* Botbouncer class
* The purpose of this class is to have a single interface to multiple anti-comment-spam services on the internet.
* That way, you can write your application code to check for spam and decide which of the services to use
* to actually identify the spam.
* Currently supported:
* StopForumSpam: http://www.stopforumspam.com
* Project Honeypot: http://www.projecthoneypot.org
* Akismet: http://www.akismet.com
* Mollom: http://www.mollom.com
* @author Michiel Dethmers, phpList Ltd, http://www.phplist.com
* @version 0.3 - Apr 23, 2013 - renamed Botbouncer (from FormspamCheck.class)
* @version 0.2 - Sept 8th 2011 - added Mollom support
* version 0.1 - 24 August 2011
* @license LGPL (Lesser Gnu Public License) http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html
* @package Botbouncer
* Free to use, distribute and modify in Open as well as Closed Source software
* ---------------
* For more information and how to set up and configure, http://www.botbouncer.org/
* It currently uses three services, stopforumspam.com, project honeypot and akismet
* If you know of any other services that can be integrated, let me know.
* Credits: Very loosely based on the original phpBB mod from "microUgly"
* http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=70&t=1349145
* Botbouncer class, centralised spam protection
* Check form submission against multipe spam protection sources
* @example example.php
* @package Botbouncer
* @subpackage classes
class Botbouncer {
/** var LE - line ending */
private $LE = "\n";
private $sfsEnabled = true;
private $honeyPotApiKey = '';
private $akismetApiKey = '';
private $akismetBlogURL = 'http://www.yoursite.com';
private $memCached = false;
private $doHpCheck = false;
private $akismetEnabled = false;
private $logRoot = '/var/log/botbouncer';
private $logActivity = true;
private $debug = false;
private $debugToLog = true;
private $UA = 'Botbouncer (v.0.3)';
// The StopFormSpam API URL
private $stopSpamAPIUrl = 'https://api.stopforumspam.org/api';
private $startTime = 0;
private $mollomCheck = '';
private $mollomEnabled = false;
private $ipIntelEnabled = false;
private $ipIntelAPIUrl = 'http://check.getipintel.net/check.php';
private $ipIntelContact = ''; // IP Intel requires a contact e-mail address
private $ipIntelSpamThreshold = 0.99; // Per API's recommendation for automated systems
* (array) matchDetails - further details on a match provided by SFS
public $matchDetails = '';
* (string) matchedBy - which service returned the match when isSpam returns true
public $matchedBy = '';
* (string) matchedOn - what field was matched when isSpam returns true
public $matchedOn = '';
* (bool) isSpam - flag indicating spam (true) or ham (false) after running any spamcheck
public $isSpam = false;
private $services = array(
'SFS' => 'Stop Forum Spam',
'HP' => 'Honeypot Project',
'AKI' => 'Akismet',
'MOL' => 'Mollom',
'IPI' => 'IP Intel'
private $sfsSpamTriggers = array ( ## set a default, in case it's not in config
'username' => array (
'ban_end' => FALSE,
'freq_tolerance' => 2,
'ban_reason' => 'You have been identified as a spammer.',
'email' => array (
'ban_end' => FALSE,
'freq_tolerance' => 0,
'ban_reason' => 'You have been identified as a spammer.',
'ip' => array (
'ban_end' => 604800,// 7 days
'freq_tolerance' => 1,
'ban_reason' => 'You have been identified as a spammer.',
private $akismetFields = array(
public function setDebug($setting) {
$this->debug = (bool)$setting;
$this->debugToLog = (bool) $setting;
* constructor
* initialise class with services available. There's no need to use all, if any service is not
* configured, the check for it will be disabled automatically
* @param string $hpKey - API key for Honeypot Project
* @param string $akismetKey - API key for Akismet service
* @param string $akismetUrl - BlogURL for Akismet service
* @param string $ipIntelContact - Contact email for IP Intel
public function __construct($hpKey = '',$akismetKey = '',$akismetUrl = '', $mollomPrivateKey = '',$mollomPublicKey = '', $ipIntelContact = '') {
