[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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namespace kcfinder;

 * FastImage - Because sometimes you just want the size!
 * Based on the Ruby Implementation by Steven Sykes (https://github.com/sdsykes/fastimage)
 * Copyright (c) 2012 Tom Moor
 * Tom Moor, http://tommoor.com
 * MIT Licensed
 * @version 0.1

class fastImage
  private $strpos = 0;
  private $str = '';
  private $uri;
  private $type;
  private $handle;

  public function __construct($uri = null)
    if ($uri) $this->load($uri);

  public function load($uri)
    if ($this->handle) $this->close();

    $this->uri = $uri;
    // Joy - this is a fix for URLs missing "http:"
    if ($uri[0] == '/' && $uri[1] == '/') {
      $uri = 'http:' . $uri;

    $this->handle = fopen(
        'http'=> array('timeout' => 0.5),

  public function isValid()
    return empty($this->handle) ? false : true;

  public function close()
    if (is_resource($this->handle)) fclose($this->handle);

  public function getSize()
    $this->strpos = 0;
    if ($this->getType())
      return array_values($this->parseSize());

    return false;

  public function getType()
    $this->strpos = 0;

    if (!$this->type)
      switch ($this->getChars(2))
      case "BM":
        return $this->type = 'bmp';
      case "GI":
        return $this->type = 'gif';
      case chr(0xFF).chr(0xd8):
        return $this->type = 'jpeg';
      case chr(0x89).'P':
        return $this->type = 'png';
        return false;

    return $this->type;

  private function parseSize()
    $this->strpos = 0;

    switch ($this->type)
    case 'png':
      return $this->parseSizeForPNG();
    case 'gif':
      return $this->parseSizeForGIF();
    case 'bmp':
      return $this->parseSizeForBMP();
    case 'jpeg':
      return $this->parseSizeForJPEG();

    return null;

  private function parseSizeForPNG()
    $chars = $this->getChars(25);

    return unpack("N*", substr($chars, 16, 8));

  private function parseSizeForGIF()
    $chars = $this->getChars(11);

    return unpack("S*", substr($chars, 6, 4));

  private function parseSizeForBMP()
    $chars = $this->getChars(29);
    $chars = substr($chars, 14, 14);
    $type = unpack('C', $chars);

    return (reset($type) == 40) ? unpack('L*', substr($chars, 4)) : unpack('L*', substr($chars, 4, 8));

  private function parseSizeForJPEG()
    $state = null;
    $i = 0;

    while (true)
      switch ($state)
        $state = 'started';
      case 'started':
        $b = $this->getByte();
        if ($b === false) return false;

        $state = $b == 0xFF ? 'sof' : 'started';

      case 'sof':
        $b = $this->getByte();
        if (in_array($b, range(0xe0, 0xef)))
          $state = 'skipframe';
        elseif (in_array($b, array_merge(range(0xC0,0xC3), range(0xC5,0xC7), range(0xC9,0xCB), range(0xCD,0xCF))))
          $state = 'readsize';
        elseif ($b == 0xFF)
          $state = 'sof';
          $state = 'skipframe';

      case 'skipframe':
        $skip = $this->readInt($this->getChars(2)) - 2;
        $state = 'doskip';

      case 'doskip':
        $state = 'started';

      case 'readsize':
        $c = $this->getChars(7);

        return array($this->readInt(substr($c, 5, 2)), $this->readInt(substr($c, 3, 2)));

  private function getChars($n)
    $response = null;

    // do we need more data?
    if ($this->strpos + $n -1 >= strlen($this->str))
      $end = ($this->strpos + $n);

      while (strlen($this->str) < $end && $response !== false)
        // read more from the file handle
        $need = $end - ftell($this->handle);

        if ($response = fread($this->handle, $need))
          $this->str .= $response;
          return false;

    $result = substr($this->str, $this->strpos, $n);
    $this->strpos += $n;

    return $result;

  private function getByte()
    $c = $this->getChars(1);
    $b = unpack("C", $c);

    return reset($b);

  private function readInt($str)
    $size = unpack("C*", $str);

    return ($size[1] << 8) + $size[2];

  public function __destruct()


Name Type Size Permission Actions
.htaccess File 50 B 0644
class_fastImage.php File 4.56 KB 0644
class_image.php File 7.66 KB 0644
class_image_gd.php File 11.52 KB 0644
class_image_gmagick.php File 8.06 KB 0644
class_image_imagick.php File 8.37 KB 0644
class_zipFolder.php File 1.87 KB 0644
helper_dir.php File 4.83 KB 0644
helper_file.php File 8.06 KB 0644
helper_httpCache.php File 3.59 KB 0644
helper_path.php File 4.42 KB 0644
helper_phpGet.php File 5.07 KB 0644
helper_text.php File 1.3 KB 0644