[ Avaa Bypassed ]



hmhc3928@ ~ $
 * Automatic updater for phpList 3
 * @author Xheni Myrtaj <xheni@phplist.com>

class UpdateException extends \Exception

class updater
    /** @var bool */
    private $availableUpdate = false;
    const DOWNLOAD_PATH = '../tmp_uploaded_update';
    const ELIGIBLE_SESSION_KEY = 'phplist_updater_eligible';
    private $excludedFiles = array(
    private $database_host;
    private $database_name;
    private $database_user;
    private $database_password;
    private $database_port;
    private $database_socket;
    private $table_prefix;

    public function __construct()
        if (isset($_SERVER['ConfigFile']) && is_file($_SERVER['ConfigFile'])) {
            include $_SERVER['ConfigFile'];
        } elseif (file_exists($f = $this->getConfigFilePath())) {
            include $f;
        } else {
            throw new \UpdateException("Error: Cannot find config file");

        $this->database_host = $database_host;
        $this->database_name = $database_name;
        $this->database_user = $database_user;
        $this->database_password = $database_password;
        $this->database_port = isset($database_port) ? $database_port : null;
        $this->database_socket = isset($database_socket) ? $database_socket : null;
        $this->table_prefix = isset($table_prefix) ? $table_prefix : 'phplist_';

    public function isAuthenticated()

        ini_set('session.cookie_httponly',1);        session_start();
        if (isset($_SESSION[self::ELIGIBLE_SESSION_KEY]) && $_SESSION[self::ELIGIBLE_SESSION_KEY] === true) {
            return true;

        return false;

    public function deauthUpdaterSession()
        unlink(__DIR__ . '/../config/actions.txt');

     * Return true if there is an update available
     * @return bool
    public function availableUpdate()
        return $this->availableUpdate;

     * Returns current version of phpList.
     * @return string
     * @throws UpdateException
    public function getCurrentVersion()
        $table_name = $this->table_prefix . 'config';
        $prepStmt = $this->getConnection()->prepare("SELECT value FROM {$table_name} WHERE item=?");
        $result = $prepStmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

        if ($result === false) {
            throw new UpdateException('No production version found.');

        return $result['value'];

     * Checks if there is an Update Available
     * @return string
     * @throws \Exception
    function checkIfThereIsAnUpdate()
        $serverResponse = $this->getResponseFromServer();

        if (isset($serverResponse['version']) && isset($serverResponse['versionstring'])) {
            $version = $serverResponse['version'];
            $versionString = $serverResponse['versionstring'];

            if (version_compare($this->getCurrentVersion(), $version) < 0) {
                $this->availableUpdate = true;
                $updateMessage = 'Update to ' . htmlentities($versionString) . ' is available.  ';

                if (isset($serverResponse['autoupdater'])
                    && !($serverResponse['autoupdater'] === 1 || $serverResponse['autoupdater'] === '1')) {
                    $this->availableUpdate = false;
                    $updateMessage .= '<br />The automatic updater is disabled for this update.';
            } else {
                $updateMessage = 'phpList is up-to-date.';
        } else {
            $updateMessage = 'Unable to identify new version';

        return $updateMessage;


     * Return version data from server
     * @return array
     * @throws \Exception
    private function getResponseFromServer()
        $serverUrl = "https://download.phplist.org/version.json";
        $updateUrl = $serverUrl . '?version=' . $this->getCurrentVersion();

        // create a new cURL resource
        $ch = curl_init();
        // set URL and other appropriate options
        // Disable SSL verification
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
        // Will return the response, if false it print the response
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        // Set the url
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $updateUrl);
        // Execute
        $responseFromServer = curl_exec($ch);
        // Closing

        // decode json
        $responseFromServer = json_decode($responseFromServer, true);
        return $responseFromServer;

    private function getDownloadUrl()
        // todo: error handling
        $response = $this->getResponseFromServer();
        if (isset($response['url'])) {
            return $response['url'];
        // todo error handling

     * Checks write permissions and returns files that are not writable
     * @return array
    function checkWritePermissions()

        $directory = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator(__DIR__ . '/../', \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS); // Exclude dot files
        /** @var SplFileInfo[] $iterator */
        $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($directory, RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
        $files = array();
        foreach ($iterator as $info) {
            $path = $info->getRealPath();
            if (!is_writable($path) && !empty($path)) {
                $files[] = $path;
        return $files;

