[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Symfony\Component\HttpClient;

use Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface;
use Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Exception\TransportException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Internal\NativeClientState;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Response\NativeResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Response\ResponseStream;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\ResponseInterface;
use Symfony\Contracts\HttpClient\ResponseStreamInterface;
use Symfony\Contracts\Service\ResetInterface;

 * A portable implementation of the HttpClientInterface contracts based on PHP stream wrappers.
 * PHP stream wrappers are able to fetch response bodies concurrently,
 * but each request is opened synchronously.
 * @author Nicolas Grekas <p@tchwork.com>
final class NativeHttpClient implements HttpClientInterface, LoggerAwareInterface, ResetInterface
    use HttpClientTrait;
    use LoggerAwareTrait;

    private $defaultOptions = self::OPTIONS_DEFAULTS;
    private static $emptyDefaults = self::OPTIONS_DEFAULTS;

    /** @var NativeClientState */
    private $multi;

     * @param array $defaultOptions     Default request's options
     * @param int   $maxHostConnections The maximum number of connections to open
     * @see HttpClientInterface::OPTIONS_DEFAULTS for available options
    public function __construct(array $defaultOptions = [], int $maxHostConnections = 6)
        $this->defaultOptions['buffer'] = $this->defaultOptions['buffer'] ?? \Closure::fromCallable([__CLASS__, 'shouldBuffer']);

        if ($defaultOptions) {
            [, $this->defaultOptions] = self::prepareRequest(null, null, $defaultOptions, $this->defaultOptions);

        $this->multi = new NativeClientState();
        $this->multi->maxHostConnections = 0 < $maxHostConnections ? $maxHostConnections : \PHP_INT_MAX;

     * @see HttpClientInterface::OPTIONS_DEFAULTS for available options
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function request(string $method, string $url, array $options = []): ResponseInterface
        [$url, $options] = self::prepareRequest($method, $url, $options, $this->defaultOptions);

        if ($options['bindto']) {
            if (file_exists($options['bindto'])) {
                throw new TransportException(__CLASS__.' cannot bind to local Unix sockets, use e.g. CurlHttpClient instead.');
            if (str_starts_with($options['bindto'], 'if!')) {
                throw new TransportException(__CLASS__.' cannot bind to network interfaces, use e.g. CurlHttpClient instead.');
            if (str_starts_with($options['bindto'], 'host!')) {
                $options['bindto'] = substr($options['bindto'], 5);

        $hasContentLength = isset($options['normalized_headers']['content-length']);
        $hasBody = '' !== $options['body'] || 'POST' === $method || $hasContentLength;

        $options['body'] = self::getBodyAsString($options['body']);

        if ('chunked' === substr($options['normalized_headers']['transfer-encoding'][0] ?? '', \strlen('Transfer-Encoding: '))) {
            $options['headers'] = array_merge(...array_values($options['normalized_headers']));
            $options['body'] = self::dechunk($options['body']);
        if ('' === $options['body'] && $hasBody && !$hasContentLength) {
            $options['headers'][] = 'Content-Length: 0';
        if ($hasBody && !isset($options['normalized_headers']['content-type'])) {
            $options['headers'][] = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded';

        if (\extension_loaded('zlib') && !isset($options['normalized_headers']['accept-encoding'])) {
            // gzip is the most widely available algo, no need to deal with deflate
            $options['headers'][] = 'Accept-Encoding: gzip';

        if ($options['peer_fingerprint']) {
            if (isset($options['peer_fingerprint']['pin-sha256']) && 1 === \count($options['peer_fingerprint'])) {
                throw new TransportException(__CLASS__.' cannot verify "pin-sha256" fingerprints, please provide a "sha256" one.');


        $info = [
            'response_headers' => [],
            'url' => $url,
            'error' => null,
            'canceled' => false,
            'http_method' => $method,
            'http_code' => 0,
            'redirect_count' => 0,
            'start_time' => 0.0,
            'connect_time' => 0.0,
            'redirect_time' => 0.0,
            'pretransfer_time' => 0.0,
            'starttransfer_time' => 0.0,
            'total_time' => 0.0,
            'namelookup_time' => 0.0,
            'size_upload' => 0,
            'size_download' => 0,
            'size_body' => \strlen($options['body']),
            'primary_ip' => '',
            'primary_port' => 'http:' === $url['scheme'] ? 80 : 443,
            'debug' => \extension_loaded('curl') ? '' : "* Enable the curl extension for better performance\n",

        if ($onProgress = $options['on_progress']) {
            // Memoize the last progress to ease calling the callback periodically when no network transfer happens
            $lastProgress = [0, 0];
            $maxDuration = 0 < $options['max_duration'] ? $options['max_duration'] : \INF;
            $onProgress = static function (...$progress) use ($onProgress, &$lastProgress, &$info, $maxDuration) {
                if ($info['total_time'] >= $maxDuration) {
                    throw new TransportException(sprintf('Max duration was reached for "%s".', implode('', $info['url'])));

