require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/accesscheck.php';
$subselect = $whereClause = '';
$action_result = '';
$access = accessLevel('messages');
$messageSortOptions = array(
'subjectasc' => array(
// caption for drop-down list
'label' => s('Subject').' - '.s('Ascending'),
// sql order by
'orderby' => 'subject asc'
'subjectdesc' => array(
'label' => s('Subject').' - '.s('Descending'),
'orderby' => 'subject desc'
'enteredasc' => array(
'label' => s('Entered').' - '.s('Ascending'),
'orderby' => 'entered asc'
'entereddesc' => array(
'label' => s('Entered').' - '.s('Descending'),
'orderby' => 'entered desc'
'modifiedasc' => array(
'label' => s('Modified').' - '.s('Ascending'),
'orderby' => 'modified asc'
'modifieddesc' => array(
'label' => s('Modified').' - '.s('Descending'),
'orderby' => 'modified desc'
'embargoasc' => array(
'label' => s('Embargo').' - '.s('Ascending'),
'orderby' => 'embargo asc'
'embargodesc' => array(
'label' => s('Embargo').' - '.s('Descending'),
'orderby' => 'embargo desc'
'sentasc' => array(
'label' => s('Sent').' - '.s('Ascending'),
'orderby' => 'sent asc'
'sentdesc' => array(
'label' => s('Sent').' - '.s('Descending'),
'orderby' => 'sent desc'
$tabParameters = array(
'active' => array(
// status values to select messages
'status' => "'inprocess', 'submitted', 'suspended'",
// initial ordering of tab
'defaultSort' => 'embargoasc'
'draft' => array(
'status' => "'draft'",
'defaultSort' => 'modifieddesc'
'sent' => array(
'status' => "'sent'",
'defaultSort' => 'sentdesc'
'static' => array(
'status' => "'prepared'",
'defaultSort' => 'embargoasc'
if ($access == 'all') {
$ownerselect_and = '';
$ownerselect_where = '';
} else {
$ownerselect_where = ' where owner = '.$_SESSION['logindetails']['id'];
$ownerselect_and = ' and owner = '.$_SESSION['logindetails']['id'];
if (isset($_GET['start'])) {
$start = sprintf('%d', $_GET['start']);
} else {
if (!isset($_SESSION['messagefilter'])) {
$_SESSION['messagefilter'] = '';
if (!empty($_POST['clear'])) {
$_SESSION['messagefilter'] = '';
$_SESSION['messagesortby'] = array();
$_SESSION['messagenumpp'] = MAX_MSG_PP;
if (isset($_POST['filter'])) {
$_SESSION['messagefilter'] = removeXSS($_POST['filter']);
if ($_SESSION['messagefilter'] == $filterSelectDefault) {
$_SESSION['messagefilter'] = '';
if (!isset($_SESSION['messagenumpp'])) {
$_SESSION['messagenumpp'] = MAX_MSG_PP;
if (isset($_POST['numPP'])) {
$_SESSION['messagenumpp'] = sprintf('%d', $_POST['numPP']);
if ($_SESSION['messagenumpp'] <= 0) {
$_SESSION['messagenumpp'] = MAX_MSG_PP;
if (isset($_GET['tab']) && isset($tabParameters[$_GET['tab']])) {
$currentTab = $_GET['tab'];
} else {
if (isset($_SESSION['lastmessagetype'])) {
$currentTab = $_SESSION['lastmessagetype'];
} else {
$currentTab = 'sent';
$_SESSION['lastmessagetype'] = $currentTab;
if (isset($_POST['sortBy'])) {
if (in_array($_POST['sortBy'], array_keys($messageSortOptions))) {
$_SESSION['messagesortby'][$currentTab] = $_POST['sortBy'];
if (!isset($_SESSION['messagesortby'][$currentTab])) {
$_SESSION['messagesortby'][$currentTab] = $tabParameters[$currentTab]['defaultSort'];
$currentSortBy = $_SESSION['messagesortby'][$currentTab];
echo '<div class="actions"><div class="fright">';
echo PageLinkActionButton('send&new=1', $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Start a new campaign'));
echo '</div><div class="clear"></div></div>';
//## Print tabs
$tabs = new WebblerTabs();
$tabs->addTab($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('sent'), PageUrl2('messages&tab=sent'), 'sent');