if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
print 'curl dependency error';
$this->dbg('FSC Init');
if (!empty($hpKey)) {
$this->honeyPotApiKey = $hpKey;
$this->doHpCheck = true;
} elseif (!empty($GLOBALS['honeyPotApiKey'])) {
$this->honeyPotApiKey = $GLOBALS['honeyPotApiKey'];
$this->doHpCheck = true;
if (!empty($akismetKey)) {
$this->akismetApiKey = $akismetKey;
$this->akismetEnabled = true;
} elseif (!empty($GLOBALS['akismetApiKey'])) {
$this->akismetApiKey = $GLOBALS['akismetApiKey'];
$this->akismetEnabled = true;
if (!empty($akismetUrl)) {
$this->akismetBlogURL = $akismetUrl;
} elseif (!empty($GLOBALS['akismetBlogURL'])) {
$this->akismetBlogURL = $GLOBALS['akismetBlogURL'];
## @todo verify validity
} elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
$this->akismetBlogURL = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
if (!empty($ipIntelContact)) {
$this->ipIntelContact = $ipIntelContact;
$this->ipIntelEnabled = true;
} elseif (!empty($GLOBALS['ipIntelContact'])) {
$this->ipIntelContact = $GLOBALS['ipIntelContact'];
$this->ipIntelEnabled = true;
if (!empty($GLOBALS['logRoot']) && is_writable($GLOBALS['logRoot'])) {
$this->logRoot = $GLOBALS['logRoot'];
if (isset($GLOBALS['ForumSpamBanTriggers'])) {
$this->spamTriggers = $GLOBALS['ForumSpamBanTriggers'];
if (isset($GLOBALS['sfsEnabled'])) {
$this->sfsEnabled = (bool) $GLOBALS['sfsEnabled'];
if (isset($GLOBALS['memCachedServer']) && class_exists('Memcached', false)) {
} else {
if (!class_exists('Memcached',false)) {
$this->dbg('memcache not available, class "Memcached" not found');
} else {
$this->dbg('memcache not available, config "memCachedServer" not set');
if (is_file(dirname(__FILE__).'/mollom.php') && !empty($mollomPrivateKey) && !empty($mollomPublicKey)) {
$this->dbg('loading mollom');
@include dirname(__FILE__).'/mollom.php';
if (class_exists('Mollom',false)) {
$this->mollomCheck = new Mollom();
$this->dbg('mollom instantiated');
try {
$serverList = $this->getCache('mollomServerList');
if (empty($serverList)) {
$serverList = $this->mollomCheck->getServerList();
} else {
$validKey = $this->getCache('mollomKeyValid');
if ($validKey == 'YES') {
$this->mollomEnabled = true;
} else {
if ($this->mollomCheck->verifyKey()) {
$this->mollomEnabled = true;
} else {
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->dbg('Mollon exception: '.$e->getMessage());
$this->mollomEnabled = false;
} else {
$this->dbg('mollom class not found');
} else {
$this->dbg('mollom not enabled');
$now = gettimeofday();
$this->startTime = $now['sec'] * 1000000 + $now['usec'];
* setLogRoot - specify where to write logfiles
* @param string $dir - directory where to write to, defaults to /var/log/botbouncer
* @return bool - true is successful
public function setLogRoot ($dir) {
if (!empty($dir) && is_writable($dir)) {
$this->logRoot = $dir;
$this->dbg('Logging to '.$dir);
return true;
} else {
$this->dbg('Unable to write logs to '.$dir);
return false;
/** setMemcached
* use memCached server for caching
* @param string memCachedServer = server for memcache (use servername:port if port differs from default)
* @return bool success
public function setMemcached($memCachedServer = '') {
if (class_exists('Memcached') && !empty($memCachedServer)) {
$this->memCached = new Memcached();
if (strpos($memCachedServer,':') !== FALSE) {
list($server,$port) = explode(':',$memCachedServer);
} else {
$server = $memCachedServer;
$port = 11211;
$this->dbg('memcache: '.$server);
return $this->memCached->addServer($server,$port);
return false;
private function dbg($msg) {
if ($this->debugToLog) {
if (!$this->debug) return;
print $msg."\n";
* elapsed, a simple timer to monitor speed
* @return the number of microseconds used since instantiation
public function elapsed() {
$now = gettimeofday();
$end = $now['sec'] * 1000000 + $now['usec'];
$elapsed = $end - $this->startTime;
return $elapsed;
private function addLogEntry($logFile,$entry) {
if (empty($this->logRoot)) return;
if (!$this->logActivity) return;
