* This file is part of Twig.
* (c) Fabien Potencier
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
use Twig\Environment;
use Twig\Lexer;
use Twig\Loader\LoaderInterface;
use Twig\Source;
use Twig\Token;
class Twig_Tests_LexerTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
public function testNameLabelForTag()
$template = '{% § %}';
$lexer = new Lexer(new Environment($this->getMockBuilder(LoaderInterface::class)->getMock()));
$stream = $lexer->tokenize(new Source($template, 'index'));
$this->assertSame('§', $stream->expect(Token::NAME_TYPE)->getValue());
public function testNameLabelForFunction()
$template = '{{ §() }}';
$lexer = new Lexer(new Environment($this->getMockBuilder(LoaderInterface::class)->getMock()));
$stream = $lexer->tokenize(new Source($template, 'index'));
$this->assertSame('§', $stream->expect(Token::NAME_TYPE)->getValue());
public function testBracketsNesting()
$template = '{{ {"a":{"b":"c"}} }}';
$this->assertEquals(2, $this->countToken($template, Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, '{'));
$this->assertEquals(2, $this->countToken($template, Token::PUNCTUATION_TYPE, '}'));
protected function countToken($template, $type, $value = null)
$lexer = new Lexer(new Environment($this->getMockBuilder(LoaderInterface::class)->getMock()));
$stream = $lexer->tokenize(new Source($template, 'index'));
$count = 0;
while (!$stream->isEOF()) {
$token = $stream->next();
if ($type === $token->getType()) {
if (null === $value || $value === $token->getValue()) {
return $count;
public function testLineDirective()
$template = "foo\n"
."{% line 10 %}\n"
$lexer = new Lexer(new Environment($this->getMockBuilder(LoaderInterface::class)->getMock()));
$stream = $lexer->tokenize(new Source($template, 'index'));
// foo\nbar\n
$this->assertSame(1, $stream->expect(Token::TEXT_TYPE)->getLine());
// \n (after {% line %})
$this->assertSame(10, $stream->expect(Token::TEXT_TYPE)->getLine());
// {{
$this->assertSame(11, $stream->expect(Token::VAR_START_TYPE)->getLine());
// baz
$this->assertSame(12, $stream->expect(Token::NAME_TYPE)->getLine());
public function testLineDirectiveInline()
$template = "foo\n"
."bar{% line 10 %}{{\n"
$lexer = new Lexer(new Environment($this->getMockBuilder(LoaderInterface::class)->getMock()));
$stream = $lexer->tokenize(new Source($template, 'index'));
// foo\nbar
$this->assertSame(1, $stream->expect(Token::TEXT_TYPE)->getLine());
// {{
$this->assertSame(10, $stream->expect(Token::VAR_START_TYPE)->getLine());
// baz
$this->assertSame(11, $stream->expect(Token::NAME_TYPE)->getLine());
public function testLongComments()
$template = '{# '.str_repeat('*', 100000).' #}';
$lexer = new Lexer(new Environment($this->getMockBuilder(LoaderInterface::class)->getMock()));
$lexer->tokenize(new Source($template, 'index'));
// add a dummy assertion here to satisfy PHPUnit, the only thing we want to test is that the code above
// can be executed without throwing any exceptions
public function testLongVerbatim()
$template = '{% verbatim %}'.str_repeat('*', 100000).'{% endverbatim %}';
$lexer = new Lexer(new Environment($this->getMockBuilder(LoaderInterface::class)->getMock()));
$lexer->tokenize(new Source($template, 'index'));
// add a dummy assertion here to satisfy PHPUnit, the only thing we want to test is that the code above
// can be executed without throwing any exceptions
public function testLongVar()
$template = '{{ '.str_repeat('x', 100000).' }}';
$lexer = new Lexer(new Environment($this->getMockBuilder(LoaderInterface::class)->getMock()));
$lexer->tokenize(new Source($template, 'index'));
// add a dummy assertion here to satisfy PHPUnit, the only thing we want to test is that the code above
// can be executed without throwing any exceptions
public function testLongBlock()
$template = '{% '.str_repeat('x', 100000).' %}';
$lexer = new Lexer(new Environment($this->getMockBuilder(LoaderInterface::class)->getMock()));
$lexer->tokenize(new Source($template, 'index'));
// add a dummy assertion here to satisfy PHPUnit, the only thing we want to test is that the code above
// can be executed without throwing any exceptions
public function testBigNumbers()
$template = '{{ 922337203685477580700 }}';
$lexer = new Lexer(new Environment($this->getMockBuilder(LoaderInterface::class)->getMock()));
$stream = $lexer->tokenize(new Source($template, 'index'));
$node = $stream->next();
$this->assertEquals('922337203685477580700', $node->getValue());
public function testStringWithEscapedDelimiter()
$tests = [
"{{ 'foo \' bar' }}" => 'foo \' bar',
'{{ "foo \" bar" }}' => 'foo " bar',
$lexer = new Lexer(new Environment($this->getMockBuilder(LoaderInterface::class)->getMock()));
foreach ($tests as $template => $expected) {
$stream = $lexer->tokenize(new Source($template, 'index'));
$stream->expect(Token::STRING_TYPE, $expected);
// add a dummy assertion here to satisfy PHPUnit, the only thing we want to test is that the code above
