[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * SegmentPlugin for phplist.
 * This file is a part of SegmentPlugin.
 * SegmentPlugin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * SegmentPlugin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * @category  phplist
 * @author    Duncan Cameron
 * @copyright 2014-2017 Duncan Cameron
 * @license   http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GNU General Public License, Version 3
use phpList\plugin\Common\Container;
use phpList\plugin\Common\ImageTag;
use phpList\plugin\Common\PageLink;
use phpList\plugin\Common\PageURL;
use phpList\plugin\SegmentPlugin\Segment;

class SegmentPlugin extends phplistPlugin
    const VERSION_FILE = 'version.txt';
    const GUIDANCE = 'https://resources.phplist.com/plugin/segment#add_segment_conditions';

     *  Inherited variables
    public $name = 'Segmentation';
    public $authors = 'Duncan Cameron';
    public $description = 'Send to a subset of subscribers using custom conditions';
    public $documentationUrl = 'https://resources.phplist.com/plugin/segment';
    public $settings;

    private $error_level;
    private $selectedSubscribers = array();
    private $dao;
    private $conditionFactory;
    private $logger;
    private $segment = null;

     * Constructor.
    public function __construct()
        $this->coderoot = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . __CLASS__ . '/';
        $this->settings = array(
            'segment_campaign_max' => array(
                'description' => s('The maximum number of earlier campaigns to select from'),
                'type' => 'integer',
                'value' => 10,
                'allowempty' => 0,
                'min' => 4,
                'max' => 25,
                'category' => 'Segmentation',
            'segment_subscribers_max' => array(
                'description' => s('The maximum number of selected subscribers to display'),
                'type' => 'integer',
                'value' => 50,
                'allowempty' => 0,
                'min' => 5,
                'max' => 500,
                'category' => 'Segmentation',
            'segment_saved_summary' => array(
                'description' => s('Summary of saved segments'),
                'type' => 'textarea',
                'value' => '',
                'allowempty' => true,
                'category' => 'Segmentation',
            'segment_attribute_max_length' => array(
                'description' => s('Limit the display length of an attribute name. Enter 0 to always display the full attribute name'),
                'type' => 'integer',
                'value' => 0,
                'allowempty' => true,
                'min' => 0,
                'max' => 100,
                'category' => 'Segmentation',
        $this->error_level = E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_DEPRECATED ^ E_STRICT;

        $this->version = (is_file($f = $this->coderoot . self::VERSION_FILE))
            ? file_get_contents($f)
            : '';

     * Provide the dependencies for enabling this plugin.
     * @return array
    public function dependencyCheck()
        global $plugins;

        return array(
            'phpList version 3.3.2 or later' => version_compare(VERSION, '3.3.2') >= 0,
            'Common plugin version 3.11.0 or greater must be enabled' => (
                && version_compare($plugins['CommonPlugin']->version, '3.11.0') >= 0
            'PHP version 5.4.0 or greater' => version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4') > 0,

    public function activate()

        $depends = require $this->coderoot . 'depends.php';
        $container = new Container($depends);
        $this->dao = $container->get('SegmentPlugin_DAO');
        $this->conditionFactory = $container->get('ConditionFactory');
        $this->logger = $container->get('Logger');

     * List of items to add to menu.
     * @return array
    public function adminmenu()
        return array();

     * The title of the additional tab.
     * @param int $messageId
     * @return string the title
    public function sendMessageTabTitle($messageid = 0)
        return s('Segment');

     * Build contents of additional tab.
     * @param int   $messageId
     * @param array $messageData
     * @return string the html for the tab
    public function sendMessageTab($messageId = 0, $messageData = array())
        global $pagefooter;

        $er = error_reporting($this->error_level);

        $formFields = isset($messageData['segment']) ? $messageData['segment'] : array();
        $segment = $this->createSegment($messageId, $formFields);
        $this->processSegmentCommands($segment, $formFields);

        $selectPrompt = s('Select ...');
        $params = array();
        $params['condition'] = array();
        $params['selectPrompt'] = $selectPrompt;

        foreach ($segment->conditions() as $i => $c) {
            $s = new stdClass();
            $params['condition'][] = $s;
            $field = $c['field'];

            try {
                $type = $this->conditionFactory->createConditionType($field, $messageData);
            } catch (SegmentPlugin_ConditionException $e) {
                $s->error = s('Unable to create condition - %s', $e->getMessage());

            // display field selection drop-down list
            $s->fieldList = $this->fieldDropDownList($field, $i, $selectPrompt);

            // display hidden input to detect when field changes
            $s->hiddenField = CHtml::hiddenField("segment[c][$i][_field]", $field);

            // display operators drop-down list
            $operators = $type->operators();
            $selected = isset($c['op']) ? $c['op'] : key($operators);
            $s->operatorList = CHtml::dropDownList(
                array('class' => 'autosubmit')

