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namespace JMS\Serializer;

use JMS\Serializer\Construction\ObjectConstructorInterface;
use JMS\Serializer\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
use JMS\Serializer\EventDispatcher\ObjectEvent;
use JMS\Serializer\EventDispatcher\PreDeserializeEvent;
use JMS\Serializer\EventDispatcher\PreSerializeEvent;
use JMS\Serializer\Exception\ExpressionLanguageRequiredException;
use JMS\Serializer\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use JMS\Serializer\Exception\RuntimeException;
use JMS\Serializer\Exclusion\ExpressionLanguageExclusionStrategy;
use JMS\Serializer\Expression\ExpressionEvaluatorInterface;
use JMS\Serializer\Handler\HandlerRegistryInterface;
use JMS\Serializer\Metadata\ClassMetadata;
use Metadata\MetadataFactoryInterface;

 * Handles traversal along the object graph.
 * This class handles traversal along the graph, and calls different methods
 * on visitors, or custom handlers to process its nodes.
 * @author Johannes M. Schmitt <schmittjoh@gmail.com>
final class GraphNavigator implements GraphNavigatorInterface
     * @var ExpressionLanguageExclusionStrategy
    private $expressionExclusionStrategy;

    private $dispatcher;
    private $metadataFactory;
    private $handlerRegistry;
    private $objectConstructor;

     * Parses a direction string to one of the direction constants.
     * @param string $dirStr
     * @return integer
    public static function parseDirection($dirStr)
        switch (strtolower($dirStr)) {
            case 'serialization':
                return self::DIRECTION_SERIALIZATION;

            case 'deserialization':
                return self::DIRECTION_DESERIALIZATION;

                throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The direction "%s" does not exist.', $dirStr));

    public function __construct(
        MetadataFactoryInterface $metadataFactory,
        HandlerRegistryInterface $handlerRegistry,
        ObjectConstructorInterface $objectConstructor,
        EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher = null,
        ExpressionEvaluatorInterface $expressionEvaluator = null
        $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher;
        $this->metadataFactory = $metadataFactory;
        $this->handlerRegistry = $handlerRegistry;
        $this->objectConstructor = $objectConstructor;
        if ($expressionEvaluator) {
            $this->expressionExclusionStrategy = new ExpressionLanguageExclusionStrategy($expressionEvaluator);

     * Called for each node of the graph that is being traversed.
     * @param mixed $data the data depends on the direction, and type of visitor
     * @param null|array $type array has the format ["name" => string, "params" => array]
     * @param Context $context
     * @return mixed the return value depends on the direction, and type of visitor
    public function accept($data, array $type = null, Context $context)
        $visitor = $context->getVisitor();

        // If the type was not given, we infer the most specific type from the
        // input data in serialization mode.
        if (null === $type) {
            if ($context instanceof DeserializationContext) {
                throw new RuntimeException('The type must be given for all properties when deserializing.');

            $typeName = \gettype($data);
            if ('object' === $typeName) {
                $typeName = \get_class($data);

            $type = array('name' => $typeName, 'params' => array());
        // If the data is null, we have to force the type to null regardless of the input in order to
        // guarantee correct handling of null values, and not have any internal auto-casting behavior.
        else if ($context instanceof SerializationContext && null === $data) {
            $type = array('name' => 'NULL', 'params' => array());
        // Sometimes data can convey null but is not of a null type.
        // Visitors can have the power to add this custom null evaluation
        if ($visitor instanceof NullAwareVisitorInterface && $visitor->isNull($data) === true) {
            $type = array('name' => 'NULL', 'params' => array());

        switch ($type['name']) {
            case 'NULL':
                return $visitor->visitNull($data, $type, $context);

            case 'string':
                return $visitor->visitString($data, $type, $context);

            case 'int':
            case 'integer':
                return $visitor->visitInteger($data, $type, $context);

            case 'bool':
            case 'boolean':
                return $visitor->visitBoolean($data, $type, $context);

            case 'double':
            case 'float':
                return $visitor->visitDouble($data, $type, $context);

            case 'array':
                return $visitor->visitArray($data, $type, $context);

            case 'resource':
                $msg = 'Resources are not supported in serialized data.';
                if ($context instanceof SerializationContext && null !== $path = $context->getPath()) {
                    $msg .= ' Path: ' . $path;

                throw new RuntimeException($msg);

                // TODO: The rest of this method needs some refactoring.
                if ($context instanceof SerializationContext) {
                    if (null !== $data) {
                        if ($context->isVisiting($data)) {
                            return null;

