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 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Symfony\Polyfill\Intl\Icu;

use Symfony\Polyfill\Intl\Icu\Exception\MethodArgumentNotImplementedException;
use Symfony\Polyfill\Intl\Icu\Exception\MethodArgumentValueNotImplementedException;
use Symfony\Polyfill\Intl\Icu\Exception\MethodNotImplementedException;
use Symfony\Polyfill\Intl\Icu\Exception\NotImplementedException;

 * Replacement for PHP's native {@link \NumberFormatter} class.
 * The only methods currently supported in this class are:
 *  - {@link __construct}
 *  - {@link create}
 *  - {@link formatCurrency}
 *  - {@link format}
 *  - {@link getAttribute}
 *  - {@link getErrorCode}
 *  - {@link getErrorMessage}
 *  - {@link getLocale}
 *  - {@link parse}
 *  - {@link setAttribute}
 * @author Eriksen Costa <eriksen.costa@infranology.com.br>
 * @author Bernhard Schussek <bschussek@gmail.com>
 * @internal
abstract class NumberFormatter
    /* Format style constants */
    public const PATTERN_DECIMAL = 0;
    public const DECIMAL = 1;
    public const CURRENCY = 2;
    public const PERCENT = 3;
    public const SCIENTIFIC = 4;
    public const SPELLOUT = 5;
    public const ORDINAL = 6;
    public const DURATION = 7;
    public const PATTERN_RULEBASED = 9;
    public const IGNORE = 0;
    public const DEFAULT_STYLE = 1;

    /* Format type constants */
    public const TYPE_DEFAULT = 0;
    public const TYPE_INT32 = 1;
    public const TYPE_INT64 = 2;
    public const TYPE_DOUBLE = 3;
    public const TYPE_CURRENCY = 4;

    /* Numeric attribute constants */
    public const PARSE_INT_ONLY = 0;
    public const GROUPING_USED = 1;
    public const DECIMAL_ALWAYS_SHOWN = 2;
    public const MAX_INTEGER_DIGITS = 3;
    public const MIN_INTEGER_DIGITS = 4;
    public const INTEGER_DIGITS = 5;
    public const MAX_FRACTION_DIGITS = 6;
    public const MIN_FRACTION_DIGITS = 7;
    public const FRACTION_DIGITS = 8;
    public const MULTIPLIER = 9;
    public const GROUPING_SIZE = 10;
    public const ROUNDING_MODE = 11;
    public const ROUNDING_INCREMENT = 12;
    public const FORMAT_WIDTH = 13;
    public const PADDING_POSITION = 14;
    public const SECONDARY_GROUPING_SIZE = 15;
    public const SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS_USED = 16;
    public const MIN_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS = 17;
    public const MAX_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS = 18;
    public const LENIENT_PARSE = 19;

    /* Text attribute constants */
    public const POSITIVE_PREFIX = 0;
    public const POSITIVE_SUFFIX = 1;
    public const NEGATIVE_PREFIX = 2;
    public const NEGATIVE_SUFFIX = 3;
    public const PADDING_CHARACTER = 4;
    public const CURRENCY_CODE = 5;
    public const DEFAULT_RULESET = 6;
    public const PUBLIC_RULESETS = 7;

    /* Format symbol constants */
    public const DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL = 0;
    public const GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL = 1;
    public const PATTERN_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL = 2;
    public const PERCENT_SYMBOL = 3;
    public const ZERO_DIGIT_SYMBOL = 4;
    public const DIGIT_SYMBOL = 5;
    public const MINUS_SIGN_SYMBOL = 6;
    public const PLUS_SIGN_SYMBOL = 7;
    public const CURRENCY_SYMBOL = 8;
    public const INTL_CURRENCY_SYMBOL = 9;
    public const MONETARY_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL = 10;
    public const EXPONENTIAL_SYMBOL = 11;
    public const PERMILL_SYMBOL = 12;
    public const PAD_ESCAPE_SYMBOL = 13;
    public const INFINITY_SYMBOL = 14;
    public const NAN_SYMBOL = 15;
    public const SIGNIFICANT_DIGIT_SYMBOL = 16;

