language: php php: - 7.0 - 7.1 - 7.2 services: - mysql env: global: - PHPLIST_DATABASE_NAME=phplist PHPLIST_DATABASE_USER=travis PHPLIST_DATABASE_PASSWORD='' matrix: - DEPENDENCIES=latest - DEPENDENCIES=oldest notifications: slack: rooms: secure: 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 on_success: change on_failure: always sudo: false cache: directories: - vendor - "$HOME/.composer/cache" before_install: - phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini install: - > echo; if [ "$DEPENDENCIES" = "latest" ]; then echo "Installing the latest dependencies"; composer update --with-dependencies --prefer-stable --prefer-dist else echo "Installing the lowest dependencies"; composer update --with-dependencies --prefer-stable --prefer-dist --prefer-lowest fi; composer show; before_script: - > echo; echo "Creating the database and importing the database schema"; mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE ${PHPLIST_DATABASE_NAME};"; mysql -u root -e "GRANT ALL ON ${PHPLIST_DATABASE_NAME}.* TO '${PHPLIST_DATABASE_USER}'@'%';"; mysql ${PHPLIST_DATABASE_NAME} < vendor/phplist/core/resources/Database/Schema.sql; script: - > echo; echo "Validating the composer.json"; composer validate --no-check-all --no-check-lock --strict; - > echo; echo "Linting all PHP files"; find src/ tests/ -name ''*.php'' -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P 4 php -l; - > echo; echo "Running the unit tests"; vendor/bin/phpunit tests/Unit/; - > echo; echo "Running the integration tests"; vendor/bin/phpunit tests/Integration/; - > echo; echo "Running the system tests"; vendor/bin/phpunit tests/System/; - > echo; echo "Running the static analysis"; vendor/bin/phpstan analyse -l 5 src/ tests/; - > echo; echo "Running PHPMD"; vendor/bin/phpmd src/ text vendor/phplist/core/config/PHPMD/rules.xml; - > echo; echo "Running PHP_CodeSniffer"; vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=vendor/phplist/core/config/PhpCodeSniffer/ src/ tests/;
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tests | Folder | 0755 |
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.travis.yml | File | 2.57 KB | 0644 |
| | File | 1.12 KB | 0644 |
| | File | 3.15 KB | 0644 |
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| | File | 2.36 KB | 0644 |
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phpunit.xml.dist | File | 521 B | 0644 |