                    // If we're serializing a polymorphic type, then we'll be interested in the
                    // metadata for the actual type of the object, not the base class.
                    if (class_exists($type['name'], false) || interface_exists($type['name'], false)) {
                        if (is_subclass_of($data, $type['name'], false)) {
                            $type = array('name' => \get_class($data), 'params' => array());
                } elseif ($context instanceof DeserializationContext) {

                // Trigger pre-serialization callbacks, and listeners if they exist.
                // Dispatch pre-serialization event before handling data to have ability change type in listener
                if ($context instanceof SerializationContext) {
                    if (null !== $this->dispatcher && $this->dispatcher->hasListeners('serializer.pre_serialize', $type['name'], $context->getFormat())) {
                        $this->dispatcher->dispatch('serializer.pre_serialize', $type['name'], $context->getFormat(), $event = new PreSerializeEvent($context, $data, $type));
                        $type = $event->getType();
                } elseif ($context instanceof DeserializationContext) {
                    if (null !== $this->dispatcher && $this->dispatcher->hasListeners('serializer.pre_deserialize', $type['name'], $context->getFormat())) {
                        $this->dispatcher->dispatch('serializer.pre_deserialize', $type['name'], $context->getFormat(), $event = new PreDeserializeEvent($context, $data, $type));
                        $type = $event->getType();
                        $data = $event->getData();

                // First, try whether a custom handler exists for the given type. This is done
                // before loading metadata because the type name might not be a class, but
                // could also simply be an artifical type.
                if (null !== $handler = $this->handlerRegistry->getHandler($context->getDirection(), $type['name'], $context->getFormat())) {
                    $rs = \call_user_func($handler, $visitor, $data, $type, $context);
                    $this->leaveScope($context, $data);

                    return $rs;

                $exclusionStrategy = $context->getExclusionStrategy();

                /** @var $metadata ClassMetadata */
                $metadata = $this->metadataFactory->getMetadataForClass($type['name']);

                if ($metadata->usingExpression && !$this->expressionExclusionStrategy) {
                    throw new ExpressionLanguageRequiredException("To use conditional exclude/expose in {$metadata->name} you must configure the expression language.");

                if ($context instanceof DeserializationContext && !empty($metadata->discriminatorMap) && $type['name'] === $metadata->discriminatorBaseClass) {
                    $metadata = $this->resolveMetadata($data, $metadata);

                if (null !== $exclusionStrategy && $exclusionStrategy->shouldSkipClass($metadata, $context)) {
                    $this->leaveScope($context, $data);

                    return null;


                if ($context instanceof SerializationContext) {
                    foreach ($metadata->preSerializeMethods as $method) {

                $object = $data;
                if ($context instanceof DeserializationContext) {
                    $object = $this->objectConstructor->construct($visitor, $metadata, $data, $type, $context);

                if (isset($metadata->handlerCallbacks[$context->getDirection()][$context->getFormat()])) {
                    $rs = $object->{$metadata->handlerCallbacks[$context->getDirection()][$context->getFormat()]}(
                        $context instanceof SerializationContext ? null : $data,
                    $this->afterVisitingObject($metadata, $object, $type, $context);

                    return $context instanceof SerializationContext ? $rs : $object;

                $visitor->startVisitingObject($metadata, $object, $type, $context);
                foreach ($metadata->propertyMetadata as $propertyMetadata) {
                    if (null !== $exclusionStrategy && $exclusionStrategy->shouldSkipProperty($propertyMetadata, $context)) {

                    if (null !== $this->expressionExclusionStrategy && $this->expressionExclusionStrategy->shouldSkipProperty($propertyMetadata, $context)) {

                    if ($context instanceof DeserializationContext && $propertyMetadata->readOnly) {

                    $visitor->visitProperty($propertyMetadata, $data, $context);

                if ($context instanceof SerializationContext) {
                    $this->afterVisitingObject($metadata, $data, $type, $context);

                    return $visitor->endVisitingObject($metadata, $data, $type, $context);

                $rs = $visitor->endVisitingObject($metadata, $data, $type, $context);
                $this->afterVisitingObject($metadata, $rs, $type, $context);

                return $rs;

    private function resolveMetadata($data, ClassMetadata $metadata)
        switch (true) {
            case \is_array($data) && isset($data[$metadata->discriminatorFieldName]):
                $typeValue = (string)$data[$metadata->discriminatorFieldName];