    /* Rounding mode values used by NumberFormatter::setAttribute() with NumberFormatter::ROUNDING_MODE attribute */
    public const ROUND_CEILING = 0;
    public const ROUND_FLOOR = 1;
    public const ROUND_DOWN = 2;
    public const ROUND_UP = 3;
    public const ROUND_HALFEVEN = 4;
    public const ROUND_HALFDOWN = 5;
    public const ROUND_HALFUP = 6;

    /* Pad position values used by NumberFormatter::setAttribute() with NumberFormatter::PADDING_POSITION attribute */
    public const PAD_BEFORE_PREFIX = 0;
    public const PAD_AFTER_PREFIX = 1;
    public const PAD_BEFORE_SUFFIX = 2;
    public const PAD_AFTER_SUFFIX = 3;

     * The error code from the last operation.
     * @var int
    protected $errorCode = Icu::U_ZERO_ERROR;

     * The error message from the last operation.
     * @var string
    protected $errorMessage = 'U_ZERO_ERROR';

     * @var int
    private $style;

     * Default values for the en locale.
    private $attributes = [
        self::FRACTION_DIGITS => 0,
        self::GROUPING_USED => 1,
        self::ROUNDING_MODE => self::ROUND_HALFEVEN,

     * Holds the initialized attributes code.
    private $initializedAttributes = [];

     * The supported styles to the constructor $styles argument.
    private static $supportedStyles = [
        'CURRENCY' => self::CURRENCY,
        'DECIMAL' => self::DECIMAL,

     * Supported attributes to the setAttribute() $attr argument.
    private static $supportedAttributes = [

     * The available rounding modes for setAttribute() usage with
     * NumberFormatter::ROUNDING_MODE. NumberFormatter::ROUND_DOWN
     * and NumberFormatter::ROUND_UP does not have a PHP only equivalent.
    private static $roundingModes = [
        'ROUND_HALFUP' => self::ROUND_HALFUP,
        'ROUND_FLOOR' => self::ROUND_FLOOR,
        'ROUND_DOWN' => self::ROUND_DOWN,
        'ROUND_UP' => self::ROUND_UP,

     * The mapping between NumberFormatter rounding modes to the available
     * modes in PHP's round() function.
     * @see https://php.net/round
    private static $phpRoundingMap = [

     * The list of supported rounding modes which aren't available modes in
     * PHP's round() function, but there's an equivalent. Keys are rounding
     * modes, values does not matter.
    private static $customRoundingList = [
        self::ROUND_CEILING => true,
        self::ROUND_FLOOR => true,
        self::ROUND_DOWN => true,
        self::ROUND_UP => true,

     * The maximum value of the integer type in 32 bit platforms.
    private static $int32Max = 2147483647;

     * The maximum value of the integer type in 64 bit platforms.
     * @var int|float
    private static $int64Max = 9223372036854775807;

    private static $enSymbols = [
        self::DECIMAL => ['.', ',', ';', '%', '0', '#', '-', '+', '¤', '¤¤', '.', 'E', '‰', '*', '∞', 'NaN', '@', ','],
        self::CURRENCY => ['.', ',', ';', '%', '0', '#', '-', '+', '¤', '¤¤', '.', 'E', '‰', '*', '∞', 'NaN', '@', ','],

    private static $enTextAttributes = [
        self::DECIMAL => ['', '', '-', '', ' ', 'XXX', ''],
        self::CURRENCY => ['¤', '', '-¤', '', ' ', 'XXX'],

     * @param string|null $locale  The locale code. The only currently supported locale is "en" (or null using the default locale, i.e. "en")
     * @param int         $style   Style of the formatting, one of the format style constants.
     *                             The only supported styles are NumberFormatter::DECIMAL
     *                             and NumberFormatter::CURRENCY.
     * @param string      $pattern Not supported. A pattern string in case $style is NumberFormat::PATTERN_DECIMAL or
     *                             NumberFormat::PATTERN_RULEBASED. It must conform to  the syntax
     *                             described in the ICU DecimalFormat or ICU RuleBasedNumberFormat documentation
     * @see https://php.net/numberformatter.create
     * @see https://unicode-org.github.io/icu-docs/apidoc/released/icu4c/classicu_1_1DecimalFormat.html#details
     * @see https://unicode-org.github.io/icu-docs/apidoc/released/icu4c/classicu_1_1RuleBasedNumberFormat.html#details
     * @throws MethodArgumentValueNotImplementedException When $locale different than "en" or null is passed
     * @throws MethodArgumentValueNotImplementedException When the $style is not supported
     * @throws MethodArgumentNotImplementedException      When the pattern value is different than null
    public function __construct(?string $locale = 'en', int $style = null, string $pattern = null)
        if ('en' !== $locale && null !== $locale) {
            throw new MethodArgumentValueNotImplementedException(__METHOD__, 'locale', $locale, 'Only the locale "en" is supported');