                $progressInfo = $info;
                $progressInfo['url'] = implode('', $info['url']);

                if ($progress && -1 === $progress[0]) {
                    // Response completed
                    $lastProgress[0] = max($lastProgress);
                } else {
                    $lastProgress = $progress ?: $lastProgress;

                $onProgress($lastProgress[0], $lastProgress[1], $progressInfo);
        } elseif (0 < $options['max_duration']) {
            $maxDuration = $options['max_duration'];
            $onProgress = static function () use (&$info, $maxDuration): void {
                if ($info['total_time'] >= $maxDuration) {
                    throw new TransportException(sprintf('Max duration was reached for "%s".', implode('', $info['url'])));

        // Always register a notification callback to compute live stats about the response
        $notification = static function (int $code, int $severity, ?string $msg, int $msgCode, int $dlNow, int $dlSize) use ($onProgress, &$info) {
            $info['total_time'] = microtime(true) - $info['start_time'];

            if (\STREAM_NOTIFY_PROGRESS === $code) {
                $info['starttransfer_time'] = $info['starttransfer_time'] ?: $info['total_time'];
                $info['size_upload'] += $dlNow ? 0 : $info['size_body'];
                $info['size_download'] = $dlNow;
            } elseif (\STREAM_NOTIFY_CONNECT === $code) {
                $info['connect_time'] = $info['total_time'];
                $info['debug'] .= $info['request_header'];
            } else {

            if ($onProgress) {
                $onProgress($dlNow, $dlSize);

        if ($options['resolve']) {
            $this->multi->dnsCache = $options['resolve'] + $this->multi->dnsCache;

        $this->logger && $this->logger->info(sprintf('Request: "%s %s"', $method, implode('', $url)));

        if (!isset($options['normalized_headers']['user-agent'])) {
            $options['headers'][] = 'User-Agent: Symfony HttpClient/Native';

        if (0 < $options['max_duration']) {
            $options['timeout'] = min($options['max_duration'], $options['timeout']);

        $bindto = $options['bindto'];
        if (!$bindto && (70322 === \PHP_VERSION_ID || 70410 === \PHP_VERSION_ID)) {
            $bindto = '0:0';

        $context = [
            'http' => [
                'protocol_version' => min($options['http_version'] ?: '1.1', '1.1'),
                'method' => $method,
                'content' => $options['body'],
                'ignore_errors' => true,
                'curl_verify_ssl_peer' => $options['verify_peer'],
                'curl_verify_ssl_host' => $options['verify_host'],
                'auto_decode' => false, // Disable dechunk filter, it's incompatible with stream_select()
                'timeout' => $options['timeout'],
                'follow_location' => false, // We follow redirects ourselves - the native logic is too limited
            'ssl' => array_filter([
                'verify_peer' => $options['verify_peer'],
                'verify_peer_name' => $options['verify_host'],
                'cafile' => $options['cafile'],
                'capath' => $options['capath'],
                'local_cert' => $options['local_cert'],
                'local_pk' => $options['local_pk'],
                'passphrase' => $options['passphrase'],
                'ciphers' => $options['ciphers'],
                'peer_fingerprint' => $options['peer_fingerprint'],
                'capture_peer_cert_chain' => $options['capture_peer_cert_chain'],
                'allow_self_signed' => (bool) $options['peer_fingerprint'],
                'SNI_enabled' => true,
                'disable_compression' => true,
            ], static function ($v) { return null !== $v; }),
            'socket' => [
                'bindto' => $bindto,
                'tcp_nodelay' => true,

        $context = stream_context_create($context, ['notification' => $notification]);

        $resolver = static function ($multi) use ($context, $options, $url, &$info, $onProgress) {
            [$host, $port] = self::parseHostPort($url, $info);

            if (!isset($options['normalized_headers']['host'])) {
                $options['headers'][] = 'Host: '.$host.$port;

