language: php dist: xenial git: depth: 2 addons: apt_packages: - parallel - language-pack-fr-base - ldap-utils - slapd - libsasl2-dev env: global: - MIN_PHP=5.5.9 - SYMFONY_PROCESS_PHP_TEST_BINARY=~/.phpenv/versions/5.6/bin/php - SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_REMOVE_RETURN_TYPEHINT=1 - SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_DISABLE_RESULT_CACHE=1 matrix: include: - php: 5.5 env: php_extra="5.6 7.0 7.1 7.2" dist: trusty - php: 7.3 env: deps=high - php: 7.4 env: deps=low - php: nightly services: [memcached] fast_finish: true allow_failures: - php: nightly services: [memcached] cache: directories: - .phpunit - php-$MIN_PHP - ~/php-ext services: - memcached - mongodb - redis-server - docker before_install: - | # Enable Sury ppa sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 6B05F25D762E3157 sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ondrej/php sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-3.4.list sudo apt update - | # Start Redis cluster if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION != nightly ]]; then docker pull grokzen/redis-cluster:4.0.8 docker run -d -p 7000:7000 -p 7001:7001 -p 7002:7002 -p 7003:7003 -p 7004:7004 -p 7005:7005 --name redis-cluster grokzen/redis-cluster:4.0.8 export REDIS_CLUSTER_HOSTS='localhost:7000 localhost:7001 localhost:7002 localhost:7003 localhost:7004 localhost:7005' fi - | # General configuration set -e stty cols 120 mkdir /tmp/slapd slapd -f src/Symfony/Component/Ldap/Tests/Fixtures/conf/slapd.conf -h ldap://localhost:3389 & cp .github/composer-config.json "$(composer config home)/config.json" export PHPUNIT=$(readlink -f ./phpunit) export PHPUNIT_X="$PHPUNIT --exclude-group tty,benchmark,intl-data" export COMPOSER_UP='composer update --no-progress --ansi' export COMPONENTS=$(find src/Symfony -mindepth 2 -type f -name phpunit.xml.dist -printf '%h\n' | sort) find ~/.phpenv -name xdebug.ini -delete nanoseconds () { local cmd="date" local format="+%s%N" local os=$(uname) if hash gdate > /dev/null 2>&1; then cmd="gdate" elif [[ "$os" = Darwin ]]; then format="+%s000000000" fi $cmd -u $format } export -f nanoseconds # tfold is a helper to create folded reports tfold () { local title="🐘 $PHP $1 $FLIP" local fold=$(echo $title | sed -r 's/[^-_A-Za-z0-9]+/./g') shift local id=$(printf %08x $(( RANDOM * RANDOM ))) local start=$(nanoseconds) echo -e "travis_fold:start:$fold" echo -e "travis_time:start:$id" echo -e "\\e[1;34m$title\\e[0m" bash -xc "$*" 2>&1 local ok=$? local end=$(nanoseconds) echo -e "\\ntravis_time:end:$id:start=$start,finish=$end,duration=$(($end-$start))" (exit $ok) && echo -e "\\e[32mOK\\e[0m $title\\n\\ntravis_fold:end:$fold" || echo -e "\\e[41mKO\\e[0m $title\\n" (exit $ok) } export -f tfold # tpecl is a helper to compile and cache php extensions tpecl () { local ext_name=$1 local ext_so=$2 local INI=$3 local ext_dir=$(php -r "echo ini_get('extension_dir');") local ext_cache=~/php-ext/$(basename $ext_dir)/$ext_name if [[ -e $ext_cache/$ext_so ]]; then echo extension = $ext_cache/$ext_so >> $INI else rm ~/.pearrc /tmp/pear 2>/dev/null || true mkdir -p $ext_cache echo yes | pecl install -f $ext_name && cp $ext_dir/$ext_so $ext_cache fi } export -f tpecl - | # Install sigchild-enabled PHP to test the Process component on the lowest PHP matrix line if [[ ! $deps && $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION = ${MIN_PHP%.*} && ! -d php-$MIN_PHP/sapi ]]; then wget$MIN_PHP.tar.bz2 -O - | tar -xj && (cd php-$MIN_PHP && ./configure --enable-sigchild --enable-pcntl && make -j2) fi - | # php.ini configuration for PHP in $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION $php_extra; do phpenv global $PHP 2>/dev/null || (cd / && wget$PHP.tar.bz2 -O - | tar -xj) INI=~/.phpenv/versions/$PHP/etc/conf.d/travis.ini echo date.timezone = Europe/Paris >> $INI echo memory_limit = -1 >> $INI echo session.gc_probability = 0 >> $INI echo opcache.enable_cli = 1 >> $INI echo apc.enable_cli = 1 >> $INI if [[ $PHP = 5.