msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Polish (phpList)\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-02-12 19:04+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-01-18 14:33+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: rysiek_d <>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish <"
"Language: pl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 "
"|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.3.1\n"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:41
msgid "You cannot delete yourself"
msgstr "Nie możesz usunąć siebie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:126,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:226,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:510,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:455
msgid "lists"
msgstr "listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:79
msgid "Person in charge of this system (one email address)"
msgstr "Zarządzający tym systemem (jeden adres e-mail)"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:194
msgid "URL should be unique"
msgstr "URL powinien być unikalny"
#: public_html/lists/admin/dbcheck.php:78,
#: public_html/lists/admin/dbcheck.php:81,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:380,
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:161
msgid "ok"
msgstr "OK"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:219
msgid "Prepare a Message"
msgstr "Przygotuj wiadomość"
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:24
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Sobota"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php:74
#, php-format
msgid "%d to process"
msgstr "%d do przetworzenia"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:225
msgid "pagetitle:editlist"
msgstr "pagetitle:Edycja listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:798
msgid "Requeue every"
msgstr "Ponownie kolejkuje"
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:116,
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:151
msgid "Is this attribute required?:"
msgstr "Czy atrybut jest wymagany?:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:237
msgid "Requeuing"
msgstr "Ponowne kolejkowanie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:73
msgid "update Top Level Domains"
msgstr "Aktualizacja domen najwyższego poziomu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1349
msgid "Save as draft"
msgstr "Zapisz jako szkic"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:470
#, php-format
msgid "Mark all subscribers on list %s confirmed"
msgstr "Oznacz wszystkich odbiorców na liście %s jako potwierdzonych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:148
msgid "Configure Attributes"
msgstr "Konfiguruj atrybuty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:372
msgid "System Functions"
msgstr "Funkcje systemowe"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:337
msgid "pagetitle:dbadmin"
msgstr "administrator_bazy_danych"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:122
msgid "Status of this bounce"
msgstr "Status tego zwrotu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:143
msgid "If the output looks ok, go"
msgstr "Jeśli wynik wygląda ok, przejdź"
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:420
msgid "Merge tagged attributes"
msgstr "Scalanie oznaczonych atrybutów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:2148
msgid "secs"
msgstr "sekund"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:344
msgid "Incorrect processing secret"
msgstr "Błąd, niepoprawny token sesji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:56
msgid "Available URLs"
msgstr "Dostępne adresy URL"
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:166
msgid ""
"This campaign will be sent to subscribers who are member of the following "
msgstr ""
"Ta kampania będzie wysyłana do subskrybentów, którzy są członkami "
"następujących list"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:87
msgid "Name of the organisation"
msgstr "Nazwa organizacji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:401
msgid "Sorry, you used invalid characters in the From field."
msgstr "Niestety, użyto nieprawidłowych znaków w polu OD."
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1258
msgid "subject missing"
msgstr "nie wprowadzono tematu wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:115
#, php-format
msgid "Subscribers who clicked on the URL \"%s\" across all campaigns"
msgstr "Subskrybenci którzy kliknęli na URL \"%s\" we wszystkich kampaniach"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:381
msgid "Campaign queued"
msgstr "Kampania dodana do kolejki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:544
#, php-format
msgid "Sending in batches of %s emails"
msgstr "Wysyłanie w partii %s wiadomości e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:149,
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:161,
#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:62,
#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:77,
#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:106,
#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:114,
#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:126,
#: public_html/lists/admin/suppressionlist.php:39,
#: public_html/lists/admin/logout.php:18,
#: public_html/lists/admin/logout.php:23,
#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:54,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:52,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:382,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:289,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:366,
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:83
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Dalej"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:330
msgid "URL for forwarding messages"
msgstr "Adres URL do przekazywania wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1726,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:23,
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:37
msgid "November"
msgstr "Listopad"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:51
msgid ""
"Some characters that are not valid have been found. These might be "
"delimiters. Please check the file and select the right delimiter. Character "
msgstr ""
"Stwierdzono pewne znaki, które nie są prawidłowe. Mogą to być ograniczniki. "
"Sprawdź plik i wybierz odpowiedni ogranicznik. Znak:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:352
msgid "predefined defaults"
msgstr "wstępnie zdefiniowane wartości domyślne"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/addemail.php:19
msgid "Added with add-email on test"
msgstr "Dodano z add-email na test"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:144,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:153,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/listbounces.php:53,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:226,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:123,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:510
msgid "list"
msgstr "lista"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:212
msgid "pagetitlehover:about"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:O programie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:988
msgid "Recently visited"
msgstr "Ostatnio odwiedzone"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:236
msgid "Plugin must be updated manually"
msgstr "Wtyczka musi być aktualizowana ręcznie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:340
msgid "Check that all external images exist"
msgstr "Upewnij się, że wszystkie obrazy istnieją "
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:935
msgid "Current Attachments"
msgstr "Aktualne załączniki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:193
msgid "Import emails"
msgstr "Importuj e-maile"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1737,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:34
msgid "Jul"
msgstr "Lip"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:334
msgid "setup"
msgstr "konfiguracja"
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:145
msgid "Attachments for this campaign"
msgstr "Załączniki do tej kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:863
msgid "select one"
msgstr "wybierz jeden"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:213
msgid "pagetitle:attributes"
msgstr "pagetitle:Atrybuty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:242
msgid "Send Notification email"
msgstr "Wyślij e-mail potwierdzający"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:733,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:265,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:266
msgid "Overwrite Existing"
msgstr "Zastąp istniejące"
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:256
#, php-format
msgid "Subscribed to %s"
msgstr "Zapisany do %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:37
msgid "unable to detect hostname"
msgstr "nie można wykryć nazwy hosta"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:341
msgid "pagetitle:listbounces"
msgstr "Lista zwrotów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:246
msgid "added to attribute"
msgstr "dodane do atrybutu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:20
msgid "go to"
msgstr "przejdź do"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:668,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:81,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:180,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:211
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Nieznany"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:242
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%d emails were found on the do-not-send-list and have not been added to the "
msgstr "%d e-maile zostały znalezione na do-not-send-listy i nie zostały dodane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/tests.php:52
msgid "Purpose"
msgstr "Cel"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:370
msgid "list-organisation settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia organizacji listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:40
msgid "No list categories have been defined"
msgstr "Brak zdefiniowanej listy kategorii "
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:360
msgid "View the eventlog"
msgstr "Zobacz dziennik zdarzeń"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:141
msgid "Unique views"
msgstr "Unikalnych wizyt"
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:186,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:237
msgid "deleting"
msgstr "usuwanie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:309
msgid "Edit this list"
msgstr "Edytuj listę"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:63
msgid "Admin added"
msgstr "Administrator dodał"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:493
msgid "To delete all subscribers with more than"
msgstr "Aby usunąć odbiorców z więcej niż"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import.php:42
msgid "import by uploading a CSV file with emails and additional data"
msgstr "Importowanie pliku z danymi CSV "
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1275,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1277
msgid "Invalid email address"
msgstr "Nieprawidłowy adres email"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:168,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:190
msgid "URL to log"
msgstr "Adres URL do logów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:204
msgid "Template was successfully saved"
msgstr "Szablon zapisany poprawnie"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:43
msgid "Subscriber ID"
msgstr "Identyfikator subskrybenta"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/configure.php:104
msgid "undo"
msgstr "cofnij"
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:105,
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:75
msgid "Categorise lists"
msgstr "Kategoryzacja list"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:112
msgid "Super Admin"
msgstr "Super Admin"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:66
msgid "Table prefix:"
msgstr "Prefiks tabeli:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:80
msgid "The initial <i>login name</i> will be"
msgstr "Początkowa <i>Nazwą logowania</i> będzie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:60
msgid "Click statistics"
msgstr "Pokaż Statystyki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:337
msgid "Script finished, but not all messages have been sent yet."
msgstr ""
"Skrypt zakończył działanie, ale nie wszystkie wiadomości zostały jeszcze "
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:998
msgid "Message I was working on has disappeared"
msgstr "Wiadomość nad którą pracowałem zniknęła"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2076
msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr "Subskrybcja"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:790
#, php-format
msgid ""
"User (url:%s) has consecutive bounces (%d) over threshold (%d), user marked "
msgstr ""
"Użytkownik (url:%s) ma kolejne zwroty (%d) ponad próg (%d), oznaczony jako "
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:249
msgid "name"
msgstr "nazwa"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:180
msgid "Marking all subscribers to receive HTML"
msgstr ""
"Oznaczanie wszystkich odbiorców jako otrzymujących wiadomości w formacie HTML"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:231
msgid "Body"
msgstr "Treść"
#: public_html/lists/admin/checkbouncerules.php:24
#, php-format
msgid "Process Next %d"
msgstr "Przetwarzać następnego %d"
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:410
msgid "Is this attribute required ?"
msgstr "Jest to atrybut wymagany?"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:144
msgid "Plugin installed successfully"
msgstr "Wtyczka zainstalowana prawidłowo"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:240
msgid "New Rule"
msgstr "Dodaj nową regułę"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:355
msgid "pagetitle:reindex"
msgstr "Przebudowa indeksów BD"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:310
msgid "pagetitlehover:logout"
msgstr "Wylogowanie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:193
msgid "Configure Attributes for administrators"
msgstr "Konfiguruj atrybuty dla administratorów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:57
msgid "Add a user"
msgstr "Dodaj użytkownika"
#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:62
msgid "Update is available"
msgstr "Aktualizacja jest dostępna"
#: public_html/lists/lt.php:230
msgid ""
"Profile links in test campaigns only work when you are logged in as an "
msgstr ""
"Profilowane linki testowej kampanii działają tylko jeżeli jesteś zalogowany "
"jako administrator."
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:388
msgid "folders and"
msgstr "foldery i"
#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/interfacelib.php:1032
msgid "Close this box"
msgstr "Zamknij to okno"
#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:38
msgid "Are you sure you want to reset the configuration to the default?"
msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz zresetować do ustawień domyślnych?"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:203
msgid "adminid"
msgstr "adminid"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2069
msgid "Sign up to receive news and updates about phpList "
msgstr "Zarejestruj się, aby otrzymywać wiadomości i aktualizacje o phpList "
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:38
msgid ""
"Updating the regular expression of this rule caused an Sql conflict<br/>This "
"is probably because there is already a rule like that. Do you want to delete "
"this rule instead?"
msgstr ""
"Aktualizowanie wyrażenia regularnego tej reguły spowodowało konflikt Sql <br/"
">prawdopodobnie jest już taka reguła. Czy chcesz usunąć tę regułę?"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:27
msgid "Additional data"
msgstr "Dodatkowe dane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:49
msgid "What is the type of information you want to check"
msgstr "Jaki jest rodzaj informacji, chcesz sprawdzić"
#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:988
#, php-format
msgid "Campaign %d suspended, message too large"
msgstr "Kampania %d zawieszona, wiadomość jest za duża"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:256
msgid "Offer checkbox for HTML"
msgstr "Oferuj checkbox dla HTML"
#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:43
msgid ""
"You can edit all of the values in this page, and click the \"save changes\" "
"button once to save all the changes you made."
msgstr ""
"Możesz edytować wszystkie wartości na tej stronie, kliknij przycisk \"zapisz "
"zmiany\" aby zapisać wszystkie wprowadzone zmiany."
#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:28
msgid "Get help with phpList"
msgstr "Skorzystaj z pomocy phpList"
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:351
msgid "Load data from"
msgstr "Ładowanie danych z"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:324,
#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:134
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "Wtyczki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:804
msgid "do not requeue"
msgstr "nie kolejkuj ponownie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:97
msgid "Translations"
msgstr "Tłumaczenia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1739,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:36
msgid "Sep"
msgstr "Wrz"
#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:56
msgid "Mass remove email addresses"
msgstr "Masowe usunięcie adresów e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/updatetranslation.php:31
msgid "No language terms found"
msgstr "Nie znaleziono terminów językowych"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:278
msgid "pagetitlehover:viewtemplate"
msgstr "Podgląd szablonu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:549
msgid "Delete all blacklisted subscribers"
msgstr "Usuń wszystkich subskrybentów z czarnej listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/interfacelib.php:1263,
#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/interfacelib.php:1318
msgid "open"
msgstr "otwórz"
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:74
msgid "Select URL to view"
msgstr "Wybierz adres URL do wyświetlenia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:243,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:145,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:130
msgid "firstclick"
msgstr "firstclick"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:727
msgid "Assign Invalid"
msgstr "Przypisz nieprawidłowe"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:172,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:178,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:186
msgid "Number of clicks"
msgstr "Liczba kliknięć"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/upgrade.php:13
msgid "Top level domains were updated successfully"
msgstr "Domeny najwyższego poziomu zostały zaktualizowane pomyślnie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:233
#, php-format
msgid "Subscriber added to list %s"
msgstr "Subskrybent dodany do listy %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:247
msgid "view user"
msgstr "podgląd użytkownika"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:74
msgid "Sent as Text and PDF"
msgstr "Wysłana jako tekst i PDF"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:651
msgid "CSS for HTML messages without a template"
msgstr "CSS dla wiadomości w formacie HTML bez szablonu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:768
msgid "No users apply for attributes"
msgstr "Brak użytkowników z zastosowanymi atrybutami"
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:251
msgid "start a new campaign targetting all lists"
msgstr "rozpocząć nową kampanię na podstawie wszystkich list "
#: public_html/lists/admin/phpListAdminAuthentication.php:43
msgid "Please enter your credentials."
msgstr "Wprowadź swoje dane uwierzytelniające."
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:925
msgid "Maximum size of total data being sent to the server"
msgstr "Maksymalna wielkość danych przesyłanych na serwer"
#: public_html/lists/index.php:842
msgid "Forwarded receiver requested blacklist"
msgstr "Odbiorca wpisany na czarną listę"
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:248
msgid "View clicks"
msgstr "Wyświetl kliknięcia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:56,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:613,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:614,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:624,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:625
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Edytuj"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:226
msgid "Available options:"
msgstr "Dostępne opcje:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:323
msgid "Uploaded file not properly received, empty file"
msgstr "Wgrywanie pliku zakończone niepowodzeniem, plik jest pusty"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:214
msgid "pagetitlehover:attributes"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Atrybuty"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:270
msgid "pagetitlehover:defaults"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Użyteczne atrybuty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/tests.php:7
msgid "phplist test suite"
msgstr "phplist zestaw testowy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:28
msgid "Invalid Request"
msgstr "Nieprawidłowe żądanie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:952
msgid "Delete checked"
msgstr "Usuń zaznaczone"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:523
#, php-format
msgid "%d subscribers were matched by foreign key, %d by email"
msgstr "%d subskrybentów zostało wybranych według foreign key i %d przez e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:365
msgid "Do not show list categories"
msgstr "Nie pokazuj kategorii list"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:315
msgid "Select the attributes to use"
msgstr "Wybierz atrybuty do użycia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:45,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:49,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:415,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:86,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:106,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:142,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:92,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:216
msgid "Sent"
msgstr "Wysłane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:233
msgid "templates"
msgstr "Szablony"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:27
msgid "No more candidate rules"
msgstr "Nie więcej reguł oczekujących"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:26,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:145
msgid "Is this account disabled?"
msgstr "Czy to konto jest wyłączone?"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:174
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Obrazy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:37
msgid "Converting to UTF-8 requires sufficient diskspace on your system."
msgstr "Konwersja na UTF-8 wymaga wystarczającego miejsca na dysku w systemie."
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:271
msgid "pagetitle:upgrade"
msgstr "pagetitle:Aktualizacja"
#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:26,
#: public_html/lists/admin/suppressionlist.php:23
msgid "Blacklisted by"
msgstr "Zablokowany przez"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:128
msgid "List and user functions"
msgstr "Lista i funkcje użytkownika"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:141
msgid "Modified by"
msgstr "Zmodyfikowane przez"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:240
msgid "phpList Setup"
msgstr "Konfiguracja "
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:881
msgid "about"
msgstr "o ..."
#: public_html/lists/admin/convertstats.php:65
#, php-format
msgid "%d entries still to convert"
msgstr "%d wpisy do konwersji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:383
msgid "Please identify the target of the following unknown columns"
msgstr "Proszę wskazać cel kolejnej nieznanej kolumnie "
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:326
msgid "pagetitlehover:mviews"
msgstr "Statystyka wyświetleń wiadomości"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:134
msgid "Editable?"
msgstr "Edytowalne?"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:228
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Komentarz"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/bounces.php:48
msgid "Transactional message"
msgstr "Komunikat"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:196
msgid "date in unix format"
msgstr "data w formacie UNIX"
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:335
msgid "Preferences page"
msgstr "Strona ustawień"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:350
msgid "pagetitlehover:translate"
msgstr "uaktualnij tłumaczenie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:9
msgid "Open Source"
msgstr "Open Source"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:783
msgid "fortnight"
msgstr "dwa tygodnie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:140
msgid "This bounce no longer exists in the database."
msgstr "Ten zwrot już nie istnieje w bazie danych."
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:76
msgid "How many bounces on this message"
msgstr "Jak wiele zwrotów jest tej wiadomość"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:351
msgid "pagetitle:ajaxform"
msgstr "Formularz AJAX"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:168
msgid "password"
msgstr "hasło"
#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:7,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:156,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:163,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:31,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:38
msgid "No Access"
msgstr "Brak dostępu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reindex.php:21
#, php-format
msgid "Adding index <b>%s</b> to %s<br/>"
msgstr "Dodanie indeksu <b>%s</b> do %s<br/>"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:248
msgid "pagetitlehover:preparesend"
msgstr "Przygotowanie wiadomości do wysłania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:358,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:307
msgid "to email addresses"
msgstr "do adresu e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:65
msgid "Manage Subscribers"
msgstr "Zarządzaj subskrybentami"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:266
msgid "pagetitlehover:message"
msgstr "Wiadomość"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:73
msgid "select_lists"
msgstr "Wybierz listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:178
msgid "Delete subscriber"
msgstr "Usuń subskrybenta"
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:466
msgid ""
"Your database requires upgrading, please make sure to create a backup of "
"your database first."
msgstr ""
"Baza danych wymaga aktualizacji, przed rozpoczęciem działań utwórz w "
"pierwszej kolejności kopię zapasową bazy danych."
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:143
msgid "back"
msgstr "wstecz"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:108
#, php-format
msgid "next batch of %s in %s"
msgstr "następna partia %s w ciągu %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:508
msgid ""
"Part of the message that is sent to their new email address when subscribers "
"change their information, and the email address has changed"
msgstr ""
"Część komunikatu, który jest wysyłany na nowy adres e-mail, gdy subskrybent "
"zmienił swoje dane i adres e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:29
msgid "delete subscriber and bounce"
msgstr "usuń subskrybenta"
#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:48
msgid ""
"Your PHP settings do not allow this functionality. Please set "
"\"allow_url_fopen\" in your php.ini to be \"on\" to continue."
msgstr ""
"Ustawienia PHP nie pozwalają na tą funkcjonalność. Ustawienie "
"\"allow_url_fopen\" w php.ini powinno być \"on\" aby kontynuować."
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:244,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:146,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:131
msgid "latestclick"
msgstr "latestclick"
#: public_html/lists/admin/languages.php:634
msgid "over treshold, user marked unconfirmed"
msgstr "powyżej progu, użytkownik oznaczony jako niepotwierdzony"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:58
msgid "Clicked campaigns"
msgstr "Kliknięte kampanie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:296
msgid "Import some more administrators"
msgstr "Importuj więcej administratorów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2041
msgid "Remote queue processing has been activated successfully"
msgstr "Przetwarzanie zdalne kolejki zostało pomyślnie aktywowane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:9
msgid "View Clicks by Message"
msgstr "Zobacz kliknięcia wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:460
msgid "[notify] Change of List-Membership details"
msgstr "[powiadomienie] Zmiana członkostwa listy danych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:83,
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:103
msgid "Event"
msgstr "Zdarzenie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:339
msgid "URL for downloading vcf card"
msgstr "Adres URL do pobrania wizytówki VCF"
#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:42
msgid "Forgot password"
msgstr "Zapomniałeś hasła,"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:362
msgid "Message queue processing report"
msgstr "Wiadomość kolejki przetwarzania"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:4,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:149
msgid "order of listing"
msgstr "kolejność na liście"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:43
msgid "Deleted"
msgstr "Usunięty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:427
msgid ""
"Warning: Storage of sensitive personal data such as race, health, and sexual "
"orientation is regulated by some data protection laws"
msgstr ""
"Ostrzeżenie: Przechowywanie wrażliwych danych osobowych, takich jak rasa, "
"zdrowie i orientacja seksualna, jest regulowane przez niektóre przepisy "
"dotyczące ochrony danych"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:220
msgid "pagetitlehover:config"
msgstr "uaktualnij tłumaczenie"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:102
msgid "Status of message"
msgstr "Stan wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:42
msgid "No file was specified. Maybe the file is too big?"
msgstr "Nie podano pliku. Być może plik jest zbyt duży?"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:347
msgid "pagetitle:checkbouncerules"
msgstr "Sprawdzenie reguł zwrotów "
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:699
msgid "Error loading message, please check the eventlog for details"
msgstr ""
"Błąd ładowania wiadomości, sprawdź dziennik zdarzeń, aby uzyskać szczegółowe "
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:133
msgid "Requeueing"
msgstr "Ponownie zakolejkować"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:221
msgid "Intro"
msgstr "Wprowadzenie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:155
msgid "Template saved"
msgstr "Szablon zapisany"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:250
msgid "Error sending test messages to"
msgstr "Wystąpił błąd podczas wysyłania wiadomości testowych do"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:57,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:217
msgid "Response time"
msgstr "Czas reakcji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:71
msgid ""
"Your database is already the correct version, there is no need to upgrade"
msgstr "Baza ma poprawną wersje, nie ma potrzeby, aby ją uaktualnić"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:77,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:157
msgid "blacklisted"
msgstr "Czarna lista"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:777,
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:778
msgid "Sorry this page was not found in the plugin"
msgstr "Przepraszam, ta strona nie została znaleziona we wtyczce"
#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:44
msgid "Send password"
msgstr "Wyślij hasło"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:284
msgid "installation Url"
msgstr "URL instalacji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:235
msgid "Server"
msgstr "Serwer"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:230
msgid "Thank you page"
msgstr "Strona z Podziękowaniem"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:216
msgid "pagetitlehover:stresstest"
msgstr "Test obciążeniowy"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:255
msgid "pagetitle:reconcileusers"
msgstr "pagetitle:Zarządzanie bazą odbiorców"
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:134
msgid "Subscribers who clicked a campaign"
msgstr "Subskrybenci, którzy kliknęli kampanię"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mergeduplicatelists.php:26,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/export.php:202,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:334
msgid "All done"
msgstr "Zrobione!"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:723,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:238
msgid "Omit Invalid"
msgstr "Pominąć nieprawidłowy"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:226
msgid "pagetitlehover:editlist"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Edycja listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:94
msgid "View, edit and add lists, that your subscribers can sign up to"
msgstr ""
"Przeglądaj, edytuj i dodawaj listy, do których subskrybenci mogą się zapisać"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:706
msgid "bounces processed by advanced processing"
msgstr "zwroty poddane przetwarzaniu zaawansowanemu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:227,
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:441
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Powodzenie"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:210
msgid "pagetitlehover:setup"
msgstr "Opcje konfiguracji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:44
msgid "Developer community"
msgstr "Społeczność deweloperów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:19,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:85
msgid "Name is not unique enough"
msgstr "Nazwa nie jest unikalna"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:358
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Włączone"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:109
msgid "Cannot find the loginname in the header"
msgstr "Nie można znaleźć nazwy użytkownika w nagłówku"
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:113,
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:149
msgid "Order of Listing:"
msgstr "Sortowanie listy:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:60
msgid "Create public lists"
msgstr "Utwórz listę publiczną"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:632
msgid "Auto unconfirmed"
msgstr "Niepotwierdzony automatycznie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1026
#, php-format
msgid "Insufficient memory to add attachment to campaign %d %d - %d"
msgstr "Za mało pamięci, aby dodać załącznik do kampanii %d %d - %d"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:336
msgid "pagetitlehover:importadmin"
msgstr "Import administratorów "
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:172
msgid "Configuration Functions"
msgstr "Funkcje konfiguracyjne"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reindex.php:17
msgid "processing "
msgstr "przetwarzanie"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:81,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:83,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:91,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:98,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:104,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:125,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:129,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:166,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:173,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:181
msgid "Message ID"
msgstr "Identyfikator wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:37
msgid "Campaign Id"
msgstr "ID kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:92
msgid "campaign deleted"
msgstr "kampania skasowana"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:179,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:187
msgid "Number of clicks from HTML emails"
msgstr "Liczba kliknięć z wiadomości (e-maili) HTML"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:361
msgid "Process Selected Folders"
msgstr "Przetwarzanie wybranych folderów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1740,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:37
msgid "Oct"
msgstr "Paź"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:450,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:578,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:229,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:538,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:369
msgid "Lists"
msgstr "Listy odbiorców"
#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:76
msgid "Your password was changed succesfully"
msgstr "Twoje hasło zostało poprawnie zmienione"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:657
#, php-format
msgid "Subscriber auto blacklisted by bounce rule %d"
msgstr ""
"Subskrybent automatycznie umieszczony na Czarnej Liście na podstawie reguły "
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:60
msgid "Unable to create campaign, did you forget to upgrade the database?"
msgstr "Nie można utworzyć kampanii, baza danych jest nie aktualna."
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:964
msgid "or"
msgstr "lub"
#: public_html/lists/admin/generatebouncerules.php:39
msgid "Process Next Batch"
msgstr "Przetwarzanie kolejnej partii"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:328
msgid "pagetitlehover:statsmgt"
msgstr "Statystyka "
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:610,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:633,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:648,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:662,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:676,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:688
msgid "bounce rule"
msgstr "reguła zwrotu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:105
#, php-format
msgid "%d new email addresses imported"
msgstr "%d nowe adresy e-mail zaimportowane "
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:231
msgid "pagetitle:import4"
msgstr "pagetitle:Importowanie adresów ze zdalnej bazy danych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:410
#, php-format
msgid "%d bounces to process"
msgstr "%d zwroty do przetworzenia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:303
msgid "Trying to fix subscribers with an invalid email"
msgstr "Próba naprawy wpisów odbiorców z błędnymi adresami e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1731,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:28
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Sty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:618
msgid "This may take a while"
msgstr "To może zająć chwilę"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:269
msgid ""
"the users you are adding will be sent the request for confirmation of "
"subscription to which they will have to reply. This is recommended, because "
"it will identify invalid emails."
msgstr ""
"do dodawanych subskrybentów zostanie wysłany wniosek o potwierdzenie "
"subskrypcji, na który będą musieli odpowiedzieć. Jest to zalecana opcja, "
"ponieważ pozwala zidentyfikować nieprawidłowe maile."
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:258
msgid "pagetitlehover:user"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Szczegółowe informacje na temat odbiorcy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:52
#, php-format
msgid "Sending message %d with subject %s to %s"
msgstr "Wysyłanie wiadomości %d z tematem %s do %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:51
msgid "To send your queue, you can now use the service"
msgstr "Do wysyłania kolejki, można teraz użyć usługi"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:1780,
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:1785
msgid "Error, incorrect session token"
msgstr "Błąd, niepoprawny token sesji"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:23
msgid "RSS Frequency"
msgstr "Częstotliwość RSS"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:103
msgid "Cannot find the email in the header"
msgstr "Nie można znaleźć adresu e-mail w nagłówku"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:984
msgid "queue processing time has exceeded max processing time "
msgstr "czas przetwarzania kolejki przekroczył maksymalny czas przetwarzania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:123
msgid "Import of existing subscriber"
msgstr "Import istniejącego subskrybenta"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:738
msgid "Retain Old User Email"
msgstr "Zachowaj stary Email"
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:384
msgid ""
"If the page times out, you can reload. Or otherwise try to run the upgrade "
"from commandline instead."
msgstr ""
"Jeśli strona przekroczy limit czasu, możesz przeładować. Lub spróbuj "
"uruchomić aktualizację z linii poleceń."
