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PHP Mapping

Doctrine 2 also allows you to provide the ORM metadata in the form
of plain PHP code using the ``ClassMetadata`` API. You can write
the code in PHP files or inside of a static function named
``loadMetadata($class)`` on the entity class itself.

PHP Files

If you wish to write your mapping information inside PHP files that
are named after the entity and included to populate the metadata
for an entity you can do so by using the ``PHPDriver``:

.. code-block:: php

    $driver = new PHPDriver('/path/to/php/mapping/files');

Now imagine we had an entity named ``Entities\User`` and we wanted
to write a mapping file for it using the above configured
``PHPDriver`` instance:

.. code-block:: php

    namespace Entities;

    class User
        private $id;
        private $username;

To write the mapping information you just need to create a file
named ``Entities.User.php`` inside of the
``/path/to/php/mapping/files`` folder:

.. code-block:: php

    // /path/to/php/mapping/files/Entities.User.php

       'id' => true,
       'fieldName' => 'id',
       'type' => 'integer'

       'fieldName' => 'username',
       'type' => 'string',
       'options' => array(
           'fixed' => true,
           'comment' => "User's login name"

       'fieldName' => 'login_count',
       'type' => 'integer',
       'nullable' => false,
       'options' => array(
           'unsigned' => true,
           'default' => 0

Now we can easily retrieve the populated ``ClassMetadata`` instance
where the ``PHPDriver`` includes the file and the
``ClassMetadataFactory`` caches it for later retrieval:

.. code-block:: php

    $class = $em->getClassMetadata('Entities\User');
    // or
    $class = $em->getMetadataFactory()->getMetadataFor('Entities\User');

Static Function

In addition to the PHP files you can also specify your mapping
information inside of a static function defined on the entity class
itself. This is useful for cases where you want to keep your entity
and mapping information together but don't want to use annotations.
For this you just need to use the ``StaticPHPDriver``:

.. code-block:: php

    $driver = new StaticPHPDriver('/path/to/entities');

Now you just need to define a static function named
``loadMetadata($metadata)`` on your entity:

.. code-block:: php

    namespace Entities;

    use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata;

    class User
        // ...

        public static function loadMetadata(ClassMetadata $metadata)
               'id' => true,
               'fieldName' => 'id',
               'type' => 'integer'

               'fieldName' => 'username',
               'type' => 'string'


To ease the use of the ClassMetadata API (which is very raw) there is a ``ClassMetadataBuilder`` that you can use.

.. code-block:: php

    namespace Entities;

    use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
    use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Builder\ClassMetadataBuilder;

    class User
        // ...

        public static function loadMetadata(ClassMetadata $metadata)
            $builder = new ClassMetadataBuilder($metadata);
            $builder->createField('id', 'integer')->isPrimaryKey()->generatedValue()->build();
            $builder->addField('username', 'string');

The API of the ClassMetadataBuilder has the following methods with a fluent interface:

-   ``addField($name, $type, array $mapping)``
-   ``setMappedSuperclass()``
-   ``setReadOnly()``
-   ``setCustomRepositoryClass($className)``
-   ``setTable($name)``
-   ``addIndex(array $columns, $indexName)``
-   ``addUniqueConstraint(array $columns, $constraintName)``
-   ``addNamedQuery($name, $dqlQuery)``
-   ``setJoinedTableInheritance()``
-   ``setSingleTableInheritance()``
-   ``setDiscriminatorColumn($name, $type = 'string', $length = 255)``
-   ``addDiscriminatorMapClass($name, $class)``
-   ``setChangeTrackingPolicyDeferredExplicit()``
-   ``setChangeTrackingPolicyNotify()``
-   ``addLifecycleEvent($methodName, $event)``
-   ``addManyToOne($name, $targetEntity, $inversedBy = null)``
-   ``addInverseOneToOne($name, $targetEntity, $mappedBy)``
-   ``addOwningOneToOne($name, $targetEntity, $inversedBy = null)``
-   ``addOwningManyToMany($name, $targetEntity, $inversedBy = null)``
-   ``addInverseManyToMany($name, $targetEntity, $mappedBy)``
-   ``addOneToMany($name, $targetEntity, $mappedBy)``

It also has several methods that create builders (which are necessary for advanced mappings):

-   ``createField($name, $type)`` returns a ``FieldBuilder`` instance
-   ``createManyToOne($name, $targetEntity)`` returns an ``AssociationBuilder`` instance
-   ``createOneToOne($name, $targetEntity)`` returns an ``AssociationBuilder`` instance
-   ``createManyToMany($name, $targetEntity)`` returns an ``ManyToManyAssociationBuilder`` instance
-   ``createOneToMany($name, $targetEntity)`` returns an ``OneToManyAssociationBuilder`` instance

ClassMetadataInfo API

The ``ClassMetadataInfo`` class is the base data object for storing
the mapping metadata for a single entity. It contains all the
getters and setters you need populate and retrieve information for
an entity.