$logFile = basename($logFile,'.log');
if (!is_writable($this->logRoot)) {
$ip = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : ' - ';
if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
$logEntry = date('Y-m-d H:i:s').' '.$ip.' '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].' '.$entry;
} else {
$logEntry = date('Y-m-d H:i:s').' '.$ip.' - '.$entry;
private function getCache($key) {
if (!$this->memCached) return false;
$val = $this->memCached->get($key);
$this->dbg('CACHE: '.$key .' = '.$val);
return $val;
private function setCache($key,$val,$expiry = 0) {
if (!$this->memCached) return false;
if (!$expiry) $expiry = 86400;
return $this->memCached->set($key,$val,$expiry);
private function defaults($item) {
switch ($item) {
case 'ip': return $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
case 'email': return '';
case 'username': return 'Anonymous';
default: return '';
private function setDefaults($data) {
if (!isset($data['url'])) $data['url'] = '';
if (!isset($data['content'])) $data['content'] = '';
if (!isset($data['ips']) || !is_array($data['ips'])) $data['ips'] = array($this->defaults('ip'));
return $data;
* honeypotCheck - verify IP using Honeypot project
* @param string $ip - IP address to check
* @return bool - true is spam, false is ham
public function honeypotCheck($ip) {
if (!$this->doHpCheck) return;
## honeypot requests will be cached in DNS anyway
$rev = array_reverse(explode('.', $ip));
$lookup = $this->honeyPotApiKey.'.'.implode('.', $rev) . '.dnsbl.httpbl.org';
$rev = gethostbyname($lookup);
if ($lookup != $rev) {
$this->matchedOn = 'ip';
$this->addLogEntry('honeypot.log','SPAM '.$lookup.' '.$rev);
$this->isSpam = true;
return true;
} else {
$this->addLogEntry('honeypot.log','HAM '.$lookup.' '.$rev);
return false;
// Authenticates your Akismet API key
private function akismet_verify_key() {
# $this->dbg('akismet key check');
if (empty($this->akismetApiKey)) {
$this->dbg('No Akismet API Key');
return false;
$cached = $this->getCache('akismetKeyValid');
if (empty($cached)) {
$request = array(
'key'=> $this->akismetApiKey,
'blog' => $this->akismetBlogURL
$keyValid = $this->doPOST('http://rest.akismet.com/1.1/verify-key',$request);
# $this->addLogEntry('akismet.log','KEY CHECK: '.$keyValid.' http://rest.akismet.com/1.1/verify-key'.serialize($request));
} else {
$this->addLogEntry('akismet.log','KEY CHECK (cached) '.$cached);
$this->dbg('akismet key (cached) '.$cached);
$keyValid = $cached;
if ( 'valid' == $keyValid ) {
$this->dbg('akismet key valid');
return true;
} else {
$this->dbg('akismet key not valid');
return false;
* mollomCheck - check data against mollom
* @param array $data - associative array with data to use for checking
* @return bool: true is spam, false is ham
public function mollomCheck($data) {
if (!$this->mollomEnabled) return false;
$this->dbg('mollom check');
$data = $this->setDefaults($data);
$cached = $this->getCache('mollom'.md5(serialize($data)));
if (!empty($cached)) {
$isSpam = $cached;
$data['fromcache'] = '(cached)'; // for logging
} else {
try {
$isSpam = $this->mollomCheck->checkContent(
'', # sessionID
'', # $postTitle
$data['content'], # $postBody
$data['username'], # $authorName
$data['url'], # $authorUrl
$data['email'], # authorEmail
'', # $authorOpenId
'', # $authorId
$data['ips'] ## added to mollom.php class for commandline processing
$data['fromcache'] = '';
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->dbg('Exception thrown '.$e->getMessage());
$isSpam = array('spam'=> 'exception');
if ($isSpam['spam'] == 'spam') {
$this->dbg('mollom check SPAM');
$this->matchedOn = 'unknown';
$this->addLogEntry('mollom.log',$data['fromcache'].' SPAM '.$data['username'].' '.$data['email'].' '.join(',',$data['ips']));
$this->isSpam = true;
return true;
} else {
## mollom has state "unsure" as well, but let's just take that as HAM for now
$this->dbg('mollom check HAM');
$this->addLogEntry('mollom.log',$data['fromcache'].' HAM '.$data['username'].' '.$data['email'].' '.join(',',$data['ips']));
return false;
