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 * This file is part of Twig.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier
 * (c) Armin Ronacher
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Twig\Node;

use Twig\Compiler;
use Twig\Node\Expression\AbstractExpression;
use Twig\Node\Expression\ConstantExpression;
use Twig\Source;

 * Represents a module node.
 * Consider this class as being final. If you need to customize the behavior of
 * the generated class, consider adding nodes to the following nodes: display_start,
 * display_end, constructor_start, constructor_end, and class_end.
 * @author Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
 * @final since Twig 2.4.0
class ModuleNode extends Node
    public function __construct(Node $body, ?AbstractExpression $parent, Node $blocks, Node $macros, Node $traits, $embeddedTemplates, Source $source)
        if (__CLASS__ !== static::class) {
            @trigger_error('Overriding '.__CLASS__.' is deprecated since Twig 2.4.0 and the class will be final in 3.0.', \E_USER_DEPRECATED);

        $nodes = [
            'body' => $body,
            'blocks' => $blocks,
            'macros' => $macros,
            'traits' => $traits,
            'display_start' => new Node(),
            'display_end' => new Node(),
            'constructor_start' => new Node(),
            'constructor_end' => new Node(),
            'class_end' => new Node(),
        if (null !== $parent) {
            $nodes['parent'] = $parent;

        // embedded templates are set as attributes so that they are only visited once by the visitors
        parent::__construct($nodes, [
            'index' => null,
            'embedded_templates' => $embeddedTemplates,
        ], 1);

        // populate the template name of all node children

    public function setIndex($index)
        $this->setAttribute('index', $index);

    public function compile(Compiler $compiler)

        foreach ($this->getAttribute('embedded_templates') as $template) {

    protected function compileTemplate(Compiler $compiler)
        if (!$this->getAttribute('index')) {












    protected function compileGetParent(Compiler $compiler)
        if (!$this->hasNode('parent')) {
        $parent = $this->getNode('parent');

            ->write("protected function doGetParent(array \$context)\n", "{\n")
            ->write('return ')

        if ($parent instanceof ConstantExpression) {
        } else {
                ->raw(', ')
                ->raw(', ')


    protected function compileClassHeader(Compiler $compiler)
        if (!$this->getAttribute('index')) {
                ->write("use Twig\Environment;\n")
                ->write("use Twig\Error\LoaderError;\n")
                ->write("use Twig\Error\RuntimeError;\n")
                ->write("use Twig\Extension\SandboxExtension;\n")
                ->write("use Twig\Markup;\n")
                ->write("use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityError;\n")
                ->write("use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedTagError;\n")
                ->write("use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedFilterError;\n")
                ->write("use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedFunctionError;\n")
                ->write("use Twig\Source;\n")
                ->write("use Twig\Template;\n\n")
            // if the template name contains */, add a blank to avoid a PHP parse error
            ->write('/* '.str_replace('*/', '* /', $this->getSourceContext()->getName())." */\n")
            ->write('class '.$compiler->getEnvironment()->getTemplateClass($this->getSourceContext()->getName(), $this->getAttribute('index')))
            ->raw(sprintf(" extends %s\n", $compiler->getEnvironment()->getBaseTemplateClass(false)))
            ->write("private \$source;\n")
            ->write("private \$macros = [];\n\n")

    protected function compileConstructor(Compiler $compiler)
            ->write("public function __construct(Environment \$env)\n", "{\n")
            ->write("\$this->source = \$this->getSourceContext();\n\n")

        // parent
        if (!$this->hasNode('parent')) {
            $compiler->write("\$this->parent = false;\n\n");

        $countTraits = \count($this->getNode('traits'));
        if ($countTraits) {
            // traits
            foreach ($this->getNode('traits') as $i => $trait) {
                $node = $trait->getNode('template');

                    ->write(sprintf('$_trait_%s = $this->loadTemplate(', $i))
                    ->raw(', ')
                    ->raw(', ')
                    ->write(sprintf("if (!\$_trait_%s->isTraitable()) {\n", $i))
                    ->write("throw new RuntimeError('Template \"'.")
                    ->raw(".'\" cannot be used as a trait.', ")
                    ->raw(", \$this->source);\n")
                    ->write(sprintf("\$_trait_%s_blocks = \$_trait_%s->getBlocks();\n\n", $i, $i))

                foreach ($trait->getNode('targets') as $key => $value) {
                        ->write(sprintf('if (!isset($_trait_%s_blocks[', $i))
                        ->raw("])) {\n")
                        ->write("throw new RuntimeError('Block ")
                        ->raw(' is not defined in trait ')
                        ->raw(".', ")
                        ->raw(", \$this->source);\n")