            // display value
            $value = isset($c['value']) ? $c['value'] : '';
            $s->display = $type->display($selected, $value, "segment[c][$i]");

        // add empty field
        $s = new stdClass();
        $i = count($segment->conditions());
        $s->fieldList = $this->fieldDropDownList('', $i, $selectPrompt);
        $s->hiddenField = CHtml::hiddenField("segment[c][$i][_field]", '');
        $params['condition'][] = $s;

        // display warning if no lists have been selected
        if (!(is_array($messageData['targetlist']) && count($messageData['targetlist']) > 0)) {
            $params['warning'] = s('Please select at least one list on the Lists tab before adding segmentation conditions');

        // display fields for saved segments only where there are some
        $saved = new SegmentPlugin_SavedSegments();
        $savedListData = $saved->selectListData();

        if (count($savedListData) > 0) {
            $params['savedList'] = CHtml::dropDownList(
                array('multiple' => 'multiple', 'style' => 'width: 50%')
            $params['loadButton'] = CHtml::submitButton(s('Load segments'), array('name' => 'segment[load]'));
            $params['settingsButton'] = new PageLink(
                new PageURL('configure', array(), 'segmentation'),
                'Edit saved segments',
                array('target' => '_blank', 'class' => 'button')

        // display combine drop-down list
        $params['combineList'] = CHtml::dropDownList(
            array(SegmentPlugin_Operator::ONE => s('any'), SegmentPlugin_Operator::ALL => s('all'))

        // display calculate button
        $params['calculateButton'] = CHtml::submitButton(s('Calculate'), array('name' => 'segment[calculate]'));

        // display calculated number of subscribers
        if (isset($formFields['calculate'])) {
            try {
                list($params['totalSubscribers'], $params['subscribers']) = $segment->calculateSubscribers(getConfig('segment_subscribers_max'));
                $params['exportCalculatedButton'] = new PageLink(
                    new PageURL('export', array('pi' => 'SegmentPlugin', 'id' => $messageId)),
                    'Export subscribers',
                    array('class' => 'button dialog')
            } catch (SegmentPlugin_ValueException $e) {
                $params['warning'] = s('Invalid value for segment condition');
            } catch (SegmentPlugin_ConditionException $e) {
                $params['warning'] = s('Unable to create condition - %s', $e->getMessage());

        // display remove all, save button and input field only when there is at least one entered condition
        if (count($segment->conditions()) > 0) {
            $params['removeButton'] = CHtml::submitButton(s('Remove all'), array('name' => 'segment[remove]'));
            $params['saveButton'] = CHtml::submitButton(s('Save segment'), array('name' => 'segment[save]'));
            $params['saveName'] = CHtml::textField('segment[savename]', '', array('size' => 25, 'placeholder' => 'Name of segment'));

        // display link to Help page
        $params['help'] = CHtml::tag(
            array('href' => self::GUIDANCE, 'target' => '_blank'),
            new ImageTag('info.png', 'Guidance')
        $html = $this->render('sendtab.tpl.php', $params);
        $pagefooter[basename(__FILE__)] = file_get_contents($this->coderoot . 'script.html');

        return $html;

     * Validate that conditions are valid for the message to be submitted by calculating the number of subscribers.
     * @param array $messageData
     * @return string empty string for allow, otherwise error text to be displayed
    public function allowMessageToBeQueued($messageData = array())
        if (!isset($messageData['segment']['c'])) {
            return '';
        $segment = $this->createSegment($messageData['id'], $messageData['segment']);

        try {
        } catch (SegmentPlugin_ValueException $e) {
            return s('Invalid value for segment condition');
        } catch (SegmentPlugin_ConditionException $e) {
            return s('Unable to create condition - %s', $e->getMessage());

        return '';

     * Use this hook to delete the 'not sent' rows from the usermessage table
     * so that they will be re-evaluated.
     * @param int $id the message id
     * @return none
    public function messageQueued($id)

     * The same processing as when queueing a message.
     * @param int $id the message id
     * @return none
    public function messageReQueued($id)

     * Use this hook to select the subscribers who meet the segment conditions.
     * $selectedSubscribers will contain the selected subscribers.
     * @param array $messageData the message data
     * @return none
    public function campaignStarted($messageData = array())
        $er = error_reporting($this->error_level);
        $messageId = $messageData['id'];
        $this->selectedSubscribers[$messageId] = null;

        if (isset($messageData['segment']['c'])) {
            $segment = $this->createSegment($messageId, $messageData['segment']);

            try {
                list($total, $this->selectedSubscribers[$messageId]) = $segment->loadSubscribers();
                logEvent(s('Segment plugin selected %d subscribers for campaign %d', $total, $messageId));
            } catch (SegmentPlugin_ValueException $e) {
                logEvent(s('Invalid value for segment condition'));
            } catch (SegmentPlugin_ConditionException $e) {
                logEvent(s('Unable to create condition - %s', $e->getMessage()));
            } catch (SegmentPlugin_NoConditionsException $ex) {
                // do nothing