        if (!\in_array($style, self::$supportedStyles)) {
            $message = sprintf('The available styles are: %s.', implode(', ', array_keys(self::$supportedStyles)));
            throw new MethodArgumentValueNotImplementedException(__METHOD__, 'style', $style, $message);

        if (null !== $pattern) {
            throw new MethodArgumentNotImplementedException(__METHOD__, 'pattern');

        $this->style = $style;

     * Static constructor.
     * @param string|null $locale  The locale code. The only supported locale is "en" (or null using the default locale, i.e. "en")
     * @param int         $style   Style of the formatting, one of the format style constants.
     *                             The only currently supported styles are NumberFormatter::DECIMAL
     *                             and NumberFormatter::CURRENCY.
     * @param string      $pattern Not supported. A pattern string in case $style is NumberFormat::PATTERN_DECIMAL or
     *                             NumberFormat::PATTERN_RULEBASED. It must conform to  the syntax
     *                             described in the ICU DecimalFormat or ICU RuleBasedNumberFormat documentation
     * @return static
     * @see https://php.net/numberformatter.create
     * @see http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4c/classDecimalFormat.html#_details
     * @see http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4c/classRuleBasedNumberFormat.html#_details
     * @throws MethodArgumentValueNotImplementedException When $locale different than "en" or null is passed
     * @throws MethodArgumentValueNotImplementedException When the $style is not supported
     * @throws MethodArgumentNotImplementedException      When the pattern value is different than null
    public static function create(?string $locale = 'en', int $style = null, string $pattern = null)
        return new static($locale, $style, $pattern);

     * Format a currency value.
     * @return string The formatted currency value
     * @see https://php.net/numberformatter.formatcurrency
     * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217#Active_codes
    public function formatCurrency(float $amount, string $currency)
        if (self::DECIMAL === $this->style) {
            return $this->format($amount);

        if (null === $symbol = Currencies::getSymbol($currency)) {
            return false;
        $fractionDigits = Currencies::getFractionDigits($currency);

        $amount = $this->roundCurrency($amount, $currency);

        $negative = false;
        if (0 > $amount) {
            $negative = true;
            $amount *= -1;

        $amount = $this->formatNumber($amount, $fractionDigits);

        // There's a non-breaking space after the currency code (i.e. CRC 100), but not if the currency has a symbol (i.e. £100).
        $ret = $symbol.(mb_strlen($symbol, 'UTF-8') > 2 ? "\xc2\xa0" : '').$amount;

        return $negative ? '-'.$ret : $ret;

     * Format a number.
     * @param int|float $num  The value to format
     * @param int       $type Type of the formatting, one of the format type constants.
     *                        Only type NumberFormatter::TYPE_DEFAULT is currently supported.
     * @return bool|string The formatted value or false on error
     * @see https://php.net/numberformatter.format
     * @throws NotImplementedException                    If the method is called with the class $style 'CURRENCY'
     * @throws MethodArgumentValueNotImplementedException If the $type is different than TYPE_DEFAULT
    public function format($num, int $type = self::TYPE_DEFAULT)
        // The original NumberFormatter does not support this format type
        if (self::TYPE_CURRENCY === $type) {
            if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000) {
                throw new \ValueError(sprintf('The format type must be a NumberFormatter::TYPE_* constant (%s given).', $type));

            trigger_error(__METHOD__.'(): Unsupported format type '.$type, \E_USER_WARNING);

            return false;

        if (self::CURRENCY === $this->style) {
            throw new NotImplementedException(sprintf('"%s()" method does not support the formatting of currencies (instance with CURRENCY style). "%s".', __METHOD__, NotImplementedException::INTL_INSTALL_MESSAGE));

