[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * CaptchaPlugin for phplist.
 * This file is a part of CaptchaPlugin.
 * @category  phplist
 * @author    Duncan Cameron
 * @copyright 2011-2016 Duncan Cameron
 * @license   http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GNU General Public License, Version 3

 * This class registers the plugin with phplist and hooks into the display and validation
 * of subscription pages.
class CaptchaPlugin extends phplistPlugin
    const VERSION_FILE = 'version.txt';

     *  Inherited variables
    public $name = 'Captcha Plugin';
    public $enabled = true;
    public $description = 'Creates a captcha field for subscription forms';
    public $documentationUrl = 'https://resources.phplist.com/plugin/captcha';
    public $authors = 'Duncan Cameron';
    public $settings = array(
        'captcha_securimage_path' => array(
            'description' => 'Path to the securimage directory (from the web root)',
            'type' => 'text',
            'value' => '/securimage',
            'allowempty' => false,
            'category' => 'Captcha',
        'captcha_bot_email' => array(
            'description' => 'Whether to validate the email address using bot bouncer',
            'type' => 'boolean',
            'value' => '1',
            'allowempty' => true,
            'category' => 'Captcha',
        'captcha_captcha_prompt' => array(
            'value' => 'Please enter the text in the CAPTCHA image',
            'description' => 'Prompt for the CAPTCHA field',
            'type' => 'text',
            'allowempty' => 0,
            'category' => 'Captcha',
        'captcha_captcha_message' => array(
            'value' => 'The CAPTCHA value that you entered was incorrect',
            'description' => 'Message to be displayed when entered CAPTCHA is incorrect',
            'type' => 'text',
            'allowempty' => 0,
            'category' => 'Captcha',
        'captcha_bot_message' => array(
            'value' => 'You cannot subscribe with this email address',
            'description' => 'Message to be displayed when email address is rejected',
            'type' => 'text',
            'allowempty' => 0,
            'category' => 'Captcha',
        'captcha_eventlog' => array(
            'description' => 'Whether to log event for each rejected captcha and each rejected subscription',
            'type' => 'boolean',
            'value' => '1',
            'allowempty' => true,
            'category' => 'Captcha',
        'captcha_copyadmin' => array(
            'description' => 'Whether to send an email to the admin for each rejected captcha and each rejected subscription',
            'type' => 'boolean',
            'value' => '0',
            'allowempty' => true,
            'category' => 'Captcha',

     * Private functions
    private function sendAdminEmail($text)
        $body = <<<END
A subscription attempt has been rejected by the Captcha plugin.

        sendAdminCopy(s('subscription rejected by Captcha'), $body);

    private function validateEmail($email)
        global $tmpdir;

        require_once $this->coderoot . 'botbouncer.php';

        $bb = new Botbouncer();
        $params = array(
            'email' => $email,
            'username' => '',
            'ips' => array(),

        if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
            $params['ips'] = array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
        $isSpam = $bb->isSpam($params);

        if (!$isSpam) {
            return '';
        $text = "spam subscription: $email $bb->matchedOn $bb->matchedBy";

        if (getConfig('captcha_eventlog')) {

        if (getConfig('captcha_copyadmin')) {

        return getConfig('captcha_bot_message');

    private function validateCaptcha($email, $captcha)
        $securimage = new Securimage();

        if ($securimage->check($captcha)) {
            return '';
        $text = "captcha verification failure: $email";

        if (getConfig('captcha_eventlog')) {

        if (getConfig('captcha_copyadmin')) {

        return getConfig('captcha_captcha_message');

    private function captchaEnabled()
        $path = trim(getConfig('captcha_securimage_path'), '/');

        if (!file_exists($f = rtrim($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '/') . "/$path/securimage.php")) {
            logEvent("securimage file '$f' not found");

            return false;

        include_once $f;

        return true;

     * Public functions
    public function __construct()
        $this->coderoot = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . __CLASS__ . '/';
        $this->version = (is_file($f = $this->coderoot . self::VERSION_FILE))
            ? file_get_contents($f)
            : '';