// can be executed without throwing any exceptions
public function testStringWithInterpolation()
$template = 'foo {{ "bar #{ baz + 1 }" }}';
$lexer = new Lexer(new Environment($this->getMockBuilder(LoaderInterface::class)->getMock()));
$stream = $lexer->tokenize(new Source($template, 'index'));
$stream->expect(Token::TEXT_TYPE, 'foo ');
$stream->expect(Token::STRING_TYPE, 'bar ');
$stream->expect(Token::NAME_TYPE, 'baz');
$stream->expect(Token::OPERATOR_TYPE, '+');
$stream->expect(Token::NUMBER_TYPE, '1');
// add a dummy assertion here to satisfy PHPUnit, the only thing we want to test is that the code above
// can be executed without throwing any exceptions
public function testStringWithEscapedInterpolation()
$template = '{{ "bar \#{baz+1}" }}';
$lexer = new Lexer(new Environment($this->getMockBuilder(LoaderInterface::class)->getMock()));
$stream = $lexer->tokenize(new Source($template, 'index'));
$stream->expect(Token::STRING_TYPE, 'bar #{baz+1}');
// add a dummy assertion here to satisfy PHPUnit, the only thing we want to test is that the code above
// can be executed without throwing any exceptions
public function testStringWithHash()
$template = '{{ "bar # baz" }}';
$lexer = new Lexer(new Environment($this->getMockBuilder(LoaderInterface::class)->getMock()));
$stream = $lexer->tokenize(new Source($template, 'index'));
$stream->expect(Token::STRING_TYPE, 'bar # baz');
// add a dummy assertion here to satisfy PHPUnit, the only thing we want to test is that the code above
// can be executed without throwing any exceptions
* @expectedException \Twig\Error\SyntaxError
* @expectedExceptionMessage Unclosed """
public function testStringWithUnterminatedInterpolation()
$template = '{{ "bar #{x" }}';
$lexer = new Lexer(new Environment($this->getMockBuilder(LoaderInterface::class)->getMock()));
$lexer->tokenize(new Source($template, 'index'));
public function testStringWithNestedInterpolations()
$template = '{{ "bar #{ "foo#{bar}" }" }}';
$lexer = new Lexer(new Environment($this->getMockBuilder(LoaderInterface::class)->getMock()));
$stream = $lexer->tokenize(new Source($template, 'index'));
$stream->expect(Token::STRING_TYPE, 'bar ');
$stream->expect(Token::STRING_TYPE, 'foo');
$stream->expect(Token::NAME_TYPE, 'bar');
// add a dummy assertion here to satisfy PHPUnit, the only thing we want to test is that the code above
// can be executed without throwing any exceptions
public function testStringWithNestedInterpolationsInBlock()
$template = '{% foo "bar #{ "foo#{bar}" }" %}';
$lexer = new Lexer(new Environment($this->getMockBuilder(LoaderInterface::class)->getMock()));
$stream = $lexer->tokenize(new Source($template, 'index'));
$stream->expect(Token::NAME_TYPE, 'foo');
$stream->expect(Token::STRING_TYPE, 'bar ');
$stream->expect(Token::STRING_TYPE, 'foo');
$stream->expect(Token::NAME_TYPE, 'bar');
// add a dummy assertion here to satisfy PHPUnit, the only thing we want to test is that the code above
// can be executed without throwing any exceptions
public function testOperatorEndingWithALetterAtTheEndOfALine()
$template = "{{ 1 and\n0}}";
$lexer = new Lexer(new Environment($this->getMockBuilder(LoaderInterface::class)->getMock()));
$stream = $lexer->tokenize(new Source($template, 'index'));
$stream->expect(Token::NUMBER_TYPE, 1);
$stream->expect(Token::OPERATOR_TYPE, 'and');
// add a dummy assertion here to satisfy PHPUnit, the only thing we want to test is that the code above
// can be executed without throwing any exceptions
* @expectedException \Twig\Error\SyntaxError
* @expectedExceptionMessage Unclosed "variable" in "index" at line 3
public function testUnterminatedVariable()
$template = '
$lexer = new Lexer(new Environment($this->getMockBuilder(LoaderInterface::class)->getMock()));
$lexer->tokenize(new Source($template, 'index'));
* @expectedException \Twig\Error\SyntaxError
* @expectedExceptionMessage Unclosed "block" in "index" at line 3
public function testUnterminatedBlock()
$template = '
$lexer = new Lexer(new Environment($this->getMockBuilder(LoaderInterface::class)->getMock()));
$lexer->tokenize(new Source($template, 'index'));
public function testOverridingSyntax()
$template = '[# comment #]{# variable #}/# if true #/true/# endif #/';
$lexer = new Lexer(new Environment($this->getMockBuilder('\Twig\Loader\LoaderInterface')->getMock()), [
'tag_comment' => ['[#', '#]'],
'tag_block' => ['/#', '#/'],
'tag_variable' => ['{#', '#}'],
$stream = $lexer->tokenize(new Source($template, 'index'));
$stream->expect(Token::NAME_TYPE, 'variable');
$stream->expect(Token::NAME_TYPE, 'if');
$stream->expect(Token::NAME_TYPE, 'true');
$stream->expect(Token::TEXT_TYPE, 'true');
$stream->expect(Token::NAME_TYPE, 'endif');
// add a dummy assertion here to satisfy PHPUnit, the only thing we want to test is that the code above
// can be executed without throwing any exceptions