        // Only the default type is supported.
        if (self::TYPE_DEFAULT !== $type) {
            throw new MethodArgumentValueNotImplementedException(__METHOD__, 'type', $type, 'Only TYPE_DEFAULT is supported');

        $fractionDigits = $this->getAttribute(self::FRACTION_DIGITS);

        $num = $this->round($num, $fractionDigits);
        $num = $this->formatNumber($num, $fractionDigits);

        // behave like the intl extension

        return $num;

     * Returns an attribute value.
     * @return int|false The attribute value on success or false on error
     * @see https://php.net/numberformatter.getattribute
    public function getAttribute(int $attribute)
        return $this->attributes[$attribute] ?? null;

     * Returns formatter's last error code. Always returns the U_ZERO_ERROR class constant value.
     * @return int The error code from last formatter call
     * @see https://php.net/numberformatter.geterrorcode
    public function getErrorCode()
        return $this->errorCode;

     * Returns formatter's last error message. Always returns the U_ZERO_ERROR_MESSAGE class constant value.
     * @return string The error message from last formatter call
     * @see https://php.net/numberformatter.geterrormessage
    public function getErrorMessage()
        return $this->errorMessage;

     * Returns the formatter's locale.
     * The parameter $type is currently ignored.
     * @param int $type Not supported. The locale name type to return (Locale::VALID_LOCALE or Locale::ACTUAL_LOCALE)
     * @return string The locale used to create the formatter. Currently always
     *                returns "en".
     * @see https://php.net/numberformatter.getlocale
    public function getLocale(int $type = Locale::ACTUAL_LOCALE)
        return 'en';

     * Not supported. Returns the formatter's pattern.
     * @return string|false The pattern string used by the formatter or false on error
     * @see https://php.net/numberformatter.getpattern
     * @throws MethodNotImplementedException
    public function getPattern()
        throw new MethodNotImplementedException(__METHOD__);

     * Not supported. Returns a formatter symbol value.
     * @return string|false The symbol value or false on error
     * @see https://php.net/numberformatter.getsymbol
    public function getSymbol(int $symbol)
        return \array_key_exists($this->style, self::$enSymbols) && \array_key_exists($symbol, self::$enSymbols[$this->style]) ? self::$enSymbols[$this->style][$symbol] : false;

     * Not supported. Returns a formatter text attribute value.
     * @return string|false The attribute value or false on error
     * @see https://php.net/numberformatter.gettextattribute
    public function getTextAttribute(int $attribute)
        return \array_key_exists($this->style, self::$enTextAttributes) && \array_key_exists($attribute, self::$enTextAttributes[$this->style]) ? self::$enTextAttributes[$this->style][$attribute] : false;

     * Not supported. Parse a currency number.
     * @return float|false The parsed numeric value or false on error
     * @see https://php.net/numberformatter.parsecurrency
     * @throws MethodNotImplementedException
    public function parseCurrency(string $string, &$currency, &$offset = null)
        throw new MethodNotImplementedException(__METHOD__);

     * Parse a number.
     * @return int|float|false The parsed value or false on error
     * @see https://php.net/numberformatter.parse
    public function parse(string $string, int $type = self::TYPE_DOUBLE, &$offset = null)
        if (self::TYPE_DEFAULT === $type || self::TYPE_CURRENCY === $type) {
            if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000) {
                throw new \ValueError(sprintf('The format type must be a NumberFormatter::TYPE_* constant (%d given).', $type));

            trigger_error(__METHOD__.'(): Unsupported format type '.$type, \E_USER_WARNING);

            return false;

        // Any invalid number at the end of the string is removed.
        // Only numbers and the fraction separator is expected in the string.
        // If grouping is used, grouping separator also becomes a valid character.
        $groupingMatch = $this->getAttribute(self::GROUPING_USED) ? '|(?P<grouping>\d++(,{1}\d+)++(\.\d*+)?)' : '';
        if (preg_match("/^-?(?:\.\d++{$groupingMatch}|\d++(\.\d*+)?)/", $string, $matches)) {
            $string = $matches[0];
            $offset = \strlen($string);
            // value is not valid if grouping is used, but digits are not grouped in groups of three
            if ($error = isset($matches['grouping']) && !preg_match('/^-?(?:\d{1,3}+)?(?:(?:,\d{3})++|\d*+)(?:\.\d*+)?$/', $string)) {
                // the position on error is 0 for positive and 1 for negative numbers
                $offset = 0 === strpos($string, '-') ? 1 : 0;
        } else {
            $error = true;
            $offset = 0;

        if ($error) {
            Icu::setError(Icu::U_PARSE_ERROR, 'Number parsing failed');
            $this->errorCode = Icu::getErrorCode();
            $this->errorMessage = Icu::getErrorMessage();

            return false;