     * @return array
    function checkRequiredFiles()
        $expectedFiles = array(
            '.' => 1,
            '..' => 1,
            'admin' => 1,
            'config' => 1,
            'images' => 1,
            'js' => 1,
            'styles' => 1,
            'texts' => 1,
            '.htaccess' => 1,
            'dl.php' => 1,
            'index.html' => 1,
            'index.php' => 1,
            'lt.php' => 1,
            'ut.php' => 1,
            'updater' => 1,
            'base' => 1,
            'api.php' =>1,

        $existingFiles = scandir(__DIR__ . '/../');

        foreach ($existingFiles as $fileName) {

            if (isset($expectedFiles[$fileName])) {
            } else {
                $expectedFiles[$fileName] = 1;

        return $expectedFiles;


     * Recursively delete a directory and all of it's contents
     * @param string $dir absolute path to directory to delete
     * @return bool
     * @throws UpdateException

    private function rmdir_recursive($dir)

        if (false === file_exists($dir)) {
            throw new \UpdateException("$dir doesn't exist.");

        /** @var SplFileInfo[] $files */
        $files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
            new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS),
        foreach ($files as $fileinfo) {
            if ($fileinfo->isDir()) {
                if (false === rmdir($fileinfo->getRealPath())) {
                    if (false === unlink($fileinfo)) {
                        throw new \UpdateException("Could not delete $fileinfo");
            } else {
                if (false === unlink($fileinfo->getRealPath())) {
                    if (false === unlink($fileinfo)) {
                        throw new \UpdateException("Could not delete $fileinfo");
        return rmdir($dir);

     * Delete dirs/files except config and other files that we want to keep
     * @throws UpdateException

    function deleteFiles()

        $excludedFolders = array(

        $filesTodelete = scandir(__DIR__ . '/../');

        foreach ($filesTodelete as $fileName) {
            $absolutePath = __DIR__ . '/../' . $fileName;
            $is_dir = false;
            if (is_dir($absolutePath)) {
                $is_dir = true;
                if (in_array($fileName, $excludedFolders)) {

            } else if (is_file($absolutePath)) {
                if (in_array($fileName, $this->excludedFiles)) {


            if ($is_dir) {
            } else {


     * Get config file path
     * @return string
    function getConfigFilePath()
        return  __DIR__ . '/../config/config.php';

     * Get a PDO connection
     * @return PDO
     * @throws UpdateException
    function getConnection()
        static $pdo = null;

        if ($pdo !== null) {
            return $pdo;
        $charset = 'utf8mb4';
        $dsn = "mysql:dbname=$this->database_name;charset=$charset;";

        if ($this->database_socket !== null) {
            $dsn .= "socket=$this->database_socket";
        } else {
            $dsn .= "host=$this->database_host";

            if ($this->database_port !== null) {
                $dsn .=";port=$this->database_port";
        $options = array(
            PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => false,
        try {
            $pdo = new PDO($dsn, $this->database_user, $this->database_password, $options);
        } catch (\PDOException $e) {
            throw new \PDOException($e->getMessage(), (int)$e->getCode());

        return $pdo;

     *Set the maintenance mode
     * @return bool true - maintenance mode is set; false - maintenance mode could not be set because an update is already running
     * @throws UpdateException
    function addMaintenanceMode()
        $table_name = $this->table_prefix . 'config';
        $prepStmt = $this->getConnection()->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$table_name} WHERE item=?");
        $result = $prepStmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        if ($result === false) {
            // the row does not exist => no update running
                ->prepare("INSERT INTO {$table_name}(`item`,`editable`,`value`) VALUES (?,0,?)")
                ->execute(array('update_in_progress', 1));
        } elseif ($result['value'] == 0) {
                ->prepare("UPDATE {$table_name} SET `value`=? WHERE `item`=?")
                ->execute(array(1, 'update_in_progress'));
        } else {
            // the row exists and is not 0 => there is an update running
            return false;
        $name = 'maintenancemode';
        $value = "Update process";
        $sql = "UPDATE {$table_name} SET value =?, editable =? where item =? ";
        $this->getConnection()->prepare($sql)->execute(array($value, 0, $name));

