[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * This page is used by all dialog box as the container.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
		<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />
		<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[

// Domain relaxation logic.
	var d = document.domain ;

	while ( true )
		// Test if we can access a parent property.
			var parentDomain = ( Args().TopWindow || E ).document.domain ;

			if ( document.domain != parentDomain )
				document.domain = parentDomain ;

			break ;
		catch( e ) {}

		// Remove a domain part: www.mytest.example.com => mytest.example.com => example.com ...
		d = d.replace( /.*?(?:\.|$)/, '' ) ;

		if ( d.length == 0 )
			break ;		// It was not able to detect the domain.

		document.domain = d ;
})() ;

var E = frameElement._DialogArguments.Editor ;

// It seems referencing to frameElement._DialogArguments directly would lead to memory leaks in IE.
// So let's use functions to access its members instead.
function Args()
	return frameElement._DialogArguments ;

function ParentDialog( dialog )
	return dialog ? dialog._ParentDialog : frameElement._ParentDialog ;

var FCK				= E.FCK ;
var FCKTools		= E.FCKTools ;
var FCKDomTools		= E.FCKDomTools ;
var FCKDialog		= E.FCKDialog ;
var FCKBrowserInfo	= E.FCKBrowserInfo ;
var FCKConfig		= E.FCKConfig ;

// Steal the focus so that the caret would no longer stay in the editor iframe.
window.focus() ;

// Sets the Skin CSS
document.write( FCKTools.GetStyleHtml( FCKConfig.SkinDialogCSS ) ) ;

// Sets the language direction.
var langDir = E.FCKLang.Dir ;

// For IE6-, the fck_dialog_ie6.js is loaded, used to fix limitations in the browser.
if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE && !FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE7 )
	document.write( '<' + 'script type="text/javascript" src="' + FCKConfig.SkinPath + 'fck_dialog_ie6.js"><' + '\/script>' ) ;

FCKTools.RegisterDollarFunction( window ) ;

// Resize related functions.
var Sizer = function()
	var bAutoSize = false ;

	var retval = {
		// Sets whether the dialog should auto-resize according to its content's height.
		SetAutoSize : function( autoSize )
			bAutoSize = autoSize ;
			this.RefreshSize() ;

		// Fit the dialog container's layout to the inner iframe's external size.
		RefreshContainerSize : function()
			var frmMain = $( 'frmMain' ) ;

			if ( frmMain )
				// Get the container size.
				var height = $( 'contents' ).offsetHeight ;

				// Subtract the size of other elements.
				height -= $( 'TitleArea' ).offsetHeight ;
				height -= $( 'TabsRow' ).offsetHeight ;
				height -= $( 'PopupButtons' ).offsetHeight ;

				frmMain.style.height = Math.max( height, 0 ) + 'px' ;

		// Resize and re-layout the dialog.
		// Triggers the onresize event for the layout logic.
		ResizeDialog : function( width, height )
			FCKDomTools.SetElementStyles( window.frameElement,
						'width' : width + 'px',
						'height' : height + 'px'
					} ) ;

			// If the skin have defined a function for resize fixes, call it now.
			if ( typeof window.DoResizeFixes == 'function' )
				window.DoResizeFixes() ;

		// if bAutoSize is true, automatically fit the dialog size and layout to
		// accomodate the inner iframe's internal height.
		// if bAutoSize is false, then only the layout logic for the dialog decorations
		// is run to accomodate the inner iframe's external height.
		RefreshSize : function()
			if ( bAutoSize )
				var frmMain		= $( 'frmMain' ) ;
				var innerDoc	= frmMain.contentWindow.document ;
				var isStrict	= FCKTools.IsStrictMode( innerDoc ) ;

				// Get the size of the frame contents.
				var innerWidth	= isStrict ? innerDoc.documentElement.scrollWidth : innerDoc.body.scrollWidth ;
				var innerHeight	= isStrict ? innerDoc.documentElement.scrollHeight : innerDoc.body.scrollHeight ;

