[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $


* fixed being able to configure exception codes and messages based on interfaces (e.g.


* fixed the `ViewHandler` to not override an already set `status_code` in the serialization context
* fixed embedding status codes in the response body when a mapping of exception classes to status
  codes is configured


* fixed handling requests without a content type inside the `RequestBodyParamConverter`
* `FlattenExceptionNormalizer` does no longer implement the `CacheableSupportsMethodInterface` to
  ensure compatibility with older versions of the Symfony Serializer component


### Features

* added a `SerializerErrorHandler` that leverages the `FOS\RestBundle\Serializer\Serializer` interface
  to hook into the error rendering process provided by the ErrorHandler component since Symfony 4.4
* added a new normalizer (for the Symfony serializer) and a new handler (for the JMS serializer) to
  serialize `FlattenException` instances, for backwards compatibility the resulting format by default
  is the same as was used for exceptions/errors before, use the `flatten_exception_format` to opt-in
  to a format compatible with the API Problem spec (RFC 7807):

           flatten_exception_format: 'rfc7807'
* added a new `ResponseStatusCodeListener` that maps exception/error codes to response status codes,
  enable it by setting the new `map_exception_codes` option to `true`

### Deprecations

* the route generation feature is deprecated, disable it explicitly:

       routing_loader: false

   You need to configure your routes explicitly, e.g. using the Symfony Core annotations or the FOSRestBundle
   shortcuts like `FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\Get`. You can use
   `bin/console debug:router --show-controllers` to help with the migration and compare routes before and after it.
   Change the routing loading:

       type: rest
       resource: Acme\Controller\TestController

       type: annotation
       resource: Acme\Controller\TestController

   When using the Symfony Core route loading, route names might change as the FOSRestBundle used a different naming
   convention. Mind the `.{_format}` suffix if you used the `fos_rest.routing_loader.include_format` option.

   In case you have OpenAPI/Swagger annotations, you can also use [OpenAPI-Symfony-Routing](https://github.com/Tobion/OpenAPI-Symfony-Routing)
   which removes the need to have routing information duplicated. It also allows to add the `.{_format}` suffix automatically as before.

   If migration to explicit routes is not possible or feasible, consider using
   [RestRoutingBundle](https://github.com/handcraftedinthealps/RestRoutingBundle) which extracted the auto-generation of routes
   in a BC way.
* deprecated support for serializing exceptions, disable it by setting the `serialize_exceptions`
  option to false:

           serialize_exceptions: false
* deprecated returning anything other than `string` or `null` from `resolve()` when implementing   the `VersionResolverInterface`.
* deprecated support for passing version numbers as integers to `Context::setVersion()` (strings
  will be enforced as of 3.0)
* deprecated the `isFormatTemplating()`, `renderTemplate()`, and `prepareTemplateParameters()`
  methods of the `ViewHandler` class and the `ViewHandlerInterface`
* deprecated the constructor of the `ViewHandler` class, use the static `create()` factory method
* deprecated the `setTemplateVar()`, `setPopulateDefaultVars()`, `getTemplateVar()`, and
  `isPopulateDefaultVars()` methods of the `Controller\Annotations\View` class
* deprecated the `setEngine()`, `setTemplate()`, `setTemplateData()`, `setTemplateVar()`, `getEngine()`,
  `getTemplate()`, `getTemplateData()`, and `getTemplateVar()` methods of the `View\View` class
* deprecated not enabling the `fos_rest.body_listener` option explicitly, it will be disabled by default
  in 3.0
* deprecated the following options:

  * `fos_rest.access_denied_listener`
  * `fos_rest.exception.exception_controller`
  * `fos_rest.exception.exception_listener`
  * `fos_rest.exception.service`
  * `fos_rest.service.inflector`
  * `fos_rest.service.router`
  * `fos_rest.service.templating`
  * `fos_rest.view.default_engine`
  * `fos_rest.view.force_redirects`
  * `fos_rest.view.templating_formats`