* akismetCheck - check data against akismet
* @param array $data - associative array with data to use for checking
* possible keys for data (all optional): blog, user_ip, user_agent, referrer, permalink, comment_type, comment_author, comment_author_email, comment_author_url, comment_content
* @return bool: true is spam, false is ham
public function akismetCheck($data) {
if (!$this->akismetEnabled) return false;
if (!$this->akismet_verify_key()) return false;
$this->dbg('akismet check');
if (!is_array($data['ips'])) $data['ips'] = array();
## set some values the way akismet expects them
$data['user_ip'] = !empty($data['ips'][0]) ? $data['ips'][0]: $this->defaults('ip'); ## akismet only handles one IP, so take the first
$data['comment_author'] = !empty($data['username']) ? $data['username'] : $this->defaults('username');
$data['comment_author_email'] = !empty($data['email']) ? $data['email'] : $this->defaults('email');
$data['comment_content'] = !empty($data['content']) ? $data['content'] : $this->defaults('content');
foreach ($this->akismetFields as $field) {
if (!isset($data[$field])) {
switch ($field) {
## set some defaults that will probably return Ham
case 'blog': $data['blog'] = $this->akismetBlogURL;break;
case 'user_ip': $data['user_ip'] = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']:'';break;
case 'user_agent': $data['user_agent'] = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']:'';break;
case 'referrer': $data['referrer'] = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']:'http://www.wordpress.com';break;
case 'permalink': $data['permalink'] = '';break;
case 'comment_type': $data['comment_type'] = 'comment';break;
case 'comment_author': $data['comment_author'] = 'Admin';break;
case 'comment_author_email': $data['comment_author_email'] = 'botbouncer@gmail.com';break;
case 'comment_author_url': $data['comment_author_url'] = '';break;
case 'comment_content': $data['comment_content'] = '';break;
$cached = $this->getCache('akismet'.md5(serialize($data)));
if (!empty($cached)) {
$isSpam = $cached;
$data['fromcache'] = '(cached)'; // for logging
} else {
$isSpam = $this->doPOST('http://'.$this->akismetApiKey.'.rest.akismet.com/1.1/comment-check',$data);
$data['fromcache'] = '';
if ( 'true' == $isSpam ) {
$this->dbg('akismet check SPAM');
$this->matchedOn = 'unknown';
$this->addLogEntry('akismet.log',$data['fromcache'].' SPAM '.$data['username'].' '.$data['email'].' '.join(',',$data['ips']));
$this->isSpam = true;
return true;
} else {
$this->dbg('akismet check HAM');
$this->addLogEntry('akismet.log',$data['fromcache'].' HAM '.$data['username'].' '.$data['email'].' '.join(',',$data['ips']));
return false;
* doPOST - run a POST request to some URL and return the result
private function doPOST($url,$requestdata = array()) {
$date = date('r');
$requestheader = array(
'Host: '.parse_url($url,PHP_URL_HOST),
'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Date: '. $date,
$data = '';
foreach ($requestdata as $param => $value) {
if (!is_array($value)) {
$data .= $param.'='.urlencode($value).'&';
} // else -> forget about arrays for now
$data = substr($data,0,-1);
$requestheader[] = 'Content-Length: '.strlen($data);
$header = '';
foreach ($requestheader as $param) {
$header .= $param.$this->LE;
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,$requestheader);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT,$this->UA);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
$result = curl_exec($curl);
$status = curl_getinfo($curl,CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if ($status != 200) {
$error = curl_error($curl);
$this->dbg('Curl Error '.$status.' '.$error);
return $result;
* doGET - run a GET request to some URL and return the result
private function doGET($cUrl) {
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $cUrl);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
return $result;
/** setSFSSpamTriggers - set StopForumSpam triggers, if you want to be more specific on the triggers
