Key"
msgstr "Clave Primaria"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:932
msgid ""
"We have been waiting too long, I guess the other process is still going ok"
msgstr ""
"Levamos demasiado tempo esperando, supoño que o outro proceso aínda está ben"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:264
msgid "Mark new users as HTML"
msgstr "Marcar os novos subscritores como HTML"

#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/interfacelib.php:1032
msgid "Close this box"
msgstr "Pechar esta caixa"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:314
msgid "pagetitlehover:uclicks"
msgstr ""
"Estatísticas das URL que se enviaron en todas as campañas, listadas por URL"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:269
msgid "pagetitle:defaults"
msgstr "Valores por defecto dalgúns atributos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:1780,
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:1785
msgid "Error, incorrect session token"
msgstr "Erro, token de sesión incorrecto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:440
msgid "Not deleting processed message"
msgstr "Sen borrar mensaxe procesadas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:24
msgid "Remote queue processing settings were saved successfully"
msgstr "A configuración de procesamento da fila remota gardouse correctamente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:407
msgid "Please enter a subject"
msgstr "Por favor, introduce un asunto"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:240
msgid "pagetitlehover:import"
msgstr "Importar subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:145
msgid "Opened "
msgstr "Aberto "

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:78
msgid "if used as a RSS template, what frequency"
msgstr "se se usa como modelo RSS, que frecuencia"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:149
msgid "Always add Google tracking code to campaigns"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:175
msgid ""
"This includes all images, also fully referenced ones, so you may choose not "
"to upload some. If you upload images, they will be included in the campaigns "
"that use this template."
msgstr ""
"Isto inclúe todas as imaxes, tamén as completamente referenciadas, polo que "
"podes optar por non cargar algunhas. Se cargas imaxes, incluiranse nas "
"campañas que utilicen este modelo."

#: public_html/lists/admin/exportuserdata.php:7,
#: public_html/lists/admin/exportuserdata.php:16,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:8,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:18,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:9,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:44,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/bounces.php:9,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/bounces.php:19
msgid "no such User"
msgstr "Non existe ese subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:403
msgid "Please enter a from line."
msgstr "Por favor, introduce unha dirección de remitente."

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:539,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:246,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:608,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:533,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:128
msgid "Import some more emails"
msgstr "Importar algúns correos electrónicos máis"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:267
msgid "pagetitle:processqueue"
msgstr "Enviar a cola"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:863
msgid "select one"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:46
#, php-format
msgid "%d unidentified bounces older than 2 months have been deleted"
msgstr "Elimináronse %d rebotes non identificados de máis de 2 meses"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:935
msgid "Current Attachments"
msgstr "Anexos actuais"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:618
msgid "This may take a while"
msgstr "Isto pode levar un tempo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:64
msgid "Not Found"
msgstr "Non se atopou<br/>"

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:124
msgid "Date From:"
msgstr "Data dende:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:232
msgid "Dimensions of a textarea field (rows,columns)"
msgstr "dimensións dun campo de área de texto (filas, columnas)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:105
msgid "#bncs"
msgstr "#rbts"

#: public_html/lists/index.php:1133
#, php-format
msgid "%s has forwarded message %d to %s"
msgstr "%s reenviou a mensaxe %d a %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:81
msgid "Name cannot be empty"
msgstr "O nome non pode estar baleiro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:140
msgid "This bounce no longer exists in the database."
msgstr "Este rebote xa non existe na base de datos."

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:287
msgid "new administrator was"
msgstr "novo administrador foi"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:101
msgid "cannot connect to remote database"
msgstr "Non se puido conectar á base de datos remota"

#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:46
msgid ""
"Note: Links in emails will not work, because this is a test message, which "
"is deleted after sending"
msgstr ""
"Nota: as ligazóns dos correos electrónicos non funcionarán, porque esta é "
"unha mensaxe de proba, que se elimina despois de enviar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:251
msgid "pagetitle:members"
msgstr "Lista de membros"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:142
msgid "Default for 'address to alert when sending finishes'"
msgstr ""
"Direccións por defecto ás que alertar \"cando unha campaña de envíos remate\""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:700
msgid "From Line"
msgstr "Remitente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:397
msgid "Your session timed out, please log in again"
msgstr "A túa sesión esgotouse, inicia sesión de novo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1724,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:21,
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:35
msgid "September"
msgstr "Setembro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:619
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this campaign?"
msgstr "Seguro que queres borrar esta campaña?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:68
msgid "Search, edit and add Subscribers"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:315
msgid "pagetitle:massunconfirm"
msgstr "Lista de baixas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2070
msgid ""
"Make sure you are updated with new security and feature release "
"announcements (fewer than one message per month)"
msgstr ""
"Asegúrate de estar actualizado con novos anuncios de seguridade e de "
"lanzamento de funcións (menos dunha mensaxe ao mes)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:348
msgid "Campaign saved as draft"
msgstr "Campaña gardada como borrador"

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:309
msgid "Edit this list"
msgstr "Editar esta lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:85
msgid "Mark new users as HTML:"
msgstr "Seleccionar HTML para os novos usuarios"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:43
msgid "Subscriber ID"
msgstr "ID do subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:567
msgid "Forward"
msgstr "Reenviar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:32
msgid "blacklist email address and delete bounce"
msgstr ""
"Engadir o enderezo de correo electrónico á lista de non enviar e eliminar o "

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:64
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Contrasinal"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:249
msgid "Deleting unconfirmed subscribers who signed up after"
msgstr "Eliminando subscritores non confirmados que se rexistraron despois"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:169
msgid ""
"The PHP option for <a href=\"http://php.net/manual/en/filesystem."
"configuration.php#ini.allow-url-fopen\">URL-aware fopen wrappers</a> needs "
"to be enabled. This is required to allow installation from a remote URL"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:227
msgid "File containing emails:"
msgstr "Ficheiro que contén correos electrónicos:"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:197
msgid "Regex"
msgstr "Expresión regular"

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:81
msgid "email address cannot be empty"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:99
msgid "..Done, loading next bounce.."
msgstr "..Feito, cargando o seguinte rebote.."

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:252
msgid "Process the Message Queue"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/convertstats.php:6
msgid "Hint: this page also works from commandline"
msgstr "Consello: esta páxina tamén funciona desde a liña de comandos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:185
msgid "Create New Rule based on this bounce"
msgstr "Crear unha nova regra baseada neste rebote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:329
msgid "system message bounced, but unknown user"
msgstr "A mensaxe do sistema rebotou, pero o subscritor é descoñecido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:193
msgid "Cannot delete attribute, it is being used by the following forms:"
msgstr ""
"Non se pode eliminar o atributo, está a ser usado polos seguintes "

#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:94
msgid "To send your queue, you use the service from phpList.com"
msgstr "Para enviar a túa cola, usa o servizo de phpList.com"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:113
#, php-format
msgid "%d addresses were blacklisted and have not been subscribed to the list"
msgstr ""
"%d enderezos foron engadidos na lista negra e non foron subscritos á lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:174
msgid "For subscriber with email"
msgstr "Para subscritor con correo electrónico"

#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:40
msgid "No list categories have been defined"
msgstr "Non se definiu ningunha categoría de lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:97,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:526,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:136
msgid "Invalid Email"
msgstr "Correo electrónico non válido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:63
msgid "Created By"
msgstr "Creado por"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:329
msgid "pagetitle:statsoverview"
msgstr "Visión xeral das estatísticas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mergeduplicatelists.php:4
msgid "Merging lists"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:61
msgid "Number of seconds to requeue the message"
msgstr "Número de segundos para sumar a mensaxe á cola"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:294
msgid "Message they receive when they unsubscribe"
msgstr "Contido da mensaxe que reciben ao cancelar a subscrición"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:560
msgid "You are trying to use RSS, but XML is not included in your PHP"
msgstr "Estás tentando usar RSS, pero o XML non está incluído no teu PHP"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:236
msgid "Plugin must be updated manually"
msgstr "O plugin debe actualizarse manualmente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:308,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:102
msgid "action"
msgstr "Acción"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:24
msgid ""
"The temporary directory for uploading is not writable, so import will fail"
msgstr ""
"Non se pode escribir no directorio temporal de subida, polo que fallará a "

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:409,
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:240
msgid "Please do not interrupt this process"
msgstr "Por favor, non interrompas este proceso"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:621
msgid "delete this campaign"
msgstr "Borrar esta campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:157
msgid "Invalid plugin package"
msgstr "Paquete de plugins non válido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:606
msgid "Finish"
msgstr "Rematar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:159,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:101,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:117
msgid "rate"
msgstr "Taxa"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:168
msgid "password"
msgstr "Contrasinal"

#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:71
msgid "Re-edit all lists"
msgstr "Volver a editar todas as listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php:70
msgid ""
"Relinking transactional messages that bounced to the related subscriber "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:822
msgid "Requeue Until"
msgstr "Volver a engadir á cola ata"

#: public_html/lists/index.php:661
msgid "Go back to admin area"
msgstr "Volver á área de administración"

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:106
msgid "Acknowledgements"
msgstr "Agradecementos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:733,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:265,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:266
msgid "Overwrite Existing"
msgstr "Sobrescribir o existente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/checkbouncerules.php:46
msgid "bounce matched current active rules"
msgstr "os rebotes coinciden con algunha norma activa"

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:427
msgid "Read more"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:358,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:410,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:253,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:203,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:246,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:278,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:293,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:309,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:321,
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:37,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:130,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:300,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:48,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:136,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:240
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Feito"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reindex.php:21
#, php-format
msgid "Adding index <b>%s</b> to %s<br/>"
msgstr "Engadindo o índice <b>%s</b> a %s<br/>"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:715
msgid ""
"The pageroot in your config does not match the current locationCheck your "
"config file."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:148,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/configure.php:64,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:414,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:39,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:112,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:113,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:234,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:255
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Si"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:48,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:645,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:42
msgid "No lists available"
msgstr "Non hai listas dispoñibles"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:333
#, php-format
msgid "Plugin can not be enabled, because \"%s\" is enabled."
msgstr "O plugin non se pode activar porque \"%s\" está activado."

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:349,
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:5,
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:156,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:318,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:504,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:530,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:79,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:316,
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:416,
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:445,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:125,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:427
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "Gardar cambios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:372
msgid "No lists available, please create one first"
msgstr "Non hai listas dispoñibles, primeiro crea unha"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:334
msgid "pagetitlehover:dbcheck"
msgstr ""
"Comprobar que a estrutura da base de datos é correcta para a versión actual "
"do código"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:502,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:231
#, php-format
msgid "%d emails already existed in the database"
msgstr "Xa existían %d correos electrónicos na base de datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:365
msgid "Finished this run"
msgstr "Acabada esta pasada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:305
#, php-format
msgid "%d subscribers"
msgstr "%d subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/class.phplistmailer.php:324
#, php-format
msgid "Error, empty message-body sending email to %s"
msgstr "Erro, o corpo da mensaxe está baleiro ao enviar correo electrónico a %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:269,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:215,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:225,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:502,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:518,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:89,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:167
msgid "bounces"
msgstr "rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:347
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this subscriber from the system."
msgstr "Estás seguro de que queres eliminar este subscritor do sistema?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:82
msgid "Unique subscribers who clicked"
msgstr "Ver subscritores que clicaron"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:258
msgid "User marked unconfirmed"
msgstr "Subscritor marcado como non confirmado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:148
msgid "Please indicate how often you want to receive messages"
msgstr "Por favor, indica con que frecuencia queres recibir mensaxes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:257
msgid ""
"You seem to have quite a lot of lists, do you want to organise them in "
"categories? "
msgstr "Parece que tes bastantes listas, queres organizalas por categorías? "

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:579
msgid "Date they signed up before"
msgstr "Data de inscrición anterior a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2076
msgid "Do not subscribe"
msgstr "Non subscribirse"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:510,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:526
msgid ""
"These records were deleted. Check your source and reimport the data. "
"Duplicates will be identified."
msgstr ""
"Estes rexistros foron eliminados. Comproba a súa fonte e volve importar os "
"datos. Identificaranse os duplicados."

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/updatetranslation.php:31
msgid "No language terms found"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:82
msgid "Back to edit admin"
msgstr "Volver a editar admin"

#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:79
msgid "There are currently no statistics available"
msgstr "Actualmente non hai estatísticas dispoñibles"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:175
msgid "Increase bouncecount with"
msgstr "Incrementar o contador de rebotes con"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:370
msgid "list-organisation settings"
msgstr "Configuración da organización das listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:125,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:165
msgid "subscribers were deleted from this list"
msgstr "Os subscritores foron eliminados desta lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:60
msgid "Create public lists"
msgstr "Crear listas públicas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/export.php:14,
#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:31
msgid "That is not your list"
msgstr "Esta non é a túa lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php:62
msgid "Select another campaign"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1725,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:22,
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:36
msgid "October"
msgstr "Outubro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1314
msgid "destination lists missing"
msgstr "faltan as listas de destinos"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:203
msgid "adminid"
msgstr "adminid"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1286
msgid "Subscriber marked unconfirmed for invalid email address"
msgstr ""
"O subscritor marcouse como sen confirmar porque o enderezo de correo non é "

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:249
msgid "name"
msgstr "Nome"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:512
msgid "add"
msgstr "engadir"

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:986
#, php-format
msgid "Campaign %d suspended. Message too large"
msgstr "Campaña %d suspendida. A mensaxe é demasiado grande"

#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:9
msgid "search subscribers"
msgstr "Buscar subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:58,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:183,
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaults.php:115
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Engadir"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:497,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:84
msgid "Total clicks"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:324
msgid "pagetitlehover:domainstats"
msgstr "Estatísticas de dominios dos subscritores no sistema"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:318
msgid "initialise"
msgstr "Inicializar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:216
msgid "Inserting user"
msgstr "Insertando subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:143
msgid "There should only be ONE email per line."
msgstr "Só debería haber UN correo electrónico por liña."

#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:319
msgid "test_protocol not supported"
msgstr "test_protocol non é compatible"

#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:26,
#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:30
msgid "Foreign key"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:359
msgid "Request for confirmation"
msgstr "Solicitude de confirmación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:120
msgid "make active"
msgstr "Activar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:402
msgid "Find subscribers"
msgstr "Buscar subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:387
msgid "Error sending password change token"
msgstr "Produciuse un erro ao enviar o token de cambio de contrasinal"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:204
msgid "Moving subscribers who are not on any list to"
msgstr "Movendo subscritores que non están en ningunha lista a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:186,
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:191
msgid "Image name:"
msgstr "Nome da imaxe"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:95
msgid "The type of attachment"
msgstr "O tipo de adxunto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:91
msgid "Alternatively you can replace all values with another one:"
msgstr "Alternativamente, podes substituír todos os valores por outro:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:246,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:133
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Valor"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:221
msgid "pagetitle:catlists"
msgstr "Organizar listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/suppressionlist.php:35
msgid "Manage suppression list"
msgstr "Xestionar a lista de supresión"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:10
msgid "Value of this attribute for this subscriber"
msgstr "Valor deste atributo para este subscritor"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:360
msgid "pagetitlehover:hostedprocessqueuesetup"
msgstr "Configurar o procesamento de colas usando o servizo de phpList.com"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:348
msgid "dbcheck"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:202,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:252
msgid "No data changed"
msgstr "Non se cambiou ningún dato"

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:304,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:127
msgid "This will NOT remove the subscribers that are on this list."
msgstr "Isto NON eliminará os subscritores que están nesta lista."

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1731,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:28
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Xan"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:381
msgid "Campaign queued"
msgstr "Campaña engadida á cola"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:252
msgid "pagetitlehover:members"
msgstr "Ver os subscritores que son membros dunha lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/interfacelib.php:254
#, php-format
msgid "sort by %s"
msgstr "ordenar por %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:37,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:41
msgid "Embargo"
msgstr "Embargo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:82
msgid "Upgrading phpList to version "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:51
msgid "Import cleared"
msgstr "Importación despexada"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:66
msgid "Is this message HTML formatted"
msgstr "Está esta mensaxe formateada en HTML"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:335
msgid "Check this box to use this attribute in the page"
msgstr "Marcar esta caixa para usar este atributo na páxina"

#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:56
msgid "Mass remove email addresses"
msgstr "Eliminación masiva de enderezos de correo electrónico"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:988
msgid "Recently visited"
msgstr "Visitado recentemente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:165,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:146
msgid "Unique Clicks"
msgstr "Clics únicos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:60
msgid ""
"Please upload a plain text file only. You cannot use a spreadsheet. You can "
"only upload a plain text file with one email address per line."
msgstr ""
"Carga só un ficheiro de texto simple. Non se pode usar unha folla de "
"cálculo. Só podes cargar un ficheiro de texto simple cun enderezo de correo "
"electrónico por liña."

