namespace Twig\Tests\Extension;
* This file is part of Twig.
* (c) Fabien Potencier
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Twig\Environment;
use Twig\Error\RuntimeError;
use Twig\Loader\LoaderInterface;
class CoreTest extends TestCase
* @dataProvider getRandomFunctionTestData
public function testRandomFunction(array $expectedInArray, $value1, $value2 = null)
$env = new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class));
for ($i = 0; $i < 100; ++$i) {
$this->assertTrue(\in_array(twig_random($env, $value1, $value2), $expectedInArray, true)); // assertContains() would not consider the type
public function getRandomFunctionTestData()
return [
'array' => [
['apple', 'orange', 'citrus'],
['apple', 'orange', 'citrus'],
'Traversable' => [
['apple', 'orange', 'citrus'],
new \ArrayObject(['apple', 'orange', 'citrus']),
'unicode string' => [
['Ä', '€', 'é'],
'numeric but string' => [
['1', '2', '3'],
'integer' => [
range(0, 5, 1),
'float' => [
range(0, 5, 1),
'negative' => [
[0, -1, -2],
'min max int' => [
range(50, 100),
'min max float' => [
range(-10, 10),
'min null' => [
range(0, 100),
public function testRandomFunctionWithoutParameter()
$max = mt_getrandmax();
for ($i = 0; $i < 100; ++$i) {
$val = twig_random(new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class)));
$this->assertTrue(\is_int($val) && $val >= 0 && $val <= $max);
public function testRandomFunctionReturnsAsIs()
$this->assertSame('', twig_random(new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class)), ''));
$this->assertSame('', twig_random(new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class), ['charset' => null]), ''));
$instance = new \stdClass();
$this->assertSame($instance, twig_random(new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class)), $instance));
public function testRandomFunctionOfEmptyArrayThrowsException()
twig_random(new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class)), []);
public function testRandomFunctionOnNonUTF8String()
$twig = new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class));
$text = iconv('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', 'Äé');
for ($i = 0; $i < 30; ++$i) {
$rand = twig_random($twig, $text);
$this->assertTrue(\in_array(iconv('ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', $rand), ['Ä', 'é'], true));
public function testReverseFilterOnNonUTF8String()
$twig = new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class));
$input = iconv('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', 'Äé');
$output = iconv('ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', twig_reverse_filter($twig, $input));
$this->assertEquals($output, 'éÄ');
* @dataProvider provideTwigFirstCases
public function testTwigFirst($expected, $input)
$twig = new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class));
$this->assertSame($expected, twig_first($twig, $input));
public function provideTwigFirstCases()
$i = [1 => 'a', 2 => 'b', 3 => 'c'];
return [
['a', 'abc'],
[1, [1, 2, 3]],
['', null],
['', ''],
['a', new CoreTestIterator($i, array_keys($i), true, 3)],
* @dataProvider provideTwigLastCases
public function testTwigLast($expected, $input)
$twig = new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class));
$this->assertSame($expected, twig_last($twig, $input));
public function provideTwigLastCases()
$i = [1 => 'a', 2 => 'b', 3 => 'c'];
return [
['c', 'abc'],
[3, [1, 2, 3]],
['', null],
['', ''],
['c', new CoreTestIterator($i, array_keys($i), true)],
* @dataProvider provideArrayKeyCases
public function testArrayKeysFilter(array $expected, $input)
$this->assertSame($expected, twig_get_array_keys_filter($input));
public function provideArrayKeyCases()
$array = ['a' => 'a1', 'b' => 'b1', 'c' => 'c1'];
$keys = array_keys($array);
return [
[$keys, $array],
[$keys, new CoreTestIterator($array, $keys)],
[$keys, new CoreTestIteratorAggregate($array, $keys)],
[$keys, new CoreTestIteratorAggregateAggregate($array, $keys)],
[[], null],
[['a'], new \SimpleXMLElement('<xml><a></a></xml>')],
* @dataProvider provideInFilterCases
public function testInFilter($expected, $value, $compare)
$this->assertSame($expected, twig_in_filter($value, $compare));
public function provideInFilterCases()
$array = [1, 2, 'a' => 3, 5, 6, 7];
$keys = array_keys($array);
return [
[true, 1, $array],
[true, '3', $array],
[true, '3', 'abc3def'],
[true, 1, new CoreTestIterator($array, $keys, true, 1)],
[true, '3', new CoreTestIterator($array, $keys, true, 3)],
[true, '3', new CoreTestIteratorAggregateAggregate($array, $keys, true, 3)],
[false, 4, $array],
[false, 4, new CoreTestIterator($array, $keys, true)],
[false, 4, new CoreTestIteratorAggregateAggregate($array, $keys, true)],
[false, 1, 1],
[true, 'b', new \SimpleXMLElement('<xml><a>b</a></xml>')],
* @dataProvider provideSliceFilterCases
public function testSliceFilter($expected, $input, $start, $length = null, $preserveKeys = false)
$twig = new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class));
$this->assertSame($expected, twig_slice($twig, $input, $start, $length, $preserveKeys));
public function provideSliceFilterCases()
$i = ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 4];
$keys = array_keys($i);
return [
[['a' => 1], $i, 0, 1, true],
[['a' => 1], $i, 0, 1, false],
[['b' => 2, 'c' => 3], $i, 1, 2],
[[1], [1, 2, 3, 4], 0, 1],
[[2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4], 1, 2],
[[2, 3], new CoreTestIterator($i, $keys, true), 1, 2],
[['c' => 3, 'd' => 4], new CoreTestIteratorAggregate($i, $keys, true), 2, null, true],
[$i, new CoreTestIterator($i, $keys, true), 0, \count($keys) + 10, true],
[[], new CoreTestIterator($i, $keys, true), \count($keys) + 10],
['de', 'abcdef', 3, 2],
[[], new \SimpleXMLElement('<items><item>1</item><item>2</item></items>'), 3],
[[], new \ArrayIterator([1, 2]), 3],
final class CoreTestIteratorAggregate implements \IteratorAggregate
private $iterator;
public function __construct(array $array, array $keys, $allowAccess = false, $maxPosition = false)
$this->iterator = new CoreTestIterator($array, $keys, $allowAccess, $maxPosition);
public function getIterator()
return $this->iterator;
final class CoreTestIteratorAggregateAggregate implements \IteratorAggregate
private $iterator;
public function __construct(array $array, array $keys, $allowValueAccess = false, $maxPosition = false)
$this->iterator = new CoreTestIteratorAggregate($array, $keys, $allowValueAccess, $maxPosition);
public function getIterator()
return $this->iterator;
final class CoreTestIterator implements \Iterator
private $position;
private $array;
private $arrayKeys;
private $allowValueAccess;
private $maxPosition;
public function __construct(array $values, array $keys, $allowValueAccess = false, $maxPosition = false)
$this->array = $values;
$this->arrayKeys = $keys;
$this->position = 0;
$this->allowValueAccess = $allowValueAccess;
$this->maxPosition = false === $maxPosition ? \count($values) + 1 : $maxPosition;
public function rewind()
$this->position = 0;
public function current()
if ($this->allowValueAccess) {
return $this->array[$this->key()];
throw new \LogicException('Code should only use the keys, not the values provided by iterator.');
public function key()
return $this->arrayKeys[$this->position];
public function next()
if ($this->position === $this->maxPosition) {
throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Code should not iterate beyond %d.', $this->maxPosition));
public function valid()
return isset($this->arrayKeys[$this->position]);