     *Clear the maintenance mode and remove the update_in_progress lock
     * @throws UpdateException
    function removeMaintenanceMode()
        $table_name = $this->table_prefix . 'config';
        $name = 'maintenancemode';
        $value = '';
        $sql = "UPDATE {$table_name} SET value =?, editable =? where item =? ";
        $this->getConnection()->prepare($sql)->execute(array($value, 0, $name));
            ->prepare("UPDATE {$table_name} SET `value`=? WHERE `item`=?")
            ->execute(array(0, "update_in_progress"));

     * Download and unzip phpList from remote server
     * @throws UpdateException
    function downloadUpdate()
        /** @var string $url */
        $url = $this->getDownloadUrl();
        $zipFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'phplist-update');
        if ($zipFile === false) {
            throw new UpdateException("Error: Temporary file cannot be created");
        // Get The Zip File From Server
        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, fopen($zipFile, 'w+'));
        $page = curl_exec($ch);
        if (!$page) {
            throw new \UpdateException('Error: ' . curl_error($ch));

        // extract files
        $this->unZipFiles($zipFile, self::DOWNLOAD_PATH);


     * Creates temporary dir
     * @throws UpdateException
    function temp_dir()

        $tempdir = mkdir(self::DOWNLOAD_PATH, 0700);
        if ($tempdir === false) {
            throw new UpdateException("Error: Could not create temporary file");

    function cleanUp()
        if (function_exists('opcache_reset')) {

     * @throws UpdateException
    function replacePHPEntryPoints()
        $entryPoints = array(

        foreach ($entryPoints as $key => $fileName) {
            $current = "Update in progress \n";
            $content = file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/../' . $fileName, $current);
            if ($content === FALSE) {
                throw new UpdateException("Error: Could not write to the $fileName");


     * Returns true if the file/dir is excluded otherwise false.
     * @param $file
     * @return bool
    function isExcluded($file)

        $excludedFolders = array(

        if (in_array($file, $excludedFolders)) {
            return true;
        } else if (in_array($file, $this->excludedFiles)) {
            return true;
        return false;

     * Move new files in place.
     * @throws UpdateException
    function moveNewFiles()
        $rootDir = __DIR__ . '/../tmp_uploaded_update/phplist/public_html/lists';
        $downloadedFiles = scandir($rootDir);
        if (count($downloadedFiles) <= 2) {
            throw new UpdateException("Error: Download folder is empty!");

        foreach ($downloadedFiles as $fileName) {
            if ($this->isExcluded($fileName)) {
            $oldFile = $rootDir . '/' . $fileName;
            $newFile = __DIR__ . '/../' . $fileName;
            $state = rename($oldFile, $newFile);
            if ($state === false) {
                throw new UpdateException("Error: Could not move new files");

     * Move entry points in place.
    function moveEntryPHPpoints()
        $rootDir = __DIR__ . '/../tmp_uploaded_update/phplist/public_html/lists';
        $downloadedFiles = scandir($rootDir);

        foreach ($downloadedFiles as $filename) {
            $oldFile = $rootDir . '/' . $filename;
            $newFile = __DIR__ . '/../' . $filename;
            if (in_array($filename, $this->excludedFiles)) {
                rename($oldFile, $newFile);


     *  Back up old files to the location specified by the user.
     * @param $destination 'path' to backup zip
     * @throws UpdateException
    function backUpFiles($destination)
        $iterator = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator(realpath(__DIR__ . '/../'), FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
        /** @var SplFileInfo[] $iterator */
        /** @var  $iterator */
        $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($iterator, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);

        $zip = new ZipArchive();
        $resZip = $zip->open($destination, ZipArchive::CREATE);
        if ($resZip === false) {
            throw new \UpdateException("Error: Could not create back up of phpList directory. Please make sure that the argument is valid or writable and try again without reloading the page.");

        foreach ($iterator as $file) {
            $prefix = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../');
            $name = 'lists/' . substr($file->getRealPath(), strlen($prefix) + 1);
            if ($file->isDir()) {
            if ($file->isFile()) {
                $zip->addFromString($name, file_get_contents($file->getRealPath()));
        $state = $zip->close();
        if ($state === false) {
            throw new UpdateException('Error: Could not create back up of phpList directory. Please make sure that the argument is valid or is writable and try again without reloading the page.');