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:325
msgid "No Lists"
msgstr "Brak list"
#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:42
msgid "Otherwise, free up some diskspace and try again"
msgstr ""
"W przeciwnym wypadku należy zwolnić trochę miejsca na dysku i spróbować "
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:198
msgid "Empty loginname, using email:"
msgstr "Pusty loginname, użyj email:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:78
msgid "Design implementation"
msgstr "Projekt i implementacja"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:716
msgid "Campaign started"
msgstr "Kampania rozpoczęta"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:721,
#: public_html/lists/admin/cron.php:55
msgid "Nothing to do"
msgstr "Nie ma nic do zrobienia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:424,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:75
msgid "found"
msgstr "istnieją"
#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:49
msgid "Configure attributes"
msgstr "Konfiguracja atrybutów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/phpListAdminAuthentication.php:54
msgid "Admin authentication has changed, please update your admin module"
msgstr ""
"Uwierzytelnienie Administratora uległo zmianie, należy zaktualizować moduł "
#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:44
msgid "subscriber management functions"
msgstr "funkcje zarządzania użytkownikami "
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:63,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:137,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:214
msgid "user"
msgstr "użytkownik"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:719
msgid "Show Warnings"
msgstr "Pokaż ostrzeżenia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:173
msgid "Install a new plugin"
msgstr "Zainstaluj nową wtyczkę"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:51,
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:86,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:140
msgid "Delete all"
msgstr "Usuń wszystko"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php:22,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php:44
msgid "Deleting blacklisted subscribers"
msgstr "Usuwanie subskrybentów z czarnej listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:362
msgid "Add a new subscriber"
msgstr "Dodaj nowego subskrybenta"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:193
msgid "Forward adding the UID?"
msgstr "Przekaż dodając UID?"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:169
msgid "URL to forward to"
msgstr "Adres URL do przekazania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:259
msgid "View Bounce"
msgstr "Pokaż zwroty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:157,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:34,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:96
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Opis"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:81
msgid "Cannot save admin, that email address already exists for another admin"
msgstr "Nie można zapisać administratora, adres e-mail już istnieje "
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:361
msgid "pagetitle:suppressionlist"
msgstr "Lista zablokowanych adresów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:169
msgid ""
"The PHP option for <a href=\""
"configuration.php#ini.allow-url-fopen\">URL-aware fopen wrappers</a> needs "
"to be enabled. This is required to allow installation from a remote URL"
msgstr ""
"Należy włączyć opcję PHP <a href=\""
"configuration.php#ini.allow-url-fopen\">URL-aware fopen wrappers</a>Jest ona "
"wymagana, aby umożliwić instalację ze zdalnego adresu URL"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:59
msgid "Please enter details of the remote Server"
msgstr "Podaj szczegóły serwera zdalnego"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/addemail.php:19
#, php-format
msgid "Added by %s"
msgstr "Dodał %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:44
msgid "Campaign Default"
msgstr "Domyślna Kampania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:50,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:636,
#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:76,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:64,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:158,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:134
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Akcja"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:115,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:101,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:949,
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:113,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:106,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:111,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:112
msgid "del"
msgstr "usuń"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:964
msgid "Path to file on server"
msgstr "Ścieżka do pliku na serwerze"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:356
msgid "All"
msgstr "Wszystkie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:259
msgid "Trying to merge duplicates"
msgstr "Próba połączenia duplikatów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:709,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:321
msgid "default is TAB"
msgstr "domyślnie TAB"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:52
msgid "reply-to"
msgstr "odpowiedzieć do"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1053
msgid "Estimated size of text email"
msgstr "Szacunkowa wielkość e-maila tekstowego"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:12
msgid "View Bounces per campaign"
msgstr "Zobacz zwroty według kampanii"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:92
msgid "Attachment ID"
msgstr "ID załącznika"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:502,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:231
#, php-format
msgid "%d emails already existed in the database"
msgstr "%d adresy e-mail już istnieją w bazie danych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:570,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:836,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:94,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:253,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:142
msgid "text"
msgstr "tekst"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:131
msgid "Status of forward"
msgstr "Stan przekazania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:25
msgid "delete subscriber"
msgstr "usuń subskrybenta"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:498
#, php-format
msgid "%d emails succesfully imported to the database and added to %d lists."
msgstr ""
"%d adresy e-mail pomyślnie zaimportowane do bazy danych i dodane do%d list."
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:567
msgid "Default footer for sending a campaign"
msgstr "Domyślna stopka"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:121
msgid "List of email addresses to CC in system messages (separate by commas)"
msgstr ""
"Lista adresów e-mail w polu CC dla komunikatów systemowych (oddzielone "
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:110
msgid "Id"
msgstr "Id"
#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:5
msgid "with password"
msgstr "za pomocą hasła"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:756
msgid "users apply for attributes, now checking lists"
msgstr "zastosowano użytkowników dla atrybutów, teraz sprawdzane są listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:574
msgid ""
"To delete subscribers who signed up and have not confirmed their subscription"
msgstr ""
"Aby usunąć subskrybentów, którzy zapisali się i nie potwierdzili swojego "
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:311
msgid "pagetitle:mclicks"
msgstr "Statystyka kliknięć wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:294,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:69,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:150
msgid "unconfirmed"
msgstr "niepotwierdzone"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:329
msgid "system message bounced, but unknown user"
msgstr "wiadomość systemowa zwrócona przez nieznanego użytkownika"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:562
msgid "Skipped in last run"
msgstr "Pominięte w ostatnim przetwarzaniu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:242
msgid "tests"
msgstr "próby "
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:268
#, php-format
msgid "%s subscribers in total"
msgstr "%s subskrybentów"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:60
msgid "Final time to stop repetition"
msgstr "Końcowy czas powtarzania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:101
msgid "cannot connect to remote database"
msgstr "Nie można połączyć się ze zdalną bazą danych"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:66
msgid "Is this message HTML formatted"
msgstr "Wiadomość HTML"
#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:67
msgid "Design"
msgstr "Projektowanie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:11
msgid "Template with ID"
msgstr "Szablon ID"
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:83,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:93
msgid "View subscribers"
msgstr "Zobacz subskrybentów"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:153
msgid "attribute number"
msgstr "liczba atrybutów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:269
msgid "If you choose"
msgstr "Jeśli wybierzesz"
#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:77,
#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:79,
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:259
msgid "Upgrading table "
msgstr "Aktualizacja tabeli"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:332
msgid "Check that all images have a full URL"
msgstr "Upewnij się, że wszystkie obrazy posiadają pełny adres URL"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:100,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:52
msgid "File too big, please split it up into smaller ones"
msgstr "Plik jest zbyt duży, należy podzielić go na mniejsze"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:82
msgid "Subscription History"
msgstr "Historia subskrybcji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:238
msgid "Select the headers fields to search"
msgstr "Wybierz pola nagłówków do wyszukiwania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:155,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:113
msgid "Comparison to other admins"
msgstr "Porównanie do innych adminów"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:282
msgid "pagetitlehover:admin"
msgstr "Edycja Administratora"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:679
msgid "very little time"
msgstr "bardzo mało czasu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:618
msgid "phpList will process your queue until all messages have been sent."
msgstr "phpList przetwarza kolejkę, aż wszystkie wiadomości zostaną wysłane."
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:395,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:183,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:223
msgid "Delete will delete user and all listmemberships"
msgstr "Usunięcie dotyczy rekordu odbiorcy z wszystkich list"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:491
msgid "good morning"
msgstr "dzień dobry"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:65
msgid "Use local processing"
msgstr "Użyj lokalnego przetwarzania "
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:31
msgid "blacklist subscriber and delete bounce"
msgstr "umieść subskrybenta na czarnej liście i usuń zwroty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainbounces.php:18
msgid "Domain statistics"
msgstr "Statystyki domeny"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:821
msgid "looking for users who can be excluded from this mailing"
msgstr "szukanie użytkowników, którzy mogą zostać wykluczeni z tego mailingu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:125
msgid "Date To:"
msgstr "Data Do:"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:224
msgid "pagetitlehover:editattributes"
msgstr "Edycja atrybutów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/userlib.php:586
msgid "Added to blacklist"
msgstr "Dodano do czarnej listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:400,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:437
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Skopiuj"
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:390
msgid ""
"Subscriber is blacklisted. No emails will be sent to this email address."
msgstr ""
"Subskrybent jest na czarnej liście. Brak wiadomości wysłanych na ten adres "
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:269
msgid "send notification email"
msgstr "wyślij e-mail potwierdzający"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1149
#, php-format
msgid "Warning: a lot of errors while sending campaign %d"
msgstr "Uwaga: błędy podczas wysyłania kampanii %d"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:242
msgid "pagetitlehover:export"
msgstr "Export odbiorców "
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:154
msgid "Plugin directory is not writable"
msgstr "Katalog wtyczek nie posiada praw do zapisu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:32,
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:44,
#: public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php:16,
#: public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php:29,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:32,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:44,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgbounces.php:30,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgbounces.php:43,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:21,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:33,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:26,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:39,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:41,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:21,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:33,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:26,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:37,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:50
msgid "You do not have access to this page"
msgstr "Nie masz dostępu do tej strony"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:295
msgid "Cannot continue"
msgstr "Nie można kontynuować "
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/user.php:19
#, php-format
msgid "Manually blacklisted by %s"
msgstr "Ręcznie na czarnej liście przez %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:233
msgid "Update it?"
msgstr "Zaktualizować?"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:167
msgid "Configure Subscribe Pages"
msgstr "Konfiguracja stron subskrypcji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1716,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:13,
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:27
msgid "January"
msgstr "Styczeń"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:570,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:85,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:166,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:200,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:147,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:148,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:153,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:155
msgid "total"
msgstr "ogółem"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:134
msgid ""
"The following subscriber(s) are dependent on this value<br />Update the "
"subscriber profiles to not use this attribute value and try again"
msgstr ""
"Następujący subskrybenci są zależni od tej wartości<br />Zaktualizuj profile "
"subskrybentów by nie używali tej wartości atrybutu i spróbuj ponownie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:491
msgid "Message subscribers receive when they have changed their details"
msgstr "Wiadomość dla subskrybenta jaką otrzyma po zmianie swoich danych"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:235
msgid "pagetitle:import2"
msgstr "pagetitle:Importowanie .CSV"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:245,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:260
msgid "User added"
msgstr "Użytkownik dodany"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:454
msgid "do it"
msgstr "wykonaj"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1370
msgid "Message campaign finished"
msgstr "Kampania zakończona"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:88
msgid "campaigns deleted"
msgstr "kampanie skasowane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:216
msgid "preparesend"
msgstr "Przygotuj wysyłkę"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:160
msgid "Plugin installation failed"
msgstr "Nieudana instalacja wtyczki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:256
msgid "system message bounced, user marked unconfirmed"
msgstr ""
"komunikat systemowy zwrócony, użytkownik został oznaczony jako "
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:258
msgid "description"
msgstr "opis"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:51
msgid "subscriber is blacklisted since"
msgstr "subskrybent jest na czarnej liście, ponieważ"
#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:76
#, php-format
msgid "%s bounces to list %s"
msgstr "%s zwroty z listy %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:360
msgid "Message queue processing errors"
msgstr "Błędy przetwarzania kolejki wiadomości"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:95
msgid "The type of attachment"
msgstr "Typ załącznika"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:905
msgid "Plain text version of message"
msgstr "Wersja tekstowa wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1359
msgid "Meta data"
msgstr "Metadane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:42
msgid "Unable get lock for processing"
msgstr "Nie można ustawić blokady dla przetwarzania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:50
msgid "Your database version"
msgstr "Wersja bazy danych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php:62
msgid "Select another campaign"
msgstr "Wybierz inną kampanię"
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:140
msgid "view subscribers who clicked"
msgstr "zobacz subskrybentów, którzy kliknęli"
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:384
msgid "Documentation how to set up phpList commandline"
msgstr "Dokumentacja, jak używać phpList z linii poleceń "
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:253
msgid "developer"
msgstr "programista"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:344,
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:348
msgid "update"
msgstr "uaktualnij"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:186
msgid "Marking all subscribers to receive text"
msgstr ""
"Oznaczanie wszystkich odbiorców jako otrzymujących wiadomości w formacie "
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:229,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:224
msgid "Header"
msgstr "Nagłówek"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:643
msgid "Subscriber auto blacklisted by bounce rule"
msgstr "Subskrybent automatycznie umieszczony na Czarnej Liście"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:512
msgid "add"
msgstr "dodaj"
#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:5
msgid "Add new Template"
msgstr "Dodaj nowy szablon "
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:918
msgid "to process"
msgstr "w przetwarzaniu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:632,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:633
msgid "Copy to Draft"
msgstr "Skopiuj do wersji roboczej (Szkic)"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:710
msgid "You are trying to use PDF support without having FPDF loaded"
msgstr "Próbujesz użyć wsparcia dla PDF bez załadowanej biblioteki FPDF"
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:311
msgid "No such subscriber"
msgstr "Nie ma takiego subskrybenta"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:173
msgid "Webmaster"
msgstr "Webmaster"
#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:70
msgid "Create a subscribe page"
msgstr "Utwórz stronę subskrypcji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/interfacelib.php:1034
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "Ukryj"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:191
msgid "hash value of URL"
msgstr "hash value of URL"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:343
msgid "Cleaning some user tables of invalid entries"
msgstr "Oczyszczanie niektórych tabel z odbiorcami z błędnych danych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:303
msgid "Template file."
msgstr "Plik szablonu."
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:519
msgid "emails already existed in the database"
msgstr "e-mail (e) są już w naszej bazie danych."
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:151
msgid "Public list (listed on the frontend)"
msgstr "Lista publiczna"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:519
msgid "Running DEV version, but developer email is not set"
msgstr "Uruchomiona wersja DEV ale nie ustawiono adresy email dla developera."
#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:124,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:237,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:232,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:243,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:24,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:142
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Hasło"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:350
msgid "details"
msgstr "szczegóły"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:22
msgid "Import emails from IMAP folders"
msgstr "Import adresów e-mail z folderów IMAP"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:241,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:162,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:388
msgid "messages"
msgstr "wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2286
msgid ""
"This seems to take longer than expected, looks like there is a lot of data "
"to work on."
msgstr ""
"To trwa dłużej niż oczekiwano, wygląda na to, że jest dużo danych do "
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1382
msgid "to send this message"
msgstr "wyślij tę wiadomość"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:94
msgid "Find an admin"
msgstr "Znajdź administratora"
#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:18
msgid "Step"
msgstr "Krok"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:38
msgid "No such record"
msgstr "Nie ma takiego rekordu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:83
msgid "Copy lists from remote server (lists are matched by name)"
msgstr "Kopiowanie listy z serwera zdalnego (listy są dopasowane przez nazwę)"
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:82
msgid "Existing attributes:"
msgstr "Istniejące atrybuty:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:68
msgid "Search, edit and add Subscribers"
msgstr "Szukaj, edytuj i dodawaj subskrybentów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:64
msgid "Not Found"
msgstr "Nie znaleziono"
#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:11
msgid "Contribute"
msgstr "Autorzy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:763
msgid "sendingtextonlyto"
msgstr "sendingtextonlyto"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:288
msgid "pagetitlehover:processbounces"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Przetwarzanie zwrotów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:91
msgid "Creating tables"
msgstr "Tworzenie tabel"
#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:4
msgid "About"
msgstr "o ..."
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:252,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:313
msgid "Add Members"
msgstr "Dodaj nowych członków"
#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:104,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:210
msgid "Confirm password"
msgstr "Potwierdź hasło"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:51
msgid "In maintenance mode, try again later."
msgstr "System znajduje się trybie konserwacji, spróbuj ponownie później."
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/listbounces.php:61,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgbounces.php:81
msgid "None found"
msgstr "Nic nie znaleziono"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:711
msgid "Identifying consecutive bounces"
msgstr "Identyfikacja kolejnych zwrotów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultplugin.php:355
msgid "choose"
msgstr "wybrać"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:173
msgid "Creating UniqID for all subscribers who do not have one"
msgstr "Tworzenie UniqID dla odbiorców, którzy go jeszcze nie mają"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:140
msgid "fwds"
msgstr "PD:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:440
msgid "Not deleting processed message"
msgstr "Nie usuwanie przetworzonych wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:47
msgid "back to list of bounce rules"
msgstr "Powrót do listy reguł odrzuceń"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:290
msgid "All the administrators already exist in the database"
msgstr "Wszyscy Administratorzy już istnieją w bazie danych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:789
msgid "four weeks"
msgstr "cztery tygodnie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:98
#, php-format
msgid "and more, %d in total"
msgstr "i więcej, w sumie %d"
#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:34
msgid "Reconcile Subscribers"
msgstr "Uzgadnianie subskrybentów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:320
#, php-format
msgid "Adding attachment %d failed"
msgstr "Dodawanie załączników %d nie powiodło się"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:141
msgid "Manage bounces"
msgstr "Zarządzaj zwrotami"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:284
msgid "URL where subscribers can sign up"
msgstr "URL, pod którym subskrybenci mogą rejestrować się"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:481
msgid "Force set, killing other send processes"
msgstr "Wymuś, wyłączając inne procesy wysyłania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:524,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:536
#, php-format
msgid "%d out of %d processed"
msgstr "przetworzono %d z %d"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:199
msgid ""
"Warning: You indicated the content was not HTML, but there were some HTML "
"tags in it. This may cause errors"
msgstr ""
"Ostrzeżenie: Wskazałeś, że zawartość nie była HTML-em, ale są w niej jakieś "
"znaczniki HTML. To może spowodować błędy."
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:149
msgid "Uploaded avatar file too big"
msgstr "Przesłany plik awatara jest zbyt duży"
#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:31
msgid "Campaign templates"
msgstr "Szablony kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:668
msgid "automatically added"
msgstr "dodano automatycznie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:497,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:84
msgid "Total clicks"
msgstr "Całkowita liczba kliknięć"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:550
msgid ""
"Your PHP version is out of date. phpList requires PHP version 5.3.3 or "
msgstr ""
"Twoja wersja PHP jest nieaktualna. phpList wymaga PHP w wersji 5.3.3 lub "
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:409
msgid "Error: you can use an attribute in one rule only"
msgstr "Błąd: można użyć atrybutu w tylko w jednej regule"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:288
msgid "Don't know how to"
msgstr "Nie wiem jak"
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:91
msgid ""
"Editing an active or finished campaign will place it back in the draft "
"queue, continue?"
msgstr ""
"Edycja aktywnej lub zakończonej kampanii będzie skutkowało ponownym "
"umieszczeniem projektu w kolejce, czy kontynuować?"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:609
msgid "Processing has started,"
msgstr "Przetwarzanie rozpoczęte,"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:236
msgid "pagetitlehover:import2"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Importowanie bazy adresów z pliku .CSV"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:362
msgid "Import Attributes"
msgstr "Import atrybutów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:424
msgid "in the database"
msgstr "w bazie danych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:97,
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:130
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nazwa:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:763
msgid "no repetition"
msgstr "bez powtarzania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/convertstats.php:167
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Zakończono"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2287
msgid "Still loading, please be patient, your page content will show shortly."
msgstr ""
"Pobieranie danych, proszę uzbroić się w cierpliwość, treść strony pokaże się "
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:409,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:415,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:418,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:420,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:422,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:424
msgid "maps to"
msgstr "mapuje do"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:82
msgid "No Rules found"
msgstr "Nie znaleziono reguł"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:458
msgid "Mark all subscribers to receive text"
msgstr ""
"Oznacz wszystkich odbiorców jako otrzymujących wiadomości w formacie "
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:207
msgid "pagetitle:home"
msgstr "pagetitle:Panel zarządzania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:243
msgid "Sending test \"Unsubscribe confirmation\" to"
msgstr "Wysyłam testowe \"Potwierdzenie rezygnacji\" do"
#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:24
msgid "Remote queue processing settings were saved successfully"
msgstr "Pomyślnie zostały zapisane ustawienia zdalnej kolejki przetwarzania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:510
msgid "Email address not found to send test message."
msgstr "Adres e-mail nie został znaleziony, aby wysłać wiadomość testową."
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:251
msgid "(will erase all data!)"
msgstr "(Spowoduje usunięcie wszystkich danych!)"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:945,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:947,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:93
msgid "file"
msgstr "plik"
#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:46
msgid "Documentation coordination"
msgstr "Koordynacja dokumentacji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:198
msgid "Administrator Functions"
msgstr "Funkcje administracyjne"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:675
msgid "Top level domains"
msgstr "Domeny najwyższego poziomu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:400
msgid "Goodbye from our Newsletter"
msgstr "Rezygnacja z newslettera "
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "email address %s already exists"
msgstr "adres e-mail %s już istnieje"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:61
msgid "Website address (without http://)"
msgstr "Adres strony (bez http://)"
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:323
msgid "Sort by"
msgstr "Sortuj według"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:21,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:25,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:404,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:85,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:105,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:141,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:74,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:91,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:17,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:35,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:45,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:56,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:85,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:100
msgid "Entered"
msgstr "Wprowadzono"
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:325
msgid "asc"
msgstr "rosnąco"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1023
msgid "add Google Analytics tracking code"
msgstr "Kod śledzenia Google Analytics"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:211
msgid "pagetitle:about"
msgstr "pagetitle:O programie"
#: public_html/lists/index.php:1045
msgid ""
"When testing the phpList forward functionality, you need to be logged in as "
"an administrator."
msgstr ""
"Testując funkcjonalność phpList, musisz być zalogowany jako administrator."
#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:184
msgid "edit this value"
msgstr "edytuj ten element"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:316
msgid "pagetitlehover:massunconfirm"
msgstr "Masowe usuwanie potwierdzeń"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:299
msgid "settings"
msgstr "ustawienia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:117
msgid "Initialising table"
msgstr "Inicjalizowanie tabeli"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:58
msgid "Set up using the service"
msgstr "Konfigurowanie korzystania z usługi"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:78
msgid "if used as a RSS template, what frequency"
msgstr "Jeśli użyto jako szablon RSS, jaka częstotliwość"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:43
msgid "Error processing"
msgstr "Błąd podczas przetwarzania żądania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:82
msgid "Unique subscribers who clicked"
msgstr "Unikalne subskrybenci, którzy kliknęli"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:155,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:192
msgid "can't connect"
msgstr "nie można połączyć"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:206
msgid "add user"
msgstr "dodaj użytkownika"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:178
msgid "System Message"
msgstr "Wiadomość systemowa"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:241
msgid "Send notifications about subscribe, update and unsubscribe"
msgstr "Wysyłanie powiadomień o zapisaniu się, aktualizacji i rezygnacji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:216
msgid "Inserting user"
msgstr "Wstaw użytkownika"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:227
msgid "pagetitle:checki18n"
msgstr "pagetitle:Sprawdź czy istnieje tłumaczenie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:154
msgid ""
"You should not paste the results of a test message back into the editor<br/"
">This will break the click-track statistics, and overload the server."
msgstr ""
"Nie należy wklejać wyniku testu wiadomości do edytora <br/> zakłóci to "
"statystyki click-track i przeciąży serwer."
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:132
msgid "Cannot delete"
msgstr "Nie można usunąć"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:153
msgid "Order for listing"
msgstr "Kolejność na liście"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:185
msgid "Add, edit and remove Administrators"
msgstr "Dodaj, edytuj i usuwaj administratorów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:523,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:29
msgid "Running in testmode, no emails will be sent. Check your config file."
msgstr ""
"Praca w trybie testowym, emaile nie będą wysyłane. Sprawdź swój plik "
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:115
msgid "id of template"
msgstr "id szablonu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:264
msgid "Radio buttons, default to HTML"
msgstr "Przyciski opcji, domyślnie HTML"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:157
msgid "Remote list"
msgstr "Lista zdalna"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:359
msgid "Request for confirmation"
msgstr "Potwierdzenie subskrypcji "
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:338
msgid "pagetitlehover:dbadmin"
msgstr "Administrator bazy danych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:167
msgid ""
"This campaign has been sent to subscribers who are members of the following "
msgstr ""
"Kampania została wysłana do abonentów, którzy są członkami z poniższej listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reindex.php:27
#, php-format
msgid "Adding unique index <b>%s</b> to %s<br/>"
msgstr "Dodawanie unikatowego indeksu <b>%s</b> do %s <br/>"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:133
msgid "are you sure you want to delete all bounces older than 2 months"
msgstr "jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć wszystkie zwroty starsze niż 2 miesiące"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:244
msgid "pagetitlehover:initialise"
msgstr "Zainicjuj bazę danych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:287
msgid "new administrators were"
msgstr "nowi administratorzy byli"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:48,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1333
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "nieznany"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1721,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:18,
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:32
msgid "June"
msgstr "Czerwiec"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/configure.php:27
msgid "Editing"
msgstr "Edytowanie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:274
msgid "Attribute one"
msgstr "Atrybut pierwszy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:224
msgid ""
"The file you upload will need to contain the emails you want to add to these "
"lists. Anything after the email will be added as attribute \"Info\" of the "
"Subscriber. You can specify the rest of the attributes of these subscribers "
"below. Warning: the file needs to be plain text. Do not upload binary files "
"like a Word Document."
msgstr ""
"Przesyłany plik musi zawierać e-maile, które chcesz dodać do tych wykazów. "
"Wszystko po e-mail zostanie dodany jako atrybut \"Info\" Subskrybenta. Uwaga:"
" plik musi być tekstowy. Nie można przesyłać plików jak dokument Word."
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:357
msgid "eventlog"
msgstr "Dziennik zdarzeń"
#: public_html/lists/admin/convertstats.php:170
msgid "Convert some more"
msgstr "Przekonwertować więcej"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:924
msgid "The upload has the following limits set by the server"
msgstr "Twój serwer ma ograniczenie wielkości załącznika"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:914
msgid ""
"Warning, finding the subscribers to send out to takes a long time, consider "
"changing to commandline sending"
msgstr ""
"Ostrzeżenie, znajdowanie subskrybentów do wysyłki zabiera dużo czasu, rozważ "
"wysyłkę za pomocą wiersza poleceń"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:527
msgid "Processing has been suspended by your ISP, please try again later"
msgstr ""
"Przetwarzanie zostało zawieszone przez usługodawcę internetowego, spróbuj "
"ponownie później"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:918
msgid "Found them"
msgstr "Znaleziono je"
#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:28
msgid "Sending HTML version to "
msgstr "Wysyłanie wersji HTML do"
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:79
msgid "There are currently no statistics available"
msgstr "Obecnie nie ma dostępnych żadnych statystyk"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:619
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this campaign?"
msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz skasować tą kampanie?"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:206
msgid "Translated string"
msgstr "Przetłumaczony łańcuch"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:271
msgid "origin"
msgstr "źródło"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1100,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1102
msgid "Introducing extra delay to decrease throttle failures"
msgstr ""
"Wprowadzając dodatkowe opóźnienie zmniejszy się możliwość wystąpienia błędów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:64
msgid "value"
msgstr "wartość"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:267,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:268
msgid "Only use complete addresses"
msgstr "Należy używać tylko pełnych adresów"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:291
msgid "pagetitle:bounce"
msgstr "pagetitle:Odrzucona wiadomość"
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:276
msgid "Run manual conversion to UTF8"
msgstr "Uruchom ręczną konwersję do UTF8"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:93,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:97,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:143,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:66,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:71
msgid "active"
msgstr "aktywny"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:554
msgid "Get some help"
msgstr "Pomoc"
#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:46
msgid ""
"Note: Links in emails will not work, because this is a test message, which "
"is deleted after sending"
msgstr ""
"Uwaga: Łącza w wiadomości e-mail nie będą działać, jest wiadomość testowa, "
"która jest usuwana po wysłaniu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:293
msgid "succesfully imported to the database and added to the system."
msgstr "pomyślnie zaimportowane do bazy danych i dodane do systemu."
#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:94
msgid "To send your queue, you use the service from"
msgstr "Do wysyłania kolejki, możesz skorzystać z usług"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1195
msgid "Failed sending to"
msgstr "Wysyłanie nieudane do"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:707,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:321
msgid "Field Delimiter"
msgstr "Separator pola"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:599,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:600,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:70
msgid "Requeue"
msgstr "Ponownie kolejkuje"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:91
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Wyczyść"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:321
msgid "URL where subscribers can update their details"
msgstr "URL, pod którym subskrybenci mogą aktualizować swoje dane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:71,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:72
msgid "remove subscriber from blacklist"
msgstr "usuń subskrybenta z czarnej listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:65
msgid "Up-to-date"
msgstr "Aktualne"
#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:48
msgid "Donate to support phpList development"
msgstr "Dotacje aby wspomóc rozwój phpList"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:118,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:126
msgid "Remote version has"
msgstr "Zdalna wersja ma"
#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:970
#, php-format
msgid "Size of HTML email: %s "
msgstr "Wielkość wiadomości w formacie HTML: %s "
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:210
msgid "Send a Message"
msgstr "Wyślij wiadomość"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:53
msgid "delete this rule and go to the next candidate"
msgstr "usunąć tę regułę i przejść do następnego kandydata"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:388
msgid "Processed"
msgstr "Przetworzone"
#: public_html/lists/admin/suppressionlist.php:26
#, php-format
msgid ""
"All done, %d emails processed, %d emails marked unconfirmed, %d emails "
msgstr ""
"Wykonano, %d maili przetworzonych, %d maili niepotwierdzonych, %d maili "
"dodanych na czarną listę<br/>"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2044,
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2055
msgid "Error activating remote queue processing"
msgstr "Błąd aktywacji zdalnego przetwarzania kolejki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:182
msgid "Do the above"
msgstr "Zrób powyższe"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:455,
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:277
msgid "Closing mailbox, and purging messages"
msgstr "Zamykam skrzynkę pocztową i usuwam wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:30
msgid "Language translations"
msgstr "Tłumaczenia językowe"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:864
msgid "No template"
msgstr "Brak szablonu"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:77
msgid "When did sending of this message start"
msgstr "Kiedy zaczęto wysyłanie tej wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:35,
#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:49
msgid "Use local processing instead"
msgstr "Użyj lokalnego przetwarzania zamiast"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:323
msgid "pagetitle:domainstats"
msgstr "Statystyka domen"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:81
msgid "minimum of 8 characters."
msgstr "co najmniej 8 znaków."
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:121
msgid "reconcileusers"
msgstr "rekonfigurować"
#: public_html/lists/admin/generatebouncerules.php:144
msgid "new rules found"
msgstr "znaleziono nową regułę"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:58
msgid "Are you sure you want to reset the import session?"
msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz zresetować sesję importu?"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:46
#, php-format
msgid "%d unidentified bounces older than 2 months have been deleted"
msgstr "%d niezidentyfikowane zwroty starsze niż 2 miesiące zostały usunięte"
#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:31
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Język"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:372
msgid "No lists available, please create one first"
msgstr "Żadna lista nie jest dostępna, należy utworzyć pierwszą listę"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:379
msgid ""
"You have 24 hours left to change your password. After that, your token won't "
"be valid."
msgstr ""
"Masz 24 godziny, aby zmienić hasło. Po tym czasie twój token straci wazność."