				// Get the current frame size.
				var frameSize = FCKTools.GetViewPaneSize( frmMain.contentWindow ) ;

				var deltaWidth	= innerWidth - frameSize.Width ;
				var deltaHeight	= innerHeight - frameSize.Height ;

				// If the contents fits the current size.
				if ( deltaWidth <= 0 && deltaHeight <= 0 )
					return ;

				var dialogWidth		= frameElement.offsetWidth + Math.max( deltaWidth, 0 ) ;
				var dialogHeight	= frameElement.offsetHeight + Math.max( deltaHeight, 0 ) ;

				this.ResizeDialog( dialogWidth, dialogHeight ) ;
			this.RefreshContainerSize() ;

	 * Safari seems to have a bug with the time when RefreshSize() is executed - it
	 * thinks frmMain's innerHeight is 0 if we query the value too soon after the
	 * page is loaded in some circumstances. (#1316)
	 * TODO : Maybe this is not needed anymore after #35.
	if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsSafari )
		var originalRefreshSize = retval.RefreshSize ;

		retval.RefreshSize = function()
			FCKTools.SetTimeout( originalRefreshSize, 1, retval ) ;

	 * IE6 has a similar bug where it sometimes thinks $('contents') has an
	 * offsetHeight of 0 (#2114).
	if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE && !FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE7 )
		var originalRefreshContainerSize = retval.RefreshContainerSize ;
		retval.RefreshContainerSize = function()
			FCKTools.SetTimeout( originalRefreshContainerSize, 1, retval ) ;

	window.onresize = function()
		retval.RefreshContainerSize() ;

	window.SetAutoSize = FCKTools.Bind( retval, retval.SetAutoSize ) ;

	return retval ;
}() ;

// Manages the throbber image that appears if the inner part of dialog is taking too long to load.
var Throbber = function()
	var timer ;

	var updateThrobber = function()
		var throbberParent = $( 'throbberBlock' ) ;
		var throbberBlocks = throbberParent.childNodes ;
		var lastClass = throbberParent.lastChild.className ;

		// From the last to the second one, copy the class from the previous one.
		for ( var i = throbberBlocks.length - 1 ; i > 0 ; i-- )
			throbberBlocks[i].className = throbberBlocks[i-1].className ;

		// For the first one, copy the last class (rotation).
		throbberBlocks[0].className = lastClass ;

	return {
		Show : function( waitMilliseconds )
			// Auto-setup the Show function to be called again after the
			// requested amount of time.
			if ( waitMilliseconds && waitMilliseconds > 0 )
				timer = FCKTools.SetTimeout( this.Show, waitMilliseconds, this, null, window ) ;
				return ;

			var throbberParent = $( 'throbberBlock' ) ;

			if (throbberParent.childNodes.length == 0)
				// Create the throbber blocks.
				var classIds = [ 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2 ] ;
				while ( classIds.length > 0 )
					throbberParent.appendChild( document.createElement( 'div' ) ).className = ' throbber_' + classIds.shift() ;

			// Center the throbber.
			var frm = $( 'contents' ) ;
			var frmCoords = FCKTools.GetDocumentPosition( window, frm ) ;
			var x = frmCoords.x + ( frm.offsetWidth - throbberParent.offsetWidth ) / 2 ;
			var y = frmCoords.y + ( frm.offsetHeight - throbberParent.offsetHeight ) / 2 ;
			throbberParent.style.left = parseInt( x, 10 ) + 'px' ;
			throbberParent.style.top = parseInt( y, 10 ) + 'px' ;

			// Show it.
			throbberParent.style.visibility = ''  ;

			// Hide tabs and buttons:
			$( 'Tabs' ).style.visibility = 'hidden' ;
			$( 'PopupButtons' ).style.visibility = 'hidden' ;