     * Extract Zip Files
     * @param string $toBeExtracted
     * @param string $extractPath
     * @throws UpdateException
    function unZipFiles($toBeExtracted, $extractPath)
        $zip = new ZipArchive;

        /* Open the Zip file */
        if ($zip->open($toBeExtracted) !== true) {
            throw new \UpdateException("Error: Unable to open the Zip File");
        /* Extract Zip File */
        if (!$zip->extractTo($extractPath)) {
            throw new \UpdateException("Error: Unable to extract the Zip File");


     * Delete temporary downloaded files
     * @throws UpdateException
    function deleteTemporaryFiles()
        $isTempDirDeleted = $this->rmdir_recursive(self::DOWNLOAD_PATH);
        if ($isTempDirDeleted === false) {
            throw new \UpdateException("Error: Could not delete temporary files!");


     * @throws UpdateException
    function recoverFiles()
        $this->unZipFiles('backup.zip', self::DOWNLOAD_PATH);

     * @param int $action
     * @throws UpdateException
    function writeActions($action)
        $actionsdir = __DIR__ . '/../config/actions.txt';
        if (!file_exists($actionsdir)) {
            $actionsFile = fopen($actionsdir, "w+");
            if ($actionsFile === false) {
                throw new \UpdateException("Error: Could not create actions file in the config directory, please change permissions");
        $written = file_put_contents($actionsdir, json_encode(array('continue' => false, 'step' => $action)));
        if ($written === false) {
            throw new \UpdateException("Error: Could not write on $actionsdir");

     * Return the current step
     * @return mixed array of json data
     * @throws UpdateException
    function currentUpdateStep()
        $actionsdir = __DIR__ . '/../config/actions.txt';
        if (file_exists($actionsdir)) {
            $status = file_get_contents($actionsdir);
            if ($status === false) {
                throw new \UpdateException("Cannot read content from $actionsdir");
            $decodedJson = json_decode($status, true);
            if (!is_array($decodedJson)) {
                throw new \UpdateException('JSON data cannot be decoded!');

        } else {
            return array('step' => 0, 'continue' => true);
        return $decodedJson;


     * Check if config folder is writable. Required to be writable in order to write steps.
    function checkConfig()
        $configdir = __DIR__ . '/../config/';
        if (!is_dir($configdir) || !is_writable($configdir)) {
            die("Cannot update because config directory is not writable.");

     * Check if required php modules are installed.
    function checkphpmodules()

        $phpmodules = array('curl', 'pdo', 'zip');
        $notinstalled = array();

        foreach ($phpmodules as $value) {
            if (!extension_loaded($value)) {
                array_push($notinstalled, $value);
        if (count($notinstalled) > 0) {
            $message = "The following php modules are required. Please install them to continue." . '<br>';
            foreach ($notinstalled as $value) {
                $message .= $value . '<br>';

     * Move plugins in temporary folder to prevent them from being overwritten.
     * @throws UpdateException
    function movePluginsInTempFolder()
        $oldDir = __DIR__ . '/../admin/plugins';
        $newDir = __DIR__ . '/../tmp_uploaded_update/tempplugins';
        $state = rename($oldDir, $newDir);
        if ($state === false) {
            throw new UpdateException("Could not move plugins directory");

     * Move any additional plugin files and directories back to the admin directory.
     * @throws UpdateException
    function movePluginsInPlace()
        $oldDir = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../tmp_uploaded_update/tempplugins');
        $newDir = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../admin/plugins');

        $existingPluginFiles = scandir($oldDir);
        $newPluginFiles = scandir($newDir);
        $additional = array_diff($existingPluginFiles, $newPluginFiles);

        foreach ($additional as $file) {
            $state = rename("$oldDir/$file", "$newDir/$file");

            if ($state === false) {
                throw new UpdateException("Could not restore plugin $file.");

     * Update updater to a new location before temp folder is deleted!
     * @throws UpdateException
    function moveUpdater()
        $rootDir = __DIR__ . '/../tmp_uploaded_update/phplist/public_html/lists';
        $oldFile = $rootDir . '/updater';
        $newFile = __DIR__ . '/../tempupdater';
        $state = rename($oldFile, $newFile);
        if ($state === false) {
            throw new UpdateException("Could not move updater");

     * Replace new updater as the final step
     * @throws UpdateException
    function replaceNewUpdater()
        $newUpdater = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../tempupdater');
        $oldUpdater = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../updater');