* the following classes and interfaces are marked as `deprecated`, they will be removed in  3.0:

  * `FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\NamePrefix`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\NoRoute`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\Prefix`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\RouteResource`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\Version`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Controller\ExceptionController`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Controller\TemplatingExceptionController`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Controller\TwigExceptionController`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\EventListener\AccessDeniedListener`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\EventListener\ExceptionListener`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Inflector\DoctrineInflector`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Inflector\InflectorInterface`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Routing\Loader\DirectoryRouteLoader`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Routing\Loader\Reader\RestActionReader`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Routing\Loader\Reader\RestControllerReader`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Routing\Loader\RestRouteLoader`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Routing\Loader\RestRouteProcessor`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Routing\Loader\RestXmlCollectionLoader`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Routing\Loader\RestYamlCollectionLoader`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Routing\ClassResourceInterface`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Routing\RestRouteCollection`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Serializer\Normalizer\ExceptionHandler`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Serializer\Normalizer\ExceptionNormalizer`

* the following services and aliases are marked as `deprecated`, they will be removed in  3.0:

  * `fos_rest.access_denied_listener`
  * `fos_rest.exception_listener`
  * `fos_rest.exception.controller`
  * `fos_rest.exception.twig_controller`
  * `fos_rest.inflector`
  * `fos_rest.router`
  * `fos_rest.routing.loader.controller`
  * `fos_rest.routing.loader.directory`
  * `fos_rest.routing.loader.processor`
  * `fos_rest.routing.loader.reader.controller`
  * `fos_rest.routing.loader.reader.action`
  * `fos_rest.routing.loader.xml_collection`
  * `fos_rest.routing.loader.yaml_collection`
  * `fos_rest.serializer.exception_normalizer.jms`
  * `fos_rest.serializer.exception_normalizer.symfony`
  * `fos_rest.templating`

* the following classes are marked as `internal` (backwards compatibility will no longer be guaranteed
  starting with FOSRestBundle 3.0):

  * `FOS\RestBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\HandlerRegistryDecorationPass`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\DependencyInjection\FOSRestExtension`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Form\Extension\DisableCSRFExtension`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Form\Transformer\EntityToIdObjectTransformer`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Normalizer\CamelKeysNormalizer`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Normalizer\CamelKeysNormalizerWithLeadingUnderscore`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Serializer\Normalizer\FormErrorHandler`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Serializer\Normalizer\FormErrorNormalizer`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Util\ExceptionValueMap`

* the following classes are marked as `final` (extending them will not be supported as of 3.0):

  * `FOS\RestBundle\Decoder\ContainerDecoderProvider`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Decoder\JsonDecoder`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Decoder\JsonToFormDecoder`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Decoder\XmlDecoder`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Form\Transformer\EntityToIdObjectTransformer`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Negotiation\FormatNegotiator`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Request\ParamFetcher`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Request\ParamReader`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Request\RequestBodyParamConverter`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Response\AllowMethodsLoader\AllowedMethodsRouterLoader`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Serializer\JMSSerializerAdapter`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Serializer\SymfonySerializerAdapter`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Version\ChainVersionResolver`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Version\Resolver\HeaderVersionResolver`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Version\Resolver\MediaTypeVersionResolver`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\Version\Resolver\QueryParameterVersionResolver`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\View\JsonpHandler`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\View\View`
  * `FOS\RestBundle\View\ViewHandler`


* fixed compatibility with JMS Serializer with explicitly disabled max
  depth checks (#2060)
* fixed config validation when mapping `Throwable` instances of classes
  that do not extend PHP's `Exception` class (#2131)


* harden the `JsonToFormDecoder` to not error on non-array input (#2145)


* fixed serializing Error instances when the Symfony Serializer is used (#2110)
* fixed serializing Error instances when JMS Serializer is used (#2105)
* fixed compatibility with `null` owner returned by SensioFrameworkExtraBundle (#2097)
* completely fixed handling `Throwable` objects in `ExceptionController::showAction()`,
  continues #2093 (#2096)