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:522
msgid ""
"Note: this will use the total count of bounces on a subscriber, not "
"consecutive bounces"
msgstr ""
"Nota: isto utilizará o reconto total de rebotes dun subscritor, non os "
"rebotes consecutivos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:953
#, php-format
msgid "Error sending message %d (%d/%d) to %s (%s) "
msgstr "Erro ao enviar a mensaxe %d (%d/%d) a %s (%s) "

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:69
msgid "Number Processed"
msgstr "Número Procesado"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:111
msgid "IP Address of who started it"
msgstr "Enderezo IP de quen o iniciou"

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:49
msgid ""
"You only have privileges to view this page, not change any of the information"
msgstr ""
"Só tes privilexios para ver esta páxina, non cambiar ningunha información"

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1105,
#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1107
#, php-format
msgid "Campaign %d suspended for too many errors with attachments"
msgstr "Campaña %d suspendida por demasiados erros cos anexos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:113
msgid "Secret for remote processing"
msgstr "Clave para procesamento remoto"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:141
msgid "Modified by"
msgstr "Modificado por"

#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:91
msgid "Link URL"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:57
msgid "Manage Campaigns"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:20
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Martes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:528,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:138
msgid "phplist Import Results"
msgstr "Resultados de importación a phpList"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:302
msgid "pagetitlehover:viewrss"
msgstr "Ver elementos RSS"

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:105
msgid "Changes not saved"
msgstr "Os cambios non se gardaron"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:51
msgid "campaign requeued"
msgstr "A campaña volveu á cola"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:714,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:327
msgid "Test output"
msgstr "Probar a saída"

#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:242
msgid "Processing first"
msgstr "Procesando o primeiro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:161
msgid "Test output: If the output looks ok, go Back to resubmit for real"
msgstr ""
"Proba de saída<br/>Se a saída parece correcta, vai a Volver para enviar de "

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:348
msgid "pagetitlehover:checkbouncerules"
msgstr "Comprobar regras de rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:744
msgid "Dates and times are relative to the Server Time"
msgstr "As datas e horas son relativas á hora do servidor"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:88
msgid "When added to blacklist"
msgstr "Cando foi engadido á lista negra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:116
msgid "Remote version is"
msgstr "A versión remota é"

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:410
msgid "Is this attribute required ?"
msgstr "Este atributo é obrigatorio?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:487,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:220
msgid "Total views"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:359,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:994,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:308
msgid "(comma separate addresses - all must be existing subscribers)"
msgstr ""
"(enderezos separados por coma - todos deben ser subscritores existentes)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:354
msgid "Campaign added"
msgstr "Campaña engadida"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:424
msgid "in the database"
msgstr "na base de datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:406
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Resumo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/addemail.php:19
msgid "Added with add-email on test"
msgstr "Engadido con correo electrónico adicional nas probas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:135
msgid "Default for 'address to alert when sending starts'"
msgstr ""
"Direccións por defecto ás que alertar \"cando unha campaña de envíos comece\""

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:59
msgid ""
"Your version is older than 3.2.0 and cannot be upgraded to this version. "
"Please upgrade to 3.2.0 first and then try again."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:97
msgid "Reset choice"
msgstr "Restablecer elección"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:467
msgid "error"
msgstr "Erro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:924
msgid "Sleeping for 20 seconds, aborting will quit"
msgstr "Descansando 20 segundos, interromper para saír"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:155,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:113
msgid "Comparison to other admins"
msgstr "Comparación con outros administradores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:406,
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:438,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:338
msgid "Default Value"
msgstr "Valor predefinido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:267,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:268
msgid "Only use complete addresses"
msgstr "Usar só enderezos completos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:78
msgid "Unnamed List"
msgstr "Lista sen nome"

#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:71
msgid "Add templates from default selection"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:115,
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:760,
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:781
msgid "Access Denied"
msgstr "Acceso denegado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:218
msgid "Language file to use"
msgstr "Ficheiro de idioma a usar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:144,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:234
msgid "Test output:"
msgstr "Probar a saída:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:387,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:19
msgid "Unique ID"
msgstr "ID único"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:463,
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:292
msgid "IMAP is not included in your PHP installation, cannot continue"
msgstr ""
"IMAP non está incluído na túa instalación de PHP, non é posible continuar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:384
msgid ""
"If the page times out, you can reload. Or otherwise try to run the upgrade "
"from commandline instead."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:109
msgid "Import Users"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/updatetranslation.php:12,
#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:16
msgid ""
"Unable to fetch list of languages, please check your network or try again "
msgstr ""
"Non se pode obter a lista de idiomas. Comproba a túa rede ou téntao de novo "
"máis tarde"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:62
msgid "bounce"
msgstr "rebote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:293
msgid "succesfully imported to the database and added to the system."
msgstr "Importouse correctamente á base de datos e engadiuse ao sistema."

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:360
msgid "View the eventlog"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:564,
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:290
msgid "More information"
msgstr "Máis información"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:368
msgid "transactional settings"
msgstr "Configuración transaccional"

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:111
msgid ""
"Unknown token or time expired (More than 24 hrs. passed since the "
"notification email was sent)"
msgstr ""
"Token descoñecido ou o tempo caducou (pasaron máis de 24 horas desde que se "
"enviou o correo electrónico de notificación)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:61
msgid "Paste the emails to remove in this box, and click continue"
msgstr ""
"Pega os correos electrónicos que queres eliminar nesta caixa e fai clic en "

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:409
msgid "Error: you can use an attribute in one rule only"
msgstr "Erro: só se pode usar un atributo nunha regra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:798
msgid "Requeue every"
msgstr "Volver engadir á cola cada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1101
msgid "Estimated size of mailout"
msgstr "Tamaño estimado do envío de correo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:90
msgid "No events available"
msgstr "Non hai eventos dispoñíbeis"

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:329
msgid "Download subscriber data"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:169
msgid "URL to forward to"
msgstr "URL para reenviar a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:241,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:162,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:388
msgid "messages"
msgstr "Mensaxes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:336
#, php-format
msgid "Failure on system requirement <strong>%s</strong>"
msgstr "Produciuse un erro no requisito do sistema <strong>%s</strong>"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:952
msgid "Delete checked"
msgstr "Eliminar marcado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:112
msgid "Waiting"
msgstr "Agardando"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:115
msgid "id of template"
msgstr "ID do modelo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:563
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Texto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:72
msgid "import_by"
msgstr "importado por"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:287
msgid "Message they receive when they confirm their subscription"
msgstr "Mensaxe que reciben cando confirman a súa subscrición"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:451
msgid "No target email addresses listed for testing."
msgstr "Non se indican direccións de correo electrónico de destino para probar."

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:91
msgid "ip"
msgstr "IP"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:85
msgid "related bounces"
msgstr "rebotes relacionados"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:242
msgid "pagetitlehover:export"
msgstr "Descargar os subscritores do sistema"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:54
msgid "That rule exists already"
msgstr "Xa existe esa regra"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:278
msgid "pagetitlehover:viewtemplate"
msgstr "Previsualización do modelo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:228
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Comentario"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:291
msgid "Information has been updated from the import"
msgstr "Actualizouse a información desde a importación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:13
msgid "phplist version"
msgstr "Versión <a href=http://www.phplist.com>phpList</a>"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:130
msgid "Forward email"
msgstr "Reenviar correo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:174
msgid "Name for system messages"
msgstr "Nome das mensaxes do sistema"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:265
msgid "Update status"
msgstr "Actualizar estado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:547
#, php-format
msgid ""
"In the last %s seconds more emails were sent (%s) than is currently allowed "
"per batch (%s)"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/importlib.php:90
msgid "Invalid email"
msgstr "Correo non válido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2053,
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2056
msgid "Run queue locally"
msgstr "Executar a cola localmente"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:354
msgid "pagetitlehover:updatetranslation"
msgstr "Obter a tradución máis recente do sistema de tradución da comunidade"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:113,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:70
msgid "Sent as text"
msgstr "Enviado como texto"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:276
msgid "pagetitlehover:template"
msgstr "Engadir ou editar un modelo dunha campaña"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:81,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:83,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:91,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:98,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:104,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:125,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:129,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:166,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:173,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:181
msgid "Message ID"
msgstr "ID da mensaxe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:227,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:511
msgid "new emails were"
msgstr "os novos correos foron"

#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:51,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:381,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:12,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:87,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:89,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:138
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Correo"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:194
msgid "URL should be unique"
msgstr "A URL debe ser única"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1033
msgid "Reset click statistics"
msgstr "Restablecer as estatísticas de clics"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:754
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:8
msgid "View Clicks by URL"
msgstr "Ver clics por URL"

#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:58
msgid "Check to also add the emails to the blacklist"
msgstr "Marcar para engadir tamén os correos electrónicos á lista negra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:422
msgid "Message subscribers receive when they unsubscribe"
msgstr "Mensaxe que reciben os subscritores cando se dan de baixa"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:90
msgid "Name of Dataitem"
msgstr "Nome do ítem de data"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:383
msgid "Please identify the target of the following unknown columns"
msgstr "Por favor, identifica o destino das seguintes columnas descoñecidas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php:78
msgid "bounces to campaign"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:94
msgid "The original location on the uploader machine"
msgstr "Ubicación orixinal da máquina que envía"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:147
msgid "view bounces by list"
msgstr "Ver rebotes por lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:227,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:511
msgid "new email was"
msgstr "o novo correo foi"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:176
msgid "(so you can resend the request for confirmation)"
msgstr "(para que poidas reenviar a solicitude de confirmación)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:135
#, php-format
msgid "%s settings"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:124
msgid "Reconcile the User Database"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:77
msgid ""
"For this subscriber to be removed from the blacklist, you need to ask them "
"to re-subscribe using the phpList subscribe page"
msgstr ""
"Para que este subscritor sexa eliminado da lista negra, debes pedirlle que "
"se volva subscribir usando a páxina de subscrición de phpList"

#: public_html/lists/admin/suppressionlist.php:38
msgid "Paste the emails to mark unconfirmed in this box, and click continue"
msgstr ""
"Pega os correos electrónicos para marcar como non confirmados nesta caixa e "
"fai clic en continuar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:785
msgid "Sorry, that module does not exist"
msgstr "Sentímolo, ese módulo non existe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:336
msgid "Setup "
msgstr "Configuración"

#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:68
msgid "All lists have already been assigned a category"
msgstr "Todas as listas xa teñen asignada unha categoría"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:2261,
#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/interfacelib.php:832
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Anterior"

#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/interfacelib.php:868,
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:68
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Atrás"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:300
msgid "pagetitlehover:getrss"
msgstr "Obter fontes RSS"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:721,
#: public_html/lists/admin/cron.php:55
msgid "Nothing to do"
msgstr "Nada por facer"

#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:74
msgid "Select URL to view"
msgstr "Selecciona URL para ver"

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:275
msgid "Please do a manual conversion."
msgstr "Por favor, fai unha conversión manual."

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:110
msgid ""
"The developers wish to thank the many contributors to this system, who have "
"helped out with bug reports, suggestions, donations, feature requests, "
"sponsoring, translations and many other contributions."
msgstr ""
"Os desenvolvedores queren agradecer aos moitos colaboradores deste sistema, "
"que axudaron con informes de erros, suxestións, doazóns, solicitudes de "
"funcións, patrocinio, traducións e moitas outras contribucións."

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:385
msgid ""
"A password change token has been sent to the corresponding email address."
msgstr ""
"Enviouse un token de cambio de contrasinal ao enderezo de correo electrónico "

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:76,
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:97
msgid "View statistics"
msgstr "Ver estatísticas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:43
msgid "Blacklisted members"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/removeemptylists.php:5
#, php-format
msgid "%d lists deleted "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:249
msgid "pagetitle:sendprepared"
msgstr "Enviar unha mensaxe preparada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:91
msgid "Using local processing"
msgstr "Usando procesamento local"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:227
msgid "Unable to find update"
msgstr "Non se puido atopar a actualización"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:200,
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:32,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:123,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:271,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:43,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:132
msgid "Deleting"
msgstr "Eliminando"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:111
msgid "updating existing plugin"
msgstr "actualizando o plugin existente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/tests.php:42
msgid "Test failed"
msgstr "Fallou a proba"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:721
msgid "Send a Webpage - URL"
msgstr "Enviar unha páxina web - URL"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:235
msgid "pagetitle:import2"
msgstr "Importar subscritores dende un ficheiro CSV"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:43
msgid "Deleted"
msgstr "Borrado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:102,
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:134,
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:376,
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:431,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:337
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:80
msgid "Bounce Regular Expressions"
msgstr "Expresións regulares para rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2076
msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr "Subscribirse"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:132,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:59,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:189
msgid "Campaign"
msgstr "Campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:360,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:113
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Desactivado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:256
msgid "system message bounced, user marked unconfirmed"
msgstr "mensaxe do sistema rebotada, subscritor marcado como non confirmado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:26,
#: public_html/lists/admin/suppressionlist.php:23
msgid "Blacklisted by"
msgstr "Na lista negra por"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:211
msgid "Sign up to our newsletter"
msgstr "Subscríbete ao noso boletín"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:768,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:809
msgid "hour"
msgstr "hora"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1100,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1102
msgid "Introducing extra delay to decrease throttle failures"
msgstr ""
"Incrementando o tempo de espera para reducir fracasos debidos á regulación "
"de tráfico"

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:78
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Subscribers who clicked on URL \"%s\" in the campaign with subject \"%s\", "
"sent %s"
msgstr ""
"Os subscritores que fixeron clic na URL \"%s\" na campaña co asunto \"%s\", "
"enviaron a %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:45,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:49,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:415,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:86,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:106,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:142,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:92,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:216
msgid "Sent"
msgstr "Enviado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:440,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:171
#, php-format
msgid "Importing %d subscribers to %d lists, please wait"
msgstr "Importando %d subscritores a %d listas, agarda"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:145
msgid "Attachments for this campaign"
msgstr "Anexos para esta campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:62
msgid "Continue setup"
msgstr "Continuar coa configuración"

#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:37
msgid "Sending Text version to "
msgstr "Enviando a versión de texto a "

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:702
#, php-format
msgid "phpList will not process files larger than %dMB"
msgstr "<br/>phpList non procesará ficheiros máis grandes de %dMB"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:358
msgid "pagetitlehover:plugins"
msgstr "Xestionar plugins e activalos ou desactivalos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:369
msgid "You can only select \"public\" lists for subscribe pages."
msgstr ""
"Só podes seleccionar listas \"públicas\" para as páxinas de subscrición."

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:209
msgid "pagetitle:setup"
msgstr "Lista de cousas pendentes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:43
msgid "Process the queue using the service from phpList.com"
msgstr "Procesar a cola usando o servizo de phpList.com"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:215
msgid "pagetitle:stresstest"
msgstr "Proba de estrés"

#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/interfacelib.php:1263,
#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/interfacelib.php:1318
msgid "open"
msgstr "abrir"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:341
msgid "upgrade"
msgstr "anovar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:51
msgid "In maintenance mode, try again later."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:295
msgid "Cannot continue"
msgstr "Non se pode continuar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:99,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:105,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:124,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:128,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:167,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:182
msgid "subscriber ID"
msgstr "ID do subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:81
msgid "Delete all (&gt; 2 months old)"
msgstr "Eliminar todo (&gt; 2 meses de antigüidade)"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:366
msgid "reporting settings"
msgstr "Configuración de reportes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/updatetranslation.php:29
#, php-format
msgid "updated %d language terms"
msgstr "%d termos lingüísticos actualizados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:2263,
#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/interfacelib.php:873
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Seguinte"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:157
msgid "not created"
msgstr "non foi creada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:285,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:292,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:299,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:53
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Mensaxe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reindex.php:17
msgid "processing "
msgstr "procesando "

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:338
msgid "pagetitlehover:dbadmin"
msgstr "Xestión da base de datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:359
msgid "Select the lists to offer"
msgstr "Seleccionar as listas para ofrecer"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:360
msgid "and"
msgstr "e"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:214
msgid "Some errors were found, template NOT saved!"
msgstr "Atopáronse algúns erros, o modelo NON se gardou!"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:276
#, php-format
msgid "%d failed (will retry later)"
msgstr "%d fallou (intentarase máis tarde)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:7
msgid "Existing subscribers"
msgstr "Subscritores existentes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:632,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:254
msgid "Adding users to list"
msgstr "Engadindo subscritores á lista"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:332
msgid "pagetitlehover:subscriberstats"
msgstr "Estatísticas de subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:356
msgid "Existing attributes"
msgstr "Atributos existentes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:741
#, php-format
msgid "phpList operates in the time zone \"%s\""
msgstr "phpList funciona na zona horaria \"%s\""

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:82
msgid "No file was specified. Maybe the file is too big? "
msgstr "Non se especificou ningún ficheiro. Quizais é grande de máis? "

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:240,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:242
msgid "All subscribers"
msgstr "Todos os subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:50,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:384,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:28,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:29
msgid "Foreign Key"
msgstr "Clave Externa"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:123,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1344
msgid "Send Campaign"
msgstr "Enviar campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:144
#, php-format
msgid "Subscribers who clicked on campaign with subject \"%s\", sent %s"
msgstr ""
"Os subscritores que fixeron clic na campaña co asunto \"%s\" enviaron a %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:311
msgid "No such subscriber"
msgstr "Non existe o subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:360
msgid "Message queue processing errors"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:222
msgid "pagetitlehover:catlists"
msgstr "Organizar as listas de subscritores en categorías"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:450,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:578,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:229,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:538,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:369
msgid "Lists"
msgstr "Listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:72,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:271,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:224
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"

#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/userlib.php:586
#, php-format
msgid "Added to blacklist for reason %s"
msgstr "Engadido á lista negra polo motivo %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:131
msgid "unable to find original email"
msgstr "non se puido atopar o enderezo de correo electrónico orixinal"

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:311
msgid "start a new campaign targetting this list"
msgstr "Comezar unha nova campaña dirixida a esta lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:188
msgid "Plugin"
msgstr "Plugin"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:106
msgid "user found"
msgstr "subscritor atopado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:90
msgid "New list added"
msgstr "Nova lista engadida"

#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/interfacelib.php:1271,
#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/interfacelib.php:1316
msgid "close"
msgstr "pechar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:108,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/listbounces.php:56,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgbounces.php:76
msgid "Total bounces"
msgstr "Rebotes totais"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2046
msgid "The API key is incorrect"
msgstr "A clave da API é incorrecta"

#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:96,
#: public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php:97
msgid "Bounces on"
msgstr "Rebotes en"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:92
msgid "campaign deleted"
msgstr "Campaña eliminada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:86
msgid ""
"If you check \"Overwrite Existing\", information about a user in the "
"database will be replaced by the imported information. Users are matched by "
msgstr ""
"Se marcas \"Sobrescribir existente\", a información sobre un subscritor na "
"base de datos substituirase pola información importada. Os subscritores "
"coinciden por correo electrónico."