                        ->write(sprintf('$_trait_%s_blocks[', $i))
                        ->raw(sprintf('] = $_trait_%s_blocks[', $i))
                        ->raw(sprintf(']; unset($_trait_%s_blocks[', $i))

            if ($countTraits > 1) {
                    ->write("\$this->traits = array_merge(\n")

                for ($i = 0; $i < $countTraits; ++$i) {
                        ->write(sprintf('$_trait_%s_blocks'.($i == $countTraits - 1 ? '' : ',')."\n", $i))

            } else {
                    ->write("\$this->traits = \$_trait_0_blocks;\n\n")

                ->write("\$this->blocks = array_merge(\n")
        } else {
                ->write("\$this->blocks = [\n")

        // blocks

        foreach ($this->getNode('blocks') as $name => $node) {
                ->write(sprintf("'%s' => [\$this, 'block_%s'],\n", $name, $name))

        if ($countTraits) {
        } else {


    protected function compileDisplay(Compiler $compiler)
            ->write("protected function doDisplay(array \$context, array \$blocks = [])\n", "{\n")
            ->write("\$macros = \$this->macros;\n")

        if ($this->hasNode('parent')) {
            $parent = $this->getNode('parent');

            if ($parent instanceof ConstantExpression) {
                    ->write('$this->parent = $this->loadTemplate(')
                    ->raw(', ')
                    ->raw(', ')
            } else {
            $compiler->raw("->display(\$context, array_merge(\$this->blocks, \$blocks));\n");


    protected function compileClassFooter(Compiler $compiler)

    protected function compileMacros(Compiler $compiler)

    protected function compileGetTemplateName(Compiler $compiler)
            ->write("public function getTemplateName()\n", "{\n")
            ->write('return ')

    protected function compileIsTraitable(Compiler $compiler)
        // A template can be used as a trait if:
        //   * it has no parent
        //   * it has no macros
        //   * it has no body
        // Put another way, a template can be used as a trait if it
        // only contains blocks and use statements.
        $traitable = !$this->hasNode('parent') && 0 === \count($this->getNode('macros'));
        if ($traitable) {
            if ($this->getNode('body') instanceof BodyNode) {
                $nodes = $this->getNode('body')->getNode(0);
            } else {
                $nodes = $this->getNode('body');

            if (!\count($nodes)) {
                $nodes = new Node([$nodes]);

            foreach ($nodes as $node) {
                if (!\count($node)) {

                if ($node instanceof TextNode && ctype_space($node->getAttribute('data'))) {

                if ($node instanceof BlockReferenceNode) {

                $traitable = false;

        if ($traitable) {

            ->write("public function isTraitable()\n", "{\n")
            ->write(sprintf("return %s;\n", $traitable ? 'true' : 'false'))

    protected function compileDebugInfo(Compiler $compiler)
            ->write("public function getDebugInfo()\n", "{\n")
            ->write(sprintf("return %s;\n", str_replace("\n", '', var_export(array_reverse($compiler->getDebugInfo(), true), true))))

    protected function compileGetSourceContext(Compiler $compiler)
            ->write("public function getSourceContext()\n", "{\n")
            ->write('return new Source(')
            ->string($compiler->getEnvironment()->isDebug() ? $this->getSourceContext()->getCode() : '')
            ->raw(', ')
            ->raw(', ')

    protected function compileLoadTemplate(Compiler $compiler, $node, $var)
        if ($node instanceof ConstantExpression) {
                ->write(sprintf('%s = $this->loadTemplate(', $var))
                ->raw(', ')
                ->raw(', ')
        } else {
            throw new \LogicException('Trait templates can only be constant nodes.');

class_alias('Twig\Node\ModuleNode', 'Twig_Node_Module');


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Expression Folder 0755
AutoEscapeNode.php File 915 B 0644
BlockNode.php File 1.06 KB 0644
BlockReferenceNode.php File 899 B 0644
BodyNode.php File 397 B 0644
CheckSecurityCallNode.php File 590 B 0644
CheckSecurityNode.php File 3.1 KB 0644
CheckToStringNode.php File 1.22 KB 0644
DeprecatedNode.php File 1.41 KB 0644
DoNode.php File 845 B 0644
EmbedNode.php File 1.43 KB 0644
FlushNode.php File 700 B 0644
ForLoopNode.php File 1.56 KB 0644
ForNode.php File 4.21 KB 0644
IfNode.php File 1.8 KB 0644
ImportNode.php File 1.74 KB 0644
IncludeNode.php File 3.12 KB 0644
MacroNode.php File 3.21 KB 0644
ModuleNode.php File 14.78 KB 0644
Node.php File 5.43 KB 0644
NodeCaptureInterface.php File 461 B 0644
NodeOutputInterface.php File 438 B 0644
PrintNode.php File 936 B 0644
SandboxNode.php File 1.32 KB 0644
SandboxedPrintNode.php File 1.45 KB 0644
SetNode.php File 3.34 KB 0644
SetTempNode.php File 932 B 0644
SpacelessNode.php File 1.18 KB 0644
TextNode.php File 829 B 0644
WithNode.php File 2.15 KB 0644