<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/accesscheck.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/EmailSender.php'; include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/defaultplugin.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/AnalyticsQuery.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/Updater.php'; $GLOBALS['plugins'] = array(); $GLOBALS['editorplugin'] = false; $GLOBALS['authenticationplugin'] = false; $GLOBALS['emailsenderplugin'] = false; $GLOBALS['analyticsqueryplugin'] = false; $GLOBALS['updaterplugin'] = false; $pluginRootDirs = array(); if (PLUGIN_ROOTDIRS != '') { $pluginRootDirs = explode(';', PLUGIN_ROOTDIRS); } $pluginRootDirs[] = PLUGIN_ROOTDIR; $pluginRootDirs = array_filter(array_unique($pluginRootDirs)); $pluginFiles = array(); foreach ($pluginRootDirs as $pluginRootDir) { //# try to expand to subdir of the admin dir if (!is_dir($pluginRootDir)) { $pluginRootDir = dirname(__FILE__).'/'.$pluginRootDir; } // print '<h3>'.$pluginRootDir.'</h3>'; if (is_dir($pluginRootDir) && ($dh = opendir($pluginRootDir))) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($dh))) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && !preg_match('/~$/', $file)) { // print $pluginRootDir.' '.$file.'<br/>'; if (is_file($pluginRootDir.'/'.$file) && preg_match("/\.php$/", $file)) { // print "ADD $file<br/>"; array_push($pluginFiles, $pluginRootDir.'/'.$file); } elseif (is_dir($pluginRootDir.'/'.$file) && is_dir($pluginRootDir.'/'.$file.'/plugins')) { // print 'SUBROOT'.$pluginRootDir.' '.$file.'<br/>'; $subRoot = $pluginRootDir.'/'.$file.'/plugins'; $subDir = opendir($subRoot); while (false !== ($subFile = readdir($subDir))) { if (is_file($subRoot.'/'.$subFile) && preg_match("/\.php$/", $subFile)) { // print "ADD $subFile<br/>"; array_push($pluginFiles, $subRoot.'/'.$subFile); } else { // print "NOT A FILE: $subRoot.'/'.$subFile<br/>"; } } } else { // print 'NOT A DIR: '.$pluginRootDir.'/'.$file.'/plugins<br/>'; } } } closedir($dh); } } $auto_enable_plugins = array(); if (isset($GLOBALS['plugins_autoenable'])) { $auto_enable_plugins = $GLOBALS['plugins_autoenable']; } //var_dump($pluginFiles);exit; $disabled_plugins = unserialize(getConfig('plugins_disabled')); if (is_array($disabled_plugins)) { foreach ($disabled_plugins as $pl => $plstate) { if (!empty($plstate) && !in_array($pl, $auto_enable_plugins)) { $GLOBALS['plugins_disabled'][] = $pl; } } } //var_dump($GLOBALS['plugins_disabled']);exit; foreach ($pluginFiles as $file) { list($className, $ext) = explode('.', basename($file)); if (preg_match("/[\w]+/", $className)) { // && !in_array($className,$GLOBALS['plugins_disabled'])) { if (!class_exists($className)) { include_once $file; if (class_exists($className)) { $pluginInstance = new $className(); $pluginInstance->origin = $file; // print "Instance $className<br/>"; //# bit of a duplication of plugins, but $GLOBALS['plugins'] should only contain active ones //# using "allplugins" allow listing them, and switch on/off in the plugins page $GLOBALS['allplugins'][$className] = $pluginInstance; if (!in_array($className, $GLOBALS['plugins_disabled'])) { $plugin_initialised = getConfig(md5('plugin-'.$className.'-initialised')); if (!empty($plugin_initialised)) { $GLOBALS['plugins'][$className] = $pluginInstance; $pluginInstance->enabled = true; } elseif (in_array($className, $auto_enable_plugins)) { $GLOBALS['plugins'][$className] = $pluginInstance; $pluginInstance->initialise(); $pluginInstance->enabled = true; } else { // plugin is not enabled and not disabled, so disable it and don't process this plugin any further $pluginInstance->enabled = false; $disabled_plugins[$className] = 1; saveConfig('plugins_disabled', serialize($disabled_plugins), 0); continue; } // remember the first plugins that provide editor, authentication or email sending if (!