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:153,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:117
msgid "Filename"
msgstr "Nome do ficheiro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:109
msgid "Cannot find the loginname in the header"
msgstr "Non se pode atopar o nome de inicio de sesión na cabeceira"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:65
msgid "It is best to do this before initialising the database."
msgstr "É mellor facelo antes de inicializar a base de datos."

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:333
msgid "pagetitle:dbcheck"
msgstr "Comprobar a estrutura da base de datos"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:273
msgid "pagetitle:templates"
msgstr "Xestionar os modelos das campañas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:106
msgid "Cannot find the password in the header"
msgstr "Non se pode atopar o contrasinal na cabeceira"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reindex.php:26
#, php-format
msgid "Adding unique index <b>%s</b> to %s</li>"
msgstr "Engadindo índice único <b>%s</b> a %s</li>"

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:420
msgid "Merge tagged attributes"
msgstr "Combinar atributos marcados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1721,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:18,
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:32
msgid "June"
msgstr "Xuño"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:80
msgid "The initial <i>login name</i> will be"
msgstr "O <i>nome de inicio de sesión</i> inicial será"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2052,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:96
msgid "Change settings"
msgstr "Cambiar configuración"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/plugins.php:38
#, php-format
msgid "Failed to enable plugin (%s), dependencies failed"
msgstr "Produciuse un erro ao activar o plugin (%s), as dependencias fallaron"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:648,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:662,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:688
msgid "User auto unsubscribed for"
msgstr "Usuario dado de baixa automaticamente por"

#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:36
msgid "Bulk remove subscribers"
msgstr "Borrado de subscritores masivo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:65
msgid "Members of"
msgstr "Membros de"

#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:99
msgid "Exclude filter"
msgstr "Excluír filtro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:149,
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:161,
#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:62,
#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:77,
#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:106,
#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:114,
#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:126,
#: public_html/lists/admin/suppressionlist.php:39,
#: public_html/lists/admin/logout.php:18,
#: public_html/lists/admin/logout.php:23,
#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:54,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:52,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:382,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:289,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:366,
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:83
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Continuar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:117
msgid "Initialising table"
msgstr "Inicializando táboa"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:240
msgid "New Rule"
msgstr "Nova regra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:30
msgid "edit values for attributes"
msgstr "Editar valores dos atributos"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:336
msgid "pagetitlehover:importadmin"
msgstr "Importar administradores que teñen acceso a todo ou parte do sistema"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:222
msgid "Width of a textline field (numerical)"
msgstr "Ancho dun campo de liña de texto (numérico)"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:236
msgid "pagetitlehover:import2"
msgstr ""
"Importar subscritores dende un ficheiro que conteña os seus correos e "
"información adicional"

#: public_html/lists/index.php:852,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php:59
msgid "\"Jump off\" set, reason not requested"
msgstr "Subscrición cancelada, razón: non solicitada"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:247
msgid "pagetitle:preparesend"
msgstr "Preparar unha mensaxe para enviar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:293,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:61,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:142
msgid "confirmed"
msgstr "confirmado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:122,
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:374,
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:429,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:336,
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:80,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:2,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:33,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:147
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nome"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:191
msgid "Check to skip emails that are not valid"
msgstr ""
"Marca para omitir os enderezos de correo electrónico que non sexan válidos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:697,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:318
msgid "File containing emails"
msgstr "Ficheiro que contén correos electrónicos"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:311
msgid "pagetitle:mclicks"
msgstr "Estatísticas de clics de campañas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:226
msgid "Available options:"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:516,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:517
#, php-format
msgid "Processing blocked by plugin %s"
msgstr "Procesamento bloqueado polo plugin %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:748
msgid "Embargoed Until"
msgstr "Embargado ata"

#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:80,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:102
msgid "Add some subscribers"
msgstr "Engadir algúns subscritores"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:317
msgid "pagetitle:massremove"
msgstr "Eliminar subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:11
msgid "File is either to large or does not exist."
msgstr "O ficheiro é demasiado grande ou non existe."

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:89
msgid "rule"
msgstr "regra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:45
msgid "add new"
msgstr "Engadir novo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:105,
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:75
msgid "Categorise lists"
msgstr "Categorizar listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:131
msgid "Subscribe to our newsletter"
msgstr "Subscríbete ao noso boletín"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:340
msgid "pagetitlehover:usercheck"
msgstr ""
"Copiar e pegar unha lista de correos electrónicos e verificar que existen no "
"sistema, sen engadilos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:961
msgid "New Attachment"
msgstr "Novo anexo"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:97
msgid "Size of the file"
msgstr "Tamaño do ficheiro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:7
msgid "Overview"
msgstr "Vista xeral"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:109
msgid "Show"
msgstr "Amosar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:214
msgid "pagetitlehover:attributes"
msgstr "Crear, editar e cambiar atributos dos subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:116
msgid "Portions of the system include"
msgstr "Partes do sistema inclúen"

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:219,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:227
#, php-format
msgid "Subscriber removed from list %s"
msgstr "Eliminouse un subscritor da lista %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:968
msgid "Description of attachment"
msgstr "Descrición do anexo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:239
msgid "mails in mailbox"
msgstr "Correos na caixa de correo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:5
msgid "Add new Template"
msgstr "Engadir un novo modelo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:103
msgid "Show notification for Release Candidates"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:193
msgid "Configure Attributes for administrators"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:95
msgid "Unable to determine the name of the database to convert"
msgstr "Non se puido determinar o nome da base de datos a converter"

#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:135,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:157
msgid "unique clicks"
msgstr "clics únicos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:376
msgid "You have requested a new password for phpList."
msgstr "Solicitaches un novo contrasinal para phpList."

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:20
msgid "go to"
msgstr "ir a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:273
msgid "Use one attribute for name"
msgstr "Usar un atributo para o nome"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:11
msgid "Your database is out of date, please make sure to upgrade"
msgstr "A túa base de datos está desactualizada, asegúrate de actualizar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:265
msgid ""
"information about a user in the database will be replaced by the imported "
"information. Users are matched by email."
msgstr ""
"a información sobre un subscritor na base de datos substituirase pola "
"información importada. Os subscritores coinciden por correo electrónico."

#: public_html/lists/admin/subscribelib2.php:339
msgid "If user confirms subscription, they will be removed from the blacklist."
msgstr "Se o subscritor confirma a subscrición, eliminarase da lista negra."

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:102
msgid "List all Users"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:268
#, php-format
msgid "%s subscribers in total"
msgstr "%s subscritores en total"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:22
msgid "Import emails from IMAP folders"
msgstr "Importar correos electrónicos de cartafoles IMAP"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:286
msgid "pagetitlehover:adminattributes"
msgstr "Configurar atributos de administrador"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:14
msgid "No file was specified."
msgstr "Non se especificou ningún ficheiro."

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:165
msgid "Link ID"
msgstr "ID da ligazón"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:170,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:175,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:184
msgid "When first clicked"
msgstr "Cando fixeron clic primeiro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:645
msgid "Mark All Sent"
msgstr "Marcar todo como enviado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:62
msgid "The default system language is different from your browser language."
msgstr ""
"O idioma predeterminado do sistema é diferente do idioma do teu navegador."

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:794
#, php-format
msgid "Subscriber auto unconfirmed for %d consecutive bounces"
msgstr "Subscritor sen confirmar de modo automático por %d rebotes consecutivos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1305
msgid "Not sending to"
msgstr "Non se enviou a"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:64
msgid "query to select the subscribers for this message"
msgstr "consulta para seleccionar os subscritores para esta mensaxe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:452
msgid "Message subscribers receive after confirming their email address"
msgstr ""
"Mensaxe que reciben os subscritores despois de confirmar o seu enderezo de "
"correo electrónico"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:273
msgid "Use two attributes for the name"
msgstr "Usar dous atributos para o nome"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:310,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:341
msgid "Change Settings"
msgstr "Cambiar a configuración"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:191
msgid "Choose how to set password"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:297
msgid "This may be caused by a too slow or too busy server"
msgstr ""
"Isto pode ser causado por un servidor demasiado lento ou demasiado ocupado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/phpListAdminAuthentication.php:58
msgid "incorrect password"
msgstr "Contrasinal incorrecto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:175
msgid "Find plugins"
msgstr "Buscar plugins"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1246
msgid "not sending to "
msgstr "non se enviou a "

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:225
msgid "pagetitle:editlist"
msgstr "Editar unha lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:249,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:388
msgid "processqueue"
msgstr "Procesar a cola de mensaxes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:421
msgid "Remove from blacklist"
msgstr "Eliminar da lista negra"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:307
msgid "pagetitle:login"
msgstr "Iniciar sesión"

#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:323
msgid "Sort by"
msgstr "Ordenar por"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:330
msgid "URL for forwarding messages"
msgstr "URL para reenviar mensaxes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:244
msgid "List all Messages"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:180
msgid "Marking all subscribers to receive HTML"
msgstr "Marcando todos os subscritores para recibir HTML"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:88
#, php-format
msgid "Made subscriber %d to receive text"
msgstr "Converteuse ao subscritor %d para recibir texto plano"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:198
msgid "hash value of regex"
msgstr "valor hash da expresión regular"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:183,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:227
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Limpar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:3,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:148
msgid "Type of attribute"
msgstr "Tipo de atributo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:42
msgid "Forgot password"
msgstr "Esqueciches o contrasinal?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:311
#, php-format
msgid "invalid login from %s, tried logging in as %s"
msgstr "inicio de sesión non válido de %s, intentouse iniciar sesión como %s"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:335
msgid "pagetitle:importadmin"
msgstr "Importar administradores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:76
#, php-format
msgid "%s bounces to list %s"
msgstr "%s rebotes na lista %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:256
msgid ""
"You have set TEST in config.php to 1, so it will only show what would be sent"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:95
msgid "Any date"
msgstr "Calquera data"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:236
msgid "Configure Templates"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:85,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:86
#, php-format
msgid "Giving a UUID to %d subscribers, this may take a while"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:256
msgid "Offer checkbox for HTML"
msgstr "Ofrecer caixa de verificación para HTML"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1043
msgid "This is a test campaign"
msgstr "Esta é unha campaña de proba"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:538
#, php-format
msgid "%d bounces were re-processed and %d bounces were re-identified"
msgstr ""
"%d rebotes foron procesados de novo e %d rebotes foron identificados de novo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:49
msgid "What is the type of information you want to check"
msgstr "Cal é o tipo de información que queres comprobar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:29
msgid ""
"you only have privileges to view this page, not change any of the information"
msgstr ""
"Só tes privilexios para ver esta páxina, non para cambiar ningunha "

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:514
#, php-format
msgid "%d duplicate emails found."
msgstr "Atopáronse %d correos electrónicos duplicados."

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:245
msgid "(no data)"
msgstr "(sen datos)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:327
msgid "delete this plugin"
msgstr "Borrar este plugin"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:233,
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:240,
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:247
msgid "FAILED"
msgstr "FALLOU"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:57,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:217
msgid "Response time"
msgstr "Tempo de resposta"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:712,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:322
msgid "default is line break"
msgstr "por defecto é o salto de liña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:102
msgid "limit reached"
msgstr "Límite alcanzado"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:294
msgid "pagetitlehover:spageedit"
msgstr "Editar unha páxina que usen os teus subscritores para entrar ao sistema"

#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetlds.php:15
#, php-format
msgid "Now we have %d top level domains"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:42
msgid "List category"
msgstr "Listar categoría"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:706
msgid "bounces processed by advanced processing"
msgstr "rebotes procesados por procesamento avanzado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:362
msgid "Message queue processing report"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:107
msgid "info"
msgstr "Info"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:55,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:100
msgid "Back to the list of bounces"
msgstr "Volver á lista de rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:54
msgid "Contributors"
msgstr "Colaboradores"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:304
msgid "pagetitlehover:community"
msgstr "Como obter axuda e como axudar con phpList"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:905
msgid "Plain text version of message"
msgstr "Versión en texto plano da mensaxe"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:363
msgid "general settings"
msgstr "Configuración xeral"

#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:70
msgid "Install"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:243,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:145,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:130
msgid "firstclick"
msgstr "Primeiro clic"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:65
msgid "Use local processing"
msgstr "Usa o procesamento local"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:193
msgid "Forward adding the UID?"
msgstr "Reenviar agregando o UID?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:618
msgid "Please leave this window open."
msgstr "Por favor, deixe esta ventá aberta."

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:361
msgid "pagetitle:suppressionlist"
msgstr "Lista de baixas"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:287
msgid "pagetitle:processbounces"
msgstr "Procesar rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:707
msgid "bounces were not matched by advanced processing rules"
msgstr "os rebotes non se corresponderon coas regras de procesamento avanzado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:320
msgid "Initialise"
msgstr "Inicializar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:216
msgid "pagetitlehover:stresstest"
msgstr "Proba de estrés"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:178
msgid "Delete subscriber"
msgstr "Eliminar subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:345
msgid "Warning, changing types of attributes can take a long time"
msgstr "Ollo, cambiar os tipos de atributos pode levar moito tempo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:230
msgid "Thank you page"
msgstr "Páxina de agradecemento"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:260
msgid "Radio buttons, default to text"
msgstr "Botóns de opción, valor por defecto texto plano"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:671,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:683
#, php-format
msgid "Email address auto blacklisted by bounce rule %d"
msgstr "Dirección de correo en lista negra automática pola regra de rebote %d"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:87
msgid "Overwrite Existing:"
msgstr "Sobrescribir o existente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:58
msgid "Category assignments saved"
msgstr "Asignacións de categoría gardadas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1733,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:30
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:252
msgid "Offer checkbox for text"
msgstr "Ofrecer caixa de verificación para texto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:54
msgid "phpList Hosted"
msgstr "phpList aloxado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:83,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:93
msgid "View subscribers"
msgstr "Ver subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:970
#, php-format
msgid "Size of HTML email: %s "
msgstr "Tamaño do correo electrónico HTML: %s "

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:264
msgid "Radio buttons, default to HTML"
msgstr "Botóns de opción, valor por defecto HTML"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:170,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:176,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:183,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:189,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:199,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:211,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:221,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:231,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:243,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:255,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:263
msgid "subscribers apply"
msgstr "aplica a subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:50,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:636,
#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:76,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:64,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:158,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:134
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Acción"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:133
msgid "are you sure you want to delete all bounces older than 2 months"
msgstr "Seguro que queres eliminar todos os rebotes de máis de 2 meses?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:77
msgid "Please enter your email address."
msgstr "Por favor, introduce a túa dirección de correo."

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:229
#, php-format
msgid "Version %s is available"
msgstr "A versión %s está dispoñible"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:372
msgid "System Functions"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:580
msgid "Process the queue"
msgstr "Procesar a cola"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:177
msgid "Set subscriber to receive text instead of HTML"
msgstr "Establece o subscritor para que reciba texto en lugar de HTML"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1359
msgid "Meta data"
msgstr "Meta datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:609,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:793
msgid "Auto Unconfirmed"
msgstr "Sen confirmar de modo automático"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:26
msgid "unconfirm subscriber"
msgstr "desconfirmar o subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:252
msgid "HTML"
msgstr "HTML"

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:11
msgid "Contribute"
msgstr "Contribucións"

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:40
msgid "Contribute to phpList"
msgstr "Contribuír a phpList"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:356
msgid "pagetitlehover:reindex"
msgstr ""
"Reconstruír índices de bases de datos para acelerar as consultas de bases de "

#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:62
msgid "Update is available"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:167
msgid ""
"The plugin root directory is not writable, please install plugins manually"
msgstr ""
"O directorio raíz do plugin está protexido contra escritura, por favor "
"instala os plugins manualmente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:95
msgid "You have requested a password update"
msgstr "Solicitaches unha actualización do contrasinal"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:78,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:164,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:140
msgid "Memo for this rule"
msgstr "Nota para esta regra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:70
msgid "Domain Name of your server (for email)"
msgstr "Nome de dominio do teu servidor (para correo electrónico)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:40
msgid "Reset to default"
msgstr "Restablecer os valores predeterminados"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:323
msgid "pagetitle:domainstats"
msgstr "Estatísticas do dominio"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:42
msgid "Bounce Processing info"
msgstr "Información sobre o procesamento de rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:144,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:153,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/listbounces.php:53,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:226,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:123,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:510
msgid "list"
msgstr "lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:48
msgid "Developer"
msgstr "Desenvolvedor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:643
msgid "Subscriber auto blacklisted  by bounce rule"
msgstr "Subscritor en lista negra automática pola regra de rebotes %d"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:388
msgid "Processed"
msgstr "Procesado"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:299
msgid "pagetitle:getrss"
msgstr "Obter fontes RSS"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:14
msgid "Is this subscriber blacklisted"
msgstr "Este subscritor está na lista negra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:14,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:8
msgid "Remote processing of the queue is now handled with a processing secret"
msgstr ""
"O procesamento remoto da cola agora manéxase cun contrasinal de procesamento"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:238
msgid "Select the headers fields to search"
msgstr "Selecciona os campos das cabeceiras para buscar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:312
msgid "URL where subscribers have to confirm their subscription"
msgstr "URL onde os subscritores teñen que confirmar a súa subscrición"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:676
msgid "email auto unsubscribed for"
msgstr "correo electrónico dado de baixa automaticamente por"

#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:35,
#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:49
msgid "Use local processing instead"
msgstr "Usa o procesamento local no seu lugar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:921
msgid ""
"Running commandline, quitting. We'll find out what to do in the next run."
msgstr ""
"Executando liña de comando, saíndo. Veremos que hai que facer na seguinte "

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:405
msgid "Please enter a message"
msgstr "Por favor, engade algún contido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:268
msgid "messages sent in"
msgstr "mensaxes enviadas en"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgbounces.php:55
msgid "There are currently no data to view"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:331,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:107
msgid "tag"
msgstr "etiqueta"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:430
msgid "Welcome to our Newsletter"
msgstr "Benvido ao noso boletín informativo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:335
msgid "Failed sending a change password token"
msgstr "Produciuse un erro ao enviar un token de cambio de contrasinal"

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:325
msgid "No Lists"
msgstr "Non hai listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:400,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:437
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Copiar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/generatebouncerules.php:132
msgid "Hmm, duplicate entry, "
msgstr "Hmm, entrada duplicada, "

#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:113,
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:149
msgid "Order of Listing:"
msgstr "Orde de listaxe:"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:367
msgid "campaign settings"
msgstr "Configuración de campañas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:507
msgid "Download failed, exiting"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1433
msgid "There are no lists available"
msgstr "Non hai listas dispoñibles"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:134
msgid "Editable?"
msgstr "Editable?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:964
msgid "Path to file on server"
msgstr "Ruta ao ficheiro no servidor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:19
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Luns"

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:43
msgid ""
"You can edit all of the values in this page, and click the \"save changes\" "
"button once to save all the changes you made."
msgstr ""
"Podes editar todos os valores desta páxina e facer clic no botón \"gardar "
"cambios\" unha vez para gardar todos os cambios que fixeches."