            $proxy = self::getProxy($options['proxy'], $url, $options['no_proxy']);

            if (!self::configureHeadersAndProxy($context, $host, $options['headers'], $proxy, 'https:' === $url['scheme'])) {
                $ip = self::dnsResolve($host, $multi, $info, $onProgress);
                $url['authority'] = substr_replace($url['authority'], $ip, -\strlen($host) - \strlen($port), \strlen($host));

            return [self::createRedirectResolver($options, $host, $proxy, $info, $onProgress), implode('', $url)];

        return new NativeResponse($this->multi, $context, implode('', $url), $options, $info, $resolver, $onProgress, $this->logger);

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function stream($responses, float $timeout = null): ResponseStreamInterface
        if ($responses instanceof NativeResponse) {
            $responses = [$responses];
        } elseif (!is_iterable($responses)) {
            throw new \TypeError(sprintf('"%s()" expects parameter 1 to be an iterable of NativeResponse objects, "%s" given.', __METHOD__, get_debug_type($responses)));

        return new ResponseStream(NativeResponse::stream($responses, $timeout));

    public function reset()

    private static function getBodyAsString($body): string
        if (\is_resource($body)) {
            return stream_get_contents($body);

        if (!$body instanceof \Closure) {
            return $body;

        $result = '';

        while ('' !== $data = $body(self::$CHUNK_SIZE)) {
            if (!\is_string($data)) {
                throw new TransportException(sprintf('Return value of the "body" option callback must be string, "%s" returned.', get_debug_type($data)));

            $result .= $data;

        return $result;

     * Extracts the host and the port from the URL.
    private static function parseHostPort(array $url, array &$info): array
        if ($port = parse_url($url['authority'], \PHP_URL_PORT) ?: '') {
            $info['primary_port'] = $port;
            $port = ':'.$port;
        } else {
            $info['primary_port'] = 'http:' === $url['scheme'] ? 80 : 443;

        return [parse_url($url['authority'], \PHP_URL_HOST), $port];

     * Resolves the IP of the host using the local DNS cache if possible.
    private static function dnsResolve($host, NativeClientState $multi, array &$info, ?\Closure $onProgress): string
        if (null === $ip = $multi->dnsCache[$host] ?? null) {
            $info['debug'] .= "* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache\n";
            $now = microtime(true);

            if (!$ip = gethostbynamel($host)) {
                throw new TransportException(sprintf('Could not resolve host "%s".', $host));

            $info['namelookup_time'] = microtime(true) - ($info['start_time'] ?: $now);
            $multi->dnsCache[$host] = $ip = $ip[0];
            $info['debug'] .= "* Added {$host}:0:{$ip} to DNS cache\n";
        } else {
            $info['debug'] .= "* Hostname was found in DNS cache\n";

        $info['primary_ip'] = $ip;

        if ($onProgress) {
            // Notify DNS resolution

        return $ip;

     * Handles redirects - the native logic is too buggy to be used.
    private static function createRedirectResolver(array $options, string $host, ?array $proxy, array &$info, ?\Closure $onProgress): \Closure
        $redirectHeaders = [];
        if (0 < $maxRedirects = $options['max_redirects']) {
            $redirectHeaders = ['host' => $host];
            $redirectHeaders['with_auth'] = $redirectHeaders['no_auth'] = array_filter($options['headers'], static function ($h) {
                return 0 !== stripos($h, 'Host:');

            if (isset($options['normalized_headers']['authorization']) || isset($options['normalized_headers']['cookie'])) {
                $redirectHeaders['no_auth'] = array_filter($redirectHeaders['no_auth'], static function ($h) {
                    return 0 !== stripos($h, 'Authorization:') && 0 !== stripos($h, 'Cookie:');

        return static function (NativeClientState $multi, ?string $location, $context) use (&$redirectHeaders, $proxy, &$info, $maxRedirects, $onProgress): ?string {
            if (null === $location || $info['http_code'] < 300 || 400 <= $info['http_code']) {
                $info['redirect_url'] = null;

                return null;

            try {
                $url = self::parseUrl($location);
            } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
                $info['redirect_url'] = null;

                return null;

            $url = self::resolveUrl($url, $info['url']);
            $info['redirect_url'] = implode('', $url);

            if ($info['redirect_count'] >= $maxRedirects) {
                return null;

            $info['url'] = $url;
            $info['redirect_time'] = microtime(true) - $info['start_time'];