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:114
msgid "Subscribers who clicked a URL"
msgstr "Subskrybenci, którzy kliknęli URL"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:99
msgid "Imported"
msgstr "Zaimportowane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:120
msgid "No users to copy, is the prefix correct?"
msgstr "Brak adresów do skopiowania, czy prefiks jest poprawny?"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:520
msgid "Started "
msgstr "Rozpoczęte "
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1736,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:33
msgid "Jun"
msgstr "Cze"
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:273
msgid "Database requires converting to UTF-8."
msgstr "Baza danych wymaga konwersji na UTF-8."
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:804
#, php-format
msgid "%d consecutive bounces, threshold reached, blacklisting subscriber"
msgstr ""
"%d kolejnych zwrotów, próg przekroczony - odbiorca został przeniesiony na "
"czarną listę"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:225
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:27
msgid ""
"You cannot create a new list because you have reached maximum number of "
msgstr ""
"Nie można utworzyć nowej listy, ponieważ osiągnięto maksymalną liczbę list."
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:327
msgid "Check that all links have a full URL"
msgstr "Sprawdź, czy wszystkie linki mają pełny adres URL"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2288
msgid "It will really be soon now until the page will display."
msgstr "Już niedługo strona zostanie wyświetlona."
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:61,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:157,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:133
msgid "Regular Expression"
msgstr "Wyrażenie regularne"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:314
msgid "pagetitlehover:uclicks"
msgstr "Statystyka kliknięć adresu URL"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:921
msgid ""
"Running commandline, quitting. We'll find out what to do in the next run."
msgstr ""
"Uruchamianie linii komend, wychodzenie. Sprawdzimy co jest do zrobienia "
"podczas kolejnego uruchomienia."
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:406
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Podsumowanie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:2156,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:177,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:186,
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:365,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:334
msgid "Attribute"
msgstr "Atrybut"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:246
msgid "pagetitlehover:send"
msgstr "Rozpoczynanie lub kontynuacja kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:2265
msgid "Last Page"
msgstr "Ostatnia strona"
#: public_html/lists/admin/suppressionlist.php:28
msgid "Add more"
msgstr "Dodaj więcej"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:264
msgid "Mark new users as HTML"
msgstr "Oznacz nowych użytkowników jako HTML"
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:319
msgid "test_protocol not supported"
msgstr "test_protocol nie jest obsługiwany"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:561
msgid "Documentation about this error"
msgstr "Dokumentacja na temat tego błędu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:185
msgid "Create New Rule based on this bounce"
msgstr "Tworzenie nowej reguły opartej na tym zwrocie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:489,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:491
msgid "Would have sent"
msgstr "Wysłałby"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:104
msgid "Draft campaigns"
msgstr "Konspekty kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:252
msgid "Offer checkbox for text"
msgstr "Oferuj checkbox dla tekstu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:225
msgid "Sending test"
msgstr "Wysyłanie testu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:214
msgid "Not matching"
msgstr "Nie pasuje"
#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:43
msgid "Process the queue using the service from"
msgstr "Przetwarzanie kolejki przy użyciu usługi z"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:735
msgid "Looking for users"
msgstr "Wyszukiwanie użytkowników"
#: public_html/lists/admin/suppressionlist.php:35
msgid "Manage suppression list"
msgstr "Zarządzaj listą zablokowanych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:106
#, php-format
msgid "%d email addresses already existed in the database"
msgstr "%d adresów e-mail już istnieje w bazie danych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:467
msgid ""
"If you have a large database, make sure you have sufficient diskspace "
"available for upgrade."
msgstr ""
"Jeśli masz duże bazy danych, upewnij się, że masz wystarczająco dostępnego "
"miejsca na dysku do uaktualizacji."
#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:33
msgid "This page requires Javascript to be enabled."
msgstr "Ta strona wymaga włączonego Javascript."
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1016
msgid "email to alert when sending of this message has finished"
msgstr "Email na który zostanie wysłana informacją o zakończeniu wysyłki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:409,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:446
msgid "Nothing"
msgstr "Nic"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:157,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:583
msgid "New Attribute"
msgstr "Nowy atrybut"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:194
msgid ""
"If there is only one visible list, should it be hidden in the page and "
"automatically subscribe users who sign up"
msgstr ""
"Jeśli istnieje tylko jedna lista publiczna, należy ukryć ją na stronie i "
"automatycznie zapisać do niej użytkowników, którzy zarejestrują się"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:64
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Hasło:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:536
msgid "Associate system bounces to subscriber profiles"
msgstr "Połącz system zwrotów z profilem subskrybenta"
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:402
msgid "edit values"
msgstr "Edytuj"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:14
msgid "Is this subscriber blacklisted"
msgstr "Czy subskrybent jest na czarnej liście"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:75
#, php-format
msgid "Giving a Unique ID to %d subscribers, this may take a while"
msgstr ""
"Nadanie unikalnych identyfikator dla %d subskrybentów, może to trochę potrwać"
#: public_html/lists/index.php:662
msgid "Please choose"
msgstr "Proszę wybrać"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:103
msgid "Choose an existing draft campaign to work on"
msgstr "Wybierz istniejący projekt wiadomość do pracy na nim"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:364
msgid "system settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia systemowe"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:419
msgid "Processed messages will be deleted from mailbox"
msgstr "Przetworzone wiadomości zostaną usunięte ze skrzynki pocztowej"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reindex.php:20
#, php-format
msgid "Adding index <b>%s</b> to %s</li>"
msgstr "Dodanie indeksu <b>%s</b> do %s</li>"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/configure.php:92
msgid "Don't know how to handle type "
msgstr "Nie wiem jak obsługiwać typ"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:773,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:814
msgid "day"
msgstr "dzień"
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:107
msgid "fromfield"
msgstr "fromfield"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:279
msgid "installed"
msgstr "zainstalowane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:48,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:645,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:42
msgid "No lists available"
msgstr "Żadna lista nie jest dostępna"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:576
msgid "Scheduling"
msgstr "Planowanie wysyłki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:613
#, php-format
msgid "%d campaigns to process."
msgstr "%d kampanie przetwarzane."
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:319
msgid "Sorry, merging of checkbox groups is not implemented yet"
msgstr ""
"Przepraszamy, połączenie grupy pól wyboru nie zostało jeszcze "
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:111,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:228
msgid "message"
msgstr "wiadomość"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:195
msgid "List Description"
msgstr "Opis"
#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:61
msgid "API key from"
msgstr "Klucz API z"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:932
msgid ""
"We have been waiting too long, I guess the other process is still going ok"
msgstr "Czekaliśmy zbyt długo, prawdopodobnie wciąż trwa inny proces"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:283
msgid "Mime Type is longer than 255 characters, this is trouble"
msgstr "Typ MIME jest dłuższy niż 255 znaków, należy to poprawić "
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:24
msgid ""
"The temporary directory for uploading is not writable, so import will fail"
msgstr "Tymczasowy katalog przekazywania nie jest zapisywalny."
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:309
msgid "pagetitle:logout"
msgstr "Wylogowanie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:259,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:373,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1301,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1307,
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:59
msgid "Review Scheduling"
msgstr "Przegląd planu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:555
msgid "Download the latest version"
msgstr "Pobierz nową wersję"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:135
msgid "delete all processed (> 2 months old)"
msgstr "Usuń wszystkie procesy (> starsze niż 2 miesiące)"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:108
msgid "Start Time"
msgstr "Czas rozpoczęcia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:345
msgid "Warning, changing types of attributes can take a long time"
msgstr "Uwaga, zmiana typu atrybutu może długo trwać"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:210
msgid "List subscriptions:"
msgstr "Lista subskrypcji:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mergeduplicatelists.php:18
#, php-format
msgid "%d campaigns moved"
msgstr "%d przeniesionych kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:152
msgid "Please select the lists you want to exclude from this campaign"
msgstr "Proszę wybrać listę wykluczeń z kampani"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:29,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:220
#, php-format
msgid "ok, %d lines"
msgstr "ok, %d linie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:353,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:418
msgid "Skip Column"
msgstr "Pomiń kolumnę"
#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:101
msgid ""
"The <a href=\"\" target=\"translate\""
">translation site</a> runs <a href=\"\" "
"target=\"pootle\">Pootle</a> an Open Source translation tool, provided by <a "
"href=\"\" target=\"translatehouse\">Translate "
msgstr ""
"<a href=\"\" target=\"translate\">Strona "
"tłumaczeń</a> działa na <a href=\"\" target="
"\"pootle\">Pootle</a> narzędziu Open Source do tłumaczeń dostarczanym przez "
"<a href=\"\" target=\"translatehouse\">Translate "
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php:70
msgid ""
"Relinking transactional messages that bounced to the related subscriber "
msgstr ""
"Ponowne łączenie wiadomości transakcyjnych, które odbiły się do powiązanego "
"profilu subskrybenta"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:144
msgid "Is this admin Super Admin?"
msgstr "Czy ten użytkownik ma uprawnienia Super Admina?"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:321
msgid "pagetitle:bouncemgt"
msgstr "Zwroty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:68
msgid "All lists have already been assigned a category"
msgstr "Wszystkie listy zostały już przypisane do kategorii "
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:256
msgid "Finished, Nothing to do"
msgstr "Gotowy, nic nie robić"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:147
msgid "Edit Administrator"
msgstr "Edycja Administratora"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1356
msgid "Campaign Title"
msgstr "Tytuł kampanii"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:163
msgid "data"
msgstr "dane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:710,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:877,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:878
msgid "Compose Message"
msgstr "Stwórz wiadomość"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:55,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:100
msgid "Back to the list of bounces"
msgstr "Powrót do listy zwrotów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1725,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:22,
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:36
msgid "October"
msgstr "Październik"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:416
msgid "Create new Attribute"
msgstr "Utwórz nowy atrybut"
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:406,
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:438,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:338
msgid "Default Value"
msgstr "Wartość domyślna"
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:297
msgid "Show only unconfirmed users"
msgstr "Pokaż użytkowników z niepotwierdzoną subskrypcją "
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:281
msgid "pagetitle:admin"
msgstr "Edycja Administratora"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:579
msgid "Date they signed up before"
msgstr "Zapisali się przed"
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:19
msgid ""
"To avoid overloading the system, this will convert 10000 records at a time"
msgstr ""
"By zapobiec przeciążeniu systemu, skonwertowanych zostanie 10000 rekordów na "
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:269
msgid ""
"Subscribers with a red icon are either unconfirmed or blacklisted or both"
msgstr ""
"Subskrybenci z czerwoną ikoną niepotwierdzili subskrypcji, lub są na czarnej "
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:14,
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:343,
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:249,
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:469
msgid "Upgrade"
msgstr "Aktualizacja"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:218
msgid "Language file to use"
msgstr "Plik języka "
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:362
msgid "pagetitlehover:suppressionlist"
msgstr "Lista zablokowanych adresów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:73
msgid "Please enter your name."
msgstr "Proszę wpisać swoje imię i nazwisko."
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:202,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:217
msgid "Change order"
msgstr "Zmień kolejność"
#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:30
msgid "edit values for attributes"
msgstr "zmiana atrybutów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:111
msgid "email"
msgstr "email"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:333
msgid "pagetitle:dbcheck"
msgstr "Sprawdzić BD"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:939
msgid "filename"
msgstr "nazwa pliku"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:335
msgid "pagetitle:importadmin"
msgstr "Import administratorów "
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:700
msgid "From Line"
msgstr "Nadawca(y)"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:336
msgid "Setup "
msgstr "Konfiguracja "
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1265
msgid "Unconfirmed user"
msgstr "Niepotwierdzony użytkownik"
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:84,
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:358
msgid "No Attributes have been defined yet"
msgstr "Atrybuty nie zostały zdefiniowane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:104
msgid "reset style to default"
msgstr "przywróć domyślny styl"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:567
msgid "The attachment repository does not exist or is not writable"
msgstr "Repozytorium dla załączników nie istnieje lub nie umożliwia zapisu"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:240
msgid "pagetitlehover:import"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Importowanie odbiorców"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:163
msgid "Search campaigns"
msgstr "Szukaj kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:28
msgid "blacklist email address"
msgstr "czarna lista adresów e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:60
msgid ""
"Please upload a plain text file only. You cannot use a spreadsheet. You can "
"only upload a plain text file with one email address per line."
msgstr ""
"Proszę przesyłać tylko pliki tekstowe. Nie można korzystać z arkusza "
"kalkulacyjnego. Plik tekstowy powinien zwierać jeden adres e-mail w wierszu."
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:644
msgid "Suspend All"
msgstr "Wstrzymaj zadania"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:243
msgid "pagetitle:initialise"
msgstr "Zainicjuj bazę danych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:62
msgid "Invalid security token. Please reload the page and try again."
msgstr "Nieprawidłowy token bezpieczeństwa, odśwież stronę i spróbuj ponownie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:78
msgid "resume processing"
msgstr "wznowienie przetwarzania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:181
msgid "Users found, click add to add this user"
msgstr "Użytkownik znaleziony, kliknij aby dodać tego użytkownika"
#: public_html/lists/admin/class.phplistmailer.php:324
#, php-format
msgid "Error, empty message-body sending email to %s"
msgstr "Błąd, puste treści wiadomości wysyłanie do %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:482
msgid "No users apply"
msgstr "Nie wybrano żadnych użytkowników."
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:961
msgid "Add (and save)"
msgstr "Dodaj (zapisz)"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:989
msgid "Campaign sending timed out, is past date to process until"
msgstr "Wysyłanie kampanii wygasło, minął termin na przetwarzania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:507
msgid "Mailinglist membership"
msgstr "Subskrypcja listy"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:219
msgid "pagetitle:config"
msgstr "uaktualnij tłumaczenie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:69
msgid "Not installed"
msgstr "Nie zainstalowany"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:116
msgid "Export Users"
msgstr "Export odbiorców"
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:156
msgid "Clicked"
msgstr "Kliknięte"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:726
msgid "Processing message"
msgstr "Przetwarzanie wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:199
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Anuluj"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import.php:33
msgid "Please choose one of the import methods below"
msgstr "Wybierz jedną z poniższych metod importu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:375
msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Witaj"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1724,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:21,
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:35
msgid "September"
msgstr "Wrzesień"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:147
msgid "static"
msgstr "statyczny"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:204
msgid "Moving subscribers who are not on any list to"
msgstr "Przenoszenie odbiorców nie przypisanych do żadnej listy do"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:238
msgid "Text for Button"
msgstr "Tekst dla przycisku "
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:269
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "sekundy"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:126
msgid "Bounce ID"
msgstr "ID zwrotu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:805
#, php-format
msgid "%d consecutive bounces, threshold reached"
msgstr "%d kolejnych zwrotów, próg został przekroczony"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:297
msgid "This may be caused by a too slow or too busy server"
msgstr "Może to być spowodowane zbyt wolnym lub zbyt zajętym serwerem"
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:22
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Czwartek"
#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:95
msgid "Unable to determine the name of the database to convert"
msgstr "Nie można określić nazwę bazy danych do konwersji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:612
msgid "Mark sent"
msgstr "Oznacz wysłane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2048
msgid "The server is unable to reach your phpList installation"
msgstr ""
"Serwer nie jest w stanie dotrzeć do Twojej instalacji phpList"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:33
msgid "messages sent to this user"
msgstr "wiadomości wysłane do tego użytkownika"
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:347
msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this subscriber from the system."
msgstr "Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć ten subskrybenta z systemu."
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:112
msgid "Waiting"
msgstr "Oczekiwanie"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:345
msgid "pagetitle:bouncerule"
msgstr "Reguła odbijająca"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:671,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:683
#, php-format
msgid "Email address auto blacklisted by bounce rule %d"
msgstr ""
"Adres e-mail automatycznie umieszczony na Czarnej Liście na podstawie reguły "
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:836
msgid "Report:"
msgstr "Raport:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:648,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:662,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:688
msgid "User auto unsubscribed for"
msgstr "Subskrybent automatycznie usunięty z listy subskrybentów dla"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1001
msgid "Sending of this message has been suspended"
msgstr "Wysłanie tej wiadomości zostało zawieszone"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:209
msgid "pagetitle:setup"
msgstr "pagetitle:Ustawienia systemowe"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:284
msgid "pagetitlehover:admins"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Administratorzy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:106
msgid "Cannot find the password in the header"
msgstr "Nie można znaleźć hasła w nagłówku"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:102
msgid "limit reached"
msgstr "osiągnięto limit"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:327
msgid "pagetitle:statsmgt"
msgstr "Statystyka"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:121
msgid "The bounce"
msgstr "Zwrot"
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:348,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:349
msgid "remove subscriber"
msgstr "usuń subskrybenta"
#: public_html/lists/admin/ui/default/rssfeed.php:54
msgid "phpList community news"
msgstr "Aktualności wspólnoty phpList"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:352
msgid "Create new one"
msgstr "Utwórz nowy"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:201
msgid "Related regex"
msgstr "Powiązane wyrażenie regularne"
#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:39
msgid "Import subscribers"
msgstr "Import subskrybentów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:306,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:129
msgid "delete this list"
msgstr "usuń tą listę"
#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:41
msgid "Export subscribers"
msgstr "Export subskrybentów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:48
msgid "add_list"
msgstr "dodaj listę"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:233,
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:240,
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:247
msgid "FAILED"
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:421
msgid "Remove from blacklist"
msgstr "Usuń z czarnej listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:193
msgid "Send email"
msgstr "Wysłać email"
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:415
msgid "subscriber"
msgstr "subskrybent"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:117,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:50
msgid "delete all"
msgstr "Usuń wszystko"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:507
msgid "Time now "
msgstr "Aktualny czas "
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:90
msgid "Campaign click statistics"
msgstr "Statystyki kliknięcie kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:311
msgid "Tag all users in this page"
msgstr "Zaznacz wszystkich użytkowników na tej stronie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:299
msgid "Show only blacklisted users"
msgstr "Pokaż użytkowników z czarnej listy "
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:193
msgid "Cannot delete attribute, it is being used by the following forms:"
msgstr ""
"Nie można usunąć atrybutu, jest on używany w następujących formularzach:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:114
msgid "export"
msgstr "eksport"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:140
msgid "* Too many to list, total dependencies:"
msgstr "* Zbyt wiele do wyświetlenie, całkowitych zależności:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:84
msgid "Edit this message"
msgstr "Edytuj wiadomość"
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:174
msgid "None yet"
msgstr "Jeszcze nic nie ma"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:509
msgid "To blacklist all subscribers with more than"
msgstr "Aby zablokować odbiorców z więcej niż"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:192
msgid "Confirm email addresses by default"
msgstr "Domyślnie potwierdzaj adresy e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:105
msgid "#bncs"
msgstr "#bncs"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:127
msgid "When did it bounce"
msgstr "Kiedy została odbita"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1106
#, php-format
msgid ""
"About %d users to receive HTML and %s users to receive text version of email"
msgstr ""
"Około %d użytkowników otrzyma HTML i %s użytkowników otrzyma wersję tekstową "
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:147,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:573
msgid "clear value"
msgstr "wyczyść wartość"
#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:129
msgid "Select the columns to include in the export"
msgstr "Wybierz kolumny do dołączenia w eksporcie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:360,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:998,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1362,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:309
msgid "Send Test"
msgstr "Wyślij test"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:125
msgid ""
"Error adding new admin, login name and/or email not inserted, email not "
"valid or admin already exists"
msgstr ""
"Błąd podczas dodawania nowego administratora, nazwa użytkownika i/lub e-mail "
"nie został podany, e-mail jest nieprawidłowy lub administrator już istnieje"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:90
msgid "Name of Dataitem"
msgstr "Nazwa elementu danych"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:298
msgid "pagetitlehover:eventlog"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Dziennik zdarzeń"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:308,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:339
msgid "Send Campaigns"
msgstr "Wyślij Kampanie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:392
msgid "Message subscribers receive when they sign up"
msgstr "Treść wiadomości potwierdzającej "
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:161
msgid "no processed bounces available"
msgstr "nie przetworzone zwroty dostępne"
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:368
msgid "forms"
msgstr "formularze"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:149
msgid "Always add Google tracking code to campaigns"
msgstr "Zawsze dodaj kod śledzący Google to kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:144,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:234
msgid "Test output:"
msgstr "Wyjście testowe:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgbounces.php:58
msgid "Choose a campaign"
msgstr "Wybierz kampanię"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:12
msgid "Your version"
msgstr "Twoja wersja"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:329
msgid "pagetitle:statsoverview"
msgstr "Przegląd statystyki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/dbcheck.php:84
msgid "index"
msgstr "index"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:174,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:183
msgid "ID in forward table"
msgstr "Identyfikator tabeli do przekazania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:89
msgid "There are currently no campaigns to view"
msgstr "Nie ma jeszcze kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:12,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:21,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:29,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:37,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:45
msgid "Ascending"
msgstr "Rosnąco"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:118
msgid "The image"
msgstr "Obraz"
#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:7
msgid "Announcements"
msgstr "Ogłoszenia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:956
msgid ""
"The total size of attachments is very large. Sending this campaign may fail "
"due to resource limits."
msgstr ""
"Całkowity rozmiar załączników jest bardzo duży. Wysłanie tej kampanii może "
"zakończyć się niepowodzeniem z powodu ograniczeń."
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:180
msgid "Delete this bounce and go to the next"
msgstr "Usuń ten zwrot i przejść do następnego"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:332
msgid "pagetitlehover:subscriberstats"
msgstr "Statystyki subskrybentów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2042,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:390
msgid "view progress"
msgstr "widok postępu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:367,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:370,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:24,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:539
msgid "Campaigns"
msgstr "Kampanie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:69
msgid "it should only be done with explicit permission from this subscriber"
msgstr "można to zrobić wyłącznie za wyraźną zgodą tego subskrybenta"
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:61,
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:102
msgid "Events"
msgstr "Wydarzenia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:157,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:115
msgid "views"
msgstr "otwartych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:193
msgid "Maximum time for queue processing"
msgstr "Maksymalny czas przetwarzania kolejek"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:68
msgid "Template to use"
msgstr "Szablon do użycia "
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:103
msgid "Show notification for Release Candidates"
msgstr "Pokaż powiadomienia dla nowych wydań (Release Candidates)"
#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:11
msgid "manage subscriber attributes"
msgstr "Zarządzanie atrybutami subskrybenta"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:241
msgid "pagetitle:export"
msgstr "pagetitle:Eksport odbiorców"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:430
msgid "Welcome to our Newsletter"
msgstr "Zapraszamy do newslettera"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:315
msgid "pagetitle:massunconfirm"
msgstr "Masowe usuwanie potwierdzeń"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:30
msgid "This datatype does not have editable values"
msgstr "Ten typ danych nie ma wartości edytowalnych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/msgstatus.php:27,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:73,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:87
msgid "still to process"
msgstr "nadal przetwarzać"
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:164
msgid "All clicks by"
msgstr "Wszystkie kliknięcia wg"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:949
msgid "In this section"
msgstr "W tej sekcji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:113,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:70
msgid "Sent as text"
msgstr "Wyślij jako tekst"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:368
msgid "Change your details (e.g. password)"
msgstr "Zmień swoje dane (np. hasło)"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:436,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:606
msgid "Confirm Import"
msgstr "Potwierdź import"
#: public_html/lists/admin/phpListAdminAuthentication.php:46,
#: public_html/lists/admin/phpListAdminAuthentication.php:102
msgid "your account has been disabled"
msgstr " Twoje konto zostało wyłączone"
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:15,
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:450
msgid "The clicktracking system has changed"
msgstr "Zmienił się system clicktracking"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:157
msgid ""
"Who gets the reports (email address, separate multiple emails with a comma)"
msgstr "Adres e-mail na który zostaną wysłane raporty "
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:37
msgid "Subject prefix"
msgstr "Prefiks tematu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/msgstatus.php:28,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:123
msgid "ETA"
msgstr "Przewidywany czas"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:102,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:103,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:41,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/bounces.php:44
msgid "view"
msgstr "przeglądaj"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:15
msgid "Did this subscriber manually confirm"
msgstr "Czy ten subskrybent potwierdził ręcznie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/export.php:66
#, php-format
msgid "phpList Export from %s to %s (%s).csv"
msgstr "Eksport phpList z %s do %s (%s).csv"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:288
msgid "Marking as sent "
msgstr "Oznaczanie jako wysłany"
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:82
msgid "Upgrading phpList to version "
msgstr "Uaktualnianie phpList do wersji "
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:6
msgid "Required for subscriber to fill out"
msgstr "Wymagane dla subskrybenta do wypełnienia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:411
msgid "Please select the list(s) to send the campaign to"
msgstr "Proszę wybrać listę(y) z adresami odbiorców kampanii"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:251
msgid "pagetitle:members"
msgstr "pagetitle:Członkowie tej listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultsystemtemplate.php:428
msgid "Edit the added template"
msgstr "Edytuj dodany szablon"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:273
msgid "Don't display email confirmation"
msgstr "Nie wyświetlaj potwierdzenia e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:54
msgid "phpList Hosted"
msgstr "phpList Hosted"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:290
msgid "pagetitlehover:bounces"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Zwroty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:741
#, php-format
msgid "phpList operates in the time zone \"%s\""
msgstr "phpList działa w strefie czasowej \"%s\""
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:756
msgid "phpList is in maintenance mode.<br/>Please try again in half an hour."
msgstr "phpList jest w trybie konserwacji. <br/> Spróbuj ponownie później."
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:231,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:324
msgid ""
"If you check \"Test Output\", you will get the list of parsed emails on "
"screen, and the database will not be filled with the information. This is "
"useful to find out whether the format of your file is correct. It will only "
"show the first 50 records."
msgstr ""
"Jeśli zaznaczysz \"Wyjście Test\" otrzymasz listę analizowany maili na "
"ekranie, a baza danych nie zostaną wypełnione informacjami. Jest to "
"użyteczna opcja, aby dowiedzieć się, czy format pliku jest poprawny. "
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:89
msgid "rule"
msgstr "reguła"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:119
msgid "Table already exists"
msgstr "Tabela już istnieje"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:97
msgid "Size of the file"
msgstr "Rozmiar pliku"
#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:32
msgid "Certified Secure by "
msgstr "Certyfikowany przez "
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:80,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:162
msgid "Name of field"
msgstr "Nazwa pola"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:304
msgid "Suspending all"
msgstr "Zawieszanie całości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:331
msgid ""
"Check this box to create a list for each administrator, named after their "
msgstr ""
"Zaznacz to pole wyboru, aby utworzyć listę dla każdego administratora "
"nazwaną ich loginem"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:832
msgid "Send as"
msgstr "Wyślij jako"
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:407
msgid "Download all users as CSV file"
msgstr "Pobierz wszystkich użytkowników jako plik CSV"
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:100
msgid "Open statistics"
msgstr "Pokaż statystyki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2290
msgid ""
"The loading has been just over seven minutes. We can wait just a little "
msgstr "Wczytywanie trwa ponad siedem minut. Możemy poczekać dłużej."
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:482
msgid "no results"
msgstr "brak wyników"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:162
msgid "Copying attributes"
msgstr "Kopiuj właściwości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:116
msgid "Check status"
msgstr "Sprawdź status"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:58,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:183,
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaults.php:115
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Dodaj"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:250
msgid "pagetitlehover:sendprepared"
msgstr "Wysyłanie przygotowanej wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:424,
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:83
msgid "none"
msgstr "brak"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:195
msgid "Name of data"
msgstr "Nazwa danych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:113
msgid "age"
msgstr "wiek"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:232
msgid "Please enter details of the IMAP account"
msgstr "Proszę podać szczegóły dotyczące konta IMAP"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:167
msgid ""
"The plugin root directory is not writable, please install plugins manually"
msgstr "Katalog wtyczek nie ma uprawnień do zapisu, zainstaluj wtyczkę ręcznie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:248
msgid "Don't offer choice, default to <b>HTML</b>"
msgstr "Nie oferuj wyboru, domyślnie <b>HTML</b>"
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:110
msgid "footer"
msgstr "stopka"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2076
msgid "Do not subscribe"
msgstr "Nie subskrybuj"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:69
msgid "Import Subscribers to this list"
msgstr "Import subskrybentów do tej listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:62
msgid "bounce"
msgstr "zwrot"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:204
msgid "Language ISO"
msgstr "Język ISO"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:122
msgid "Import administrators, please wait"
msgstr "Importuję Administratorów. Proszę czekać."
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:347,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:234
msgid "Text to display when subscription with an AJAX request was successful"
msgstr "Tekst do wyświetlenia, gdy subskrypcja z żądania AJAX była udana"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/addemail.php:14
msgid "That is not a valid email address"
msgstr "To nie jest prawidłowy adres e-mail"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:363
msgid "general settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia ogólne"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:68,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:80,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:89,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:117,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:147
msgid "Download subscribers"
msgstr "Pobierz subskrybentów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:359
msgid "Select the lists to offer"
msgstr "Wybierz listy do zaproponowania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:202,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:252
msgid "No data changed"
msgstr "Żadne dane nie zostały zmienione"
#: public_html/lists/admin/convertstats.php:51
msgid "creating tables done"
msgstr "Tworzenie tabel zrobione"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:123
msgid "make inactive"
msgstr "dezaktywuj"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:650
#, php-format
msgid "Maximum for campaign %d is %d"
msgstr "Maksimum dla kampanii %d jest %d"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:265
msgid ""
"information about a user in the database will be replaced by the imported "
"information. Users are matched by email."
msgstr ""
"Informacja o użytkowniku w bazie danych zostanie zastąpiona przez "
"importowane informacje. Użytkownicy są dopasowani przez e-mail."