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1339,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:646,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:110,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:114,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:348,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:43
msgid "Add a list"
msgstr "Engadir unha lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:128
msgid "List and user functions"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:23
#, php-format
msgid "phpList is licensed with the %sGNU Affero Public License (AGPL)%s"
msgstr "phpList ten licenza %sGNU Affero Public License (AGPL)%s"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:295
msgid "pagetitle:spage"
msgstr "Páxinas de subscrición"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:15
msgid "Did this subscriber manually confirm"
msgstr "Este subscritor foi confirmado manualmente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:416
msgid "Create new Attribute"
msgstr "Crear novo atributo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:95
msgid "Logo of the organisation"
msgstr "Logotipo da organización"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:327
msgid "Check that all links have a full URL"
msgstr "Comproba que todas as ligazóns teñen unha URL completa"

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:150,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/configure.php:71,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:414,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:40,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:112,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:113,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:234,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:256
msgid "No"
msgstr "Non"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:746,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:241
msgid ""
"If you choose \"send notification email\" the subscribers you are adding "
"will be sent the request for confirmation of subscription to which they will "
"have to reply. This is recommended, because it will identify invalid emails."
msgstr ""
"Se escolles \"enviar correo electrónico de notificación\" aos subscritores "
"que estás engadindo enviaráselles a solicitude de confirmación da "
"subscrición á que terán que responder. Isto é recomendable, porque "
"identificará correos electrónicos non válidos."

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:278
msgid "List for"
msgstr "Lista para"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:341
msgid "subscribers updated"
msgstr "subscritores actualizados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:989
msgid "Campaign sending timed out, is past date to process until"
msgstr "O envío dacampaña caducou, pasou a data de procesamento ata"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:66
msgid "Table prefix:"
msgstr "Prefixo das táboas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:348,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:355,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:362,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:369,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:376
msgid "entries apply"
msgstr "as entradas corresponden"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:644
msgid "Suspend All"
msgstr "Suspender todo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:70,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:70
msgid "N/A"
msgstr "N/A"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:19
msgid "Database has not been initialised"
msgstr "A base de datos non foi inicializada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:562
msgid "Skipped in last run"
msgstr "Saltados na última pasada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/phpListAdminAuthentication.php:100
msgid "No such account"
msgstr "Non existe a conta"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:258
msgid "pagetitlehover:user"
msgstr "Ver o perfil dun subscritor no sistema"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:367
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Accións"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:30
msgid "This datatype does not have editable values"
msgstr "Este tipo de datos non ten valores editables"

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:89
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:466
msgid ""
"Your database requires upgrading, please make sure to create a backup of "
"your database first."
msgstr ""
"A túa base de datos require unha actualización, asegúrate de crear primeiro "
"unha copia de seguridade da túa base de datos."

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:543
msgid "Delete subscribers who are blacklisted because they unsubscribed"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:58
msgid "Clicked campaigns"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:717
#, php-format
msgid "phplist has started sending the campaign with subject %s"
msgstr "phplist comezou a enviar a campaña co asunto %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/languages.php:634
msgid "over treshold, user marked unconfirmed"
msgstr "superado o límite, o subscritor marcouse como non confirmado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:38
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The maximum table size in your system is %s and space available on the root "
"filesystem is %s, which means %s is required."
msgstr ""
"O tamaño máximo da táboa no teu sistema é %s e o espazo dispoñible no "
"sistema de ficheiros raíz é %s, o que significa que se necesita %s."

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:489,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:491
msgid "Would have sent"
msgstr "Tería enviado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2284
msgid ""
"It may seem to take a while, but there is a lot of data to crunch<br/>if you "
"have a lot of subscribers and campaigns"
msgstr ""
"Pode parecer que tarda un pouco, pero hai moitos datos que analizar<br/>se "
"tes moitos subscritores e campañas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:412,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:413
#, php-format
msgid "Processing first %d bounces"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:303
msgid "Less than batch size were sent, so reloading imminently"
msgstr "Enviáronse menos do tamaño do lote, polo que a recarga é inminente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:555
msgid "Download the latest version"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:554
msgid "Get some help"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:275
msgid "pagetitle:template"
msgstr "Engadir ou editar un modelo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:128
msgid "Default for 'From:' in a campaign"
msgstr "Predeterminado para \"De:\" nunha campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:318
#, php-format
msgid "Attachment %d succesfully added"
msgstr "Engadiuse correctamente o anexo %d"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:2265
msgid "Last Page"
msgstr "Última páxina"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:189
msgid "No user found with that email"
msgstr "Non se atopou ningún subscritor con ese correo electrónico"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:417,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:69,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:240,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:226,
#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:18,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:63
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Estado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:10
msgid "List Bounce Rules"
msgstr "Lista de regras de rebote"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:163
msgid "data"
msgstr "Datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:143
msgid "back"
msgstr "volver"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:224
msgid ""
"The file you upload will need to contain the emails you want to add to these "
"lists. Anything after the email will be added as attribute \"Info\" of the "
"Subscriber. You can specify the rest of the attributes of these subscribers "
"below. Warning: the file needs to be plain text. Do not upload binary files "
"like a Word Document."
msgstr ""
"O ficheiro que cargues deberá conter os correos electrónicos que queres "
"engadir a estas listas. Calquera cousa despois do correo electrónico "
"engadirase como atributo Información do subscritor. Podes especificar o "
"resto dos atributos destes subscritores a continuación. <b>Aviso</b>: o "
"ficheiro debe ser texto plano. Non cargues ficheiros binarios como un "
"documento de Word."

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:581
msgid "View the queue"
msgstr "Ver a cola"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:561
msgid "Sent in last run"
msgstr "Enviados na última pasada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:65
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Your database is already the correct version (%s), including release date "
"version (%s), there is no need to upgrade"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2048
msgid "The phpList.com server is unable to reach your phpList installation"
msgstr "O servidor phpList.com non pode acceder á súa instalación de phpList"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:256
msgid "Finished, Nothing to do"
msgstr "Rematou, nada que facer"

#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:18
msgid "Step"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:260
msgid "pagetitlehover:adduser"
msgstr "Engadir ou editar manualmente un novo subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/index.php:1160
#, php-format
msgid "Forward request from invalid user ID: %s"
msgstr "Reenviar solicitude dun ID de usuario non válido: %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:371
msgid "What to do with \"Tagged\" users"
msgstr "Que facer cos subscritores \"etiquetados\""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:225,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/bounces.php:25,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:540
msgid "Bounces"
msgstr "Rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1026
#, php-format
msgid "Insufficient memory to add attachment to campaign %d %d - %d"
msgstr "Memoria insuficiente para engadir un anexo á campaña %d%d - %d"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:309
#, php-format
msgid "Waiting for %d seconds before reloading"
msgstr "Agardando %d segundos antes de volver cargar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "email address %s already exists"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:155
msgid "Template saved"
msgstr "Modelo gardado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:99
msgid "configuration steps"
msgstr "Pasos de configuración"

#: public_html/lists/admin/dbcheck.php:84
msgid "index"
msgstr "índice"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:241
msgid "pagetitle:export"
msgstr "Exportar subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:158
msgid "no unidentified bounces available"
msgstr "non hai rebotes non identificados dispoñibles"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:110
msgid "footer"
msgstr "Pé"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:16
msgid "Number of bounces"
msgstr "Número de rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:368
msgid "Display lists in labelled categories"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:157,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:34,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:96
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descrición"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/addemail.php:20
msgid "Email address added"
msgstr "Engadiuse o enderezo de correo electrónico"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:699
msgid "Error loading message, please check the eventlog for details"
msgstr ""
"Produciuse un erro ao cargar a mensaxe, consulta o rexistro de logs para "
"obter máis detalles"

#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:482
msgid "No users apply"
msgstr "Non se solicita ningún subscritor"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:118
msgid "The image"
msgstr "A imaxe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:17,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:25,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:33,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:41,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:49
msgid "Descending"
msgstr "Descendente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:651
msgid "CSS for HTML messages without a template"
msgstr "CSS para mensaxes HTML sen modelo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:566,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:992,
#: public_html/lists/admin/generatebouncerules.php:50
msgid "Process Killed by other process"
msgstr "Proceso matado por outro proceso"

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:442,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:340
msgid "Is this attribute required?"
msgstr "Este atributo é obrigatorio?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:27
msgid "Email is a system attribute"
msgstr "O correo electrónico é un atributo do sistema"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:618
msgid "phpList will process your queue until all messages have been sent."
msgstr "phpList procesará a túa cola ata que todas as mensaxes sexan enviadas."

#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:107,
#: public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php:103
msgid "Subscriber address"
msgstr "Enderezo do subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:41
msgid ""
"phpList is a community effort &mdash; your contributions power the project. "
"Help phpList to serve your needs more effectively by applying your skills "
"and resources."
msgstr ""
"phpList é un esforzo da comunidade &mdash; as túas achegas potencian o "
"proxecto. Axuda a phpList a satisfacer as túas necesidades de forma máis "
"eficaz aplicando as túas habilidades e recursos."

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:71,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:72
msgid "remove subscriber from blacklist"
msgstr "Eliminar subscritor da lista negra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:61,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:157,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:133
msgid "Regular Expression"
msgstr "Expresión regular"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:280
msgid "Message they receive when they subscribe"
msgstr "Contido da mensaxe que reciben os subscritores cando se subscriben"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:10,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:182
msgid "Reading emails from file ... "
msgstr "Lendo correos electrónicos do ficheiro... "

#: public_html/lists/admin/import.php:40
msgid "import by uploading a file with emails"
msgstr "Importa cargando un ficheiro con enderezos de correo electrónico"

#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:31
msgid "Campaign templates"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:153,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:186
msgid "created locally"
msgstr "creada en local"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:612
msgid "Mark sent"
msgstr "Marcar como enviado"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:280
msgid "pagetitlehover:configure"
msgstr "Cambiar a configuración que controla como se comporta phpList"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1014
msgid "email to alert when sending of this message starts"
msgstr "Correo electrónico para alertar cando se inicie o envío desta mensaxe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:344
msgid "update this plugin"
msgstr "actualizar este plugin"

#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:15,
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaults.php:49,
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaults.php:58
msgid "Name cannot be empty:"
msgstr "O nome non pode estar baleiro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/msgstatus.php:28,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:123
msgid "ETA"
msgstr "ETA"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:125
msgid ""
"Error adding new admin, login name and/or email not inserted, email not "
"valid or admin already exists"
msgstr ""
"Produciuse un erro ao engadir un novo administrador. Non se inseriu o nome "
"de inicio de sesión e/ou o correo electrónico, o enderezo de correo "
"electrónico non é válido ou o administrador xa existe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:63
msgid "Admin added"
msgstr "Administrador engadido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:90,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:47,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:50,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:245,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:67,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:139,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:153
msgid "clicks"
msgstr "Clics"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:248
msgid "Maybe you want to"
msgstr "Ao mellor prefires"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:293
msgid "pagetitle:spageedit"
msgstr "Editar unha páxina de subscrición"

#: public_html/lists/admin/suppressionlist.php:36
msgid "Make suppression permanent"
msgstr "Facer a supresión permanente"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:229
msgid "pagetitle:importsimple"
msgstr "Importar subscritores copiando e pegando"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:122
msgid "Embargoed until"
msgstr "Embargado ata"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:67,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:69
msgid "candidate"
msgstr "Candidata"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:213
msgid "pagetitle:attributes"
msgstr "Configurar atributos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/upgrade.php:13
msgid "Top level domains were updated successfully"
msgstr "Os dominios de nivel superior actualizáronse correctamente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:87
msgid "Name of the organisation"
msgstr "Nome da organización"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:225
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:567
msgid "The attachment repository does not exist or is not writable"
msgstr "O repositorio de anexos non existe ou non se pode escribir"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultsystemtemplate.php:423
msgid "The selected default template has been added as template with ID"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:233
msgid "pagetitle:import3"
msgstr "Importar subscritores dende IMAP"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:195
msgid "Name of data"
msgstr "Nome dos datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:77,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:157
msgid "blacklisted"
msgstr "Na lista negra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:290
msgid "All the administrators already exist in the database"
msgstr "Todos os administradores xa existen na base de datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1716,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:13,
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:27
msgid "January"
msgstr "Xaneiro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1015,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1017
msgid "separate multiple with a comma"
msgstr "Separa múltiples cunha coma"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1001
msgid "Sending of this message has been suspended"
msgstr "Suspendeuse o envío desta mensaxe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:390,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:427
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Mover"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:543
msgid "Processing bounces based on active bounce rules"
msgstr "Procesando rebotes en función das regras de rebote activas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:38
msgid "Are you sure you want to reset the configuration to the default?"
msgstr "Estás seguro de que queres restablecer a configuración predeterminada?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/dbcheck.php:19
msgid "real name"
msgstr "nome real"

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:10
msgid "How to get help"
msgstr "Como obter axuda"

#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:372
msgid "Find a user"
msgstr "Buscar un subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:128
msgid ""
"are you sure you want to delete all unidentified bounces older than 2 months"
msgstr ""
"Seguro que queres eliminar todos os rebotes non identificados de máis de 2 "

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:279
msgid "pagetitle:configure"
msgstr "Configuración"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/configure.php:98
msgid "save changes"
msgstr "Gardar cambios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:304,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:127
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this list?"
msgstr "Seguro que queres eliminar esta lista?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:63,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:137,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:214
msgid "user"
msgstr "Usuario"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:265
msgid "pagetitle:message"
msgstr "Ver unha campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:501
msgid "bounce_protocol not supported"
msgstr "protocolo de rebotes non soportado"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:136
msgid "Login Name (max 25 chars)"
msgstr "Nome de usuario (máx. 25 letras)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:242
msgid "tests"
msgstr "probas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:316,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:246,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:290
msgid "Members"
msgstr "Membros"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:643
msgid "Width for Wordwrap of Text messages"
msgstr "Ancho para a xustificación de mensaxes de texto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:92
msgid "The title of the template exists."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:118
msgid "new plugin"
msgstr "novo plugin"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:707,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:321
msgid "Field Delimiter"
msgstr "Delimitador de campo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:597
msgid "Suspend"
msgstr "Suspender"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:108
msgid "Add a new subscribe page"
msgstr "Engadir unha nova páxina de subscrición"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:499
msgid "Sent test mail to"
msgstr "Enviar mensaxe de proba a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1320
msgid "Content contains click track links."
msgstr "O contido contén ligazóns de rastreos de clics."

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:157,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:115
msgid "views"
msgstr "Vistas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/phpListAdminAuthentication.php:54
msgid "Admin authentication has changed, please update your admin module"
msgstr ""
"A autenticación de administrador cambiou, actualiza o módulo de "

#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:37
msgid "Verify subscribers"
msgstr "Comprobar subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:44
msgid "Developer community"
msgstr "Comunidade de desenvolvedores"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:223
msgid "pagetitle:editattributes"
msgstr "Configurar atributos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:836
msgid "Report:"
msgstr "Informe:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:283
msgid "Mime Type is longer than 255 characters, this is trouble"
msgstr "O tipo MIME ten máis de 255 caracteres, isto causará problemas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reindex.php:20
#, php-format
msgid "Adding index <b>%s</b> to %s</li>"
msgstr "Engadindo o índice <b>%s</b> a %s</li>"

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:371
msgid "Tag"
msgstr "Etiqueta"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:402
msgid "Your session timed out, please login again"
msgstr "A túa sesión esgotouse, inicia sesión de novo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:507
msgid "Mailinglist membership"
msgstr "Membro da lista de emails"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:37
msgid "unable to detect hostname"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:293
msgid "URL where subscribers can unsubscribe"
msgstr "URL onde os subscritores poden darse de baixa"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/configure.php:117
msgid "editing cancelled"
msgstr "Edición cancelada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:409
msgid "Add a User"
msgstr "Engadir un subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:18
msgid ""
"If you are interested to know more about Open Source, you can visit the "
"links below"
msgstr ""
"Se che interesa saber máis sobre o código aberto, podes visitar as seguintes "

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:198
msgid "Save Images"
msgstr "Gardar as imaxes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:28
msgid "Get help with phpList"
msgstr "Obtén axuda con phpList"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:174
msgid ""
"Below is the list of images used in your template. If an image is currently "
"unavailable, please upload it to the database."
msgstr ""
"Abaixo está a lista de imaxes utilizadas no teu modelo. Se unha imaxe non "
"está dispoñible actualmente, cárgaa á base de datos."