        $string = str_replace(',', '', $string);
        $string = $this->convertValueDataType($string, $type);

        // behave like the intl extension

        return $string;

     * Set an attribute.
     * @param int|float $value
     * @return bool true on success or false on failure
     * @see https://php.net/numberformatter.setattribute
     * @throws MethodArgumentValueNotImplementedException When the $attribute is not supported
     * @throws MethodArgumentValueNotImplementedException When the $value is not supported
    public function setAttribute(int $attribute, $value)
        if (!\in_array($attribute, self::$supportedAttributes)) {
            $message = sprintf(
                'The available attributes are: %s',
                implode(', ', array_keys(self::$supportedAttributes))

            throw new MethodArgumentValueNotImplementedException(__METHOD__, 'attribute', $value, $message);

        if (self::$supportedAttributes['ROUNDING_MODE'] === $attribute && $this->isInvalidRoundingMode($value)) {
            $message = sprintf(
                'The supported values for ROUNDING_MODE are: %s',
                implode(', ', array_keys(self::$roundingModes))

            throw new MethodArgumentValueNotImplementedException(__METHOD__, 'attribute', $value, $message);

        if (self::$supportedAttributes['GROUPING_USED'] === $attribute) {
            $value = $this->normalizeGroupingUsedValue($value);

        if (self::$supportedAttributes['FRACTION_DIGITS'] === $attribute) {
            $value = $this->normalizeFractionDigitsValue($value);
            if ($value < 0) {
                // ignore negative values but do not raise an error
                return true;

        $this->attributes[$attribute] = $value;
        $this->initializedAttributes[$attribute] = true;

        return true;

     * Not supported. Set the formatter's pattern.
     * @return bool true on success or false on failure
     * @see https://php.net/numberformatter.setpattern
     * @see http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4c/classDecimalFormat.html#_details
     * @throws MethodNotImplementedException
    public function setPattern(string $pattern)
        throw new MethodNotImplementedException(__METHOD__);

     * Not supported. Set the formatter's symbol.
     * @return bool true on success or false on failure
     * @see https://php.net/numberformatter.setsymbol
     * @throws MethodNotImplementedException
    public function setSymbol(int $symbol, string $value)
        throw new MethodNotImplementedException(__METHOD__);

     * Not supported. Set a text attribute.
     * @return bool true on success or false on failure
     * @see https://php.net/numberformatter.settextattribute
     * @throws MethodNotImplementedException
    public function setTextAttribute(int $attribute, string $value)
        throw new MethodNotImplementedException(__METHOD__);

     * Set the error to the default U_ZERO_ERROR.
    protected function resetError()
        $this->errorCode = Icu::getErrorCode();
        $this->errorMessage = Icu::getErrorMessage();

     * Rounds a currency value, applying increment rounding if applicable.
     * When a currency have a rounding increment, an extra round is made after the first one. The rounding factor is
     * determined in the ICU data and is explained as of:
     * "the rounding increment is given in units of 10^(-fraction_digits)"
     * The only actual rounding data as of this writing, is CHF.
     * @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swedish_rounding
     * @see http://www.docjar.com/html/api/com/ibm/icu/util/Currency.java.html#1007
    private function roundCurrency(float $value, string $currency): float
        $fractionDigits = Currencies::getFractionDigits($currency);
        $roundingIncrement = Currencies::getRoundingIncrement($currency);

        // Round with the formatter rounding mode
        $value = $this->round($value, $fractionDigits);

        // Swiss rounding
        if (0 < $roundingIncrement && 0 < $fractionDigits) {
            $roundingFactor = $roundingIncrement / 10 ** $fractionDigits;
            $value = round($value / $roundingFactor) * $roundingFactor;

        return $value;

     * Rounds a value.
     * @param int|float $value The value to round
     * @return int|float The rounded value
    private function round($value, int $precision)
        $precision = $this->getUninitializedPrecision($value, $precision);