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:385
msgid "The following events occured while processing the message queue:"
msgstr ""
"Następujące zdarzenia, które wystąpiły podczas przetwarzania kolejki "
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:300
msgid "pagetitlehover:getrss"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Pobierz RSS"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1416,
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1419,
#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:131
msgid "Select all"
msgstr "Wybierz wszystko"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/removeemptylists.php:5
#, php-format
msgid "%d lists deleted "
msgstr "%d osuniętych list"
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:43,
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:73
msgid "Configure Categories"
msgstr "Konfiguruj kategorie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:67
msgid "Usertable prefix:"
msgstr "Prefiks tabeli:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:50
msgid "The system is in maintenance mode, stopping. Try again later."
msgstr "System znajduje się w trybie konserwacji. Spróbuj ponownie później."
#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:111
msgid ""
"Unknown token or time expired (More than 24 hrs. passed since the "
"notification email was sent)"
msgstr ""
"Nieznany token lub przekroczono czas (Więcej niż 24 godzin minęło od "
"wysłania e-maila)"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:582
msgid "both"
msgstr "zarówno "
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:139,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:475
msgid "bncs"
msgstr "bncs"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:491
msgid "Unique Views"
msgstr "Unikalnych wizyt"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:268
msgid "pagetitlehover:processqueue"
msgstr "Kolejka wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/phpListAdminAuthentication.php:58
msgid "incorrect password"
msgstr "hasło niepoprawne"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:331
msgid "Finished, All done"
msgstr "Ukończony, Wszystko zrobione"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:267
msgid ""
"addresses that do not have a real name will be ignored. Otherwise all emails "
"will be imported."
msgstr ""
"Adresy, które nie mają prawdziwej nazwy zostaną zignorowane. W przeciwnym "
"razie wszystkie e-maile zostaną zaimportowane."
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:16
msgid "Number of bounces"
msgstr "Liczba zwrotów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:344
msgid "update this plugin"
msgstr "aktualizuj wtyczkę"
#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:98,
#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:99
msgid "The DB was already converted to UTF-8 on"
msgstr "Baza danych już została skonwertowana do UTF-8"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:55
msgid "activate this rule and go to the next candidate"
msgstr "uaktywnić tę regułę i przejść do następnego kandydata"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1155,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1381
msgid "It took"
msgstr "To zajęło"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:158
msgid "no unidentified bounces available"
msgstr "żadne niezidentyfikowane zwroty nie są dostępne"
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:368
msgid "used in"
msgstr "używane w"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:189
msgid "forward ID"
msgstr "Identyfikator przekazania"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:339
msgid "pagetitle:usercheck"
msgstr "Wybór użytkownika"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1246
msgid "not sending to "
msgstr "błąd wysyłania do "
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:108
msgid "HTML content"
msgstr "Zawartość HTML"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:174
msgid "Name for system messages"
msgstr "Nazwa dla wiadomości systemowych"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:25,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:143
msgid "Last time password was changed"
msgstr "Kiedy ostatnio hasło zostało zmienione"
#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/interfacelib.php:1271,
#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/interfacelib.php:1316
msgid "close"
msgstr "zamknij"
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:66
msgid "last clicked"
msgstr "ostatnio kliknięty"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:61
msgid "Number of seconds to requeue the message"
msgstr "Liczba sekund do ponownego kolejkowania wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/configure.php:117
msgid "editing cancelled"
msgstr "anuluj edycję "
#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:101
msgid "When the record was changed"
msgstr "Gdy rekord został zmieniony"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:378
msgid ""
"If you choose one list only, a checkbox for this list will not be displayed "
"and the subscriber will automatically be added to this list."
msgstr ""
"Jeśli wybierzesz tylko jedną listę, pole wyboru dla tej listy nie będzie "
"wyświetlane a subskrybenci zostaną automatycznie dodawani do tej listy. "
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:86,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:213,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:210
msgid "default"
msgstr "Domyślny"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/checkurl.php:37
msgid "Please verify that the URL entered is correct."
msgstr "Upewnij się, że wpisany adres URL jest poprawny."
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:329
msgid "Download subscriber data"
msgstr "Pobierz subskrybentów"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:3,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:148
msgid "Type of attribute"
msgstr "Typ atrybutu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:369
#, php-format
msgid "login ip invalid from %s for %s (was %s)"
msgstr "nieprawidłowe ip loginu z %s dla %s (było %s)"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:109
msgid "Import Users"
msgstr "Import odbiorców"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:88
msgid "continue"
msgstr "kontynuuj"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:598
msgid "Footer of public pages"
msgstr "Stopka stron publicznych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:538
msgid "Removed Attachment "
msgstr "Usunięty załącznik "
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:202
msgid "Related bounce"
msgstr "Powiązane zwroty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/export.php:151
msgid "List Membership"
msgstr "Lista Subskrybentów "
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:76,
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:97
msgid "View statistics"
msgstr "Pokaż statystyki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:244
msgid "List all Messages"
msgstr "Lista wszystkich wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:243
msgid ""
"You are trying to send a remote URL, but PEAR::HTTP_Request or CURL is not "
"available, so this will fail"
msgstr ""
"Wysłanie zdalnego adresu URL nie powiedzie się, ponieważ PEAR::HTTP_Request "
"lub CURL nie jest dostępny"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:55
msgid "Footer for a message"
msgstr "Stopki dla wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:468
#, php-format
msgid ""
"When you are ready click %s Depending on the size of your database, this may "
"take quite a while. Please make sure not to interrupt the process, once it "
msgstr ""
"Gdy jesteś gotowy, kliknij %s w zależności od rozmiaru bazy danych, może to "
"potrwać dłuższą chwilę. Nie należy przerwać rozpoczętego procesu."
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:371
msgid "subscription settings"
msgstr "ustawienia subskrypcji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:92
msgid "The title of the template exists."
msgstr "Tytuł tego szablonu już istnieje."
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:501
msgid "bounce_protocol not supported"
msgstr "protokół zwrotów nie wspierany"
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:418
msgid "Add to blacklist"
msgstr "Dodaj do czarnej listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:2261,
#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/interfacelib.php:832
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Poprzedni"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:166
msgid "From email address for system messages"
msgstr "adres e-mail Od dla wiadomości systemowych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:240,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:242
msgid "All subscribers"
msgstr "Wszyscy subskrybenci"
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:214
msgid "Can only merge attributes of the same type"
msgstr "Można połączyć tylko atrybuty tego samego typu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:309
#, php-format
msgid "Waiting for %d seconds before reloading"
msgstr "Oczekiwanie %d sekund przed ponownym przeładowaniem"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1101
msgid "Estimated size of mailout"
msgstr "Szacowana wielkość wysyłki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:273
#, php-format
msgid "Listing subscriber %d to %d"
msgstr "Wyświetlenie subskrybentów %d do %d"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:4,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:5,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:7,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:16,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:9,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import.php:4
msgid "import is not available"
msgstr "import jest niedostępny"
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:456
msgid "Upgrade successful"
msgstr "Aktualizacja powiodła się"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:114
msgid "Send the queue"
msgstr "Wyślij kolejkę"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:749,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:244
msgid "(default is nothing, will send as fast as it can)"
msgstr "(domyślnie wyśle tak szybko, jak to możliwe)"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:308
msgid "pagetitlehover:login"
msgstr "Zaloguj się"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:98
msgid "unique views"
msgstr "unikalnych wizyt"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:125,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:165
msgid "subscribers were deleted from this list"
msgstr "subskrybenci zostali usunięci z tej listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:926
msgid "Maximum size of each individual file"
msgstr "Maksymalny rozmiar każdego pliku"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:399
msgid "Sorry, you used invalid characters in the Subject field."
msgstr "Niestety, użyto nieprawidłowych znaków w polu Temat."
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:744
msgid "Dates and times are relative to the Server Time"
msgstr "Daty i czas odnoszą się do czasu serwera"
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:258
msgid "Great idea!"
msgstr "Świetny pomysł!"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:225,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/bounces.php:25,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:540
msgid "Bounces"
msgstr "Zwroty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:122,
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:374,
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:429,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:336,
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:80,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:2,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:33,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:147
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nazwa"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:13
msgid "phplist version"
msgstr "wersja phplist"
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:84
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all events matching this filter?"
msgstr ""
"Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wszystkie zdarzenia dopasowania do tego filtra?"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:907
msgid "generate from HTML"
msgstr "wygenerować z HTML"
#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:100
msgid ""
"The translations are provided by the <a href=\""
"about/contributors/\">phpList translation community</a>"
msgstr ""
"Tłumaczenia są dostarczane przez <a href=\""
"about/contributors/\">społeczność phpList </a>"
#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:12
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Wersja"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:227,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:239,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:241
msgid "duplicate"
msgstr "duplikuj"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:140
msgid "Time modified"
msgstr "Czas modyfikacji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:192
msgid "Deleting subscribers who are not on any list"
msgstr "Usuwanie odbiorców nie przypisanych do żadnej listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:721
msgid "Send a Webpage - URL"
msgstr "Wyślij stronę - URL"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:343
msgid "pagetitle:bouncerules"
msgstr "Reguły zwrotów "
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:103
#, php-format
msgid "%d lines processed"
msgstr "%d linii przetwarzane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:95
msgid "Any date"
msgstr "Każda data"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:540
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This batch will be %s emails, because in the last %s seconds %s emails were "
msgstr ""
"W tej partii będzie %s wiadomości e-mail, ponieważ w ostatnich %s sekundach "
"%s e-maile zostały wysłane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:495
msgid "good evening"
msgstr "dobry wieczór"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:271
msgid ""
"There are two ways to add the names of the users, either one attribute for "
"the entire name or two attributes, one for first name and one for last name. "
"If you use "two attributes", the name will be split after the "
"first space."
msgstr ""
"Są dwie drogi by dodać nazwy użytkowników, albo jeden atrybut dla całej "
"nazwy albo dwa atrybuty, jeden dla imienia, drugi dla nazwiska. Jeśli "
"użyjesz dwóch atrybutów, nazwa zostanie podzielona po pierwszej spacji."
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:56,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:69
msgid "There are currently no messages to view"
msgstr "Obecnie nie ma żadnych wiadomości, aby wyświetlić"
#: public_html/lists/admin/logout.php:21
msgid ""
"You have been logged out for security purposes, because there were too many "
"errors in your session"
msgstr ""
"Użytkownik został wylogowany ze względów bezpieczeństwa, ponieważ było zbyt "
"wiele błędów w trakcie sesji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:437
msgid "Test Output"
msgstr "Wyjście testowe"
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:11
msgid "Domain Statistics"
msgstr "Statystyki domeny"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:67,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:69
msgid "candidate"
msgstr "kandydat"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:35
msgid "Import list of admins"
msgstr "Import administratorów "
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:520
#, php-format
msgid "%d bounces to reprocess"
msgstr "Liczba zwrotów do ponownego przetwarzania: %d "
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:103,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:150
msgid "subscribers were moved to"
msgstr "subskrybenci zostali przeniesieni do"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1276
msgid "Incorrect URL for sending"
msgstr "Niepoprawny adres URL do wysyłania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:190
msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Informacje ogólne"
#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:7
msgid "Existing subscribers"
msgstr "Obecni subskrybenci"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:715
msgid ""
"The pageroot in your config does not match the current locationCheck your "
"config file."
msgstr ""
"Strona główna w konfiguracji nie jest taka sama jak aktualna wartość "
"locationCheck w pliku konfiguracyjnym."
#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:104
msgid "Based on changelog"
msgstr "Na podstawie changelogu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:778,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:819
msgid "week"
msgstr "tydzień"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:269
msgid "pagetitle:defaults"
msgstr "pagetitle:Użyteczne atrybuty"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:353
msgid "pagetitle:updatetranslation"
msgstr "Uaktualnij tłumaczenie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:371
msgid "Tag"
msgstr "Tag"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1339
msgid "Place Campaign in Queue for Sending"
msgstr "Umieść kampanie w kolejce do wysyłania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:221
msgid "Import by "
msgstr "Import przez "
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:417,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:69,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:240,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:226,
#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:18,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:63
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Status"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:107
msgid "IP"
msgstr "IP"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:265
msgid "pagetitle:message"
msgstr "Wiadomość"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:318
msgid "pagetitlehover:massremove"
msgstr "Masowe usunięcie adresów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:102,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:263,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:122,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:93
msgid "Changes saved"
msgstr "Zmiany zapisane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:81
msgid "Name cannot be empty"
msgstr "Nazwa pliku nie może być pusta"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:90
msgid "New list added"
msgstr "Nowa lista dodana"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2052,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:96
msgid "Change settings"
msgstr "Zmień ustawienia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:59
msgid "Installing plugin"
msgstr "Instalowanie wtyczki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:128
msgid "Repeating"
msgstr "Powtórzenie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1727,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:24,
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:38
msgid "December"
msgstr "Grudzień"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1720,
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1735,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:17,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:32,
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:31
msgid "May"
msgstr "Maj"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:93
msgid "Campaign deleted"
msgstr "Kampania skasowana"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:237
msgid "pagetitle:import1"
msgstr "pagetitle:Importowanie adresów z pliku tekstowego"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:358,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:410,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:253,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:203,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:246,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:278,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:293,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:309,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:321,
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:37,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:130,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:300,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:48,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:136,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:240
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Zrobione"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:417
msgid ""
"This will process all subscribers on this list, confirmed and unconfirmed"
msgstr ""
"Będą przetwarzani wszyscy subskrybentów na tej liście, potwierdzeni i "
#: public_html/lists/admin/runcommand.php:8,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:9,
#: public_html/lists/admin/initlanguages.php:8,
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:29
msgid "This page can only be called from the commandline"
msgstr "Ta strona może być wywołana tylko z linii poleceń"
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:16,
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:451
#, php-format
msgid "You have %s entries in the old statistics table"
msgstr "Masz %s stary(ch) wpisów w tabeli statystyk"
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:304,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:127
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this list?"
msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz skasować tą listę?"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:99,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:105,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:124,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:128,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:167,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:182
msgid "subscriber ID"
msgstr "Identyfikator subskrybenta"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:463,
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:292
msgid "IMAP is not included in your PHP installation, cannot continue"
msgstr ""
"IMAP nie został uruchomiony w twojej instalacji PHP, dlatego nie można "
#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:106
msgid "Acknowledgements"
msgstr "Podziękowania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:336
msgid "Plugin can not be enabled."
msgstr "Wtyczka nie może być włączony."
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:785
msgid "Sorry, that module does not exist"
msgstr "Przepraszam, ten moduł nie istnieje"
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:356
msgid "Existing attributes"
msgstr "Istniejące atrybuty"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:130
msgid "Forward email"
msgstr "Przekaż e-mail dalej"
#: public_html/lists/admin/runcommand.php:18
msgid "Invalid command"
msgstr "Niepoprawna komenda"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:26,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:74,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:81,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:102
msgid "Administrators"
msgstr "Administratorzy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:605
#, php-format
msgid "Test output<br/>If the output looks ok, click %s to submit for real"
msgstr ""
"Wynik testu<br/>Jeśli wynik wygląda ok, kliknij %s by załadować dane do bazy "
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:240
msgid "HTML Email choice"
msgstr "Format e-mail "
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:129
msgid "Copying lists"
msgstr "Kopiowanie listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:209
#, php-format
msgid "Merging %s into %d"
msgstr "Scalenie %s z %d"
#: public_html/lists/index.php:661
msgid "Go back to admin area"
msgstr "Powrót do strefy admistracyjnej"
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:142,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:155
msgid "click rate"
msgstr "współczynnik kliknięć"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:525
msgid "Too many errors, please login again"
msgstr "Błąd uwierzytelniania, zaloguj się ponownie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:47
msgid "System"
msgstr "System"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:63,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:104,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:92,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:57,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:76,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:86,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:76
msgid "Download as CSV file"
msgstr "Pobierz jako plik CSV"
#: public_html/lists/admin/phpListAdminAuthentication.php:137
msgid "Nobody"
msgstr "Nikt"
#: public_html/lists/admin/convertstats.php:79
msgid "processing cancelled"
msgstr "przetwarzanie zatrzymane"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:111
msgid "IP Address of who started it"
msgstr "Adres IP, z którego go uruchomiono"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:49,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:127
msgid "Send a campaign"
msgstr "Wyślij kampanię"
#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:29
msgid ""
"A variety of support options are available for this phpList server, "
"including free help from communnity members, and professional advice and "
"consulting from experts"
msgstr ""
"Dla serwera phpList jest dostępna różnorodność opcji pomocy technicznej, od "
"bezpłatnej pomocy ze strony członków społeczności aż po profesjonalne porady "
"i konsultacje z ekspertami"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:71,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:74
#, php-format
msgid "Added %s to bouncecount for subscriber %s"
msgstr "Dodano %s do liczby zwrotów dla subskrybenta %s"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:261
msgid "pagetitle:userhistory"
msgstr "Hstoria użytkownika"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:880
msgid "Main Page"
msgstr "Strona Główna"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1723,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:20,
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:34
msgid "August"
msgstr "Sierpień"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:232
msgid "Plugin is up-to-date"
msgstr "Wtyczka jest aktualna"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:215
msgid "pagetitle:stresstest"
msgstr "pagetitle:Testowanie odporności"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:447
#, php-format
msgid "and %d more"
msgstr "i %d więcej"
#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:52
msgid "Paste the values to check in this box, one per line"
msgstr "Wklej wartości w tym polu, każdy rekord w osobnym wierszu"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:36
msgid "Order of listing"
msgstr "Porządkowanie listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:700
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The following limits are set by your server:<br/>Maximum size of a total "
"data sent to server: %s<br/>Maximum size of each individual file: %s"
msgstr ""
"Następujące limity ustalane są przez serwer: <br/> Maksymalna wielkość "
"łącznych danych przesyłanych do serwera:%s <br/> Maksymalny rozmiar każdego "
"pliku: %s "
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:496
msgid ""
"All the emails already exist in the database and are member of the lists"
msgstr "Wszystkie e-maile już istnieją w bazie danych i są przypisane do list"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:238
msgid "pagetitlehover:import1"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Import pliku tekstowego z adresami e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:145
msgid "attributes"
msgstr "atrybuty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:85
msgid "links"
msgstr "linki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:93
#, php-format
msgid "Deleted subscriber %d"
msgstr "Usuń subskrybenta %d"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/bounces.php:50
msgid "time"
msgstr "czas"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:75
msgid "Was the message viewed"
msgstr "Obejrzało wiadomość"
#: public_html/lists/index.php:734
msgid ""
"Subscriber removed from Blacklist for manual confirmation of subscription"
msgstr ""
"Subskrybent został usunięty z Czarnej Listy celem ręcznego potwierdzenia "
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:717
#, php-format
msgid "phplist has started sending the campaign with subject %s"
msgstr "PHPlist rozpoczął wysyłanie kampanii z tematem %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:108
msgid "Add a new subscribe page"
msgstr "Utwórz stronę subskrypcji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:8
msgid "View Clicks by URL"
msgstr "Zobacz kliknięcia adresu URL"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:294
msgid "pagetitlehover:spageedit"
msgstr "Edycja strony rejestrowania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:35
msgid ""
"Error, unable to connect to the server for checking. Please "
"verify that your webserver is able to connect to"
msgstr "Błąd, nie można połączyć się z serwerem "
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:2156
msgid "Placeholder"
msgstr "Zaślepka"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:200,
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:32,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:123,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:271,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:43,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:132
msgid "Deleting"
msgstr "Usuwanie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:65
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Your database is already the correct version (%s), including release date "
"version (%s), there is no need to upgrade"
msgstr ""
"Twoja baza danych jest już poprawną wersją (%s), łącznie z wersją wersji "
"wydania (%s), nie ma potrzeby aktualizacji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:381,
#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:102
msgid "New password"
msgstr "Nowe hasło"
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:219,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:227
#, php-format
msgid "Subscriber removed from list %s"
msgstr "Subskrybent usunięty z listy %s"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:38
msgid "Rss Feed"
msgstr "Kanał RSS"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:103
msgid "Primary key"
msgstr "Klucz podstawowy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:33
msgid "delete bounce"
msgstr "usuń zwrot"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:303
msgid "pagetitle:community"
msgstr "pagetitle:Społeczność"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:225
msgid "Blacklisting subscribers with more than"
msgstr "Blokowania odbiorców z więcej niż"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:97
msgid "Reset choice"
msgstr "Resetowanie wyboru"
#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/userlib.php:543
msgid "Removed from blacklist"
msgstr "Usunięto z czarnej listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:191
msgid "Check to skip emails that are not valid"
msgstr "Pomijanie nieprawidłowych adresów e-mail "
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:354
msgid "pagetitlehover:updatetranslation"
msgstr "Uaktualnij tłumaczenie"
#: public_html/lists/index.php:1144
#, php-format
msgid "%s tried forwarding message %d to %s but failed"
msgstr "%s próbował przekazać wiadomość %d do %s ale zawiódł"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:169
msgid "login"
msgstr "nazwa użytkownika "
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:564,
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:290
msgid "More information"
msgstr "Więcej informacji"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:279
msgid "pagetitle:configure"
msgstr "Konfiguracja"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/configure.php:98
msgid "save changes"
msgstr "zapisz zmiany"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:307,
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:312
msgid "enabled"
msgstr "włączone"
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:172
msgid "Click Per View Rate"
msgstr "Click Per View Rate"
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:53
msgid ""
"Please edit your config file and change \"\" to \"\" to "
"avoid future PHP incompatibility"
msgstr ""
"Należy edytować plik konfiguracyjny i zmienić z \"\" na \"mysqli."
"inc\" aby uniknąć przyszłości rozbieżności w PHP"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:99
msgid "..Done, loading next bounce.."
msgstr "..Zrobione, wczytywanie kolejnego zwrotu .. "
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1734,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:31
msgid "Apr"
msgstr "Maj"
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:427
msgid "Read more"
msgstr "Czytaj więcej"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1718,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:15,
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:29
msgid "March"
msgstr "Marzec"
#: public_html/lists/admin/msgstatus.php:29,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:142,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:74,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:138,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:54,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:96,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:133,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:65
msgid "sent"
msgstr "wysłane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/class.phplistmailer.php:319
#, php-format
msgid "Error sending email to %s"
msgstr "Błąd wysyłania do %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:109,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:71
msgid "Sent as HTML"
msgstr "Wyślij w HTML"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:473,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:486,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:503,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:519,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:585
msgid "Click here"
msgstr "Kliknij tutaj"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:228
msgid "pagetitlehover:checki18n"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Sprawdź czy istnieje tłumaczenie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:251
msgid "Script stage"
msgstr "Etap skryptu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:768,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:809
msgid "hour"
msgstr "godzina"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:303
msgid "Less than batch size were sent, so reloading imminently"
msgstr "Wysłano mniej niż wielkość partii, więc przeładowanie niebawem"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:253
msgid "pagetitle:users"
msgstr "pagetitle:Lista wszystkich użytkowników"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:440,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:171
#, php-format
msgid "Importing %d subscribers to %d lists, please wait"
msgstr "Importowanie %d subskrybentów do %d list, proszę czekać"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:2245
#, php-format
msgid "Listing %d to %d"
msgstr "Lista od %d do %d"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:348,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:355,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:362,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:369,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:376
msgid "entries apply"
msgstr "zastosowanie wpisu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:471
msgid "Bounce mechanism not properly configured"
msgstr "Mechanizm zarządzania zwrotami nie został poprawnie skonfiguorowany"
#: public_html/lists/admin/tests.php:47
msgid "Tests available"
msgstr "Dostępne testy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:29,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:33,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:39,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:46,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:57,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:86,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:109
msgid "Modified"
msgstr "Zmodyfikowano"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:950
#, php-format
msgid "Limit for this campaign reached: %d (%d)"
msgstr "Limit dla tej kampanii osiągnięty: %d (%d)"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:17,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:25,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:33,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:41,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:49
msgid "Descending"
msgstr "Malejąco"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:922
msgid "Add attachments to your campaign"
msgstr "Dodaj załączniki do kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:520
#, php-format
msgid "%d emails were on the blacklist and have not been added to the lists"
msgstr "%d e-maile były na czarnej liście i nie zostały dodane do wykazu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:148
msgid "Please indicate how often you want to receive messages"
msgstr "Proszę wskazać, jak często chcesz otrzymywać wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:11
msgid "deleted"
msgstr "Skasowane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:110
msgid ""
"The developers wish to thank the many contributors to this system, who have "
"helped out with bug reports, suggestions, donations, feature requests, "
"sponsoring, translations and many other contributions."
msgstr ""
"Deweloperzy pragną podziękować wielu użytkownikom do tego systemu, którzy "
"pomogli raportując o błędy, wysyłając propozycje, darowizny, prośby, "
"tłumaczenia itp."
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2053,
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2056
msgid "Run queue locally"
msgstr "Uruchom kolejki lokalnie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:98
msgid "When they signed up"
msgstr "Rejestracji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:88
#, php-format
msgid "Made subscriber %d to receive text"
msgstr "Spowoduj by suskrybent %d otrzymał tekst"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:126
msgid "The following restrictions have been set by your ISP:"
msgstr "Następujące ograniczenia zostały ustawione przez usługodawcę:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:259
#, php-format
msgid "Unsubscribed from %s"
msgstr "Wypisany z %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:13
msgid "View Bounces per list"
msgstr "Zobacz zwroty na liście"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:72
msgid "import_by"
msgstr "Import odbiorców "
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:335
msgid "Failed sending a change password token"
msgstr "Nieudane wysyłanie tokenu do zmiany hasła"
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:107,
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:145
msgid "Default Value:"
msgstr "Wartość domyślna:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:80,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:102
msgid "Add some subscribers"
msgstr "Dodaj kilku subskrybentów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:137
msgid "configure"
msgstr "konfiguracja"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:72
msgid "Sent as Text and HTML"
msgstr "Wysłana jako tekst i HTML"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:409,
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:240
msgid "Please do not interrupt this process"
msgstr "Proszę nie przerywać tego procesu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:116
msgid "Remote version is"
msgstr "Zdalna wersja to"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:573
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Dodaj załącznik"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:176
msgid "Mark subscriber as unconfirmed"
msgstr "Zaznacz subskrybenta jako niepotwierdzonego"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:95
msgid ""
"Once you have some more subscribers, this page will list statistics on the "
"domains of your subscribers. It will list domains that have 5 or more "
msgstr ""
"Gdy masz nieco więcej subskrybentów, ta strona wyświetli listę statystyk "
"dotyczących domen subskrybentów. Będzie to Lista domen, które mają 5 lub "
"więcej subskrybentów."
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:387,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:19
msgid "Unique ID"
msgstr "Unikalne ID"
#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:36
msgid "Bulk remove subscribers"
msgstr "Masowe usunięcie subskrybentów"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:54
msgid "Text version of Message"
msgstr "Wersja tekstowa wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:95
msgid "View progress"
msgstr "Widok postępu"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:289
msgid "pagetitle:bounces"
msgstr "pagetitle:Zwroty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:70,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:70
msgid "N/A"
msgstr "N/D"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:423,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:281,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:87,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:414
msgid "subscribers"
msgstr "odbiorcy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:277
msgid "Transaction messages"
msgstr "Komunikaty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:712,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:322
msgid "Record Delimiter"
msgstr "Ogranicznik rekordu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:607
msgid "statistics"
msgstr "Statystyka"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:349
msgid "pagetitle:translate"
msgstr "Tłumacz"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1367
msgid "Public list"
msgstr "Lista publiczna"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:189
msgid "No user found with that email"
msgstr "Nie znaleziono użytkownika o takim e-mailu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:632,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:254
msgid "Adding users to list"
msgstr "Dodawanie użytkowników do listy"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:8
msgid "attribute"
msgstr "atrybut"
#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:135
#, php-format
msgid "%s settings"
msgstr "%s ustawienia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:25
msgid "No template have been defined"
msgstr "Nie zdefiniowano szablonu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:968
msgid "Description of attachment"
msgstr "Opis załącznika"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:22
msgid "Which page was used to subscribe"
msgstr "Która strona została wykorzystana do subskrypcji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:140,
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:298
msgid "Configure"
msgstr "Konfiguracja"
#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:54
msgid "Contributors"
msgstr "Współtwórcy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:164
msgid "spage"
msgstr "wiek"
#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:47
msgid "Translation platform"
msgstr "Platforma tłumaczeń"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:270
msgid "The HTML wrapper template for system messages"
msgstr "Szablon HTML dla wiadomości systemowych"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:256
msgid "pagetitlehover:reconcileusers"
msgstr ""
"pagetitlehover:Kilka zaawansowanych funkcji do zbiorowego zarządzania bazą "
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:524
msgid ""
"These records were added, but the email has been made up. You can find them "
"by doing a search on"
msgstr ""
"Te rekordy zostały dodane, ale adresy e-mail zostały stworzone przez "
"generator. Można je znaleźć, przeprowadzając wyszukiwanie na"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:261
msgid "processbounces"
msgstr "Przetwarzanie zwrotów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:65
msgid "Members of"
msgstr "Członkowie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/listbounces.php:48
msgid "Choose a list"
msgstr "Wybierz listę"
#: public_html/lists/index.php:1133
#, php-format
msgid "%s has forwarded message %d to %s"
msgstr "%s przekazał wiadomość %d do %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:256
msgid ""
"You have set TEST in config.php to 1, so it will only show what would be sent"
msgstr ""
"Opcja TEST w config.php ustawiona na 1, więc system jedynie wyświetli na "
"ekranie to, co zamierzasz wysłać"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:645
msgid "Mark All Sent"
msgstr "Oznacz wszystkie wysłane"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:159
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Klucz"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:208,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:251,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:310
msgid "send"
msgstr "Wyślij"
#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:23,
#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:32
msgid "Subscriber email"
msgstr "E-mail subskrybenta"
#: public_html/lists/admin/convertstats.php:165
msgid "Optimizing table to recover space"
msgstr "Optymalizacja tabeli w celu odzyskania wolnego miejsca"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:367
msgid "campaign settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:178
msgid "Adding subscribers"
msgstr "Dodawanie subskrybentów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2283
msgid "Still loading"
msgstr "Trwa wczytywanie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:153,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:117
msgid "Filename"
msgstr "Nazwa pliku"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:176
msgid "(so you can resend the request for confirmation)"
msgstr "(dzięki czemu można ponownie wysłać prośbę o potwierdzenie)"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:385
msgid ""
"A password change token has been sent to the corresponding email address."
msgstr "Token zmiany hasła został wysłany na odpowiedni adres e-mail."