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/configure.php:27
msgid "Editing"
msgstr "Editando"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:141
msgid "Manage bounces"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:300
msgid "You can upload a template file or paste the text in the box below"
msgstr "Podes cargar un ficheiro de modelo ou pegar o texto no cadro de abaixo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:269
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "segundos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:185
msgid "Forwarded"
msgstr "Reenviado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:783
msgid "fortnight"
msgstr "quincenalmente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:118,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:126
msgid "Remote version has"
msgstr "A versión remota é"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:52
#, php-format
msgid "%d processed bounces older than 2 months have been deleted"
msgstr "Elimináronse %d rebotes procesados de máis de 2 meses"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php:91
#, php-format
msgid "%d bounces have been associated with a subscriber profile"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:210
msgid "Send a Message"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:66
msgid "last clicked"
msgstr "Últimos clics"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:331
msgid ""
"Check this box to create a list for each administrator, named after their "
msgstr ""
"Marca esta caixa para crear unha lista para cada administrador, co nome do "
"seu nome de inicio de sesión"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:27
msgid "No more candidate rules"
msgstr "Non hai máis regras de candidatos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:458
msgid "Mark all subscribers to receive text"
msgstr "Marcar a todos os subscritores para que reciban texto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/runcommand.php:22
msgid "Command result"
msgstr "Resultado do comando"

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:28,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/configure.php:10
msgid "invalid request"
msgstr "Solicitude non válida"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/export.php:151
msgid "List Membership"
msgstr "Membros da lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:523,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:29
msgid "Running in testmode, no emails will be sent. Check your config file."
msgstr ""
"Executándose en modo de proba, non se enviarán correos electrónicos. "
"Comproba o teu ficheiro de configuración."

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:219
msgid "Prepare a Message"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:949
msgid "In this section"
msgstr "Nesta sección"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:32,
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:44,
#: public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php:16,
#: public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php:29,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:32,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:44,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgbounces.php:30,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgbounces.php:43,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:21,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:33,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:26,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:39,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:41,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:21,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:33,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:26,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:37,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:50
msgid "You do not have access to this page"
msgstr "Non tes acceso a esta páxina"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:940,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:324
msgid "desc"
msgstr "descrición"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:22
msgid "to continue"
msgstr "continuar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:527
msgid "Processing has been suspended by your ISP, please try again later"
msgstr "O teu ISP suspendeu o procesamento. Téntao de novo máis tarde"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:535,
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:540
msgid "fatalerror"
msgstr "Erro fatal"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:69
msgid "Import Subscribers to this list"
msgstr "Importar subscritores a esta lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/checkbouncerules.php:39
msgid "No match"
msgstr "Non hai coincidencias"

#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:18
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Domingo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:918
msgid "Found them"
msgstr "Atopados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:21
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Mércores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:225
msgid "Blacklisting subscribers with more than"
msgstr "Lista negra de subscritores con máis de"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:93
msgid "Edit campaign"
msgstr "Editar campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:15,
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:450
msgid "The clicktracking system has changed"
msgstr "O sistema de seguimento de clics cambiou"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:82
msgid "Subscription History"
msgstr "Historial de subscricións"

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:247
msgid "changed from"
msgstr "modificado dende"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:72
msgid "Processing queued campaigns"
msgstr "Procesando campañas en cola"

#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:16
msgid "Test email not set "
msgstr "O enderezo de correo electrónico de proba non está definido "

#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:71
msgid "subscribe pages"
msgstr "Subscribir páxinas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:44
msgid "subscriber management functions"
msgstr "Funcións de xestión de subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:7
msgid "Announcements"
msgstr "Anuncios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:321
msgid "No lists, use Add List to add one"
msgstr "Non hai listas, usa Engadir lista para engadir unha"

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:50,
#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:55
msgid "Converting DB to use UTF-8, please wait"
msgstr "Convertendo DB para usar UTF-8, agarda"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:107
msgid "IP"
msgstr "IP"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:151
msgid "Public list (listed on the frontend)"
msgstr "Lista pública (listada na interface)"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:168,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:190
msgid "URL to log"
msgstr "URL ao historial"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php:22,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php:44
msgid "Deleting blacklisted subscribers"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:201
msgid "Related regex"
msgstr "Regex relacionadas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:668
msgid "automatically added"
msgstr "engadido automaticamente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:54
msgid "activate and next"
msgstr "Activar e seguinte"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2042,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:390
msgid "view progress"
msgstr "ver progreso"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:716
msgid "Campaign started"
msgstr "Campaña iniciada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:12
msgid "Your version"
msgstr "A túa versión"

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:21
msgid "Legal"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaults.php:97
msgid "return to editing attributes"
msgstr "Volver á edición de atributos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:294,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:69,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:150
msgid "unconfirmed"
msgstr "sen confirmar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:143
msgid "If the output looks ok, go"
msgstr "Se o resultado se ve ben, continúa"

#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:52
msgid "Paste the values to check in this box, one per line"
msgstr "Pegar os valores para marcar nesta caixa, un por liña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:365
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Dirección de correo electrónico"

#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:95
msgid "Start a message campaign"
msgstr "Inicia unha campaña de mensaxes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:23,
#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:32
msgid "Subscriber email"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:191
msgid "hash value of URL"
msgstr "valor hash da URL"

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:248
msgid "View clicks"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/dbcheck.php:11
msgid "Database structure"
msgstr "Estrutura da base de datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:880
msgid "Main Page"
msgstr "Panel de control"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:635
msgid "String to always append to remote URL when using send-a-webpage"
msgstr "Cadea para engadir sempre á URL remota cando se usa send-a-webpage"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:2260
msgid "First Page"
msgstr "Primeira páxina"

#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/userlib.php:586
msgid "Added to blacklist"
msgstr "Engadido á lista negra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:187
msgid "Installed plugins"
msgstr "Plugins instalados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:335
msgid "Adding attachment"
msgstr "Engadindo anexo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1722,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:19,
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:33
msgid "July"
msgstr "Xullo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:304,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:127
msgid ""
"You can reconnect subscribers to lists on the Reconcile Subscribers page."
msgstr ""
"Podes volver conectar os subscritores ás listas na páxina Reconciliar "

#: public_html/lists/admin/suppressionlist.php:26
#, php-format
msgid ""
"All done, %d emails processed, %d emails marked unconfirmed, %d emails "
msgstr ""
"Todo feito, %d correos electrónicos procesados, %d correos electrónicos "
"marcados como sen confirmar, %d correos electrónicos na lista negra<br/>"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:65
msgid "Manage Subscribers"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:146
msgid "Error installing plugin"
msgstr "Erro de instalación do plugin"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:140
msgid "fwds"
msgstr "reenvíos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:115
msgid "page"
msgstr "Páxina"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:821
msgid "looking for users who can be excluded from this mailing"
msgstr "buscando subscritores que poidan ser excluídos deste correo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:650
#, php-format
msgid "Maximum for campaign %d is %d"
msgstr "O máximo para a campaña %d é %d"

#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:48
msgid "Check your INBOX to see if all worked ok"
msgstr "Revisa a túa bandexa de entrada para ver se todo funcionou ben"

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:247
msgid "view user"
msgstr "ver subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:763
msgid "no repetition"
msgstr "sen repetir"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:789
msgid "four weeks"
msgstr "catro semanas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/convertstats.php:79
msgid "processing cancelled"
msgstr "Procesamento cancelado"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:282
msgid "pagetitlehover:admin"
msgstr ""
"Editar ou agregar un administrador que pode facer login en phpList para "
"xestionar aspectos do sistema"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:881
msgid "about"
msgstr "Sobre"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:158
msgid ""
"The campaign will go to users who are a member of the lists above,     "
"unless they are a member of one of the lists you select here."
msgstr ""
"A campaña irá para os subscritores que sexan membros das listas anteriores, "
"a non ser que tamén sexan membros dunha das listas que selecciones aquí."

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1343
msgid ""
"Some required information is missing. The send button will be enabled when "
"this is resolved."
msgstr ""
"Falta algunha información requirida. O botón de enviar habilitarase cando se "

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:195
msgid "List Description"
msgstr "Descrición da lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:521
msgid "Time to send"
msgstr "Hora de enviar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:145
#, fuzzy
msgid "attributes"
msgstr "Atributo:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:299
msgid "Show only blacklisted users"
msgstr "Amosa só os subscritores da lista negra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:70
msgid "phpList initialisation"
msgstr "Inicialización de phpList"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:304
msgid "Suspending all"
msgstr "Suspendendo todos"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:351
msgid "pagetitle:ajaxform"
msgstr "Integración con AJAX"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:251
msgid "Script stage"
msgstr "Estadio de script"

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:102
msgid "All Done"
msgstr "Todo listo"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:123
msgid "System Comment"
msgstr "Comentario do Sistema"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:570,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:833,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:94,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:141
msgid "html"
msgstr "HTML"

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:186,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:237
msgid "deleting"
msgstr "Borrando"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:272
msgid "Login not available. Create an account first."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:325
msgid "asc"
msgstr "asc"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:253
msgid "developer"
msgstr "Desenvolvedor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:426
msgid "Add new Attribute"
msgstr "Engadir un novo atributo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:36
msgid "Add new admin"
msgstr "Engadir un novo administrador"

#: public_html/lists/admin/convertstats.php:167
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Rematado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:259
msgid "Trying to merge duplicates"
msgstr "Intentando fundir rexistros duplicados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:500
#, php-format
msgid "%d emails subscribed to the lists"
msgstr "%d correos electrónicos subscritos ás listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1069
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Error, when trying to send campaign %d the attachment (%s) could not be "
"copied to the repository. Check for permissions."
msgstr ""
"Erro, ao tentar enviar a campaña %d o anexo (%s) non se puido copiar no "
"repositorio. Comproba se hai permisos."

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:210
msgid "Copying users"
msgstr "Copiando subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:116
msgid "Check status"
msgstr "Comprobar estado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:326
msgid "subscribers fixed"
msgstr "subscritores fixados"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:305
msgid "pagetitle:vote"
msgstr "Votar por phpList"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:325
msgid "pagetitle:mviews"
msgstr "Ver aperturas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:956
msgid ""
"The total size of attachments is very large. Sending this campaign may fail "
"due to resource limits."
msgstr ""
"O tamaño total dos anexos é moi grande. O envío desta campaña pode fallar "
"debido aos límites de recursos."

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:269
msgid "send notification email"
msgstr "enviar correo electrónico de notificación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:49,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:127
msgid "Send a campaign"
msgstr "Enviar unha campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:537
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detalles"

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:468
#, php-format
msgid ""
"When you are ready click %s Depending on the size of your database, this may "
"take quite a while. Please make sure not to interrupt the process, once it "
msgstr ""
"Cando esteas listo, preme %s Dependendo do tamaño da túa base de datos, isto "
"pode levar bastante tempo. Asegúrate de non interromper o proceso unha vez "

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:255
msgid "pagetitle:reconcileusers"
msgstr "Limpeza de subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:29
msgid "delete subscriber and bounce"
msgstr "Eliminar ao subscritor e o rebote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:251
#, php-format
msgid "Removing %d from this list "
msgstr "Eliminando %d desta lista "

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:918
msgid "to process"
msgstr "para procesar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:401
msgid "Sorry, you used invalid characters in the From field."
msgstr "Usaches caracteres non válidos no campo \"de\"."

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:993
msgid "to email address(es)"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/export.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "phpList Export on %s from %s to %s (%s).csv"
msgstr "subscritores de phpList en %s de %s a %s (%s).csv"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:303
msgid "URL where unknown users can unsubscribe (do-not-send-list)"
msgstr ""
"URL onde os visitantes descoñecidos poden cancelar a subscrición (lista de "
"\"non enviar a\")"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:274
msgid "Attribute one"
msgstr "Atributo un"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:101,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:106
msgid "When viewed"
msgstr "Cando foi visto"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:199
msgid "Action on rule"
msgstr "Acción para a regra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2044,
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2055
msgid "Error activating remote queue processing"
msgstr "Produciuse un erro ao activar o procesamento remoto da cola"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:229
msgid "Tell us about it"
msgstr "Fálanos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:41
msgid "Export subscribers"
msgstr "Exportar subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:55
msgid "Click Details for a Message"
msgstr "Detalles de clic dunha campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:154
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Tamaño"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:192
msgid "Confirm email addresses by default"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:804
#, php-format
msgid "%d consecutive bounces, threshold reached, blacklisting subscriber"
msgstr ""
"%d rebotes consecutivos, límite alcanzado, subscritor posto en lista negra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:52
msgid "delete and next"
msgstr "Eliminar e seguinte"

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:362
msgid "Add a new subscriber"
msgstr "Engadir un novo subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:282
msgid "Attribute two"
msgstr "Atributo dous"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:248
msgid "Don't offer choice, default to <b>HTML</b>"
msgstr "Non ofrecer opción, enviar <b>HTML</b> por defecto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:590
msgid "Header of public pages."
msgstr "Cabeceira das páxinas públicas"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:102
msgid "Status of message"
msgstr "Estado da mensaxe"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:313
msgid "pagetitle:uclicks"
msgstr "Estatísticas de URL clicadas"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:122
msgid "Status of this bounce"
msgstr "Estado deste rebote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:97
msgid "Translations"
msgstr "Traducións"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:747
msgid "Send&nbsp;Notification&nbsp;email"
msgstr "Enviar&nbsp;Notificación&nbsp;Correo electrónico"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:74
msgid "Sent as Text and PDF"
msgstr "Enviado como Texto e PDF"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:31
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The temporary directory for uploading (%s) is not writable, so import will "
msgstr ""
"O directorio temporal para cargar (%s) non se pode escribir, polo que "
"fallará a importación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:210
msgid "List subscriptions:"
msgstr "Subscricións a listas:"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:164
msgid "page this log was for"
msgstr "páxina para a que foi este historial"

#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:22
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Xoves"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:23
msgid "RSS Frequency"
msgstr "Frecuencia de RSS"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:620
msgid "Report of processing will be sent by email"
msgstr "O informe do procesamento enviarase por correo electrónico"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:232
msgid "pagetitlehover:import4"
msgstr "Importar subscritores dende unha base de datos remota"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:257
msgid "pagetitle:user"
msgstr "Perfil do subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:206
msgid "add user"
msgstr "Engadir subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:275,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:283
msgid "Create Attribute"
msgstr "Crear atributo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:228,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:512
msgid "email was"
msgstr "o correo foi"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:116
msgid "Export Users"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:174
msgid "None yet"
msgstr "Ningunha aínda"

#: public_html/lists/admin/checkbouncerules.php:45
msgid "bounces did not match any current active rule"
msgstr "os rebotes non coincidían con ningunha regra activa actual"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:291
msgid "pagetitle:bounce"
msgstr "Ver un rebote"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:26,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:145
msgid "Is this account disabled?"
msgstr "Está esta conta inhabilitada?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:18
msgid "processed"
msgstr "Procesado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:544
#, php-format
msgid "Sending in batches of %s emails"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:40
msgid ""
"This is not a problem if your Database server is on a different filesystem. "
"Click the button to continue."
msgstr ""
"Isto non é un problema se o servidor de base de datos está nun sistema de "
"ficheiros diferente. Fai clic no botón para continuar."

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:657
#, php-format
msgid "Subscriber auto blacklisted by bounce rule %d"
msgstr "Subscritor en lista negra automática pola regra de rebote %d"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:6
msgid "List of Administrators"
msgstr "Lista de administradores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:12
msgid "View Bounces per campaign"
msgstr "Ver rebotes por campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:58
msgid "Are you sure you want to reset the import session?"
msgstr "Seguro que queres restablecer a sesión de importación?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:723,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:238
msgid "Omit Invalid"
msgstr "Omitir non válidos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:232
msgid "Please enter details of the IMAP account"
msgstr "Introduce os detalles da conta IMAP"

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:40
msgid "Force Upgrade"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:306
msgid "pagetitlehover:vote"
msgstr "Votar por phpList en sitios ao longo do mundo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/storemessage.php:20
msgid ""
"You are trying to send a remote URL, but PEAR::HTTP_Request is not "
"available, so this will fail"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:498
#, php-format
msgid "%d emails succesfully imported to the database and added to %d lists."
msgstr ""
"%d correos electrónicos importáronse correctamente á base de datos e "
"engadíronse a %d listas."

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:2156,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:177,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:186,
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:365,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:334
msgid "Attribute"
msgstr "Atributo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:38
msgid "No such record"
msgstr "Non hai tal rexistro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:50
msgid "The system is in maintenance mode, stopping. Try again later."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1717,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:14,
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:28
msgid "February"
msgstr "Febreiro"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:69
msgid "are you sure you want to delete this subscriber from the blacklist"
msgstr "Seguro que queres eliminar este subscritor da lista negra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:44
msgid "Send password"
msgstr "Enviar o contrasinal"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:777,
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:778
msgid "Sorry this page was not found in the plugin"
msgstr "Sentímolo, esta páxina non se atopou no plugin"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:362
msgid "Display list categories"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:44
msgid "Campaign Default"
msgstr "Campaña predeterminada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:565
msgid ""
"open_basedir restrictions are in effect, which may be the cause of the next "
msgstr ""
"As restricións open_basedir están en vigor, o que pode ser a causa do "
"seguinte aviso"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:21,
#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:20
msgid "Initialise Database"
msgstr "Inicializar base de datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:330
msgid "Dependency check"
msgstr "Comprobación de dependencia"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:276
msgid "Listing subscriber 1 to 50"
msgstr "Listando subscritores do 1 ao 50"

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1083
#, php-format
msgid "Attachment %s does not exist"
msgstr "O anexo %s non existe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:582
msgid "both"
msgstr "ambos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:50
msgid "Your database version"
msgstr "A versión da túa base de datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/checkurl.php:23
msgid "Check your \"remoteurl_append\" setting."
msgstr "Comproba a túa configuración de \"remoteurl_append\"."