* @param array $triggers array with details for SFS triggers
* defaults to:
* array (
* 'username' => array ( // ban on username
* 'ban_end' => FALSE, // Permanent ban
* 'freq_tolerance' => 2, // allow when 2 or less in the frequency API field
* 'ban_reason' => 'Error processing data, please try again', ## let's not make them any wiser
* ),
* 'email' => array ( // ban on email
* 'ban_end' => FALSE, // Permanent ban
* 'freq_tolerance' => 0,
* 'ban_reason' => 'Error processing data, please try again', ## let's not make them any wiser
* ),
* 'ip' => array ( // ban on ip address
* 'ban_end' => 630000, // 60*60*24*7 ban for 7 days
* 'freq_tolerance' => 1,
* 'ban_reason' => 'Error processing data, please try again', ## let's not make them any wiser
* )
* @returns null
public function setSFSSpamTriggers($triggers = array()) {
if (sizeof($triggers)) {
$this->spamTriggers = $triggers;
* stopForumSpamCheck - check using the SFS API
* @param array $data - array containing data to check
* needs to contain at least one of
* $data['username'] - (string) username to check
* $data['ips'] - (array) list of IPs to check
* $data['email'] - (string) email to check
* @return integer - number of times something was matched
function stopForumSpamCheck($data = array()) {
if (!sizeof($data['ips']) && isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
$data['ips'][] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
$data['ips'][] = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
$isSfsSpam = 0;
$this->dbg('SFS check');
$spamTriggers = $this->sfsSpamTriggers;
if (empty($data['username'])) {
} else {
$spamTriggers['username']['value'] = $data['username'];
if (empty($data['ips'])) {
} else {
$spamTriggers['ip']['value'] = $data['ips'];
if (empty($data['email'])) {
} else {
$spamTriggers['email']['value'] = $data['email'];
$apiRequest = '';
foreach ($spamTriggers as $trigger => $banDetails) {
if (!empty($banDetails['value'])) {
if (is_array($banDetails['value'])) {
foreach ($banDetails['value'] as $v) {
$apiRequest .= $trigger.'[]='.urlencode($v).'&';
} else {
$apiRequest .= $trigger.'[]='.urlencode($banDetails['value']).'&';
$cached = $this->getCache('SFS'.$apiRequest);
if (!$cached) {
$cUrl = $this->stopSpamAPIUrl.'?'.$apiRequest.'xmldom&unix';
$xml = $this->doGET($cUrl);
if (!$xml) {
$this->addLogEntry('sfs-apicall.log','FAIL ON XML');
return false;
$cached = ''; // for logging
} else {
$xml = $cached;
$cached = '(cached)'; // for logging
## the resulting XML is an
$response = simplexml_load_string($xml);
# var_dump($response);exit;
$spamMatched = array();
if ($response->success) {
$muninEntry = '';
foreach ($spamTriggers as $trigger => $banDetails) {
## iterate over the results found, eg email, ip and username
foreach ($response->$trigger as $resultEntry) {
if ($resultEntry->appears) {
# var_dump($resultEntry);
if (
## there's a ban end check if it's still in range
(!empty($banDetails['ban_end']) && $resultEntry->lastseen+$banDetails['ban_end'] > time())
## or the ban is permanent
|| empty($banDetails['ban_end'])) &&
## check if the frequency is in range
((int)$resultEntry->frequency > $banDetails['freq_tolerance'])
) {
$banDetails['matchedon'] = $trigger;
$this->matchedOn .= $trigger .';';
$muninEntry .= ' SFSMATCH '.$trigger;
$banDetails['matchedvalue'] = (string)$resultEntry->value;
$banDetails['frequency'] = (string)$resultEntry->frequency;
$spamMatched[] = $banDetails;
# var_dump($spamMatched);
$this->matchDetails = $spamMatched;
if ($isSfsSpam) {
$this->dbg('SFS check SPAM');
$this->addLogEntry('sfs.log',$cached.' SPAM '.$data['username'].' '.$data['email'].' '.join(',',$data['ips']));
} else {
$this->dbg('SFS check HAM');
$this->addLogEntry('sfs.log',$cached.' HAM '.$data['username'].' '.$data['email'].' '.join(',',$data['ips']));
$this->isSpam = $this->isSpam || $isSfsSpam > 0;
return $isSfsSpam;
* ipIntelCheck - check with IP Intel Database API
* @param string $ip -- IP to check. If null, will try to pull from $_SERVER vars
* @return boolean If within bad IP detection threshold.