        $state = rename($newUpdater, $oldUpdater);
        if ($state === false) {
            throw new UpdateException("Could not move the new updater in place");

try {
    $update = new updater();
    if (!$update->isAuthenticated()) {
        die('No permission to access updater.');

} catch (\Exception $e) {

if (isset($_POST['action'])) {
    try {

        //ensure that $action is integer

        $action = (int)$_POST['action'];

        header('Content-Type: application/json');
        $writeStep = true;
        switch ($action) {
            case 0:
                $statusJson = $update->currentUpdateStep();
                echo json_encode(array('status' => $statusJson, 'autocontinue' => true));
            case 1:
                $updateMessage = $update->checkIfThereIsAnUpdate();
                $isThereAnUpdate = $update->availableUpdate();
                if ($isThereAnUpdate === false) {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => false, 'response' => $updateMessage)));
                } else {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => true, 'response' => $updateMessage)));
            case 2:
                echo(json_encode(array('continue' => true, 'autocontinue' => true, 'response' => 'Starting integrity check')));
            case 3:
                $unexpectedFiles = $update->checkRequiredFiles();
                if (count($unexpectedFiles) !== 0) {
                    $elements = "Error: The following files are either not expected and should be removed, or are missing but required and should be put back in place \n";
                    foreach ($unexpectedFiles as $key => $fileName) {
                        $elements .= $key . "\n";
                    echo(json_encode(array('retry' => true, 'continue' => false, 'response' => $elements)));
                } else {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => true, 'response' => 'Integrity check successful', 'autocontinue' => true)));
            case 4:
                $notWriteableFiles = $update->checkWritePermissions();
                if (count($notWriteableFiles) !== 0) {
                    $notWriteableElements = "Error: No write permission for the following files: \n";;
                    foreach ($notWriteableFiles as $key => $fileName) {
                        $notWriteableElements .= $fileName . "\n";
                    echo(json_encode(array('retry' => true, 'continue' => false, 'response' => $notWriteableElements)));
                } else {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => true, 'response' => 'Write check successful.', 'autocontinue' => true)));
            case 5:
                echo(json_encode(array('continue' => true, 'response' => 'Do you want a backup? <form><input type="radio" name="create_backup" value="true">Yes<br><input type="radio" name="create_backup" value="false" checked>No</form>')));
            case 6:
                $createBackup = $_POST['create_backup'];
                if ($createBackup === 'true') {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => true, 'response' => 'Choose location where to backup the /lists directory. Please make sure to choose a location outside the web root:<br> <form onsubmit="return false;"><input type="text" id="backuplocation" size="55" name="backup_location" placeholder="/var/backup.zip" /></form>')));
                } else {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => true, 'response' => '', 'autocontinue' => true)));
            case 7:
                $createBackup = $_POST['create_backup'];
                if ($createBackup === 'true') {
                    $backupLocation = realpath(dirname($_POST['backup_location']));
                    $phplistRootFolder = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../');
                    if (strpos($backupLocation, $phplistRootFolder) === 0) {
                        echo(json_encode(array('retry' => true, 'continue' => false, 'response' => 'Error: Please choose a folder outside of your phpList installation.')));
                    if (!preg_match("/^.*\.(zip)$/i", $_POST['backup_location'])) {
                        echo(json_encode(array('retry' => true, 'continue' => false, 'response' => 'Error: Please add .zip extension.')));
                    try {
                        echo(json_encode(array('continue' => true, 'response' => 'Backup has been created')));
                    } catch (\Exception $e) {
                        echo(json_encode(array('retry' => true, 'continue' => false, 'response' => $e->getMessage())));
                } else {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => true, 'response' => 'No back up created', 'autocontinue' => true)));

