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 * Flash Properties dialog window.
		<title>Flash Properties</title>
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		<meta content="noindex, nofollow" name="robots">
		<script src="common/fck_dialog_common.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
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document.write( FCKTools.GetStyleHtml( GetCommonDialogCss() ) ) ;

	<body scroll="no" style="OVERFLOW: hidden">
		<div id="divInfo">
			<table cellSpacing="1" cellPadding="1" width="100%" border="0">
						<table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
								<td width="100%"><span fckLang="DlgImgURL">URL</span>
								<td id="tdBrowse" style="DISPLAY: none" noWrap rowSpan="2">&nbsp; <input id="btnBrowse" onclick="BrowseServer();" type="button" value="Browse Server" fckLang="DlgBtnBrowseServer">
								<td vAlign="top"><input id="txtUrl" onblur="UpdatePreview();" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text">
						<table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" border="0">
								<TD nowrap>
									<span fckLang="DlgImgWidth">Width</span><br>
									<input id="txtWidth" onkeypress="return IsDigit(event);" type="text" size="3">
									<span fckLang="DlgImgHeight">Height</span><br>
									<input id="txtHeight" onkeypress="return IsDigit(event);" type="text" size="3">
					<td vAlign="top">
						<table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
								<td valign="top" width="100%">
									<table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="100%">
											<td><span fckLang="DlgImgPreview">Preview</span></td>
											<td id="ePreviewCell" valign="top" class="FlashPreviewArea"><iframe src="fck_flash/fck_flash_preview.html" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"></iframe></td>
		<div id="divUpload" style="DISPLAY: none">
			<form id="frmUpload" method="post" target="UploadWindow" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="" onsubmit="return CheckUpload();">
				<span fckLang="DlgLnkUpload">Upload</span><br />
				<input id="txtUploadFile" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="file" size="40" name="NewFile" /><br />
				<br />
				<input id="btnUpload" type="submit" value="Send it to the Server" fckLang="DlgLnkBtnUpload" />
				<script type="text/javascript">
					document.write( '<iframe name="UploadWindow" style="DISPLAY: none" src="' + FCKTools.GetVoidUrl() + '"><\/iframe>' ) ;
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			<TABLE cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" border="0">
					<TD nowrap>
						<span fckLang="DlgFlashScale">Scale</span><BR>
						<select id="cmbScale">
							<option value="" selected></option>
							<option value="showall" fckLang="DlgFlashScaleAll">Show all</option>
							<option value="noborder" fckLang="DlgFlashScaleNoBorder">No Border</option>
							<option value="exactfit" fckLang="DlgFlashScaleFit">Exact Fit</option>
					<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;
					<td valign="bottom">
								<td><input id="chkAutoPlay" type="checkbox" checked></td>
								<td><label for="chkAutoPlay" nowrap fckLang="DlgFlashChkPlay">Auto Play</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
								<td><input id="chkLoop" type="checkbox" checked></td>
								<td><label for="chkLoop" nowrap fckLang="DlgFlashChkLoop">Loop</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
								<td><input id="chkMenu" type="checkbox" checked></td>
								<td><label for="chkMenu" nowrap fckLang="DlgFlashChkMenu">Enable Flash Menu</label></td>
			<table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="100%" align="center" border="0">
					<td vAlign="top" width="50%"><span fckLang="DlgGenId">Id</span><br>
						<input id="txtAttId" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text">
					<td vAlign="top" nowrap><span fckLang="DlgGenClass">Stylesheet Classes</span><br>
						<input id="txtAttClasses" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text">
					<td vAlign="top" nowrap width="50%">&nbsp;<span fckLang="DlgGenTitle">Advisory Title</span><br>
						<input id="txtAttTitle" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text">
			<span fckLang="DlgGenStyle">Style</span><br>
			<input id="txtAttStyle" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text">


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