     * Determine whether the campaign should be sent to a specific user.
     * @param array $messageData the message data
     * @param array $userData    the user data
     * @return bool
    public function canSend($messageData, $userData)
        $messageId = $messageData['id'];
        $userId = (int) $userData['id'];

        return ($this->selectedSubscribers[$messageId] === null)
            ? true
            : (bool) $this->selectedSubscribers[$messageId][$userId];

     * Build the html to be added to the view message page.
     * @param int   $messageId   the message id
     * @param array $messageData the message data
     * @return array|false the caption and html to be added, or false if the message
     *                     does not use segments
    public function viewMessage($messageId, array $messageData)
        if (!isset($messageData['segment'])) {
            return false;
        $formFields = $messageData['segment'];

        if (!isset($formFields['c'])) {
            return false;
        $segment = $this->createSegment($messageId, $formFields);
        $conditions = $segment->conditions();

        if (count($conditions) == 0) {
            return false;
        $params = array();
        $params['condition'] = array();

        foreach ($conditions as $i => $c) {
            $s = new stdClass();
            $params['condition'][] = $s;
            $field = $c['field'];

            try {
                $type = $this->conditionFactory->createConditionType($field, $messageData);
            } catch (SegmentPlugin_ConditionException $e) {
                $s->error = sprintf('Unable to create condition - %s', $e->getMessage());

            // display field selection
            $fields = $this->conditionFactory->subscriberFields() + $this->conditionFactory->attributeFields();
            $s->field = $fields[$field];

            // display operator
            $operators = $type->operators();
            $op = isset($c['op']) ? $c['op'] : key($operators);
            $s->operator = $operators[$op];

            // display value field
            $value = isset($c['value']) ? $c['value'] : '';
            $s->display = $type->display($op, $value, "segment[c][$i]");

        // display combine
        $combineOps = array(SegmentPlugin_Operator::ONE => s('any'), SegmentPlugin_Operator::ALL => s('all'));
        $params['combine'] = $combineOps[$segment->combine()];
        $html = $this->render('viewmessage.tpl.php', $params);

        return array('Segment conditions', $html);

     * Called when a campaign is being copied.
     * Allows this plugin to specify which rows of the messagedata table should also
     * be copied.
     * @return array rows of messagedata table that should be copied
    public function copyCampaignHook()
        return array('segment');

    private function render($template, $params)
        require $this->coderoot . $template;

        return ob_get_clean();

    private function fieldDropDownList($field, $seq, $selectPrompt)
        return CHtml::dropDownList(
            array('Subscriber Data' => $this->conditionFactory->subscriberFields(), 'Attributes' => $this->conditionFactory->attributeFields()),
            array('prompt' => $selectPrompt, 'class' => 'autosubmit searchable')

     * Process segment commands that can change the set of conditions.
     * @param Segment $segment
     * @param array   $formFields
    private function processSegmentCommands($segment, $formFields)
        $saved = new SegmentPlugin_SavedSegments();

        if (isset($formFields['remove'])) {
             *  Remove all conditions
        } elseif (isset($formFields['save']) && $formFields['savename'] != '') {
             *  Save the current set of conditions
            $saved->addSegment($formFields['savename'], $segment->conditions());
        } elseif (isset($formFields['load']) && isset($formFields['usesaved']) && is_array($formFields['usesaved'])) {
             *  Load the selected saved segments
            try {
                foreach ($formFields['usesaved'] as $savedId) {
                    $savedConditions = $saved->segmentById($savedId);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                // do nothing

     * Create a segment from the message form fields.
     * @param int   $messageId
     * @param array $formFields
     * @return Segment
    private function createSegment($messageId, $formFields)
        return new Segment(
            isset($formFields['c']) ? $formFields['c'] : array(),
            isset($formFields['combine']) ? $formFields['combine'] : SegmentPlugin_Operator::ALL,


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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COPYING.txt File 34.32 KB 0644
CaptchaPlugin.php File 8.85 KB 0644
CommonPlugin.php File 6.63 KB 0644
SegmentPlugin.php File 17.99 KB 0644
UpdaterPlugin.php File 2.04 KB 0644
campaignslicer.php File 4.44 KB 0644
dateplaceholder.php File 4.77 KB 0644
disposablemailblock.php File 9.69 KB 0644
domainthrottlemap.php File 12.41 KB 0644
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fckphplist.php File 2.74 KB 0644
inviteplugin.php File 3.89 KB 0644
subjectLinePlaceholdersPlugin.php File 5.27 KB 0644
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