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:215
msgid "Is now subscribed to:"
msgstr "Está subscrito a:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:73,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:309,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:340
msgid "View Statistics"
msgstr "Ver estatísticas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:2148
msgid "secs"
msgstr "segundos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:64
msgid "value"
msgstr "Valor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/msgstatus.php:27,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:73,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:87
msgid "still to process"
msgstr "Non procesado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:235
msgid "Server"
msgstr "Servidor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:79
msgid "Person in charge of this system (one email address)"
msgstr "Responsable deste sistema (un enderezo de correo electrónico)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:182
msgid "admins"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:602,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:603
msgid "View"
msgstr "Ver"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:221
msgid "Intro"
msgstr "Intro"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:349
msgid "pagetitle:translate"
msgstr "Traducir phpList"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import.php:38
msgid "copy and paste list of emails"
msgstr "Copia e pega a lista de enderezos de correo electrónico"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:316
msgid "Marking all as sent "
msgstr "Marcar todos como enviados "

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:350
msgid "Error, no local list defined for"
msgstr "Erro, non se definiu ningunha lista local para"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1285
msgid "From missing"
msgstr "Falta o remitente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:506
#, php-format
msgid "%d Invalid Emails found."
msgstr "Atopáronse %d correos electrónicos non válidos."

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:152
msgid "Please select the lists you want to exclude from this campaign"
msgstr "Por favor, selecciona as listas que queres excluír desta campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:424,
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:83
msgid "none"
msgstr "ningún"

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:134
msgid "Subscribers who clicked a campaign"
msgstr "Os subscritores que fixeron clic nunha campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:138
msgid "are you sure you want to delete all bounces"
msgstr "Seguro que queres eliminar todos os rebotes?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:188
msgid "Possible Actions:"
msgstr "Accións posibles:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2287
msgid "Still loading, please be patient, your page content will show shortly."
msgstr ""
"Aínda se está cargando, ten paciencia, o contido da túa páxina aparecerá en "

#: public_html/lists/index.php:752
msgid "Subscriber has been removed from blacklist"
msgstr "O subscritor foi eliminado da lista de non enviar"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:266
msgid "pagetitlehover:message"
msgstr "Ver detalles dunha campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:233
msgid "templates"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:52
msgid "other"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:381,
#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:102
msgid "New password"
msgstr "Novo contrasinal"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:372,
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:207
msgid "Cannot create POP3 connection to"
msgstr "Non se pode crear unha conexión POP3 con"

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:408,
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:440,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:339
msgid "Order of Listing"
msgstr "Orde da lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:236
msgid "Bounce Details"
msgstr "Detalles do rebote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:154
msgid "Plugin directory is not writable"
msgstr "O directorio do plugin está protexido contra escritura"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:607,
#: public_html/lists/admin/subscriberstats.php:7,
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:97
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Estatísticas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:961
msgid "Add (and save)"
msgstr "Engadir (e gardar)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:73
msgid "update Top Level Domains"
msgstr "Actualizar dominios de nivel superior"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:436,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:445,
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:265,
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:270
msgid "Deleting message"
msgstr "Eliminando a mensaxe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:8
msgid "Non existing subscribers "
msgstr "Subscritores non existentes "

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:262
#, php-format
msgid "Update by %s"
msgstr "Actualizar por %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:156
msgid "Clicked"
msgstr "Pulsado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:914
msgid ""
"Warning, finding the subscribers to send out to takes a long time, consider "
"changing to commandline sending"
msgstr ""
"Aviso, atopar os subscritores aos que enviar o envío leva moito tempo, "
"considera cambiar ao envío de liña de comandos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:106
#, php-format
msgid "%d email addresses already existed in the database"
msgstr "%d enderezos de correo electrónico xa existían na base de datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:612
msgid "Mark&nbsp;sent"
msgstr "Marcar como enviado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:69
msgid "it should only be done with explicit permission from this subscriber"
msgstr "só debería facerse co permiso explícito deste subscritor"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:268
msgid "pagetitlehover:processqueue"
msgstr "Enviar as campañas en cola"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:303
msgid "Template file."
msgstr "Ficheiro de modelo."

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1155,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1381
msgid "It took"
msgstr "tardou"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:736
msgid "This is the Newsletter Subject"
msgstr "Este é o asunto do boletín"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:204
msgid "Language ISO"
msgstr "Linguaxe ISO"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:71
msgid "No such campaign"
msgstr "Non hai tal campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:204
msgid "Password must be at least 8 characters"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:915
msgid "forwardfooter"
msgstr "Reenviar pé"

#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:297
msgid "Show only unconfirmed users"
msgstr "Amosa só subscritores sen confirmar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:378
msgid ""
"If you choose one list only, a checkbox for this list will not be displayed "
"and the subscriber will automatically be added to this list."
msgstr ""
"Se escolles só unha lista, non se amosará unha caixa de verificación para "
"esta lista e o subscritor engadirase automaticamente a esta lista."

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:277
msgid "pagetitle:viewtemplate"
msgstr "Previsualización do modelo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:255,
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:571
msgid "warning"
msgstr "Aviso"

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:76
msgid "Your password was changed succesfully"
msgstr "O teu contrasinal cambiouse correctamente"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:362
msgid "pagetitlehover:suppressionlist"
msgstr "Lista de baixas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:28
msgid "blacklist email address"
msgstr "poñer en lista negra a dirección de correo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:271,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:96,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:101
msgid "Subscriber"
msgstr "Subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:245,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:260
msgid "User added"
msgstr "Subscritor engadido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:109
msgid "Text content"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:39
msgid "Confirmed and not blacklisted members"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:4,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:149
msgid "order of listing"
msgstr "Orde da listaxe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2050
msgid "Unknown error"
msgstr "Erro descoñecido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:52
#, php-format
msgid "Sending message %d with subject %s to %s"
msgstr "Enviando a mensaxe %d co asunto %s a %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:34
msgid "Reconcile Subscribers"
msgstr "Conciliar subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:352
msgid "predefined defaults"
msgstr "Valores predefinidos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:456
msgid "Upgrade successful"
msgstr "Actualización correcta"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1372
#, php-format
msgid "to view the statistics of this campaign, go to %s://%s"
msgstr "para ver as estatísticas desta campaña, vai a %s://%s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:182
msgid "Do the above"
msgstr "Facer o anterior"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:151
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Obrigatorio"

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:62
msgid "Invalid security token. Please reload the page and try again."
msgstr ""
"O token de seguranza non é válido. Volve cargar a páxina e téntao de novo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:55
msgid "Resending confirmation request to"
msgstr "Reenviando a solicitude de confirmación a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/generatebouncerules.php:145
msgid "bounces not matched"
msgstr "rebotes non coincidentes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:145
msgid "Please select the lists you want to send your campaign to"
msgstr "Por favor, selecciona as listas ás que desexas enviar a túa campaña"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:330
msgid "pagetitlehover:statsoverview"
msgstr "Resumo das estatísticas das últimas campañas enviadas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:29
msgid ""
"A variety of support options are available for this phpList server, "
"including free help from communnity members, and professional advice and "
"consulting from experts"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/tests.php:40
msgid "Test passed"
msgstr "Proba superada"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:281
msgid "pagetitle:admin"
msgstr "Editar ou engadir un administrador"

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:763
msgid "sendingtextonlyto"
msgstr "Enviando texto só a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1742,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:39
msgid "Dec"
msgstr "Dec"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:33
msgid "This page requires Javascript to be enabled."
msgstr "Esta páxina require que JavaScript estea activado."

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:206
msgid "Translated string"
msgstr "Cadea traducida"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:389
msgid "unique emails found"
msgstr "correos electrónicos únicos atopados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:134
msgid "Rejected email addresses"
msgstr "Enderezos de correo electrónico rexeitados"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:73
msgid "Sent as PDF"
msgstr "Enviado como PDF"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:567
msgid "Default footer for sending a campaign"
msgstr "Pé de páxina predeterminado para enviar unha campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:117,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:50
msgid "delete all"
msgstr "Eliminar todos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:224
msgid "sendprepared"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:273
msgid "Don't display email confirmation"
msgstr "Non amosar o campo de confirmación do enderezo de correo electrónico"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:141
msgid "Unique views"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:19
msgid "unidentified"
msgstr "sen identificar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/msgstatus.php:30,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:89,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:119,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:124,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:159
msgid "Processing"
msgstr "Procesando"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:84
msgid "Edit this message"
msgstr "Editar esta campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:455,
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:277
msgid "Closing mailbox, and purging messages"
msgstr "Pechando a caixa de correo e eliminando mensaxes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:187
msgid ""
"Please enter the emails to import, one per line, in the box below and click "
"\"Import Emails\""
msgstr ""
"Introduce os enderezos de correo electrónico a importar, un por liña, na "
"caixa de abaixo e preme en \"Importar correos electrónicos\""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1235
#, php-format
msgid "waiting for %.1f seconds to meet target of %s seconds per message"
msgstr ""
"agardando por %.1f segundos para acadar o obxectivo de %s segundos por "

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:489,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:491
msgid "(test)"
msgstr "(prueba)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:28
msgid "Sending HTML version to "
msgstr "Enviando versión HTML a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:37
msgid "Converting to UTF-8 requires sufficient diskspace on your system."
msgstr "A conversión a UTF-8 require suficiente espazo en disco no teu sistema."

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:172
msgid "Click Per View Rate"
msgstr "Taxa de clic por vista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:62
#, php-format
msgid "%s left until embargo"
msgstr "%s restantes ata o bloqueo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:2243
#, php-format
msgid "Listing %d to %d of %d"
msgstr "Lista %d a %d de %d"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:93
msgid "summary"
msgstr "Resumo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:367,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:370,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:24,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:539
msgid "Campaigns"
msgstr "Campañas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1352
msgid "Save and continue editing"
msgstr "Gardar e seguir editando"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:193
msgid "Maximum time for queue processing"
msgstr "Tempo máximo para o procesamento da cola"

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:164
msgid "All clicks by"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:316
msgid "pagetitlehover:massunconfirm"
msgstr ""
"Xestionar a lista de subscritores aos que NON se lles debe enviar correos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:411
msgid "Please select the list(s) to send the campaign to"
msgstr "Selecciona a(s) lista(s) ás que enviar a campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/ui/default/rssfeed.php:54
msgid "phpList community news"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:735
msgid "Looking for users"
msgstr "Buscando subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:495
msgid "good evening"
msgstr "boas noites"

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:184
msgid "edit this value"
msgstr "Editar este valor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1149
#, php-format
msgid "Warning: a lot of errors while sending campaign %d"
msgstr "Aviso: moitos erros ao enviar a campaña %d"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:5,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:150
msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Valor por defecto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:182
msgid "Setting default configuration"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/index.php:1045
msgid ""
"When testing the phpList forward functionality, you need to be logged in as "
"an administrator."
msgstr ""
"Ao probar a funcionalidade de reenvío de phpList, debes iniciar sesión como "

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:288
msgid "pagetitlehover:processbounces"
msgstr ""
"Obter os correos rebotados dende a conta de correo de rebotes e procesalos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:198
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Gardar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:709,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:321
msgid "default is TAB"
msgstr "por defecto é TAB"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:55
msgid "Footer for a message"
msgstr "Pé de páxina para unha mensaxe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:72
msgid "No images found"
msgstr "Non se atoparon imaxes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:688
msgid "Hide forever"
msgstr "Ocultar para sempre"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:155
msgid "Value of this attribute for this admin"
msgstr "Valor deste atributo para este admin"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:339
msgid "pagetitle:usercheck"
msgstr "Comprobar que existan subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:73
msgid "Please enter your name."
msgstr "Por favor, introduce o teu nome."

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:292
msgid "pagetitlehover:bounce"
msgstr "Ver un rebote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:26
msgid "Generate Bounce Rules"
msgstr "Crear normas para rebotes"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:60
msgid "Final time to stop repetition"
msgstr "Hora límite para parar a repetición"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:205,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:265,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:280,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:501,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:382,
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:120,
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:163
msgid "failed"
msgstr "fallou"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:353,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:418
msgid "Skip Column"
msgstr "Saltar columna"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:520
msgid "Started "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:12,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:21,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:29,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:37,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:45
msgid "Ascending"
msgstr "Ascendente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:103
msgid "Choose an existing draft campaign to work on"
msgstr "Escolle un borrador de campaña existente para traballar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:491
msgid "Unique Views"
msgstr "Vistas únicas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:177,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:437,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:13,
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaults.php:95
msgid "done"
msgstr "Feito"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:377
msgid "select"
msgstr "seleccionar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:269
msgid ""
"Subscribers with a red icon are either unconfirmed or blacklisted or both"
msgstr ""
"Os subscritores cunha icona vermella están sen confirmar, na lista negra ou "

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:257,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1306,
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:57
msgid ""
"This campaign is scheduled to stop sending in the past. No mails will be "
msgstr ""
"Esta campaña está programada para deixar de enviarse nunha data pasada. Non "
"se enviarán correos electrónicos."

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:178
msgid "System Message"
msgstr "Mensaxe do sistema"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:59
msgid "Installing plugin"
msgstr "Instalando plugin"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:534
#, php-format
msgid "Sending in batches of %s messages"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:261
msgid "processbounces"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:392
msgid "Message subscribers receive when they sign up"
msgstr "Mensaxe que reciben os subscritores cando se rexistran"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:153
msgid "Order for listing"
msgstr "Orde para listar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:172
msgid "Configuration Functions"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:180,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:247,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:284,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:291
msgid "View Members"
msgstr "Ver membros da lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/updateLib.php:64
msgid "Update to "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/configure.php:104
msgid "undo"
msgstr "Desfacer"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:984
msgid "queue processing time has exceeded max processing time "
msgstr "o procesamento da cola superou o tempo máximo de procesamento"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:303
msgid "pagetitle:community"
msgstr "Axuda"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:121
msgid "List of email addresses to CC in system messages (separate by commas)"
msgstr ""
"Lista de enderezos de correo electrónico para CC nas mensaxes do sistema ("
"separados por comas)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:150
msgid "No attachments"
msgstr "Sen anexos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php:74
#, php-format
msgid "%d to process"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:175
msgid "(use negative numbers to decrease)"
msgstr "(usar números negativos para diminuír)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:61
msgid "Website address (without http://)"
msgstr "Enderezo do sitio web (sen http://)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/logout.php:21
msgid ""
"You have been logged out for security purposes, because there were too many "
"errors in your session"
msgstr ""
"Pechouse a sesión por motivos de seguridade porque houbo demasiados erros na "
"súa sesión"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:71,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:74
#, php-format
msgid "Added %s to bouncecount for subscriber %s"
msgstr "Engadiuse %s ao contador de rebotes do subscritor %s<br/>"

#: public_html/lists/admin/checkbouncerules.php:24
#, php-format
msgid "Process Next %d"
msgstr "Procesar o seguinte %d"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/bounces.php:54
msgid "Bounces data not found"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:540
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This batch will be %s emails, because in the last %s seconds %s emails were "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/bounces.php:50
msgid "time"
msgstr "hora"

#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:54
msgid "test processing error"
msgstr "Erro de proba do procesamento"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:321
msgid "URL where subscribers can update their details"
msgstr "URL onde os subscritores poden actualizar os seus datos"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:256
msgid "pagetitlehover:reconcileusers"
msgstr "Diversas funcións para limpar a base de datos de subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:131
msgid "Domains with most unconfirmed subscribers"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:116,
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:151
msgid "Is this attribute required?:"
msgstr "Este atributo é obrigatorio?:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:533
msgid "Subject of message when subscribers request their personal location"
msgstr ""
"Asunto da mensaxe para enviar cando os subscritores soliciten a súa "
"localización persoal"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1350,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:150,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:160,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:182,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:190
msgid "Uncategorised"
msgstr "Sen categorizar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:402
msgid "edit values"
msgstr "Editar valores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1287
#, php-format
msgid "Marked unconfirmed while sending campaign %d"
msgstr "Marcado como sen confirmar durante o envío da campaña %d"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:307,
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:312
msgid "enabled"
msgstr "Activado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:135
msgid "delete all processed (&gt; 2 months old)"
msgstr "Eliminar todos os procesados (&gt; 2 meses de antigüidade)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:5
msgid "with password"
msgstr "con contrasinal"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:158
msgid "Add a new Administrator"
msgstr "Engadir un novo administrador"

#: public_html/lists/admin/msgstatus.php:31,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:125,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:269
msgid "msgs/hr"
msgstr "mensaxes/hora"

#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:48
msgid ""
"Your PHP settings do not allow this functionality. Please set "
"\"allow_url_fopen\" in your php.ini to be \"on\" to continue."
msgstr ""
"A túa configuración de PHP non permite esta funcionalidade. Por favor, "
"configura \"allow_url_fopen\" no teu php.ini para que estea \"activado\" "
"para continuar."

