<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/accesscheck.php'; echo 'Sorry, stresstest is out of date'; return; function my_shutdown() { global $tables; echo 'Script status: '.connection_status(); // unfortunately buggy in 4.2.1 $res = Sql_query("select count(*) from $tables[user]"); $row = Sql_fetch_row($res); echo '<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> document.forms[0].output.value="Done. Now there are '.$row[0].' users in the database";</script>'."\n"; // register_shutdown_function(""); exit; } register_shutdown_function('my_shutdown'); ignore_user_abort(1); ?> <h3>Stresstest</h3> Filling database with stress test information, please wait <br/><b>Warning</b> this is quite demanding for your browser! <?php function fill($prefix, $listid) { global $server_name, $tables, $table_prefix; // check for not too many $domain = getConfig('domain'); $res = Sql_query("select count(*) from $tables[user]"); $row = Sql_fetch_row($res); if ($row[0] > 50000) { error('Hmm, I think 50 thousand users is quite enough for a test<br/>This machine does need to do other things you know.'); echo '<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> document.forms[0].output.value="Done. Now there are '.$row[0].' users in the database";</script>'."\n"; return 0; } // fill the database with "users" who have any combination of attribute values $attributes = array(); $res = Sql_query("select * from $tables[attribute] where type = \"select\" or type = \"checkbox\" or type=\"radio\""); $num_attributes = Sql_Affected_rows(); $total_attr = 0; $total_val = 0; while ($row = Sql_fetch_array($res)) { array_push($attributes, $row['id']); ++$total_attr; $values[$row['id']] = array(); $res2 = Sql_query("select * from $table_prefix".'listattr_'.$row['tablename']); while ($row2 = Sql_fetch_array($res2)) { array_push($values[$row['id']], $row2['id']); ++$total_val; } } $total = $total_attr * $total_val; if (!$total) { Fatal_Error('Can only do stress test when some attributes exist'); return 0; } for ($i = 0; $i < $total; ++$i) { $data = array(); reset($attributes); foreach ($attributes as $key => $val) { $data[$val] = current($values[$val]); if (!$data[$val]) { reset($values[$val]); $data[$val] = current($values[$val]); } next($values[$val]); } $query = sprintf('insert into %s (email,entered,confirmed) values("testuser%s",now(),1)', $tables['user'], $prefix.'-'.$i.'@'.$domain); $result = Sql_query($query, 0); $userid = Sql_insert_id(); if ($userid) { $result = Sql_query("replace into $tables[listuser] (userid,listid,entered) values($userid,$listid,now())"); reset($data); foreach ($data as $key => $val) { if ($key && $val) { Sql_query("replace into $tables[user_attribute] (attributeid,userid,value) values(".$key.",$userid,".$val.')'); } } } } return 1; } echo formStart(' class="testOutput" ').'<input type="text" name="output" size=45></form>'; echo '<p class="button">'.PageLink2('stresstest', 'Erase Test information', 'eraseall=yes').' (may take a while)'; ob_end_flush(); flush(); $testlists = array(); $res = Sql_Query("select id from $tables[list] where name like \"%test%\""); while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($res)) { array_push($testlists, $row[0]); } if (!count($testlists)) { echo '<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> document.forms[0].output.value="Error: cannot find any test lists to use";</script>'."\n"; } elseif (!isset($eraseall)) { echo '<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> document.forms[0].output.value="Filling ";</script>'."\n"; for ($i = 0; $i <= 100; ++$i) { set_time_limit(60); flush(); reset($testlists); foreach ($testlists as $key => $val) { if (!fill(getmypid().$i, $val)) { return; } } } } else { $req = Sql_Query("select id from $tables[user] where email like \"testuser%\""); $i = 1; set_time_limit(60); echo '<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> document.forms[0].output.value="Erasing ";</script>'."\n"; flush(); while ($row = Sql_Fetch_row($req)) { Sql_Query("delete quick from $tables[user_attribute] where userid = $row[0]"); Sql_Query("delete quick from $tables[listuser] where userid = $row[0]"); Sql_Query("delete quick from $tables[usermessage] where userid = $row[0]"); Sql_Query("delete quick from $tables[user] where id = $row[0]"); ++$i; } } ?>
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