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:506
#, php-format
msgid "%d Invalid Emails found."
msgstr "%d nieprawidłowy adres e-mail."
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:371
msgid "Your IP address has changed. For security reasons, please login again"
msgstr ""
"Twój adres IP się zmienił. Dla bezpieczeństwa, proszę zalogować się ponownie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:320
msgid "Initialise"
msgstr "Inicjalizuj"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:8
#, php-format
msgid "deleting bounce %d"
msgstr "usuwanie odrzuceń %d"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:390,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:427
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Przesuń"
#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:116
msgid "Portions of the system include"
msgstr "Części systemu zawierają"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:11
msgid "Your database is out of date, please make sure to upgrade"
msgstr "Baza danych jest nieaktualna, prosimy ją zaktualizować"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:748
msgid "Embargoed Until"
msgstr "Embargo - nie wysyłać przed"
#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:43
msgid "Enter your email address"
msgstr "Proszę podać adres e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:8,
#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:8,
#: public_html/lists/admin/suppressionlist.php:5
msgid "Sorry, this page can only be used by super admins"
msgstr "Przepraszamy, ta strona jest dostępna tylko dla super administratora"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:275
msgid "pagetitle:template"
msgstr "pagetitle:Dodawanie i edycja szablonów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:570,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:833,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:94,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:141
msgid "html"
msgstr "html"
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:79
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all events older than 2 months?"
msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wszystkie zdarzenia starsze niż 2 miesiące?"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:487
msgid "goodbye"
msgstr "do widzenia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:405
msgid "Please enter a message"
msgstr "Wprowadź treść wiadomości"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:324
msgid "pagetitlehover:domainstats"
msgstr "Statystyka domen"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:389
msgid "unique emails found"
msgstr "znaleziono unikalne maile"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:197
msgid "Regex"
msgstr "Wyrażenie regularne"
#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:75
msgid "Translation status"
msgstr "Status tłumaczenia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:64
msgid "Select another list"
msgstr "Wybierz inną listę"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:102,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:137
msgid "Start a new campaign"
msgstr "Rozpocznij nową kampanię"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:174
msgid ""
"The \"list of all subscribers\" is not a real list, but it gives you access "
"to all subscribers in your system. There may be more subscribers in your "
"system than are members of your lists."
msgstr ""
"\"Lista wszystkich subskrybentów\" nie jest rzeczywistą listą, ale daje Ci "
"dostęp do wszystkich subskrybentów w Twoim systemie. Może być więcej "
"subskrybentów w Twoim systemie niż członków twoich poszczególnych list."
#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:124
msgid "Date From:"
msgstr "Data od:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:299
msgid "The content should at least have <b>[CONTENT]</b> somewhere."
msgstr ""
"Zawartość powinna zawierać w swojej treści przynajmniej znacznik "
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:359,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:994,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:308
msgid "(comma separate addresses - all must be existing subscribers)"
msgstr "(adresy należy oddzielić przecinkiem, muszą istnieć w systemie)"
#: public_html/lists/index.php:850
msgid "\"Jump off\" used by subscriber, reason not requested"
msgstr "\"Jump off\" użyty przez subskrybenta, nie proszono o powód"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:175
msgid "Find plugins"
msgstr "Wyszukaj wtyczki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1339,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:646,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:110,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:114,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:348,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:43
msgid "Add a list"
msgstr "Dodaj liste"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:273,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:108
#, php-format
msgid "%d invalid email addresses"
msgstr "%d nieprawidłowe adresy e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:407
msgid "Please enter a subject"
msgstr "Proszę wpisać temat"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:45
msgid "add new"
msgstr "dodaj nowe"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:276
msgid "Listing subscriber 1 to 50"
msgstr "Wyświetlenie subskrybentów 1 do 50"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:26
msgid "Generate Bounce Rules"
msgstr "Generowanie reguł zwrotów"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:165
msgid "Link ID"
msgstr "ID linku"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:306
msgid "pagetitlehover:vote"
msgstr "Głosuj na PHPlist"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:576
msgid "Date they signed up after"
msgstr "Zapisali się po"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:218
msgid "pagetitlehover:list"
msgstr "Lista newsletterów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:293
msgid "Title of this template"
msgstr "Tytuł szablonu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:86
msgid ""
"If you check \"Overwrite Existing\", information about a user in the "
"database will be replaced by the imported information. Users are matched by "
msgstr ""
"Jeśli zaznaczysz \"nadpisz istniejący\", informacje na temat użytkownika w "
"bazie danych zostaną zastąpione przez importowane informacje. Użytkownicy są "
"dopasowani przez e-mail."
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1351
#, php-format
msgid "Processed %d out of %d subscribers"
msgstr "przetworzono %d z %d subskrybentów"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:304
msgid "pagetitlehover:community"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Społeczność"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:510,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:526
msgid ""
"These records were deleted. Check your source and reimport the data. "
"Duplicates will be identified."
msgstr ""
"Te rekordy zostały usunięte. Sprawdź swoje źródło i ponownie zaimportuj "
"dane. Duplikaty zostaną określone."
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:372
msgid ""
"This will only process the users in this page that have the \"Tag\" checkbox "
msgstr "Będą przetwarzani tylko użytkownicy, którzy są zaznaczeni"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:714,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:327
msgid "Test output"
msgstr "wyjście testowe"
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:81
msgid "Delete all (> 2 months old)"
msgstr "Usuń wszystko (> starsze niż 2 miesiące)"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:390,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:400,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:427,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:437,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:489,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:491,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1135
msgid "to"
msgstr "do"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1015,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1017
msgid "separate multiple with a comma"
msgstr "( oddziel kolejne adresy przecinkami )"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:32
msgid "blacklist email address and delete bounce"
msgstr "czarna lista adresów e-mail i usunięcie zwrotów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:543
msgid "Delete subscribers who are blacklisted because they unsubscribed"
msgstr ""
"Usuń subskrybentów, którzy są na czarnej liście, ponieważ zrezygnowali z "
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:126
msgid "Not a full URL"
msgstr "Nie jest to pełny adres URL"
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:136,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:503,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:78
msgid "Bounced"
msgstr "Zwrotów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:109
msgid "Show"
msgstr "Pokaż"
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:56
msgid "test Processing info"
msgstr "informacje przetwarzania testu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/subscribelib2.php:786
msgid "General"
msgstr "Ogólny"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultsystemtemplate.php:409
msgid "This default template already exists"
msgstr "Szablon o takiej nazwie już istnieje"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:236
msgid "Configure Templates"
msgstr "Konfiguruj szablony"
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:205
msgid "cannot merge just one attribute"
msgstr "nie można scalić tylko jednego atrybutu"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:264
msgid "pagetitlehover:messages"
msgstr "Zobacz aktualne kampanie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:133
msgid "No Title"
msgstr "Brak tytułu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1043
msgid "This is a test campaign"
msgstr "Jest to test kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:257
msgid "Bounced system message"
msgstr "Zwroty wiadomości systemowych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:170,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:176,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:183,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:189,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:199,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:211,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:221,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:231,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:243,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:255,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:263
msgid "subscribers apply"
msgstr "subskrypcja dodana"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:993
msgid "to email address(es)"
msgstr "na adres email"
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:383
msgid ""
"Giving a UUID to your subscribers and campaigns. If you have a lot of them, "
"this may take a while."
msgstr ""
"Przydzielanie identyfikatora UUID subskrybentom i kampaniom. Jeśli jest ich "
"dużo, może to chwilę potrwać."
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:754
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Import"
#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:19
msgid "The settings have been reset to the phpList default"
msgstr "Ustawienia zostały zresetowane do domyślnych phpList"
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:7
msgid "Please select a message to display"
msgstr "Proszę wybrać wiadomość aby wyświetlić "
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:521
msgid "Time to send"
msgstr "Czas wysyłki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:51,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:381,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:12,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:87,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:89,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:138
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:191
msgid "Top 25 local-parts of email addresses"
msgstr "Top 25 lokalnych części adresów e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:431
msgid ""
"Subject of the message subscribers receive after confirming their email "
msgstr ""
"Temat wiadomości, którą subskrybenci otrzymują po potwierdzeniu adresu e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:397
msgid "Your session timed out, please log in again"
msgstr "Sesja wygasła, zaloguj się ponownie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:67
msgid "edit list details"
msgstr "edytuj szczegóły listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/checkurl.php:35
msgid "URL is valid"
msgstr "URL jest poprawny"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:563
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Tekstowy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:268
msgid "messages sent in"
msgstr "wiadomości wysłane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:618
msgid "Please leave this window open."
msgstr "Proszę zostawić to okno otwarte."
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:403
msgid "Please enter a from line."
msgstr "Wpisz swój adres e-mail"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:69
msgid "Number Processed"
msgstr "Liczba przetworzonych "
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:78,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:164,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:140
msgid "Memo for this rule"
msgstr "Notatka dla tej reguły"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:65
msgid "Database Name:"
msgstr "Nazwa bazy danych:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:287
msgid "Message they receive when they confirm their subscription"
msgstr "Potwierdzenie subskrypcji newslettera."
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:255,
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:571
msgid "warning"
msgstr "Błąd"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:163
#, php-format
msgid "Marking all subscribers on list %s confirmed"
msgstr "Oznaczanie wszystkich odbiorców listy %s jako potwierdzonych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:228,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:512
msgid "email was"
msgstr "e-mail był"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:100
msgid "expression"
msgstr "wyrażenie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:132,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:59,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:189
msgid "Campaign"
msgstr "Kampanie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:135
msgid "Template does not contain the [CONTENT] placeholder"
msgstr "Szablon nie zawiera znacznika [CONTENT]"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:29
msgid ""
"you only have privileges to view this page, not change any of the information"
msgstr ""
"masz tylko uprawnienia by zobaczyć tę stronę, a nie zmieniać żadnych "
#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1084
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Error, when trying to send campaign %d the attachment (%s) could not be "
"found in the repository"
msgstr ""
"Błąd, podczas próby wysłania kampanii %d załącznik (%s) nie może być "
"skopiowany do repozytorium"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:135
msgid "Theme for phpList"
msgstr "Motyw dla phpList"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:119
msgid "Date received"
msgstr "Data otrzymania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:456
msgid "Mark all subscribers to receive HTML"
msgstr ""
"Oznacz wszystkich odbiorców jako otrzymujących wiadomości w formacie HTML"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:249
msgid "instead?"
msgstr "zamiast?"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:72
msgid "No images found"
msgstr "Brak obrazów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initlanguages.php:24
msgid "Initialising language"
msgstr "Inicjalizowanie języka"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reindex.php:26
#, php-format
msgid "Adding unique index <b>%s</b> to %s</li>"
msgstr "Dodawanie unikatowego indeksu <b>%s</b> do %s </li>"
#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:30
msgid "Certification"
msgstr "Certyfikacja"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:211
msgid "Sign up to our newsletter"
msgstr "Dołącz do newslettera"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:103,
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:406
msgid "Creating new table \"user_message_view\""
msgstr "Tworzenie nowej tabeli \"user_message_view\""
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:635
msgid "String to always append to remote URL when using send-a-webpage"
msgstr ""
"Ciąg który ma być zawsze dodawany do zdalnego URLa gdy używane jest "
#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:40
msgid "Reset to default"
msgstr "Przywróć ustawienia domyślne"
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:147
msgid "Entries"
msgstr "Wpisy"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:359
msgid "pagetitle:hostedprocessqueuesetup"
msgstr "Ustawianie hostowanej kolejki przetwarzania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1111
#, php-format
msgid "%s is currently over throttle limit of %d per %d seconds"
msgstr "%s jest obecnie ponad limitem przepustnicy dla %d przez %d sekund"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:308,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:102
msgid "action"
msgstr "akcja"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:205,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:265,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:280,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:501,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:382,
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:120,
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:163
msgid "failed"
msgstr "nie powiodło się"
#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1076
#, php-format
msgid "failed to open attachment (%s) to add to campaign %d"
msgstr "nie można otworzyć załącznika (%s), aby dodać go do kampanii %d"
#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:33
msgid "In order to login, you need to enable cookies in your browser"
msgstr "Aby się zalogować, musisz włączyć obsługę plików cookie w przeglądarce"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:82
msgid "No file was specified. Maybe the file is too big? "
msgstr "Nie podano pliku. Być może plik jest zbyt duży?"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:245
msgid "pagetitle:send"
msgstr "Rozpoczynanie lub kontynuacja kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultsystemtemplate.php:436
msgid "Default templates suite"
msgstr "Domyślny pakiet szablonów"
#: public_html/lists/index.php:660
msgid ""
"You are therefore offered the following choice, which your subscribers will "
"not see when they load this page."
msgstr ""
"Zaoferowano następujące możliwości, których twoi odbiorcy nie będą widzieć "
"kiedy załadują tę stronę."
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:93
msgid "save"
msgstr "zapisz"
#: public_html/lists/admin/updateLib.php:64
msgid "Update to "
msgstr "Uaktualnij do "
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:341
msgid "subscribers updated"
msgstr "adresy odbiorców zostały zaktualizowane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:115
msgid "Del"
msgstr "Usuń"
#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:82
#, php-format
msgid "Export subscribers on %s"
msgstr "Export subskrybentów %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:113
#, php-format
msgid "%d addresses were blacklisted and have not been subscribed to the list"
msgstr "%d adresy były na czarnej liście i nie zostały przypisane do list"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:77
msgid "stop processing"
msgstr "zatrzymanie przetwarzania "
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:105,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:75
msgid "Date sent"
msgstr "Data wysłania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:291
msgid "Documentation Page"
msgstr "Strona dokumentacji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:980
#, php-format
msgid "Message too large (%s is over %s), suspending"
msgstr "Wiadomość za duża (%s jest ponad %s), zawieszenie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:483
msgid "Main page"
msgstr "Strona Główna "
#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:74,
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:256
msgid "Upgrading the database to use UTF-8, please wait"
msgstr "Uaktualnienie bazy danych do używania UTF-8, proszę czekać"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:56
msgid "viewed"
msgstr "przejrzane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/bounces.php:46,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/bounces.php:48
msgid "Campaign title"
msgstr "Tytuł kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:58
msgid "Check to also add the emails to the blacklist"
msgstr "Sprawdź również dodane e-maile do czarnej listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:335
msgid "Adding attachment"
msgstr "Dodawanie załącznika"
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:395
msgid "reset"
msgstr "wyczyść"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:205
msgid "Original string"
msgstr "Oryginalny łańcuch"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:550
msgid "Message when subscribers request their personal location"
msgstr "Wiadomość gdy subskrybenci poproszą o ich osobistą lokalizację"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:257,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1306,
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:57
msgid ""
"This campaign is scheduled to stop sending in the past. No mails will be "
msgstr ""
"Ta kampania ma zaplanowane koniec wysyłania w przeszłości. Wiadomości nie "
"będą wysyłane."
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:360
msgid "and"
msgstr "i"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:97
#, php-format
msgid "Deleting bounce %d .. "
msgstr "Usuwanie odrzuceń %d .."
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1738,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:35
msgid "Aug"
msgstr "Sie"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:325
msgid "pagetitle:mviews"
msgstr "Statystyka wyświetleń wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/convertstats.php:6
msgid "Hint: this page also works from commandline"
msgstr "Podpowiedź: ta strona działa także z linii poleceń"
#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:33
msgid "Support community"
msgstr "Wsparcie wspólnotowe"
#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/userlib.php:541
#, php-format
msgid "Removed from blacklist by %s"
msgstr "Usunięto z czarnej listy przez %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:101
msgid "Please wait, upgrading your database, do not interrupt"
msgstr "Proszę czekać, uaktualnianie bazy danych, nie należy przerywać"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainbounces.php:83
msgid "View rate"
msgstr "Współczynnik obejrzeń"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:250
msgid "Force Initialisation"
msgstr "Wymusić inicjalizacjię"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:136
msgid "Login Name (max 25 chars)"
msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika (maksymalnie 25 znaków)"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:256
msgid ""
"To test your template, go to campaigns and send a test campaign using the "
msgstr ""
"Aby przetestować szablon, przejdź do kampanii i wyślij kampanię testową przy "
"użyciu tego szablonu."
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:489,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:491
msgid "(test)"
msgstr "(test)"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:10
msgid "Value of this attribute for this subscriber"
msgstr "Wartość tego atrybutu dla subskrybenta"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:464,
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:293
msgid "Check out"
msgstr "Sprawdź"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:351
msgid "Check Database structure"
msgstr "Sprawdź strukturę bazy danych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:493
msgid "good afternoon"
msgstr "miłego popołudnia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:146
msgid "Error installing plugin"
msgstr "Błąd podczas instalowania wtyczki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:567
msgid "Forward"
msgstr "Prześlij dalej"
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:76
msgid "Sent to"
msgstr "Wysłać do"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1287
#, php-format
msgid "Marked unconfirmed while sending campaign %d"
msgstr "Oznaczono niepotwierdzone podczas wysyłania kampanii %d"
#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:50,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:384,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:28,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:29
msgid "Foreign Key"
msgstr "Klucz Obcy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:267
msgid "Display Email confirmation"
msgstr "Wyświetl potwierdzenie e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:62
msgid "Server:"
msgstr "Serwer:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:507
msgid "Download failed, exiting"
msgstr "Pobieranie nie powiodło się, wychodzenie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:106,
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:113
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Obraz"
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:20
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Wtorek"
#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1069
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Error, when trying to send campaign %d the attachment (%s) could not be "
"copied to the repository. Check for permissions."
msgstr ""
"Błąd, podczas próby wysłania kampanii %d załącznik (%s) nie może być "
"skopiowany do repozytorium. Sprawdź uprawnienia."
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:93
msgid "in progress"
msgstr "w trakcie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:274
msgid "However, there is too little diskspace for this conversion"
msgstr "Jest za mało miejsca na dysku dla tej konwersji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:487,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:220
msgid "Total views"
msgstr "Całkowita liczba odwiedzin"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:310,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:341
msgid "Change Settings"
msgstr "Zmień ustawienia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:597
msgid "Suspend"
msgstr "Zawieszone"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:51
msgid "tofield"
msgstr "pole do"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:295
msgid "pagetitle:spage"
msgstr "Strony rejestrowania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultsystemtemplate.php:413,
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultsystemtemplate.php:427
msgid "Go back to templates"
msgstr "Wróć do szablonów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:532
msgid "Your personal location"
msgstr "Twoja lokalizacja"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1320
msgid "Content contains click track links."
msgstr "Zawartość zawiera linki śledzenia kliknięć "
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:345,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:349,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:124,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:127
#, php-format
msgid "Listing user %d to %d"
msgstr "Wyświetlenie użytkowników %d do %d"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:580
msgid "Process the queue"
msgstr "Przetwórz kolejkę"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainbounces.php:79
msgid "Bounce rate"
msgstr "Współczynnik odrzuceń"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:125
msgid "no user found"
msgstr "odbiorca nie istnieje"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:85
msgid "related bounces"
msgstr "podobne zwroty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:181
msgid "Install plugin"
msgstr "Zainstaluj wtyczkę"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:19
msgid "Database has not been initialised"
msgstr "Baza danych nie została zainicjowana"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:961
msgid "New Attachment"
msgstr "Nowy załącznik"
#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:17,
#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:31,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:32,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:45,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/listbounces.php:19,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/listbounces.php:33,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:20,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:41
msgid "You do not have enough privileges to view this page"
msgstr "Brak uprawnień do przeglądania tej strony"
#: public_html/lists/admin/suppressionlist.php:38
msgid "Paste the emails to mark unconfirmed in this box, and click continue"
msgstr "Wklej adresy do zaznaczenia jako niepotwierdzone i kliknij Dalej"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mergeduplicatelists.php:7
#, php-format
msgid "List name: \"%s\", duplicates: %d"
msgstr "Nazwa listy: \"%s\", duplikaty: %d"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:236
msgid "Sending test \"Welcome\" to"
msgstr "Wysyłam testowe \"Powitanie\" do"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:64
msgid "query to select the subscribers for this message"
msgstr "kwerenda, która wybiera subskrybentów dla tej wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:48
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%d subscribers could not be deleted, because they have already received "
msgstr "%d subskrybenci nie mogą być usunięci, ponieważ otrzymali już kampanie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:461
msgid "Upgrade failed"
msgstr "Aktualizacja nie powiodła się"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:69
msgid "are you sure you want to delete this subscriber from the blacklist"
msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć tego subskrybenta z czarnej listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1335
msgid "All Public Lists"
msgstr "Wszystkie publiczne listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:606
msgid "Finish"
msgstr "Zakończenie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:85
msgid "Click rate"
msgstr "Współczynnik kliknięć"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:174
msgid "Initialise plugin"
msgstr "Aktywować plugin"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:330
msgid "pagetitlehover:statsoverview"
msgstr "Przegląd statystyki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:744
msgid "Current Server Time is"
msgstr "Aktualny czas serwera"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:539
msgid "here."
msgstr "tutaj."
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1285
msgid "From missing"
msgstr "Brak nadawcy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:159,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:101,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:117
msgid "rate"
msgstr "poziom"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/viewtemplate.php:5,
#: public_html/lists/admin/viewtemplate.php:27
msgid "Sample Newsletter Content"
msgstr "Przykładowa zawartość newslettera"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:171
msgid ""
"PHP has no <a href=\"\">Zip capability</a>. This is "
"required to allow installation from a remote URL"
msgstr ""
"PHP nie ma <a href=\"\">funkcjonalności Zip</a>. Jest to "
"wymagane do umożliwienia instalacji z zdalnego URL"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:18
msgid "processed"
msgstr "przetworzone"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:581
msgid "View the queue"
msgstr "Przejrzyj kolejkę"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:135
msgid "Default for 'address to alert when sending starts'"
msgstr "Domyślne dla 'adres alarmowania przy rozpoczęciu wysyłania'"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:120
msgid "make active"
msgstr "aktywuj"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:941
msgid "size"
msgstr "wielkość"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:665
msgid "Select the groups to add the users to"
msgstr "Wybierz grupy, aby dodać do nich użytkowników"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:58
msgid "No such template"
msgstr "Brak szablonu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:287
msgid "new administrator was"
msgstr "nowy administrator był"
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:135,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:157
msgid "unique clicks"
msgstr "unikalne kliknięcia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php:104
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Czas"
#: public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php:75
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Pobierz"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:757
msgid "Repeat campaign every"
msgstr "Powtarzać kampanię co"
#: public_html/lists/admin/dbcheck.php:12
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tabela"
#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:52
msgid "other"
msgstr "inne"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:236
msgid "Bounce Details"
msgstr "Szczegóły zwrotu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:15,
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaults.php:49,
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaults.php:58
msgid "Name cannot be empty:"
msgstr "Nazwa nie może być pusta:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:191
msgid "Delete will delete user from the list"
msgstr "Usunięcie użytkownika usunie go z listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:707
msgid "bounces were not matched by advanced processing rules"
msgstr "zwroty nie pasują do reguł przetwarzania zaawansowanego"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:275
msgid "Message Functions"
msgstr "Funkcje wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaults.php:97
msgid "return to editing attributes"
msgstr "powrót do edycji atrybutów "
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:676
msgid "email auto unsubscribed for"
msgstr "e-mail automatycznie usunięty z listy odbiorców"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:736
msgid "This is the Newsletter Subject"
msgstr "To jest temat newslettera"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1372
#, php-format
msgid "to view the statistics of this campaign, go to %s://%s"
msgstr "aby zobaczyć statystyki tej kampanii, przejdź do%s://%s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:294
msgid "Message they receive when they unsubscribe"
msgstr "Rezygnacja z subskrypcji"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:272
msgid "pagetitlehover:upgrade"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Aktualizacja"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1742,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:39
msgid "Dec"
msgstr "Gru"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:316,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:246,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:290
msgid "Members"
msgstr "Członkowie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:112,
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:106
msgid "entered"
msgstr "wprowadzono"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:522
msgid "Invalid Emails found."
msgstr "Znaleziono nieprawidłowy adres e-mail."
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:7,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:152
msgid "Name of table with values"
msgstr "Nazwa tabeli z wartościami"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:269,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:215,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:225,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:502,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:518,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:89,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:167
msgid "bounces"
msgstr "zwroty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1717,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:14,
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:28
msgid "February"
msgstr "Luty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:282
msgid "Attribute two"
msgstr "Atrybut dwa"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:155
msgid "Value of this attribute for this admin"
msgstr "Wartość tego atrybutu dla administratora"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:85
msgid "Mark new users as HTML:"
msgstr "Oznacz nowych użytkowników jako HTML:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:305
#, php-format
msgid "%d subscribers"
msgstr "%d subskrybentów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:115
msgid "page"
msgstr "strona"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:145
msgid "Please select the lists you want to send your campaign to"
msgstr "Proszę wybrać listę do której zostanie wysłania wiadomość"
#: public_html/lists/index.php:852,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php:59
msgid "\"Jump off\" set, reason not requested"
msgstr "Ustawiono \"Jump off\", nie proszono o powód"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:697,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:318
msgid "File containing emails"
msgstr "Plik z adresami e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:191
msgid "Choose how to set password"
msgstr "Wybierz sposób ustawiania hasła"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:360
msgid "Subject of the message subscribers receive when they sign up"
msgstr "Temat wiadomości potwierdzającej "
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2070
msgid ""
"Make sure you are updated with new security and feature release "
"announcements (fewer than one message per month)"
msgstr "Upewnij się, czy są instalowane aktualizacje zabezpieczeń i nowe wersje"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:335
msgid "Check this box to use this attribute in the page"
msgstr "Zaznacz to pole wyboru, aby używać tego atrybutu na stronie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:261
msgid "version"
msgstr "wersja"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:80
msgid "Bounce Regular Expressions"
msgstr "Wyrażenia regularne zwrotów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/subscribelib2.php:99
msgid ""
" This is a notification of a possible spam attack to your phplist "
"subscribe page.\n"
" The data submitted has been copied below, so you can check whether this "
"was actually the case.\n"
" The submitted data has been converted into non-html characters, for "
"security reasons.\n"
" If you want to stop receiving this message, set\n"
" define(\"NOTIFY_SPAM\",0);\n"
" in your phplist config file.\n"
" This subscriber has NOT been added to the database.\n"
" If there is an error, you will need to add them manually.\n"
"--- "
msgstr ""
"--- \n"
"Jest to powiadomienie możliwości spam ataku na Twoją stronę subskrypcji. \n"
"Dane wprowadzone zostały przedstawione poniżej, dzięki czemu można "
"sprawdzić, czy jest to faktycznie spam. \n"
"Przedstawione dane zostały przekształcone w postać no-html, dla "
"bezpieczeństwa. \n"
"Jeśli chcesz zrezygnować z otrzymywania tego komunikatu, należy ustawić \n"
"define(\"NOTIFY_SPAM\",0); \n"
"w pliku config.php. \n"
"Ten subskrybent nie został dodany do bazy danych. \n"
"Jeśli istnieje błąd, będziesz musiał dodać go ręcznie. \n"
"--- "
#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:94
msgid "Congratulations, phpList is set up, you are ready to start mailing"
msgstr ""
"Gratulacje, phpList jest ustawione, jesteś gotowy, aby rozpocząć wysyłkę"
#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/importlib.php:90
msgid "Invalid email"
msgstr "Nieprawidłowy adres email"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:515
msgid "All the emails already exist in the database and are members of the"
msgstr "Wszystkie e-maile już istnieją w bazie danych i są przypisane do"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:276
msgid "pagetitlehover:template"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Dodawanie i edycja szablonów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:261
msgid "The default HTML template to use when sending a message"
msgstr "Domyślny szablon HTML używany przy wysyłaniu wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:95
#, php-format
msgid "Giving a UUID to %d campaigns"
msgstr "Nadanie unikalnych identyfikator dla %d kampanii. "
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mergeduplicatelists.php:15
#, php-format
msgid "%d subscribers moved"
msgstr "%d przeniesionych abonentów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:538
#, php-format
msgid "%d bounces were re-processed and %d bounces were re-identified"
msgstr ""
"%d zwrotów zostało ponownie przetworzonych i %d zwrotów zostało "
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:182
msgid "admins"
msgstr "administratorzy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:187
msgid ""
"Please enter the emails to import, one per line, in the box below and click "
"\"Import Emails\""
msgstr ""
"Wpisz e-maile do zaimportowania, jeden na wiersz, w polu poniżej i kliknij "
"\"Importuj e-maile\" "
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:360
msgid "pagetitlehover:hostedprocessqueuesetup"
msgstr "Ustawianie hostowanej kolejki przetwarzania"
#: public_html/lists/index.php:658
#, php-format
msgid "You are logged in as administrator (%s) of this phpList system"
msgstr "Jesteś zalogowany jako administrator (%s) systemu phpList"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:365
msgid "Finished this run"
msgstr "Zakończono"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:250
msgid "The default subscribe page when there are multiple"
msgstr "Domyślna strona subskrypcji, gdy istnieje wiele"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1350,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:150,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:160,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:182,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:190
msgid "Uncategorised"
msgstr "Bez kategorii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:442
msgid "-All-"
msgstr "-Wszystko-"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:222
msgid "Width of a textline field (numerical)"
msgstr "Szerokość pola"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:301
msgid "pagetitle:viewrss"
msgstr "pagetitle:Pokaż RSS"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:139
msgid "List name"
msgstr "Nazwa listy"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:158
msgid "Admin's Id"
msgstr "Identyfikator subskrybenta"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:239,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:517
msgid "subscribed to the"
msgstr "zapisany do"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:357
msgid "pagetitle:plugins"
msgstr "Wtyczki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:71
msgid "No such campaign"
msgstr "Nie ma takiej kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:107
msgid "When they subscribed to"
msgstr "Kiedy subskrybuje"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:2260
msgid "First Page"
msgstr "Pierwsza strona"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:500
#, php-format
msgid "%d emails subscribed to the lists"
msgstr "%d znalazły się na listach"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:239,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:517
msgid "succesfully imported to the database and added to"
msgstr "pomyślnie zaimportowane do bazy danych i dodane do"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:134
msgid "Rejected email addresses"
msgstr "Odrzucony adresy e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:260
msgid "Radio buttons, default to text"
msgstr "Przyciski opcji, domyślnie text"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:137,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:92,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:90,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:93,
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:110,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:215
msgid "date"
msgstr "data"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:102
msgid "List all Users"
msgstr "Lista wszystkich odbiorców"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:822
msgid "Requeue Until"
msgstr "Ponowne kolejkowanie do"
#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:95
msgid "Start a message campaign"
msgstr "Rozpocznij nową kampanię"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:940,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:324
msgid "desc"
msgstr "malejąco"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:417
msgid "Running in test mode, not deleting messages from mailbox"
msgstr "Praca w trybie testowym, bez usuwania wiadomości ze skrzynki pocztowej"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php:6
msgid "Deleting subscribers with an invalid email"
msgstr "Usunięcie subskrybentów z nieprawidłowym adresem e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/index.php:1132,
#: public_html/lists/index.php:1143
msgid "Message Forwarded"
msgstr "Wiadomość przekazana"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:746,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:241
msgid ""
"If you choose \"send notification email\" the subscribers you are adding "
"will be sent the request for confirmation of subscription to which they will "
"have to reply. This is recommended, because it will identify invalid emails."
msgstr ""
"W przypadku wybrania opcji \"Wyślij e-mail z powiadomieniem\" do dodawanych "
"subskrybentów zostanie wysłany wniosek o potwierdzenie subskrypcji, na który "
"będą musieli odpowiedzieć. Jest to zalecana opcja, ponieważ pozwala "
"zidentyfikować nieprawidłowe maile."