* fixed handling all `Throwable` objects in `ExceptionController::showAction()` (#2093)
* fixed `ViewHandlerInterface` alias definition (#2085)


* ignore `SessionInterface` and `UserInterface` controller action arguments
* fixed `ExceptionListener` deprecation warning
* fixed `ControllerNameParser` deprecation warning
* fixed `DisableCSRFExtension::getExtendedTypes()` return type
* improved `EngineInterface` error message in `ViewHandler`
* improved Symfony 4.4 compatibility
* automatically use Twig as templating engine when available


* ensure compatibility with the `FlattenException` from the new ErrorRenderer component
* fix handling the `serialize_null` option with the Symfony serializer
* added support for using multiple constraints for the `requirements` option of the `@RequestParam`
* drop support for PHP 5.5, 5.6 and 7.0
* drop support for SF 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2 (3.4 LTS is still supported)
* deprecated using the `ParamFetcher` class without passing a validator as the third argument, this
  argument will become mandatory in 3.0
* fix compatiblity without the deprecated templating in Symfony 4.3; see #2012 on how to configure the FOSRestBundle
* removed symfony/templating from the dependencies; if you still use it you need to require it in your app


* compatibility with Symfony 4.2
* deprecated the `FOSRestController` base class, use the new `AbstractFOSRestController` instead
* dropped support for Symfony 2.7 to 3.3
* compatibility with JMS Serializer 2 and JMSSerializerBundle 3
* overwrite rules when they are defined in different config files instead of throwing exceptions
* fixed using the `nullable` option of the param annotations when the `map` option is enabled
* ensure a predictable order of routes by sorting controllers by name when loading classes from a directory
* reset the internal state of the view handler to fix compatibility with PHP-PM
* fix different bugs related to the handling of API versions (see #1491, #1529, #1691)


* [BC BREAK] The `@Route` annotation and all its children no longer extend SensioFrameworkExtraBundle's annotation.
  The main effect is that `@Route::$service` is no longer available. Instead, define your controllers using the FQCN
  as service IDs or create an alias in the container using the FQCN.


* improved Symfony 4 compatibility

* manually decorate the core JMS handler registry

* run checks after SensioFrameworkExtraBundle

* made the view handler alias public

* check for definitions before they might be removed

* added Yaml routing resource support

* refactored several unit tests


* added support for file paths to the directory route loader

* added support for context factories when using JMS Serializer

* the `RequestBodyParamConverter` ignores unrelated controller arguments to not conflict with Symfony's built-in
  argument resolver

* made the bundle compatible with SensioFrameworkExtraBundle 4.x

* added some interface aliases to support by ID autowiring

* added support for custom keys for groups when using JMSSerializerBundle

* allow to load FOSRestBundle inside the kernel before JMSSerializerBundle

* added the `fos_rest.routing_loader.prefix_methods` option to disable method name prefixes in generated route names

* removed newline characters from exception messages


* added a new `InvalidParameterException` as a specialization of the `BadRequestHttpException`

* deprecated the `FOS\RestBundle\Util\ViolationFormatter` class and the

* deprecated the `ViolationFormatterInterface` argument of the `ParamFetcher` class constructor

* deprecated the `RedirectView` and `RouteRedirectView` classes, use `View::createRedirect()` and
  `View::createRouteRedirect()` instead

* added a `fos_rest.exception.debug` config option that defaults to the `kernel.debug` container
  parameter and can be turned on to include the caught exception message in the exception controller's

* introduced the concept of REST zones which makes it possible to disable all REST listeners
  when a request matches certain attributes

* fixed that serialization groups are always passed to the constructor as an array

* added annotations to support additional HTTP methods defined by RFC 2518 (WebDAV)

* added a new loader that allows to extract REST routes from all controller classes from a

* introduced a serializer adapter layer to ease the integration of custom serialization

* deprecated the getter methods of the `ViewHandler` class

* fixed an issue that prevented decoration of the `TemplateReferenceInterface` from the Symfony
  Templating component