			// Setup the animation interval.
			timer = setInterval( updateThrobber, 100 ) ;

		Hide : function()
			if ( timer )
				clearInterval( timer ) ;
				timer = null ;

			$( 'throbberBlock' ).style.visibility = 'hidden' ;

			// Show tabs and buttons:
			$( 'Tabs' ).style.visibility = '' ;
			$( 'PopupButtons' ).style.visibility = '' ;
	} ;
}() ;

// Drag and drop handlers.
var DragAndDrop = function()
	var registeredWindows = [] ;
	var lastCoords ;
	var currentPos ;

	var cleanUpHandlers = function()
		for ( var i = 0 ; i < registeredWindows.length ; i++ )
			FCKTools.RemoveEventListener( registeredWindows[i].document, 'mousemove', dragMouseMoveHandler ) ;
			FCKTools.RemoveEventListener( registeredWindows[i].document, 'mouseup', dragMouseUpHandler ) ;

	var dragMouseMoveHandler = function( evt )
		if ( !lastCoords )
			return ;

		if ( !evt )
			evt = FCKTools.GetElementDocument( this ).parentWindow.event ;

		// Updated the last coordinates.
		var currentCoords =
			x : evt.screenX,
			y : evt.screenY
		} ;

		currentPos =
			x : currentPos.x + ( currentCoords.x - lastCoords.x ),
			y : currentPos.y + ( currentCoords.y - lastCoords.y )
		} ;

		lastCoords = currentCoords ;

		frameElement.style.left	= currentPos.x + 'px' ;
		frameElement.style.top	= currentPos.y + 'px' ;

		if ( evt.preventDefault )
			evt.preventDefault() ;
			evt.returnValue = false ;

	var dragMouseUpHandler = function( evt )
		if ( !lastCoords )
			return ;
		if ( !evt )
			evt = FCKTools.GetElementDocument( this ).parentWindow.event ;
		cleanUpHandlers() ;
		lastCoords = null ;

	return {

		MouseDownHandler : function( evt )
			var view = null ;
			if ( !evt )
				view = FCKTools.GetElementDocument( this ).parentWindow ;
				evt = view.event ;
				view = evt.view ;

			var target = evt.srcElement || evt.target ;
			if ( target.id == 'closeButton' || target.className == 'PopupTab' || target.className == 'PopupTabSelected' )
				return ;

			lastCoords =
				x : evt.screenX,
				y : evt.screenY
			} ;

			// Save the current IFRAME position.
			currentPos =
				x : parseInt( FCKDomTools.GetCurrentElementStyle( frameElement, 'left' ), 10 ),
				y : parseInt( FCKDomTools.GetCurrentElementStyle( frameElement, 'top' ), 10 )
			} ;

			for ( var i = 0 ; i < registeredWindows.length ; i++ )
				FCKTools.AddEventListener( registeredWindows[i].document, 'mousemove', dragMouseMoveHandler ) ;
				FCKTools.AddEventListener( registeredWindows[i].document, 'mouseup', dragMouseUpHandler ) ;

			if ( evt.preventDefault )
				evt.preventDefault() ;
				evt.returnValue = false ;

		RegisterHandlers : function( w )
			registeredWindows.push( w ) ;
}() ;

// Selection related functions.
//(Became simple shortcuts after the fix for #1990)
var Selection =
	 * Ensures that the editing area contains an active selection. This is a
	 * requirement for IE, as it looses the selection when the focus moves to other
	 * frames.
	EnsureSelection : function()
		// Move the focus to the Cancel button so even if the dialog contains a
		// contentEditable element the selection is properly restored in the editor #2496
		window.focus() ;
		$( 'btnCancel' ).focus() ;

		FCK.Selection.Restore() ;

	 * Get the FCKSelection object for the editor instance.
	GetSelection : function()
		return FCK.Selection ;

	 * Get the selected element in the editing area (for object selections).
	GetSelectedElement : function()
		return FCK.Selection.GetSelectedElement() ;