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:299
msgid "pagetitle:getrss"
msgstr "pagetitle:Pobierz RSS"
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:80
msgid "View all campaigns"
msgstr "Zobacz wszystkie kampanie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:402
#, php-format
msgid "%d bounces to fetch from the mailbox"
msgstr "%d zwroty do ściągnięcia ze skrzynki pocztowej"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:97,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:526,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:136
msgid "Invalid Email"
msgstr "Błędny adres email"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:794
#, php-format
msgid "Subscriber auto unconfirmed for %d consecutive bounces"
msgstr ""
"Odbiorca automatycznie oznaczony jako niepotwierdzony z powodu %d kolejnych "
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:82
msgid "Data"
msgstr "Dane"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:88
msgid "When added to blacklist"
msgstr "Kiedy dodano do czarnej listy"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:229
msgid "pagetitle:importsimple"
msgstr "pagetitle:Metoda kopiuj-wklej"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:60
msgid "Reset Import session"
msgstr "Resetowanie sesji importu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:304,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:127
msgid ""
"You can reconnect subscribers to lists on the Reconcile Subscribers page."
msgstr ""
"Można podłączyć subskrybentów do listy na stronie \"Uzgadnianie "
"subskrybentów\". "
#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:10
msgid "How to get help"
msgstr "Jak uzyskać pomoc"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:259
msgid "pagetitle:adduser"
msgstr "Dodawanie użytkownika"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:143
msgid "Total Clicks"
msgstr "Całkowita liczba kliknięć"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:46
msgid "Fetching plugin"
msgstr "Pobieranie wtyczki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:91
msgid "Alternatively you can replace all values with another one:"
msgstr "Alternatywnie można zastąpić wszystkie wartości inną:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:37
msgid "Sending Text version to "
msgstr "Wysyłanie wersji tekstowej do "
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:263
msgid "pagetitle:messages"
msgstr "Zobacz aktualne kampanie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:748,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:243
msgid ""
"If you are going to send notification to users, you may want to add a little "
"delay between messages"
msgstr ""
"Jeśli zamierzasz wysłać powiadomienia do użytkowników, możesz dodać "
"opóźnienie między wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:102
msgid "Add another list"
msgstr "Dodaj kolejną listę"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:18
msgid "Last Modified"
msgstr "Ostatnia modyfikacja"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:270
msgid "Display email confirmation"
msgstr "Wyświetl potwierdzenie e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:505
msgid "Started"
msgstr "Rozpoczęta"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:73
msgid "Sent as PDF"
msgstr "Wysłana jako PDF"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:312
msgid "URL where subscribers have to confirm their subscription"
msgstr "URL potwierdzenia subskrypcji newslettera."
#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:61
msgid "Paste the emails to remove in this box, and click continue"
msgstr "Wklej w to pole adresy przeznaczone do usunięcia i kliknij Dalej"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2050
msgid "Unknown error"
msgstr "Nieznany błąd"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:92
msgid "Replace with"
msgstr "Zamień na"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:412,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:413
#, php-format
msgid "Processing first %d bounces"
msgstr "Przetwarzanie pierwszych %d zwrotów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:449
msgid "Not deleting unprocessed message"
msgstr "Bez kasowania nieprzetworzonej wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:974
#, php-format
msgid "Size of Text email: %s "
msgstr "Wielkość wiadomości tekstowej: %s "
#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:95
msgid "You have requested a password update"
msgstr "Wygenerowano żądanie zmiany hasła"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:41
msgid "Admin who is owner of this list"
msgstr "Admin, który jest właścicielem tej listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:174
msgid "For subscriber with email"
msgstr "Dla subskrybenta z wiadomości e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:341
msgid "upgrade"
msgstr "Aktualizacja"
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:91,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:72
msgid "Campaign statistics"
msgstr "Statystyki kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:40
msgid ""
"This is not a problem if your Database server is on a different filesystem. "
"Click the button to continue."
msgstr ""
"To nie problem, jeśli serwer bazy danych jest na innym systemie plików. "
"Kliknij przycisk Dalej."
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:83
msgid "Cannot read file. It is not readable !"
msgstr "Nie można odczytać pliku. Nie ma on uprawnień do odczytu!"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:161
msgid "Test output: If the output looks ok, go Back to resubmit for real"
msgstr "Wynik testu: Jeśli wynik wygląda ok, wróć by załadować dane do bazy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:129,
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:134
#, php-format
msgid "every %s until %s"
msgstr "każdy %s do %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:271,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:96,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:101
msgid "Subscriber"
msgstr "Subskrybent"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:101,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:106
msgid "When viewed"
msgstr "Podczas przeglądania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:348
msgid "Campaign saved as draft"
msgstr "Kampania zapisana jako szkic"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:270
msgid "Send Notification email "
msgstr "Wyślij e-mail z prośbą o potwierdzenie "
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:303
msgid "URL where unknown users can unsubscribe (do-not-send-list)"
msgstr "URL gdzie nieznani użytkownicy mogą się wypisać (do-not-send-list)"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1741,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:38
msgid "Nov"
msgstr "Lis"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:267
msgid "pagetitle:processqueue"
msgstr "Kolejka wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:49
msgid "Remove more"
msgstr "Usuń więcej"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:702
#, php-format
msgid "phpList will not process files larger than %dMB"
msgstr "phpList nie przetworzy plików większych niż %dMB"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:254
msgid "pagetitlehover:users"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Lista wszystkich użytkowników"
#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:150,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/configure.php:71,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:414,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:40,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:112,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:113,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:234,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:256
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:114,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:161
msgid "subscribers were copied to"
msgstr "subskrybenci zostali skopiowani do"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:285
msgid "pagetitle:adminattributes"
msgstr "pagetitle:Atrybuty administratora"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:227
msgid "Unable to find update"
msgstr "Nie można znaleźć aktualizacji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1733,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:30
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mar"
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:249
msgid "Sorry, only super users can delete users"
msgstr "Niestety, tylko Administratorzy mogą usuwać użytkowników"
#: public_html/lists/admin/convertstats.php:72
msgid "converting data"
msgstr "konwersja"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:346
msgid "pagetitlehover:bouncerule"
msgstr "Reguła zwrotu "
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:21
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Środa"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:186,
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:191
msgid "Image name:"
msgstr "Nazwa obrazu:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:63
msgid "Created By"
msgstr "Utworzone przez"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:208
msgid "pagetitlehover:home"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Panel zarządzania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaults.php:44
msgid "Loading"
msgstr "Wczytywanie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1369
msgid "Private list"
msgstr "Lista prywatna"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:237
msgid "Resending request for confirmation to subscribers who signed up after"
msgstr "Wysyłanie ponownej prośby o potwoerdzenie do odbiorców zapisanych po"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:176
msgid "* Too many errors, quitting"
msgstr "* Zbyt wiele błędów, wychodzenie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:560
msgid "You are trying to use RSS, but XML is not included in your PHP"
msgstr ""
"Próbujesz użyć RSS , ale wsparcie dla XML nie jest skonfigurowane w twoim PHP"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:31
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The temporary directory for uploading (%s) is not writable, so import will "
msgstr "Tymczasowy katalog (%s) nie ma praw zapisu!"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:535,
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:540
msgid "fatalerror"
msgstr "błąd krytyczny"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:566,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:992,
#: public_html/lists/admin/generatebouncerules.php:50
msgid "Process Killed by other process"
msgstr "Proces usunięty przez inny proces"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgbounces.php:55
msgid "There are currently no data to view"
msgstr "Nie ma jeszcze kampanii"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:20,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:48,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:192
msgid "UUID"
msgstr "UUID"
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:304,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:127
msgid "This will NOT remove the subscribers that are on this list."
msgstr "To nie usunie subskrybentów, którzy są na tej liście. "
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:54
msgid "Unable to download plugin package, check your connection"
msgstr "Nie można pobrać pakietu wtyczki, sprawdź połączenie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1014
msgid "email to alert when sending of this message starts"
msgstr "Email na który zostanie wysłana informacją o rozpoczęciu wysyłki"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:252
msgid "pagetitlehover:members"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Członkowie tej listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:283
#, php-format
msgid "%d emails unconfirmed (not sent)"
msgstr "%d maile niepotwierdzone (nie została wysłana wiadomość)"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initlanguages.php:27
msgid "Up to date"
msgstr "Aktualne"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:160,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:586
msgid "Skip value"
msgstr "Pomiń wartość"
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:45
msgid "Deleted all entries older than 2 months"
msgstr "Usuń wszystkie wpisy starsze niż 2 miesiące"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:320
msgid "pagetitlehover:usermgt"
msgstr "Zarządzanie użytkownikami"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainbounces.php:71
msgid "Total bounced emails"
msgstr "Wszystkie odbicia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:190
msgid "adminattributes"
msgstr "Atrybuty administratorów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:817
#, php-format
msgid "processed %d out of %d subscribers"
msgstr "przetworzono %d z %d odbiorców"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:137,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:90
msgid ""
"Something went wrong while uploading the file. Empty file received. Maybe "
"the file is too big, or you have no permissions to read it."
msgstr ""
"Wystąpił błąd podczas wysyłania pliku. Otrzymany plik jest pusty. Być może "
"plik jest zbyt duży, lub masz nie ma uprawnień, aby go przesłać."
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:650
msgid "What is prepare a message"
msgstr "Jak przygotować wiadomość"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:258
msgid "User marked unconfirmed"
msgstr "Użytkownik oznaczony jako niepotwierdzony"
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:198
msgid "Send this campaign to another list"
msgstr "Wyślij tę kampanię do innej listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:612
msgid "Mark sent"
msgstr "Oznacz wysłane"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:358
msgid "pagetitlehover:plugins"
msgstr "Wtyczki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:237,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:249
msgid "and before"
msgstr "i przed"
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:145
msgid "Opened "
msgstr "Otwarto "
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:233
msgid "pagetitle:import3"
msgstr "pagetitle:Importowanie kontaktów z serwera IMAP"
#: public_html/lists/admin/massremove.php:46
#, php-format
msgid ""
"All done, %d emails processed<br/>%d emails blacklisted<br/>%d emails "
"deleted<br/>%d emails not found"
msgstr ""
"Wszystko zrobione,%d emaile przetwarzane <br/> %d emaile na czarnej liście <"
"br/> %d emaile usunięte <br/> Nie znaleziono %d emaile"
#: public_html/lists/admin/checkbouncerules.php:45
msgid "bounces did not match any current active rule"
msgstr "zwroty nie odpowiadają żadnej aktualnej aktywnej regułę"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:307
msgid "pagetitle:login"
msgstr "Zaloguj się"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:590
msgid "Header of public pages."
msgstr "Nagłówek stron publicznych."
#: public_html/lists/admin/subscribelib2.php:338
msgid "Email is blacklisted, so request for confirmation has been sent."
msgstr ""
"E-mail jest na czarnej liście, więc prośba o potwierdzenie zostało wysłane."
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:81
msgid "Main"
msgstr "Główna"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:517
msgid "Running DEV version. All emails will be sent to "
msgstr "Uruchomiona wersja DEV. Wszystkie emaile zostaną wysłane do:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1033
msgid "Reset click statistics"
msgstr "Zresetować statystyki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:81
msgid "email address cannot be empty"
msgstr "adres e-mail nie może być pusty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:92
msgid "Click details for a URL"
msgstr "Kliknij, aby obejrzeć szczegóły."
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:609,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:793
msgid "Auto Unconfirmed"
msgstr "Automatyczne oznaczanie subskrybentów jako niepotwierdzonych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:531
msgid "No emails found"
msgstr "Nie znaleziono e-maila"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:319
msgid "pagetitle:usermgt"
msgstr "Zarządzanie użytkownikami"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/checkurl.php:23
msgid "Check your \"remoteurl_append\" setting."
msgstr "Sprawdź \"remoteurl_append\" w ustawieniach."
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:913,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:227
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "Stopka"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:32
msgid "System Information"
msgstr "Informacje systemowe"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:123,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1344
msgid "Send Campaign"
msgstr "Wyślij kampanię"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:387
msgid "Error sending password change token"
msgstr "Błąd przy wysyłaniu tokenu do zmiany hasła"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:224
msgid "sendprepared"
msgstr "Wyślij przygotowane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:697
msgid "Campaign subject"
msgstr "Temat kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:104
#, php-format
msgid "%d email addresses added to the list(s)"
msgstr "%d adresów e-mail dodanych do listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:43
msgid "Blacklisted members"
msgstr "Czarna lista"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:177
msgid "Number of times this link has been sent to subscribers for this message"
msgstr ""
"Ilość razy, którą ten link został wysłany do subskrybentów tej wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/dbcheck.php:90
msgid "category"
msgstr "kategoria"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:376
msgid "You have requested a new password for phpList."
msgstr "Wygenerowałeś żądanie nowego hasła do phpList."
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:21
msgid "Send this subscriber HTML emails"
msgstr "Wyślij subskrybentowi e-maile HTML"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:231,
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:238,
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:245,
#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:32,
#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:40
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:389
msgid "authoritative list"
msgstr "miarodajna lista"
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:311
msgid "start a new campaign targetting this list"
msgstr "rozpocząć nową kampanię na podstawie tej listy"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:62
msgid "Final time to stop requeueing"
msgstr "Końcowy czas ponownego powtarzania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:688
msgid "Hide forever"
msgstr "Ukryj na zawsze"
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:402
msgid "Find subscribers"
msgstr "Szukaj subskrybentów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:371
msgid "What to do with \"Tagged\" users"
msgstr "Co zrobić z zaznaczonymi użytkownikami"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:318
#, php-format
msgid "Attachment %d succesfully added"
msgstr "Załącznik %d pomyślnie dodany"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:91
msgid "ip"
msgstr "IP"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:124
msgid "Reconcile the User Database"
msgstr "Uzgadnianie bazy użytkowników"
#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:99
msgid "configuration steps"
msgstr "Konfiguracja"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:21,
#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:20
msgid "Initialise Database"
msgstr "Zainicjuj bazę danych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:225
msgid "Search lists"
msgstr "Listy wyszukiwania"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:170,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:175,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:184
msgid "When first clicked"
msgstr "Po pierwszym kliknięciu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:38
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The maximum table size in your system is %s and space available on the root "
"filesystem is %s, which means %s is required."
msgstr ""
"Wielkość tabeli w systemie jest %s a ilość dostępnego miejsca w głównym "
"systemie plików jest %s, co oznacza, że potrzeba jest %s."
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:239,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:275
msgid "Duplicate Email"
msgstr "Duplikat email"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:77
msgid ""
"For this subscriber to be removed from the blacklist, you need to ask them "
"to re-subscribe using the phpList subscribe page"
msgstr ""
"Aby subskrybent został usunięty z czarnej listy, trzeba poprosić go, by "
"ponownie zapisał się przy użyciu strony subskrypcji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:306,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:337,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:146
msgid "Privileges"
msgstr "Przywileje"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:138
msgid "are you sure you want to delete all bounces"
msgstr "jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć wszystkie zwroty"
#: public_html/lists/index.php:1160
#, php-format
msgid "Forward request from invalid user ID: %s"
msgstr "Przekazanie żądania od użytkownika, nieprawidłowy identyfikator: %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:326
msgid "subscribers could not be fixed"
msgstr "adresy odbiorców nie zostały naprawion"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:273
msgid "Suspending"
msgstr "Zawieszanie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:113
msgid "Getting data from "
msgstr "Pobieranie danych z "
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:158
msgid "Add a new Administrator"
msgstr "Dodaj Administratora"
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:185
msgid "Except when they were also member of these lists"
msgstr "Z wyjątkiem, gdy były one również członkiem tych list"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:508
msgid "These records were added, but the email has been made up from "
msgstr "Te rekordy zostały dodane, lecz adresy e-mail zostały złożone z "
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:175
msgid ""
"This includes all images, also fully referenced ones, so you may choose not "
"to upload some. If you upload images, they will be included in the campaigns "
"that use this template."
msgstr ""
"Obejmuje wszystkie użyte obrazy, także te z pełnymi odnośnikami, więc "
"niektórych nie musisz ładować do bazy. Jeśli załadujesz pliki graficzne, "
"będą używane w kampaniach, w których użyjesz tego szablonu."
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:539,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:246,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:608,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:533,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:128
msgid "Import some more emails"
msgstr "Kolejny import "
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:684
#, php-format
msgid "sending of this campaign will stop, if it is still going in %s"
msgstr "wysłanie tej kampanii zostanie zatrzymane, jeśli to nadal będzie w %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:535
msgid "Download the new version"
msgstr "Pobierz nową wersję"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:52
msgid "Start or continue a campaign"
msgstr "Rozpoczynanie lub kontynuacja kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/upgrade.php:14
#, php-format
msgid "%d Top Level Domains"
msgstr "%d Domen najwyższego poziomu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:95
msgid "Subscriber clicks on a campaign"
msgstr "Odbiorca kliknął w kampanię"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:95,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:96
msgid "match"
msgstr "dopasowanie"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:139
msgid "Time Created"
msgstr "Czas utworzenia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:401
msgid "Subject of the message subscribers receive when they unsubscribe"
msgstr "Temat wiadomości potwierdzającej rezygnacje z subskrypcji "
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:302
msgid "pagetitlehover:viewrss"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Pokaż RSS"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:87
msgid "All draft campaigns deleted"
msgstr "Wszystkie szkice kampanii usunięte"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:229
msgid "Sending test \"Request for confirmation\" to"
msgstr "Wysyłam testową \"Prośbę o potwoerdzenie\" do"
#: public_html/lists/admin/subscribelib2.php:339
msgid "If user confirms subscription, they will be removed from the blacklist."
msgstr ""
"Jeśli użytkownik potwierdzi subskrypcje, zostanie on usunięty z czarnej "
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:171,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:176,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:185
msgid "When last clicked"
msgstr "Gdy ostatnio kliknięty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:58
msgid "Blacklist info"
msgstr "Informacje o czarnej liście"
#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:74
msgid "Code"
msgstr "Kod"
#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetlds.php:5
msgid "This page only works from commandline"
msgstr "Ta strona działa tylko z linii poleceń"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:643
msgid "Width for Wordwrap of Text messages"
msgstr "Szerokość Wordwrap wiadomości tekstowej"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:257
msgid "pagetitle:user"
msgstr "pagetitle:Informacje o odbiorcy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:252
msgid "HTML"
msgstr "HTML"
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:154
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Rozmiar"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:67
msgid "Format to send this message in"
msgstr "Format wysyłanej wiadomość jest w"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:115,
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:760,
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:781
msgid "Access Denied"
msgstr "Dostęp zabroniony"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:230
msgid "pagetitlehover:importsimple"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Dodawanie adresów metodą kopiuj-wklej"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:247
msgid "pagetitle:preparesend"
msgstr "Przygotowanie wiadomości do wysłania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:97
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "Filtr"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:348
msgid "pagetitlehover:checkbouncerules"
msgstr "Sprawdzenie reguł zwrotów "
#: public_html/lists/admin/runcommand.php:12,
#: public_html/lists/admin/pageaction.php:16,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:295,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:311,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:323,
#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:34,
#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:42
msgid "Failed"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:276
#, php-format
msgid "%d failed (will retry later)"
msgstr "%d nie powiodło się (ponowi próbę później)"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:2263,
#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/interfacelib.php:873
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Następny"
#: public_html/lists/admin/setup.php:35
msgid "Verify Settings"
msgstr "Sprawdź ustawienia"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:293
msgid "pagetitle:spageedit"
msgstr "Edycja strony rejestrowania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:251
#, php-format
msgid "Removing %d from this list "
msgstr "Usuwanie %d z listy "
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:461,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:65
msgid "msgs"
msgstr "msga"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:62
#, php-format
msgid "Number of %s rules: %d"
msgstr "Liczba %s reguł: %d"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:73,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:309,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:340
msgid "View Statistics"
msgstr "Pokaż statystyki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2046
msgid "The API key is incorrect"
msgstr "Klucz API jest nieprawidłowy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:42
msgid "Developers"
msgstr "Programiści"
#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:18
msgid ""
"If you are interested to know more about Open Source, you can visit the "
"links below"
msgstr ""
"Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany, aby dowiedzieć się więcej o Open Source, można "
"odwiedzić poniższe linki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/bounces.php:54
msgid "Bounces data not found"
msgstr "Nie znaleziono zwrotów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetlds.php:15
#, php-format
msgid "Now we have %d top level domains"
msgstr "Teraz jest %d domen najwyższego poziomu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:90,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:47,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:50,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:245,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:67,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:139,
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:153
msgid "clicks"
msgstr "Kliknięcia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:55
msgid "Click Details for a Message"
msgstr "Kliknij, aby obejrzeć szczegóły."
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:59
msgid "Number of seconds to repeat the message"
msgstr "Liczba sekund do powtórzenia wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:557
#, php-format
msgid "processed %d out of %d bounces for advanced bounce rules"
msgstr "przetwarzane %d z %d Zwroty dla zaawansowanych reguł odrzuceń"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:386
msgid "To stop receiving these reports read:"
msgstr "Aby zrezygnować z otrzymywania tych raportów należy przeczytać:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:177
msgid "Set subscriber to receive text instead of HTML"
msgstr "Ustaw subskrybenta aby otrzymywał tekst zamiast HTML"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:5,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:150
msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Wartość domyślna"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:160
msgid "Marking all subscribers confirmed"
msgstr "Oznaczanie wszystkich odbiorców jako potwierdzonych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:178
msgid "Plugin package URL"
msgstr "URL pakietu wtyczki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:147
msgid "view bounces by list"
msgstr "zobacz zwroty według listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:105
msgid "Changes not saved"
msgstr "Zmiany nie zostały zapisane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:103
msgid "Delete and replace"
msgstr "Usunąć i zastąpić"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:200
msgid "Count of matching bounces on this rule"
msgstr "Liczba pasujących zwrotów na tej reguły"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:213
msgid "Display list categories on subscribe page"
msgstr "Wyświetl kategorie list na stronie subskrypcji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:451
msgid "No target email addresses listed for testing."
msgstr "Nie ma dodanych docelowych adresów e-mail do testowania."
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/updatetranslation.php:29
#, php-format
msgid "updated %d language terms"
msgstr "zaktualizowano %d wyrażeń języka"
#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:89
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentacja"
#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:23
#, php-format
msgid "phpList is licensed with the %sGNU Affero Public License (AGPL)%s"
msgstr ""
"phpList jest licencjonowany na podstawie %sGNU Affero Public License (AGPL)%s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:81
msgid "Please enter the password you want to use for this account."
msgstr "Wprowadź hasło, którego chcesz użyć dla tego konta."
#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:40
msgid "Contribute to phpList"
msgstr "Wnoszą wkład do phpList"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:175
msgid "(use negative numbers to decrease)"
msgstr "(używaj liczb ujemnych, aby zmniejszyć)"
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:442,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:340
msgid "Is this attribute required?"
msgstr "Jest to atrybut wymagany?"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:39,
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:502
msgid "Continue Configuration"
msgstr "Kontynuuj konfigurację"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:70
msgid "Select Status"
msgstr "Wybierz status"
#: public_html/lists/admin/dbcheck.php:11
msgid "Database structure"
msgstr "Struktura bazy danych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:42
msgid "Continue the Configuration process of phpList"
msgstr "Kontynuuj proces konfiguracji phpList"
#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:28,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/configure.php:10
msgid "invalid request"
msgstr "nieprawidłowe żądanie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:40
msgid "Force Upgrade"
msgstr "Wymuszenie uaktualnienia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2281
msgid "Please wait, your request is being processed. Do not refresh this page."
msgstr "Proszę czekać, Twoja prośba jest przetwarzana. Nie odświeżaj strony."
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1305
msgid "already sent"
msgstr "już wysłane"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:151
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Wymagane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/checkurl.php:23,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/checkurl.php:25,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/checkurl.php:30
msgid "Error fetching URL"
msgstr "Błąd podczas pobierania URL"
#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:71
msgid "Add templates from default selection"
msgstr "Dodaj szablony z domyślnej sekcji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:924
msgid "Sleeping for 20 seconds, aborting will quit"
msgstr "Uśpienie na 20 sekund, przerwanie spowoduje wyjście"
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:365
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Adres email"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:271,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:11
msgid "View Bounces"
msgstr "Zobacz zwroty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:52
msgid "delete and next"
msgstr "usunąć i następny"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:67
msgid "Average response time: "
msgstr "Średni czas odpowiedzi: "
#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:16
msgid "Test email not set "
msgstr "e-mail testowy nie wysłany"
#: public_html/lists/admin/generatebouncerules.php:132
msgid "Hmm, duplicate entry, "
msgstr "Błąd: podwójny wpis"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:105
msgid "reset styling to default"
msgstr "zresetuj styl do domyślnego"
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:78
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Subscribers who clicked on URL \"%s\" in the campaign with subject \"%s\", "
"sent %s"
msgstr "Odbiorcy którzy użyli łącza URL \"%s\" w kampanii \"%s\", wysłanej %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:482
#, php-format
msgid "To move all subscribers who are not subscribed to any list to %s"
msgstr ""
"Przeniesienie wszystkich subskrybentów, którzy nie subskrybują żadnej listy "
"do %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:127
msgid "Add a new Attribute:"
msgstr "Dodaj nowy atrybut:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/dbcheck.php:19
msgid "real name"
msgstr "prawdziwe nazwisko"
#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:9
msgid "search subscribers"
msgstr "Szukaj subskrybentów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:534
#, php-format
msgid "Sending in batches of %s messages"
msgstr "Wysyłanie w partii %s wiadomości"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:11,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:156
msgid "PKey"
msgstr "PKey"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:106
msgid "\"not full URL"
msgstr "\"nie jest pełną ścieżką URL"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:525
msgid ""
"Part of the message that is sent to their old email address when subscribers "
"change their information, and the email address has changed"
msgstr ""
"Część komunikatu, który jest wysyłany na stary adres e-mail, gdy subskrybent "
"zmienił swoje dane i adres e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/exportuserdata.php:7,
#: public_html/lists/admin/exportuserdata.php:16,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:8,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php:18,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:9,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:44,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/bounces.php:9,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/bounces.php:19
msgid "no such User"
msgstr "Nie ma takiego użytkownika"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:244
msgid "Don't offer choice, default to <b>text</b>"
msgstr "Nie oferuj wyboru, domyślnie <b>text</b>"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:74,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:76
msgid "remove"
msgstr "usuń"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:252
msgid "Process the Message Queue"
msgstr "Przetwarzanie kolejki wiadomosci"
#: public_html/lists/admin/tests.php:40
msgid "Test passed"
msgstr "Test zakończony powodzeniem "
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:331,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:107
msgid "tag"
msgstr "znacznik"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:78
msgid "Unnamed List"
msgstr "Lista bez nazwy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:10,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:182
msgid "Reading emails from file ... "
msgstr "Czytanie e-maili z pliku ..."