* fixed: no longer overwrite an explicitly configured template in the view response listener

* added support for API versioning in URL parameters, the `Accept` header or using a custom header

* marked some classes and methods as internal, do no longer use them in your code as they are likely
  to be removed in future releases

* deprecated the `DoctrineInflector` class and the `InflectorInterface` from the
  `FOS\RestBundle\Util\Inflector`in favor of their replacements in the `FOS\RestBundle\Inflector`

* deprecated the `FormatNegotiator` class and the `FormatNegotiatorInterface` from the
  `FOS\RestBundle\Util` namespace in favor of the new `FOS\RestBundle\Negotiation\FormatNegotiator`

* deprecated the `FOS\RestBundle\Util\MediaTypeNegotiatorInterface` which should no longer be used


* handle `\Throwable` instances in the `ExceptionController`

* fixed that the default exclusion strategy groups for the serializer are not the empty string

* fixed a BC break that prevented the `CamelKeysNormalizer` from removing leading underscores

* fixed the `AllowedMethodsRouteLoader` to work with Symfony 3.0


* removed uses of the reflection API in favor of faster solutions when possible

* fixed the configuration to use serialization groups and versions at the same time


* when using Symfony 3.x, the bundle doesn't call methods anymore that have been deprecated in
  Symfony 2.x and were removed in Symfony 3.0

* the `ViewResponseListener` does not overwrite explicitly configured templates anymore

* fixed the `ParamFetcher` class to properly handle sub requests


* added a `CamelKeysNormalizerWithLeadingUnderscore` that keeps leading underscores when
  converting snake case to camel case (for example, leaving `_username` unchanged)


**CAUTION:** Accidentally, this patch release was never published.


* removed some code from the `ViewResponseListener` class that was already present in the parent
  `TemplateListener` class


* made it possible to use the bundle with Symfony 3.x and fixed some compatibility issues with
  Symfony 3.0

* fixed the exception controller to return a 406 (Not Acceptable) response when the format
  negotiator throws an exception


* fixed loading XML schema definition files in case the paths contain special characters (like

* return the FQCN in the form type extension's `getExtendedType()` method to be compatible with
  Symfony >= 2.8

* added the `extended-type` attribute to the `form.type_extension` tag to be compatible with
  Symfony >= 2.8

* fixed some code examples in the documentation

* fixed exception message when using non-numeric identifiers (like UUID or GUID)

* allow version 1.x of `jms/serializer` and `jms/serializer-bundle`

* allow to use the Symfony serializer even if the JMS serializer is present


* fix regression when handling methods in `@Route` annotations


Name Type Size Permission Actions
.github Folder 0755
Context Folder 0755
Controller Folder 0755
Decoder Folder 0755
DependencyInjection Folder 0755
ErrorRenderer Folder 0755
EventListener Folder 0755
Exception Folder 0755
Form Folder 0755
Inflector Folder 0755
Negotiation Folder 0755
Normalizer Folder 0755
Request Folder 0755
Resources Folder 0755
Response Folder 0755
Routing Folder 0755
Serializer Folder 0755
Tests Folder 0755
Util Folder 0755
Validator Folder 0755
Version Folder 0755
View Folder 0755
.gitignore File 70 B 0644
.php_cs File 589 B 0644
.styleci.yml File 61 B 0644
.travis.yml File 1.07 KB 0644
CHANGELOG.md File 16.53 KB 0644
FOSRestBundle.php File 2.02 KB 0644
LICENSE File 1.08 KB 0644
README.md File 2.11 KB 0644
UPGRADING-2.0.md File 5.82 KB 0644
UPGRADING-2.1.md File 413 B 0644
UPGRADING-2.8.md File 6.04 KB 0644
UPGRADING-3.0.md File 7.02 KB 0644
composer.json File 3.3 KB 0644
phpunit File 399 B 0644
phpunit.xml.dist File 716 B 0644