        $roundingModeAttribute = $this->getAttribute(self::ROUNDING_MODE);
        if (isset(self::$phpRoundingMap[$roundingModeAttribute])) {
            $value = round($value, $precision, self::$phpRoundingMap[$roundingModeAttribute]);
        } elseif (isset(self::$customRoundingList[$roundingModeAttribute])) {
            $roundingCoef = 10 ** $precision;
            $value *= $roundingCoef;
            $value = (float) (string) $value;

            switch ($roundingModeAttribute) {
                case self::ROUND_CEILING:
                    $value = ceil($value);
                case self::ROUND_FLOOR:
                    $value = floor($value);
                case self::ROUND_UP:
                    $value = $value > 0 ? ceil($value) : floor($value);
                case self::ROUND_DOWN:
                    $value = $value > 0 ? floor($value) : ceil($value);

            $value /= $roundingCoef;

        return $value;

     * Formats a number.
     * @param int|float $value The numeric value to format
    private function formatNumber($value, int $precision): string
        $precision = $this->getUninitializedPrecision($value, $precision);

        return number_format($value, $precision, '.', $this->getAttribute(self::GROUPING_USED) ? ',' : '');

     * Returns the precision value if the DECIMAL style is being used and the FRACTION_DIGITS attribute is uninitialized.
     * @param int|float $value The value to get the precision from if the FRACTION_DIGITS attribute is uninitialized
    private function getUninitializedPrecision($value, int $precision): int
        if (self::CURRENCY === $this->style) {
            return $precision;

        if (!$this->isInitializedAttribute(self::FRACTION_DIGITS)) {
            preg_match('/.*\.(.*)/', (string) $value, $digits);
            if (isset($digits[1])) {
                $precision = \strlen($digits[1]);

        return $precision;

     * Check if the attribute is initialized (value set by client code).
    private function isInitializedAttribute(string $attr): bool
        return isset($this->initializedAttributes[$attr]);

     * Returns the numeric value using the $type to convert to the right data type.
     * @param mixed $value The value to be converted
     * @return int|float|false The converted value
    private function convertValueDataType($value, int $type)
        if (self::TYPE_DOUBLE === $type) {
            $value = (float) $value;
        } elseif (self::TYPE_INT32 === $type) {
            $value = $this->getInt32Value($value);
        } elseif (self::TYPE_INT64 === $type) {
            $value = $this->getInt64Value($value);

        return $value;

     * Convert the value data type to int or returns false if the value is out of the integer value range.
     * @return int|false The converted value
    private function getInt32Value($value)
        if ($value > self::$int32Max || $value < -self::$int32Max - 1) {
            return false;

        return (int) $value;

     * Convert the value data type to int or returns false if the value is out of the integer value range.
     * @return int|float|false The converted value
    private function getInt64Value($value)
        if ($value > self::$int64Max || $value < -self::$int64Max - 1) {
            return false;

        if (\PHP_INT_SIZE !== 8 && ($value > self::$int32Max || $value < -self::$int32Max - 1)) {
            return (float) $value;

        return (int) $value;

     * Check if the rounding mode is invalid.
    private function isInvalidRoundingMode(int $value): bool
        if (\in_array($value, self::$roundingModes, true)) {
            return false;

        return true;

     * Returns the normalized value for the GROUPING_USED attribute. Any value that can be converted to int will be
     * cast to Boolean and then to int again. This way, negative values are converted to 1 and string values to 0.
    private function normalizeGroupingUsedValue($value): int
        return (int) (bool) (int) $value;

     * Returns the normalized value for the FRACTION_DIGITS attribute.
    private function normalizeFractionDigitsValue($value): int
        return (int) $value;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
DateFormat Folder 0755
Exception Folder 0755
Resources Folder 0755
Collator.php File 7.26 KB 0644
Currencies.php File 1.14 KB 0644
Icu.php File 2.96 KB 0644
IntlDateFormatter.php File 19.68 KB 0644
LICENSE File 1.04 KB 0644
Locale.php File 8.72 KB 0644
NumberFormatter.php File 28.32 KB 0644
README.md File 852 B 0644
bootstrap.php File 906 B 0644
bootstrap80.php File 826 B 0644
composer.json File 1.14 KB 0644