// Tab related functions.
var Tabs = function()
	// Only element ids should be stored here instead of element references since setSelectedTab and TabDiv_OnClick
	// would build circular references with the element references inside and cause memory leaks in IE6.
	var oTabs = new Object() ;

	var setSelectedTab = function( tabCode )
		for ( var sCode in oTabs )
			if ( sCode == tabCode )
				$( oTabs[sCode] ).className = 'PopupTabSelected' ;
				$( oTabs[sCode] ).className = 'PopupTab' ;

		if ( typeof( window.frames["frmMain"].OnDialogTabChange ) == 'function' )
			window.frames["frmMain"].OnDialogTabChange( tabCode ) ;

	function TabDiv_OnClick()
		setSelectedTab( this.TabCode ) ;

	window.AddTab = function( tabCode, tabText, startHidden )
		if ( typeof( oTabs[ tabCode ] ) != 'undefined' )
			return ;

		var eTabsRow = $( 'Tabs' ) ;

		var oCell = eTabsRow.insertCell(  eTabsRow.cells.length - 1 ) ;
		oCell.noWrap = true ;

		var oDiv = document.createElement( 'DIV' ) ;
		oDiv.className = 'PopupTab' ;
		oDiv.innerHTML = tabText ;
		oDiv.TabCode = tabCode ;
		oDiv.onclick = TabDiv_OnClick ;
		oDiv.id = Math.random() ;

		if ( startHidden )
			oDiv.style.display = 'none' ;

		eTabsRow = $( 'TabsRow' ) ;

		oCell.appendChild( oDiv ) ;

		if ( eTabsRow.style.display == 'none' )
			var eTitleArea = $( 'TitleArea' ) ;
			eTitleArea.className = 'PopupTitle' ;

			oDiv.className = 'PopupTabSelected' ;
			eTabsRow.style.display = '' ;

			if ( window.onresize )
				window.onresize() ;

		oTabs[ tabCode ] = oDiv.id ;

		FCKTools.DisableSelection( oDiv ) ;
	} ;

	window.SetSelectedTab = setSelectedTab ;

	window.SetTabVisibility = function( tabCode, isVisible )
		var oTab = $( oTabs[ tabCode ] ) ;
		oTab.style.display = isVisible ? '' : 'none' ;

		if ( ! isVisible && oTab.className == 'PopupTabSelected' )
			for ( var sCode in oTabs )
				if ( $( oTabs[sCode] ).style.display != 'none' )
					setSelectedTab( sCode ) ;
					break ;
	} ;
}() ;

// readystatechange handler for registering drag and drop handlers in cover
// iframes, defined out here to avoid memory leak.
// Do NOT put this function as a private function as it will induce memory leak
// in IE and it's not detectable with Drip or sIEve and undetectable leaks are
// really nasty (sigh).
var onReadyRegister = function()
	if ( this.readyState != 'complete' )
		return ;
	DragAndDrop.RegisterHandlers( this.contentWindow ) ;
} ;

// The business logic of the dialog, dealing with operational things like
// dialog open/dialog close/enable/disable/etc.
	var setOnKeyDown = function( targetDocument )
		targetDocument.onkeydown = function ( e )
			e = e || event || this.parentWindow.event ;
			switch ( e.keyCode )
				case 13 :		// ENTER
					var oTarget = e.srcElement || e.target ;
					if ( oTarget.tagName == 'TEXTAREA' )
						return true ;
					Ok() ;
					return false ;

				case 27 :		// ESC
					Cancel() ;
					return false ;
			return true ;
	} ;

	var contextMenuBlocker = function( e )
		var sTagName = e.target.tagName ;
		if ( ! ( ( sTagName == "INPUT" && e.target.type == "text" ) || sTagName == "TEXTAREA" ) )
			e.preventDefault() ;
	} ;

	var disableContextMenu = function( targetDocument )
		if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
			return ;

		targetDocument.addEventListener( 'contextmenu', contextMenuBlocker, true ) ;
	} ;

