/* JS function to handle media queries */
window.matchMedia = window.matchMedia || (function(doc, undefined){
var bool,
docElem = doc.documentElement,
refNode = docElem.firstElementChild || docElem.firstChild,
// fakeBody required for <FF4 when executed in <head>
fakeBody = doc.createElement('body'),
div = doc.createElement('div');
div.id = 'mq-test-1';
div.style.cssText = "position:absolute;top:-100em";
return function(q){
div.innerHTML = '­<style media="'+q+'"> #mq-test-1 { width: 42px; }</style>';
docElem.insertBefore(fakeBody, refNode);
bool = div.offsetWidth == 42;
return { matches: bool, media: q };
/* JS to execute on loading document */
$(document).ready(function() {
// adding add and even classes to table in dbcheck page
$(".dbcheck tr.row:even").addClass("even");
$(".dbcheck tr.row:odd").addClass("odd");
// make the content collapsible
$('.dbcheck table div.header').each(function(index) {
$(this).click(function () {
// Set active link
$('.sidebar li.active').parents('li').addClass('active open');
// Sidebar
$('.navbar-toggle').click(function() {
if ($('#sidebar.sidebar-open').length) {
} else {
// Force reloading of select picker menus to workaround missing language menu issue
// See:
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34954785/bootstrap-select-didnt-show-on-page-load
// https://mantis.phplist.org/view.php?id=19988
/* Misc */
var min_height = ($("#container").height()+15) + "px";
$('#content').css('min-height', min_height);
/* menu */
$('#menuTop a.level0').click(function(){
$('#menuTop li').not($(this).parent()).removeClass('open');
if ($('input[type=text].form-control').val().length < 1 || $('input[type=password].form-control').val().length < 2 ) {
alert('Please enter your credentials');
return false;