$tabs->addTab($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('active'), PageUrl2('messages&tab=active'), 'active');
$tabs->addTab($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('draft'), PageUrl2('messages&tab=draft'), 'draft');
$tabs->addTab($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('static'), PageUrl2('messages&tab=static'), 'static');
//obsolete, moved to rssmanager plugin
//if (ENABLE_RSS) {
// $tabs->addTab("rss",PageUrl2("messages&tab=rss"));
echo '<div class="minitabs">';
echo $tabs->display();
echo '</div>';
$filterDisplay = $_SESSION['messagefilter'];
echo '<div id="messagefilter" class="filterdiv fright">';
echo formStart(' id="messagefilterform" ');
echo '<div><input type="text" name="filter" placeholder="🔍'.s('Search campaigns').'" value="'.htmlspecialchars($filterDisplay).'" />';
echo '<select name="numPP" class="numppOptions">';
foreach (array(5, 10, 15, 20, 50, 100) as $numppOption) {
if ($numppOption == $_SESSION['messagenumpp']) {
echo '<option selected="selected">'.$numppOption.'</option>';
} else {
echo '<option>'.$numppOption.'</option>';
echo '</select>';
echo '<select name="sortBy" class="sortby">';
foreach ($messageSortOptions as $sortOption => $optionData) {
if ($sortOption == $currentSortBy) {
echo '<option selected="selected" value="'.$sortOption.'">'.$optionData['label'].'</option>';
} else {
echo '<option value="'.$sortOption.'">'.$optionData['label'].'</option>';
echo '</select>';
echo '<button type="submit" name="go" id="filterbutton" >'.s('Go').'</button> <button type="submit" name="clear" id="filterclearbutton" value="1">'.s('Clear').'</button></div>';
echo '</form></div>';
//## Process 'Action' requests
if (!empty($_GET['delete'])) {
$todelete = array();
if ($_GET['delete'] == 'draft') {
$req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select id from %s where status = "draft" and (subject = "" or subject = "(no subject)") %s',
$GLOBALS['tables']['message'], $ownerselect_and));
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($req)) {
array_push($todelete, $row[0]);
} else {
array_push($todelete, sprintf('%d', $_GET['delete']));
foreach ($todelete as $delete) {
$action_result .= $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Deleting')." $delete ...";
$del = deleteMessage($delete);
if ($del) {
$action_result .= '... '.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Done');
} else {
$action_result .= '... '.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('failed');
$action_result .= '<br/>';
$action_result .= "<hr /><br />\n";
if (isset($_GET['duplicate'])) {
$idToDuplicate = sprintf('%d', $_GET['duplicate']);
$action_result .= $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Copying')." $idToDuplicate ..";
Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into %s (uuid, subject, fromfield, tofield, replyto, message, textmessage, footer, entered,
modified, embargo, repeatuntil, repeatinterval, requeueinterval, status, htmlformatted, sendformat, template, rsstemplate, owner)
select "%s", subject, fromfield, tofield, replyto, message, textmessage, footer, now(),
now(), now(), now(), repeatinterval, requeueinterval, "draft", htmlformatted,
sendformat, template, rsstemplate, "%d" from %s
where id = %d',
$GLOBALS['tables']['message'], (string) Uuid::generate(4), $_SESSION['logindetails']['id'],$GLOBALS['tables']['message'],
if ($newId = Sql_Insert_Id()) { // if we don't have a newId then the copy failed
Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into %s (id,name,data) '.