$GLOBALS['editorplugin'] && $pluginInstance->editorProvider && method_exists($pluginInstance, 'editor') ) { $GLOBALS['editorplugin'] = $className; } if (!$GLOBALS['authenticationplugin'] && $pluginInstance->authProvider && method_exists($pluginInstance, 'validateLogin') ) { $GLOBALS['authenticationplugin'] = $className; } if (!$GLOBALS['emailsenderplugin'] && $pluginInstance instanceof EmailSender) { $GLOBALS['emailsenderplugin'] = $pluginInstance; } if (!$GLOBALS['analyticsqueryplugin'] && $pluginInstance instanceof AnalyticsQuery) { $GLOBALS['analyticsqueryplugin'] = $pluginInstance; // Add 'plugin' as an option on the Settings page $default_config['analytic_tracker']['values'] += array('plugin' => $analyticsqueryplugin->name); } if (!$GLOBALS['updaterplugin'] && $pluginInstance instanceof Updater) { $GLOBALS['updaterplugin'] = $pluginInstance; } if (!empty($pluginInstance->DBstruct)) { foreach ($pluginInstance->DBstruct as $tablename => $tablecolumns) { $GLOBALS['tables'][$className.'_'.$tablename] = $GLOBALS['table_prefix'].$className.'_'.$tablename; } } } else { $pluginInstance->enabled = false; dbg($className.' disabled'); } } else { Error('initialisation of plugin '.$className.' failed. Remove the plugin and try again.','https://resources.phplist.com/documentation/errors/pluginfailed'); } //print "$className = ".$pluginInstance->name."<br/>"; } } } // Activate plugins in descending priority order uasort( $plugins, function($a, $b) { return $b->priority - $a->priority; } ); foreach ($plugins as $className => $pluginInstance) { if (!pluginCanEnable($className)) { // an already enabled plugin now does not meet its dependencies, do not enable it $pluginInstance->enabled = false; unset($plugins[$className]); continue; } $pluginInstance->activate(); } $GLOBALS['pluginsendformats'] = array(); foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $className => $pluginInstance) { $plugin_sendformats = $pluginInstance->sendFormats(); if (is_array($plugin_sendformats) && count($plugin_sendformats)) { foreach ($plugin_sendformats as $val => $desc) { $val = preg_replace("/\W/", '', strtolower(trim($val))); $GLOBALS['pluginsendformats'][$val] = $className; } } } function upgradePlugins($toUpgrade) { foreach ($toUpgrade as $pluginname) { // print '<h2>Upgrading '.$pluginname. '</h2><br/> '; // print md5('plugin-'.$pluginname.'-versiondate'); $currentDate = getConfig(md5('plugin-'.$pluginname.'-versiondate')); // print 'CUrrent '.$currentDate; if ($GLOBALS['allplugins'][$pluginname]->upgrade($currentDate)) { // print "Saving ".'plugin-'.$pluginname.'-versiondate'; SaveConfig(md5('plugin-'.$pluginname.'-versiondate'), date('Y-m-d'), 0); } } } $commandlinePluginPages = array(); $commandlinePlugins = array(); if (count($GLOBALS['plugins'])) { foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $pluginName => $plugin) { $cl_pages = $plugin->commandlinePluginPages; if (count($cl_pages)) { $commandlinePlugins[] = $pluginName; $commandlinePluginPages[$pluginName] = $cl_pages; } } } /* * central function to call a method on all plugins * not sure to go down this route yet, MD 201212 */ function pluginsCall($method) { $args = func_get_args(); $m = array_shift($args); // the first is the method itself foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $pluginname => $plugin) { if (method_exists($plugin, $method)) { $plugin->$method($args); } } } function pluginCanEnable($plugin) { global $allplugins; $canEnable = false; if (isset($allplugins[$plugin])) { $dependencies = $allplugins[$plugin]->dependencyCheck(); $dependencyDesc = array_search(false, $dependencies); if ($dependencyDesc === false) { $canEnable = true; } else { $allplugins[$plugin]->dependencyFailure = $dependencyDesc; } } return $canEnable; }
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Updater.php | File | 193 B | 0644 |
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