* ]]; then echo extension = >> $INI echo extension = >> $INI echo extension = >> $INI echo extension = >> $INI elif [[ $PHP = 7.* ]]; then echo extension = >> $INI echo extension = >> $INI fi done - | # Install extra PHP extensions for PHP in $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION $php_extra; do export PHP=$PHP phpenv global $PHP composer self-update composer self-update --2 INI=~/.phpenv/versions/$PHP/etc/conf.d/travis.ini if [[ $PHP = 5.* ]]; then tfold ext.apcu tpecl apcu-4.0.11 $INI [[ $deps ]] && continue ext_cache=~/php-ext/$(php -r "echo basename(ini_get('extension_dir'));")/ [[ -e $ext_cache ]] || (tfold ext.symfony_debug "cd src/Symfony/Component/Debug/Resources/ext && phpize && ./configure && make && mv modules/ $ext_cache && phpize --clean") echo extension = $ext_cache >> $INI elif [[ $PHP = 7.* ]]; then tfold ext.apcu tpecl apcu-5.1.19 $INI tfold ext.mongodb tpecl mongodb-1.6.0 $INI elif [[ $PHP = nightly ]]; then tfold ext.memcached tpecl memcached-3.1.5 $INI tfold ext.apcu tpecl apcu-5.1.19 $INI fi done - | # Load fixtures if [[ ! $skip ]]; then ldapadd -h localhost:3389 -D cn=admin,dc=symfony,dc=com -w symfony -f src/Symfony/Component/Ldap/Tests/Fixtures/data/base.ldif && ldapadd -h localhost:3389 -D cn=admin,dc=symfony,dc=com -w symfony -f src/Symfony/Component/Ldap/Tests/Fixtures/data/fixtures.ldif fi install: - | # Install the phpunit-bridge from a PR if required # # To run a PR with a patched phpunit-bridge, first submit the patch for the # phpunit-bridge as a separate PR against the next feature-branch then # uncomment and update the following line with that PR number #SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_BRIDGE_PR=32886 if [[ $SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_BRIDGE_PR ]]; then git fetch --depth=2 origin refs/pull/$SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_BRIDGE_PR/head git rm -rq src/Symfony/Bridge/PhpUnit git checkout -q FETCH_HEAD -- src/Symfony/Bridge/PhpUnit export SYMFONY_VERSION=$(curl -s$SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_BRIDGE_PR | jq -r .base.ref) sed -i 's/"symfony\/phpunit-bridge": ".*"/"symfony\/phpunit-bridge": "'$SYMFONY_VERSION'.x@dev"/' composer.json rm -rf .phpunit fi - | # Create local composer packages for each patched components and reference them in composer.json files when cross-testing components git config --global "" git config --global "Symfony" export SYMFONY_VERSION=$(grep branch-version composer.json | grep -o '[0-9.x]*') if [[ ! $deps ]]; then php .github/build-packages.php HEAD^ $SYMFONY_VERSION src/Symfony/Bridge/PhpUnit else export SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER=weak && cp composer.json composer.json.orig && echo -e '{\n"require":{'"$(grep phpunit-bridge composer.json)"'"php":"*"},"minimum-stability":"dev"}' > composer.json && php .github/build-packages.php HEAD^ $SYMFONY_VERSION $(find src/Symfony -mindepth 2 -type f -name composer.json -printf '%h\n' | sort) && mv composer.json composer.json.phpunit && mv composer.json.orig composer.json fi if [[ $SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_BRIDGE_PR ]]; then git rm -fq -- src/Symfony/Bridge/PhpUnit/composer.json git diff --staged -- src/Symfony/Bridge/PhpUnit/ | git apply -R --index fi - | # For the feature-branch, when deps=high, the version before it is checked out and tested with the locally patched components if [[ $deps = high && $TRAVIS_BRANCH = *.x ]]; then export FLIP='🙃' export SYMFONY_VERSION=$(git ls-remote -q --heads | grep -o '/[1-9]\.[0-9].*' | tail -n 1 | sed s/.