'select %d,name,data from %s where name in ("sendmethod","sendurl","campaigntitle","excludelist","subject") and id = %d',
Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into %s (messageid, listid, entered) select %d, listid, now() from %s where messageid = %d',
$action_result .= '... '.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Done');
} else {
$action_result .= '... '.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('failed');
if (isset($_GET['resend'])) {
$resend = sprintf('%d', $_GET['resend']);
// requeue the message in $resend
$action_result .= $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Requeuing')." $resend ..";
$result = Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set status = "submitted", sendstart = null where id = %d',
$tables['message'], $resend));
$suc6 = Sql_Affected_Rows();
// only send it again to users, if we are testing, otherwise only to new users
if (TEST) {
$result = Sql_query(sprintf('delete from %s where messageid = %d', $tables['usermessage'], $resend));
if ($suc6) {
$action_result .= '... '.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Done');
foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $pluginname => $plugin) {
Sql_Query(sprintf('delete from %s where id = %d and (name = "start_notified" or name = "end_notified")',
$tables['messagedata'], $resend));
$messagedata = loadMessageData($resend);
$finishSending = mktime($messagedata['finishsending']['hour'], $messagedata['finishsending']['minute'], 0,
$messagedata['finishsending']['month'], $messagedata['finishsending']['day'],
if ($finishSending < time()) {
$action_result .= '<br />'.s('This campaign is scheduled to stop sending in the past. No mails will be sent.');
$action_result .= '<br />'.PageLinkButton('send&id='.$messagedata['id'].'&tab=Scheduling',
s('Review Scheduling'));
if (getConfig('pqchoice') == 'phplistdotcom') {
$action_result .= activateRemoteQueue();
} else {
$action_result .= '... '.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('failed');
$action_result .= '<br />';
if (isset($_GET['suspend'])) {
$suspend = sprintf('%d', $_GET['suspend']);
$action_result .= $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Suspending')." $suspend ..";
$result = Sql_query(sprintf('update %s set status = "suspended" where id = %d and (status = "inprocess" or status = "submitted") %s',
$tables['message'], $suspend, $ownerselect_and));
$suc6 = Sql_Affected_Rows();
if ($suc6) {
$action_result .= '... '.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Done');
} else {
$action_result .= '... '.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('failed');
$action_result .= '<br /><hr /><br />';
//0012081: Add new 'Mark as sent' button
if (isset($_GET['markSent'])) {
$markSent = sprintf('%d', $_GET['markSent']);
$action_result .= $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Marking as sent ')." $markSent ..";
$result = Sql_query(sprintf('update %s set status = "sent", sent = now(), repeatinterval = 0,requeueinterval = 0 where id = %d and (status = "suspended") %s',
$tables['message'], $markSent, $ownerselect_and));
$suc6 = Sql_Affected_Rows();
if ($suc6) {
$action_result .= '... '.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Done');
} else {
$action_result .= '... '.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Failed');
$action_result .= '<br /><hr /><br />';
if (isset($_GET['action'])) {
switch ($_GET['action']) {
case 'suspall':
$action_result .= $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Suspending all').' ..';
$result = Sql_query(sprintf('update %s set status = "suspended" where (status = "inprocess" or status = "submitted") %s',
$tables['message'], $ownerselect_and));
$suc6 = Sql_Affected_Rows();
if ($suc6) {
$action_result .= "... $suc6 ".$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Done');
} else {