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:96
msgid "detail"
msgstr "szczegóły"
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:144
#, php-format
msgid "Subscribers who clicked on campaign with subject \"%s\", sent %s"
msgstr "Subskrybenci, którzy kliknęli kampanię z tematem \"%s\", wysyłaną %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:408,
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:440,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:339
msgid "Order of Listing"
msgstr "Kolejność na liście"
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:180,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:247,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:284,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:291
msgid "View Members"
msgstr "Zobacz Członków"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:6
msgid "List of Administrators"
msgstr "Lista administratorów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:358,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:307
msgid "Send test message"
msgstr "Wyślij wiadomość testową"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:85,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:86
#, php-format
msgid "Giving a UUID to %d subscribers, this may take a while"
msgstr ""
"Nadanie unikalnych identyfikator dla %d subskrybentów, może to trochę potrwać"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:340
msgid "pagetitlehover:usercheck"
msgstr "Sprawdzanie użytkownikó"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:503
msgid "success"
msgstr "powodzenie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:452
msgid "Message subscribers receive after confirming their email address"
msgstr "Wiadomość dla subskrybenta jaką otrzyma po potwierdzeniu adresu e-mail"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:232
msgid "pagetitlehover:import4"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Importowanie adresów ze zdalnej bazy danych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/configure.php:75
msgid "Please upload an image file, PNG or JPG."
msgstr "Prosimy o przesyłanie pliku obrazu PNG lub JPG."
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainbounces.php:75
msgid "Total sent emails"
msgstr "Wysłano łącznie e-maile"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1098
#, php-format
msgid ""
"There have been more than 10 attempts to send to %s that have been blocked "
"for domain throttling."
msgstr ""
"Było więcej niż 10 prób wysłania do %s, które zostały zablokowane dla domeny."
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:348
msgid "dbcheck"
msgstr "sprawdzić BD"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:30
msgid "unconfirm subscriber and delete bounce"
msgstr "cofnij potwierdzenie subskrybenta i usuń zwroty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:361
msgid "existing users"
msgstr "istniejących użytkowników"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:960
msgid "batch limit reached"
msgstr "Osiągnięto limit partii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:215
msgid "Resend"
msgstr "Wyślij ponownie"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:365
msgid "security settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia zabezpieczeń"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:260
msgid "pagetitlehover:adduser"
msgstr "Dodawanie użytkownika"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/addemail.php:20
msgid "Email address added"
msgstr "Adres e-mail dodany"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:368
msgid "transactional settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia transakcyjne"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:200
msgid "Do not save, and go back to the lists"
msgstr "Nie zapisuj i wróć do list"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:120
msgid "Header of bounce"
msgstr "Nagłówek zwrotu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:560,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:584,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:708
msgid "Content"
msgstr "Treść"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:862
msgid "Use Template"
msgstr "Użyj szablonu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:621
msgid "delete this campaign"
msgstr "usunąć tę kampanię"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:9
msgid "File not found"
msgstr "Nie znaleziono pliku"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:331
msgid "pagetitle:subscriberstats"
msgstr "Statystyki subskrybenta "
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:24
msgid ""
"You have already defined bounce rules in your system. Be careful with "
"generating new ones, because these may interfere with the ones that exist."
msgstr ""
"Już zdefiniowano reguły zwrotów w systemie. Bądź ostrożny z generując nowe, "
"ponieważ mogą one kolidować z tymi, które istnieją."
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:369
msgid "subscription-ui settings"
msgstr "ustawienia interfejsu użytkownika strefy subskrypcji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:747
msgid "Send Notification email"
msgstr "Wyślij e-mail z prośbą o potwierdzenie "
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:365
msgid "admin"
msgstr "administrator"
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:41
msgid ""
"Once you have set up a few categories, come back to this page to classify "
"your lists with your categories."
msgstr ""
"Po skonfigurowaniu kategorii, wrócić do tej strony by dodać listę do "
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:182
msgid "Setting default configuration"
msgstr "Ustawianie domyślnej konfiguracji"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:44,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:84
msgid "List ID"
msgstr "ID listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:92,
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:270
msgid "upgrade to UTF-8, done"
msgstr "konwersja do UTF-8, zakończona "
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:249
msgid "Deleting unconfirmed subscribers who signed up after"
msgstr "Usuwanie niepotwierdzonych odbiorców zapisanych po"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:42
msgid "Back to attributes"
msgstr "Powrót do atrybutów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:17
msgid ""
"The concept behind Open Source is collaboration. An organised network of "
"many contributors where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts."
msgstr ""
"Pomysłem stojącym za Open Source jest współpraca. Luźno zorganizowana sieć "
"wielu współpracowników gdzie całość jest większa niż suma jej poszczególnych "
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1719,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:16,
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:30
msgid "April"
msgstr "Kwiecień"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:280
msgid "pagetitlehover:configure"
msgstr "Konfiguracja"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:468
#, php-format
msgid "There is a maximum of %d test emails allowed"
msgstr "Maksymalna liczba wiadomości testowych to %d"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:42
msgid "List category"
msgstr "Lista Kategorii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:107,
#: public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php:103
msgid "Subscriber address"
msgstr "Adres subskrybenta"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1305
msgid "Not sending to"
msgstr "Nie wysłano do "
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:100,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:118
msgid "users"
msgstr "użytkownicy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:273
msgid "Use two attributes for the name"
msgstr "Użyj dwóch atrybutów dla nazwy"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:286
msgid "pagetitlehover:adminattributes"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Atrybuty administratora"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:635,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:650,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:204,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:248,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:181
msgid "Select the lists to add the emails to"
msgstr "Wybierz listy do których dodajesz e-maile"
#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:108,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/listbounces.php:56,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgbounces.php:76
msgid "Total bounces"
msgstr "Wszystkie odbicia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:77
msgid "Please enter your email address."
msgstr "Wpisz swój adres e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2284
msgid ""
"It may seem to take a while, but there is a lot of data to crunch<br/>if you "
"have a lot of subscribers and campaigns"
msgstr ""
"Może to trochę potrwać, ale istnieje wiele danych do przetworzenia <br/> "
"Jeśli masz dużą ilość abonentów i kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2291
msgid "If the page does not load soon, please report this in the user forums."
msgstr "Jeśli strona nie ładuje się szybko, zgłoś to na forach użytkowników."
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:198
#, fuzzy
msgid "hash value of regex"
msgstr "hash value of regex"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:198
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Zapisz"
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:185
msgid "Forwarded"
msgstr "Przekazano"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1286
msgid "Subscriber marked unconfirmed for invalid email address"
msgstr ""
"Subskrybenta, oznaczony jako niepotwierdzony przez nieprawidłowy adres e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:50,
#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:55
msgid "Converting DB to use UTF-8, please wait"
msgstr "Konwersja DB do używania UTF-8, proszę czekać"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:539
msgid " or update"
msgstr " lub uaktualnij"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:291
msgid "Information has been updated from the import"
msgstr "Informacja została zaktualizowana z importu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:354
#, php-format
msgid "Information needed for %s"
msgstr "Informacje potrzebne do %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:153,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:186
msgid "created locally"
msgstr "stworzone lokalnie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:93
msgid "Edit campaign"
msgstr "Edycja kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:39
msgid "Confirmed and not blacklisted members"
msgstr "Potwierdzeni i nie będący na czarnej liście"
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:262
#, php-format
msgid "Update by %s"
msgstr "Aktualizacja przez %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:187
msgid "Your privileges for this page are insufficient"
msgstr "Twoje uprawnienia dla tej strony są niewystarczające"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:517
#, php-format
msgid "Subscriber data was updated for %d subscribers"
msgstr "Dane Subskrybenta została zaktualizowana w %d rekordach"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/addemail.php:26
msgid "Adding email address failed, try again later"
msgstr "Dodawanie adresu e-mail nie powiodło się, spróbuj ponownie później"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:161
msgid "Admin who is owner of this page"
msgstr "Admin, który jest właścicielem tej strony"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:62
msgid "The default system language is different from your browser language."
msgstr "Domyślnym język systemu jest inny niż język przeglądarki."
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:377
msgid "To enter a new one, please visit the following link:"
msgstr "Aby wprowadzić nowe, odwiedź poniższy link:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:48
msgid "Developer"
msgstr "Programista"
#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:46
msgid ""
"This is only possible if your phpList installation is not behind a firewall"
msgstr ""
"To jest możliwe jedynie, jeśli Twoja instalacja phpList nie znajduje się za "
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:49
msgid "Project"
msgstr "Projekt"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:82
msgid "Back to edit admin"
msgstr "Powrót do edycji administratora"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:142
msgid "Default for 'address to alert when sending finishes'"
msgstr "Domyślne dla 'adres do alarmowania kiedy zakończono wysyłanie'"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:183
msgid "Reply-to email address for system messages"
msgstr "Adres e-mail 'Odpowiedz do' (Reply-to) dla wiadomości systemowych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:234
#, php-format
msgid "%d invalid emails"
msgstr "%d nieprawidłowych e-maili"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:174
msgid ""
"Below is the list of images used in your template. If an image is currently "
"unavailable, please upload it to the database."
msgstr ""
"Poniżej lista plików graficznych użytych w twoim szablonie. Jeśli plik "
"graficzny jest aktualnie niedostępny, załaduj go do bazy danych."
#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:185,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:98,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:99
msgid "edit"
msgstr "edytuj"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:138
msgid "Failed, you cannot delete yourself"
msgstr "Błąd, nie można usunąć siebie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:346
msgid "Do Import"
msgstr "Należy importować"
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:537
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Szczegóły"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2285
msgid "It should be soon now, your page content is almost here."
msgstr "Już prawie cała treść strony jest gotowa."
#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:62
msgid "Continue setup"
msgstr "Kontynuuj konfigurowanie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:96,
#: public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php:97
msgid "Bounces on"
msgstr "Zwroty na"
#: public_html/lists/admin/dbcheck.php:49,
#: public_html/lists/admin/dbcheck.php:52
msgid "exist"
msgstr "istnieje"
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:7
msgid "Overview"
msgstr "Przegląd"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:21
msgid "The plugin "
msgstr "Wtyczka "
#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:45
msgid "Developer resources & documentation"
msgstr "Zasoby dla programistów i dokumentacja"
#: public_html/lists/admin/runcommand.php:22
msgid "Command result"
msgstr "Wynik polecenia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:198,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:76,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:358
msgid "Subscribers"
msgstr "Subskrybenci"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:75
msgid "The name of your organisation"
msgstr "Nazwa organizacji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:28,
#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:74,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:67,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:32,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:68,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:32
msgid "Invalid security token, please reload the page and try again"
msgstr "Nieprawidłowy token, prosimy odświeżyć stronę i spróbować ponownie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/updatetranslation.php:12,
#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:16
msgid ""
"Unable to fetch list of languages, please check your network or try again "
msgstr ""
"Nie można pobrać listy języków, sprawdź swoją sieć lub spróbuj ponownie "
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:109
msgid "Text content"
msgstr "Zawartość Text"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:647,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:661,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:675,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:687
msgid "Auto Unsubscribed"
msgstr "Subskrybent automatycznie usunięty z listy subskrybentów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:93
msgid "What date needs to be used:"
msgstr "Jakiej daty użyć:"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:94
msgid "The original location on the uploader machine"
msgstr "Oryginalna lokalizacja maszyny uploadera"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:116
msgid "with tagged rules: "
msgstr "z zaznaczonych reguł: "
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:275,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:283
msgid "Create Attribute"
msgstr "Utwórz atrybut"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:326
msgid "subscribers fixed"
msgstr "dane subskrybentów naprawione"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:97
msgid "not active"
msgstr "nieaktywne"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1357
msgid "Hmmm, No users found to send to"
msgstr "Nie znaleziono użytkowników "
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:183,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:227
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Wyczyść"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:273
msgid "Use one attribute for name"
msgstr "Użyj jednego atrybutu dla nazwy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:93
msgid "Attribute:"
msgstr "Atrybut:"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:292
msgid "pagetitlehover:bounce"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Zwrot"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:2243
#, php-format
msgid "Listing %d to %d of %d"
msgstr "Lista %d do %d z %d"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:610,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:633
msgid "Subscriber auto unconfirmed for"
msgstr "Subskrybent automatycznie oznaczony jako niepotwierdzony dla"
#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1105,
#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1107
#, php-format
msgid "Campaign %d suspended for too many errors with attachments"
msgstr "Kampania %d zawieszona przez zbyt wiele błędów z załącznikami"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:285,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:292,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:299,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:53
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Wiadomość"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:131
msgid "Domains with most unconfirmed subscribers"
msgstr "Domeny z największą ilością niepotwierdzonych subskrybentów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:187
msgid "Installed plugins"
msgstr "Zainstalowane wtyczki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:60
msgid "View current campaigns"
msgstr "Zobacz aktualne kampanie"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:296
msgid "pagetitlehover:spage"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Strona rejestracji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:350
msgid "Error, no local list defined for"
msgstr "Błąd, brak zdefiniowanej lokalnej listy dla"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:349,
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:5,
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:156,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:318,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:504,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:530,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:79,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:316,
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:416,
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:445,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:125,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:427
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "Zapisz zmiany"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1433
msgid "There are no lists available"
msgstr "Brak dostępnych list"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:77,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:47
msgid "File is either too large or does not exist."
msgstr "Plik jest zbyt duży lub nie istnieje."
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:143
msgid "to resubmit for real"
msgstr "aby wczytać do bazy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/uclicks.php:88
msgid "URL Click Statistics"
msgstr "Statystyki kliknięć w URL"
#: public_html/lists/admin/checkbouncerules.php:39
msgid "No match"
msgstr "Brak dopasowania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:372,
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:207
msgid "Cannot create POP3 connection to"
msgstr "Nie można połączyć z POP3"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:582
msgid "Footer used when a message has been forwarded"
msgstr "Domyślna stopka przekazywanej wiadomości "
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:229
#, php-format
msgid "Version %s is available"
msgstr "Wersja %s jest dostępna"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:829
msgid "Report of advanced bounce processing:"
msgstr "Raport zaawansowanego przetwarzania zwrotów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1352
msgid "Save and continue editing"
msgstr "Zapisz i kontynuuj edycję"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:611
msgid "One campaign to process."
msgstr "Jedna kampania przetwarzana."
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:362
msgid "Display list categories"
msgstr "Wyświetl kategorie list"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:262
msgid "pagetitlehover:userhistory"
msgstr "Hstoria użytkownika"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:246,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:133
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Wartość"
#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:982
msgid ""
"Warning: the final message exceeds the sending limit, this campaign will "
"fail sending. Reduce the size by removing attachments or images"
msgstr ""
"Uwaga: wielkość wiadomości przekracza ustalony limit, wysyłanie kampanii "
"zostało przerwane. Zmniejsz wielkość usuwając załączniki lub zdjęcia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:229
msgid "Tell us about it"
msgstr "Powiedz nam o tym"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:135
msgid "Type of data"
msgstr "Typ danych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:49
msgid "Top 50 domains with more than 5 subscribers"
msgstr "Top 50 domen z więcej niż pięcioma subskrybentami"
#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/userlib.php:586
#, php-format
msgid "Added to blacklist for reason %s"
msgstr "Dodane do czarnej listy z powodu %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:239
msgid " user imported as "
msgstr " użytkownik zaimportowany jako "
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:416
msgid "What to do with all subscribers"
msgstr "Co zrobić ze wszystkimi użytkownikami"
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:275
msgid "Please do a manual conversion."
msgstr "Proszę o ręczną konwersję."
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:122
msgid "Embargoed until"
msgstr "Embargo do"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:97
msgid "Making connection with remote database"
msgstr "Nawiązywanie połączenia ze zdalną bazą danych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:177,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:437,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:13,
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaults.php:95
msgid "done"
msgstr "wykonano"
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:54
msgid "test processing error"
msgstr "błąd przetwarzania testu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:315
msgid ""
" The file you upload will need to contain the administrators you want to "
"add to the system. The columns need to have the following headers: email, "
"loginname, password. Any other columns will be added as admin attributes. "
"Warning: the file needs to be plain text. Do not upload binary files like a "
"Word Document. "
msgstr ""
" Przesyłany plik musi zawierać administratorów, których chcesz dodać do "
"systemu. Kolumny muszą mieć następujące nagłówki: email, loginname, "
"password. Pozostałe kolumny zostaną dodane jako atrybuty administratora. "
"Uwaga: plik musi być tekstowy. Nie zostaną przetworzone pliki binarne jak "
"dokument Word."
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:265,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:267
msgid "If you check"
msgstr "Jeśli zaznaczysz"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:47
msgid "Primary Key"
msgstr "Klucz podstawowy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:293,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:61,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:142
msgid "confirmed"
msgstr "potwierdzony"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:368
msgid "Display lists in labelled categories"
msgstr "Wyświetl listy w etykietowanych kategoriach"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:342
msgid "pagetitlehover:listbounces"
msgstr "Lista zwrotów od odbiorców"
#: public_html/lists/admin/phpListAdminAuthentication.php:100
msgid "No such account"
msgstr "Nie ma takiego konta"
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:257
msgid ""
"You seem to have quite a lot of lists, do you want to organise them in "
"categories? "
msgstr ""
"W systemie znajduje się sporo list, czy chcesz uporządkować je w kategoriach?"
#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:95
msgid "Export all subscribers"
msgstr "Eksport wszystkich subskrybentów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:198
msgid "Save Images"
msgstr "Zapisz obrazy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php:78
msgid "bounces to campaign"
msgstr "zwrotów z kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:130
msgid "delete all unidentified (> 2 months old)"
msgstr "usuń wszystkie niezidentyfikowane (> starsze niż 2 miesiące)"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:915,
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:919
#, php-format
msgid ""
"A process for this page is already running and it was still alive %d seconds "
msgstr "Proces na tej stronie jest już uruchomiony i wciąż aktywny od %d sekund"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:375,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:420
msgid "from this list"
msgstr "z tej listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:86
msgid "Campaign not found"
msgstr "Kampanii nie znaleziono"
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:226
msgid "Viewed"
msgstr "Wizyty"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:123
msgid "System Comment"
msgstr "Komentarz systemu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:121
msgid "Subscribe page information saved"
msgstr "Strona subskrypcji zapisana "
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:712,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:322
msgid "default is line break"
msgstr "domyślnie jest to zakończenie linii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/tests/sendpage.php:48
msgid "Check your INBOX to see if all worked ok"
msgstr "Sprawdź swoją skrzynkę odbiorczą, aby zobaczyć, czy wszystko działa"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:234
msgid "pagetitlehover:import3"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Importowanie kontaktów z serwera IMAP"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:300
msgid "You can upload a template file or paste the text in the box below"
msgstr "Możesz przesłać plik szablonu lub wklej tekst w polu poniżej"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:333
#, php-format
msgid "Plugin can not be enabled, because \"%s\" is enabled."
msgstr "Wtyczka nie może być włączona, ponieważ \"%s\" jest włączona."
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1314
msgid "destination lists missing"
msgstr "Żadna lista nie jest zaznaczona"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:158
msgid ""
"The campaign will go to users who are a member of the lists above, "
"unless they are a member of one of the lists you select here."
msgstr ""
"Kampania zostanie wysłana do użytkowników, którzy są członkami listy "
"powyżej, chyba że są oni członkami jednej z wybranych list."
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:467
msgid "error"
msgstr "błąd"
#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:115,
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:61
msgid "Categories saved"
msgstr "Kategorie zapisane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:157
msgid "Invalid plugin package"
msgstr "Nieprawidłowy pakiet wtyczki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:22
msgid "to continue"
msgstr "aby kontynuować"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:109
#, php-format
msgid "Invalid addresses will be reported in the report that is sent to %s"
msgstr ""
"Nieprawidłowe adresy będą zgłaszane w raporcie, który jest wysyłany do %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1235
#, php-format
msgid "waiting for %.1f seconds to meet target of %s seconds per message"
msgstr "oczekiwanie przez %.1f sekund by osiągnąć cel %s sekund na wiadomość"
#: public_html/lists/admin/msgstatus.php:15,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:69
msgid "requeue"
msgstr "ponownie kolejkuje"
#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:26,
#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:30
msgid "Foreign key"
msgstr "Klucz obcy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:528,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importsimple.php:138
msgid "phplist Import Results"
msgstr "Podsumowanie importu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:278
msgid "List for"
msgstr "Lista dla"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:221
msgid "pagetitle:catlists"
msgstr "Kategorie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:10
msgid "View Opens by Message"
msgstr "Statystyka wyświetleń wiadomości "
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:307,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:338
msgid "Manage subscribers"
msgstr "Zarządzaj subskrybentami"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:26
msgid "unconfirm subscriber"
msgstr "cofnij potwierdzenie subskrybenta"
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:321
msgid "No lists, use Add List to add one"
msgstr "Brak list, użyj Dodaj listę, aby dodać pierwszą"
#: public_html/lists/index.php:662
msgid "Make this subscriber confirmed immediately"
msgstr "Potwierdź tego subskrybenta automatycznie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:401
msgid ""
"Cannot find column with email, you need to map at least one column to \"Email"
msgstr "Nie można odnaleźć kolumny ( \"Email\" ) z adresem e-mail "
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:232
msgid "hidden"
msgstr "ukryty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:326,
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:327,
#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:59,
#: public_html/lists/admin/templates.php:60,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:100,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:206,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:117,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:125
msgid "delete"
msgstr "Kasuj"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:561
msgid "Sent in last run"
msgstr "Wysłane w ostatnim przetwarzaniu "
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:102,
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:134,
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:376,
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:431,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:337
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typ"
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:242
msgid "Processing first"
msgstr "Przetwarzanie pierwszego"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:132
msgid "When was it forwarded"
msgstr "Kiedy było przekazywane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:188,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:191
msgid "Add new"
msgstr "Dodaj"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:50
msgid "from"
msgstr "od"
#: public_html/lists/admin/generatebouncerules.php:145
msgid "bounces not matched"
msgstr "Zwrot nie pasuje"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:356
msgid "pagetitlehover:reindex"
msgstr "Przebudowa indeksów BD"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:14,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:8
msgid "Remote processing of the queue is now handled with a processing secret"
msgstr ""
"Zdalne przetwarzanie kolejki jest teraz obsługiwane z tajemnicą przetwarzania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:581
msgid "PDF"
msgstr "PDF"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:620
msgid "Report of processing will be sent by email"
msgstr "Raport przetwarzania będą wysyłane przez e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:791
msgid "Repeat Until"
msgstr "Powtarzaj, aż"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:311
#, php-format
msgid "invalid login from %s, tried logging in as %s"
msgstr "błąd logowania z %s, próba logowania jako %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:2289
msgid "Still loading, please wait"
msgstr "Trwa ładowanie, proszę czekać"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:188
msgid "Plugin"
msgstr "Wtyczki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:156
msgid "Control values for"
msgstr "Wartości kontrolne dla"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:40
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Aktywne"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:377
msgid "select"
msgstr "wybierz"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:143
msgid "There should only be ONE email per line."
msgstr "Powinien być tylko jeden e-mail w każdym wierszu. "
#: public_html/lists/index.php:752
msgid "Subscriber has been removed from blacklist"
msgstr "Subskrybent został usunięty z czarnej listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:443
#, php-format
msgid "You can send a test mail once every %d seconds"
msgstr "Można wysyłać wiadomości testowe raz na %d sekund"
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:19
msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Poniedziałek"
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:294
msgid "Public"
msgstr "Publiczny "
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:543
msgid "Processing bounces based on active bounce rules"
msgstr ""
"Przetwarzanie zwrotów na podstawie aktywnych reguł przetwarzania zwrotów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mergeduplicatelists.php:4
msgid "Merging lists"
msgstr "Scalanie list"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:366
msgid "reporting settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia raportowania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/logout.php:17
msgid ""
"You have been logged out, because the session token of your request was "
msgstr "Zostałeś wylogowany, ponieważ token sesji był nieprawidłowy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:791
msgid "Sorry, not implemented yet"
msgstr "Przepraszamy, rozwiązanie nie jest jeszcze zaimplementowane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:91
msgid "Manage Lists"
msgstr "Zarządzanie listami"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:57
msgid "Manage Campaigns"
msgstr "Zarządzanie Kampaniami"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:214
msgid "Some errors were found, template NOT saved!"
msgstr "Z powodu błędów szablon NIE został zapisany!"
#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:102
msgid "All Done"
msgstr "Zrobione!"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:128
msgid ""
"are you sure you want to delete all unidentified bounces older than 2 months"
msgstr ""
"czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wszystkie niezidentyfikowane zwroty starsze niż 2 "
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:82
#, php-format
msgid "Made subscriber %s unconfirmed"
msgstr "Spowoduj by subskrybent %s stał się niepotwierdzony"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:114,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:68
msgid "Please choose whether to sign up immediately or to send a notification"
msgstr ""
"Proszę wybrać, czy zarejestrować się natychmiast lub wysłać powiadomienie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:583
#, php-format
msgid "You have %s campaign(s) in the queue, ready for processing"
msgstr "Masz %s kampanii w kolejce, jesteś gotowy do ich przetworzenia?"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:227
msgid "File containing emails:"
msgstr "Plik z adresami e-mail:"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:313
msgid "pagetitle:uclicks"
msgstr "Statystyka kliknięć adresu URL"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:31
msgid "History Detail"
msgstr "Szczegóły historii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:75
msgid "Template saved and ready for use in campaigns"
msgstr "Szablon zapisany i gotowy do użytku"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:51
msgid "Members of this list"
msgstr "Członkowie tej listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:547
#, php-format
msgid ""
"In the last %s seconds more emails were sent (%s) than is currently allowed "
"per batch (%s)"
msgstr ""
"W ciągu ostatnich %s sekund więcej wiadomości zostało wysłane (%s) niż jest "
"obecnie dozwolone na partię (%s)"
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:27
msgid "Email is a system attribute"
msgstr "E-mail jest atrybutem systemu"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:222
msgid "pagetitlehover:catlists"
msgstr "Kategorie "
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:249
msgid "pagetitle:sendprepared"
msgstr "Wysyłanie przygotowanej wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:245
msgid "(no data)"
msgstr "(brak danych)"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1722,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:19,
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:33
msgid "July"
msgstr "Lipiec"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:154
msgid "id of admin"
msgstr "Identyfikator administratora"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:317,
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:322,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:236
msgid "User"
msgstr "Odbiorca"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/plugins.php:38
#, php-format
msgid "Failed to enable plugin (%s), dependencies failed"
msgstr "Nie udało się włączyć wtyczki (%s), zależności zawiodły"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:157
msgid "When the password change request was made"
msgstr "Kiedy powstało żądanie zmiany hasła"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:11
msgid "File is either to large or does not exist."
msgstr "Plik jest zbyt duży lub nie istnieje."