//) && git fetch --depth=2 origin $SYMFONY_VERSION && git checkout -m FETCH_HEAD && export COMPONENTS=$(find src/Symfony -mindepth 2 -type f -name phpunit.xml.dist -printf '%h\n' | sort) fi - | # Skip the phpunit-bridge on bugfix-branches when $deps is empty if [[ ! $deps && ! $TRAVIS_BRANCH = *.x ]]; then export COMPONENTS=$(find src/Symfony -mindepth 2 -type f -name phpunit.xml.dist -not -wholename '*/Bridge/PhpUnit/*' -printf '%h\n' | sort) fi - | # Set composer's platform to php 7.4 if we're on php 8. if [[ $PHP = nightly ]]; then composer config platform.php 7.4.99 export SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER=max[total]=999 fi - | # Install symfony/flex if [[ $deps = low ]]; then export SYMFONY_REQUIRE='>=2.3' else export SYMFONY_REQUIRE=">=$SYMFONY_VERSION" fi if [[ ! $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION = 5.* ]]; then composer global require --no-progress --no-scripts --no-plugins symfony/flex fi - | # Legacy tests are skipped when deps=high and when the current branch version has not the same major version number as the next one [[ $deps = high && ${SYMFONY_VERSION%.*} != $(git ls-remote -q --heads | cut -f2 | grep -FA1 /$SYMFONY_VERSION | tail -n 1 | grep -o '[0-9]*') ]] && export LEGACY=,legacy export COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=$SYMFONY_VERSION.x-dev if [[ $deps ]]; then mv composer.json.phpunit composer.json; fi - | # phpinfo phpinfo() { phpenv global $1 php -r 'foreach (get_loaded_extensions() as $extension) echo $extension . " " . phpversion($extension) . PHP_EOL;' php -i } export -f phpinfo for PHP in $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION $php_extra; do tfold phpinfo phpinfo $PHP done - | run_tests () { set -e export PHP=$1 if [[ $PHP != $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION && $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST != false ]]; then echo -e "\\n\\e[33;1mIntermediate PHP version $PHP is skipped for pull requests.\\e[0m" return fi phpenv global ${PHP/hhvm*/hhvm} rm vendor/composer/package-versions-deprecated -Rf if [[ $PHP = 7.* ]]; then ([[ $deps ]] && cd src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation; composer config platform.ext-mongodb 1.6.0; composer require --dev --no-update mongodb/mongodb ~1.5.0) fi tfold 'composer update' $COMPOSER_UP tfold 'phpunit install' ./phpunit install if [[ $deps = high ]]; then echo "$COMPONENTS" | parallel --gnu "tfold {} 'cd {} && $COMPOSER_UP && $PHPUNIT_X$LEGACY'" elif [[ $deps = low ]]; then [[ -e ~/php-ext/composer-lowest.lock.tar ]] && tar -xf ~/php-ext/composer-lowest.lock.tar tar -cf ~/php-ext/composer-lowest.lock.tar --files-from /dev/null php .github/rm-invalid-lowest-lock-files.php $COMPONENTS echo "$COMPONENTS" | parallel --gnu "tfold {} 'cd {} && ([ -e composer.lock ] && ${COMPOSER_UP/update/install} || $COMPOSER_UP --prefer-lowest --prefer-stable) && $PHPUNIT_X'" echo "$COMPONENTS" | xargs -n1 -I{} tar --append -f ~/php-ext/composer-lowest.lock.tar {}/composer.lock else echo "$COMPONENTS" | parallel --gnu "tfold {} $PHPUNIT_X {}" tfold src/Symfony/Component/Console.tty $PHPUNIT src/Symfony/Component/Console --group tty if [[ $PHP = ${MIN_PHP%.*} ]]; then export PHP=$MIN_PHP echo -e "1\\n0" | xargs -I{} bash -c "tfold src/Symfony/Component/Process.sigchild{} SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER=weak ENHANCE_SIGCHLD={} php-$MIN_PHP/sapi/cli/php .phpunit/phpunit-4.8-1/phpunit --colors=always src/Symfony/Component/Process/" fi fi } export -f run_tests script: echo $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION $php_extra | xargs -n1 bash -c '(</dev/tty run_tests $0)' || false
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
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.travis.yml | File | 12.96 KB | 0644 |
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| | File | 36.87 KB | 0644 |
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