$action_result .= '... '.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Failed');
$action_result .= '<br /><hr /><br />';
case 'markallsent':
$action_result .= $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Marking all as sent ').' ..';
$result = Sql_query(sprintf('update %s set status = "sent", sent = now(), repeatinterval = 0,requeueinterval = 0 where (status = "suspended") %s',
$tables['message'], $markSent, $ownerselect_and));
$suc6 = Sql_Affected_Rows();
if ($suc6) {
$action_result .= "... $suc6 ".$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Done');
} else {
$action_result .= '... '.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Failed');
$action_result .= '<br /><hr /><br />';
if (!empty($action_result)) {
//print ActionResult($action_result);
$_SESSION['action_result'] = $action_result;
$where = array();
$where[] = sprintf('status in (%s)', $tabParameters[$currentTab]['status']);
$url_keep = '&tab='.$currentTab;
if (!empty($_SESSION['messagefilter'])) {
$where[] = ' subject like "%'.sql_escape($_SESSION['messagefilter']).'%" ';
//## Query messages from db
if ($access != 'all') {
$where[] = ' owner = '.$_SESSION['logindetails']['id'];
$whereClause = ' where '.implode(' and ', $where);
$sortBySql = 'order by '.$messageSortOptions[$currentSortBy]['orderby'];
$req = Sql_query('select count(*) from '.$tables['message'].$whereClause.' '.$sortBySql);
$total_req = Sql_Fetch_Row($req);
$total = $total_req[0];
//# Browse buttons table
$limit = $_SESSION['messagenumpp'];
$offset = 0;
if (isset($start) && $start > 0) {
$offset = $start;
} else {
$start = 0;
$paging = '';
if ($total > $_SESSION['messagenumpp']) {
$paging = simplePaging("messages$url_keep", $start, $total, $_SESSION['messagenumpp'],
$ls = new WebblerListing(s('Campaigns'));
//# messages table
if ($total) {
$result = Sql_query('SELECT * FROM '.$tables['message']." $whereClause $sortBySql limit $limit offset $offset");
while ($msg = Sql_fetch_array($result)) {
$editlink = '';
$messagedata = loadMessageData($msg['id']);
if ($messagedata['subject'] != $messagedata['campaigntitle']) {
$listingelement = '<!--'.$msg['id'].'-->'.stripslashes($messagedata['campaigntitle']).'<br/><strong>'.stripslashes($messagedata['subject']).'</strong>';
} else {
$listingelement = '<!--'.$msg['id'].'-->'.stripslashes($messagedata['subject']);
// $listingelement = '<!--'.$msg['id'].'-->'.stripslashes($messagedata["campaigntitle"]);
if ($msg['status'] == 'draft') {
$editlink = PageUrl2('send&id='.$msg['id']);
$ls->addElement($listingelement, $editlink);
$ls->setClass($listingelement, 'row1');
$uniqueviews = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query("select count(userid) from {$tables['usermessage']} where viewed is not null and status = 'sent' and messageid = ".$msg['id']);
$clicks = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query("select sum(clicked) from {$tables['linktrack_ml']} where messageid = ".$msg['id']);
// $clicks = array(0);
foreach ($messagedata as $key => $val) {
$ls->addColumn($listingelement, $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Entered'), formatDateTime($msg['entered']));
$_GET['id'] = $msg['id'];
$statusdiv = '<div id="messagestatus'.$msg['id'].'">';
include 'actions/msgstatus.php';
$statusdiv .= $status;
$statusdiv .= '</div>';
$GLOBALS['pagefooter']['statusupdate'.$msg['id']] = '<script type="text/javascript">
updateMessages.push(' .$msg['id'].');</script>';
$GLOBALS['pagefooter']['statusupdate'] = '<script type="text/javascript">window.setInterval("messagesStatusUpdate()",5000);</script>';
if ($msg['status'] == 'sent') {
$statusdiv = $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Sent').': '.formatDateTime($msg['sent']);
$ls->addColumn($listingelement, $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Status'), $statusdiv);
* Display the lists that have been selected for the campaign
$maxListsDisplayed = 3;