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:318
msgid "initialise"
msgstr "inicjalizuj"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:79
msgid "Admin who is owner"
msgstr "Admin, który jest właścicielem"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:95
msgid "Logo of the organisation"
msgstr "Logo organizacji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:149
msgid "Import of new subscriber"
msgstr "Import nowego subskrybenta "
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:87
msgid "no related bounces found"
msgstr "nie znaleziono powiązanych zwrotów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php:73
msgid "Download addresses"
msgstr "Pobierz adresy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:128
msgid "Default for 'From:' in a campaign"
msgstr "Domyślne dla pola 'Od:' w kampanii"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:180,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:188
msgid "Number of clicks from text emails"
msgstr "Liczba kliknięć z wiadomości (e-maili) tekstowych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:10
msgid "List Bounce Rules"
msgstr "Lista zasad zwrotów"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:223
msgid "pagetitle:editattributes"
msgstr "Edycja atrybutów "
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:19
msgid "unidentified"
msgstr "niezidentyfikowane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:150
msgid "No attachments"
msgstr "Brak załączników"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import.php:38
msgid "copy and paste list of emails"
msgstr "kopiuj i wklej listę adresów email"
#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:953
#, php-format
msgid "Error sending message %d (%d/%d) to %s (%s) "
msgstr "Błąd wysyłania wiadomości %d (%d/%d) do %s (%s) "
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:54
msgid "That rule exists already"
msgstr "Ta reguła już istnieje"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:188
msgid "one per line"
msgstr "jedna opcja w linii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send.php:101
msgid "start a new message"
msgstr "napisz nową wiadomość"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:91
msgid "Using local processing"
msgstr "Korzystanie z lokalnego przetwarzania "
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:359
msgid "new users"
msgstr "nowi użytkownicy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:34
msgid "Support forum"
msgstr "Forum pomocy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:446
msgid "Sending test mails is currently not available"
msgstr "Możliwość wysyłania wiadomości testowych nie jest obecnie dostępna"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:118
msgid "new plugin"
msgstr "nowa wtyczka"
#: public_html/lists/admin/checkbouncerules.php:46
msgid "bounce matched current active rules"
msgstr "dopasowane bieżących zwrotów do aktywnych ról "
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:369
msgid "You can only select \"public\" lists for subscribe pages."
msgstr ""
"Można wybrać tylko \"listy publiczne\" do wyświetlania na stronach "
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:131
msgid "Subscribe to our newsletter"
msgstr "Zapisz się na nasze newslettery!"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:293
msgid "URL where subscribers can unsubscribe"
msgstr "URL, pod którym subskrybenci mogą zrezygnować"
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:18
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Niedziela"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:285
msgid "List of Templates"
msgstr "Lista szablonów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:327
msgid "delete this plugin"
msgstr "usuń wtyczkę"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:113
msgid "does not exist"
msgstr "nie istnieje"
#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:35
msgid "Suppression list"
msgstr "Zarządzaj listą zablokowanych"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:112
msgid "The page that this process runs in"
msgstr "Strona na której działa ten proces"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:749,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:244
msgid "Notification throttle"
msgstr "Przepustnica powiadomień"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:40
msgid "Bounce processing error"
msgstr "Błąd przetwarzania danych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:41
msgid "Unconfirmed and not blacklisted members"
msgstr "Niepotwierdzeni i nie będący na czarnej liście "
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:277
msgid "pagetitle:viewtemplate"
msgstr "pagetitle:Podgląd szablonu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:214,
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:235
msgid "Invalid value for email address"
msgstr "Nieprawidłowy adres email"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:280
msgid "Message they receive when they subscribe"
msgstr "Wiadomość po zapisaniu się"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:8
msgid "No such attribute:"
msgstr "Nie ma takiego atrybutu:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:148,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/configure.php:64,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:414,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:39,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:112,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:113,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:234,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:255
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Tak"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processqueue.php:72
msgid "Processing queued campaigns"
msgstr "Kampanie w kolejce przetwarzania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mclicks.php:88,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:137,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:159
msgid "clickrate"
msgstr "clickrate"
#: public_html/lists/admin/msgstatus.php:31,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:125,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:269
msgid "msgs/hr"
msgstr "wiadomości/czas"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:390,
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:225
msgid "Cannot open mailbox file"
msgstr "Nie można otworzyć pliku poczty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/tests.php:42
msgid "Test failed"
msgstr "Test zakończony niepowodzeniem "
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:58
msgid "Category assignments saved"
msgstr "Zapisano kategorię "
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:602,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:603
msgid "View"
msgstr "Zobacz"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:62
#, php-format
msgid "%s left until embargo"
msgstr "%s pozostało do embargo"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:38
#, php-format
msgid ""
"The maximum POST size is smaller than the maximum upload filesize. If your "
"upload file is too large, import will fail. See the PHP documentation at <a "
msgstr ""
"Maksymalny rozmiar POST jest mniejszy niż rozmiar maksymalny do przesyłania "
"pliku. Jeśli plik upload jest zbyt duży, import nie powiedzie się. "
"Dokumentacja PHP na <a href=\"%s\"> %s</a>"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:56
msgid "To install phpList, you need to enable Javascript"
msgstr "Aby zainstalować phpList, trzeba włączyć obsługę Javascript"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:248
msgid "Login Name"
msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:227
msgid "Send a Prepared Message"
msgstr "Wyślij przygotowaną wiadomość"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:659
msgid "Domains that only accept text emails, one per line"
msgstr "Domeny, które akceptują tylko maile tekstowe, jedna na"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:330
msgid "Dependency check"
msgstr "Sprawdzanie zależności"
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:165,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/statsoverview.php:146
msgid "Unique Clicks"
msgstr "Unikalne kliknięcia"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:210
msgid "Copying users"
msgstr "Kopiuj odbiorców"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:539
msgid "automatic updater"
msgstr "automatyczny aktualizator"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:14
msgid "Check Current Bounce Rules"
msgstr "Sprawdź obowiązujące zasady zwrotów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:750,
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:125
msgid "Stop sending after"
msgstr "Nie wysyłać po"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:297
msgid "pagetitle:eventlog"
msgstr "pagetitle:Dziennik zdarzeń"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1371
#, php-format
msgid "phpList has finished sending the campaign with subject %s"
msgstr "phpList zakończył wysyłanie kampanii z tematem %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:201
msgid "imap_getmailboxes failed"
msgstr "niepowodzenie imap_getmailboxes"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:179,
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:82
msgid "choose category"
msgstr "wybierz kategorię"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:58
msgid "Time to send message"
msgstr "Czas wysłania wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php:18,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php:39,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php:68
msgid "subscribers deleted"
msgstr "subskrybenci usunięci"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:305
msgid "pagetitle:vote"
msgstr "Głosuj na PHPlist"
#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:5
msgid "default login is"
msgstr "Domyślny login"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:70
msgid "Domain Name of your server (for email)"
msgstr "Nazwa domeny twojego serwera (dla poczty)"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:272
msgid "Login not available. Create an account first."
msgstr "Logowanie jest niedostępne. Najpierw stwórz konto."
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:553
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Your phpList version is older than two years. Please %supgrade phpList</a> "
"before continuing.</br>\n"
" Visit <a href=\"\" title=\""
msgstr ""
"Your phpList version is older than two years. Please %supgrade phpList</a> "
"before continuing.</br>\n"
"Visit <a href=\"\" title=\""
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:90
msgid ""
"Please upload a plain text file only. You cannot use a spreadsheet. You need "
"to export the data from the spreadsheet into a TAB delimited text file"
msgstr ""
"Proszę przesyłać tylko pliki tekstowe. Nie można korzystać z arkusza "
"kalkulacyjnego. Musisz wyeksportować dane z arkusza kalkulacyjnego do pliku "
"tekstowego (CSV)"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:78,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:82,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:100,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:137,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:194,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:113,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:160
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Tytuł"
#: public_html/lists/admin/msgstatus.php:19
msgid "Stalled"
msgstr "Zatrzymany"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:302
msgid "Error, no mapped attribute for"
msgstr "Błąd, brak przydzielonego atrybutu dla"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:55
msgid "Resending confirmation request to"
msgstr "Ponowna prośba o potwierdzenie wysłana do"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:164
msgid "page this log was for"
msgstr "strona dla której był ten log"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:227,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:511
msgid "new email was"
msgstr "Nowy e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:409
msgid "Add a User"
msgstr "Dodaj użytkownika"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:239
msgid "pagetitle:import"
msgstr "pagetitle:Importowanie odbiorców"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:80,
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:162,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:409
msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Właściciel"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1267
msgid "message content missing"
msgstr "Nie wprowadzono treści wiadomości."
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:516,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:517
#, php-format
msgid "Processing blocked by plugin %s"
msgstr "Przetwarzania, blokowane przez wtyczki %s"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:352
msgid "pagetitlehover:ajaxform"
msgstr "Formularz AJAX"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1343
msgid ""
"Some required information is missing. The send button will be enabled when "
"this is resolved."
msgstr ""
"Brakuje części informacji. Możliwość wysyłki zostanie włączona gdy problemy "
"zostaną rozwiązane."
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:107
msgid "info"
msgstr "informacja"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:297
msgid "Warning: script never reached stage 5"
msgstr "Uwaga: Skrypt nie osiągnął etapu 5"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:199
msgid "Action on rule"
msgstr "Działanie na regule"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:212
msgid "Was subscribed to:"
msgstr "Został zasubskrybowany do:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:570
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Format"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:422
msgid "Message subscribers receive when they unsubscribe"
msgstr "Treść wiadomości potwierdzającej rezygnacje z subskrypcji "
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:91
msgid "Link URL"
msgstr "Link URL"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:113
msgid "Secret for remote processing"
msgstr "Klucz prywatny"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:227,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:511
msgid "new emails were"
msgstr "nowe e-maile były"
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:141
msgid "Record has more values than header indicated, this may cause trouble"
msgstr "Rekord ma więcej wartości niż nagłówek, może to spowodować problemy"
#: public_html/lists/index.php:663
msgid "Send this subscriber a request for confirmation email"
msgstr "Wyślij temu subskrybentowi e-mail potwierdzający"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:144,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:177
msgid "exists locally"
msgstr "istnieje lokalnie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/login.php:82
msgid "The passwords you entered are not the same."
msgstr "Hasła, które podano, nie są zgodne."
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultsystemtemplate.php:423
msgid "The selected default template has been added as template with ID"
msgstr "Zaznaczony domyślny szablon został dodany jako szablon z ID"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:317
msgid "pagetitle:massremove"
msgstr "Masowe usunięcie adresów"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:322
msgid "pagetitlehover:bouncemgt"
msgstr "Zwroty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/storemessage.php:20
msgid ""
"You are trying to send a remote URL, but PEAR::HTTP_Request is not "
"available, so this will fail"
msgstr ""
"Wysłanie zdalnego adresu URL nie powiedzie się, ponieważ PEAR::HTTP_Request "
"nie jest dostępny"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:37,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:41
msgid "Embargo"
msgstr "Embargo"
#: public_html/lists/admin/usercheck.php:8
msgid "Non existing subscribers "
msgstr "Nieistniejących subskrybentów "
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:111
msgid "updating existing plugin"
msgstr "aktualizacja istniejących wtyczek"
#: public_html/lists/admin/hostedprocessqueuesetup.php:33
msgid "Error, the API key is incorrect"
msgstr "Błąd, klucz API jest nieprawidłowy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:298
msgid "Content of the template."
msgstr "Zawartość szablonu."
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:56
msgid "All bounces have been deleted"
msgstr "Wszystkie zwroty zostały usunięte"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:30
msgid "History Summary"
msgstr "Podsumowanie Historii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/dbcheck.php:93
msgid "check"
msgstr "sprawdź"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:522
msgid ""
"Note: this will use the total count of bounces on a subscriber, not "
"consecutive bounces"
msgstr ""
"Uwaga: to usunie całkowitą liczbę zwrotów dla subskrybenta, ale nie "
"kolejnych zwrotów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/date.php:23
msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Piątek"
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:156,
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:116
msgid "Mime Type"
msgstr "Typ MIME"
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsmgt.php:18,
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:452
msgid "Convert Old data to new"
msgstr "Konwersja starych danych do nowych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:85,
#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:87,
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:265
msgid "Upgrading column "
msgstr "Aktualizacja kolumny"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:378
#, php-format
msgid "invalidated login from %s for %s (error %s)"
msgstr "unieważnione logowania %s z %s (błąd: %s)"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:209
msgid "List for testing"
msgstr "Lista do testowania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:49
msgid ""
"You only have privileges to view this page, not change any of the information"
msgstr ""
"Masz tylko uprawnienia by zobaczyć tę stronę, a nie zmieniać żadnych "
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:137
msgid "Normalised loginname"
msgstr "Znormalizowana nazwa użytkownika"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:93
msgid "summary"
msgstr "podsumowanie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:420
msgid "Delete tagged attributes"
msgstr "Usuń zaznaczone atrybuty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:461
msgid ""
"Subject of the message subscribers receive when they have changed their "
msgstr ""
"Temat wiadomości, którą subskrybenci otrzymają gdy zmienią detale na swój "
#: public_html/lists/admin/lib.php:27
msgid "blacklist subscriber"
msgstr "umieść subskrybenta na czarnej liście"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:218
msgid "Not subscribed to any lists"
msgstr "Nie subskrybujesz żadnych list"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:129
msgid "add a new rule"
msgstr "dodaj nową regułę"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php:91
#, php-format
msgid "%d bounces have been associated with a subscriber profile"
msgstr "%d zwrotów powiązano z profilem subskrybenta"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:718
#, php-format
msgid "to view the progress of this campaign, go to %s://%s"
msgstr "aby zobaczyć statystyki tej kampanii, przejdź do%s://%s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:255
msgid "Sending a test from templates only works for the system template."
msgstr "Wysyłania testu z szablonów działa tylko dla szablonu systemowego."
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:265
msgid "Update status"
msgstr "Status aktualizacji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:65
msgid "It is best to do this before initialising the database."
msgstr "To najlepiej zrobić to przed zainicjowaniem bazy danych."
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:72,
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:271,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:224
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:99
msgid "Exclude filter"
msgstr "Wykluczenie filtru"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:217
msgid "pagetitle:list"
msgstr "Lista newsletterów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:346
msgid ""
"<h3>Thanks, you have been added to our newsletter</h3><p>You will receive an "
"email to confirm your subscription. Please click the link in the email to "
msgstr ""
"<h3>Zostałeś dodany do naszego newslettera</h3><p>Otrzymasz od nas wiadomość "
"e-mail. Kliknij link w tej wiadomości e-mail, aby potwierdzić subskrypcję</p>"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:312
msgid "pagetitlehover:mclicks"
msgstr "Statystyka kliknięć wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/configure.php:90
msgid "cannot be empty"
msgstr "nie może być pusty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:510
msgid ""
"phpList will work without Javascript, but it will be easier to use if you "
"switch it on."
msgstr ""
"phpList może działać bez Javascript, ale będzie łatwiejszy w używaniu jeśli "
"je włączysz."
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:402
msgid "Your session timed out, please login again"
msgstr "Sesja wygasła, proszę zalogować się ponownie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:175
msgid "Increase bouncecount with"
msgstr "Zwiększ liczbę zwrotów z"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:667
msgid "last time TLDs were fetched"
msgstr "Ostatni raz gdy zostały pobrane domeny najwyższego poziomu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:832
msgid ""
"Below are users who have been marked unconfirmed. The number in () is the "
"number of consecutive bounces."
msgstr ""
"Poniżej znajdują się użytkownicy, którzy zostali oznaczeni jako "
"niepotwierdzeni. Liczby w () jest liczbą zwrotów wadomości."
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:360,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:113
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Wyłączone"
#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:986
#, php-format
msgid "Campaign %d suspended. Message too large"
msgstr "Wysyłka kampanii %d wstrzymana. Wiadomość zbyt duża"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:607,
#: public_html/lists/admin/subscriberstats.php:7,
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:97
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Statystyka"
#: public_html/lists/admin/about.php:21
msgid "Legal"
msgstr "Prawne"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:22
msgid ""
"You currently have no rules defined. You can click \"Generate Bounce "
"Rules\" in order to auto-generate rules from your existing bounces. "
"This will results in a lot of rules which you will need to review and "
"activate. It will however, not catch every single bounce, so it will be "
"necessary to add new rules over time when new bounces come in."
msgstr ""
"Nie ma aktualnie zdefiniowanych żadnych reguł. Można kliknąć \"Generowanie "
"reguł zwrotów\" w celu automatycznego generowania reguł z istniejących "
"zwrotów. Spowoduje to powstanie wielu zasad, które trzeba będzie przejrzeć i "
"aktywować. "
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:436,
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:445,
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:265,
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:270
msgid "Deleting message"
msgstr "Usuwanie wiadomości"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:273
msgid "pagetitle:templates"
msgstr "pagetitle:Zarządzanie szablonami kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/dbcheck.php:87
msgid "unique"
msgstr "unikalny"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:249,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:388
msgid "processqueue"
msgstr "Przetwarzanie kolejki"
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:90
msgid "No events available"
msgstr "Żadna wydarzenie nie jest dostępne"
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:75
msgid "Subscriber clicks for a URL in a campaign"
msgstr "Subskrybent klika na adres URL w kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:94,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:523,
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:134
msgid "Record has no email"
msgstr "Rekord nie ma e-maila"
#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1071,
#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1086
msgid "phpList system error"
msgstr "błąd systemu phpList"
#: public_html/lists/admin/usermgt.php:37
msgid "Verify subscribers"
msgstr "Weryfikuj subskrybentów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:81,
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:125,
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:136
#, php-format
msgid "Converting %s from %s to %s"
msgstr "Konwersja %s z %s do %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:42
msgid "Bounce Processing info"
msgstr "Przetwarzanie informacji o zwrotach"
#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/interfacelib.php:868,
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:68
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Wstecz"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounces.php:52
#, php-format
msgid "%d processed bounces older than 2 months have been deleted"
msgstr "%d przetworzone zwroty starsze niż 2 miesiące zostały usunięte"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:627
msgid "Message to send when they request their personal location"
msgstr "Wiadomość do wysłania gdy poproszą o ich osobistą lokalizację"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mviews.php:72
msgid "Available Messages"
msgstr "Dostępne wiadomości"
#: public_html/lists/admin/index.php:565
msgid ""
"open_basedir restrictions are in effect, which may be the cause of the next "
msgstr ""
"w open_basedir obowiązują ograniczenia, które mogą być przyczyną następny "
#: public_html/lists/admin/attributes.php:426
msgid "Add new Attribute"
msgstr "Dodaj atrybut"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:70
msgid "Images stored"
msgstr "Obrazy zapisane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import2.php:514
#, php-format
msgid "%d duplicate emails found."
msgstr "%d duplikatów adresów e-mail."
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:215
msgid "Is now subscribed to:"
msgstr "Jest teraz subskrybentem:"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:9
msgid "subscriber id"
msgstr "Id subskrybenta"
#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:35
msgid "Independent professional support"
msgstr "Niezależne, profesjonalne wsparcie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editlist.php:177,
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:90
msgid "Category"
msgstr "Kategoria"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerule.php:54
msgid "activate and next"
msgstr "aktywować i następny"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:131
#, php-format
msgid "Cannot read %s. file is not readable !"
msgstr "Nie można odczytać %s. Plik nie m on uprawnień do odczytu!"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:49
msgid "subject"
msgstr "temat"
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:101
msgid "Date entered"
msgstr "Data dodania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:109
msgid "order"
msgstr "kolejność"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:499
msgid "Sent test mail to"
msgstr "Wyślij e-mail testowy do"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/export.php:64
#, php-format
msgid "phpList Export on %s from %s to %s (%s).csv"
msgstr "Eksport phpList na %s z %s do %s (%s).csv"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:287
msgid "pagetitle:processbounces"
msgstr "pagetitle:Przetwarzanie zwrotów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:188
msgid "Possible Actions:"
msgstr "Możliwe działania:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:157
msgid "not created"
msgstr "nie utworzono"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:70
msgid "phpList initialisation"
msgstr "Inicjalizacja phpList"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:274
msgid "pagetitlehover:templates"
msgstr "pagetitlehover:Zarządzanie szablonami kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:107,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:251
msgid "import"
msgstr "import"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:528
msgid "Delete subscribers who have an invalid email address"
msgstr "Usuń subskrybentów, którzy mają nieprawidłowy adres e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:215
msgid "Deleting subscribers with more than"
msgstr "Usuwanie odbiorców z więcej niż"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:334
msgid "pagetitlehover:dbcheck"
msgstr "Sprawdzić BD"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:533
msgid "Subject of message when subscribers request their personal location"
msgstr "Temat wiadomości gdy subskrybenci poproszą o ich osobistą lokalizację"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:183,
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:226,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:97,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:326,
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:395
msgid "Go"
msgstr "Przejdź"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:915
msgid "forwardfooter"
msgstr "Stopka wiadomości przekazywanych dalej"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:204
msgid "Categories for lists. Separate with commas."
msgstr "Kategorie dla list. Oddziel je przecinkami."
#: public_html/lists/admin/importadmin.php:14
msgid "No file was specified."
msgstr "Nie podano pliku."
#: public_html/lists/admin/catlists.php:71
msgid "Re-edit all lists"
msgstr "Re-edycja wszystkich list"
#: public_html/lists/admin/readtestmail.php:239
msgid "mails in mailbox"
msgstr "wiadomości e-mail w skrzynce pocztowej"
#: public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php:97,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:12,
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:17,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:732,
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:105,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:84,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:103,
#: public_html/lists/admin/userclicks.php:140,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php:73,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:282,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:289,
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:296,
#: public_html/lists/admin/mviews.php:89
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Temat"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:104
msgid "Are you sure you want to reset this subscription page template?"
msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz zresetować ten szablon strony subskrypcji?"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:194,
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:200
msgid "Create password"
msgstr "Stwórz hasło"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:330
msgid "Marking subscribers with an invalid email as unconfirmed"
msgstr "Oznaczenie odbiorców z błędnymi adresami e-mail jako niepotwierdzonych"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:239
msgid "Continue with"
msgstr "Aby kontynuować"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import.php:40
msgid "import by uploading a file with emails"
msgstr "zaimportuj przez wgranie pliku z adresami email"
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:247
msgid "changed from"
msgstr "zmieniono z"
#: public_html/lists/admin/viewtemplate.php:21
msgid "Back to edit template"
msgstr "Powrót do edycji szablonu"
#: public_html/lists/admin/adminattributes.php:94,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:324,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:374,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:419
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Usuń"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:106
msgid "user found"
msgstr "znaleziono odbiorcę"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:38
msgid "Invalid download URL, please reload the page and try again"
msgstr "Nieprawidłowy URL pobierania, przeładuj stronę i spróbuj ponownie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/eventlog.php:50
msgid "Deleted all entries"
msgstr "Usuń wszystkie wpisy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/sendemaillib.php:1083
#, php-format
msgid "Attachment %s does not exist"
msgstr "Załącznik %s nie istnieje"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:110
msgid "Is this process still alive?"
msgstr "Czy ten proces jeszcze działa?"
#: public_html/lists/admin/msgstatus.php:30,
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:89,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:119,
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/msgstatus.php:124,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:159
msgid "Processing"
msgstr "Przetwarzanie"
#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:63,
#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:66
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Uaktualnij"
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:40
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Another process is already upgrading this installation. Click %s to force "
"upgrade, but only if you are sure the other process is no longer active."
msgstr ""
"Inny proces już uaktualnia tą instalację. Kliknij %s, aby wymusić "
"aktualizację, ale tylko wtedy, gdy jesteś pewien, że inny proces nie jest "
"już aktywny."
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:38
msgid ""
"Another process is already upgrading this installation. Use -f to force "
"upgrade, but only if you are sure the other process is no longer active."
msgstr ""
"Inny proces już uaktualnia tą instalację. Użyj -f, aby wymusić aktualizację, "
"ale tylko wtedy, gdy jesteś pewien, że inny proces nie jest już aktywny."
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:316
msgid "Marking all as sent "
msgstr "Oznaczenie wszystkiego jako wysłane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1732,
#: public_html/lists/admin/systemstats.php:29
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Lut"
#: public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php:59
msgid ""
"Your version is older than 3.2.0 and cannot be upgraded to this version. "
"Please upgrade to 3.2.0 first and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Twoja wersja jest starsza niż 3.2.0 i nie można jej zaktualizować do "
"najnowszej. Najpierw zaktualizuj do wersji 3.2.0, a następnie spróbuj "
#: public_html/lists/admin/spage.php:71
msgid "subscribe pages"
msgstr "strony subskrypcji"
#: public_html/lists/admin/bounce.php:165,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncerules.php:141
msgid "Add new Rule"
msgstr "Dodaj nową regułę"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:264
msgid "Calculating"
msgstr "Obliczanie..."
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:354
msgid "Campaign added"
msgstr "Kampania dodana"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:693
msgid ""
"The file you upload will need to have the attributes of the records on "
"the first line. Make sure that the email column is called \"email\" and "
"not something like \"e-mail\" or \"Email Address\". Case is not "
"important. If you have a column called \"Foreign Key\", this will "
"be used for synchronisation between an external database and the phpList "
"database. The foreignkey will take precedence when matching an existing "
"subscriber. This will slow down the import process. If you use this, it is "
"allowed to have records without email, but an \"Invalid Email\" will be "
"created instead. You can then do a search on \"invalid email\" to find "
"those records. Maximum size of a foreign key is 100. Warning: the "
"file needs to be plain text. Do not upload binary files like a Word "
"Document. "
msgstr ""
"Przesyłany plik musi posiadać nazwy kolumn w pierwszej linii. Upewnij się, "
"że kolumna e-mail jest nazwana \"email\". Jeśli masz kolumnę o nazwie "
"\"Foreign Key\", to można wykorzystać go do synchronizacji zewnętrznej bazy "
"danych i bazy danych phpList. ForeignKey będą miały pierwszeństwo podczas "
"dopasowywania istniejącego subskrybenta. Będzie to spowolnić proces "
"importowania. Maksymalny rozmiar ForeignKey to 100. Uwaga: plik musi być "
"tekstowy, nie można przesyłać plików takich jak np.: dokument Word."
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:51
msgid "Import cleared"
msgstr "Import wyczyszczony"
#: public_html/lists/admin/inc/interfacelib.php:254
#, php-format
msgid "sort by %s"
msgstr "sortuj według %s"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/subscription.php:86
msgid "no details found"
msgstr "nie znaleziono szczegółów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:237
msgid "All the emails already exist in the database."
msgstr "E-mail (e) są już w naszej bazie danych."
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1135
msgid "Sending"
msgstr "Wysyłam…"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:248
msgid "Maybe you want to"
msgstr "A może chcesz"
#: public_html/lists/admin/subscribelib2.php:119
msgid "phplist Spam blocked"
msgstr "phplist Spam zablokowany"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:344
msgid "pagetitlehover:bouncerules"
msgstr "Reguły zwrotów "
#: public_html/lists/admin/converttoutf8.php:43
msgid "Confirm UTF8 conversion"
msgstr "Potwierdź konwersję UTF8"
#: public_html/lists/admin/editattributes.php:49
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all values?"
msgstr "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wszystkie wartości?"
#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:151
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Eksport"
#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:41
msgid ""
"phpList is a community effort — your contributions power the project. "
"Help phpList to serve your needs more effectively by applying your skills "
"and resources."
msgstr ""
"phpList jest tworzona przez społeczność — twój wkład zasili projekt."
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:747,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:242,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:270
msgid "Make confirmed immediately"
msgstr "Potwierdzenie automatyczne"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:232
msgid "Dimensions of a textarea field (rows,columns)"
msgstr "Wymiary pola textarea (wiersze, kolumny)"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:709
msgid "Send a Webpage"
msgstr "Wyślij stronę www"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:371,
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1300
msgid ""
"This campaign is scheduled to stop sending before the embargo time. No mails "
"will be sent."
msgstr ""
"Ta kampania jest zaplanowana by przestać wysyłkę przed czasem embargo. Nie "
"zostaną wysłane żadne wiadomości."
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:114
msgid "The template"
msgstr "Szablon"
#: public_html/lists/admin/members.php:367
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Działania"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:362
msgid "Update available"
msgstr "Dostępna aktualizacja"
#: public_html/lists/admin/users.php:372
msgid "Find a user"
msgstr "Znajdź użytkownika"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php:208
msgid "Top 25 domains with the highest number of bounces"
msgstr "25 domen z największą liczbą odrzuceń"
#: public_html/lists/admin/generatebouncerules.php:146
msgid "bounces matched to existing rules"
msgstr "zwroty dopasowane do istniejących przepisów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/export.php:14,
#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:31
msgid "That is not your list"
msgstr "To nie jest twoja lista"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/mergeduplicatelists.php:10
#, php-format
msgid "First list: %d"
msgstr "Pierwsza lista: %d"
#: public_html/lists/admin/home.php:264,
#: public_html/lists/admin/bouncemgt.php:16
msgid "Process Bounces"
msgstr "Przetwarzanie zwrotów"
#: public_html/lists/admin/messages.php:144
msgid "draft"
msgstr "wersja robocza"
#: public_html/lists/admin/spageedit.php:375
msgid "If you do not choose a list here, all public lists will be displayed."
msgstr "Jeśli nie wybierzesz listy, będą wyświetlane wszystkie listy publiczne."
#: public_html/lists/admin/suppressionlist.php:36
msgid "Make suppression permanent"
msgstr "Ustaw blokowanie na stałe"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1050
msgid "Estimated size of HTML email"
msgstr "Szacunkowa wielkość e-maila HTML"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import2.php:434
#, php-format
msgid "%d lines will be imported"
msgstr "%d linie zostaną zaimportowane"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import1.php:201
msgid "adding_users"
msgstr "adding_users"
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:186,
#: public_html/lists/admin/template.php:191
#, php-format
msgid "%d times used"
msgstr "%d razy użyty"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admins.php:36
msgid "Add new admin"
msgstr "Dodaj nowego administratora"
#: public_html/lists/admin/message.php:51
msgid "campaign requeued"
msgstr "kampania ponowanie w kolejce"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/import1.php:228,
#: public_html/lists/admin/import3.php:512
msgid "emails were"
msgstr "e-maile były"
#: public_html/lists/admin/connect.php:1329
msgid "All Lists"
msgstr "Wszystkie listy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/import4.php:87
msgid "Overwrite Existing:"
msgstr "Zastąp istniejące:"
#: public_html/lists/admin/list.php:299
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Kolejność"
#: public_html/lists/admin/user.php:541
msgid "Subscription"
msgstr "Subskrypcja"
#: public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php:131
msgid "unable to find original email"
msgstr "nie znaleziono originalnego adresu e-mail"
#: public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php:824
#, php-format
msgid "total of %d subscribers processed"
msgstr "ogółem przetworzono %d odbiorców"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:283
msgid "pagetitle:admins"
msgstr "Administratorzy"
#: public_html/lists/admin/actions/processqueue.php:1155
msgid "seconds to send"
msgstr "sekund, aby wysłać"
#: public_html/databasestructure.php:13
msgid "Is this subscriber confirmed"
msgstr "Czy subskrybent jest potwierdzony"
#: public_html/lists/admin/admin.php:204
msgid "Password must be at least 8 characters"
msgstr "Hasło musi zawierać co najmniej 8 znaków"
#: public_html/lists/admin/plugins.php:336
#, php-format
msgid "Failure on system requirement <strong>%s</strong>"
msgstr "NIEPOWODZENIE. Wymagania systemu <strong>%s</strong>"
#: public_html/lists/admin/updatetranslation.php:70
msgid "Install"
msgstr "Instalacja"
#: public_html/lists/admin/initialise.php:63
#, php-format
msgid ""
"You can set <pre>$default_system_language = \"%s\";</pre> in your config "
"file, to use your language as the fallback language."
msgstr ""
"Można ustawić <pre>$default_system_language = \"%s\";</pre> w pliku config, "
"aby używać swój język jako język bazowy."
#: public_html/lists/admin/community.php:16
msgid "phpList is Open Source software"
msgstr "phpList jest oprogramowaniem Open Source"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:168
msgid "Analytics tracking code to add to campaign URLs"
msgstr "Kod śledzenia Analytics do dodania do adresów URL kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/defaultconfig.php:160
msgid "Always add analytics tracking code to campaigns"
msgstr "Zawsze dodawaj kod śledzenia analytics do kampanii"
#: public_html/lists/admin/send_core.php:1039
msgid "Add analytics tracking code"
msgstr "Dodaj kod śledzenia analytics"
#: public_html/lists/admin/export.php:32
msgid ""
"Exporting all subscribers. Use -l[listnumber] to export subscribers on a list"
msgstr ""
"Eksportowanie wszystkich subskrybentów. Użyj -l[numer listy], aby "
"wyeksportować subskrybentów z listy"