            // Check XML attribute without namespace for discriminatorFieldName
            case \is_object($data) && $metadata->xmlDiscriminatorAttribute && null === $metadata->xmlDiscriminatorNamespace && isset($data->attributes()->{$metadata->discriminatorFieldName}):
                $typeValue = (string)$data->attributes()->{$metadata->discriminatorFieldName};

            // Check XML attribute with namespace for discriminatorFieldName
            case \is_object($data) && $metadata->xmlDiscriminatorAttribute && null !== $metadata->xmlDiscriminatorNamespace && isset($data->attributes($metadata->xmlDiscriminatorNamespace)->{$metadata->discriminatorFieldName}):
                $typeValue = (string)$data->attributes($metadata->xmlDiscriminatorNamespace)->{$metadata->discriminatorFieldName};

            // Check XML element with namespace for discriminatorFieldName
            case \is_object($data) && !$metadata->xmlDiscriminatorAttribute && null !== $metadata->xmlDiscriminatorNamespace && isset($data->children($metadata->xmlDiscriminatorNamespace)->{$metadata->discriminatorFieldName}):
                $typeValue = (string)$data->children($metadata->xmlDiscriminatorNamespace)->{$metadata->discriminatorFieldName};

            // Check XML element for discriminatorFieldName
            case \is_object($data) && isset($data->{$metadata->discriminatorFieldName}):
                $typeValue = (string)$data->{$metadata->discriminatorFieldName};

                throw new \LogicException(sprintf(
                    'The discriminator field name "%s" for base-class "%s" was not found in input data.',

        if (!isset($metadata->discriminatorMap[$typeValue])) {
            throw new \LogicException(sprintf(
                'The type value "%s" does not exist in the discriminator map of class "%s". Available types: %s',
                implode(', ', array_keys($metadata->discriminatorMap))

        return $this->metadataFactory->getMetadataForClass($metadata->discriminatorMap[$typeValue]);

    private function leaveScope(Context $context, $data)
        if ($context instanceof SerializationContext) {
        } elseif ($context instanceof DeserializationContext) {

    private function afterVisitingObject(ClassMetadata $metadata, $object, array $type, Context $context)
        $this->leaveScope($context, $object);

        if ($context instanceof SerializationContext) {
            foreach ($metadata->postSerializeMethods as $method) {

            if (null !== $this->dispatcher && $this->dispatcher->hasListeners('serializer.post_serialize', $metadata->name, $context->getFormat())) {
                $this->dispatcher->dispatch('serializer.post_serialize', $metadata->name, $context->getFormat(), new ObjectEvent($context, $object, $type));


        foreach ($metadata->postDeserializeMethods as $method) {

        if (null !== $this->dispatcher && $this->dispatcher->hasListeners('serializer.post_deserialize', $metadata->name, $context->getFormat())) {
            $this->dispatcher->dispatch('serializer.post_deserialize', $metadata->name, $context->getFormat(), new ObjectEvent($context, $object, $type));


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Accessor Folder 0755
Annotation Folder 0755
Builder Folder 0755
Construction Folder 0755
ContextFactory Folder 0755
EventDispatcher Folder 0755
Exception Folder 0755
Exclusion Folder 0755
Expression Folder 0755
Handler Folder 0755
Metadata Folder 0755
Naming Folder 0755
Twig Folder 0755
Util Folder 0755
AbstractVisitor.php File 1.17 KB 0644
ArrayTransformerInterface.php File 980 B 0644
Context.php File 6.53 KB 0644
DeserializationContext.php File 635 B 0644
GenericDeserializationVisitor.php File 5.4 KB 0644
GenericSerializationVisitor.php File 5.37 KB 0644
GraphNavigator.php File 15.32 KB 0644
GraphNavigatorInterface.php File 838 B 0644
JsonDeserializationVisitor.php File 1.15 KB 0644
JsonSerializationVisitor.php File 6.48 KB 0644
NullAwareVisitorInterface.php File 366 B 0644
SerializationContext.php File 2.73 KB 0644
Serializer.php File 8.38 KB 0644
SerializerBuilder.php File 16.18 KB 0644
SerializerInterface.php File 794 B 0644
TypeParser.php File 2.83 KB 0644
VisitorInterface.php File 2.82 KB 0644
XmlDeserializationVisitor.php File 13.49 KB 0644
XmlSerializationVisitor.php File 17.24 KB 0644
YamlSerializationVisitor.php File 5.51 KB 0644