$namesQuery = <<<END
FROM {$tables['list']} l
JOIN {$tables['listmessage']} lm ON l.id = lm.listid
WHERE lm.messageid = {$msg['id']}
ORDER BY l.name
LIMIT $maxListsDisplayed
$namesResult = Sql_Query($namesQuery);
$row = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()');
$numberOfLists = $row[0];
if ($numberOfLists > 0) {
$listNames = array();
while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Assoc($namesResult)) {
$listNames[] = htmlspecialchars($row['name']);
if ($numberOfLists > $maxListsDisplayed) {
$listNames[] = sprintf(
'<a href="%s">%s</a>',
PageURL2('message', '', "id={$msg['id']}").'#targetlists',
htmlspecialchars(s('and %d more', $numberOfLists - ($maxListsDisplayed - 1)))
$ls->addRow($listingelement, s('Lists'), implode('<br/>', $listNames), '', 'left');
if ($msg['status'] != 'draft') {
// $ls->addColumn($listingelement,$GLOBALS['I18N']->get("total"), $msg['astext'] + $msg['ashtml'] + $msg['astextandhtml'] + $msg['aspdf'] + $msg['astextandpdf']);
// $ls->addColumn($listingelement,$GLOBALS['I18N']->get("text"), $msg['astext']);
// $ls->addColumn($listingelement,$GLOBALS['I18N']->get("html"), $msg["ashtml"] + $msg["astextandhtml"]);
// if (!empty($msg['aspdf'])) {
// $ls->addColumn($listingelement,$GLOBALS['I18N']->get("PDF"), $msg['aspdf']);
// }
// if (!empty($msg["astextandpdf"])) {
// $ls->addColumn($listingelement,$GLOBALS['I18N']->get("both"), $msg["astextandpdf"]);
// }
// Prepare view & bounce statistics for printing
$viewStats = array(
'views' => $msg['viewed']
, 'uniqueViews' => $uniqueviews[0]
, 'clicks' => $clicks[0]
, 'bounces' => $msg['bouncecount']
$viewStatsFormatted = array();
// Make statistical integers human readable
foreach ($viewStats as $key => $value) {
$viewStatsFormatted[$key] = number_format((int)$value);
$resultStats = '
<table class="messagesendstats">
<th colspan="2">Statistics</th>
<td>' .s('Total views').'</td>
<td>'.(!empty($viewStats['views']) ? PageLink2('mviews&id='.$msg['id'], $viewStatsFormatted['views']) : '0').'</td>
<td>' .s('Unique Views').'</td>
<td>'.(!empty($viewStats['uniqueViews']) ? PageLink2('mviews&id='.$msg['id'], $viewStatsFormatted['uniqueViews']) : '0').'</td>
if ($clicks[0]) {
$resultStats .= '
<td>'.s('Total clicks').'</td>
<td>'. (!empty($viewStats['clicks']) ? PageLink2('mclicks&id='.$msg['id'], $viewStatsFormatted['clicks']): '0').'</td>
$resultStats .= '
<td>' .s('Bounced').'</td>
<td>'.(!empty($viewStats['bounces']) ? PageLink2('msgbounces&id='.$msg['id'],$viewStatsFormatted['bounces']): '0').'</td>
// $ls->addColumn($listingelement,s('Results'),$resultStats);
//$ls->addColumn($listingelement,$GLOBALS['I18N']->get("Viewed"), $msg["viewed"]);
//$ls->addColumn($listingelement,$GLOBALS['I18N']->get("Unique Views"), $uniqueviews[0]);
//if ($clicks[0]) {
//$ls->addColumn($listingelement,$GLOBALS['I18N']->get("Clicks"), $clicks[0]);
//$ls->addColumn($listingelement,$GLOBALS['I18N']->get("Bounced"), $msg["bouncecount"]);
if ($msg['status'] == 'sent') {
$started = s('Started ').': '.formatDateTime($msg['sendstart']);
$timetosend = s('Time to send').': '.timeDiff($msg['sendstart'], $msg['sent']);
} else {
$timetosend = '';
$started = '';
$colspan = 3;
if (!empty($msg['aspdf'])) {
if (!empty($msg['astextandpdf'])) {
$clicksrow = $bouncedrow = '';
//if ($clicks[0]) {
//$clicksrow = sprintf('<tr><td colspan="%d">%s</td><td>%d</td></tr>',
//if ($msg["bouncecount"]) {
//$bouncedrow = sprintf('<tr><td colspan="%d">%s</td><td>%d</td></tr>',
// Calculcate sent statistics for printing
$sentStats = array(
'grandTotal' => $msg['astext'] + $msg['ashtml'] + $msg['astextandhtml'] + $msg['aspdf'] + $msg['astextandpdf']
, 'text' => $msg['astext']
, 'html' => $msg['ashtml'] + $msg['astextandhtml'] //bug 0009687
, 'pdf' => $msg['aspdf']
, 'textPlusPDF' => $msg['astextandpdf']
$sentStatsFormatted = array();
// Make statistical integers human readable