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:368
msgid "Change your details (e.g. password)"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:85
msgid "Click rate"
msgstr "Taxa de clics"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:14
msgid "Check Current Bounce Rules"
msgstr "Comprobar as regras de rebote actuais"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:684
#, php-format
msgid "sending of this campaign will stop, if it is still going in %s"
msgstr "o envío desta campaña deterase, se aínda está en curso en %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:91,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:72
msgid "Campaign statistics"
msgstr "Estatísticas da campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:267
msgid "Display Email confirmation"
msgstr "Amosar o campo de confirmación do enderezo de correo electrónico"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:308
msgid "pagetitlehover:login"
msgstr "Iniciar sesión"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:574
msgid ""
"To delete subscribers who signed up and have not confirmed their subscription"
msgstr ""
"Eliminar os subscritores que se rexistraron e non confirmaron a súa "

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:39,
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:502
msgid "Continue Configuration"
msgstr "Continuar configuración"

#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:61
msgid "API key from phpList.com"
msgstr "Clave API de phpList.com"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:21
msgid "Send this subscriber HTML emails"
msgstr "Enviar a este subscritor correos en HTML"

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:276
msgid "Run manual conversion to UTF8"
msgstr "Executa a conversión manual a UTF-8"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:212
msgid "pagetitlehover:about"
msgstr "Máis información sobre a aplicación phpList"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:267
msgid ""
"addresses that do not have a real name will be ignored. Otherwise all emails "
"will be imported."
msgstr ""
"ignoraranse os enderezos que non teñan un nome real. En caso contrario, "
"todos os correos electrónicos serán importados."

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:832
msgid "Send as"
msgstr "Enviar como"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:460
msgid "[notify] Change of List-Membership details"
msgstr "[notificación] Cambio nos detalles de pertenza a unha lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:163
msgid "Search campaigns"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:315
msgid "Select the attributes to use"
msgstr "Seleccionar os atributos a utilizar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:605
#, php-format
msgid "Test output<br/>If the output looks ok, click %s to submit for real"
msgstr ""
"Proba de saída<br />Se o resultado parece ser correcto, pulsa %s para facer "
"o envío real"

#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:63,
#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:66
msgid "Update"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:105,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:75
msgid "Date sent"
msgstr "Data de envío"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:97
msgid "Making connection with remote database"
msgstr "Realización de conexión coa base de datos remota"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1371
#, php-format
msgid "phpList has finished sending the campaign with subject %s"
msgstr "phpList rematou de enviar a campaña co asunto %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:326
msgid "subscribers could not be fixed"
msgstr "os subscritores non puideron ser fixados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:19,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:85
msgid "Name is not unique enough"
msgstr "O nome non é o suficientemente único"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:42
msgid "Unable get lock for processing"
msgstr "Non é posible obter o bloqueo para o procesamento"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:549
msgid "Delete all blacklisted subscribers"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:553
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Your phpList version is older than two years. Please %supgrade phpList</a> "
"before continuing.</br>\n"
"            Visit <a href=\"https://www.phplist.org/users/\" title=\""
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1734,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:31
msgid "Apr"
msgstr "Abr"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:925
msgid "Maximum size of total data being sent to the server"
msgstr "Tamaño máximo dos datos totais que se envían ao servidor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:271,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:11
msgid "View Bounces"
msgstr "Ver rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:409,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:415,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:418,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:420,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:422,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:424
msgid "maps to"
msgstr "apunta a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:178
msgid "Adding subscribers"
msgstr "Engadindo subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1135
msgid "Sending"
msgstr "Enviando"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:126,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:226,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:510,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:455
msgid "lists"
msgstr "listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:192
msgid "Deleting subscribers who are not on any list"
msgstr "Eliminando subscritores que non están en ningunha lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:362
msgid "Update available"
msgstr "Actualización dispoñible"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1053
msgid "Estimated size of text email"
msgstr "Tamaño estimado da mensaxe de texto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:157,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:583
msgid "New Attribute"
msgstr "Novo atributo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:358,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:307
msgid "to email addresses"
msgstr "a enderezos de correo electrónico"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:375
msgid "If you do not choose a list here, all public lists will be displayed."
msgstr "Se non escolles unha lista aquí, amosaranse todas as listas públicas."

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:256
#, php-format
msgid "Subscribed to %s"
msgstr "Subscrito a %s"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:352
msgid "pagetitlehover:ajaxform"
msgstr "Integración con AJAX"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:285
msgid "pagetitle:adminattributes"
msgstr "Configurar atributos de administrador"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "Giving a UUID to %d campaigns"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:269
msgid "If you choose"
msgstr "Se escolles"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultsystemtemplate.php:436
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default templates suite"
msgstr "Valor predefinido:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:101
msgid "Please wait, upgrading your database, do not interrupt"
msgstr "Por favor, agarda, actualizando a túa base de datos, non interrompas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:103,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:150
msgid "subscribers were moved to"
msgstr "os subscritores foron trasladados a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:427
msgid ""
"Warning: Storage of sensitive personal data such as race, health, and sexual "
"orientation is regulated by some data protection laws"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:417
msgid ""
"This will process all subscribers on this list, confirmed and unconfirmed"
msgstr ""
"Isto procesará todos os subscritores desta lista, confirmados e sen confirmar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:43
msgid "Confirm UTF8 conversion"
msgstr "Confirmar a conversión UTF-8"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:204
msgid "Categories for lists. Separate with commas."
msgstr "Categorías para listas. Separado con comas."

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:37
msgid "Campaign Id"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:98
msgid "unique views"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:339
msgid "URL for downloading vcf card"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:112
msgid "Super Admin"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:217
msgid "pagetitle:list"
msgstr "Listas de subscrición"

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:40
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Another process is already upgrading this installation. Click %s to force "
"upgrade, but only if you are sure the other process is no longer active."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultsystemtemplate.php:413,
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultsystemtemplate.php:427
msgid "Go back to templates"
msgstr "Volver aos modelos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:102
msgid "Add another list"
msgstr "Engadir outra lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:416
msgid "What to do with all subscribers"
msgstr "Que facer con todos os subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:84
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all events matching this filter?"
msgstr ""
"Seguro que queres eliminar todos os eventos que coincidan con este filtro?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:91
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Reiniciar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:377
msgid "To enter a new one, please visit the following link:"
msgstr "Para introducir un novo, visita a seguinte ligazón:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:181
msgid "Install plugin"
msgstr "Instalar plugin"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:104
msgid "Are you sure you want to reset this subscription page template?"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:136,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:503,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:78
msgid "Bounced"
msgstr "Rebotado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:129
msgid "add a new rule"
msgstr "engadir unha nova regra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1155
msgid "seconds to send"
msgstr "segundos en enviar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:668,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:81,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:180,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:211
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Descoñecido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:804
msgid "do not requeue"
msgstr "Non volver a engadir á cola"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/configure.php:92
msgid "Don't know how to handle type "
msgstr "Non sei como manexar o tipo "

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:50
msgid "from"
msgstr "de"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:528
msgid "Delete subscribers who have an invalid email address"
msgstr ""
"Eliminar os subscritores que teñan un enderezo de correo electrónico non "

#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:111
msgid "email"
msgstr "correo electrónico"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:357
msgid "pagetitle:plugins"
msgstr "Xestionar plugins"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:107
msgid "fromfield"
msgstr "Campo do remitente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:199
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancelar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:271
msgid "origin"
msgstr "Orixe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:113
msgid "age"
msgstr "Idade"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:864
msgid "No template"
msgstr "Sen modelo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:941
msgid "size"
msgstr "Tamaño"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:112,
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:106
msgid "entered"
msgstr "Ingresado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:68,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:80,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:89,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:117,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:147
msgid "Download subscribers"
msgstr "Descargar subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:273
#, php-format
msgid "Listing subscriber %d to %d"
msgstr "Listando subscritores do %d a %d"

#: public_html/lists/admin/subscribelib2.php:786
msgid "General"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php:104
msgid "Time"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:176
msgid "Mark subscriber as unconfirmed"
msgstr "Marcar o subscritor como non confirmado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:415
msgid "subscriber"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:114
msgid "The template"
msgstr "O modelo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1098
#, php-format
msgid ""
"There have been more than 10 attempts to send to %s that have been blocked "
"for domain throttling."
msgstr ""
"Houbo máis de 10 intentos de enviar a %s que foron bloqueados para limitar o "

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1335
msgid "All Public Lists"
msgstr "Todas as listas públicas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:115
#, php-format
msgid "Subscribers who clicked on the URL \"%s\" across all campaigns"
msgstr "Os subscritores que fixeron clic na URL \"%s\" en todas as campañas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1276
msgid "Incorrect URL for sending"
msgstr "URL incorrecta para o envío"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:239,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:275
msgid "Duplicate Email"
msgstr "Duplicar correo electrónico"

#: public_html/lists/admin/phpListAdminAuthentication.php:43
msgid "Please enter your credentials."
msgstr "Por favor, introduce as túas credenciais."

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2290
msgid ""
"The loading has been just over seven minutes. We can wait just a little "
msgstr ""
"A carga foi de pouco máis de sete minutos. Podemos esperar un pouco máis."

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1329
msgid "All Lists"
msgstr "Todas as listas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:407
msgid "Download all users as CSV file"
msgstr "Descargar todos os subscritores nun ficheiro CSV"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:109
#, php-format
msgid "Invalid addresses will be reported in the report that is sent to %s"
msgstr "Os enderezos non válidos serán reportados no informe que se envía a %s"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:127
msgid "When did it bounce"
msgstr "Cando rebotou"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:710
msgid "You are trying to use PDF support without having FPDF loaded"
msgstr "Estás intentando usar o soporte de PDF sen ter FPDF cargado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:71
msgid ""
"Your database is already the correct version, there is no need to upgrade"
msgstr ""
"A túa base de datos xa ten a versión correcta, non é necesario actualizala"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:265,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:267
msgid "If you check"
msgstr "Se o seleccionas"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:263
msgid "pagetitle:messages"
msgstr "Lista de campañas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:409,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:446
msgid "Nothing"
msgstr "Nada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mergeduplicatelists.php:10
#, php-format
msgid "First list: %d"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:507
msgid "Time now "
msgstr "Hora actual "

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:161
msgid "Admin who is owner of this page"
msgstr "Admin propietario desta páxina"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:491
msgid "good morning"
msgstr "bos días"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:207
msgid "pagetitle:home"
msgstr "Inicio"

#: public_html/lists/admin/class.phplistmailer.php:319
#, php-format
msgid "Error sending email to %s"
msgstr "Produciuse un erro ao enviar o correo electrónico a %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:209
msgid "List for testing"
msgstr "Lista para probas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:517
msgid "Running DEV version. All emails will be sent to "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:273
msgid "Database requires converting to UTF-8."
msgstr "A base de datos require a conversión a UTF-8."

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:7,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:152
msgid "Name of table with values"
msgstr "Nome da táboa con valores"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:8
msgid "attribute"
msgstr "atributo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:635,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:650,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:204,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:248,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:181
msgid "Select the lists to add the emails to"
msgstr "Selecciona as listas ás que engadir os correos electrónicos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:93,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:97,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:143,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:66,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:71
msgid "active"
msgstr "Activo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:218
msgid "Not subscribed to any lists"
msgstr "Non está subscrito a ningunha lista"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:245
msgid "pagetitle:send"
msgstr "Enviar unha campaña"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:154
msgid "id of admin"
msgstr "ID do admin"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1016
msgid "email to alert when sending of this message has finished"
msgstr ""
"Enderezo de correo electrónico para alertar cando remate o envío desta "

#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:11
msgid "Template with ID"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:205
msgid "cannot merge just one attribute"
msgstr "non se pode mesturar só un atributo"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:342
msgid "pagetitlehover:listbounces"
msgstr "Ver correos rebotados por lista de subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:17,
#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:31,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:32,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:45,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/listbounces.php:19,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/listbounces.php:33,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:20,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:41
msgid "You do not have enough privileges to view this page"
msgstr "Non tes suficientes privilexios para ver esta páxina"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:154
msgid ""
"You should not paste the results of a test message back into the editor<br/"
">This will break the click-track statistics, and overload the server."
msgstr ""
"Non debes pegar os resultados dunha mensaxe de proba de novo no editor<br/"
">Isto romperá as estatísticas de clics e sobrecargará o servidor."

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:113
msgid "Getting data from "
msgstr "Obtención de datos de "

#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:53
msgid ""
"Please edit your config file and change \"mysql.inc\" to \"mysqli.inc\" to "
"avoid future PHP incompatibility"
msgstr ""
"Por favor, edita o teu ficheiro de configuración e cambia \"mysql.inc\" a "
"\"mysqli.inc\" para evitar futuras incompatibilidades de PHP"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:173
msgid "Webmaster"
msgstr "Webmaster"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:371,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1300
msgid ""
"This campaign is scheduled to stop sending before the embargo time. No mails "
"will be sent."
msgstr ""
"Está previsto que esta campaña deixe de enviarse antes da hora do embargo. "
"Non se enviarán correos electrónicos."

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:243
msgid "Sending test \"Unsubscribe confirmation\" to"
msgstr "Enviando proba de \"Confirmación de cancelación da subscrición\" a"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:246
msgid "pagetitlehover:send"
msgstr "Crear unha campaña para enviar aos teus subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:56
msgid "Available URLs"
msgstr "URL dispoñibles"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:37
msgid "Subject prefix"
msgstr "Prefixo do asunto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:273
msgid "Suspending"
msgstr "Suspendendo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:550
msgid "Message when subscribers request their personal location"
msgstr ""
"Mensaxe para enviar cando os subscritores soliciten a súa localización "

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:6
msgid "Required for subscriber to fill out"
msgstr "Requirido para que sexa cuberto polo subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:239,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:517
msgid "subscribed to the"
msgstr "subscrito ao"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:216
msgid "preparesend"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:525
msgid ""
"Part of the message that is sent to their old email address when subscribers "
"change their information, and the email address has changed"
msgstr ""
"Parte da mensaxe que se envía ao seu enderezo de correo electrónico antigo "
"cando os subscritores cambian a súa información, e o enderezo de correo "
"electrónico cambiou"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:756
msgid "phpList is in maintenance mode.<br/>Please try again in half an hour."
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:108
msgid "Start Time"
msgstr "Hora de inicio"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1736,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:33
msgid "Jun"
msgstr "Xuñ"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:371
msgid "Your IP address has changed. For security reasons, please login again"
msgstr ""
"O teu enderezo IP cambiou. Por motivos de seguridade, inicia sesión de novo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:749,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:244
msgid "Notification throttle"
msgstr "Regular as notificacións"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/export.php:66
#, php-format
msgid "phpList Export from %s to %s (%s).csv"
msgstr "subscritores de phpList de %s a %s (%s).csv"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:570,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:85,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:166,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:200,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:147,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:148,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:153,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:155
msgid "total"
msgstr "Total"

#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:46
msgid ""
"This is only possible if your phpList installation is not behind a firewall"
msgstr ""
"Isto só é posible se a túa instalación de phpList non está detrás dun "

#: public_html/lists/admin/initlanguages.php:24
msgid "Initialising language"
msgstr "Inicializando linguaxe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:56
msgid "All bounces have been deleted"
msgstr "Elimináronse todos os rebotes"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1732,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:29
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Feb"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2289
msgid "Still loading, please wait"
msgstr "Aínda está cargando, por favor, agarda"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:237
msgid "Resending request for confirmation to subscribers who signed up after"
msgstr ""
"Reenviando a solicitude de confirmación aos subscritores que se rexistraron "

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:160,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:586
msgid "Skip value"
msgstr "Saltar valor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:108
msgid "HTML content"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:306,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:129
msgid "delete this list"
msgstr "Borrar esta lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:610,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:633
msgid "Subscriber auto unconfirmed for"
msgstr "Subscritor sen confirmar de modo automático para"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:97,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:12,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:17,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:732,
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:105,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:84,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:103,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:140,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:73,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:282,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:289,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:296,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:89
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Asunto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:824
#, php-format
msgid "total of %d subscribers processed"
msgstr "%d subscritores procesados en total"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:159
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Clave"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:94
msgid "View, edit and add lists, that your subscribers can sign up to"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:121
msgid "reconcileusers"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:42
msgid "Developers"
msgstr "Desenvolvedores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:49
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all values?"
msgstr "Seguro que queres eliminar todos os valores?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1084
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Error, when trying to send campaign %d the attachment (%s) could not be "
"found in the repository"
msgstr ""
"Erro, ao tentar enviar a campaña %d o anexo (%s) non se puido atopar no "

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:208
msgid "pagetitlehover:home"
msgstr "Ir á páxina principal"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:186,
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:191
#, php-format
msgid "%d times used"
msgstr "%d veces usado"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:261
msgid "pagetitle:userhistory"
msgstr "Historial do perfil dun subscritor"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:322
msgid "pagetitlehover:bouncemgt"
msgstr "Xestionar mensajes que son devoltos debido a erros no envío"

#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:35
msgid ""
"Error, unable to connect to the phpList.com server for checking. Please "
"verify that your webserver is able to connect to https://pqapi.phplist.com"
msgstr ""
"Erro, non se puido conectar ao servidor phpList.com para comprobar. Verifica "
"que o teu servidor web poida conectarse a https://pqapi.phplist.com"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:611
msgid "One campaign to process."
msgstr "Unha campaña para procesar."