     * Provide the dependencies for enabling this plugin.
     * @return array
    public function dependencyCheck()
        return array(
            'GD extension installed' => extension_loaded('gd'),
            'curl extension installed' => extension_loaded('curl'),
            'Common Plugin must be enabled' => phpListPlugin::isEnabled('CommonPlugin'),

    public function adminmenu()
        return array();

     * Provide the captcha html to be included in a subscription page.
     * @param array $pageData subscribe page fields
     * @param int   $userID   user id
     * @return string
    public function displaySubscriptionChoice($pageData, $userID = 0)
        if ($_GET['p'] != 'subscribe') {
            return '';

        if (empty($pageData['captcha_include']) || !$this->captchaEnabled()) {
            return '';

        return Securimage::getCaptchaHtml(
                'input_text' => getConfig('captcha_captcha_prompt'),

     * Provide additional validation when a subscribe page has been submitted.
     * @param array $pageData subscribe page fields
     * @return string an error message to be displayed or an empty string
     *                when validation is successful
    public function validateSubscriptionPage($pageData)
        if (empty($_POST)) {
            return '';

        if ($_GET['p'] == 'asubscribe' && !empty($pageData['captcha_not_asubscribe'])) {
            return '';

        if ($_GET['p'] == 'preferences') {
            return '';

        if (!isset($_POST['email'])) {
            return '';
        $email = $_POST['email'];

        if (!empty($pageData['captcha_include']) && $this->captchaEnabled()) {
            if (empty($_POST['captcha_code'])) {
                return getConfig('captcha_captcha_prompt');

            if ($r = $this->validateCaptcha($email, $_POST['captcha_code'])) {
                return $r;

        if (getConfig('captcha_bot_email')) {
            if ($r = $this->validateEmail($email)) {
                return $r;

        return '';

     * Provide html for the captcha options when editing a subscribe page.
     * @param array $pageData subscribe page fields
     * @return string additional html
    public function displaySubscribepageEdit($pageData)
        $include = isset($pageData['captcha_include']) ? (bool) $pageData['captcha_include'] : false;
        $notAsubscribe = isset($pageData['captcha_not_asubscribe']) ? (bool) $pageData['captcha_not_asubscribe'] : true;
        $html =
            CHtml::label(s('Include captcha in the subscribe page'), 'captcha_include')
            . CHtml::checkBox('captcha_include', $include, array('value' => 1, 'uncheckValue' => 0))
            . CHtml::label(s('Do not validate captcha for asubscribe'), 'captcha_not_asubscribe')
            . CHtml::checkBox('captcha_not_asubscribe', $notAsubscribe, array('value' => 1, 'uncheckValue' => 0));

        return $html;

     * Save the captcha settings.
     * @param int $id subscribe page id
    public function processSubscribePageEdit($id)
        global $tables;

                REPLACE INTO %s
                (id, name, data)
                (%d, "captcha_include", "%s"),
                (%d, "captcha_not_asubscribe", "%s")


Name Type Size Permission Actions
CKEditorPlugin Folder 0755
CaptchaPlugin Folder 0755
Common Folder 0755
CommonPlugin Folder 0755
SegmentPlugin Folder 0755
UpdaterPlugin Folder 0755
fckphplist Folder 0755
.htaccess File 462 B 0644
CKEditorPlugin.php File 15.15 KB 0644
COPYING.txt File 34.32 KB 0644
CaptchaPlugin.php File 8.85 KB 0644
CommonPlugin.php File 6.63 KB 0644
SegmentPlugin.php File 17.99 KB 0644
UpdaterPlugin.php File 2.04 KB 0644
campaignslicer.php File 4.44 KB 0644
dateplaceholder.php File 4.77 KB 0644
disposablemailblock.php File 9.69 KB 0644
domainthrottlemap.php File 12.41 KB 0644
embedremoteimages.php File 2.49 KB 0644
fckphplist.php File 2.74 KB 0644
inviteplugin.php File 3.89 KB 0644
subjectLinePlaceholdersPlugin.php File 5.27 KB 0644
update.sh File 66 B 0644