foreach ($sentStats as $key => $value) {
$sentStatsFormatted[$key] = number_format($value);
$sendstats =
sprintf('<table class="messagesendstats">
<th colspan="3">Processed</th>
%s %s
<tr><td>' .s('total').'</td><td>'.s('text').'</td><td>'.s('html').'</td>
%s %s %s %s
!empty($started) ? '<tr> <td colspan="'.$colspan.'">'.$started.'</td></tr>' : '',
!empty($timetosend) ? '<tr> <td colspan="'.$colspan.'">'.$timetosend.'</td></tr>' : '',
!empty($msg['aspdf']) ? '<td>'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('PDF').'</td>' : '',
!empty($msg['astextandpdf']) ? '<td>'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('both').'</td>' : '',
!empty($msg['aspdf']) ? '<td><b>'.$sentStatsFormatted['pdf'].'</b></td>' : '',
!empty($msg['astextandpdf']) ? '<td><b>'.$sentStatsFormatted['textPlusPDF'].'</b></td>' : '',
if ($msg['status'] != 'draft') {
$ls->addRow($listingelement, '', $resultStats.$sendstats);
$actionbuttons = '';
if ($msg['status'] == 'inprocess' || $msg['status'] == 'submitted') {
$actionbuttons .= '<span class="suspend">'.PageLinkButton('messages&suspend='.$msg['id'],
$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Suspend'), '', '', s('Suspend')).'</span>';
} elseif ($msg['status'] != 'draft') {
$actionbuttons .= '<span class="resend">'.PageLinkButton('messages', $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Requeue'),
'resend='.$msg['id'], '', s('Requeue')).'</span>';
$actionbuttons .= '<span class="view">'.PageLinkButton('message', $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('View'),
'id='.$msg['id'], '', s('View')).'</span>';
if ($clicks[0] && CLICKTRACK) {
$actionbuttons .= '<span class="stats">'.PageLinkButton('statsoverview',
$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('statistics'), 'id='.$msg['id'], '', s('Statistics')).'</span>';
//0012081: Add new 'Mark as sent' button
if ($msg['status'] == 'suspended') {
$actionbuttons .= '<span class="marksent">'.PageLinkButton('messages&markSent='.$msg['id'],
$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Mark sent'), '', '', s('Mark sent')).'</span>';
$actionbuttons .= '<span class="edit">'.PageLinkButton('send', $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Edit'),
'id='.$msg['id'], '', s('Edit')).'</span>';
} elseif ($msg['status'] == 'draft' || !empty($messagedata['istestcampaign'])) {
//# only draft messages should be deletable, the rest isn't
$deletebutton = new ConfirmButton(
s('Are you sure you want to delete this campaign?'),
s('delete this campaign'), '', 'button');
// $actionbuttons .= sprintf('<span class="delete"><a href="javascript:deleteRec(\'%s\');" class="button" title="'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get("delete").'">'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get("delete").'</a></span>',PageURL2("messages$url_keep","","delete=".$msg["id"]));
$actionbuttons .= '<span class="edit">'.PageLinkButton('send', $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Edit'),
'id='.$msg['id'], '', s('Edit')).'</span>';
if (empty($clicks[0]) || !empty($messagedata['istestcampaign'])) { //# disallow deletion when there are stats except when is test campaign
$actionbuttons .= '<span class="delete">'.$deletebutton->show().'</span>';
if ($msg['status'] == 'sent') {
$actionbuttons .= '<span class="copy">'.PageLinkButton('messages', s('Copy to Draft'),
'tab=draft&duplicate='.$msg['id'], '', s('Copy to Draft')).'</span>';
$ls->addColumn($listingelement, $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Action'),
'<div class="messageactions">'.$actionbuttons.'</div>');
echo $ls->display();
if ($total > 5 && $currentTab == 'active') {
echo PageLinkButton('messages', $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Suspend All'), 'action=suspall');
echo PageLinkButton('messages', $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Mark All Sent'), 'action=markallsent');