	// Program entry point.
	window.Init = function()
		$( 'contents' ).dir = langDir;

		// Start the throbber timer.
		Throbber.Show( 1000 ) ;

		Sizer.RefreshContainerSize() ;
		LoadInnerDialog() ;

		FCKTools.DisableSelection( document.body ) ;

		// Make the title area draggable.
		var titleElement = $( 'header' ) ;
		titleElement.onmousedown = DragAndDrop.MouseDownHandler ;

		// Connect mousemove and mouseup events from dialog frame and outer window to dialog dragging logic.
		DragAndDrop.RegisterHandlers( window ) ;
		DragAndDrop.RegisterHandlers( Args().TopWindow ) ;

		// Disable the previous dialog if it exists.
		if ( ParentDialog() )
			ParentDialog().contentWindow.SetEnabled( false ) ;
			if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE && !FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE7 )
				var currentParent = ParentDialog() ;
				while ( currentParent )
					var blockerFrame = currentParent.contentWindow.$( 'blocker' ) ;
					if ( blockerFrame.readyState == 'complete' )
						DragAndDrop.RegisterHandlers( blockerFrame.contentWindow ) ;
						blockerFrame.onreadystatechange = onReadyRegister ;
					currentParent = ParentDialog( currentParent ) ;
				var currentParent = ParentDialog() ;
				while ( currentParent )
					DragAndDrop.RegisterHandlers( currentParent.contentWindow ) ;
					currentParent = ParentDialog( currentParent ) ;

		// If this is the only dialog on screen, enable the background cover.
		if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE && !FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE7 )
			var blockerFrame = FCKDialog.GetCover().firstChild ;
			if ( blockerFrame.readyState == 'complete' )
				DragAndDrop.RegisterHandlers( blockerFrame.contentWindow ) ;
				blockerFrame.onreadystatechange = onReadyRegister;

		// Add Enter/Esc hotkeys and disable context menu for the dialog.
		setOnKeyDown( document ) ;
		disableContextMenu( document ) ;
	} ;

	window.LoadInnerDialog = function()
		if ( window.onresize )
			window.onresize() ;

		// First of all, translate the dialog box contents.
		E.FCKLanguageManager.TranslatePage( document ) ;

		// Create the IFRAME that holds the dialog contents.
		$( 'innerContents' ).innerHTML = '<iframe id="frmMain" src="' + Args().Page + '" name="frmMain" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" scrolling="auto" style="visibility: hidden;" allowtransparency="true"><\/iframe>' ;
	} ;

	window.InnerDialogLoaded = function()
		// If the dialog has been closed before the iframe is loaded, do nothing.
		if ( !frameElement.parentNode )
			return null ;

		Throbber.Hide() ;

		var frmMain = $('frmMain') ;
		var innerWindow = frmMain.contentWindow ;
		var innerDoc = innerWindow.document ;

		// Show the loaded iframe.
		frmMain.style.visibility = '' ;

		// Set the language direction.
		innerDoc.documentElement.dir = langDir ;

		// Sets the Skin CSS.
		innerDoc.write( FCKTools.GetStyleHtml( FCKConfig.SkinDialogCSS ) ) ;

		setOnKeyDown( innerDoc ) ;
		disableContextMenu( innerDoc ) ;


		DragAndDrop.RegisterHandlers( innerWindow ) ;

		innerWindow.focus() ;

		return E ;
	} ;

	window.SetOkButton = function( showIt )
		$('btnOk').style.visibility = ( showIt ? '' : 'hidden' ) ;
	} ;

	window.Ok = function()
		Selection.EnsureSelection() ;

		var frmMain = window.frames["frmMain"] ;

		if ( frmMain.Ok && frmMain.Ok() )
			CloseDialog() ;
			frmMain.focus() ;
	} ;

	window.Cancel = function( dontFireChange )
		Selection.EnsureSelection() ;
		return CloseDialog( dontFireChange ) ;
	} ;

	window.CloseDialog = function( dontFireChange )
		Throbber.Hide() ;