function ipIntelCheck($ip) {
if ((!isset($ip) || $ip == "") && isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
$this->dbg('IPI check');
$this->addLogEntry('ipi-apicall.log','IPI Check on ' . $ip);
$resultNumeric = null;
$cached = $this->getCache('IPI'.$ip);
if (!$cached) {
$cUrl = $this->ipIntelAPIUrl . '?ip=' . urlencode($ip) . '&contact=' . urlencode($this->ipIntelContact);
$resultString = $this->doGET($cUrl);
if (!is_numeric($resultString))
$this->addLogEntry('ipi-apicall.log','API returned non-number');
return false;
$resultNumeric = (float) $resultString;
if ($resultNumeric < 0) {
$this->addLogEntry('ipi-apicall.log','API returned error code: ' . $resultNumeric);
return false;
$cached = ''; // for logging
} else {
$resultNumeric = $cached;
$cached = '(cached)'; // for logging
if (is_null($resultNumeric) || $resultNumeric < 0 || $resultNumeric > 1)
$this->addLogEntry('ipi-apicall.log','API or cache returned out of bounds result: ' . $resultNumeric);
return false;
if ($resultNumeric > $this->ipIntelSpamThreshold)
$this->dbg('SFS check SPAM');
$this->addLogEntry('ipi-apicall.log','SPAM IP detected: ' . $ip . ' --- score is: ' . $resultNumeric);
return true;
return false;
* isSpam - match submission against spam protection sources
* @param array $data - array containing information
* structure:
* $data['email'] = (string) email address
* $data['username'] = (string) username
* $data['ips'] = array ('ip1','ip2')
* $data['user_agent'] = (string) Browser Agent
* $data['referrer'] = (string) referring URL
* $data['content'] = (string) Other content
* @param bool $checkAll - continue checking other services
* true - check against all services
* false - only check next service if previous one returned ham
* @return integer - number of services that returned "spam" status. If checkAll is false will be 0 or 1
function isSpam($data,$checkAll = false) {
$this->dbg('isSpam call');
## for external functionality testing, allow "test=ham" or "test=spam"
if (isset($data['test'])) {
if ($data['test'] == 'ham') {
$this->matchedBy = 'HAM test';
return false;
} elseif ($data['test'] == 'spam') {
$this->matchedBy = 'SPAM test';
return true;
$isSpam = 0;
$servicesMatched = array();
## honeypot will be fastest
if ($this->doHpCheck && !empty($data['ips'])) {
$isHP = false;
foreach ($data['ips'] as $ip) {
$this->dbg('hpCheck IP '.$ip);
if ($this->honeypotCheck($ip)) {
$this->dbg('hpCheck SPAM');
$isHP = true;
$this->matchedBy = 'Honeypot Project';
$servicesMatched[] = 'HP';
if ($isHP) { ## make sure to only log once, if multiple IPs are checked
} else {
if ((!$isSpam || $checkAll) && $this->sfsEnabled) {
$num = $this->stopForumSpamCheck($data);
if ($num) {
$this->matchedBy = 'Stop Forum Spam';
$this->dbg('SFS SPAM');
$isSpam += $num;
$servicesMatched[] = 'SFS';
} else {
if ((!$isSpam || $checkAll) && $this->akismetEnabled) {
if ($this->akismetCheck($data)) {
$this->dbg('Akismet SPAM');
$this->matchedBy = 'Akismet';
$servicesMatched[] = 'AKI';
} else {
if ((!$isSpam || $checkAll) && $this->mollomEnabled) {
if ($this->mollomCheck($data)) {
$this->dbg('Mollom SPAM');
$this->matchedBy = 'Mollom';
$servicesMatched[] = 'MOL';
} else {
if ((!$isSpam || $checkAll) && $this->ipIntelEnabled) {
$isIPIntelSpam = false;
if (empty($data['ips']))
if ($this->ipIntelCheck('')) // Will attempt to use HTTP Headers
$isIPIntelSpam = true;
} else {
foreach ($data['ips'] as $ip) {
if ($this->ipIntelCheck($ip))
$isIPIntelSpam = true;
if ($isIPIntelSpam)
$this->matchedBy = 'IP Intel';
$servicesMatched[] = 'IPI';
} else {
## to test the comparison code below
$isSpam = 1;
$servicesMatched = array_keys($this->services);
if ($isSpam) {
## Add a log to graph a comparison: a hit on SVC1 -> hit or miss in SVC2?
foreach (array_keys($this->services) as $svcMain) {
if (in_array($svcMain,$servicesMatched)) { ## hit on svcMain
foreach (array_keys($this->services) as $svcCompare) {
if ($svcCompare != $svcMain) { ## no need to compare with ourselves
if (in_array($svcCompare,$servicesMatched)) { ## also a hit on svcCompare
$this->addLogEntry('munin-graph-compare.log',$svcMain.' - '.$svcCompare.' HIT ');
} else {
$this->addLogEntry('munin-graph-compare.log',$svcMain.' - '.$svcCompare.' MISS ');
$this->dbg('overall SpamScore '.sprintf('%d',$isSpam));
$this->isSpam = (bool) $isSpam > 0;
if ($this->isSpam) {
$this->addLogEntry('munin-graph.log','TOTAL LEVEL '.$isSpam);
return $isSpam;
} // eo class