            // Do like curl and browsers: turn POST to GET on 301, 302 and 303
            if (\in_array($info['http_code'], [301, 302, 303], true)) {
                $options = stream_context_get_options($context)['http'];

                if ('POST' === $options['method'] || 303 === $info['http_code']) {
                    $info['http_method'] = $options['method'] = 'HEAD' === $options['method'] ? 'HEAD' : 'GET';
                    $options['content'] = '';
                    $filterContentHeaders = static function ($h) {
                        return 0 !== stripos($h, 'Content-Length:') && 0 !== stripos($h, 'Content-Type:') && 0 !== stripos($h, 'Transfer-Encoding:');
                    $options['header'] = array_filter($options['header'], $filterContentHeaders);
                    $redirectHeaders['no_auth'] = array_filter($redirectHeaders['no_auth'], $filterContentHeaders);
                    $redirectHeaders['with_auth'] = array_filter($redirectHeaders['with_auth'], $filterContentHeaders);

                    stream_context_set_option($context, ['http' => $options]);

            [$host, $port] = self::parseHostPort($url, $info);

            if (false !== (parse_url($location, \PHP_URL_HOST) ?? false)) {
                // Authorization and Cookie headers MUST NOT follow except for the initial host name
                $requestHeaders = $redirectHeaders['host'] === $host ? $redirectHeaders['with_auth'] : $redirectHeaders['no_auth'];
                $requestHeaders[] = 'Host: '.$host.$port;
                $dnsResolve = !self::configureHeadersAndProxy($context, $host, $requestHeaders, $proxy, 'https:' === $url['scheme']);
            } else {
                $dnsResolve = isset(stream_context_get_options($context)['ssl']['peer_name']);

            if ($dnsResolve) {
                $ip = self::dnsResolve($host, $multi, $info, $onProgress);
                $url['authority'] = substr_replace($url['authority'], $ip, -\strlen($host) - \strlen($port), \strlen($host));

            return implode('', $url);

    private static function configureHeadersAndProxy($context, string $host, array $requestHeaders, ?array $proxy, bool $isSsl): bool
        if (null === $proxy) {
            stream_context_set_option($context, 'http', 'header', $requestHeaders);
            stream_context_set_option($context, 'ssl', 'peer_name', $host);

            return false;

        // Matching "no_proxy" should follow the behavior of curl

        foreach ($proxy['no_proxy'] as $rule) {
            $dotRule = '.'.ltrim($rule, '.');

            if ('*' === $rule || $host === $rule || str_ends_with($host, $dotRule)) {
                stream_context_set_option($context, 'http', 'proxy', null);
                stream_context_set_option($context, 'http', 'request_fulluri', false);
                stream_context_set_option($context, 'http', 'header', $requestHeaders);
                stream_context_set_option($context, 'ssl', 'peer_name', $host);

                return false;

        if (null !== $proxy['auth']) {
            $requestHeaders[] = 'Proxy-Authorization: '.$proxy['auth'];

        stream_context_set_option($context, 'http', 'proxy', $proxy['url']);
        stream_context_set_option($context, 'http', 'request_fulluri', !$isSsl);
        stream_context_set_option($context, 'http', 'header', $requestHeaders);
        stream_context_set_option($context, 'ssl', 'peer_name', null);

        return true;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Chunk Folder 0755
DataCollector Folder 0755
DependencyInjection Folder 0755
Exception Folder 0755
Internal Folder 0755
Response Folder 0755
Retry Folder 0755
AmpHttpClient.php File 7.41 KB 0644
AsyncDecoratorTrait.php File 1.37 KB 0644
CHANGELOG.md File 2.18 KB 0644
CachingHttpClient.php File 5.44 KB 0644
CurlHttpClient.php File 22.84 KB 0644
DecoratorTrait.php File 1.5 KB 0644
EventSourceHttpClient.php File 5.75 KB 0644
HttpClient.php File 3.46 KB 0644
HttpClientTrait.php File 27.39 KB 0644
HttpOptions.php File 5.62 KB 0644
HttplugClient.php File 9.88 KB 0644
LICENSE File 1.04 KB 0644
MockHttpClient.php File 4.16 KB 0644
NativeHttpClient.php File 19.23 KB 0644
NoPrivateNetworkHttpClient.php File 4.12 KB 0644
Psr18Client.php File 8.37 KB 0644
README.md File 913 B 0644
RetryableHttpClient.php File 5.89 KB 0644
ScopingHttpClient.php File 4.08 KB 0644
TraceableHttpClient.php File 3.49 KB 0644
composer.json File 1.74 KB 0644