		// Points the src to a non-existent location to avoid loading errors later, in case the dialog
		// haven't been completed loaded at this point.
		if ( $( 'frmMain' ) )
			$( 'frmMain' ).src = FCKTools.GetVoidUrl() ;

		if ( !dontFireChange && !FCK.EditMode )
			// All dialog windows, by default, will fire the "OnSelectionChange"
			// event, no matter the Ok or Cancel button has been pressed.
			// It seems that OnSelectionChange may enter on a concurrency state
			// on some situations (#1965), so we should put the event firing in
			// the execution queue instead of executing it immediately.
			setTimeout( function()
					FCK.Events.FireEvent( 'OnSelectionChange' ) ;
				}, 0 ) ;

		FCKDialog.OnDialogClose( window ) ;
	} ;

	window.SetEnabled = function( isEnabled )
		var cover = $( 'cover' ) ;
		cover.style.display = isEnabled ? 'none' : '' ;

		if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE && !FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE7 )
			if ( !isEnabled )
				// Inser the blocker IFRAME before the cover.
				var blocker = document.createElement( 'iframe' ) ;
				blocker.src = FCKTools.GetVoidUrl() ;
				blocker.hideFocus = true ;
				blocker.frameBorder = 0 ;
				blocker.id = blocker.className = 'blocker' ;
				cover.appendChild( blocker ) ;
				var blocker = $( 'blocker' ) ;
				if ( blocker && blocker.parentNode )
					blocker.parentNode.removeChild( blocker ) ;
	} ;
})() ;
// ]]>
	<body onload="Init();" class="PopupBody">
		<div class="contents" id="contents">
			<div id="header">
				<div id="TitleArea" class="PopupTitle PopupTitleBorder">
					<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
document.write( Args().Title ) ;
// ]]>
					<div id="closeButton" onclick="Cancel();"></div>
				<div id="TabsRow" class="PopupTabArea" style="display: none">
					<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
						<tr id="Tabs">
							<td class="PopupTabEmptyArea">&nbsp;</td>
							<td class="PopupTabEmptyArea" width="100%">&nbsp;</td>
			<div id="innerContents"></div>
			<div id="PopupButtons" class="PopupButtons">
				<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
						<td width="100%">&nbsp;</td>
						<td nowrap="nowrap">
							<input id="btnOk" style="visibility: hidden;" type="button" value="Ok" class="Button" onclick="Ok();" fckLang="DlgBtnOK" />
							<input id="btnCancel" type="button" value="Cancel" class="Button" onclick="Cancel();" fckLang="DlgBtnCancel" />
		<div class="tl"></div>
		<div class="tc"></div>
		<div class="tr"></div>
		<div class="ml"></div>
		<div class="mr"></div>
		<div class="bl"></div>
		<div class="bc"></div>
		<div class="br"></div>
		<div class="cover" id="cover" style="display:none"></div>
		<div id="throbberBlock" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden"></div>
		<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
			// Set the class name for language direction.
			document.body.className += ' ' + langDir ;

			var cover = $( 'cover' ) ;
			cover.style.backgroundColor = FCKConfig.BackgroundBlockerColor ;
			FCKDomTools.SetOpacity( cover, FCKConfig.BackgroundBlockerOpacity ) ;
// ]]>


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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css Folder 0755
dialog Folder 0755
dtd Folder 0755
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images Folder 0755
js Folder 0755
lang Folder 0755
plugins Folder 0755
skins Folder 0755
wsc Folder 0755
fckdebug.html File 3.99 KB 0644
fckdialog.html File 22.38 KB 0644
fckeditor.html File 12.28 KB 0644
fckeditor.original.html File 17.42 KB 0644