namespace Twig\Tests;
* This file is part of Twig.
* (c) Fabien Potencier
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Twig\Environment;
use Twig\Error\SyntaxError;
use Twig\Loader\LoaderInterface;
use Twig\Node\Node;
use Twig\Node\SetNode;
use Twig\Node\TextNode;
use Twig\Parser;
use Twig\Source;
use Twig\Token;
use Twig\TokenParser\AbstractTokenParser;
use Twig\TokenStream;
class ParserTest extends TestCase
public function testUnknownTag()
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Unknown "foo" tag. Did you mean "for" at line 1?');
$stream = new TokenStream([
new Token(Token::BLOCK_START_TYPE, '', 1),
new Token(Token::NAME_TYPE, 'foo', 1),
new Token(Token::BLOCK_END_TYPE, '', 1),
new Token(Token::EOF_TYPE, '', 1),
$parser = new Parser(new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class)));
public function testUnknownTagWithoutSuggestions()
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Unknown "foobar" tag at line 1.');
$stream = new TokenStream([
new Token(Token::BLOCK_START_TYPE, '', 1),
new Token(Token::NAME_TYPE, 'foobar', 1),
new Token(Token::BLOCK_END_TYPE, '', 1),
new Token(Token::EOF_TYPE, '', 1),
$parser = new Parser(new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class)));
* @dataProvider getFilterBodyNodesData
public function testFilterBodyNodes($input, $expected)
$parser = $this->getParser();
$m = new \ReflectionMethod($parser, 'filterBodyNodes');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $m->invoke($parser, $input));
public function getFilterBodyNodesData()
return [
new Node([new TextNode(' ', 1)]),
new Node([]),
$input = new Node([new SetNode(false, new Node(), new Node(), 1)]),
$input = new Node([new SetNode(true, new Node(), new Node([new Node([new TextNode('foo', 1)])]), 1)]),
* @dataProvider getFilterBodyNodesDataThrowsException
public function testFilterBodyNodesThrowsException($input)
$parser = $this->getParser();
$m = new \ReflectionMethod($parser, 'filterBodyNodes');
$m->invoke($parser, $input);
public function getFilterBodyNodesDataThrowsException()
return [
[new TextNode('foo', 1)],
[new Node([new Node([new TextNode('foo', 1)])])],
* @dataProvider getFilterBodyNodesWithBOMData
public function testFilterBodyNodesWithBOM($emptyNode)
$parser = $this->getParser();
$m = new \ReflectionMethod($parser, 'filterBodyNodes');
$this->assertNull($m->invoke($parser, new TextNode(\chr(0xEF).\chr(0xBB).\chr(0xBF).$emptyNode, 1)));
public function getFilterBodyNodesWithBOMData()
return [
[' '],
["\n\t\n "],
public function testParseIsReentrant()
$twig = new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class), [
'autoescape' => false,
'optimizations' => 0,
$twig->addTokenParser(new TestTokenParser());
$parser = new Parser($twig);
$parser->parse(new TokenStream([
new Token(Token::BLOCK_START_TYPE, '', 1),
new Token(Token::NAME_TYPE, 'test', 1),
new Token(Token::BLOCK_END_TYPE, '', 1),
new Token(Token::VAR_START_TYPE, '', 1),
new Token(Token::NAME_TYPE, 'foo', 1),
new Token(Token::VAR_END_TYPE, '', 1),
new Token(Token::EOF_TYPE, '', 1),
public function testGetVarName()
$twig = new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class), [
'autoescape' => false,
'optimizations' => 0,
$twig->parse($twig->tokenize(new Source(<<<EOF
{% from _self import foo %}
{% macro foo() %}
{{ foo }}
{% endmacro %}
, 'index')));
// The getVarName() must not depend on the template loaders,
// If this test does not throw any exception, that's good.
// see https://github.com/symfony/symfony/issues/4218
protected function getParser()
$parser = new Parser(new Environment($this->createMock(LoaderInterface::class)));
$parser->setParent(new Node());
$p = new \ReflectionProperty($parser, 'stream');
$p->setValue($parser, new TokenStream([]));
return $parser;
class TestTokenParser extends AbstractTokenParser
public function parse(Token $token)
// simulate the parsing of another template right in the middle of the parsing of the current template
$this->parser->parse(new TokenStream([
new Token(Token::BLOCK_START_TYPE, '', 1),
new Token(Token::NAME_TYPE, 'extends', 1),
new Token(Token::STRING_TYPE, 'base', 1),
new Token(Token::BLOCK_END_TYPE, '', 1),
new Token(Token::EOF_TYPE, '', 1),
return new Node([]);
public function getTag()
return 'test';