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:372
msgid ""
"This will only process the users in this page that have the \"Tag\" checkbox "
msgstr ""
"Isto só procesará os subscritores desta páxina que teñan marcada a caixa de "
"verificación \"Etiqueta\""

#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:81,
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:125,
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:136
#, php-format
msgid "Converting %s from %s to %s"
msgstr "Convertendo %s de %s a %s"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:386
msgid "To stop receiving these reports read:"
msgstr "Para deixar de recibir estes informes le:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:388
msgid "folders and"
msgstr "cartafoles e"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:2156
msgid "Placeholder"
msgstr "Marcador de posición"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:40
msgid "Bounce processing error"
msgstr "Erro ao procesar a mensaxe rebotada"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:231
msgid "pagetitle:import4"
msgstr "Importar subscritores dende unha base de datos remota"

#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:348,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:349
msgid "remove subscriber"
msgstr "Eliminar subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:284
msgid "installation Url"
msgstr "URL de instalación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:270
msgid "Display email confirmation"
msgstr "Amosar o campo de confirmación do enderezo de correo electrónico"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:378
#, php-format
msgid "invalidated login from %s for %s (error %s)"
msgstr "inicio de sesión invalidado de %s para %s (erro %s)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/listbounces.php:48
msgid "Choose a list"
msgstr "Escoller unha lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:31
msgid "Language"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:23
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Venres"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2283
msgid "Still loading"
msgstr "Aínda cargando"

#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:32
msgid "Certified Secure by "
msgstr "Certificado seguro por "

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:44,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:84
msgid "List ID"
msgstr "ID do listado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:454
msgid "do it"
msgstr "Executar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:60
msgid "View current campaigns"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:27
msgid "Additional data"
msgstr "Datos adicionais"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:274
msgid "pagetitlehover:templates"
msgstr ""
"Ver e xestionar os modelos das campañas, que son usados para enviar correos "

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:62
msgid "Final time to stop requeueing"
msgstr "Hora límite para parar de sumar á cola"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:202
msgid "Related bounce"
msgstr "Rebote relacionado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1720,
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1735,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:17,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:32,
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:31
msgid "May"
msgstr "Maio"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:2245
#, php-format
msgid "Listing %d to %d"
msgstr "Lista %d a %d"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:230
msgid "pagetitlehover:importsimple"
msgstr "Importar subscritores copiando e pegando desde un documento a phpList"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:327
msgid "pagetitle:statsmgt"
msgstr "Xestionar estatísticas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:78
msgid "resume processing"
msgstr "Retomar o procesamento"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:56
msgid "viewed"
msgstr "Visto"

#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:190
msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Información xeral"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:135
msgid "Template does not contain the [CONTENT] placeholder"
msgstr "O modelo non contén o marcador de posición [CONTENT]"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:125
msgid "no user found"
msgstr "non se atopou subscritor"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:36
msgid "Order of listing"
msgstr "Orde do listado"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:177
msgid "Number of times this link has been sent to subscribers for this message"
msgstr ""
"Número de veces que esta ligazón foi enviada aos subscritores para esta "

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:576
msgid "Date they signed up after"
msgstr "Data de inscrición posterior a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:167
msgid ""
"This campaign has been sent to subscribers who are members of the following "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:988
#, php-format
msgid "Campaign %d suspended, message too large"
msgstr "Campaña %d suspendida, mensaxe demasiado grande"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:191
msgid "Top 25 local-parts of email addresses"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/dbcheck.php:78,
#: public_html/lists/admin/dbcheck.php:81,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:380,
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:161
msgid "ok"
msgstr "ok"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:59
msgid "Number of seconds to repeat the message"
msgstr "Número de segundos para repetir a mensaxe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:34
msgid "Support forum"
msgstr "Foro de soporte"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:48,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1333
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "descoñecido"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1737,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:34
msgid "Jul"
msgstr "Xull"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1275,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1277
msgid "Invalid email address"
msgstr "Dirección de correo non válida"

#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:315
msgid ""
"   The file you upload will need to contain the administrators you want to "
"add to the system. The columns need to have the following headers: email, "
"loginname, password. Any other columns will be added as admin attributes.  "
"Warning: the file needs to be plain text. Do not upload binary files like a "
"Word Document.   "
msgstr ""
"   O ficheiro que cargues deberá conter os administradores que queres "
"engadir ao sistema. As columnas deben ter as seguintes cabeceiras: <b>correo "
"electrónico</b>, <b>nome de inicio de sesión</b>, <b>contrasinal</b>. "
"Calquera outra columna engadirase como atributo de administrador. "
"<b>Aviso</b>: o ficheiro debe ser texto sinxelo. Non cargues ficheiros "
"binarios como un documento de Word.   "

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:351
msgid "Check Database structure"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/msgstatus.php:19
msgid "Stalled"
msgstr "Estancado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:114
msgid "Subscribers who clicked a URL"
msgstr "Os subscritores que fixeron clic nunha URL"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:251
msgid "(will erase all data!)"
msgstr "(borraranse todos os datos!)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:446
msgid "Sending test mails is currently not available"
msgstr ""
"O envío de correos electrónicos de proba non está dispoñible actualmente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:907
msgid "generate from HTML"
msgstr "Xerar dende o HTML"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:330
msgid "Marking subscribers with an invalid email as unconfirmed"
msgstr ""
"Marcando os subscritores cun correo electrónico non válido como sen confirmar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:81
msgid "minimum of 8 characters."
msgstr "mínimo 8 caracteres."

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:306,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:337,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:146
msgid "Privileges"
msgstr "Privilexios"

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:258
msgid "Great idea!"
msgstr "Boa idea!"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:297
msgid "Warning: script never reached stage 5"
msgstr "Atención: o script non alcanzou o estadio 5"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:229
msgid "Sending test \"Request for confirmation\" to"
msgstr "Enviando proba de \"Solicitude de confirmación\" a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:63,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:104,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:92,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:57,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:76,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:86,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:76
msgid "Download as CSV file"
msgstr "Descargar como ficheiro CSV"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:163
#, php-format
msgid "Marking all subscribers on list %s confirmed"
msgstr "Marcar a todos os subscritores á lista %s como confirmados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:505
msgid "Started"
msgstr "Comezado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:173
msgid "Creating UniqID for all subscribers who do not have one"
msgstr "Creando UniqID para todos os subscritores que non teñan un"

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:101
msgid "Date entered"
msgstr "Data introducida"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1739,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:36
msgid "Sep"
msgstr "Set"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:693
msgid ""
"The file you upload will need to have the attributes of the records on    "
"the first line.     Make sure that the email column is called \"email\" and "
"not something like \"e-mail\" or     \"Email Address\".     Case is not "
"important.          If you have a column called \"Foreign Key\", this will "
"be used for synchronisation between an     external database and the phpList "
"database. The foreignkey will take precedence when matching     an existing "
"subscriber. This will slow down the import process. If you use this, it is "
"allowed to have     records without email, but an \"Invalid Email\" will be "
"created instead. You can then do     a search on \"invalid email\" to find "
"those records. Maximum size of a foreign key is 100.          Warning: the "
"file needs to be plain text. Do not upload binary files like a Word "
"Document.     "
msgstr ""
"<p class=information>O ficheiro que cargues terá que ter os atributos dos "
"rexistros na primeira liña. Asegúrate de que a columna de correo electrónico "
"se chame correo electrónico e non algo como enderezo de correo electrónico. "
"O caso non é importante. </p> Se tes unha columna chamada Clave estranxeira, "
"esta será usada para sincronizar entre unha base de datos externa e a base "
"de datos phpList. A clave estranxeira terá prioridade cando coincida cun "
"subscritor existente. Isto ralentizará o proceso de importación. Se a usas, "
"poderás ter rexistros sen correo electrónico, pero no seu lugar crearase un "
"correo electrónico non válido. Despois podes facer unha busca en correo "
"electrónico non válido para atopar eses rexistros. O tamaño máximo dunha "
"clave estranxeira é 100. <br/><br/> <b>Aviso</b>: o ficheiro debe ser texto "
"simple. Non cargues ficheiros binarios como un documento de Word. <br/>"

#: public_html/lists/index.php:662
msgid "Make this subscriber confirmed immediately"
msgstr "Facer que este subscritor se confirme inmediatamente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:115,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:101,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:949,
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:113,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:106,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:111,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:112
msgid "del"
msgstr "eliminar"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:83
msgid "Cannot read file. It is not readable !"
msgstr "Non é posible ler %s. O ficheiro non é lexible!"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:188
msgid "one per line"
msgstr "un por liña"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:272
msgid "pagetitlehover:upgrade"
msgstr ""
"Actualizar a base de datos de phpList para estar ao mesmo nivel que a "
"versión actual do código"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:96
msgid "detail"
msgstr "Detalle"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:525
msgid "Too many errors, please login again"
msgstr "Hai demasiados erros, inicia sesión de novo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1719,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:16,
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:30
msgid "April"
msgstr "Abril"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:120
msgid "No users to copy, is the prefix correct?"
msgstr "Non hai subscritores que copiar, o prefixo é correcto?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:90
msgid ""
"Please upload a plain text file only. You cannot use a spreadsheet. You need "
"to export the data from the spreadsheet into a TAB delimited text file"
msgstr ""
"Carga só un ficheiro de texto simple. Non podes usar unha folla de cálculo. "
"Debes exportar os datos da folla de cálculo a un ficheiro de texto "
"delimitado por TAB"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:250
msgid "pagetitlehover:sendprepared"
msgstr "Enviar unha mensaxe preparada"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initlanguages.php:27
msgid "Up to date"
msgstr "Actualizado"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:31
msgid "History Detail"
msgstr "Histórico en detalle"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:33
msgid "messages sent to this user"
msgstr "mensaxes enviadas a este subscritor"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:576
msgid "Scheduling"
msgstr "Programando"

#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:56
msgid "test Processing info"
msgstr "Información da proba de procesamento"

#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:53
msgid "delete this rule and go to the next candidate"
msgstr "Eliminar esta regra e pasar ao seguinte candidato"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:201
msgid "adding_users"
msgstr "Engadindo subscritores"

#: public_html/lists/admin/dbcheck.php:49,
#: public_html/lists/admin/dbcheck.php:52
msgid "exist"
msgstr "existe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/runcommand.php:8,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:9,
#: public_html/lists/admin/initlanguages.php:8,
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:29
msgid "This page can only be called from the commandline"
msgstr "Esta páxina só se pode chamar desde a liña de comandos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:524
msgid ""
"These records were added, but the email has been made up. You can find them "
"by doing a search on"
msgstr ""
"Engadíronse estes rexistros, pero o correo electrónico foi inventado. Podes "
"atopalos facendo unha busca en"

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:107
msgid "When they subscribed to"
msgstr "Cando se subscribiron a"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:219
msgid "pagetitle:config"
msgstr "Configuración"

#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:233
msgid "Update it?"
msgstr "Actualizalo?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:83
msgid "Copy lists from remote server (lists are matched by name)"
msgstr ""
"Copiar listas do servidor remoto (as listas están emparexadas polo nome)"

#: public_html/lists/index.php:660
msgid ""
"You are therefore offered the following choice, which your subscribers will "
"not see when they load this page."
msgstr ""
"Polo tanto, ofrécese a seguinte opción, que os teus subscritores non verán "
"cando carguen esta páxina."

#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:4,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:5,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:7,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:16,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:9,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import.php:4
msgid "import is not available"
msgstr "a importación non está dispoñible"

#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/userlib.php:543
msgid "Removed from blacklist"
msgstr "Eliminado da lista negra"

#: public_html/lists/admin/runcommand.php:12,
#: public_html/lists/admin/pageaction.php:16,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:295,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:311,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:323,
#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:34,
#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:42
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "fallou"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:239
msgid "Continue with"
msgstr "Continuar con"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:114,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:68
msgid "Please choose whether to sign up immediately or to send a notification"
msgstr ""
"Por favor, escolle se rexistrarse inmediatamente ou enviar unha notificación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:191
msgid "Delete will delete user from the list"
msgstr "Eliminar eliminará o subscritor da lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:91
msgid "Manage Lists"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:252,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:313
msgid "Add Members"
msgstr "Engadir membros"

#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:167
msgid "Configure Subscribe Pages"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:46
msgid "Documentation coordination"
msgstr "Coordinación de documentación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:7,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:156,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:163,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:31,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:38
msgid "No Access"
msgstr "Non tes o acceso necesario"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:239,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:517
msgid "succesfully imported to the database and added to"
msgstr "importouse correctamente á base de datos e engadiuse a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:95
msgid "View progress"
msgstr "Ver progreso"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:104
msgid "Draft campaigns"
msgstr "Borradores de campañas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:119
msgid "Table already exists"
msgstr "A táboa xa existe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:237,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:249
msgid "and before"
msgstr "e antes"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:359
msgid "pagetitle:hostedprocessqueuesetup"
msgstr "Configurar o procesamento usando o servizo contratado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:496
msgid ""
"All the emails already exist in the database and are member of the lists"
msgstr ""
"Todos os correos electrónicos xa existen na base de datos e son membros das "

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:95
msgid ""
"Once you have some more subscribers, this page will list statistics on the "
"domains of your subscribers. It will list domains that have 5 or more "
msgstr ""
"Unha vez que teñas máis subscritores, esta páxina mostrará estatísticas "
"sobre os dominios dos teus subscritores. Listará dominios que teñan 5 ou "
"máis subscritores."

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:369
#, php-format
msgid "login ip invalid from %s for %s (was %s)"
msgstr "IP de inicio de sesión non válida de %s para %s (era %s)"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:279
msgid "installed"
msgstr "Instalado"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:112
msgid "The page that this process runs in"
msgstr "A páxina na que se executa este proceso"

#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:142,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:155
msgid "click rate"
msgstr "Taxa de clics"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:101
msgid "start a new message"
msgstr "Comezar unha nova campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:294
msgid "Public"
msgstr "Público"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:13
msgid "Is this subscriber confirmed"
msgstr "Este subscritor está confirmado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:532
msgid "Your personal location"
msgstr "A túa localización persoal"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:468
#, php-format
msgid "There is a maximum of %d test emails allowed"
msgstr "Permítese un máximo de %d correos electrónicos de proba"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:58
msgid "Set up using the service"
msgstr "Configurar usando o servizo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:79
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all events older than 2 months?"
msgstr "Seguro que queres eliminar todos os eventos de máis de 2 meses?"

#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:679
msgid "very little time"
msgstr "moi pouco tempo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:166
msgid ""
"This campaign will be sent to subscribers who are member of the following "
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:93
msgid "What date needs to be used:"
msgstr "Que datos hai que utilizar:"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:18
msgid "Last Modified"
msgstr "Última modificación"

#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:244,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:146,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:131
msgid "latestclick"
msgstr "Último clic"

#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:43
msgid "Enter your email address"
msgstr "Introduce o teu enderezo de correo electrónico"

#: public_html/lists/lt.php:230
msgid ""
"Profile links in test campaigns only work when you are logged in as an "
msgstr ""
"As ligazóns de perfil nas campañas de proba só funcionan cando inicias "
"sesión como administrador."

#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:109,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:71
msgid "Sent as HTML"
msgstr "Enviado como HTML"

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:140
msgid "* Too many to list, total dependencies:"
msgstr "* Demasiadas para enumerar, dependencias totais:"

#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:390,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:400,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:427,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:437,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:489,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:491,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1135
msgid "to"
msgstr "a"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:296
msgid "pagetitlehover:spage"
msgstr "Ver e editar as páxinas que os usuarios usan para entrar no sistema"

#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:102,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:263,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:122,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:93
msgid "Changes saved"
msgstr "Cambios gardados"

#: public_html/lists/admin/suppressionlist.php:28
msgid "Add more"
msgstr "Engadir máis"

#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:30
msgid "Language translations"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:51,
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:86,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:140
msgid "Delete all"
msgstr "Borrar todo"

#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1351
#, php-format
msgid "Processed %d out of %d subscribers"
msgstr "Procesáronse %d de %d subscritores"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:76
msgid "How many bounces on this message"
msgstr "Cantos rebotes nesta mensaxe"

#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:250
msgid "Error sending test messages to"
msgstr "Produciuse un erro ao enviar mensaxes de proba a"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:791
msgid "Repeat Until"
msgstr "Repetir ata"

#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:94
msgid "Congratulations, phpList is set up, you are ready to start mailing"
msgstr ""
"Parabéns, phpList está configurado, estás listo para comezar a enviar correos"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:82
msgid "Data"
msgstr "Datos"

#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:129,
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:134
#, php-format
msgid "every %s until %s"
msgstr "cada %s ata %s"

#: public_html/lists/index.php:850
msgid "\"Jump off\" used by subscriber, reason not requested"
msgstr "\"Jump off\" usado polo subscritor, motivo non solicitado"

#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:35
msgid "Independent professional support"
msgstr "Soporte profesional independente"

#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:581
msgid "PDF"
msgstr "PDF"

#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:42
msgid "No file was specified. Maybe the file is too big?"
msgstr "Non se especificou ningún ficheiro. Quizais sexa demasiado grande?"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:172,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:178,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:186
msgid "Number of clicks"
msgstr "Número de clics"

#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:299
msgid "settings"
msgstr "Configuración"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:60
msgid "Unable to create campaign, did you forget to upgrade the database?"
msgstr ""

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:697
msgid "Campaign subject"
msgstr "Asunto da campaña"

#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:390,
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:225
msgid "Cannot open mailbox file"
msgstr "Non se pode abrir o arquivo da caixa de correo"

#: public_html/databasestructure.php:345
msgid "pagetitle:bouncerule"
msgstr "Regra de rebote"

#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:31
msgid ""
"Exporting all subscribers. Use -l[listnumber] to export subscribers on a list"
msgstr ""
"Exportando todos os subscritores. Usar -l[listnumber] para exportar "
"subscritores nunha lista"

#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1039
msgid "Add analytics tracking code"
msgstr "Engade o código de seguimento de análise"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:168
msgid "Analytics tracking code to add to campaign URLs"
msgstr "Código de seguimento de Analytics para engadir ás URL das campañas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:160
msgid "Always add analytics tracking code to campaigns"
msgstr "Engade sempre o código de seguimento de análises ás campañas"

#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:713
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The pageroot in your config \"%s\" does not match the current location \"%s"
"\". Check your config file."
msgstr ""
"A páxina raíz da túa configuración \"%s\" non coincide coa localización "
"actual \"%s\". Comproba o teu ficheiro de configuración."


Name Type Size Permission Actions
language_info File 29 B 0644
phplist.po File 311.33 KB 0644