            case 8:
                echo(json_encode(array('continue' => true, 'autocontinue' => true, 'response' => 'Download in progress')));
            case 9:
                try {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => true, 'response' => 'The update has been downloaded!')));
                } catch (\Exception $e) {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => false, 'response' => $e->getMessage())));
            case 10:
                $on = $update->addMaintenanceMode();
                if ($on === false) {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => false, 'response' => 'Cannot set the maintenance mode on!')));
                } else {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => true, 'response' => 'Set maintenance mode on', 'autocontinue' => true)));
            case 11:
                try {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => true, 'response' => 'Replaced entry points', 'autocontinue' => true)));
                } catch (\Exception $e) {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => false, 'response' => $e->getMessage())));
            case 12:
                try {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => true, 'response' => 'Backing up the plugins', 'autocontinue' => true)));
                } catch (\Exception $e) {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => false, 'response' => $e->getMessage())));
            case 13:
                try {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => true, 'response' => 'Old files have been deleted!', 'autocontinue' => true)));
                } catch (\Exception $e) {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => false, 'response' => $e->getMessage())));
            case 14:
                try {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => true, 'response' => 'Moved new files in place!', 'autocontinue' => true)));

                } catch (\Exception $e) {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => false, 'response' => $e->getMessage())));
            case 15:
                try {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => true, 'response' => 'Moved plugins in place!', 'autocontinue' => true)));
                } catch (\Exception $e) {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => false, 'response' => $e->getMessage())));
            case 16:
                try {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => true, 'response' => 'Moved new entry points in place!', 'autocontinue' => true)));
                } catch (\Exception $e) {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => false, 'response' => $e->getMessage())));
            case 17:
                try {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => true, 'response' => 'Moved new entry points in place!', 'autocontinue' => true)));
                } catch (\Exception $e) {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => false, 'response' => $e->getMessage())));
            case 18:
                try {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => true, 'response' => 'Deleted temporary files!', 'autocontinue' => true)));
                } catch (\Exception $e) {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => false, 'response' => $e->getMessage())));
            case 19:
                try {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => true, 'response' => 'Removed maintenance mode', 'autocontinue' => true)));
                } catch (\Exception $e) {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => false, 'response' => $e->getMessage())));
            case 20:
                $writeStep = false;
                try {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => true, 'nextUrl' => '../admin/', 'response' => 'Updated successfully.')));
                } catch (\Exception $e) {
                    echo(json_encode(array('continue' => false, 'response' => $e->getMessage())));
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo(json_encode(array('continue' => false, 'response' => 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage())));

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                        <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="27.337" height="27.637"
                             viewBox="0 0 27.337 27.637">
                            <g id="Replace_files" data-name="Replace files" transform="translate(0 0)">
                                <path id="Path_214" data-name="Path 214"
                                      transform="translate(-21.078 0.001)" fill="#253746" fill-rule="evenodd"/>
                                <path id="Path_215" data-name="Path 215"
                                      transform="translate(-125.769 -97.57)" fill="#253746" fill-rule="evenodd"/>
                                <path id="Path_216" data-name="Path 216"
                                      transform="translate(-50.69 -168.772)" fill="#253746" fill-rule="evenodd"/>
                                <path id="Path_217" data-name="Path 217"
                                      transform="translate(0 -311.179)" fill="#253746" fill-rule="evenodd"/>

                    <hr class="divider"/>
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                             viewBox="0 0 23.015 21.33">
                            <g id="download" transform="translate(0 0)">
                                <g id="Group_210" data-name="Group 210">
                                    <path id="Path_211" data-name="Path 211"
                                          transform="translate(0 -217.849)" fill="#253746"/>
                                    <path id="Path_212" data-name="Path 212"
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                             viewBox="0 0 22.512 16.01" class="performUpdate">
                            <path id="Path_219" data-name="Path 219"
                                  transform="translate(-16078.847 998.638)" fill="none" stroke="#253746"
                                  stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="1.5"/>

                    <div class="clear"></div>
                    <h2>Perform update</h2>

                <div class="clear"></div>

            <div id="display">
                <span id="current-step" class="hidden"> </span>
                <span id="success-message">Updater is loading</span><br/>
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        function setCurrentStep(action) {
            document.getElementById("current-step").innerText = action;

        function showErrorMessage(error) {
            document.getElementById("error-message").innerText = error;

        function showSuccessMessage(success) {
            document.getElementById("error-message").innerText = '';
            document.getElementById("success-message").innerHTML = success;

        function setCurrentActionItem(step) {
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                7: 1,
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                11: 3,
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                14: 3,
                15: 3,
                16: 3,
                17: 3,
                18: 3,
                19: 3,
                20: 3,

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            return stepActionMap[step];

        function executeNextStep(formParams) {
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            takeAction(nextStep, formParams, function () {
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