namespace Twig\Tests\Node\Expression;
* This file is part of Twig.
* (c) Fabien Potencier
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
use Twig\Node\Expression\ArrayExpression;
use Twig\Node\Expression\ConstantExpression;
use Twig\Node\Expression\GetAttrExpression;
use Twig\Node\Expression\NameExpression;
use Twig\Template;
use Twig\Test\NodeTestCase;
class GetAttrTest extends NodeTestCase
public function testConstructor()
$expr = new NameExpression('foo', 1);
$attr = new ConstantExpression('bar', 1);
$args = new ArrayExpression([], 1);
$args->addElement(new NameExpression('foo', 1));
$args->addElement(new ConstantExpression('bar', 1));
$node = new GetAttrExpression($expr, $attr, $args, Template::ARRAY_CALL, 1);
$this->assertEquals($expr, $node->getNode('node'));
$this->assertEquals($attr, $node->getNode('attribute'));
$this->assertEquals($args, $node->getNode('arguments'));
$this->assertEquals(Template::ARRAY_CALL, $node->getAttribute('type'));
public function getTests()
$tests = [];
$expr = new NameExpression('foo', 1);
$attr = new ConstantExpression('bar', 1);
$args = new ArrayExpression([], 1);
$node = new GetAttrExpression($expr, $attr, $args, Template::ANY_CALL, 1);
$tests[] = [$node, sprintf('%s%s, "bar", [], "any", false, false, false, 1)', $this->getAttributeGetter(), $this->getVariableGetter('foo', 1))];
$node = new GetAttrExpression($expr, $attr, $args, Template::ARRAY_CALL, 1);
$tests[] = [$node, '(($__internal_%s = // line 1'."\n".
'($context["foo"] ?? null)) && is_array($__internal_%s) || $__internal_%s instanceof ArrayAccess ? ($__internal_%s["bar"] ?? null) : null)', null, true, ];
$args = new ArrayExpression([], 1);
$args->addElement(new NameExpression('foo', 1));
$args->addElement(new ConstantExpression('bar', 1));
$node = new GetAttrExpression($expr, $attr, $args, Template::METHOD_CALL, 1);
$tests[] = [$node, sprintf('%s%s, "bar", [0 => %s, 1 => "bar"], "method", false, false, false, 1)', $this->getAttributeGetter(), $this->getVariableGetter('foo', 1), $this->getVariableGetter('foo'))];
return $tests;