General Setters

-  ``setTableName($tableName)``
-  ``setPrimaryTable(array $primaryTableDefinition)``
-  ``setCustomRepositoryClass($repositoryClassName)``
-  ``setIdGeneratorType($generatorType)``
-  ``setIdGenerator($generator)``
-  ``setSequenceGeneratorDefinition(array $definition)``
-  ``setChangeTrackingPolicy($policy)``
-  ``setIdentifier(array $identifier)``

Inheritance Setters

-  ``setInheritanceType($type)``
-  ``setSubclasses(array $subclasses)``
-  ``setParentClasses(array $classNames)``
-  ``setDiscriminatorColumn($columnDef)``
-  ``setDiscriminatorMap(array $map)``

Field Mapping Setters

-  ``mapField(array $mapping)``
-  ``mapOneToOne(array $mapping)``
-  ``mapOneToMany(array $mapping)``
-  ``mapManyToOne(array $mapping)``
-  ``mapManyToMany(array $mapping)``

Lifecycle Callback Setters

-  ``addLifecycleCallback($callback, $event)``
-  ``setLifecycleCallbacks(array $callbacks)``

Versioning Setters

-  ``setVersionMapping(array &$mapping)``
-  ``setVersioned($bool)``
-  ``setVersionField()``

General Getters

-  ``getTableName()``
-  ``getSchemaName()``
-  ``getTemporaryIdTableName()``

Identifier Getters

-  ``getIdentifierColumnNames()``
-  ``usesIdGenerator()``
-  ``isIdentifier($fieldName)``
-  ``isIdGeneratorIdentity()``
-  ``isIdGeneratorSequence()``
-  ``isIdGeneratorTable()``
-  ``isIdentifierNatural()``
-  ``getIdentifierFieldNames()``
-  ``getSingleIdentifierFieldName()``
-  ``getSingleIdentifierColumnName()``

Inheritance Getters

-  ``isInheritanceTypeNone()``
-  ``isInheritanceTypeJoined()``
-  ``isInheritanceTypeSingleTable()``
-  ``isInheritanceTypeTablePerClass()``
-  ``isInheritedField($fieldName)``
-  ``isInheritedAssociation($fieldName)``

Change Tracking Getters

-  ``isChangeTrackingDeferredExplicit()``
-  ``isChangeTrackingDeferredImplicit()``
-  ``isChangeTrackingNotify()``

Field & Association Getters

-  ``isUniqueField($fieldName)``
-  ``isNullable($fieldName)``
-  ``getColumnName($fieldName)``
-  ``getFieldMapping($fieldName)``
-  ``getAssociationMapping($fieldName)``
-  ``getAssociationMappings()``
-  ``getFieldName($columnName)``
-  ``hasField($fieldName)``
-  ``getColumnNames(array $fieldNames = null)``
-  ``getTypeOfField($fieldName)``
-  ``getTypeOfColumn($columnName)``
-  ``hasAssociation($fieldName)``
-  ``isSingleValuedAssociation($fieldName)``
-  ``isCollectionValuedAssociation($fieldName)``

Lifecycle Callback Getters

-  ``hasLifecycleCallbacks($lifecycleEvent)``
-  ``getLifecycleCallbacks($event)``

ClassMetadata API

The ``ClassMetadata`` class extends ``ClassMetadataInfo`` and adds
the runtime functionality required by Doctrine. It adds a few extra
methods related to runtime reflection for working with the entities

-  ``getReflectionClass()``
-  ``getReflectionProperties()``
-  ``getReflectionProperty($name)``
-  ``getSingleIdReflectionProperty()``
-  ``getIdentifierValues($entity)``
-  ``setIdentifierValues($entity, $id)``
-  ``setFieldValue($entity, $field, $value)``
-  ``getFieldValue($entity, $field)``


Name Type Size Permission Actions
advanced-configuration.rst File 16.18 KB 0644
annotations-reference.rst File 37.16 KB 0644
architecture.rst File 7.52 KB 0644
association-mapping.rst File 31.32 KB 0644
basic-mapping.rst File 17.24 KB 0644
batch-processing.rst File 5.77 KB 0644
best-practices.rst File 3.61 KB 0644
caching.rst File 13.24 KB 0644
change-tracking-policies.rst File 5.13 KB 0644
configuration.rst File 4.29 KB 0644
dql-doctrine-query-language.rst File 60.95 KB 0644
events.rst File 30.98 KB 0644
faq.rst File 9.95 KB 0644
filters.rst File 3.38 KB 0644
improving-performance.rst File 2.66 KB 0644
inheritance-mapping.rst File 20.79 KB 0644
installation.rst File 131 B 0644
limitations-and-known-issues.rst File 7.66 KB 0644
metadata-drivers.rst File 6.02 KB 0644
namingstrategy.rst File 4.38 KB 0644
native-sql.rst File 34.31 KB 0644
partial-objects.rst File 3.52 KB 0644
php-mapping.rst File 8.82 KB 0644
query-builder.rst File 20.6 KB 0644
second-level-cache.rst File 24.02 KB 0644
security.rst File 4.68 KB 0644
tools.rst File 16.8 KB 0644
transactions-and-concurrency.rst File 13.9 KB 0644
unitofwork-associations.rst File 2.74 KB 0644
unitofwork.rst File 6.73 KB 0644
working-with-associations.rst File 22.24 KB 0644
working-with-objects.rst File 31.61 KB 0644
xml-mapping.rst File 27.11 KB 0644
yaml-mapping.rst File 4.42 KB 0644